The Nick DiPaolo Show - 058 - Furguson Verdict

Episode Date: December 2, 2014

Furguson Verdict...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hello again, hello. Just called to say hello. I couldn't sleep at all tonight. And I know it's late, but I couldn't wait. Hello. Hi, kids. What up? Here we are again, Monday.
Starting point is 00:01:06 here we are again monday bad timing on the last one because uh the verdict for the ferguson melee uh came down hours after i did the broadcast so uh and you know i dabble in the uh the racial humor here and there when i get a chance and um you know people uh according to my twitter account people want to hear what i had to say about the verdict. You know, because of my tough crowd pass and my shy approach towards the subject of race. But we'll get to that in a few minutes. How was your Thanksgiving? Good? Was it? You enjoy the relatives that you don't spend any time with the other uh 364 days
Starting point is 00:01:49 of the year and then you fake your way through the dinner and uh and then you know you cut those turkey farts it's like uh it's like the uh gas that um you know saddam used on the kurds i'm telling you turkey and stuff things like ass spackle isn't it but anyways uh what did i do i uh yeah me and the wife like i said quiet thanksgiving nice football three for three on those games on thanksgiving by the way as far as the pool goal had all three of them don't ask me what happened um you know on sunday but anyways uh yeah nice quiet day at home and um whatever let's get right to the exciting news huh and by exciting news i mean um shameless uh promotion for myself but i think you guys been waiting for a while for this and it's about time
Starting point is 00:02:54 i can announce it and i'm excited to announce it my special another senseless killing. Yeah. Today, folks, go to and click on the pre-order button, and you can order my new special, Another Senseless Killing. You can order it now, and it'll be available for online streaming and MP4 downloads on January 2nd. As an extra bonus, you'll also get individual MP3 tracks of the entire special. But that's only if you pre-order before January 2nd. All of this is just five bucks, folks.
Starting point is 00:03:36 You have the option to pay more if you'd like when you're checking out. You know, come on. I've made you well aware of my horse's leg injury. And, I mean, who's going to pay made you well aware of my horse's leg injury. And, I mean, who's going to pay for that? And I've got to keep the wife in cocaine and diamonds. So you know how it is. And I'll do a little toot myself here and there.
Starting point is 00:03:54 You know what I'm saying? So throw in a few extra bucks. When you order it, you'll immediately get a confirmation email. And on January 2nd, you'll receive a link with your download code. You can send this to anyone with an email address as a Christmas gift, too. Okay, we're giving you that option. Just click on the gift button at On Christmas morning, they'll receive an email telling them that you bought it for them, and they can download and stream it on January 2nd. Come on, you do that for somebody that's worth a year full of handjobs, if you're a guy sending it to your girlfriend. And if you're a girl sending it to your guy, second come on you do that for somebody that's that's that's worth a year full of hand jobs if
Starting point is 00:04:25 you know if you're a guy sending to your girlfriend uh and if your girl sending it to your guy which is probably more common for a nick to paulo special you'll get uh whatever your boyfriend does to you or your your husband you know i mean i don't want to get too graphic but um yeah maybe he'll uh pinch your nipples so that's right go to you can pre-order another senseless killing now all right glad i can tell you that i did this i like this special i did it in a in a regular size comedy club as opposed to uh the raw nerve was in about you know a small theater like 500 seats up at foxwoods this uh was in acne comedy club one of my favorite spots in minneapolis and uh it's good it's it's like a bird's eye view we have a roaming camera
Starting point is 00:05:11 so it's you feel like you're in the second row in a lot of these shots and uh it's intimate and and uh it's really funny and i think you're gonna love it so um yeah that's another senseless killing go to all righty it's weird reading a plug for myself i have to write it down i can't keep it straight all the technical shit the mp3s and mp4s and pre-ordering gift and all that stuff comes easy to the geeks but uh hell yeah um before i get to the ferguson this was in the on the internet today gang of teens beat saint louis motorist to death with hammers in front of his wife after he got out to confront them when they attacked his car. Zemir Begik, B-E-G-I-C, 32 years old, surrounded by a group of teens wielding hammers. The juvenile struck his car before Begik stepped out and was beaten. He suffered damage to his head, abdomen, and face, taken to St. Louis University Hospital, where he later died.
Starting point is 00:06:23 His wife said he pulled her out of the way so he would be beaten instead. St. Louis police detained two suspects, ages 15 and 16. Fucking evil cretins. They're searching for two others. The guy was Bosnian. And the police are saying he wasn't targeted because he was Bosnian. Of course he wasn't. Do you think these idiot thugs know the difference?
Starting point is 00:06:49 What they saw was a white face is what they saw, okay? Because apparently it was black and Hispanic kids that surrounded him, a whole group of them. Takes a lot of balls, doesn't it? But of course it wasn't because he was Bosnian. By the way, Bosnian, if you don't know, I mean, okay, you're white. That's all they saw was a white face.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Come on. They started pounding on the car. I guess the wife was driving. But, you know, do you believe this shit? The wife is Suad Nernjovic said Bejic was driving and he was the passenger seat when a group of at least five teens started banging on the car.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I was afraid that if one of them had a gun, they were going to shoot me, so I didn't know what to do, the wife said. They had just got married like six months prior. He fled to the parking lot across the street. The picture is in my head, what I saw. She said, I don't know why this is happening to Bosnians. We could go around and shoot people too, but we just want peace. That's kind of a scary statement in itself.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Two males, ages 15 and 16, were taken into custody. Police say they know the identity of a third teen they suspect was involved. The suspects are described as being a group of Hispanic and black males by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The attack was not related to Ferguson protests taking place in the city, police say. Really? Do you really believe that? What a coincidence, huh? Boy, they sure came up with that conclusion in a hurry. I wonder why that is.
Starting point is 00:08:34 It's unbelievable, folks, what this country has just turned into. You know, Bosnian community protested it was in Bevo Hill outside of St. Louis the guy came here in 96 because he was Bosnian you know they were getting murdered by Serbs over there so they come over here to escape the danger
Starting point is 00:08:59 and have to face these fucking evil feral rats. Anyways, and then there was another guy that was interviewed, Selden Dezenikot. He's another Bosnian. 24 said he was accosted by a group of teens with hammers on the same street about an hour prior to Begich being attacked.
Starting point is 00:09:26 But he was able to fight them off with only minor injuries. Yeah, but it's totally unrelated, right? Totally unrelated. It has nothing to do. Just because we just, you know, have one of the ugliest racial incidents in the history of this country, you know, you can see how you draw the conclusion that they're totally unrelated. You know, even though they happen to week apart. I mean, how sad is that? How sad is that? And let's see if the media jumps on it and runs with it, huh? I wonder, I haven't
Starting point is 00:09:58 put on the TV today because I've been busy. And I wonder if it's all over TV. You think? and I wonder if it's all over TV. You think? I fucking doubt it. I doubt it. Because the libs, the libs run television, you know that.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That's not even secret anymore. I don't even feel embarrassed saying it. They can't even deny it. The coverage of the Ferguson verdict and the subsequent riots have been embarrassing. CNN is the most evil fucking network always has been that's why i get furious when i'm at an airport sitting there waiting for my plane in a terminal and you're surrounded i think it's delta well a lot of airlines uh they have all the tvs attuned
Starting point is 00:10:36 to cnn so they can they can drive home that left-wing lying liberal horseshit right till you get on the plane um oh god just all right joe madderese joe's texting me i suppose i should have shut all that shit off um anyways where do you want to start i have all kinds of audio and it's just i don't even like to talk about this stuff but i mean it's kind of relevant you know what i'm saying can't really make fun of it at this point there's not a lot of humor in it but jesus christ i can't help it if you give a shit about the country you live in you can't help but immerse yourself in this let's start with sunday and the st louis rams players the five players who came out at the beginning of the game with their hands up, you know, the hands up, don't shoot thing. When the Rams offense was introduced and the five players are all black, I believe, Jared Cook, Kenny Britt, Stedman Bailey, Chris Gibbons and Tavon Austin.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Gibbons and Tavon Austin. They stopped near the tunnel and raised their hands in a nod to the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Here's an example of the fucking lib slant, okay, in the article. Some witnesses
Starting point is 00:11:58 said Brown had his hands up before being shot. Yeah, but that's been debunked now for a week, okay, since all the transcript the uh transcripts have been made public okay all that's been debunked he didn't have his hands up and there was six african-american eyewitnesses who corroborated what the cop said with what wilson said so but this is how the article this is okay this is a week later some witnesses said brown had his hands up before being shot wilson who is. So they don't point out that the five players are black.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I guess it is. You have to assume that. But that would be being racist, wouldn't it? If you assume that Wilson, who is white. I'll say that Wilson, who is white, testified to the grand jury that Brown had hit him and reach for his gun. So they go out of the way to point out you know the cops white and um when do we stop um referring to him as an unarmed teen and just uh refer to him as i don't know a teen who had just committed a strong-arm robbery that's it that should be included just to give a little you know i mean a little balance. But I got to give props to St. Louis Police Office Association businessman Jeff Rorta. He came out and said that, I know that there are those that will say that these players are simply exercising the First Amendment rights.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Well, I've got news for you people who think that way. Cops have First Amendment rights too too and we plan to exercise ours i'd remind the nfl and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertisers products it's cops and the good people of st louis and other nfl towns that do uh amen to that amenez isn't it refreshing somebody even pushes back just a little just a little and i got some great audio of a guy uh the the police chief in milwaukee chief flynn who you guys might have seen on the internet um there's another shooting in milwaukee and uh but he he just steps up to the plate he's a white police chief and just speaks completely honestly. I'll get to that in a few about black crime and how cops are portrayed.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And he was eloquent and angry. And, you know, there's black people praising him. You know what I mean? That's how, you know, some people have some sense still. Of course, Mike Britt, not Mike Britt. He's a kenny brit i should mike brit's a comedian very funny guy uh kenny brit said his uh he and his teammates were not taking sides with their display putting their hands up before the game we wanted to show that we are organized for a great cause and something positive comes out of it. He had just a politically correct slop just pouring out of people's faces.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I don't even know what that means. What cause? I mean, all the transcripts are out and a ton of the witnesses were lying. Okay? He was told to get out of the road and then he told the cop to fuck off and then punch the cop in the face
Starting point is 00:15:02 and try to grab his gun while he was in the car. Okay? So what good cause? What are you talking about? You're taking the side of a felon. That's what we hope we can make happen. That's our community. We want to let the community know that we support the community.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Community, again, that's code for black people. That's what he's talking about. Because the whites let the community know that we support the community. Community, again, that's code for black people. That's what he's talking about. Because the whites in the community, you think they feel the same as the blacks? No, they don't. The black community is what he means. And you are taking sides. And I might have understood it before all the facts were out, even though that was stupid and is what led to all the violence now.
Starting point is 00:15:50 But you are taking sides when you come out with your hands up before the game. And I thought the NFL had a policy. I know when you score a touchdown, you can't do any political demonstrations. I know that's a fine, but these players aren't going to be fined. Once again, the white establishment showing its spine.
Starting point is 00:16:10 You are taking sides, and you further divide your community, Kenny Britt. That's what you're doing. Because I guarantee you most of the people in the crowd at the game that day probably was repulsed by that demonstration. Yeah, and they should be fined. But they won't be. Thought I pulled that article off. But you believe this?
Starting point is 00:16:37 You got a white guy beat to death by black and brown people. And let's just see. Let's just see the media run with this, huh? Where's the outrage? I guess there was a protest of like 50 Bosnians. They stepped up the other night. But it's how the media, it's, you know, not so much the slant they put on it,
Starting point is 00:17:03 but what stories they decide to cover with how much, you know, with how much enthusiasm. And they cherry pick. And Colonel Allen West, I know you guys know who he is, conservative. He's on, you see him on Fox News sometimes.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Very bright guy. Military guy. I thought he summed up nicely how the media handles these incidents and Obama's role in it. And let me play that for you.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Well, I think the president initially came out and called for calmness, but he continues to talk about this can be expected and there's some deep-seated or deep-rooted feelings and beliefs out there. But what I do find very hypocritical is that President Obama nor Eric Holder has said anything about the four black gang members who brutally carjacked and took captain Kevin quick of Virginia Reserve police officer and murdered him we did not hear them say anything about the 19 year old New Jersey teenager Brendan Devlin who was gunned down by a black self-proclaimed jihadist we heard them say
Starting point is 00:18:18 nothing about the two black teenagers that bludgeoned to death a World War II Okinawa veteran out in Spokane, Washington, nor about the black teenager who shot a young toddler in the face in Brunswick, Georgia. So I think that the country has to really get tired of this cherry-picking of these instances of their perceived social justice and their own agenda that they're trying to use for their own elevation. And this really is getting quite despicable. Amen.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Been saying it for years. We always do when we argue at the table at the Comedy Cellar. I mean, you can't argue that, that the media that leans so far freaking left and is so corrupt, they are more evil than anybody else involved. The fact that they give Sharpton the microphone
Starting point is 00:19:02 and the fact that Obama gives Sharpton a key to the White House he was there today actually discussing you know whatever civil rights and can you imagine Al Sharpton the black people I know hate Al Sharpton they always say he doesn't speak when I bring him up he doesn't speak for us he's an idiot yet the president thinks he's a
Starting point is 00:19:25 valid voice here. Can you imagine? And if you people aren't familiar with Al Sharpton's history, I don't want to go over it again, but start with Tawana Brawley and everything else. Freddie's fashion mart. He started a riot in Harlem. Storgat burned. Six people died. Crown Heights. This guy's a race baiter and insider and obama goes to him like he's martin luther king jr it's unreal in the friggin media did you hear about any of those stories that that colonel west who's black by the way just mentioned can you imagine a white a white guy shooting a black baby in the face in a stroller? Do you think that might have stuck around the headlines for a while? Did you hear about that?
Starting point is 00:20:13 I think I read about it. It went away in like 30 seconds. Or the World War II veteran in his 80s, late 80s, a war hero, beat to death by two black guys, young black guys. War hero. Beat to death by two black guys. Young black guys. Okay? So don't act like this is coming out of nowhere. It's unbelievable to me.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It is unbelievable. We know the truth now. But then the people go, well, I mean, I get audio here of people saying they don't believe the cops. Well, if that's where we're at, then there's no going. Forget about it. If you're going to be like, you know, totally that. And I'm not saying cops. Yes, I'm sure there's reasons, you know, in black neighborhoods that black kids have.
Starting point is 00:20:58 There's legitimate reasons they have distrust for the cops. But take the take into the fact that what are white cops doing in black neighborhoods they're trying to protect other black people they don't even take that into consideration and if that's the solution white cops i mean that is a solution get all black cops in black name that's all there is to it. It's crazy. I mean, it's just, it's a myth that there,
Starting point is 00:21:34 when I say it's a myth, the narrative that, you know, white cops are hunting down young black males. That's what Libs would have you believe. That's what Sharpton would have you believe. And that's what a lot of people believe. And white,-off college-age snot-nosed kids have bought this hook line and sinker because that's all they're being fed on college campuses is propaganda left-wing horseshit anarchist propaganda, and they're taking it hook, line, and sinker.
Starting point is 00:22:10 It's unbelievable. The useful idiots used to be uneducated morons, but now they're educated white kids. You know, I don't know if I had mentioned this on previous episodes. I got a buddy who's been a cop for over 30 years down in Miami. One of the, you know, they used to get,
Starting point is 00:22:32 um, get paid more than any cops in the country because the murder rate back in the eighties and nineties, it was like at the highest in Miami. But he drove me through, uh, I think it's a liberty city it's the worst ghetto in north miami right off of 95 he drove me through there and his uh and his cop car
Starting point is 00:22:53 this is like 15 years ago uh he drove me through there let me say it like two in the morning and i think colin quinn was actually with us. I couldn't believe what I was seeing though. I was seeing like babies in diapers like running around in front yards. This is at two in the morning, okay? And a couple guys spit at the car. I mean, they looked like they were fresh out of the pen too. I mean, real, you know, like horrendous, horrendous neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:23:29 So I don't even know how any policing goes on at all. But, yeah, people spitting in the car and just unbelievable. I didn't even feel safe. I was in a cop cruiser. I was like, oh, my God, let's get the hell out of here. Like, oh my God, let's get the hell out of here. But yes, I'm sure there's plenty of reasons where they distrust the cops because of, you know, their history with the cops over the years. Obviously, they're good and bad cops.
Starting point is 00:24:05 But to the level that they're playing it up, the media, this narrative that they're somehow being hunted or whatever. It's just total horseshit. And that narrative was in full effect before the verdict came down. Remember? He had his hands up in the air. He was the cop shot Michael Brown when he was on the ground already. All these things were disproved. And it's not like you can't check these things out. Okay? There's coroner reports and forensics,
Starting point is 00:24:24 and it's not like this stuff is opinion-based you know and even so people crying for you know the cop's head god i was watching uh abc this week uh abc what it? This week with George Stephanopoulos. Only Martha Raddatz fills in. Time for her to retire. Oh, she's, oh, she knew the boys like this. Let's go to Peter Pan in Ferguson, Missouri right now. She over-enunciates everything like this.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Just painful. And she had some black writer on from the New Yorker, so he's going to give you an objective opinion. Of course, he doesn't believe a word of the testimony. I didn't remember. Jelani, his last name was, or first name. I can't even remember. But he didn't believe any of the cop's testimony.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Frankly, he said it sounded like he was coached by a lawyer, and he was uh just cold and no you know no remorse whatsoever in his voice and bop bop bop and um and then he had she had ray kelly on former police commissioner in new york and asked him a couple softball questions about diversity or whatever it was just total horseshit and they have it like a round table and and donna brazil naturally you know anyways then she right right before they they have this they're talking for about five minutes of this discussion around the table and then she goes and and and a bunch of witnesses said he had his hands up anyways we have to move on she threw it was hand handled poorly, the whole discussion. No objectivity.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Had one right winger, Bill Kristol, there. And, you know, he had to bring some sense of, you know, a little bit of balance in the discussion. Because Cokie Roberts was saying, why didn't this go to court? Why did, how come they just had this grand jury? This should have been brought to, you know, in a public trial and blah blah blah and and bill crystal said look i've talked to every every professional uh lawyer you know every lawyer he knows respected lawyer in washington said there wasn't enough to indict it wasn't even close but people can't accept that they're too busy trapped in this this uh you know this narrative oh i just it's so freaking disappointing here's the thing i feel bad about michael brown this guy this kid here's the only
Starting point is 00:26:55 thing i feel bad about him otherwise yeah don't tell me he's a gentle giant and a nice kid and all that shit because we have plenty evidence to prove otherwise okay you don't tell a cop to fuck off and slug him in the face and then try to grab his gun and you want me to believe that if a white guy or an asian guy or an indian did that they wouldn't get shot that's what that's what some people want me to believe some crazy people but this kid i mean look look what his role models i mean well here's his mother the night of the you know the verdict you can understand her being a little emotional but the point being i mean look who this kid's role models were i don't he never had a chance really They wrong. Y'all know y'all wrong. We gonna get justice. Y'all know y'all wrong. We gonna get justice. And anybody out here don't think so.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I don't give a fuck. They wrong. And then you had his stepdad. You've all seen this clip. But these are the people in his life. These are the adults that were supposed to put him on the straight and narrow. Why hasn't he been arrested for inciting a riot? Huh?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Even some of the authorities came out and said that he should have been arrested. Why not? How about Governor Nixon, huh? The governor of Missouri. What a spineless white guy. He is the, he just typifies the spineless white guys. He hasn't come out and said this, but a lot of people are saying that Holder, he probably got a call from Holder on the president of the White House, or both, you know, telling the National Guard to stand down the night
Starting point is 00:29:03 all the rioting went on. I can't wait till that becomes made public. You know that has the National Guard to stand down the night all the rioting went on. I can't wait till that becomes made public. You know that has to be true. Well, what were they there for? Was that not a fucking joke? What was that about? They were standing around watching shit burn.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Oh, my God. It's the opposite of a racist country. Unbelievable. Just stood around, did nothing nothing because they get a call you know they were leaned on by the the department of justice you know hold them made a phone call here's what you're gonna do then that's the other thing i mean obama oh my so disappointed i mean what else can you he had to say something because he's obviously you you know, a biracial president. He has to step in. But the fact that Holder flew there, you know, right after the incident in August, I mean, it's just inciting it.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I mean, Al Sharpton, they're treating this guy like he's legit. Crazy. Don't make this kid out to be a civil rights hero, you know? That's like making him out to be a martyr or something. The kid was killed while he's committing a felony. I mean, yeah, it's a tragedy because he's a teenager. But please, that doesn't make him a hero. Then I keep hearing the term, well, the system needs to be fixed.
Starting point is 00:30:34 What system is that? And they're implying the police and how they police. Okay, well, we'll make it more diverse. Make it all black cops. But you got to take tests. You have to take tests and a lot of people don't want to be cops. I can't believe there's white people
Starting point is 00:30:52 that want to be cops anymore. Anywhere. Thanks to the corrupt media. But what system needs to be fixed? You know what needs to be fixed you know it needs to be fixed um black people have to stop voting democrat blindly where all these entitlements and programs and shit what have they done for you no i know i'm not saying republicans are any better but don't don't blindly follow these i mean what have they done for you, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:29 Christ. I mean, and this was said, what, years ago. Was it Monaghan? Did a study in the 60s, Senator Moynihan, was it? I hope I have the right guy. But he did a whole thing about the dissolution of the black family and, you know, illegitimacy as far as birth rates and how it was just, you know, falling apart.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And you can't argue that that's not a factor. Poverty and being uneducated and unemployable. That has to be fixed first. So when you say fix the system, that's where it should start. I don't know how the fuck it, you know. But all these entitlements, it's not working. It's just, the country is just dotted with thousands of fatherless ghettos because of all these entitlement programs and there's there's no you know the dad has been
Starting point is 00:32:33 replaced by a paycheck from the government and uh and the children have no father figure i mean come on this shit is like basic that's where the when they say fix the system that's where it has to start otherwise you know nothing's going to change i just laughed at the white liberals i you know i was heading to uh i had a gig tuesday at the stand in the city i'm on the fdrDR. Caught, apparently, the two accidents on the FDR. It's just unbelievable. What I do to make $25. And by the way,
Starting point is 00:33:10 that's what I get paid and we get paid as comedians during the week. $25 a set. I think it's $30 at the Comedy Cellar. I just want you guys to let that sink in.
Starting point is 00:33:22 On the weekend, yes, it's a little bit more. But just, I want you to let that sink in in you make your money when you go on the road obviously and you do a weekend at the funny bone or whatever but um it's it's just hard when i'm sitting in the fdr car traffic for like i mean not moving for like 35 minutes and i put on the radio and they're like the protesters the uh you know the kids that are protesting uh the verdict they're uh heading towards the fdr but there was a car accident even before that and i'm at like 106th street and just i'm i'm just just you know i have two sets like i said i'm making 50 i just filled my tank. I think it was 96.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Woo! Like I said, my wife's sitting home in the dark on a milk crate drinking Zima out of a Mason's jar because I'm not bringing home the bacon. But so, yeah. And then so I finally get past the accident, which took forever. And then I make a right off the FDR onto 23rd Street. I go about two blocks to about second avenue what's coming down what's coming at me on 23rd street heading uh heading east right in the middle of the street the protesters like hundreds of them hundreds
Starting point is 00:34:39 with the cops walking along with them what kind of protest is that you're gonna feel kind of emasculated or whatever the word is when you're protesting and the cops are walking right alongside you. What kind of protest is that? I mean, you're protesting the cops and they're providing your protection. Boy, there's a fucking hypocrisy right in front of you, isn't it? And it's funny. So I'm sitting there. I'm like, oh, now this.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I'm like already 15 minutes late for my set i'm hoping at this point that they cancel my whatever the hell and uh so i'm stopped at a red light and here come the protesters just pouring and this black kid comes up to me and it says save black kids save black boys that's what it says on his t-shirt and he's sticking it on my window my uh you know my driver's side window um with his chest right against the window like he maybe maybe he'd see me on tough crowd no he was too young to recognize me but i'm like look at this right in action i'm listening to it on the radio i'm in the middle of it which really put me in a beautiful mood for that set i actually went across the street and
Starting point is 00:35:43 had a drink hoping that I'd, you know, I'd be too late, but the show was running along. So I show up like 25 minutes late and I still get to go on. And, you know, I just brought,
Starting point is 00:35:56 I didn't even, I brought it up a little bit and you could just feel the air come out of the room. It's just, talking about that in front of kids in their 20s in manhattan yeah good luck with my point of view but how about uh cns there was a good story in the post that
Starting point is 00:36:15 what what shysters they uh trying to trying to they were trying the whole time trying to portray that as a you know a peaceful protest when this shit burning behind him. It was so funny. They couldn't even find anybody that was even a little bit calm on the street, you know, supposedly peaceful. I mean, at least MSNBC, you know what they are and they don't try to hide it.
Starting point is 00:36:36 CNN. And that's why they're fucking evil. That's why they're so evil. Uh, why would you, again, can you imagine why would you want to be a white cop in any city in this country and that's the thing eventually nobody's going to be signing up and that's what they want isn't it chaos you want to tear down the system you anarchist
Starting point is 00:36:57 what are you going to replace with you dickheaded i'm gonna fucking smash his fucking face in that pertains to many people in this store um but uh there are some black people thank god who get it of course they'll be portrayed as uncle toms and like colonel west i mean to be black and conservative it takes more balls than anything in this country. But there was a guy, I know you've seen him because he did this months ago. This guy, Jonathan Gentry, this black guy went on a rant. I think he's in the St. Louis area. Maybe not. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:37:36 But he gets it. And I'm sure you might have heard of this, but I'll play it anyway. Hey, everyone. It's Jonathan. I just want to get straight to the point about this michael brown incident let me tell you something and i said this before what we're doing out here it's not helping us rioting looting burning down donut shops and stores and everything else liquor stores shenanigans hair salon for the extensions this is not helping he's kind of funny to the fool out here because we pissed off at the This is not helping. He's kind of funny too. Us acting a fool out here because we pissed off at the police is not helping. I said this
Starting point is 00:38:07 before and I said it again. Change is not going to come until we change it. You understand what I'm saying? This is not helping. Change isn't going to come until we change it. All we know how to do is march and riot
Starting point is 00:38:23 and loot. This is not helping. What you guys are out here doing is not helping. And I hate to say this, but I'm going to tell you what you need to hear, imposing to what you want to hear. All we know how to do is blame the police and white folks for our actions. That's all we know how to do is blame police and white folks. They mistreat us. They beat no nuts. Oh, slavery still exists. Oh, oh, oh. I'm sick of it.
Starting point is 00:38:52 I'm sick of it. I'm not going to tell you and tell you we're going to barge. We're going to do this. We're going to do that. I'm going to tell you, damn it, let's change. Let's change as black people. When is this going to stop? When? How are our children supposed to grow up when we out here acting a stone fool?
Starting point is 00:39:11 How are our kids supposed to grow up when we out here acting stupid? How? How? Even the book of Deuteronomy in chapter 2, verse 3, God said, we have toiled this mountain long enough. We have toiled this mountain long enough. We have toiled this mountain long enough. Uh-oh, there's going to lose all the libs. Not that they were with you, but, you know, citing scripture. Uh-oh, that makes him crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:39:37 Oh, he got to disregard anything that he says now. It's actually making perfect sense. Try listening. Forty plus years they spent in the wilderness. It's been over fifty years since we sang that song we shall overcome.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Hell, when are we gonna overcome? Ignore the comedy. Just listen to the point. Fifty plus years ago and all we're doing is going around in circles. Going around in circles. You activists out there, you civil rights leaders. All of a sudden, Black Panther, 10-double-A-C-P come out the woodworks. They just came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Oh, we don't want justice. We want justice. No justice, no peace. That's all you see. No's no please shut up Chicago a few weeks back where would you know where to be found few weeks later was 47 drive-bys in one weekend where would you know where to be found when little ray ray kills little Lukey where were you nowhere to be found okay when I'm little little girl was shot when she was riding her tricycle in be found. When Lil Ray Ray kills Lil Lukey, where were you? Nowhere to be found. Okay, when that little girl was shot when she was riding her tricycle in the front yard and
Starting point is 00:40:49 stray bullets hit her, where were you? Nowhere to be found. Police beat up on the black man. Oh, slavery still exists. Slavery still exists. Oh, shut up. Because I hate to say this, and I know this is going to piss a lot of people off. All the incidents I've seen, all the brothers was resisting arrests and causing trouble. Okay? Hate to tell the truth. Hate to tell the truth. Because I want to debunk that myth as far as being young and black and mistreated.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I'm young, black, drive a brand new BMW and live in the valley. How many encounters have I had with the police? Many. How many times has it got out of control? None. None. None. So I want to debunk that myth about us getting mistreated and slavery. All they know how to do is beat on the black man. Nonsense. Nonsense. Hmm. Hmm. Well, well.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I like how he added a little comedy to it. Like we weren't listening to him in the first place. But his message is, uh... It's right on. I'm gonna give a shit how crazy he's huh at least in this situation yes and it's this situation has been building up over the years but uh the only solution i guess is to have all black uh law enforcement in the projects and and um all black areas of all major cities i don't even know if that's possible is it i don't think black people want to be cops either who wants to go in there that's why i can't believe white guys don't even get enough credit as it is remember firman that's what firman mark firman how much he was hated
Starting point is 00:42:45 and then oprah had him on after the whole oj thing and he and that's the point he drove home every night he'd risked his life in black neighborhoods protecting black people from other black people that's the first time that was really said and and uh you know and he actually i think that did a lot because up to that point, his image was totally tarnished because I think he dropped the N word, remember, which automatically makes you racist. Never mind the fact that you go to work every day and put your life on the line, but let's ignore that. But the president just implying that this anger is justified.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And he's talking about the anger after the verdict. I don't know. Don't agree with that. And, you know. It's all out there. Listen to, uh, the actual,
Starting point is 00:43:48 his actual father was on, on the today show with, uh, with his mother, with Mike Brown's mother. And, um,
Starting point is 00:43:59 just, just listen to the questions and how, I forget the woman's name that's doing the interview. She's just... You can hear the... She's scared. Where she's pausing the question. Michael Brown's parents, Leslie McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr.
Starting point is 00:44:17 are with us now along with their attorney, Ben Crump. Good morning to all of you. Good morning. Leslie, I'll start with you. What has the last 36 hours been like for you? Sleepless. It's inciting, right? Heartbreaking. Of course. Unbelievable. I remember you said once, Leslie, that you feel there would only be justice if there had been an arrest and a conviction. And Michael, you've said you believed that justice would prevail. Do you feel now that justice has been lost to you? No. We're just going to keep fighting and pray for a better outcome.
Starting point is 00:45:01 What do you hope happens? Conviction. You're hoping he's pursued in federal court? Yes. You really made a point as this was about to be released, this grand jury news, to call for peaceful protest. Unfortunately, that hasn't always happened. And there was a video that circulated about Monday night. Leslie, I want to show it to you in the video. We see your husband, what appears to be stirring up the crowd. I'll take a look at it. Then I want to ask you about it on the other side. What do you know? You were there in crowd, and this was just after the news came out. What do you have to say about that? That he was just emotional.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I don't feel that he stirred the crowd. The crowd was already stirred. It's been stirring since August 9th. Do you ever find fault in your own people? Ever? Do you ever admit? I wouldn own people? Ever? Do you ever admit? I wouldn't hold him accountable for that. Of course you wouldn't. That comes from
Starting point is 00:46:09 a higher power elected official. Oh, there you go. And it's called the governor. There you go. Can you explain what you mean by that? That stirred the pot. The governor stirred the pot because the governor wanted his state to burn to the ground. That makes perfect sense
Starting point is 00:46:25 does she be on edge basically since august 9th well you don't feel that that made a bad situation even more volatile that was just one you hear the tone she's talking to the mother like the mother's like 12 year old girl it's almost insulting so So, patronizing. And nobody's condoning violence. That's the lawyer. You lose your child in this manner, and somebody put video camera on you. Somebody put. Barely illiterate. Who knows what you would do if this is your child.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I mean, come on. For four hours, and you find out that the killer isn't going to be brought to trial. Mr. Brown, did you watch the interview with Officer Wilson? This is the actual dad of Mike Brown. No. Would you want to watch it? Yeah. The interview.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I'll get a chance to watch it. He's claiming that your son was the instigator, that he punched him, reached for his gun, came back charging toward him. Does that seem possible to you? No. Why not? For one, my son wouldn't. He respected law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I'm a team. Who in their right mind would rush or charge at a police officer that has his gun. It sounds crazy. My son respected law enforcement. Really? That's already been debunked. But that's the narrative that, you know. This is after the facts are out.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Video him strong arming and stealing cigars and everything else. My son respected law enforcement. That's what I'm saying. The kid never had a chance. Ugh. Hmm. Yeah. hmm yeah and then then there's another incident that happened back in october this is on a local news affiliate out there that i found on the internet that i that i wasn't aware of maybe you guys were but in october like some of her the, Mike Brown's mother's relatives were selling, you know, justice for Mike Brown T-shirts or something, you know, for cash to raise money for whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And Mike Brown's mother found out about it. Here's the local news report. I didn't even know about this, but that's what I'm saying. This is what this kid was surrounded with these people that just, I don't know, listen to this report. Thank you, Newt, tonight we now have obtained the incident report involving family members of Michael Brown and a reported assault and robbery that was first exposed on Fox 2. Fox Files investigator Chris Hayes obtained it after a hearing in St. Louis County Court. Rafer, this went to court because Michael Brown's mom, Leslie McSpadden,
Starting point is 00:49:26 asked police not to release this incident report. The city attorney for Ferguson wanted to be sensitive while still following the law, so she took it to Judge Mara McShane, who said this should be released according to the law. It involves a reported felony robbery with a weapon, October 18th in the parking lot of Red's Barbecue. It's the corner of Canfield and West Florissant, just blocks from where Michael Brown was shot and killed. involves a reported felony robbery with a weapon, October 18th in the parking lot of Red's Barbecue. It's the corner of Canfield and West Florissant, just blocks from where Michael Brown was shot and killed. According to the newly released Ferguson Police Report, several people, including Brown's grandmother, Pearlie Gordon, were selling Justice for Mike Brown merchandise.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Then at about 1.20 p.m., cars pulled up and 20 to 30 people jumped out and rushed them. One of those people, Michael Brown's mom, Leslie McSpadden, who was quoted yelling, I'm going with the shit. The report also mentions a witness who shot the entire fight on a cell phone camera while sitting at a red light. However, police report they haven't yet been able to convince that witness to hand over the video. The dispatch report shows police arrived in under four minutes and EMS took one man to the hospital. That was Mike Brown's cousin, Tony Petty, who was helping sell merchandise. Crime scene techs took pictures of Petty's face after someone reportedly struck him with a pipe. The report adds that some of those involved ran away with 1,500 merchandise and a suitcase with 400 in cash. Leslie McSpadden's criminal attorney, Lynn Perkins, was also in court when a judge released this. And he said his client denies assaulting anyone October 18th.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And he asked for people to be sensitive to his client who's lost her child. Judge McShane also. Now, I want you to listen to the anchor woman and the anchor guy here on the local news. Listen to their putting their guilty white spin on what they just heard. Ask for people to be sensitive to a tremendous bubbling of emotions. Well, I guess we can certainly understand emotions have been super high surrounding this whole incident. And also everyone can imagine that anyone who loses a child is going to struggle with high emotions. And it's kind of a mixed message because she's been, you know, spouting peaceful, peaceful protests. But then yet we see this. Yeah. And you don't want to discount somebody who's lost a child because you don't know how you would react and she is publicly sending a message of
Starting point is 00:51:49 peace getting ready to talk to the un in a few weeks oh switzerland to try to spread that message all right well thanks for bringing us this report chris we appreciate it she's going to talk to the u.s i'm'm pretty sure, I'm not making fun of that, I'm not belittling the mother, but she allegedly knocked down the grandmother. Mike Brown's grandmother got slugged over cash. I'm pretty sure my mother,
Starting point is 00:52:20 regardless of how many children she lost, wouldn't sucker punch her mother or her mother-in-law. Again, it's alleged. But, uh... I don't know, folks. I don't know. Time to lighten the mood.
Starting point is 00:52:43 You know how we do that? If I can find it bringing our favorite stand-up comedian if I can find it god damn where is it I can't find it Where is it?
Starting point is 00:53:09 I can't find it. Uncle Junior. What did I do with it? I'm the worst. That's why you need a producer. Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says. Why, he asks.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Don't you have a vase? I think we need another one. Pride, anger, covetousness, I can never say that. Lust, gluttony, envy, and sloth are collectively known as what? Oh, the Bill of Rights. A lot of people would agree with you, Paul, today. Alright, well, enough of that.
Starting point is 00:54:01 I'm just saying. Can it get any worse? I'm not blaming the president, but was to be he's the one who campaigned as the great unifier friggin holder just an outright racist outright racist oh they're gonna you know they're gonna this isn't over whether you know the feds are gonna step in and there'll be some type of a civil suit and you know holder won't sleep till this guy's behind bars or something or broke or homeless you know but i i to this day i i can't i can't believe believe. I can't believe Barack Obama, who's supposed to be so intelligent, lets Al Sharpton into his inner circle.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And thinking, you can't tell me, if he's a bright guy, you can't tell me he doesn't know how that's going to divide the country. Because like I said, most black people in New York City hate Al Sharpton. And we got the Eric Garner thing coming down. That was the big heavyset black guy in Staten Island. A cop allegedly used a chokehold on him. It wasn't the fact that he was 300 pounds overweight with diabetes and a bad heart that he died. It was the chokehold, supposedly.
Starting point is 00:55:22 But that's supposed to come down today. I think today that verdict's going to come down today i think today that verdict's going to come down whether the cops going to get indicted or not it's unbelievable isn't it how the timing but again the the media focused on that story made it huge and um again in the meantime hundreds of black kids well since the Eric Garner thing was probably a year ago. I mean, hundreds and hundreds of poor black kids have been killed by other black young kids. Nobody's saying a word about it. Sharpton can't name three of them.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Which is a good segue into this police chief from Milwaukee. There was a shooting there. Young black kid got shot by a cop and and by the way don't forget this statistic that cops come in contact it's like 12 million they come in contact with civilians of all colors 12 million times a year so the fact that we have you know these incidents every once in a while, it's probably.0000001% of the time that this happens. But again, because the left-leaning media blows these incidents up and only focuses on certain ones, it creates this illusion that it's happening all the time. But this police chief in Milwaukee, this white police chief, his name is Flynn.
Starting point is 00:56:44 But this police chief in Milwaukee, this white police chief, his name is Flynn. He had just come from like a town hall type of meeting. And it was a police and fire commission meeting, whatever, with, you know, with the public is there. And there were angry black people there because it was a shooting of a young black male. And there's a press conference after. And finally, it was so refreshing because he's kind of stood up and he's getting praised by everybody of all colors as to his honesty. If I can find the clip. Where is Chief Flynn?
Starting point is 00:57:29 What's your response to some of the people that thought you were being disrespectful by being on your phone and not being attentive? Well, I was on my phone, and yes, that's true. I was following developments with a five-year-old little girl sitting on her dad's lap who just got shot in the head by a drive-by shooting. And if some of the people here gave a good goddamn about the victimization of people in this community by crime, I'd take some of their invective more seriously. He's talking about the press. He's saying it right to their face. It is racial disparity. The city of Milwaukee is getting shot and killed. Hello. 80% of my homicide victims every year are African-American.
Starting point is 00:58:03 80% of our aggravated assault victims are African-American. 80% of our shooting victims who survived their shooting are African American. Now, they know all about the last three people that have been killed by the Milwaukee Police Department over the course of the last several years. There's not one of them can name one of the last three homicide victims we've had in this city. Now, there's room for everybody to participate in fixing this police department, and I'm not pretending we're without sin, but this community is at risk all right. And it's not because men and women in blue risk their lives protecting it. It's at risk because we have large numbers of high capacity, quality firearms in the hands of remorseless criminals
Starting point is 00:58:37 who don't care who they shoot. Now I'm leaving here to go to that scene. And I take it personally, Now I'm leaving here to go to that scene. And I take it personally, okay? We're going up there and there's a bunch of cops processing a scene of a dead kid. And they're the ones that are going to be out there patrolling and stopping suspects that may have guns under the front seat. They're the ones that are going to take the risks of their lives to try to clean this thing up. All right? We're responsible for the things we get wrong and we take action.
Starting point is 00:59:02 We've arrested cops, we've fired cops, and so on. But the fact is that the people out here, some of them, who had the most to say are absolutely MIA when it comes to the true threats facing this community, and it gets a little tiresome, and we start getting yelled at for reading the updates of the kid that gets shot. Yeah, you take it personal, okay? Now, no offense, but I'm going up there now. that shot yeah you take it personal okay now no offense but i'm going up there now amen what do you get to say to that media with all your microphones right in his face they didn't know what to say because they haven't heard the truth for so friggin long and he got praise from everybody of all colors which means there is some hope in my opinion Which means there is some hope, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Christ. Sharpton and these types, they couldn't, and the new Black Panthers, they couldn't name three black kids who were shot this year. But they can name every white cop and their relatives that were involved in a shooting. You've got to admit, folks, it's a little slanted, a lot slanted. But it does scare me. I say this hope,
Starting point is 01:00:17 but it's very little hope. When all this comes out, you know, all these transcripts after this Ferguson shooting, and the facts are out, and we, all these transcripts after this Ferguson shooting, and the facts are out, and we still can't agree. You know? That's what's creepy.
Starting point is 01:00:30 There's like two different truths out there. There's only one truth. Anyways. What else, kids? What a heavy show, huh? It's kind of ironic, too. It's the day I announced my special going on pre-order.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Another senseless killing. I didn't mean it that way. But that's all we seem to be talking about, right? This weekend, oh yeah, I always do my comedy and review. Nick's weekend was at the Pompton Plains, New Jersey for a gig at the uh what was it called the hyatt i don't know the regency house hotel or something i don't know it's one of those one-nighters that i tell you about that uh i'll always do and comics do
Starting point is 01:01:17 because you get to do a full hour or whatever and work on stuff without any uh you know you can you can bomb try new stuff without any uh damage to your career not that you have a career if you're performing at the regency house oh my sister's ass honestly but uh i get there okay friggin new jersey i love you i love the state but even the people i was talking to him before the show i i only uh i'm very good well everybody's very good with directions now that we have gps's in our car but uh i don't i don't get lost that often except in the state of friggin new jersey with your friggin jug handle u-turns on the highways. And this hotel is off right, you know, like Route 23 south. And I had to get off on one of those jug handles and head north or whatever. And it was right there.
Starting point is 01:02:16 As soon as you make the U-turn, the legal U-turn with the jug handle thing, the hotel's right there. But it's just so funny, man. It's just the signs aren't clear. And I brought it up with a few people in the audience, and they were laughing saying it's right there. But it's just so funny, man. It's just the signs aren't clear. And I brought it up with a few people in the audience, and they were laughing, saying it's not me. So I felt a little better. But anyways, I get there, and I'm rushing.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I'm a little nervous because the show's at 8, and it's about 5 of 8, and I'm just looking for it. And I pull in there, and I'm coming up the stairs. It's on the second floor of a hotel, and I don't see, like, any people in the room. And I'm like, 8 o'clock show, right? And James, the guy who runs the comedy shops, goes, no, 9 o'clock. And I show him the email that was sent to me by my agent and my agent's assistant, and all the paperwork they've sent me for the last week says 8 o'clock.
Starting point is 01:03:02 So now I'm there at 8 o'clock for a 9 o'clock show. I don't go on until 9.35, right? so i'm there an hour and a half fucking early and like what's the big deal well there was a wedding going on downstairs and so all you have is this big lobby with the tv but no seats in it and so i was and my gig was upstairs so they lead me to this room with a bunch of folding chairs, like a room where you'd take a defensive driving class with a projector and the screen pulled on. No TV, nothing. I'm sitting in there an hour and a half before I have to go on stage.
Starting point is 01:03:36 My frigging opening act isn't even there yet. Oh, my God. I was so mad I wanted to spit. And James admitted that it was his fault. I said, look at the contract. They were all telling me 8 o'clock, my people. They usually good with that. James admitted that he's the one who screwed up, which disappointed me because I wanted to yell at my agent's assistant.
Starting point is 01:03:58 No. So anyways, I'm sitting there for an hour and a half. I'm listening to my sets on my cell phone, previous sets, and I get bored with that about eight, after eight minutes, because I did it on the way, on the way to the gig, I listen, uh, in my car, I listen to my sets from the previous nights, and you know, and sometimes I come up with some good ideas, whatever, but I wasn't in the friggin' mood for that, so I had a Jack and Coke. And sat against the wall on the floor. And cried.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Like a baby. No, I was just fucking furious. And, uh... It was just horrible. Oh, God. But the gig was good. The gig was good. Nice function room.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Whatever. Made a little bonus money. Because people came out. Crowd was great. Well behaved behaved and it was fun it always 99 of the time it is you know but uh it's just funny not how i saw myself 26 years ago nick where do you see yourself career-wise well i'll be pumped in planes at the, the, uh,
Starting point is 01:05:06 Regency house hotel or whatever the frick. I can't get the name straight on purpose. Um, but anyways, the beauty of those gigs, like I said, I was home by 1130. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I had, uh, taped Auburn and Alabama. Do you understand how, I don't know, that's where I'm at, but it made me excited to know I had that. I had another game taped, I think Oregon, Oregon State, whatever, Florida, Florida State. Great time of year for college football.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yeah, so that was that. And I'm local. All December I'll be in the city working on new stuff. I'm about halfway into a new hour, folks. I'm not going to be stopped. You know why? Because of the radio play. Here's where we do make a little bit of money.
Starting point is 01:05:59 When they play satellite radio, you get royalties. Like I'm Paul McCartney or some shit, only doing dick jokes. Yeah, so I'm working on a new hour. But don't forget, and I'll plug it one more time before we get out of here for the evening. By the way, I woke up today and I hear chainsaws. Not their leg, huh? And I look out my window, my bedroom window, and my Ecuadorian friends, my guy Raul that I use to do stuff around my house, landscaping wise, him and his crew are in my neighbor's yard cutting down like a you know 150 year old tree that's been dead for two years i'm not exaggerating i look up i hear
Starting point is 01:06:51 chainsaws and i still don't see him he's so high up in a tree that i i didn't believe to look to the top i'm saying i'm not exaggerating had to be 80 feet, 90 feet, at least eight, nine stories, I'm not exaggerating, he's up there with a chainsaw in one hand, I guess he's got a belt around him, or whatever, because it's tied to a rope, or whatever, and the guy down below, I don't know, but I look up, and this guy is cutting, he's like holding the chainsaw with one arm, and I'm hearing these big pieces before i even open the the uh put up the shades in my room i could hear these big pieces hitting the ground like thug like you could feel them all the way to my house this guy uh-oh i just look at my uh i don't know it's still recording i
Starting point is 01:07:42 guess um i look up and this guy guy is no helmet or nothing on. He's just up there hanging with the chainsaw, cutting these huge branches around him, like huge pieces of tree. And by this afternoon, the whole tree is down. I love these guys. Love them. This guy, Raul, is the hardest working SOB.
Starting point is 01:08:02 But why risk it? I don't understand risking your life to cut down a tree in somebody's yard. I just, I know I'm a puss, but oh my God. They just stopped a little while ago. I thought you were going to hear the chainsaws. Anyways, real quickly, sports. And again, you know, my theory on sports. I don't know when you guys listen to these shows,
Starting point is 01:08:21 so I don't like to get too heavy into it. Yes, my great patriots. And I'll have to take it on the chin because I was bragging about it. I'm going to get beat by the Green Bay Packers, 26-21, in an ice-cold Lambeau field, a place that I've been on a snowy day. But I'm not worried. Not worried. Not worried at all because if we ever see them again which might be in the super bowl um who would have got who would have thought me saying that like six weeks ago um belichick
Starting point is 01:08:52 would never lose to the same coach twice i don't think it's ever happened maybe a couple times since he's been the coach of the patriots but i don't know i i once again it was brutal people are saying on twitter and i agree it's so hard to watch a game with the five minutes of commercials, then they kick off, right? They show the kickoff, then they go back to commercials. Five minutes of commercials, and they come back to the game, and then they're plugging fucking Verizon's whatever the fuck, and there's another graphic up for a sitcom, you know, whatever, Big Bang.
Starting point is 01:09:23 It's just so hard. And then there's a timeout. And there's eight minutes more commercial. Then you get to see maybe a couple plays in a row. And then there's five minutes more. I couldn't, you can't even get into the rhythm of the game. I don't know how the players do it, man.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Because they stand around during those TV breaks. I don't know how any of them can get a rhythm. But Aaron Rodgers is an MF-er. He is something else, man. I'll tell you. He can run and throw it, and they're going to be tough to contend with. But I'm telling you, I hope the Pats run into them again. And I'm not even going to get to Ray Rice being reinstated,
Starting point is 01:09:58 but he won his appeal, naturally. It's the world we live in. It's just fucking crazy um yes so uh as far as the pool goes at 3 30 in the afternoon i was number one out of 80 people in the pool of 78 whatever it is i was at the top i had like 11 wins but it was only again it's at like 3 30 it's like half time at the one o'clock games or whatever or uh you know end of the third quarter and i'm like this is gonna be my day i thought i was gonna look at it maybe 12 13 then come the four o'clock games and i took it right in the puss uh you know i had
Starting point is 01:10:36 the i had the chiefs i had the patriots i had the goddamn arizona cardinals who were supposedly the best team in football two weeks ago. Now they look like the worst. And so I just tanked and ended up with eight going into tonight. So, yeah, took it right in the face. College football, Alabama-Auburn. If you watch that game, 55-44. Almost a little too much offense for me, but unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:11:04 It's like a heavyweight fight. Auburn would throw a 70-yard bomb. The next series, Alabama would throw an 82-yard bomb, and then vice versa. It would go back and forth. I mean, this is over 100,000 people. They don't sit down the whole game. It's so exciting. The cheerleaders are the hottest pieces of asses. What is hotter than a 20- old girl from alabama and a cheerleading outfit are you shitting me are you shitting me i had to excuse myself from the game i'm not going to tell you why but i i just it's so it was so exciting and then all miss all miss against mississippi state who had you know, they were one in the country.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Ole Miss beats them 31-17. And then you had Florida, Florida State. That was another good one. It was, you know, rivalry Saturday as they call it. But it is just so much more exciting and I don't know. I can't help it. What the hell else? So, yeah, this is the first year of the college playoffs. They're going to have the top four teams, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:10 in a little tournament there. Right now they get Alabama at number one, most polls do, and they have one loss. Florida State is 12-0. Okay, they're at, like, number two. Oregon, and you're saying, why is Florida State number two and Alabama has a loss because alabama plays in the sec it's just a brutal it's the best football there is every week
Starting point is 01:12:30 you're playing it's just all the talent is down there oregon is number three they have like one loss and then a lot of a lot of polls have tcu texas christian texas christian university at number four. Ohio State only has one loss, too, I think. So they're looking at him from the outside. By the way, some guy at Ohio State, some football player committed suicide. He was missing all weekend. They found him in a dumpster.
Starting point is 01:13:00 It's kind of sad. They think maybe he was a wrestler. They think maybe concussion syndrome. They don't know. Kerry George, his last name was or something like that very sad anyways uh that's about it um watched a great documentary uh with my wife ever hear of uh i think it's bert's bees it's like lip balm and shit from Maine. I didn't know about any of this stuff. My wife,
Starting point is 01:13:29 it was a documentary based on this guy from Maine. Actually, I think he grew up in Long Island, but moved up into, you know, then he worked in the city as an adult, as a photographer, then just picked up and moved to the woods of Maine. And some guy, some friends gave him a bunch of beehives,
Starting point is 01:13:47 like 30 beehives that he took care of, and he used to collect the wax. They showed him how to do it or whatever. And he started selling products, like lip balm and whatever, to local stores. And then he hooked up with a girl. He picked up hitchhiking, who she turned into be like a marketing genius
Starting point is 01:14:02 and took him like nationally or internationally. But he lives, so he's a multimillionaire, but he lived in like this shack in the woods in Maine with a wood-burning stove. He's got a long gray beard. He's in his 70s. The movie opens, he's in Taiwan, and it's like he's a rock star.
Starting point is 01:14:18 All these hot Taiwanese little girls screaming like the Beatles just got off the plane at a mall in Taiwan. It was the most interesting thing I've ever seen. And this guy is just a hick from Maine. Couldn't have been more laid back and just, you know, hated the attention and just doesn't give a shit about money. Didn't want to be rich.
Starting point is 01:14:37 It's fascinating. It's called Bert's Buzz, I think is the name of the actual documentary. If you get a chance, check it out. I know most of you probably, at least most of the female fans, have heard of Burt's Bees. It's, you know, he's got a whole line of products. Like I said, this woman took him, whatever, she was a marketing whiz. She wasn't when she met him, but she taught herself or whatever, and then she ended up, well, you'll see what happens. It's very interesting.
Starting point is 01:15:06 It's just the guy, you know, you got a lot of these 99 percenters who say money don't matter, but this guy doesn't just fucking talk the talk. This guy walked the walk. He almost detested the money. But it's funny, just a real Mainer. Again, I went to school at the University of Maine. The people are just, there's something sweet about them
Starting point is 01:15:27 and this guy. Yeah, Burt's Buzz, if you get a chance. I was going to talk about sitcom failures, but I mean, who gives a shit? Who gives a shit? Manhattan Love Story and Selfie on ABC, A to Z and Bad Judge on NBC
Starting point is 01:15:44 and Mulaney on Fox are all getting the ax. They're already canceled. Too bad. Mulaney's a funny guy. But you go out to L.A. and have people that run businesses giving you notes on comedy, and this is what happens. I mean, we've seen it a million times. And the McCarthy's, that's the one I wanted to work because my buddy Jimmy Dunn's on there. That doesn't look like it's doing well either.
Starting point is 01:16:07 It's on life support. But, I mean, the system's broken. They've been doing this for how many years? Like 90% of these shows fail. Why don't you put a loud mouth like me on with a little bit of an edge? Huh? I don't want that. Happy right here. here selling dope to my
Starting point is 01:16:27 school children in the neighborhood you know kids but uh that's about it kind of a heavy handed show I know but uh
Starting point is 01:16:35 what are you gonna do you know what I mean it's the country we live in right now so divided thank you Obama by the way for making it worse.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Again, kids, get my special, Another Senseless Killing. Go to and click on the pre-order button. You can order my new special now, and it'll be available for online streaming and MP4 downloads on January 2nd of 2015. As an extra bonus, you also get individual MP3 tracks
Starting point is 01:17:16 of the entire special, but that's only if you pre-order before January 2nd. And again, all this is just for $5, but if you want to throw a few more bucks in there, like I said, I can pick myself up a nice turtleneck with a duck on it.
Starting point is 01:17:32 When you order... I love this song. When you order it, you'll immediately get a confirmation email on January 2nd. You'll receive a link with your download code. You can send this to anyone with an email address
Starting point is 01:17:49 as a Christmas gift too. Just in time for Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan. Just click on the gift button at On Christmas morning, they'll receive an email telling them that you bought it for them
Starting point is 01:18:02 and they can download and stream it on January 2nd. It's called Another Senseless Killing. I know you're gonna love it. Yeah. Anyways, you know how I feel about you kids.
Starting point is 01:18:31 I love paranoia strikes deep. Into. I've loaded this thing up with so many clips. Until next time. Nick DiPaolo signing off and I'll see you in the clubs hopefully I love you because you have done so much
Starting point is 01:19:00 to make me happy you have done it without a word, without a gun, without a touch, without a sign. You have done it by just being yourself.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Perhaps, after all, that is what love means. And that is what love means and that is why guitar solo I'm out. Bye.

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