The Nick DiPaolo Show - 072 - Leftist Lunacy!

Episode Date: March 17, 2015

Leftist Lunacy!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Yeah, kids. How's it going? What's happening? Let me get up on the mic up in this middle. What's going on? A hell of a lot since I last talked to you, I guess. I don't know. It seems like the same stories, but they progress.
Starting point is 00:00:48 You know, I don't even remember what we were talking about last time. Well, I do remember the... I was talking about the Sopranos and that song. I couldn't... I was talking about how, you know, you have a song like Layla. You've heard that song for years, then Goodfellas comes out, and you never think of it in the same way after you see Goodfellas. And I had that Shy Lights tune, Oh Girl. And that's what we were talking about.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I'll get to that in a second because I finally have the clip. For some reason, I couldn't steal last week. Anyways, let me plug the gigs real quick because it's how I make a living. That and I make my own hash. Not a big market for it up here in Westchester. Anyways, and we all know why that is, don't we? No, that wasn't a special effect. This weekend coming, the 20th and the 21st.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Spring begins. My tits, it begins. It begins when God says it begins. Apparently God's a big fan of skiing, this jackass. The 20th and 21st, I'll be at the Arlington Draft House, Alexandria, Virginia. That's this Friday and Saturday night. One show each night. One of my favorite gigs, by the way.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Good gig. Nice theater. I like it. Had a good time there, many times. And then the following weekend after that, the 26th, 27th, and 28th of March, I'll be at the House of Comedy in Phoenix, Arizona. All the way to Tacoma, Philadelphia, Atlanta, LA,
Starting point is 00:02:24 Northern Arizona, where the pigs are whatever and then uh acme comedy club april 9 10 and 11 i returned to the scene of the crime which reminds me another census killing is still selling well it's on the top of the charts there on itunes let's keep it going mama needs a new fucking whatever hat. Yeah, so thank you for that. Sales are brisk. Let's keep it that way, huh? Because let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:02:54 This supposedly started playing it on Sirius Radio. It went into rotation this weekend. But what am I going to do? Sit in my car and make sure? I was trying to listen. Went up to visit the parents in Boston. Hadn't seen them in a while. And, you know, so I headed on the way home going, hey, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:03:10 I don't hear anything. Did hear something from my older album, and I appreciate that. It's another 13 cents. In Treehouse Comedy Club at Marissa's in Trumbull, Connecticut, April 18th. That's good enough for now, right? We'll get to April when April comes around.
Starting point is 00:03:29 That's how I do things. I don't know how to market myself. You know that. So, yeah, I was talking about that clip last week about one of my favorite episodes on The Sopranos. And Tony Soprano is never scarier as when he works with a guy named Zelman, a city councilman. And the city councilman says, look, Tony, you know, the girl, the Russian girl, you should see. Well, I'm seeing her now. Tony had broken up with her many times.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Hot piece of Russian ass. And, you know, Tony gave his blessings. No big deal. And then he has a few bad days, and has a few cocktails in him, and throughout the whole episode, old girl from the Shy Lights is playing, and so that comes on the radio in Tony's truck, he gets a little misty-eyed, and decides to visit his buddy Zelman, anyways, let's play the clip, it's one of my favorites even even just listening to the audio of the sopranos it's just i just fucking i love it more than anything i really do
Starting point is 00:04:33 uh-oh imagine having a jersey boss the head of the fucking crime family in jersey in your bedroom you're in your underwear. Is anyone in? You got anything to drink? That's Irina, his Russian girlfriend. Former girlfriend. Now he busts into the bedroom. His almonds in his underwear.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Tony. What's going on? Awkward. What's up? Listen to Tony breathing. Oh, that's the belt. I know that from my death. Why don't you just calm down
Starting point is 00:05:19 and perfectly calm? Oh, we can talk about whatever's bothering you. Yeah. Tony, this is crazy. Oh! Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!
Starting point is 00:05:28 Come on! Come on! Tony! Tony! Oh! Ow! Fucking Red Welch. Well, the girls are no judge of you.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I had to fuck this one. Quiet. Quiet like a bitch. And what's great about the end of that scene, she's actually turned on by Tony as he's leaving, gets right in her face and just stares at her. And she's staring back unbelievable acting of course on her part you can tell she's like sexually aroused that she just you know she fucking loves Tony she's a Russian she likes that Putin type behavior
Starting point is 00:06:18 but the sexual arousal I mean they didn't miss a trick. And then as an afterthought, she looks at her Zelman on the floor with all these red welts and marks on him, and she just... He was like an afterthought. She goes, Ronnie, oh, Ronnie. Two minutes after, she's staring at Tony lovingly. And then later in subsequent episodes, apparently she breaks up with zelman
Starting point is 00:06:47 because he couldn't perform sexually after being emasculated like that and uh that's understandable anyways why i find that so uh so funny well again it came on the conversation of me talking about songs that just get totally changed in your head. Yeah, I can never hear that song now on the radio without thinking of Zelman and his underpants taking a beating. Anyways, kids, what the hell is going on? Well, we know what's going on. Hillarygate. She has to be asking herself with this whole email thing. i don't even remember if we got into it we
Starting point is 00:07:26 probably did or maybe it happened after the last show i don't even i have no sense of time anymore it's what happens when you're addicted to advil pm um this whole thing is just tremendous isn't it the entitlement she has to be saying to herself she's what is she how old is she 67 she has to be going what the fuck do i really want this at this point because you saw during that press conference huh did you see her she just was nothing new about her nothing young nothing exciting just a sense of entitlement and that fake smile fucking she has to be gone i still predict i said this on the last episode that she won't run i predict that she won't there's too much baggage there and she's being treated talked about this with quinn on the phone and i said something's up because the left is going after her she's being
Starting point is 00:08:21 treated like she is republican and then sure sure enough, in the papers, the Sunday papers today, big story about, well, again, this is all alleged, but it seems, you know, these guys that write in these newspapers have sources. They're not just going to put the shit in because you can check it. um they uh the story is at the obama administration uh specifically valerie jarrett is fucking the one who leaked the story about the private emails about hillary's emails and that started all this shit because you know if you follow this stuff there's no love laws between the Clintons and Obama. And you could see that. I mean, Bill came out and said, there's no man I hate more. Remember when Hillary in 2008 was getting her ass handed to her
Starting point is 00:09:15 or whenever it was, 2012? 2008, what am I saying? Remember Bill said, he's been quoted as saying. Anyways, the story now is, yeah, this guy, Ed Klein in the Post has a story. And he's talking to his sources. And members of Bill Clinton's camp say the former president suspects the White House is the source of the leak and is furious. president suspects the white house is the source of the leak and is furious my contact my contacts and friends and newspapers tell me that they've been contacted by the white house and offered
Starting point is 00:09:50 all kinds of negative stories about us one of bill's friends quotes him as saying the obamas are behind the email story and they're spreading rumors this is bill talking man this is quotes from bill clinton the obamas are behind the email story and there's i'm not going to do the whole voice for the whole thing i'm not daryl hammond i could do it but uh come on the obama's are behind the email story and they're spreading rumors that i've been with women that hillary yeah that's a room yeah uh that hillary promoted people at the state department who'd done favors for our foundation that John Kerry had to clean up diplomatic messes Hillary left behind. That's called getting in front of the stories, folks, because those are all true. Bill's just trying to help the chubby wife out.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Then according to the source, Bill added, the Obamas are out to get us in a way they can. The sabotage is part of an ongoing feud between the Democrat powerhouses. Last fall, during the run-up to the 2014 midterm elections, Jarrett was heard to complain bitterly that the Clintons were turning congressmen, senators, governors, and grassroots party members against
Starting point is 00:10:58 Obama by portraying him as an unpopular president who was an albatross around the neck of the party. Ah, this is interesting interesting isn't it i believe and like i said the media is going after them pretty good i think was it wasn't the new york times that sort of broke the thing um and that seems suspect to me but my my opinion on that is they those the mainstream media the most of the lefties, they don't want Hillary in there anyways. She's not left enough for them. She's old news.
Starting point is 00:11:32 They want Elizabeth Warren or Martin O'Malley, governor of Maryland, who makes Obama look conservative, for Christ's sake, in my opinion. But that's what they want. The real lefties, they don't want Hillary in there. She's too hawkish. You know what I mean? Let's listen to some of her beautiful press conference. I was laughing till I shit blood. I just hate this woman's guts.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I want it all out there. Now I'm happy to take a few questions. If you were a man today, would all this fuss being made be made? Well said, guy from Turkey who fucking Englishes his 48th language. Already starting. Did somebody tell him to ask that? Why would a guy from the Middle East be asking a question that defends fucking, you know feminism in this country yeah no no yeah if she had a dick yeah this would all just nobody would even be asking her about it can you imagine
Starting point is 00:12:33 we're already starting with this shit this is why we can't let her be the fucking nominee or the president i mean after sitting through this fucking eight years of horse shit with this marxist in office i i can't you know where every every white guy who disagrees where every white person is racist now we're gonna have i'm gonna have to listen to this fucking shit every time she's asked a question well you wouldn't ask me that if i had a cock well you do get a cock you get a big fat cock hillary to go with your big fat ankles oh my god it's fucking how long before the next election? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And it's already starting at a freaking press conference where she's clearly guilty of some shit. And I know what you're saying out there, all you nightly show fans go, she didn't do anything illegal. It's not about that. She's not in court yet. It's about fucking ethics.
Starting point is 00:13:24 There is a space there yeah everybody did it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah everybody wasn't secretary of state she obviously deleted all the shit that she wanted you don't get to do that you don't get to fucking pick and choose unbelievable unbelievable Unbelievable. Unbelievable. But, yeah, they say this is Valerie. Obama and Valerie Jarrett will go to any lengths to prevent Hillary from becoming president. A source close to the White House told me they believe that Hillary, like her husband, is left of Senate, not a true blue liberal. She's going to destroy Obama's legacy if she gets in there. Jesusesus christ they talk about her like she's actually concerned it's unbelievable the whole thing is off its axis in my opinion
Starting point is 00:14:12 holy christ let's listen to more of the beautiful uh press conference how you decided which of the personal emails to get rid of if you think that you decided there were ones that you know incriminated me I decided that those are the ones that I toss you know the ones that mentioned recipes for diet cookies nobody's gonna believe that horse shit by the way she mentioned didn't she mention some of her person emails she said like planning Chelsea's wedding and yoga. She mentioned downward facing pig. Made a mistake either and exclusively
Starting point is 00:14:51 using your private email. How can the public be assured that when you deleted emails that were personal in nature that you didn't also delete emails that were professional but possibly unflattering? We have no way of you have no way of knowing that.
Starting point is 00:15:07 That's why I did it. But you see, I'm entitled. I'm the queen. I'm next. I have a vagina. We had a black fella. I stepped aside for him. But I have a pussy.
Starting point is 00:15:16 So I'm next. And there'll be a gay fella after me or a lesbian next. And then after that, somebody in a wheelchair with one eye and three tits he or she will be next because we can't have a straight white heterosexual male even though that's we all know the country runs best when that's who heads the ship oh my god did he really say that yeah Yeah, he fucking did. Yeah. Oh, help me. You know what?
Starting point is 00:15:49 I would vote for a woman president. It would be Judge Judy. I'd marry that broad, even at her age. I love that broad. Okay? That's somebody who tells it like it is. That's what we need,
Starting point is 00:16:01 some Judge Judy justice. So, you're at home, and you don't have a job yet you have two cars and fucking stand up straight fix your tie look over here i love it though she lays it right on the line right oh you're sucking off the country's tit is basically what she says to every deadbeat that comes into her court which the country's filled with by the way that's the whole goal for half the country we are to be paying for the other fucking halves. You know, entitlements. That's where we're headed.
Starting point is 00:16:30 We're almost there. We're rotting from the inside out. It's beautiful. It's a beautiful plan being executed beautifully. Anyways, more of Kankles. Do you or any of your aides delete any government related emails? This was a server that you owned. Is that appropriate?
Starting point is 00:16:50 White House. Yes, it's appropriate. I live in Chappaqua. I do whatever I want. I will take a shit on my front lawn. It's private property and she says nobody's going to get that server. I wonder how this is going to go down. Nobody's going to get that server. She wouldn't use two devices. This is a woman that, as we hear about how genius and how smart she
Starting point is 00:17:12 is, but two devices. I'm a mental midget when it comes to technology. I get six devices. Fucking iPad, laptop, cell phone, whatever else that Apple has put out in the last 19 years. Ukulele, DVD player. But she couldn't handle two devices. What a shitty excuse. That's the best that they could come up with. Oh, God, help us. By surprise, and then just one last political question if i yeah why'd you wait two months to turn those emails over well i was busy with yoga, and yoga, and what have you been doing?
Starting point is 00:18:09 Remember, nobody saw her. She was out of the limelight for a few, that's what she was doing. She was sitting down in her basement with 19 liberal strategists, Dem strategists, and fucking trying to delete the shit. I would love to see what's on there. Maybe she had an affair. Something tells me. Her and some thick-necked
Starting point is 00:18:32 diesel dyke from, like, Tennessee. There's something there. You know. You know. Gotta be something there. Maybe Oprah was licking her ass. Again, I'm just throwing that theory out there. I'm not saying it actually happened. Again, I'm just throwing that theory out there. I'm not saying it actually happened, but there's got to be some juicy shit on there, huh? But I really think this is too much, don't you? This has to suck the life out of her. She could handle this in her 50s maybe, but she's got to be going, oh my God, I can give speeches the rest of my life and have all kinds of nice shit that's she just wants to be waited on hand and foot right i mean who needs this imagine wanting it that bad i i still say
Starting point is 00:19:15 bill's gonna step and go time out honey fuck that you're gonna expose me too they uh they fucking i would love to be a fly on the wall to listen how like the obamas talk about the clintons when they're alone and the clintons talk about the obama that come on snowden give that shit up man would i love to hear that supposedly political allies right here supposedly political allies. Right here. Under the rule, say you have to... Secretary, please delete the personal emails. Why did you wait? Period. What about the Bastard's?
Starting point is 00:19:49 What about the Bastard's? The Bastard's operation who was forced to resign two years ago. Why did you make it all for you? Now, could they miss you, maybe? What the hell was that? Hillary was smart, man, you know? They asked her all these questions why you think you have the right to do that she should have given the answer that gets everybody out of trouble i'm black y'all and i'm black y'all and i'm blacker than black that's all she had to say
Starting point is 00:20:17 and i'm black y'all and i'm black y'all and i'm blacker than black and i'm black y'all i'm black blacker than black black i'm blacker than black yo I'm black, yo. I'm blacker than black, blacker than black, black. I'm blacker than black, yo. That's all she had to say. It would have went away. I'm black and I'm black. Yo, I'm black and I'm black, yo. And I'm blacker than black and I'm black, yo. And I'm black, yo.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Oh, she has to be going, what? Well, she hasn't declared yet. I mean, like I said, I don't think she's going to. Martin O'Malley's smelling blood, isn't he's like yeah man heading to iowa new hampshire all those other places who else jim webb saw him but i didn't see any of this on the sunday uh they didn't mention any of this this backbiting by the obama by valerie jallor jarrett and the obama administration i mean they didn't mention it on the Sunday shows. I wonder where that is. Huh?
Starting point is 00:21:06 Couldn't be that Stephanopoulos worked for the Clintons. Probably has their back. He? Why wouldn't he bring it up? Right? Maybe he did. Maybe I was making an omelet or something, you know? Didn't pay attention to the whole show.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I got to be honest today when I got up this morning. But, yeah, I'm surprised it didn't come up. And all I, I think I watched all of Meet the Press. I don't believe it came up on there either. But don't tell me that's not out there in D.C. It's got to be on the streets. In D.C. That theory.
Starting point is 00:21:42 It's going to be on the streets. Anyways. Sticking with. With politics. Went on the nightly show. Last week. I don't remember what night it was. Doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:22:06 With Larry Wilmore. And very nice guy. Loved the staff. They were very nice to me. But I know what I was walking into. Because people on Twitter go, no, you got set up. I didn't get set up. I've been around long enough. You think I was going to go on there and get a fair
Starting point is 00:22:22 shake? They tell you who the guests are. But they even slant that, too, when they tell you who's going to be on with you. This guy, John Avalon. Oh, yeah, he used to write Giuliani speeches. The guy was more left than Eric Holder. And Liz Winstead, who I've known. She helped create the daily show she's a stand-up comic that i've
Starting point is 00:22:49 known forever i don't she does stand up anymore but she's as left loony as you can get don't hold it against she's so she's so loony left that i it doesn't even she's harmless she's almost fucking nuts but uh you know i've known her for while. She's always been nice to me and vice versa. I don't hold shit against them, but oh, my God. I'm sitting in the green room, like, you know, eating candy and shit before the show. She's getting her hair and makeup done next, you know, in the next room. And she's on her phone yelling about some somebody trying to prevent abortions and she's talking to one of her underlings so i don't know i don't know what
Starting point is 00:23:30 group she works for but screaming about a boy you would have thought it was 1966 for christ's sake i even said it to her i go really liz in fucking 2015 how many how many babies have been killed since the 50 million since roe v wade passed yeah it's a real problem finding fucking fetuses and toilets at proms and mailboxes uh uh yeah like anybody's getting turned down for an abortion like that wouldn't be fucking the lead story every night i was laughing she was even laughing i go you're fucking crazy but uh she's a nice person and she thinks i'm cuckoo i'm sure but the whole gist of the show and uh by the way if you don't know who it is the nightly show it's the show that replaced in the colbert slot i guess whatever i don't know i don't watch comedy center
Starting point is 00:24:22 but uh yeah larry's a good nice guy or whatever but i mean you know just another brainwashed lefty who the the topic was um this governor of florida rick scott told some of his uh people under him not to use the word climate change so larry used that as a segment as a we, you know, when you censor words or banning words, it makes the words more dangerous. He takes, you know, he takes an example with somebody on the right, like Rick Scott actually tries to ban a phrase, which he denies he even tried to do about climate change. And that was to kick off the segment about of you know censorship and political correctness was the larger topic and of course my angle was and it it's obvious and
Starting point is 00:25:12 if you disagree with this you're just being intellectually dishonest 99.8 percent of political correctness comes from the left today it didn't back in the 50s and 60s when the religious right had some sway and uh whatever but but uh are you shitting me today every time somebody yells racism uh sexism homophobia xenophobia ageism you're gonna tell me those are republicans people on the right yelling that shit and passing speech codes on campuses. That's what my point was, that all that shit emanates from college campuses, which you're not going to find conservatives that run any college. There's no there's like point oh one percent of the professors considered, you know, right leaning on college campuses. It's no exaggeration either. They're there. You know, college campuses are just places where you can get indoctrinated into liberal horseshit.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And how anybody can disagree with that. But that was my point. And Larry kept saying, you're not listening. We're talking about, you know, off-college campuses in the real world. And my point was, yeah, but it emanates from colleges. It has been for 40 years. That liberal orthodoxy comes from college campuses and those people graduate and they bring it into the real fucking world but i didn't make that clear enough i don't think but it was still fun i don't take this shit personally until you get
Starting point is 00:26:37 on twitter and these fucking assholes i don't know how people do it like hannity o'reilly or anybody or even colin when he was hosting Tough Cry. Fucking idiots. They're just fucking blinded by their party. How the fuck can you argue that? Political correctness, the majority of it today comes from the left side. And then I had a few people on Twitter agreeing with me that said they were liberal and said Nick is right on this. So, you know, like two.
Starting point is 00:27:03 But other people going, oh, he's a fucking whiner. And then there were other comments going, you guys could have had a good discussion if he wasn't there. That shows the fucking open mindedness of people on the left. In other words, if you had five people that all agreed and thought like we do, we've been a better discussion. Oh, people actually said that. It's fucking hilarious. But that's all my point was and how you can argue about this beyond me in the next few stories
Starting point is 00:27:28 I read on this episode will prove that. How the... That's what I said to Larry. I go, you're making it sound like that both the left and the right on college campuses are equally, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:41 guilty in creating this stifling environment. You know? But to use, you know, guilty in creating this stifling environment, you know. But to use, you know, Rick Scott, some obscure governor from Florida, you know, for every Rick Scott, I could bring up, you know, 10,000 college professors or how about every time a conservative goes on a college campus and tries to ask Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin, they get hit in the face with a pie or something's thrown at them or they bum rush the stage. I forget.
Starting point is 00:28:11 They had a military guy at Columbia. Remember about a year ago? Something like that. Like a vet. Some like fucking literally a military army guy that did tours in Afghanistan. They like bum rush the stage. You know, and but these fucking nitwits are like, Hey, what are you talking about, DePaulo? You're being willfully ignorant.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Really? Really? Who's ignorant? Let me try and hang out with people that don't think like you. Because that's what I do. And I can prove that. Because, you know, I'm a righty and I'm in fucking show business. Not exactly surrounded by people who think like me for the last 25 years none actually but that doesn't mean i'm gonna hate them and i get nasty with them because i don't but you can do that on twitter you know people
Starting point is 00:28:59 get it's like beer balls um but i knew i was going to be outnumbered. And then we played some silly game. If you guys probably saw it anyways. They had like a winter hat with something written on the front of it. And you put the hat on without, you know, you don't look at what's written on the front of it. And then you try to guess what's on your forehead, what's written on your hat. And, of course, mine was white devil. Isn't that hilarious? White Devil. Isn't that hilarious? White Devil.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Isn't that a good one? Can you imagine doing that? Like, I don't know, Gutfeld and Red Eye have a black person on there. And, you know, shoplifter. That's what it says on your hat. I actually went WAP. Does it say WAP? Larry goes, oh, it's not mean.
Starting point is 00:29:44 No, White devil's fine. Oh, my God. What the fuck? Yeah, it said white devil. I was proud to wear it because what's funny is I love how I'm called white because every time I defend the white point of view, like Patrice, my late great buddy or or Keith Robinson, anybody black, I know. DePaulo, you're not even fucking, you're not even white. What are you defending that fucking shit for?
Starting point is 00:30:11 You ain't even white yourself, man. Well, on my mother's side, they were from Scotland and England. Oh, yeah, I have one-eighth an ounce of Moors blood in me. But I love that, you know, when I defend the white, but you're not even black, you shouldn't be defending that, Nick, because you're not even white. And then on Columbus Day, I'm the evil white European male, according to all my black friends, all six of them.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So, but it was fun. What the fuck? You got to get it. I know I was going to be outnumbered.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Someone's like, yeah, they set you up. No, they didn't. I know what I'm walking into. You still have to just let them know that you exist out there. You know? So that's why I did it. And yeah, Larry seems like a good guy. And Maz, the comedian Maz, I forget his last name, the Iranian guy.
Starting point is 00:31:14 He's an actor too. Good looking guy. I liked him the best of everybody I met at the show. He was like this cool headed guy. And we chatted in the hallway. Maz Jabrani? I forget his last name that's i should know that but he was very cool and the minute i saw his face i'm like i've seen this guy
Starting point is 00:31:30 and stuff a lot of stuff so um yeah liz and then that guy and then uh yeah and uh it was fun heaven i have to remind Comedy Central that I'm still around, you know? It's so funny when these roasts come out like Bieber. I get asked everywhere, you know? Everywhere. I make it sound like I'm Elvis in 1958. I don't hear people mauling me. Are you going to do the Bieber roast?
Starting point is 00:32:01 But people ask me, you know, know the comedy clubs and uh on airplanes and the ones that know that i'm a comic if i'm gonna why don't you do the roast anymore they think it's like it's up to me well i just get tired of uh getting a nice fat paycheck and uh getting paid more for one night than i do for three weeks of comedy i get sick of that shit and i just stepped out but i gotta be honest with you let me let you in a little secret i don't like even when i did really well i don't feel good saying mean shit about my comedian friends even when i'm kidding i don't know i mean i wouldn't mind busting bieber's balls whatever you know pam anderson or larry but you want larry the cave but dan whitney i know i don't even like zinging i feel weird after i don't know because the joke's cut a little deep.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I don't know how to fucking write anything less mean and funny. The more mean, the funnier that is. But this Bieber thing, it's like Kevin Hart is hosting. He's the most famous person on the planet right now. And Roseanne Barr and who the hell else? Who's the German guy? They used to have the talking car. The alcoholic.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Haas Stettler. That's the quarterback. You know who I'm talking about. It's all big names, the point is. It's not even about having funny comics on anymore. It's about TV. It's about the bottom line. And the bottom line is the bottom line. They want to get a million comics on anymore. It's about TV. It's about the bottom line, and the bottom line is the bottom line.
Starting point is 00:33:26 They want to get a million eyes on it. The bigger the names, and now what they figure is, oh, we can write shit, you know, like they did when I did Larry the Cable Guy. Maureen McCormick, remember her? She used to play Marsha Brady, but they wrote stuff for her
Starting point is 00:33:42 and it went over pretty well, and they write stuff for Gary Busey and they can write stuff for long comedians and it works well enough. Again, that's what you have to understand about TV. The bottom line is the bottom line and they want to get big numbers. And apparently I am not famous enough, but that's okay. I figure if I went on there though, and like a jock strap and a nice brown leather vest and a cowboy hat.
Starting point is 00:34:06 You know what I mean? Kind of an Andy Dick getup. That's right. I don't know what the fuck that meant. Holy shit, it's hot down here. But let's stay on the liberal fucking lunacy, huh? But I love that fighting,
Starting point is 00:34:24 that infighting going on. Where's this story about what's going on in schools today? If this isn't a ploy to bring down this country, I don't know what is. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Got it right here. There it is. Yeah, by Paul Sperry in a Sunday Post. I'm going to read a lot of this. If you don't want to hear that, I don't know what to tell you. But there's very few things left that can enrage me as far as politics and liberal fucking lunacy.
Starting point is 00:34:58 But this article just made me so angry. I was getting dizzy. I had to fucking lay down after I read it. Oh, mama, son. I'm'm gonna read a lot of it um new york public school students caught stealing doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under a new progressive discipline rules adopted this month most likely they meaning the students, will be sent to a talking circle instead where they can discuss their feelings. That's no bullshit.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I'm not saying that. I know you think I'm joking there. No! Yeah. Convinced traditional discipline is racist because blacks are suspended at higher rates than whites. New York City Department of Education has in all but the most serious and dangerous offenses replaced out-of-school suspensions with a touchy-feely alternative punishment called
Starting point is 00:35:58 restorative justice, which isn't really punishment at all. It's therapy. Every reasonable effort must be made to correct student behavior through restorative practices, advises the city's new 32-page discipline code. But here's the problem. Everywhere it's been tried, this softer approach has backfired. Yes, other large urban school districts are reporting fewer suspensions since adopting the non-punitive approach, but that doesn't necessarily mean fewer infractions. In fact, many districts are seeing more classroom disruptions and violence, a national trend that ought to set off warning bells for New York school.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Oh, yeah, I'm sure they'll take that into consideration. What's more, the movement, which is driven by new race-based anti-discipline guidelines issued by the Obama administration, is creating friction between teachers' unions and the liberal mayors they otherwise support. Well, there's an upside to everything, I guess. Unbelievable. This is unbelievable. Politicians can praise the new system, but it's teachers who must deal with disruptive and sometimes violent results.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And here's some of the evidence from schools who have already tried this. Last month, for instance, the Chicago Teachers Union complained the city's revised student discipline code has left teachers struggling to control unruly kids. It's just been basically a totally lawless few months, one teacher told the Chicago Tribune. told the Chicago Tribune. In June, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced the district as part of a suspension
Starting point is 00:37:31 and expulsion reduction plan, was moving away from zero tolerance policy and promoting restorative practices. Students who bully classmates can no longer be removed from classrooms except for the worst offenses and only then with the consent of a district supervisor. schools aren't fucked up enough at this point okay do you find do you fucking believe this this is what i i i just as mayor de blasio promised last month
Starting point is 00:37:57 in an announcement new york's revised discipline policy a manual assured skeptics the more holistic approach which he says addresses the root cause of bad behavior, will still provide a safe learning environment. But so far this school year, the Tribune reports students have suffered little consequence for infractions as serious as groping a teacher and bringing hollow point bullets to class. You have to have consequences, Chicago fifth grader teacher John Engles told the paper. If you knew the cops weren't going to enforce the speed limit, you'd go 100 miles an hour. No shit. It's that easy.
Starting point is 00:38:28 It's that fucking, the logic is that easy, but not for fucking leftist douchebags. In Syracuse, meanwhile, teachers complain student behavior has worsened since the school district collapsed discipline structures in favor of restorative justice practices. They say teens are more apt to fight, mouth off to the teachers and roam the halls under the more lenient policy they're even seeing increasingly violent behavior among elementary school children
Starting point is 00:38:54 really really so that's news if you don't discipline them you don't punish them when they act fucking badly that they do it even more really no shit wow uh here you go uh kids control the classroom los angeles unified school what do they all have in common by the way so far chicago la uh very very very very very very liberal city los angeles unified school district is seeing a similar spike in campus offenses after its school superintendent followed federal orders to reduce suspensions of African Americans. Even threats against teachers are ignored as administrators' hands are tied by the new policy. I was terrified and bullied by a fourth grade student, a teacher at a Los Angeles Unified.
Starting point is 00:39:42 How can you be terrified by a fourth? Probably because he's 33 years old. A teacher at LA Unified School District School recently noted on the Los Angeles Times website, the black student told me to back off, bitch. I told him to go to the office and he said, no, bitch, and no one can make me.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Oh my God. Is this really happening? That's all the kids have to say? And you can't blame the kids? Why would you blame them? Of course they're gonna take advantage of this shit They ain't dumb Oh stop it Can you imagine that? this shit. Ain't dumb.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Oh, stop that. Can you imagine that? Complaint another L.A. U.S.D. teacher. We now have a restorative justice council, but we still have the same problems. Kids aren't even suspended for fights or drugs. This is just a deliberate effort to fucking destroy everything that this country
Starting point is 00:40:43 stood for. I don't give a fuck if that sounds corny or not. Kiss my ass. In neighboring Orange County, that used to be predominantly white, I haven't lived there in 15 years, teachers are dealing with increasingly violent and disrespectful student behavior since schools there have also switched
Starting point is 00:41:01 to restorative strategy. Recently mandated positive, listen to this, positive interventions have only exacerbated discipline problems in the largely minority Santa Ana public school district, where middle school kids now regularly smoke pot in the bathrooms, some even in class, and attack staff, spitting on teachers, pelting them with eggs, even threatening to stab them, according to the Orange County Register. eggs, even threatening to stab them, according to the Orange County Register. According to a recent teachers union survey, 65% of Santa Ana educators said the softer discipline system is not working.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Dozens of teachers have filed hostile work environment complaints. Defiance towards teachers is on the rise in Philadelphia public schools as well. We're talking circles. Talking circles. What is this? Fucking 1960? Fucking Haight-Ashbury? talking circles. Talking circles. What is this, fucking 1960? Fucking Haight-Ashbury? Talking circles.
Starting point is 00:41:48 They have the kids sitting in circles, the fucking troublemakers, and... Oh my God. A former Philly middle school teacher complains minors who act out and then dare dare teachers to kick them out of class knowing full well their hands are now tied. I'm going to torture you, Alan Zolman says one student told him. I'm doing this because I can't be removed. I guess they're making all this up, huh, you liberal cocksuckers? I guess they're making all this up, people on the right. This can't be verified.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Try to defend this shit, please. Please. The whole article, it gets worse. Let's see. The administration, welcome to this Lord of the Flies scenario. Thanks to talking circles and peer juries, young people are now taking control of the environment. He's saying this in a positive way.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Education Secretary Arne Duncan gushed in 2014 speech to black students at Howard University. He thinks it's a good thing that the inmates are running the asylum. It's sort of a counterintuitive thing for many of us adults, but the more we give up power, the more we empower others. Yes, because a 12-year-old should be empowered, right? More empowered than the adults that are trying to teach him. Just think about that for a second. And empowering teenagers to be
Starting point is 00:43:26 part of the solution having them control the classroom environment control the culture be the leaders listening to them respecting them when we do that wonderful things happen for kids in communities that didn't happen historically this is fucking it's like, it's another universe, man. Here you go. Just weeks after empowering teenagers, San Diego public schools witnessed a surge in violent assaults. At Lincoln High School, for example, students reported frequent campus fighting. In just one recent month, there were several arrests, including one involving a butcher knife, according to local TV reports. School officials confirm at least 16 batteries in just the first few months of the school year.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Violence is still a problem in Oakland schools after officials there substituted such restorative counseling for suspensions on similar orders from Obama educrats. There have been serious threats against teachers, Oakland High School science teacher Nancy Caruso told the Christian Science Monitor, and yet the students weren't expelled. She notes, a student who set another student's hair on fire received a restorative talk in lieu of suspension. So don't tell me this isn't all orchestrated to just fucking, I don't know, race war?
Starting point is 00:44:39 I mean, is that the goal of the Obama administration? I mean, these guys are radicals. They're raised by fucking radicals. They're leftist radicals. They hate how this country was founded. Giuliani was so right about Obama, he actually fucking understated how much Obama hates his country. And hold it, you can times that times ten.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Ugh. After spending millions on restorative justice and courageous conversations about race training, Portland public schools have seen their students only grow more violent. After a black high school boy repeatedly punched his teacher in the face, sending her to the emergency room, the teacher, who was white,
Starting point is 00:45:23 was advised by the assistant principal not to press charges. The administrator lectured her about how hard it is for young black men to overcome a criminal record. Worse, she was told she should examine what role she, as a white woman, holding unconscious racial biases, played in the attack, according to the Willamette Oregon Week. A white sixth grade teacher at a mostly black Washington, D.C. school told the U.S. Commissions on Civil Rights. She had similar conversations in which she was told that the bad behavior of black boys is mainly the teacher's fault. I have been encouraged to examine and question how my own racial dispositions affect my teaching and my students, Andrea Smith testified. Holy fucking moly.
Starting point is 00:46:06 If I hear ever again a person of color say this country is racist, I will fucking shit in blood. Yeah, it's racist. Reverse racism. I'm skipping chunks of the article. It's example after example it's even worse listen to this folks during cultural sensitivity training required of school districts under restorative justice programs teachers are told they are largely listen to this i'll say that again during cultural sensitivity training required of school districts under restorative
Starting point is 00:46:44 justice programs teachers are told they are largely to blame for bad behavior of black students because they misinterpret african-american culture the training sessions which often run several days are led by civil rights activist groups seeking racial justice one prominent consultant group is pacific educational group san francisco surprise surprise PEG has collected millions of dollars from dozens of major school districts across the country holding teaching workshops designed to achieve racial justice in our schools. Among PEG's workshops, De-Centering Whiteness in School Discipline and White Supremacy, White Privilege and R privilege and racial oppression getting in on our courageous conversation here's the course description of a 2013 restorative justice related workshop according to peg brochure institutions are infested with token people
Starting point is 00:47:39 of color and racist white people who uphold white supremacy causing a survivor mentality among those who encounter daily micro invalidations aggressions and assaults and hostile environments though a historical overview learn about the oppressive system known as the american education system a school system that was never designed for children of color at least two top obama education officials have ever received peg awards awards at national PEG conferences. So it's official. Obama, your president, is sanctioning this reverse racism and this hatred towards white people and actually, you know, making it law.
Starting point is 00:48:18 So, yeah, it's going to go down. I'll be getting off this planet, i think it's just about the right time um listen to this white teachers are taught to check their unconscious racial bias when really do they tell black students to check their guns when they come in the fucking classroom or the fucking weed or uh white teachers i'll read it again are taught to check their unconscious racial bias when dealing with black students who act out they're told to open their eyes to white privilege and white cultural dominance and have more empathy for black kids who may be lashing out in frustration they are trained to identify root causes of black anger such as america's legacy of racism
Starting point is 00:49:03 teachers are told to respect black culture which is described as more emotional and physical and to give disruptive students a pass when they curse and threaten them because african-american boys are demonstrative and that's just how they engage in learning according to the monitor. So, yeah, you people who, you know, attacking me on Twitter after I was on that show, kiss my fucking ass. All I need to see to defend this horse shit. Yeah, and that all comes from the fire fucking left, by the way. I don't know if this country's going to survive another year and a half of this fucking idiot. Ugh. Oh. I need a break. We need a break. We got a call on the, you know, where is he?
Starting point is 00:50:01 Uncle Joe. I can't find it. We need Uncle Junior to lighten things up. Yeah, so read that. Because there's more. I get dizzy. I was getting so mad. I can't believe this shit's actually going on. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Can you imagine, though? Why would you send your kids, especially if they're white, to these public schools? Why? Because you can't afford the other shit. That's why. But can you imagine? Would you feel safe sending your kids into this environment? I mean, if the teachers are considered, you know, racist, accused of being racist just because they're white,
Starting point is 00:50:51 well, what's going to happen to the kids? I mean, the teachers are supposed to be the authorities. Good luck with your kids when they start getting bullied. It's freaking homeschooling, man. it's freaking homeschooling, man, and it's not just, it's not just, you know, white kids who can't learn, it's other, you know, black kids and black and brown kids who take their school studies seriously, I mean, they can't get a decent education because the fucking thugs are allowed to run wild because of some imaginary psychobabble horseshit that some fucking psychologist
Starting point is 00:51:26 came up with? Restorative justice. Holy shit. Just call it fucking reparations. Call it what it is. Fucking chicken shits. What's else on the agenda here people are going crazy because i got because i got that
Starting point is 00:51:52 that song stuck in here that indian guy i was getting a lot of that on uh on facebook uh that's how i'll cleanse our palate with a little of a friend from india That's how I'll cleanse our palate with a little of a friend from India. Plant this seed in your head for another week. Yes, I am. Why do I find that funny? I am so lucky, oh, you are my love, Chazza. You are my love, Chazza. You are my love, Chazza. You are my love, Chazza.
Starting point is 00:52:51 You are my love, Chazza. You are my love, Chazza. You are my love, Chazza. Yeah, electric flute. There's nothing like it. You are love, Lord, electric flute. There's nothing like it. You are love. Love you love. You are the powerhouse love.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Man. Woo! Somebody told me to go back to CBS theme song. I had that stuck in your head for a while. When you hear that, what do you want to do to me? I'll tell you what you want. I want to fucking smash his fucking face in. I'm sure you do.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I don't blame you. Oh, what the fuck's happening to the world? I had another song that I poisoned you guys with, remember? About a month back. What the hell was it? Yeah, I know. Eh. Oh, here it is. This is the guy who came up with restorative justice
Starting point is 00:54:20 Saul Alinsky wrote this song This goes out to Saul Alinsky wrote this song This goes out to Saul Alinsky and his followers And the joke was on me Oh no I started to cry Which started the whole world laughing. Oh, if I don't need to be, that the joke was on me. me I
Starting point is 00:55:03 looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes and I fell out of bed letting my hair
Starting point is 00:55:24 from things that I said Till I finally died Which started the whole world Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:55:42 Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Woo! Looks like I got a new toy. Over my eyes And I fell out of bed Hurt my head From things that I said
Starting point is 00:56:18 It goes to Obama Till I finally died I started a whole world in me Oh, if I'd only seen Oh, yeah That the joke was on me Oh, no That the joke was on me I can't take it no more. That's how I feel when I read the paper.
Starting point is 00:56:58 That's me reading the paper. My wife crying in the kitchen. Wow. Wow. Anyways. Any goddamn ways, kids. Well, that's about it from here. Yeah, I plugged the gigs. Like I said,
Starting point is 00:57:24 yeah i plugged the gigs like i said uh alexandria virginia this weekend friday and saturday the arlington draft house and then the following week in 26 27 28 house of comedy phoenix harris hey so if you're in the either one of those areas come come by and say hello, would you? Sports-wise, real quickly, I don't do much of that, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:59 because chronologically, I don't know when you listen to these, but the Patriots are doing the same thing. It's so funny to be a Pats fan. And like they didn't pick up Will Forks option, who's been a stud for us for years. And Rivas is back to the Jets. So I guess he was all about winning, huh? Soulless, muddless, titless.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Can't blame him, though. You got to make the money when you can. He got his ring. And we get rid of Shane Vereen, who was an integral part of us winning that game against the Seahawks, one of the best pass catches out of the backfield. He's a giant now. And my first reaction was, what are they doing? What are they?
Starting point is 00:58:37 And then I'm like, oh, wait a minute. I say this every time. And then Belichick goes out, makes a couple moves, gets a couple of so-called washed-up players, plugs them into his formula, and next thing you know, in the AFC Championship again. Might not win the Super Bowl this year, but you know damn well, like, he's looking a year or two ahead. And who knows?
Starting point is 00:59:01 It doesn't matter if they buy into his system. I heard they picked up Stephen Hawking on waivers. He's going to be a wide out. And, yeah. And Belichick will throw to him five times a game and make it work somehow. But, yeah. So that's about it football news-wise. Jets making all kinds of moves with Marshall uh the receiver and uh Todd Bowles is
Starting point is 00:59:29 that the head coach now and uh yeah Revis is back and um they're making big moves and they'll still suck maybe not now that Rex is out of there because I thought he was a not that good a coach maybe they will give us a challenge. Somebody please give us Pats fans a challenge. Okay? We're bored. And the good news
Starting point is 00:59:55 is seeing exhibition baseball, isn't it? It's back, which means spring's around the corner, right? Please tell me.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Sox, even with their split squads, are putting up a lot of runs. They've got more offense they can handle. I don't know about their pitching. We don't really have a true number one. Maybe we can sew together a bunch of number threes to equal a number one.
Starting point is 01:00:16 But I think they're going to put up plenty of runs. And in the New York area, Yankees, I don't see much there. Mets have a fine fine pitching staff but they're already injured a lot of them i guess so they're sweating bullets but the fact that baseball is right around the corner means i'd say everything's right with the world but after reading that article what's being allowed in schools i can't say that really gonna go to bed depressed and cry myself to freaking sleep. There was one funny
Starting point is 01:00:45 story about a meth lab at a fucking Walmart. Was it a Walmart? This isn't the first time this has happened either. Oh, please. Where's that story? It was in Easton, Indiana, I think. What did I do with it? Meth lab at Walmart. Oh, Muncie, Indiana. Surprise. Finally, some white news, huh? A restroom at Walmart in eastern Indiana has been closed indefinitely after an employee discovered a working meth lab inside.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I remember like a year ago, or not even, maybe six months ago, some woman got caught. Some guy right right in the aisle he had all the stuff all the ingredients so he actually was cooking it in the one of the aisles that was a true story i think i might have mentioned that on this podcast uh a walmart employee alerted police after seeing a suspicious man enter the restroom thursday night with a backpack and leave without it.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Police say people are leaving the deadly explosive chemicals in public places rather than risk explosions at home. Yeah, let me put innocent people at risk. I don't want to fucking blow up my kitchen. Nice thinking. That can't be good for Walmart's image. Not that, you know, not that they cater to the upper echelon of society but you can't you can't be mixing up a batch you can't have friggin heisenberg trying on polyester pants in the fitting room and mixing up a nice batch um i actually uh i'm actually working on a bit about
Starting point is 01:02:19 meth let me play it for you play a little clip of the meth bit I've been working on in a club. This is from a few months back in Chicago. But here's my meth bit. Some of it. Diagnosis of Lyme disease. Any of you know what that is? I think I'm going to try meth real soon. People on meth
Starting point is 01:02:40 seem very perky to me. The people that I know that do meth, they're very upbeat people. I mean, Breaking Bad? Was that supposed to deter me from doing meth? Meth seemed very perky to me. The people that I know that do meth, they're very upbeat people. I mean, Breaking Bad? Was that supposed to deter me from doing meth? What the fuck? Those guys were having a great time. Guy was diagnosed with cancer.
Starting point is 01:02:56 He's out fucking biking Mexican drug cartels. Christ's sake, I get the sniffles. I'm on the couch like a pussy watching Friends for two weeks. I think meth would be my drug because I'm a pretty good cook, you know? Some of you, I'll tell you,
Starting point is 01:03:11 I make a wish foundation every day. I don't know what he's talking about. I want to see it. Get back to the joke, Nick. I want to do meth. I just don't want the teeth of a 30-year-old squirrel.
Starting point is 01:03:29 You see a meth addict's teeth? Holy shit, every other tooth is black. They're going in eight different directions. When they smile at you, it looks like somebody knocked over a chessboard.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Do you know who invented meth, folks? You know who invented it? The Japanese military in World War II. They gave it to kamikaze pilots. Let's think about that for a second. That's what meth will do to you. It'll make you so fucking crazy,
Starting point is 01:03:54 you'll blow yourself... Now, people are taking this shit to hang out in Vegas on a Friday night. Replace that Japanese pilot with a linen skidded fan, fucking a pair of cargo shorts and a Who Farted t-shirt. I watched the documentary on meth,
Starting point is 01:04:13 and the guy said five different times, he kept going, it's as easy as making chocolate chip cookies. No, it's not. My mother used to make chocolate chip cookies. She didn't have to put on a fucking hazmat suit and a gas mask. Head out to the garage with her kids. She fucked up the ingredients. She didn't end up with 30-degree burns on her face and tits. Comes in with a flap of skin. Who wants Toll House?
Starting point is 01:04:44 Here's the good thing about meth. You can buy it pre-made on the street, or you can cook it from scratch at home. You think meth addicts have the same attitudes towards meth that Italians do towards tomato sauce? You're buying your shit pre-made? What are you, a fucking hillbilly Gabon? Look at Grammy's recipe right here
Starting point is 01:05:03 from the old country. Buy my cock off and let's shoot a nice house. That's how she did it. Do you know who was a meth addict? And this is true. I'm not making it up. You can Google this shit. It's not like you can't check my work today.
Starting point is 01:05:22 JFK loved his fucking meth. The president. Remember he had a back injury from a war apparently I think it was from Marilyn Monroe sitting on his face at 12 hours this doctor used to come to the White House doctor feel good
Starting point is 01:05:34 and give him a B12 shot wank wank it was fucking methamphetamines how about a little bit of flying the wall in that White House Jackie I need you to go to the supermarket I need 40,000 puff drops, some ether, some drain cleaner, sulfuric acid, lithium. Never mind what's going on. Go get it. He disappears
Starting point is 01:05:58 in the bathroom for five minutes, comes back out. Who wants to play football in the yard? Who wants to play football on the yard? Yeah, you just got a sneak peek of a bit that'll be on an album sometime. I don't know when. Hey, I forgot about, I'm looking at my notes here. I skipped a whole chunk of the show. The whole Ferguson thing with, you know, Eric Holder and his bogus report because he lost on the Mike Brown thing and things didn't go his way
Starting point is 01:06:27 and him being a petulant little child had to put out a report just to let his brothers and sisters know that he had their back and there were a couple of emails that were racist going on in the Ferguson Police Department. Really enough to ruin people's lives
Starting point is 01:06:44 who have worked there their whole lives trying to defend shit and defend people that didn't look like them but let's fuck it you know let's do that so um apparently they were pulling over he looks at the statistics this is similar to the education poly they look at the final statistics like in the school thing they go oh more blacks are being suspended than whites or so that means that's racism instead of going uh asking going to the next level the next question well are they committing are they behaving worse than the white students and the answer would be yes because they're from broken homes or whatever reason right but they don't do that they stop at the statistics and just go oh that must be racism and he does the same thing and and yes there's racist cops in ferguson obviously
Starting point is 01:07:23 you think you could deal with that type of environment for 20 something years and not have a couple of racist emails i mean what a childish and um yeah so he you know he we're going to talk about dismantling uh and this was uh this was last week or whatever and um that's why i like this sheriff clark have you seen this guy uh i think he's a Milwaukee sheriff. He's a black sheriff. And just, well, here's him commenting. This is before.
Starting point is 01:07:52 This is him commenting, I think, after the, you know, after Holder's report came out. After those riots in Ferguson, Missouri broke out, the Justice Department final report is out. And the justice finding that widespread discrimination throughout the police department there. Yes. David Clark. County Sheriff, but he's black. And this is him. The Attorney General kept saying, in Ferguson, in Ferguson, in Ferguson. But you think subliminally the message is suspect all police officers? Subliminally?
Starting point is 01:08:32 Neil, two words. Witch hunt. The pattern is there. Some of the inflammatory rhetoric we've heard from the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder. He has had Ferguson, Missouri in his crosshairs ever since the Mike Brown and Officer Darren Wilson tragic situation occurred. He did not have an open mind. He had a predetermined mindset going into this investigation. And I think that's what we're seeing here. I'm not buying one word of his conclusion here.
Starting point is 01:08:58 It's because the attorney general doesn't have any integrity anymore. This is the only attorney General in the history of the Department of Justice that's been found in contempt of Congress for not supplying Congress with the reports that they needed to conduct their investigation. Now he goes into Ferguson, Missouri and other cities across the United States and he demands information and reports to see what's going on there. If I were the Chief of Ferguson at the time, I would have said, Mr. Holder, I'll be more than glad to hand over all the information and reports you need as soon as you supply Congress with the information they need so they can conduct their investigation. You know, I think it's a sad day. I really do. I think that
Starting point is 01:09:39 Eric Holder has an animosity, a genuine hostility toward local law enforcement, specifically white police officers. He truly believes, and I believe this, that he thinks that every white police officer is a stone-cold racist, and it's just simply not true. That's from a black sheriff, by the way. Okay. And, of course, there's racist elements in the ferguson uh police department i'm sure everywhere but don't you think uh and and that report said that they you know they were hitting uh poor black people up you know as far as speeding tickets and arresting ever you know to obviously bring
Starting point is 01:10:17 more revenue that happens in in uh poor white towns too but holder wouldn't hold is like this is just an isolated thing this isn't an isolated thing no it's not wherever there's poor black people this is going on probably um meaning violence unnecessary violence against the cops that's what i meant um of course his tension but he didn't get his way with the Mike Brown thing because the report, you know, cleared Darren Wilson as much as Holder wanted it to go the other way. So this is his final, you know, F you to Ferguson and to white cops because he's going to be gone like next week. That lady, Loretta Lynch, has taken his place. I kind of like, by the way, heard her a few times.
Starting point is 01:11:02 This black woman who's like kind of reminds me of Judge Judy. She's no bullshit. We'll see, though. So that was after the report. And after the report came out, what happened, folks? Two cops get shot in Ferguson this past week, right? So here's Sheriff Clark on that. Well, this war on our nation's finest, the American police officer continues.
Starting point is 01:11:24 But it continues to be fueled by some very important people. on that. Well, this war on our nation's finest, the American police officer continues, but it continues to be fueled by some very important people. I think it's empty rhetoric for what Eric Holder offered today and the president through a tweet of all things when they have now an obligation to stand up and remind people in these urban ghettos and these American ghettos that they have a responsibility to comply with law enforcement officers' commands. If we want to end these deadly encounters between police and citizens, then we have to tell these young black men to stop attacking the police, stop fighting the police, stop resisting the police
Starting point is 01:11:53 when they're trying to pull you over and cooperate with their lawful commands. And if they have complaints about the way they're treated, some of these may be justified. There's a process for that. So, you know, the that uh eric holder released this report last week and by the way it was a junk report because there was no objectivity he cherry picked a few emails and he misapplied and used a misapplication of data and statistics you're talking about the one where he said there was blatant racism uh going on in ferguson do you
Starting point is 01:12:22 think that that fed what ultimately happened well nobody continues to fuel this is a god copy to this anti-police sentiment is going on in america that used to be underground we haven't seen these types of assault on the institutional policing since the turbulent sixties the rise of the sixties that had a lot of urban uh... centers in America. And now it's come to the surface because they're feeling... Anyways.
Starting point is 01:12:52 And just as I started to do this tonight, well, this happened today. I'm going to let you know this morning that we have filed charges just a few minutes ago against Jeffrey Williams. Jeffrey Williams, a 20-year-old man, he is now charged with two counts of assault in the first degree for the two police officers who were shot a couple days ago in Ferguson in front of the police station, also charged with firing a weapon from a vehicle, which is a Class B felony in the state of Missouri, and charged with three counts of armed criminal action, one for each one of those. Essentially, at this point, and the investigation, I stress, is ongoing. There's still an awful lot to be done.
Starting point is 01:13:43 But the charge at this point is a result of the investigation so far. Essentially, what we've charged him with is firing shots. It's possible at this point that he was firing shots at someone other than the police. They're not on the hills in Ferguson, are they? That would be a hell of a coincidence, huh? That all this animosity between the community and the local police and then the Eric Holder report saying there's definitely a racist police force. And then two Ferguson cops get shot, but the guy wasn't probably aiming for them. Just a coincidence, right?
Starting point is 01:14:19 Poor bastards, they're on their heels. Can you blame them in Ferguson? What are you going to do? But struck the police officers. So the charge is still assault in the first degree. They're class A felonies for striking those two officers. There was a weapon. Anyways.
Starting point is 01:14:35 So, well, that was a wrap up on the Ferguson thing. Glad they got that kid. Hold to call the kid a punk. Like, you know, you could tell he almost said it defensively. Like, that had nothing to do with my report. No, they're totally disconnected, Mr. Holder. Just my opinion and a billion other people's. But God, God help us.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Anyways, I almost forgot that whole part of the show. That would have been kind of silly, huh? That's about it, yo. All right. Hopefully, I'll see you guys in da clubs. I'm doing Creek and Cave, too, in Long Island City, working on new stuff. That's like a workspace. It's not even a comedy club.
Starting point is 01:15:25 It holds like 22 people. And there might be 8 people in the yard. It's a great place though. Just to get the words out. I'm going back old school. You got to go back to your roots. As far as comedy goes. When you're starting a new album.
Starting point is 01:15:39 And what not. But I'd say I'm at least 35, 40 minutes into a new hour. Yeah. Got to concentrate. Alright kids. but I'd say I'm at least 35-40 minutes into a noir yeah gotta concentrate alright kids that is it Liberace tell these people how I feel I love you
Starting point is 01:15:58 for helping me to construct of my life not a tavern but a temple I love you of my life. Not a tavern, but a temple. I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. You have done
Starting point is 01:16:16 it without a word, without a touch, without a sign. You have done it by just being yourself. You have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps after all, that is what love means.
Starting point is 01:16:36 And that is why I love you. Until next week, kids. guitar solo Bye.

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