The Nick DiPaolo Show - 181 - Everything is Politicized!

Episode Date: April 17, 2017

Everything is Politicized!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Welcome to the Nick Tappala Podcast. Monday morning, the iTunes,, Stitcher version for free, folks. If you like the show, you go to slash Nick. Get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. slash Nick. Get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. slash Nick. And hope you do it. How are you, folks? Monday.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Darren Card has contributed to the show once again financially. Darren, thanks, brother. He's a regular subscriber. Appreciate it. What's going on in the world since I talked to you last? Well, North Korea scared the shit out of everybody with that popcorn fart of a missile. I didn't get into, I didn't read too much about it and been very busy. So just the latest I've heard is that we maybe pulled a cyber attack and made that thing fizzle the minute it got off the launch pad.
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's got to be embarrassing huh for that little fucking zip ahead with the shamp Howard haircut he is a fucking loon isn't he he's got to be taken out and you know I don't know somebody's got to take him out this guy kills his own relatives, for Christ's sake. And then Putin, he's the dick that he is, too. Somebody ought to slip him a Mickey. That's how they do it over there in Russia. Anyhow, we have our own problems. But anyway, yeah, so that's good.
Starting point is 00:02:00 We dropped the mother of all bombs on those rats over there. I heard 94 killed last count. Whatever. Of course, people on the left shitting their pants about that, too. Just the clueless. Just fucking. I've had it. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I don't know. I'm not going to do like a political radio show. Too political. At least I wasn't planning on it with Sirius. By the way, I signed the contracts. So it's a matter of time. Don't have a start date yet but uh yeah i'm telling you you guys on the far left make it very hard not to fucking want to talk about you around the clock because you're so fucking stupid um anyhow
Starting point is 00:02:39 what has gone on nice violent weekend easter weekend huh well what the fuck what is going on did you see the jerk off i think his name is steve stevens guy in cleveland did you see that scumbag on facebook shooting an innocent 74 year old black guy just just fucking sickening just i i don't know what to say. He didn't broadcast it live on Facebook. He uploaded it, you know, he recorded it and then upload, which, you know, but Facebook still took three hours before they took it down. So they're, they're full of shit too. They're like any other entity, media entity. Uh, it's all about how many eyes we can get on it. Of course they, you know, Oh, we discouraged this type of shit and that and fucking.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I mean, you had that. You had that murder in Cleveland. You had a brawl in Greektown in Detroit, which apparently is all black now. At least that's what the brawl was about. And 28 people shot in less than 18 hours in Chicago this week. What the fuck? I'm saying this because I hate black folk. I'm saying it because I love you enough to tell the truth. The only person going to ever help us get out of this situation
Starting point is 00:03:49 is going to be God. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Something wrong with everybody's mind, fella. I mean, but Jesus Christ, what is going on? I mean, it's sick on so many levels to shoot an innocent old fucking guy and then you know to put it up on a social media to fucking brag about it just fucking and the most disturbing thing is a woman by the name of joy lane later told cbs she was steven's longtime
Starting point is 00:04:21 girlfriend this is the guy in cleveland i'm talking about she says i am sorry that all this has happened steve really is a nice guy is not is as in you know present tense that's even scarier than anything she still thinks he's a nice guy i mean here's and therein lies the problem. Fucking values and all, I mean, what the fuck? Can you imagine? But, you know, she got her name in the paper and shit, so she's famous now, probably what she wanted. After he killed the guy in the second video, Mr. Stevens admits that he snapped and messed up.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And that's how, can you imagine shooting an innocent person to death? He considers it messing up, like he just spilled fucking ketchup on his good pants he's also claimed to have killed 12 other people and uh in this article which is uh in the post it says he's claimed to kill 12 other people although police could confirm that i think you mean could not confirm that because then it goes on to say stevens has had been captured as of late sunday night and cops were scouring the streets of cleveland you mean had not been captured so there's two big fucking huge fat mistakes editor asleep at the switch at the post jesus christ it's like fifth grade writing now so i'm reading this going is he still on the
Starting point is 00:05:42 loose imagine if you lived in that neighborhood and you're reading i don't know why you'd be reading the new york post but i'm just saying jesus christ ah what a sick bastard that's all i get to say and for facebook to leave it up there for three hours fuck you yeah i'm telling you and let tell you, if that was a white guy shooting like an innocent black guy, they'd leave it up there for three years. You know, because we can't get enough exposure of that. Then friggin' Chicago. Chicago, I don't fucking get it. It has to be so gang and fast.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Nice job by Rahmm emmanuel the mayor of chicago you're doing a bang up job dude just like every other fucking liberal mayor and liberal city in the country just turning into a sewer 28 people shot in less than 18 hours in chicago and they're people folks don't forget it we get so desensitized they just become numbers and shit i mean 28 people shot in less than 18 fucking hours. That's all I'm going to say to you. The whole article lists like each person, how they get shot and, you know, what their names were, what block. I, you know, so at least it puts a name on it.
Starting point is 00:07:00 But that shit doesn't even, that's not even going on in fucking Syria for Christ's sake what an embarrassment what an embarrassment this country's turned into it really is fucking sad oh yeah but if Trump wants to put National Guardsmen in there that makes him some type of nazi and just un-friggin-believable and then this fucking this violent and greek town brawl kept i didn't know there's a greek town in detroit and uh the greeks are getting a lot darker than i remember because i didn't see any there's some footage on there and it's you know it's black guys and just beating the fuck out of they they zoom in and a poor black guy's unconscious with his head on the curb so there's some black on black there but i also saw like a light-skinned
Starting point is 00:07:54 kid being fucking you know beaten by about six people too um this is in fucking detroit this isn't the race report. That's not what this show is supposed to be about when I'm supposed to ignore this shit. It's quickly become known as the Greek town brawl. I bet you the libs love this though. The headline, cause you read the headline, you think it's fucking Greek people beating up Greek people. That's what you'd think.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I read some of the comments after the article and I was crying. Yeah, they were fucking racist, but also true. Bringing in Aristotle and Greeks and the N-word and very fucking, very funny shit. Just, just, there's nothing better. It's the only place, by the way, you can get the truth about race in this country. After you, you know, read an article that involves a racial incident, a racial incident, go to the comment section. It's the only place that like Whitey is allowed to speak his mind. And, you know, a lot of them do it anonymously, of course.
Starting point is 00:08:53 But by the time the cops in Detroit were alerted to what was happening in Greektown, there were a ton of people out there on their cell phones. And, you know, instead of calling the cops and shit,'re videoing it for facebook and that really is disturbing we are really fucking rotting the very fabric that holds us together as a society we're rotting we're rotting like that fucking russian i don't know which russian it was khrushchev or one of those guys said we would rot from the inside out and we are we are rotting it's an experiment that's not working and um to drag people over here four or five hundred years ago from another part of the planet unwillingly and uh you know now you're seeing the fucking results it's uh again and i'm not just talking about the slavery thing i I'm just talking about people coming.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It worked for a while. The, you know, Germans, the fucking Danish, the fucking Italians, Irish all came over. And it was working for a while. But it has all gone south since then. And really fucking disturbing. I don't know what the what the fix is but more law and order wouldn't hurt and if i hear one more time though they were interviewing some black woman about a shooting and her kid was involved and she's saying that the cops need more training
Starting point is 00:10:16 and i'm saying that is not true i think um young black females need more training not to get pregnant by every fucking idiot thug who's going to get you pregnant and has no intentions on raising the kid with. That's where the train needs to come involved, rearing children in the in the black community. And I'm saying this because I've heard black people say it, too, on, you know, pastors and priests and whatnot. So, you know, get off the fucking cops. They're in your neighborhood trying to save black people. And, yeah, we've been over it a million times. Yes, there are some bad ones, but I'm so sick of hearing,
Starting point is 00:11:00 oh, they need more training. And any time you hear anybody talk and they use the word community eight times in a minute, you know know they're so far left and gone and fucking oh it's just fucking but but but they show the greek town brawl and and it's just fucking unbelievable and there's kids filming the shit and then they turn the camera on themselves and they're laughing into the camera as people were fucking being beaten within an inch of their fucking lives what the fuck is happening what is going on who's an animal your mother's an animal you're a son of a bitch my mother so uh this is all over easter weekend jesus christ and then the only reason i'm covering this one is Dodge Thomas of Yonkers.
Starting point is 00:11:48 19-year-old victim. Okay? The only place I've been in Yonkers is to play hot comedy club at the Ridge Hill Mall. And guess what? Guess where this this killing took place?
Starting point is 00:12:00 This poor 19-year-old kid working in a movie theater up at the fucking up at the the multiplex at Ridge Hill. And Yonkers up with a comedy club, as I'm guessing. What the fuck? Fatally stabbed. Guy, kid's working in a movie theater.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Gets into a little argument or something at quarter one in the morning. Killer whips out a knife and stabs the poor kid. Bloody encounter unfolded as the theater's late night showings were wrapping up. The slave suspect was described as six feet tall and thin. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:45 So we know he's thin and six feet tall. You don't know anything else about him, huh? And this is the New York Post, folks, supposedly on the conservative side of shit. But the yellow journalism continues when it comes to fucking race. Six feet tall and thin. So they leave out the race, which means that's even more racist now because we all so they leave out the race which means that's even more racist now
Starting point is 00:13:07 because we all know they leave out the race though everybody you know presumes it's a black uh suspect um 19 year old kid just fucking you know it reminds me when i was up at maine playing football this kid from long island i play football with italian kid um likable great football player freshman uh linebacker and uh goes home to oyster bay long island on christmas break and never comes back gets in an argument in a bar and gets stabbed at the first thing i think of same age and um what's the point of it i don't know i don't know hey this isn't that the funny this isn't a funny podcast today what can i tell you the world's getting so fucking dark i can't even help myself here what do you want me to do talk about fucking
Starting point is 00:13:59 two broke girls? Kevin can wait? What the fuck? By the way, the Yankees have won seven in a row, and it's making me sick to my stomach. My socks are right behind them. Boy, that Chris Sales is worth every penny. Oh, my God, is that fucking guy amazing. But, yeah, the Yanks ripped off seven in a fucking row,
Starting point is 00:14:25 and it's going to be interesting this year, I think. Why bringing that up i don't know because it's patriots day today and the socks are playing right now as a matter of fact they started at 11 a.m and um yeah it's gonna be a fucking killer summer of baseball i'll get to the article about baseball in a second. It's a whole article. It's called Diamond in the Rough. And, you know, it's all about young kids. They don't like baseball. It's too slow. Gee, you think you have anything to do
Starting point is 00:14:55 that they were raised on fucking video games and everything else where the visual changes every three seconds and they can't, you know. But actually, I'll get to in a second there's a there's a line in that article that made me almost come out of my chair uh as a reason to why a lot of people don't like baseball and uh it's really sickening to me but um can you get away from feminism folks anywhere if you're watching tv and that's going to be my job when i get on the radio show uh to point out um how entertainment's been hijacked by the feminist
Starting point is 00:15:31 movement and it's just you can't get away from it whether it's commercial and i'm telling you they turn it up on the weekends uh no matter what you're watching there's there's more commercials and um i just saw another commercial of the woman hitting a heavy bag like a housewife and kicking it in anger. I want you to fucking start counting how many times they show that visual in a commercial. That female anger. And again, I'll say it. The feminist movement has hijacked the civil rights platform. And as far as entertainment goes, you're not going to see a straight white male in anything
Starting point is 00:16:06 within the next five years you can't get away from it whether it's an episode of chopped on the food network i've never seen a show that's more politicized everything's politicized i'm going to play a clip of some patriots fans um it's the whole thing you know about the six patriots that are now they're online bragging how they made a little video, how they're not going to the white house because Trump's in there. And you know what? You just make me fucking hate you guys. I'll follow the Patriots and Belichick and Brady.
Starting point is 00:16:33 And, uh, and I love that they're friends with Trump and I'll hate you guys. Even we'll fucking use you for what you are. Just ignorant athletes, you six and a couple of them already gone actually from the pads. And, uh, you know, I'll still cheer on the pats and uh you know i'll still cheer on the patriots but you know if you blow out a knee i will be laughing my balls off anyway as far as the as the feminist shit goes how about you ever see two broke girls have you seen that show it's like two retarded kids wrote it it is the fucking worst thing i've ever seen i know whitney cummings is like the fucking executive producer. And I've actually met her.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I like her. No offense, but holy shit. The writing is at like a fifth grade fucking level. And I'm telling you if, I don't know. I don't want to hear how this society is anti-female anymore. If she wasn't a chick, the show would have been canceled after this fucking pilot. Why am I bringing all this up? Well, you guys, have you seen that statue down by Wall Street?
Starting point is 00:17:33 It's a statue of a little girl, fearless girl, they call it. And, you know, the bull in front of Wall Street, this guy, you know, bull and bears, Wall Street. He designed this bronze bull, the sculptor Arturo Domodica. Anyways, they put something up called the Fearless Girl Statue. That's like, she's standing with her arms on her hips confronting the bull. And Nicole Gelinas, is that how you say her name?
Starting point is 00:18:00 She wrote an article saying how the unintended anti-feminism of fearless girl. She's talking about the statue and had an interesting take on it. But like I'm saying, you can't get away from anything without feminism, you know, rearing its head. It's just so fucking exhausting. But this guy did this, yeah, did this statue and they put it out front on Wall Street of the bull. statue and they put it out front on Wall Street of the bull and then
Starting point is 00:18:25 somebody did this fearless girl statue and put it, you know, confronting the bull and then this Boston-based finance firm, State Street Global used the bull as a gimmick. The company commissioned a sculpture from
Starting point is 00:18:42 Kristen Visble of the little girl confronting the bull. State Street secured a five-day permit starting on March 7th. City officials seized on the girl as a symbol of women's rights.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Of course. We can't go a second without... Oh, it's just making me so tired. Mayor de Blasio decreed she could stay for nearly a year.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It was only supposed to be for a few days or a week, but no. She said it could, he said it could stay for a year. A public advocate, Letitia James, who is as far left as they get, has called for a permanent installation to show women that no dream is too big and no ceiling is too high. Jesus Christ, do you ever give it a fucking rest and again i'm not anti-women i'm just anti these fucking people the you know elizabeth
Starting point is 00:19:32 warren the girls who paint themselves as victims you know it's it's produced really a whole generation of cold just i don't know obsessed with wanting to be men you know women like this if you shut the fuck up and let me read my list there's the fucking number one number one shut the fuck up for a second feminists do not want you to lose custody of your children the assumption that women are naturally better caregivers is part of no they're ignorant that's ignorant jesus christ did you hear that voice yeah anyways city officials uh de blasio is allowing the fearless girl to stay not because he supports free speech
Starting point is 00:20:20 miss gelena says but because he supports this free speech exactly she hits it right on the fucking head that's because the mayor has set an arbitrary precedent this statue can stay because i like its politics that'll be used against the city in court what if black lives matter she said protesters want a statue of police brutalizing black men in front of one police plaza but this woman says and this is where she loses me a little bit, but the bigger problem with fearless girl is that it casts stereotypes in bronze. Men do important things and women get in the way.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And then she goes on to explain at Wall Street, like there's only a few women working on Wall Street in high positions, and they're on like regulation, regulatory officials, you know, to stop inside trading and shit. In other words, they're getting in the way of men being risky and doing, and she says, but I think that's taken a little far. But she points out, she says, on Goldman Sachs,
Starting point is 00:21:17 33-member management committee, five are women, at least four of whom are in similar growth-restraining positions. In other words, they get in the way of men fucking producing money and good things. Yes, growth-restraining. These are great jobs, require deep skill, but they're bureaucratic rather than entrepreneurial. If a department head, a man, wants to start up a new unit, it's the regulatory expert who will say, no, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Similarly, a trading head may want to hire someone, but the human resource chiefs nixes it. And those positions are usually held by women. So I don't think people look at that and can put all that together. Miss Nicole, whatever your last name is. That's a little much. And don't worry. It takes time.
Starting point is 00:22:03 It takes time. and don't worry it takes time it takes time there'll be plenty of women uh power brokers you know working at goldman sachs in a few years but but but they keep acting the feminists keep acting and comparing themselves to like black people and as far as oppression goes and all that shit and it's just i think it's almost insulting to the real civil rights people who uh you know got us as far as we have as far as race goes in this country but uh it's just fucking crazy and um but you can't get away from it whether it's commercials oh god i saw a couple more commercials new ones this weekend with the fucking husband just cowering like a fucking fool.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I can't even remember them. I go black. I black out. Like a bad childhood memory. I black out after they see these commercials. But I don't know what it is with insurance companies, and I've said this before on the show, Allstate, whether it's Allstate, Prudential, of course, Progressive,
Starting point is 00:23:06 a George Soros company. They're just so into that fucking anti-white, that anti-male, the emasculation of white guys and their commercials. It's fucking priceless. I saw a couple. I didn't even write them down. I got to. But it's never ending. you can't get away from it they just don't leave it alone for a second it's tiring me out it really is um
Starting point is 00:23:31 anyhow uh what was i talking about oh baseball that's right patriots Day. And big article saying how, oh, it's by, I didn't even realize, by Mary Pilon. And it's all about how, you know, some of it's true. Baseball's in trouble with young fans. And part of it is because they cut their own wrists. You don't see any day games, right? Young kids, I started watching baseball when I was six or seven. Every game, almost every game today is at night. And, you know, they're three and a half hours long, which I don't have a problem with.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I'll get into that in a fucking second. But the article starts, Adam Cohen, 36-year-old Manhattan executive and Yankees fan, has passed on a lot of passions to his eight-year-old son, Mark. Comic books, Star Wars, things like that. But not baseball. Baseball isn't one of them. I think baseball is too slow for Mark, Cohen said. He just gets bored.
Starting point is 00:24:32 If we're at a game, he picks up an iPhone so he can entertain himself. It's more engaging. Why watch other people play a game when you can do something yourself? Well, I don't mean to fucking tell you how to raise your kid, Mr. Cohen. How about telling him not to bring the fucking phone to the game and making him pay attention like my dad did when I was at the Sox game and I was seven and my attention started to wander. He'd go, hey, pay attention. How about that? Have you thought of that?
Starting point is 00:24:56 Instead of giving into your kids every fucking whim, he gets bored, huh? Well, maybe he's ADD. Get him a fucking Diet Coke and and put some riddling in it or get him one of those 18 you know 20 ounce beers um but even after that great world series with the cubs last year you know they won for the first time in 180 40 million people tuned in for game seven making the most watched games since 91 critics still say the sport the critics uh are still crying foul as far as baseball goes and listen some of the reasons they they don't like baseball the critics they say it's too male can you fucking imagine too white
Starting point is 00:25:39 too old of the top major sports baseball has the oldest spectators. Half of its audience today is 55 or older, and it can increase from 41% a decade, from an increase from 41% a decade ago. So not, yeah, that speaks to what a great sport it is, that it's still around, and it can still get 40 million people to view in.
Starting point is 00:26:05 So it's not around and it can still get 40 million people of you in to a, so it's, it's not the game. It's, can you imagine saying a sport is too black? Like they just said, it's too white and too old. Basketball is too young and too black. You know,
Starting point is 00:26:17 I can't, I can't watch these weed fucking weed smoking, you know, and exchanging baskets for two hours before any of it means anything can you imagine just coming it's it's too fucking white that's a credit you can say that about a sport it's too fucking white and by the way i don't even know if that's true i like to know what the breakdown is with hispanics and whites in baseball. It's got to be getting close. But the biggest complaint of both young and old
Starting point is 00:26:48 about baseball is that the pace of the game is too sluggish. Well, maybe it's not for you. Maybe you have no fucking attention span and the game is fine the way it is.
Starting point is 00:26:58 You got to be in a relaxed mood. I don't care if it takes three and a half. I never understood that people go, I like the movie, but it was way too long. Well don't care if it takes three and a half, but I never understood that people go, I like the movie, but it was way too long.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Well, if you liked it, what do you give a fuck how long it is? It's like, you know, it's like fucking. I love fucking, but, well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:27:16 I love fucking, but boy, this girl fucked me for almost two hours. That's too long. Eh? Eh? I'll watch baseball
Starting point is 00:27:23 for five hours. Then again, that might speak to me being lazy. But if you love baseball, it doesn't. And another thing, folks,
Starting point is 00:27:31 you people complaining it's too slow and shit, there's a little something called a DVR. You don't have to watch it in real time anymore. Treat it like a podcast. Watch it at any time
Starting point is 00:27:40 you fucking want. And fast, you can fast forward. Guy follows one off, you can fast forward guy follows one off you can fast forward the pitches are on the mound ready to throw again you can eliminate all the shit you hate about it if there's a review on a close play you can fast forward through that fast forward through the commercials and then you can watch a baseball game and still two and a half out no it's a i'm just saying maybe the sport isn't for you but but to come out and go, it's too old and too white.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Well, excuse us. Excuse us, white fucking males over 50, for doing anything. God, it fucking makes me angry. Your kid has no attention span because of his cell phone, Mr. Cohen. Be a fucking dad and take it away from him. Teach him the finer things in life, you big dope. They're talking about, and the umpires, they say, might be a problem, too. They've become more generous with the strike zone,
Starting point is 00:28:33 enabling it to go a few inches below the knee, so there's more strikeouts, meaning less action. But yeah, but you can look at that two ways, can't you? You know, more generous with the strikes, that speeds up the game if there's more strikeouts, don't it? I don't know. And a lot of people want
Starting point is 00:28:59 to let the machines do the umpiring, which I'm not a big robot person, you know, but technology with baseball, I think they should let it, I think technology should call the balls and strikes. I really do. Cause I,
Starting point is 00:29:14 you know, they have that pitch tracks thing you watch. And if I can, umpires are a wrong, they're right a lot of time, but they're wrong a lot of time too. And I think that might speed it up. But I'm just saying, you're never going to speed it up to satisfy, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:31 this eight-year-old kid who it's way too slow for his generation. And again, baseball is partly to blame because all the games are at night. That's what primetime advertising is. And they're killing their own future. But I'm just just saying maybe it's not for you did you ever think of that it's not fast enough for me it's not it's too white these guys are too white there's only 11 hispanics in the bullpen i don't like this game unbelievable maybe it's uh video games are that well, why are you saying that, Nick,
Starting point is 00:30:06 because there's a story today saying New York teens are too busy playing with video games to have sex, that proves it, New York is the faggiest fucking, most emasculated, most blue state, everything I can't stand, New York is the city, I mean, the city is where most of... Anyways, yeah. There's fucking young guys that would rather play video games than play with titties. Yeah, I don't know how to say it. He's a fag. Well, not necessarily.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Some of these games are really terrific, I hear. He's a fag. Get him a video game that has some broads in it. Nearly half of the city teens, New York City I'm talking about, probably Upper West Side, 45.6% spend at least three hours a day playing with their computer
Starting point is 00:30:52 instead of with their dicks. I mean, no. Playing computer or video games. According to the 2015 Biennial Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Youth Risk Behavior Survey. What the fuck? That's up 41.7 percent in 2013 that's up i should say from 41.7 percent 2013 and 28.1 percent 2005 the city teen rate of game playing is four points
Starting point is 00:31:18 higher than the national average so these uh you know why let me give you my theory on that because these these teens these young boys have to deal with this feminist horse shit and they're fucking tired of it girls making out with girls at a party they don't even fucking get to get in on that they're just like fuck this and then when you do grab them by the titty they charge you for rape oh fuck it i'm gonna play i'm gonna go play uh you know whatever. I'm not into video games, again, because I'm kind of a straight male. At the same time, more city teens are just saying no to sex, booze, and tobacco.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Boy, you guys are real fucking joy kills out there, aren't you? What the fuck? Have you ever fucking grabbed a girl's ass? Not her pussy. That's very Trump-like. We don't want to do that. The percentage of city high schoolers who have had sex fell from 31.2% in 2013 to 27.2%. That's a 4% drop in 2015.
Starting point is 00:32:14 That's a record low since the CDC began surveying 9th through 12th graders in 1997. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What is going on with the world? Excuse me. CDC, by the way, is a center for disease control. The rate in the city is a significant 14 points lower than the national average of 41.2 percent. two percent oh boy again i and i really believe that teenage you know i bet you a teenage girl in nebraska is way quicker to fuck than a teenage girl who's raised by her feminist douchebag mom on the upper west side are you with me that's my theory and i'm sticking to it huh yeah i think
Starting point is 00:32:59 it's a good one yeah sure your tears are so yummy. Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness. Yummy, yummy again. Hey, Billy, you want a blowjob? No, I'm going to be playing video games with my friends. What? So that's it. New York City really is a gayish type of city and very, I don't know. They'll tell you that's progressive to be into video games
Starting point is 00:33:26 instead of pussy i gotta disagree i really do you know but that's how the left wanted it they want to politicize everything a nice cold world where girls don't need men for anything including sex and that's that's the uh nirvana they seek and they're well on their way they were dealt a big blow in the thick-ankled dog face uh lost the election and uh boy is it fun they're still throwing a shit fit isn't it they're still throwing a shit fit by the way where's that evidence of all the collusion with the russians to get trump in the way yeah ain't nothing fucking uh still nothing you think we would have seen something by now and like i said as long as they keep that myth alive, it's going to undermine everything Trump does. That's the whole idea behind it.
Starting point is 00:34:10 We know it's a fucking myth, but keep saying it. Keep it in the mainstream media. We'll play along because they're cohorts and just keep doing it. And then, you know, you've already undermined them. Just keep saying it, shit, even though he's up to a 50 percent approval rating. And it's amazing how fucking the mother of all bombs will pump those numbers up. Because that's one thing even the Lib Jerkoff's going to grant. ISIS is bad for you.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Yeah. But again, on the theme of everything being politicized, as I'm preparing the show today, stumble over a fucking video of the Patriots. There's like six patriots not going to the white house because donald trump is the president and uh again they're so fucking stupid some of these jocks that's not the point of it doesn't matter who's in a way the point is you're going to the white house itself you don't have to celebrate who's fucking running it but uh there's a there's a video online of some of the Patriots that aren't going, and there's an interspliced in that video
Starting point is 00:35:09 of some fans saying why, you know, they're defending those players. And of course, one of them looks like a hipster, a white guy with glasses and a scally cap and a shitty hipster beard. And then there's like a single mom in there. And again, everything's been so politicized and it just made me sick to my stomach let's play a a little bit of that audio from that thing oh it's
Starting point is 00:35:31 just fucking makes me want to shit blood to people who believe that the the patriots are tied to trump tied to the alt-right it's ridiculous i think it's a bunch of baloney it's just crazy man massachusetts was one of two states in the entire country where not a single county was won by Trump. Oh, so you're bragging that you picked a loser. That's where we are in this world. They're bragging that they voted for fucking Hillary, you know. And that's a bragging point. The woman who had a fucking server in her basement and, you know, violated all kinds of constitutional laws.
Starting point is 00:36:05 But they're bragging about that. The fucking, she's a three-time loser and just nobody fucking likes her. But that's a bragging. And these are fucking like a young white guy saying that. Go home and diddle your clit. Okay, put on a skirt. Put on a Katy Perry song and flick that beam, you big. You're not a football fan.
Starting point is 00:36:21 You wouldn't know a 3-4 defense from your mother's ass. Obviously, you want to switch the narrative. So for me, it was simple. You know, I don't believe in excluding other people. That's Devin McCourty, genius from Rutgers, defensive back. Devin, you know what? You're a hell of a football player. But if you blew your knee out tomorrow, it wouldn't fucking faze me. Because Belichick, a good friend of Trump's, will just get another guy to replace you. And yeah, I don't believe in exclusion.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Oh, I'm sure your house is filled with white people on Super Bowl Sunday and any other fucking holiday. Who are you shitting? Who are you shitting? Somebody should have said, OK, can you give us three examples of Trump being racist? And he would sit there and stammer. three examples of trump being racist and uh he would sit there and stammer and the the the the the the the the the the the racism that's not okay that's a fan the misogyny the racism that's not okay really um did you vote for bill clinton or george w bush you know the the guy who's been accused of rape 10 times. Were you saying that then?
Starting point is 00:37:26 Fucking, they think they're morally superior. And a guy's going to come right out and say that later on. These are dumb football players mixed in with dumb Patriot fans to summarize in this video about them not going to the White House because Trump is the president. I am deeply connected to the community. I am the parent of two kids. Right now, I feel like the leader of our nation is not being a role model. Really? Did you want me to believe that you didn't vote for Bill Clinton? He must have been a hell of a role model. If you want your fucking son to, you know, drug girls and have their way with them. Oh and and why and we should really give a fuck what a mom thinks uh about the patriots and uh not going to the white house and then
Starting point is 00:38:11 when did that happen oh when the world became politicized and shit it's all over i'll watch the nfl from a distance from now on but nobody gives a fuck because you have two kids and and uh um yeah hillary would have been a great role model too fucking snatch lapper uh lawbreaker liar cold steely-hearted and don't tell me you didn't vote for her lady kids and so i i take that very seriously do you what's happening make your husband a sandwich other things were winning like lying lying, groping. This is a black guy with glasses, suit jacket, looks like an author. I don't know what he is. Maybe just a fan.
Starting point is 00:38:52 But listen to what he thinks Trump considers winning. Women being mean and getting away with it was winning. For me, it's not political. It's moral. I have a ton of respect for these guys who are willing to take a moment that they should just relish and enjoy and use it as a way to speak up against what we see with... That's because you see fucking life through a political lens, you dumb fuck. If you're looking at the big picture, you'd see that, you know, they should go to the White House because it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And, you know know but no because you see everything through a fucking political land did you hear the other guy it's a moral thing with me oh so you're moral you're morally superior to any of the players that are going to the white house that don't have a problem with trump being the president fucking place makes me sick i don't know what's blue in new york or fucking boston i really don't have a problem with Trump being the president. Fucking place makes me sick. I don't know what's bluer, New York or fucking Boston. I really don't. They fucking lost their shit. But again, it's all based on
Starting point is 00:39:54 moral superiority. This administration. Yeah, whatever. I can't listen to it anymore. It's giving me a headache. Just everything through a political lens fucking no they're ignorant that's ignorant yeah they do everything's political you gotta grow up you're not a kid anymore. You gotta grow up. These players, though,
Starting point is 00:40:29 I mean, you know, literally pretending they're morally superior. You know the shit they did in college and got away with, with girls and stuff, and it's such a fucking, you can see right through it. Chris Long, too, white fella. But again,
Starting point is 00:40:47 his family's from like South End, I think. I know how he long grew up in the South End. But just absolute fucking nonsense. Absolute nonsense. Obama was a good role model, but he hated this country and, you know, snorted cocaine in college and smoked fucking weed and God knows what else. And, you know, why attack the White House for an incoming administration? But he seems like a good role model, huh?
Starting point is 00:41:16 Yeah. Lick my white European balls. Who are the players exactly? Martellus Bennett. He's already gone. Good fucking riddance. We got him a ring. I don't support the guy that's in the White House, he says. But whatever. Devin McCourty. Basic reason for me is I don't feel
Starting point is 00:41:38 accepted in the White House. How would you know that, stupid? Listen to that mentality. First of all, you're invited to the White House. i don't feel accepted in the white house what happened he's probably already been there does he ever he already has a ring doesn't he if he does what happened devon when the first time you were there did you have to do the dishes or something dante hightower won't visit because he's been there done that which i that dante hightower is just a he don't he don't
Starting point is 00:42:05 it's not even a trump thing with him i don't think yeah he didn't cite trump he didn't even go to the goddamn parade he likes his sleep dante i'm cutting him some slack okay because that motherfucker that motherfucker against the seattle right before the interception to win the super bowl he made the tackle saving tackle a marshawnwn Lynch that nobody talks about. And he had another giant play in the Super Bowl this year, too. Chris Long said he had already planned on skipping.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Long confirmed that he had already planned on not attending, but hadn't said anything up to, he tweeted something out, whatever. Then LeGarrette Blount said he won't be going. That's no surprise.
Starting point is 00:42:48 He says because of Trump he ain't going. And I don't think Trump will miss you. What do you think of that, LeGarrette? I'm sure his heart won't be broken. And Alan Branch said he'll be spending time with his family instead. And he did not cite Trump as the reason. Now, is that because he likes Trump?
Starting point is 00:43:08 Maybe. Or is it just be smart enough? You know, and the other thing about it, they're so cavalier with it. I mean, because, you know, Belichick and Kraft are tight with Trump. And if it was the other way around, if it was a black quarterback and a black owner
Starting point is 00:43:20 and a black and blah, blah, blah, blah, you think the white players could be out there going, ah, fuck the coach. I don't give a shit. Befriend with a black president, with Obama. I, blah, blah, blah. You think the white players could be out there going, ah, fuck the coach. I don't give a shit. Befriend with a black president, with Obama. I don't give a, can you imagine? Can you imagine the fucking shit storm that would cause? Again, the double standards.
Starting point is 00:43:35 But yeah, I have those, like I say, Martellus Bennett is gone and so is Chris Long, I believe. He's already gone. Fucking Belichick just grabs guys. Alan Branch is back, though. I know that. A couple days ago, they announced that.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And Dante Hightower, so. But McCourty bugs me. Hell of a ball player, but you know what? I don't feel accepted there. Can you give us a reason for that? Yeah, I don't like white people. Okay, I'll accept that. Can you give us a reason for that?
Starting point is 00:44:02 Yeah, I don't like white people. Okay, I'll accept that. Finally tonight, on the Monday version of the Nick DiPaolo podcast. And again, if you'd like to hear two to three more shows a week, go to slash Nick. slash Nick.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Do it now, you big fucking bags. Get off your duff. Sitting is the new smoking. I've been reading this headline for the last six, seven months. And, uh, boy, am I getting fucking tired of this. Study shows sitting more than six hours a day puts you on a potentially deadly track, even if you exercise. Sitting is the new smoking. So what, laying down is the new fucking heroin? Huh? Is a lawn chair a gateway drug now? Get the fuck... I mean, come on. If that's true, folks, wouldn't Stephen Hawking have died fucking 50 years ago?
Starting point is 00:44:59 He's got to be up to, what, four cartons a day with all the sitting he's done. Not only that, he's got ALS on top of it. He didn't write those 10 best-selling books when he's on an elliptical machine, we know that. This guy's written 10 best-sellers with his tongue, for Christ's sake. I do P90X five times a week. Having so much, he's pumped out a pamphlet.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Enough of this sitting equals smoking bullshit. Hey, let me ask you a question. What does Charles Krauthammer, Stephen Hawking, and Ixok Perlman all have in common? None of them own a step watch, and none of them has had chemo, okay? So stop trying to scare us. Again, I know some of that's true. Sitting is obviously more moving, obviously. You burn calories. We know that, because fat and cancer, there's definitely a link But this guy makes it like you know
Starting point is 00:45:47 If I can sit down for You know six hours A day which most of us do I live in this goddamn chair Doing podcasts or fucking Reading and the internet and That's why I do p90x And get my heart rate
Starting point is 00:46:04 Through the roof for an hour. And it's why my hips and knees are that of a 90-year-old woman's now. But enough of the fucking fear-mongering. Okay? Please? Can you please stop with that?
Starting point is 00:46:17 And guess what? The guy who came up with that theory is a Dr. Levine. I won't give you his first name. But guess what, folks? At the end of the article, he's part ownership of some company that produces uh treadmills with built-in desks so you can you know do your work at your desk while walking on a treadmill wow no conflict of interest there that reminds me of like the mafia guys back in the 60s uh they would have some goons go out and break like a hundred
Starting point is 00:46:46 fucking factory windows because one of their cousins owned a glass shop and he would obviously get the job of uh get all the business of replacing all the broken windows it's sort of like that yeah sitting uh will give you cancer. So, you know, I've invented a desk that you can hook up to your treadmill. Come on, Dr. Levine. You're not kidding anybody, okay? What the fuck? Sitting is the new smoking. Please.
Starting point is 00:47:23 And finally tonight, masculinity confession booth hits Canadian campus. Men asked to disclose sins. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:46 So according to these motherless fucks, just being male is a sin. It's something you should apologize for. The University of Regina in Canada and the Man Up Against Violence Initiative organized a series of breakfast workshops and other social gatherings
Starting point is 00:47:59 to seek to redefine what it means to be a man. Meet up with members and make a confession, the group's website reads. We have all reinforced hyper-masculinity in one way or another, regardless of our gender. Come and share your sins so we can discuss how to identify and change our ways.
Starting point is 00:48:18 You mean your ways, because no fucking guy wrote this. If he did, he's either gay or just fucking fucking totally emasculated i get news for you can i just rebut this if you're a guy and you go to breakfasts workshops and support meetings for any reason it's too late you already have a clitoris okay too late again put on a nice pair of red shorts and flick your bean you want me to confess to some of my hyper masculine behaviors of mine? Do you really? Because be careful what you wish for.
Starting point is 00:48:48 All right, here you go. Here's a couple of my hyper-masculine confessions. You know that picture of that girl? It's a famous picture in Time magazine. Vietnamese girl running down the street completely naked. Young girl covered in napalm. I've whacked off to that a long time ago when i was in my fucking 20s or 30s um okay not proud of it just just letting you know how horny guys get and i guess that could come under hyper masculinity also here's another true story when i was up at university of maine
Starting point is 00:49:19 i got so drunk at a fraternity party i shit my pants a little bit. And you know what? I still insisted on walking this girl back to her dorm. And she kept asking me what the smell was. And this is, if I'm honest to God, truth. I blamed it on a sulfur coming from the local paper mill. There was a paper mill right next to University of Maine and the campus would smell like shit at least twice a week. So I blamed it on that. Went into her dorm room,
Starting point is 00:49:43 walked her, you know, to her dorm room, then went down the hall, telling her I was going going to come right back went into the girl's bathroom and left my underwear in a stall left without her to walk back to my dorm because i decided i didn't like her nose it was crooked and uh took a shower went back to uh the party and and still ended up getting laid from a different girl. Again, hyper-masculinity. You wanted it. And the other one was I watched the Ray Rice video over 50 times when it first happened,
Starting point is 00:50:13 and I think I laughed the hardest on the 51st time. Those aren't things I'm not proud of, but what do you want to do? Take away my dick and balls? They literally think you should apologize for being male. It's fucking, look at all the stories I've read to you today. What do they all have in common? Anti-white, anti-male. Just like we're the problem.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I love that we live in a time as far as gender goes, where you can just say what your gender is and people have to agree with it. And it has nothing to do with biology but i as a fucking male have to wear that around my neck the rest of my life i'm labeled a fucking bad bad thing because i'm male how about if every time you accuse me of shit like that i go no i'm not i'm i'm betty today i'm fucking pamela just uh what a fucking time to be alive in the united states huh just politicize everything. See everything through race, gender.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Again, that's called identity politics. And that's a tenant of the Democrat Party. And the mainstream media just has drilled it into people's heads. So you get, you know, you just get fucking girls that sound like this. If you shut the fuck up and let me read my list, there's the fucking proof. And so I can't,
Starting point is 00:51:32 I obviously can't like So, number one, number one, shut the fuck up for a second. You wonder why kids are playing with video, boys are playing video games instead of dealing with this.
Starting point is 00:51:43 The assumption that women are naturally better caregivers is part of dealing with this. Of course she was. With Ginny and Garofalo glasses. And just... Oh my god. There's no need to talk like that. No, I don't. Oh, like that. You gotta grow up. No, I don't. You're not a kid anymore. Oh, fuck that. You gotta grow up. So, fellas,
Starting point is 00:52:13 don't be hyper-masculine. You know who they're talking about when they say hyper-masculine, right? Because if you look up the definition, it involves dominance and violence and they're talking about black guys, really.
Starting point is 00:52:23 That's really who they mean, but they don't have the balls to say it. And, you know, it's funny. In the article, some kid goes, he's a football player up there in Canada somewhere. He goes, I think it's a time to address it because us guys really are the problem. Oh, you must have a tough defense with that attitude, huh? Let's run a fucking ISO at Dave. You know the phil donahue lover uh what did that mean like i don't have time to break it though that's it folks again go to slash nick
Starting point is 00:52:54 and subscribe to the podcast two to three more shows a week at 399 a month i will see you people who live in this area at governors in in Levittown, Long Island, this weekend, Friday and Saturday night. And should be a Zing Zangler, one of my favorite clubs. And go to for all my tour dates. I'll keep you abreast on when the radio thing starts, CRTV, all that. All right? And again, thank you guys who have contributed financially
Starting point is 00:53:28 on top of your subscription fee. It's the lifeblood of the show. Have I covered everything? I think I have. You know, I love you people. If you don't believe me, listen to my friend Lee. I love you for helping you don't believe me listen to my friend Lee I love you for helping me to construct
Starting point is 00:53:47 of my life not a tavern but a temple I love you because you have done so much to make me happy you have done it without a word without a word.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Without a touch. Without a sign. Fucking bitch. You have done it by just being yourself. Liar. Liar whore. Liar whore. And you know it. Perhaps after all.
Starting point is 00:54:20 That is what love means. And that is why. I love means. And that is why I love you. Oh, fucking bitch. Later, folks. guitar solo guitar solo you

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