The Nick DiPaolo Show - 125 - Trans Bathrooms, Slashers, Islam Debate, Citizen Journalists?

Episode Date: March 15, 2016

Trans Bathrooms, Slashers, Islam Debate, Citizen Journalists?...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, kiddies. What's going on? Don't know when this show's gonna air. This could be Monday when you listen to it. If it is, if this is the Monday show, again, I'm doing an episode of horse and pete next week uh hasn't been confirmed yet so everything's up in the air i'm putting these in the can early if it's the monday show and you're listening um and you love the show go to connect
Starting point is 00:00:57 slash nick connect slash nick and sign up for the subscription based model, which is two to three more shows a week at three dollars and ninety nine cents a month. That's less than a buck a week. Connect pal dot com slash Nick. If you want more of the Nick DiPaolo podcast. And how are you doing? What's going on? Interesting debate.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Get to that in a few seconds. And all the other happy horseshit. Come see me at Sidesplitters at the end of the month, March 31st through April 2nd. That's in Tampa. Sidesplitters in Tampa. One of my favorite gigs. Then April 9th at the Women's Club of Minneapolis. Again, that's just the name of the venue, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Don't go, what the fuck? Has he gone soft on us? What's he doing? Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. You know what I'm saying? And you get the rest of it. The rest of the dates are at, or people I could do it the difficult way,
Starting point is 00:01:58 And, yeah, that is it. Anyways, nice talking to you see you next week bye-bye hey i'm having a little problem with my program here my sound slate program uh so when i do drop in a sound effect and i hit the stop button it does nothing so it'll continue to play sometimes so uh until i get that fixed this will be fucking. That's the beauty of the warts and all. It's what makes it funny. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:02:29 what's going on in the world? And let's start with my world. You know, my world locally. That won't be a bad place to start, right? Let me stop there in New York City. A slasher attacked another slasher. I could read these every day, by the way, because people don't live in New York.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I live, again, 40 miles north of the city, but it's just a cesspool right now, thanks to Comrade de Blasio and his liberal fucking ilk. By the way, now you can piss in New York City in public without being arrested, so I just might take advantage of that, stand on the hood of a car. Probably take a dump and kick it right at the cop and uh and nothing will be done but how just i just want you to think about that logic for a second how you shouldn't uh or minor
Starting point is 00:03:15 offenses like jumping a turnstile i think that was in there you know so uh literally the far left is going for chaos and law and disorder un Unlawful disorder is what they want. Right back to New York in the 70s. But just fucking retarded. You fucking retarded? I don't know how else to. It's like a mental illness. A slasher, and this is about the 58th one, I'd say, this year.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And I'm not even exaggerating. It's like the thing to do now. Remember you suck a punch in Whitey? Now it's cutting people's faces of all colors, by the way. They never mention the color of the suspects hardly ever unless they get a picture once in a while. So that might tell you something too. I know there's been a few Asian nuts in there with knives.
Starting point is 00:04:01 A slasher attacked a woman on a quiet Brooklyn street Thursday, sneaking up behind her and slicing her neck as she walked to her babysitting job so again united states tourists uh come to new york city enjoy again this was in brooklyn but so what it's part of the city isn't it it's not manhattan but it's new york city uh slash brook. It's a borough. Yeah. I won't mention the lady's name. Doesn't matter. But she was texting. And that's a thing that I've been saying for, oh, I don't know, five years now. I used to come out of the comedy cellar and walk by Washington Square Park. It's midnight, 1230. And I'd see girls walking by themselves with their face buried in their cell
Starting point is 00:04:43 phone. Now, if I'm a criminal, rapist, whatever, I'm just going to drop you with a nice dry gulch, a sucker punch. You've got to be aware of your surroundings. Not only have they got their faces buried in phones they have headphones on, I mean buried in their cell phones they have headphones on their heads. Could you make yourself any less aware of your surroundings? And she even admits this poor lady. Again, that's no excuse uh for this jerk off to do what he did but uh i remember being in a new york city cab and a
Starting point is 00:05:12 jamaican cab driver with a heavy jamaican accent saying this to me years ago this had to be eight eight nine years ago and uh no i'm not gonna do the jamaican accent but he said that uh he you know look at these people with their faces in the phone. They're going to get robbed. And it made perfect sense when he said it. And that was like eight years ago. But she had her face buried in a phone. Some guy comes up from behind, slashes her neck.
Starting point is 00:05:38 This is before 10 a.m. This is how you get your morning started before you even get your Starbucks in you. That's how you get your morning started before you even get your Starbucks in you. And she says people need to be aware of their surroundings because she was texting when it happened. She got everything. Nothing was stolen. So it's just a psycho. It's disturbing psycho.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Her bag or everything, you know nothing was taken meanwhile uh the menace who stabbed two people these are stabbings now this doesn't fall under um this doesn't fall under slashing this guy's behind the times he's just stabbing people uh this menace stabbed two people in separate incidents in prospect park that's also's also Brooklyn. Wednesday night was arrested. Also charged with another stabbing. Kenny Rochelin, 26, attacked jogger Andrew Green and then robbed Reginald Kersent
Starting point is 00:06:37 before stabbing him in the stomach. Cops also linked him to An attack on Yehuda Berkman Who suffered a collapsed lung So yeah come to New York Visit all the outer boroughs You know liberalism in action Come see it
Starting point is 00:06:59 Come fucking see New York Yeah I can't believe people even come here Come fucking see New York. Yeah. I can't believe people even come here. I'm glad I'm in the woods. Like I said, I'm going to die. I'm going to die in a battle with the government on my property up in northern Westchester. I want to go out like, you know, Legends of the Fall.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I'm going to be like Anthony Hopkins. He comes out. He's got the shotgun. Comes out. Confronting some guys from the government. He's got a stroke. He's got a fur coat on.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Get the fuck off my property. I'm going to be a contact. He's got a fur coat on Get the fuck off my property It's funny how all urban areas Are in decay all over the country Go to downtown Atlanta Around midnight See what happens Or Detroit or you know What does that tell you?
Starting point is 00:08:02 Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah! I found you come to your home. Now cut your fuckin' throat out. Throwdowns. I love that I made more.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Made a Yankees hat more famous than a Yankee can. Yeah. Let's stay on new york city shall we since it's the crossroads of the world so uh anything i say on this show it's relevant to everybody out there on this fucking filthy planet ah more liberal fucking retardedness in action new york city mayor demands all government restrooms open to gender choice. New York will now allow a person of any gender to choose whether to use a men's or women's bathroom
Starting point is 00:09:14 or locker room in all municipal properties. Acceding to the demands of the transgender advocates, and I'll repeat again, they make up about .00001% of the population of this country, the transgender advocates and i'll repeat again they make up about point zero zero zero zero one percent of the population of this country but uh who am i to question that fucking you know what does that mean so i can go in if i feel like i i devise a woman tomorrow i could just
Starting point is 00:09:42 what if i have a... Seriously, this could be actually good news. I'm ready to get all over it, but what if I'm in New York City and it's very hard in New York City to find a bathroom, like, especially down
Starting point is 00:09:52 in the village? What if I have to take a wicked dump? I feel a wicked dump. Can I just, like, slap on some lipstick? If the men's room is, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:59 if the men's room is... There's no openings in there? Can I just bash into a lady? Just announce, hey, I'm a chick. I want to take a dump. Seriously, that might be a good thing. I might be poo-pooing on this.
Starting point is 00:10:12 No pun intended. Is that how it works? Just says you have to, like... I don't know. That could be a good thing. But, uh but de Blasio has signed an executive order Monday that applies to city agency offices, public parks, pools, playgrounds, museums. Today's order makes it clear that New York City fully supports the right of every New Yorker to use a single-sex facility consistent with their gender identity. de Blasio said in a fucking mental disorder rage.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Describing New York as the birthplace of the fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual. Every New Yorker should feel safe and welcome in our cities. And this starts with our cities and our buildings. He called access to the bathrooms and other single-sex facilities based on gender identity a fundamental human right. Yeah, well, don't tell me it's not going to lead to some fucking
Starting point is 00:11:13 psychos pulling some shit. New York's home to approximately 25,000 transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. So are we even breaking it down further from transgender to gender non-conforming? That we're even breaking it down further from transgender to gender non-conforming that's what i'm saying so again depending on how you're looking at it like i said it might be good
Starting point is 00:11:48 if you're a girl there's a line a mile long a lot of times that are good you can just go right into a men's room just say hey i feel like i have a cock today but don't tell me these knock on me guys who take advantages rape oh rapists and and i know they've already poo-pooed this, saying that's a myth that the transgender groups have put out information that hasn't happened yet. Yeah, because the law is, what, a minute old? These laws are about a minute or two old?
Starting point is 00:12:14 Give it some time. It's not like the fucking idiot psychos on the street who rape people sitting home in their beautiful living room watching a flat-screen TV and watching the news. It'll get to them on the street eventually, And they will bust into a... By the way, it applies to locker rooms too. Yeah. Gee, what could go wrong there? Give me a fucking break. Do you think it's an accident that we've been, we segregate like that? You know, girls' bathroom,
Starting point is 00:12:39 men's bathroom for the last hundred or so years. And it's worked pretty well, hasn't it? I know girls might argue with that because I don't know what the fuck, you know, it takes eight hours for you girls to whatever you're doing there. The line's around three times what a men's room is. But I'm just saying, what could happen, right? Give me a break. You'll find out, especially in this cesspool in New York City where things are going backwards at 400 miles an hour.
Starting point is 00:13:04 But like I said, in an emergency, fellas, I don't even know. Like I said, I think you can just announce. I look like a lesbian from Sicily. Everybody says it.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I used to when I had a pretty face. Now I just look like a fucking... I look like a guy from Sicily. But nice going, Mayor. I'm sure that'll go over beautifully. Tip toe through my a-hole. And if there is an attack in the bathrooms and stuff like that, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:37 It'll be reported because there's something going on now. Something called citizen journalists. They're about to take over newsrooms all over the country. It's a very interesting story. Fox Television Stations has become the first major media outlet to employ citizens' journalists. The broadcaster has partnered with Fresco News, that's a crowdsourced news startup,
Starting point is 00:14:02 that has signed up hundreds of citizen journalists in cities across the country. The partnership went active on Wednesday in Fox-owned stations in 11 markets, including New York, LA, and San Francisco, will use Fresco's Newsroom tool suite to gather stories. That's an app, Fresco's app, which connects people on the street to newsrooms, notifies citizen journalists who have signed up for the app of open assignments from a local TV station, and those who pursue an assignment can then submit photos or videos to Fresco,
Starting point is 00:14:34 which are quickly vetted, you know, what could go wrong there? I'm sure there'll be no fucking slant there, by its content team and passed on to the station's producers. Again, putting way too much trust in people who work at Fresco and high-tech things like this. I know how they vote.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I know how they think. This will be polluted, too, by their fucking bias. Fresco receives $75 for each video and $30 for each photo chosen for on-air use. It forwards two-thirds of this revenue which is 50 and 20 respectively to the citizen delivering the content that's kind of cool isn't it again if people were perfect in a perfect world it would work beautifully fresco in philadelphia's fox 29 began testing the collaboration in february and the results beat expectations said uh the news director jimmy driscoll we've been talking we've been talking about citizen journalism for years uh but we didn't act on it until our
Starting point is 00:15:31 vision and fresco's model met at the crossroads and um then he gave an example of um you know there was a fire on march 7th um which was about a 20-minute ride from the... Fresco sent out an alert about the fire. It was in Morristown, Pennsylvania, a 20-minute ride from the station. The station instantly received a great video of a huge fire, whereas crews dispatched by its competitors were lucky to get smoke and embers by the time they arrived to the fire scene. So, in other words, it's just people right there.
Starting point is 00:16:04 You know what I mean? You get the thing on your app saying hey there's a fucking shooting going down on the corner of uh fight the power and die whitey avenue get out there stupid and uh bang and you're there with your cell phone and driscoll appreciates fresco's ability to open up smaller communities that for budget reasons you know don't normally they can't cover stories like that because they don't have the budget, then get out of the fucking business. It's a two-way platform, he says. It's invaluable. So he says, we've already seen video on TV from three or four Fresco contributors who are covering the same protests, which adds a new dimension to how our stories are presented. And again, my problem with that is,
Starting point is 00:16:45 okay, let's say it's Black Lives Matter and cops show up and shit gets fucking nasty. And I'm supposed to trust your citizen journalists, an 18-year-old black kid out there, or even a fucking white racist guy. He's not going gonna point his camera where he wants to point it like when you see the videos of you know cops beating up a black kid and they always they never show the first two minutes of what caused it and and vice versa you see what
Starting point is 00:17:18 i'm saying personal bias isn't gonna get in the way with how they shoot the footage how are you gonna vet that and how you to, maybe you can't, I don't know, maybe I'm missing the fucking point. You get my point, don't you though? They're going to vet it. So we have to,
Starting point is 00:17:31 we have to put our trust in the people at Fresco to vet these little videos before they send them, you know, send them to the stations before they, and I'm saying
Starting point is 00:17:43 your personal bias, whether you want to admit to having it or not, is going to fucking taint a lot of that journalism. Yeah? Yeah. Holy shit, I see my reflection in the computer screen. I am fucking chubby and pasty. Summer, you better get here.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I worked out... I did the plyometrics yesterday the p90x the hardest one where you jump around and the one that that you know helped destroy my knees again not because of anything p90x did because i abused the fucking thing but uh i i keep continuing to go back to that because it's the one that gets your heart rate up the highest and just it's it's fucking brutal man and i did it again yesterday and i'm like this is it i gotta drop a few because tv puts a few on you i'm doing horse and pete i'm not gonna drop a few so i last night i did rob sprance uh podcast by the way
Starting point is 00:18:38 which will be on monday night it's uh the glory hole on i did his podcast and that airs on monday and um there were a few other people they were great um this is smoking hot chickalory sidekick i don't know sprance it's like a pimp and uh i forget the other guys and i want to say jimmy or frankie there was a couple people there anyways that comes out monday and um yeah i did that and uh you know it was it was a lot of fun by the way i get home and i'm like i'm on a roll i'm gonna go to bed hungry and drop a few pounds i open the fridge to get some uh low calorie gatorade and what's in front of me in the fridge a family-sized bucket of kent Kentucky fried chicken with like one piece taken out of it my goddamn wife one of these broads who can eat anything and still get old I uh what
Starting point is 00:19:34 uh but uh she'll smack me but she doesn't listen to the show she didn't listen to me in person the fuck am I worried about I? I haven't had Kentucky Fried Chicken. I swear to Christ, I think I was living in Los Angeles in the mid-90s the last time I had KFC. Because it's like fucking cocaine. It's like heroin. You take a bite of that shit, you're going to be running
Starting point is 00:19:57 to the nearest KFC every fucking day. I purposely hadn't eaten it. I swear to God, 12, 15 years. I don't know what the fuck. Over 15 years. 99, 2000. What am I talking about? I've been back in New York since 2000. That's 16 years.
Starting point is 00:20:12 And there's the bucket. I lift the fucking lid off it. And like I said, there's like 29 pieces. Crustier than old fucking lesbian's ass. I don't know what that means, but just fucking. I pull it out it i didn't even heat it up i just i was like fred flintstone with a with a chicken leg i just sucked on it and pulled a bone out of my mouth that shit that secret recipe is it's some type of drug cocaine
Starting point is 00:20:35 fucking and i proceeded to i think when i was done there was like a two breasts left in the bucket my wife had hardly even touched it and so here I am sitting here doing a podcast I can feel my belt cutting into my gut as I speak to you and slept like shit again this is a vicious cycle because when you don't sleep they say that's when you crave
Starting point is 00:20:59 salt and it's so true man it is so fucking true too tired to work out although yesterday I fucking forced like five cups of coffee down my throat to do it. And today I just feel like a bag of cheese. Went to bed at five or two, woke up at a little after six, went back to sleep for about, I don't know, an hour and a half. And then I get up and what did I do? I said, oh, mashed potatoes, gravy. So there you go. I got to get outside today.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I got to at least walk around. I'm like a fucking old person. I used to laugh at old people. Oh, look, they walk for exercise. Yeah, that'll get you in shape. That's what I do. Maybe a city journalist, a citizen journalist will see me heading to a transgender bathroom where I can slash somebody in the face.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's all coming together, isn't it? Sure it is. So there was another debate last night. I didn't even know about it. They're coming so fast. They have so many of them. And, you know, I follow the shit. I didn't even know about it. They're coming so fast. They have so many of them. And I, you know, I follow the shit. I didn't even know about it.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Heard about it on the way in to do Sprance's podcast. Called the wife and said, record that, will you? And much more civil, much more civil. It's down to, what is it? Kasich, Cruz. It's like four of them, right? Rubio, Trump, Kasich, Cruz. And they were much, much more,
Starting point is 00:22:29 even Trump was trying to be presidential, but even when he's doing that, you can tell it's a struggle. But, you know, a couple days ago, he said Islam hates us, and somehow that's a controversial statement to the fucking left. And like I said, the reaction and the people who were shitting
Starting point is 00:22:47 their pants and call him hitler are making me like the guy more and more even though i'm not even a huge fan of his it's just like i said it's the it's people like me who's so tired of being labeled a racist and a bigot anytime you disagree with the left or what the media sees as, that's why Trump is so fucking popular. And so he said that statement a couple nights ago, and of course that came up in the debate, and they all touched it. They all touched on it, and they had different, you know, different takes on what Donald said,
Starting point is 00:23:28 which made me just as much more of a fan of his. You told CNN, quote, Islam hates us. Did you mean all 1.6 billion Muslims? I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them. Yeah, that's what he meant, Jake. There's something going on that maybe you don't know about, and maybe a lot of them. I've got to pause right here. And I've asked this question a million times. Yeah, that's what he meant, Jake. I'm going to pause right here.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And I've asked this question a million times. Why is that the, why are we hung up on that when somebody makes a statement about an ethnicity or a race or a religion? Why is the left so hung up on, oh my God, you're painting with too broad a brush. No, you're painting with too broad a brush no you're painting with too fucking narrow a brush why is that the worst thing somebody can do and again it goes back to the uh you know the black white issue in this country and how people used to stereotype black people and and and whatever and we haven't never got over that and now but i i don't understand why that is like a the mortal sin. That is the worst thing you can do.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Did you mean every 1.6 billion? Yeah, that's what he meant, Jake, you fucking dope. No, he meant enough that so when he says it, it gets a round of applause. So it must be kind of true. I remember Chris Rock saying something that was kind of quandary. And people were clapping. And he goes, I ain't clapping because it ain't fucking true. Yeah, he meant every single, we know
Starting point is 00:24:51 it's not every single Muslim. I lived in Queens, like I said, and they were hardworking people and shit. We know all that, but there's a fucking problem and it is rooted in their hate. That's all he's saying but i love so listen they they all have a take on this and and here you go and it's it really it really uh
Starting point is 00:25:10 differentiated uh each candidate that's why other people don't know about but there's tremendous hatred and i will stick with exactly what i said i know that a lot of people find appeal in the things donald says because he says what people wish they could say that's rubio the problem is presidents can't just say anything they want. It has consequences here and around the world. Yeah, so what? News is coming out that in America, leading political figures are saying that America doesn't like Muslims.
Starting point is 00:25:34 You're going to, if you go anywhere in the world, you're going to see American men and women serving us in uniform that are Muslim. Anyone out there that has the uniform of the United States on and is willing to die for this country is someone that loves America, no matter what their religious background. And anybody goes into a boardroom and works there for a year and pretends to befriend everybody that comes and then shoots them up is filled with hate and has hundreds of friends and millions of people who think like that. That's all Trump was saying. So you're right, Rubio. What's he supposed to Trump supposed to do before he makes a statement we know there's uh muslims that fight for the united
Starting point is 00:26:11 like you said he doesn't have time for that because we know us people that haven't lost our minds over this we know what he means he doesn't mean 1.6 bill and he doesn't have to state that neither does anybody. But there is a huge fucking issue. Okay. Hey, yeah. But that's the worst thing you can do. Anyways, maybe Mr. Trump, there have been a lot of problems that you can say what you want and you can be politically correct if you want. I don't want to be so politically correct. I like to solve problems. We have a serious, serious problem of hate. The simple fact of the matter is,
Starting point is 00:26:50 a lot of these Muslim countries are... They are just... They can't believe the stuff they see out of people who have distorted their faith. Meaning other Muslims. People who represent radical Islam, they want to destroy everything that we're about and other Muslims who don't share their view.
Starting point is 00:27:06 But at the end of the day, we've got to bring the world together, the civilized world, and we all speak with one voice to make sure that people who sit on the fence understand what civilization is, and we represent it in equality and hope for... Blah, blah, blah, as the politically correct horse shit spells out of its mouth. I like it. The bell rang just in time. Like, okay, we've as the politically correct horse shit spells out of his mouth. I like it. The bell rang just in time. Like, okay, we've heard that a thousand times. But political correctness is a barrier to solving problems.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Sometimes you have to cut right to it. Where do you think he's getting all the momentum, Trump? And by the way, I'm going to read a story a little later here, how Dems are switching to Republican in Chicago by the thousands. Oh, he's playing on fears and the stupid. But he's he's talking like people do. OK. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:27:57 He sounds like one of us. What do you mean? For, by and of the people. Yeah. He sounds like one. Yeah. And again, I don't even I don't even know that I'm voting for him. Because I think, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Here's my worry with Trump. He gets elected and he's alienated so many inside Washington Beltway people that they're not going to fucking help him. And he's got to surround himself because he's not a politician. He's got to. That's why Cruz, I think, you know, I lean towards Cruz because he knows how D.C. works, but he doesn't play the D.C. game, even though he knows how it works. By the way, big story on Drudge Today.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I don't know what website the source was from that Cruz was, you know, belonged to the Pentecostal church, and, you know, they speak in tongues and all this shit. I don't know where they dig this shit up anyways, even if it is true, fine. So they're snake handlers. So, uh, so what you believe in people using bathrooms, if they feel like women and men and, and they can do anything they fucking, that's just as crazy to me as somebody who's a dad belonged to a church where they spoke in tongues and shit. Do you see what I'm saying? Your fucking beliefs are as wacky to me as his are to you. It all cancels each other out.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Get it? But he does look like Grandpa Munster, and that's not helping my boy Teddy. He kind of looks like an old Cuban woman, doesn't he? But he's smart as a fucking whip. But I like what Trump's doing. Just going, I don't give a shit. Even when they give him a second chance to backpedal, he doesn't he but he's smart as a fucking whip but i like what trump's doing just just going i don't give a shit even when they give him a second chance to backpedal he doesn't that's where he's smart and i'll say it again it's this overrated notion you have to have a phd from fucking harvard
Starting point is 00:29:38 or an mba or whatever from an ivy league school uh, you know, be a policy wonk, or be the president of the Harvard Law Review, or go to Yale for 48 years to be a good president. Fuck it. Let's throw this used car salesman in there. Let's see what happens. Grow some balls, America, you big girls. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Excuse me. Dad, are you going to buy me one or not? See I was trying to stop that laughing But it won't stop Mamma mia. Hmm. Dubai officials warn of clash of civilizations over Trump. A top security official in Dubai warned Friday of a class of civilizations
Starting point is 00:30:46 if the U.S. Republican candidate Trump becomes president. So the whole world and the left hand in hand won't blow us. The latest sign of disquiet across the Middle East over the businessman's comments about Muslims. Yeah, well, whatever. Trump refused to back away. I already mentioned that in the debate. Trump said he wouldn't stoop to being politically correct by avoiding such statements. security in Dubai, took to Twitter to respond, referencing political scientist Sam Huntington's theory that future wars would be fought between cultures.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Tamim warned that a Trump win could see him face Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Well, let's have that debate. Get them together in Miami. Give Baghdadi, he's the head of fucking the Islamic State, by the way, and have him and Trump debate. No weapons, please. If Trump beats Hillary, that means the scenario of the class of civilizations
Starting point is 00:31:56 created by Samuel will come to light at the hands of the candidate in al-Baghdadi, Tamim wrote. Okay, so be it. Trump has for years looked to done business in the Middle East, particularly in the Gulf and the Emirate of Dubai. Trump has lent his name to two high-profile Dubai golf course projects and ongoing real estate development, which proves to me that he's not racist.
Starting point is 00:32:28 You know what he's doing for the money. money yeah that's how the world works okay and he sought for years to expand his hotel chain in the region so um as opposed to blowing up buildings he tries to build them but uh anyways since his comments in december a mid a mid-east company the dubai-based landmark group said it would pull all trump home decor products at its 180 lifestyle stores in the region as its values and respects the sentiments of its customers it's more fascism only in dubai style so they disagree with them so they're gonna pull his products would pull some of the shit that you made, but you don't make anything. Middle East, but trouble.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Anyways. Ooh, cocaine drip. A Trump White House would be detrimental to the American people, but as commander-in-chief of the world's most powerful country, his reach will affect hundreds of millions more, the newspaper said. Yeah, good. So I guess we should just shut up, people who think like Trump, and
Starting point is 00:33:31 I guess we should all just shut up and let Silicon Valley and Dubai and Obama's ilk fucking run things. Is that the message? Kiss my grits. Uh-oh! Retard alert. Retard alert. How about Chicago? More Trump news. With early voting closing in Chicago in a couple days,
Starting point is 00:34:07 monitors note a surprising trend. Donald Trump showing some traction among Democrats. Really? Excuse me. Just west of Midway Airport in the bungalow belt, dominated by Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, some Democrats are defecting to Donald. This is from CBS.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You can tell just the tone of it. They talk to some plumber who's changing from Democrat to Republican, and he says, so many Americans out of jobs, but we got all these illegals working here. Something's going to happen. But I guess he's just making that up and shit, right? That's racist. You can't say that, Mr. Izzo. Izzo represents a bit of a trend.
Starting point is 00:34:51 In 2008, just 6% of Chicago's primary voters selected Republican ballots. This year, it's up to 10%. And that's not far away from the 13% back in 1980, the year Reagan attracted so-called the blue-collar Reagan Democrats. What do you mean so-called? That's what they were fucking called. And that's what they were. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:18 But on the Democratic side, among African Americans, U.S. Bernie Sanders' emphasis on inequality may be eroding Hillary Clinton's support. Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't that be nice? Huh, Hillary?
Starting point is 00:35:30 Wouldn't that be nice if you just fucking went right in the toilet? Hillary was in Chicago and said, anytime a woman can break that glass ceiling, I'm all in favor of it.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Actually, Donna Murphy Buckley said that. Excuse me. At one of Hillary's rallies. Anytime a woman can break the glass ceiling, I'm all for it. Well, if anybody can break anything with those fucking cankles, Hillary would go right through that glass ceiling. Hillary would go right through that glass ceiling. Because if she's on the floor above you, remember the ceiling is actually,
Starting point is 00:36:12 the floor she's standing on is the ceiling of the room below. You get my fucking metaphor, don't you? But do you believe that? She can't put away a fucking socialist. That's not even mentioning all the baggage that comes with her. All her scandals and shit. They have to be shitting their dirty pants. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Hear that punch? Elderly U.S. man punches protester at trump rally what's the idea a 78 year old white man punched a black protester in the face at a donald trump rally this is by Yahoo News, by the way. You couldn't get more left wing. Notice how they put the fucking race right out there when it's a white guy who's the perp. Huh? Bingo. One fucking four words in.
Starting point is 00:37:14 White man punched a black protester. Right away, you get both. Right? As opposed, you can read a thousand stories where the black person is the suspect, the perpetrator. And it just says a bunch of teens knocked over a footlocker. Bang, right in the first sentence, a 78-year-old white man punched a protester, a black protester in the face at a Trump rally. John McGraw. Did you see the clip? He's got a ponytail. He's like a fucking, who later said that next time we might have to kill him. He was also charged with battery and disorderly conduct
Starting point is 00:37:53 after the event on Wednesday in North Carolina. The incident was condemned by Bernie Sanders, who's vying with Hillary. Who gives a shit what he thinks? With Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nominee. Bernie said, no one in America should ever fear for the democratic nominee bernie said no one in america should ever fear for the safety at a political rally this is an ugly does that go for cops when
Starting point is 00:38:11 they're when they're uh at a uh occupy wall street or a black lives matter fucking rally bernie i didn't hear you fucking speaking up then you old fucking american hating socialist motherfucker uh this ugly incident confirms that politics of division has no place in our country. Tell that to your fucking opponent, the thick-ankled dogface who every chance you get plays the race card. Mr. Trump should take responsibility
Starting point is 00:38:38 for addressing his supporters. Violent actions. Yeah, it's his fault. The only reason he can't can and shit like happens like this at trump rallies is because they're 18 times bigger than yours stupid anyways and again i'm not condoning it but the guy got fucking arrested and had a post-2500 bond and uh it's handled the way it should have been and by the the way, I love how they report this. Multiple videos of the assault show McGraw abruptly punching the young black man in the face as he's walking up the stairway with other protesters being escorted out by police amid cries of USA.
Starting point is 00:39:18 They don't mention he was given the finger with both hands to the fucking crowd. he was giving the finger with both hands to the fucking crowd and uh again not saying uh but i'm just saying if you're going to report it report it the way it went down rakeem jones the man who was punched uh he was acting like a punk and so was his fucking friends trying to shout down the fucking what was going on that's fine and um because it's uh you know you can do that and uh and and and that also gives somebody the right who doesn't like it to smack him in the fucking face and if you do that there's our consequences which uh this guy is suffering now so what what's the where's the fucking story uh yahoo news when you when you paint the picture do it accurately yeah you act like he was going
Starting point is 00:40:00 up the stairs waving to people he was egging people and giving the finger with both hands from the clip i saw at least on tv they had his hand scrambled what was going up the stairs waving to people. He was egging people and giving the finger with both hands from the clip I saw. At least on TV, they had his hand scrambled. What was he giving? The peace sign? But Rakeem Jones, 26, said he went to the Trump rally as a social experiment. I believe that. A woman who was part of his group started to yell out against Trump when he began his speech. As he walked up the stairs right before reaching McGraw's Road,
Starting point is 00:40:31 Jones is seen in the video turning to his right, smiling as he raises his arms and saying something to the crowd. No, I saw him turn to his right and put both hands in the air with his middle fingers, Ray. Oh, my fucking wrong there uh anyways and then yahoo news has to again fucking put in there too so trump rallies tend to draw large crowds and some have been interrupted by protests as critical of the republican frontrunners policy positions on immigration and other sensitive issues. Critics say he is stirring hatred among angry American voters with his inflammatory comments against Muslims and Mexicans.
Starting point is 00:41:12 No, you're fucking stirring hatred amongst white people by your slanted horseshit coverage stories like this. You guys have caused all the tension. Obama has caused all the racial divide. has called caused all the racial divide how can you fucking argue that how can you argue that by by labeling anybody who disagrees with him in his administration as uh by sending uh former attorney attorney general eric holder write it to ferguson before he even knew what the facts were. Give me a fucking weekend. The list goes on and on. So who's stoking racial tension?
Starting point is 00:41:49 But you were supposed to, Whitey, you're supposed to sit there and take it. And again, I'm not condoning the jerk off, the 78-year-old jerk off who punched a guy in the face, but I'm not disavowing it either. Shit happens. But the stupid remarkable, we have to kill him next time? That's a little over the top there, fella. Guy looked like fucking Willie Nelson from behind. And this is related to me kind of a bit
Starting point is 00:42:19 because I'm sort of in show business, if you want to call Bananas and Hasbro guys tonight, this weekend show business. Again, it'll already be over. You'll probably listen to this on Monday. Anyways, inside Hollywood's quiet growing support for Donald Trump. That's the headline.
Starting point is 00:42:43 The entertainment industry's rare conservatives and independents are lining up behind Trump. The real estate mogul considered one of their own as a former TV star and producer. That's the thing about Hollywood people, see? Even the liberal ones who are starting to quietly follow Trump, see? It's about money with them. They're soulless, and they can be bought like anybody else. And, you know, if they think he's an ally to them in show business, well, imagine if he's the president of the United States. So they're all lining up.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Not all, but a few are lining up. But how about this? At an undisclosed location in L.A. somewhere, about 200 members of Hollywood's private group of conservative Republicans, known as Friends of Abe, gathered to watch Thursday's GOP debate between Trump and blah, blah, blah. It was invite-only lists that included everyone from recognized actors to rank-and-file studio workers. What's it say, though? What's it say that we have to meet secretively in Hollywood? Republicans do. What does that say about you on the left?
Starting point is 00:43:49 Huh? McCarthyism? Ring a bell? Got to meet secretively. But during the debate, Trump brought up the, you know disney employees who had lost their jobs to a guest worker program and i guess one of the guys at this meeting you know these secret meetings for the public an industry worker started to applaud and he had to look around to see if everybody else was applauding with him and uh yeah uh it says read more critics notebook trump cruiser rubio practice
Starting point is 00:44:35 anger manager this is a guy out there who says for every cruiser rubio supporter i talked to i guess this is a hollywood lib guy there are 10 trump supporters oh this is guess this is a Hollywood lib guy. There are 10 Trump supporters. Oh, this is, sorry, this is a conservative wealth manager who has a deep bench of entertainment industry clients. He didn't want to speak publicly, though he admitted most of his firm's left-leaning clientele support Democrat Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. I tell them, if you don't want to feel the burn, convert your IRAs now,
Starting point is 00:45:03 rather than pay Bernie Sanders 92% tax rate. He says, I know how they all like their Teslas, private schools and million dollar mansions, but they won't afford all that if they're allowed to keep only 8% of their income. So you see what I'm saying? They can be bought. They're getting fucking, you know, when it comes right down to it it it's about their wallets like everybody else but there's uh you know there's a few conservative uh stars that are openly republican but again and i brought this up before like schwarzenegger and bruce willis but they didn't
Starting point is 00:45:37 announce that shit till they were already stars and had you know uh zillions of dollars in the bank. You know what I'm saying? I, you know, I, like an idiot, get on tough crowd. Not that I'm even in the realm of these guys. Give me a break. But I'm just saying I'm on tough crowd, and I'm saying all that shit on tough crowd. Even at that point, I'm like, I don't give a shit. Hopefully people will appreciate the honesty. Boy, was I wrong.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I didn't realize that people that run the business are such left-wing suckers of Satan's cock. John Voight, he's out there. By the way, that's, you know, my show, Ray Donovan. He plays Ray's dad, Mickey. You got Ted Nogent, again. He's never, but he, you know, I don't think he was that political when he was young,
Starting point is 00:46:33 but he's always been out there. He was never, he was always a loud mouth on the right, which I fucking love. Also Kid Rock, Stephen Baldwin, Doc Dynasty's Willie Robbins. Yeah, we know. Author and screenwriter, Brett Easton Ellis suggested in a tweet in February that it's tough to know for sure which Hollywood figures are throwing their support to front runner Trump.
Starting point is 00:46:54 The American psycho author said he was shocked that most of his companions at a recent dinner said they would vote for the billionaire though. They would never admit to it in public. Oh, you gutless prick, yeah. Big Hollywood, that's the site, that's a Breitbart site, is where Voight endorsed Trump, and the site has been attacking any media personality it feels has unfairly maligned the candidate,
Starting point is 00:47:22 even those on the right like Glenn Beck, who supports Ted Cruz and swears he won't vote for trump even if he's the nominee uh anyways interesting huh that there's uh so there's some a lot of famous rich uh players in hollywood which is the most liberal town on the planet although you know spike lee would disagree because the oscars didn't look like a fucking bet the wood show um but uh a lot of them are quietly backing trump i don't understand this i keep hearing how he'll get beat by hillary i don't get it with all this groundswell and people switching parties and shit i don't it might be true. This might all be a setup.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I don't fucking know. God, I really don't. There's been way too many conspiracies in the world. You have to admit. But please, no fighting at the rallies, please. Oh, God help us. god help this guy have you ever been i hope you guys like this shit as much as i do if not uh what do you do go fucking this is lean uh zillion other shows that uh don't talk about this shit i get plenty of dick jokes come out and see
Starting point is 00:48:40 me and as the kid was being escorted out of the uh trump rally uh he was heard to say this i think that's not what i meant to fucking hit this program doesn't work anymore Hey, where are the white women at? That's what he said. According to Fox News. So, quiet support in Hollywood growing. wouldn't you like to wrap up that market i thought there was a number on the chicago of how many people were converted No, they just had meant to, they mentioned the percentage, I guess it was. I'm burning up, by the way. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah. Yeah. 2008, it was 6% that selected Republican ballots in Chicago, and this year it's up to... That's a 4%... That's a lot of fucking people. That's a dangerous situation. What the hell else, kids?
Starting point is 00:50:22 How about the Wounded Warriors project? I send them money a couple times, once or twice I think I did, and all of a sudden there's a big scan, and again, I'm so fucking jaded by the news, and who writes it, and who controls it, you don't know what to believe, but I know it was mentioned on Fox News, so there has to be something, you know, I mean, they're big supporters. Obviously, most people are of WWP, Wounded Warrior Project.
Starting point is 00:50:50 But the top two executives at the Wounded Warrior Project, they were fired Thursday by the board of directors. Americans donate hundreds of millions of dollars each year to the charity, expecting their money will help some of the 52,000 wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:51:08 But CBS News found Wounded Warrior Project spends 40 to 50 percent on overhead, including extravagant parties. Other veteran charities have overhead of costs of 10 to 15 percent. I'd like you to name those, by the way. I'd like you to name those, by the way. When I... Wounded Warriors Project Chief Executive Officer Stephen Nardizzi
Starting point is 00:51:30 and Chief Operating Officer Al Giordano were fired after a meeting Thursday in New York. They were spending... This is generational. Again, these are fucking just... By appealing to America's generosity, Wounded Warrior Project raised more than a billion dollars
Starting point is 00:51:49 in donations since 2003. $300 million in 2014 alone. But while the money was pouring in, it was also flowing out on lavish employee conferences. $26 million worth in 2014. And here's some quotes.'s get a mexican mariachi band in there let's get maracas made with wwp logo put them on every staff member's desk let's get it catered let's have a big old party said eric mallette a retired army staff sergeant he took
Starting point is 00:52:17 a job with wounded warriors as a motivational speaker but after two years he quit he said i'll be damned if you're going to take hardworking Americans' money and drink it and waste it instead of helping those brave men and women who gave you the freedom to walk on the face of this earth. More than 40 former employees told CBS News that the spending by the charity was out of control. Two former employees were so fearful of retaliation they asked not to show their faces
Starting point is 00:52:46 it was extremely extravagant they said dinners and alcohol and just total access he this guy said i mean it's what the military calls fraud waste and abuse and then they point out when all this started started, they said when this guy, Nardizzi, took over. Again, you can believe it or not. Obviously, there's two sides to the story. When he took over as CEO in 2009, they point to the 2014 annual meeting at a luxury resort in Colorado Springs.
Starting point is 00:53:16 He rappelled down the side of a building. He comes in on a Segway. He comes in on a horse, and Nardizzi has defended the charity spending. If your only fixation is spending the most on programs, that's feeling good, but not necessarily doing good, he said. But many major donors were outraged, including Fred and Diane Kane. This couple raised $325,000 with golf tournaments and are not pleased with the allegations that only a little over half of those donations went to the wounded vets. are not pleased with the allegations that only a little over half of those donations went to the wounded vets.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Sources said CBS News, the board has received preliminary results of a financial audit and there are discussions underway about retired senior military officers who are being considered to take over the leadership of the WWP, Wounded Warriors Project. of the WWP, Wounded Warriors Project. But they did an audit, and WWP says that almost 80% of the spending is on the programs that help these wounded warriors. So, again, there's two sides to the story. But you got to be careful, man. Remember the United Way? They were like the biggest organization
Starting point is 00:54:27 in the country. Like charity organization. I remember when I was a kid the NFL was always the United Way. When I read that they were scamming people a few years back, that's quite a few years back. That was like, I'm like, go up and hand it to a vet.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Get his home address and mail him a check. We're just fucking greedy motherfuckers. All of us, aren't we? Well, not all of us. Yeah, all of us. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:55:01 All right, kids. That is it. Again, go to C-O-N-N-E-C-T pal dot com slash Nick. Sign up for the podcast if you haven't already. And you can make contributions. And it's great if you want to get two to three more of these shows a week. Okay?
Starting point is 00:55:23 We can't talk like this anywhere else thanks to certain douchebags in power in this country. And that's the beauty of podcasts. And I wonder how long this freedom is going to last. They'll be, you know, be claiming that they want equal time. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:39 With their fanist doctrine, they can stick up their wazoo. That is it. Liberace, tell the motherfuckers how I feel up in here. I love you for helping me to construct of my life.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Not a tavern, but a temple. I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. You have done it without a word, without a touch, without a sign. You have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps, after all, that is what love needs and that is why
Starting point is 00:56:29 I love you well said Lee well said see you kids later guitar solo I'm going to be

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