The Nick DiPaolo Show - 139 - AG Redacting Orlando Transcript, Hillary's Hate

Episode Date: June 20, 2016

AG Redacting Orlando Transcript, Hillary's Hate...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Yeah, how are ya? Monday, that's right folks. Nick DiPaolo Podcast. Monday, the iTunes show, the free one. This is an important one, because this is the one that people listen to, and they love it, and then they sign up for the, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:00:46 at connect slash Nick connect slash Nick. If you want to sign up, subscribe to the podcast, get two to three more shows a week at three 99 a month at a connect slash Nick. So this is, uh, my favorite show. I've got a lot to cover how are you yes um this episode of the nick dipalo podcast brought to you by blue apron blue apron knows
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Starting point is 00:03:18 We got Matt Wiggins has contributed to the podcast. Also, our buddy Tim in Cincinnati. Goes all the way back to the Nick and Artie show. Timmy Yule also contributed again. And our buddy Robert Darrow, who contributes every month. Thank you guys so much. What is going on, kids?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Good fun weekend, man. Fun weekend. First of all, I work out on, I worked out yesterday real hard right did the uh insanity workout and then i lift the weights for a half hour and then later on i get this burst of energy and uh this is funny i go for a walk in the woods near my house there's a reservation a uh you know a reserve a nature reserve not far from my house it there's a reservation, a, you know, a reserve, a nature reserve, not far from my house, it's a lake in the woods, and there's a, there's a lake, it's about a mile and a half around, and, but then there's trails that go into the woods off that, you can walk around the lake,
Starting point is 00:04:16 and I, oh, I've done this a million times, it's one of my favorite places on the planet, it's just quiet in the woods, the wind's blowing. It's fucking amazing. But get this. I get lost in the woods like an asshole. I don't know. I still don't know where I went wrong. I was walking the same. Like I said, there's a bunch of hiking paths you can take. Some of them go, you know, 10 miles into the woods or whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:40 But I usually stay within, you know, a couple miles. And it's not like the Appalachians where you can get lost and nobody can find you and you'll die in the woods. You know, at some point in these paths, you could be, you know, 50 feet from the street and hear cars on some of them. Some of them you can get really deep into the woods. I don't know what I did yesterday, but like I said, I worked my balls off. I worked out. I'm exhausted. And I figured I'm just going to, you know to do my usual thing, which takes about an hour. I fucking get lost.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I'm in the frigging woods. The sun's starting to go down. I'm not panicking because, you know, the trees are marked and shit. But the kids like to fuck with the markings on the trees. You know, the nature reserve puts up these tags of different colors for different paths and shit. I don't know where i went wrong but but i'm in i'm cramping up because i'm dehydrated i didn't like drink anything after it worked out like an asshole now i'm in there and i'm like oh my god i'm on some path and there's
Starting point is 00:05:37 hills and shit the ones i usually take are pretty flat i'm sweating through my shirt it's starting to get dark i'm like where the fuck am i i come out i come out and i'm in like i'm in up by some open field with a red barn that i'd never seen before and they had a beautiful garden this giant garden all fenced off somebody i don't know it was somebody's farm i i don't even know what town because where i live i bought is like three different towns but i'm going holy shit where am i then i start to i go now now i go back and and and i'm like oh no there's three different ways like i said i'll play it safe i'll just you know go back the way i came and of course that wasn't as easy as uh as I thought it was going to be but uh you know it's funny I just I started laughing while I was in there thinking
Starting point is 00:06:32 what if it gets to be nighttime and I'm in the fucking woods and the wife's like where the fuck is he and then I started having these revenant fans if you saw the movie The Revenant I was having these fantasies where you know I'm in there and I have to actually kill a deer in the dark, you know, with a sharp stick and climb inside it and spend the night. But the thing is, like I said, some of these spots, you know, I'm not that far from civilization. I just picture myself sleeping like in a deer carcass and then waking up the next morning and climbing out of a, you know, Mrs. Johnson's Great Dane because I was only two miles from my house. You know, waking up across the street from a Starbucks and going in covered in deer blood because I spent the night in the fucking woods.
Starting point is 00:07:18 What an asshole I am. Holy Jesus. I got a little nervous there, fucking for a few minutes. I'm like Holy Jesus. I got a little nervous there fucking for a few minutes. I'm like, Jesus Christ. But, uh, I ended up spending like, you know, hour and 45 minutes or almost, yeah, hour and 45. It should have been about a 55 minute trip. And, uh, what a dink. Anyways, I thought that was pretty fucking, my wife was laughing her balls off at my, off at my scenario of me waking up the next morning, climbing out of a fucking dog carcass. But anyways, I don't know how people do it. If it was the Appalachians, I wouldn't last a minute in the fucking wilderness.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Really fucking. What else did I do? Go to the website, It's up. It's brand new. It's all rebranded. All new pictures. And go to the website it's up it's brand new it's all rebranded all new pictures and go to it a lot of work went into it and they did a beautiful job uh god i don't have the company's name in front of me but uh yeah it looks freaking awesome and i'm very happy with it and um
Starting point is 00:08:20 speaking of that you can go to the tour page and click on that uh a couple new dates uh i will be doing carolines in july 21 22 and 23 i believe it is right here in new york city and i needed that one and of course you guys know about the brokerage on the 7th of july uh what in christ else doing the ron bennington radio show this Wednesday. So tune into that if you're listening to this before Wednesday, hopefully. Love Ron Bennington and his daughter. It's a great radio show. Guy's an old pro.
Starting point is 00:08:53 The guy can talk about anything in depth. And, yeah, so go to that. What else did I do? Greg Gutfeld's show I did on friday night which they show at saturday at 10 p.m that was fun but it's a little touchy again you're trying to do comedy on a news channel it's a very difficult he does a great job with it guy's great with it but uh but you know i'm a rough fit for that show let's be honest because even the slightest off-color thing is uh you know scrutinized ridiculously in my opinion but it is the you know fox news channel so it is a news channel and and it was the first show that
Starting point is 00:09:33 greg did after the since the orlando shooting so it was doubly awkward and uh i'd say three quarters of everything i said get cut. I did a joke about, and I knew this was going to be a touchy one, but we were talking about the guns in Orlando, and I said, I'm from the Sonny Corleone School of Guns, and I was talking, and I tied it into Orlando. I said, you know, if there's another attack on a gay club, I don't want a gay friend of mine coming out of the men's room
Starting point is 00:10:09 with his best friend's dick in his hand. You know, it's a play on the godfather thing. And of course, you know, Greg's like, that's not going to make it, blah, blah, blah. The only thing, I don't like the way he qualified it as a dick joke right away. I just said bleep the word dick. But I mean, it was a pretty good joke when you think about it i defended gay people and gun rights in the joke and i did it referring to a godfather reference it's actually a pretty good joke a little more than just a dick joke but uh
Starting point is 00:10:37 you know again it's the fox news channel i understand completely and then i made another crack uh katherine tempf the hot blonde with the glasses, was kind of making fun of Hillary. And I said, yeah, but let's be fair to her. She's easy on the eyes, being sarcastic. Of course, that doesn't see the light of day. I mean, it's like, come on, for Christ's sake. Really? And then I said something else. I brought up Sally Cohn, that big lesbian who even
Starting point is 00:11:06 after the Orlando Massacre was saying Christians are as bad I'm paraphrasing, as ISIS. And I said, how about the balls on him, which I had tweeted. So that didn't see the light of day. But and I understand
Starting point is 00:11:23 Greg, look, I'm grateful that they let me on the show you know it was cool rob o'neill was there you know who that is do you guys know who rob o'neill is it's the guy that actually killed bin laden the navy seal and he was great on the show i met him in the green room of course he's got a smoking girlfriend. And I was thinking to myself, that's the type of guy that deserves a smoking girlfriend. Yeah, Jeter gets all the ass and all the athletes and Matthew McConaughey. But who really deserves a stunning hot chick more than a guy who can kill Bin Laden? Nobody. And he was great.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And they were really nice. And so that's giving you a little insight into what it's like to try to do a show like that after an incident like orlando and and trying to do comedy which greg is does a great job because again it's it's a news channel it's a brand name you can't you you know so i guess i make him sweat a little here and there then i went out uh with temp and uh nora the girl who books a show, a few other people, and got drunk across the street after the show. And then promptly got in my car, as I do.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I'm an expert at drinking and driving. I told you that. And that was the weekend in a nutshell. And, yeah. So what else went on over the weekend i'll tell you what on how about that lebron james ladies and gentlemen how about him it's over it's over cleveland is a city of champions once again the cavaliers are nba champions NBA champions. You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I'm not a big NBA fan, but I do follow it. And I followed it in the 80s, obviously, when the Lakers and the Celtics, when it was, you know, a bloodbath. But I do follow it. I'm a huge sports fan. So I'm a big fan of LeBron James. And I've said this on the show before. I think he conducts himself great he's an easy target you know like most people that are super superstars and he got a lot of
Starting point is 00:13:31 grief for leaving Cleveland in the first place and my point on that was that hey he controls his own destiny when you work your ass off your whole life which he did to become the greatest of what you do you control your own destiny and he went to Miami got a couple rings and then he came back and he said he was going to bring it back you know win a championship for cleveland a city a great sports city by the way which hasn't seen a championship in 50 something years and this guy said it two years ago that he's going to do it and he did it i mean him and you know his teammates. And again, I've never heard people say, oh, how about when he went to Miami, they did that big thing. They put together that thing before he went to Miami.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I go, that was his PR person. He conducts himself well. And I just think he's tremendous. And I'm happy for the city of Cleveland. Even though I didn't go there to do comedy. But that's a whole other story. I mean, lately I haven't gone. But good for Cleveland and good for LeBron.
Starting point is 00:14:32 That is unbelievable to set out a goal like that. To do it against that type of team. Golden State was, what were they, 73-9 this year? Had the most wins at home of any team in NBA history. And these guys were down 3-1 to this team. And they still pulled it off. I told Quinn that they would win Game 7. It was sort of like the Red Sox-Yankees.
Starting point is 00:14:56 The momentum was on their side. And it looked like the Warriors had lost their magic a little bit. And so good for them. Good for LeBron, man. I know he's an easy target. A lot of people hate him. I don't understand that. I think he conducts himself great.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Anyways, Gutfeld Show. Thank you guys for coming out for New Milford, the Comedy Treehouse at Fast Eddie's. That was fun. Those are some serious DiPaolo fans. And it was packed. You know, small place, but packed. And thanks to the guy that ran the joint.
Starting point is 00:15:34 He gave me some 10-year-old bourbon. Man, I drank a couple of them. It was like going down like fucking iced tea. Did a lot of drinking this weekend. And I got this rush after on the way home. I was in a good mood. And it was almost kind of like a cocaine high. That's how good this booze was.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I can't describe it. You were driving, Nick? Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. For Christ's sake, it's Connecticut. Route 84. West on the way home. What am I going to hit?
Starting point is 00:16:01 But that was a good gig. Any way, any who. Let's get to the serious shit um oh and to my buddy who uh i got a subscriber who i think he's in england or he's from england but i think he's in england you know he you can write me messages at slash nick about the show and i write back to you and he was a little pissed because i called england a socialist nightmare and i was making you know ob I was questioning his motives and and uh he got all like a typical fucking lib and I don't know why he's listening to my show he's like oh uh listen
Starting point is 00:16:37 to what you're saying you're saying more guns is good which I didn't fucking say um and he said uh you know just stick to the funny stuff that you want to get kicked off my fucking you want to get on my shit list quick just say something like that on twitter or whatever tell me how to do my fucking show because you disagree with me that is such an arrogant pompous leftist fucking attitude just stick to the funny shit don't say anything I disagree with, even though everything I say is fucking factual. But that really pissed me off. But, you know, I'm not like a leftist. I'm not going to fucking delete you yet. But I'm just
Starting point is 00:17:18 telling you, don't tell me how to do my fucking show because it's growing leaps and bounds. And if you can't handle the truth about the shitty country that was once great that you came from i'm talking about the uk who should exit from the fucking union european union anyways but i'm just saying so uh yeah uh let's get to the uh how about attorney general loretta lynch this i put on the sunday morning shows i i listen to this i couldn't complete either one of them jonathan carl you're such a biased hack it's just disgraceful at least try to be like stephanopoulos and try to hide your fucking lib bias you do the worst at it. You're the worst. He's got Attorney General Loretta Lynch,
Starting point is 00:18:09 another, you know, ideologue robot, fucking right out of the Obama mold. Just, she's such a great speaker. She can bullshit as good as Trump. Just fills the air with nothing. But what really, you know, infuriated me is that she was on there and they asked her about, she's going to, you know, the 911 call
Starting point is 00:18:30 that the fucking Omar Mateen, the asshole radical Islamist, he made during the shooting. Remember he called? 911, whatever it was. And she's going to, they're going to edit those calls. She's going to edit those calls. She said the FBI is releasing a transcript of Omar's call during the massacre. Where, you know, he pledges his allegiance to radical Islam.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And they're going to edit that part out. What the fuck is going on in this country? Where, you know, he pledges his allegiance to radical Islam. And they're going to edit that part out. What the fuck is going on in this country? I can't fucking believe what I'm hearing. On the transcripts, they're going to edit that out. I don't even... I don't even... Here's what she said about it. Tomorrow, for example, we'll be releasing a partial transcript of the calls between the killer and the hostage negotiators so that people can, in fact, see the type of interaction that was had there.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I say partial because we're not going to be, for example, broadcasting his pledges of allegiance. We are trying not to. Excuse me. Excuse. What? Excuse me? Excuse me? What? We're not going to re-victimize those who went through that horror. How is that re-victimize? What does that even fucking mean? Because he pledges, he actually shows why he did it?
Starting point is 00:20:03 How does that make them any more victims? I can't even follow. That's just a line of bullshit. Once again, they don't want anybody badmouthing Islam. That's what it's about. Even the terrorists, the guy who shot up the place. Do you fucking, am I not interpreting this right? How does that re-victimize the people who went through it?
Starting point is 00:20:24 If you play, you write in the transcript what he actually said. In other words, we're allergic to the truth. Not we, them. Obama and company. That's how bad they want to protect, you know, good Muslims. What? What? I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I rewound it. I couldn't believe what i was freaking hearing here's some more of what you had to say robot but again we're trying to get as much information about this investigation as possible and we want people to provide information that they have a little late in it silly things that we've learned about the killer is that he had a history of violent behavior going all the way back to grade school so did I FBI they had investigated him twice had talked to him three times in the course of those investigations did the FBI learn about his long history of violent behavior well I can't go into the
Starting point is 00:21:20 specifics of everything that they learned yeah you can in fact he was under investigation once because he was making alarming statements, and his co-workers did report that information, which, again, is exactly what they should have done. He was under investigation twice. Actually, he was under investigation himself for his own statements, and that investigation took some time. And at the time, the FBI did everything it could to see, was he about to carry out anything? Apparently, they didn't do everything they could because he carried it out. And if they're that handcuffed, there's something seriously wrong with the system. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:22:00 This is about two years ago. And I can assure you that had he indicated he was going to take action, that they would have. So that's where we are. You got to actually go, you know what? I'm going to go to a gay nightclub and shoot up everybody because they're gay and I hate them in the name of whatever. That's what you have to do before they take any action. Again, that's because of privacy laws and you have to actually. But give me a fucking break. That's why you have to declare war officially, have Congress declare war on the president.
Starting point is 00:22:29 And then it gives you more latitude. You don't have to wait till people, 49 people already slotted before you can do anything. And you suspend the fucking. Yeah. Sorry, we have to part ways with some rights during wartime. Stayed on that investigation. They determined that he was at the time making statements. He then came on the radar again in the context of another investigation,
Starting point is 00:22:52 another Florida man who traveled to Syria, blown himself up in connection with a suicide bombing attempt. All this, they had all this, the FBI. And I'm not badmouthing them because they're unbelievable. They're on demand. They're getting 10,000 tips a And I'm not bad-mouthing them because they're unbelievable. They're on demand. They're getting 10,000 tips a week now on lone wolves and shit, so you can't bet. But, I mean, they can only do so much, like I said, if they're hamstrung by stupid laws that need to be suspended. Because we are, don't kid yourselves, we're at war.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Okay? Americans are dying within our borders. We're at freaking war Okay? Americans are dying on, within our borders. We're at freaking war. So, unbelievable how much they need before they can actually. Look, the FBI fucked up here. I don't care what you say. They fucked up. They had a, you know.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Again, thank God for the FBI. And Comey seems like a straight shooter and they're doing the best they can. But you're going to broad like this and fucking charge. Yay. Once again, yay for affirmative action had a connection to the killer and so he was interviewed along with other people who knew that other individual and to determine what connections he had and if he himself was predisposed to leave the country and commit the same kind of act i was determined that he was not
Starting point is 00:24:01 predisposed to do that he didn't do that. He didn't give any indications. He didn't give any indications? He didn't give any indications. Christopher, he gave no indications. What the fuck do you think all those things you just talked about were? You silly witch. Un-fucking-believable. Guy could have walked around with an ISIS flag sticking out of his ass crack.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Couldn't have been more obvious. Are you shitting me? Let's loosen him up. Let's take the handcuffs off the FBI before we're all fucking dead. And then Jonathan Karl, by his hack that he is, the first question he should have asked her, Loretta Lynch, is, you think maybe nobody acted on this? You think nobody reported it? You know, because he's been a loose cannon, this guy. He said shit at work. Remember, he's a security guy at that company, security company.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And people, you know, the one guy quit that worked with him. You think maybe people didn't say anything? Because maybe what you said directly following the San Bernardino attacks, when she said this, remember she was going to threaten to prosecute people that used any anti-Muslim rhetoric? Remember when she said this? Possibly charged with a hate crime.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric, or as we saw after 9-11, violence directed at individuals who may not even be Muslims but may be perceived to be Muslims. By the way, the violence directed at people who are perceived to be Muslims. By the way, the violence directed at people who perceive them as Muslims, that was that one guy I mentioned on the last show that got an Indian-like Sikh out
Starting point is 00:25:49 in Arizona that got murdered by some fucking idiot redneck. One person after 2,900 and something people were slaughtered in the Twin Towers. She talks about it like, you know, we came back and we were burning down mosques and killing Muslims on the street. What absolute fucking nonsense.
Starting point is 00:26:08 And they will suffer just as well, just as much. When we see that, we will take action. Really? She walked that back. I know you people are shitting your pants out there. She walked that back in the weeks after that. But she literally came out and said, if they heard anti-Muslim rhetoric, that they would take action, legal action. Which, could you be any more anti-American?
Starting point is 00:26:32 What a robot. Who said she was smart? How many fucking idiots are out there? Oh, my God. But do you think Jonathan Karl would have said, hey, you think when you said that, it maybe had a chilling effect on people reporting people? Remember after San Bernardino, the neighbors like, yeah, we saw people coming in and out, but we didn't want to say anything. Then we'll be labeled as bigoted.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And it's true. You know, Mike Huckabee said, and, you know, if you see something, say something, then be labeled a bigot. That's what the sign should say. It's exactly right. And this idiot, Attorney General, yeah, so they're going to redact Omar Martins.
Starting point is 00:27:13 They're going to redact the transcripts, the parts where he, you know, calls and says, I'm pledging allegiance to ISIS and I'm doing it in the name of Islam or whatever. Folks, anybody else? And then, I mean, Jonathan Carl doesn't even bring that question up.
Starting point is 00:27:30 That would have been the first question I asked her. But again, he doesn't see it that way because he's in the tank. But this guy, I mean, there were so many signs, right? But it was just crazy. A Florida gun shop owner, Robbie Abel, said he alerted the FBI that a suspicious man later identified as the shooter had tried to purchase 1,000 rounds of ammunition and body armor from his store weeks before the massacre during a press conference last week abel said his employee turned matine away and immediately called the fbi but federal agents
Starting point is 00:28:11 never showed up to investigate see because the locals and the feds don't talk to each other or they just ignored it i think trump said the fbi had a bad day is the way he put it. And he's right. Again, unless, you know, they didn't have enough. But, oh, my, how much do you need before you can make a move? You got to fucking change the laws. We're at war here. I mean, you know, I mean, they called the FBI, the gun shop owner, and told him this guy's trying to get body armor at 1,000 rounds. From that point on, he should have been shadowed, like I said.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Oh, that's anti-American. Yeah, right. He should have been shadowed. Like I told you, the analogy I used was like in football when Michael Vick was at his peak, you know, scrambling. The guy used to run for 150 yards a game as a quarterback. you know scrambling the guy's day he's to run for 150 yards a game as a quarterback when you have a quarterback like that the best way to defend them is to have a defensive back or somebody assigned somebody usually a defense back to shadow him the whole game that's all he does no matter where he goes if he goes to the men's room you fucking follow him uh that's what they should do oh that's anti-bullshit this guy sent up more fucking red flag i mean come on
Starting point is 00:29:26 jonathan cowell and then she's going and you know we want to focus and now we want to focus on the victims because this group has has suffered uh you know extreme uh oppression you know she didn't say in this country but that's what she was implying and that's the other thing that i resent every time you hear this they start to use the same language that the left is using the same language that they use for years is when they talked about republicans and gays and oh it's hate and bigot and all and they're using the same terms and you know actually comparing isis to to people who are against. If you're against gay marriage, you're basically ISIS in the eyes of Obama and Sally Cohn. Whatever. Silly shit.
Starting point is 00:30:14 But it's just, I shut off the TV. I shut it off right after the interview. I couldn't even get through it. I couldn't get through it. I didn't even bother with Meet the Press. I don't know why I watch it. You're thinking I'm going to be presently surprised some Sunday morning.
Starting point is 00:30:31 And then the Teflon Don, as I call him. Do you remember they used to call Johnny Gaudi that? The Teflon Don? Hillary? Do you remember when they called her? Hillary? I'm talking to you. They called her.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yes. Don't her. Yes. Don't get fucking arrogant. But then, of course, Mr. Trump was in Houston last week speaking about the Orlando atrocity. And he had his own take on it. And after listening to him, I guess he's he's doubling down on just being Donald. I know people. He's getting advice from everybody. You got to be more presidential.'s he's doubling down on just being donald i know people go he's getting advice from everybody you got to be more presidential and he's like fuck that i got this
Starting point is 00:31:10 far i vanquished 17 other politicians career politicians in the primaries i smoked them by being myself and i'm not gonna change and you know what i say if you're gonna fucking fail you fail on your own terms. You get out swinging. Here's what he had to say about the Orlando shooting and as it relates to guns. If some of those wonderful people had guns strapped right here, right to their waist or right to their ankle. And this son of a bitch comes out and starts shooting. and this son of a bitch comes out and starts shooting.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Oh, yeah. Match that, Hillary. And one of the people in that room happened to have it and goes, boom, boom. You know what? That would have been a beautiful beautiful sight folks that would have been a beautiful beautiful sight hey who would have guessed the houston crowd went crazy over a fucking pro gun stance let's analyze that for a second okay yes somebody in that club should have had a gun, even in an AR-15, in my opinion. But that would be a law enforcement official. This idea that people that go out to nightclubs at night should be strapped.
Starting point is 00:32:35 And I'm sure in some states you can, right? I'm not sure. Can you go with this alcohol? Not sure of the laws. But I'm just saying, even to me, that sounds insane. Because I know when I have fucking a few bourbons in me and somebody cuts me off. Somebody, Eddie Griffin, there's a black comic. I think it's Eddie Griffin.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Somebody does, there's a black comic that does a bit about thugs at nightclubs and how you can pick them out. I mean, I've read a million stories since I moved to New York in the last 20 years. Not a million, but lots of them where you know some brother stepped on another brother's foot on a dance floor and they end up fucking shooting each other right in the club it's happened you can look it up it's happened many times um uh alcohol and please we all know alcohol fucks up your uh even if you're a gay fella fucks up your uh judgment and you'll be quicker to anger at least with me maybe some people get uh you know get happy when they drink but i don't think that's a good idea a saturday night and and you fucking you know you you've done six shots of jack and then somebody fucking grabs you, you know, bumps against your girlfriend's ass, grabs her ass or something.
Starting point is 00:33:48 What are you going to do, get in a slap fight? Are you going to stick a gun in his fucking mouth? I don't know, Donald, but I do understand what he's saying. Even I told you, my cop buddy, who was a cop for 30-something years in Miami, now a lawyer, he said even he was surprised that somebody, because he says Florida's a wash in guns. And he's surprised because, and I said, really? Gay, gay guys?
Starting point is 00:34:13 A lot of gay people carry guns? He goes, they get fucking, you know, they have to. They're fucking victimized, which is true. I mean, I'm always reading about shit here in New York, down in the village on the weekend. One guy shot a gay guy and they killed him right on the sidewalk a year and a half ago um but i don't know that that's the you know i i wouldn't have a problem with uh you know where the you need more than one guy at the front door i guess and then of course so but the left turns it into a gun fucking issue what it's
Starting point is 00:34:47 which it's not for christ's sake are you gonna start outlawing pressure cookers and fucking crock pots because that's what the uh stop with that shit i mean conan colbert they all came out on their shows did you see that and and had to stick their two cents in. You can't address it in two minutes, okay? But, you know, the assault, and I understand. Why do regular people, civilians, need, you know, assault rifles? And again, AR-15s, people say, that's not it. It's a semi-automatic. It's not the same thing as an assault rifle.
Starting point is 00:35:19 People are fighting over the definition of it. We can't even get that straight. But if you do take those away from the average citizen you really think guys like omar teen aren't gonna fucking still get them and then you're standing there with a super soaker filled with fucking cat piss and you're trying to take on a guy with a ar-15 so i don't know but um the notion of everybody being strapped at a nightclub you know know, where booze is flowing freely. But that is not going to hurt Trump because people have had enough, you know. It's not going to hurt him.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yeah, but his fucking unlikable rating, you know, is through the roof at 70%. Don't worry. Excuse me. Coughing into the mic. I don't have a cough button, folks. Come on. I'm not sitting at the fucking, you know, it's not serious radio with $80,000 worth of equipment from me. It's a, you know, it's a Zoom board.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I found that Radio Shack for $11.71. Actually, Rob Sprant did. It's actually good equipment. Anyway, so Trump comes out like that and uh you know and that's his take and yeah it would have been blue it would have been beautiful somebody put one between his eyes all you have to say when this argument comes up and i think this got cut on gutfeld too or maybe i was saying it in the green room uh all you have to do is ask one of the victim or ask somebody if if your
Starting point is 00:36:45 loved one was in that club that night you're going to tell me you wouldn't have wanted somebody there with a gun and and that show killed the that wouldn't have been better or you'd rather play it the way it was and just run for cover seriously when you when you cut away all the politically correct bullshit those are the questions that need to be asked and that's why it's still a debate yes on the surface it sounds horrible uh you know that people can have access to these guns but then they then obama brings up you know of course he brings up who adam lanza the new town shooting you know he brought up the two examples that didn't friggin where Islam wasn't involved, you know. Newtown, what was the other one? I'm forgetting the other one. But anyways, it's not as cut and dried as people make it out to be.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And it certainly, certainly is tied to his immigration policy. He's letting people pour in from all over the fucking world, not even vetted. And you can read that on any website. That's really. And so you want to disarm the citizenry or give them, you know, make them less protected. I don't think so. But Trump's doubling down. He's doubling down on his. He's not toning down his rhetoric at all.
Starting point is 00:38:27 But we shall see how that, what people aren't talking about is, to me, what's not being talked about there is how Hillary is going to have such a unifying effect on people on the right and Republicans. They're going to turn out. They turned out in recognitions during the primaries. Wait till you see how they turn out because of the thick-ankled dog face. I mean, they are going to be fucking coming out in droves. Oh, they are. There's nothing funny about that. Pouring out.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah. I mean, I don't care what his unfavorable rating is. And hers is up there, too. Not as high as his. But they are going to come out in droves. Record numbers. And again, folks, I just remind you, I didn't even vote for him the promise i voted for ted cruz so it's not i i just love the effect that he's having on the left and and and and just this
Starting point is 00:39:13 mentality that we can't mention radical islam even we're going to redact it from the transcripts from a guy who was actually embracing it and killing people, is absolute lunacy. If you don't agree to that, you're just being fucking intellectually disingenuous. My goodness. Let's stay on the Trump train for a second. This is in the Washington Post, I guess. This is what upsets the Post. We've got people, Americans being murdered in the Washington Post I guess this is what upsets the Post people Americans being murdered
Starting point is 00:39:46 the name of radical Islam and the Post did a story Donald Trump calls her crooked Hillary but his fans just say bitch this is what they're worried about oh my god you've lost your fucking minds I'm telling you Washington Post you've lost your minds
Starting point is 00:40:03 they really are. I don't mean that in a gay way. Thousands of Donald Trump supporters streamed out of an evening rally. This was last week, I guess. They walked past a handful of vendors from Ohio selling simple white T-shirts featuring Hillary Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and a vulgar joke. The back of the shirt reads, Trump that bitch. Get it? Trump that bitch. It's got the word bitch on it, basically. And this is what the
Starting point is 00:40:34 Washington Post is upset about. Imagine? Yeah. Republican presidential candidate, Trump targeted Hillary. We're going to beat crooked Hillary Hillary. So badly your head will spin. But many of his fans have chosen a different nickname. One starting with the letter B and rhyming with witch. Okay?
Starting point is 00:40:58 What is this, fucking Mayberry RFD in 1940? Fucking, the Post doesn't write articles about fucking hip-hop, you know, who made the word bitch and use it in a much more hateful way. Where's that fucking 12-page article? It begins with B
Starting point is 00:41:20 and it rhymes with witch. Who the fuck wrote this? Dorothy Hamill? What? That made no sense. Oh, she's a nice gal. But, uh... Yeah, Trump said in an interview, I guess it was last month,
Starting point is 00:41:39 they were selling these T-shirts. He was unaware of the term. He said, they're calling her what? And he said, I have not heard that. I don't like it, but I have not heard that. I would not be happy if I heard it. Of course he has to say that. I mean,
Starting point is 00:41:56 bitch is probably the mildest thing you could say about the thick ankle dog face, right? Sure. Sure. Oh, God, what's that nasty habits when a bitch get my mother i just really don't like her and i thought it was a funny shirt said chap at 19 a freshman marketing major at marshall university in west virginia i'm in a fraternity so the guys will get a nice kick out of it when it's hanging in our fraternity house.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I want you guys to notice who they interview in this article. This is how they do it. They're very sly. Okay, there's a fraternity kid, right, who the fucking left hates. They hate nobody more than white fraternity kids. I'm assuming the kid was white. I could be wrong there. But by the way,
Starting point is 00:42:47 the guys that are selling these T-shirts, they're black guys selling them out of a van and they're from Ohio. I love it. They're just making a fucking living. Now here's another person they interviewed coming out of the Trump rally.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Cousins Dustin White and Matthew Gent live in rural West Virginia. I'm assuming they were white. I can fucking go out on a limb there. And yeah, they were at the rally and they wanted, I guess they wanted Senator Rand Paul as their candidate,
Starting point is 00:43:16 but their top reasons for liking Trump are that he's not Clinton and that he's not a Democrat. Gent bought one of the shirts. I couldn't resist. It's too funny not to buy, Gent said, who works at a manufacturing plant. I mean, people pick on both sides.
Starting point is 00:43:32 That's kind of how politics works. It's better to not get mad at it, really. It's all in good fun at the end of the day. Yeah, try telling that to a fucking feminist with a nice thick handlebar mustache or a fucking gay fella from the upper west side of manhattan fucking humorless um ariel cohen or coheni a 45 year old from new york city oh so they found somebody from new york city they actually oh i see she's a republican
Starting point is 00:43:59 she works for the republican leadership initiative do you see how how they selective they are at this article and who they pick to talk to? She bought a variation of the shirt made by a different vendor at a rally in Rhode Island and wore it to a GOP fundraiser in New Jersey last month. And, oh, it's a guy, excuse me. He said it's an eye-catching conversation starter, especially when walking on the Upper West Side. especially when walking on the Upper West Side. A team of four or five men in a Navy passenger van with Ohio plates has been traveling from rally to rally selling these shirts. They said sales have been strong, although sometimes parents with young children
Starting point is 00:44:35 would reprimand them for foul language, while anti-Trump protesters will pepper them with questions. It's because I'm black, said one of the vendors. What the fuck? What what the fuck what is that what is that good it's because i'm black probably right actually in that case who identified himself as clinton sanders get it i'm guessing that's not his real name 28 years old he was a member of the all-black sales team that sticks out in the sea of white faces at a trump rally imagine see how freely they are about writing about race in a sea of white faces at a Trump rally. Imagine, see how freely they are about writing about race
Starting point is 00:45:05 in a sea of white people, like they'd ever say in a sea of black people at fucking Howard University. They want to know who I'm voting for, and I tell them. That's confidential. And then they ask me why I'm doing this, and I say, because it's work. Exactly. Guy's making a living.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Can you imagine being this offended in 2016 in a day and age where I can, you know, for a quarter I can go into a booth in Times Square and watch a girl lactate into a champagne glass. That's right. That's available. And they're upset about the word bitch. These fucking phony fucks. Sanders says the idea for the shirt came up while a bunch of men was sitting around. The front of the T-shirt features images of Clinton and Lewinsky with the wording, Hillary sucks, but not like Monica.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Somebody's been writing. Not a bad one. Not a bad one at all. Here's another guy they interview. But you see how selective they are and who they pick coming out of the vine? I've been wanting one, said Redwine, a former Democrat who said he became a Republican when Obama was running for office. So right there, that implies that he's racist. I'm trying to help you guys.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I'm teaching you how to pick up on the sly horse shit. Like a phrase like that should jump out at you. When he turned Republican, when Obama ran, so you're supposed to connect the dots. That means obviously why, you know, it's a racist. But the guy said, it's, uh, Mr. Redwine said, it's kind of funny. I'm not politically correct on a lot of things anyways. And he said, there are better words to describe Hillary, but why not exactly? I don't know. Cunt?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Does that ring a bell? Does that ring a bell? Anybody? You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. That's me running against her. And then my favorability ratings would have gone down. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 00:47:03 But good reporting. Very good reporting. I probably done a month ago it's probably way before but whatever this is what they're upset about in this day and age meanwhile you know you put on a hip-hop song and fucking girls be anally raped and called bitch i don't know fucking what 4,400 times in the first minute of the song but let's go after the trump supporters and do a whole article on that because they're the real problem your sister's tits you fat fucks anyways let's talk about hillary
Starting point is 00:47:40 this was cracking me up just the headlines had me cracking me up. Just the headlines had me cracking me up. Well, I guess I should keep this song around any time we bring her up. She's also, you know, the Clintons are known as the hillbillies. There's a whole book out. Matter of fact, let's hit it with this. Yeah, a man named Bill.
Starting point is 00:48:08 One day he was shooting dirty loads, and up from his car come a bubbling cheese. That's right, whole milk, that is. Two percenter. Gobble, gobble. Anyways, this is from the Daily Mail Online. That's the U. the UK paper of record. To D.C. Crooks, they are.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Hillary Clinton once called this disabled children at an Easter egg hunt fucking retards. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. Oh, my God. Please don't. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. Oh, my God. Please don't. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. And referred to Jews as stupid kikes,
Starting point is 00:48:50 while Bill called Jesse Jackson a damned nigger, claims the former lover who's writing a book. Oh, my God. Hillary called retarded kids fucking retards. And please don't start telling me shit that's going to make me like her. Nick, how can you say that? Well, this this is how because we've all said shit like that especially comedians obviously but we're all bigoted every fucking one of us that's why i laugh when you cocksuckers on the left are so quick to play the race card the bigot the fucking fat you all you've all said shit
Starting point is 00:49:22 you've all thought it so fuck off and uh i'm supposed to what hate hillary i couldn't hate her more but here's why it's evil uh and here's why we do hate hillary clinton and and fucking bill and the left because they say shit like that like we do but they run on it they're the they're the ones who will point the finger and call you a racist or a bigot or hateful. They'll play that card in a fucking nanosecond. And that's how they make their livings on this fucking higher moral high ground that they claim. When the truth is they're fucking scumbags like the rest of us. Ain't that why?
Starting point is 00:50:02 That's why. It's a hypocrisy to play the race card bills use the n-word the kid grew up he poor in fucking arkansas you don't think he fucking dropped a few n-bombs in his day this shit's coming out in this book she has to be sweating bullets so because obama with his paper thin skin it's like fucking it's like making a wanton as thin as those he would fucking you know she's her future he could fucking bring the hammer down and she could be in jail but apparently there's a lot of emails on those securibors unsecured servers i should say you know that she's going back with the president i guess so so apparently his fate is in her hands and vice versa but this book uh you know these always come
Starting point is 00:50:46 out right before somebody runs excuse me god damn it having cigarettes after i work out but uh bill and hillary clinton professed to have always been supporters of racial equality but anecdotes published in a new book by his ex-lover claim otherwise oh i cannot wait to read this book you know he's a fag no no clinton he's a pussy huh yeah um hillary was heard calling mentally challenged children fucking retards caught on on record blurting this blurting out the term stupid kike and fucking jew bastards i guess she yelled this and there was a mic around a state trooper was there i guess uh while bill called the reverend jesse jackson a goddamn nigger can you imagine bill clinton saying that oh my god i never said that depends what you mean what the word nigger means.
Starting point is 00:51:45 It depends how you, if you put it in context. Dolly Kyle, this is the girl who's writing the book, I guess. Just 11 when she first crossed paths with Bill. That's kind of creepy. Dated him through high school and began sleeping with him once she turned 12. No, that's a joke, folks. Fucking chill. Once they graduated high school, she sleeping with him once she turned 12 no that's a joke folks fucking chill uh once they graduated high school she started banging him published uh the claims about the
Starting point is 00:52:12 clintons couple racial epithets and put in politics in a new book hillary the other woman pa uh that's published by the way wnd books if you want to uh that's gonna go through the roof but like i said yeah it just fucking yeah you know they're they're you know if they just didn't act uh you know which is piety and uh act like they're above all this shit i'd let it go because we all have a bit of scum in us she writes uh one occasion when okay i already just said this why did they repeat that fucking they repeat the same thing in these english papers 19 times but it was that it was an easter egg hunt this is cracking me up uh-oh retard alert retard alert uh who am i talk? I got lost in the woods a mile from my house for an hour.
Starting point is 00:53:06 But during the Easter egg hunt, a traditional Easter egg hunt on the grounds of the governor's mansion during Bill's tenure. Oh, I guess it was in Arkansas when he was the governor and they were doing an Easter egg. The frustrated me first lady demanded, when are they going to get those fucking retards out of here? You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! Yeah, that's Bill after he found out it was made public. And then we have the Reverend Jesse Jackson behind his back bill clinton both of them called him that goddamn nigger how dare they dolly claims the couple used the same insult toward robert say mcintosh one of the leading
Starting point is 00:54:02 african-american activists in Rock, Arkansas, when Bill was governor. McIntosh was dogging Clinton about ongoing relationships with black prostitutes. And it's a charge that Bill never denied. He used to bang black hookers. I'm starting to like the guy more and more. But the problem is, like I said, then he goes out there and he calls everybody else
Starting point is 00:54:26 racist i slept with a hooker black hooker once i told you when i first moved to new york city when i was living with louis ck and we had bunk beds he wasn't home and i came home my manager it was his apartment that he gave rented out to me and louis and um my manager sitting there with this drop dead gorgeous like 18 maybe 19 19-year-old black girl. She looked like a young Whitney Houston. And my manager's there haggling. How funny is this? With another comic.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I'm not going to mention his name. And they're haggling over price. And they're pretty scary looking, both these guys. They were older than me. And anyways, they fucking left. I came up with the right price, apparently, and I slept with her in a bunk bed. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I just remember her leaving a couple hours after we were finished, and she had headphones on, and she was crying. I don't know what... I'm hoping it was the music that was upsetting her. That's a true story. That's a true goddamn story, but goddamn was she pretty. It's the only black girl I've slept with. I'm not attracted to even Italian girls.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I like pale. I guess it's because I'm Italian and I grew up around, we all have that olive skin and shit. I like that milky white with big black eyes. That sort of Marlo Thomas look. You know what I mean? That girl. I like that.
Starting point is 00:55:53 You know what gets me hard is a fucking shark's tooth. When girls have really pale skin but they wear black nail polish. That makes me cuckoo. I don't know why. A lot of guys are feet guys and shit. I like the hands shit i like the hands i like the hands nothing's more of a turnoff hey you're looking at a girl she's got a beautiful face nice tits and you're at a bar you look down she's holding a mug of beer and her hands are
Starting point is 00:56:15 wrapped all the way around it like andre the fucking giant and your cock climbs up into your ass you got hands like fucking alan hale the skipper on gilligan's island can i get more beer uh uh anyways how about clinton so he was banging fucking uh black prostitutes which means he's not racist in my opinion as uh somebody said oh you know who it was it was uh it was in horace and pete Alan Alda's character. The racist bartender. When some young girl accused him of being racist in one of the episodes, he goes, it's not what you, racist isn't what you say, it's what you do.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Thought that was pretty good. How about this? There was also a rumor when Clinton was in Arkansas. Rumors of a tryst throughout Little Rock were aided by one prominent black female newscaster who used to brag openly around the television station about her relationship with the governor, although they were only indulging in oral sex. Man. Billy boy got around, did he not?
Starting point is 00:57:19 Holy fucking moly. But this isn't about him, although he'll be the first lady slash first dude whatever you want to call him but uh so hillary so this this is going to sort of help it should help a little bit if you're a trump fan because uh hillary can't go yeah but you made fun of the new york times uh physically disabled the reporter and he's gonna like yeah well you called a bunch of kids looking for easter eggs fucking retarded you thick-ankled dog face and she'll get all upset and come right back with a big zinger like that um and they'll you know and every time they call uh trump a racist now they're gonna go really
Starting point is 00:58:02 and you said stupid kikes and then and you called uh you called Jesse Jackson a nigger and I'm the racist? I'm the fucking racist? Excuse me, thick ankle, lump of cheese. What a couple, huh? What a couple they are. You young people weren't around when they headed to D.C. in the 90s. when they headed to D.C. in the 90s. And then one day Bill was finger-popping girls,
Starting point is 00:58:30 and up from the ground come a dirty pearl. Suck that dirty redneck cock. Black gold, white jizz, cottage cheese. Finger-pop a prostitute in the buccaneer. Cut apart and head another beer. Then he married a dyke with big flat feet. Hill. Hillary. Big ass.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Giant feet. A back like Lawrence Taylor. It's not the first time apparently Hillary has made fun of mentally challenged people. She did a little sketch, I guess. She did a little sketch back in 1995 or something. Called the Gridiron whatever or some fundraiser fucking thing. But she did a takeoff on Forrest Gump where she's playing Forrest Gump so this is not the first time hi my name's Hillary Hillary Gump you can call me Hillary
Starting point is 00:59:35 Rodham Gump that's what everybody calls me except on the Connie Chung show. This is real. This is Hillary. You know, that's my house back there. My mama always told me the White House is like a box of chocolates. It's pretty on the outside, but inside there's lots of nuts. Mama always gave me good advice. She told me life is like a regional health care alliance. If you pool your risks with a community health purchasing cooperative and mix in a prospective payment review, you can reach an ideal cost containment ratio while leaving the single payer system available. That's her doing a sketch.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Oh, my God. Sorry, folks. Jesus. now that's her doing a sketch oh my god sorry folks jesus that was rob sprance still haven't figured out how to shut that off um that was hillary an actual sketch how fucking funny is that hillary you ever make fun of retarded people before? No, I haven't. I really haven't. Oh, yes. How unfunny was that? Did you hear the response? That was supposed to get a laugh. That was actually her health care, Hillary care, that she was explaining in that sketch. Did you hear any laughter from the crowd? All I heard when it was over was, you know. I love it. this is fun anyways they're both hated their unfavorable ratings are you know this is so fun isn't it
Starting point is 01:01:17 wait till they get down to brass tacks like i said now now you know she can call him a racist he'll come back with this shit and and vice versa and then finally they'll have to talk about policy god forbid right but how entertaining is this going to be and again the electoral college fave is the democrat candidate again for summary because you know the urban areas tend to go for uh vote democrat and in ohio and florida and all those swing states and whatever so that the last few years it's favored the demo and that's the same as it's the same this year but i'm telling you her the hatred of this woman is gonna definitely bring out record numbers i'm telling you i'm telling you just a girl just you. Just the women that Bill Clinton came on and never called again. Just this them will give Trump an extra four points.
Starting point is 01:02:26 is enough for today ladies and gentlemen like i said uh if you want more of the nick de paula podcast go to slash nick slash nick and you can get two to three more shows a week and it's growing like a tumor in my ass and uh so do that. Could you? Go to, too. You can, you know, find it that way at my website, too. My website's brand new. All pictures and stuff. I'm very proud of it. So if you have a chance, listen to me on Ron Bennington this Wednesday afternoon. And like I said, I'll be at the brokerage July 7th.
Starting point is 01:03:04 And then Caroline's July 21, 22, 23. day afternoon and like i said i'll be at the brokerage uh july 7th and then caroline's july 21 22 23 in between now and then i'll pop into the city and do sets uh i'll be on the cap katherine timp uh podcast this week too i don't know what day that is hopefully it's wednesday i can bang bang out two birds with one stone all right kids again thanks so much for making this show uh what it is it's i actually look forward to this one of the few things that puts a smile on my miserable fucking face tomorrow i'll get to espn being the liberal uh hypocrite selves giving out an award that you won't believe and um i'll talk about some of the father's day commercials i saw that were fucking just priceless. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:03:46 Is that it? I think it is, my friends. Have I touched on it all? Imaginary producer? Have I? I have. All righty. I will talk to you tomorrow if you're a premium member sing along will you
Starting point is 01:04:27 and make out a smile though i wear a frown and i'm not gonna take it all lying down Cause once I get started I go to town Cause I'm not like everybody else I'm not like everybody else You need to shut the fuck up Alright, I will Let them sing their motherfucking song Have a good one, kids And I don't wanna live my life like everybody else guitar solo guitar solo Bye.

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