The Nick DiPaolo Show - 144 - DNC Disarray, E-Mail Leaks, Trump

Episode Date: July 26, 2016

DNC Disarray, E-Mail Leaks, Trump...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hey, hey, hey. What's going on, kids? How are you? Nick DiPaola Podcast Monday. iTunes version. And if you like the iTunes version on Monday, which is free, you can go to slash Nick. slash Nick. slash Nick.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Sign up for two to three more shows a week. It's only a buck a week, $3.99 a month. That is it. And yeah, let's keep this train rolling, huh? Haven't talked to you in a while since the middle of last week. And every time we do these Monday shows, I laugh because so much shit goes on, you know, because of the, you know, we're in the political season. We're at the peak.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And between that and ISIS, it's like, Jesus, I'd like to do a show with a few dick chokes and have some fun, you know, but that's the beauty of this show. You get both. We get fun and all right. Depressing
Starting point is 00:01:27 news. Thank you so much. As usual, top of the show to the contributors who contribute money on top of the subscription. Feel free to do that. Aaron Calhoun, regular contributor. David Daughtner. Thank you so much, David. Timothy Ewell. That's Timmy from Cincinnati. Brandon Lowe. Thank you so much, Brandon. These are all multiple guys. Kevin McArdle with another really fat contribution. I think he just sent one in last week, too.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I mean, thank you guys all so much. And that's the lifeblood. It keeps it going. And I appreciate that. What is going on? What isn't going on in the goddamn world? I mean, since I spoke to you last, I think the Trump acceptance speech, right?
Starting point is 00:02:16 We had another terror, a couple of terror attacks in Germany. Some psycho at a McDonald's. Looks like he was just a mentally ill fucking nut who was obsessed with mass killings. And depends what you want to believe. He said he was bullied as a kid. And looking at his picture,
Starting point is 00:02:33 it doesn't look like the type of kid would be bullied, but who knows? But really, can you ever justify the sickness? He killed nine people at a mall in Munich. I think that was Saturday. I can't even keep them straight. It's like it comes out like sports scores now. Then after that, a pregnant woman was pretty much hacked to death, I guess,
Starting point is 00:02:58 with a machete by some Syrian refugee in Germany again. I mean, and then, I'm not even getting them all. Another guy get turned down at some music festival. They wouldn't let him in. I think he was a refugee too and blew himself up.
Starting point is 00:03:18 They think it was, you know, they don't know if it was a suicide or what. But, and then you had an attack in Afghanistan, and the last count I had, it was like 140, 150, and it was still climbing, I mean, how are there any people left, I mean, Jesus Christ, in the Middle East, between them killing themselves and each other, it's something going on since I was in like second grade
Starting point is 00:03:46 that I can remember when I started watching the news. It feels like there should be like 11 people left in the Middle East total. I mean, what the fuck? What's the matter? What's the world coming to? Yeah, exactly. I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I mean, this is all since I talked to you last. Jesus Christ. Let's give it a rest. Excuse me. I was up about six in the bathroom this morning. I made jerk chicken yesterday. And, you know, an authentic recipe like theamaicans do it and the people in the islands and it called for i don't know 15 to 20 scotch bonnet peppers and if you're familiar with those
Starting point is 00:04:31 it's just like holding a big lighter to your asshole when you're on the toilet that is the end result it was i cooked the stuff on the grill it was it was the best jerk chicken i've ever had sorry my jamaican friends all three of them uh i mean holy shit i i i my wife couldn't eat it was way too hot for her like her nose is running her eyes are running i'm eating it like it was candy she's like you're gonna pay and i'm like nah i don't know lately i've been getting away with this stuff uh right before i go to bed you guys you feel anything yet i got numb i'm fine i must ate a whole chicken, cut up chicken. I think there was, you know, a fucking half a wing left. And, uh, like I said, she couldn't eat it. So I'm, I'm bragging. As I
Starting point is 00:05:14 go to bed, I go, nah, I feel good. You can't handle this stuff. All of a sudden I opened my eyes about five or six this morning. I felt like I was having triplets 40 pounds each baby and uh these searing paint and i mean jesus i was in the bathroom right about 45 minutes and not to get too graphic but jesus christ did that hurt it must be like childbirth right ladies i'm sure you can compare it to that, although with the Zika fly now, like I said, you know, you get pregnant and you get bit with the Zika fly and you can have a baby with an M&M head, so that's not that painless to squirt out a kid with a little M&M head, but oh my God, I was in fucking serious pain this morning. And see, the seeds actually touch your asshole on the way out.
Starting point is 00:06:04 That's what my mechanic told me. No, that's what. But I'm not exaggerating. 15 to 20 scotch bonnet peppers. You put it all in a blender. You know, you guys have made jerk chicken, I'm sure. And it was tremendous. A little bit of, you know, it had allspice in it.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Garlic, scallions, regular onions, soy sauce. Crazy, crazy fucking good. On the grill, it's 110. I'm out there. And you could melt copper. You could melt pennies in my asshole right now. That's all I'm saying. I just wanted to get that out.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Why do you start with a... Well, I don't know. I guess I can segue right into this story before we get to the politics the dnc falling apart on day one of the convention as you know over the weekend the bunch of those emails were leaked from guccifer or whatever whoever the russians that hacked into the and uh oh my god they have set off a firestorm and the fucking the democrats all those jerk offs on tv who are making fun of the Republican National Convention and how, oh, they're a little disorganized and blah, blah, blah. There's no unity there. Oh, wait till we talk about those suckers of Satan's cocks.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I mean, oh, that dirty cocksucker. Exactly. But speaking of chicken stories, I wanted to get this real quick. I was laughing my ass off right before I went on. I saw this. A 30-year-old man headbutted his mother in the face because she brought home Chick-fil-A for dinner, cop says. His name's Derek Foreman, this kid. They got his mug photo in there.
Starting point is 00:07:40 He's got like a bandage on the bridge of his fucking nose. Oh, God. How funny is this? Yeah. He's nursing a boo-boo. He got Thursday night after headbutting his mother in the face during a confrontation
Starting point is 00:07:57 at the Oak Crest Manufactured Home Community. You can just tell right there. It might be some hillbilly type white trash. Boy, Florida's filled with some scary people, isn't it? He batted his 55-year-old parent. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You want to say, I don't... Defendant and victim had a verbal disagreement because the victim brought home Chick-fil-A and the defendant did not want to eat Chick-fil-A. Faced with fast food grub, Foreman became upset, headbutted his mother, causing her bottom lip to split.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Investigators alleged Foreman was arrested for domestic battery misdemeanor and having a horrible taste in fast food restaurants because Chick-fil-A is fucking delicious if you know anything about it. If my mommy brought me home Chick-fil-A, I'd give her a kiss on the forehead. And I'm not even from Hillbilly Town. So he was booked into the county jail
Starting point is 00:08:51 and after a hearing was released and directed to have no contact with his mother other than, you know, the usual finger popping on Friday night. A judge also ordered Foreman to be outfitted with a device that monitors his alcohol intake. Jesus Christ. What kind of country are we living in? What's the world coming to?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Anyways, I thought that dovetailed beautifully from my jerk chicken story. God, I'm going to have it today from my jerk chicken story. Gotta. I'm going to have it today, too, after I work out. You know, I don't mind getting the shits. It's the only time I look ripped. You know how that works?
Starting point is 00:09:32 I'm sure you do. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. So Trump accepted. I think I hadn't done a show to that point, right? I only did three last week i believe i do believe but uh he was like uh he had the r of a nice all the libs of shit in their pants oh he was like hitler again what's his name what's the guy that does a documentary burns ken burns that self-hating white loathing just a self-hating white guy can't do a documentary he could do a documentary about
Starting point is 00:10:07 fucking cowbells and it'd have to bring black people into it just he can't fucking help himself but of course he came out with that brilliant that brilliant comparison of trump and hitler nobody's thought of that yet yeah just and how about his members daughter made a fucking whole documentary about rape but it didn't really it only gave one side of the story that's what a hitler like isn't it yeah sure it is kenny is that your name i don't even know if it's ken anyways uh yeah trump so he was scared shit of trump speech trump was up there oh that fucking laughing he'd give it deliver a lot he's got to learn to be able to read a speech these these you know he does these three word clips at a time you got to
Starting point is 00:10:51 be able to please put the whole sentence together i i know you're going to simplify the working folk but and i i appreciate that but that speech could have been done in 40 fucking minutes flat but um anyways uh and i was just laughing he'd deliver a line we get a round of applause he'd step back fucking minutes flat. But anyways. I was just laughing. He'd deliver a line. We get a round of applause. He'd step back from the podium then look to the right. Actually turn to the left.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Bow. Turn to the right and bow. And people are scared of him. But the whole hour and seven minute speech pretty much be summed up with this line right here. I am your voice
Starting point is 00:11:28 and that goes for me for this show i say to you at the top of the show i am your voice anyways it was fucking hilarious you know uh he hit all the points he trashed hillary like he shouldn't pointed out all the shit that's going wrong in the country and people go oh that's too dark and gloomy uh sorry you have to don't let the truth hit you in the fucking ass over there you big girls cops being shot fucking people being gunned down in nightclubs but don't bring that up that's uh that's too doom and gloom bring us hope and change your motherless fuck your head bring us some hope and change fucking loved it it was uh based in uh it was uh what they call you know my wife always says you're too negative. You're such a fucking pessimist. No, I'm a fucking realist.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Jesus Christ. Get with it, will you? Get with it, I say. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. But anyhow, Ted Cruz spoke. And did we go over this? This is my memory so bad. I don't think so, right?
Starting point is 00:12:43 I only did, all this shit went down on Thursday, didn't it? Please tell me. Do we talk about Cruz? He was, you know, he didn't endorse and he didn't endorse Trump. And I don't fucking blame him. I got to be honest with you. Okay. And again, and full disclosure, I voted for Cruz during the primaries just because there's
Starting point is 00:13:02 nobody out there right wing enough for me. voted for Cruz during the primaries just because there's nobody out there right-wing enough for me. And you know, he didn't endorse and they started to get, he went too long and they started to boo him off the stage. But
Starting point is 00:13:14 you know, everybody making a big deal of it. Trump and all the people, they get to see the speech beforehand, so it's no fucking big deal. But he was getting, but like I said, if you make fun of my wife's looks, I'm not going to fucking open a door for you at a restaurant.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Never mind endorse you for president of the United States. So I don't give a shit. I like people who go against the grain, okay? And he, so I don't give a shit. I like people who go against the grain, okay? And, and he, so Cruz wouldn't, he said, vote your conscience. And by the way, if you vote for Hillary, you have no conscience. Can I throw that in there, you fucking knuckleheads? And we bending over backwards to put a fucking woman in the office or what? Between the fucking, you know, between the FBI caving to political pressure, doing everything but indicting her.
Starting point is 00:14:09 She fucking committed felonies. She lied on the oath. We all got to look the other way. And now, and we're going to get this in a few seconds, all these leaks coming out. The DNC, the computers hacked into, and all these leaks coming out and seeing what a rigged game it was. And Bernie Sanders was fucking right, right from minute one.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I mean, can we do enough to put this bitch in the fucking Oval Office? Letting her slip, fucking letting her commit felonies. Fucking rigging the system. I can hear the lesbians out there now. That's what you have to do to get a woman in office. When I say lesbians, they don't even like her. What am I saying? It's more like fucking women in their 50s who like her.
Starting point is 00:14:54 But yeah, can we break our back? I told you, and I always say it on this show. No more, and you can ask Colin Quinn and everybody, no more dangerous fucking insidious movement than the feminist movement. The power they have, whether it's in the fucking newsrooms at the networks or whatever, is just fucking frightening. Anything
Starting point is 00:15:14 to get a slit. Don't be so fucking rude, Nick. In the Oval Office. If she had an ounce of fucking integrity, this thick-ankled dog face, she would fucking resign. From what? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:30 She would step down as the candidate and say, you know what, this is embarrassing. I don't deserve it. Put good old Bernie up there. They must be pissed, the fucking real... The base has to be like, what the fuck? In all the polls bernie was beating trump remember but no debbie fucking wasserman fucking scary greasy haired schultz
Starting point is 00:15:55 fucking pulling all the strings and boy did she pay but uh thank you oh the other thing i wanted to get to real quick about uh they keep talking about Trump's ego after the speech. All the fucking, you know, leftist douchebags on CNN and MSNBC. I keep hearing it on the Sunday morning about his fucking ego. Because he said, I am the one alone that can fix these problems or whatever. And we keep hearing about, and yeah, he does got a big ego. And he's narcissistic and so is fucking Obama. Do I have to
Starting point is 00:16:29 remind you of this speech in 2008 when his inauguration speech or whatever? Listen to the fucking, listen to the grandiose terms he throws around on this one. This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Oh, my God. Do you believe this shit? Take it easy, Hillary. He's gone. You don't have to worry about it anymore. He's going to heal the planet and the oceans are going to recede. The tides are going to recede. And oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And here we are in a billion pieces um couldn't be more divided as a nation and the world's on fire and uh the world is on fire anyhow talk about fucking egos are you kidding me and even the press was saying remember when they first started following him how how narcissistic he was? And come on, guys in love with themselves. You have to be to take on a job like that. And yeah, Trump is all those things, too. So the fuck what?
Starting point is 00:17:38 If you want, if you don't want that vote for somebody like Tim Kaine. Anyways. We'll get to him in a few seconds. Seems like, you know how I know he's a decent guy? The fucking bass is furious. Not liberal enough, I guess. Hillary looked happy. Her big fucking brown pantsuit.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Duck feet. God, I've got so much material here. I can't, I don't know where to fucking, where to start. But yeah, I don't blame Ted Cruz going, fuck you, I'm not going to endorse you. But I want to see his career, his political career. I don't know. But you never know what happens in the world, right? But things can change.
Starting point is 00:18:18 But how about this? This is a bit, this cracked me up too. The DNC, they erected a four, four mile,-tall fence around the Philly convention site this week. Isn't that ironic? Isn't that ironic, huh? Walls don't help. Fences won't help on the border. What a fucking...
Starting point is 00:18:43 You know, they want to keep the average Americans away from their convention. But when it comes to you people living in Arizona, on the border, wherever, Texas, whatever, let your kids be fucking beaten and raped in your front lawn. Fences are wrong. They're, you know... Yeah. Four-mile fence.
Starting point is 00:19:02 That's a big-ass fence around the Fargo Center. Eight feet tall. I haven't put on the TV today. I can't wait to see this, people trying to climb over it like Bernie supporters. By the way, hey, wasn't very violent, was it, in Cleveland? They must have put down some serious, some serious, the cops weren't playing. There's some serious security there. There's a couple, you know, arrests, scuffles and shit.
Starting point is 00:19:27 The usual dickheads. But, yeah. So, if you guys are in Philly, if you're going to the convention, the fence is erected near the intersection of Patterson and Broad. You know the Broad Street bullies? Guess who? It'll be the Democrats now? Acres and acres of fence. That's what somebody put on Twitter
Starting point is 00:19:55 who visited the wall around the DNC convention. This is classic, isn't it? They must have known what they were putting up. They're going to go, boy, we're going to catch some shit for this, huh, for being hypocrites. You know, it's the same shit. Yeah, no, we have to take
Starting point is 00:20:14 away too many guns in the world, but everybody who says that is being guarded by 20 people with a gun. Don't build a fence on the border. Meanwhile, the White House is fucking surrounded by a fence. Just hypocritical suckers of satan's cock each and every one of them oh that dirty cocksucker yeah any who any hangang so how about the leaks you know we'll get to debbie wasserman schultz in a second stepping down
Starting point is 00:20:39 she's a political hack anyways she used to fuck i'd grind my teeth every time i saw her just i can't believe she lasted five years. Only in this feminist loving world could that happen. But she resigned yesterday. People wanted her, had been wanting her to step down for fucking years because she sucked at what she did. And if she was a fella,
Starting point is 00:21:00 she would have been fucking fired years ago. Don't you think? Hillary, are you with me? That's right, you big fucking bitch. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Here are some of the WikiLeaks released. 20,000 on Friday.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Emails were released that were hacked into. Oh, this is fucking priceless. This list I'm reading from was compiled thanks to the work of Reddit Bernie Sanders supporters and Donald Trump supporters. Ooh, they're working together for a better America.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Oh, the Dems have to be furious. Like I said, Bernie, you know, I mean, every poll, remember when they when they were still running the primaries are going on he was like beating fucking trump in every poll and now they're stuck with this this old lady who has the charisma of a pair of fucking great things balls makes no sense anyways uh i'm not even gonna get into get into the nuts and bolts of each leak. I'm just going to read you the headlines of a few of these email leaks. DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Some guy paid to have his horse electrocuted, and he was going to speak at some. DNC making fun of black women's name. And you're going to go, well, come on, Nick. You fucking do shit like yeah I do I don't but I don't pretend to fucking represent black people
Starting point is 00:22:29 and have their best interests in mind I'm a fucking comedian this is the party the DNC the party of the African Americans and
Starting point is 00:22:41 apparently they're making fun of your names black ladies Leticia and apparently they're making fun of your names, black ladies. Leticia. Who ever heard of Leticia? Aisha. Here's another headline at DNC telling each other in one of the WikiLeaks emails,
Starting point is 00:23:02 I love you too, no homo, it says. Again, this is the feely, touchy Democratic party who pretends to have your back gay folks but uh they're making fun of you too uh here's another one dnc requesting a poll uh pull an msnbc commentary segment that was the most fascinating thing to me with these leaks just how in bed they are like one of them even chuck taught him meet the press he's fucking shameless he goes yeah i got one saying you know they were pissed at me i think debbie wasman schultz said we need to talk or whatever yeah dnc controlling the narrative with time released to stories dnc conspiring to create false trump information. And release it with Reuters. See. It's uh.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Can we finally agree now. My lib friends in show business. Quit trying to deny. That the fucking media. And the Democratic Party. Aren't one and the fucking same. And if you didn't have control of the media. You wouldn't even. You'd never win an election.
Starting point is 00:24:01 That's the truth of it. Because your ideas blow. DNC conspiring to create false Trump information. Really, I just read that. DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a rigged system. Can you imagine? They go right to the networks and go, hey, you can't say that. You can't fucking say that.
Starting point is 00:24:22 You can't say it. You can't say that about my, you can't say it. You can't fucking say that. You can't say it. You can't say that about my, about my, you can't say it. You can't. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. Oh, Uncle Junior. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. I didn't even touch that twice uh dnc and another uh leaked email discussing their relationship with nbc slash msnbc slash cnn and how to get better treatment are you how to get better treatment are you kidding me what are they using their teeth when they suck your dick? Debbie? Huh? How could you get better treatment? Un-fucking-believable. That's hilarious. Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paige Hields. Then you can click on these and read in fucking detail.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I only do an hour show. How about Debbie Wasserman Schultz, real piece of ass, having an off-the-record meeting in MSNBC President Phil Griffin's office. Wow, they're not... Does that happen? does trump get to
Starting point is 00:25:47 go into the head of uh dnc being uh messed with by the washington exam a dnc discussing hillary's policies as unfeasible uh 200k for a private dinner with hillary offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC. You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Not this time, Hillary. Not this time, you thick-angled dog face, you leathery nipple bitch. Not this time. Not this time. Possible money laundering by moving money back and forth to bypass legal limits oh they all do that nick yeah whatever you're gonna be fucking uh political writer sending his stories to the dnc before he sends them to his own editor boy you know you know you're not fucking the media's not in the bag for the democrat part dnc feeding cnn the questions they want to be asked in interviews.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Oh, my fucking word. Oh, that dirty cogsucker. Yeah. Yeah. Where am I? There's so many of them a mole working inside of the sanders campaign they had bringing up sanders religion to scare the southern voters yeah some guy named marshall said hey uh can we get to i think he's an atheist and uh you should bring that up because it would really piss off the people in West Virginia and where the hell else? Creating a fake job ad for a Trump business to paint him as a sexist.
Starting point is 00:27:39 They did that on Craigslist. did that on craig craigslist you know it was like ad saying wanted fucking uh you know hot chicks with nice legs who won't uh complain when i grab their ass you know something i'm paraphrasing but uh just fucking dirty tricks um clinton foundation quid pro quo where he's a lingering will be exploited in general you can't make it up. Okay? I hope your people on Trump's team have taken note to this shit. They're worried about you going after the Clinton Foundation. That's got to be coming soon.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I mean, I don't see, like I said, and I predicted this, what, months ago on this show, I said by the fall, Trump will be ahead by 15 points. Let me rephrase that. He'll be up by 40 points if there's any justice in the world. And again, folks, I'll say it. I didn't even vote for him in the primaries. I'm just
Starting point is 00:28:32 saying. I'm voting by default. But he won me over. When did he win you over, Nick? When he started making fun of the disabled reporter. I'm a comedian. Don't forget. I fell off the fucking couch laughing my ass off. BuzzFeed and DNC Connection. Draft linking news articles about Trump to use as negative press.
Starting point is 00:28:53 They got the fucking press doing their dirty work for them. It's just outrageous. Excuse me. The fact that she hasn't fucking stepped down. Hey, you guys, if you can hear a little white noise, that's a fan I have blowing on me. Can you hear that? Let me shut that off.
Starting point is 00:29:11 See if it makes a difference. Well, all righty then. So need I go on? Press talking points. States Hillary is their candidate. Can you imagine? This is the DNC. This is a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:29:38 They're supposed to represent, you know, everybody. Bernie, anybody who's running. And they got their fists so far up her, I was going to say vagina, but Hillary's got a big nut sack um that was dated may 5th uh there was a here's another one consultant calling megan kelly a bimbo has pdf attached that says the same uh democrats using interns to organize fake protests And on and on and on it goes. See, these are Russian hackers. And Robbie Mook, you know who that is? That's Hillary's campaign manager.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Young fella, another soft white guy. Everybody just seems slightly gay. Every white guy involved behind the scenes with Hillary. And I'm sure i'm just imagining that but uh um he was on uh one of the sunday morning shows and um he has a theory about the hack the hacking you know by the russians and uh gifer, whoever. And here's his theory. This is CNN. He's on with Jake Tapper.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Evidence is there that the Russians were behind this in terms of the hacking or in terms of the timing by WikiLeaks. Well, we need to let the experts speak on this. It's been reported on in the press that the hackers that got into the DNC are very likely to be working in coordination with Russia. And again, I think if the Russians, in fact, had these emails, again, I don't think it's very coincidental that they're being released at this time to create maximum damage on Hillary Clinton and to help Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:31:22 But it's a very, very strong charge that you're leveling here. You're basically suggesting that Russians hacked into the DNC and now are releasing these files through WikiLeaks to help elect Donald Trump. Well, this isn't my assertion. There are a number of experts. Experts. This is the third time he said experts. Can you name some of these? Can we get specific? Experts. Who would that be? People I hang out with at a DNC. We were at a bar last night, and one of them said, I think the fucking Russians are in Trump's pocket. And that was the expert. The experts.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Who are the experts? Who are the experts? Who are you talking about? You know, the experts. I can't say who. We're in collusion with them, too. It's a nice theory they're trying to put out. See, you put that theory out there, and then, you know, it changes the subject of, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:14 puts the onus on, it's a distraction. You know, they're not even good at it anymore. They're not even good. You know, it's the same. They're not even good at it anymore. They're not even good. ...that are asserting this. I think we need to get to the bottom of these facts.
Starting point is 00:32:33 But that is what experts are telling us. Experts have said that it is the Russians that in fact went in and took these emails. And then if... You need to shut the fuck up. The experts. The experts. See? So in other words, never mind Hillary and this thing being rigged.
Starting point is 00:33:00 It's rigged for Donald Trump. You can't say, see that? That's how they can take that argument off the table. Hey, who knows in this world, but I'm guessing that's a bunch of horseshit. I might be wrong. Could be wrong, but what a fucking horrible young guy too. Like I said, if you're a guy and you're voting for Hillary, you're not a guy. You have a big, sloppy badge down there. You don't even know it yet. And so all this turmoil.
Starting point is 00:33:35 What is it? Let me, here's a couple. I just wanted to get into a few specific emails. One of the emails said a DNC staff asking how they can reference Bernie Sanders' faith to weaken him in the eyes of Southern voters. Another seems to depict an attorney advising the committee on how to defend Hillary Clinton against an accusation by the Sanders campaign of not living up to joint fundraising. That's beautiful yeah on may 5th the dnc employee asked colleagues to get get someone to ask his belief get someone see how they are in bed with the media get someone to ask his belief in god and suggest that it could make a difference in kentucky and west virginia santa's name is uh not mentioned in the note this could make several yeah i wonder who they
Starting point is 00:34:24 were talking about burt convie uh this could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist. DNC chief financial officer Brad Marshall wrote. Marshall did not respond to a Crespo comment. I bet the fuck he didn't. Probably hiding behind that eight foot wall. to a Crespo comment. And I bet the fuck he didn't. Probably hiding behind that eight foot wall. Ah.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Ha ha ha. Holy moly. So, um, yeah. So, Debbie Wasserman Schultz fucking resigned. Like, she was gonna stick around even after all this. She was gonna open the convention
Starting point is 00:35:05 and then close it and then step down. But there was so much hate for her inside the Democratic Party that she had to resign Sunday night. Somebody got her in a fucking naked chokehold. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I'm smoking cigarettes after I work out. I think Schwarzenegger did that. Ice coffee. after i work out i think swartzenegger did that iced coffee anyhow uh yeah so she had to step down and it was beautiful because i think this morning she tried to speak in front of her florida florida delegates i'm talking about debbie washam and uh in front of her Florida delegates. I'm talking about Debbie Wasserman Schultz. And this is how that went.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Good morning, Florida! Can you imagine having to go out there, fucking knowing everybody, not everybody, a lot of people in the room hate your guts, and you got to put on that fake fucking dog shit smile, like I do when I come out on stage, and go, how are ya? Half these people want to fucking slice her throat. But listen to the,
Starting point is 00:36:15 she couldn't even get control of the room. She was like a weak feature act. It's so wonderful to be able to be here with my home state Alright everybody now, settle down Everybody settle down please Alright, we have a big program We have a big program today
Starting point is 00:36:41 Let's hear, let's be respectful Please be quiet so Demi can speak. Tell me how to go today. Another woman had to step in with a gavel. Please, you got to, you guys, you got to cut it out. She's not that much of a cunt. Come on. Give her a chance, for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:37:04 She did a good job for five years they say obama they see uh obama wasn't happy with her a while ago but he didn't want to can her he didn't want to deal with the fucking fallout like a year ago they said last october whenever and he didn't uh he didn't want to fucking get his hands dirty you know so he said no fucking put it in Hillary's lap. I can't blame him there. Anywho. So I'm going to miss her.
Starting point is 00:37:35 But it says she's going to stay on at some type of advisor during the campaign and shit. Really? Wow. Fucking shameless. Folks, again, if you like the show, go to slash Nick.
Starting point is 00:37:46 slash Nick. Put two to three more shows a week. $3.99 a month. You know what's funny is some of her critics passed around a tweet that Washington Schultz sent. She sent it last week to her counterpart at the Republican National Committee, Rince Priebus. He heads up, you know, the RNC. And she said, hey, Rince, I'm in Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:38:14 If you need another chair to help keep your convention in order. tell me rent fucking wasn't sitting in front of his tv jacking it all weekend just laughing his balls off oh my god and i gotta figure hey it's a hundred it's a hundred degrees in philly have you ever been in fucking Philly? I have. I've been in Philly in the middle of July and August because I've played that city many times. And I've been there when it's 101 and shit. You might as well be in fucking Vietnam as far as the humidity and shit. It is brutal.
Starting point is 00:38:58 And I'm telling you, I'm hoping a bunch of pissed off Bernie supporters get out there. Oh, and they tear down that wall, Mrs. President. I don't see how it's not going to get ugly. Philly, the tension goes up in Philly on just a normal day when there's no fucking nothing going on in Philly. When it gets up to 100 in Philly on a Tuesday, you can feel the tension. People just want to punch each other in the face. I can imagine what the fuck's going on. Can't wait to watch the TV tonight. After I work out, because my hiney's getting really wide and hairy.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Anyhow, Debbie Wasserman Schultz getting booed as she's trying to speak it was like watching porn it was it was absolutely delicious um let's hear from some of the bernie fans uh now that it's official they they knew it was rigged and they were getting fucked in the ass but uh it's like uh like when you hear that hey your girlfriend uh you hit through the grapevine has been cheating on you and you know you fucking you don't want to believe it and shit. And then you see her, you know, face pressed up against some guy's window on the fifth floor. And her tits are pushing against the glass as some guy's banging her from behind. I think we've all been there, haven't we? Sure we have.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Okay. But, yes, here's a few interviews with Bernie supporters. And now that it's, you know, now we have confirmation, the whole thing was rigged. Not that we really didn't know either way. When I say we, I'm not putting myself as a Bernie supporter. I'm just saying. He was great on the Sunday shows.
Starting point is 00:40:36 He showed, Bernie showed a lot of our class. W. Wasserman Schultz should step down and we should proceed. As I was saying on the show months ago, the game is rigged. I wish he went on. She's a lying twat. I said that. She's a lying twat. I'd like to kick her in the nuts if I see her.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I could have beat Trump. Everybody knows that. But this fucking greasy blonde-haired twat's own fucked it up for me. But here's some of Bernie fans being interviewed. And I wonder how they feel. My message is to Hillary Clinton, drop out. You have made a mockery of our democracy. She's not a progressive candidate, and I don't intend to vote for her in November.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I'll be voting for Jill Stein if the Democratic establishment has their way and proceeds with the coronation of Hillary, despite the will of the people being behind Bernie Sanders. How would you describe Hillary in your own words? I think I'll go with Donald Trump's on this one. She's crooked.
Starting point is 00:41:41 She's part of the Clinton crime family, and she needs to be put in prison right away. She's part of the Clinton crime family, and she needs to be put in prison right away. She's part of the Clinton crime family. We have the Salazos. I'm glad you guys could make it from Jersey. My son has to hide out in Sicily because of the Salazo business, but let's listen to Mrs. Clinton. She has things to say.
Starting point is 00:42:02 What her and Debbie Wasserman chose to do to all of the voters in this country is unfathomable. They haven't put her in jail yet. Hillary Clinton's followers. Can I ask you folks a question? When did we start dropping the T in words? Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I saw a white and I said this on stage at carolines and thank you guys for coming out by the way it was a fun weekend at carolines and uh for the middle of the summer it's tough to get people in there and you know what it was uh it was damn fucking fun and uh clinton i actually saw a white ankle woman i swear to god in her fucking 50s and she the guy's name was martin in the story she goes and john, are you fucking, are we that media driven? You don't even know who you, you don't even have, you've lost who you are. Really?
Starting point is 00:42:54 We glorify in ignorance. You happy that you sound illiterate? And I didn't do it. Like Christopher, even Christopher Moltisanti, but he was a street kid on the Sopranos. He goes, Tony, I didn't. I didn't. God, did that fucking infuriate me. But these are just Bernie supporters, so it's understandable, the young people.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Of no problem, and they have denied election. This lady's like 60. Hillary Clinton is in a syndicate. She's in a syndicate. She's controlling or attempting to control all of our government, and no one seems to care about it. I care. I'm out. If you're in government, you're in a syndicate. All sides. I want to defend my right to vote.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I don't want government corruption. Just the picture of corruption. You're probably about the fourth person I've interviewed today since I came. Well, I mean, she's been corrupt since 92 when Bill was elected. And now it's just getting that much worse. I mean, she made, what, $21 million from speaking to different banks and Wall Streeters? Different banks? Why do you think a lot of those speaking fees were kickbacks or deals?
Starting point is 00:43:59 I think anyone who doesn't is naive. Now listen, Hillary Clinton, I didn't vote for you. This lady, this is the one, this lady talking now, she was the first one too. She's like, she's like in her 60s. She looks like she smokes
Starting point is 00:44:11 three packs a day. She's from Michigan and the fucking hate in her eyes for Hillary. I was belly laughing watching her, this feisty little woman. Oh, hey,
Starting point is 00:44:19 I voted for Obama because he wasn't you. You know what? You're a liar. You're a cheat. We don't raise our children to act this way. And you're going to further it? You got superdelegates that you bought before the election? I'm in Michigan, Hillary. We uncrowned you, you fracking queen. And I'm going to tell you what, all you superdelegates that are standing behind you in
Starting point is 00:44:42 Michigan, the finger isn't on them when it comes August and November to vote. We're voting you out. We're going for a new Congress. You don't win anything because we're not going away. Our job is just beginning, and our job is to shut you down. F you, Hillary Clinton. And all day I've known... F you, Hillary Clinton. I smoke 12 packs of unfiltered Paul Malls a day.
Starting point is 00:45:16 You're not going to tell me what the fuck I don't? You fracking queen. She's too, you know, she's into frackingacking we're only sitting on the largest national reserve of fucking natural gas and oh but some flames came out of a woman's sink in michigan let's shut it down shut the fuck up let's start it up let's be independent of those greasy uh arabs anyways what you heard me but that was some of bernie. And a small, a small, a small percentage will jump to Trump. But not very, come on. And when you're pulling for a socialist, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:54 It's quite a leap to go from that to a billionaire capitalist businessman. You know what I mean? Trump is everything every fucking hippie hates. Did you say hippie? Yes, I did, mother is everything every fucking hippie hates. Did you say hippie? Yes, I did, motherless fucks. Anyhow, Chris Matthews, the definition of a self-hating, white, liberal, ball-less, motherless fucking puss. From Philly, by the way. puss um from philly by the way and uh remember he got the fucking tingle up his uh vagina when he saw obama speak for the first time his nipples uh tingled and his uh clitoris yes uh well of
Starting point is 00:46:36 course he had a take on what's going to happen when hillary speaks this thursday night and accepts the the uh thing with their giant muff pants. But here's Chris Matthews, Kevin Milktoast, I call him. Here we go. There's going to be a magic moment in this convention. It's going to be Thursday night. And there are going to be misty eyes all across the country. And any men at that moment who make a wisecrack are going to guarantee another vote for Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I think it's a very emotional moment for people. They haven't quite got to because of all this mishegoss that's going on this year. I think it's a very emotional moment for people. They haven't quite got to because of all this mishegast that's going on this year. I think it's going to be magical. And if Hillary Clinton just stands there with a little emotion, this is an amazing, historic moment. Fucking quiz!
Starting point is 00:47:20 The guy was a cop. And he's like, yeah, it's going to be an amazing moment on this felon. Really? Are you that fucking jaded? You see what happens when you stay in the beltway that long? Really? I think he was a cop at one time.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Am I right? Chris Matthews' cop? Just fucking sure. She's a felon in a pantsuit, but it's going to be amazing. And if you're a guy and you make a wisecrack when she's giving that speech, that's going to be another vote for Hillary. I don't even know what that means. Who? First of all, how are you going to hear me when I'm calling her at home?
Starting point is 00:47:51 Who are you talking about? The pundits? That's what he's going to be talking about. How could there be another vote for Hillary? Oh, my God. He really is. Him and Ken Burns ought to get a room together and do a nice 69 on the bed for a fucking couple hours swallow each other's fucking white hating dna anyhow hillary how do
Starting point is 00:48:13 you feel ah shut it shut it oh my god i shut that fan off it's about 190 fucking degrees celsius again slash Nick to subscribe to the show. Timmy Kane. Timmy Kane was picked by Hillary as the vice presidential running mate.
Starting point is 00:48:38 And the base isn't happy because he's reasonable and shit that he works across the aisle. Senator from Virginia. Bup, bup, bup. You know, they differ on a few things. But, you know, seems like a mild-mannered fella. And they were like, you should have went with a giant dyke.
Starting point is 00:48:56 The half-Indian woman from Cambridge. Warren. You know, Elizabeth Warren, 6'3", Cherokee. And, you know, this guy's way too moderate for the party. And so we shall see how that works out. Timmy Cain. Like I said, I've seen him on TV before, and that's how I know he must be a decent guy. Because he always, but he's, you know.
Starting point is 00:49:26 But the people who know him say, no, no, he's very progressive behind the scenes, blah, blah, blah. It's a good pick, and it'll balance out her fucking cuntiness, because he's a nice guy, you know. And so we shall see. And so we shall see. It's funny, the two, like Trump and, you know, Trump picked Pence because that guy is, you know, like a glass of milk, cup of vanilla, just to, you know, tone it down. And, you know, Trump and Hillary, they're like a bottle of Tabasco or jerk chicken. And, you know, you got to balance the ticket. But like they said, people are upset. They don't think he's, you know, far enough left.
Starting point is 00:50:16 That's what we need, more liberalism, because it's going so well after the last eight years, right? Yeah, more liberals. You guys have fucking any eyes in your head out there? years right yeah more liberals you guys have fucking any eyes in your head out there anyhow uh let's wrap it up with something light and uh fantastic what i'm dying to go upstairs and uh finish the rest of that chicken i'll try to be in pain tonight too um how about this girls are ganging up on boys a new cyber bullying craze called roasting the experts warn a lot of experts in the show today you notice they're calling it roasting girls are in ganging up on boys yeah
Starting point is 00:50:58 on the internet a digital safety expert is want now when you're a digital uh safety expert do you wear the vest the orange reflecting vest when you're sitting at your computer and doing your job your big dinks the new bullying takes place via mobile apps such as whatsapp instagram or facebook where girls pick on a boy invent the most offensive abuse until the victim completely cracks. Yay for feminism. Yay. Yay for feminism. You've created little cunts.
Starting point is 00:51:35 A generation. Yeah, until the boy cracks. This form of cyberbullying can also involve boys ganging up on girls or turning against each other in very nasty ways, experts have warned. Really? You know what it sounds like?
Starting point is 00:51:51 It sounds like they're insulting each other. That's what roasting is. I'm glad they use the term roasting. I'll build that legacy. Teachers and parents at leading private schools
Starting point is 00:52:04 have been warned to be aware of this new form of cyber bullying this is so typical this is just so funny yes i know there are kids who are like do get bullied and and kids have committed suicide and shit very rare cases but to bust each other to bust each other's balls online um you know it sounds like what kids do they just want we're trying to make the world risk-free and it's never gonna be it's a tough place the world your kids are gonna get insulted if they're fat kids are gonna say shit ba ba ba yes i know like i said there's rare cases where
Starting point is 00:52:35 it can end badly but um you know even the kids know to call it roasting uh yeah teachers and uh parents of private schools have been warned to be aware of this new form as it tends to happen outside adult oversight because teenagers regard it as just one level up from banter yeah because that's what it is that's exactly what it is they know more than you do the warnings followed research by a nonprofit motivational organization, Why do you not do something? I'm going to start a website, sit the fuck down and, which suggested that girls are almost twice as likely as boys to be both victims and perpetrators of cyberbullying,
Starting point is 00:53:19 as boys tend to be more involved in physical bullying. I used to do a line in my act because every day I'd pick up the paper and it said cyberbullying is out of draw. And I go, I don't know. I think I'd rather be bullied over the Internet than in person the way I was. I'd rather have somebody write something mean on my wall than put me through a fucking wall. But both boys and girls have killed themselves recently due to cyberbullying. Charlotte Robinson of Online Safety Consultants Digital Awareness UK said roasting was prominent among pupils of leading independent schools as well as in state schools across the country. What is that? You were saying what?
Starting point is 00:53:56 Rich white kids? Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Mrs. Robinson, whose company provides advice to independent girls schools, including those in Girls' Day School Trust. This is in England. Roasting is done under the guise of good humor, which is why it is so dangerous because it is often done among friends. Okay? What did I say to you on the last show? I hope it was here, or maybe I was talking to somebody on the phone. But there are people in the world, literally, who want to take the fun out of life, period.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Seriously, they're out to crush your fucking fun. Far leftist pusses. Roasting is done under the guise of good humor. Because it is fucking good humor. Which is why it's so dangerous because it is often done among friends. Yes. Busting balls when I was in fifth grade, I had an acid tongue. So did my
Starting point is 00:54:51 friends. And I remember little girls calling me a greasy guinea and me laughing. You know. Someone would just lay into someone else and completely humiliate them, but do it in a way that's portrayed as humorous, a level up from banter. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:12 She added, girls will roast boys. They'll create an online chat room about another boy. Ms. Robertson said, girls join in because they're trying to show bravado and competitiveness. Yes, and who's to blame for that? Pant, suit, extraordinaire. they want to be men okay they think they're stronger than men they think they're smarter than men they think so you've created this fucking world okay enjoy it basking it anyhow thought that was interesting the girl girls are ganging up and i really like to know how many little boys are really distraught about it
Starting point is 00:55:52 sounds like they're being boys and girls and teenagers to me but that might be me because those comedians have a skewed view of that ball busting. We do take it to dad too far sometimes, but I don't know. Anyhow. Anyways, kids, it's now 110 in here since I shut the fan off. Thank God the show's coming to a close. Thanks for coming out again to Caroline's this weekend. I had a frigging ball. Had a frig.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Getting there was a nightmare. I'm not going to go into it. I used to make it to Carolinas in 45 minutes. I live about 37 miles away from Carolinas, directly north. And sometimes I make it in 40 minutes. And that was a few years ago. No, I'm not shitting you. And this is in the middle of the summer when the city usually is kind of quiet and shit.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Everybody fucking 90 minutes on Saturday night. fucking a little short of that friday it's just um it doesn't work anymore the city that's all i got to say um hey i just booked this this comedy club and yonkers hot comedy club which is up in my neck of the woods um it's finally open i was booked there a few months back, and remember they couldn't get their permits and shit, it was on my, anyways, I finally, I'm gonna do like, I'm gonna try to do like a Tuesday night there, once a month, where I could do, and the guys that I can do whatever the hell I want, it's a small room, it's like 120 seats, but I'm gonna, the first one's gonna be August 16th, I do believe. Let me check the book.
Starting point is 00:57:25 It's right in front of me. August 16th, and yeah, it's Hawk Comedy Club and Yonkers, and the name of the mall skips the name of the mall that it's in. I can't think of it. Ridge Hill or something like that. But August 16th, it's a Tuesday night. It'll be the first one. So if you're in the area, it'll be a great place
Starting point is 00:57:45 for me to work out new shit and not have to deal with that nightmare 90-minute trip into the city anymore. You know? That's all we need is stage time, folks.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Doesn't matter where to develop the act. All right? So write that down. Yeah, write it down. Yeah, enjoy yourselves. That is it, I think. I'm going to be at the Vermont Comedy Club Burlington, August 5th and 6th.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Ran into a lady from, I said, I'm going to be in Vermont on comedy in a couple weekends. She goes, is it the Vermont Comedy Club? I'm like, well, I'm guessing. It's not like the mecca of comedy. But then she threw a drink at my chest what anyhow yeah so uh that's that and then september talia hall uh we gotta we gotta we people in chicago we gotta pick up the ticket sales uh that's september 3rd it's 600 seats that's a you know you know, good-sized hall. I need your help.
Starting point is 00:58:47 September 23rd, Sacred Heart University. That's in Hartford, isn't it? And September 24th, Laugh It Up in Poughkeepsie. And then Helium in St. Louis, September 29, 30, and October 1. All righty then.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Again, slash Nick to subscribe to the podcast. You've been slash Nick to subscribe to the podcast you've been terrific I'll talk to y'all soon watch the convention tonight it should be
Starting point is 00:59:11 could get fucking really interesting don't you think it could I think it could alrighty hey hey I saved
Starting point is 00:59:21 the world today and everybody's happy now the bad Hey, I saved the world today And everybody's happy now The bad things gone away And everybody's happy now The good things here stay You need to shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:59:45 Hey, hey, I saved the world today Everybody's happy now The bad things gone away Everybody's happy now I'm so happy guitar solo Bye.

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