The Nick DiPaolo Show - 110 - Trump vs Media, Col Springs, Sinead, Pats

Episode Date: December 1, 2015

Trump vs Media, Col Springs, Sinead, Pats

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hi, kids. How you doing? Good to talk to you again. Yes, it's Monday. Holy Christ, does it come quick. Even when you do comedy for a living, you don't have to be anywhere on a Monday a lot of the times. It sure do come quick, yo.
Starting point is 00:00:49 What is happening? First of all, I want to thank people for their contributions. I know other podcasts call them donations, but I'm not a homeless guy laying in my own shit on a sidewalk somewhere. These are contributions. And you guys have been very generous, and I appreciate it. Let me name a few of the people
Starting point is 00:01:12 that are making contributions, and you can do that. This is on top of their $3.99 a month subscription, so it's very... I appreciate it, really, your generosity. Sam Whitfield, thank you very much. Dustin, don't have a last name, but very, very generous fellow. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Dennis Paul, little shout out to Dennis. My boy, Andrew Marshall, with a nice contribution. It's a dangerous contribution. It's a contribution. Michael Corvin,vin very very generous contribution jonathan keller thank you so much guys are in the holiday spirit paul e frederick paulie boy give me a donation thank you guys so much i have a little folder i keep track so don't get pissed if i forget it's just bad bookkeeping but
Starting point is 00:02:06 thanks a lot for that again that's on top of their uh 399 a month and uh quite generous i thank you very much i need every goddamn penny but let's be honest the podcast industry isn't exactly like uh working for fucking death row records at this point i'm saying well unless you're adam carolla and a few other guys but uh thanks again what the hell else riverhead uh was great this one i'm a little coming in a little hot on it yeah i want to turn myself down uh coming a little hot there uh riverhead was great this weekend uh suffolk theater riverhead New York. How about 350 people came out? How about that? Again, it blows my mind, even after 28 years, because it takes a while to get to that,
Starting point is 00:02:52 like all 28 years for me, to pack a house or whatever. But it is, it really blows my mind when I, you know, when I get to the theater, you know, a few minutes before showtime, and everybody's still being seated, and it blows my mind. I get to the theater, you know, a few minutes before showtime and everybody's still being seated. And it blows my mind. I walk in and go, and these people actually planned ahead of time for this Saturday night to see me. And I will never take that for granted ever unless I get really fucking famous.
Starting point is 00:03:19 And I'll be like, hey, I don't want green M&Ms or I don't want any fat chicks in the fifth row closer. That's what I'll really turn into but until then but no great great turnout as usual i love that theater it's this it's a it's like a little well-kept secret you know in in riverhead and again they were i know riverhead because i watched i watch uh lock up and the prison, which is right near there, probably a mile from the theater, I'm guessing, was featured on Lockup. But you people came out in droves, and it was awesome. You're always good. You're a little PC at the beginning, but every audience, I can say that,
Starting point is 00:04:00 with my act, is a little taken back by the first 10 minutes, and then they're like, oh, this fucking guy is not going to give in one inch, is he? Matter of fact, he's even getting more stubborn. But when you see people in the balcony, that's fucking, I mean, that's just, it makes it feel like it's worthwhile doing all this stuff. And yeah, you guys are great. Even the girl yelling out about my shoes. wear goddamn shoes okay i guess they're considered saddle shoes but they're men's shoes okay this is probably the third or fourth time i've been on stage and some chick has a problem with them i mean years ago down in florida i was in tampa the side splitters and some dizzy blonde you know dope why are you wearing those those aren't sexy
Starting point is 00:04:42 and i'm like first of all i wouldn't fuck you for practice, okay? Secondly, then I have to explain why I wear them. And a girl this weekend yells, who gets the saddle shoes? I was doing a bit about my wife and me burying her. And, you know, so once again, it catches the eye of some chick who doesn't realize they make these shoes from, they're not white and black.
Starting point is 00:05:06 It's not like I'm a cheerleader for fucking Alabama. They're men's shoes and they're expensive. The reason I wear them and not that I owe anybody an explanation, but Robert Klein used to wear these shoes. I think they were called bucks back in the day, but he used to wear them when he was on Letterman all the time. And I thought, you know, it's a nice casual shoe. Besides, you know, I can wear Timberlands, which is a little
Starting point is 00:05:34 too construction worker. He's supposed to be an artist. Look like I'm working for Vacon Ed. And the sneakers are too informal. So this is right in between. It's a perfect shoe. And Robert Klein is one of my favorite comics of all time. Robert Klein, George Washington, one of the greatest minds, he founder of this country, one of the greatest forms of government. And how do we celebrate his birthday with a mattress sale? You know, my boy, Robert Klein. By the way, Google him on Letterman in the 80s and try not to laugh
Starting point is 00:06:01 your balls off. So anyways, that's the origin of the shoes yes they're male shoes for christ's sake stop it with that all right chubby chick anyway i don't even know who's i'm saying chubby i can't see who was yelling shit out all i know after the show some chubby chubbet gave me the finger so i was assuming it was her i was assuming i might be wrong that's right have another fucking kit kat leave me alone for five minutes anyways uh thank you uh riverhead let's do it again i'd like to shoot something there matter of fact maybe a raccoon maybe a skunk maybe a fat broad giving me a hassle about my shoes no if i ever do
Starting point is 00:06:47 another special like that's worth the effort jesus christ it's like putting up blame is by myself um yeah but that might be the theater very little ornate theater it's just it's quaint it's beautiful and the people are great so anyways what's in the news well shanae o'connor tried to kill herself and unfortunately unsuccessfully when the fuck is she gonna go away there's a picture of her in the New York Post she looks like Ari Safier she looks just like Ari Safier a very funny comic whose podcast I did and uh you know who I'm talking about but that's what she looks like uh and she's a troubled chooch she has been her whole life you remember her uh tearing up her stupid Pope picture on SNL?
Starting point is 00:07:27 You remember that, right? This was her big hit and the only thing she did worthwhile, in my opinion. But who am I? Barry Gordy? Nothing compares to you. You know who wrote this, by the way? The little midget prince. That little fuck?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah. I believe. Again, don't quote me on that. Maybe I just made that up. No, I'm pretty sure Prince wrote this. But she tried to kill herself. She's always a victim. Imagine if she tore a picture up of the Pope.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Imagine if she tore up a picture of fucking, you know, the prophet. Or even a cartoon. It's a nice haunting song, though. Makes you want to get a nice dirty razor blade and go out back and go into your tool shed and end it all on a nice post-Thanksgiving meal.
Starting point is 00:08:21 She's really depressed. Can't blame her. Again, she looks like, you know. No offense to Arisa Fia, but you got a twin out there. There's only so much. This is from the article. There's only so much any woman can be expected to bear. This is her suicide note, I guess.
Starting point is 00:08:41 What was done to me this week was appalling cruelty. I'm guessing this is going to her barber. No, come on. By my husband, my family, by St. Pat's and it's always men and the Catholic Church. She's always had a problem. Something either happened to her or she's one of these identity crisis,
Starting point is 00:09:00 you know. And by Arne Gardai Sachana, whatever. By my son, Jake. And by Donald Lunny. That's one of her four ex-husbands. And Angela Singleton. By my son's girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:09:14 His friends. Blah, blah, blah. I have taken an overdose. There's no other way to get respect. Yeah, that's a good one. I'm not going to respect at all. Hand me that dirty syringe. I am not at home. I'm going to respect it all. Hand me that dirty syringe.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I am not at home. I'm at a hotel somewhere in Ireland under the name Kevin Bacon. No, under the name. If I wasn't posting this, my kids in under another name. I'm sorry. The papers. I spilled some coffee. If I wasn't posting this, my kids and family wouldn't even find out.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Was dead for another fortnight since none of them bothered their hole with me for a minute. I could have been dead here for weeks already and they'd never have known. Because apparently I'm scum and deserve to be abandoned. Well, I'm glad you picked up on the message. Well done, guys. You finally get rid of me. But apparently she's still alive. She hit herself with five shots and she's still alive. Well, that's bad luck for you and bad luck for the music industry.
Starting point is 00:10:09 ... ... ... ... ... ... You're depressing me. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:10:27 O'Connor has posted multi-rambling posts to Facebook in the past few days about her children and one of her 4X husbands, Donald Lunny. She warned that Lunny and her eldest son, Jake Reynolds, could face jail time. You both lied to the cops, and they believe you because you're men. You see, it always gets back to that. Always. This is not Sinead's first suicide attempt in 2007 uh she put out two albums no in 2000 she revealed uh on an oprah tv show that she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and tried to kill herself
Starting point is 00:10:58 on her 33rd birthday. Well, somebody help the broad out, please, or whatever. One way or the other. Either get her some, you know, get her back on her meds, get her to a shrink, or get her a bigger gun, because I'm tired of it, okay? I got other shit to do. The Patriots lost this weekend. I got bigger shit to talk about.
Starting point is 00:11:21 I got bigger fish to fry, okay? Where'd they get that picture of her is that even her looks like a fetus in the womb giving a high five to something you feeling the funny i don't have fucking time um anyways she's still alive um nothing compared to how about this i'll get to the head of the big stories in a few minutes we had trump on meet the press and please please uh chuck todd and uh who's the broad abc that fills in for the greek midget You know, the dried up Martha Raddatz. Please, please, please step down from what you guys are doing. Because you're not even close to trying to be neutral.
Starting point is 00:12:14 You're supposed to be journalists. Martha Raddatz, you might be the most hateful, dried up skank. Somebody should sit down and explain to them what their jobs are on these shows, not to be fucking cheerleaders for the Democrats. It's fucking hilarious. I'm like Archie Bunker on Sunday morning when he used to sit in his chair and put on like a, he used to put on, he'd even mention the anchor. I don't know if he said Peter Jennings and he used to say to either get a load of this
Starting point is 00:12:40 Panko or some shit like that. But I feel just like that watching these Sunday morning shows. My wife's telling me to quit cursing at the TV. It's fun. It's like a sport for me. It's, you know, you might think I take it serious, but it's just hilarious that they're supposed to be, these are supposed to be neutral shows, you know, journalists who fucking don't lean either way. It's priceless.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I'll get to that in a few minutes because Trump was on there. They're busting his balls about comments he made about, you know, people cheering after 9-11 in New Jersey. But let's stay on the suicide watch for a few minutes. I thought I'd bring you the happy show. An English teen committed suicide because she was allergic to Wi-Fi, her devastated mom said. They don't have any shots for that? to wi-fi i would love to have this disease and i have an excuse to be you know computer illiterate jenny fry and again i'll read the whole thing because i'm not buying it but she suffered from blinding headaches tiredness and bladder issues those are the same things i have it's not allergic to Wi-Fi. She's fucking allergic to getting old.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Oh, she's 15. That doesn't work. But those problems, her parents say, were caused by electrohypersensitivity. And I bring this up to my wife. She goes, yeah, that's an actual thing. And I'm like, when did you get so smart? Anyways, Jenny was getting ill,
Starting point is 00:13:59 and so was I, her mother, Debbie Fry, said. I did some research and found how dangerous Wi-Fi could be so I had taken it out of the house anybody else you guys know about this shit again I I do bits of my act about all this shit causing cancer like cell phones and stuff and laptops and people say oh that's bullshit and I always say well then how did Steve Jobs die was it fucking dandruff I don't think so who spent more time around this equipment than he did? Guy couldn't even hold up his last invention. It was a pound and a half iPad.
Starting point is 00:14:31 It weighed twice as much as him. Apple a day, my sister's ass. Anyways. But this woman said she pleaded with her daughter's teachers to allow her to work in rooms without Wi-Fi. Can you imagine? It's our worst nightmare. Check to work in rooms without Wi-Fi. Imagine. It's our worst nightmare, checking a hotel, no Wi-Fi, motherfucker! But yeah, so she begged the teachers to put her in rooms that didn't have Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And they just ignored those requests, apparently. And she continued to get into trouble for skipping classes and acting out. But they refused. But my question here is, was she skipping class because she was getting sick from this shit, or was she just being a rebel and already had emotional problems? What came first,
Starting point is 00:15:12 the chicken or the Wi-Fi? You know what I'm saying to you? The least they could do was allow her to take them in rooms where she felt able to concentrate, but they wouldn't listen. That's what the mother says. They found her,
Starting point is 00:15:22 and this part's sad. I'm not trying to be funny, but they found her hanging from a tree near her home in oxfordshire i fully believe jenny didn't intend to take her own life her mom said of course that's the natural reaction but uh on november 19th uh the coroner said he the coroner said he could not conclusively say that the young teen meant to kill herself. Well, she was hanging from a fucking tree. This is what I don't understand. Either somebody else hung her from there or what?
Starting point is 00:15:53 She fell and her scarf got caught? I don't understand that sentence. He did not attribute her death to electrohypersensitivity either, as there were no medical documents to prove it. The young girl left behind a suicide note writing i am insignificant an insignificant number on someone's screen and so is my life a tiny blip in the whole existence of the universe you see what i'm saying so i don't think it was wi-fi she sounded like she had emotional serious emotional problems that weren't addressed
Starting point is 00:16:28 the poor kid you're blaming it on Wi-Fi I'm not saying that that doesn't exist hypersensitivity to Wi-Fi and I'd pay anybody to give it to me like I said but I don't know it sounds like the mother's blaming somebody else for a daughter's suicide
Starting point is 00:16:43 you know I could be wrong but the corner but I didn't know, it sounds like the mother's blaming somebody else for her daughter's suicide. You know, I could be wrong, but the corner. But I didn't know you could be high percent to electricity and shit. And then my wife says, yeah, where her horse is, they have an electric fence. There's a young girl who can't walk by it because she can hear the buzzing of the fence or something. And I said, well, that's different. She has the fucking hearing of the bionic woman. But anyways. Sad but weird story.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I'm just, I had never heard of such a thing. And maybe you can call me at 1-800-STUPIDNICK. Again, eventually, maybe we'll stream these shows and there will be a number. But I got bigger fish to fry. I'm putting together some puppets for my stand-up act. I have to sew two buttons on a sock tonight. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Exactly. She had a pretty little face back in the... Was it the 90s or the 80s when this song was a hit? I want to say 80s. Might have been 90s. She had a pretty face, but again, Ari Safir. Damn! Nothing compares To you So that's kind of weird, huh? Let's stay on weird diseases.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I'll take weird diseases for 50, chooch. This is something I'd never heard of either. I guess I'm not ill-informed of such illnesses. Orthorexia, the clean eating obsession that makes you dangerously ill. I guess you can find it, hashtag orthorexia. O-R-T-H-O-R-E-X-I-A. I guess it's popular on Twitter, hashtag orthorexia. O-R-T-H-O-R-E-X-I-A. I guess it's popular on Twitter. Hashtag orthorexia.
Starting point is 00:18:51 But it's when you become fixated with eating clean foods. And there's a story here. Boy, do I not have this disease. Eating clean foods. This woman, this again from London, but she was sick. You know, she couldn't, she had a virus and she couldn't get out of bed. So she started going on the internet. And I'm like, well, how'd you get the internet?
Starting point is 00:19:19 You couldn't get out of bed? What, do you have the computer right in your sack? Come on. But she went on the internet and then became obsessed with eating soup and you know clean foods and healthy remedies uh holistic type things and she started reading about the transformative effects of giving up meat and sugar and then carbohydrates and then it went on from there. And, you know, the results promised on health forums that she said she'd feel more alert, energetic, and her pursuit of wellness. She went vegan, this lady, then switched to raw veganism. Just not touching any animal-based food products whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And anything that had even been cooked. whatsoever and anything that had even been cooked and uh over 18 months she dropped from 11 stone to six and a half stone i don't uh know what a stone is i could have googled it but i'm like fuck that'd be funny if i make something up a stone is a really fat broad. Then six and a half stone is a half broad that fat. What? I don't know. I don't know. She stopped menstruating. I'm going to get my wife on this thing.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Became completely obsessed with detoxing and cleansing. You know what that means. She just spent half her life in the bathroom. I always say that to these people who go, I don't eat red meat. I eat vegetables only. And I go, well, you're going to live about, what, six minutes longer than me? And spending that six minutes taking a big, runny dump. Well, congratulations. There's your vegan diet.
Starting point is 00:21:01 See, I'd like a pork chop or chicken. I eat that stuff intentionally to block dumps like this. I'd rather cake my heart with animal fat than sit there doing this. I think you get the idea. It's just that they're so proud, these people that do this shit. I understand it, I understand a lot of it, it's like anything else,
Starting point is 00:21:27 moderation, moderation, you take the moderation, you'll be fine, okay, don't eat the fucking three, don't eat steak five times a week, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:35 have it a couple times a month, but don't cut it off completely, but she, now she stopped menstruating, and yeah, but she uh now she stopped menstruating and uh yeah she's she started becoming fanatical i guess this happens to a lot of people you can check it out on friggin twitter except for me you know what i had before i sat down to do this show i'm not shitting you two and a half slices of pumpkin pie not even homemade homemade, like fucking Marie Callender's or some shit. There's enough chemicals in there to take out a fucking Indian village. I'm shoveling it in my face.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Let me put some of that fake fucking whipped cream on top of it. This lady's case is a textbook. Let's call her Jane. Why do I give a shit? It's in a public, her last name's Armstrong. It's a textbook example of orthorexia nervosa. The term was coined in 1997
Starting point is 00:22:30 when Dr. Stephen Bratman wrote of his personal experience of evangelical eating. You're going to blame this on the fucking Christian? You Joe motherfucker! All right, it's the last time
Starting point is 00:22:40 you go over my head again, you motherfucker! Okay, be careful it was pesci and casino i'm spicing up this fucking article uh dr bratman spoke of his personal experience of evangelical eating he wouldn't eat vegetables picked more than 15 minutes earlier well first of all what do you do follow Follow a Mexican around in Northern California before you ate? And insisted on chewing every mouthful 50 times. My dad used to chew everything.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Not, you know, but just chew the shit out. He'd be ice cream. He'd be chewing it for five minutes. He, so he became, he became, says his doctor. He defined the condition as pathological fixation on eating proper food. Never happens to anybody coming out of Wendy's or Burger King or Five Guys. Everybody's happy. Yeah, but you're going to die eight minutes before I am. Yeah, great.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I'll see you on the other side. A bit like OCD and closely connected to anorexia nervosa, although sufferers are concerned with quality rather than quantity of food, orthorexia nervosa. Although sufferers are concerned with quality rather than quantity of food, orthorexia has yet to be officially recognized as an eating disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. That's the DSM.
Starting point is 00:23:57 That's what Dr. I just learned something. When you hear Dr. Melfi on Sopranos, let me read you definitions from the TSM. That's what she's talking about, I'm guessing. But, uh... It's not just women who succumb to this disease. Kevin Gianni, 36.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Nothing sadder than an Italian who goes for this shit. His Uncle Junior said, we taught the fucking world to eat. And you're eating this horse caca? He suffered with this orthorexia on and off for almost six years. He became a raw food vegan after being introduced to the concept by a friend
Starting point is 00:24:38 because he became preoccupied with his family's history of cancer. Now I can't blame this guy. I had a close friend, close enough, a comedian named Kevin Knox. You guys who are fans of the Boston comedy scene. Very, very funny guy, Kevin Knox, whose whole family, he lost his both parents. I think two sisters to cancer. I think he was the only one left.
Starting point is 00:25:03 And sure enough, he was diagnosed with cancer and they wanted to put him on chemo and everything and he said fuck you my parents went on chemo my sisters did all that and they were dead within a couple years and uh they gave him he was the and god bless his soul by the way he was uh they gave him like a year, a year to live. And he lived like another six or seven by just eating raw, raw, you know, raw food. So there is something to it, obviously, because that's what our body is. Obviously, we take in a lot of processed shit that we shouldn't be. But it kept him alive and he swore by it. Eventually, it got him, obviously, because he had it so bad.
Starting point is 00:25:46 But he swore. He went to some place down in Florida and got on this diet and it just kept him alive. Nothing but raw fruits and vegetables. I can't even do that for a month. That's the amazing. Even these people that go on these crazy diets, I make fun of them. I'm a little jealous.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I have willpower when it comes to almost everything else. But spaghetti and pork chops and heroin, those are the three things that I can't. I just can't get it. But I'm just saying, I don't know how these people do it. I would love to drop 15 right now. Would love to. Just don't have the willpower. Life's too short. But it's going to be shorter if you have another piece of sausage. Shut the fuck up with that shit.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah, so this guy, Mr. Gianni, who's married with two children, Hudson and Basil. Oh, here you go. Kid named Basil in California. Hi, this is my cousin Oregano and his thyme and a coriander type of lunch. He ate kale salad, raw nut berries, goji berries, raw chocolate, and dehydrated flax crackers. Drank green smoothies, wheatgrass, and hemp milk. He drank hemp milk. I'd rather blow my grandfather. Jesus Christ. I was striving for dietary excellence and trying to be the best I could be. It felt great until what happened. After 12 months, he was struggling to get out of bed. Oh, what happened? After 12 months, he was struggling to get out of bed. Again, everything in moderation.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Before 11 a.m., he suffered debilitating cramps, anxiety, and his sex drive plummeted. Maybe my wife's on this fucking diet. I don't know what to think about it. I'm kidding. I'm the one with no sex drive. A blood test with a doctor confirmed he was dangerously low. Two quarts of oil and a, no, dangerously low on key hormones. He was at rock bottom.
Starting point is 00:27:50 He calls it a brainwashing. I had created and bought into this belief system that if I ate meat, I would eventually die. It's like anything else. So he got a little crazy. So eventually he started to reintroduce foods such as yogurt into his diet. And he started to sleep better. And who would have guessed, huh? Now he gets blood tests every year to look at the results and determine how to eat from there.
Starting point is 00:28:16 A lot of people do that. And I mean, we all do it to a little extent. I get high cholesterol. And that just runs in my family. That's another thing, by the way, to sell a zillion fucking pills. The high cholesterol. You know, mine's a little high, you know. And the first thing, I went to this woman doctor right around here where I live about six, seven years ago.
Starting point is 00:28:36 First thing she did, oh, you triglycerides. It's so high we can't even fucking read them. She throws me on, you know, one of those drugs. What do they call them? Whatever. You know what I'm talking about. Cholesterol drugs. And,
Starting point is 00:28:53 I didn't like the way it made me feel and I took them for a couple years. And then I finally said to her assistant, does she get a cut of every prescription she writes for the shit? And she goes, yeah, that was the last time I fucking took them. I'll take my chances.
Starting point is 00:29:05 But, yeah, fat in the blood, triglycerides. It's always a little high for me. But that's, you know, what are you going to do? I would. I would just like if I had the discipline, even for a month, 30 days or a month and a half, to just go, not vegan, but just do vegetarian to see what happens. But how can you turn down a steak thanksgiving everybody's ripping up a drumstick you're over there can i have another fucking ounce of tofu
Starting point is 00:29:31 could you put some bucca on it for me tony um so the doctor uh there's a nutritionist uh james coll James Collins, and he makes good sense. He says the core principles of a diet might be good, but if you're applying them to someone who is training at the gym daily, working a 10-hour day, or who has two children, energy levels are going to flatline, which brings me to my next point. You're only going to find in really affluent, obviously, societies, these type of health problems that we bring on ourselves.
Starting point is 00:30:09 There's kids all over, you on ourselves there's kids all over you know there's kids in ethiopia fucking scrounging through garbage and drinking dirty water and and and you know chasing a fucking rat with a stick so they can have lunch and we're and we're over here going i'm not gonna touch any meats any dare it's it's just another side of affluent societies you don't find these problems anywhere else. You know? But that's what happens. And like he says, if you're living a normal lifestyle, you get a couple of kids or you're working out, you work 10 hours a day. If you try to do one of these crazy diets, you're going to have zero energy. Like he said, you're going to flatline. Only people who have all that much time on their hands.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Like stand-up comedians. I could actually try this diet. But anyways, do what you want. What do I give a shit? You're going to provide fodder for my show. But my grandfather used to say, everything in moderation. Even he got it. And then he'd drink a half a bottle of wine and try to choke my grandmother
Starting point is 00:31:07 because she wouldn't dance with him at dinner. True story, by the way. Everything in moderation. Does that include you choking Grammy? Funny bastard. But he used to, my grandfather, it's so funny. This guy was born in 1885, and, you know, he used to make his own red wine. I actually stepped on the grapes for him as a kid.
Starting point is 00:31:26 How Ginzalone is that? And, but he used to swear that red wine, you know, he'd give it to us kids. My mother used to have a fit. And then give us the keys to the tractor. No. And, you know, he used to drink red wine. A couple glasses a day at lunch and at dinner. And, you know, that's all you read about is the positive benefits of the antioxidants in red wine and grapes.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And the guy was ahead of the curve. You know what I mean? And he died at 93. Smoked palm oils and camels unfiltered his whole life. But I understand what you're going to say. Well, he probably didn't subject. He did. It's true.
Starting point is 00:32:03 He came over from Italy, so he had, you know, that Mediterranean diet. He wasn't eating fucking Hot Pockets at three in the morning while watching porn. Who does that? None of your fucking business. None of your business. Nick, do you do that? No!
Starting point is 00:32:19 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! Not this fucking time! No fucking way! No fucking way! No fucking way! No fucking way, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not this fucking time. No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way, mate. So if you know anybody with orthorexia, get them some dirty foods.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Pin them down. Knock the kale fucking sandwich out of their hands. Pin them down. And just get like a pound of Oscar Maya bologna and dip it in mayonnaise and jam it down their gullet. I'm telling you, it'll do them wonders. Nothing compares to you. Just the, but the bowel movement part of being a vegan's got to be, I wouldn't want to be around a chick accidentally, you know, lets one fly.
Starting point is 00:33:08 It's like the fucking gas Saddam used on the Kurds. You're curled up with a dead baby in your hands on a sidewalk because your girlfriend farted after a smoothie. How about this crazy MF-er? Now let's get into a little bit of the politics of it um the colorado shooting at planned parenthood had fun watching the media immediately they couldn't grab onto it quick enough and apply it to everybody that's pro-life by the way i don't know what i am i really am right down the middle on this freaking issue. And I'll tell you why in a few seconds after I get by the funny. But you know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Robert Louis Deere. He was a crazy guy that shot up a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood. Killing three people, wounding nine others. But just a fucking total psychopath who's been living off the grid i mean they showed his house uh they showed a little trailer he's living in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere i mean literally a fucking trailer the size of like half my kitchen and just just crazy as a shithouse rat and And of course, the media, CNN, just, oh, he was mumbling something about baby parts. And even if he fucking was, even if he was, okay, it's so clear from reading anything about his history, he's mentally fucking ill.
Starting point is 00:34:37 But you see how quick the left-leaning media is to grab somebody like this, who's obviously an extremist, and want to paint everybody who's pro-life with that same fucking thing? Well, see, we told you these people, it's all because of talk radio. And they did this after Gabby Giffords was shot. Remember they tried to blame the congresswoman that got shot in Arizona on Sarah Palin
Starting point is 00:34:58 because she had little targets on her when she was running, remember, on her map? They tried to pin that on her, which turned out to be totally untrue. the guy didn't have any political leanings and they did it with timothy mcveigh they keep bringing up how he's a wacky christian the guy was agnostic he hated the fucking government but he was an agnostic so was fucking hitler whoopi goldberg they they they can't they want to they it's just it's so fucking it's so predictable so and so they want to, they, it's just, it's so fucking, it's so predictable. So, and so they want to, you know, this guy's totally nuts and an extremist.
Starting point is 00:35:30 And they tell you, you know, and they're going to lump everybody who is on that side, the pro-life side. But when it comes to terrorism, they do just the opposite, don't they? Huh? When there's a terrorist attack, don't, don't you dare lump these in with moderate Muslims. These are extremists. They do just the fucking opposite until it's something that fits their narrative. And it's Martha Raddatz. I want to grab her little fucking wrinkled chicken neck and choke the fucking life out of her. This guy was a wackadoo from the get-go. And it doesn't mean,
Starting point is 00:36:00 and that's what happens. The message does get out to people who are borderline cuckoo. And it doesn't mean, and that's what happens. The message does get out to people who are borderline cuckoo. But see, CNN and Meet the Press and This Week with Joe Stepanopoulos, they grab a hold of this shit and run it on a fucking loop. Nobody's going to take away your rights to kill babies. Relax. Relax, honeys.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Loretta, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, she's the black woman who took over after Holder, she already came out and said it was a crime against women receiving health care services. Was she supposed to really take a side either way until all the facts are in? Or does that not apply anymore vicky cowart president of planned parenthood of the rocky mountains went boy i wonder how she votes she's planning she's the president of planned parenthood and living in the rocky mountains i saw her on tv she's got the gray hair split down the middle like it's 1968 probably pretty attractive back in the day but uh
Starting point is 00:37:03 of course she's uh she's saying that the shooter was motivated by opposition to safe and legal abortion. Yeah. By the way, the guy looks just like Nick Nolte in his fucking crazy mugshot. Remember that? But he lived in a cabin in North Carolina. There's a picture of it. It looks like something you'd build in a wood shop and get a D. It's fucking horrendous.
Starting point is 00:37:24 But, you know, he represents everybody who's pro-life. I personally, like I said, I'm right down the middle. Every time I see a homeless person in New York City and I see a ton of them laying in their own shit, you know, on the sidewalk, that to me was a fetus that nobody wanted and that was better off aborted. I don't know why people think that sounds so cold,
Starting point is 00:37:44 but it really is true, and you see the misery some of these people's lives in. But then again, you know, 55 million fetuses, abortion since Roe v. Wade, you're not supposed to use it as a contraceptive. People are hanging their package of condoms on a fucking coat hanger at the CBS. You know what I mean? That's a little much, but I make jokes about it. And here's why I don't totally go pro-life, because when I was a young guy,
Starting point is 00:38:15 I got a few girls pregnant, and I was fucking glad there was some way to go. You know? So I'd be a hypocrite to be totally against it, but just don't paint everybody that, you know, so I'd be a hypocrite to be totally against it, but just don't paint everybody that, you know, because they those videos were real, by the way. They were, you know, fetusing body part, taking taking body parts and selling them. That's no fucking bullshit. And even a psycho is going to pick up on shit like that in the in the fucking news.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I mean, I mean mean they're doing some they're cutting up like they're like they're uh you know pieces of a car engine and and shit it's like you know all right All right. You get my point. And yes, I know. The baby's not crying at that stage. But it's still pretty disturbing. And of course, every day they're on the... Those were heavily edited.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Either way. You know what I mean? It doesn't change the content of the video itself but uh so like i said i'm sort of down the middle i have all kinds of hilarious abortion jokes i don't stay that uh do you know the united states funds abortions through the un in mexico we fund abortions in Mexico. And I said, my conservative friends get mad when I tell them that. I go, what are you getting pissed off?
Starting point is 00:39:50 It's much more effective than a fence. What would you rather do? Chase some gangbangers through the desert at midnight or stick a dirt devil between a red roof and maids' legs? What? That's a doozy. You're goddamn right it is. It kills. Even young girls at NYU laugh at that joke.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah. Got that dull ache in my nuts again. I got to get this thing fixed. The guy was right who told me that. Anyway, so Robert Louis Deere. That's his full name. Crazy as a shit. Let me just go
Starting point is 00:40:26 through the history of some of the things he's been arrested for. Yeah, he lived in the rural solitude in the Carolinas back in the day. Back like 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:40:42 He had some run-ins with the law when he was living in South Carolina but was never convicted. In 1997, Deer's wife accused him, it wasn't North Carolina, it was South Carolina, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Yeah, in 97, his wife accused him of domestic assault, but there were no charges pressed. Yeah. Maybe the cowboy should look at him, the defensive line. In 2002, Deer was charged with being a peeping Tom. Those counts were dismissed. If you saw the picture of this guy, that would creep you out.
Starting point is 00:41:10 In 2003, he was arrested and charged with two counts of animal cruelty, but was found not guilty in a bench trial. He later made his home in a hermit shanty in the mountains of north carolina cnn affiliate reports it published a photo of a small basic cabin in the woods just uh you should see it you can fucking look it up also about a year ago uh he chose the Crossroads Community of Hartsell. That's where he lives in Colorado. It's nestled on a grassy plains and rolling foothills framed by the Rocky Mountain Ranges
Starting point is 00:41:52 and is about an hour and 20 minutes from Colorado Springs. He bought a spread. Where did he get the fucking money? 65 miles west of the Planned Parenthood Clinic for six grand. Probably goes for an eighth of a cent an acre out there. But just a fucking psycho. And try to tie that to fucking pro-lifers and Ted Drews. You know, do your best, Chuck Todd and fucking Martha Raddatz and CNN and the usual suspects.
Starting point is 00:42:27 But, I mean, three people died. Officer Garrett Swayze from Melrose, Massachusetts. My neck of the woods, by the way.
Starting point is 00:42:37 He was a former champion figure skater. He was a cop. He rushed to the scene. Kayari Stewart. These are the two civilians. K.R.A. Stewart, 29. And he was a U.S. Army veteran
Starting point is 00:42:53 who served in Iraq. Of course, those are the people who run towards danger. It's not bullshit. They're heroes. And Jennifer Markovsky, 35. She had a couple kids. Or one kid.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Single mom. Anyways, fucking psychopath. And he'll get what's coming to him. But, you know, I just couldn't wait to turn on the TV to see the effort they were making to paint everybody, you know. They always go to talk radio. Yeah, that's what starts it all.
Starting point is 00:43:25 It's not the fucking 40 years of fucking all three networks being liberal and the internet and everything else. It's always six talk radio show hosts that cause this. Robert Louis Deere. If you put that in the computer, you know how they put your last name, then your first name, and then your middle?
Starting point is 00:43:48 It's like Deer Robert Lewis. Deer Robert Lewis, stop being a crazy fuck. Well, he's going to fry. I think, and you kill a guy like that, it's just what he's hoping for. He's just a loner and a creep. You know what i'm saying what else here some uplifting news in it how about uh yeah so let's get to real quickly meet the press which is just so fucking laughable any of those shows but uh they had trump on let's
Starting point is 00:44:27 play let's play some of the audio uh truck taught and this is legitimate this is legitimate this subject they're busting his balls because trump said he saw thousands of uh you know muslims cheering in jersey and um you know the whole, you've read the whole thing and people are refuting it. And and anyways, here's some of that. Let's pick it apart. Mr. Trump, welcome back to meet the press. Good morning. Let me ask you about these claims this way. You demand and you've demanded of me pinpoint accuracy when we report on things about you, including, for instance, your net worth. Why shouldn't we demand the same pinpoint accuracy
Starting point is 00:45:14 in the claims that you make? Is it any hypocritical of you calling us out? No, that's a good point. You should claim pinpoint accuracy from Donald Trump, but you should also do it for Hillary Clinton. Tell you, motherfucker. And Bernie Sanders and any other jerk offs on the left. Just listen to how much animated Chuck Todd gets in his interview. If we're not calling you out when you stray from the truth. Well, now people have got my net is missing what my real network and made
Starting point is 00:45:46 up for a long time as a private company they weren't doing that but now they're doing it largely i guess due to the big filing that i made with the federal government with the fbc as far as all of these times i believe that it's the obama's intention they said ten thousand people syrians we don't want them because we don't know who they are and i love the idea of building a safe zone someplace in Syria, but they said 10,000. And yet the Democratic debate, they said 65,000 to them. We're not even talking about that, Donald. Hillary said it, and so did Bernie Sanders. You're saying Bernie Sanders is so honest.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I doubt that very much. But Bernie Sanders said it and Hillary said it. I think they were talking in the Democrat debate. I think they were talking about 65,000. I have it upon a certain amount of knowledge. I'm very friendly with a lot of people on both sides that Obama's plan is 200 to 250,000. So he said 10. The debate said 65 already. Nobody even asked him about this. He really has in mind is 200,000 people and maybe even more than that.
Starting point is 00:46:44 And by the way, he's right about that. You really think they were going to stop at 10,000? Have we is 200,000 people and maybe even more than that. And by the way, he's right about that. You really think they were going to stop at 10,000 if we take in 10,000 refugees? Come on. Really? When what we should be doing is, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:53 building safe spaces. You know how we build safe spaces for college kids on campus? You know how we do that in this country? That's what we have to do over there in Syria and get some of the
Starting point is 00:47:03 fucking Gulf countries to pitch in, likeordan and whoever uh that have uh dough you know i mean and and and build uh refugee camps over there they have them dr carson went over there apparently they're pretty nice but uh that's not even what i don't think chuck todd even asked trump about this he's he's trying to get to something else in a dark country and we can't have it we don't think Chuck Todd even asked Trump about this. He's trying to get to something else. And we can't have it. We don't know who these people are. They're undocumented.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And that's true. By the way, even if it's 10,000, we can't have it. We can't have people coming in that we know nothing about. There is no paperwork. Sure we can. That would be racist, Donald. There's no paperwork. And this is going to be. Let's sacrifice the life of our country.
Starting point is 00:47:42 One big, fat Trojan horse. And we cannot have that. All right. Well, let's let's go back to let's let's back up here a minute. Let's go to this Jersey City comment. You said you saw this. Nobody can find evidence of this. And more importantly, the article that you tweeted out that says that this backed you up that in itself there were three or four
Starting point is 00:48:05 different reports that month in new jersey that said it was a myth that was spread that it was a false rumor fbi you name it where did you see this check i saw it on television so did many other people and many on television here's what trump loses me. And many... On television? Here's where Trump loses me. Alright, where's that clip? And you know, where's that clip? If you saw it on television. I remember hearing about it. I remember witnessing,
Starting point is 00:48:36 I told you in the last episode, when I lived in, you know what, Queens. The next night, I told you, the Middle Eastern guy blaring his... I look out the window, he's got his cab all four doors open, parked in front of my building, literally dancing in the street. So we know what went on. And don't tell me it didn't happen all over the world and in Jersey City and Patterson. Of course it did.
Starting point is 00:48:56 They probably did it indoors. But don't say you saw it on TV. You know what I mean? That doesn't change the fact that these people weren't sharing but what's trump talking about he says he saw it on tv well where's the clip we'd like to back you up on that one donald but uh you know but my point here watch how animated this conversation gets with chuck todd and it just i i've been watching him for a year i've never seen him get that animated with anybody on the left ever.
Starting point is 00:49:26 As it comes up here. Jersey City. You saw Jersey City. I also heard Patterson. Excuse me. Okay. I've heard Jersey City. I've heard Patterson. Rich Voss' hometown.
Starting point is 00:49:35 15 years ago. But I saw it on television. I saw clips. And so did many other people. And many people saw it in person. I've had hundreds of phone calls to the Trump Organization saying we saw it. I wouldn't doubt. I was just in Jersey City.
Starting point is 00:49:48 And by the way, the Washington Post, now he tried to pull back, but the Washington Post reported tailgate parties and reports of tailgate parties. Tailgate parties means like for a football game where you have hundreds and hundreds and maybe even thousands of people having tailgate parties. I saw it at the time. I stick by it. Hundreds of people have confirmed it. This didn't happen in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:50:12 There were plenty of reports, and you're feeding a stereotype. Chuck, it did happen in New Jersey. I have hundreds of people that agree with me. And by the way— But they want to agree with you. That doesn't make— But that's another where he sounds like a novice as a candidate. I've got hundreds of people who agree with me.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Probably thousands. But, you know. And again, I'm not saying it. I'm just saying there's no footage of it. I'm not saying it didn't happen. He's probably right. I witnessed a little bit in Queens, for Christ's sake. And not just that guy danced around in front of his cab either.
Starting point is 00:50:44 It was a nice bustling, a nice energy to them. They'd walk down the street to the next few days. I don't know. It's true. Chuck, you have a huge Muslim population over there,
Starting point is 00:50:53 and that's fine. That's fine. But you have a huge Muslim population between Patterson and different places and Jersey City, an unbelievable large population.
Starting point is 00:51:03 If they're going to be doing it at soccer games, if they're going to be doing it at soccer games, if they're going to be doing it all around the world that was being done, it was when the Trade Center came down. As far as the soccer game comment, you know what he's talking about, when they played the, was it Germany and France played a couple days after the Paris attacks and the crowd was chanting Allah Akbar during the moment of silence? So, yeah, there's a very anti-American sentiment live and well globally.
Starting point is 00:51:28 We know that. But to say that, you know, I saw it on TV. Well, let's dig up the clips. Let's go to Warner Wolf for the video. Last night in Patterson, jihad scored a big victory. It was done all around the world. And you know that because that has been reported very strongly. Why wouldn't it have taken place? I've had hundreds of people call in and tweet in on Twitter that they thought I was 100% right.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Now, the Washington Post also wrote about tailgate parties. We're looking for other articles, and we're looking for other clips. And I wouldn't be surprised if we found them, Chuck. But for some reason, they're not that easy to come by. I saw it. So many people saw it, Chuck. And so why would I take it back? I'm not going to take it back.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It does make sense there's not a lot of clips. Where he lost me is the TV. He saw it on TV. But obviously people back then didn't go, oh, let me film these guys partying across the street, these Middle Eastern looking guys. And I mean, that wasn't sort of the mentality.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I think we're a little glued to our TV sets. Well, just because somebody repeats something doesn't make it true. And I guess that's actually... I don't mean I had two calls, Chuck. Even yesterday, I was in Sarasota, Florida, and people were saying they lived in Jersey. They were saying because people were saying lower in Florida. If I said, Mr. Trump, if I said, well, people have said Mr. Trump's not worth 10 billion dollars and people were saying he would
Starting point is 00:53:02 say that was crazy. You wouldn't make a business deal based on retweets. But he doesn't do that when they're talking about Benghazi and Hillary. People will come on and go, we have sources that Hillary never said. He doesn't get that animated. You have to watch every week, I guess. It's more about his tone and his temperament and based on hearsay you're running for president of the United States your words matter truthfulness matters fact-based stuff matters make it easy Chuck just have you ever heard him say that to Hillary your words means truthfulness matter has he ever said that ever i could be wrong maybe he has but i've never heard him come on that strong it's fucking hilarious himothoratus is 80 times worse that dried up hag stefanopoulos do you ever fucking work
Starting point is 00:53:56 guy's never hosting his own show it's always the hag but listen how animated chuck is getting even donald's like uh you're supposed to be a neutral journalist. But cool. This is people in this country that love our country that saw this by the hundreds they're calling. And they're tweeting. And there's a lot of people in Arizona. People would tell me yesterday they used to live in New Jersey. They remember it vividly.
Starting point is 00:54:24 They thought it was disgusting. So these are people that saw it, too. The Washington Post reported it. Other people, many, many people have seen it. The Post reported it, by the way. That's the guy he was making fun of, I guess, who now works for the New York Times, I believe. But he used to write for the Post. He wrote an article saying that this was going on.
Starting point is 00:54:42 He's got like a kind of, I don't know if it's Parkinson's or whatever. But he's the one that Trump was supposedly mocking, which he was, by the way. And again, as a comedian, that really doesn't bother me. Because, you know, especially me, I have no feelings. And everybody deserves mocking, especially somebody who writes for the New York Times. And if he's being untruthful to me, that's the first thing I go after. And I know you're thinking, well, that's an asshole move.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I'm a fucking comic. No rules here. You know, if I get in a fight with a woman, I'm going to think of the worst word that hurts their feelings or whatever. You know, that's just how it works in the world. But Trump's up there. They have clips of him like shaking,
Starting point is 00:55:24 like imitating the guy. And then he says, I did not know he was disabled but you know what the fucking media lies every day about whether it's hillary and fucking benghazi and i mean on a national level or or um or whether the irs was conservative groups. They fucking lie every day and repeat those lies. So fuck you. Trump's fighting fire with fire. Truth doesn't, hasn't mattered forever in this country when it comes to the media. So now you get somebody on the right,
Starting point is 00:55:57 well, I don't even know if you consider him on the right, independent, I don't know what Trump is, but he's giving it right back to you. Not condoning it, just enjoying it as a bystander. So I believe that I have a very good memory, Chuck. I'll tell you, I have a very good memory. I saw it somewhere on television many years ago, and I never forgot it. And it was on television, too.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Let me ask you about your reaction to what happened in Colorado. Okay. Well, I think it's terrible. I mean, terrible. It's more. Right. Whatever. You know where that's going.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Well, they think it's because of all the talk and the news and blah, blah, blah. But I wanted to get the part about the end. But Trump can't be. He can't go. Hundreds, hundreds of people tweeted that they agree with me. Okay. Do they have any footage? These hundreds of people. I mean agree with me. Okay, do they have any footage, these hundreds of people?
Starting point is 00:56:45 You know what I mean? I got no, look, my heart wouldn't be broken if Trump was the nominee, but, you know, I'm a Cruz, Ted Cruz guy, you know, who is going to pick up once Trump, if he starts to flame out, is going to pick up all the people because, you know, Cruz is like Trump only i would say 100 times smarter not that trump's a dope but uh you know he's principled and uh a little cuckoo himself but anyways i i just if you're gonna say on national tv it was on tv years ago that should
Starting point is 00:57:21 be very easy to find let's go to to the archives. Wouldn't you say? That's the type of shit that might do him in, in the end. I don't know. But, um, so that was that. It's just fun. And then I flip over to Martha Raddatz, and she keeps bringing up the fucking Colorado shooting, even after
Starting point is 00:57:41 the show has moved on, to talk about other stuff. Anyways, let me get your, before you go, you know, talking to like a Putin's second man in command. By the way, did you hear about the shooting in Colorado at the Planned Parenthood? Isn't this is another example. They always, it's a fucking, you got to give the Dems credit it's a playbook that they follow and they don't budge from it they're like the patriots offense which is a beautiful segue into my patriots by the way you guys saw the game last night and had this dark feeling and i'm gonna be honest with you i'm in you know my little football pool i took denver getting five and a
Starting point is 00:58:22 half because it's always been a house of horrors, Denver, for us, even back in the day. But let's be fucking honest. Everybody's so excited that the Patriots lost, you know? Let's be honest. I mean, really? The guys that we're losing that are injured aren't just players. They're not just starters.
Starting point is 00:58:43 They're all pro caliber. Dion Lewis was our leading rusher, was having an all-pro year uh nate soldier offensive tackle perennial all-pro um jamie collins our best defensive player and the leading tackler hasn't played in a month for an illness i don't even know what it is i don't know he's got the shits uh maybe he's got orthorexia. I don't know. And, you know, then Edelman breaks his foot. I could go on and on. These are all pro.
Starting point is 00:59:12 I mean, you know. And Brady's out there with our second and third stringers. Not only playing against Denver, but the officials. What part of fucking Denver were they from? Some of those calls. Really, Gronk? They call him for offense. He's not being singled out. He's been called eight times for offensive interference. What a crock of shit. You could have called that. They called him offensive interference last night. You could
Starting point is 00:59:34 call that every time a tight end releases from the line of scrimmage. There's always contact. The defensive player is supposed to bump Gronk to slow him down before he releases. So what's he supposed to do? Put his hands down like he's Stephen Hawking? Put his hands down by his side? So that's fucking total horseshit. And then the other holding call. I don't even remember who the hell that was on. It was horrendous against the Pats. One of our receivers put his hand on a guy's shoulder for like one of our defensive backs. It was just, was it Chung? I can't remember. Just ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Even Chris Collinsworth, who's, you know, a company man. And you see, well, there was a little bit. He goes out of his way to try to make sure, you know, he doesn't shit on the officials. But those calls were horrendous. And then on the touchdown that put Denver ahead, a guy for Denver offensive lineman had his hand up under the face mask of a Patriots offensive lineman.
Starting point is 01:00:34 That's called hands to the face. They call it every time. No call. And then somebody else went out for a pass to the Patriots and was being anally raped from behind. That's when Brady lost his shit. Should have been a holding call. And again, whatever.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I'm just saying, do you think really? Do you really think when the Pats get healthy and Edelman will be back this day for the playoffs and Gronk, by the way, I don't know what to believe. They're saying it's not that serious. It's weird. Right after the game, I went online and said ACL, MCL.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Somebody put out there. And I don't know if they were just busting chops. But you saw when they finally stood Gronk up. And when I saw the replay, I was a little relieved. Because it's not like the first time he hurt his knee when his foot was, when you get in trouble is when your foot is planted and somebody drills you right in the knee. You know what I mean? But his foot was, that wasn't the case. It was in air and the guy caught him right on his kneecap with a helmet.
Starting point is 01:01:38 And it's sort of a hyperextension is what it looked like. But which doesn't, I mean, he was in some serious frigging pain. And again, I'm doing this was in some serious friggin' pain. And again, I'm doing this at 4 o'clock on Monday. I don't know the extent, but the few reports I have read from ESPN, some source said it doesn't seem that serious. You saw him stand up, and he started to put weight on it when he went to get on the cart, and that's when I was like, we might have a chance here.
Starting point is 01:02:02 But you going to tell me, Denver, you want to see us in the fucking playoffs, really, with a healthy Gronk and Edelman? You couldn't beat our second stringers with help from the refs. It took overtime. How about fucking Brady? Nobody even talks about it last night. Yeah, I know, my Brady man crush.
Starting point is 01:02:18 And if you were from Boston, you'd be blowing him too. How about him getting the ball back with, what what a minute or something left and putting us in field goal position and goszkowski who's as good as venetary ever was no nobody even talks about easy how easy brady's good brady got us down into a field goal position that that loss didn't bother me a fucking bit it was actually uh i'm glad they get it out of the way. Because when you go undefeated, like in 2007, there's more pressure on you. 2007 was it or 2008? I can't even remember. But the pressure builds and builds.
Starting point is 01:02:56 It's kind of like, to me, it's a little bit of a relief. But I find these Bronco fans, I found these guys online, a couple of black dudes, who just have me belly laughing. I think they're Broncos fans. I found these guys online, a couple of black dudes who just have me belly laughing. I think they're Broncos fans. One guy admits to jumping on the bandwagon. But listen to these two guys. They were cracking me the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:03:13 That's why I love this country. First of all, let's play. Even though it was on NBC, you've got to hear this shit. I heard that 400 times yesterday. CBS, I beg of you. Again, it was on NBC last night, but I'm just saying, if you watch all the games. Listen to these two so-called Bronco fans. A couple of brothers just cracking me up.
Starting point is 01:03:47 He's saying grown man business. This is right after the Broncos. One guy's got a Broncos cap on and like a beard, almost like an ISIS beard. He's the one going, grown man business. You know, they go, it's click clack, baby. If somebody can fill the white fella in on this type of shit. But these guys are so funny. Business. Grown man business. But these guys are so funny.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Business. Brown man business. The Tom Brady era is over. Brown man business. Tom Brady era is over. That's what I'm talking about, baby. That's what I'm talking about. I said he was a good quarterback. Ain't no New England Patriots hat coming in his house.
Starting point is 01:04:20 That's right. And I predicted that Brock, future of the Broncos, he's the future of the Broncos. You better hope not. That's football right there, baby. That's football in the snow. Yeah, they tried to give the game to the Patriots. Now, you can't give the game to the Patriots. No, you can't.
Starting point is 01:04:38 It's all you, baby. It's all you. And look at the plate. A sweep left. Look at the blocking on that plate. Beautiful. Beautiful. That's football, baby.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Championship-style football. Grow, man, business, baby. Grow, man, business. Click, clack. We in the house, baby. Hey. Click, clack. You showed me, brother.
Starting point is 01:04:57 You showed me. Talking about Brock Osweiler. Two weeks ago. Yo, I seen that Brock play. He's a good quarterback. I ain't worried about Patriots. He's good. We ain't worried about, you know, he's a good man.
Starting point is 01:05:06 We'll see you in the playoffs, motherfuckers. Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning. He's the future. He's the future. He's the future. That's right. I feel good.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Peyton Manning retired next year. I feel good. That's right. We got Brock. I told you that guy's a good quarterback. It's our year. That's right. It's our year.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Defense. AFC champions, baby. Run a game. That's right. Throw a our year. Defense. AFC champions, baby. Run a game. That's right. Throw a game. Yep, number 58 had a good game. The linebacker for Denver Broncos, dominant. Dominant, baby.
Starting point is 01:05:33 What's his name? Von? Von Miller? Yeah, Von Miller. Hey. The defense, did they job in the second half? They made their adjustments. You know?
Starting point is 01:05:42 Outstanding game. Hey, I'm a Bronco fan now. He's a Bronco fan now. That's right, Broncos, baby. See this? That's right. You see this? It's his hat.
Starting point is 01:05:50 It's grown man business, baby. I might have to break down and buy a hat, a Bronco. That's right. That's right. Patriots, your undefeated era is over with. First loss, baby. First of many. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:03 First of many. Y'all got to see Houston. Yeah. Oh of many. Y'all got to see Houston. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Y'all got to see Houston. A physical defense. We said it. They have problems.
Starting point is 01:06:10 A physical defense. They have problems. That's right. Road man business. That's right. Yeah. Somebody get them. Imagine throwing them in the booth and getting rid of Jim Nance and Phil Simms and everybody
Starting point is 01:06:23 else and just throwing these two guys in for every Sunday. Oh. Sunday oh imagine how great TV could be if we did shit like that but anyways don't get too excited Denver and uh it's because you know we're gonna fucking just break your hearts in a month or so if we do run into you again if you even make the playoffs with Brock Osweiler please but uh yeah I to find out what happened to Gronk. Anyways, kids, that's about it. Fun, huh? Go to and write this down, folks. Subscription model.
Starting point is 01:06:54 You can hear three or four shows a week. If you pay $3.99, go to slash nick. slash Nick. slash Nick. And people are signing up by the droves already, baby. Very happy. And you can make contributions like these guys did. But $3.99 a month gets you two to four more shows. This one will be on the Riotcast network, the free one, at the beginning of the week.
Starting point is 01:07:21 And you know how it works. And check into my page and uh maybe i'll do an update from the road make a little dumb video on my phone but you know i'm not much for that horse shit but apparently people like it um slash nick thank you again people that came out to riverhead come see me this weekend at the home of the Patriots, the A4 mention Pats. I'll be at the comedy scene right there in Foxborough, right next to the stadium. The comedy scene, Friday and Saturday night, the 4th and the 5th. And I'm getting tickets. I'm working on it. I've never been to a game of Gillette. I mentioned that. And they're playing the Eagles at 4 o'clock. But
Starting point is 01:08:01 do I want to be in the, you know, watch a, I know, watch a Gronkless, Edelman-less team against the Eagles? Anyways, January, I'm at Levity Live, West Nyack, New York. That's right over the Tappan Zee Bridge from Westchester. The 8th, 9th, and 10th of January, Levity Live. And then 14, 15, and 16, Zaney's in Chicago. And then January 23rd, Sports Haven in New Haven, Connecticut. And then I'm doing something in February at the Music Hall in
Starting point is 01:08:30 Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It's a bunch of Boston comedians. Mike Donovan organizing it. Very funny guy who was in that Barry Crimmins movie, by the way. Alright, kids. Again, slash Nick. Jump on the bandwagon, baby. Talk on Big Man Bender.
Starting point is 01:08:46 All right? I'm out. Lee, tell them how I feel. I love you for helping me to construct my life. Not a tavern, but a temple. I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. You have done it without a word, without a touch, without a sign. He's a fag!
Starting point is 01:09:18 You have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps, after all, that is what love means. And that is why I love you. Have a good one, everybody! guitar solo guitar solo Bye.

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