The Nick DiPaolo Show - 157 - Meaney, Trump 100 Day Plan

Episode Date: October 24, 2016

Meaney, Trump 100 Day Plan...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo podcast. How are you, folks? Monday, the free iTunes show, and it's on for free. And if you like the show, you can go to slash Nick to subscribe to the podcast. You get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. People are signing up in droves. It's been a pleasant surprise. And I got to thank people because the subscribers can also contribute to the show financially, and they do all the time.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Thanks so much. Ring your call button. I don't know who that is, but he sent the nice fat contribution. And, of course, Bunny Galore, my friend, a regular contributor. Thank you, Bunny. Dennis Grabbag Bishop, a regular contributor. Anthony Andrea, same thing. Stephen Morrissey, thanks so much, Stephen.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Kyle Philipski has also also donated i think he might be a newcomer my buddy tim from cincinnati from the old nick and arty show a regular contributor thanks tim again thank all you guys uh that's how we keep the show alive so thank you so much uh what's going on folks haven't talked to you in a few days. I want to, first of all, thank the people at the Comedy Cove. It's a nice, intimate little room. It was packed on Saturday night. Had a blast.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I always go in there with shitty attitudes, but that's, you know, every gig I go, I'm like, this is going to fucking blow. And you know what? I couldn't have been more wrong.
Starting point is 00:01:56 It was packed and I just let it rip. Tightening up my set for this Friday night at the Suffolk Theater where I'll be shooting a one-hour stand-up TV taping.olk theater in riverhead long island uh so that is this friday night again if you're in the area a few more tickets are left so it'll look good packed it's
Starting point is 00:02:17 a beautiful theater can't wait to do it tightened it up uh the set at the comedy cove and this wednesday night at the fat black pussycat which is around the corner from the Comedy Cove. And this Wednesday night at the Fat Black Pussycat, which is around the corner from the Comedy Cellar. It's upstairs at the Comedy Underground. It's a little, like a 65-seat little,
Starting point is 00:02:34 it's like, it has a jazz feel to it, kind of a Lenny Bruce feel. And I'll be doing a, tightening up the set one more time before I actually do it in front of cameras
Starting point is 00:02:42 on Friday night. So come out to the Fat Black Pussycat, yo. If you guys, you know, are in the area. Let me give out a couple more dates. Comedy Works Saratoga, that is November 3, 4, and 5. That's Saratoga Springs. And then Helium in Buffalo, November 17, 18, and 19.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Hot Comedy Club and Yonkers,mber 15th which is a tuesday night my in my once a month meeting there which i fucking love um and that is about it uncle vinnie's point pleasant december 17th december 8th the comedy shop at the new town theater i don't even know what that is i didn't write down the uh state how are you folks anyhow let's get right to it got a lot to cover today and uh let me start with the sad news up front i was at a uh family function that's not the sad news well i was my my uh in-laws my uh my wife's parents 50th anniversary i was celebrating that up in connect Connecticut outside the Waterbury area. And having a good time.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Congratulations to them, by the way. I love my wife's family. They are the tightest family you'll ever find through thick and thin. They've been through a lot of stuff. As you know, we lost my brother-in-law a couple summers ago in a horrible tragedy. But these people are 50 years. They're solid as a rock and had a great time and uh i'm at that function and i get a text from a close friend of mine at home and uh it says uh kevin meanie died i i it just froze me in my tracks i uh i got a little uh history with kevin
Starting point is 00:04:21 meanie um back in the 80s i was home home from college, I think, in the summer. My buddy Bob Murphy called me, and my closest friend, funniest guy you've ever met. Guy could have been Letterman before he was Letterman, but him and I loved stand-up comedy, even back then. And he said, let's go into Stitch's Comedy Club. He saw an ad in the paper. Steve Sweeney was going to be there. Sweeney was kind of big on the radio. He's one of the funniest comics in the history of Boston. He used to do an impression of Mayor Kevin White on some radio show every morning. That's how we knew him, but we just knew
Starting point is 00:04:51 he was hilarious. We go into New Trek into Boston on a hot summer night. I think it was a Wednesday. It had to be a Wednesday night because it was Sweeney Meany night. Steve Sweeney and Kevin Meany. I'm not sure if it was Sweeney Meany night. Steve Sweeney and Kevin Meany. I'm not sure if it was Sweeney Meany that night. I know they both appeared on the bill that night.
Starting point is 00:05:10 That's all I remember. But, of course, we went home going, oh, my God. That night changed my trajectory of my life. Thanks to my buddy Bob Murphy. Because I couldn't believe how funny Sweeney was. Kevin Meany. I was in awe. I remember even Sweeney was Kevin me I I just I was in awe I remember even Sweeney actually made fun of me picture that I was getting instead of being the
Starting point is 00:05:31 receiving end of a heckle I was being picked on in the audience and uh scared out of my wits but they were both so goddamn funny fast forward to a few years later I get out of college I get a job as a bar back and Kevin Meaney and Steve sweeney is still doing the show the sweeney meanie night where kevin would go out on the street with a camera and a microphone and the audience would watch it inside stitches comedy club which is where i told my first joke ever at an open mic and that's where their show was at the stitches comedy clubMav. It's not there anymore. But just, Kevin Meaney would go out on the street with a camera and a mic, and Sweeney too, but the audience would sit on the inside
Starting point is 00:06:12 watching on a screen that came down. I've never to this day heard a comedy club audience laugh like that in my life, never. Nothing has matched those two. But Kevin Meaney would go anywhere with that fucking microphone. He stopped the city bus he waved on a city bus got on it and had some black woman singing on the bus and started auditioning
Starting point is 00:06:31 people i remember the cops pulled over uh because kevin was halfway out in the street boston city cops pulled over and kevin talked to the cops and as they drove away he gave him the finger and i remember seeing the brake lights and he just ran inside. He was just, he went to the nightclub next door. There was a nightclub next door with a camera. He goes into the ladies room. Follow, goes into the ladies room and starts banging on a stall. You could see some girl's shoes. And he, what are you doing in there?
Starting point is 00:06:58 What are you doing? Are you taking a dump? And just, and he waited till the girl came out. It was fucking, the crowd inside was going berserk but the bet here's the one that stands out the most there was a concert going on i forget who it was at the club right behind stitches paradise music club and kevin mean he was doing sweeney meanie night he goes out on the street there's a guy a young kid passed out in a car in front of stitches he bangs on the window they're shining
Starting point is 00:07:25 the camera light on the kid kid wakes up i remember the poor kid had like the worst acne you've ever seen and kevin starts to interview him the kid was like on drugs and shit he passed out he actually missed the concert or whatever kevin bangs on the window he rolls down the window kevin starts interviewing a kid starts crying on camera saying that his girlfriend blew him off and she's a fucking asshole and and he's like bawling on the fucking camp kevin leads him in said let me buy a drink come on we fell bad for you come on we're gonna buy a drink he leads the kid doesn't know kevin's like come on this leads into this bar area so kevin leads him in through the back door stitches on stage brings the kid on stage and isings the kid on stage.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And is interviewing the kid about his girlfriend breaking up with him. And the kids get like tears in his eyes. Again, I remember he just had like really bad skin or something. And the place is going fucking crazy. And the kid's bad mouthing his girlfriend. And Kevin's like, fuck her. She's a piece of shit. And all of a sudden the kid unbuckles his pants turns around with his back to you and pulls on his pants and spreads his ass
Starting point is 00:08:30 cheeks and I remember Kevin Meaney going oh no you can't he just drops the mic and runs off and to this day I haven't heard an audience laugh that hard anywhere anywhere in my life but kevin meanie was a true true fucking legend and i'll tell you and uh i just he didn't really like me when i was a bar back i mean he's kind of a little snooty to me which i didn't blame him i was a cocky kid and kevin was kind of but uh i mean just and i remember telling bob murphy and my friends, because we were so in love with Steve Sweeney, I go, I swear to God, guys, I watch the Meany Sweeney show every Wednesday, and Kevin Meany is as funny as Sweeney. And they wouldn't believe me, you know? And I'm like, I'm telling you. Somebody told, I remember him saying he drank like eight Heinekens and took a tab of acid before one of the Sweeney Meany shows.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But, oh my God. My heart aches for this guy, I'm telling you, I just, he was a funny motherfucker, let's, well, of course, he goes on The Tonight Show and does this, the reason I like him, too, is, you know, he's the opposite kind of comedian I am, I mean, he's like this silly whatever, which is fine. There's no rules, man. But he was so creative and just silly up there. And when he'd bomb, nobody was funnier. He'd start to sing the I Don't Care song. He did this on The Tonight Show. This was the Johnny Carson Tonight Show, by the way, when it really meant something. But you guys know him from this. I don't care. I don't care. My jokes don't go over. I don't care. Everybody, I don't care. I don't care. My jokes don't go over. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Everybody. I don't care. I don't. He does not care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Imagine doing this on The Tonight Show where Johnny's watching.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I don't care. I'm happy. Go lucky. Women call me plucky. I don't care. I don't care. Shut up. I don't care. Look out, Hank Mancini. Here comes zini-mini. I don't care. One more time. I don't care. We hate you. I don't care. Zoom, zoom, zoom. Bing, bing, bing.
Starting point is 00:10:49 This is stupid. Making noises on the Johnny Carson show. You're like a crazy person. Why do you do this to your father and I? He would do that. I saw him at Nick's. He'd be bombing at Nick's, which was a rough room in Boston. And I'm talking 350 people.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And if they didn't, it was, you know, they love Sweeney and the more macho type of shit. And I saw Sweeney, Kevin Meaney up there on some nights where, you know, just fucking wasn't doing it. He'd break out to that song and they wanted to murder him. I mean, and he'd just keep singing it for a half hour. And the fucking audience would be furious and would be crying in the back i mean same thing at stitches there's nights where they they fucking just didn't you know didn't dig it and uh oh my god and then a few years ago he comes out of the closet and and i don't know how we didn't know i mean he's doing ethel Merman for years. Johnny Mathis impressions. We had an inkling, but it doesn't fucking matter.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I mean, the guy is just silly funny, man. But then he came out, yeah, a few years ago. I didn't even recognize how thin he got. I always knew him as a chubby guy, you know. You saw him in the movie Big with Tom Hanks. I think he even had his signature bow tie on in that movie, didn't he? I don't know. Had a small part in that.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And then they gave him the Uncle Buck role. CBS, remember Uncle Buck, John Candy? They tried to do a series based on that. And they picked Kevin Meany, which was the stupidest thing. Kevin Meany was not a guy's guy, which the Uncle Buck role was. I remember even back then before I even knew about show business, I'm like, what are they? That doesn't fit his,
Starting point is 00:12:27 and of course, it bombed, you know? And he used to do that We Are the World song. He'd do every character, you know, whether it was Springsteen, and he did that one a little too long, in my opinion, but here he is in the last few years talking about, this is after he came out,
Starting point is 00:12:43 and it's gotta take a lot of balls to come out, you know, to your fans and shit. Or it used to. I don't know if it does anymore. But he immediately incorporated it into his act and here's some of that material which I thought was some of his best work. He started writing again and
Starting point is 00:12:59 too bad. I'm fucking furious at God if there is one. Go ahead. Don't eat meat. I'm fucking furious at God, if there is one. Don't eat meat. I'm not a flesh eater like you. Who eats meat out in this audience? Probably all of you goddamn people. Yeah, I know you're eating meat.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Look at your eyes, just filled with meat. I stopped eating meat. I really didn't. Then, you know what people do? people and I was fat I was 50 pounds every year so I can say it all right but fat people come up to me and they go where do you get your protein? where do you get your protein? where do you get your protein? I go I'm gay, alright? I'm getting
Starting point is 00:13:45 plenty of protein, alright? Thank you very much. I say that, and I'm a homophobe. I mean, what the fuck? Here's some more of his gay material. This was some of the best shit he wrote. The best stuff's the real stuff, man. The other shit made him famous, but this was as good as any of it.
Starting point is 00:14:04 My mother goes to me, please go to the priest. Tell the priest that you're gay. Please do that for me before I die. Please go to confession. So I went to confession. I told the priest that I was gay and it was very difficult to tell him that. Now we're dating, but so it worked out really well. Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world. Lamb of God. He turns everything into a show tune. One more of a chunk. A few people, fans of mine who aren't Meany fans, I apologize.
Starting point is 00:14:43 But like I said, it changed the trajectory of my life when I went in there and saw Sweeney Meany Night. And I was so fucking in awe of both those guys. Here's a little more of Kevin talking about being gay. Then my wife found out I was gay, you know. That was the tough thing. Well, I had to tell her. How do you tell your wife you're gay? Honey, I'm homo.
Starting point is 00:15:10 People would ask her, is your husband gay? And she'd go, no, he's not gay, God. He does everything around the house. I would make dinner, she would come home. I would have a fresh, you know, a glass of wine, fresh ground pepper. You know, I'd make dinner, she would come home, I would have a fresh glass of wine, fresh ground pepper, I'd make soup, entree, and then she would go, did you make a salad? After all that, you have a salad? No, I don't have a fucking salad!
Starting point is 00:15:37 I'll make one, where's the bag lettuce? Where's that cucumber? I don't know where the cucumber went. I'll make one, where's the bag lettuce? I'll make one, where's the bag lettuce? I'll make one, where's the bag lettuce? I'll make one, where's the bag lettuce? I'll make one, where's the bag lettuce? I'll make one, where's the bag lettuce? I'll make one, where's the bag lettuce? I'll make one, Where's the bag lettuce?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Where's that cucumber? I don't know where the cucumber went. Oh. What a fucking crying shame, man. What a crying shame. He had a lot of problems. I guess he had a nervous breakdown a few years ago. Somebody had mentioned to he's been in and out of the hospitals or whatever god damn it god damn it well some comedian that i hate die no never but anyhow rest in peace kevin meanie
Starting point is 00:16:18 uh seriously like i said man that night I went to Stitches changed my life. Watching those guys. God damn it. Anyways, on to more news, folks. Thanks again, if you weren't a Meany fan for tolerating the first few minutes. But God damn it, he deserved it. Speaking of gay, gay Trump supporters, they attended an Ohio rally a couple weeks ago. These two gay guys. And of of course now they're getting death threats and shit, because that's the LF, the open-minded libs,
Starting point is 00:16:50 the tolerant liberals who preach fucking tolerance, day after day, threatening a couple of gay guys because they're Trump supporters. And that's what you're going to get. You're going to get more of that shit with the thick-ankled dog face in office, if she wins.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Yeah, gay Trump supporters. Cody Moore, the kid's name, and Dewey Lainhart were interviewed at a Trump rally in Cincinnati. This is a couple weeks of middle October or last week, whatever. And yeah, the guy that interviewed them posted it online. And of course, now these guys are getting all kinds of fucking threats and shit. Just anyhow, here's them being interviewed at a Trump rally back in the middle of October. At a Trump rally in Cincinnati, Ohio in mid-October, we interviewed a gay couple supporting Donald Trump, Cody Moore, and Dewey Lainhart. I uploaded the short interview with the two men to my Facebook account. Are you a couple?
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yes. Do you feel comfortable here being affectionate at this rally? Yeah. Ain't nobody saying nothing about it. Nope, no one's stopped us, done anything, so it's pretty good. Soon, it was up to around 200,000 views. It got more than 900 comments. Why do you want Trump to be president? I don't know if I would. He's tired of the bullshit government. Yeah. I work in the steel industry. I
Starting point is 00:18:19 see it hardcore, the trades and stuff. Time for a change. Trump's the man for it. for the trades and stuff. Time for a change. Trump's the man for it. Plus, I really feel like he would bring more jobs to the country, and he would, like, the system and everything would just be a hell of a lot better with Trump. Nothing more Lenart said in the interview was particularly unusual or exceptional.
Starting point is 00:18:38 The video was shared mostly by people who seemed to share the couple's sexual orientation, but clearly not their presidential preference. Moore and Lenore were ridiculed by commenters as uneducated, rednecks, traitors to the gay community, and even compared to Jews who supported Hitler. Another commenter writes, two bricks directly into their faces.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Why all the anger? Based on the comments, some people apparently don't think gays should support a campaign that has seemed to incite bigotry against some groups, and a candidate whose rallies have featured hateful words and at times violence among the attendees. And the gay community has long allied itself with the Democratic Party, and this year gays are among Hillary Clinton's most ardent supporters. According to a recent poll, around three-quarters of registered gay voters plan to vote for her. Over the phone, Lainhart and Moore tell me
Starting point is 00:19:29 they don't regret doing the interview, but it's put a damper, they say, on their excitement over the recent news of their engagement. The couple also says they've been getting death threats, told not to come out of the house and not go to any gay clubs. It's a lefty tolerance.
Starting point is 00:19:43 It doesn't concern me, says Lainhart. I look over my back, and I do do carry because I love the Second Amendment. Oh, boy, you're traitors. You should be voting for Hillary Clinton, fellas, because you're gay. Don't you know three quarters of gay people vote for Hillary, even though she takes money from countries that throw gay people up the tops of buildings and actually kill them for being gay. Why are you voting for her? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Can you imagine? They say they're pro-Trump and then the response from people on the left to this, you know, this is what they're. Fucking queers. It is your tolerance. Is your at. Fucking quiz! Yeah, there's your tolerance. There's your tolerance. Fucking unbelievable. Unreal. So, there you go.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I love how the kid mentions he carries. He carries a gun. It doesn't... Just a little zing. That was the guy that did the interview with the Wall Street Journal. He put it up on his and they received all this kind of fucking hate shit. And, you know, and it's the exact shit that Trump and Republicans for years have been accused of.
Starting point is 00:20:57 But see, the Republicans never walk around with a chest puffed out going, yeah, we're the party of tolerance. You know, never did that. That's what makes the fucking them such fucking hypocrites the left uh yeah so um but the fact that hillary takes that kind of money from saudi arabia and qatar and all these fucking you can't get more homophobic and uh these guys are you know are assholes and rednecks and uneducated what fucking horseshit ah i don't know what uh polls to believe either you got hillary you know abc new poll now she has her up by 12 like the biggest uh lead yet but then there's other polls saying that they're in a dead heat and and trump's up by a point or two i i just can't help but notice that at these rallies he has 10 to 12 to 12,000 people.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Hillary goes, she's got like, you know, 800 people, like Eric Trump said, at a gym at a high school. I mean, that means nothing. That's not a, you know, that's not a, that's not an indicator of enthusiasm. I don't know. I don't know. But we love when the left eats the left, don't we? When they fucking start attacking each other. Anyhow, any who and a hand hand hand. Trump gave a speech at Getty's. I know it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:22:19 He he came out with his hundred day action plan, which is a contract between him and America. If you remember, you know, Gingrich did this when Bill Clinton was office, a contract with America. It was quite effective. Of course, Clinton ended up taking all the credit for it. It was Gingrich's idea, most of the ideas. But at least Bill Clinton was open to it, open-minded enough. Unlike his thick-ankled, leathery-nippled, angry, salmon-smelling wife. What? You know, she's not open to any of this shit.
Starting point is 00:22:52 We'll see. We don't know. We don't know how she's going to govern. I don't know how she's going to govern, period, with all the WikiLeaks shit. And I love this fucking, oh, Trump shouldn't say it's rigged. He's whining and shit. Excuse me, he's running against the same party Bernie Sanders ran against. And we have evidence, hard evidence that he got fucked. So why wouldn't he say it's rigged? I'm fucking real. So here's Trump with his Gettysburg speech.
Starting point is 00:23:24 And at the beginning, I'm not playing the whole thing. The big mistake everybody's saying he did, and I sort of agree with it, he brought up the women accusers again. But he has to defend himself because nobody else is. I mean, you know, CNN, ABC, CBS, whatever, Washington Post, they're all piling on with the accusers and shit. And so he has to defend himself every time he gets on camera uh and that's what he did here although i you know i thought you know i sort of agree would just stick to your plan at this point christ we're a couple weeks away you know i mean you can sue those broads we don't you know just spend your time on other stuff four score and seven years ago i was accused of grabbing uh somebody a pilgrim by the pussy i uh but um here is uh here is some of uh his uh his hundred day action plan his contract
Starting point is 00:24:15 with america i'm not gonna play it all it's a ton of it but uh he bangs out the first five things he'd do and stuff like that. I don't know who's writing it. This is the thing. It's got to be Steve Bannon, I'm guessing, right? The Breitbart guy that took over the campaign. I, you know, it's like, because it can't be Trump. I'm not saying he's not capable, but when you're running around from,
Starting point is 00:24:43 you're in three different states in a couple of hours, when do you have time, you know, and you don't stay up all night. So I got to give Steve Bannon big props, man. So I'm guessing it's him and Kellyanne Conway. I could be wrong. But here's the speech, and it gets very specific for you people who've been whining. He says he's going to do this and that, but there's no specifics. Well, this was filled with specifics, more specific than
Starting point is 00:25:05 anything Hillary has said the whole time on the campaign. Here it is. Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington. First, a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress. Who the fuck would disagree with that? Even the left would agree with that, wouldn't they? Second, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition, exempting military, public safety, and public health.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Amen. Leave those people to do shit that we can't do ourselves. That's all the government's for. That's all we need. Third, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated. Regulations are killing our country and our jobs. Obama's crying right now.
Starting point is 00:26:08 What the fuck's he talking about? A five-year ban on White House and congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service. Again, even the left would agree with that. I mean, even Bill Maher would applaud that. It's the money that the lobbyists you know they buy and sell these politicians and that's what's really fucked it up so how would you disagree with that oh we'll find the reason i don't know because it's coming out of a white fucking heterosexual blue-eyed blonde-haired billionaire that's why that's what makes him evil
Starting point is 00:26:40 right right but seriously i don't know how anybody would disagree with that last one on either side of the aisle let's ask hillary nah making a fortune fifth a lifetime ban on white house officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government very bad six a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections. That's what's happening. I think those are pretty common sense, aren't they? Like I said, but again, people are going to go, yeah, but he grabs women by the pussy. That's what's important. We haven't seen his taxes he's an asshole he called miss universe chubby that's what's important isn't it cnn abc cbs washington post i'm still waiting for the november surprise from wLeaks. And again, I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Thank God for WikiLeaks doing the job that the mainstream media. It's right out in the open now. They're just fucking, they're like, they're not giving you news. They're telling you how to think. It's been like that for 30 years. But like I said, whether Trump wins or loses, it's been exposed between that and you know his campaign and wiki leaks and then he went on um to uh he had uh a bunch of plans seven things to protect the american workers um total uh renegotiation of nafta was one withdrawal from tpp uh two number three was labeled china a
Starting point is 00:28:27 currency manipulator have no one's even said that did you ever hear obama say that in the last eight years or anybody um maybe i dismissed it uh number four uh direct the secretary of commerce um to end foreign trade abuses to identify foreign trade abuses and end them number five was uh lift restrictions on um production of 50 trillion uh as far as energy goes lift their restrictions on this 50 trillion dollars worth of money that could be freed up as far as you know um going after shale oil and and um natural gas and and clean coal 50 trillion if we lift the regulations and all that stuff uh lift roadblocks to allow infrastructure energy projects to go forward like the keystone pipeline and uh., etc.
Starting point is 00:29:26 It was a great speech. It was the most specific. He should have come out in the third debate and just said that shit. No matter, Hillary. But we heard you on the bus. You're a sexist pig. You're a racist. And he should have just fucking not even acknowledged it,
Starting point is 00:29:38 just listed these things. Is it too late? I don't know. There's a couple weeks left. I don't know. Let's see if he can stick to the script. Um, but it's just, I tried to watch a Sunday morning shows just fucking infuriating. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:29:53 They're embarrassing. At least David Gregory pretended to try to be a little neutral when he, you know, hosted meet the press, but check to it. I just don't get it. Anyways, folks, it's the DiPaolo Podcast. Again, if you like the show, go to slash Nick, slash Nick
Starting point is 00:30:12 to subscribe for two to three more shows a week at $3.99 a month. And listen to it for free on iTunes and Riotcast and Stitcher. Yeah, I was watching the sunday morning shows just fucking infuriating um with uh george stepnopolis who uh which is hilarious because he worked for the clintons you know for so many years and it's part of the problem and uh you know then he's hosting a sunday morning show and there should be a chyron right under his face saying, Clinton fan,
Starting point is 00:30:45 blue Bill Clinton. When Hillary wouldn't. It should be up there though, on the corner of the screen the whole time he's hosting this show. Work for the Clintons. He actually donated money to the Clinton Foundation. Let's give him a show and pretend he's neutral. But he had
Starting point is 00:31:01 this guy Joel Benenson on. Who's Joel Benenson? He's the chief strategist for the Hillary campaign, and he just looks like a sleazy fuck with his bags under his eyes and just, so, you know, for a moment, George Stephanopoulos had to pretend to be unbiased in his interview and asked Joel Benenson
Starting point is 00:31:23 about those clips that we talked about with james o'keefe uh project veritas you know the clips i played last week we had scott foval when he went undercover interviewing scovall and scovall explaining how they hire goons to go to the trump rallies and start violence to make it look like the Trump supporters are the violent ones and they have direct contact with the DNC. He laid out the whole hierarchy. And then when that video was revealed by James O'Keefe, who's doing God's work, Scott Fulval and his guy Bob Kramer, they both stepped down, admitting to this. It's just a fucking dark, seedy world that the Democrats run.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And you have to admit, they're organized. It's almost like you've got to be jealous of them. But they're filthy, filthy liars and whatever the fuck. So George Stephanopoulos played that clip for chief strategist for Hillary, Joel Benenson, and said, you know, what about that? And asked him this question. And listen to his response. I was kind of belly laughing.
Starting point is 00:32:34 But are you confident you don't have other operatives out there doing exactly the same thing? I'm pretty confident. I mean, as I said, we're talking about a guy who has a— He's pretty confident. So in other words, right there, he admits that they were working on behalf of the Hillary campaign. And he goes, I'm pretty confident. I think we got most of our goons out of there. Instead of just saying, first of all, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:32:59 We never had a... He just admitted. He admitted those goons were working for for the dnc i'm pretty sure jesus christ did anybody sit up on the couch when they heard that track record of doctoring videos these people resigned uh as you said james o'keefe he's the dirty one this was happening day in and day out uh yeah so i'm pretty sure he just admitted that it goes on yet with all that again we're talking about trump not respecting women because uh the world revolves around the pussy and it really does but uh once again it's always uh the feminists i told colin quinn they're more dangerous than
Starting point is 00:33:43 any group out there been saying it for years he was telling me it was the al sharpton's always the feminists. I told Colin Quinn, they're more dangerous than any group out there. I've been saying it for years. He was telling me it was the Al Sharptons of the world and the race thing. I said, absolutely not. They started it, the civil rights movement, which is a great movement, and then it got corrupted. And then the feminists grabbed onto the coattails
Starting point is 00:33:55 of the civil rights movement. And they've been beating us over the head with it ever since. Whether it's emasculating, the hatred towards men in general when i heard trump was fucking running i'm like oh shit watch this a white heterosexual rich man their worst nightmare you watch the fucking claws come out with the women with the uh you know handlebar mustaches they're gonna rip him a fucking no one i wonder if even trump realized how bad it was gonna get you know but uh yeah there it is joel bennison now i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure all our goons are out of there by now that was fucking priceless wasn't it just priceless what else kids what else
Starting point is 00:34:41 is going on oh here we go and this is just what i'm talking about when i talk about the feminist movement and the anti-male movement that's been going on and uh you know it purveys hollywood whether it's movies or uh you know eight seasons of uh king of queens where kevin james is dressed down as just a fat dumb white husband and on and on it goes but um how about this one hundreds of people wearing yoga pants parade past man's house in rhode island this is from the boston globe this one got me i actually lived in rhode island for a while when i got out of college i was selling a steak and seafood door-to-door out of the back of an azuzu pickup truck for a now defunct company
Starting point is 00:35:31 and uh actually a pretty little state down there and uh oh i should write i should write a sitcom about that shit that i got into um you know what it's like to have you know it's like to be in the middle of a sales pitch you have like 30 boxes of food laid out and you're pitching a housewife and the husband comes home in the middle of the afternoon and tells you to pack your shit and get the fuck out before he calls the cops oh do i have stories oh do i have story then there's a time i slid down the hill in my truck on a snowy night knocked over a fire hydrant and water started blasting out of it again this was in rhode island on a cul-de-sac and uh barely get up the hill because my tires were spinning on the ice and uh i i really should i should write a thing
Starting point is 00:36:18 about that oh my god it was the it was the anyhow it was the, anyhow, it was like Henry Hill. It was glorious times. Hot housewives and my boss enjoyed drugs. Sometimes that was the sales prize. Anyhow, back to the show. Anyway, yeah, that was all in Rhode Island. It all rushed back to me. But, yeah. Some guy named Alan Sorrentino, he's 63 years old,
Starting point is 00:36:51 he published a letter to the Barrington Times saying this, to all yoga pants wearers, I struggle with my own physicality as I age. I don't want to struggle with yours, which is a good line. The saga began Wednesday with a letter to the uh editor in a local rhode island newspaper criticizing women over 20 who wear yoga pants in public quickly it snowballed into a yoga pants parade sunday afternoon with hundreds of people walking past the letter writer's house he got a few death threats again there's the left for you fucking dirty people a few death threats can you imagine because he said he didn't want to see fat fucking old woman in yoga pants how fucking priceless is how much time and hundreds of women that's a great idea
Starting point is 00:37:36 i'm gonna say he should have said i don't i would have said something like girls under 25 i don't want to see it in yoga pant that way girls under 25 would have had a parade past his house and you could look at all that nice pussy in yoga pants maybe i'm gonna write a letter to the westchester times and uh the letter which said adult woman wearing yoga pants in public was comparable to men wearing speedos to the grocery store went viral. Jesus Christ, how much time do you fucking people have on the internet that that goes viral and you have time to organize a parade in front of his house? This country is fucking finished. We do need a nice sexist heterosexual male in the Oval Office
Starting point is 00:38:20 to stop all this horseshit. The backlash was immediate, passionate, and international. Can you imagine a guy writing a little letter to a little fucking newspaper nobody's heard of in Rhode Island saying he doesn't like fat old women in yoga pants and it goes international, this story. What the fuck kind of Hillary wet dream are we living in? You chubbets.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Put down the fucking donuts and you should be wearing snow pants around the clock the guy said it was supposed to be funny because what kind of tormented uptight individual could possibly care enough about yoga pants to write such a letter exactly they have no sense of fucking irony they have no sense of humor that's what you get with feminists they're just angry nobody would stick a prick in them their whole lives and anything that reeks of sexism they go fucking hog wild let's have it out god damn i wish i'm gonna complain about bathing suits and saying i don't like bikinis stick to the one piece and hope there's a parade but i live in the woods girls would get eaten by bears before they get down the road uh a crowd
Starting point is 00:39:20 that included young girls older women met in front of the the Hampton Meadows School about 2 p.m. wearing colorful array of yoga pants. Although many attendees said it was more than just about yoga pants. By the way, I wear yoga pants. Yes, I do. I wear them to the supermarket. I get a little fluff going, a little natural hang as we called it in college. Get a little blood flow going.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Then I go into the produce section in my yoga pants, in my belly shirt, and I pretend to look at the cucumbers. I don't get involved in much in the way that protests and marches and all of that, but this has just brought me up because the guys thought it was offensive, said Ellen Taylor, a humorless twat at the parade, who sported a neon yellow shirt with the words, Mature Old Women in Yoga Pants written on it. Yeah, well, Ellen, again, what kind of life do you lead? at the parade who sported a neon yellow shirt with the words mature old women in yoga pants written on it yeah well ellen again what kind of life do you lead that you have that kind of
Starting point is 00:40:10 fucking time and and uh you know what you shouldn't wear yoga pants it's gross okay how about this i would have got more specific in the letter i want any girl over 25 wearing them 25 and under is fine but you gotta be 55 and 112 or less with a C cup. That would have really, I'd just stare at the outrage if that was the letter. She says,
Starting point is 00:40:33 it's okay if you're 20 and gorgeous to wear yoga pants, but don't do it if you're older. Oh, he said that. No, she said that. It's okay if you're 20 and gorgeous to wear yoga pants, but don't do it if you're older
Starting point is 00:40:43 and lumpy and bumpy, she asked. Exactly. I'm glad his message got through, Ellen, who reads at a fifth grade level like I do. It was the shaming and the policing of women's bodies that struck a chord with attendees, said organizer Jamie Burke, who lives in Barrington, and called the parade a positive response to casual sexism. That's right. It was casual sexism. So get a fucking life. How about all the shit on sitcoms where you make men look like fucking dolts and morons and idiots
Starting point is 00:41:12 in every fucking commercial and every movie where I watch somebody like Angelina Jolie beat the fuck out of four Navy SEALs. How about that? How about that phony world that doesn't exist? How about that? How about that phony world that doesn't exist? Your hatred towards men and just fucking whining. And how about that, Jamie Burke? It's a positive step. I'm glad this guy did this.
Starting point is 00:41:36 It was a... How about this? The Barrington police had to stand on the edge of the property. And the fucking people were taking photos of the home. Sorrentino said he received death threats which reported to the cops can you imagine this all over letter you guys are the most intolerant cocksuckers on the left to ever fucking you make hitler youth look open-minded it's sickening and you and you don't think it's going to get worse if this thick-ankled dog face gets an office she's already whining how women don't get paid the same as men, which is a crock of shit if you do your homework.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Signs, love yourself. What do we want? We want yoga pants. I say we find Ellen Taylor's house. Come on, fellas. I'm a comedian. I have this kind of time during the day. We'll all get Speedos.
Starting point is 00:42:26 We'll get a fluffer down there to get the blood flow going, and let's parade into her yard. The backlash has caused stress, not for this guy, not just for him, but his family and friends and neighbors, who said his partner, Mr. Sorrentino said his partner decided to leave the home during the
Starting point is 00:42:43 parade. His partner. So I'm guessing he's a gay fella. Once again, libs eating libs. I mean, he said his partner. I'm guessing he's gay or he's a square dancer or owns a law firm. Somebody help me out here with the language. His partner decided to leave the home during the parade. So this might be a gay fella. And let me tell you, gay fella no fashion.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I think he might have a point. No? Who's with me? Yeah, motherless fucks. Anyhow. Yeah, nobody more angry than the fucking, the feminists.
Starting point is 00:43:19 They are just, well, we're whatever we want. Don't tell us to do with our bodies. Every commercial is like, there's a commercial right now during the NFL games. And it's all, it's all women saying, don't tell us what we can do to a catchy song. I can't remember. I block it out. It's like a childhood rape. Every time I hear this shit, you need to shut the fuck up. They really do. They can't give it a rest for a minute. They just fucking it it's nonstop. And it's affecting ratings, by the way.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It's not just Kaepernick with his anti-American horse shit kneeling down with his dumb 1960s fucking Afro who stunk out the place last week in Buffalo. But I'll talk about that at the end of this, about the NFL's ratings freefall. And it's a combination of things. It's a combination. Concern grows over over this is a headline from live zet uh concern grows over soros linked voting machines uh yeah and they should any time you see fucking george soros's name you
Starting point is 00:44:18 should be uh you should be nervous. Concerns growing over revelations that the voting machines in a significant number of states will be controlled by a company tied directly to the dirtiest person on the planet, billionaire leftist George Soros, in his personal quest to create a nationless, borderless global state. his personal quest to create a nationless, borderless global state. And if you know anything about him, he is the most effective of all these guys. You know all those goons that go to Trump rallies and start shit? Yeah, he finances all that shit. He's a dark lord.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And the UK-based Smart Matter Company has provided voting machines for 16 states, including important battleground states like Florida, Arizona. Smartmatic chairman Mark Mellick-Brown is a former UN official. Oh, that's good. We all know what the UN wants. And sits on the board of Soros Open Society Foundations. Go Google that and see what the Dark Lord is up to. Yeah. Leaked emails
Starting point is 00:45:30 courtesy WikiLeaks have shed further light on the deeply incestuous relationship between Soros and a high-level Democratic Party players. The discovery that a man in control of voting machines in 16 states is tied directly to the man who has given millions of dollars to the Clinton campaign in various progressive and globalist causes will surely leave a bad taste in many voters' mouths.
Starting point is 00:45:52 They did this in 2000. Remember, they were complaining that the companies that made the voting machines, I guess Dick Cheney's company had an indirect link to a company who made those machines. This goes on every year, but Soros, you can, you know, he's kind of a big figure. So Malik Brown was a partner with Sawyer Miller, the consulting firm where close Clinton associate Mandy Grunwald once worked. She ran the firm's communications contract with a 1992 Clinton campaign. Oh, yeah, no bias here. Malik Brown was also a senior advisor to FTI Consulting, a firm at which Jackson Dunn, who spent 15 years working as an aide to the Clintons, is a senior managing director. Malik
Starting point is 00:46:36 Brown's tie to George Soros and the Clintons are enough to elicit fear over Smartmatic's involvement in the United States election. But when combined with Smartmatic's dismal track record, here's where it gets scary, of providing free and fair elections, their involvement in the United States presidential election becomes downright terrifying. A 2006 classified U.S. diplomatic cable obtained and released by WikiLeaks,
Starting point is 00:47:00 again, this is something the mainstream media should be doing, reveals the extent to which Smartmatic may have played a hand in rigging the 2004 Venezuelan recall election under a section titled, and in quotes, a shadow of fraud. The memo stated that the Smartmatic Corporation is a riddle both in ownership and operation. Of course it is, because Soros is complicated by the fact that its machines have overseen several landslide and contested victories by President Hugo Chavez and his supporters. Okay, he's only in bed with fucking Hugo Chavez. The smartmatic machines used in Venezuela are widely suspected of, though never proven conclusively to be, susceptible to fraud, the memo continued. of, though never proven conclusively to be susceptible to fraud, the memo continued.
Starting point is 00:47:50 The Venezuelan opposition is convinced that the Smartmatic machines robbed them of victory in the August 2004 referendum. Since then, there have been at least eight statistical analysis performed on the referendum results. One study obtained the data log from the CANTV network and supposedly proved that the Smartmatic machines were bi-directional everything's by today even the machines bi-directional and in fact showed irregularities in how they reported the results to the cne central server during the referendum in another section titled again these are wiki leaks folks and fucking bullshit this isn't
Starting point is 00:48:21 put out by the republican Party. In another section titled At Least Corruption, the author of the memo wrote that even Smartmatic can escape the fraud allegation where they can escape the fraud allegation. There is still a corruption question.
Starting point is 00:48:38 And by the way, Smartmatic, they're providing machines to Arizona, you know, really states that, you know mean nothing I say sarcastically Arizona California Colorado Florida Illinois Michigan Louisiana Missouri Nevada New Jersey Oregon Pennsylvania Virginia's already out of play Washington and Wisconsin so uh yeah the dark lord George Soros um know, this guy is, he's destroyed banks. Guys, he's an evil genius is what he is.
Starting point is 00:49:12 But, yeah, so you should be nervous. Here's what I do. When I go in the voting booth, I bring my cell phone. I take a picture of my ballot. I don't know what that does, but at least I have proof. You should do that. I never understood why you don't get a that does but at least i have proof you should do that i didn't i never understood why you don't get a receipt of how you voted right there why didn't it spit back at you you know it doesn't matter it doesn't matter anyhow so yeah that's kind of creepy
Starting point is 00:49:40 isn't it that the soros company's behind the machines? It really is. So if you smell dog shit, it's not on your shoe when you pull that curtain. Anyhow, folks, and finally, another symptom or proof that this country is in big decline, the NFL. This was in the Weekly Standard, October 31st issue. I guess it's done by, he wrote this on October 23rd. What's today? That was yesterday, right?
Starting point is 00:50:09 By Jeffrey Norman. Talking about the NFL and the declining ratings. And I found this very, very enlightening. And I love the NFL. What's going on out here? I don't know, Vince,
Starting point is 00:50:23 but your once great league is going in the toilet. Maybe it's because of things like this. You have to listen to this every three seconds when you're watching the game. I watched the patch yesterday. I almost started crying. I heard this so many times. Let's take a look at the starting lineup for the Patriots. Let's take a look at the starting lineup for the Patriots. We'll go to a break. We'll be back after this.
Starting point is 00:50:54 The Patriots first and 10. Let's throw to a Viagra commercial. If this is not stared into your mind by the end of the night, it really is fucking the most annoying thing going on. And why does Jim Nance hate the Patriots so much? You know why? Because he fucking used to suck on Peyton Manning's balls. Not literally, but verbally during the games.
Starting point is 00:51:19 He would kiss Manning's taint. And boy, does he fucking hate the Patriots. He was blowing the Steelers yesterday. Like, you could hear the jizz in the back of his throat. Anyhow, the Weekly Standard, Jeffrey Norman wrote a nice article about his theory. I think there's a whole bunch of things, and I've been saying it for years. I've been telling my people for years,
Starting point is 00:51:41 even on the Nick and Artie show. They didn't understand why I love college football so much better. That's before it got political, even in college now, with people kneeling down and shit. You know, it's Obama's legacy. But I always, for the last, and again, I've been watching the NFL since 1968. I was in love with it for years.
Starting point is 00:51:59 But I started to get tired of it back in the 90s. I could see the fucking rose was about to bloom, however you fucking say it. It was just sloppy and just not the same quality as you get in the NFL. And I would tell my NFL-loving friends, I go, don't you understand? These young guys, they come out of the ghettos
Starting point is 00:52:24 and they become billionaires. And you really think they're going to give it their fucking all? And you can't blame them. They're filthy rich. I'd be out at strip clubs making it rain every night fucking before the game too. I'm just saying, sloppy, don't give a fuck. And then all of a sudden we had this thing called
Starting point is 00:52:43 he's a player's coach in other words no more no more vince lombardi what the hell's going on out here i mean a guy talk like that to his players now he'll get sued but didn't you notice now you're gonna have a player's coach and you can't yell at the players and the nfl unions don't let them hit during practice any it's all changed not to mention the lawsuits and and uh little thing in the paper last week saying blue states uh playing less like youth football naturally the blue estates you know the pussies they're uh they don't want the kids playing football they're the ones who make up uh you know the litigious society that we live in today it's all fucking lawyers most of
Starting point is 00:53:21 them will vote democrat and uh you know all the things I love about the country, going down the toilet. But enjoy. Enjoy your new progressive secular society with no football in a few years. It'll be great. Nothing to look forward to on a Sunday. But they're down like 11%, which is a big drop, the ratings in the NFL. And
Starting point is 00:53:40 some people say it's because of like Kaepernick and all that shit. And that has something to do with it. Other people saying, of course, the league is saying, well, it's because of the election. People are watching that. What are you talking about? We fucking we put on sports to get away from that shit. I talk about this in my special that I'm shooting on Friday night.
Starting point is 00:53:59 How politics is bleeding and political correctness bleeding at the sports. And I can't watch a game, whether it's this month with the pink and the breast cancer awareness and every commercial. Every commercial is a string of radical feminism running through it. I know you guys don't pick up on this shit. I don't blame you. It's just it's so fucking tiring, though. And it's all that shit. It's guys like Odell Beckham, selfish little fucks who grew up with one parent.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Maybe he had two. I'm just guessing. But I'm saying who have to draw attention to themselves during the game 24-7 around the clock on Twitter. And it's just fucking tiring. And some people are saying, well, the game's too brutal now. People can't stomach some of the violence. saying well the game's too brutal now people can't stomach some of the violence uh i don't think that theory holds water because it's becoming it's been getting more vicious you know year after year and the ratings have been going up year after year the nfl has been a a huge success just to give you an
Starting point is 00:54:58 idea uh you know last season nfl games starting with the Super Bowl, 114 million viewers accounted for 14 of the 15 most viewed sporting events. The NFL accounted for 34 of the top 40 televised games. The remainder were college football bowls, Women's World Cup, World Cup soccer finals, which is international. To give you an idea what a power juggernaut the NFL is as far as ratings go. This fall, though, the NFL's popularity has declined enough to be cause for alarm. When ratings slide, the NFL takes a hit not only in its bottom line, which it can't afford because it's so rich, but also in a sense of inevitability, which is more dangerous to its psyche. In other words, people are going,
Starting point is 00:55:45 we're finally going to see the end of this. But they declined 11% early this season. Yeah, so those reasons that I gave you and the guy says, even without the prospect
Starting point is 00:56:00 of lasting brain damage, you know, CTE, the game is too rough for many with today's tender sensibilities you know the millennials who find Jerry Seinfeld too edgy which is true you know
Starting point is 00:56:14 and it is a vicious game and it is it always has been though so you know but the whole thing about people being distracted by politics that's a crock of shit, I think. Even today, the guys, most reliable NFL fans, even a mediocre game would seem preferable to dwelling on the state to which American political life has been reduced this year,
Starting point is 00:56:36 which is exactly right. Other people, and I agree with this one, other people have abandoned the game, former fans have abandoned the game, because of the PC virus that has slowly infected the NFL. And that's what I talk about in my bit. You know, the pink ribbons and all that shit. You know, they're just sick of the PC shit. Whether it's people kneeling during the national anthem.
Starting point is 00:57:02 people kneeling during the national anthem or like I said just the barrage of Viagra commercials telling you guys you can't get it up during the game and then PSAs telling you not to abuse women and just you know what I know was going downhill when they had
Starting point is 00:57:18 the red carpet horse shit they were making it they were treating the NFL it just started a few years ago they put the red carpet out you know for the ESPYbs and shit treating them like movie stars and it's not true just because you find sports entertaining doesn't make them entertainers they're athletes okay tom cruise is an entertainer you get it greg hardy is a fucking woman abuser and an athlete uh or whoever fucking just because i'll say it again just because you find it entertaining doesn't make them entertainers but it's all now it's all bleeding into each other
Starting point is 00:57:52 right it's just uh uh the guy also points out in the article and i agree with this too we've been saying this my old man was ahead of the curve i swear to god 15 years ago my dad was going jesus christ how many commercials can they fit into a football game? He used to say, man, do they make you pay a price to watch this shit? And it's true. And the guy points out a specific thing that makes me crazy. After a touchdown, right, they go to eight minutes of commercials. They'll come back, watch a guy kick the ball, you know know 10 yards out of the end zone for a touchback
Starting point is 00:58:26 and then throw it to 10 10 more minutes of commercials how does roger goodell not fucking understand that or is he that you know bought by the fucking advertisers he can't do anything about it i mean eventually it's all going to head to what folks and again you could see this coming eventually you're gonna have to pay for these games and and they'll still figure out a way to put commercials in there but that's what's gonna come down to you want to watch a commercial free game and the commercials aren't just irritating to people watching the game it's fucking it breaks up the rhythm of a game have you ever gone to a game an nfl game live they run a couple plays and then they throw it to a tv break and you and you sit there watching tom br Brady and the guys and
Starting point is 00:59:06 the defense he's going against stand around for three minutes. It probably leads to more injuries. The players get cold. There's no rhythm. If anybody played organized football and you're on offense, there's a rhythm to the game. In and out of the huddle, you get a rhythm going, but it breaks it all up, man up man again the almighty dollar fucking ruins everything you know it uh it's amazing though according to some studies the average football game during which the clock runs for precisely 60 minutes consists of a mere 11 minutes of action think about that 11 minutes of actual action that means 49 minutes people are standing around pulling their puds and this is stretched out all almost over four hours of a broadcast the networks are wearing down the stamina of
Starting point is 00:59:54 their viewers just like my old man said 20 years ago yeah it's just uh it's just crazy you know and and you can't get in a fucking rhythm and I wouldn't and they never obviously nobody ever asked the question nobody asked the players does it bother you do you guys have to stand around of course they're gonna just tow the company line because those advertisers are the reason you can pay Tom Brady what he gets or
Starting point is 01:00:18 whoever right but it really is the game is sloppy it really is there's so many penalties there's a push in the back on every play you guys have who've been listening to the podcast since the beginning have heard me talk about that every kick play there's a penalty for a push in the back change the fucking rules you know it's just it's sloppy nobody gives a shit and uh the players change teams every year because of free agency which
Starting point is 01:00:46 means you don't give a fuck you know it's like like he says in the article it's like picking sides every day you know play every when you're a kid you played every day in the backyard you'd fucking choose teams that's what the nfl's turn into and pete roselle implemented that whole thing that guaranteed they call it some people call it the Socialist Football League because you know how the worst team gets the number one draft pick the next year? That way it would create a balance of talent. And it worked after about 20-something years
Starting point is 01:01:16 after Pete Rozelle implemented that. It worked. Now you have a bunch of mediocre teams in a very fucking mediocre league throwing top way too many commercials and the lawyers getting involved because of lawsuits and selfish young players who want fucking the attention on themselves 24 hours and you got a nightmare people finally getting sick of it am i right fucking vince what the hell's going on out here anyhow how about the referees reviewing every play now oh his fucking knee was down at the one eighth line.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Let's take 11 minutes to review that. That's the biggest one I think to turn people off. Some guy will jump off sides and the refs have to talk about it for five minutes before they fucking announce it. And take away the microphones from the referees. They're just doing that shit now so their family can see him at home. Look, I'm a big shot. I'm on national TV with 40 million people watching. Now 30 million.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Anyhow, it's real fucking dog shit. Let me tell you the last time the NFL was worth watching. And we used to play this on Nick and Artie all the time. We were in love with this. Last time I enjoyed the NFL was on the Oakland Raiders with the dirtiest, filthiest team in pro sports. They had a vicious reputation. And somebody even wrote a poem about them
Starting point is 01:02:26 that the great John Facenda did. The autumn wind is a pirate blustering in from sea with a rollicking song he speaks along swaggering voicelessly. His face is weather-beaten. He wears a hooded sash, with a silver hat about his head, and a bristling black mustache. He growls as he storms the country, a villain big and bold.
Starting point is 01:03:06 And the trees all shake and quiver and quake as he robs them of their gold. The autumn wind is a raider pillaging just for fun. He'll knock you round and upside down and laugh when he's conquered and won. If they tried to play that today, he'd be writing in, that promotes violence. He'll knock you upside down? That's wrong. Sound like Kevin Meaney.
Starting point is 01:03:31 That's wrong. Knocking people upside down. That's wrong. You can't have that. That's wrong. I don't care. I don't care. That is it, folks, for today.
Starting point is 01:03:45 God bless Kevin Meaney and his family and friends. And rest in peace. He does not care. I don't care. I'm happy, go lucky. That is it, folks. I will talk to you soon. Again, go to slash nick if you want to
Starting point is 01:04:06 subscribe to the show and uh see you guys hopefully the suffolk theater this friday night for the big tv taping in riverhead new york it's uh i'm looking forward to it put this material to bed and start all over again in november at helium in buffalo and Saratoga and the clubs like that. Have I covered everything? I think I have. I think I have. I think I have. Talk to you real soon. And everybody's happy now The bad things gone away
Starting point is 01:04:48 And everybody's happy now The good things here to stay Please let me stay Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! I saved the world today Hillary! Hillary! guitar solo guitar solo I'm I'm I'm

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