The Nick DiPaolo Show - 147 - Milwaukee Madness

Episode Date: August 15, 2016

Milwaukee Madness...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Let's get it on. Hey, how are you? Nick DiPaola Podcast on iTunes. It's the free show. And if you like it, go to slash Nick. slash Nick for two to three more shows a week at $3.99 a month you'll be glad you did uh also come see me uh at hot comedy club uh tomorrow night yonkers new york if you're in the area nice little brand new club uh ridge hill mall i believe it is
Starting point is 00:01:01 uh should be great and then come see me at talia hall chicago september 3rd it's a nice theater let's fill it up what are you saying huh uh laugh it up a kipsy on the 24th of september it's a saturday night helium st louis september 29 30 and october 1st yes sir well we got a lot to get to obviously milwaukee madness i mean what in christ creation is going on in the world folks i don't know what to tell you uh before we get to that let's do a little i don't know before we get into the heavy shit let's uh talk sports I guess, well, Olympics. Ryan Lochte, the gold medal winning Olympian swimmer, USA. Him and three or four buddies were held up at gunpoint in Rio. What a fucking world we're living in, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:58 Nice place. Who decided? And don't tell me Rio was nice a couple of years ago. I know they've fallen into financial hardship the last few years. That's what they're blaming it on. But what a shithole. One of the indoor swimming pools smells like a fart. It's green.
Starting point is 00:02:15 People being held up at gunpoint. Athletes and Zika and I don't know. Next time let's do it in South Central or let's do it in Detroit. All due respect, I'm just saying, Jesus Christ, is there any good in the world? You're not going to hear it here, but there is actually. Let's start off with, well, how about sports-wise? You Yankees fans must be, most of you must must be uh just fucking thrilled a rod last friday night was it for him finally gone you guys have to be i know my buddy arty lang has to be thrilled with
Starting point is 00:02:54 that man nobody disliked uh a rod more than fucking arty and i'm sure a lot of the hardcore yankee fans feel the same i think it's's good. I'm talking from a Red Sox fan perspective because, in my opinion, you guys have been living in the past too long with the core four. And, again, Mo Rivera was, you know, they put his plaque in Monument Park or whatever this week. You've got to let it go, man. I bet you Girardi feels the same way. You've got to let that.
Starting point is 00:03:24 You guys have been, you know what I mean? But here feels the same way you gotta let that you guys been you know i mean but but here's the thing and here's uh you gotta be thrilled so a rod finally gone he's gonna have some you know consultant job or some fucking token horse shit for the next year although the marlins who lost g and carlos stanton'm thinking about talking maybe to A-Rod. That was in the news, so he might not go away yet. But he, anyways, he's gone from the Yankees as a player. And to fill the void, almost like God looking down on the Yankees, reminding the rest of us baseball fans, hey, look out for the Yankees,
Starting point is 00:04:02 because this weekend, a couple of rookies tyler austin and his kid aaron judge by the way who's six foot eight i think i read uh well they came up to bat this weekend tyler austin his first major league at bat what's he do he goes fucking yard in yankee stadium how thrilling is that places going shithouse the fans aren't even back in their seats and then what aaron judge comes up after him his first professional mlb at bat he goes deep center field and his first at bat first time it's ever been done in the history of baseball it's almost like the baseball gods are going hey telling the rest of baseball look what uh look what's coming you know how the yankees yeah they've been uh kind of dog shit mediocre last few years but uh just signs if i'm
Starting point is 00:04:58 a yankee fan i'm thrilled man and uh so because the red sox yankees right now, it's just it's not even a fucking rivalry. It's about as much energy in that rivalry as the Vancouver Canucks versus the, you know, fucking St. Louis Blues. Who gives a rat's ass? I mean, but you guys, Yankee fans should be excited. That could be they got a ton of shit you know when they dumped everybody uh you know they made all the moves at the break and they're still in it by the way they didn't get the heels of the red socks for a wild card spot and um but they get rid of everybody and they get a bunch of prospects in return young guys great ones i guess So, you know, they get rid of Andrew Miller and Beltran,
Starting point is 00:05:48 and they get all these great young prospects, and now you get, you know, Tyler Austin, Aaron Judge. Aaron Judge, his shot to center field didn't just make it over the center field, which is quite a poke. It hit, like, off the back wall out there. So it's going to get exciting again, American League East. Thank Christ. Not that it isn't this year. But how about my boy?
Starting point is 00:06:08 We have a legend in the making. We got a couple of them, by the way. We got this kid, Benintendi, Andrew Benintendi. He's like 23. He's got the face of a 14-year-old boy. He reminds me of like a young Mattingly. He's a lefty, throws lefty, hits lefty. And this kid's hitting about 360, throws lefty, hits lefty. And this kid's
Starting point is 00:06:25 hitting about 360, 370. Got a beautiful stroke. And anyhow. But how about my boy, Mookie Betts, a legend in the making. He did something that only Ted Williams has done in the history of the Red Sox, which they've been around, what, since 11 BC. He went deep three times this weekend in one game against the shitty arizona diamondbacks uh but it's the second time he's done it this year only ted williams the greatest hitter in baseball history did that for the red sox mookie betts he's about 5 10 about 170 pounds soaking wet and i just imagine if he was in new York, he'd already be like a superstar. Well, he is in Boston, but I'm just saying with all the media in New York. He's hitting 313.
Starting point is 00:07:11 He's got 26 gomers at 170 pounds. He's tied for big, tied big poppy in homers. He's got 84 ribbies and an on-base percentage of 353. And, I mean, just a likable kid who's got the quickest bat you've ever seen. So look for that Yankees-Red Sox rivalry to finally get some piss and vinegar back into it. I mean, Jesus Christ, right now it's just so friendly. Even the announcers were talking about it, you know, like Eckersley to the Red Sox, saying, you know, we hated those motherfuckers and they hated us now i mean big pappy's making out with somebody at first base
Starting point is 00:07:49 when he gets on him and him and to share a french kissing and everybody's patting each other on the ass and boring fucking boring yeah anyhow that's the sports shit uh next order of business excuse me my buddy art levine pointed out on twitter that i had fallen for a hoax and he was uh right that's because i don't have a staff that can tell me what uh what websites are you know legit and which ones are full of shit but uh last week i reported on uh remember the whole hillary thing and um the clintons and all these people who were dying around them which still isn't completely untrue but uh but about health records hillary's health records released on this uh site what it and and a lot of it uh well, the health shit, turns out, was a bunch of baloney.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Although, we still have footage of fucking Hillary's bobblehead night. We still have her stopping mid-speech, can't remember words and shit. So we know she's definitely got something wrong with her. But there was a whole story that I reported on. Remember they said last week, again, this was whatit what it but snopes corrected the record i guess that's what they do anytime there's a urban legend out there or rumors they clear it up my question uh is why do we trust not saying they're wrong but i'm just saying how why have they cornered the market on the truth online? Really? No agenda or whatever? Come on.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But apparently that's where people go to clear up these misconceptions. But we reported last week that the doctor, this woman doctor, had checked out Hillary and said she had all kinds of problems. Remember they put her records online and shit? And I told you, I go to that same hospital. And my wife does too and i was showing my wife online the uh the stuff that they had put online her records and right away my wife said well how come it doesn't say mount kisco mkmg and big letters you know on the letterhead anything that comes out of the you look at any bills i have anything from that hospital mkmg is
Starting point is 00:10:03 the big as opposed to what was online last week was the the doctor's name and whatever phone number and stuff excuse me but it was a woman doctor and and then there was a doctor Fleck who had treated her and his father ended up dead he died doing a triathlon an older doctor or whatever and they said there was a switch on his computer and that the cia sent what they call a hit team not as in killing but a hit team came up to uh broke into some medical office where this guy's computer was dr flex father's computer it had what they call a dead man switch on it and uh lisa bardak was the doctor who uh put out a letter affirming the candidate is in excellent condition and fit to serve as president as opposed to all
Starting point is 00:10:53 those phony records they put out there so um yeah um august 2016 someone issued a hoax leak of purported medical records from dr bardick supposedly documenting that uh doc documented that she was healthy contrary to what the physician had asserted in public the doctor the doctor originally said she wasn't good health and somebody put some shit out showing all kinds of records saying she wasn't. And the doctors say, now Snopes has said that's a bunch of baloney. But shortly after, there was a notorious conspiracy-pushing outlet, And again, I didn't know that. I can't keep track of all this shit.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I'm a stand-up comic. They published a fabricated article reporting that Vincent Fleck, the father of the doctor treating Hillary for dementia and the leaker of those record had died. Mysterious conditions. Bunch of baloney. Well, that part's true. He did die, but they're saying it's nothing mysterious about it. Although there are like five or six deaths where people may or may not had access to grind with the Clintons. I'll let you decide. It is true that news accounts report of the death of Vincent Fleck of Mount Kisco, who passed away from drowning, or a medical event suffered while competing in a triathlon.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I still say examine the fucking Gatorade bottle. Early August 2016. However, all the rest of the story about the hit team, the dead man switch on Vincent Fleck's computer is a fabrication. As is the claim about about dr daniel flex treating hillary for dementia vincent fleck was the fourth individual connected to the clintons by what does it as a part of a series of fabrications suggesting people who pose risks to the clintons power were being serious serially uh John Ash, Seth Rich. Remember,
Starting point is 00:12:46 I went over them last week. It still looks a little weird to me, I gotta be honest. But, you know, to falsify medical records, that's beyond the pale. So, anyhow, that's cleared up. But I still think she doesn't look too good you know
Starting point is 00:13:06 she doesn't sound too good yeah relax how do you mean that how do you mean that well she's uh her head bobbles and she's got uh but but why is snopes i want to that that was my next why is snopes the uh leader in the truth i mean msnbc will tell you the same thing fox will tell you the same thing cnn will tell you the same thing but we believe snopes i guess they're on bias or whatever but uh thank you for art levine for pointing that out i appreciate that um even though this is a podcast and you know i'm not doing nbc nightly news here but i'm always for the truth so uh let's get right to uh milwaukee and the fucking horror show
Starting point is 00:14:01 the terror group and that's what they are. They're not fucking protesters. Yes, they do. Yes. Just the name is not helping you guys, by the way. But, you know, it's a nice passive name. Makes them sound like they're just playing it down the middle. But all hell broke loose,
Starting point is 00:14:26 as you guys know, in Milwaukee. The cops were, excuse me, the cops had pulled a black guy over 23 years old, Sylville K. Smith, and, you know, he had a gun on him,
Starting point is 00:14:44 took off. There's mistake number one. And all hell broke loose. Guy ends up getting killed by the cops. The cop was black that shot him. I guess otherwise the whole fucking state of Wisconsin would have burned. You know how that works. They burned down
Starting point is 00:15:05 six businesses uh including a gas station they threw rocks at cops four cops were injured seven police vehicles damaged 17 people arrested and again last night i just read this before i started doing the show uh there was another some more shit went down. But anyhow, questions remain about Smith's death. And I've seen the picture of him. He's got pigtails, tattoos all over his neck, and a long arrest record. And you can go look at his fucking social media. Every picture he's got, he's pointing a gun at the camera.
Starting point is 00:15:40 You know, just a clean-cut kid who, again... But here's where we are. Here's where we are in the United States. And it looks like the shooting was justified. Even the mayor came out of Milwaukee and said, I want you to know that. But even when it's justified, it doesn't matter to terror groups like Black Lives Matter or white idiot liberal jerk-offs who support them or the president who has the head
Starting point is 00:16:06 of black lives matter to the white doesn't matter see it doesn't matter that's where we are there's no reasoning no logic it's all about emotion now even if it was justified the shooting uh somehow it's wrong and that that doesn't just that type of thinking isn't just that doesn't just touch on race in this country on racial issues and it touches on everything there's no more right and wrong nobody knows the fucking difference anymore thanks to the corrupt lib media and uh well i shouldn't say everybody's bought into that most of us with a half a brain haven't um but that's what's fucking creepy about this to me you know but let's play some of the sights and sounds you know when you're from the country and you listen to bullfrogs at night
Starting point is 00:16:51 and owls in the trees and and uh well let me just play some of the sights and sounds of uh inner city and uh you know this is the type of shit you the type of shit you hear. This is considered white noise when you try to fall asleep in the city. They beat somebody ass. Look, they beat somebody ass. Look. Look. Look, bro. Look.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Oh, look, y'all. Look. Oh, my God. Look. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Who they just beat up, bro? Who? Listen to this girl. Now, see, this ain't none of the play, but I think they just beat some white bitch ass for no reason. They bust her window and everything. Everything. This shit's so bogus as hell.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So bogus as hell. I'm doing translation for the inner city black chick who's doing play-by-play there you go there's white noise in the city yeah not so calm now huh sweetie they beat a white woman they'll be the white bitch look what they do they beat a white bitch ass just the fucking ignorance dripping from her mouth play by play just detached from it just listening to the to her doing play by play it's like she's watching tv totally emotionally detached oh the bitch oh the shit ill oh oh just play by play fucking i mean uh you know did it be the white bitch ass showing some sympathy yet Did they beat a white bitch ass?
Starting point is 00:18:25 Showing some sympathy, yet referring to her as a white bitch. So I'm a little confused here. Hey, where are the white women at? Yeah, I'll tell you where they're at. They're in Milwaukee. They're getting an ass bitch. They're getting beat. Hey, where are the white women at?
Starting point is 00:18:42 Oh, my fucking word. Oh, that ill. And then the gunfire erupts. what was that on her fucking front porch i don't know where she was uh but just the detachment and her voice just just totally detached and oh my fucking word so um you know would you like some more play-by-play uh from that's the thing with the social media now you get it played by it's live you know they said the the revolution will be televised jesus who would have guessed facebook would have been the televisor uh it really is you know looking here's some more of the sights and sounds of milwaukee over the weekend they were just beating up white people looking for white people to beat and just
Starting point is 00:19:35 you know white journalists local tv stations had to pull their journalists so uh again who are the racists in the country, seriously? If the white people are white, then white get their asses! Come on, nigga! Learn that, bitch! Laughing. Hey! Fucking bro!
Starting point is 00:20:01 Hey, that's enough! Let's go! What the fuck? Hey, they beat him up. Every white person. They jump in. Every white person. Man, that white person come down and show me.
Starting point is 00:20:19 He white. Beat his shit. Bitch. He white beat his shit. He white beat his shit. Bitch. He white beat his shit. He white beat his shit. Somebody teach these poor kids how to conjugate a verb. Is that the white establishment's fault too? It's he's white beat his ass.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I mean, if you're going to be racist, you want to get that message out there. You want to be clear. He white beat his ass. And again, I mean, you have to go to social media to find this shit because CNN and MSNBC, they wouldn't fucking, wouldn't show you that, would they? No, they wouldn't televise that. It goes against their narrative. It is fucking unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Congratulations, President Obama and your ilk and everybody who thinks like you and believes like and uh have mckeeson that's the head of black lives matter have him back to the white house because uh it really seemed to do a lot of good just fucking priceless again this is because a young black kid pointed a gun at a cop cop was wearing a body camera that's going to come out but again even it doesn't matter it doesn't even if even if the footage shows that the cop was in the right doesn't fucking matter that's the point doesn't matter it was actually they interviewed a black kid he go uh rich people don't give black people no enough money that was his on camera on the
Starting point is 00:21:40 local news that's what he said thank you message, the far left message is sunk into their fucking heads. They are owed everything. They are owed a living and he white beat his ass. He be white and beat his ass. Bitch ass, excuse me. Let me get that straight.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Bitch ass. What the fuck? What the fuck is going on here? Hey, where are the white women at? By the way, the gun the kid had, yeah, that was stolen. During a burglary in nearby Waukesha back in March. Waukesha, Wisconsin. The victim of that burglary reported 500 rounds of ammunition were also stolen with a handgun.
Starting point is 00:22:25 That's nice. So, yeah. And the mayor even said that he had 23 rounds. He had way more rounds than the cops had. And I'm sure, again, I can't wait to hear the proponents of gun control. They'll be, you know. proponents of uh gun control there'll be uh you know well if they if we had more gun rules and laws and regulations and mr uh mr smith wouldn't have uh he wouldn't have had the gun because he seems like a clean-cut kid who fought no no no no he's got a record as long and again nobody wants
Starting point is 00:22:56 to see anybody fucking die do we have to say that do we have to you know it's like, ugh. But again, it was a black cop. The guy died at the scene. And the black cop received like so many threats and shit that he's had to move out of town. Placed on administrative leave, obviously. The cop's only 24 years old. Has six years of service. He's been a cop since he was
Starting point is 00:23:26 18 just trying to do the right thing but then you got a city alderman uh khalif rainy i just again i didn't bother looking this up because uh i just went with khalif rainy guessing he's black then i read on he says the area's been a powder keg for potential violence throughout the summer. What happened tonight may not have been right, and I'm not justifying that. But why don't you just stop there, Mr. Rainey? Stop right there. It's not right. And it isn't you shouldn't try to justify. But no one can deny the fact there are problems, racial problems in Milwaukee. Where are the racial problems in major cities where black people live?
Starting point is 00:24:10 Can you name one could you please what are there three in in uh salt lake city they need to be rectified randy said this community of milwaukee wisconsin has become the worst place to live for african americans in the entire country yeah tell that to uh flint michigan and downtown Michigan, and downtown Detroit, and downtown Atlanta, and parts of South Central, and how about Chicago? Mr. Rainey says, Rainey said,
Starting point is 00:24:38 violence was a byproduct of inequities, injustice, unemployment, and undereducation. And you want us to believe that that's all intentionally done by the white establishment. I guess that's what George Soros believes and all the other fucking idiots. I don't personally. You need to shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yes. Try that, Mr. Rainey. Something has to be done to address these issues, he said. The black people of Milwaukee are tired. They are tired of living under this oppression. This is their life.
Starting point is 00:25:09 What oppression is that? What oppression? Really? Un-fucking-believable. They're talking like it's apartheid over here. There's no difference to them. Again, thanks to their fearless leader
Starting point is 00:25:26 Obama and Hillary Clinton. This is the left's thinking. George Soros. He's the one that's got to fucking go. They got to go. The mayor was on TV pleading with the, we're still calling them protesters. They're fucking rioters. They burned down seven, four businesses,
Starting point is 00:25:43 a gas station trash cop cars that's protesting huh even that even that words don't mean anything anymore and they say when a civilization goes the first thing to go is what the language the mayor was on tv i saw him old crusty white guy you know he's like if you know he he plays with the people if uh please tell you if you love your son or if you love your daughter, text them, call them, pull them by the ears. That's kind of what and get sued and get them home. Get them home right now. This is yesterday or Saturday before more damage is done.
Starting point is 00:26:18 He should have said, if you know your sons or if you know your daughters is what you should have said. But he also said, I know this neighborhood very well there are a lot of really really good people who live in this area and the sherman park area who can't stand the violence and i believe that too again again majority black people are hard working or whatever but it doesn't take many and and with help of again with white liberals to me and the fucking media they're the ones poor black people just doing you know they are tired of how they live and shit and and and they take to the streets young kids or whatever broken families they're just doing what people have done for you know hundreds of years poor people but but when the when the white libs, you know, empower them
Starting point is 00:27:05 and don't fucking shit on stuff like this and try to justify, excuse me, and the media reports that, you know, a cop that shoots a kid who's pointing a gun at him is somehow fucking completely wrong, that's when you get problems. You are correct, sir. that's when you got problems you are correct sir oh i want to listen to that black girl again listen to that
Starting point is 00:27:32 they beat somebody ass look they beat somebody ass y'all look look look bro look look bro look you see how affected she is it's is? It's like a persona. She's doing like an impression of an inner city black girl. She doesn't even have her own identity. Look, bro, look. Look, bro, look. I mean, I can't even explain it. Oh, look, y'all, look.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Look, y'all, look. Don't go help. Just look, y'all, look. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What a T. Who they just beat up, bro? oh my god oh my god oh my god what a tea who just beat up bro who the talks like that who did you speed up bro she's actually saying who did you speed up bro I was waiting for a drum machine that come in and
Starting point is 00:28:19 now see this ain't on the playbook I think they just beat some white ass for no reason they bust her window and everything. They bust her window and everything. That shit's so bogus as hell. It's just so bogus it's ill. She's making sure to be cool, even when she's reporting on somebody being beat the fucking half to death. Which is important. You gotta always be. Holy fucking Christ.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Hold on, let me. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. who'll be shooting at your fucking head girl turns out those are just hot pockets that exploded in her microwave i looked it up so she's fine i don't know i don't know where that was coming from that type of shit but uh right on the street, I guess. Yeah, footage shows violent mobs of Black Lives Matter rioters. Oh, this article called them rioters. Oh, that's because it's from Infrowars. Targeting white people for brutal beatdowns.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Saturday night, Milwaukee. They were chanting black power before asking, is they white? If you want to get the fucking, you know, the straight, you got to go to, you know, like Alex Jones. Yay, they white. State someone else. Yeah, they white. Get their ass. Hey, they beating up every white person, exclaims another writer.
Starting point is 00:29:36 He white. Beat his head, bitch. I don't mean to laugh, folks, but, you know, how the fuck can't you? The ignorance is, it's off the charts. You can't even fucking... And this is who the Democrats target to vote. Very informed people who watch the news every night and listen to NPR, I'm sure. But it's not over yet black lives matter had uh more to say uh this morning um yeah they announced
Starting point is 00:30:11 that they're going to uh shut down graceland tonight you know elvis uh he died what tomorrow august 16th elvis how do i know that well because my first girlfriend was born on August 16th. Happy birthday, Linda. And I blame her for the death of Elvis. I think they're related. But, yeah, so they're going to, you know. As the snow flies. There's no snow in Memphis. Well, not right now.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Yeah, they plan on protesting tonight. Morning gray Chicago morning. a poor little baby down in the ghetto. Coalition of concerned citizens, including Black Lives Matter protesters, I'll call them rioters, and others groups announced they plan to shut down Graceland. Six o'clock on Monday. That'll be today. They said they specifically chose Graceland because it is Elvis week and they know it'll raise awareness. Help in hand for Christ's sakes.
Starting point is 00:31:16 20 trillion in welfare. The fuck? Give us a break. Leaders say they also chose Graceland because it demonstrates one of Memphis's most common forms of financial inequality and because the site has ties to the death of an unarmed teen, Darius Stewart. he was on the internet in an interview there's a black guy frank gaudy g-o-t-t-i-e he's a community leader they've given us the runaround if carried out the elvis week demonstration will be the third high profile and it says protest again i'll say riot by black lives matter and other groups in the last month actually they were peacefully protesting i guess they're talking about memphis earlier in the month.
Starting point is 00:32:05 At the time, activists say they wanted the demands met by the city, which they admitted would take time. Mayor Jim Strickland just responded this week to questions from the first community meeting. Gaudi is skeptical of the timing. Gaudi says they had 30 days to respond, but they responded right before Elvis Week. Elvis Week must be really important because I got a lot of phone calls, homeland security, and everybody. They said, don't go to Elvis more than 20 deep. You can't go there. But how are they going to say that when it's welcome to the public? Gaud he says he doesn't know how the demonstration will play out,
Starting point is 00:32:46 but knows he'll be there in hopes he sees someone else as well. If I see the mayor out there protesting with me, then I might sit down somewhere. Fucking believable. Oh, my goodness grace. So you got that to look forward to. they said it might happen at any time they said 6 p.m but they might do it before then so uh more unrest may be coming in milwaukee for the love of pete that's uh isn't it dave clark sheriff Clark, the guy I like so much with a black goatee? But anyways, not all, like I said, and not all black people buy into this shit.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Because you can go on the internet, and they hate what's going on too. With Black Lives Matter and cops getting shot. People are just trying to make a living out there. But here's a young black kid who gets it, and I'm sure he will be immediately disregarded by some of his friends because he sounds white. But a young black kid who I thought he sounded pretty good. I wanted to say something about all the stuff that happened last night in Milwaukee before I head to my destination. It's just another example of hurting, not helping. The black community and Black Lives Matter are rioting because a police officer shot a thug
Starting point is 00:34:06 a dude that was armed and running towards people you know he got taken out and now everybody wants to riot and the media is saying that they're protesting even though they're clearly rioting destroying property looting businesses young black kid gets it on fire msnbc doesn't power beating up random white people i've already seen the footage i'm sure you've seen the footage as president don't get it people that are still trying to say that if you go against this if you're not for this if you don't think this is a good thing if you don't think this is needed then you're racist then you're wrong you're an idiot and i'm like how how is destroying your own fucking community a good thing how is that ever a
Starting point is 00:34:43 good thing how is that going to solve anything how is that going to solve racism if you think that there's such a fucking huge problem with it you know let me ask you something people that are for this black lives matter movement that are for all this carnage and stuff how come how come police you know they kill hundreds of people per year in the united states but how come how come the media only shows a few black people that have been shot and killed? And why do they glamorize that and then spread it everywhere like wildfire? I mean, is it possible that they have a narrative that they're trying to push? Is it possible that they have some type of agenda? I mean, have you even thought of that at all?
Starting point is 00:35:23 Has that ever crossed your mind? They don't have mine. The statistics from the FBI's own website or the Department of agenda. I mean, have you even thought of that at all? Has that ever crossed your mind? They don't have mine. The statistics from the FBI's own website or the Department of Justice, if you look at anything, any type of statistics like that, and if you try to see the homicides, if you try to see the murder rates, especially when it comes to police brutality, there are a lot
Starting point is 00:35:38 of white people that are killed, more than black people actually, because they're 60% of the population in this country, and none of that shit is ever shown. None of the Latino community. Right on the money, brother. I'm just saying, I know there's a problem with police brutality. I know that there's a lot of excessive force,
Starting point is 00:35:53 and I know they can do a lot better. But as far as them just targeting black folk, that is not a thing. And you rioting and looting and shit is not going to solve a damn thing. You need to stop and pull your heads out of your fucking asses. Amen. Amen. is not going to solve a damn thing. You need to stop it and pull your heads out of your fucking asses. Amen. Amen. And that's the zillion dollar question.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Right there. How come they cherry pick? The mainstream media cherry picks. And yes, it's liberal. It's fucking liberal. Far left. They cherry pick the stories. And it creates an illusion that the only people being
Starting point is 00:36:25 shot by cops are young black men and then when obama he compounds it and and empowers that message by having somebody from black lives matter to the fucking white house and then uh just around cnn msnbc nbc abc cbs time magazine just they just, New York Times, just keeps the narrative going. Just keeps it going. And guys like that, young black kid sees it. He can see it. So I'd hate to be him. It's got to be tough trying to convince his friends.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I can't even convince some of my white showbiz friends. It's fucking... Hey, I forgot to thank, again, at the top of the show, which I always do, contributions to the show, Charlie Clark. Thank you so much, Charlie. And Chris DeVito over the weekend for generous contributions.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Thank you so much. Usually do that right at the top. Had it under my date book my date book anyhow go to slash nick to subscribe to the show slash nick it's growing like a tumor in hillary's throat or on a tongue i should say she's got a black spot in her tongue did that story anybody look that one up about her having tongue cancer was that bullshit too was that just poop from a heavyset lesbian in the uh sausalito area what what kind of nick you can't say that you need yes i do fuck yes i really do because get out of here will somebody fucking get trump on and again
Starting point is 00:37:59 folks i don't say this is a trump surrogate i'm gonna vote for him and hold my nose as they say but um somebody has to train this guy to stay on message excuse me somebody wrote an article in the post about uh you know the entertainment side of him's getting when he's out there in front of the live audience and he says something he doesn't get a reaction that was the gist of the article in the post today that he you know he tries to say something a little more outlandish that gets a reaction and nobody knows that better than a stand-up comic like myself. Some nights when your shit's laying a little flat, you throw something out there. And then you get their response.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And then you go back to that well. You even do it during a live interview sometime. Then you listen to the interview and you go, did I fucking really say that? That was kind of outrageous. But we can get away with it as stand-up comics and shit. But we used to be able to. But you can't, you know, if you're running for but uh well we used to be able to but you can't you know as if you're running for president of the united states you gotta watch it i mean
Starting point is 00:38:50 the fucking this thing is being handed to the republicans and and like i said it's the any other politician but we wanted an outsider we want to change but fucking trump uh somebody's got to get him back on message it's all he has to do the fucking news is bad you know the dnc they hacked into pelosi's computer everything is being a fastball down the middle trump should be driving this thing instead he's making stupid comments and and you gotta make it about her you dope somebody. Somebody fucking, where's Paul Manafort? Get your hands around this guy's neck. I mean, she's just asking to be taken down. And there's more shit coming, more leaks,
Starting point is 00:39:33 but it doesn't matter. I'm 99% sure the fix is fucking in. The fact that after all the whole email thing and call me not indicting her and shit, I'm pretty sure the fix is in. But if it's not, somebody get this guy on track will you insist that he fucking use again fucking romney i bet you romney is drinking a pint of whiskey and he's a straight you know mormon probably doesn't drink and shit but i guarantee you after watching this he's probably trying
Starting point is 00:40:02 heroin for the first time sitting home watch anybody fucking jeb bush would have smoked oh my god let's talk about politically correct television huh got about 20 minutes left in the show uh just over the weekend it just i and i have this theory the liberal horse she gets turned up a notch uh on the weekends i don't know what makes me think that but just it just seems to i couldn't even watch uh abc george stepmanopoulos this week with you know the sunday morning show martha raddatz that dried up twat who just she just oh i look at her and i get sick to my stomach she just uh dried up hag but but the
Starting point is 00:40:47 opening the show is like and donald trump sliding hillary could put him away by the end of the side just fucking and if you're watching that you're an idiot you're like oh my god she must be way smarter than trump i'm gonna vote for and that's what they count on they had trump buried in shit and just the opening made me sick. I literally fucking shut it off. Oh, my God. It's so fucking biased. It's so fucking gross, man.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It really is. But, yeah. And I don't even bother with Meet the Press anymore. But I'm not talking about, when I say politically correct TV, I'm not just talking about, you know, news shows. And, you know, you're getting those and you get your pop culture. By the way, let me throw a plug in for the best show on TV right now. It's on the Audience Network.
Starting point is 00:41:33 That's DirecTV, my old bosses. Matter of fact, Chris Long, who was the executive producer, one of them, of the Nick and Artie show. I think he's an executive EP on this, too. My Fighting Season. Have you guys watched this on this too my fighting season have you guys watched this on the audience network if you have direct tv it's literally our soldiers in afghanistan with cameras on their helmets and you're watching them fucking take fire and shooting back in the middle of nowhere in some fucking province that uh i flew over in a helicopter when i was with the uso and uh me already and a bunch of guys and over there
Starting point is 00:42:10 you can go on my website and watch me shoot a machine gun into the side of a hill from a fucking black hawk helicopter it's real ballsy when nobody's shooting back at you you know but um it's called my fighting season and it's a show what happens soldiers when they come home they don't even have to be home but at the end of the show it says if you have footage of your deployment send it to this website so soldiers who've been over there actually send footage that they have of them in battle and shit and this weekend was the best one i've seen so far they're walking in afghanistan along this uh this like ravine you know like a few trees the three trees that are in a desert walk along this ditch like 20 25 soldiers and all of a sudden one of
Starting point is 00:42:58 them steps on an id like the sergeant or one of the and and gets his foot blown off and half his arm, and they show the fucking, they show him laying there covered, the camera pans down and his foot's gone. It's like a bloody bony stump and unbelievable, just incredible. And a medic that's like, he looked Korean.
Starting point is 00:43:20 He was Asian, a heavyset guy, saves his life. They give him a morphine lollipop to suck on now he goes put this between you like like your your cheek and your gum and and it's morphine and it's like a lollipop to kill the pain and and and they save him they put tourniquets around his leg and his arm and and he's conscious this guy's so tough it didn't even sound like he was in shock he's answering they're asking him if he's all right he's like yeah yeah he saw his knee pad up in a tree the shit they were you know part of their equipment he saw it up in a tree
Starting point is 00:43:56 and he goes that don't belong there when he realized he was fucking blown up fascinating so they saved his life right there the courage on these guys that was the first half of the show i think it's an hour long the second half they show these guys going into these mud brick structures that you see in the middle of the desert we saw him from the helicopter when we did the uso toy you look down you'd see hundreds of miles of nothing and then like a a giant mud like a wreck giant rectangle like an acre uh like a mud house made of brick and shit right in the middle of the desert and they go into they kick these doors in can you fucking imagine not knowing what's coming the whole place could be booby trapped
Starting point is 00:44:36 and then they find these tunnels inside the houses they remove something like a rug and they see a tunnel and these guys these fucking soldiers climb into these tunnels and and they said that some of these tunnels have been there for four or five thousand years just like rats over there they're just like fucking rats and they and and and there's there's tunnels right out in the open and they caught this tal taliban guy taliban or i think it was al-qaeda maybe al-qaeda but no taliban Taliban or I think it was maybe Al Qaeda. But no, Taliban, because it was part of Afghanistan, the part they were in Taliban. They caught him between two holes, just like you would if a rat went down into a hole in the ground. And they had him trapped.
Starting point is 00:45:17 And they threw fucking grenades in there. And they showed him dead. But they show these guys going into these dark tunnels that are barely wide enough and they go on for miles and you don't know excuse me you don't know what's at the other end if you're gonna run into i mean you know i can't believe the balls and yes a lot of them rednecks the people everybody makes fun of or whatever the fuck. But somebody has to do it. And they find caches of weapons and they learn all this shit from the tunnel. I can't believe the, you talk about courage, man.
Starting point is 00:45:55 You talk about courage just to climb into that frigging hole and see where it leads. And it goes on for miles. Crazy. But what a television show. My Fighting Season. You guys have probably seen it. Again, if you have DirecTV on the audience network. And just unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Actual footage. They have cameras on their equipment, on their helmet. And this one guy's down there, and they tie a rope around his waist you know in case but uh he's going in there for miles and all of a sudden there's all of a sudden he's walking on you know there's water in the fucking you're like they're in the desert but there's water down there and um all these trenches it reminded me of um not to make a light of what these guys are doing,
Starting point is 00:46:46 but remembering Rambo when he went underground, when they were, Brian Dennehy as the baddest sheriff was hunting him up in the mountains there, and he goes underground, and he's walking through this, like fucking in this cave, and it was filled with water, and rats are jumping on him. It's that type of shit. You're like, only in the movies.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Like, no, this is real life. And these motherfuckers could run into the enemy while they're down there. And just the courage is just great fucking show. So anyhow. But the political correctness, that's not what I was talking about. The ESPN is just, I don't know where they're going.
Starting point is 00:47:31 I know their ratings are down by, I read by over 20% since last year at this time. They just have this agenda. Disney has just, ugh. ESPN does this thing, Sports Center Features, I think it's called, SC Features. And they're like half-hour things. And they have a whole bunch, you know, the E60 series. But it's SC Features, I think they call it. And they did one on Palmeiro, Rafael Palmeiro and Will Clark. Remember they played at Mississippi State in college together?
Starting point is 00:47:59 They were known as Thunder and Lightning. They were like the best duo ever in college baseball. So they do like a little mini documentary but the whole gist of it was how rafael palmero grew up in a tough neighborhood in uh in miami or north miami and will clark was just a redneck and that was just the gist of it will clark was a loudmouth asshole what and whether he was not. That's all I got from him. And Palmeiro was this quiet, soft-spoken guy.
Starting point is 00:48:29 And I swear to God, they did it because Will Clark's a redneck. And they were just really contrasting. Yeah, it focused on how good they were, what a duo.
Starting point is 00:48:38 But it contrasted how they really weren't friends because Will Clark was such a, you know, mouthy, cocky guy and blah, blah. It was just, that's all I got from it. I mean, and, you know, it's like, fuck. Because, see, the guys who are making this shit, they're young guys now.
Starting point is 00:48:56 They've grown up with this politically correct whore shit and anything that's redneck and bad is fucking white. That's what I got from a Palmeiro choir guy, quiet guy even though you know he got caught juicing and lied but didn't he lie before didn't he lie before the hearings senate hearings ahead on juicing and will clark was at the redneck and loud mouth and what she was which he's outspoken and uh but just you have to watch it you decide decide. I don't know. But then they did another one on this poor young black kid, Donovan Hill. He's since passed. Who broke his neck playing Pop Warner football. And just really sad.
Starting point is 00:49:37 And I can relate to it because I got a cousin who's in a wheelchair. My cousin Al. Who was a tremendous athlete. And broke his neck in high school uh and he i mean like a three-letter athlete just outstanding but this young young black and i think it was california i might have the wrong state but donovan hill he made a tackle with his head and um you know so uh espn sent a reporter and and it's just, it's really sad, but I'm sitting there, okay, and they blame the coach. The coach is Hispanic.
Starting point is 00:50:12 It's a perfect story for ESPN. That way they can spread the blame equally. The coach, you know, they sort of blame the coach for teaching him to tackle, the kid tackle with his head. The kid even says it, and they rent the view. I'm just a soft-spoken well a nice kid um but you know the coach is blamed you know hernandez is blamed and i think he had a fallout with the family and um um but i'm going okay where's the where's the evil white guy and i'm saying this as i'm watching it in my fucking sure enough almost on cue they bring a guy and the one of the elite executives
Starting point is 00:50:45 of Pop Warner Football, and of course it's a white guy with a shit-eating grin, and, you know, and they're trying to say, well, why haven't you ponied up money, and he's like, we're doing the best we can, but don't you think you're putting these kids at risk, and, you know, it's
Starting point is 00:51:01 always the white corporate bad executive, you know, forget the fact that corporate bad executive you know forget the fact that they started pop pop one years years ago and uh probably half the nfl played in it as as kids and stuff but it's just they wouldn't do the story if it was otherwise i'm telling you if it was a white kid who broke his neck and the pop warner executive was black and uh you know they wouldn't even disney wouldn't even sniff i swear to god it's once again look evil white corporate guy paralyzed young black kid you guys make the connection and i'm sorry i'm not fucking and and and you know you feel for the kid he passes away he goes in for an
Starting point is 00:51:37 operation for bedsores and they're interviewing his mom and they said they actually they accidentally cut an artery and the kid died. And they just sort of glossed over that part of the story. Excuse me. I smoked a cigarette before the show. That's why I keep coughing. But the saddest thing, they show the kid's funeral. They're playing a voicemail from the kid after he's dead at the funeral.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Kyle Turlington, remember the guy that threw his helmet, pulled the guy's helmet off? I think they were playing the Jets, the New Orleans Saints, and he ripped the guy's helmet off for roughing up Drew Brees or whoever the quarterback was. Anyways, he started a friendship with a kid, went to the kid's house, was playing guitar. They were writing a song. I mean, really tear-jerking stuff. They went back to the field where the kid broke his neck.
Starting point is 00:52:25 The kid went back with his mother. Tear tear jerking stuff. They went back to the field where the kid broke his neck. The kid went back with his mother. Tear jerking stuff. But I just, you know, it just, this feels like there's an agenda. I don't know. And again, I would rather see this on like a Nightline special or something, but it's bleeding into sports and it's all one thing now. You can't even i i talk about this in my act and it's not one of my most popular theories but so the fuck what
Starting point is 00:52:51 how you know before every game there's a thing whether it's cancer or all the stuff that we go to the ballpark to get away from as a release some writer called sports the toy department of life and uh which it's supposed to be supposed to be released from all the shit but it's all it's all bled together now and i'm just saying disney couldn't resist that story or poor black kids a victim we have the evil white it's like a movie the evil white executive from the pop warner league and uh you know hispanic coach i guess he had a fallout with the family too but you know just i don't know i don't know where they're going with it i i just wish they'd start like their own channel but it's on like uh espn the you know the the fucking flag bear station i'm just saying and then ballers on hbo which that got me hooked too friggin rock johnson can act his uh duane uh the rock
Starting point is 00:53:56 he can act his ass off that guy does he deserves to be famous he's this fucking handsome charming guy and he's talented as hell. You guys watch the show, but you want to see some white emasculation? Again, you can find that on any of the 11 HBO channels. Just flick it on. But put on Ballers, which if you're not familiar with the show, he's an agent, former NFL player. Now he's an agent representing.
Starting point is 00:54:21 It really is. It's a cool show. And it's like in real time they they talk about the patriots and uh you know and um what's going on in the nfl right now and the story's sort of ripped right from the headlines and uh duane plays uh you know an agent and his partner is rob codry who was oh i think was on snl little balding white guy and just just the way they dress the characters. Dwayne the Rock is always in his, you know, looks like $2,000 suits.
Starting point is 00:54:51 And Cadre has the $11 tie and the $50 sport jacket from Men's Warehouse. And he's always getting bullied and saying the wrong thing that might be racist. And it's just never ending. And again, if you're not aware of this shit, you're not going to pick up on it. But it's a white emasculation. He just makes an ass of himself. Rob Codry's character is just always saying the wrong thing
Starting point is 00:55:15 and just being a little puss. Literally, this week, Rock Johnson grabs him by the chest. I mean, but Terrell Suggs, I bring it up because Terrell S sugs was on uh who i love i every time i do a joke on stage and i need a scary black dude i mentioned terrell sugs you know the fucking ravens all pro linebacker makes ray lewis look like richard simmons um just a badass dude but you know what the fucking guy can act and apparently he he works on ballers behind the scenes and shit
Starting point is 00:55:45 has his own production company and um but there's a scene there's a scene where he's in duane johnson's office and he comes out and he yells to one of the black girls in the office he goes uh sweetie can you get me some hot sauce and of course the black chicks i ain't i ain't your fucking wet nurse you get it yourself and of course rob codry the little white guy i'll get it for you i'll get it for you sizzle just like the little white bitch uh it's just it's never ending it's never fucking ending and again people probably don't even pick up on this and uh but you got to know who makes the shit i worked at hbo i it couldn't be a more liberal station but uh so i have to watch shows like that and kind of look to try to ignore that shit to enjoy but
Starting point is 00:56:32 terrell sugs was cracking me up first of all he was pretty damn good actor again playing himself he's playing but um i'm like they said he had a production company. He's done all this stuff. So I go online and I'm looking through shit to see what else he's done. And I find a clip of him on the Family Feud, hosted by Steve Harvey, who I fucking love. Steve Harvey is just a funny dude. Another guy who I think deserves the money he makes. Again, not crazy about Whitey, but he doesn't try to hide it but he's fucking great on that show anyways there's a clip i guess they had like the fucking you know the ravens they had two nfl nfc team and afc playing family feud or whatever and terrell
Starting point is 00:57:18 sugs kept hitting you know when he hit the buzzer he'd hit hit it hard enough to knock out a 400-pound man. He'd hit that buzzer, and it was irritating Steve Harvey. But here's a clip. It just cracked me up. It just frigging cracked me up. Here's a clip of Terrell Suggs on Family Feud, smashing the shit out of the buzzer. Name something a man might name after himself. This buzzer.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Listen to me. The audience is laughing because he punched the buzzer. Look, man. When y'all leave, we still got to use this. When y'all leave, we still got to use this. All the other players were crying at how hard he was slapping the buzzer. Just, but Terrell, man, what a scary combination. Can you imagine being a running back or quarterback looking over the line and seeing Ray Lewis and Terrell Suggs?
Starting point is 00:58:26 I used to say something on stage about me coming home. And I go, yeah, my worst nightmare. I come home. My wife's, I pull into the driveway. Terrell Suggs is running down my driveway naked. My wife is in a robe looking out the window waving. But TV really is good right now. Who's the icon?
Starting point is 00:58:46 Norman Lear said this is the golden age for TV because all the great shit on Netflix. And he's right. There's a lot of good shit. But again, it all has a fucking stinky liberal slant, if you're aware of it. But I was thinking back about all this politically correct television.
Starting point is 00:59:02 And I'm like, so i'm looking for clips and i and then i go you always harken back to all in the family and norman lear and the shit they got away with and how you can't say any of that today and i see i see uh a clip online and it says uh the word nigger used on all in the family and i'm like i don't even remember that and uh so i go to the clip it's george jefferson saying it naturally george jefferson is at like some reunion with lionel and lionel's uh in-laws which was a a white guy and a black woman and um they started arguing at the reunion, and George Jefferson says, watch, he's going to call her the N-word or something,
Starting point is 00:59:52 and then Archie has a comment. But I hadn't remember seeing it, but here's the clip. It shows just how we're regressing and that we can't, you would never get away with this today. But it's George Jefferson using the n-word referring to his son's um white father-in-law and black mother-in-law i'm getting mad listen to movies that's what happens when you mix black and white 10 more seconds he's gonna call a Listen to that. I ain't used that word in three years.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Three years. Perfect writing right there. Because anything less wouldn't have been, anything more wouldn't have been funny. Three years is the perfect punchline there. Archie hasn't used the word nigger in three years. But it just goes to show you, I compare that to what we're watching today and what's going on.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It all ties together, and it really is the media. I'm going to save the – I've got a few more stories I'll get to tomorrow. But real quick, John Saunders. You know John Saunders, the host, SportsCenter and SportsReporters. He's been on ESPN forever. One of the few guys I liked on SportsCenter and SportsReporters. He's been on ESPN forever. One of the few guys I liked on SportsCenter. He played hockey. And you say, what's a big, well, he's a black guy from Canada.
Starting point is 01:01:11 And he played hockey. And I got to meet him back in September 2004. ESPN did a mock thing. You guys might remember this. A mock trial of whose curse is worse, the Cubs or the Red Sox. And they put on a mock trial of uh whose curse is worse the cubs or the red socks and when they they put on a a mock trial and uh how the fuck i get invited i must have been really hot at the time uh but uh it says katherine cryer of court tv will preside over the event i don't remember her being there uh leading and pleadingading the Boston case will be Harvard Law
Starting point is 01:01:46 School. Alan Dershowitz was there. He was pleading the Red Sox case. NYU Law professor, Cubs fan, Rick Pildes will present the North Side. John Saunders was the host. As you know, they found him dead last week. He couldn't have been a nicer
Starting point is 01:02:02 guy. They think now, they're talking about possible suicide. When I talk about this last week,'m anybody say how he died i'm like why are they keeping that a secret but i guess he might have suffered from depression and it's just too bad i mean um but yeah i got to meet him uh he was uh hosting this mock trial and uh bill lee was involved former red sox pitcher billy louis t aunt john angry bill const constine of the boston sports talk radio show uh dan shaughnessy who's a boston globe columnist and uh yeah george went norm from cheers was representing the cub side scott simon from npr and rick sutcliffe former pitches for the cubs and sutcliffe that bastard we were sitting around discussing it before we actually you know went on camera to do it
Starting point is 01:02:53 and somebody brought up the mets and the black cat thing and then there was the the cubs and the billy goat and i said it sounds like they're these teams that are cursed it's not their baseball's not the problem it's animals and wouldn't you know damn Sutcliffe the minute we get on air he uses that line just fucking takes it from if he was a comedian I would have been pissed but he's a big dumb jock and uh but I'm just saying uh props to John Saunders and condolences to his family and stuff uh because he boy seemed like a hard-working dude and uh you never know folks you never know i went through about a depression i told you in in high school it was the worst thing i have ever and i know i got a family member going through it and and and uh luckily this you know medication
Starting point is 01:03:37 and stuff but it was worse than any physical injury i've destroyed both my shoulders uh playing ball in my younger days and and and the depression then was just debilitating it was the fucking worst thing so uh anyhow hate to end it on such a uh dour note but uh that is the show again folks go to slash nick slash Nick if you want to sign up for the podcast. Get two to three more shows a week. I'm at Hot Comedy Club in Yonkers tomorrow night. Hope to see you if you're in the area.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Go to for my tour dates and to see pretty pictures of me doing all kinds of silly, silly stuff. That is it. I'll get to pelosi i guess people making obscene calls because their number was put online and shit i'll get to that um tomorrow in oregon state more indoctrination going on on these college campuses but uh until then uh yeah i'll talk to you later. Everybody's happy now, the good things here to stay. Please let it stay. Hey, hey, I saved the world today.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Everybody's happy now The battle's gone guitar solo Bye.

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