The Nick DiPaolo Show - 056 - America's Creepy Dad

Episode Date: November 18, 2014

America's Creepy Dad...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hi kids, how are you? Nick DiPaolo, who else? Monday, let's see, Monday, we voted on the 4th, that's on the 11th, that'll make it the, what's it, the 17th today That's going to be the 11th. That'll make it the 8th. What's it? The 17th? Did I do that right? Doesn't matter because you're going to listen to it. You could be listening to this in February of 2016. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:54 So I want to get back into the radio end of this. You know, I try to keep it, you know, it's a tricky thing. Unless you're doing it every day and you're doing live podcasts. When you do that, you can treat it like a radio show. But if you don't do that, it's hard to do topical stuff. Because, again, I guess the beauty of the podcast for the listener is that they listen to it at any time they want. And a lot of people save these up and listen to them later on. Other people, you know, listen to it the night it comes out.
Starting point is 00:01:23 So, you know, we do the night it comes out so uh you know maybe do a lot of topical stuff but what else am i supposed that's how i treat it i treat it like a radio show oh you know otherwise uh i guess that's why most of the um podcasts are made up of you know comedians sitting around and just chewing the fat. And that way, you know, I guess, well, they would hit on topical stuff that way too. But you know what I mean? I like to rip stuff right from the newspaper. That type of thing. That's what I like to do.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Anyways, you know what I'm talking about. What happened this weekend? The brokerage. I was in Belmore, Long Island at the brokerage. It's been around a while. I mainstay in the New York comedy club circuit run by my buddy James. He's an Italian fella. Very interesting.
Starting point is 00:02:22 He actually dated Jimmy Burke. Jimmy Burke. Who, Jimmy Burke, Jimmy Burke. He said, who's Jimmy Burke? Well, in Goodfellas, Robert De Niro played a character named Jimmy Conway, which is based on Jimmy Burke.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Jimmy Burke was the real guy that Jimmy Conway was based on. So, and this guy, James actually, uh, dated his daughter. Jimmy Burke started to give an idea, uh, you know, what kind of neighborhood he grew up in.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And you'd know just from looking at him today, he's one of my favorite people in the business. I mean, the brokerage is just a tiny club, about 190 seats. It's a killer. I'm telling you, all the clubs I play, of play of course that's gonna probably happen eight times um all the clubs i play this probably it seats 190 but it feels like it holds 75 it's just set up you're almost surrounded by the audience um you're right in the middle of them almost nobody behind you but it's damn close both sides of you and it's intimate low ceiling and the energy is just when you kill it's unbelievable how fast a set will go by i mean it's as it's just as the audio i if i ever
Starting point is 00:03:41 do like just a cd i think i might do one there for just the audio. It's incredible, the energy. And Friday night, I just had one show and murdered like I haven't murdered in five years. I'm just comfortable. It's one of those places I've been to a lot. And really, I sit on stage. It feels like I'm playing to friends and family. It does. You have that feeling. And does, you have that feeling.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And they, you know, they politically, they think like me. It's like a real working class neighborhood joint, whatever. But it's killer. And James, one of the owners, he has, you know, he's got like a thousand dollar suit on. Picture the most Italian looking guy you can picture. He's younger than me, but, and, you know, he's got the rings on. And I said on stage, he looks like the, he you know he's got the rings on and i said on stage he looks like the he looks like he he's the doorman he would be the doorman at the copa cabana like in
Starting point is 00:04:31 the 50s or wherever that joint was where they hang out in a raging bull um and i know i i must have told the story before about about him when we were standing in front of his club. I know I've told this on the podcast because I think I've told everybody. But one hot summer night, we were out front, and his son comes up to him and goes, Hey, Dad, there's a bird's nest up in the awning with birds in it, little baby birds. And James looks at his son and goes, Get the bleach.
Starting point is 00:05:07 That kind of old school italian uh anyways uh yeah so uh friday night murderous show uh saturday night i get two shows um take my time getting down there and luckily i left early enough i'm like sitting in my car before the show that's what i do sometimes um because this place really doesn't have like a green room to hang out mother of fucking jesus hold on a second honest to god i haven't got a text all day or email or anything i get on this thing let me kill the volume on this i don't know i can't do that then i can't play the clips i don't know anyways where the hell was i uh yeah there's no green room so i get down a little i'm hanging out in my car and then when i get there like front, and I look down, and there's a couple texts from James saying,
Starting point is 00:06:10 what's your estimated time of arrival? Now, I think it's an 8 o'clock show, so I'm thinking I'm there early. So it's like, you know, it's like I don't go on until 8.30 for an 8 o'clock show. So I'm hanging out in my car. It's like two minutes to 8. And I noticed a couple messages that seemed a little bit urgent. So then I checked the gig sheet that my agent sent me that I looked at three times during the day at my house. And could have sworn the show time said 8 and 1030, whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:34 But it was 730 start. So I come walking in, you know. And they're like, Jesus. And I'm like, yeah, you know. But so, yeah, this is uh first show friday night people to my right being just i you know my opinion being a little loud and and and you know so i tell this guy to quiet down and when i come on stage the guys get his feet on the stage and don't do that if you're a comedy club fan don't put you i don't care if you're sitting afoot from this day don't put your fucking feet up on the stage show the uh show the comedian the performer a
Starting point is 00:07:09 little bit of respect will you especially with a guy like me after 30 years in the business i'm exaggerating a little bit uh you know that's all we've earned that eight foot space okay can i have it to myself do you mind quit treating it like a goddamn chair at the airport um and you wouldn't believe how many people when you tell them to take their foot off they they take it off and then put it back on like a like a child like i said the average american emotionally what do you say i don't know including myself what average adults about 18 years old emotionally they're grown adults i mean these are guys people older than me they'll take the foot off and put it back on just to be a dick what are you give me a break
Starting point is 00:07:50 so i tell a guy take his foot off there's a guy facing him not even looking at this stage one of them has a harley jacket i can't remember which one anyways he starts mumbling stuff to me i go okay take it easy you don't get to talk, bye-bye, I'll do whatever the fuck I want, with that real heavy Long Island accent, anyways, one thing leads to another, he starts getting, I'm like, dude, you're getting all defensive, and it's the alcohol, people will be fine, but it's the alcohol, but this kid was, this guy was really, like, defiant, and i know people and blah blah blah and uh you know it starts to get a little ugly and then the girls at the table start getting loud and you
Starting point is 00:08:34 know every time i look over they go tell your fucking jokes and then you're like you know and i knew i sat on stage i said you know i had such a great time here last night that I knew just the odds that, you know, God forbid you went three shows in a row enjoying yourself. Then it gets really ugly. Then another guy at another table tells those guys to shut the fuck up. And that sets this guy off who turns around and starts yelling at that guy. I'll fucking do what the fuck I want. Nobody's throwing me out.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And then the doorman gets away. And then it gets all fucking ugly. And I'm standing there. And there's a delicate balance when you're a comedian, okay? There's a delicate balance up there. When something happens in the audience and the rhythm is broken or whatever. And it's just a delicate balance because everybody's looking at you to do something. And it's not.
Starting point is 00:09:22 There's nothing you can do. Now I get a doorman trying to calm these people down and they're getting you know they're really obnoxiously drunk um not all of them not all of them there's a couple guys with that group that were paying attention and still laughing at me now i'm standing up then people you know start yelling at that table then there's all kinds of tension and and uh you know anywhere else i would have said they they have to go but they wouldn't this is a neighborhood joint so i you know i i tried to give them as much rope to hang themselves as possible
Starting point is 00:09:57 before and and i didn't ask him to leave because i was afraid this guy not with me he he got more involved with the guy at the other table i thought if they did try to make this guy leave and he had no intentions on leaving looks like he but he was going to get into it with that other guy and cause a total uh but then the rest of the set i can hear them in my ear making comments and and you know uh it's just again it's the fucking alcohol and i I know that's the whole, you know, the whole point of a comedy club is to sell drinks.
Starting point is 00:10:29 That's how they make their money. But it really, it really destroys what we're trying to do. And, and then the rest of the room gets involved and it gets ugly. And, and then the show ends. I go into the office and this small club, and it's one of these places where the walls in the office
Starting point is 00:10:49 don't even go all the way to the ceiling, so you can hear what's going on right outside in the bar area, and these people come out screaming, the guy that was drunk, and he's being really loud, and I can hear James trying to calm him down, and James is a guy. So this guy claimed, you know, I have connections and blah, blah, blah. And it turns out James, who does have connections, I just told you his background, knows guys who did, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:16 He knows guys who knew these guys from certain blah, blah. So, you know, whatever. The point is I don't want to fucking die because I'm telling jokes at the brokerage of the Southern State Parkway in Belmore. Mike Baker's going to get a kick out of this when he listens to it. There's a button on the side of my iPad, okay? If I fucking click it off,
Starting point is 00:11:43 if I turn the sound down, I can't play the clips anyways. So just put up with that. Just know that's probably my guy that is working on my DVD. By the way, we're getting very close. Distribute, everything's lined up. Just putting together trailers, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:03 that you put on the internet so people can see a few minutes decide where they want to buy all that that's where we are okay we're looking at beginning early maybe even before the end of this year where pre-orders will be taken so that's how close we are another senseless killing is the name of it anyways so that's what happened Saturday night. Got a little buh-buh and a lot of yelling in the bar area. And, you know, if I go out there, then all hell's going to break loose in the bar area. So I stay in there, and I'm with Colin Quinn's cousin, and we're listening and belly laughing
Starting point is 00:12:40 because it does sound like a scene out of The Raging Bull. belly laugh because it seems like it does sound like a scene out of uh the raging bull um but anyways jimmy took care of it or whatever or refunded him uh money and stuff and then we had a discussion uh i i'm like okay you know and he's like this is my bread and butter and you know we had a whole debate about the philosophy running a comedy club and i said well how about the people around them not even those people uh that whose night was ruined because of those people you're putting and you'll have these people back in and he's you know and he says yeah and look the guy runs three comedy club three or four down along a bit of booming so i'm not going to question his business um you know acumen but um although i did and we're laughing you know he he's such a funny guy
Starting point is 00:13:29 man he's just doesn't try to be but he's such a you know uh such an italian long island italian and um and not anybody to be messed with so whatever the fact that this guy knew guys who he knew and blah blah it's like okay, what do you want me to do? Do I have to go over your resume? When you, you know, take resumes when people come into a comedy club, who's dangerous, who's not? It's what I do for a living. I'm standing my ground, too, for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:13:56 But everything worked out. And I, you know, hope those people, you know, for James' sake, I hope they do come back, but they behave better than they did Saturday night. I don't provoke any of that shit. No comedian provokes any of that shit, okay? If I'm provoked, and some comics are more easily provoked than others, yeah, I'm going to engage.
Starting point is 00:14:22 The fuck am I supposed to do, get pushed around up there and then the second show was awesome sold out by the way they were both sold out saturday night and then like i said uh you guys been coming out in droves i i don't think it's the podcast because i haven't been doing it long enough i don't think it might be making some impact because some people tell me after the show um But again, the numbers have been good for all this fall, everywhere I go. A couple sellouts here and there, you know. And it's a killer place, the brokerage.
Starting point is 00:14:55 So if you live in Long Island area to see a comic, I know Colin Quinn goes down there like every Thursday night. And they do have great lineups. That's no bullshit. It's the same people that run Governors and Maguires. I think they got another one, too, but I'm forgetting. So, yeah, it's a killer room, and I think it would be a hell of a place to record like a CD. Just the audio, too small to shoot like DVD type thing.
Starting point is 00:15:28 The room I shot Another Sens senseless killing and again i told you minneapolis acme that's about 265 270 um and that's small for you know as opposed to i wanted to the reason i was doing this is because all these specials like a looking cookie cutter like they all you know, they're all done in, like, same size, unless you're huge. I mean, George Lopez and those guys are Louie, but, you know, they're starting to look all cookie-cutter. I thought doing one in a smaller venue and people would get a better feel, you know, like me and Etel.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Some of us are better club comics. I do theaters here and there, you know, but when the place is really rocking, the energy in a comedy club, to tell some of us are better better club comics i do theaters here and there you know but um when the when the place is really rocking the energy in a comedy club you know and that's what we captured at acme on this dvd so i know you guys are gonna love it uh what else um uh news news wise what's going on oh well since i last talked to you the jonathan gruber guy he's the guy that wrote like romney care from massachusetts and he was a main architect in obamacare he's a real pointy arrogant liberal but he made the mistake of you know
Starting point is 00:16:39 talking off the cuff and and actually coming clean and being perfectly honest and what a scam and what a fucking joke obamacare is and how how you know and how he literally you know says how the american public had to be deceived otherwise it would have never passed and i got a couple clips of him uh and it's everything i hate about fucking liberals and and the people who are in power right now and who think they know better and that's why i can't help myself when i'm on stage in manhattan whether it's the stand oh let me i should get to that too well i'll after we talk about this but another little incident at the stand some woman stormed out angry at me after me doing my ray ray rice bit and how emasculating watching an nfl game is uh we'll get that out in a few those new bits are fucking killing and
Starting point is 00:17:33 once again in manhattan there's a certain type of audience that can't handle it but here's uh jonathan gruber one of the architects of Obamaca, explaining just how they got it through. Point to head of cheese dick. It's just you can't do it politically. You just literally cannot do it. OK, transparent financing. And let's have transparent financing, also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did
Starting point is 00:18:05 not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. See, he just admitted, okay, if they scored as taxes, it doesn't happen. In other words, he's just admitting we had to fucking lie, make this thing so confusing, nobody knew the fuck. Well, you know, we knew that. You think we're all dummies, but when Nancy Pelosi said, well, you got to pass it to see what's in make this thing so confusing nobody knew the fuck well you know we knew that uh you think we're all dummies but when nancy pelosi said well you gotta you gotta pass it to see what's in it i mean we knew at that point but uh this guy was even more frank okay so it's written to do that in terms of in terms of risk-rated subsidies if you get a law which said healthy people are going to pay in it made explicit the healthy will pay in and sick people get money it would not have passed okay just like yeah it's it's just a wealth
Starting point is 00:18:49 redistribution scheme just what everybody on the right said it was so uh he goes on to say you know how dumb well here we go how people transparent lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and basically you know call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever. But basically, that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass. And, you know, it's the second best argument. Look, I wish Mark was right. We can make it all transparent.
Starting point is 00:19:14 But I'd rather have this law than not. So it's kind of like his reporter story. You know, yeah, there's things I wish it could change, but I'd rather have this law than not. The stupidity of the American voter. And I'd rather have that. In other words, the fucking ends justify the american bouda and i'd rather have that in other words the fucking ends justify the means fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you that's right that goes for all that was for pelosi harry reid obama uh anybody else
Starting point is 00:19:42 all the democrat shitheads on the left that voted for this fucking thing. And call you stupid. But like I said, there was a large segment who didn't buy into this. And most people, across party lines as far as the voters go, nobody wants it. Every poll, we saw right through it. So we're not that stupid, Gruber. You pointy-headed cocksucker. Oops.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Stupid Gruber, you pointy-headed cocksucker. Oops. It's a type of podcast that keeps me getting from a legitimate radio show, probably. But hey, you know what? Tough poopoo. How's that for strong language? Tough poopoo. Imagine the stupidity of the American... Look, there's a lot of truth to that, but there's, you know, not all of us.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I'd say the majority, we aren't stupid. Okay? It's just the arrogance, the pompous. That just typifies what liberals are. Just typifies. You know? They know better. They're going to help us little retarded people well the world's gonna fall apart which just isn't true and uh you know it's our choice okay okay uh
Starting point is 00:20:57 he's this guy has uh they got him on tape like as of now three different times This guy has, they got him on tape like as of now, three different times, implying what a scam and how stupid the American public is. But they had to literally lie to us to get this thing passed. So it's all fraudulent. It's all garbage. It should be repealed or dismantled. I don't know how it can hold up in like court with the people who designed it. Plus, this guy goes around consulting and gets paid as a consultant, which is a conflict of interest.
Starting point is 00:21:29 This Jonathan Gruber. Here's another clip of him being a know-it-all, you know, arrogant, condescending douche. There's a third video that emerged today featuring MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the architects of Obamacare, suggesting, in his view, that voters' lack of sophistication helped Obamacare supporters push the bill through. It helped get Obama elected, I'll tell you that much. And again, it wasn't my side of the aisle that did it. You're the dummies. I hate to be that blatant about it.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I'm going to play for you. This bite is about taxing insurance companies with the knowledge that those costs would be passed on to the consumer. That's how we just tax the insurance companies. They pass on higher prices. That's the tax break we get. It ends up being the same thing. It's a very
Starting point is 00:22:18 clever, you know, basic exploitation of the of the of the lack of economic understanding the American voter. I want to get your again. The lack of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter. I want to get your... Again. The lack of the understanding of economics. Really? Think the millions of people that come out
Starting point is 00:22:35 and vote will sit at their dinner table? You know, trying to figure out their monthly budget, who live paycheck to paycheck? You, you, you, you. Goodness gracious, Heloise. Yeah, so you heard that, America. They're so finished. I mean, now they're getting Obama so finished that even in the American
Starting point is 00:23:02 and the latest polls, they prefer the GOP Congress to Obama himself to take care of these matters that's what it said I mean even after the landslide in 2010 they still preferred like Democrats but that all that has changed and all these polls they have really
Starting point is 00:23:20 fed up with Obama I don't know what I'd like to do to him. I'm going to fucking smash his fucking face in. I'm talking about Gruber, not the president. I like to bang the heads together like the Three Stooges. But he really hasn't learned his lesson, has he? Even after this latest election he's gonna pass immigration just uh you know with an executive action not even get caught not even involve the
Starting point is 00:23:53 new congress he's like fuck you i'm doing it the balls in this guy and he's pissing off people on both sides of the aisle that's what he's like by himself now man it's crazy the arrogance and the pomposity of this yeah he really believes that the results of this latest election uh that you know gop's crushed he's saying that what the people were saying is they want us to work together that's not that is not the fucking message. Oh my goodness gracious. Yeah. Jonathan Gruber.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Pompous. It's just so pompous. Whether it's Bill Maher. Jon Stewart I like. But he's even out of his mind now with this shit. He wrote and directed a movie that got panned, well, at least in the post. But it's just the arrogance of all. What else, kids?
Starting point is 00:24:59 That's enough of that. But let's get to America's favorite creepy dad. You know who I'm talking about, don't you? This poor bastard. I shouldn't say poor bastard. Apparently he's got it coming. I'll let you decide. But America's dad. That's right.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Bill Cosby, everybody. Bill Cosby. Picture him in his basement mixing roofies while this music's playing. In the 80s, he's like the number one one sitcom he's just all cocky and shit mixing uh you know roofie juice yuck with that america's dead that's what they called them in the 80s because the sitcom was just... I don't know if white America saw it that way. And I don't think black America did either. No more than black America saw Mike Brady as their dad.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Oh, the Cosby Show sucked. Please. Black people acting white. Painful to watch. Apparently enough people liked it where it was number one for a long time. I never got it. Never got it. Never a Cosby fan.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Even when I was working at the Chris Rock show on HBO, he took a bunch of people that worked there to go see Cosby. He was in town performing somewhere and I didn't go. I remember Chris really ripping me when he got back.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Polly, you're too arrogant. He said it was the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. I don't know. I mean, I appreciate Cosby
Starting point is 00:27:00 a little bit, but I don't know. But as far as these latest allegations, I mean, this has been going on for years. You know that. He settled with a woman in 2006, and they're coming out of the woodwork. It's up to you. Some articles have it up to 18 women have come forward.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Some of them have like 14, but either way, okay? My mind is made up what you say hannibal burris a comedian funny guy black guy yes it's germane to the story um back in october i guess he did a bit you know how uh he was upset how cosby comes out with the, you know, hey, black kids, pull your pants up and, you know what I mean, start acting right so you can get a job. I said right, not white. And, you know, the whole bit is, well, yeah, but you rape people. That was Hannibal Buress' take on it.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Don't be telling us to pull up our pants and blah, blah. And, by the way, don't make, you know, I think Hannibal Buress, the spirit of the bit that he wrote was really, I think he was angry at, it's more so about Bill Cosby, a successful black guy, telling other black people how to live. I don't think he's like a hero for somebody mentioned online, like he's a hero for women's you know who are fighting these but it did it was the catalyst for all these latest allegations and and
Starting point is 00:28:31 um but uh no young black kids want to be told by like cosby out of dress and shit and but you know he pointed out what a hypocrite and what you know if these allegations are true but in my opinion holy moly we got a mountain of evidence here um here's here's a woman who was uh i guess on the cosby show a white girl uh she was like 18 at the time and cosby uh took her under his wing you know uh this is barbara bowman she came out right after this latest woman came out and jumped on. So did three other women. Here's what she had to say in an interview. My agent introduced me to him as a protege,
Starting point is 00:29:21 as a young actress that they wanted to groom and mentor me to send me to New York and groom me for show business. It was quite an experience to be 17 years old and have my agent select me to be in the presence of Bill Cosby. I mean, that was the most remarkable, unbelievable experiences a young actress could have. He was, at that time, he was America's father. He spoke to me incessantly about my trust issues and my vulnerability and that if I was going to be a successful actress, I had to be able to tap into that. I had to trust him and that he was going to be that vehicle. That's not hard to believe. I mean, Cosby being that powerful at that time and her being 17, 18 right off the bus.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I mean, this story has happened a million times in Hollywood. It doesn't always involve somebody as high profile as Cosby. But this part is very believable, you know? She's just a kid from Colorado. And a real hottie, too. What's that got to do with it, Nick? Yeah, no. For me, that I had to learn to trust him.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Being sexually violated comes on lots of different levels, and I can say that all levels happened with me. And the final straw, what finally made all of my sexual abuse come to a screeching halt was a situation in Atlantic City, and I went down a celebrity event that that Bill Cosby had arranged she was down there to see me I was playing with Jimmy Florentine and uh Jim Norton no we're only just kidding um long story short my luggage was gone a long time ago and uh I wasn't even born my luggage meant that I had made myself aware or had made the concierge aware
Starting point is 00:31:27 that there was a 19-year-old girl looking for her luggage who was attached to Bill Cosby and he absolutely hit the ceiling, freaked out, flipped out. And you blew it! You blew it! It was no longer a secret
Starting point is 00:31:40 that there was a young woman in the wing of his suite. And the drugs had worn off and he could not violate me and attempted to rape me. And my screaming and yelling and scratching and wrestling away from him became too great. And he threw me out, threw me aside, called me baby, and pulled the plug on everything that he and my agent had arranged for me in New York City and promptly flew me back to Denver. I was told very, very bluntly to my face that I had better never be seen or heard from again. I felt like I was being held captive.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I felt like I was hiding in plain sight. I felt like I had absolutely no control, that the people that I was supposed to trust the most were throwing me back into the lion's den. It took one other woman to be strong enough to come out who had a team of people that supported her that I said I can come out now I can talk now because I have nothing to lose anymore and no one can take anything away from me anymore and I'm not going to live in fear and I'm not going to live
Starting point is 00:32:56 in darkness anymore and I'm going to do it through helping her I believe her because it happened to me I know it happened to her because her story was the same as my story. And at that point in time, I said, I will not live in silence anymore. I will not drag this with me for the rest of my life. I will not die with this because if I do nothing but reach out to one other woman in this world and say, I believe you. If they don't believe you, I believe you because I know it happened. And I will voice myself and I will let everyone else know that you are telling the truth i'm dreading this show ending because i have uh
Starting point is 00:33:33 you know 19 emails you can imagine what they are but yeah it started with hannibal burris back in october doing the bits and and then what really triggered it all was Cosby, on last Monday, I think, was invited to public to go ahead and meme me over Twitter. And, of course, there's a bunch of hashtags, you know, rape jokes. you know, rape jokes. And so that whole mean thing backfired in his face. And that's when this woman, Barbara Bowman, spoke up again. She spoke up many times over the years. I guess you talk to the Washington Post.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Washington Post's ordeal she had previously described as one of 13 sex assault accusers in a 2004 lawsuit. She wanted to know why her story didn't go viral with, you know, her and other women. And then Friday, Cosby spokesman confirmed that Cosby wouldn't be appearing on The Letterman Show, which is coming this Wednesday. So. I mean, oof. And. Oh, no, I forgot the best clip. Oh, Nick, you asshole. I can't find the clip.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I had a clip of Cosby on NPR. Oh, my God. Of all the clips I played, it was the best one. He did an interview with NPR plugging a book he's got. And this guy, Scott Simon, was interviewing him. And you idiot. Do I not have that? Did I not pull that clip?
Starting point is 00:35:38 I guess I didn't. But Scott Simon says, this question gives me no pleasure, Mr. Cosby, but there have been serious allegations raised about you in recent days, and you just hear dead silence. And then Simon goes, you're shaking your head no. I'm in the news business. I have to ask you the question. Do you have any response to those charges?
Starting point is 00:35:56 Then you hear this awkward silence again. And just so weird. Never said, you know, just never responded to it. How did I forget that one? That really pissed me off. Anyways, so he was just, yeah, he's about to release a book. Oh, I guess he released it in September.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Cosby, His Life and Times. But who, uh... Show's number one from 84 to 92, something like that. Imagine the dough. Guy was already rich before that. The first official allegation surfaced in 2005. This woman,
Starting point is 00:36:43 Andrea Constant, a temple university basketball star um accused him uh cosby had drugged and molested her hmm cosby a temple alum who had remained involved with campus events insisted that the sex was consensual. Hmm. A whopping 13 additional women would join Constand's civil lawsuit as witnesses, insisting in court papers
Starting point is 00:37:14 that they too had been first mentored, then drugged and or abused by the curmudgeonly comic, even decades prior. Tamara Green, now a California lawyer, told Today Show, Matt Lauer, in 2005, that Cosby gave her pills to fight a fever and then groped, kissed, and disrobed her
Starting point is 00:37:35 as she fell into a stupor. And Beth Ferrier alleged that 20 years prior, as a young model, she had been slipped a drugged coffee by Cosby, who then attacked her. And it says later on in the article, these women, Bowman, Green, or Ferrier, or any of the other statute of limitations,
Starting point is 00:37:56 bar Jane Doe's in the lawsuit, had nothing to gain financially by supporting Constance. That's the last woman's lawsuit. So, you know, make up your own mind, okay? I wish to hell it wasn't true, but it seems like too much evidence. Jesus. You know, there was a guy named Vince Champ,
Starting point is 00:38:23 a comedian, stand-up comic, black kid. I worked with him in Sacramento with the Punchline. And it was not long after I worked with him, he was featuring for me, that he get busted. He was doing a ton of college gigs. And it ended up, it turns out he was raping girls at the colleges. Yeah, he's in the can forever. That's what I thought of when I first heard this.
Starting point is 00:38:51 But, I mean, what the fuck? Creepy comedians. Be careful, girls. I don't want you to judge all of us like this. But what are you doing at that point? Think about Cobb. I mean, he's so powerful already at that point, even in the mid-80s. You know, he'd been on TV for a while.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I spy and, I mean, you know, doing huge concerts. He's a famous, all that power and stuff. I mean, you don't have to drug girls. You know what I mean? Didn't Henry Kissinger say, Bauer is the strongest of the DZ-ek? That's pretty good Kissinger, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:39:34 Sure was. So Bill Cosby, sorry, man. If I had to lead one way or the other, again, just my opinion, but what are you going to do? How old is he now? 77? Cosby. Sorry, man. If I had to lead one way or the other. Again, just my opinion, but... What are you going to do? How old is he now? 77?
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah. What the hell? But you're going to feel bad for these women. Especially this Bowman broad. She's been yelling for decades. Nobody's... Nobody's listening. Bunch of creeps. And then another one come out on the Huffington Post.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I think it was today. In an essay on Hollywood elsewhere, music industry publicist and journalist Joan Tarshis claims that Cosby sexually assaulted her twice. This is way back in 1969 when she was 19. The former actress and Cosby were both working at Universal Studios, and she said he took an interest in her. Yeah, this is his M.O., you know. But he often pushed alcohol on her.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And one time when they had been working on material together, she fell unconscious at his bungalow after having a cocktail he made for her. The next thing I remember, I was coming to on his couch while being undressed. I thought I was being clever when I told him I had an infection, and he would catch it, and his wife would know he had sex with somebody, but he just found another orifice to use. I was sickened by what was happening to me, would know he had sex with somebody, but he just found another orifice to use. I was sickened by that was happening to me and shocked that this man I had idolized was now raping me.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Of course, I told no one. The second time Cosby allegedly attacked her, Tarshish claims that she had been drinking with Cosby while attending a performance at a music theater. She started to feel shaky. The next thing I remember, I was waking up in his bed back at the sherry naked, she wrote. She was prompted to share her experiences after seeing others go public with her allegations, saying as more and more of his rape victims have come forward, all telling similar stories, the time is right to join them.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Mother of goodness. You know what I mean? Come on. That's too much evidence. That's what they all, and they all have this, you know, similar MO
Starting point is 00:41:59 is how he worked. And plus, she's working on material. This guy who's been doing comedy stand-up comedy at that point and sounds like i can see right through that one um i don't know you know what happens when the show gets too heavy, right? Nah. What else is going on?
Starting point is 00:42:30 Headlines. Nixon activates Missouri National Guard. No, not Richard. No, it's not Kent State. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon released the following news release. Nixon today signed an executive order activating the Missouri National Guard to support law enforcement during any period of unrest that might occur following the grand jury's decision concerning the investigation into the death of Michael Brown. The governor and the guard will provide support for law enforcement objectives of maintaining safety
Starting point is 00:43:07 and protecting constitutional rights. See what happens? Because all you scumbags that went out and protested and looted and burned Ferguson before all the facts were in. Well, I guess that was what, this is exactly what you wanted to happen.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Trying to, you know. So now they're going to have to call out the Missouri National Guard to help the cops. That's supposed to come down this week, that verdict. And it's not just cops like on alert across the country. Isn't that sad? We really are turning into a third world shithole. But here's the real kicker in the story. President Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders on November 5th, the day after the midterm elections. The meeting was not on his daily schedule. the ones in Ferguson, to stay on course. You know, the ones that are taking advice from guys like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Can you imagine? They kept that quiet, didn't they? I guess the New York Times had reported it this weekend, but they hid it in the 21st paragraph. It says in the 21st paragraph of the Times article, but leaders here say that that's the nature of a movement that has taken place in part on social media, and that does not match an earlier era protest structure where a single outspoken leader might have led the way this is not your mama's civil rights movement said ashley yates a leader of millennial activists united and somebody ought to bitch slap her this is a movement where you have several different voices. Yeah, it's called a mob. The person in charge is really the people.
Starting point is 00:45:08 But the message from everyone is the same. Stop killing us. Was that the message, Ashley? First of all, I'm guessing she's a little white chick. I could be wrong. But stop killing us. Well, maybe not. That would probably come from a young black girl, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:45:23 Us. Because apparently whites aren't getting killed by cops. us. Well, maybe not. That would probably come from a young black girl, wouldn't it? Us, because apparently whites aren't getting killed by cops. At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive, in other words, more violent,
Starting point is 00:45:40 than older generations. But some here say relations have improved in recent weeks. Can you friggin' imagine? Stop killing us. Do you know how much, what a crock of shit that is? You know what this is all about?
Starting point is 00:45:59 They're literally fighting for the right for somebody to be able to punch a cop in the face and grab his gun. Because that's what it comes down to. We know that much, don't we? Both sides. fighting for the right for somebody to be able to punch a cop in the face and grab his gun. Because that's what it comes down to. We know that much, don't we? Both sides.
Starting point is 00:46:10 That's what it's coming down to. He wasn't shot down with his hands over his head like the original eyewitness said. We know all that's horseshit now. So what are they arguing for? What are they fighting? They literally want the right to commit violence against cops without being shot that's how i see it unfreaking and obama wants them to stay the course the protesters un-fucking-believable have you ever this is the guy that was going to unite us according to al sharpton who has appeared frequently in st louis with brown family delivered a speech at mr brown's funeral mr ob Mr. Obama was concerned about Ferguson staying on course
Starting point is 00:46:48 in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we're doing all we can to keep peace. Yeah. Yeah. If he really believed that, he wouldn't have showed up. He would have just come out and said that. Stay the course. All those protesters, the ones he's talking to today,
Starting point is 00:47:13 there had to be some overlap from the ones that were looting and burning, no? So they expect that this week. I guess that's coming coming down whether they're gonna indict this cop holy moly um oh yeah the the uh what else are the oh yeah the stand that the feminist yelling at me yeah i, I was there last week. I don't remember what night. They all blend in. Small club in Manhattan.
Starting point is 00:47:49 But I'm doing my Ray Rice bit. And I preface the bit by saying he's a thug and he should be in jail because if anybody was caught on tape doing that, you or I would be in jail. And there's no doubt about it. It doesn't have to be stated, but I do anyways at the beginning of the bit.
Starting point is 00:48:04 But that's what happens in comedy clubs people are you know they're drinking chatting with their girlfriends and they turn around and they miss you know a line like that in the joke and they only hear you uh you know joking uh you know tongue-in-cheek or being ironic and they don't pick up on it so i'm like i do the bit and then i'm going on to how the to watching nfl game is so emasculating between the uh the viagra commercials and the psa announcements you know and the pink the pink clothes that they wear in october and uh i guess it was all too much for this one girl who put on her coat and starts to storm out and she gets halfway through the room it's a tiny room and stops right in front of the state and screams me you're just a sexist fucking asshole you know and actually i handled it like a professional comedian would
Starting point is 00:48:57 you know i went fuck you fuck you and uh because that's all it deserved and um it never happens anywhere else it's always uh manhattan you know where women want to be men more than they want to be women but uh nobody else has a problem with it been doing the bit for months nobody else you know they bristle at it some of the girls but they get it most girls do get it i've seen that bit i've seen girls laughing harder at that christ and i was doing that uh when i was doing that bit in niagara falls i thought this woman was going to fall out of her chair and uh you know they get it some people take the time to get it but some people are so intolerant and we know how this broad voted just screaming at me with this shrill it just can you imagine getting
Starting point is 00:49:46 that angry over a comedian i mean just unbelievable ugh these are the things it was a good night up to that that didn't even really it kind of rolled off my back after she left but it just still amazes me to this day even after doing this for 14 years i mean 26 um you know that people can still it just wants it just it just goes against everything that she's been taught you know and really think she's it goes back to that that that that arrogance some people really think they have a right not to be offended. That's happened to me a couple times at the stand. It's on the east side,
Starting point is 00:50:28 so you get a few foo-foo people in there. You know, little uppity or whatever. But she was a, you know, she was like a young, she was in her mid-20s, late-20s. I don't know who fucking they really think they are, but if you can't handle it, don't go to a comedy club.
Starting point is 00:50:46 You know? I don't mind it. It feels good to tell it and get the fuck out of the club. It actually feels good when you get to speak to one of these intolerant, self-righteous douches. Other than that, it's been a fun week in comedy i mean you know i'm saying i mean working a lot lately uh before i forget uncle vinnie's uh this saturday night i want to say i better check that book um i think it's saturday night point pleasant which uh it's Saturday night. Point Pleasant, which, uh, it's been a cool month.
Starting point is 00:51:26 All local stuff, but, uh, it gives me a chance, like I said, to play with new stuff. Yeah, the 29th, my brother's birthday. No, excuse me, the 22nd. Yeah. That'll be this Saturday. Uncle Vinny's Point Pleasant. Then the Comedy Shop in, uh, Pompton Plains, new jersey the regency house hotel or something like that in december i'll be in the you know i don't think i'm going on the road at all in december as
Starting point is 00:51:55 of now but uh uh yes as far as a uh another senseless killing the dvd i shot like a year ago today maybe it was i think a year ago this week um that's all coming uh together and uh i think we're going to talk about pre-orders hopefully by december pre-orders for uh nick on nick or nick de pal, if you can spell it., my website, I think. And then we do like a soft launch in January. And then I think sometime in January, it'll be available on all those outlets, or February, I should say, actually, like on iTunes and all those outlets, Amazon.
Starting point is 00:52:41 And that's what we're shooting for. Got the distributor, got the distributor got the guy doing the marketing and um putting the trailers together and i didn't know there's so much involved man i see why um like itunes you have to have it closed captioned you know and that takes a while for the guy to do. And, yeah, so that's what we're looking at. And what I'm going to try to do is get out there in January and do like Rogan's podcast and hopefully Adam Carolla's and hit a bunch of them, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And, yeah, I think you're going to like it. Like I said, it's in a smaller venue, and I'm rocking the joint. And it's me dropping a lot of f-bombs but uh that's sometimes some nights that's just how it is uh you know i'm saying kids yeah i want to hit them all i like to get you know i like to do billy burrs dom herreras maybe marin maybe not i might kick him in the balls when I see him. Ron and Fez. These are the ones I, you know, Harry Shafir's.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Even my old pal Barry Katz. I know he's got a pretty successful podcast. And obviously Robert Kelly and Fitzsimmons and Jay Moore maybe. Florentine. All those guys. That's the new world, man. You create your own army and you feed it. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:54:13 They couldn't even play. I don't think they could play any of the clips from this new DVD. Like if I did Conan or The Tonight Show. I don't think they could play as... I don't even think they'd do that anyways. But you know what I'm saying. It's a little rough for network TV. What else?
Starting point is 00:54:33 College football. What happened? I don't even know. I don't even have the stuff in front of me. Again, because like I said, I don't know when you guys are going to listen to this. I know Alabama beat number one, Mississippi State. That's all you really need to know.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Florida State stays undefeated so they they had dropped out of one now they're back at number one i think in the ap polls and again this is the first year they're going to have playoffs the top four teams they pick so they're all buying but uh florida state was really struggling with my university of miami that's usually a great matchup no matter what the records are it's like it was like and i Florida State was really struggling with University of Miami. That's usually a great matchup, no matter what the records are. It's like, it was like, and I've said this before, it was like watching Florida. There's so much football talent, these young guys,
Starting point is 00:55:14 but there's so much, they all know each other from high school, and a lot of them, you know, you find out who they are as people when they get into the NFL, but there's pushing and shoving and just unnecessary chirping going on after every play. These guys are just so fucking revved up. But anyways, James Winston, who's fighting sexual allegations himself of sexual assault. He won the Heisman last year. He's quite a quarterback, quite an athlete. So I don't know if his career is going to get derailed by this stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:50 But, man, can he wing it? So, anyways, that's the most important game that went down. And then, quickly, NFL. For those of you who had my Patriots buried six weeks ago, after they got demolished by the Chiefs, I think, six or seven weeks ago. They've ripped off seven wins in a row, is it, I think. Have the best record in the American Football Conference.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And, I mean, doing it with both offense and defense. And here's the thing, man. This is why Belichick is a genius. Okay, we lose our best running back, Stephen Ridley, a few weeks ago. They plug in this guy, Jonas Gray. He was like on the practice squad for the Bills, all right? He's kicked around from a couple of teams, like literally their practice squads, not even starting. Jonas Gray, his name is.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Well, he only had four touchdowns and 199 yards rushing last night. Set a franchise record for touchdowns in one game. And he's a little bowling ball. But again, Belichick plugs him into the system. When somebody goes down with an injury, you don't even get nervous as a Patriots fan. It's unbelievable. And I'm guilty of it too and they got rid of the Logan Mankins that lie all pro linemen which I'm still a little worried about but they replaced him with this tight end Tim Wright
Starting point is 00:57:12 who's been great too and uh and Brady wasn't even that good last night to be honest I mean he threw up a couple of ducks that I have never seen but their pats were running the ball. They were running it like they were the 74 Steelers, just running over people, and they got a legitimate defense. I mean, we lost this guy Chandler, not for the year. I think he's coming back, our best pass rusher, right? He's been gone for like a month now. We lost Steven Ridley, our best running back and uh Gerard Mayo those guys are gone for the year Gerard Mayo and uh Ridley okay we lost those guys and that's like when the winning streak
Starting point is 00:57:53 started we just plugged in couple plugged in it's the system and they buy into it uh you know and I know a lot of these Abelichek haters I don't give a shit what you say. Guy is a genius. And he surrounds himself with great coaches too, obviously. But the Pats defense, come on, the Colts are the number one offense. And they held them to 20 points. They made Andrew Luck look very average, which he's not. You know what I mean? Sure, you know what i mean how many times don't you go to bed on sunday nights hearing that in your head oh my god makes me fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:58:36 back to jim nance in the studio. Let's take a look at the starting lineup for the Colts. And then you get bombarded with the Viagra commercials telling you you can't get it up. And then the next commercial is telling you not to sexually assault your wife so I'm getting mixed signals which one is it my impotent little choo-choo or am I a danger to every vagina within 100 miles of my house which one is it NFL so look out for the pats again man they're not even healthy all right well they're relatively healthy but like I said I just mentioned those injuries those are huge injuries and look what they're doing so uh but you know how about those
Starting point is 00:59:29 arizona cardinals have only lost what are they nine and one something like that lost one game best record in the nfl so uh we're up a game on on denver for for know, home field advantage throughout the playoffs. I'm surprised myself after that Monday night game. I got to be honest, too. I thought, okay, they stole my, you know, but Jesus, do they come together. I think Belichick, he really, he treats the first, I'm not kidding you, he treats the first four or five regular season games like it's an extension of the preseason exhibition game
Starting point is 01:00:06 because it's no he doesn't even he doesn't panic and you see him trying new guys you're like what's he doing he realizes it's it's not a 14 game schedule like it wasn't a 70s or whatever when he started and he and he treats he treats it as uh as like i, an extension of the preseason. Giants, you know, I take them. Oh, by the way, as far as my pool picks, I had nine last week, which isn't bad. Okay. Put me in the top, whatever. But this week, okay, I'm back to my old ways. Going into tonight, I have five right. Come on. Can you blame me? I mean, this league, really, really really philly you let green bay put up 56 points or 53 points on you come on they don't even show up that's what's so irritating you're out of it by halftime i mean come on and the saints they just laid over this week and they just lay over and
Starting point is 01:01:03 who else really just made me sick? How can you predict this stuff? And Eli Manning throws five interceptions. Five! Five! Against the Niners. And they could have actually won the game. Who else blew it for me?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Cleveland. They let the Texans push them around. There's no rhyme or reason in this league, honestly. There really isn't. Then there was a kid in college. Was it Wisconsin against Nebraska, I think? I don't even have his name here, but he had 408 yards rushing in three quarters. They took him out because it was a blowout.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I think he had 25 carries, 408 yards rushing in like four touchdowns. I don't care, man. That's unbelievable. You couldn't do that in Pop Warner. That is crazy at that level of football. All care, man. That's unbelievable. You couldn't do that in Pop Warner. That is crazy at that level of football. All right, kids. That's about it from here.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Uncle Vinny's being, you know, being the city working out stuff, obviously, all this week, the weeknights. And we'll talk again next week. Yeah? Yeah? And you blew it! You blew it!
Starting point is 01:02:42 Still makes me laugh. All right, kids. still makes me laugh alright kids I love you for helping me to construct of my life not a tavern but a temple I love you because you have done so much
Starting point is 01:03:00 to make me happy you have done it without a word. Squeal! Squeal! Without a sign. You have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps, after all, that is what love means. And that is why love means and that is why I love you
Starting point is 01:03:29 good morning afternoon and evening everybody guitar solo guitar solo I'm out.

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