The Nick DiPaolo Show - 174 - Hollywood Hating Trump

Episode Date: February 28, 2017

Hollywood Hating Trump...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Well, how's it going, folks? Monday podcast, Nick DiPaolo Show, the free version of the podcast on iTunes,, Stitcher. And if you like the show, you go to slash nick. That's slash nick. Two to three more shows I'll do
Starting point is 00:00:50 a week for $3.99 a month. It's killer. It's a funny hour. You'll love it. I treat it like a radio show. It's topical. It's funny. It's vicious. We say stuff that would get us arrested on terrestrial radio. Or maybe even satellite radio
Starting point is 00:01:05 i don't know but it's a lot of goddamn fun it's the beauty of this country it's called freedom of speech it's the first amendment something that we all believe in except for hollywood and anybody who votes for those jerk offs anyhow how are you great to be with you right at the top of the show before i forget please uh say a prayer for this, the Buckley family. I played football with a guy named Barry Buckley up at the University of Maine. He was an offensive guard, toughest guy I ever met in my life. He passed away yesterday. He had a lot of health problems and in full disclosure, and he did a lot of steroids.
Starting point is 00:01:40 He was a heavy drinker and a wild man. lot of steroids he was a heavy drinker and a wild man but you know when when sober and and and just is is funny and is likable and we had i was a running back he was a pulling guard he was like all conference and and never wore a mouthpiece by the way way. I mean, a real throwback. And as tough as they come, he went into professional wrestling right after college for, like, not too long, obviously. But I remember him coming back. Like, I graduated a year after him. He came back for the senior day or whatever. And I remember him picking me up on the front porch of a sigma
Starting point is 00:02:25 new and doing one of those suplex slams or whatever putting me up on his shoulder then falling backwards i mean a maniac but what a football player what a tough dude and he was as loyal as anybody and uh he made me obsessed with offensive linemen and then i remember hearing somebody during a college game last year some color commentary guy said that the offensive linemen are the toughest guys in the locker room and they control and that's how it was up there there was some funny big scary dudes but he was so likable and funny and like i said he you know he had a lot of health problems because of the way he lived his life he was a wild man but nonetheless god that i love that guy and uh he'll be sorely missed by everybody uh rest in peace barry buckley you were as a unique a person and as funny a person
Starting point is 00:03:18 he thought i was funny i was afraid of the guy half the time but um you know i'd go into his room and he'd be sitting there like listen to elvis in the dark and drinking but um just yeah rest in peace buddy uh boy that made me say i just got that news a few minutes ago before i came on here so um anyhow uh i gotta thank you for contributions by the way antonio magalese thank you so much antonio uh kevin ford again uh buddy cincinnati tim has contributed again uh buddy dennis also a regular contributed anthony andrea another contributor daniel pamatuan, Jonathan Keller. Jonathan Keller, three times he contributed. So on top of his every month, every week he contributes, it seems like.
Starting point is 00:04:15 It's crazy. Thanks again, guys. That's the lifeblood of the show. I can't thank you enough. Again, go to slash Nick if you want to this show and, uh, got some big meetings coming up. I, what was going on? I was in, uh, before we get to the Oscars and Hollywood and their obsession with, uh, you know, their obsession with Trump and they just fucking lost their minds out there.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I can't believe that. Like, I'm almost glad I didn't become a success business show business i i can't relate to these people it's like fucking i it really is liberalism is a mental illness i used to laugh at that but holy christ i i i just fucking don't get it but i was in uh before we get to that i was in uh timonium maryland at mcgoobies this past weekend and something's going on folks i don't know if it's the special on CISO by the way I got an email from the guy who runs a CISO the head guy and saying that it my specials in the top five percent of the content on the page it's kicking ass he
Starting point is 00:05:20 said so and they have a ton of content so i i am pleased as punch and if you want to order that special if you want to get cso you go to or you go to at cso tv that's s e e s o tv and uh you can use the promo code dipalo d-i-p-a-o-l-o i know i'm hitting you with a lot of shit here uh and you'll you'll get a month of CISO for free. So promo code DAPALO. And you'll get it for free. You'll get to see the special for free. And it's kicking ass.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And I got to thank you people again. And I'm thinking it's related to what I'm about to say. I was at McGuby's in Timonium, Maryland, right outside of Baltimore. Three of the five shows were oversold the whole weekend uh both shows saturday night were oversold it was a mob it was a mob house they almost couldn't even handle it it was crazy somebody sent me a picture on twitter of the line outside the building and uh it was it was just a tremendous time andrew does a great job with that club and uh so thank you guys for pouring out especially that table of black women on saturday night i think it was the first show might have been the second i can't remember they were there was a table about 20 black women and
Starting point is 00:06:34 they were laughing it's just you know they say politics makes strange bedfellows so does comedy because yes they're those black people who just hate whitey and they'll sit in the audience when you're up there and stare at you no matter what you do i mean there's just like you know i'm from mars you're from venus type of look in their eye but uh very few of those and that's what i like playing outside of just outside of baltimore because it's a mixed crowd and let me tell you when black people love you as a comic they there was a and these are like uh women probably in their 30s some of them look professional in their 40s there was one woman she was fanning herself i think later on she told me on twitter she was going through the chains but she was howling at
Starting point is 00:07:14 the darkest shit the funniest meanest uh you know racial whatever i mean it was the whole table was just cracking up and uh it really i'm telling, not to get too corny, but you really can. You can bridge the divide. Comedy, I'm telling you, is more effective than music. It really is. That woman was howling at shit that I couldn't even believe, you know. And it was good to hear from her on Twitter. And everybody that came out, that fucking place was mobbed.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I'm in the green room looking out the window going, what the fuck? Is Louis C.K. in the parking lot? Let's not go too far. I mean, he's doing 14,000 seals. But what a weekend. My goodness. It really, you know me, I'm not a positive guy. Listen to the energy right now.
Starting point is 00:07:59 It's because of, you know, this and a little bit of, I don't know, why he found a little Coke behind the couch. What? And, yeah, mcgobies and uh funny story because i stayed uh he he he wanted to put me up you know it's in my rider i like a nice hotel because i've stayed enough laquinta ends my whole fucking life well i have bed bugs crawling up my nuts um but uh there's a hotel there's a holiday in like uh 30 seconds within walking distance of the club so i stayed there and uh we renamed it section eight me and kendra cunningham she stayed on the floor above me and it was the fucking weirdest skeevy boy it went down here i don't want to bad mouth it because they were very nice to me and
Starting point is 00:08:42 um i'm just saying though it was like section eight housing on my floor i'm sitting out front at one in the afternoon and there's a couple there's like a lady in her pajamas with her kids her son look about 14 15 and a daughter i'm guessing i'm guessing stepdaughter i'm gonna anyways they but they had their all of them had their pajama bottoms on they were in slippers carrying pillows into the fucking hotel oh my god it was just hilarious it was uh you know hey you can't use this elevator over here why not this is a lady having a baby in there 18 year old girl what no I'm exaggerating but it was fuck I was worried to get, you know, a shiv in the ass at the fitness center at the holiday. But interesting. Me and Kendra were belly laughing, just sitting outside watching people come in.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And there's a guy, I'm watching him out my window the first day I'm there. And he's got his car door open and he keeps reaching into his waistline like he's scratching his nuts. But he was doing it manically. So I know he was on something and he's watching like an old white lady in a wheelchair trying to get out of her car and i would have helped but i couldn't i was watching the price is right anyways no but yeah it was fucking creepy but thank you guys uh for coming out and making it a killer weekend at McGobie's. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Where's my fucking notes? God, help us. Hold on a second. Yeah, good times. What else did I want to talk about before i get to the uh you know the uh did you watch the uh oscars and i usually don't and don't give me shit because i remember last year catching shit what do you really i watch the academy yeah i watch the i'm sort of in show business i know it's not like mcgooby's joke house is connected to the fucking nokia theater
Starting point is 00:10:43 but i'm just saying yeah i wrote I wrote on the Oscars when Chris, Chris rock hosted, I am in show business, but I don't watch it. Let's put it this way. I saw one movie out of all the movies they talked about last night. I saw Manchester by the sea. And I watched that because I used to hang out in Manchester by the sea in
Starting point is 00:11:01 high school. It's about 15 minutes up the highway from me. And a matter of fact, when they opened that movie, uh, they show Beverly hospital, that's Beverly, Massachusetts. That's where I was born. So I think they did that as a tribute to me. I think Ben Affleck's a big fan. And again, I'm fucking kidding, but that was the hospital I was born on Beverly hospital. And that was a good dark movie. I like shit with sad endings and people dying of cancer and beatings and shit. That's my type of comedy.
Starting point is 00:11:27 What are we going to watch? Howard the fucking Duck or Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock. Give me something that'll make me fucking depressed for the next three days. Because that's how life is. That's how I see it. Don't you? Sure you do. But it was a good broadcast.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And yes, obviously, they're going to fucking go crazy on Trump. People are acting like they were surprised by that. But Jimmy Kimmel, I thought was great as the hoe. He said, he must smoke. I know he likes his hooch. A lot of showbiz guys like their weed. But he is so relaxed for a white guy. I mean, really fucking super relaxed.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I never see this guy lose his composure. But I thought he did a good job. Of course, he has to take the, you know, the obligatory swipes at Trump. Sometimes you wonder, I go, is that really his politics or do they do that? The people in Hollywood have to do that because, you know, if you're like me and you open your mouth and you're a righty, weird things happen. Well, like what, Nick? Well, like my IMDB page. You know that page that lists, it sort of lists everything TV shows and movies
Starting point is 00:12:31 that entertainers have done. You've seen it. Anyways, my wife was checking mine out and they put on there, after listing all my credits and shit, they put, he also endorsed Donald Trump for president. Now, what the fuck, what do you care and why is it on my IMDb page?
Starting point is 00:12:46 Can anybody answer that? That's kind of fucking creepy. You know why they put it up there. They're going, look, we're not going to hire this guy anymore. It's not fucking bad right now. The lefties have lost their fucking tits. They have lost their minds over Donald Trump. Tears of unfathomable sadness.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yummy, yummy, you guys. Yeah, what's that? I mean, what do you care? Why is that on my page? Who put it? I don't even know how it works, that page. IMDB or is it BD? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:12 It doesn't even matter. But I don't think it's like Wikipedia with any jerk off and go on there and change it. But yeah, somebody put that on there. I think they took it down after a tongue lashing by my agent, Saul Lipowitz. What? Anyhow, and the other fucking weird thing that's going on before I get to the clips of the Oscars, Facebook security. Some guy sends me a thing on Facebook, go, hey, click on your security button,
Starting point is 00:13:39 and ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, because he did it. And I didn't know this. My wife explained to me, Facebook, they assign people people security people to like watch the accounts specific accounts and i have like two muslim guys a muslim guy and a woman watching my account now one of them was in like malaysia the other one was like in fucking saudi arabia like a musaf astadi with a fucking tablecloth fucking hat and everything I mean look like fucking uh Arafat watching my Facebook account anybody's that send chills up anybody's asses or is that common I mean what the fuck is going on I'm telling you man Zuckerberg is a creepy dude I wonder if his parents still live in Dobbs F ferry down the street i'll be paying them a visit
Starting point is 00:14:26 going hey tell your son to get his nose out of my asshole could you please what is that i get two muslims fucking watching my security uh is now is that just coincidence does everybody have that or is it just because well we know this guy and we know his politics and yeah we also know that my guy won so back the fuck off uh if i could get off this shit tomorrow if i wasn't in show business i would get off social media completely it's just creepy ain't it creepy it sure is um what else did i want to mention but um huh um yeah so me and uh me and my wife play a game when we watch the oscars what else did I want to mention? But, um, huh? Um,
Starting point is 00:15:06 yeah. So me and, uh, me and my wife play a game when we watched the Oscars. And by the way, there was nothing else on, I was flipping back and forth between, uh, a Bruins game.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I had taped while I was away. So I let it build up and I can't even watch the Oscars in real time. But the reason I watch them now, and it's not, like I said, it has nothing to do with the movies yeah you know i mean come on fucking i don't go to the movies fucking liberalism and the i just can't we've talked about it on the show before it's just i mean um i i watched it this year because i know trump was going to be a target. And, you know, how fucking crazy California is talking about seceding and Hollywood hates Trump.
Starting point is 00:15:50 And if you admit that you voted for him, you're fucked in Hollywood, supposedly. And I think that might be true as I sit here doing a radio show in my basement. Anyhow, maybe that's just an excuse for me failing on my own but listen kids um yeah so it's very fucking very weird but uh jimmy kimmel again likable relaxed and uh came out of course he had to do like i said rip the you know the president a new asshole you gotta do that if you're gonna host the oscars for these liberal jerk-offs but me and the wife play a game every time they say the word diversity during the oscars would take a shot of jack daniels and she was throwing up 11 minutes into the show actual blood and bile um have you ever seen you know people some people unlike some
Starting point is 00:16:40 people say that you know liberalism is a mental. And I used to kind of laugh at that. But they are really fucking mentally ill. They're hang up on race and diversity. And it is a hang up. They talk about the United States like it's a dictatorship and like it's 1955 as far as black people are treated and transgender. It's the fucking complete opposite. They are so dumb. They call themselves progressives. fucking complete opposite they are so dumb they call themselves progressives they are so fucking retarded and stuck in neutral and obsessed on the people and the and the people that are marginalized
Starting point is 00:17:13 by society like who this show last year if it was hashtag oscars too white it should have been hashtag oscars too black overrepresented but we been hashtag Oscars too black. Overrepresented. But we knew this was coming. I said this last year. And that's got nothing to do with being racist. Okay. I'm just saying. I said this last year. Watch the overcompensation next year. And I think I was right. I think I was spot on with my prediction. But really, the people who are marginalized, the transgender, that's all we talk about online, On the news? They make up one half of one percent of the population. How are they marginalized? If you look in the mirror and don't recognize all this pity, victimhood, horseshit. Just fucking exhausting. the United States, literally like it was fucking 1948, as far as race and gender, and it's such horseshit, oh my god, it's like a con game, don't you think, I really do, just fucking exhausting, anyhow, let's get to some of the clips, Kimmel comes out, and he's got a zing zangler, he's got
Starting point is 00:18:24 to take a few shots at Trump, otherwise he'll never be asked back and you know I'm sure they said listen motherfucker this is how it goes it's the fucking Kimmel's funny man and he delivered it like a pro but you know I'm sitting there going this is too easy you know what's coming but here's a couple zings he took at the president. I'm here. This broadcast is being watched live by millions of Americans and around the world in more than 225 countries that now hate us. And I think that is an amazing thing. As you know, I don't have to tell anybody. The country is divided right now. I've been getting a lot of advice. People have been telling me it's time to bring everyone together.'t have to tell anybody. The country is divided right now.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I've been getting a lot of advice. People have been telling me it's time to bring everyone together. You need to say something to unite us. And let's just get something straight off the top. I'm not, I can't do that. That's not, there's only one Braveheart in this room, and he's not going to unite us either. Cut to Mel Gibson. And that's funny because remember Mel went on a racist rant a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Mel, you look great. I think the Scientology is working. I really do. I'm not the man to unite this country, but it can be done. You know, if every person watching this show, I don't want to get too serious, but there are millions and millions of people watching right now, and if every one of you took a minute to reach out to one person you disagree with, someone you like, and have a positive, considerate conversation, not as liberals or conservatives, as Americans. Yeah, we're trying.
Starting point is 00:19:54 We would all do that. We're trying, Jimmy, but one side won't have it. It starts with us. Yeah. But our friends won't even talk to us. Okay? One side is trying that my side yeah somebody sit down with Seth Meyers and tell him why he's wrong about Trump I'm sure he'll listen for almost a
Starting point is 00:20:14 tenth of a second come on fella but Mel Gibson you know how good Mel Gibson must be as a movie maker for him for him to be let into the Hollywood circle again because he was booted. Remember he was fighting with his Russian girlfriend and there was a recording. He said, I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers. Do you remember Mel Gibson actually said that? And then he said Jews ruin the world, whatever, run the world. Remember he got pulled over, he was drunk,
Starting point is 00:20:38 or whatever the fuck. Can you imagine how talented and how much money he must make these studios for them to let him back in? Because they don't do it with anybody else and they never have. But, you know, he has to sit there and fucking take it in the face. Just fucking asinine how many times they said diversity and implying Trump the president's a race. Let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Has Trump ever kicked any Muslims out of his hotel and say you can't stay there? Or black people or Jewish people or Indian? Has he ever said, no, you're going to get the fuck out because if he hasn't, can we leave it alone? I mean, Jesus Christ. You think he had like Mexicans buried under his house and everybody knew about it, the way they talk about him. Here's more shots at the press, I think. I can't remember. about it the way they talk about him here's more shots at the prez i think i can't remember i want to say maybe this is not a popular thing to say but i want to say thank you to president trump
Starting point is 00:21:30 i mean remember last year when it seemed like the oscars were racist oh calling a white billionaire racist round of applause from the fucking group think hey you better be on my team or i won't work with you talk about fascist uh he's such let me ask you a question folks who are listening out there what happens after the next terror attack and there will be i mean right online today iran's bragging how they have fucking al-qaeda in here already um let me ask you a question what happens at the next pulse nightclub shooting or whatever and it's done by a middle east are you still gonna what are you gonna do are you gonna still go who's gonna look like the asshole then and you know that's coming that's almost fucking guaranteed the times we're living
Starting point is 00:22:20 in and boy you guys are gonna look stupid not to mention how you fucking flub the end of the show um but uh again i thought jimmy was great and i think he should hold again the ratings though slipped a little they have been for the last 16 years i think they've been going down only by i don't know two three three or four percentage points from last year i guess whatever but uh which i'm surprised because nobody could name the movies this year but that's what i watch it for here's some more uh it's some more of uh mr kimmel i think i don't know we are here tonight to honor great actors but we're also here to honor oh this was funny i actually thought this is well done again it was another shot at trump you remember president trump uh
Starting point is 00:23:09 called meryl streep overrated or whatever there's two things trump has said well i agreed disagreed on a lot of stuff but two things that i strongly disagree about mccain not being a war hero and meryl streep being overrated as an actress. I thought it was fucking silly. But here's how they handled that, the writers for the, and I thought it was pretty good. Again, they're taking a shot at the president,
Starting point is 00:23:35 but it was funny in my opinion because I love sarcasm and I can laugh at the other side even when I don't agree with it. And the lefties, you ought to try that, you big dinks. The actors who seem great, but actually really aren't. And of all the great actors here in Hollywood, one in particular has stood the test of time for her many uninspiring and overrated performances.
Starting point is 00:24:02 This was well written, whoever did this joke. This was well written, whoever did this joke. But she's, you know, she's going to ask for the speech she gave against Trump, but she's Hollywood royalty. She had to. May I say, from her mediocre early work in The Deer Hunter and Out of Africa, to her underwhelming performances in Kramer vs. Kramer and Sophie's Choice, Meryl Streep has phoned it in for more than 50 films. I thought that was the best line of the monologue. Even more, made even more amazing considering the fact that she wasn't even in a movie this year. We just wrote her name down out of habit. Meryl, stand up if you would.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Everybody, please join me in giving Meryl Streep a totally undeserved round of applause. Will you? This is sticking it up Trump's ass, you know. That's all you got to do, become a hero in Hollywood. Shit on that white billionaire, blonde-haired, blue-eyed president. He is the devil trying to keep you safe. All the talk about walls and diversity and God fucking help me. Thank God I could switch back to the Bruins game in between.
Starting point is 00:25:18 But I thought Jimmy was good, man. I thought he was smooth. But it's just such a, I don't know. They really should secede that state it just fucking oh i just don't get it man um then they brought out uh during the show they brought out uh there was a movie that was up for best picture called hidden figures about three black women that worked at nasa and stuff and boy i want to look that up and research it. But actually, one of the women, they rolled her out in a wheelchair, and she was whiter than my mother. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:25:53 She was a black woman. But she was, you know, very white, which I thought they were going to roll. I was hoping, like, they'd push her on. She's going to look like, you know, Esther Rolle from Good Times or something. But no, she was... She was whiter than Kate Hudson. But that's a pretty... I'm going to have to watch that one.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I really am. That was one of the better jokes on a monologue. They said, it's unbelievable this year, the Oscars, Jimmy said something like, we had movies where white people saved jazz and black women saved NASA or something. That was a great joke, though. He did a joke later on.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And again, proving you can't fuck with race and how obsessed Hollywood liberals are with black people and how in love. And we'll just, you know, I mean, he did an OJ joke. I think we have it about halfway through the show. Of course, the crowd had to fucking sit on their hands. Now I'm not supposed to make an OJ joke? Oh, stop it. I didn't know we'd be doing this in 2017 either, but we are. That's the simple fact of the matter.
Starting point is 00:26:59 OJ, you get an extra slice of bologna on your sandwich tonight. How dare you make fun of a guy whoologna on your sandwich tonight. Ooh. Ooh. How dare you make fun of a guy who cut his wife's head off. Almost midway through the broadcast, the crowd turned on Kimmel with an absolutely tasteless joke about our beloved OJ. Done.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Can you fucking imagine? You can't joke about a black guy who cut his fucking wife's head off and her boyfriend with a knife. How dare you? How dare? That's how deep it runs, their mental illness, when it comes to race. And they're just fucking confused. I love how Camelot, the other joke, goes, Beloved OJ.
Starting point is 00:27:45 He was saying sarcastically which is beautiful. But isn't it unbelievable how just race and trying to do a joke about a black guy even when he's a double killer. Isn't it amazing?
Starting point is 00:27:58 They'll fucking they'll tighten up. Nick why don't you come out to California and do more shows my fans. Why don't you come out here and do shows. do more shows my fans why don't you come out here and do show i suppose i could find like uh you know a town in orange county where there's 11
Starting point is 00:28:10 republicans left and do the fucking but um it's they almost turned on him for making a fucking oj joke all right and you're going why are you spending so much time on the oscars because it intersects it's a microcosm this show of our society right now politics pop culture race gender it all intersects that's why i'm talking about it not because i wanted to see lala lens director win it all let's get to that huh anyways you're gonna see at the end of this that Trump ends up getting, you know, some kind of weird revenge on Hollywood because you guys all know how they fucked up the show. They're still trying to figure out who fucked it up as I speak.
Starting point is 00:28:57 But I don't know if you didn't see it or if you're heterosexual and you still like pussy and sports and you don't watch the Oscars. La La Land was the favorite to get best picture whatever that is even my wife saw and said it was really too faggy no she doesn't talk like that i do but she was said it was such dog shit she said it was one of the worst movies she's ever seen and apparently a lot of people agreed yet the kid uh let the you know it's up for best picture because apparently he went down on the right people at uh mgm or fucking sony whatever you got to do in hollywood to get ahead or get head whatever but um so here's what happens fade dunaway comes out with what's his face the guy that banged everybody in hollywood you know name. Doesn't really fucking matter.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Warren Beatty. Warren Beatty looked confused when he's opening the, he looks at the envelope, he opens it, and you can see some confusion. People think he's trying to be funny. He's delaying it, building it up and shit. And it turns out, no. Fucking, he had the wrong envelope or some shit. And Steve Harvey's at home going, thank fucking God, this cracker got this monkey off my back.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Now I can relax. Now he's the asshole. This made the Steve Harvey thing look like a fucking blooper. But here's how it went down. And the Academy Award. For best picture. And the Academy Award for Best Picture. You're impossible. Come on.
Starting point is 00:30:32 La La Land. Okay. La La Land. Place goes shithouse. Yay! A movie that 11 people saw about singing and dancing and jazz and all kinds of faggotry. Yeah. Just horrendous, I heard. But anyhow, it was the favorite and everybody's going nuts. And then there's a little confusion. You could see it when he's opening the envelope. He looks down. He looks at her. He's looking behind Faye Dunaway, who, by the way, looks like
Starting point is 00:31:04 she's been cast in Candlewax. Her face, if she farts, her forehead's going at her. He's looking behind Faye Dunaway, who, by the way, looks like she's been cast in candle wax. Her face, if she farts, her forehead's going to split. Her face is pulled back so tight. And he doesn't look like himself. But then again, he's going to be pushing 80. Can't believe he didn't die. He fucking banged everybody from Ruth Buzzy to fucking, I don't know. From Ruth Buzzy to fucking... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:25 But, um... So, yeah, everybody's going crazy, thinking La La Land, and then this happens. No, there's a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won Best Picture. This is not a joke. This is not a joke. I'm afraid they read the wrong thing. This is not a joke. Moonlight has they read the wrong thing. This is not a joke. Moonlight has won Best Picture.
Starting point is 00:31:47 And you blew it. You blew it. I'm sitting there immediately. I look at the wire and go, come on. This is a publicity stunt. Right? They probably saw what happened when Steve Harvey hosted, what was it? Miss fucking Harlem? No miss uh universe or whatever and uh remember we were talking about it for weeks and i've you know
Starting point is 00:32:11 it has to be you can't be that stupid and if you are if this was a legitimate mistake you can't make fun of trump and his administration you guys can't even get this fucking right not to mention they do that in memoriam you know they put who died, famous people who died this year in memoriam. You know what it is. They have a lady come out and sing some song. She's singing like the theme to fucking Schindler's List, making everybody cry. And they actually put a woman up there who's still alive. And you blew it.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Fucking idiots. You blew it. You could never make it in the real world. And that includes me. That's why I went into show business. I could not make it in the real world. I lumped myself in with them. Fucking, yeah, Trump's a fucking moron.
Starting point is 00:32:55 You guys, I mean, how the fuck do you get that wrong? Oh, priceless. Let's do that again in slow motion. The Academy Award. They think he's fooling around. For best picture. You're awful. You're awful.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Eat my tits. La La Land. And you blew it. You blew it. Oh oh for the love of christ and then jimmy came out at the end it was so fucking awkward so now you get the you get the people from lala land and 18 people on stage half of them giving their speeches then they find i see a guy with a headset run on you know you think it was the joke house at McGobie's. Oh, we have a mix-up. And he's like, you guys didn't get it now. And it's actually a perfect ending for liberals in Hollywood where a white movie about jazz, which is ironic,
Starting point is 00:34:00 where they had to give the trophy to a movie, a black movie. I think it was about a gay kid coming of age in Miami in a tough neighborhood or something. Was that, am I confusing? There were so many stories about the heartbreaks. But, I mean, isn't that a wet dream? If you're a liberal and even if you're the director of La La Land, you go, you know what, you guys, it reminded me of Saturday Night,
Starting point is 00:34:24 what was it saturday night fever with travolta was that the name of the movie when him and his girlfriend win the dance competition but he knows that uh he knows that the puerto rican couple was better here you fucking deserve it take it you want it no fuck this but they had to be i'm telling you it's a's like, oh, it's a perfect Hollywood liberal moment. Look at the white cast handing over the trophy. The black movie was much better. And it was.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And it deserved to win, by the way. So, but somebody could have, you know, if somebody said hashtag Oscars too black this year, I don't think you'd get much of an argument. And I say that with all the love in my heart, folks. Okay? I feel I can say that after being at McGobie's and having tables of black people loving me. So, anyhow. And I had a lot of people coming up to me, by the way, who listened to the podcast after the show at McGobie's.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So, I'm getting very excited, folks. I feel a wind at my back. I figure I'll be rich and famous, I'd say. Let me see, I'll be 77. Yep, spending on catheters. I'll order them while I'm watching Fox Business News. People go, don't make that sound. Fuck off, it's my show.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Anyhow. people go, don't make that sound. Fuck off, it's my show. Anyhow. But the way they're talking about Trump, you'd think he just murdered Muslims in a pool at his hotel. They fucking have lost their minds. All this talk.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And then, of course, they had to have some Mexican, I don't know if he's director, producer, to give out an award. That way he could give a speech, right? Gael Garcia Bernal. Or Gael. I don't know how to pronounce it because I grew up in America. As a Mexican,
Starting point is 00:36:13 as a Latin American, as a migrant worker, as a human being, I'm against any form of wall that wants to separate us. Yeah, that's great. Except the one that surrounds my house in the Hollywood Hills, and the one that surrounds the party I'm going to at Vanity Fair,
Starting point is 00:36:31 and except the walls of security that guard me when I get out of the limo, except the walls that block the people from stepping on the red carpet before the show, except the walls that prevent anybody from getting within a mile of any Hollywood starlet's house uh those walls are good but uh anything that keeps uh potential uh drugs coming over uh felons rapists murderers and again that's not all um when trump said he wasn't referring to all people that got blown out of proportion nicely those walls are bad but the ones that protect me and my rich friends in holly those are good walls yeah those are the good ones sure what fucking hypocrites what children just the pomposity and the you just it's embarrassing you don't see the
Starting point is 00:37:21 fucking how stupid you sound when you're saying that? Meanwhile, you live behind gated communities and Hollywood and Bel Air and shit. You know how fucking silly you sound? Oh my God, wake the fuck up. I'm smart. I'm like everybody says. Like, don't. I'm smart and I want respect. Quiet.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Quiet like a bitch. Oh, my God. Walls are bad. Yeah. I can't wait. I don't want to say that. I shouldn't say I can't wait. But you know, you know, there's going to be, again, whether it's lone wolves or more orchestrated
Starting point is 00:38:04 attacks, you know, inside the United States, most likely. And how are you going to feel then, dummies, about trying to keep bad people out, which is all he's trying to do. You can twist it any way you fucking want on CNN. I can't believe I still Hillary popped up this weekend saying, resist. We have to resist. Go eat some corn in your stable. Yeah. And Donna Brazile.
Starting point is 00:38:29 She's still being interviewed. She was there when they they picked the new head of the DNC, Tom Perez, a former Obama guy. And I think Trump had a good tweet about that. He goes, I'm happy for Tom Perez. And so is the Republican Party. Something like that. They didn't go with Keith Ellison, whitey hater from Minneapolis, the first Muslim congressperson. They didn't go with him.
Starting point is 00:38:53 They didn't have the balls. They are lost at sea, folks. I would have more respect if you picked the whitey hater because he's more honest. But they went with Tom Perez, more moderate. He's considered moderate in establishment, so we'll see how that works out. But he's already excited about, you know, and then you see all the town halls with people yelling at the Republican senators
Starting point is 00:39:15 and they're trying to speak to their constituency live, and yeah, those aren't paid protesters. You're right, that's all grassroots. Please. Please, man. Anyhow, any he. So overall, I give the Oscars a six on a scale of 13. How funny, though.
Starting point is 00:39:41 They get it quiet when somebody made fun of OJ. That says it all. That says it all. I got an interview to do after this show today. Jeff Foxworthy. I think it's a radio thing. You know, yeah, I'm doing that right after this. And Thursday, Larry the Cable Guy. I'd like to tap into that market. Again, you know their their fans are probably more conservative that's a more wholesome type of comedy and they don't want somebody like me that curses like a pirate uh and uh but you know i dig a little deeper but i'm flattered that
Starting point is 00:40:19 jeff foxworthy uh you know wants to interview And it'd be funny if I get on. He goes, I saw your special. What the hell are you talking about? Anyhow, got that to do. And what else? Oh, we had some Bill Cosby news. Bill fucking Cosby. You know, America's dead.
Starting point is 00:40:48 America's raping bad. I dropped a few pills in your diet spite. I tried to do Cosby and I really can't. Anyhow, his trial is going to be decided outside the suburbs of Philly because he requested that. So funny. I watched a clip online. I don't know when it was from, but it's him. He's legally blind.
Starting point is 00:41:13 And again, if you look at his wife, that'll confirm that. It looks like a point guard for Seton Hall. Anyhow, what? You heard me. He's walking with a bunch of cops into some court. This might have been weeks ago a year i don't know but of course there's black people cheering him on even though there's overwhelming evidence that he's fucking uh guilty in my opinion oh shut it you fucking
Starting point is 00:41:38 blind cheek anyhow i actually had a uh i have a cosby bit somewhere i think uh here it is i did it uh it's uh now relevant again i wrote it a few months when the news first broke about this but now he's going on trial in june so i can bust this shit back out yo that's always a good thing actually they have drinks named after uh celebrities Oh, Nick, come on. What the fuck do you want to get through with him? Hi, I'm a hairdresser, Bill. I want to be a showbiz. Look over there. Walk it up. Look at him. He's fucking dawning, and I'm just saying, I understand.
Starting point is 00:42:33 He still gets a little long-winded when he lines a coke in your fucking three in the morning. He is a creepy fuck. I met him about ten years ago in Atlantic City. This is how I know he's a rapist. I meet the guy. I wake up an hour later, I'm wearing nothing but a temple t-shirt
Starting point is 00:42:46 and some pudding puff wrappers with black and shit on them. True story. You can fucking call me anything. No, it isn't. I'm kidding. No, I can't do Cosby, thank Christ. Everybody's doing that now. Every black car goes up in 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:43:08 You put the postage on the postage box. Can't wait till Popeye rakes somebody. That's just the voice I can do. Oh, Stephanie Bale. Oh, it's not race. Quick, blow on your whistle. That's right, folks. That was a Cosby slash Popeye slash rape joke. You don't see that often. And, you know, I forgot to do that on the goddamn special.
Starting point is 00:43:42 That's what happens when the pressure's on. I shit my pants. Anyhow. Yeah, so, I guess his legal team said we want a jury outside of the suburbs of Philly. A suburban Philly judge
Starting point is 00:43:57 has ruled that a jury from outside the area will hear the sexual assault against Bill Cosby. Montgomery County Judge Stephen O'neill ruled on uh today he says the jury will be sequestered during the trial oh no shit why do you have to even mention that i thought to be sitting on a park bench telling us what's going on each day
Starting point is 00:44:13 lawyers for the 79 year old tv star had pushed to have his trial moved out of the philadelphia suburbs because of worldwide media reports that brand him a serial rapist. Yeah, so worldwide reports. I don't think moving it out of the suburbs is going to shield you from worldwide. Cosby is set to go on trial June 5th on accusations that he drugged and molested a former Temple University employee at his suburban Philly home in 2004. I guess they have to do these things one at a time. You know, like literally 50 women came out of the woodwork. So what are they doing one at a time. You know, like literally 50 women came out of the woodwork, so what are they doing them one at a time? The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will decide where in Pennsylvania the jurors will be selected.
Starting point is 00:44:50 I think they should be selected from the audience at my next show at Helium, which is right in Philadelphia. What do you think of that? Come on, it's funny. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Oh, stop it.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Stop it. Put the drink, have a little bit of sipper. We are so fucked up, huh? Racially. I mean, the Oscars just confirms all that because, you know, some people can be honest about race and people on the left can't. That's really the rub right there. They let politically correct ideology blind themselves of the truth.
Starting point is 00:45:33 That's really the rub. It has been for 40 years, in my opinion. What do you mean, Nick? Well, ESPN's Dan Lebitard is forever an accused racist now for speaking the truth. Says Phil Mushnick, one of my favorite writers for the New York Post. He's a sports writer. I love him because he calls people on their PC bullshit, especially ESPN, which is owned by Disney, which I'll say again is the biggest exporter of political correctness around the globe and here at home. And they really just stink.
Starting point is 00:46:07 and here at home and they really just stink anyways you know magic johnson uh i think the lake has picked him to be the next gm to run the team or whatever and dean lebertard had the nerve to say that uh he didn't think uh that um magic you know what he said was he thought magic was chosen because he was a great player remains a popular and charming presence but was he says he was not selected for his basketball business acumen thus he's a bad choice now that's a reasonable thing to say because you can look at uh magic's rec magic's record and um you know and uh apparently he doesn't you know didn't do that well the one time that he tried to run a team. And, of course, just by Libertar saying that, and by the way, he's a liberal. Later on in the article, we talk about him almost being anti-white sometimes. If you're working for Disney and ESPN, okay, you fucking, anyhow, they're eating each other.
Starting point is 00:47:00 That's the gist of the story. As for those who chose to recognize that Libertar was saying Johnson as a black man is unqualified for his new position, then they've got a problem, not Libertar. A bunch of people came after him. You know, Keyshawn Johnson. Remember Big Mouth that played for the Jets and a few other teams? You know, who just, again, I think he grew up in Southern California, right near USC. I know he played at USC, right?
Starting point is 00:47:21 right near USC. I know he played at USC, right? Anyways, he says that means LeBretard is racist and ex-Laker Michael Thompson, whoever the fuck that is, it's Michael with a Y. I'm going to guess he's black and I could be wrong.
Starting point is 00:47:35 He says Dan LeBretard is fucking racist by saying that magic, you know, is not suited for this or whatever. That's the world we live in right there, folks. That's it. And like Mushnick says, when two people, two public figures like Keyshawn and this other guy, you know, that work on ESPN, when two people double team you, then you're branded, you know, a racist. But yeah, Mushnick points out, he says, oddly enough enough there might be some evidence that libertard a cuban american is a racist and anti-white one last spring he condemned goose gossage's
Starting point is 00:48:12 uh cuss strewn a lament that the game is no longer played the right way i.e immodest demonstrations and failures to even run to first base have become standard and libertard mark gossage as someone who actually meant the game was no longer played and this is in quotes the white way which was more silly than racist and then he gives an example that's why i love mushing for example uh dave roberts the dodgers half asian half black manager isn't he the guy that stole second base against the yankees red sox hero way, so anyways, he's half black and half Asian. He was the Dodgers manager at the
Starting point is 00:48:48 time. He yanked Yasiel Puig, a black Cuban, for failing to run to first base. So does Roberts prefer the game be played the white way, or does Libertar regard running to first and modest public behavior a race-based option?
Starting point is 00:49:03 Exactly. But of course, ESPN let that slide. Right? Because the guy was half black and half Asian. And then, of course, big mouth Stephen A. Smith, who I kind of like. I've met him. He takes himself too serious,
Starting point is 00:49:20 but, of course, he has to jump in and fucking with his usual anti-white shit. How you guys can watch ESPN anymore is beyond me. It's just so fucking retarded. But he had to say, libertard, he said, is dead wrong because as an all-time Lakers great, Magic Johnson
Starting point is 00:49:37 with five NBA titles is an obvious guy to run the Lakers. The only one at least as qualified, spewed Smith, is Kobe Bryant. Fucking, oh, what a simpleton. What a fucking simpleton.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I'm like everybody says. Like, don't. I'm smart and I want the sticks. Yeah, well, go work at fucking ESPN
Starting point is 00:49:57 and Disney where they put up with that type of shit. Anti-white bigotry is fine, but can you imagine all from saying he doesn't think
Starting point is 00:50:04 Magic, you know is the right guy to fucking run the lake isn't oh my goodness gracious imagine that's the world we live in folks folks. Unbelievable. Just like disagreeing with Obama. And I've said it before, about him being black was the coolest thing about his administration. But, you know, he's the worst president, in my opinion, in history.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Had nothing to do with his fucking, it had to do with his policies. But the dinkweeds on the left link that together. Just the way they can't laugh at a guy who leans right, who's funny. Just watch Bill Maher's live audience sit on their hands anytime somebody leans right on the panel says something fucking funny it's just they did it's their religion as somebody said anyhow kids again go to slash nick to subscribe to the show two to three more shows a week 3.99 a month.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And we passed a milestone recently. I can't say what it is because I don't give out the numbers, but thank you so much. I'm throwing stories around here. I got one more. I think I just threw it on the ground. Hold on. We are here tonight to honor... What the hell?
Starting point is 00:51:18 I didn't... Did I hit that button by accident? Oh, yeah. I was watching my boy tucker carlson you want to see a lesson in uh lib versus uh fucking uh white conservative with a brain um using linear doesn't have to be white could be any just conservative versus liberal but tucker just happens to be he He's got that. He's as white as they come.
Starting point is 00:51:48 He used to wear a bow tie on CNN, you know. He's got that. He still has like a fraternity boy face, even though he's got to be 40-something. And he must really fucking piss off on the other side. But I watched him take apart the mayor of Hartford. The guy was trying to defend sanctuary cities. And the mayor actually goes, yeah, well, I went to the chief of police at Hartford, and I asked him about how many crimes are being committed by illegals. And he said virtually none.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And Tucker went on to keep pressing him. So you didn't ask for a specific number? And the guy went through all kinds of machinations to fucking uh avoid answering the question he didn't even know what the number was yet he was trying to defend sanctuary city that was just one interview and then he had on a transgender jillian weiss i think this uh guy who became a woman and who's a spokesman for the transgender community, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And Tucker was saying the gist, I'll play the clip in a second, the gist of the argument was how do we define what's a man and a woman today? He said, I'm a 47-year-old white guy, and let's say tomorrow I wanted to play on the girls,
Starting point is 00:52:59 take a shower in the girls' locker room. Could I do that? Because under these these you know obama's thing you could all you have to do is say what you are it's not it has nothing to do with your actual biology and you could and um so that he started there and he says it's important that we know what the standards are what is a girl and what is a what is a boy or a man and a woman? Because we're already making legislation like small businesses. You know, female-owned small businesses are getting millions of dollars from the federal government. Because they're supposedly run by females.
Starting point is 00:53:39 So now you're going to have a bunch of charlatans jumping in, right? A bunch of guys saying, yeah, I'm a fucking chick today. I want my money to start my business. It's a legitimate point. So they're passing legislation and they haven't even defined yet what a man or a woman is. So here's how that went. And, you know, once again, he tied this guy slash, no, Jillian Weiss. It's a woman now, but he made her look stupid.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I don't know how they can, she's like one of the head spokesmen for this. And, you know, it's just, it was an unfair fight. I haven't explained, I've asked you a bunch, what the legal standards are, because I don't think that there are any, and here's why that's a concern. So we spend, the federal government spends over $11 billion every year on sex-specific programs. And I'm sure you know what they are. The Small Business Administration, among many others, gives a ton of money to people because they are women.
Starting point is 00:54:31 And so how are we supposed to navigate that if they're, and let's be honest with each other, there are no standards, actually, other than I say that I'm of a different sex. How is it to navigate this, and what's going to prevent charlatans from jumping in and taking all that cash? Well, let me give you an example. In the field of athletics, there are standards that have been developed for when someone is permitted to move into a particular single sex activity. It involves how long they've been on hormones, how long their transition has been, whether or not they have the strength equivalent to, you know, that women's sports, for example.
Starting point is 00:55:08 So there are standards that have been developed. Now, I don't know all of the details of that exactly. But you're asking, for example, how do we... Because there is no absolute standard that's been developed, as you know. I mean, look, this is your job. You know that there are actually... That's not true. There isn't.
Starting point is 00:55:20 The WNBA doesn't have the same standard as the olympics as notre dame women's field hockey i mean there is no absolute standard well if that's what you're saying is there an absolute standard you're correct there is not an absolute standard we are working you can act like a man what's the matter with you oh god see what happens when when they're called on their bullshit? All the politically correct jargon that pours out, all based on emotion. And right at the beginning, she used the word bigoted. And he goes, so, oh, everybody who disagrees with what Obama did is bigoted.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And, you know, he trapped her right there. It's so obvious. They just fucking surround themselves with people who think like. And then they get on a show like this. And mean like that's an outrageous question what how do we define a man and a woman since we're already passing legislation that affects you know there's a ton of money involved and then and they fold under i don't know henry henrietta you might fold under, you motherfucker. I'm smart. I'm like everybody says. Like, don't.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I'm smart. And I want respect. Quiet. Quiet like a bitch. Oh, watch your mouth. Anyhow, I just enjoy him. Because it's the first time they were ever challenged. Google the one with the mayor of Hartford and what a smug little bastard.
Starting point is 00:56:48 They all have this fucking smugness about them. And it's just priceless when they when they fucking actually have poignant questions thrown at them that nobody has asked them. Obviously, it's like watching. I told you, watching Tucker Carlson. It's like watching Ali in his prime. He's just fucking jabbing, popping away, short right hand, dancing, pretty.
Starting point is 00:57:12 All right. Guy should be sending me money. I know I plug him a lot on the show. That is it, kids. Come see me this weekend. Finally, I don't have to get on a plane, first time in a while. Westport, Connecticut. Westport Inn. Next weekend, have to get on a plane. First time in a while. Westport, Connecticut. The Westport Inn.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Next weekend, I will be on a plane. Tampa. Side splitters. One of my favorite gigs. A lot of New Yorkers and Bostonians down there. So, yeah, next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Not this, but next. Go to
Starting point is 00:57:44 You'll get all the information. And you can find out how to sign up for the podcast on my website too. Again, That's slash Nick and sign up. You'll be glad you did. I'm telling you. It's terrific. tit i'm telling you it's terrific um what else did i want oh see so see or at see so that's s e e s o t v and you get a month free if you use the promo code to palo and you can get to see my one hour special that just came out recently called inflammatory and it's in the top five on content on that website and uh thank you evan chapiro um so yeah and and like i said the crowds have been you know i've been selling out probably over 70 of the shows this year i don't know if that's trump uh the trump effect the special effect uh the podcast effect me selling weed
Starting point is 00:58:40 two kids in junior high school up the street. I don't know. But things is coming together. Know what I'm saying? Got a big meeting tomorrow. I can't tell you what about. That is this. I'm sick of my own goddamn voice. I will talk to you, you subscribers, tomorrow. Sure I will.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Take care of yourselves. Hey, hey, I saved the world today. Take care of yourselves. I'm not like Bob! I'm not like Bob! I'm not like Bob! guitar solo I'm

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