The Nick DiPaolo Show - 141 - Happy 4th 2016! The Fix is In!

Episode Date: July 5, 2016

Happy 4th 2016! The Fix is In!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hit it! Oh, listen to that rhythm. Oh, what a song. Feather in your cap and you call it macaroni. Nobody's ever explained that to me. In came a fucking fart. Tasty pudding macaroni. I think this is emblematic of white rhythm, this song, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Anyways, happy 4th of July, folks. Oh, take it easy over there. Fucking Hillary. Not for that. Giving me a goddamn headache. 4th of July. It's about 80 degrees. Beautiful out.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I'm in the basement like a rat. I'll get out there, though. Went in the woods. Didn't get lost this time yesterday was in there about an hour and a half and uh it's so typical of a government though they they have trails marked and shit okay i've been going there for like i don't know five years now yesterday i'm looking for the northwest trail to usually a yellow triangle that's gone yesterday replaced with something else uh there was a sign that said some roots have been changed uh
Starting point is 00:02:06 it was laminated somebody tore that in half it was on the ground on the woods anyways how are you what's going on fourth of july uh i don't know what to say folks you know it's not fucking this hillary thing the fix is in it's uh it's They're not going to stop at anything. The fucking douchebag Democrats, Obama, Satan's fucking little helper. They'll do anything, anything to win. And the Republicans won't. That's why we're fucked.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Apparently, this fat bitch is going to be the next president of the United States. It looks like. Should have listened to Quinn. I've been arguing for two years about it. The only hope we have is Trump. People, I say, underestimate how much Hillary is hated by people on the right. So that, you know, might pump up the turnout.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And it's a long way to go. But, you know, all this news, I'll get to it in a second. Before I do, I just want to tell you a little personal anecdote anecdote i went to the dentist and uh i've mentioned this before i go to my dentist and this uh they hired a woman about a year ago and a year and a half two years ago i don't know but she every time i go in there she tries to push um dental x-rays on me and uh if you look online and read and everything you know dentists make a lot of money with the x-rays on me and uh if you look online and read and everything you know dentists make a lot of money with the x-rays it's very important to them and this broad though from day one and she was new just keeps pushing the dental x-rays and she did it to my wife too my wife who was in her mid-40s
Starting point is 00:03:37 by the way has never had a cavity in her life not one not a cavity she's got like perfect teeth and uh my wife got into it with her a little bit saying saying, look, I don't want the x-ray. I don't either. My sister's an x-ray technician. I'll get to the politics in a few seconds, folks. I'm just a little personal anecdote. You know, my sister's Darlene has been an x-ray technician for years and told me all about, you know, the dangers of being x-rayed and whatnot anyways
Starting point is 00:04:06 and it is dangerous because if you look at you go to your dentist you notice uh they put that pad over your balls the bulletproof vest and then they go out in the parking lot and hide behind a mailbox when they press the button to x-ray you so anyways anyways i don't know if this broad has money in an x-ray company and she has stock in it, but she always, and I go, no, I'm not going to do it this time. We'll do it next time. And she gets fucking, she takes it like personally. She gets bent out of shape.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Now, I don't know if she's getting her marching orders from the dentist, but this has gone on twice with me and a couple times with my wife. So I go to the dentist this past week. Same thing. I get in the chair you know we haven't had we haven't had we have to do a uh there's those x-rays where you bite down on those things wing they call them wing something and uh and then they need another kind of x-ray a full i forget the terms he used where it gets not only your teeth but your jaw and the roots and everything and uh and i'm like yeah well no i'm not doing that this time and and she starts to get again a little and she goes yeah but we have to eventually have these and i said yeah
Starting point is 00:05:17 and i'll tell you when that is and she goes well thank you now i've pissed off a woman who's about to i i again this is me i never know when to pick my fights but it you know she goes thank you. Now I've pissed off a woman who's about to, again, this is me. I never know when to pick my fights. But, you know, she goes, thank you. Now she's all pissed. There's tension in the air as she's taking out that fucking fish hook and those fucking instruments where she's going to torture me for the next, you know, 35 minutes or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:42 And I'm like, why? Why would I have this conversation now? I mean, it's just, the air is thick with tension. It's like a Larry, it's a Curb Your Enthusiasm, like a Larry David moment. She's pissed. And I'm just like, this is going to be one painful clean-up, which it wasn't. She was professional about it. But this has happened over and over again.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And then the dentist come in, who I, my dentist I like. He comes in, must have overheard the whole conversation. You know how they write shit in your folder. Difficult patient, asshole, doesn't want x-rays again, whatever. So he comes in, and I can tell he's usually happy-go-lucky. He's like, Nick. And I'm like, yeah, how you doing? About the x-rays.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Look, he goes, of course you have the right of refusal of any services, but you don't really have the knowledge to understand what I need from you as far as blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, yeah, I understand I'm not as up on dental procedures as you. Obviously, you're a dentist. But I do know fucking I can refuse having x-rays and have them once every five years that's my prerogative that should be the end of the discussion but anyways and then he goes on explain we need to you know i fucking i forget the term anyways i'm just saying it was creepy to have somebody pissed off poking at you with a fucking sharp thing and but it's it's going on and
Starting point is 00:07:04 on so i don't know man i i like i said i like my dentist but ever since his broad started in the office it's fucking horrendous and it's not just me it's it's my wife too and uh you know whatever go online and read about the x-rays and how much dentists make on them and um that's that anyways what the hell's going on um first of all if you like the show the podcast nick the polar podcast and you want two to three more a week this is the monday show that comes out on itunes for free but if you go to connect slash nick connect slash nick you can sign up become a subscriber for uh 399 a month and you get two to three more shows a week and uh people have been signing up in droves since december it's really catching on and i'm excited
Starting point is 00:07:59 about it connect slash nick and you can make contributions on top of the $3.99 a month if you want to and uh let me thanks those people and these are most of these people are regulars uh my buddy gene thank you for the contribution gene ever dave harris who's a regular contributor jonathan keller who's always contributing more than once a month. Aaron Calhoun, thank you so much, Aaron. Darren Card, a regular contributor to the show, contributed again. Dennis Grabbeck-Bishop, our old pal Dennis Grabbeck. Thank you, Dennis. And Robert Schlueter, also a regular contributor.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Thank you guys so much for contributing on top of your subscription. I really appreciate that um what's uh i'll get to the hillary shit in a minute because uh since i talked to you last you know snakes on a plane the whole shit but uh here's a story for you central park central park uh tourists three guys like from virgin, walking through Central Park. They're off the beaten path a little bit. A kid steps on a goddamn explosive device, blows his fucking foot off, his left foot. College student. Connor Golden, he's 18 years old, from Fairfax, Virginia.
Starting point is 00:09:20 He just came down off a rock near 60th Street and 5th Avenue. I know right where that is. In the morning, around 11 in the morning, stepped on a shock sensitive explosive. Ah, do you believe this shit? It was in a plastic bag. They found a disintegrated matchbook, uh, near it. It's leading investigators believe that someone tried to set it off on like Friday, but left it behind when it didn't work yeah that's fucking brilliant um can you mean yeah i'm reading the story and the cops i don't know they're a little lenient to me uh my opinion the you know they think it's an explosive uh it could have been an experiment with fireworks or homemade explosives they don't think it's terror related blah blah blah But I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:10:07 There were two guys with this guy, right? With this Connor Golden. His friend Tom Hines, 20, and Matthew Stabile, 18. They both went into shock when they saw their friend's foot blown right the fuck off. This isn't Central Park. This ought to do wonders for tourists, huh?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Tourism. Come here, get spit on by mickey mouse i'll get molested on the fucking subway by some scumbag uh yeah oh you know and or maybe have your foot blown off in central park hinds repeatedly insisted uh the group had no fireworks or other explosives uh something he'd told detectives for over an hour and a half. So they were grilling the kids. They wanted to know, you know, was this your shit? But the kids said, no, I think my buddy stepped on a pressure-sensitive thing, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And three men have been cooperating and are at this time not considered suspects. Well, thanks. The item was not made of gunpowder but of rudimentary chemicals the high-ranking police official said um he said they were components were similar to snappers which erupt with a loud snap you know when you throw them on the ground really that's what you can compare on this to something that took a kid's foot off comparing them to snappers. I guess the way it works is what he's saying. There were no time as a trip wires or even shrapnel.
Starting point is 00:11:30 It was not set up with any sophistication. So what? So what? It's not like fucking, uh, you know, people who do this shit like an Al Qaeda, like they have PhDs in the shit.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Uh, the cops said if they're going to harm people, they wouldn't have put it so far off the beaten path. I disagree with that too. And they would have put nails of ball bearings in it, he said. Well, maybe, maybe not. But what people disturbed about after the incident, they kept the park open.
Starting point is 00:12:02 They didn't shut it down. And, you know, they're interviewing tourists going, huh, why wouldn't you shut it down? This guy, his last name is Sheth. If someone made this, then they probably put more than one out there. So why wouldn't you shut the park down? He goes, if it happened in Times Square, you shut it down in two seconds, which is, I think, a legitimate point.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And I'm not one, you know, we are jumpy and we overreact to shit, but this surprises me. Seven bomb-sniffing dogs combed the area around the explosions. Cops also examined a car parked at Newark Airport that the victim, the kid whose foot was blown up, used to drive to New York. I guess you got to cover all your bases, but the FBI took over the investigation of the case.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Like, we don't have an fbi doesn't have enough shit to do like you know not bringing charges against that fat twat's own you stupid fucking blabbermouth cut oh take it easy don't prejudge her like that you heard her she's clean hillary uh there is forensic evidence that indicates that it was not meant to go off by somebody stepping on it may have not gone off at an earlier time and that it was not meant to go off by somebody stepping on it. It may have not gone off at an earlier time, and then it was just left. Okay, that makes it much better
Starting point is 00:13:11 and puts everybody at ease there, officer. What the fuck? Okay, so what a fucking world we're living in, huh? Come to Central Park and go, oh, look at the pretty trees, and there's swans in the park. Ah, my fucking leg. Ah.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Do something. What a world. What a fucking world. I wonder how that did affect tourism in the park like yesterday. Anyways, last time I talked to you, L lynch i uh also known as wheezy that's what i call her that's right mrs jefferson wheezy she uh you know we discussed the whole story where she met with uh bill clinton you know the guy whose wife is running for president also being fucking investigated by the FBI. They met.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So we all fucking, it was obvious it was improprieties there. But, uh, I came up with a tweet and I called it snakes on a plane. And guess what? A whole 24 hours later, the headline in the New York post was what on the front page snakes on a
Starting point is 00:14:20 plane. So chalk went up for Nick DiPaolo there. Yeah. Yeah. Motherfuckersers that's right and you know that's where they get their headlines now they used to write them they used to have a guy who wrote them he passed away by the way um they're known a few people i'm familiar with the post they're known for their headlines the most famous one was a headless man
Starting point is 00:14:41 found in topless bar so i was a little proud that the Post would poach my tweet, and there's no doubt about it. A thousand percent is what they did. Snakes on a motherfucking plane. And I'm going to do a preemptive strike. If Hillary picks Tim Kaine, which it looks like he's like in the lead
Starting point is 00:15:00 or one of the top two as a vice presidential nominee, Tim Kaine uh senator from whatever virginia it doesn't fucking matter anyways the headline should be what kane and unable exactly i'll throw that out there now to the new york post so uh you people can my listeners here can uh when they use that if he's the one i. I don't think she's going to go with Warren. You can't have two manly men, can you? Sure you can.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Snakes on a plank. Anyways, Hillary was grilled by the FBI on Saturday for three and a half fucking hours, and she said she did it voluntarily. She did it fucking voluntarily, that fucking blabbermouth, demented fucking whore. I'm tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, Voluntarily that fucking blabbermouth, demented fucking whore. You want to have eight years of this? Listen to this. Ah.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Listen to that thick ankle shout ahead. The fix is in, folks. I should have listened to Colin Quinn. He told me. The fix is fucking in. She was questioned for three and a half uh voluntarily by the way she did it on saturday on the fourth of july you know weekend i should say today's the fourth uh isn't that funny she did on saturday when you know people 99 of the people in the country were out barbecuing and driving to their destination so she you can see how transparent she is god fucking help us god help us this was not a good
Starting point is 00:16:32 weekend i really well let's see what happens now so she was grilled for three and a half hours and she she did it voluntarily she said she was pleased to do it hey lick my fucking nuts you were pleased to do it oh my god this fucking broad has lying in her bone marrow and that's a lot of big bones let me tell you grilled by the fbi grill this grilled her piece of chicken and sent her home nick that was real funny yeah shut it eat it suck it Nick, that was real funny. Yeah, shut it. Eat it.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Suck it. Anyways, so three and a half hours on Saturday when everybody wasn't paying attention to the news and unfrigging, I just, you go, why is Nick, why are you so fucking bummed out? Well, because the next day, some sources went to CNN and said, Hillary likely won't face prosecution. Hillary Clinton likely will not be prosecuted
Starting point is 00:17:31 on charges related to her use of private emails, even though the whole world knows she fucking broke the law. You can be fucking retarded and understand that. Uh-oh, retard alert. You have to be a legal scholar. Retard alert. She will to be a legal scholar. Retard alert.
Starting point is 00:17:47 She would not be prosecuted on charges related to her use of a private email server. Unnamed sources told CNN over the weekend. Again, this isn't official. Maybe it is today. I don't know. The investigation of the scandal is likely coming to an end. I think this is really the last step in the FBI's investigation. Typically in a long investigation like this.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Former Department of Justice spokesman Matt Miller, who endorses Clinton's campaign. That means he has a big clit. Told CNN's Allison Camerota that usually the key person in the investigation, typically the last one to be interviewed. So I want to see. My question is now, because I heard James Comey, the head of the FBI. He's a man of integrity and blah, blah, blah. And if they couldn't nail her on this, he would probably resign. And a lot of people would resign under him and protest because it's so clear what she did was fucking unconstitutional, illegal.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And so let's see. Let's see, you know, if that happens. Sources familiar with the investigation told CNN that within the next two weeks or so, there'll be likely an announcement that no charges will be brought against Clinton. I'm fucking numb. I really am. See, I'm saying this is going to hand it to her. And I said this to Colin and a few other people. You know, I don't know what to believe anymore. It could all be scripted.
Starting point is 00:19:10 But now if they clear her of any wrongdoing, all the fucking idiots are going to say it was a political witch, which it wasn't, which it wasn't. But they're going to look how they traded her. Now she's going to be considered like, you know, a hero, an underdog. There'll be no charges brought against Clinton, most likely, as long as there is no evidence coming from her interview on Saturday. Yeah, this is which.
Starting point is 00:19:41 On Saturday, Democrat close to the FBI will likely announce its decision before the Democratic National Convention later this month. So again, it's still speculation. We don't know. It could still come down. But from, you know, a likely source, and Trump tweeted it's rigged
Starting point is 00:19:59 folks, blah, blah, blah. So I guess he believes. So then Mike Huckabee weighed in. Just move along, folks. That's what it is. He's comparing it to a Monty Python sketch that I'm not familiar with. But Huckabee says, we know Hillary signed an affidavit saying under the penalty of perjury, she turned over all her emails,
Starting point is 00:20:26 and then we know she most certainly did not. How come she's going to get away with that? I guarantee you, none of you guys would not get away with it. I wouldn't, which is exactly right. The fucking fix is in, and the State Department, I guess,
Starting point is 00:20:41 said they're not going to release all that shit for 27 months or something. So, it's pretty much official. I just want to see what the FBI does. You know? Unfucking real. Unreal. Let's see what Comey does.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Listen. We shall see. But if she does win the presidency, if she does win. In the New York Times, this terrific article. I had to scrape my dog's feces off it before I read it. Still smells. She wants progress on immigration and to drink with the GOP. Progress on immigration.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Half of Central America and South America pouring in here. But she wants progress on immigration. Can you fucking imagine? Only in the New York Times. Yeah, if she won the president, she'd quickly try to find common ground with republicans which is fucking hilarious remember they asked her what her enemies are around the world she said republicans uh she won an immigration overhaul and infrastructure spending everywhere i go you can't get around every city i land in there's enough infrastructure going on you can't even fucking move.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Ask anybody who lives near a major city. But here's the thing. In her first 100 days, she would also tap women, I'm sure she would, to make up half of her cabinet in hopes of bringing a new tone and a collaborative sensibility to Washington, while also looking past Wall Street to places like Silicon Valley for talent, perhaps wooing Sheryl Sandberg. She wants to get in her pants, probably, from Facebook.
Starting point is 00:22:29 And maybe asking Tim Cook from Apple to become the first openly gay cabinet secretary. So you can see what's important to people like Hillary Clinton. It's gender and sexual orientation. That comes first when hiring people, not if you're the most qualified. You know, sounds almost prejudiced to me. It almost sounds like discrimination that she would say, I'm going to hire a woman,
Starting point is 00:22:53 even if a guy has twice the resume. Pussy is what's important, and if you suck a dick, I'm going to put you at the top of the list, too. Congratulations. They say that Mrs. Clinton would even schmooze differently than past few presidents. I'm sure she would.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Not one to do business over golf or basketball. What? That doesn't surprise me. Probably softball would be more her taste, if you get my... So she wouldn't schmooze over golf or basketball. A nice game of arm wrestling or Greco-Roman style wrestling. She would bring back the, uh, the intimate style of former presidents Ronald Reagan and Lyndon B. Johnson.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Negotiating over adult beverages. What does she drink? Uh, heavy cream with vodka? That was an elephant box yeah this is clinton wants to pursue a whole new approach at the white house to try to break through years of partisan gridlock is this fucking priceless to you she wants to break through partisan gridlock how fucking hilarious this woman hates republicans and fucking well she's been screaming about for the last 30 years the right-wing conspiracy but i'm sure she'll be open to reach across the aisle if there's a
Starting point is 00:24:11 bag of donuts over there uh enough of the fat jokes oh she also says she thinks she'll be a better deal maker than president obama if she finds uh willing partners on the other side and you will find willing partners you know fucking guarantee paul ryan you know mitch mcconnell they'll be sitting there bent over with their pants pulled down waiting for her to just tongue their ass because uh they're on her side we all know that now thanks to mr trump he's torn the fucking facade off this party but she really loves socializing. She loves having people and spouses over and really loves talking over drinks. You know, heavy cream drinks.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Frozen black mudslides. But here's where I keep reading. I love the New York Times. In May, the New York Times examined Donald J. Trump's plans for his first 100 days. You know, this is going to be some objective shit coming up, right? During which he said he would focus on divisive campaign promises. Thanks for injecting your opinion into the article. Like building a border wall with Mexico.
Starting point is 00:25:15 By contrast, the Times found in its reporting on plans for Mrs. Clinton's 100 days that she would look to push issues that might be broadly popular, like infrastructure jobs and a breakthrough on immigration. Yeah, let's ignore the fucking, let's ignore what's going on. Let's ignore the fact the world is on fire because of her and Obama. Let's ignore all that and focus on her hiring gay people and women, because that's what's important, isn't it? Sure it is. gay people and women because that's what's important isn't it sure it is oh just uh just unbelievable i i really didn't think i i really didn't think as cynical as i am
Starting point is 00:25:55 apparently i'm not i'm more of a pollyanna than i realize that uh this could actually happen but like i said um the rights hatred of her, I really do believe it's going to be a record turnout. And like I said before, what do you really believe? There's not going to be more terrorist attacks
Starting point is 00:26:13 and horseshit? And anytime something like that happens, God forbid, we don't want it to, but it benefits Trump, there's no doubt about it, because he's taken the hard line,
Starting point is 00:26:23 obviously, on immigration, whereas thick-ankled dogface wants more people to pour in. She already promised, like, another, what, 65,000 more Syrian refugees or something, or 100,000? You know, brilliant. Again, they just hate the country the way it's been. And congratulations, you people who voted for
Starting point is 00:26:47 Mr. Obama and who are going to vote for this weasel boy but she wants to have a few drinks with the GOP whoo they ought to get her drunk and then fucking push her up the balcony
Starting point is 00:27:03 what else we said in there Ooh, they ought to get her drunk and then fucking push her up the balcony. What else are we sitting there? Mrs. Clinton has already indicated she's willing to take executive actions on issues if Republicans don't work with her. She's not even in there yet. It might not be. I don't know. But she's already promising to take executive actions. So you can see right there that she wants to work with the other side, right?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Doesn't that not contradict what I just read to you two pages prior? Yeah. If the Republicans don't agree with her horseshit, she's going to pull an Obama and become a fucking dictator. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like expanding background checks for gun sales and uh ending corporate inversions aimed at avoiding taxes as she fucking leaves goldman sachs with uh you know half a million dollars in her pocket from a speech um she can be extremely charming and she can be the opposite said tom
Starting point is 00:28:02 davis a former senior house republican from virgin. But I think she'll want to build some bridges right away. And yeah, that's infrastructure. And get back some of the trust that's been missing between the parties for the last 15 years. Do you really think that, Tom? That's probably why you're fucking a former House Republican. You really believe that, do you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:30 But Hillary hopes to reassure progressives with her executive actions which would also include new protections for undocumented immigrant parents as well as her personnel appointments having women make up half her cabinet would be historic and democrats close to mrs clinton say she may decide to retain Ms. Lynch, the nation's first black woman attorney general. Of course she will. And one of my Twitter followers had a good theory that I agree with a thousand percent. Bill probably got on the plane and said, look, how'd you like to sit on the Supreme Court? Lay off my thick-ankled warden of a wife,
Starting point is 00:29:06 and you have yourself a Supreme Court seat. What do you think of that, Wheezy? Can't argue with that theory, huh? That would be terrific, wouldn't it? Just terrific. All my nightmares are coming true. I read these headlines on all these different websites and it's like it really is it's like the world is working off a list of shit that infuriates
Starting point is 00:29:31 me and a lot of my friends yeah so um i just i can't wait to see when it's official i don't know i guess they're going to prolong it until after the election the decision but you know whether she was guilty or not but like i said it's 27 months down the road they're going to do that but that could you know you know then whatever she could be president and getting indicted right in the middle of her uh that's good for the country too ain't it i just don't i just really didn't think i really here's the other thing which is nice i won't have to vote ever again and i don't give a shit if that sounds like sour grapes because for years i was like going and it's the bilderberg group it's all these elitists like 12 people that meet every year in dresden and decide the fucking future of the world
Starting point is 00:30:29 and I always heard those theories and I was like I had been a little too cynical but I mean how can you fucking argue it you know so she becomes president I won't have to worry about ever voting again. Even though the polling place is not even a mile from my house. Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. Stealing it. But you don't know, folks. You don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:59 But I didn't think it would get this far. It's a very dangerous situation. Anywho. think it would get this far it's a very dangerous situation anywho what else are the democrat uh up to oh the democrats have an immigration platform that courts hispanics well thanks for waking me up to that fact i i thought they were going after the white irish the 11 irish folk who could put him over the top. The Democratic Party delivered a huge win to immigration activists in its party platform draft. They released that on Friday. The platform calls for a path to citizenship
Starting point is 00:31:35 for law-abiding families who are here. The defense of President Obama's executive actions on immigration and the end of immigration raids against children and families. Due process for those fleeing violence in Central America and to rescind statutory bans on immigration who modify their status in the country. And I know you're all going, oh, see, we that's the American way to open your. This is all about fucking. You understand it's all about securing votes for the Democratic Party of the next hundred years. You understand it's all about securing votes for the Democratic Party for the next 100 years. That's all that is.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Do you understand that? At the peril of the United States. Yeah, how the sanctuary city's working out. Good. Yeah. Any crime being committed by people here? Just, this is just unbelievable. It would be outrageous if this was 25, 30 years ago. Never mind now
Starting point is 00:32:25 we're we're we have you know isis getting in line and pretending they're migrants in europe that's already been you know from syria that's already they're doing it over there and they said they will do it here yeah let's keep the borders let's open them up some more and let's loosen up our stringent it's so stringent we have 11 a million and 11 million to 15 million depending on who you want to believe illegals living here but that's how that's how stringent and how too tight are holy fucking moly so yeah i mean what is that a surprise to us that she wants to loosen up? But I love the fact that she already said she's going to use executive orders, you know, to two minutes after she said she wants to work with Republicans. Finally, Democrats will not stand for the divisive and derogatory language of Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:33:20 What are you going to do if I can arrest him? His offensive comments about immigrants and other communities have no place in our society. Yeah, they do. It's called the First Amendment, you dumb fucks. That's the beauty of our society. There's plenty of room for that type of talk. This kind of rhetoric must be rejected, the platform reads. Reject this, you fucking cum stains. Meyers said the platform rightfully denounces statements that seek to criminalize migrants and
Starting point is 00:33:46 minority population. And by the way, what raids are they talking about on families? What, Elian Gonzalez, that kid when Clinton was
Starting point is 00:33:54 president? What are they talking about? What raids? I don't see families being broken up on the news, do you? And if it was happening,
Starting point is 00:34:01 you're goddamn right it would be all over the news. The 2016 documents contrast sharply with the 2012 version, which also touted the need for comprehensive immigration reform. That means amnesty, folks. But stated that undocumented immigrants should get right with the law. This was back in 2012.
Starting point is 00:34:20 This is what the Democratic platform read. That undocumented immigrants should get right with the law, learn English. Boy, huh? Real fucking horrible things to insist on and pay taxes in order to get on a path to earn citizenship. OK, that was just four years ago. That's what the Democratic Party is calling for. Now it's now they want just the opposite. What does that tell you? It's all about the votes. It's not about what's good for this country. It's about retaining power.
Starting point is 00:34:50 They're evil fucks. See, that was very unpopular in 2012 with Hispanic and immigrant rights groups. So they're going to bend over it and take it in the cheeks for all of us and secure that vote. Latino turnout is widely perceived as crucial for important down-ballot races in key swing states like Colorado, Florida, Nevada. Just pick any state. Where aren't they? For Christ's sake. Wow, so they
Starting point is 00:35:19 did like a 180 since 2012, but I guess they've just evolved on the issue, right? They fucking evolved. Fucking shameless. Mama, son. God, I'm hungry. Anyways. Let's get some uh local news here's a story that about 90 people sent me on uh twitter that i had already seen don't worry folks i'm on it but i i still i i do miss a lot of them so um here's the headline, folks. Elite kindergarten through eighth grade school
Starting point is 00:36:07 teaches white students they are born racist. This is right here in Manhattan, actually. An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as six that they are born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from white privilege while heaping praise and literally cupcakes on their black peers. This is what they should play at the school to fight back against.
Starting point is 00:36:43 No, not're not. White Libs. That song's about Britain, but it pertains to here. Administrators at the Bank Street School. If anybody wants to go by and break a window i'd really laugh uh yeah the bank street school for children it's on the upper west side oh let's see that's the most liberal like area in the nation literally alan alda lives up there and uh you know madonna used to live there sean penn just picture just pick a famous lib uh yeah it's a bank street school Yeah, it's a Bank Street school.
Starting point is 00:37:26 They claim it's a novel approach to fighting discrimination and that several other private New York schools are doing it. But even liberal parents aren't buying it. Really? We'll see. They complain that the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites. Listen to this. Listen how fucking mental. It's a mental illness.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Liberalism's a mental illness. I used to laugh at that, but I really believe they're separating. These are people who, you know, find any kind of white racism appalling and segregation. This is what they're doing. Separating whites in classes where they're made to feel awful about their whiteness and all the kids of color and they put them in other room where they're taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges i'm not making this shit up i'm not making it up ever since ferguson the school has been increasing anti-white propaganda in its curriculum said a parent who requested anonymity of course he did because his children currently are enrolled in a school. Bank Street has created a dedicated
Starting point is 00:38:33 space in the school for kids of color where they're embraced by naughty instructors and encouraged to voice their feelings and share experiences about being a kid of color. Can I make this shit up? Meanwhile, white kids are herded into separate classrooms
Starting point is 00:38:53 and taught to raise their awareness of the prevalence of whiteness and privilege, challenge notions of colored blindness and assumptions of normal, the word normal in quote, good and quote, and American, and understand and own European ancestry and see the tie to privilege. These are kids that they're fucking filling their heads with this fucking poison. Seriously, where are the fucking Tea Party so-called rebels and shit? I mean, the same slides, they put slides up in the class, point out that a number of leading private schools across the country
Starting point is 00:39:30 also have segregated students. These are people who are against segregation. That's how they came about, these white liberal groups. They're literally, and they're for a colorblind society. They were saying that they're segregating students by race, race-based affinity groups. Unbelievable. Here's some of the schools, including Riverdale Country School, Brooklyn Friends School, the Cathedral School, the Calhoun School, Ethical Culture of Filston School, and Little Red Schoolhouse. You know, red. Let's underline red there.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And Elizabeth Irwin High School. 100% of the curriculum is what whites have done to other races. They offer nothing that would balance a story. That's from an anonymous Bank Street parent. Yeah? Did you pull your kid out of there, you gonna leave them in there and just go under listen to this under bank street's racial justice and advocacy curriculum what the fuck it's like we've been asleep at the switch for fucking 100 years parents say
Starting point is 00:40:40 teachers push white kids to grapple with america's of racism. Then they indoctrinate them into thinking systemic racism still exists and that they're part of the problem and must hold themselves accountable, even for acts of racism committed by others. Can you they're teaching this to little white kids. Can you imagine having a class, having a school that teaches little black kids? You know, you're inferior. Do you know that? Do you your your race is really the only one that could never come oppression and that you're you're really you you you know you genetically you're inferior that's why you're getting your asses handed to you and you need all these government programs and that's why your family has the uh black family has been dissolved but you're just not making it. Can you imagine teaching? It's as evil, that's as evil as teaching
Starting point is 00:41:29 little white kids that they should be guilty for being white. It's just as fucking ridiculous. Crazy. Yeah. Again, the unnamed parent said any questions they can't answer they rationalize under the pretense of institutional racism which is never really defined no kidding you don't have to that's the whole idea of claiming institutional racism you don't have to define you don't have to pick a specific example you just say the whole system is racist.
Starting point is 00:42:06 There's no obligation to point out individual cases of racism. Right? Right. The program, I started to highlight, you know, this article, the parts that pissed me off. I ended up running out of two fucking highlighters. The whole fucking 11 pages. I called it every sentence. Each one was making me more furious. The program, these parents say,
Starting point is 00:42:33 deliberately instills in white children a strong sense of guilt about their race. Some kids come home in tears saying, I'm a bad person. I don't fucking, sorry. I don't even believe that. But they say white kids are being brainwashed into thinking any success they achieve is unearned that's been going on forever indeed a young white girl is seen confessing on
Starting point is 00:42:51 a bank street video this is a little young white girl on a video saying i feel guilty for having a privilege i don't deserve i'm fucking believable unbelievable get Papu Cannon's book Suicide of a Superpower do yourself a favor or any of his books of the last 20 years he pointed all this shit out 30 years ago
Starting point is 00:43:14 excuse me do you want to know who the fucking person is who came up with this divisive program it's run by a woman named anshu wahi that's w-a-h-i i looked her up images you know i i fucking googled her you know images and shit i can't tell if it's just because there's an actress named anshu wahi and uh but this woman looks like she almost looks indian a pakistani she's a long
Starting point is 00:43:47 time social justice activist or or what i'd call a you know person of color racist who hates whitey you can substitute social justice if you want who's held the title of director of diversity at bank street since 2013. She referred questions to the school's communication office, which did not respond to requests, naturally, because they can't defend this type of fucking anti-white racism. Forget teaching them to be colorblind.
Starting point is 00:44:17 That's a cop-out, she suggests. This is Wahi, by the way. She says, she says, an excuse to ignore the hardships of people of color when you say colorblind. It's also a tool of whiteness to perpetuate the oppression of people of color.
Starting point is 00:44:35 According to one paper, she recommends parents read. Wahi believes even white babies display signs of racism. You're going to tell me she's not mentally ill, this twat? Wahi believes even white babies display signs of racism. You gotta tell me she's not mentally ill, this twat. Why he believes even white babies display signs of racism, so she encourages
Starting point is 00:44:49 parents to talk to their kids about race as early as kindergarten. That's called indoctrination, you dumb cunt. Making them hyper-aware of racial differences and even examine your own whiteness. This is what you should fill your kids' heads with.
Starting point is 00:45:08 She defends segregating minority children by race by arguing they need a safe place where they can share their ouch moments. That's in quotes. Ouch, O-U-C-H moments. Including subtle but offensive white comments known as microaggressions. I hope this broad finds a lump
Starting point is 00:45:25 on her fucking neck the size of a grapefruit. This is a fucking evil bitch. What can I tell you? Bank Street wants to give kids of color a space to talk about shared experiences. Why, he explained
Starting point is 00:45:37 in a parent handout. Because even in society today, people of color are treated unfairly. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! You need to shut the fuck up! Why he says the school is merely empowering children of color who feel alienated and devalued in a dominant white culture. But some parents fear the school is nurturing resentment among minority
Starting point is 00:46:05 pupils and reinforcing perceptions of victimization. Gee, you think? You think, parents? Is that what you fear? Do you think it? You're the ones who subsidize this horseshit by paying 50 grand a year to send your little fucking rug rat
Starting point is 00:46:20 to schools like this. I could go on, but it's just the hatred that she has for this country, this douche bag. Yeah. The school's sole purpose is to have white children see everything through a racial prism. She calls it white
Starting point is 00:46:41 racial socialization. Unbelievable. Most recently, parents were upset with her airing a documentary film lionizing the leaders of the violent Black Panthers movement. On May 31st, that's Memorial Day, by the way, the Bank Street School screened Black Panthers, Vanguard of the Revolution. Are they showing this to kids? Which depicts Panthers founder and convicted cop killer Huey Newton as a martyr.
Starting point is 00:47:12 So who hired this broad? This is what you got to dig into, you know? Who hired this woman? And how does she get this far? In 2013, moreover, parents expressed outrage over an email from Wahi that seemed to sympathize with Muslim terrorists after the Boston Marathon bombings. The April 17, 2013 message from Anshu, our Director of Diversity and Community, the Boston Marathon, another perspective, advised students and parents to be mindful of stereotypes and dangerous ideas regarding Arabs and Muslims. That was her response after the bombing in 2013 in Boston. So it's good that she, and she's teaching little white kids. It's good. New York,
Starting point is 00:47:59 I don't know what to tell you, New York City. I don't know what to tell you. Cities like, well, even my hometown of Boston. It's, this is beyond liberal. I don't know what to tell you, New York City. I don't know what to tell you, cities like, well, even my hometown of Boston. This is beyond liberal. I don't know what it's... I mean, when you have liberal parents actually having a problem with it, you know, even though they help bring about this type of nonsense. I don't know. I don't know, huh?
Starting point is 00:48:25 Too bad. Nah, anyways. What the hell else? This is what it... And she's not black. Like I said, she looks... I don't know. I didn't take the time to look up her ethnicity.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Not that it's important. Does it really matter? She's a psychopath. Hey, how about those TSA people, huh? They really know how to handle, uh, they're real people, people, people. This was from a few days ago. I know you guys saw this. Somebody sent me it on Twitter also.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Excuse me. Yeah, disabled St. Jude's patient. St. Jude's is a children's hospital with kids with tumors and cancer. Yeah, they're suing the airport and the TSA after a bloody scuffle with airport police. Did you guys see the picture of the little girl? She has a brain tumor. She's 19 years old. She was bloody and bruised.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Her name's Hannah Cohen. She was led from the Memphis International Airport in handcuffs. I don't know the racial makeup of the TSA, but Memphis Airport, I'm going to go out on a limb and say black. I'm just going out on a limb. I might be wrong. Might be a couple of hillbillies,
Starting point is 00:49:56 but I doubt it since the TSA and, you know, fucking Idaho is 98% black. Yeah, this 19-year-old girl was headed home after treatment for a brain tumor at st jude's hospital this is back in june the end of june it's a trip her and her mother have made for 17 years this time an unarmed hannah set off the metal detectors at a security checkpoint they wanted to do further scanning she was reluctant she didn't understand what they were about to do her mother said which is understandable she's a girl with a frigging brain tumor. Cohen told us she tried to tell the TSA agents her daughter was partially deaf, blind in one eye, paralyzed, and easily confused,
Starting point is 00:50:35 but she was kept at a distance by police. These are known as useful idiots, folks, the TSA. And again, I told you they they hired people that couldn't cut it at wendy's she's trying to get away from them the little girl but in the next instance one of them had her down on the ground and hit her head on the floor there was blood everywhere her mother said my buddy ari sofia would love this story he has a real fucking hate on for the tsa and a healthy one at that hannah this is the the girl, the 19-year-old girl with a brain tumor, was arrested, booked. And on the night she should have been celebrating the end of her treatment, she was locked up in jail east.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Can you make this shit up? Can you make this shit up? Authorities laid it throughout the charges, but the family filed a lawsuit against the Memphis airport, airport police, and the TSA, good, fucking good, there was a picture on the internet of the girl, I mean she's got like cut over her eye, fucking cheeks bleeding and shit,
Starting point is 00:51:40 none of, they tried to reach for comment, none of them would comment citing the soup but saria koshets of the tsa released a statement that said passengers can call ahead of time to learn more about the screening process for their particular needs or medical situation she's like putting it back on the mom is that what's needed there? Sorry? Huh? The passengers need a better understanding of the screening process?
Starting point is 00:52:10 How about the fucking jerk-offs and convicts that you fucking hire at the TSA? Maybe they need a better explanation on how to do their job.
Starting point is 00:52:19 No? No. Okay. We got to do what they do over in Israel, folks, and England. I told you, I flew a couple weeks after 9-11. I had to go to Manchester, England for a comedy festival. The late, great Patrice O'Neill didn't go.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I was actually envious. I'm sitting on the plane going, he might have made the right move. I was sweating bullets. But even in England at the airport, there's like guys walking around with clipboards. You didn't see fucking idiots with stupid little blue uniforms. It's like this older white gentleman with glasses. They look like law professors. Just walking around.
Starting point is 00:52:55 They look like retired scientists. They were just observing people. And this is how they do it in Israel. They observe your behavior. Yeah, it's profiling. Exactly. They're They observe your behavior. Yeah, it's profiling. Exactly. They're profiling your behavior. And, yeah, that's what we need to do.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Because we all know the TSA at the airports. We know that's kabuki theater. That's all aesthetics to make you feel comfortable that something's being done. But, you know, they have like a 95 or 98 percent fail rate when they do these tests they try to sneak fake bombs through it's a fucking joke imagine roughing up a 19 year old girl with a brain tumor for the love of christ anywho finally uh this 4th of July I might go over to the woods again
Starting point is 00:53:48 I'm afraid to get a tick on my balls As Colin Quinn would say I told him, I go, yeah, I was in the woods, yes He goes, aren't you afraid of getting a tick? Donald Trump Is going to meet with Joni Ernst As a possible running mate She's a junior senator, I think, from Iowa.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Pretty impressive lady, though. She has a military background and whatnot. Remember she had a commercial about castrating pigs or something? I'm sure the upper west side of the people at the bank school would enjoy her, huh? Ms. Ernst is a retired National Guard Lieutenant Colonel and a veteran of the Iraq war. How about that? Her military background could help Mr. Trump given his lack of foreign policy experience. You're really going to hold that against him when he's running against a woman whose foreign policy experience. You're really going to hold that against him when he's running against a woman
Starting point is 00:54:46 whose foreign policy experience should doom her? The fucking worst ever? Yeah, let's get rid of Gaddafi. What could happen? The fact that she's a woman could also help Trump with a group of voters with whom he currently polls poorly. Well, thanks for throwing that into the article. We couldn't put the fucking connected dots on that one.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Miss Ernst is also considered a possible keynote speaker at the convention on July 18th in Cleveland. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And he also met with Mike Pence of Indiana this weekend. Donald did. And Tom Cotton of Arkansas. He's another military guy, military vet. I'm hoping it's newt i gotta be honest with you i think he needs more than foreign policy and all that shit donald needs
Starting point is 00:55:32 people that knows know the imaginations of how washington works and nobody does more than newt for christ's sake and you know what newt was also the speaker of the house when clinton was in office so he knows all with the berry the bodies are buried in the little piccadillos and and he knows bill and hillary as good as anybody don't you think that would be it but uh i i hope it's freaking note i really do never mind oh we gotta get a woman so you know because donald's not doing well the woman that's going to change. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Anyways, you got to admit, interesting, interesting year politically. That's it, folks. On the 4th of July. Have a good one. Don't step on anything in Central Park. I still can't believe that story. What the fuck? Is that it? I believe that story. What the fuck? Is that it?
Starting point is 00:56:27 I believe it is. Again, if you like the show, go to slash Nick. slash Nick. And sign up. You'll be glad you did. We have a fucking blast here. All right? I think that is it, kids. sign up. You'll be glad you did. We have a fucking blast here. Alright? I think that is
Starting point is 00:56:48 it, kids. Next week, I don't know yet if I'm going on vacation or not. That's still up in the air. But I'll explain that to you before, if I do. Alright? Alrighty. Talk to you soon. Hey, hey, I saved the world today And everybody's happy now
Starting point is 00:57:13 The bad things gone away Everybody's happy now The good things here stay Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, Happy now and then guitar solo Bye.

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