The Nick DiPaolo Show - 175 - Political Chicken

Episode Date: March 13, 2017

Political Chicken...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hey, hey, hey. What's going on, folks? Nick DiPaola Podcast Monday, the free version on iTunes,, Stitcher, et cetera. If you like the show, folks, and you'd like to hear more, you go to slash Nick, slash Nick. You get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. That's a buck a week, folks.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Not even if you want to get technical. But I treat it like a radio show, so it's been quite successful. but I treat it like a radio show. So it's been quite successful. slash Nick if you want to get two to three more shows a week. Yeah, so thanks. And people can also subscribe, excuse me, can also contribute financially if they want.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And I thank my contributors, Akam Fagers. I think he's a German fella, if I'm not mistaken. Dave Harris, a regular contributor to the show. Pam Bird with a nice fat contribution. Thomas Nocio. I say Nocio. Robert Schluida, a regular contributor also.
Starting point is 00:01:42 My boy Dennis, the grab bag, has contributed again. And Kevin Ford also. Most of those guys, except Akam. Regular contributors to the show. On top of the subscriptions. Thank you so much, contributors. Anyhow, what's going on? This weekend, real quick before I get to the big news,
Starting point is 00:02:04 because obviously all hell broke loose over the weekend politically what a time we're living in oh may you live in interesting times jesus christ trump uh you know was tweeting saying that obama was actually tapping his phones and whatever computers at the trump tower and uh i gotta believe it's true because uh the trump administration has a history of doing stuff like that i mean the did i say the trump is a front he slipped the obama administration has a history doing uh things like that but there's ways to cover yourself that it doesn't trace back to obama but we'll get to that in a second but that is if that's true man holy shit the rafters are being shaken here in america politically it's kind of creepy where we're
Starting point is 00:02:51 headed ain't it sure it is it all started around 2008 in my opinion anyhow um uh what else oh and trump uh put out his new travel ban rules executive order whatnot a new one he just announced a few minutes ago so uh not to mention a bunch of other shit uh westport thank you so much uh the treehouse comedy club westport at the westport inn this weekend sold out to keep my streak alive of weekend shows being sold out uh i don't know if it's the podcast of my i got my wife chained to her desk doing facebook and social media promotion i don't know but people are coming out and let me tell you i do these one nighters every once in a while to stay sharp right stay local make a few it was as good a oneer as i've done and forever it was a uh a low ceiling which
Starting point is 00:03:48 makes for a killer comedy room so if any of my fellow comedians are listening which you're probably not i wouldn't listen to your things either i mean you got other shit to do but uh killer room the westport and it was sold out uh i did an hour and hour and three minutes it went by i looked at my watch thinking i must be at about 20, 25. I was at like 45, meaning I hadn't even dipped into some material yet. It was just killer, killer audience. Thanks for coming out. And took pictures with everybody there, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:18 There's no way I didn't contract some type of bacteria. I boiled my hands for like 20 minutes when I got home. But thanks for coming out that was that made for an awesome night christ i was home by whatever a little money in my pocket and uh you can't beat that and then gave myself a hand job and passed out what the fuck you're talking about um anyhow before we get to this serious, heavy political shit, I read this headline, and this is really, it's always been my worst nightmare, because a woman was accidentally cremated while still alive in India, they say. So that's my worst fucking nightmare ever. I've been to a few recently, a few, you know, funerals where a person was cremated.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And I think, you know, I don't know. I just always said, how do you know? We don't know once you're dead. You know, we all assume you're dead so you don't feel anything and you're burned. But I was just saying, wouldn't that be your worst nightmare if you're not? I've said this to my wife 20 times what if you they misdiagnose you i mean people have you know one in a trillion but people have woken up in the morgue still alive they had a toe tag on them and shit it happens and then when you consider india this fifth world shithole with a trillion people there's so many
Starting point is 00:05:40 weird stories coming out of india but. But this girl is 24 years old. And yeah, her name is Rakhna Sisodiyat. Had been declared dead at Sharda Hospital. It's a great hospital. I go there for stitches. Hospital in a greater Noida in northern India. It's Uttar Pradesh state. The cause of her death was a lung infection.
Starting point is 00:06:04 She probably had a summer home in beijing her body was released to her husband davesh chowdhury i think he picked me up on broadway and fifth a couple weeks ago so the husband 23 years old drives it to a funeral pyre location two hours away by the way they use uh in india i learned this from the sopranos they they they soak your buddy your body, what the fuck is wrong with me today? They soak your body in that butter, some type of butter, what do you call it? Clarified butter, to get the body started when you light it. That's true.
Starting point is 00:06:38 So he brought it to the funeral pyre two hours away, where he and some companions began the cremation. According to the times, any of the cops arrived on the scene and pulled a woman from the fire believing she was still alive i wonder why they believed that was it the screaming and the kicking of the feet i hope her husband and all those douchebags involved are being uh investigated a subsequent post-mortem later concluded that rockner had died from this, shock caused by being burnt alive. Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:07:09 A subsequent post-mortem. Yeah, being burnt alive. They also found ash in her respiratory tract. After Woods. How do you fuck up like that? You know me, I'm no feminist, but I'd have the husband in cuffs and fucking right now.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I like to know the history, how they got along. That's my worst nightmare. I've said it a thousand times. They put you in that furnace. All of a sudden you come to for some reason. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Got to be the worst way to go. That's just... Oh, he's in Indiaia and then i read another story i don't have any details on it but they found like 19 fetuses in plastic bags somewhere in india this is in the same paper on the same day what the fuck but i know i understand no all cultures are equal mama mia and then real quickly um you know how i like to poke fun at uh it's in my act it's my special i open with how you know i did p90x and i had to switch because i was blowing out into my knees you know you're not supposed to do it for a year and a half uh so i jumped over to my boy sean t
Starting point is 00:08:17 it's workouts like this that i smile about because i know if you push to the max you can get the body that you always wanted i don't care if you scream hate me if you hate me turns out he was screaming and somebody hated him because shaunti finally admits the fitness guru and uh i have fun with him but like i said the guy's he's gonna be making a ton of money This guy's good at what he does. Sexually abused, he says, as a child. The chilling revelation will be detailed in the 38-year-old's upcoming self-memoir. T is for transformation. Said to be released this fall. He says, I used to look at the abuse as, I cannot believe this is happening, he told the magazine.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And it lasted for four years, starting at the age of eight. It wasn't my fault. I believe it's how you attack what is happening which gets you through something like this. I said, I am not going to be a victim. To work through his past, Sean T., who's real name is Sean Thompson, went to counseling. He said he went to therapy at age 26 to confront his demons he also said I also mentioned that grew he grew up in poverty he was overweight he says people are often afraid to do that I needed to find my vulnerabilities and learn to deal with what has happened in my life once I cleaned out the closet and came out of the closet
Starting point is 00:09:40 now do you think there's a connection there a lot of there's a lot of look i believe most gay most gay people are born that way and uh but there are some who get molested as kids and and and it fucks up you know it confuses them sexually and whatnot and uh i wonder what the situation is here um so anyways but, so he made something of himself and you know, sometimes I'm wondering maybe I shouldn't have got touched by an uncle. It might have helped me. I got no ambition. I'm going to take a fucking two hour pollen app after this, instead of doing Sean T's workout. Cause that's how I feel today. Maybe I would have been had a little fire under my ass. If, uh if Father Thomas grabbed my nipples. I'm
Starting point is 00:10:25 just joking. Relax out there. I get to say this shit because it's a podcast. Okay. Don't be silly. But Sean T. It's so funny. I'm like, he seems kind of gay. You know, I wasn't, you know, I wasn't sure some guys sound kind of gay. And then I saw, you know, about a year ago, he puts out another workout thing, but it's him just dancing with a bunch of broads. And that pretty much sealed it for me. Now, Nick, what do you say? Guys who dance are gay? Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Exactly. I happen to be in agreement with Bill Hicks on that one. If you're a fella and you can really boogie, it's kind of creepy. What? Yeah, you heard me. What do you think? Madonna fucking Lady Gaga's backup dances, all love pussy? Come on. I'm talking about the male ones. But Sean T, so it turned out good for him. He said he had to confront his demons. I should confront mine, I guess. And well, I did confront mine. I ended up in stand-up comedy and doing a radio show out of my basement like a 12-year-old. Anyhow, before we get to Trump versus Obama, and Mark Levin was in the middle of all that, by the way.
Starting point is 00:11:37 He put this theory out there. And the thing about Levin was he was like a, you know, he worked in the Reagan White House. He was like a deputy assistant, chief of staff uh the attorney general who was who was it meese back then or something but and he's a constitutional fucking scholar levin so this ain't some shock jock radio right-wing hack throwing out shit and i'll play you his theory if you haven't heard it in a few minutes but before that ladies and gentlemen uh president trump made some more news as of a few minutes ago. Trump signs a new travel ban which exempts Iraq. Trump to unveil new travel ban he just did a few minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Hell yeah. Because people shit their pants over the first one because it was a religious litmus test. You can't have that as Americans. Meanwhile, the fucking ex-president, you know, is fucking tapping the current president. Please, spare me your fucking horseshit and your American values. Anyways, look at him conflating two stories.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I'm getting so excited. Ah, shut it, Neil. By the way, he's on a New World tour. How's the fuck's he get to the stage? One of those electric chair lifts that you see on... Um, and I like him, and I'm still shitting on him. Trump, uh, yeah, he just signed the executive order today. Banning immigration from six Muslim-majority countries.
Starting point is 00:13:02 By the way, I'm reading this from CNN off their website, so you can just smell the fucking leftist horse shit, anti-Trump slant to it. But they dropped Iraq from January's previous order, so Iraq is not on that list. The new travel ban comes six weeks after Trump's original EO was rolled out to chaos and confusion.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Oh, yeah, it was a fucking muddled mess. At airports nationwide and eventually blocked by a federal court. A court made up of three lefties, anyhow. The new version exempts people who hold current visas and drops an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees, reducing it to 120 days. And I hope at day 120 he extends it, is what I hope. Yeah, me being the fucking racist that I am. It also makes clear that lawful permanent residents are excluded from the ban.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And again, all this sounds good because it's politically correct and nobody's feelings are getting hurt, but we'll see. We shall see. We cannot compromise our nation's security by allowing visitors entry when their own governments aren't able or unwilling to provide the information we need to vet them uh responsibly or when those governments actively support terrorism you know who said that jeff sessions boy he had a busy weekend. He had to recuse himself. Anyways, the band covers Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Excuse the buzzing. I just did that by touching something. The band covers Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan. And it makes perfect sense. I don't give a fuck what you say. Okay? Vetting. They don't even know fuck what you say okay vetting they don't even know how to set up a card stand over there never mind having records of people are you shitting me they're like they you can't vet them they have no infrastructure over there it's uh it makes all
Starting point is 00:15:00 the sense in the world again you people who are so pc and fucking worried about uh you know what you are for is for open borders which again in that perfect world would work but uh you know we live in a world people strap on to their balls and sneak in and uh they have by the way um i read in my local paper you guys are gonna love this um they're gonna build they're gonna they've been trying to build get the apartments and all that stuff uh build it'll be this the largest i think uh mosque in north america about a mile up the street from me how funny is that it started 10 years ago the process and uh in my local paper it's like yeah they have to get two more permits or one more then they can officially start digging holy fucking moly anyhow uh administration officials monday stressed they do not see the ban as targeting a specific religion oh who gives a shit if it did
Starting point is 00:15:58 well that's unconstitutional yeah we'll deliver it in a different world constitution is not a suicide pact i'll say it again the department of justice believes that this executive order just as the first one is lawful and proper exercise of presidential authority democrats responded uh these fucking jerk offs by calling trump's order a repeat version of the first attempt here we go again muslim ban 2.0 hashtag nohtag no ban, no wall. Tweeted Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana, one of two Muslims. Oh, ironic. Serving in the house of reps. Oh, you fucking dick. Here we go again. Okay, well, then take him to court again, cheese dick. dick uh the revised ban will phase in after 10 days the previous order will be rescinded on that date remember the first one uh trump passed remember he wanted to do it they rushed it through quickly because they didn't want to give the heads up to people who wanted to sneak in
Starting point is 00:16:57 here and do us harm which made perfect sense to me you don't announce it but this one's going to have a 10-day lead so you people over there that want to fuck us in the ass, start packing now. Get your pipe bombs together. And again, I'm kind of exaggerating, but I'm kind of not because, let's be honest, not everybody coming over here as refugees are here to paint houses or push hot dog carts up 6th Avenue. Although it seems it. Have you tried to go up 6th Avenue?
Starting point is 00:17:24 You can get a hot dog at every red light. Fucking three wise men pushing a hot dog cart. It's fucking crazy. The White House officials collaborated for several weeks with officials at the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and kept congressional leaders apprised of their progress this time around. After the White House drew backlash, again, this is from CNN, for keeping Congress and relevant Fed agencies almost entirely in the dark during the first rollout. They always have to remind you of the failure of the first one. To bolster its national security claims, the new executive order also states FBI has reported that approximately 300 people who entered the U.S. as refugees are currently the subjects of counterterrorism investigations.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah, you don't have to fucking, you don't have to drive that point home with me. I get it. And you will too. Here's what's funny, because I'll say it again. It's not funny. I hope it doesn't happen. God forbid. We're going to get hit again. We're going to get hit really bad again. And then the fucking Dems, you're done.
Starting point is 00:18:33 You're done as a party. And you might even be done before that when I get to the next story about the tapping. Anyways, Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mad Dog Mattis, and National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, all had all advocated for Iraq to be removed from the Trump administration's list of banned countries in the new order for diplomatic reasons, including Iraq's role in fighting ISIS, which is true.
Starting point is 00:19:01 But that doesn't mean that some bad hombres. And also John Kelly, who's the homeland security secretary he also supported the move also uh president trump had a phone call with uh iraqi prime minister hayra el abadi on february 10th an in-person conversation between a body and vp mike pence uh in munich on february 18th and uh so iraqi's in the clay other people want to come over and um anyhow let's see what kind of resistance he gets from this uh i was fine with the first travel ban the way it was but oh no oh no that goes against our american values it says right on the statue of liberty yeah that was written on the statue of liberty back at the turn of the century fucking there weren't irish and italians strapping bombs to their assholes to come over and there weren't a bunch of safety social nets so they could suck off the tit of the
Starting point is 00:20:01 government but uh you know if you want to pretend we're living in the same world, sure. Sure. Get rid of them borders. Anyhow, that just happened a few minutes ago. And again, there he is holding up my buddy Devin down in Florida, a comedian. He's going to jump all over this on Twitter. After Trump signs an executive order, he holds it up. And like my comedian friend said,
Starting point is 00:20:25 it's like a kid who just finished a puzzle on a restaurant menu or something. He's showing it off. It's kind of funny. But anyhow, so that's the latest. As far as the new executive order. Jesus, though.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I mean, he must be waking up and going, God damn it. What did I get myself into? Maybe not. Guy's just like all balls out. I was going to do the next thing. Yeah, I'll stay on Trump and politics. But ESPN had a bunch of layoffs, which makes me laugh. Because their liberal
Starting point is 00:21:06 horseshit is finally backfiring on them um which i'm loving anyhow this whole thing started last like thursday when mark levin made the case that obama was tapping uh you know trump's phones and shit and and uh and levin was basing it all on public records from stories in the New York Times, from The Guardian, from McClatchy, all these things. Anyways, he was on, I think, Sunday morning, was it? Fox and Friends? I saw this today on the Internet, making the case for, you know, Trump tweeted out saying, just found out that Obama has tapped my phones right before the election i'm paraphrasing and uh you know this is like watergate he's a sick guy but but you know he he came out all these tweets and um accusing trump of this stuff and uh do i have the tweets here here's what he said.
Starting point is 00:22:06 This is Trump's tweets this week and terrible. Just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism. This was over the weekend, I think, on Saturday. Then he said, is it legal for a sitting president to be wiretapping a race for president prior to an election turned down by court earlier a new low next uh tweet i'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that president obama was tapping my phones
Starting point is 00:22:37 in october just prior to election turns out that good lawyer was mark levin radio show host um Turns out that good lawyer was Mark Levin, radio show host on CRTV, by the way. You can it's like a Netflix of politics, I guess. Here's another tweet. How low is President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process? This is Nixon slash Watergate bad in parentheses or sick guy exclamation point. In parentheses, or sick guy, exclamation point. So here's Levin on Fox and Friends, I think, Sunday morning, since he's putting this theory out there. And now this clip is, you know, it's about five or six minutes long because he's laying out, he's making a whole case here.
Starting point is 00:23:26 And I'll pause it maybe here and there but here's mark levin laying out why he thinks trump has a case and that uh it's right out in the open that obama was doing like i said before the obama is a lawyer too he knows the constitution so i'm sure they played all kinds of legal games with their words to make sure that uh you know it doesn't come back trace back to him but you know he fucking knew about it that's my dirty opinion here's levin laying it out through this the american people exhibit one exhibit one this is all public head street two separate sources links to the counterintelligence community have confirmed that the fbi sought and was granted a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court. This is fine. In October, giving counterintelligence
Starting point is 00:24:12 permission to examine the activity of, quote, U.S. persons in Donald Trump's campaign with ties to Russia. Let me go on. This isn't me. They say the first FISA request, sources say named Trump, This isn't me. They say the first FISA request, sources say named Trump, was denied back in June, denied by the court. But the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was presented of a server possibly related to the Trump campaign and its alleged links to two banks. Now, sources suggest that a FISA warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern U.S. persons. Now, I know people are hung up with Trump's word wiretapping. Well, how'd they get access to this server information? Does it really matter if it was wiretapping, electronic surveillance, or whatever it was?
Starting point is 00:25:00 Exhibit 2, The Guardian, a well-known right-wing British paper. Sarcastic. Here it is. Quote, The Guardian has learned the FBI applied for a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. Keep in mind, this is during a presidential election. The sitting president, the incumbent party, is now investigating the presidential candidate of the Republican Party and his campaign to some extent. The FISA court turned down the application asking FBI counterintelligence investigators to narrow its focus.
Starting point is 00:25:34 According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October. Exhibit three, McClatchy, another well-known right-wing newspaper. Here they have. He's being sarcastic, folks. The agency's headline, FBI, five other agencies, five other Obama administration agencies pro-possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump. The FBI and five other law enforcement intelligence agencies have collaborated for months in an investigation into russian attempts to influence the november election including whether money from kremlin uh covertly aided presidential elect donald trump two people familiar with the matter said the agencies involved in the
Starting point is 00:26:15 inquiry are the fbi the cia the nsa the justice department the treasury department's financial crimes enforcement network and representatives of the director of the national intelligence are you telling me barack obama didn't know it was going on six agencies as you hold on hold on hold on okay keep going i'm not done i need to make the case because the media seems to be confused about their own reporting new york times another well-known liberal outlet, intercepted Russian communications part of inquiry into Trump associates, January 19. The FBI is leading the investigations aided by the NSA, the CIA, Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Unit.
Starting point is 00:26:56 The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no exclusive and conclusive evidence around it. Listen to this. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretap communications have been provided to the White House. This is the New York Times. Another right wing outlet. My exhibit four. Another right wing outlet, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Let's continue. New York Times again. But Obama doesn't know about it. The NSA gets more latitude to share intercepted communications. In the final days of the Obama administration, the administration has expanded the power of the NSA to share globally intercepted personal communications
Starting point is 00:27:34 with the government's 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections. Now, why would they do this on the way out the door? Well, March 1, Exhibit 6, Obama administration rushed to preserve intelligence of Russian election hacking. In the Obama administration's last days, listen to this, some White House officials scrambled to
Starting point is 00:27:59 spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Trump and Russians across the government. Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Trump and Russians across the government. I'm not done. Exhibit 7, New York Times. Flynn is said to have talked to Russians about sanctions Trump took office. Well, where'd they get this information? Well, Mark, you know the FISA court, they're always monitoring the Russian ambassador and so... How do we know, the FISA court, they're always monitoring the Russian ambassador. And so how do we know that?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Maybe they are, maybe they're not. But there's an awful lot of other activity. Here we have Washington Post. One more, Washington Post. But that's a key point. They can legally, you know, listen in on the Russian ambassador and stuff. By doing that, though, they can monitor Trump because they think there's collusion there. So, you know so do you know
Starting point is 00:28:45 do you get what i'm saying there because you're not supposed to be able to do that to a u.s citizen which trump was during the election he wasn't the president yet but um that way you can follow what he's doing by you know saying well we're listening on somebody who might be a foreign spy, which is legal when you get FISA's permission. March 2nd, U.S. investigators have examined contacts Attorney General Sessions had with Russian officials during the time he was advising Donald Trump's campaign. The focus of the U.S. counterintelligence investigation has been on communication between Trump campaign officials in Russia.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Listen to this. The inquiry involving Sessions is examining his contacts while serving as Trump's foreign policy advisor in the spring and summer of 2016. This has been going on for a year now. As you do on your radio program, you lay out a devastating case based on public documents, as you point out, and not right wing sources, but mainstream left stream sources. How confident are you that this new this investigation, which was on Russian so-called Russian hacking, but now the White House says this morning will be broadened to looking into executive overreach? How confident are you they will find something there?
Starting point is 00:29:57 I don't know, but they already found something. The issue isn't whether the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign or transition or certain of its surrogates. The issue is the extent of it. They went into court a second time. They were so aggressive. They waited four or five months. They go back in October, weeks before the general election. They narrow their request. All of a sudden we have leaks coming out on Flynn. Then we have a horrible meeting that took place between sessions and so forth. And I'm telling you, as a former chief of staff and attorney general of the United States
Starting point is 00:30:29 in the Reagan administration, these are police state tactics. Now, what did Barack Obama know? He knew everything I just read you apart from one or two articles. You know what I know? It's in the newspapers. It's right there. So Barack Obama not only knew this, but he gets a daily intelligence briefing. And let me tell you something about daily intelligence briefings. If your attorney general and your FBI is going to the FISA court to get a warrant to investigate aspects of an opposition party in the middle of a general election campaign, how much you want to bet the president of the United States knew that? i don't want to read his opinion oh that dirty cogsucker yeah well jesus how do you i don't understand how do you refute that because like and that's mark levin it's all
Starting point is 00:31:18 based on fucking leftist newspapers it's out in the public he's not that's not his theory so i mean how the fuck do you refute that? Again, probably legalese. There's ways of getting around it, you know. What do they call it? Plausible deniability? All that, I mean, they're experts at it and whatnot. We have a little audio of Trump.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I guess he actually picked up a phone in Trump Towers during one of the taps, and he thought he was being tapped, and this is what he said to up a phone in Trump Towers during one of the taps, and he thought he was being tapped, and this is what he said to whoever was listening in. You listening? Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that? Ah, cut the crap. Fucking Obama. ah cut the crap fucking obama oh oh that dirty cocksucker i'm telling you i am telling you he's a cancer a cancer
Starting point is 00:32:15 how the fuck anybody voted from we knew nothing about him we did know he was raised by a communist and his dad hung out with fucking lefties and uh he announced his political career in william air's living room who was a domestic terrorist back in the 70s and that's what you know about him well most of you didn't you voted for him anyways and um i'd be very surprised this is a game of political chicken it's a chicken fight remember you used to get on each other's shoulders? Get on your dad's shoulders and your brother would get on your mother's shoulders if she looked like Caitlyn and you'd have a chicken fight in the pool?
Starting point is 00:32:53 That's what this is. Two cars head on. You got Trump making these claims. And if he's wrong, his whole presidency will blow up, and you get Obama who's fucking, I mean, if he did this shit, which it sounds like he did, I'm not a lawyer here, but I'm just saying, goodnight, Democrat Party, forever. Unless this country is that fucking anti-American now, what with a zillion foreigners here, and maybe it won't even,
Starting point is 00:33:25 it'll just, won't even have an effect, but good night. So this isn't gonna go away either, like anytime soon. It's, and then Comey came out and asked the Justice Department to reject Trump's claims. Why would he do that? It's getting even uglier. He's fucking always in the middle of it, too, isn't he, weasel? God damn. But here's some of Obama's history and why I think he might be guilty. More than a dozen proven victims of Obama's many wiretaps. And these, again, public record. There's a whole list of them here.
Starting point is 00:34:17 WikiLeaks released the following list on February 23rd of Obama administration wiretaps. Here's one. The U.S. National Security Agency bugged a private climate change strategy meeting between U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. That was in Berlin. Number two, Obama bugged chief of staff of U.N. High Commissioner for for refugees uh for long-term interception targeting his swiss phone number three obama single out director of the rules division of the world trade organization wto uh johan human and targeted his swiss phone for long-term interception number four obama stole sensitive Italian diplomatic cables detailing how Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu implored Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Bersaglione to help patch lines to stop the U.S. extorting them at the WTO talks.
Starting point is 00:35:35 What's that? Here's number six or seven. I can't keep them up. Obama explicitly targeted five other top European Union economic officials for long-term interception including their french austrian and belgium phone numbers uh also obama explicitly targeted the phones of italy's ambassador to nato and other top italian officials for long-term interception and finally obama intercepted details of a critical private meeting between the french president nicholas and burlesque where the latter was told the italian
Starting point is 00:36:06 banking system was ready to pop like a cork in addition to the above list we also know that obama wiretapped various individuals in the u.s media you guys who don't watch fox wouldn't know this because you can't handle the truth uh That were reporting information not flattering to the Obama administration. I even remember that one. James Rosen it was. It is widely known that the Obama's Justice Department targeted journalists with wiretaps in 2013. And this was revealed by the Washington Post. Again, not exactly a conservative paper.
Starting point is 00:36:42 The liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation the Justice Department, this is in 2013, had investigated the news gathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks. The reporter was James Rosen of Fox News and his family. They were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged, but his movements and actions were tracked. Is that part of your American values, Democrat Party? This guy makes Nixon look like a fucking Girl Scout.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And this is, again, all fucking public. Even Eric Holder, who was the Attorney General back then, after he left the administration, this is like i don't know probably six months a year ago in public he said they asked him about any regrets if he could do it differently he brought up he brought up that he wouldn't have snooped around and james rosen's uh personal shit he regretted that oh my god so it's not like this administration doesn't have a history of doing this shit also in 2013 2013, members of the AP, that would be the Associated Press, were also a target of the surveillance, which is good. It's libs eating libs.
Starting point is 00:37:53 The ultra-liberal New Yorker even noted that in moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone record scandal, partly because it involves the dear, dear old AP, Associated Press, It involves the dear, dear old AP, Associated Press, and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother. May well present the most serious threat to Obama's reputation. And then you had Cheryl Atkinson. In 2014, she was a reporter, said that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. You see a pattern here, folks? I don't mean to be a fucking bias, but Jesus Christ, it's as plain as a tit on your forehead.
Starting point is 00:38:32 A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware proprietary to a government agency. In other words, Obama administration again. So come on, this dirty rotten. Oh, that dirty cogsucker. Let's listen in again. You listening? Yes. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You got that? You got that? You got that? So, yeah. So, good luck making a case that, like I said, I'm sure they'll go, there's no way he knew. What? What? Shit's all out in the public. Even the New York Times a few months ago said there was no, right?
Starting point is 00:39:26 The New York Times said that Intel says that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the fucking Russians. The New York Times said that. So I don't know where you guys are getting off. Mika Brzezinski, the big-titted blonde on Joe Scarborough, she was almost crying today saying that it's a new low and shit. Her dad was, by the way, one of the co-founders of the Council on Foreign Relations. If you read that book, I told you to read The Truth About the Bilderberg Group.
Starting point is 00:39:56 You read about the Council on Foreign Relations, which I think Obama's a part of. There's three groups, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and Council on Foreign Relations. of there's three groups the Bilderberg group uh the trilateral commission and council of foreign relations and uh so anyhow crazy huh folks this is not good none of this is good for us as a country I gotta believe it's really some corrosive shit but boy it makes fucking fun to watch huh especially this time of year when there's no, uh, there's no NFL and, uh, there's no baseball yet. And, um, I don't give a shit about hoops and hockey that will get interesting in about a month. So there's a whole fucking thing
Starting point is 00:40:46 on breitbart that uh you know the media the mainstream media the liberal mainstream left wing far left muck and me the media who's the propaganda arm of the democrat party uh they keep saying the media outlet this was on Breitbart, media outlets continue to repeat the story was based on no evidence. I'm talking about Trump's tweets and shit, and I just played out all the shit that would have been laid out for you. All day Saturday, former Obama staffers tried to put out the fires. A spokesperson for President Obama responded. And Obama aide Valerie Ferrett, I call her Ferrett face, Valerie Jarrett. By the way, she's like living in Obama's apartment about two miles from the White House. Boy, fucking, real inconspicuous.
Starting point is 00:41:43 A cardinal rule of the Obamaama administration this is her quoting was that no white house she tweeted this official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the department of justice as part of that practice neither president obama nor any white house official ever ordered surveillance on any u.s citizen any suggestion otherwise is simply false and then this guy who writes this article i think it's pollock his name is he goes on to show how they you know again it's legalese they're very careful with their language um the obama administration when they put out a statement like that um this guy says this is a as part of the practice he breaks down that statement as part of the that practice neither president obama nor any white house official ever ordered
Starting point is 00:42:34 surveillance in the u.s says he breaks that part of it down he says this is a meaningless denial since the pfizer court deals with communications with foreigners with united states citizens potentially swept up in the investigation in other words when they applied for that pfizer they were looking into collusion between russia and uh and and trump right but you don't go to the fives and say we want to snoop on trump because he's a citizen at that point you say we want to snoop on somebody we think is spying for russia and and Obama and obviously Trump gets swept up in it and that way you can monitor what he's doing it's a dangerous situation it would have been possible
Starting point is 00:43:12 for the Department of Justice to approach the FISA court with a request to monitor foreign entities allegedly communicating with the Trump campaign using those intercepts as a way to keep an eye on fucking Trump. And anyhow, he goes down to, he goes on to break down Valerie Jarrett's tweet and how it protects Obama like legally and shit. They're very specific about their wording and stuff. I'm not going to get into that because we don't get into the weeds here. We go from this to dick jokes. All right? It's a fucking podcast.
Starting point is 00:43:49 But for Christ's sake, I don't know. I mean, if I was a betting man, I wouldn't be betting on fucking Obama in this one. But what do I know? What do I know? I was at the fucking Westport Inn
Starting point is 00:44:00 telling dick jokes at midnight. This made me smile because you know how much I hate Disney and their politically correct ways. And, you know, Disney owns fucking ESPN and ESPN has become very liberal over the years. A lot of my followers are like, fuck that, I don't even watch it anymore.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And I used to watch Around the Horn. I dropped it cold turkey, man. I just fucking, fuck that. I don't even watch it anymore. And I used to watch Around the Horn. I dropped it cold turkey, man. I just fucking shut it off. I couldn't take Bomani Jones and Michael Smith and fucking Jamel Hill and who the fuck else? Even Bob Ryan, who's a Boston, you know, fucking has been around forever. He's a legend. But just this liberal PC horse shit, just fucking absolute nonsense, um, and, and I guess it's caught up to him because ESPN is, they fucking, they're down huge in ratings, and people have just fucking
Starting point is 00:45:01 canceling subscriptions, and, uh, part of the, uh, Trump the uh trump i guess uh you know whatever but espn i haven't watched that in fucking years i liked it when uh dan patrick was on but come on it produced people like keith oberman and anyways they're gonna lay off a bunch of of personalities who appear on TV, radio, and online. I'd love to hear that Bomani Jones and fucking Stephen A. Smith were kicked to the curb. But the cuts will only affect talent, not rank and file employees. Sure, okay. I wonder if they're going to do what they do to like, was it, remember Disney?
Starting point is 00:45:48 Another facet of some of their other companies. They had people who they were going to lay off, train, train the people that were going to replace them in their very jobs. They brought in foreigners to like Disney World and they had people who they were going to fire, American citizens working, who had to train foreigners
Starting point is 00:46:07 who were coming in to take their very jobs. How fucking soulless is that? I wonder if, wouldn't that be funny seeing Bomani Jones and fucking Jameel Hill, whatever her name is,
Starting point is 00:46:20 training the people that are going to replace them on air? I'm dying to see who they're going to. Yeah. training the people that are going to replace them on air i'm dying to see who they're gonna uh yeah the details are still being finalized but layoffs are expected to take place through june that'll be fun to watch espn may also buy out some contracts that aren't ending soon we have long been listen to this here's the quote from soon. We have long been, listen to this, here's the quote from Fuggin. We have long been about serving fans and innovating to create the best content for them. Really? Even the white fellas?
Starting point is 00:46:58 And you blew it! They sure did. You blew it! ESPN said, today's fans consume content in many different ways, and we are in a continuous process of adapting to change and improving what we do. Inevitably, that has consequences for how we utilize our talent. Cut to Stephen A. Smith shoveling snow for a living.
Starting point is 00:47:21 We are confident ESPN will continue to have a roster of talent that is unequaled in sports. Why are you so confident when your ratings are in the shitter and you're hemorrhaging money, obviously? They were talking about getting rid of selling off ESPN. Why don't they?
Starting point is 00:47:37 The last time they had layoffs, it was a good thing. Keith Fatman-Oberman got cut, remember? And Bill Simmons. Of course, HBO? And Bill Simmons. Of course, HBO jumped right on Simmons and scooped him up. Later that year, in 2015, they laid off about 300 employees, roughly 4% of the network's global workforce.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Woo-hoo-hoo! During those layoffs, host reporters and commentators generally weren't affected. ESPN also had a round of laughs in 2013. The cuts came as growing numbers of viewers unsubscribed from the cable channel, even as it's paying for costly long-term TV deals with pro sports leagues. Yeah, more soccer. You know why people aren't watching your garbage anymore? I put on fucking ESPN, right? And fucking soccer, go to their web page it lists the sports now and I know you it's
Starting point is 00:48:30 a global thing don't fucking please I know everybody likes soccer but it's still you still your base is here um but NBA basketball is always at the top of the story. Then they cover like baseball, football. Then it's got soccer ahead of like the NHL, you know, because NHL, you know, come on, it's a bunch of fucking whiteys with mullets. I can't relate to them. That's why you're getting cut. People are sick of your horse shit, okay?
Starting point is 00:49:02 You'll see Colin, I'll make this prediction now Colin Kaepernick will have his own show on there if nobody picks him up this year because he's looking for a new job
Starting point is 00:49:11 he'll be the fucking president of ESPN because it's what they stand for yeah at the time of the 2015
Starting point is 00:49:20 cuts it was reported ESPN was told by its parent company Disney to trim 100 million from the 2016 budget and 250 million from the 2017 budget. They are hemorrhaging folks. I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I love it. And you blew it. You blew it. That's a lot of do-re-mi. There's going to be some massive fucking cuts. Yeah. Can you imagine Oberman with such a pain
Starting point is 00:49:50 in the ass that they had to cut him? I mean, he's perfect for fucking ESPN. I love it. I love it. Well, what the hell else is going on?
Starting point is 00:50:06 A scandal breaks out. A nude photo scandal has shaken the entire Marine Corps. Or as Obama would say, a Marine corpse. A Marine corpse. A corpsman. Turns out, the Marine Corps is investigating allegations, unspecified number of military personnel and veterans allegedly distributed nude photos of female colleagues and other women as part of a perverse social media network that promotes sexual violence.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Yeah. I think this is from Yahoo, by the way, so keep that in mind. They put news on my phone that I wouldn't fucking, and when I printed this out, it was too late. Oh, no, I'm not. Take the bag off. No, I'm not. Take the bag off. Yes, take it off. The explosive revelation
Starting point is 00:51:12 was first reported by the War Horse and published Saturday by a reveal, part of the Center for Investigative Reporting. Potentially, folks, and we get it,
Starting point is 00:51:21 hundreds of Marines may be caught up in the scandal, which has shaken top Pentagon officials, I'll take your word for it, Yahoo, and prompted death threats against the Marine veteran who disclosed it. An undetermined number of nude photos were shared online by way of Facebook group titled Marines United, according to the report. The community has nearly 30,000 members, mostly comprising of active duty U.S. Marines, Marine Corps vets, and British Royal Marines. Why fucking British Royal Marines?
Starting point is 00:51:48 What? I don't like that right there. Marine Corps, proud institutions, Defense Department, proud institutions like that. Like many college campuses around the country. No, completely different. Stupid. I have struggled to curtail widespread problems with sexual assault.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Yeah, can I stick my two cents in here now? Do you know why that is? Because you've been using the fucking military for the last 30 years as a social experiment. And I'll say it again. I don't care how retrograde it sounds. No need for women to be in the military. What?
Starting point is 00:52:23 What did you say, Nick? What are you a fucking uh troglodyte uh yeah i'll say it again no need a army unit is as strong as its weakest member and when i read reports and stuff like how you only have to do a half a push-up now instead of 50 they've lowered the standards you can do two pull-ups instead of 20. Yeah, but they can shoot a gun just like I got. No, they can't. That's been proven, too,
Starting point is 00:52:51 that they can't fucking shoot as well as men. I'm with the Marines on this one and the fucking Navy SEALs who held steadfastly against this shit. No need for chicks to be there. Not really. I mean, I'm just saying yeah but israel does it okay but who's got the greatest uh military in the face of the earth uh the united
Starting point is 00:53:13 states that's right we have the last couple hundred years so why fuck with something that's not broken that's all i'm saying you don't and do you really think people that go into the Marines are the best and the brightest? You know who goes into it? Some really poor rural towns and shit. And you know what? That's what makes them good soldiers. They don't give a fuck. And I don't want them to be politically correct.
Starting point is 00:53:38 And they are going to try to fuck abroad in a foxhole or in a barracks or because you can't legislate male DNA out of a male and vice versa. Gee, all of a sudden we have a rape crisis when we're trying to let boys and girls live together in college dorms. Who saw that coming? Do you see a common thread
Starting point is 00:53:58 here? Give me a fucking break. Yeah, guys, you call us pigs and animals and we're dumb and fucking we have a one track mind. Yeah, that's all right. So why would you put girls next to us? Whether it's in the military or in a fucking college campus. And then be surprised at the results.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Fucking arrogance of the fucking libs. Oh my goodness gracious. Quiet. Quiet like a bitch. So, yeah. It's, you know, it's got to be embarrassing. The news was reported by, authored by Thomas Brennan. Now, this guy's an Iraq and Afghanistan combat vet,
Starting point is 00:54:41 Purple Heart recipient, who founded the War Horse. That's a publication in 2016 after its publication several members of the facebook group lashed out at brennan making threats against him and his family one suggested now this is wrong too though i mean uh one suggested brennan should be waterboarded this is how you know it's yahoo news a cruel and controversial technique used for a time by american military and intel insurpers while interrogating suspected terrorists president obama condemned it this is his liberal journalism obama condemned the practice while president trump has said it should be reinstated yeah and he's fucking right uh against the advice of his defense secretary uh
Starting point is 00:55:23 general uh jim mattis so what mattis can be wrong Against the advice of his defense secretary, General Jim Mattis. So what? Mattis can be wrong. You're going to tell me if somebody had your relative. Why is that? Why is that even germane to the fucking story, by the way, the waterboarding? They include little op-eds in their stories. It's fucking.
Starting point is 00:55:40 And let's stick to the story. There's a bounty on pictures of my daughter, Brennan. That's the guy, the Marine who to the story. There's a bounty on pictures of my daughter, Brennan. That's the guy, the Marine who broke the story. He says there's a, in quotes, bounty on pictures of my daughter. It has been suggested my wife should be raped as a result of this, and people are openly suggesting I should be killed. Can you imagine being one of the victims? And again, I'm not condoning this. I'm just saying this could all be avoided
Starting point is 00:56:07 if you stuck to what we've been doing for the last hundred years. Oh, that's just ridiculous. No, it isn't. No, it isn't. His report included a bunch of disturbing allegations.
Starting point is 00:56:24 It suggests some women were stalked while others may have taken the compromising photos themselves, intending them to be private, only to be portrayed by whoever shared them with Facebook group. Most troubling is the claim that members of the Marines United, that's what it's called, Marines United, proudly advocated for one woman to be sexually assaulted. And an identified female Marine who was secretly photographed according to the report. Yeah. That's who joins the Marines and the military. Not everybody. I mean, there's well-educated guys in there too. But if you want people to risk their lives in foreign countries, you know, strap on a gun and fucking, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Yeah. They're going to be a little fucking loose upstairs with the rules. They're not going to be PC. I told you, and I know this because I did the USO tour. I performed in Afghanistan. I performed in Japan. Both times. And one time in front of Marines.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I remember Colin Quinn going on after me and going, only DiPaolo could make a crowd of Marines get quiet on a couple of shows. But then the Marines came up to me after and they said, dude, you're so right. You wouldn't believe the shit we can and can't say. And women and, you know, and just fucking how nobody wants to, you know, do the heavy lifting and how PC, I couldn't believe how PC, that was an eye-opener for me out of all the USO shit. Just let the guys do the fighting. Let us get killed, okay? That doesn't mean women can't do it.
Starting point is 00:57:51 I'm just saying. There's a reason you have, you know, there's a reason you have women prisons. Who used to do that bit? Was it Chris Rock? I think it might have been his monologue on one of his shows, talking about how horny guys get. You know, when you put guys in prison, they start fucking each other when there's no pussy around.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I'm just saying. I don't give a shit if it sounds retrograde or whatever. You can't fucking ignore Mother Nature. These social experiments. Mother of God. The Navy SEALs are like, fuck that. We're not having it. Didn't some girl just try to pass?
Starting point is 00:58:31 Whatever. First Navy SEAL. Whatever. Anyhow, I think that's it. I was going to do a thing about Waze, my favorite app, because it's how I get around. Of course, they were battling with cities now because we'll get into that tomorrow for you subscribers. That's right. If you want to hear about that story, you go to slash Nick. If you want to subscribe to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:58:58 slash Nick. And for $3.99 a month, you'll get two to three more shows a week. And it's worth it. We tweet it like a radio show. It's topical. An occasional guest, but if that's what you're looking for, this ain't the fucking show, okay? Go to
Starting point is 00:59:19 That's my website for all my touring dates. I will see you guys in Tampa this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at Side Splitters Comedy Club in Tampa, one of my favorite gigs. March 24th, I'll be at Hot Comedy Club
Starting point is 00:59:33 in Yonkers. The following night in Coho's New York at the Coho's Theater. I think that's the name of it. I'm winging these. I don't have my book in front of me.
Starting point is 00:59:44 But all right, kids. That is it. Again, slash Nick if you'd like to subscribe to the show. Have I covered everything, ladies and gentlemen? I think I have. Yeah, so follow the news. Very interesting. Can't wait to watch tonight's news.
Starting point is 01:00:03 And Mark Levin is on CRTV if you want to turn into Levin TV. I've been talking with them a little bit about this and that. I have an old connection there that used to work with DirecTV. So who knows what could come out of that. And still in talks with Sirius Radio. Stay abreast. Talk to you soon, bitches. All right. with Sirius Radio. Stay abreast. Talk to you soon, bitches. Aight? Hey, hey, I saved the world today
Starting point is 01:00:32 And everybody's happy now The bad things gone away And everybody's happy now The good things here today Good day, everybody. guitar solo Bye.

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