The Nick DiPaolo Show - 156 - Crooked Media

Episode Date: October 17, 2016

Crooked Media...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Wow. There's a man with a gun over there Telling me I've got to beware I think it's time we stop Children, what's going on stop Children, what's going down? Everybody look what's going down Yeah, what's going down? GOP headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina. That's what's going down.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Thanks to violent... I'm going to go with leftists. We don't know yet. I'm going to go out on a limb. They've had a history. What is it, 2016? Or 1968, folks? You take a fucking guess.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Unbelievable, huh? America, 2016, after eight years of Obama. Yay! Fucking yay. You put a black radical in the White House, what do you expect? Fundamental change. This is what change looks like, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Hillary's going to continue it, so vote. Vote hard. Thank you, Sarah Klassen. Always a nice contribution. Greggy V. Also another fat contribution. Thank you guys so much. Did you listen to 94 Comedy Greats, Serious Radio today?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Did DePolo text from 11 to 12? I'm on there all week. 11 to 12, Eastern Standard. Had Kat Temp on. She was terrific and so please tune in the rest of the week if you can it's uncensored
Starting point is 00:02:31 radio not as uncensored as this but uncensored oh where are we headed in this country folks I don't know anyways folks it's Nick DiPaolo podcast free on itunes stitcher if you like the show today you can go to slash nick and subscribe to the show for two to three more shows a week at 399 a month slash nick
Starting point is 00:02:59 uh do it you'll be glad you did a bunch of people did after the show uh at the brokerage this weekend james and his family thank you so much for another great gig it's a great club it's it's a it's a small club it's the energy is killer and uh it's a family-run operation james and his wife and kids it's the way it should be it's fucking they take pride in it they run governors and and uh and uh yeah if you're in that area that's where you go see comedy and if you're not in that area if you're waving to the ascent of long island october 28th come see me at the uh i'm taping my one hour special tv special at the suffolk theater in riverhead new york on october 28th it's a friday night it's coming it's it's approaching fast i can't fucking believe it man i remember looking at my book at the end in Riverhead, New York on October 28th. It's a Friday night. It's coming.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's approaching fast. I can't fucking believe it, man. I remember looking at my book at the end of September going, Jesus Christ, I got all this shit ahead of me. And here it comes. So October 28th, it's a Friday night. Riverhead, New York, Suffolk Theater. TV taping, one hour special.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I will put this material to bed that I've been working on for a couple years and uh and i can't wait because then i get to start it all over again but it's fun then then i live with those thoughts in my head for another a couple years like it's it's weird man your head part of your brain is occupied with these jokes and material and shit for a couple years at a time and then you douche them out if you can. You can't, obviously, shit them all out at once because I have to go on the road and do an hour somewhere. You've got to have material. You're not going to make it up. Although, if anybody can do it, I can do it.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And that's my new approach, I think. I told Colin Quinn, I'm done writing. I wrote great material for a long time. Like I sound like Trump. I wrote tremendous material for a long time. That was the worst i wrote tremendous material for a long time that was the worst trump ever what's he from fucking benson hurst anyhow um but uh you go up and you wing as much as you can and that's why you record and then you listen after something i've got away from for a while because i'm just tired of this material but it's again it'll be new to the public so anyhow what the fuck's going on yeah the firebombing um by the way this is going to be an
Starting point is 00:05:10 abbreviated edition of the show this week all of the shows i think it can be a little shorter than normal because i'm doing the serious radio thing in the morning which requires me to leave here early and uh and then i come home i have to prepare for this and then after this prepare again for tomorrow not to mention do ron bennington show one of these days this week and jim norton's and i think i'm doing uh tuesdays with stories with mark norman and my buddy joe list who will be joining me tomorrow on to politics on 94 Sirius XM. Anyhow, is the XM still there? I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah, we had the firebombing in North Carolina and the GOP headquarters. And, you know, just sickening. Just sickening. That's where we're at. Governor Pat McCrory called the weekend fire bombing at the uh gop headquarters an attack on our democracy you don't say huh fella hillsborough police said somebody threw a bottle of a flammable uh liquid through a window that sounds a molotov
Starting point is 00:06:17 cocktail and uh said in campaign signs applies furnishes ablaze. It burnt itself out. A swastika and in quotes, Nazi Republicans get out of town or else were spray painted on the side of an adjacent building, which sounds about right to me. And I know the people on the left are going to go, yeah, probably somebody on the right did it to me. You know, it's like when a black person hangs a noose on his doorknob in a dorm room
Starting point is 00:06:42 and tries to blame Whitey for it. But no, this is, again, we don't know yet, but I'm going out on a limb, and this is what we've imported into this country, people who have no clue of how, and I don't even know who did it. Who the fuck knows? I'm just saying, you got, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:00 the left is very intolerant. That's what I'm trying to say, regardless. And just look at the tactics of unions over the years and shit when it comes to campaigns and stuff. Again, we don't know, but I'm just saying, that's my guess. And I'm going to do a little story later on here about James O'Keefe, you know, the guy on the Breitbart page. He goes undercover. You know, remember he exposed Planned Parenthood? And, well, he did another one going undercover,
Starting point is 00:07:29 and he infiltrated these groups that George Soros funds and works in hand-in-hand with the Clinton campaign to send people to Trump rallies to start fights, hoping the Trump people, it's called bird-dogging, hoping the Trump people retaliate, and then it looks like it's the Trump people
Starting point is 00:07:44 who are violent. And it's been going on for years and again the left has perfected it and george shorris is behind most of it i'm going to play a clip from uh a special o'keefe has coming out in a few minutes but i'm just saying uh so the hillsborough police and federal bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives explosives as a continuing to investigate. Orange County is where, you know what, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, that's the home of that school. That county is overwhelmingly Democrat.
Starting point is 00:08:17 And Democrats and independents outnumber Republicans about five to one. Democrats condemn the bombing, obviously, but tweet Trumped, there, but tweet Trump tweeted, Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning. But Clinton's campaign tweeted, The attack on the Orange County headquarters office is horrific and unacceptable. Very grateful that everyone is safe.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah, I'm sure you are. You're fucking relieved right up to your fucking thick ankles. North Carolina Democrat Party Chair Patsy Kever called the bombing outrageous. Ooh, that's some strong talk there, Patsy. Watch your tongue. North Carolina Democratic Party strongly condemns this attack, she said. Violence has no place in our political system.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Oh, really? Really? Have you looked around at your fucking party's history? Our deepest sympathies are with everyone at North Carolina Republican Party. And then the Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper tweeted, violence has no place in our democracy except the Democratic Party. No, and cannot be tolerated. The culprits must be caught and brought to justice. Dallas Woodhouse, Executive Director of the State GOP called the bombing political terrorism. Yeah, it's
Starting point is 00:09:35 fucking exactly what it is. It's exactly what it is, sir. Fucking quiz! They have nothing to do with this although i heard shepherd smith came out of the closet finally that was like finding out rosie o'donnell like the taste of pussy you know i mean it was fucking shocking thanks for connecting the dots on that one ship uh anyhow me and him have a sorted uh past uh the flaming bottle which woodhouse described as a significant molotov cocktail would it have extra olives in it what the fuck there's a uh yeah that was thrown through a window that bore the words freedom spoken here which makes perfect sense those words freedom
Starting point is 00:10:17 spoken here would offend some leftist fuck enough to throw a molot through it. This is a horrific, horrific act of political terrorism, one that we will not succumb to and one that we will answer. And Woodhouse also mentioned the graffiti and said Nazi Republicans leave town or else, or else what, he says. That is what we all wonder, or else what, because we're not going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Yeah, titless wonders. I added the titless wonder. Volunteer randall was there to clean up sunday he said he believes the bombing was an act of political terrorism and that it would get people angry and motivated to vote republican yeah well let's hope the fuck so he says the idea is to intimidate us to make us crawl back into the shadows but i think it's going to backfire on them. Again, let's find out who did it. On Sunday, the Bangor Daily News... What are people doing up in Bangor campaigning? That's my neck of the woods.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I went to school, University of Maine, right up there at Orono. The Bangor Daily News reported that about 20 cars were vandalized with spray paint outside a rally for GOP candidate Donald Trump on Saturday. So again, more leftists. Intolerant fucks, cum stains, dickless wonders, motherless fucks. Yeah, that's how I see it. That's how they're the ones. They're the party. They're the party of toleration. They're the ones always calling you bigots and racists. and we sure found out who that really was wasn't it with the wiki leaks huh that's getting
Starting point is 00:11:49 no play from anybody but like i said the left has had a history of this type of shit i'm not saying the right is completely uh uh you know innocent when it comes to this behavior but if you do your history do your research you'll find out the organization, like I said, the unions, and they love to do shit like this. And to stay on that subject, Project Veritas, you know, James O'Keefe? I thought he's the Breitbart guy
Starting point is 00:12:16 that goes undercover, exposes the dirty left and their tricks and shit. Well, he's got a new project coming out where he goes undercover as like a, I don't know, whatever, a reporter, well he's got a new project coming out where he goes undercover as like a i don't know whatever reporter and uh he's interviewing these people from these groups that uh like i said george soros funds and works hand in hand with the dnc to go to like trump rallies and uh they do what they call bird dogging where they uh you know they start shit they incite
Starting point is 00:12:43 violence hoping that trump people will uh you know retaliate and there's the you know they start shit they incite violence hoping that trump people will uh you know retaliate and there's the you know and there the media is to cover it saying look look how violent that trump followed well they're experts at this and they've been doing it for fucking years all righty let me give you a little um a little preview audio preview the thing's 15 minutes i'll play the first three minutes james o'keefe explaining his project and you're going to hear some quotes from actual people while he's undercover saying what they do and how they fucking how they have to win this election and at any cost and stuff it's really kind of creepy and you think you're in a third world fucking country when you
Starting point is 00:13:21 hear this garbage but it's again it's the dnc working hand in hand with scumbag soros and his ilk but here's uh james o'keefe project veritas his next uh undercover assignment it doesn't matter what the freaking legal and ethics people say we need to win this motherfucker hillary like is aware of all the work that you guys do i hope the campaign is fully animals and then they tell hillary like what's going on well i mean hillary knows chain of command yeah i'm not suggesting what he just said hillary knows the chain of command what's going on we wait around we need to start this
Starting point is 00:13:58 ship right away okay on every one of these problems okay what i call this conflict engagement that That's your version of re-enfranchisement. Conflict engagement in the lines at Trump rallies. We're starting anarchy here. Starting anarchy. This is part one of our undercover investigation into the dark backroom dealings of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. The culmination of a yearlong investigation infiltrating the machine from the bottom all
Starting point is 00:14:29 the way to the White House. There are concerns this election will be rigged. What you're about to see will make you uncomfortable and angry. It's graphic, uncensored, and disturbing. Our attorneys say there is strong evidence of criminality and this is just part one. Is that a pre-union guys? Oh yeah. So I'm basically deputy rapid response director for the DNC for all things Trump on the ground. Nobody's really supposed to know about me. DNC for all things Trump on the ground.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Nobody's really supposed to know about me. You know what I'm saying? We have mentally ill people. We pay to do shit. Make no mistake. They have mentally ill people they pay to do shit. And if you heard right before that, they're talking about the union guys of rock and roll.
Starting point is 00:15:18 They'll do anything. This guy's name is Cesar Vargas. He's a star. I got a priest to cry on camera. Legal and ethical people say, we need to win this motherfucker. So Bob is really good friends with him. And we talked to him this afternoon. And they are all in.
Starting point is 00:15:38 If we can get 25 grand, they're all in. There is a narrative that supporters at Trump rallies are violent and dangerous, looking to beat up protesters who don't agree with them. But our undercover investigation into the Hillary Clinton Democratic Party machine reveals a very different story. If you're there and you're protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies.
Starting point is 00:15:59 That's what we know. Oh, so that's part of the process of eliciting the reaction. The whole point of it is we know that Trump's people will freak the fuck out. The security team will freak out, and his supporters will lose their shit. This is Scott Fovall. He is the national field director for Americans United for Change. He used to work for People for the American Way, an organization funded by George Soros. He also has his own company called the Fulville Group.
Starting point is 00:16:25 He is one of the dark operatives for the Clinton campaign. We were contracted directly with the DNC and the campaign. Both. Yeah. I am contracted to him, but I answer to the head of special events for the DNC and the head of the special events and political for the campaign. The campaign pays DNC. DNC pays democracy partners.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Democracy partners pays the FOMO group. The FOMO group goes and executes the shit on the ground. Did you hear that? Did you hear the chain of command, the money? Starting from a Soros group to the DNc to this group to people on the ground who execute the plan and they call it bird dogging uh you know it's not no yeah you've heard people on tv again i don't know what channels you watch but when trump says you know uh hillary goons uh you know or that you know even with fergus, they had people come in outside disruptors and shit.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Paid, you know, paid people to commit violence to create an effect because we're such a media driven society. And and right. So it plays great on TV. They're like, look at those violent. Look at Trump's fans are so violent. They've beaten that guy up who actually started this shit and they make sure they get it on camera. Bird dogging is what they call it, folks. So, yeah, this is a great he's got like this is the first part. Like I said, this clip was 16 minutes i only played you like three minutes of it but uh very interesting shit because perception is everything isn't it
Starting point is 00:18:11 god how could i go to the doctors to have these hernias checked you know like a follow-up on thursday and i'm glad some serious pain down there i don't know if i did sit-ups in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. I have no idea. So, yeah, keep an eye out for that. Pretty interesting shit, huh? But what's creepy, how it's directly linked, you know? And it's just amazing, isn't it? Don't you look at Hillary in a whole different light? I mean, I knew her and her husband were.
Starting point is 00:18:50 They play hardball like all politicians but it's funny she's like she's like fucking uh who was the lady they called the the black what was it the black widow or the something spider remember the the i did a story on this show about a colombian drug lord she was a grandma remember she she moved from colombia to miami or whatever black widowombian drug lord she was a grandma remember she she moved from colombia to miami or whatever black widow or some shit but she was like the baddest woman on the planet it's the feeling i get after watching all this shit and reading all these wiki leaks and stuff about hillary and stuff it's like mother of god some people want to grow up to be the greatest hockey player on earth football player she you know she just fucking some people want to grow up to be the greatest hockey player on earth, football player. You know, she just fucking, some people want to be the most powerful, relentless. Ma Barker, that's what I'm going to call her, Ma Barker.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Nobody will know what that is, but they do know that, right, Ma Barker? Well, I don't want to break up the meeting or nothing, but she's something of a cunt, ain't she, Doc? How do you mean that? She likes a rigged game, you know what I mean? You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt Big fat stinky cunt Said and true, but need to tell you You're a motherfucking cunt
Starting point is 00:20:01 You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt Motherfucking cunt Everybody knows from the episode You're a big motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, motherfucking cunt. Everybody knows from the head to toes you're a big fat stinking cunt. That's right. Back into the pen, young lady. Oh, Nelly. Like I said, and I'll say it again,
Starting point is 00:20:20 can we do any more? Could the world do any more to have the first vagina in the Oval Office? Unbelievable. And then you got my friend Amy Schumer out there calling somebody up on stage. You're going, why would you ever vote for Donald Trump? Why don't you guys sit down? I know you'd never watch Fox News, not even for a minute.
Starting point is 00:20:39 That's why you're so fucking clueless. Why don't you tune into other channels like I do? I watch Chris Cu Como on CNN. We'll get to that dink in a few seconds. And just fucking find out a little about the people that you support so blindly. She is a hardened fucking criminal, pantsuit wearing, hateful, bigoted. That's the part I fucking makes me the craziest. I always knew she was a crooked lefty.
Starting point is 00:21:03 But to be pointing the finger and calling everybody sexist, racist, bigoted, and when it turns out, WikiLeaks is exposing all that shit about her. Well, her campaign, the people she surrounds, what's the fucking difference, I say? That's what I say.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Shut up, nobody asked you. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. slash Nick. slash Nick to subscribe to this podcast. It's growing like the fucking WikiLeaks. You can't even prepare for these goddamn shows. You sit down for five minutes and they... And supposedly the best shit is coming in november
Starting point is 00:21:45 what do they got her fucking what do they got her sticking a uh cocktail spoon up a 12 year old girl's ass what what possibly and the thing is it's all being drowned out because donald fucking trump says he likes to he was allowed to grab put i love how now he's a serial uh fucking assaulter and shit of course uh what's his name cooper anderson had you're admitting assault you know that don't you yeah okay why don't you grab somebody else by these fucking hips at the ymca show us what assault's all about what you can't say that yeah you are yeah so now he's like a serial assaulter by the way those uh those people that are coming forward those women that's you know the one on the plane i told her that looked like the woman who slapped chief brody across the face and jaws the one uh that trump supposedly
Starting point is 00:22:39 you know fucking lifted the armrest to grope like an octopus by the way you know so there's about like nine of them and i had a little difference of opinion with my friend kat she's like well that's what happens girls once one comes forward they feel safe and oh bullshit bullshit if you felt you were assaulted what you didn't have cell phones or lawyers back in the 90s or whatever if you felt you were assaulted that night and you were that traumatized about you would have called the fucking lawyer the next day again that's not for everyone i'm just saying that's not how it always works but you really you don't this doesn't seem fucking orchestrated to you first somebody leaks his tax returns in the new york times and then nbc sits on
Starting point is 00:23:22 this tape which it's been on the shelf for how long? You know they could have released it during the primaries. I bet you somebody's going to go, somebody's probably going to release it during the primaries. And they were like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:23:31 We want him to be in the general election. We want him to be Hillary's campaign. And that's when we drop it. You know that fucking fight went on. And then the girls come out. It's all August rated. You fucking know that. You have to know that.
Starting point is 00:23:44 You can't be that naive. But a lot of those girls and their stories are falling apart like a 12 year old girl in the witness stand or in a rape case you notice one one woman saying well he fucking groped me at a uh ray charles concert down in florida mar-a-lago or whatever and they turns out the date she that she's been talking about. There wasn't even a concert there. Maybe she got the date wrong, but you might want to get your facts straight before you fucking start
Starting point is 00:24:13 lying on national TV. And really, if some guy tried to kiss you with his open mouth and you're traumatized, I don't know if you're tough enough for this world. Ladies, if a guy tries to forcibly kiss you, you turn your head and knee him in the balls, as they say in New York. You knee him right in the fucking balls.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I'm just saying. You didn't hear from any of these women. Now nine of them within a week. Thank you, New York Times, CNN, crooked fucks. How do we get them out of the business? That's what I'm saying. Got to win at any cost huh well i have some ideas for the fucking rnc and i know right where to start i have a sprite bottle and a can of
Starting point is 00:24:53 anyways what did you say a sprite bottle they don't even exist dummy okay you got me you got me me you got me fucking burning up burning up I have in the back of my mind I'm starting to become a you know what uh paranoid how'd you say I sound like Tony Montana I'm coming how you say uh remember he came in with a gun what are you doing with a gun Tony um how you say uh paranoid but I think I'm I'm paranoid about about picked up a germ in that goddamn hospital. Because that's all hospitals are, incubators for staph infection and murca and all that other, any other insurance company you can think of. And I've been clammy and I've had the shits for a couple days. And I'm getting a little pissed off about it. Anything more nerve wracking than being in a bump in a bump of traffic
Starting point is 00:25:46 on the way to work and your stomach is doing the fucking soundtrack from Star Wars and your asshole's puckering like a rabbit's fucking nose? Anyhow, back to the show, I kid. Again. What else did I want to talk about today as we stay on the election I mean what else oh the girls he groped a couple of couple in there they might have thrown a shot at but not the one on the plane I said I really do have the instincts of a detective I go to my wife. I go, she was hesitant to say octopus.
Starting point is 00:26:27 There's something wrong about her. And then they said she quoted that line from a fucking velvet, was it velvet? Underground or velvet revolver? I forget the band. I think it was Lou Reed's band. Sorry, folks.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I'm not, my memory is fucking, since i was dipping into those percocets i'm a little off but uh it was like a line right from the song in the 60s you know she was a fucking hippie bro and uh like i said i don't think trump wanted to fuck a young bill lambert do you i don't know that's what she looked like take it easy fella let's go to cnn i don't know who's more corrupt cnn or the new york times uh or you know your basic abc with martha radish and fucking the midget uh george stephanopoulos todd fucking chuck todd is the worst man i watch the Press just a, you can tell these people never leave Washington. I watch Meet the Press on Sunday. This motherfucker does an hour show.
Starting point is 00:27:30 This was, remember, this is the show. You know how the New York Times is the paper of record, quote unquote? Well, the Meet the Press was the gold standard as far as political shows on Sunday for years. And it died with Tim Russert. But they tried David Gregory and, you know. on Sunday for years. And it died with Tim Russert. But they tried David Gregory.
Starting point is 00:27:50 But Chuck Todd doesn't even try to hide his bias. He has this bad habit. Nobody even points it out. When he's interviewing a Republican or somebody from the right, while they're talking, he'll go, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right, yeah. And I don't hear him doing it when he fucking interviews the other jerk-offs
Starting point is 00:28:04 that he loves so much but anyways the point is he did a one hour show he didn't bring up any of the WikiLeaks shit until 51 minutes into the show Sunday
Starting point is 00:28:12 and that was just because it was a round table discussion I'm not even sure he's the one who brought it up can you imagine can you fucking imagine 51 minutes on Meet the Press
Starting point is 00:28:22 and not bring up the WikiLeaks thing. How do you explain that? Please explain that to me. Just embarrassing. And then I love fucking Jake Tapper. I think he's a CNN guy. He was on Fox originally.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I think he's at CNN now. They have no souls. They go wherever the money is. And he got into it, Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani goes, will you let me finish? He goes, you just had Nancy Pelosi on. You let her talk uninterrupted for three minutes. Fucking love Rudy.
Starting point is 00:28:54 But anyways, let's talk about CNN, the stupidest network. The one that you have to be forced to listen to when you're at the airport. Because if you fly Delta, Ted know owns every fucking uh i don't know if he sold cnn by now or not but it's still on every in every terminal blaring in your face that oh does that make me nuts that's an epidemic in this country with public televisions that nobody's watching unnecessary tv you ever look around the airport of the terminal everybody's trying to read they're fucking cringing as c CNN fucking screams their leftist horseshit into your ear before you're about to die on an American Eagle flight with 11 seats on it. Oh, fucking makes me sick to my stomach. I actually got one of those
Starting point is 00:29:36 things too. Somebody gave me one of the things that you can fucking, you know, those remotes and your key chain, you can shut off like a public television i did it once work once nobody said boo nobody said boo but it's almost enough to make me uh not take delta i'll actually change flights before i take a direct flight if i don't have to listen to cnn before i get on the goddamn plane but anyways why am i talking about cnn well they because they've been lying for years even before i was into politics at all i hated cnn i used to go what the fuck i got they they're the ones who started they'd have an asian anchor woman at every uh anchor desk because connie chung who was who i loved by the way was that maury povich's wife um she was on abc in the 80s remember good looking asian. Smart. And CNN jumped on that bandwagon.
Starting point is 00:30:25 They're like, well, it's good because she gives off an air of intelligence because she's Asian. We'll put one at every anchor desk every day. There was something so PC about CNN. And like I said, I have more respect for Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, because they're like, hey, we're left-in-line cocksuckers and we know it. We're not going to try to hide it and pretend we're neutral. We hate anything that's white, heterosexual male yeah well it's basically basically what they say but cnn you know you get uh fucking chris cuomo his dad used to be the governor of new york um big fucking lib anyways uh apparently not too bright either. Not familiar with how it works in a free society with a free press.
Starting point is 00:31:07 But he actually said this. It's causing quite a buzz. Also interesting is, remember, it's illegal to possess these stolen documents. It's different for the media. So everything you learn about this, you're learning from us. And in full disclosure, let's take a look at what is in there and what it means. Joining us now cnc no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not this fucking time no fucking way
Starting point is 00:31:34 no fucking way no fucking way no fucking way you may he actually said that says it's illegal for common plebs to read Hillary Clinton's leaked emails, but it's different for the media. Everything you're learning about this, you're learning from us, he says. Can you fucking imagine? Like the guy says in the article, that means we're not learning a fucking thing. A look at CNN's current front page shows not a single article on WikiLeaks except one titled,
Starting point is 00:32:07 U.S. Finds Growing Evidence Russia Feeding Emails to WikiLeaks, which cites anonymous officials, in quotes, who provide zero evidence. That's going to be the next thing once, you know, the fact that it hasn't already damaged her beyond repair shows how fucking blind people are who are voting for her. I understand Trump's a fucking whatever. I understand you might think he's a bigot or braggadocious or a blowhard, all that shit.
Starting point is 00:32:36 But you got to be kidding me. You got to be kidding me. The most important up to this point, according to WikiLeaks themselves, is the revelation. Oh, is this the I got stapled two articles together. Yeah, the most important thing that we found from WikiLeaks is that Hillary Clinton knew Saudi Arabia and Qatar were used to be Qatar. People still call it Qatar. Now it's Qatar. We're funding ISIS in 2014. She knew that, yet she took over $30 million
Starting point is 00:33:09 from both nations through her crooked fucking foundation. Oh, this fucking broad. But Trump called a girl fat, and I think he's racist. Oh, God, fucking help me. Additionally, Bill Clinton was given a million dollar birthday check from the ISIS funding Qatar. So there you go, Democrats. Congratulations congratulations it's a hell of a party you got there and we get paul ryan i wish paul ryan would take some lessons and up from hillary
Starting point is 00:33:54 and how to grow a pair of balls and fight back it's one thing i don't give a shit and trump i don't know i don't think he's gonna win i don. Like I said, if it's not rigged, he could win. Nobody thought Brexit was going to happen. But I'm just saying, no matter what happens, regardless of the outcome, at least he's exposed a lot of shit. I mean, some of it we know beforehand, but not to this extent. And anyhow. Info Wars listed a bunch of the most important things that were found out from WikiLeaks. And this isn't all of them, but this is according to Alex Jones and his people.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Details about Clinton's involvement and cover-up in the uranium one deal. During her time as Secretary of State, she approved the sale of roughly 20% of our nation's uranium. I remember that happening and looking at my wife going, what the fuck? Production to a Russian government-backed company called Uranium One, which in turn, naturally, donated millions to the Clinton Foundation. Clinton did not disclose those donations, covering them up with her big, fat, wrinkled, dimpled ass. The Department of Justice colluded with the clinton campaign on the email investigation likely in order to prepare her see snakes on a plane in my opinion uh podesta plotted a catholic
Starting point is 00:35:13 spring seeking to subvert the catholic church again you won't know this if you're watching cnn or any other fucking abc catholic evangelical southerners and other democratic groups were disparaged and mocked in the clinton campaign and wiki leaks clinton attorney david kendall admits legal team did not turn over important email thumb drive and server to the state department wow you're not gonna fucking hear that are you from uh you know martha radish you stupid fucking blabbermouth cut know Martha radish African-Americans and Muslims were disparaged as losers Podesta urged Hillary Clinton to make an easy phone call in order to ensure the support of needy Latinos in quote multiple emails reveal mainstream media collusion with a Clinton campaign including the Washington Post and CNN.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Well, we knew that. We've all been finding this. Clinton staff has discussed which of Hillary Clinton's emails to release and which ones to delete. Donna Brazile, who seems like a nice lady, but again, crooked as the day is long, in fact, had the exact wording of a proposed CNN town hall question and fed it to the Clinton campaign prior to the goddamn event. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. How about Hillary campaign planned and succeeded to fool Bernie Sanders and his self-righteous ideologue supporters,
Starting point is 00:36:41 that's what they called them, at the convention. Podesta and campaign staff planned to throw Sanders called them at the convention podesta and campaign staff planned to throw sanders a bone at the convention by falsely vowing to curb the super delegate system this was done to make sanders and his bitching in quote supporters think that they've won something these are some cold-hearted motherfuckers saudi arabia and qatar both big donors to the Clinton Foundation of Funding ISIS. We already said that one. Preferential treatment would be given to friends of Bill following the Haiti earthquake. That was a delicious one.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And that came from a FOIA request. Okay, so that wasn't just Russians making it up, as they say. Hillary Clinton called Bernie Sanders supporters a bucket of losers. I wonder what's worse, a bucket of losers or a basket of deplorables. I think I'd rather be deplorable and irredeemable
Starting point is 00:37:35 because I heard that from my parents. What did I look really good? She said that in a speech to Goldman Sachs. She also admitted to having two faces and two sets of policies and two long, saggy tits. Back to the show. Clinton's own campaign called her
Starting point is 00:37:53 a mediocre and lackluster candidate. That's a fucking understatement. She makes fucking Michael Dukakis look like Elvis this fucking broad, charisma-wise. Clinton campaign was concerned about Bill Clinton's sex life as a liability. Well, you don't say.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Campaign staff admitted that Clinton often lies and said, this is her own campaign staff, she often lies and said she should not press Sanders for his medical records during the primaries, insinuating it would open a can of worms for her. Not to mention the ones crawling out of her 70-year-old ass. Anyways, folks, those are some of the WikiLeaks things. I think I'll read them tomorrow, too, on the radio, because you're not going to get them anywhere else. Maybe Fox News, maybe, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Cocaine, man. Okay, take it easy. I never liked that guy. Again, if you like more shows, go to slash Nick. And you can hear this show, like I said, tonight's free on,
Starting point is 00:38:55 Stitcher, iTunes, and whatever all those other things are that you fucking people are obsessed with. More evidence that the media is in the tank. Well, here's fucking Newt Gingrich taking the old dry-up Martha Raddatz, who was a moderator at the last debate. Here's Newt taking her to school.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I love when Newt faces off. There's a few people on the right that even the elite media, leftist jerk-offs, are intimidated by. You can see it the minute they sit down across from like montha raddatz or maybe it's because she's been in dc forever just like newton maybe they really know each other but she doesn't even try to put up a fight she knows he's gonna fucking bitch slap the wrinkles right after a 78 year old crocodile head on trump's bruising week let's turn to former house speaker newt Gingrich, a top Trump supporter
Starting point is 00:39:45 and author of the new book, a novel treason. Welcome, Mr. Speaker. It's glad to have we're glad to have you here this morning. Thank you, Snodrag. Talk about his concerns over charges of a rigged election. But Mr. Trump has been continuing to ramp up the rhetoric and tweets and speeches. Senator Jeff Sessions joined the course yesterday saying they are attempting to rig the election. So who are they and how are they doing this? Well, I think they are the news media. This is not about election officials at the precinct level. This is about last Friday when the networks spent 23 minutes on the Trump tape and less
Starting point is 00:40:23 than one minute, all three networks combined, less than one minute on Hillary Clinton's secret speeches that were being revealed in WikiLeaks. And you look at that and you say, I mean, I think it's amazing that Trump is as close as he is right now, considering the one sidedness of the news media barrage. And the best description of it is by Barry Castleman in his blog, where he said this is a coup d'etat. He said 14 million citizens in private ballots picked Donald Trump. 20 TV executives have decided to destroy him.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Hillary? Exactly right. Exactly right. Again, depending on what poll you believe. One of them, the Wall Street Journal NBC poll has her up by 11. And then you got a Washington Post ABC poll that has her up only by four. I don't know how you can have such a disparity, maybe different kinds of polls.
Starting point is 00:41:13 I don't know. But, you know, I was predicting on this show, six months ago, I said by October, not six months ago, three months, three, four months ago,
Starting point is 00:41:22 by October, he would be up by 1050. And you know what? I still, I think I would have been right. Who knew what kind of media fucking crookedness was going to go on at this level? I know it was a little bit biased, but we've never seen piling on like this in our lives. I mean, holy moly. They, it makes sense when you think about it.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Who frightens these people more than a blonde haired blue-eyed white fella in a suit with billions of dollars it's their fucking very nightmare because they all want us to live in third world squalor and mediocrity and uh all wear the same type of sneakers that way we'll all be equal and i'll make about 40 grand a year and they'll give us just enough to subsist on that's been their plan and that's always the plan for the democrats and uh you know trump he's an example of somebody who actually made it oh it just grosses them out does it not sure it do a little more evidence uh conventional journalistic wisdom holds that reporters and editors are,
Starting point is 00:42:27 this is from the Center for Public Integrity, and editors are referees on politics playing field. Bastions of neutrality who mustn't root for Team Red or Team Blue, either in word or deed. But we know that's not how it works, right? I just gave you tons of examples. In all, people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors, or television news anchors,
Starting point is 00:42:52 as well as other donors known to be working in journalism, have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump. Again, according to the Center for Public Integrity Analysis, nearly all of that money, more than 96%, has benefited Hillary Clinton. About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee. About 50 identifiable journalists have combined to give about $14,000 to Trump.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Again, no big surprise if you follow politics. What is it, 88, 89% of journalists vote Democrat? La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. He grabbed my ass. He touched my vagina in a nightclub, and I have been traumatized ever since. Yeah, but you called him. You emailed him in April,
Starting point is 00:43:57 asking to meet him and have dinner, didn't you? Yeah, but you... La, la, la, la. Well, it ain't all bad, bad folks all the news ain't bad marijuana washing up on florida beaches green grass and high tides is what i call it hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of marijuana is floating off florida's coast and are being washed up onto its beaches.
Starting point is 00:44:28 A lot of people probably think it's seaweed. And they're like, man. How about the fact, that's how you know, even in the 80s it was better because it was cocaine washing up, remember, in Miami? Now it's weed. Fucking another fucking four years of Hillary to be baby aspirin. There's been a significant spike in drugs washing up on shore, Todd Bryant,
Starting point is 00:44:50 the division chief for the CBP in Miami. He said the increase might reflect the shift in smuggling methods by those who traffic in... What are they, coming over on bales now? He said between September 15th and October 12th, almost 400 pounds of weed worth more than 300 grand were found in several places on florida's coast oh my god it's probably the drug dealer sending the shit ahead of time but he's telling people uh anyone who finds suspicious package on the beach should call
Starting point is 00:45:22 law enforcement right away should not take possession of them. Yeah, I'm sure that's what they're going to do. They're going to get that thing home, take out their fucking hair dryer, and be high as a kite for the next five years. He says, if you're out on a boat or on the beach and you see a suspicious package, call local law enforcement because we like to get high at lunchtime. What? No, he didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Attempting to keep the suspicious package can place you in danger as violent criminal networks will attempt to recover their narcotics. Or you can become best friends with Snoop and his fucking entourage. CBP encourage people who see suspicious packages
Starting point is 00:46:01 on the beach. I'm not talking Speedo variety, or might see the smuggling of illegal immigrants to call 877-772-8146. Am I giving that number out? I don't know. I'm not a big weed guy. I told you my whole fucking...
Starting point is 00:46:22 Unless this guy comes to my house. Every time Snoop comes over, I might break out some shit. You know what I'm saying? Put on the Kardashians. Jesus Christ, I'm burning up. Oh, that's right. It's 82 degrees out. I forgot. What about Snoop? I gotta tell you, I'm not a big
Starting point is 00:46:43 hip-hop fan, but at least he's melodic. He would be my guy if I was into hip-hop. I told you I played football against him in that beach bowl when me and Artie played with DirecTV. This motherfucker was going over the middle and jumping, out-jumping like pro athletes with his skinny little bird legs.
Starting point is 00:47:06 He was the MVP of the goddamn game. He had like three touchdowns. I love that he has like a, he's got like a small Little League, Pop Warner type team out in Oakland. Anyhow, you don't like Whitey either, but hey, what black fella do?
Starting point is 00:47:24 You know what I'm saying? I think that's it, folks. I'm sweating through the shirt. What the fuck? I'm telling you, I picked something up in that goddamn hospital. Probably somebody come over with lepasy from fucking New Delhi. Use the toilet before me. Anyways, final story.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Tonight, let's stay with the immigration. Illegal immigration surged 23% over the last year. You know why they got to do it now. Southwest borders cracked open over the last year as illegal immigrants into the United States spiked some 23%, according to Homeland Security. Nearly 409,000 illegal immigrants were nabbed at the border in fiscal 2016, up from 331,000 a year earlier. And Homeland Security officials says, you know what that means? It means an increase in arrests, also means an increase in the number of them that sneak by us which makes sense if you catch them or there's
Starting point is 00:48:29 more that uh they're not catching worse yet the number of illegal immigrants traveling as families fleeing rough conditions in central america the whole world is coming here folks just buckle up i'm telling you go out and buy 70 000 cans of spam and a couple rifles and dig yourself a fucking hole. It can't hold. All these people being put on the dole, you realize that. It's the whole plan. Read fucking rules for radicals. And Obama's out there denying it.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And Fox News, they're saying this and they've got these crazy theories. Give me a break. It's going down like clockwork. The guy is a genius, like I said, if you're a liberal. But they're coming here. They're enticed by the promise of lax enforcements in the United States. It reached a record high of 77,674 unaccompanied minors. 77,000 unaccompanied.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Okay, so what do you know about the unaccompanied minors? You know what that is? That's another way of saying dysfunctional family. I don't care if they're hooking up with family members that are over here. You know it's not a good thing, right? And you know what that leads to, right? Illegitimacy, which leads to crime. I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:49:38 I'm glad I'm 54 because this place is going to look like fucking Ecuador. I don't know. Pick any. Ecuador is fucking Ecuador. I don't know. Pick any. Ecuador is probably nice. I don't even know. I'm just saying. It's going to be a third world shithole real soon. I cannot imagine the crime.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And not to mention the Syrian refugees who Hillary is going to increase by 550%. So good luck with your taxes and shit, which she's going to raise. I can see why you're attracted to her as a candidate. She's dishonest. She's unethical, immoral, and bigoted. No personality. Gangster. The opposite of a feminist.
Starting point is 00:50:21 And unhealthy. So I can see why you'd want to hold her up. I'll take a guy who grabs pussy any day of the week. Not, you know, physically. I mean, he buys them dinner first, hopefully. Anyhow, that's it for me, folks. Again, tomorrow I'll be on Comedy Greats 94 Sirius XM Radio,
Starting point is 00:50:45 from 11 a.m. to noon Eastern Standard Time. I'll be doing that all the way until Friday, right through the week. I'll also jump in with Ron Bennington some afternoon and Jimmy Norton, hopefully. And what else did I want to mention? Come see me October 28th. Tape a one-hour stand-up TV special,
Starting point is 00:51:06 which will be at Riverhead, New York, at the Suffolk Theater. That's a Friday night, October 28th. I'm at Scotty's Cove and Pub or something next Saturday night in Springfield, New Jersey, I believe. Hope I have the time right. And if you like this show, like I said, which you get free on and itunes you if you like it and you
Starting point is 00:51:26 want two to three more a week i treat this like a radio show uh go to slash nick and uh you can sign up for 3.99 a month you'll get two to three more shows a week it's the best deal out there i don't give a shit what anybody says. All right, kids. Get her back in the pen, please. I will talk to you manana. Again, tomorrow and Wednesday shows, I don't know, they'll be probably abbreviated. I said that
Starting point is 00:51:56 today, but this is whatever. I looked up and I thought it was at 40 minutes. We're at 51 here. We shall see I'll play it by ear alright are you alright out there
Starting point is 00:52:08 okay bye bye Everybody's happy now, the bad things gone away Everybody's happy now, the good things here stay Please let it stay Hey, hey, I saved the world today. Everybody's happy now. The bad things gone away. guitar solo guitar solo Yeah.

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