The Nick DiPaolo Show - 142 - Micah Crazy, UFC 200, Joe Perry

Episode Date: July 11, 2016

Micah Crazy, UFC 200, Joe Perry...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, can we get the show on with you it's about time how are you folks monday nick topalo podcast good to be with you how you doing good enjoying the uh political and social upheaval of the United States. It's all coming to an end. Hey, we had a good run, 240 years, and now the fuckheads are in charge. Anyways, hey, if you like the podcast, you can sign up at slash nick for two to three more shows a week. slash nick. You get two to three more shows a week slash nick you get two to three more shows a week for the low low price of
Starting point is 00:01:09 $3.99 a month that's a buck a week folks if you do my math uh i i uh what the hell is going on what isn't going on let's start off a little levity with one of my favorite gay fellas of all time uh one of my favorite tv characters of all time. One of my favorite TV characters of all time. I don't know, some of you guys are probably a little young to appreciate the workings of this fella. We race for the car. Miriam? Paul in, please. Paul, true or false, there is a new bra on the market that squeaks in various musical tones. The hills are alive.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You silly gay fellow, you. New brother squeaks musical tones. Yeah. My wife's got one. Let's get some more of him. Come on, Paul Lynn. When a man falls out of your boat and into the water, you should yell, man overboard.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Now what should you yell if a woman falls overboard? Full speed ahead. Can you imagine if he said that today? There'd be 40 women picketing outside his house with the Daisy Dukes and work boots and five o'clock shadows. And, oh, there'd be a fucking uproar. Ellen would have on the lead marcher and, you know, it would just be all over the Internet. Paul Lynn's a hater.
Starting point is 00:02:38 So that's the times we live in, though, isn't it? Hyper sensitivity. Can't fucking take it anymore. Really can't. I'll tell you. What has gone on? I have these hawks in my yard. It's mating season for these hawks.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Again, you guys know I live out in the woods. And there's these red-tailed hawks and these white-tailed hawks. You see them circling over the highway sometimes when you're driving in rural areas. And they're usually circling, you know, either a dead raccoon in the road or, you know, somebody's chihuahua in the backyard. And that's why I'm talking about it. It's mating season. And they scream to each other. They don't shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:03:21 It's like living in the city again. And all weekend, me and my wife would listen we're in the house you get even with the windows closed you can hear him just thing must be horny as hell just screaming at each other usually it's off in the distance you're like well why are you talking about this because we have a small dog a yorkshire terrier and uh i'm sitting on the uh i'm sitting on the front step smoking a cigarette after my uh 30 minute insanity workout with shaun t which is a sign of good athlete always having a cigarette while your lungs are wide open and the blood is pumping that is the best time to smoke though it feels like a
Starting point is 00:03:55 heroin rush or something i don't know but i'm sitting there and here comes this hawk he's screaming circling my house way the fuck up there a couple hundred feet but then he darts down and lands in the tree right in my front yard and when i tell you this thing's wingspan was like my arms if i put my arms out and it the thing it looked like a 15 pound oven 15 look like a 22 pound turkey i mean this thing was fucking huge the the tail feathers were like eight to ten inches wide, it was fat, it was a fat body bird, never mind my fucking dog, I was afraid he was gonna pick me up, and, uh, it lands in our tree, right in our front yard, at the top of the tree, a very high, like, pine tree, or whatever, one of my horticulturists, I don't know what the fuck, maybe it's a maple, could be a pear tree,
Starting point is 00:04:41 I don't know, um, it's sitting at the top of the the top of three, screaming away, and just waiting for my dog. I know it saw my dog, you know, out in the backyard pissing or something. I know it. I just know it. But there's only one way to find out. So I taped a pork chop to my dog's neck. No, I, but crazy. That just thing sat there. I tried to throw throw a rock but it was way too high up
Starting point is 00:05:07 just i just wanted to see it fly again it's i couldn't believe how impressive this thing was had a neck on it like well well like rosie o'donnell let's be honest this thing could swallow a fucking german shepherd i've never seen it my wife thought it was an eagle that's like how big it was and it had that white chest thing but but then but I got a good look at it and my fucking dog better not piss me off or piss in my bedroom or something or I will put it out there without the wife's notice and watch it fly away but holy Christ are those things impressive and theyapping back and forth. And I guess it's mating season. Why can't they just get online and fucking swipe right like the rest of the fucking ugly birds? I don't know. But very impressive. Very impressive to see that shit. And I have a pond with fish in it.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And apparently these birds, these hawks can see, have tremendous eyesight. That's Hawkeye Pierce once on mash that's the nickname but uh i think they circle my pond too because i have a lot of fish in this pond and uh but when they get horny they don't shut the fuck up holy christ like a couple of broads on coke somebody get them a pitcher of frozen mudslides. Shut their holes. Anyways, what kind of talk is that? You know what kind of talk it is. That's right. What else?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Real quick at the top of the show. Come see me at Caroline's next week. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. June 21, 22, 23. That's Caroline's on Broadway in New York City. Check me out there. Haven't been there in a while. Good gig.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Go to for all my other dates, tour dates, and whatnot. What is going on in the world? Oh, boy, I'll tell you what's going on. Oh boy, I'll tell you what's going on This is guitar of Aerosmith Joe Perry This is delicious Aerosmith This is 70s Aerosmith I don't want to sound cliche
Starting point is 00:07:22 But I do like their old stuff Since I am fucking old. That's Joe Perry. Oh boy, Joe Perry. I'm just poking a little fun at him because I fucking love this guy. Grew up in Boston and guy had a heart attack on stage in Coney Island Sunday night. He was playing with the Hollywood Vampires. That's a record label. You know, Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And, yeah, you can see footage of him. It's all over the internet. You see him sit down like on the drummer's kit. You know, you could tell. So he sits down. You don't see a lead guitarist sit down. So he sits down and then he kind of staggers off behind stage. I guess he collapsed.
Starting point is 00:08:20 They had to revive him. How scary is that? Yet, the first thing I'm thinking of, I'm just picturing what his heart looked like. I mean, come on. It's not like these guys didn't party, right? I think all of them were in rehab at one time, so his fucking heart muscles
Starting point is 00:08:35 probably as thin as a wet tissue. But that was a bit of a scare there. But how about the guys that revived him? I'd like to get more on that. Only in our world do they just throw that as a little fucking, you know, oh yeah, by the way, he was revived. Can we get more on that? It'll take a lot of balls to put your mouth on Joe Perry's mouth, you know? But yeah, they were at the Ford Amphitheater in Brooklyn's Coney Island. He's 65 years old, you know.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And again, I grew up in Boston, you know, huge Aerosmith fan. Actually had the pleasure, my sister Donna had a boyfriend in high school whose uncle was the stage manager for Aerosmith in the 70s. And we actually got to go, we got backstage passes at the Orpheum in Boston we got to carry their beer for them uh we had to cross the stage this is right before showtime I remember and that's where I get the bug to tell dick jokes no I uh we carried their their beer on ice back to their green room of course they weren't in there uh but it was so funny because this is when they're in the heyday when they were fucking doing drugs and i think they played for not even an hour and all of a sudden the lights just came up they were so
Starting point is 00:09:52 fucked up that was the story after but um yeah hope joe perry's all right he's one cool dude man and um like i said his i'm sure his heart's been put through the test not to cast any aspersions. But I guess he's resting comfortably in a hospital. 65. You know, that's 155 in coke years.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So, yeah, keep in touch with Mummikin. Yeah, baby. There's Mummikin. Yeah, baby. There's Joey in his prime. Yeah. This is what I put on when I'm doing Pilates in my fucking pink leggings. Deep knee bends and some jumping jacks and, you know. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I think this is a cover song, by the way. Oh, take it easy. We'll get to you in a few minutes. Anyways, over the weekend, we had what? UFC 200. That was the big event. Anybody catch it? I ponied up to 60, even though I can't afford it.
Starting point is 00:11:21 A little bit of a money pinch. But come on. even though I can't afford it and a little bit of a money pinch but come on I had some Heinekens that have been in my fridge I'd say since I don't know 1997
Starting point is 00:11:32 and had a couple of those watched UFC the headlining event was Amanda Nunes what happened to Nunes now it's Nunes. Defeating Misha Tate. And you're like, why were two chicks headlining the biggest event in UFC history? Well, I guess it was supposed to be Daniel Cormier versus Idaho.
Starting point is 00:11:57 John Jones. But John Jones failed some type of test. I remember a couple years, a year ago, I think. Remember a year, a year and a half ago, he, they found cocaine in his bloodstream and stripped him of his title. I was sitting next to Joe Rogan
Starting point is 00:12:09 on Joe Rogan's podcast when that news came about. That was kind of cool. Rogan being an expert in this stuff. But I guess he tested for some performance and hanging and shit. So he had to drop out
Starting point is 00:12:19 and, so yeah, it made for an interesting night as the two chicks were headlining. Did you see it? Did anybody see it? It was quite a fight by two angry little bitches this amanda and nunes uh she defeated misha tate who uh you know who she beat up uh she beat up the broad uh the beat up you know who hey any more details nick um ronda rousey remember the girl that beat up ronda rousey what's her name fucking Hey, any more details, Nick?
Starting point is 00:13:06 Ronda Rousey. Remember the girl that beat up Ronda Rousey? What's her name? Fucking, I forget, Holmes. Something Holmes. But, yeah. So Misha Tate was the defending champion, and this Amanda Nunez took her apart. Vicious.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Again, she was more manly than any chick I've ever seen, and I actually feel happy for them when it's like okay what else are they supposed to be doing you know i always put my money when there's two chicks fighting uh you know on the one way the one you can see like an outliner of you know you could see her nuts when they did the weigh-in um but she just it did it didn't even go a full round she just beat misha tate's face in and then choked her out i get kind of horny watching that a woman choke another woman out since choking is a big thing in sex now especially when the girl's covered in blood oh my imagination runs wild but uh
Starting point is 00:13:56 yeah so uh yeah the the um it was supposed to be Daniel Cormier fighting John Jones. So Anderson Silva stepped in and took the fight. Took Jones' place, and he got beat because he took the fight on two days' notice. And Anderson Silva's arguably the best fighter in the history of the UFC. But he took it on two days' notice and whatever the fuck. But good night of fights. Cain Velasquez kicked the shit out of Travis Brown. I see this Travis Brown guy, big hillbilly fuck with a beard.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I go, this guy's a maniac. He's tattooed. I've seen him fight before. He's a real badass. Cain Velasquez just made him look like a bitch. First round TKO. And then our boy Josie Aldo. Unanimous decision over Frankie Edgar.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Jersey boy, I think, Frankie. You know, the guy with the ears. And he was on a winning streak for like a couple of years. And Jose Aldo just fucking taught him a lesson. And Brock Lesnar defeated Mark Hunt. That Brock Lesnar, I had nightmares about him after I watched that. Talk about a scary dude. Any white guy who the back of his neck has the, you know, the 8 to 10 sausage look,
Starting point is 00:15:28 like most black defensive linemen do in the NFL, you know, this guy's a Viking. This guy must be 100% Viking. Just a freak of nature. He fought this Samoan Mark Hunt, and the Samoans are scary athletic and strong. And Mark Hunt weighed about 265, 270, and Lesnar threw him around like he was a fucking cabbage patch doll. It was fucking frightening. And, you know, Lesnar's been off since 2011.
Starting point is 00:15:54 He had diverticulitis. That's when you shit your pants every three seconds, have terrible stomach pains and intestinal. A relative of mine has it. Horrible thing. So Brock Lesnar felt like he was getting ripped off career-wise and decided to come back and uh he's also a wwe guy so that that guy's scary though he is a freak like a rogan said a freak athlete just a monster and and moves like
Starting point is 00:16:18 he weighs 180 pounds he looks like he's athletic is like uh like, he's like, remind me, J.J. Watt. You call these guys freak athletes, but the NFL is filled with guys that are 6'6", 280 and can fucking run and move and jump. And yeah, he put a beating on Mark Hunt. And then, yeah, so it was a good night. Good night. Grab a few cold ones, laid back, watched that. grab a few cold ones laid back watch that and uh i guess it's kind of cool that the the girls ended up being the you know the main card uh it's kind of a it's got to be kind of a history making event you know by the way um nunes became the first uh brazilian chick to hold a UFC championship title. Pretty impressive. She could fucking throw punches like, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:11 It's one thing. They beat the fuck out of your boxing skills, and then they choke you out. It was like a street fight between two broads. Made me kind of hard. I got to be honest. I don't know why. Don't ask me why. But yeah, Jon Jones fucks it up again.
Starting point is 00:17:27 This guy, I don't know, man. They haven't really said what he tested positive for, but the U.S. Anti-Doping Association flagged him, so he had to get out. And too bad. Chandler Jones was his brother who played for the Patriots, who is now, I think, an Arizona Cardinal, who's our best pass rusher and arguably
Starting point is 00:17:47 our best defensive player. Now he's in Arizona. I'll never fucking understand that. The name I was trying to think of was Holly Holmes who beat the shit out of Ronda Rousey. And then Misha Tate beat her.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And then fucking Amanda Nunes beat her like a fucking redheaded stepchild. Oh, yes, sir. Good shit, though. That UFC, you know why? It's like it's a soap opera over there. And people love that. Year round, there's something going on. And well, originally, I guess McGregor and Nate Diaz were going to fight.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Now that's happening in August. Remember, McGregor didn't want to do all the publicity and shit, so he backed out, said he was going to retire or some shit. That was going to be like the main thing. And now they're fighting again. And I think August, they said.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I guess Diaz beat him last year. Beat Conor McGregor, you know, the big Irish mouth. So they're going to fight again. And I think it'sor. You know the big Irish mouth. Who can. So they're going to fight again. And I think it's. This August. That'll be fucking great.
Starting point is 00:18:51 They got me hooked. They got me hooked. Hey. What else do we find out over the weekend. We found out a little more about the shooter in Dallas. Micah. Micah X. Johnson. Yeah, he was a little fucking nuts. He's a military guy.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Joined the Army right out of fucking high school. And they found all kinds of bomb-making equipment in his domicile, as the fbi says all kinds of bomb making shit he had bigger plans you know um so uh yeah kind of you know they gave a history of him he got kicked out of the army for sexual harassment some he was he was still something he stole someone's panties on the army, and she wanted him to have a psychological evaluation. And he served in Afghanistan from 2013 to 2014, stationed at Bagram Air Base. I've been there. Yes, I have. Right in good old Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:20:02 We went to Bagram Air Base. It's the biggest one out there. That was pretty fucking amazing. Right in good old Afghanistan. We went to Bagram Air Base. It's the biggest one out there. That was pretty fucking amazing. But he never served in any combat role with the Army. And, yeah, he got accused of sexually harassing a female soldier. The woman asked for a protective order against him and requested that Johnson receive mental help. He was very much disliked by his command.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That was clear. Military attorney Bradford Glendening said of Johnson. And he left the Army Reserve in 2015. Blah, blah, blah. So a friend of his said when he came back from Afghanistan, he began to change. He got in touch with some bad folks and went all Black Panther and shit. You know know you don't say another family friend agreed saying uh he was different after
Starting point is 00:20:50 coming home and he didn't see any combat that's usually what gives you you know post-traumatic stress disorder so he's just cuckoo for cocoa puffs and uh and just hated fucking whitey it's funny how it manifests itself and uh his family friend said, yeah, he was different after coming home. He was withdrawn. Didn't want to talk to people anymore. Didn't believe in God anymore. And, well, I guess he went to the devil now, didn't he? But just a crazy, hateful fuck.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And what am I supposed to feel bad for him and then i'm reading the papers today they're like oh uh uh you know the the cops the dallas cops have to defend using using the robot with a bomb to blow him up there's all kinds of hand wringing over that now too you know naturally it is fucking it is just so out of whack, the whole racial conversation. And some more fallout from that. There was an intruder, intruder shot by off-duty St. Louis County officer after online argument, after an online argument about Black Lives Matter. A former Afton High School football standout forced his way into a South County home,
Starting point is 00:22:08 this is in St. Louis, I guess, and was shot and killed by an off-duty officer inside after a Facebook dispute over Black Lives Matter apparently boiled over on Saturday afternoon. Tyler Gebhard, who said the young man had been struggling with... That's what we can piece together from the accounts of police and an uncle of Tyler Gebhard, who said the young man had been struggling with mental health issues. He walked over there and ran into a gunfight, his uncle said.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Patrick Brogan is his uncle. Authorities said Gebhard, he's 20 years old, and the officer were acquainted, and Gephardt made Facebook threats to the officer's family and uninvolved members of the community in advance of the Saturday encounter. Gephardt threw a 50-pound concrete block, a concrete planter, I'm sorry, through the window
Starting point is 00:23:03 and entered the Lakeshire residence as the officer's wife, mother-in-law, and two young children struggle to escape through a bedroom window. Can you blame the guy for fucking getting... for shooting this guy? Oh, my God. What the fuck? I guess he was a, he received a Howard Foundation St. Louis scholarship prior to his 2014 high school graduation.
Starting point is 00:23:33 The scholarship was awarded by the United Negro College Fund. He was a running back and a linebacker. Tyler was a good student, a good athlete. Dan Oliver, head football coach and athletic. We always have to, you know, after they snap, we have to say, bring out all the good things about them. But this seems like a mental, you know, he had bipolar disorder. And when he was on his meds, he was fine.
Starting point is 00:23:59 How many times is this going to happen? But it's true. He's 20 years old, you know. His uncle said he was a normal kid, but, but you know he had to stay in his meds i don't know if it's come out of if he's off his meds or not but um he had a lot of mental problems brogan that's his uncle said get part of the police officer befriend he befriended the cop at the local church. Then they crashed, they clashed on a, on a recent Facebook over the nephew's support of Black Lives Matter. Gebhard, who was biracial, supported the cause, but was not an active participant in the protest
Starting point is 00:24:38 movement, his uncle said. His Facebook page contains numerous posts about police shootings of black men and the deaths of five officers in Dallas at the hands of the gunmen targeting white officers. And I guess it evolved into a heated argument. And there was warnings on his Facebook thing, posts about race war, but he also said black and white people should come together. See, and this is who, this is, you know, Black Lives Matter. I don't give a shit what you say, okay? It's the same thing. It's like a parallel to ISIS. You know, they put that
Starting point is 00:25:16 propaganda out over the internet and people who are a little loose in the head, a little cuckoo, very susceptible to this shit. And this seems to be like that same paradigm. Members of the family in the bedroom said they heard the officer tell the intruder to get down, get down, get down, and then they heard several shots. He was shot. Gebhard was shot in the chest twice. Pronounced dead. But again, Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:25:47 That's the whole other thing, you know, all weekend. Ooh, are they a hate group? Are they not? Can you imagine we're even asking that? Everywhere they go, you know, Baltimore, whether it's Ferguson, whatever, New York, after they have their protests, and they're not fucking peaceful protests let's stop with that horse shit they're chanting you know fry cops wrap them in bacon fuck you police uh in New York last year they were chanting uh you know what do we want dead cops or whatever
Starting point is 00:26:17 I don't remember the slogan exactly but they were chanting it but no they're a peaceful organization and everywhere they go in the wake of either that day or the days following, remember in New York the two cops got ambushed in their car? And the guy came up from Baltimore from the Black Lives Matter protest, said, let's not wring our hands and, ooh, are they a hate group or not? Gee, I don't know. It's not, you know, it's such horseshit. And then stupid Obama has to get on there going, well, you know, protests, protests are fine.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And it was peaceful up to that point. Just fanning the flames instead of defending the cops. You all know the fucking argument. Anyways, this very subject came up on Face the Nation with a guy who probably handled race better than anybody on the national scene, the local scene. Mayor Rudy Giuliani. probably handle race better than anybody in the end on the national scene the local scene uh mayor rudy giuliani and i know you know a lot of black people would disagree with that in new york but um he was on face the nation and you know he's had experience with this shit and he should be the uh the new attorney general uh under trump hopefully and again folks i mean it's just amazing uh that i i'm just saying trump is president i'm again i've
Starting point is 00:27:37 you know i'm gonna have to vote for him uh a default vote but uh i think he might be the right guy for the times who knows but giuliani was on face the nation and it's just so funny because he's had experience with all this shit and he's it really it's not as complicated as people are making it there's no cops out there hunting down on black guys it is such a fucking myth and um but it is a two-way street and and uh well this is what he had to say and the guy that's hosting face the nation i didn't get his name because he was making me sick to my stomach he kept trying to interrupt giuliani because he the guy hosting is part of the mainstream media who has the liberal fucking uh agenda and he wanted to keep jumping in and and giuliani wouldn't just Giuliani just spoke and
Starting point is 00:28:27 spoke over him and to me made perfect sense and I don't know how you can really argue with with what he had to say about the whole whether black lives matter as a hate group and and I said to my wife you know you keep hearing after all this shit, well, things have to change. You have to have a dialogue and both sides have to change. Well, the police force has changed over the years. You're like, how so? Well, every time, first of all, now we have body cameras. Second of all, now there's commissions like in New York. If a cop fucks up, he can be personally liable and ruin his life.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Every time somebody does something wrong, they have to take a sensitivity or anger course if you're in the police. They've implemented, not to mention, most police forces in major cities have African Americans at the top brass or close to it. So they have changed over there. There's one thing that isn't changing the other side and that's uh young black males coming from broken families blah blah blah you all know the fucking arguments uh that hasn't changed in 50 years so you know you keep hearing about dialogue
Starting point is 00:29:36 and blah blah blah let's listen to rudy as he tries to you know face the nation tries to make some sense of it. Head on now. Mr. Mayor, let me just ask you. You started off by saying that white Americans have to understand that this is happening in the black community. And then at the end, you said members of the black community have to teach their children to behave in front of the police. Those messages seem to conflict with one another. Of course they don't. If I were a black father and I was concerned about the safety of my child,
Starting point is 00:30:08 really concerned about it, and not in a politically activist sense, I would say be very respectful to police. Most of them are good. Some can be very bad. And just be very careful. And so what a police- I'd also say be very careful
Starting point is 00:30:23 of those kids in the neighborhood, and don't get involved with them because son there's a 99 chance they're going to kill you not the police and we got to hear that from the black community don't hold your breath rudy don't hold your breath oh and then you can see the guy interviewing him. But how can you... We got to hear from the black community how and what they are doing among themselves about the crime problem in the black community. When there are 60 shootings in Chicago over the Fourth of July
Starting point is 00:31:01 and 14 murders and Black Lives Matter is non-existent. And then there's one police murder of very questionable circumstances. And we hear from Black Lives Matter. We wonder, do Black Lives Matter or only the very few black lives that are killed by white policemen? But not all those black lives that are killed. Mr. Mayor, let him finish. Let him finish. This is just what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Mainstream media always calling for a dialogue. But it's always ends up with the blacks had lecturing white people for the last 50 years. Let him speak. Could you? You might learn something. The guy actually ran New York City. Killed by other blacks. And on the on the black side, what they hear from us is constantly
Starting point is 00:31:47 defending the police. Now, I'll give you an example. I had a police officer who brutally attacked a gentleman named Amadou Diallo. That police officer is now sitting in jail for 25 years due to the work of my police commissioner, Howard Safer, and the prosecution and the prosecution Attorney General Loretta Lynch I also had police officers who were wrongly accused and acquitted by a jury even though mobs were calling for them to be put in jail despite the fact that a jury found them not guilty these are complicated situations and we have to try to understand each other
Starting point is 00:32:23 right the final question, sir. You said that the Black Lives Matter movement has put a target on the back of police officers. When members of the African-American community see videos as they have this week, they feel like there is a target on young black men. How do they draw that conclusion from what they saw? I understand the Louisiana one doesn't look good but even there if the guy complied right in the beginning it wouldn't have ended up like that and i'm not trying to justify what the cops did there but in the same in the minute the the minnesota one nobody knows what happened the girl puts on her facebook and and uh that's when you know you
Starting point is 00:33:01 get a good marriage by the way when you When your girlfriend's, whatever, not marriage, relationship, I should say, your girlfriend's more concerned about her phone dying than you dying. But nobody knows what happened before she started broadcasting that. You want me to believe a cop just walked up, said license and registration. When the guy reached back, he shot him. You want us to believe that. Nobody knows what happened before that point and yet they're all if you listen to the media those you know i can see louisiana that doesn't
Starting point is 00:33:29 look good because they had the guy on the ground i understand that but the point in the point giuliani's making let the facts play out you know before you want to hang and oh boy uh explain uh your response about how they put a target on police officers, how that can match up when people see these videos. Well, when they talk about killing police officers. But they don't. But they don't. Really?
Starting point is 00:33:56 But they don't? Really? Just go on the Internet and Google Black Lives Matter in New York City last year. What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now. What the fuck is this guy talking? Guy's hosting Face the Nation, a national TV show. But they don't. They don't
Starting point is 00:34:12 say hateful stuff. What a fucking thing. Oh, they sure do. They sing rap songs about killing police officers and they talk about killing police officers and they yell it out at their rallies and the police officers. But Mr. Mayor, what you're doing is taking... Please, please let me finish.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah, shut your fucking hole. And when you say black lives matter, that's inherently racist. How dare you, Rudy. Black lives matter, white lives matter, Asian lives matter, Hispanic lives matter. That's anti-American and it's racist. Of course black lives matter and they matter greatly. But when you focus in on 1% of less than 1% of the murder that's going on in America and you make it a national thing and all of you in the media make it much bigger
Starting point is 00:34:58 than the black kid who's getting killed in Chicago every... That's the biggest point. You can't argue with that. They cherry-pick the stories, the media, and then they blow them up. And they've been doing this for 20 years. And it creates an illusion that ignorant people buy into. And I include white millennials.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Well, they're just young, but they're being manipulated, don't even realize it. But that is the biggest point and the best point they cherry pick the stories and they don't give a about the poor black kids in chicago getting mowed down on the weekends not a goddamn peep from that why because it's black on black nobody gives a 14 hours you create a disproportion the police understand it and it puts a target on their back. Every cop in America will tell you that if you ask them.
Starting point is 00:35:49 All right, Mayor Giuliani, thanks so much for being with us. Yeah, now go cry in the corner, whoever you interviewed. The media, they have a fucking problem. Problem? You're the fucking problem? You fucking Dr. Y onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble, I'm telling you, H. You keep looking at me, I'm gonna put you in the fucking ground, I promise you. Not this time.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah, you know. But, uh, oh boy. Rudy, you know, he was labeled as a racist when he, you know, he's the only one that cleaned up New York City. Crime went down. Then he handed over to Bloomberg. Crime went down further.
Starting point is 00:36:26 But it was all the stuff he implemented, him and Bratton. And either one of fucking, you know, like I said, there's gonna be changes on both sides. But it was refreshing to hear from him. He should be running the country. I don't know what happened with this fucking, when he ran.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Remember he put all his eggs into Florida? He didn't jump into the race till later. And God, I was really fucking hoping he'd be the guy. Trump's got to put him somewhere in his administration. I hope. I hope I can hear my boy Chris Rock going, oh, shut the fuck up, Apollo. You're crazy, Apollo. When I was writing for Chris Rock, you know, Giuliani was the mayor, and there was stories, and, you know, there was incidents, three or four major ones. So we had to do sketches about them. And naturally, I play the racist New York cop in every sketch.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I was glad to. I needed the, you know, I needed the SAG money so I could get insurance. SAG money so I could get insurance. But I remember writing a joke for Chris about Giuliani had prostate cancer and he had seeds implanted. The punchline was something about he had six tomato plants growing out of his... But just the way Rock delivered it, it was just so goddamn funny. And the fact that he laughed at it. Just, you know, it was just so goddamn funny. And the fact that he laughed at it, I used to fucking love writing. Me and Frank Sebastiano would turn in like three pages, four pages of jokes to everybody else.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Well, we had more time than everybody else. They were actually in the sketches learning their lines and stuff. But writing the fucking jokes just was right in my wheelhouse. Like I said, because Giuliani was the mayor, it was all kind of, it was always involving race and shit, and, and I know Chris hated Giuliani, and I, you know, I loved them, and, and, well, most of the show hated them, but, yeah, it was interesting times, go online if you can, and, and look up some of those things, there was one sketch when, you know, one of the cops, a black guy got shot by a New York cop. And they couldn't, they thought the guy had a gun.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And, you know, so they did a whole sketch where it wasn't a gun. The guy was holding a banana. And you can find all that shit online. It was a great show. And as relevant as, you know, and timeless. And not much has changed. Anyways, I thought it was good to see a rudy on a national show and then you get oklahoma governor fallon this broad who trump was actually considering vp and i hope he doesn't after her stupid interview on cnn
Starting point is 00:39:11 on cnn um what did she have to say about this uh important that we look at and and and the other point that giuliani made that was legitimate that you know like black blacks and the black side sees it as you know being treated differently by the And again, in some cases it is true, because some rogue, horrible cops. But even if it isn't true, even if it isn't true in 99% of the cases, which statistics bear out, the perception is still there. So they have to talk. But it can't be a one-sided lecture on how racist cops are in the country. It's just baloney. And most people know that.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I think black and white if you go on the Internet. She says, important that we look at any particular claim of injustice, that we listen to the concerns of the black community like we haven't. We've been ignored. But we must also respect and honor our men and women who blah, blah, blah. Yeah. What else you got to say? It's more dangerous to be black in america she said well yes but complete the statement she says it's both more dangerous because of crime which is which is the chicago
Starting point is 00:40:16 story she says she doesn't she doesn't have the balls to say black on black crime she goes which is the chicago story people so afraid of words yeah it is more dangerous to be black because of other black people killing black people but it's more dangerous and that it is substantially more likely to end up in a situation where the police don't respect you and where you could easily get killed let's just uh disagree with that cops don't walk around disrespecting black people if anything it's going to ruin their lives too so whatever but uh can we solve it please and get back together as soon as uh putz is out of the fucking white house that will be step one i think that to some healing
Starting point is 00:40:58 anyways hope the fuck trump doesn't pick her i don't know who it's gonna be that's gonna happen soon too and then like i said all the discussion today is uh now authorities investigating whether dallas gunman was directed by the uh you know black power groups or merely emboldened by them and what's the difference there was end result was the same although micah johnson was connected to several militant groups on social media it's unclear if he was merely a follower or an active participant the number of black separatist groups nearly doubled in 2015, mirroring a similar increase among white hate groups that has taken place as police killings make frequent headlines. I like how it's black separatist groups, but when it comes to whites, it's white hate groups.
Starting point is 00:41:55 That's according to the, you know, Southern Poverty Law Center. And you know what their job is, right? To monitor right extremist groups. That's literally their job is, right? To monitor right-right extremist groups. That's literally their job. Johnson, this is the shooter in Dallas, followed black militant groups on Facebook, including the African American Defense League. Sounds like a nickname for the Patriots when they run a 4-3 defense.
Starting point is 00:42:21 What? You can't say... Which posted a message that referenced the police shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge. And this is what the group said, the African American
Starting point is 00:42:31 Defense League. They had posted this after the shooting in Louisiana. You and I know what we must do, and I don't mean marching, making a lot of noise,
Starting point is 00:42:39 or attending conventions. We must rally the troops. It is time to visit Louisiana and hold a barbecue. Ooh, I would say that's hate speech, and I bet you Facebook left that up there, didn't they? Sure they did. Other groups Johnson liked included the New Black Panther Party,
Starting point is 00:42:59 the Nation of Islam, and the Black Writers' Liberation Party. The last two, which is the Nation of Islam and the Black Writers Liberation Party. The last two, which is the Nation of Islam and the Black Writers Liberation Party, are described as hate groups by the Law Center. No kidding. Well, good for you. You finally came around, which monitors hate crimes and right-wing extremism. That's what they do.
Starting point is 00:43:18 But you know how bad those black groups have to be for the poverty Law Center to call them hate groups? There's no evidence such groups have directed violent events, but their rhetoric has served as inspiration. Yeah, no shit. And then since the shootings, a Louisiana man accused of posting a video online showing him in his vehicle behind a police car saying he wanted to shoot and kill an officer. vehicle behind a police car saying he wanted to shoot and kill an officer police say kamonte gilmore flashed a handgun in the video and talked about the slayings of philando castile in minnesota and sterling louisiana and wisconsin this is since dallas happened a man posted calls on social media
Starting point is 00:43:59 for black men to gun down white officers and a woman woman in Illinois threatened in an online video to shoot and kill any officers who pulled her over. Well, isn't that nice? Mauli Davis, an African-American attorney, an activist in Atlanta, said the unrest continues because there has been no serious dialogue about issues of race and policing. Really? Like I said, I just mentioned all the changes
Starting point is 00:44:23 that have been made to police groups nationally. But how are you going to have a dialogue when one side is going through life convinced that the whole system's rigged, that the country is founded on racism and blah, blah, blah? How are you going to have a dialogue with people like that? Seriously. They're not going to hear a word you're fucking saying and they haven't it's about the uh anyways enough of that you know what's giving me a headache what's the fucking story would go away please can't can't a native american and an asian guy get in a fight and maybe have a greek girl jump in and a couple of dominicans just so we can take our take our minds off the black-white shit for a while.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I mean, there's so many ethnicities here. Can't somebody else start fighting? Please? Could you? Mama mia, papa dia. You need to shut the fuck up. Who you talking to, man? What are you talking about? I've been holding a piss for about a half hour now.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I've got the prostate of Hyman Roth. I don't know what that means, but I say it all the time. On to some other news, huh? Hmm, hmm, huh. What the hell else do we want to talk about here? Vermont. How about it, Vermont? Vermont admits 17 refugees diagnosed with active tuberculosis.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Oh, please. Vermont admits 17 refugees diagnosed with active tuberculosis. What kind of refugees? Does it even say, for Christ's sake? I can't picture that from people living in the desert. They want to go to Vermont. I can't picture people in Maine wanting to go to Vermont. No, Vermont's a beautiful state, by the way. If you want to, you know, finger pop your cousin and have some maple candy. No, it's actually, my sister has a summer home up there, and I'm not shitting you. It's a fucking great state. Believe it or not,
Starting point is 00:46:18 even though Bernie Sanders. But an official with the Vermont Department of Health admitted that a total of 15 refugees in the Green Mountain State were diagnosed with active TB between 2000 and 2015. Again, folks, these are diseases that we wiped out in this country, you know, 70 years ago,
Starting point is 00:46:43 but let's bring them back. It's like bringing back bell bottoms and shit you know that brings a total of refugees the vermont department of health now admits have been diagnosed with active tb between 2003 and 2016 to 17 it doesn't sound like a big deal does does it? But since only 6,300 refugees have arrived in Vermont over the past 25 years, these new statistics reveal a third world level of TB among the refugees currently residing in Vermont. Why would the fucking, like we can't screen this shit? During the 13 and a half year period between 2003, 2007, 16, excuse me, 17 of the 6,300 refugees in Vermont were diagnosed with active TB, or one out of every 370 refugees. During that same period of time, 26 of the average 620,000
Starting point is 00:47:35 U.S.-born residents of Vermont were diagnosed with active TB, or one out of every 23,846 refugees developed active TB in Vermont at a rate more than 60 times greater than U.S.-born residents. And you're like, okay, so what's your point? Well, the point is, shockingly, Vermont State Epidemiologist Patsy Kelso, who has a Ph.D. in public health from John Hopkins, told Vermont Public Radio on Thursday, this high rate of tuberculosis among refugees is not a concern of mine as the state epidemiologist, which is fucking shocking because these statistics say that it is a problem. She said, we will continue to see refugees with latent TB infection, and we will continue to see, in rare cases, active TB illness in refugees,
Starting point is 00:48:29 like we do all the time in U.S.-born Vermonters. And the person that wrote this article says, Kelsey's statement is one of the most egregious examples yet of the politicization of the public health establishment in the United States at the expense of science and public health. See, that's the problem. Even people, you know, in the medical field let their politics bleed in their fucking John Hopkins education. When one out of every 370 refugees in Vermont develops active TB over a 13-year period, it is simply factually incorrect to declare those cases to be rare or to suggest they occur at the same rate as active TB during the same time frame for U.S.-born residents.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Exactly. So she has some political bent, and, you know, that's what you want. People in charge of sick people bringing in diseases to lie about the statistics because of their politics. Vermont has the highest rate of LTBI. That's a latent tuberculosis infection of any state so far reporting the data among refugees. The nearest state to Vermont in terms of percentage of refugees who tested positive for LTBI is Tennessee, with 27% that are infected. The LTBI among the general population in the United States is 4%. So don't tell me, man. Don't tell me that it ain't a problem.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I told you to say you had TB and you were sent to the sanitary. You were secured. When did you tell me that? I love how it's all the beautiful, clean states. Clean air, clean water. You know, I'm going to fucking... That's just... Suicide of a superpower. Get it. By Patrick Buchanan. Get it. Read it. Live it. Breathe it. that, you know, I'm going to fucking, that's just, Suicide of a Superpower, get it, by Patrick Buchanan, get it, read it, live it, breathe it, taste it. Also, by the way, 29% of refugees in one county in North Dakota tested positive for LTBI. Ah, it's a beautiful country systematically being uh destroyed it's a beautiful situation
Starting point is 00:50:48 i love them on you ever been up there i love new hampshire i love maine went to school university of maine at orono beautiful country now it's now that new hampshire they have heroin problems and shit you might as well be in Detroit. If the heroin doesn't get you, somebody with TB sneezes on your ice cream cone at the lobster factory in fucking Keddiebunkport. Oh, you gotta laugh at it, folks.
Starting point is 00:51:16 You gotta, Skip. You gotta. You gotta laugh. Yes, I do. Yes, I do, you fuck. Oh, shut it. Oh, shut it. Where's that story somebody sent me about some fucking Indian guy working for Disney groping kids in a pool last week? You hear about that one? Anytime I can take a shot at Disney,
Starting point is 00:51:43 the leading exporter of political correctness around the globe. I think I tossed it. I thought I had too many stores, but where is that ugly fella? Oh, for the love of fucking my... Anyways. Finally tonight here on Zippity-Doo-Dah, Zippity-Day. How about this? I saw this online. Allergic to life? The Arizona resident sensitive to the whole world.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Let me just read a little of this to you. This is a fucking interesting article. A lot of things cause to Susie pain. Scented products, pesticides, plastic, synthetic fabrics, smoke, electronic radiation. The list went on. Back in the regular world, car exhaust made her feel sick for days. Perfume gave her seizures. Then she uprooted to Snowflake, Arizona.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I got out of the car and didn't need my oxygen tank, she said, grinning at me in the rearview mirror. This woman went out and this English paper, The Guardian, went out and tried to, I guess, investigate this woman. There are about 20 households where she now lives. Like Susie, most of the residents in Snowflake have perfect name for it. They must have come up with that after the fact, right? They have something called a condition, environmental illness.
Starting point is 00:53:13 A controversial diagnosis that attributes otherwise unexplained symptoms to pollution. Susie had agreed to host us only if we did not seek out outside opinion from psychiatrists regarding their condition. Well, what does that tell you right there? The fact that that was a demand she made for you to do your story tells you what?
Starting point is 00:53:37 She's fucking lunatic, batshit crazy. And then, uh, he's got a badge, she said, nodding at her neighbor's driveway the sign out front read no uninvited they just first of all my knee knee-jerk reaction i know these people it is crazy but i have part of that i i could go live somewhere where there's nobody around i think that's being a misanthrope though the hatred of fucking people um deb schmaltz deb schmaltz has been living out of her truck for the past five years I think that's being a misanthrope, though, the hatred of fucking people.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Deb Schmelzer has been living out of her truck for the past five years. She says the aluminum in the truck is preferable to homes with Wi-Fi and electricity. Yeah, enjoy shitting into a coffee can, you fucking lunatic. The idea that modern conveniences cause pain dates to the mid-19th century yeah but back then they did cause pain you know you get your hand caught in a lathe because your boss wouldn't let you take a shit break uh well you'll make an umbrella handles and you lose a few fingers this is different in 1869 dr george beard published several papers blaming modern civilization and steam power for ailments such as drowsiness uh cerebral irritation pain
Starting point is 00:54:47 pressure and heaviness in the head yeah well steam power came from a lot fucking loud machines that were very dangerous a little different than wi-fi oh god according to him back then uh other indications of chemical sensitivity included fear of society fear of being alone fear of contamination fear of fears fear of everything he called the illness neurasthenia neurasthenia suzy called it being a fucking oversensitive twat no uh suzy called it being sensitive to the whole world. Yeah, you're just a fucking selfish little fucking go live in the woods.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Go live in the desert. I hope you get skin cancer. Susie had warned us that Deb, a sort of roommate who lived in her driveway, was extremely sensitive to sense. Listen to this. These two reporters
Starting point is 00:55:41 went out to, like, spend time with these people. In order to protect her, we agreed to various terms. This is the reporter, what they had to do to stay with these people. We agreed to various terms. We would not get a rental car or stay at a motel because those were places where chemical cleaners were used. Imagine what this broads twat smells like. We would wear
Starting point is 00:56:06 Susie's clothes and sleep at Susie's house. She also made us swear not to get any perms before we came, which made me think she had been in the desert for a long time. For weeks, May and I, these are two reporters,
Starting point is 00:56:22 avoided makeup, lotion, perfume, hair products, scented detergent, fabric softeners, dryer sheets. We used fragrance-free soap and shampoo, as well as natural deodorant. All this so they could stay at this lunatic's house. And there's a picture of a woman, right? In order to wear sunscreen without fragrances, Kathleen Hale was given a mixture of zinc oxide, I guess she's one of the reporters,
Starting point is 00:56:51 and safflower oil by Susie Malloy to avoid the sun. It was decided, listen to this, this is what gets me a little horny, it was decided the best way to get us straight from the car into the shower where we could wash the outside world's chemicals away was to enter the house completely naked boy i wish boy i wish i had thought of this when i was like living as a single fella in new york city yeah i got uh i'm allergic to uh you know bras and panties that are washed and fabrics off you gotta come into my house but you gotta take off and panties that are washed and fabrics off. You got to come into my house, but you got to take off your panties. So we took off our clothes and marched without dignity across the gravel driveway.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Is there any footage of this? This would be great. Then again, it's an English reporter. Probably has tits like my old man and teeth like my old man. What? You can have a first shower may said wrapping herself in a towel we had only known each other for a few hours suzy's bathroom like the rest of her one room off grid house was wallpapered in heavy duty rentals wrap well that's good honey i got some
Starting point is 00:58:01 leftover potatoes we'll just tear a chunk off the kitchen wall and wrap them up nice. Above the toilet, a small sealed window looked out at the desert. I scrubbed off with a bar of olive oil soap and inhaled the metallic scent of hard water. It was the only thing I could smell. But here's where it gets good. The lady made her take off her underwear later we gathered in the kitchen deb is sensitive to grains gmo foods preservatives and all artificial flavoring and coloring so we ate cabbage soup for dinner oh my god so let me get this straight you're not wearing any bloomers you just had cabbage soup so if you fart it's going to be unfiltered this is horrend, it's going to be unfiltered. This is horrendous. It's going to bounce off the goddamn Reynolds wrap walls,
Starting point is 00:58:46 locking in that fresh flavor. Okay, listen to this now. Here's where it gets a little good. Afterward, May and I ducked behind a curtained-off partition to consider our sleeping arrangements, which consisted of two metal cots, one broken, zero blankets, because blankets are absorbent, and according to local logic, our pores were still off-gassing dangerous chemicals. In other words, they believe gases come out of the blankets.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Nighttime in the desert is freezing, and Susie's house did not have heating. it's nighttime in the desert is freezing and suzy's house did not have heating i wanted to be unconscious and regretted any semi-recent decision to start weaning off sedatives asked whether she might at least have some padding to cover the iron springs suzy retreated outside shouting over her shoulder for your information the rats here are aggressive she returned with dirt caked bath mats there she said turning off the lights that night may and i who were complete strangers just the day before had to hold each other for warmth let me pause no thank god i have aluminum on my walls down here i reminded myself that whatever discomfort we felt paled in comparison to how suzy and deb had suffered in the regular world well what are people from england just the most
Starting point is 01:00:10 what do you just do you ever call bullshit when you see bullshit or fucking smell it this lady's a fucking lunatic and they interviewed another guy who has the same condition one of her neighbors he's reading a book in his house. You ever see Boy in a Bubble? He's got a bubble. This is how he reads a book. It looks like a fish tank with two gloves that he reaches in. Remember Boy in a Bubble had those gloves? Only he reaches in.
Starting point is 01:00:35 The book is in like the fish tank. And he's turning the pages with a pencil in each hand. So in other words, and they ask him, they go, why do you read books like that? He goes, because the scent of the ink, I can't handle it. So apparently, there's a whole ton
Starting point is 01:00:50 of fucking lunatics who are literally allergic to everything on the planet. At least they believe so. And you and I both know they're mentally fucking ill. But I do like the idea of, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:02 only three people being around. That I could get used to. Because let's be honest, folks, even though I'm an entertainer, you guys have no idea how what I do for a living goes against, like, on a Friday night, I'd rather be home than be in front of a bunch of strangers. It just so happens I'm kind of good at it. And that's how I've been making my living but I'd rather be in the woods anyways I told you on the show
Starting point is 01:01:28 a couple weeks ago I got lost in the woods remember that is it folks for Monday but I thought that was interesting are those people really do they really have conditions or are they just you know hateful fucks who hate people and use it as an excuse a little of both
Starting point is 01:01:43 that is it folks again if you want little of both. That is it, folks. Again, if you want more of the Nick DiPaolo podcast, go to slash Nick. C-O-N-N-E-C-T-P-A-L dot com slash Nick. And you can sign up there. Or you go to and click on the podcast button on my website. It'll explain how to get more shows. All right, folks.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Good to talk to you again. I'll be talking to you tomorrow. Again, come out to see me at Caroline's next week, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 21, 22, 23. I won't bore you with the rest of the dates. I got to call Jay Thomas' show in a few hours. Please don't let me forget
Starting point is 01:02:24 that. Caroline's will get very mad at me. All righty, all righty. Talk to you soon. I won't take all that they hand me down And make out a smile though I wear a frown And I'm not gonna take it all lying down Cause once I get started I go to town Cause I'm not like everybody else
Starting point is 01:03:01 I'm not like everybody else Later, kids. guitar solo I'm out.

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