The Nick DiPaolo Show - 133 - The LYING Left

Episode Date: May 10, 2016

The LYING Left...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hey, hey, hey, it's Monday. What's going on, Nick DiPaolo Podcast? Good to be with you. Five cups of coffee in me should be a good one. Can't get the show off the ground on fucking Monday. I don't know what it is. I forget how to do it, you know, over the weekend. I take three, four days off,
Starting point is 00:00:45 and it takes me forever. And then the computer is slower than my mother's tits today, and I just want to fucking take this microphone and fucking punch somebody in the head with it. How are you? Good to be with you. Come see me, will you, this weekend? I'm at the Hot Comedy Club in Yonkers, New York. It's a brand new club.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I'm hoping it's open. Heard they were having difficulties. That's this Friday and Saturday. Couldn't, very local gig. Uncle Vinny's in Point Pleasant. Another local one next Saturday night. That's May 21st. Oh, by the way, I'll be at the Gotham Comedy Club
Starting point is 00:01:18 doing Joe Matarese's podcast on the 17th of May, which is a Tuesday night. He's going to do it live. Come watch me fuck up that show. It should be fucking entertaining. I love Joe. He's a good guy, good family guy, and he works hard, and God bless him.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I'm doing Bobby V's. This is the portion of my schedule where I, you know, I have a reputation for not wanting to get on planes anymore. Well, this proves it. Bobby V's, Windsor Lock, Connecticut, Saturday, June 4th. That's Bobby Valentine's place, I believe. And then the comedy scene in Foxborough. I was just there in December.
Starting point is 00:01:53 That's right where the Patriots play, in Foxborough, right at the stadium. It's a good club, the comedy scene. I'll be there June 10th and 11th. Come out for that one, will you please? I'll be interested to see what that Patriots place is like, not during football season.
Starting point is 00:02:06 By the way, when I was there, I got tickets. Remember I told you they gave me these great tickets, like at least $2,000, $3,000 tickets, where you get access to prime rib roast beef and the whole Gillette Stadium experience. Just tremendous. And the Patriots went out and got beat by fucking Eagles 35 to 10 literally the worst game they have played since Foxborough open and I was there for it freezing my nuts off uh
Starting point is 00:02:31 then June 18th which is a Saturday night New Milford Connecticut fast eddies uh that's Brad Axelrod's comedy treehouse productions and uh that's enough for now right is that enough for now I think it is the fall is going to be great though i can't wait i'm doing helium in st louis and uh talia hall in chicago hopefully i'll be shooting something by then anyways and of course i gotta thank my contributors to the show you people send money uh on top of their subscription i can't thank you enough listen to all these over the weekend you guys better get on this train because it's taking off.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Valerie Burton, regular we call her V-Burr. Thank you very much, Valerie. Darren J. Card, another regular contributor. Great guy. Anton Gervich. I hope I said that right, Anton. Thank you so much. That's a nice
Starting point is 00:03:23 fat contribution. Can't believe you people have dough like this Jonathan Keller always there Jay Kell He's always reaching deep into the pockets On a regular basis Christopher McKean Another big fat contribution These guys aren't playing
Starting point is 00:03:40 Thank you so much Christopher And remember folks if you like this show You're listening to it probably on Riotcast, iTunes, Stitcher, whatever the fuck those things mean. Don't even know. I mean, I know iTunes. But if you want to hear two to three more shows a week, which people apparently do, go to slash Nick. That's slash Nick. slash nick. slash nick.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And sign up. You get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. That's less than a buck a week. And I put way more effort into a dollar's worth of entertainment. Anybody will tell you that listens to this on a regular basis. Should be $11.99. That's what I... But thank you all for contributing very, very much. $11.99. That's what I paid.
Starting point is 00:04:28 But thank you all for contributing very, very much. And I do that at the top of the show, honestly. And you know why I thank you guys? Because I will forget. That's how fucking where I am. My memory is starting to frighten me. I've got to be honest with you. I know I had four concussions that I know of when I was younger, football-wise.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And I got hit by a car. And there might be a few more in there. I don't know. when I was younger, football-wise, and I get hit by a car, and there might be a few more in there. I don't know, but I'm starting to get nervous. I get up and go in the bathroom, and I sit on the toilet. I'm like, what am I doing in here? I don't even have to shit. Why did I sit down here? It's really getting fucking frightening out there, I'll tell you. What's going on? What do you want to talk about? There's so much shit that I can't even, the more I read about how the left operates whether it's obama or jerk off hillary or or elizabeth warren bad-mouthing i mean where do you want to start do you want to start with kurt schilling being replaced by an lgbt activist abby womback you want to start there with the anti-white male sentiment in this country? It's so palpable you can fucking taste it. Do you want to talk about Paul
Starting point is 00:05:29 Ryan, two-faced fuck? Not sure if he's backing Trump. They're meeting on Thursday. You want to talk about Facebook admitting former people who worked at Facebook who don't work there now, admitting they routinely suppress conservative news? Okay. The left in this country, they're like Nurse R've routinely suppressed conservative news okay the the the left
Starting point is 00:05:46 in this country they're like nurse ratchet and cuckoo's nest remember cuckoo's nest if you haven't seen that i don't want to talk to you but uh there's a scene where randall patrick mcmurphy is being questioned uh by the doctors after he's been there for a few months and they ask uh him what what he thinks about Nurse Ratched, his archenemy. And he goes, she's something of a bit of a cunt. She likes a rigged game. And that's what the left likes. They like a rigged game.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And all these stories today prove it with Facebook suppressing conservative fucking news. And then you got, you know who fucking um okay where's the goddamn story ben rhodes who worked for uh admitting admitting the whole iranian nuclear deal all that shit they they built a false narrative this guy writes stories for a living he was an aspiring novelist. And, yeah, he admits that they just lied to the American public. And he's the foreign policy guru, by the way, for President Obama. And he helped create a false narrative to sell to the public because he knew damn well that the deal would never fucking, the public would never agree to it.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I don't even know what that matters. They're going to do it anyways, do what they want. But he admits, he admits we duped the American public. He still works for them, for Christ's sake. I mean, or Twitter. We all know Twitter. They shut down anything that leans right on their fucking sites or they, you know, pretend not to. I'm just saying to the people on the right, you got to learn to fight dirty.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Okay. You know, the problem is we don't have enough lawyers on the right. But they're lying cocksuckers on the left and they're playing you like a fucking fiddle. I wish you'd wake up. If you have to resort to violence, go ahead. Excuse me. Excuse me. Oh, yes. How about Trump?
Starting point is 00:07:57 Jesus Christ, speaking of laughing, how funny was that thing he sent out on Cinco de Mayo, that fucking tweet of him eating a fucking taco bowl at one of his own restaurant. Here's the thing. I swear to God, I don't know. I don't even know how to interpret that. I swear to God, he thinks that's going to endear himself to Hispanics. I'll be saying, well, he's, you know, he's acting as a troll, whatever. He's just giving the media something to talk about, you you know which they they which i don't know i think when it comes to this he's a little naive he really thinks i i don't know i
Starting point is 00:08:31 don't even know how to interpret it but i was belly laughing going he got to be shitting me and then another part of me's like why is that offensive you know i mean why why is that offending people all hispanic you know the latinos and not everybody who you know mexicans you know the difference between a latino and hispanic you know the latinos not everybody who you know mexicans but by you know the difference between a latino and hispanic and all this fucking nonsense yet if he tweeted it about you know if he was i don't know on columbus day if he tweeted him eating italian sausage and peppers nobody would have had a problem it's so we are such a fucking mess in this country it is fucking but when i saw that i belly laughed and i said somebody's
Starting point is 00:09:06 gonna give this guy does he really think that's gonna help him win the hispanic votes or was he doing it like i said to suck up more media attention which is exactly what it did but of course the left was appalled at that no they're ignorant that's ignorant that was their fucking you know oh my god what an idiot he is. I don't know what to fucking make of the guy. I don't know what to make of him, and neither does the establishment, the GOP, whatever, Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, the most powerful Republican what, you know, about now that he's a presumptive nominee.
Starting point is 00:09:50 If Paul Ryan, again, Speaker of the House, is he going to back Donald Trump? And here's what he had to say. The two-faced Eddie Munster looking motherfucker. You have said throughout this process that you will support the Republican presidential nominee. Now you have a presumptive nominee, Donald Trump. Will you support him? Well, to be perfectly candid with you, Jake, I'm just not ready to do that at this point. I'm not there right now. And I hope to, though, and I want to, but I. And you blew it. You blew it you did i think what is required is that we unify this party and i think the bulk of the burden on unifying the party um will have to come from our presumptive
Starting point is 00:10:36 nominee um i don't want to underplay what he accomplished he he needs to be congratulated you already have your two-faced fuck, just by saying that. This guy had me fooled. Lincoln for open borders? But we hope that our nominee aspires to be Lincoln and Reagan-esque, that that person advances the principles of our party and appeals to a wide, vast majority of Americans. You need to shut the fuck up! Yeah, you really do. I guess he's meeting with Trump on Thursday. Trump responded when they told him, when he heard Paul Ryan say that, that he isn't ready
Starting point is 00:11:28 to back him. He responded with this. Fuck you! I love the Trump goes, yeah, I'm not ready to accept him as the House Speaker and his fucking horse shit. That's what he said. And I love it. Guys, they still don't get it,
Starting point is 00:11:46 Paul Ryan and the establishment shit. You created Donald Trump by jerking off GOP voters for years and not doing anything, just laying there like the bitches that you are, and now you created this Frankenstein, and I hope he fucking buries you. I don't give a shit if he's in the form of Reagan or Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:12:05 The world changes, okay? He's a nationalist, which I have no problem with. A populist. He's for closing the border. All the fucking things that I'm in favor of. I don't give a shit if he gave money to Hillary Clinton or some other doofuses. This has to, it's just fucking, oh my god paul ryan what a dink what a dink i think he fucked up by not uh coming out we'll see i'm sure they'll have the meeting and you know they'll
Starting point is 00:12:39 have that meeting and um i'm guessing they have to come out of that room saying we're unified as a party and i can already hear trump going it was a great meeting we discussed a lot of things uh i think it was pretty a pretty great meeting you know everything's great and super and blah blah blah blah but this is what you're gonna hear coming out of the room while they're meeting. No, I'm not. Take the bag off. No, I'm not. That's Trump. He's got fucking Paul Ryan in a headlock. This is rape. This is rape.
Starting point is 00:13:11 This is rape. That's Paul Ryan. Relax your arms. That's what you're going to hear come out of that meeting. Oh, mama, mama, mama, mama. mama interesting isn't it have you ever seriously i am i can't help it i'm i'm and and i know this has turned into kind of a political podcast don't worry well it'll be plenty of dick jokes i'll be on the air for years hopefully but you got come on this is fucking great this is like sports like i said some people poo-poo that concept you
Starting point is 00:13:43 shouldn't treat it's more's more important. Shut up. Nothing's important. 54, I'll be dead in 20-something years. It won't matter then. Who gives a fuck? Well, that's kind of a selfish attitude. Yes, it is, isn't it? I love Hispanics.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Trump's gonna fucking tweet out him fucking dunking his balls on a pint of Guinness on St. Patrick's Day. I love the mix. That was fucking funny. I'll tell you who's really, uh, it's just, uh, it's, it's, it's a liberal, it's a liberal tsunami, isn't it, the last few years, it's just, you just feel it, and don't tell me that's the way of the world, I don't want to fucking hear that,
Starting point is 00:14:30 either believe this country is exceptional, or you don't, I happen to believe that, every time I watch the news and see clips of the Middle East, or any other, whether it's the fucking Europe
Starting point is 00:14:39 being overrun by fucking Muslim migrants from Northern Africa, you know, Syria, or whatever, the Middle East. Every time I see clips on the news, I go, oh, what a shithole. I'm glad I'm not there. Don't you feel that way? So, yeah. Anyways, maybe you don't if you're both Democrat.
Starting point is 00:14:56 But you know who's got a shutter fucking dirty hole? Elizabeth Warren. I'm going to bitch. I'm starting. I think I fucking found somebody I hate more than the dog face, thick ankle, you know, Mama Luke. What do we call her? Hillary. Yeah. Fuck. Really? Elizabeth Warren, senator from my home state of Massachusetts, who I just that fucking I don't know what happened. Anyways, she attacked Donald Trump right after Ted Cruz dropped out. She tweeted that the real estate mogul built his campaign on racism, sexism and xenophobia.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Wow. There's some original thoughts we haven't heard from the left in about, what, 30 seconds? Go back to your teepee, you fucking Cherokee, corn-eating maize pig face. Nick, that's hardly intelligent. I don't give a fuck. Ugh, she makes me sick to my stomach with her granny glasses, her stupid fucking I might be a lesbian hairdo, and her stupid trite name calling. She went all over Trump on Twitter. She wrote that Trump incites supporters to violence, praises Putin, and is cool with being called an authoritarian. What do you call fucking Obama and his executive orders, you dumb fucking filet of fucking mignon? Are they fucking, do they pretend to be stupid?
Starting point is 00:16:37 There's more enthusiasm. There's another one of our tweets about Trump. There's more enthusiasm for Donald Trump among leaders of the KKK than leaders of the political party he now controls, Warren wrote on Twitter. With the eagle shit. What? I hate this broad. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! You heard me. What did you say about her?
Starting point is 00:17:11 You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! I fucking hate her. I fucking hate her. I think I like Hillary more than her. Just another one. Just a fucking... Has done nothing... in her life other than go to school and then become a senator and uh just built his campaign on racism sexism and xenophobia mind you this is the woman who you know when she to get into harvard she told people she was part indian american indian and it turned out to be a fucking big fat lie
Starting point is 00:17:49 who's xenophobic somebody ought to hit her in the back of the head with a tomahawk yes hillary what do you think that's it you think ankle whoa and and hillary's considering her please pick her as your vp nominee please do that and then you'll be handing it back to donald trump there's another guy that uh that hillary's considering that uh i'll get to that story in a few fucking seconds uh you know who I'm talking about? Julian Castro. He's like the fucking head of HUD or whatever. Anyways, I'll get to him in a few seconds.
Starting point is 00:18:34 He's trying to take people in Section 8 housing, mostly African-American in the inner cities, and he's created a program where they get like eight grand in voucher money to move to the white suburbs and to fuck up, fuck up my enjoyable life. But congratulations. That's Obama's last move before he, he leaves. Most anti-American president.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Most fucking hateful. I just, anyways. Hmm. Cocaine drip. What? Hmm. Cocaine drip. What? So before I even get to those stories, I might not even get to them. I got a new thing today. I got about 14 stories lined up. But then I thought of a few things off the top of my head that are making me crazy over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So I jotted them down. I want to get to them now. And I might even get to some of these stories. If not, that's the beauty. You sign up at and I will get to the rest of these stories that are quite relevant, by the way, tomorrow and Wednesday. And maybe Thursday
Starting point is 00:19:31 if I do a fourth show. But, um... How about, uh... I watched a Sunday Night Baseball on ESPN and we know Curt Schilling was fired because he's a white fella that leans right and has the balls to actually speak his mind watched a monday night a sunday night baseball on espn and we know kurt schilling was fired because
Starting point is 00:19:45 he's a white fella that leans right and has the balls to actually speak his mind and because espn is owned by disney which is uh the most politically correct left-leaning dog shit and everything that's wrong with the world company in the world whether it's them brainwashing your kids with their cartoons they get you early they start to indoctrinate your kids with a politically correct horse shit at age four and then uh they fucking continue to brainwash you right up until uh you start to be become a fan of espn and uh anyways we know we know shilling got booted you know because he uh he tweeted about the North Carolina transgender bathroom controversy. And he thought that anybody with a prick should be in the men's room.
Starting point is 00:20:30 And anybody with a gash should be in the women's room. And frankly, I kind of feel that way too. And because he said that, Mickey Mouse got her panties in a bunch and booted them. And they replaced them but they hide this amy womback whatever fuck her name is um didn't i print that out anyways she's a soccer player female gay and she's an lgbt activist is what she is abby wombeck i didn't say amy abby wombeck and uh but uh you know she's been both she's been busted duir s and she she guilt uh she plead pled guilty less than a month ago uh to uh admission of past marijuana and cocaine use
Starting point is 00:21:21 that doesn't make any fucking sense um point being is it's fine you know if uh if you think like she does politically it's fine and they hired her they hired her to analyze soccer at the olympics and venture into more contentious matters with outside the lines which is the worst show on tv and on a planned podcast called Fearless Conversation with Abby Wambach, a program that AP describes as one in which she promises she won't shy away from controversy. Now, let me, again, I'm probably preaching to the choir because anybody who's listening to this, to my show, you probably vote like me and think like me, but just for you, a few knuckleheads who might've stumbled on to this show who fucking still have your heads up your asses um there's nothing fearless there's
Starting point is 00:22:12 nothing fearless i'll say it again about a minority or a gay person speaking their fucking mind a matter of fact it's almost gutless cait Caitlyn Jenner got that Arthur Asher Award. What the fuck was courageous about that? Do you understand? Society that we live in today protects your feelings and everything. You couldn't get in trouble if you beheaded a fucking baby at the mall. If you were a... You remember Tracy Morgan saying if his wife had a gay baby, he'd kill it?
Starting point is 00:22:45 You think if I said that or if Colin Quidden said it, you think we'd still be anywhere near show business? I mean, there's nothing. It takes no balls if you're a gay or minority to speak your fucking mind. It takes no balls. It takes balls for a white heterosexual male and you say shit like that. Ask Kurt Schilling.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Then you lose your fucking job. I don't know how many times you have to say this. There's nothing edgy about it. It's like they used to say the Daily Show was edgy. Really? Going after the Republican Party, which is made up of elderly white people. Oh, that's really pushing the fucking envelope.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Oh, my God. But they still see white older people as what they call the establishment. Somebody asked me that when I was in D.C. But you're a comedian. You're supposed to go against the establishment. What is the establishment? I go against the status quo. The establishment is the media. That's the establishment. I go against the status quo. The establishment is the media. That's
Starting point is 00:23:46 the establishment. There's no more powerful tool, and that's fucking left-leaning. And that goes for social media, too, by the way. We'll get to that and how Facebook shuts down anybody who's conservative. It's a fucking rigged game. Like I said, they're the nurse ratchet of the world. Oh, my God. She's not going to shy away from controversy. What would be something considered controversial coming out of her mouth? That she likes penis. That would be controversial. That she almost feels the same way.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Some, uh, just makes me fuck. That's what ESPN and people on the left consider fucking edgy. Somebody like her. But she was quoted as saying, the way that, he was talking about, I think the U.S. soccer team, the way that he's brought in a bunch of these foreign guys is not something I believe in wholeheartedly. Wambach said in calling for the firing of the U.S. men uh team coach jurgon klinsman i don't believe in
Starting point is 00:24:46 it i don't believe it in my heart there's some xenophobia huh there's some fucking xenophobia to shut the fuck up yeah nobody'll say that to her because uh she eats pussy she's edgy that's xenophobic. If Trump says it, right, Miss Warren? He's a fucking dick. The remarks advocating an American team of American-born players publicized on the day of her retirement led to charges of xenophobia and bigotry. By who?
Starting point is 00:25:18 She just got hired by ESPN. Wambach holds that she won't hold back her passions when analyzed. She knows she can get away with it in reporting at ESPN. Something that would seem to make her an ideal talking head, but a quality that nevertheless resulted in shillings of termination. Exactly. Do you see the double? I'm going to keep pointing it out.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I don't give a fuck how sick you are of hearing it. So she's a xenophobe, and she does blow. She likes weed. Talking and reporting on things that I'm passionate about really, really was a selling point to me because I don't want the rest of my life to be based on the fact that I played soccer. You know, I've eaten a lot of snatch. I want to be able to venture and learn about different things. Do you want to learn about the double standard that allows you to get away with shit like that and come out and defend a current shilling. That should be your first move. Okay. Oh, and by the way, Caitlin's going to oppose a almost nude, I, on the cover. So get your Vaseline ready. If you want to get a nut off to somebody who has the shoulders of a fucking James
Starting point is 00:26:29 Kahn and the hands of Mark Bavaro and H-Bots on her ass, break out the Vaz. Fucking believable. We lost our shit in this country. Oh, ISIS. But anyway, so Schilling gets canned and this fucking flawed person, who I'd probably like if I met. That's the thing. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I'm just pointing out the double standard. And that leads me to my other thing. Boy, I'm not even going to get to the stories that I pulled. I'll do them tomorrow. But watch a Monday night, again sunday night espn baseball which is a thousand times better since they get rid of uh john miller and the other guy who wouldn't shut the fuck up in the booth um you know a few years ago joe morgan but uh anyways i think Schilling was in that booth too. And when they can't, when he got booted from there, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:27:29 I'm not sure. Anyways, he was replaced by Jessica Mendoza. She was an All-American Stanford softball player. And you know what? And here we go. Here's my take on this. And I listened to her. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:27:44 She does know her shit. And she's fine and everything. But it doesn't change the fact that there's a guy out there who played the game who knows more than her. And shouldn't that be what it's based on? Oh, Nick, you're living in 1800. I know. And you're living in a fucking rigged world. Do you see what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:28:04 And she's fine. She's attractive, a mom, nice person. Knows enough about baseball. But you got to tell me there's not an ex-Major League, a guy out there who played the game who could use that job? That's my fucking point. That is my point. And people go, what's the difference?
Starting point is 00:28:22 You don't have to have played the game to be an expert on it. It reminds me of people, I had an argument with a comedy club booker and uh about somebody i didn't think was funny and he thought was funny and and and i said well i've been doing this 20 well i've been running this club for almost 20 something years and i said so let's get this straight you believe that because you've been watching comedy for 28 years you know more than somebody who's been actually doing comedy for 20 yeah what. I said, okay, let's take that logic, which is in play, by the way, here with Jessica Mendoza and hiring of people like her. So if you're going to have an operation, even a minor one, let's say I have your spleen removed or an appendix,
Starting point is 00:29:03 you would take a doctor who has watched a thousand operations as opposed to one who's performed a thousand operations. That's just flawed logic on your part, you big dink. I know that was quite a mouthful to make my point, but do you see what I'm saying? It's about merit. It's about credibility. I would like somebody who played the game in the booth, but no, ESn is on this fucking kick that there is no difference again it's all part of a biggest narrative there is no difference between men and women gotta keep breaking that down whether it's hiring jessica mendoza that's all it is and caitlin is the face of it and it just it never fucking stops it never stops
Starting point is 00:29:43 let her go do a broadcast softball never fucking stops. It never stops. Let her go do broadcast softball. What? Yeah, you heard me. That goes for Pam Ward. And again, I've listened to Pam Ward do college football games. Sounds alright.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Knows enough, but again, there's somebody out there that knows more, that played the game. I know, it's weird. It's weird logic I have. Anybody with me out there? Are you fucking with me, Hillary? You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt!
Starting point is 00:30:23 you stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt excuse me fucking extra angry today huh yeah goddamn right and the other my other pet peeve by the way that's not an official story is uh the food network i don't know if you guys know this i love to cook i love to fucking cook cook like a bitch and uh i like the food network subsequently and uh but you know how people say uh you know we don't mind the gay agenda but quit shoving it on our throat you want to see a perfect example of that watch the food network it has turned into the gayest fucking network on television and it's just you can't watch you know every first of all every show now on the food network is a competition you know uh fucking cupcake wars fucking world's giant cakes fucking uh but every show of those competition there's an openly gay woman or guy and i believe
Starting point is 00:31:29 it's because uh ted what's his name that hosts chop chopped ted what's his name ted allen from queer guys remember that show whatever i don't know but chopped is on around the clock they ought to change the name of food channel to chopped and and and the guy that runs it i i i've seen him the actual like ceo of the food network sometimes he judges these competitions he he's in my opinion this is my opinion he's gay as a two dollar bill and obviously the first thing they do is boot emerald lagasse some regular guy who busted his balls who the network was made on his back the first thing they do is boot Emeril Lagasse. Some regular guy who busted his balls, who the network was made on his back. The first thing they do is give him the hee-haw and replace him with a Ted Allen. Is that his name? Probably getting that wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:14 It's not Tim Allen, is it? No. Ted whatever. And it's just every time I put it on, I laugh my ass off. It's always some chick with a fucking mohawk and 11 rings in her nose making empanada. Some broad with, like, fucking forearms. Like Andre the Giant, tattoos on her back, making muffins.
Starting point is 00:32:41 It's just, they can't leave it alone. They can't. It's that channel is used for that yes we know gay people like to cook too jesus christ all fucking mighty just give it a rest for five minutes please please please I'm Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump his whole campaign's built on sexism and racism
Starting point is 00:33:14 and xenophobia yeah so is this country you dumb bitch what's your point step aside that's the way we like it you don't like it go back to fucking Harvard go make your kids amaze we like it. You don't like it, go back to fucking Harvard. Go make your kids a maze. We call it corn. Anyways. What else, kids?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah, the whole story on Facebook, huh? Zuckerberg, another fucking pretends to be a philanthropist and do-gooder. He's a money-grubbing chooch who hate you if you don't see the world the way he does he's dangerous because so many people are on facebook what is it one fucking third of the world is on facebook right now there's some uh guy in new guinea wearing a loincloth sitting in a grass hut fucking eating rat's heads as he fucking logs onto facebook but that's the headlines. Former Facebook worker,
Starting point is 00:34:08 we routinely suppressed conservative news. I don't know why that's in past tense. I'm sure it's going on as we speak. Facebook workers routinely suppress news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network's influential trending news section, according to a former journal bubba the this individual says the workers prevented stories about the right-wing uh cpac gathering mitt romney rand paul and other conservative topics from appearing in the highly
Starting point is 00:34:38 influential section even though they were organically trending among the site's users. Several former Facebook news curators, that's in quotes, as they were known internally, also told Gizmodo that they were instructed to artificially inject selected stories into the trending news module, even if they weren't popular enough to warrant inclusion or in some cases weren't trending at all the former curators all of whom worked as contractors also said they were directed not to include news about facebook itself in the trending modules this is this is fucking dangerous shit man you know it's one thing you know we all know the media in this country but when you're talking, Facebook, now they can export their liberal fucking left wing American bias across the globe. In other words, Facebook's news section operates like a traditional newsroom, reflecting the biases of its workers and the institutional imperatives of the corporation.
Starting point is 00:35:46 imperatives of the corporation imposing human editorial values onto the lists of topics and algorithm spits out is by no means a bad thing yeah it is but it's in stark contrast that accompanies claims that the trending module simply lists topics that have recently become popular on facebook they're injecting their bias the fucking people who work there and they were told to again i already talked about this on my other show about twitter you know a friend there milo unipopolis brilliant guy gay conservative who you know made claims that uh he's being shut down and they didn't argue with it twitter you know about some of his right-wing views these new allegations emerged from gizmodo last week last week revealed details about the
Starting point is 00:36:26 inner workings of facebook's trending news team a small group of young journalists primarily educated at ivy league or private east coast university surprise the fucking prize who curate the trending module on the upper right hand corner of the site as we reported last week curators have access to a ranked list of trending topics surfaced by Facebook's algorithm, which prioritizes the stories that should be shown to Facebook users in the trending section. The curators write headlines and summaries of each topic and include links to news sites. The section, which launched in 2014, constitutes some of the most powerful real estate on the Internet. constitutes some of the most powerful real estate on the internet.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Okay? It helps dictate what news Facebook's users, 167 million in the U.S. alone, are reading at any given moment. Okay? Folks, for all you people that call, you know, fucking people on the right paranoid,
Starting point is 00:37:22 and, oh, you're fucking imagining it, and it's out there. Nobody's even arguing with it anymore. this is the woman who worked there speaking who uh used to be one of the curators she says depending on who was on shift things would be blacklisted or trending this individual asked to remain anonymous of course she did citing fear of retribution for the company the former curator is politically conservative one of a very small handful of curators with such views on the trending team i'd come on shift and i'd discover that c-pack or mitt romney or glenn beck or popular conservative topics wouldn't be trending because either the curator didn't recognize the news topic
Starting point is 00:38:00 or it was like they had a bias against ted cruz i would say the latter would be the true the former curator was so troubled by the emissions that they kept the running log of them at the time this individual provided the notes to uh gizmodo i hope i'm saying that right among the deep six or suppressed topics on the list okay listen to this for these are some of the topics the topics that was suppressed by facebook from getting out there so we could actually get the truth about these stories former irs official lois lerner who was accused by republicans of inappropriately scrutinizing conservative groups wisconsin governor scott walker popular conservative
Starting point is 00:38:41 news aggregator the drudge report chris kyle the former navy seal who was murdered in 2013 and uh my buddy whose show i just did last week uh my new buddy steven crowder uh he's an you know a former fox news contributor and comedian and I played a clip of him at UMass with Milo, and they were trying to, you know, he fucking dressed down a social justice warrior at UMass that was trying to fuck up the show, and it went viral, and he's got a great show, Louder with Crowder, I think it's called,
Starting point is 00:39:17 and Google it, and anyways. You believe that shit? So this curator said, and she quoted as saying, I believe it had a chilling effect on conservative news. Another former curator agreed that the operation had an aversion to right-wing news sources. It was absolutely biased. We were doing it subjectively. It just depends on who the curator is and what time of day it is, said the former curator.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Every once in a while, a red state or conservative news source would have a story. But we would have to go and find the same story from a more neutral outlet that wasn't as biased. You believe this shit? Stories covered by conservative outlets like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Newsmax that were trending enough to be picked up by Facebook's algorithm were excluded unless mainstream. enough to be picked up by Facebook's algorithm were excluded unless mainstream. And this is their idea of mainstream. Facebook's idea of mainstream. The New York Times, the BBC, and CNN cover the same stories. Those are considered down the middle, I guess, if you're at Facebook.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And we all know those are as left-leaning as New York. Well, they're saying mainstream, so they're not saying left or right. They're just saying that has zillions and zillions of, you know, subscriptions and viewers. So how about that? Okay. So what the fuck? So we know Twitter does this. So don't go.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And I said that to somebody who wrote me on, I think. Or maybe it was on Twitter. No, it was Twitter. Somebody tweeted me about something they read on Yahoo News and I said quit getting your news from fucking Yahoo or anybody like it because it's all fucking tainted horseshit crazy huh they like a rig the
Starting point is 00:41:00 game so this is why I mean it's so I can't believe that the republicans ever win an election that shows you that some of the people have caught on but those people are getting older and being replaced by kids who grow up with the fucking internet and are brainwashed from day one so you know but uh that's just straight from the horse's mouth what are you thinking out man but that's just straight from the horse's mouth. What are you thinking out, man? The conservative curator described the omissions as a function of his colleagues' judgments.
Starting point is 00:41:39 There is no evidence that Facebook management mandated or is even aware of any political bias at work. Get the fuck out of here. Okay. It's just my opinion that Zuckerberg's very aware of it. I guess there were no mandates from management saying that we know how it works. We were told that if we saw something,
Starting point is 00:41:59 a news story that was on the front page of these 10 sites like CNN, The Times, BBC, then we could inject the topic. Facebook has struggled to compete with Twitter when it comes to delivering real-time news to users. There you go. See? So standards fall. The injection tool may have been designed
Starting point is 00:42:17 to artificially correct for the deficiency in the network. We would get yelled at if it was all over Twitter and not on Facebook, one curator said. But here's a here's a sign that was definitely fucking that same curator said that Black Lives Matter movement was also injected into Facebook's trending news module. Facebook got a lot of pressure about not having a trending topic. So now people are demanding what they report it is so corrupt is facebook got a lot of pressure about not having a trending topic for black lives matter the individual said they realized it was a problem and they boosted they boosted into the ordering
Starting point is 00:42:56 in other words they injected it into the what should be trending they gave it preference over other topics when we injected it, everyone started saying, yeah, now I'm seeing it as number one. See the power they have? So just learn from this, folks. Don't get your nose from fucking Facebook. This particular injection is especially noteworthy because the Black Lives Matter movement
Starting point is 00:43:20 originated on Facebook. Really? See that? I don't even know. Hey, where are the white women at? And the ensuing media coverage of the movement often noted its powerful
Starting point is 00:43:30 social media presence. In February, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, expressed his support for the movement in an internal memo chastising Facebook employees
Starting point is 00:43:40 for defacing Black Lives Matter slogans on the company's internal signature wall. I didn't know about that. Did you? Good for you. Somebody had some balls at that company.
Starting point is 00:43:52 By the way, Black Lives Matter, we all know, started with a fucking lie. It continues to exist on a myth. And again, then you get Zuckerberg spreading it with his, this is terrific. This is just Jim Danny, ain't it? But how about this? When stories about Facebook itself would trend organically on the network, news curators used less discretion. They were told not to include these stories at all.
Starting point is 00:44:17 How about that? When it was a story about the company, we were told not to touch it. It had to be cleared through several channels even if it was being shared quite a bit we were told that we should not be putting it on the trending tool who told you that obviously the higher-ups the curators interviewed for this story worked for Facebook across a time span ranging from mid-2014 to December of 2015. So, folks, just if you take anything from this, Facebook is not a fucking neutral
Starting point is 00:44:54 source when it comes to the news, okay? But nobody's going to listen. We're all wrapped up in our own little world, but that's the beauty, isn't it, of the internet? Now you can go to a place like Facebook and get news that doesn't invade your safe spaces, makes you feel safe. I told you they're fucking right-wing, we're a bunch of cocksuckers.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Wow. That's some dangerous shit. So not only do they have all the broadcast channels, that's why I laugh when they use the phrase conservative media. You got Fox News, which isn't even conservative, Fox News channel. And you got right-wing talk show hosts. And only a few of them are good enough to be conservative.
Starting point is 00:45:34 That's about it. And then the left-leaning have all the broadcast networks, all the, you know, most of the major newspapers, LA fucking Times, New York Times, Washington Post, all the you know most of the major newspapers la fucking uh times new york times washington post all the magazines and uh uh most of uh social media so it's really an uphill battle uh mr trump i think when the show's over i'm gonna put on the food network and watch a woman who's 6'2 245 make blueberry pancakes with a nice handlebar mustache. I'm going to Trump out.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I'm going to tweet out a picture of me eating something. I won't say what. But I'll tell you, the lesbians are going to love it. but I'll tell you that lesbians are going to love it. Another example related to left-wing bias and how I call them the Nurse Ratched because they like a rigged game. That's what Randall Patrick McMurphy said about Nurse Ratched.
Starting point is 00:46:39 The headlines here, and this is in the Sunday Post, New York Post. The skilled storyteller duped America into passing Iran deal. I said America. But did you guys hear about this one? More, again, more evidence that the left will do anything to stick their point of view up your ass. The Obama administration cooked up a phony story to sell Americans on the Iranian nuclear deal, lying that U.S. officials were dealing with moderates in the Islamic theocracy who could be trusted to keep the word.
Starting point is 00:47:15 In a revealing article on the New York Times website, President Obama's foreign policy guru, Ben Rhodes, bragged about how he helped create the false narrative. The guy's not even, this isn't like a guy, I think he still works for Obama, doesn't he? This is what's funny. They come right out while they're still, this is what kills me. They're right out with it. Rubbing the fucking right's nose in it. Bragged about how he helped create the false narrative because the public would not have accepted the deal
Starting point is 00:47:44 had it known the Iranian hardliners were still calling a shot yeah akhmed denijar was still in was still in power when they started to do this talk about this nuclear deal and of course obama came and said no it's after the moderates get in there the white house line which rhodes says he created by the way this guy was raised on the upper Upper East Side of Manhattan, and he's an aspiring novelist. Okay, so he knows how to fucking write a story. He said Obama started negotiations after the supposedly moderate Hassan Rouhani was elected president in 2013. But Obama had set his sights on working out a deal with the Mad Mullins as early as 2008. And negotiations actually began with strongman Mahmoud akhmedanajad was still president
Starting point is 00:48:27 these lying motherfuckers do you believe this shit of course you do of course you do i believe it fucking quiz easy to easy fella rhodes the deputy and national security advisor for strategic communications, concedes in the article that the so-called moderate regime is not moderate at all. Oh, shit. We're not betting on it, he said. Despite having little foreign policy experience, Rhodes, 38 years old, former aspiring novelist who grew up, was in charge of massive White House messaging effort that fed the bogus lines to journalists. This guy's out bragging about it on the time.
Starting point is 00:49:09 He's adept at constructing overarching plot lines with heroes and villains. They are conflicts supported by flurries of carefully chosen adjectives, quotations, and leaks from named and unnamed senior officials, reported David Samuels writes. He's the master shaper and retailer of Obama's foreign
Starting point is 00:49:25 policy narratives you fucking evil prick literally obama's like this guy's a novelist he knows how to fucking concoct a story obama the article says misled the public with the idea that negotiations began because of the moderate factions rise in 2013. Today, this is Obama saying, after two years of negotiations, United States, this is in 2013, he said this, together with our international partners has achieved something that decades of animosity has not. Oh, he said that last july but here's the here's the scary part roads bashed the media for not properly reporting on foreign affairs and revealed how he fed information to reporters such as jeffrey goldberg of the atlantic
Starting point is 00:50:19 he's a respected beltway insider uh all these newspapers used to have, they used to have foreign bureaus, Rhodes said. Now they don't. They call us to explain to them what's happening in Moscow and Cairo. Oh, my God. If you didn't think the fucking media was corrupt. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we've talked to is 27 years old. Oh, my God. events from washington the average reporter we've talked to is 27 years old oh my god
Starting point is 00:50:45 and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns that's a sea change they literally know nothing ben rhodes said how crazy is that rhodes assistant ned price gave an example of how they would shape the news by feeding a narrative to their compadres in the press corps and letting it echo across social media.
Starting point is 00:51:11 You know, like Facebook, which also has the same point of view. My goodness. It is the most corrupt. It's more corrupt than Congress,
Starting point is 00:51:23 the fucking media. It really is. Please, ISIS, if you're going to hit a stud start at CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times. I kid, of course. I wouldn't want to see anybody get hurt out there. How about that, though? Ben Rhodes right out there. Ben Rhodes right out there.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah, he's still Obama's foreign policy guy, right? Why would he come out and... That's how they know how... How much power they have. Like, yeah, look, we're lying to you. Just like we did about the IRS and everything else. Why would you fucking... And you people are going to vote for fucking Hillary. Yes, they're right lies,
Starting point is 00:52:09 but they don't have, you know, giant outlets like the internet to spread their fucking lies. Woo! Woo! What else? I'll tell you what else i'll tell you what else border apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from central america may top the 2014 levels this could be good news for fucking Trump, no? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:51 U.S. Customs Border Patrol statistics show that apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from Central America have spiked for the first six months of fiscal year 2014. No, excuse me, have spiked to levels near those in the first six months of fiscal year 2014 no excuse me uh have spiked to levels near those in the first six months of fiscal year 2014 when the issue became political football and a source of hysteria for some americans according to a recent report by the puce research center cbp apprehended 27,754 unaccompanied minors on the u.s.-Mexico border during the first six months of 2016 fiscal year,
Starting point is 00:53:28 which that started last October. That's close to the mark reach for the first six years of 2014, which were over 28,000. Totals for this year could exceed 2014's record high of 68,000 unaccompanied minors apprehended. Okay, so this is the fundamental change he was talking about, folks, thanks to his executive orders and unconstitutional bullshit. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And who do you think is going to pay for these unaccompanied minors? And, you know, they're assigned lawyers and shit, and, right, it's coming right out of the taxpayer. What do you think? They're going to come over here at fucking 12 and start working for, uh, you know, IBM? This guy says the current surge like the one in 2014 is propelled
Starting point is 00:54:22 by violence, poverty, and lawlessness in countries like El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, where children are literally running for their lives from gangs, narco traffickers, and transnational criminal cartels that target children. So I guess it's our responsibility to take care of the fucking world. Hate to be a cold-hearted prick, but tough shit. Sorry, kids. Sorry that you were born in a third world shithole but uh well i guess obama and his elk won't be happy until this place is a third world shithole and i've
Starting point is 00:54:52 been saying that since i was in like fucking high school and the few people that i hung out with i mean you can it's been going on forever they're taking girls as sex slaves and unfortunately the governments in those third world shitholes are too weak uh to control the violence and so send them to america this is just like what uh castro did remember in the fucking 80s when he dumped all emptied all his prisons into miami if you saw the movie scarface you know what i'm talking about that's all would become a dumping ground for third world shitholes. And Obama's all for it because he hates how this country was founded and hates its whiteness and its Christianity and everything about it.
Starting point is 00:55:34 What better way to fucking, what better way to ruin it than overload? That's what you do. He's following the script, folks. Other people have done it. I think it's part of Alinsky's plan. You get a country that has a welfare system like ours, and you overload it with people until it collapses. It's all a bigger plan.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Until it's a third world shithole, and there are no more borders. But what the fuck? It's only your lives, folks. Don't take it that seriously. This is what I think of his administration and everybody who fucking voted for him. There you go. What do you think of Obama, Nick?
Starting point is 00:56:14 There you go. What do you think of his policies? Oh, okay. uh that's enough for today i'll get to um i'll get to how obama's last act as president is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy because they mention right where I live or pretty damn close. I don't want to give away my fucking house, but they mention it in the fucking article talking about how him and his jerk off housing secretary, Julian Castro. Again, these elitist left wing douchebags imposing their view of the planet on you.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And there's nothing you can do unless you want to commit violence, which, again, you know. Then we'll really look like those third-world shitholes. We don't want that, do we, kids? No. That is it. But let's hear from Elizabeth Warren one more time. No, I'm not. Take the bag off. No, I'm not. But let's hear from Elizabeth Warren one more time. No, no, I'm not. Take the bag off.
Starting point is 00:57:26 No, I'm not. Hey! This is, you're raping me. This is rape. This is rape. That's Elizabeth Warren. Everything. Relax your arms.
Starting point is 00:57:39 You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. Ah, you won't find a show like this anywhere, okay? Out of your million fucking satellite radio channels. Anyways, go to slash Nick. Join in the fucking food fight. That is it for me, kids. Have I touched on everything? I'm going to go outside and mow the grass like a suburban chooch.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I'll probably get shot doing it because Obama's already put these plants. Anyways, I'll talk to you soon. slash Nick for two to three more shows a week. All right. for two to three more shows a week. Aight? Where do I shit? What bathroom do I use? I got a penis, but I'm wearing a dress. I got a penis, but I'm wearing a dress.
Starting point is 00:58:47 I got a pope, but I got a peep. Shit right in between the two bathrooms. Not on the floor. I don't give a rat's ass. I don't want to live my life like everybody else And I don't want to be destroyed like everybody else guitar solo I'm out.

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