The Nick DiPaolo Show - 161 - They Learned Nothing

Episode Date: November 22, 2016

They Learned Nothing...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Welcome, boys and girls. How are you? Monday, Nick DiPaolo podcast, iTunes, version for free. That's right. And if you like it, you can subscribe for two to three more shows a week at slash Nick. slash Nick. And it's $3.99 a month and you get two to three more shows a week. I treat it like a radio show and I keep it topical and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:00:58 And I got to thank the contributors, as always, at the top of the show. And especially, especially today uh michael kickman thank you buddy uh danny p again contributes ron uh tisby thank you so much ronnie girl from empanema my girl sherry uh contributes again and uh let me just tell you something last month we we broke our record as far as contributions uh we we just topped that yesterday and we still have what 10 days left nine or whatever in uh november and we topped last month so i can't thank you enough because again it's the lifeblood of the show um and you know at 390 at a buck a week i you know it's enough to uh feed my pet rabbit but uh i gotta thank you guys again it's going great guns and how can it be i
Starting point is 00:01:55 mean look what's going on in the world and it's hilarious are you enjoying watching the fucking left melt down oh my god it's better than him winning it's i am fucking laughing my balls off at how childish they learned nothing they have learned nothing from the election if anything you're like we're gonna go farther left and get more politically correct and say racism and charge people of bigotry everywhere and anywhere didn't they that's what they've been doing for the last 30 years. And it blew up in your face finally. And yet we're going to,
Starting point is 00:02:28 we're going to step on the gas pedal and go in that direction. Are you shitting me? Oh my God. I had to shut off the Sunday shows. I watched meet the press and I had to keep pausing it and, and going to go into my front door and screaming and then coming back, watching a little more. And then,
Starting point is 00:02:44 and then I don't even watch Martha Raddatz and it sounds like she's got two fingers up her fucking that dried up leftist idiot who got to actually fucking be a debate moderator I had to shut her off
Starting point is 00:03:02 eight minutes into it I go are you shitting me you gotta be shitting me. She's still in the business after how much was exposed of her? Anyhow, thank you, Buffalo. I came back from Buffalo yesterday. Helium Comedy Club, great club. If you live in that area, you've got to go to that comedy club. It's a killer room.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I had a ball. I had a few drinks, too, before I went on. So I was really cutting loose. Second show Saturday night, really letting it fucking fly. Well, all shows. But I can't help it. I'm still gloating up there about the election results, and I can't help myself. And you look out in the crowd, and you'll see 180 people laughing, and then you'll see
Starting point is 00:03:42 like three long faces with fucking hate in their eyes it makes it makes it so fucking enjoyable you whiny little bitches you can't take it yeah you fucking blew it you blew it oh my goodness great time up there helium i'd like to do that club when the buffalo sabers aren't playing in the building three feet away. Jesus Christ. Every time I go up there, the Sabres happen to be in town. They were in town twice this weekend. Anyhow, luckily they suck. So I don't know if it affected my numbers or not, but probably a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:16 But you got to love Buffalo. Come on. They threw a dildo on the football field when the Patriots were playing, or whoever. Pats and Bills were playing a few weeks ago. Remember? And I said on stage, that's how I know I watch too much porn. I actually spotted the dildo in midair. And I didn't even flinch. I'm like, oh, there it goes. Seen that before. Fucking Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.
Starting point is 00:04:39 And he, and he. Boy, is the whining at a feverish pitch. We'll get to all of it. Whether it's Mike Pence going to see. Why would you go see Hamilton? They could be fucking doing that in my backyard. I'd kick him out of my property. Who gives a shit? Yes. Let's take the founding fathers, the white brilliant guys, and let's try to squeeze our left wing horseshit into that. The irony of a black actor, Holly, broadway actor lecturing a white congressman uh vice president-elect about diversity and whatnot and just the irony is so thick i mean the fact that pence went to the play shows he's not a fucking bigot and um that was just priceless
Starting point is 00:05:22 i i fucking pointed that anger the shit out of me. Everybody, everybody from the fucking Beastie Boys to Green Day, all the idiot leftist fucking morons who have been screaming into the wind for the last 20, 30 years about how horrible this country is. Yet again, millions of black and brown people trying to get in legally or illegally. It's just priceless. They are just the dumbest motherfuckers alive uh just uh it's oh my god i'm just belly laughing fucking belly laughing at their response cnn is worse than ever it's un-fucking-believable they're not going to dismantle that piece of shit but the fucking uh everybody's crying including this dips, Adam Horowitz from the Beastie Boys. Where the fuck is he still relevant?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Well, he had 500 people at a Brooklyn Park Sunday to make some noise against hate. After some vandal spray painted swastikas and wrote, go Trump there. Yeah, I'm sure it was a white guy doing it. Un-fuck it. probably another fake vandalism you know how it works let's keep up that myth that it's all nazis now and and and minorities are getting beat up since trump you know became president-elect let's keep that myth going you gotta fight no you don't. Shut up, you fucking hacks. Ugh! Yeah, a.k.a. Ad-Rock.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Said the despicable graffiti painted in some park in Brooklyn, named after his friend, Adam Yorke, late-founding Beastie Boy. That was homegrown terrorism, according to Horowitz. Keep your eyes open. Stand up for each other. This was homegrown terrorism, according to Horowitz. Keep your eyes open. Stand up for each other. This is homegrown terrorism for real. He slammed the rise in hate crimes in the city and across U.S. since Donald Trump was elected president.
Starting point is 00:07:16 These incidents and this type of graffiti have been popping up all over our country. Fucking lies. You know what's been popping up all over our country? All white people getting pulled out of their cars and beat up for having trump bumper stickers and hats that's what's popping up all over the country but you don't see that adam horvitz because you wouldn't watch fox news because you're too fucking close-minded and uh again didn't you learn anything from the election that's what we see popping up uh cops being shot that's obama's legacy i'll get to that in a few minutes but yeah it's uh you know anti-muslim rhetoric is up and all this horse shit absolute fucking you know but you know let's
Starting point is 00:07:53 see the evidence as opposed to we have footage of a white guy being beat with an inch of his life by five black guys in chicago so you know put your shit up there oh somebody spray painted a swastika hmm gee a leftist wouldn't do that and then put trump's name on it to make it look like it's the right door would then not saying that's the case here we don't know for sure but just you know just consider it i mean we had professors at columbia that black woman hung a noose on her own doorknob remember and we've had millions of those things so uh you know absolute cucker absolute cucker um so it's just fun
Starting point is 00:08:33 he says i think we need to say this is not okay in america when did anybody say it was okay it's just diarrhea left just just politically correct diarrhea. Words mean nothing to them. It just pours out of their mouth. It's the fucking silliest. And again, I will match you one on one as far as videos and stuff on the Internet showing just the opposite, showing people that had Trump signs in their front yards, their houses being vandalized or GOP headquarters. Somebody threw a Molotov cocktail through there during the election. And I don't see that happening on the other side. So this whole myth about now it's open, open season on Muslims and minority and they don't feel safe. What a crock of shit. You couldn't be in a safer country.
Starting point is 00:09:23 And the fucking media, like i said cnn and steppenopolis and meet the press chuck todd with his little rat face just keep it up didn't learn a fucking thing meet the press went to uh pennsylvania and and interview states like that swing states the midwest and interview people who had voted for Obama and originally last time and then voted for Trump this time. And of course, they had to pick like the dumbest people they could find, you know. And oh, it's just hilarious. They think they're being slick and fooling us.
Starting point is 00:09:55 But the gigs up, the gigs up. Chuck Todd makes fucking David. David Gregory looked like Tim Russett, for Christ's sake. After watching Chuck Todd. Oh, my God. He gets so short when he's interviewing Republicans and shit. He goes, yeah. Watch Meet the Press and just listen.
Starting point is 00:10:13 While somebody's answering, like a Mike Pence or somebody from my—he's got this annoying habit where he goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can tell he's not even listening. He's literally looking down at his notes. It's fucking hilarious. But, yeah, there's so much. Oh, yeah, there's so much anti, so much anti black and brown sentiment in the world. Well, I wonder if Mr. Horowitz read this. A mugger spewed anti-white statements at a married couple on the Upper West Side before his accomplice struck the man in the face with a skateboard and both crooks stole the man's belongings. The man was 61, was walking with his 54-year-old wife on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and these two guys started
Starting point is 00:10:56 harassing them around 6 30 on Friday. Fucking white cracker, one of the suspects yelled before spitting in the man's face the woman attempted to intervene but was thrown to the ground while the victim was on the ground the men ripped off his jacket and ran away with it did you see that one mr harvitz because i see shit like that every day on the internet uh this is in a new york newspaper so you know there's evidence here police are investigating as a biased crime. Both suspects described as black or Hispanic, according to the cops.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Hmm. I want you to just picture if that was a black couple and two white guys did that with Trump t-shirts on. You think it would make the fucking news? You think to be talking about it on Meet the Press
Starting point is 00:11:40 or a Good Morning America or wherever? Pick your fucking... Are you fucking shitting me you gotta fucking grow up man you gotta grow up lefties you gotta grow up you're not a kid anymore you gotta grow up. They can't! We can't! Where's my Play-Doh? They actually have Coco and Play-Doh for
Starting point is 00:12:09 college kids that were devastated by the results of the election. And you ought to take that Play-Doh and form a big dildo or a big dick and just sit on it and spin. That's what you do. Coco and grief counselors.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Can you? and you wonder why fucking ISIS and all these savages are drooling at how soft we've become oh my aching stem ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 00:12:34 oh my aching stem so yeah I want to see a story I want to see this this doesn't even make the news in New York sometimes these stories
Starting point is 00:12:43 when the whites are victims of hate crimes doesn't even make it made the New York. Sometimes these stories when the whites are victims of hate crimes, it doesn't even make it made the New York Post and hopefully be on the local news. But again, whatever, you know. So there's all kinds of and I'm sure they were. I'm sure those Republicans that did that. Right. Yeah, I'm sure they voted Trump. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:05 There's more evidence of this shit going on. Police officers shot in Texas, Missouri, and Florida over the weekend. Wow, I guess more Trump followers, huh? Because that's who shoots cops, right? Unbelievable. Latest attacks on law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah. Manhunt underway. Cops got killed in San Antonio, Texas. And there was another shooting, but a cop got shot in shot Missouri they killed that guy in Florida there's a shoot a cop got shot in Florida but again you know that's Obama's legacy okay so fucking there you go that's your legacy man how many cops have been shot huh on the president Obama but no he had nothing to do with stirring up fucking uh
Starting point is 00:14:04 he had the Black Lives Matter one up fucking uh he had black lives matter one of their latest to the white house a couple times and uh yes black lives matter it could be directly responsible they were the ones in new york that were chanting what do we want dead cops when do we want it now but yeah no no they're not a hate group oh my goodness yeah so there's a manhunt underway who knows they might have caught the guy by now since i came on air here uh in san antonio and they like i said they killed a guy in missouri that shot the cop uh in sunday's first incident 50 year old ben marconi a 20 year veteran of the san antonio force fatally shot as he sat in his squad car. A lot of balls, huh?
Starting point is 00:14:45 During a routine traffic stop outside the city's police headquarters. For Christ's sake, he was right outside the headquarters. The assailant stopped his car behind the police cruiser, walked up and shot the cop as he was writing a ticket
Starting point is 00:14:56 and it had nothing to do with the guy who shot him. You fucking believe that? And then he reached in the window and shot him a second time. My question is, how the hell do they don't have this guy apprehended by now if it happened outside police headquarters i gotta believe there's cameras everywhere uh hours later a 46 year old st louis police sergeant was shot in the face by someone in a car pulled up beside the officer's cruiser at an intersection and opened fire that was in st louis the cop was still
Starting point is 00:15:26 conscious and able to speak after the attack the suspect was later killed oh no call in the fucking southern poverty law center aclu i'm sure his life his fucking rights were violated right suspect was killed in a shootout after the cop spotted his car and that suspect was wanted for other violent crimes and likely shot the officer and the fear being recognized again and that's because of it because um you know there's there's uh the gun laws you know there's too many guns and and you know there's people being thrown in jail but really once again the guy has a rap sheet a mile long and uh you know and he's out on the streets so so much for that oh people are being thrown in jail for no reason at all kiss my dirty grits ladies and gentlemen but yeah that's your legacy prez obama it's part of it it's not all of it you have uh you know obamacare which is in a death spiral uh it's all going down the toilet
Starting point is 00:16:28 that's why you uh hillary lost big running on your your record then a third cop was shot in santa bel island on florida's gulf coast but he wasn't seriously hurt and um i don't know i haven't watched uh cnn today or abc or cbs and I'm sure they're covering this, huh? I'm sure this is front page or the New York Times. They apprehended that guy at his house on an island off of Fort Myers. Fucking Florida. What a state, huh?
Starting point is 00:17:02 Now you see why it's so important during the election. You got white hillbillies. You got fucking gangsters. You got, it's such a, it's just like a microcosm of all this shit. Anyhow. Yeah. It's pretty sick out there. And earlier this month, right,
Starting point is 00:17:27 you remember in Iowa, two cops were killed by a white fella. They were sitting in their cars. They got ambushed right outside Des Moines. 57 cops have been killed by gunfire so far this year. That's a 68% increase from the same period last year. So Obama. You blew it.
Starting point is 00:17:47 You blew it. Yeah. Statistics you're not going to hear anywhere else. But again, keep in mind, all the hate crimes are up against Muslims. There's been like seven more attacks on, again, and I haven't seen the footage of any of them, and probably verbal, you know. Oh, they're up through the roof since since president president-elect trump took over what a bunch of caca
Starting point is 00:18:10 uh and uh i watched uh when i got home i you know i record well i'm gone in buffalo and um when i got home i watched uh you know well first before I got home I was watching the news I was laying on my bed at the hotel in Buffalo and um vice president-elect Mike Pence who has literally has zero scandals in his past I don't know how long he's been a congressman, 12, 15 years or whatever. Governor of Indiana. Not a mark on his record that I know of. Of course, he was roundly booed by the audience when he went to see the play Hamilton
Starting point is 00:18:56 on Broadway in New York City. New York City is just becoming a city of fucking jerk-offs. It really is just horrible. Leftist, close-minded, fascist fucks booing this guy. He's obviously a racist because he's an old white guy with white hair and that's all it takes.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You know, Indiana, that's a racist state. And to, you know, let's ignore the fact that he's going to see Hamilton. You know, a play about one of the fucking founding fathers done by black and brown people, mostly. But let's forget that, that he actually opened his mind enough to go see that travesty. And they fucking openly booed him and his family. What fucking douchebags. What pieces of caca.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Oh, my God. Fucking did Obama ever get booed anywhere ever? Well, there was no reason to. Really? No reason to boo him? Should have been booed at his inauguration. Hey, have you talked to Reverend Wright lately? That's what we should have heard at his first inauguration.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Hey, yeah, Eric Holder, he's not racist. That's a good appointment. That's the other thing. Trump's catching shit for all his appointments because there's not enough people. Really? Fucking Obama had one of the whitest. Obama's administration, and you can check this out uh was whiter than fucking george w's so give me a break spare me the cockapoo imagine
Starting point is 00:20:32 fucking booing the guy in his family manhattan and don't give me this shit freedom of speech first we know that nobody's questioning i'll get to the actual cast members putting him on the spot in a second. Nobody's questioning the people booing and shit. We're questioning the appropriateness of it and the, you know, lack of manners. Do you understand? He took the time to come out and see it. By the way, a player that only rich people can afford to get into. That's the other irony, which is so hilarious.
Starting point is 00:21:02 You got this asshole up there lecturing uh pence meanwhile he's in a broadway player that only the one percenters could afford to see you know the people that they despise fucking a little irony there but uh just fucking booing the guy Real classy New York City. And then, yes, some guy, the fucking lead, D. Beer. One of the actors had to, they knew he was coming, I guess. So, you know, he had to prepare a speech. And as I guess Pence was leaving, the play was almost over.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And then this guy had to call out the president because he couldn't handle his hate. Let's listen to the lecture Pence got from one of the cast members of Hamilton. I'm going to do a play called Hamilton based on George Hamilton, but he's known for his dark skin, but I'm going to do it in white face. It's going to confuse everybody, but anyways. Vice President-elect Pence, we welcome you,
Starting point is 00:22:11 and we truly thank you for joining us here at Hamilton in America. Oh, yeah, feel that sincerity. We, sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us. Okay, right there you heard somebody boo on behalf of Pence. They were defending Pence. But right there. Do you know how and can I translate it for you? Of course, he put it in pretty words. What are we saying is we are anxious that you're a bigot and a rich white fellow who doesn't give a fuck about us.
Starting point is 00:22:42 OK, do you have any evidence? In a perfect world, he'd shoot back and go, what's the evidence that I'm a racist? Man standing in knickers playing a white guy that you despise, you big dildo fucker, you. Back to the show. Our planet, our children, our parents or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope that this show has inspired you
Starting point is 00:23:06 to uphold our American values and to work on behalf... Yeah, guy's been a governor. He's been in government for, I don't know, almost all his life. But it's your play that's going to inspire him to do the right thing by the American people, you friggin' choo-choo. All of us. All of us. Listen to the fucking idiot Manhattanite ritual. you friggin choo-choo. Listen to the fucking idiot Manhattanite ritual
Starting point is 00:23:29 tourists too. Proving that the country is probably the least racist on the planet but go ahead dinkhead and your powdered wig, you big chooch. Woo! You can always hear a chick in there. In a perfect world, Trump could have just, I mean, Pence could have stood up and went,
Starting point is 00:23:57 Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Can you imagine? Oh, my God. That's what it deserves. That's what it deserves. That's what it deserves, man.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck. Fucking potted wig wearing dope you. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Exactly. A lecture and a fucking just calling him a bigot.
Starting point is 00:24:25 That's all that was. Passive aggressive. I don't know how you want to describe it. We hope you're not going to be a racist. We know you are because you don't want to protect any of us. What are you basing that on? Oh, just diarrhea. And I'll tell you how out of line it was.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And it really, I was laying on the bed. I go, you got it first. I'm like, okay. And then it really started eating away at me. And then I read the paper today and even Stevie Van Zandt. Where's that fucking article? Hold on a second. Why was the heavy breathing?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Hold on. Let me see if I can find Stevie Van Zandt tweeted something out saying, uh, I'll just paraphrase that he goes, I've been as openly as an artist as openly you know politically critical as anybody but uh this guy was your guest i'm paraphrasing and you're supposed to you know you're supposed to protect him treat him right uh and that was coming from stevie van zandt you can't get further left than stevie van zandt you know and, but even he was defined, you know, even he was upset at how Pence was treated, so you're fine, when you get Stevie Van Zandt saying you guys are being dicks, you're being dicks, he should have done it in Soviet, right, what the fuck, he came to the play and
Starting point is 00:25:39 you're fucking bad-mouthing him, I don't know, T. I think we should fucking be done with this guy. No? How you doing, hon? That's right. That was Silvio Dante. Not one of my best, but I went for it. And then here's why I'm fucking loving Trump. Here's why I'm fucking loving Trump so far.
Starting point is 00:26:03 He's back on Twitter Twitter even though he's the president-elect which I love because my biggest complaint when George W was in office he would never answer when people are calling him and again this whole Nazi shit I've been hearing it since I was 18 when Reagan got elected he was a fascist right-wing Nazi and I'm sure some of yous out there are yeah what's your point? But it's always the same attack. Is that all your fucking gut? So it's so trite.
Starting point is 00:26:32 But yeah, you know. Like I said, you get Stevie Van Zandt fucking saying you're a little out of line there. But yeah, Trump's tweeting and Bush would never respond to shit like this charges of being racist or whatever or just for rich he would never respond and it used to fucking infuriate me and uh he probably thought look the fucking media is so stacked against us what's it but i love it trump's right on twitter like six in the morning fucking he already right after that right after pence got booed he said know, he was on Twitter saying, way out of line, you should apologize to the, you know, cast of fucking Rent with Pouted Wigs.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And again, Sunday morning, I love it. He wouldn't let it go. But I love it. I love somebody using that, you know, the bully pulpit to answer these fucking stupid things. I think it's great. Stupid things. I think it's great. So, yeah, he tweeted some, he tweeted, the cast and producers of Hamilton, and this was like his third tweet about this, which I hear is highly overrated.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior. I love it. I fucking love it. And, you know. And then SNL. And by the way, it might surprise you. I like Alec Baldwin. I hate his politics, obviously.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Like most rich liberals, he's just fucking out of touch and confused but i think he'd be a funny son of a son of a bitch to hang around with and get drunk and you probably end up in a fistfight if you started talking politics but um he he's fucking killing me as trump and uh it's really funny shit but snl is just so so fucking you know they try to be they they they try to be down the middle but you know they i mean can you imagine they must have the next four years worth of sketches written with trump as the president because they are fucking liberal they always have been the show's always been liberal and uh i always get interviewed about well you don't see many conservative funny shows but but there's not many concern well but because the the the the die has been cast since snl came on the air and uh
Starting point is 00:28:49 it's always been that way and and and you know you're not going to change it overnight just because trump is president as far as comedy but and but i'm gonna let this shit fly my special that's coming out in a month or two i don't know when it's coming out yet but uh inflammatory i'm sure i'll catch a rash of shit for stuff you know i'm talking about um so trump had to uh he had to shit on uh snl he said i watched parts of uh snl said i ain't live last night he tweeted this yesterday morning it is totally one-sided by his show nothing funny at all equal time for us question mark uh i i disagree that it's not funny because uh you know baldwin's fucking impression of trump is hilarious and uh but yeah no it's definitely one-sided and i i don't think that's news to anybody who thinks like we do.
Starting point is 00:29:50 But here's a little bit of SNL and, you know, portraying Trump as a fucking moron. Same fucking shit. It's tired, but some of it was funny. Do they love them? Talking about his tweets. I're certainly very passionate about them. I just saw one very nice tweet saying that they were great for our nation and the future of our children. Tremendous. Who sent that?
Starting point is 00:30:15 David Duke. Saw that one coming a mile away. Kelly, can I say something? I just want to thank you for all you've done. I wouldn't be president without you. I think about that every day that's supposed to be kellyanne conway now i don't know why she would say that her character she loves trump and help get him elected but that's what you can do when you're doing you know in front of a manhattan audience you stupid mouth cut
Starting point is 00:30:42 chairman of the joint chiefs of staff is here. You remember General Dunlop? There he is. Thanks for coming, General. My pleasure, sir. Thought we could take a moment to discuss strategy before your upcoming term. Sure. We've been stuck fighting ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra for six years now. So when we found out that you had a secret plan, it really energized us.
Starting point is 00:31:04 That's right. A plan. Very secret. Well, whatever it is, we're really looking forward to hearing it come January. It's only seven weeks away, so let's save some lives together, sir. Tremendous. Love it. Thank you. Okay, right. Here we go. Okay, right. Here we go. Here we go. Big plan. He's sitting down at his computer now. Big plan.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Google, what is ISIS? Oh my, 59 million results. Siri, how do I kill ISIS? Oh my, 59 million results. Siri? How do I kill ISIS? This is a blackberry. Big beautiful boobs in buildings, big beautiful boobs in buildings. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:32:11 That was funny but again you know it's just and you're gonna get that for the next four let's let's hope eight years but that's all it's gonna be because uh that's how it is when there's a republican in office or a conservative or whatever which he's not either one really if you think about it on the big issues he is but uh uh they went on to do more about the sketch i don't want to play the clip it was too long that you know he was all the things he got elected on he had pence come in and go you know uh talking about immigration and the wall he's like they're upset about it okay let's not do it and you know and that type of shit in other words everything he said was a lie during the election so uh we shall see and again some of it funny but of course of course it leans left that's not news but i love the fact
Starting point is 00:32:51 that the president-elect it's fucking yeah i love how he just throws in shit you know like totally biased yeah it always has been you know nothing funny at all again i wouldn't say that's true so uh but uh this ought to be fun huh can you imagine that is a fastball down the middle if you're a comedy writer and obviously all of them a lot of them go went to harvard and shit i used to talk to colin quinn about the guys he worked with over there and they used to always get in spitting matches because you know Quinn's more like me politically but he'd call them on their left wing horse shit and uh you know sometimes but but I love that he's tweeting I love that he's answering this shit and he's just not taking it lying down don't you like that about him no that makes him thin skin shut up somebody has to fucking point out what a fucking horse shit i hope he doesn't stop either
Starting point is 00:33:50 hope he doesn't stop doing that um and um yeah so i couldn't help myself on stage. I couldn't, I couldn't, I just, when I go out there at the beginning, I still have to fucking gloat at how wrong all the jerk-offs in the media, all the left-leaning jerk-offs, and what liars they are, and how, I don't know how they can have any credibility. I cannot wait to see CNN's ratings, ratings like for the first quarter of this year it probably won't change since hillary won the popular vote and people still want to hear what they want to hear uh and uh you know everybody the pollsters everybody just watching chuck todd i i'm watching i'm gonna meet the press go back to the, the electoral map that you've been showing, showing us for the months before the election, how Trump had a very narrow, very narrow route. It was almost impossible. Go back to that map. No. Instead, we're going to go to the swing states where Hillary lost and.
Starting point is 00:35:07 uh hillary lost and uh you know point out we'll find the most redneck uh people that we can interview and say look these are the dopes that changed their vote to trump everybody screaming and yelling everybody just fucking screaming and yelling oh no he's not gonna protect, he's not going to protect us. He's not going to protect us. Fucking course he is. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Hey, I got to go to the doctor today. Remember they put me on Zoloft about six weeks ago? And after about a month, I upped it. I doubled the dosage. Well, it turns out my body's very anti-drug.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Everything I eat after I up the dosage is hanging in my belly like a dead fetus. And, I don't know, sweating at night. Sweating like Robert Parrish at the foul line in the old Boston Garden in a game against the Lakers in fucking June. 112 degrees. I'm sweating through my sheets. And I asked somebody when I was on stage in Buffalo, anybody on Zoloft and a girl way in the back, pretty good looking too, after the show, comes up big chested blonde.
Starting point is 00:36:26 But she yelled from, yeah, I said, is sweating through your sheets fucking normal she's like yes and i said i talked to her after the show i go how many milligrams do they put you on she goes 200 i go what were you a fucking serial killer 200 that would fucking kill me she goes yeah she goes i i wean myself off and i'm down to 25 uh which is what i gotta go back to and you're like why are you on that shit in the first place nick well you know people around me were going you're getting a little too fucking dark you know i mean that's why i'm having thanksgiving by myself anyways what yeah i didn't even know thanksgiving was this thursday by the way my wife had to point that out to me for some reason i thought it was closer to the end of the
Starting point is 00:37:02 month and i'm like i go why are all these commercials about thanks in a couple weeks away? She's like, what are you, stupid? It's Thursday. So I got her in a headlock, proving I needed to stay on this all up. Anyhow, anyhow. Yeah. So I'm going to the doctors today and maybe knock that back. And, you know, what else?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Oh, yeah. It's a post-surgery thing, but I already did that with the actual surgeon, but anyhow, I want to fucking get a testosterone shot, even though my testosterone level is normal according to the tests, but I want it to be above normal. I want to, like, you know, sprout a handlebar mustache overnight,
Starting point is 00:37:43 and my fucking physique, I do. I look sprout a handlebar mustache overnight. And my fucking physique. I do. I look like every guy in the St. Alice commercial, playing guitar with his asshole buddies in a garage. Very depressing. But I went there. Again, I know I'm, as they say, digressing here. But I went there to the doctor's originally to maybe get a testosterone shot.
Starting point is 00:38:03 But they're like, no, your levels are fucking normal. Oh, why aren't I banging my wife twice a week? And they're like, because she's your wife. And I went, okay, nice talking to you. I'll see you in six months. Quack, quack, quack, quack. Quack, quack, quack, quack. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. I can feel it coming in the air tonight. So hold on. Anyhow, speaking of music, one of my favorite bands, and I say that with my tongue so far in my cheek, it looks like I'm blowing a minute bowl. What? You heard me.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You fucking heard me. What you heard me you fucking heard me you fucking heard Me Who better to comment on the election than a couple of jerk offs that grew up like in Berkeley or wherever California has to fall off the map Too late. You're already an American jerk-off. Yes, I can. A revolution. Yeah, subliminal mind fuck of America.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Oh, a new kind of tension. Yeah, it's a white kind of tension. It's a new kind of tension. Yeah, it's a white kind of tension. It's a conservative kind of tension. Pushing back against the fucking lying cocksuckers of the left and the media. That's what you hear, Billy Joe Armstrong. Well, they, of course, they went on a little anti-Trump raid during
Starting point is 00:39:41 one of their concerts. Billy Joe Armstrong changed the lyrics to the group's song, American Idiot, during a performance at the MTV Europe Music Awards. So are we spreading our idiocy? Our fucking idiocy is, you know, it goes over well in Europe because they're fucking brainwashed. Armstrong changed the lyric, the subliminal mindfuck of America, to subliminal mind-Trump America.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Ooh, ooh, some clever shit there, Billy. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not this fucking time. No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way, mate. Girl, I'm going to fucking smash his fucking face in.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I would love to. In an interview with Kerrang! Magazine in August, Armstrong compared Trump to Adolf Hitler. Well, we haven't heard that one before. Really fucking breaking out there, huh? You're a fucking workaholic. You're a fucking fly. You're a fucking fly.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Can you imagine Adolf Hitler really thinking out of the box? He said he felt sorry for those who supported trump's candidacy so he's shitting all over millions of people and a lot of them i bought bought his shitty fucking music too the worst problem i see about trump this is uh billy joe armstrong of green day the worst problem i see about trump this is uh billy joe armstrong of green day the worst problem i see about trump is who his followers are he told the magazine i actually feel bad for them what a condescending little sucker of satan's peepee uh i actually feel bad for them because they're poor working class people who can't get a leg up no they're not that's a lot of them but
Starting point is 00:41:22 that's only a segment of them dummy they're pissed off and he he's preyed on their anger he just said you have no options and i'm the only one and i'm going to take care of it myself i mean that's fucking hitler man that's fucking hitler that's what he said about trump Oh, goodness gracious. Hello, ease. But they weren't the only one to get political during the show. Model Gigi Hadid did an impression of future first lady Melania Trump towards the beginning of the show. Bet you that was hilarious because there's nothing funnier than a supermodel.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Huh? Oh, the fucking funny bone on them. That must have been tremendous. Uh, ever notice most supermodels are pissed off and they weigh about 11 ounces. And you know why? Cause they raise them like veal. They keep them in a pen, like at Ford modeling age. And they give them like a fucking, it's like veal. They give them a cup of milk a day and, uh, givexatives and dalgalax and then they shit out two croutons and you can see their ribs and they go okay you're ready Senator Milan slap some pumps on her um but uh yeah Green Day really really some really really well thought out political shit he's just like
Starting point is 00:42:44 Hitler so in other words if you don't fucking see the world as he does a kid who grew up wherever some really, really well thought out political shit. He's just like Hitler. So in other words, if you don't fucking see the world as he does, a kid who grew up wherever, you know, if you don't see racism everywhere and bigotry, you're just a fucking dummy. And he thinks that's all that voted for Trump were people, you know, ignorant.
Starting point is 00:43:04 By the way, those numbers were debunked too, that just uneducated people who didn't go to college, white guy. Those were debunked if you look at the numbers after too. That was some of them, but not all of them. So they did another song and, well, they added to it. They added some words to it about something about fuck Trump and who the hell is it? Hold on. I don't.
Starting point is 00:43:40 What the fuck? Gilligan, little buddy. Dope. I got it. I got it. Every time I let go of the mic, you might hear a little buzzing. Because the outlets are 106 years old in the fucking house. And I'm going to put a new ground wire on some shit.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Quack, quack, quack. Well, they were doing the song called big bang uh which is off their latest album kaka poopoo poopoo poopoo liberal goo gobblers uh the trio broke into a chant of no trump no kk no fascist usa fucking there is no kkk you dumb motherfucker there's about eight guys left in alabama they meet at a sunoco station for a half hour and go, you know what? I don't think it's working. Fucking love how we talk about the Cape. Meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:44:29 black lives matter is organizing cops being shot and they get invited to the white house. Eat a dick and die, please. No Trump, no KK, no fascist, a USA.
Starting point is 00:44:43 That's the, uh, green day. Here it is. No fascist USA. That's the Green Day. Here it is. Wow, that's a catchy, catchy tune, man. Add lip skills. Fuck you! Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:45:17 Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Those are my lyrics. That's a song I did called Fuck You. I did it in Buffalo on stage and it was terrific. Look for that on Sony Rock.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Ugh. What's a hair from somebody who was like raised in Berkeley or I don't know the band is from Berkeley or whatever the fuck. Anything Berkeley related is polluted. That's not open mind. Yeah, it is. You guys are stuck in 1965 with all your fucking horseshit hysteria about racism and hate crimes what a crock of shit and once again let's compare the number of white people getting beat up online to the number of black people you're not going to
Starting point is 00:45:59 win that argument not in a thousand fucking years. Are you with me? Ladies and gentlemen? Are you with me? Hey, come see me. I don't know. New Town Theater, New Town, Pennsylvania, I think. I want to say the 17th of December
Starting point is 00:46:20 and I know I'm at Uncle Vinny's. Go to for those dates. Could you, folks? I have my book here, but it's a mile from me and I don't feel like getting up. What do you think of that? Finally tonight on Meet the Press, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack,
Starting point is 00:46:33 UNH. How about for every cop that gets shot, something happens to a professor at a college, one that has a record of leftist horseshit which is pretty much all of them and i'm not saying to uh violently hurt them i'm just saying just scare the death out of them do something for every time a cop gets shot because they're responsible for that type of fucking anarchist leftist i hate america horseshit yeah every time you read about a professor saying something fucking outrageous and trying to shut down somebody who doesn't think like him,
Starting point is 00:47:07 and, yeah, something should happen to their car or, I don't know. You know, nothing heavy. You know, whipped cream, eggs. Don't do things like they do to the cops. Don't kill people, but I'm just saying. don't don't do things like they do to the cops don't kill people but i'm just saying university new hampshire professors call for expulsion of trump supporters hey there's some open-mindedness huh on college campuses where you're supposed to be taught about open mind by the way the professors that are complaining a couple of them are naturally women feminist studies teachers. Those are... You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt!
Starting point is 00:47:47 And, yeah, UNH calling for the expulsion of two students who counted protested at an anti-Trump rally while wearing Harambe and Richard Nixon costumes. They should be fucking put in charge of the campus, in my opinion. Former UNH professor Courtney Marshall posted a photo of the students on her Facebook writing, There was a walkout yesterday at my former institution, UNH, and these two people showed up.
Starting point is 00:48:14 She puts a picture of the fucking kid in Nixon mask and the fucking gorilla costume. That's Harambe. Gee, I wonder how that's going to be taken on a college campus. him that's harambe gee i wonder how that's going to be taken on a college campus the post led to several current professors to call for the expulsion of the students even writing sample letters to the administrators in the comments one of them said time to call for an investigation leading to the expulsion of these students imagine these are fucking college professors said robin hackett an associate professor of english anytime uh we talk about college professors, said Robin Hackett, an associate professor of English. Anytime we talk about college professors
Starting point is 00:48:48 that are female, we like to play this song because it just adds something to the story. Yeah. She's a faculty as well as a member of the Women's Studies Program.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Before listing the names of several administrators for professors to direct their complaints to. This is what she tweeted. Time to call for an investigation leading to the expulsion of these students. Somebody knows who these people are, Courtney Marshall said. Sarah Gormady said,
Starting point is 00:49:20 One is a vet. Boots. The vet rep will know probably. Was this in front of Stoke? Because the vet rep likely saw it if it is. Then Siobhan... Then Robert Hackett said, Can you think whom we can approach? Please, anybody. Other than Ted Kirkpatrick.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Whatever the fuck. Another English professor and women's studies program faculty member, Siobhan Senier, drafted a letter to UNH President Huddleston in Provost Target, at yesterday's campus walkout to show solidarity for people feeling threatened by President-elect Trump and his administration, two students appear dressed as Nixon and Harambe, the ape. A photograph is attached going viral on social media with many people commenting that the ape costume in particular is harassing, intimidating, and racist. People circulating this photo are saying things like typical UNH and Huddleston doesn't care. You and I both know that isn't true, that UNH administration does care,
Starting point is 00:50:35 but we also know that this past election season has left many people feeling especially vulnerable. Oh, I can't take reading this shit anymore. Feeling especially vulnerable. Oh, I can't take reading this shit anymore. I applaud your recent affirmation in your post-election letter to the community of our university's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect. At the same time, many of us who received that letter were concerned that it treated all sides as equal. Did you hear what she just said the letter treated all side in other words we're not equal in this fucking this is coming from a college professor oh my god and yet no critically thinking person can say that people supporting
Starting point is 00:51:20 and people opposing donald trump equal. How about the arrogance there on this stinky, mustachioed, thick-ankled, dog-faced feminist? Trump's campaign traded on an unprecedented and indeed uncivil level of racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism. As the college Democrats so astutely pointed out on their event Facebook page, this does not mean everyone who voted for Trump are themselves bigots, but it is to point out that Trump supporters are not remotely vulnerable to the kinds of, get this, terrorism already being leveled against women, people of color, LGBTQ people, Muslims, and others. Fucking lying. No, no, no, no, no, themselves bigots, but it is to point out that Trump supporters
Starting point is 00:52:26 are not remotely vulnerable to the kinds of terrorism already being leveled against women, people of color, LGBTQ people, Muslims, and others. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! Again, can somebody send me some footage of Muslims being pulled out of their cars and beat up by groups of white fellas show me some um gay people getting the shit kicked out of them
Starting point is 00:52:50 but some by some frat boys i'm sure there's ton of videos viral do you understand if a white person looks at a minority wrong or a fucking muslim wrong for the last 20 fucking years. They'll be hauled in and questioned. And then she goes on to say, somebody knows who these two students are, dressed as Knicks and a Harambe, and whatever their intent, it seems that a conversation with them is in order.
Starting point is 00:53:23 President Huddleston and Provost Target, I would urge you not to take refuge behind the kind of bland, we're all on this together line that is currently so, in other words, don't show an open mind and go, hey, there's something called the First Amendment. If we can badmouth president, vice president elected a play that these people have a right to say what they want to say. No, no, no. No. She calls that bland. I implore you instead to take a strong stand on behalf of our most vulnerable students,
Starting point is 00:53:50 faculty, and staff. Are you fucking hearing this? She says, about a year ago, I saw you, President Huddleston, at a Black Lives Matter protest staged by some of our students. You expressed your eagerness
Starting point is 00:54:01 to listen and learn. I hope that will show our students now that you really heard them yes and um she was reminded that she saw him at a blm meeting because cops were killed this weekend don't address that though and then there was an english lecturer named molly campbell decried the use of the american flag during the counter protest, whining that there was a huge truck waving an American and Trump flags driving back and forth, blaring its horn.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Nixon, the guy in the Nixon mask, was throwing pacifiers at the crowd. Oh, can you imagine? She's upset there was an American flag. But finally, this guy, Larry Be beamer he's another english lecturer said his 10 year old son had to explain to him that harambe and nixon costumes were meant to represent the popular meme dicks out for harambe and then he says this is the english teacher at unh are they assholes definitely are they racist agitators yes but probably only because of personal ignorance, and promote their personal opinions. At least two of the professors who call for disciplinary action against the counter-protesters are members of the Women's Studies program, which sanctioned the anti-Trump rally on its official Facebook page, flouting tax rules that prevent universities from engaging in partisan political activity.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Oh, the Women's Study. rules that prevent universities from engaging in partisan political activity. Oh, the women's study. Always the women's study. Anyhow, there's more, but I won't bore you with it. It's the same closed-minded fascist fucks. Can you just admit you're not for free speech, Democrat Party? Can you just say that? Come out and say it? And by the way, I do like Chuck Schumer better than Harry Reid.
Starting point is 00:56:13 But, uh, you know, Harry Reid, it's hilarious. Pelosi might be finished, too, by the way. She's mentally ill anyways. The fact that she's still in charge has a lot... That's it, folks. I've had enough.
Starting point is 00:56:25 You've had enough. Ha, ha, ha. So as you see, the left is in rare form melting down on national TV. Whether it's MSNBC and that arrogant Rachel Maddow or CNN, Wolf Blitzer or Chuck fucking Todd. All the usual suspects who were exposed as the fucking hoaxes that they are after this election. Yet they're still out there doing the same shit. They'll never learn. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:56 That's sexist. I can't hear any more of that. That's just that's not right, is it? That's not right, is it? Anyway, folks, once again, if you like the DePaulo podcast, the free version on iTunes and, go to slash Nick and subscribe to it, as thousands have.
Starting point is 00:57:18 And like I said, thank you contributors, because subscribers can contribute. And like I said, we set a contribution record last month, and we topped it this month, and we still have like 10 days left or something. So slash Nick to subscribe to the podcast. And that is it. I just ended a long run of having something to do every weekend, and Buffalo was like my last gig where I had to get on a plane for a while.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Felt so good to come home and lay on the couch and eat a pound and a half of Rotelli as I watched the Patriots dismantle that anti-American Colin Kaepernick, who I used to pull for because I loved him in college, but another dummy. for it because I loved them in college, but another dummy. And still a pretty good athlete, but P-fucking-U. Anyhow, any he, anyhow, I will talk to you guys, you subscribers, tomorrow. What am I forgetting?, slash Nick. That is it. I'll talk to you soon. Thank you. the world today to everybody's happy hour guitar solo Bye.

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