The Nick DiPaolo Show - 168 - Hollywood Hating on Trump

Episode Date: January 10, 2017

Hollywood Hating on Trump...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo Monday podcast. How are you, folks? That would be the free version on iTunes,, Stitcher, etc., etc. How are you? If you like the show and you want to subscribe to the podcast, I do two to three more shows a week. Go to
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Starting point is 00:02:17 slash nick i hate all those fucking web addresses can't we come up with something else i still will don't you feel we're in the infancy stages of this whole internet thing and even five years from now people gonna go really you had to put ww in some stupid address can't can we anyways whatever not to sound like a troglodyte how you doing folks what's happened since i last talked to you a lot of shit you had those savages in chicago torturing that mentally challenged white kid uh those pieces of crap did you see the pictures of those kids they look like nice kids huh where the fuck are these people from it's just and i'm still looking for the white equivalent of a hate crime like that uh not saying it doesn't happen but uh I don't know, man. Just un-fucking-believable.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And let's follow that because that's what happens. And by the way, can you imagine, can you imagine if that was three or four white people with Trump shirts on, Trump hats, torturing a mentally challenged black kid? We'd still be talking about it. They would have canceled the fucking Golden Globes. It would have been all about this. Around the clock, 24 hours, you'd still be talking about it like it just broke yesterday. So, oh, you know, Obama was interviewed
Starting point is 00:03:39 by George Stephanopoulos on this week. And I'll play the clip later on it. But just the way he addressed it, it was almost shameful. And fucking savages. If they don't do 100 years, all of them, it's, you know, I don't want to hear about a biased justice system, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:04:04 all that other horse shit. But already this story's sort of in the background because we've had other horrible shit. I'm just doing a quick recap. I'm not going to go into these stories because you know about them. They've been around. I last talked to you in the middle of last week.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Then you had the Fort Lauderdale shooting with that kid, Esteban Santiago, Iraq vet, Alaska National Guard, uh shooting with that kid uh estaban santiago um iraq vet alaska national guard and everybody's making every excuse in the book for him post-traumatic disorder his brother's blaming the government let him down yet he had all the competence to put that fucking he knew just how to pack that gun right and and and uh and pick it up on the other end and go into the bathroom and assemble it so uh not as crazy and fucking to me lucid enough to be charged you know and put away forever and then there was a story today about him just uh some of his neighbors saying how he turned kind of dark. He threw wild parties before all this shit went down.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Brittany Adams, who lived near Mr. Esteban Santiago, said the trouble the Iraq war veteran began in October, about a month after his daughter was born. I'm just saying there's more to this than, you know. And I want to hear more on the terror front, too, because, you know, he told the FBI that, you know, ISIS was telling him to do this shit, and he was hearing voices and whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So, again, I think there's a lot more to be found there, too. But I guess he was partying crazy every night before all this went down in October. He just had to, his neighbor said, seemed to have more parties that got out of hand. When Miss Adams said she and her mother tried to reason with Santiago about the parties and asked him not to park in her mother's handicapped spot,
Starting point is 00:05:53 he responded rather darkly. God forbid that you told us what he said. Then, you know, he went on to kill five people and wounded six others with a 9mm at the airport. Piece of garbage. And like i said uh you know i'd like to know more about the victims what color they were and oh what difference does that make all the fucking difference in the world how about that anyhow what an evil 2017 great start huh jews mowed down by trucks in Israel by psychopaths. And the New Year's Eve killing in Turkey and the shooting of Fort Lauderdale. It's only getting darker, folks.
Starting point is 00:06:34 It's only getting darker. That's all I got to say. And thank God the thick-ankled dogface didn't win the fucking election. Let's get right to that uh shall we let's get right to it yeah that's happy new years in arabic anyhow let me give you my summation on the whole hacking thing because the 25 page report came out with again little um little evidence as far as you know solid evidence like how they did it and of course uh the intelligence agency says we can't give you that but we can't give up your sources and how we did it blah blah blah but it makes for a convenient cover doesn't it so uh no
Starting point is 00:07:17 real hard and we and yes yes i agree anybody with a brain agrees that russia meddled in it but you know what's going to happen the fucking fucking idiots out there who hate Trump. And by the way, this is a whole plan to delegitimize his presidency. Don't tell me Obama still isn't fuming about Donald Trump keeping the birther thing alive. And don't tell me this isn't sticking it up. And you can't tell me that the guys that work at the intelligence agencies, you can't tell me that that's not a politicized group either. They're human beings. They vote Democrat.
Starting point is 00:07:50 They vote Republican. So don't tell me that politics isn't in play here because it is. And if you deny that, then you're just full of shit. You're not being honest with yourself. yourself um but anytime uh your friends come up to you and go there's no doubt that uh there's no doubt that uh trump was handed the presidency by putin just say really well how did hillary win the fucking uh popular vote i don't i don't hear anybody talking about that on the left now how did she win that by three million votes is my first question and second i'll say it again i've said it many times on this show.
Starting point is 00:08:25 You know what WikiLeaks did? They did the mainstream media's job for it. That's how I look at it. I don't care how we got the truth. We got the truth about Hillary and the Democrats and Podesta and what fucking,
Starting point is 00:08:41 what a horrible, incompetent politician she is and everybody that surrounded her. And don't forget, they were hacked. John Podesta was using the password, password, and just incompetent. I mean, there's a million ways. And yes, yes, I say Trump, I say Putin influenced the elections most definitely. By doing what? Giving us the whole story. Okay, so there weren't any ballot boxes stuffed.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It wasn't anything like that. Computers hacked. Votes were stolen. So we, but you know, and you're never going to get the hard evidence. But yes, he did meddle in our election by giving us the truth about the dnc and hillary and everything else and he did us a fucking favor at least people who vote like i do here is uh i think we got a phone call then trump and putin uh we tapped in comrade here is something that might be of interest to you a transcript of the conversation between your helicopter pilot and his commander.
Starting point is 00:09:49 We intercepted Dragonfly Wolf 10. Colorful names. That's Trump's secret service going to call him. We had them in sight. Dragonfly Wolf 10. And the reply, abort the operation immediately. This is a recall. Confirm.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Over. It seems you were abandoned on direct command. And these are the people you protect with your pain. So risky, Zvolich. They just slap the over-the-top Russian. You may scream. There is no shame. pain. It's a risky knowledge. I just laughed at the over-the-top Russian accent. You may scream. There is no shame.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Anyhow, so, you know, there's a million arguments you can make. And yes, they did meddle. And yes, I think we
Starting point is 00:10:40 should fuck with them back. But we always fuck with the Russians. They fuck with us. Iran fucks with us. China, we fuck with China Russians. They fuck with us. Iran fucks with us. China, we fuck with China. China fucks with us.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It's going on forever. Obama didn't say shit in 2015 when the Office of Personnel Management was broken until 20 million files were stolen by the Chinese. Didn't say a fucking word. Okay? And he's known about the Russian hacking for over a year now. But all of a sudden we have a report a report to confirm it couple couple weeks before trump is sworn in and we're supposed
Starting point is 00:11:13 to i'm not we're supposed to believe this isn't politicized get the fuck out of here stop with your horse shit it's all about delegitimizing Trump. You know, and it's worked. Mission accomplished. For Putin, too, because he, you know, he wants us at each other's throats. And mission accomplished. But it doesn't change the fact that Trump won that fair and square because Hillary was the weakest, fattest, oldest, saggy-titted, mustachioed candidate in the history. Sorry, Dems. Get over it it get the fuck over it now it's so funny because what they also gleaned from this report was was that putin and putin was involved i see the russians whoever did this were convinced that uh this is
Starting point is 00:12:02 how good the mainstream media lied in our country, that Hillary had this in the bag. So they started to plan for her presidency and try to undermine that. And don't forget also, Putin had a chip on his shoulder about the thick-ankled dog face. For those of you new to the show, that would be Hillary. Because in 2011, when he was running for president over there, and there were all these protests and shit, and Hillary, you know, pooh-poohed on him being illegitimate and a gangster and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:12:32 So, you know, the guy was the head of the KGB. And that's how good the mainstream media in this country is at lying. They had the fucking head of the KGB convinced Hillary was going to win. I'm loving it. But that's the bottom fucking line. If anybody busts your balls, GB convinced Hillary was going to win. I'm loving it. But that's the bottom fucking line. If anybody busts your balls, how did she win the popular vote? Huh?
Starting point is 00:12:55 You fucking whining cocksuckers? Answer me that, you motherless fucks. Your tears are so yummy and sweet. Oh, the tears of unfathomable... Oh, they're just unhinged. Yummy, yummy, yummy. Excuse me. You know, I should have put together a nice 20 minutes and performed for Trump. I'll remind you, I didn't even vote for him in the primaries, but I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And I love the fact, yes, yes, he's... They have to control his Twitter habit. I agree with that. You don't fire back about the ratings on The Apprentice for fuck's sake. Okay? But I do like when he fires back about anybody he feels is fucking lying about him or slighting him. And if there's evidence of that. So, sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I'm petty like that too. If I had, what's he got, 45 million followers? 45 million fucking followers. He's driving them nuts. the media is going nuts but again all this happened and putin was emboldened and the russians were emboldened because why because we had a little boy in office for the last eight years who did nothing when they invaded crimea they did nothing he's a fuck he's nothing. You don't think that emboldens a guy that used to run the KGB? Fucking Putin, he's old school. He wants total fucking Russian global domination.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Domination. And he saw, you know, he saw fucking us electing this jack off for eight years. And he made moves knowing that Obama didn't have the sack to do anything. So it's going to be interesting when Trump does get sworn in. And do you retaliate? What do you do? Of course you do. You can retaliate and shit.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And the public doesn't even have to know about it. Because it's been going on forever. But I loved, I was watching the Sunday shows, and Rick Santelli was on. I was going to get to the Golden Globes. I'll get to them in a few seconds. Where the hell is the, Rick Santelli, you know who he is? He founded the Tea Party.
Starting point is 00:15:00 He's a financial guy. He's like always on the floor of Wall Street. But he was the god he founded the tea party movement he's an italian from chicago who's very smart and uh i'm surprised they even let him on these sunday morning shows but um they started to talk and meet the press about uh you know about the media and trump and and the hacking and it's there's no doubt about it, you know, the usual Andrea Mitchell, who has the skin of James Woods and a pineapple, if they fucked, and when she's going to go away, you can't get any more left-wing than that.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Then some black congresswoman, last name is Edwards, who never in her life has tried to be objective about fucking anything. And then stupid David Brooksoks who calls himself a republican who writes for the new york times just uh stick in the mud chooch and anyway santelli was on there calling them out on their media fucking bullshit and chuck todd's just just anytime anybody brings up the media whether it's trump or anybody he just gets all in a fucking all in a huff but here's rick santelli on Meet the Press this Sunday, taking on the jerk-offs from the left who never get called on this shit.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Like I said, here it is. What's going on here is really so politically driven. It doesn't matter who did what when. Working with Russia, we work with Iran. Are they our friends? You have to take each situation uniquely. Listen, the president-elect has a boatload of issues. I agree with the pull of his ego.
Starting point is 00:16:27 But I think that the media in general is just being quite unfair here. Wait, wait, wait. Why is this a media issue? Why is it a media issue? This is the intelligence community. Why don't we focus? This is the intelligence community. Did he really just fucking ask that, Chuck Todd?
Starting point is 00:16:43 Why is this a media issue? Are you fucking dog-starring? Everything is a media issue. It goes through dummies like you. That's the problem. How is this a media issue? Because you don't report on it fairly. That's how it's a media issue.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Where do you think the average dummy who's in love with Hillary and Barack, and where do you think they get their fucking their knowledge before they go to the fucking booths to vote from you with your dog shit slant on it he gets so huffy anytime anytime that uh that we uh talk bad about the fucking media and uh and again it's it's always one conservative against four around on a round table and uh here's some more santelli when he he actually actually goes right after chuck todd in in this clip and uh it's beautiful about how after trump uh won the election what the media and what chuck
Starting point is 00:17:46 todd's reaction was according to santelli listen to this little exchange to see russians happy because trump won on election night i never saw you so unhappy you picked sides everybody picked sides that's not true rick that's just not true all of this when the dnc was hacked in june let's get back to this wasn't made an issue because it would have put into the fact we've been seen server right we were hacking merkel's phone everybody does it rick here's the difference what we do it they let me play that again for you we had some here it is again to see russians happy because trump won on election night i never saw you so unhappy. You picked sides, everybody picks sides.
Starting point is 00:18:28 That's not true Rick. That's just not true. Let's get back to the facts here. We've been seeing entities from, we were hacking Merkel's phone. Everybody does it. Rick, here's the difference. What we do it, they do it. What made this different is that the Russians weaponized it by transferring it through intermediaries
Starting point is 00:18:50 to WikiLeaks. They dumped it out. We do it and hold it. They do it and hold it. This is the first time. WikiLeaks was out from the end of the summer and it was being investigated. So where were these headlines then? Exactly. Where were they then? Fox knows you had to go to mostly. They were burying all the shit. CNN was burying the shit about Hillary. And you hear upset they were getting when he called them out on their horse shit?
Starting point is 00:19:24 Unbelievable. So that was interesting. you're upset they were getting when he called them out on their horse shit unbelievable uh so that was interesting i just thought they just got so fucking the whole table what do you mean why is it media they really think that they don't have any blood on their hands in this Crazy. Anyhow, and then, oh, the other thing was Obama interview with George Stephanopoulos. He interviewed them, him, I should say. I'm trying to kill a little bit of humming in the background. Stephanopoulos sat down for his final interview with president obama thank christ you talk and they you know they the left talks about what a child trump is i've never seen anybody who just is in total denial will never admit any errors on his own part that like obama
Starting point is 00:20:20 must be generational i mean i'm like that too but I'm just saying I'm not the president of the United States, but, uh, Stephanopoulos, uh, yeah, sat down with the president and, um, and the first part, uh, the first part of this, uh, he brings up how, uh, he says to the president, but the Democrat party was really hollowed out after your eight years. And watch the blamer in chief. Excuse me. Watch him, you know. Try to skirt around this. To be a disappointment on the home front is that
Starting point is 00:21:05 it looks like the Democratic Party got pretty hollowed out on your watch. About a thousand seats lost in the Congress, Senate, Governor's state houses. Is that on you? I take some responsibility for that. I think that some of it was circumstances. If you look at
Starting point is 00:21:21 what happened, I came in in the middle of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. I think we did a really good job in saving this economy. When he says we, I think he means his friends at Goldman Sachs and those guys. Do you really think Obama had anything to do with it? The guy's never had a private sector job in his life, never even run a lemonade stand, but he saved the fucking economy. You believe that? Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:21:50 His friends at Wall Street that he supposedly hates saved his ass. Putting us back on the track of growth. But what that meant is in 2010, there were a lot of folks who were still out of work. There were a lot of folks who had lost their homes. And they blamed him. That's what he said. Home values plummet. Their 401Ks plummet. And we were just at the beginnings of a recovery.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And whoever is president at that point is going to get hit, and his party is going to get hit. So some of this was circumstances. But I think that what is also true is that partly because my docket was really full here, so I couldn't be both chief organizer of the Democratic Party and we did not begin what I think needs to happen over the long haul. We, meaning the Hillary campaign. The Democratic Party at the ground level. Part of your job now? Well, I think that...
Starting point is 00:23:00 God, no! ...that I have an interest in. I started as a community organizer. You still are. Every one of my campaigns was focused on getting new people involved. And if there's a theme in my public career, it's that if ordinary people get involved, then good things happen. So I want to see the Democratic Party move in that direction.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And what that means is that we aren't just micro-targeting to eke out presidential victories. It means that we're showing up in places where right now we're not winning a lot. Wisconsin. That's what he's doing he's blaming hillary right now in a lawyerly way but if you're not in there at least making an argument that hey you know what wisconsin it's the democrats who are trying to raise your minimum wage it's the democrats who are trying to make sure you got health care or that your health care costs aren't killing you it's democrats who are making sure that your kids aren't drinking polluted water. If we're not there making the argument,
Starting point is 00:24:08 then the cultural gulf that Republicans try to exploit, saying, oh, these city slickers, they're all looking down on you, they don't care about you, that argument ends up being successful. They don't care about you. That argument ends up being successful. It's the Democrats running Detroit. It's the Democrats running Los Angeles. It's the Democrats running every major city that's in financial straits.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Are you shitting me? Are you shitting me are you shitting me your apology your uh policies were repudiated every time they were up without your name actually on the ballot that's all there is to it it's that simple mr prez see him trying to blame hillary you got to show up and uh you know yes you do and she didn't And she didn't. And she didn't. And he is going to stick around. Yeah. Let me tell you, you're going to see more of him after Trump is sworn in than you saw when he's an actual president. I'm talking about Obama.
Starting point is 00:25:15 But, oh, he's just passing the buck, in my opinion. Now, here he is quickly. This was shocking to me, his take on race relations in the country under him. And I had to keep from not shitting my pants, laughing. I am absolutely convinced that race relations on the whole are actually better now than they were in my house. Yes, but we have greater awareness of where we're falling short than we used to.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Let's just take the example of community police relations. Yes. And I said, my wife was watching and I said, he really does believe it's better. You know why?
Starting point is 00:26:00 Because under him and his administration, cops were actually killed. Yeah, and I know that sounds a little over the top, but that's progress to him deep down inside because even before he pointed out, let's take race relations with the cops, I jumped on it.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Before he even said it, I knew that's where he was going. And that's progress to him, that these uh these cases where so-called unarmed black men were shot by uh cops got a lot more exposed even though cops were killed in the process uh it it it it shined the light on the problem which it barely is a problem again i'm not going to go through statistics it's less than one half of one percent uh cops shoot their guns. And we've gone over that over and over again.
Starting point is 00:26:48 But I knew that's where he was going. Did you hear George Stephanopoulos? When Obama said, I think race relations are better now. And did you hear it? Stephanopoulos almost fell off his little fucking left-leaning stool. But how the fuck, how skewed is your vision to think that? We've never been more divided. Just before I started doing this show today, I opened the paper,
Starting point is 00:27:12 and then I went online, and this video of three young urban fellas beating the shit out of an 83-year-old man and robbing him. And not to mention the brawls at the malls. Now it's out in California. I guess yesterday it used to be the Fox Hill Mall. Culver City is somewhere out there. You know, 50-so young teens, let's call them, fucking brawling at the mall, even though that might not be totally racial.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I'm just saying, how can you, how can he say that? With Baltimore and Ferguson and, no, it's much better now. Are you shitting me? I guess he doesn't read the comment section after articles about race online. Never been more divided racially in our lives. Yeah, I can see. I can see how the the country is embracing trump with open arms people of all colors that were uh what the fuck is he talking about
Starting point is 00:28:11 i mean the truth of the matter is that uh the problem of police shootings and reactions in the community george you and i are about the same age i i think you remember uh what happened in los angeles after rodney king i think you remember what yeah visions that happened after the oj trial i remembered a a black uh motorist who was on what was he on angel dust was doing like 125 and and what a 35 miles and then uh tried to resist arrest took a an ass whipping that's what i remember um and then all the the mayhem that followed was um yeah i remember a bunch of poor minority people burning down their own city um well i think you're the notion that somehow any of that is new isn't the case what is true though is now we've got a bunch of videos that
Starting point is 00:29:12 whatever side of the issue you got a bunch of dead cops stupid the temperature on these issues and makes people really focused and and trying to figure out what exactly is this um and exactly is this? And I think that is a healthy thing. I also, I'm not so out of touch that I don't see how young people interact today. And what's the- That horrific Facebook live video yesterday. Well, it was horrific. It's not as if that's the first time that a hate crime has taken place. Oh, what sensitivity. Hate crimes have been taking place for hundreds of years.
Starting point is 00:29:47 There you go. But it's there on video. Did you fucking hear that? Hate crimes have been taking place in the country for hundreds of years. In other words, sort of tit for tat. I know that's horrible. They just happened to put it on Facebook Live.
Starting point is 00:29:58 But this shit's been going on to black people for hundreds of years. That's what he means. Can you fucking imagine if Trump even did a tit for tat on something like that? Can you fucking imagine the callousness with what he just spoke? Well, it's not the first time this has happened to any. Again, he's implying of, you know.
Starting point is 00:30:22 But how fucking dare he? Oh, my God. god again reverse it white mentally challenged kid uh reverse it black mentally challenged kid being tortured by three or four white trump support making him say obama are you kidding me oh boy seeing cruelty and callousness of that sort from young people is heartbreaking. And so naturally, if you see a video like that, you're going to say to yourself, my God, this is horrible. You think? And rightfully so. But that allows us then to talk about how do we break free from those kinds of attitudes? During the course of my presidency, crime has been the lowest it's been probably since the 60s.
Starting point is 00:31:11 But you wouldn't know it if you were watching TV or looking at the Internet. And you certainly wouldn't know it listening to this past campaign. There are some exceptions, Chicago, my hometown in particular. Don't forget that little detail. This is a much safer place than it used to be. Yes, not because of you, dummy. That trend's been thanks to guys like Giuliani. Guys that you fucking hate.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Oy, oy, oy. Thanks to Gates out in Los Angeles. Again, all the people you hate and call racist. Oy, oy, oy. Ay, ay, ay. Yeah, crime is down. Yeah, yeah. Stop and frisk, stuff like that. But just the callousness, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:31:56 but this has been going on for hundreds of years. Just fucking amazing to me. Every time I hear him being interviewed, I just want to hear, you know. Prove that you wealthy college boys don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong exactly aye aye aye and he's not going away he's not even going to take a break he's not he'll be in the front row at trump's inauguration throwing shit oh boy race relations
Starting point is 00:32:25 are much better. Even Stephanopoulos fell off his little stool there. How the fuck can he? Here's some of that race unity he's talking about. Hey, that's enough. That's enough.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Hey, that's enough. Every white person. Hey, jump in. Every white person. Yeah, listen to that. Hey, that white person come down. Sherman. White person coming down and show me. A white person come down and show me.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Beat his shit, bitch. He white beat his shit, bitch. There's race unity under the Obama administration. Holy fucking. He's more crazy than Trump will ever be. I don't give a shit what you say. Coco, he's well-spoken and he's thoughtful. Yeah, but what comes out of mouth is just fucking turds
Starting point is 00:33:27 after turds. Guy's fucking delusional. Country's never been more split racially ever. If you don't believe it, did you watch the Golden Globes? I didn't either. That's why I'm embarrassed to fucking, I don't even, I couldn't
Starting point is 00:33:43 name, all I know, the only movie I know that was up for, is, look, I can't even fucking, Manchester by the Sea, is that what it's called? You know why that is? Because,
Starting point is 00:33:55 I used to spend every Saturday, in the summertime, when I was in high school, in Manchester by the Sea, it's about 15 minutes up the highway, up Route 128, from where I grew up, and, yeah, we used to go up there, and go, Manchester-by-the-Sea. It's about 15 minutes up the highway, up Route 128 from where I grew up.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And, uh, yeah, we used to go up there and go, look at all these rich fucking snobs. And we'd invade this singing beach. They had a fucking awesome beach. It was mentioned in Playboy magazine. And I used to meet my girl. I was so fucking in love, like a dummy laying there with a half a fucking three quarter chub as I went into the 11 degree water to knock it out but uh yeah but uh i'm just saying i get nothing in common with these people uh and again i'm not really in show business anymore let's be honest folks i mean i'll beat the comedy connection in rhode island in east providence not even regular providence east providence uh this friday and saturday night come on out as the patriots fucking, you know, play their first playoff game. I'll be telling jokes to fucking 78 people.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And I'm just saying that's not show business. I didn't watch it. I didn't even think, I didn't even know it was on. You know why? Because I still enjoy manly shit, shit that Meryl Streep cringes at, like NFL football and MMA and stuff like i was watching you know i didn't even know the golden globes were on and shit and i watched the clips today and did my little research and once again good to see this finally hollywood's making some
Starting point is 00:35:16 films that show what black people have gone through uh in this country over the year finally finally they touch on that subject because we haven't we haven't had enough of that have we i don't think we have a uh finally the hardships of african-americans and finally they uh touched on it but it was a real trump fuck fest i heard and um oh nelly yeah they were fucking for jimmy j fucking... Jimmy Fallon was the host. And, of course, you know, he's opening a monologue. He had to zing. And you have to.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Look, I know Jimmy Fallon, and I refuse to say... He's a nice guy. He's a good guy. I don't think he's as liberal as his monologues are sometimes. But when you're, you know, the host of The Tonight Show or The Golden Globes, and you're in front of a bunch of left-leaning goo-gobblers who live in their own bubble, you have to give them what they fucking want, I guess. But I am a Fallon fan, let me say that.
Starting point is 00:36:09 And every time I've met him, he's been a fucking great guy. He put me on his show when it was late night with Jimmy Fallon. And is that why you like him, Nick? Yeah, that's all it takes for me. I'm a shallow fuck, what can I tell you? But I don't get the impression that he's as liberal as a Meryl Streep or a Sean Penn or any of these fucking douchebags
Starting point is 00:36:25 uh Bryan Cranston great fucking actor but again you stay in Hollywood long enough you become mentally deranged and uh it was just a shit on Trump fest I guess but uh I guess there was some teleprompter I sort of wish I watched it now because you know it's a live show and the teleprompter went down right at the beginning which is fucking you know a nightmare but fallon's multi-talented and he can polish but here's some of jimmy fallon's opening jokes and i guess they uh he had to zing the trump uh you know you're looking out there at a bunch of fucking communist cocksuckers and uh here's jimmy already And here's Jimmy. Already. That was somebody in the front row. Already you have your Golden Globes moment.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Already. It's already like a gif. I'm happy I didn't trip already. It would be like, it's like just doing a live gif. Here we go. What? This is the Golden Globes, one of the few places left where America still honors the popular vote. left where America still honors the popular vote.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Game of Thrones is nominated tonight. How great is that? It's not. I like pussy and sports. Anyways. The show has so many plot twists and shocking moments. A lot of people have wondered what it would have been like if King Joffrey had lived. Well, in 12 days we're going to find out. And uh...
Starting point is 00:37:47 Look, half the crowd doesn't even get it. They're so stupid. Now it's settling in. Manchester by the Sea is nominated for five awards. You might remember Manchester by the Sea for being the only thing from 2016 that was more depressing than 2016. Florence Foster Jenkins is nominated. Applause. I think the character has been dubbed the world's worst opera singer and even she turned down performing at Donald Trump's inauguration. It's tough to book. It's tough to book. Of course, as always, the ballots for tonight's Golden Globes
Starting point is 00:38:28 were carefully tabulated by the accounting firm of Ernst & Young & Putin. But here we go. -♪ -♪ Mmm, your tears are so yummy and sweet Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness Mmm, yummy, yummy, you guys Your tears are so yummy and sweet. Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness. Yummy.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yummy, you guys. They've already mission accomplished. They've already delegitimized Trump, I swear to God. But those are all right. Those are fucking zingers. And like I said, I don't even think Jimmy's heart's in some of those. But I could be wrong. But, you know, when you're the host of it, that's a tricky one because you've got to go out there and pretend you're, you know, a certain way politically.
Starting point is 00:39:17 But then you've got to host the Tonight Show. You're going to have people of all stripes. Well, more libs, obviously, because it's show business. But, you know, he's going to have uh you know he's gonna have trump on he's gonna have so he's gonna have to face the trump's probably uh well anyways then the real hardcore lefties who have lost touch with reality decades ago like fucking meryl streep she had to get up and put her fucking saggy titted left wing fucking horse shit, you know, she had to give her a fucking opinion, and here it is. But there was one performance this year that stunned me.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Nick DiPolo. It sank its hooks in my heart. Not because it was good. It was, there was nothing good about it. Shut up. But it was effective, and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth. That would be us, by the way, us people who vote for Trump, the intended audience.
Starting point is 00:40:12 That's who she's talking about. And anyhow. to sit in the most respected seat in our country, imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it, and I still can't get it out of my head because it wasn't in a movie. It was real life. And this instinct to humiliate when it's modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody's life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose. Okay. Yeah, where were you when the Trump supporters were getting beat up in California? Where were you then, Merrill? You fucking phony. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:41:28 It's still stuck in her head when Trump was mocking the physically challenged. That's when I decided to vote for him. How's that for a different DNA? I went, holy shit, this guy really doesn't give a fuck what anybody thinks of him, which is the first thing I want in a leader. That's when I sat up on my couch and said, bingo. Then again, I'm a stand-up comedian, and to mock person doesn't fucking doesn't even put a ripple in the water uh we get a little jaded to that dark shit but she's still traumatized by it okay can you fucking
Starting point is 00:41:56 imagine can you fucking imagine your tears are so yummy they really think they are morally superior. Just in fucking credible to me. Oh, and it trickles down and then it gives people watching that they think that gives them permission to do this. No, it doesn't. Actually, we're adults, autonomous, grown up people. We can decide ourselves what is right and what is wrong and um yeah so just so you know merrill that's when i decided to vote for him um makes me that's when i showed my teeth i guess oh just disgusting and then the huffington post and all the the left wing horseshit website praising the courage it took to get up in front of
Starting point is 00:42:45 people who think exactly like her this is something the fucking left will never understand they they always praised like chapelle and uh chris rock and uh oh it's courageous what they're saying about race how why where are the fucking ramifications they're gonna get in trouble dave chapelle or chris rock or any black comedian's gonna get in trouble for making fun of white people or whatever it takes zero balls to get up in front of a group of people who think just like you and uh you know it takes zero fucking courage it's they do this every time oh it's courageous. Fucking bullshit. Go to the comedy cellar or any club and there's a table of young black guys up front and do some black material about them not being so bright.
Starting point is 00:43:32 That takes fucking balls. God fucking help me. Oh my God. People in tuxedos and fucking $5,000 gowns. Yes. They have lost it. They are un-fucking-hinged. And it just never changes.
Starting point is 00:43:56 And I'm so embarrassed. I didn't know about this when I got into fucking, started telling jokes in 1987 in a drunken stupor at Stitches on Calm Heaven, Boston. But I knew I wanted to be in fucking show business and do the Tonight Show and do Letterman. But I didn't know that the business I was going to get into was made up of all kids who were bullied, who were fucking nerds. And unfortunately, that's who the business makes up this business.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And they have the microphone. I mean, they influence this culture more than anything. She talks about Trump mocking a guy in a wheelchair. You really think that does any more damage than the horseshit left-wing liberal, the fucking emasculation of white guys in every commercial? And you really, the liberal garbage you put out year after year, whether it's films, sitcoms, commercials, you really fucking think Trump doing that for 10 seconds
Starting point is 00:44:51 is more dangerous than 50 years of left-wing propaganda? I mean, you guys have the blowhorn. I had to point that out to somebody. I'm not going to say who he was. You guys have the megaphone. That's why, you know. But just absolute nonsense. Oh, such courage.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I can't believe nobody charged the stage and said, what are you fucking, how dare you say that? Hey, hey, hey. Fucking Marilyn. Then Trump, now, and here's where I part with Donald Trump. Now, he comes back on Twitter and fucking, you know, calls her an overrated actress, which she's not. She's a fucking great actress and blah, blah, blah. I mean, for Christ's sake, Donald, you got fucking bigger shit to do, don't you? Seriously. Save it for like when the media says something dishonest about you, but forget about, you know, when I say media i mean news figures you know the chuck todds of the world but don't worry about an actress who's in the twilight of her career or
Starting point is 00:45:51 shit don't worry about arnold's ratings on uh you know i mean i mean come on maybe you won't i sort of blame it on people that surround him they have to the ke Kellyanne Conways and the Bannons, and they're going to have to sort of, I think, control his tweeting. You know, and go, yeah, you know what? Give them to us first and we'll decide
Starting point is 00:46:14 which ones go out. But I have a lot of that in me too. My mother said to me once, you never let anything slide. That's your problem. Excuse me? That was me burping, not my mother.
Starting point is 00:46:27 And I said, that's right. I said, if a five-year-old girl fucking has given me shit at the mall, I will yell back. Yes, I know that's very Trumpy. But I'm just saying, you can't do that if you're the leader of the free world. Stick to politics. Okay? Fucking separate yourself from your showbiz dog shit. But another part of me is like, it's still refreshing.
Starting point is 00:46:50 It's still kind of refreshing to have, you know, to punch back. So I don't know. I'm straddling the fence on that one. He'll have too much to do anyways to pay attention to shit like this. But it's so courageous, isn't it i've heard to get up there like that anyhow if you don't have enough evidence that uh hollywood fucking you know hates trump and they're already starting this shit disney is a outraged a bunch of people that were watching uh the nfl this weekend during the texans uh raiders game which i'd rather watch merrill stre Streep give a donkey a handjob
Starting point is 00:47:27 than watch the Texans and the Raiders. That was P.U. Stinky. By the way, the Texans have to go to New England. Anyhow, during the game, many viewers were annoyed at a promo for next Wednesday's episode of the sitcom Black-ish, which features a predominantly African-American cast being decidedly anti-Trump in tone and nature. The guy's not even in office yet in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:47:58 So aren't you having regrets that we didn't go after Obama harder? But again, they have the microphone. They write the sitcoms, the movies, the stupid commercials. But we really could have went after the fucking community organizer. By the way, the worst president in history. I'll say that again and again and again. And he has no legacy.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It's fun watching Obamacare go down the pichadu. And the world's on fire because of his foreign policy. And you really can't. Race relations have never been worse. And now it's 94 million people out of the workforce. But no, he says it's a success.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Anyhow, here's the promo that got people watching the playoff game upset. Please tell me I pulled it, didn't I? Here it is. This is the sitcom Black-ish taking a shot at Trump in a commercial. Wednesday from the three-time Golden Globe nominee. Joe Hillary! Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:48:57 It's the election through the eyes of Black-ish. I voted for Trump. Oh, they'll be tweeting about this one. I'm a racist. Don't say it. I have black friends. An episode only blackish dares to bring you. Can't let that turn you into another angry black man. That's what I am. Hell, so is your daddy, especially when he's hungry. New Black-ish Wednesday on ABC. Pretty edgy. Even when they go, don't be an angry black man. That's what your your daddies even when he's hung but uh wanda sykes is the one who makes the shocking look on her face and i didn't even know
Starting point is 00:49:30 she was on the show wow huh i'll tell you and again i know wander i like her funny lady but she'll never be without a job because a black lesbian who happens to be you know semi-talented i didn't even know she was on that show she's a regular but uh yeah people watching the nfl you know the people that uh meryl streep referred to her in a stupid speech they were a little uh incensed that they have to sit through a commercial that's shitting on trump's but uh yeah, I guess Wanda plays Daphne and she appears to kick out at her... Wanda strikes out at her friend on the show when she admits that she voted for Trump.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Whatever. But, you know, people are having enough of that shit. Even in the promo, the announcer goes announcer goes oh they'll be tweeting about this one um football fans uh are objecting to trump voters being ridiculed in such a tiresome and predictable fashion and it really is true the whole i got black friends so uh what are we supposed to say i don't say that i go uh i got a few that i uh here's some of the why does the nfl keep playing an anti-trump commercial for the terrible show blackish wrote one tweeter they must not know their audience another fumed i am offended at the preview for the show hashtag blackish about voting for trump makes you a racist matt fark tweeted no one watch hashtag blackish not everyone who voted for trump is a racist
Starting point is 00:51:10 that show and that's what they do they're the bullies they have the microphone they have the media and they can say shit like that and the only way you're going to hear any pushback is maybe on gutfeld show or you have to go online or go to anthony cummings podcast on my podcast but uh um yeah the tweet says no one watched blackish not everyone who voted for trump is a racist which by the way john stewart has said and even seth meyers has said that so that show caters to the lowest common denominator while steve james declared on online social networking service, man, blackish looks so original. A Trump voter isn't racist because she has black friends.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Can't wait to never watch a second of that show. And I don't know. Who knows? Trump probably responded already. Oh, back in 2014, President-elect Trump. Now, this is 2014. this is only three years ago, he tweeted, how is ABC television allowed to have a show entitled Black-ish? Can you imagine the furor of a show, White-ish? Racism at highest level?
Starting point is 00:52:18 That was a tweet by Trump. yes uh you know it's a left-wing business and thank god i've been so unsuccessful that i can't hurt myself anymore who knows i don't know but uh just fucking just crazy isn't it just crazy they've already delegitimized his presidency how they and uh making jokes about him in a commercial during a nfl game for a sitcom and uh just uh and there was some other controversies at the uh at the golden globes some really this could uh set relations race relations back a thousand years both nbc's jenna bush and presenter michael keaton mispronounced the name of the movie hidden figures at the golden globes on sunday calling it hidden fences They're calling it hidden fences. That's Michael Keaton and Jenna Bush being chased down Hollywood Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:53:48 All movies with black people don't sound the like comedian robin the tweeted noting that the two stars seem to have confused hidden figures which stars uh taraja p henson and octavia spencer with denzel washington drama fences co-starring viola davis i can't keep all these black movies straight i just gotta remind you people, okay? And I say you people, I mean anybody who's listening, that you know the country, you know black people make up 12% of the country. Why are we talking about them 140% of the time? In Hollywood especially. Ever ask yourself that?
Starting point is 00:54:21 Ever step back and take a breath for a second with your ass sucking and really, ay- yeah yeah it's funny though i was reading a bunch of the tweets and i don't think people were that upset maybe somebody but they were funny some of the black people that were tweeting about them mixing up the movies uh jenna bush earlier on the red carpet made the same mistake when she asked pharrell williams about his nomination for hidden fences williams was in fact nominated for his work as a composer on hidden figures um so there was some funny responses online you know i think an honest mistake yeah michael keaton he's a real black hater. So is Jenna Bush. Fucking believable. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Let's compare Jenna Bush and Michael Keaton flubbing the names to a couple black movies, conflating the two, with, oh, I don't know, four black teens torturing a mentally white, mentally challenged white kid. They're about, for the left, they're on the same, it's the same level of
Starting point is 00:55:25 hatefulness that's what's fucking hilarious i think i've covered it all folks haven't i uh i've had enough for today i don't know about you uh fort lauderdale yeah come see me oh by the way there was a brawl at the mall uh i forgot i mentioned it westfield culver city mall and whatever teens get together on i i don't know what their race is, but I'll look it up. Anyhow, that is it. Go to slash Nick,
Starting point is 00:55:55 slash Nick, and sign up for the show. Get two to three more podcasts a week for $3.99 a month, and go to contactnickdip at if you want to advertise on the show. Come see me this weekend
Starting point is 00:56:11 at the Comedy Connection, East Providence, Rhode Island. And next weekend I'll be at Bananas in Hasbrook Heights, New Jersey on Friday and Saturday night. Go to my website for all my dates. Hit me up on Twitter, at Nick DiPaolo.
Starting point is 00:56:30 That is it. I can't think of anything else. And come on. Let's all get together and unite behind the Trumpologists. Shall we? Shall we, Shell? You're taking it a world too serious, Sleptys. Hey, hey, I saved the world today. And everybody's happy now the bad things gone away.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Hello, I'm back! Hello, I'm back! Hello, I'm back! Hello, I'm back! Hello, I'm born! Hello, I'm born! Hello, I'm born! Hello, I'm born! How about a good one, kids. guitar solo Bye.

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