The Nick DiPaolo Show - 183 - Lib Fascism in Full Bloom

Episode Date: May 1, 2017

Lib Fascism in Full Bloom...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo onalo podcast on itunes stitcher etc for free if you like the show folks go to uh slash nick slash Nick. slash Nick. Subscribe to the show. Two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. That's a buck a week. Not even, technically. slash Nick. How are you, folks?
Starting point is 00:00:56 Come see me and Robert Kelly this Friday in New Orleans. New Orleans at Harrah's Casino. Me and Robert Kelly doing two shows on Friday night, May 5th. That should be fun. Come see me tomorrow night at the Fat Black Pussycat if you're in New York City. That's the Comedy Cellar right around the corner of the Underground. It's the room above the Underground. Fat Black Pussycat in the Village, New york city tomorrow night may 2nd and then bobby v's
Starting point is 00:01:27 i'll be at windsor lock connecticut on may 13th which is saturday night the following weekend the following saturday may 20th uncle vinnie's in point pleasant um and don't forget this ladies and gentlemen may 15th which is what two weeks from today my radio show on serious premieres at 6 p.m eastern time channel 103 the faction channel serious xm 103 the nick topalo show well i don't know what it's called yeah it's nick topalo radio show premieres uh mayth. That's two weeks from today. So be there or be a big queer. Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And what else? Seneca Casino. June 1st, which is a Thursday. Me and Big Jay Oakerson, I think. All right, that's enough of that shit. Let's get to it. Took forever to get this show off the ground today. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Thank you, Aaron Calhoun, by the way, for the contribution. And I was in Burlington, Vermont, actually Williston, this past weekend, again, working on the CRTV thing. Which, again, CRTV is a streaming political network for people who lean right. Mark Levin heads up the lineup. And don't worry, I'm not that conservative, okay? But they need some laughs in this somewhere. So I shot a pilot for these guys. And who knows? Now, you know, we wait, they edit it and see if they pick it up or not. But it was in this beautiful studio up in Williston, Vermont, with my buddy Rich, a guy used to work for Jerry Springer,
Starting point is 00:03:01 producer, great guy, and his buddy Mark, true professionals. The staff was tremendous. This beautiful $5, $6 million studio that they built for Mark, I think, I believe, Mark Stein, who fills in for Rush Limbaugh. And I guess they had creative differences. I don't know the whole story, but some legal problems. And anyways, and I guess Mark decided he didn't want to do the show or whatever. But anyways, the studio is like unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And, uh, right up your alley folks. We, we did a panel with a woman from black lives matter. He had a lesbian Puerto Rican filmmaker on there. We had a right wing radio show host, um,
Starting point is 00:03:39 from New Hampshire. And, you know, and, I came out, did a monologue. This, I can't tell you how nice this freaking
Starting point is 00:03:45 studio was i just was fucking blown away and um that's not where they're gonna do it obviously but uh it was available at the time gotta thank everybody up there it was quite an experience uh it really was we had a live audience of like 25 30 people and um you know we shall see you don't know they're going to show it to the people the money people who run uh who run cr tv and uh again that's a streaming uh service for politics kind of uh right-leaning politics so you can watch it on tv a lot of people i know that uh levin already has like 800,000 900,000000 subscribers. So somebody's watching it. But I thought it would throw in a little comedy in it if we can. And, you know, you know how I like to mix it up and what's not.
Starting point is 00:04:34 But thank you to the guests and the people who showed up and everybody. Okay, enough ass sucking. What did I do? What else? um what did i do what else um i tried to watch this series of the sun it i like shit i like westerns i like western movies i like anything set in that era you know 1850s and uh uh the sun stars pierce bronsonon Brosnan I should say you know the handsome fella and uh AMC it's on AMC and so I recorded that you know I I set the whole series to record tried to watch the first one and if you want and here we go again and again Pierce Brosnan fucking great actor the set looks great and all this shit and the you know acting is fine and all that but again it just the lib pc slant to everything i i i just you know i it's about a guy
Starting point is 00:05:34 who as a kid gets kidnapped by a bunch of comanche indians and they you know they fucking rape his mother they kill his brother some reason he survives but they capture him and they torture him a little bit you know it shows indians being savages but don't be fooled because i'm sitting there waiting for the other moccasin to drop going okay come on so in other words he's he's tortured by comanches as a kid they kill his family when the anyways fast forward to the you know 60 years later he's an oil man in te Texas. And now he's battling Mexicans who are trying to steal his oil and shit. So right away, you know, he hates fucking Native Americans. And he hangs a Mexican who's trying to, he's a bad guy. He's, you know, the anti-hero type, the Tony Soprano, good guy, bad guy, lead of the show. But it's just another excuse to show the
Starting point is 00:06:22 old crusty white guy. And and of course he has two sons who uh see him as sort of you know their dad is sort of retro racist or whatever so hey so again the die is set for more liberal horseshit and and i and i just i'm i i try to give it a fucking chance i just try and again some people aren't even aware of this and you know what i almost envy you that you don't see this shit. I know not you people listening to my fans. I know you're well aware of the liberal slant, but it's just another excuse to betray a fucking white guy is, you know. Ah, it's so goddamn tiring.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And the sons are like, you got to do things differently now. And there's a young girl in it. And two minutes into it, it you know she calls her brother dumb you know i love how they take today's societal norms and try to apply it to you know 1850 you know they have everything but fucking gloria all red representing one of the female indians uh it's just i can't help it i read judge bork's book sl Slouching Towards Gamora, and it opened my eyes to this shit, and it has ruined television and movies and film for me forever. You won't believe the discussions I have with my fucking wife.
Starting point is 00:07:34 We've had fights where I had to lay the room. She goes, will you quit pointing out the fucking, I'm just, you know, I can't help it. But again, Pierce Brosnan, fine actor. Got a head of hair on him, that son of a... He must still get a ton of snatch. But Nick, why do you say shit like that? Why not? But again, you know what I did? I deleted the whole fucking series
Starting point is 00:07:55 because I just see where it's headed and I can't help it. I can't fucking help it. If you could find me somebody who leaned left in their politics in, you know, 1905 South Texas, give me a fucking break, but yeah, disappointing, because like I said, I was enjoying it a little bit, but I can only take so much, and that's after watching two Sunday morning shows that I,
Starting point is 00:08:21 that I, I usually delete one of them now, it's ridiculous. It's as bad as Trump says it is. Okay? It really fucking is. My goodness gracious. So yeah, sorry. Sorry, The Sun on AMC. Again, for you people who aren't aware of the political left-leaning slant of everybody that writes in Hollywood and shit, you'll enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:08:44 You can go through life with your head up your ass, not realizing that tainting your subconscious, as the great Bill Hicks once said, Anyhow, any he, anyhow, any he. Oh, yeah. Raleigh police outraged after restaurant employees sing F the police. And again, this is in Raleigh, North Carolina. A member of the Raleigh Police Protective Association, RPPA, took the group's Facebook
Starting point is 00:09:15 and contacts. They went into a barbecue restaurant or whatever to have lunch. Smithfield's Chicken and Barbecue. And the whole staff started singing F the fucking police. I think that's NWA. I have it. I think we played it at my wedding, I believe. And yeah, law enforcement officials disappointed, disturbed what happened to police officers at a Raleigh restaurant on Jones Sausage Road.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I'm not making this shit up. The message by the drive-thru at Smithfield's Chicken and Barbecue says it's grateful to serve friday night that service came with a sign of disrespect up in this motherfucker a member of the raleigh police protective association took to the group's facebook account to express concern over the incident the post reads thank you smithfield chicken and barbecue jones sausage location for the class and professionalism as you sang f the police as my brothers at raleigh police department attempted to eat at your restaurant the manager sang along as well do you really feel that was appropriate that's a mildly well you're going to be professional i guess if you're a cop when you're writing something like this um that so this is what
Starting point is 00:10:23 it's come to and again i just played just played on black, y'all. You know, that could be me prejudging. Because you don't know today. And today, the manager's probably a white liberal kid, fresh out of fucking North Carolina State, whatever. I just assumed. I saw barbecue, chicken, North Carolina, fucked the place, and I assumed a a black staff but i could be wrong
Starting point is 00:10:47 again white liberal douchebags are just as bad but either way it's disrespectful and i hope that this place gets robbed or somebody something happens there where they need the cops and the cops should just pull up and they should pull up to the drive-thru window let's say is the of this as this place is being robbed and going, fuck you. Yeah, I'd like to, uh, we're not coming. Uh, come on. The Post claims employees of the restaurant were singing, uh, fuck the police as they ate. The Post has gone viral, has been shared more than 2,000 times.
Starting point is 00:11:19 The union found out about the incident after a fellow police officer posted about it. Officers are calling for the employees to be disciplined. Suspension and or including termination, one of the union guys says. Within hours of the union's post, we're going to give the owner of the franchise responded. He says we will do a thorough investigation and determine and terminate anyone employed that doesn't share our respect of law enforcement. And again, just for me, asking the color of the people involved would be considered racist, I'm sure,
Starting point is 00:11:52 by people on the left. People are people. What's the difference? No, no, no, no. There's a certain segment of the population who fucking hates the police. And again, you know, and it's almost irrational they hated the police
Starting point is 00:12:06 we know we've had incidents you know my fucking point but um i think this is from the guy that owns the uh franchise i am franchise i am franchisee. This is the owner of this specific location. I am franchisee of this location. Willie McKinney is my partner and has been the general manager since we... I'm reading it. Since we, the store, opened over 17 years ago, we've had a long-standing relationship with the Raleigh Police Department. We respect law enforcement. We have called upon them in the
Starting point is 00:12:47 past for assistance. Yeah, well, don't expect it in the future. We take utmost seriousness of the issue. We have spoken with numerous officers tonight. We will do thorough investigation and terminate anyone employed that doesn't share our respect of all law enforcement. We will continue to support the RPD.
Starting point is 00:13:04 We are forever grateful for all the men and women of law enforcement, courage will continue to support the RPD. We are forever grateful for all the men and women of law enforcement courage, dedication, and sacrifice. Okay, well, we'll see. I sound like Geraldo. We'll follow up this story tomorrow. We'll see if anybody gets fucking, you know. And if somebody does get fired,
Starting point is 00:13:19 you don't think there's a thousand lawyers that are going to jump in and defend the kids and their fucking whatever. Freedom of speech. But here's the thing this is a this is a uh private business so um if the owner of this franchisee fires the fuck he has a right to because he can run his business the way he wants but i'm sure it'll get more complicated that here in america but uh just can you fucking imagine okay and if you if they're singing fuck the police and this isn't the first story that we've reported like if they're singing fuck the police or the cops you don't think they're spitting in their food and doing other shit we are again i'll say
Starting point is 00:13:58 it again for the 60th time in the last two weeks civil war is on the precipice in this fucking country there's some people on the far left that need a fucking beat down like you wouldn't believe so anyways the guy from the union said we do appreciate the guy the owner's quick response we're going to have to wait and see what he does hopefully uh he follows up with appropriate action several police officers members of the community are rallying around this incident. And I'm sure there are plenty of, you know, decent people of all colors, black, white, all colors rallying around the cops. But it's the fucking younger punks.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And again, fresh off the campuses of North Carolina, any college campus in this country. And can you fucking imagine though the disrespect I I pray this place gets broken into or gets fucking robbed so matter of fact if I was a burglar and I read this story but why would I burglars don't read the papers I'd be like we ought to hit that place tonight because the cops ain't gonna show up you know what I'm saying leave there with 40,000 pound of baby back rib. Huh? Disgusting right now. The fucking divide, the political temperature in this country is 77,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Gosh, right, man. Here comes another story that falls into, I would say, culture. The headline is, student penalized for for Using Word Man on His Essay. More liberal fashion. At the University of Florida, a student was recently penalized for writing man instead of humankind on a class paper. History major Martin Poirier wrote,
Starting point is 00:15:44 Water is a Thing Prior to Man on a paper for a history paper. History major Martin Poirier wrote, water is a thing prior to man on a paper for a history class called history of water. Boy, didn't that sound exciting. History of water. And then Jesus made an ocean. Next. Thoughtful paper, although the writing mechanics errors are killing you, Professor Jack Davis wrote at the bottom of the paper. He gave the student a B minus. According to a copy of the paper he gave the student a b minus according to a copy of the essay published in the student news outlet the daily nerve hey not a bad name for my show davis that's a professor circled the word man and referenced his writing mechanics exercise number 20 which draws a distinction between mankind and humankind
Starting point is 00:16:22 davis that's a, defended the penalization in an email to the College Fix. He explained that the exercise and inclusion of humankind are consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style, the style and the usage guide followed in the discipline of history. Okay, whatever you say. Whatever, you're splitting cunt hairs is what you're doing. You liberal fuck, you're splitting cunt hairs what you're doing you're liberal fuck you're not kidding anybody davis also said the exercise is not and this is quotes not to enforce political correctness
Starting point is 00:16:52 but is both a grammar refresher and a style and user guide it was also not for the use man alone that poirier lost points rather rather Davis explained that students lose points when they don't follow two or more standards oh give me a break you're fucking you're picking up on this do you really believe this you don't think this is him shoving his agenda down his students fucking through Poirier's paper was selected for class discussion having been emailed to his classmates with anonymity strictly maintained but poirier decided to publicly defend his use of the word man during the class discussion calling it politically motivated good for you mr poirier good for you standing up to these fucking fascist
Starting point is 00:17:39 motherless fucks in a facebook message to the Fix, Poirier said the history of water class is certainly biased, but that he believes Davis, the professor, is rather moderate compared to his peers and formulated the gender neutral rule in order to be by the books. He's kind of, you know, siding with a teacher a little bit here. But he also says, you know, it's biased. It is on those grammarians who, like the rest of the academy, have eagerly stoked the slide towards gender and social anarchy. That's what the students said. Fucking well written. I'd give the kid an A just for that sentence.
Starting point is 00:18:21 This incident in question of a lower grade was not the first time Poirier has faced what he considers a troubling trend on campus. You fucking believe it? Do you believe it? Uh, it just, uh, I think the professor's full of shit
Starting point is 00:18:42 when he says it's not political correctness. You are so, you big... Oh, you're full of shit when he says it's not political correctness. I am not. You are so, you big... Oh, you're full of shit. I'll do. Respect. Of course, the campus spokesperson, Janine Sykes, just her name reeks of PC-ness. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Every time I think of her, she says we don't comment on student matters. Of course you don't. You don't comment on anything when somebody questions your fucking bias because you don't have the balls to your big douche he's lying oh yeah i am not you are so you big you big fibber fibber liar liar um can you imagine i would have never made it first of all my grammar is poor and and then if i had to follow the you know the left-leaning teachers fucking little rules that they make up will you show any losing a point for using man instead of humankind get the dip dip what's the difference what is the goddamn difference well in the in history
Starting point is 00:19:39 in the uh science of you know in history we uh is a big difference. I can't tell you what it is, but we do. Aren't there, I was going to say, aren't there any right-leaning professors that could just start fucking punishing students? You know, somebody comes in with an MLK t-shirt. Well, that's a fucking point off. Why? I don't know. I just feel like taking a point off. And you said womankind
Starting point is 00:20:05 instead of mankind that's minus 10 points janine uh but you know what you're not going to see that scenario because there's no fucking right leading professors anywhere that i think there's three out of the 78 000 colleges in the country um but good for this student i love the fact that he had the balls to stand up when they had class discussion and then tell other people it's a fucking biased class. Anyhow, that teacher doesn't sound like the most, that wasn't the most egregious example of a professor shoving his left-wing horseshit down his, you know, student's throats. But to take a point off or something like that, your mother's tits,
Starting point is 00:20:41 that's all I get to say. What? You fucking heard me yeah uh what else is going on let's talk about fucking trump i haven't played like any clips of him i used to during the election remember i had clips of him all the time because that's all you saw on tv but um amid immigration setbacks one trump strategy seems to be working. Fear, according to the fucking faggy, cum-guzzling Washington Post. But apparently fear is why people aren't trying to come over the border anymore.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah, that's because the world runs on fear. It doesn't run on love, you fucking dopes. Where'd I learn that? Well, I watched a movie called Bronx Tale with Chaz Palminteri. And fear works very well, because we live in a fucking horrible world that's filled with evil, you motherfuckers. One strategy seems to be working is fear, they say. The number of immigrants, legal and illegal, I love it, both, crossing into the U.S. has dropped markedly since Trump took office, while recent declines in the number of deportations has also been reversed. sharp unwelcoming rhetoric by trump and his aides as well as the administration showy use of enforcement raids and public spotlighting of crimes committed by immigrants that's right that's right folks it shows we're still the only superpower left when our president says something
Starting point is 00:22:21 and this guy fucking backs it up, the world goes, hey, we better not fuck around. We better lay off. Stop jumping over that fence for now. So, yeah, fear does work. The most vivid evidence that Trump's tactics have had an effect has come at the southern border
Starting point is 00:22:41 with Mexico, where the number of apprehensions listen to these numbers. Made by Customs and Border Patrol agents plummeted from more than 40,000 per month at the end of 2016 to just 12,193 in March. Holy fucking moly. That'd be quite a drop up in there. Immigrants, rights advocates, and restrictionist groups said there is little doubt that Trump administration's tough talk has had an impact.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I love it. They even fucking admit to it. The bottom line is that they have entirely changed the narrative around immigration, said Doris Meisner, who served as the commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Clinton administration. She says it's changing the way the United States is viewed around the world. That's right. After eight years of us, us being on our knees and sucking dicks and balls of all the other countries on the planet who lost total respect for us under fucking Obama and his stupid Marxist anti-American horseshit agenda. Cocaine. anti-American horseshit agenda.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Cocaine. I, uh, yeah. So, uh, you know, people are sitting up and taking fucking note. Trump brought up, uh, he actually was speaking, I think it was in Atlanta, the NRA, and, uh, he brought up immigration, and here's what the motherfucker had to say up in here.
Starting point is 00:24:00 We've already seen a 73% decrease, never happened before, in illegal immigration on the southern border. Will somebody please tell him that we can handle more than three words at a time on the southern border, a 73%? Just somebody tell him to string a couple sentences together. We can handle it for the love of fuck. Again, Donald, I got your back, but for Christ's sake, go ahead, hit it. It's my election. 73%.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I love it. He does it and then goes out and fucking, you know, repeats the statistics. But his speech patterns are making me fucking nutty. So, yeah, see, he actually had more to say. The world is getting the message. They know that our border is no longer open to illegal immigration. And that if they try to break in, you'll be caught and you'll be returned to your home. To your home.
Starting point is 00:25:11 A mud hut in Tijuana. And if you keep coming back illegally after deportation, you will be arrested, prosecuted, and you will be put behind bars. Oh, God. Otherwise, it'll never end. Oh, my goodness. That's racist, Mr. President. How dare you? How dare you? People should be able
Starting point is 00:25:30 to go anywhere and set up shop in your backyard if they want to. How fucking dare you? How dare you stem the fucking flow of drugs and rapists and crime? And again, yes, we all realize that's not all of them. Most of them are good, hard-working people.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And yes, we all realize that's not all of them. Most of them are good, hardworking people. Just for traffic reasons alone, I say we halt both legal and illegal immigration. You fuckers ought to get a car. You people who are against this fucking Trump's administration enforcing the border rule. You ought to come to New York and drive around. Try to drive around the fucking city for 10 minutes. And Los Angeles and Chicago and every other city I land in. I'm always sitting in my car going, it has to.
Starting point is 00:26:12 We don't know how many illegals are in this country. They keep using the number 11 to 15. It could be fucking 70 million. Seriously, nobody fucking knows. Nobody knows. They're hiding in the shadows, aren they but i'm just saying i'm just saying it's down 70 and that was just words because see they they know that uh this guy backs up his shit not like stupid who was in the fucking oval office for the last eight years. Nick, that's disrespectful. Oh, fuck him.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Fucking guy. But, yeah. Listen to this. Federal agents have arrested 21,362 immigrants, mostly convicted criminals, from January through mid-March, compared with only 16,000 during the same period last year. That's according to federal data.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I didn't pull that out of my sister's ass. She's out of town. Arrest of immigrants with no criminal records more than doubled to 5,400 in that period. I love it, personally. And no, I'm not a fucking racist. I'm just saying. It's getting a little crowded up in here.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Okay? Yes, we want the good ones, the hardworking ones to stay. But he's doing what he said on this pretty much. Ain't he? The word is out, apparently. But they said to the president, they said, Mr. Trump, aren't you afraid people are going to call you a racist and Hitler? And he said, listen to this.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I don't care. I don't care. My jokes don't go over. I don't care. Everybody, I don't care. Internal planning documents from the Department of Homeland Security leaked recently show that the agency is preparing to significantly ramp up the nationwide deportation force that Trump promised on the campaign trail. Listen to this. This is the other thing that got me hard as a whale's tooth. The agency has secured 33,000 additional detention beds
Starting point is 00:28:15 and is considering waiving some requirements, including a polygraph exam and a physical fitness test to speed up hiring of more immigration agents not extreme so he's extreme vetting is not being applied when he's hiring on more immigration and i fucking love it i don't care hire some chubby fucking girl who's five foot four 860 pounds long as she can use a pistol and cuffs and tackle somebody don't you love it they're lowering the standards so they can hire more agents i you love it they're lowering the standards so they can hire more agents i fucking love it personally but the administration's boldest
Starting point is 00:28:49 actions have been uh blocked by the courts we know this including trump's attempt to a temporary freeze on the nation's refugee program the entry bin targeting majority muslim countries blah blah blah that's fine we'll get to that eventually too see you guys are cheering on the left that that shit was blocked and stuff but there's going to be another attack lone wolf and shit and that blood will be on your fucking hands when we find out you know yeah it's going to happen eventually it's going to you know one of those countries that was on his list you know damn well the blood's on your. You guys might never win another election again now that I think about it. You fucking leftists.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Nancy Pelosi. I didn't even pull up the clip of her trying to speak. This is about the eighth time she's talking about Trump, but she referred to him as George Bush. That's how deranged she is. She still has. That just shows how fucking blind she is by her ideology. She fucking still has George Bush, George W. Bush on her mind when, you know, talking about Republicans and the president. She's just a robot.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Nobody uses the term the American people more than Nancy Pelosi, by the way. And to me, that's the first sign of a phony fuck. She really thinks the rest of the country think like she does. Which, you know, all college campuses do. But, see, you have to get the adults, Nancy, who go to work, you saggy-titted whore. You got to get the adults who bust their balls and have families. You got to get them on your side. See, they're the ones who vote and shit.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Yeah. Yeah. on your side. See, they're the ones who vote and shit. Yeah. Trump also reassured cheering supporters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania last week that he still plans to build a wall along the border with Mexico. And yeah. Yeah. And he said he's going to have Canada and Russia pay for it. No, I'm just kidding. I like Ted Cruz's idea. Get the money forfeited when we captured El Chapo.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It's a fucking great idea. $14 billion. $14 billion with a B, El Chapo. That guy was a mover and a shaker. They should put him on Shark Tank. $14 billion. Take that money that we got from busting him, and finance the wall with that.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I think that was a great idea by the weird Ted Cruz, who I voted for in the primaries. You did? Yeah, I did. I want somebody to the right of fucking the Tillich. So, how'd it go, Mr. President? How'd it go? He was on...
Starting point is 00:31:36 Did you see him on Face the Nation? It's one of those Sunday morning shows. It's one that I don't watch. I have to watch ABC and NBC because they're the worst. I can't help. I watch Chuck Todd and George Stephanopoulos. Just the openings of the show will make you grind your teeth. It's just hilarious.
Starting point is 00:32:02 But President Donald Trump went onbs's face the nation on sunday and he had mentioned that uh the job's a lot tougher than he expected and the guy's like really you didn't know it was gonna be a tough job you dink trump was like well it's a tough job but i've had a lot i'm reading from the transcript but i've had a lot. I'm reading from the transcript, but I've had a lot of tough jobs. I've had things that were tougher. He's so full of shit. Now, how is that possible? And again, President Trump, I'm on your side,
Starting point is 00:32:34 but what did you have that was tougher than being president of the United States? Seriously? What was it, the Russian beauty pageant? You know, you couldn't find the hookers. I mean, what was tougher? When you rolled out the Trump steaks? Had trouble getting a hold of the boxes and the dry ice? I mean, what the fuck was tougher?
Starting point is 00:32:57 He says, I've had things that were tougher. Although I'll let you know that better at the end of eight years. Perhaps eight years, he says. That's actually humbling. Hopefully eight years, but I'll let you know later on, he says. I think we've done very, very well. This is where he does a pivot with foreign policy. I think we've done very, very well with relationships with other leaders.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I think we're doing great on trade deals. It's set. And I think we're doing well. I mean, our country is being out-traded at every single point. We're losing tremendous amounts doing great on trade deals. It's set. And I think we're doing well. I mean, our country is being out-traded at every single point. We're losing tremendous amounts of money on trade. And I think, actually, I've been very consistent. And, you know, it's very funny when the fake media goes out and then he goes into it. And, by the way, he has.
Starting point is 00:33:41 He's rolled back regulations. This shit doesn't make the headlines because it's not sexy or exciting, but he's rolled back thousands of regulations. They're letting small businesses flourish and shit. And that's not going to take hold for a while. But he is. That's not going to make the headlines, you know. Not with the fucking media who hates his guts.
Starting point is 00:33:58 So he continues with this guy, John Dickerson. Then he says this about the media. It's very funny when the fake media goes out, which we call the mainstream media, which sometimes, I must say, is you. You mean me personally? Your show. I love your show. I call it Deface the Nation.
Starting point is 00:34:17 But your show is sometimes not exactly correct. Excuse me. Excuse me. Dad, are you going to buy me one? exactly correct. To face the nation. Oh God, help us. But I just love that.
Starting point is 00:34:34 You know, he's not a radio guy saying in a radio show, he says it right to the guy's face and the guys like me personally. Well, no, not you personally, but your show sucks. And,
Starting point is 00:34:42 and, and you know what? He's absolutely right. And I keep, I hope he does not stop. I hope every day in office, he points at CNN and fucking and ABC and CBS for the sins that they've committed. You know how they hold white people that are walking around the planet today in the United States. They hold us responsible for slavery, something shit that happened 400 years ago. That's what Trump should do with the fucking media for their, for their last 60 years of sins. That's what Trump should do with the fucking media. For their last
Starting point is 00:35:05 60 years of sins, they should be made. Rub their fucking nose in it. Because I'll say it again, I don't think the Dems would ever win a presidential election if you didn't have the fucking media. I swear to God, you'd lose every time. Every time.
Starting point is 00:35:28 To face the nation right to the guy's puss too but I dare you people out there oh by the way let me remind you if you like this show go to
Starting point is 00:35:36 slash Nick slash Nick subscribe to the show $3.99 a month you get two to three more shows a week
Starting point is 00:35:44 here's how it's going to work when I start3.99 a month. You get two to three more shows a week. Here's how it's going to work. When I start the radio show May 15th, we're going to take an hour. My radio show is two hours. We'll take an hour of that or 45 minutes or whatever I want and 50 minutes, whatever. And that's going to be the podcast. We're going to edit that down.
Starting point is 00:35:59 And they won't let me release it until 48 hours after the actual show. So in other words, the Monday show, I will release as a podcast on Wednesday, the Tuesday show on Thursday, but you can do the math. And that's how we will, and again, that'll be at still. So for you people who don't have serious radio, you'll get to hear some of it. And you know what I'm saying saying and for you people who might be in your buddy's car and he's listening to serious radio and uh you might go hey i like this guy you
Starting point is 00:36:32 can subscribe to the uh to the serious or or you can subscribe to my podcast at that's how it's gonna that's how it's gonna work though and again two to three more shows a week and it'll be pulled directly from the serious radio show uh we'll try to make this smooth transition as possible you're right with that i hope he is hope you was and uh again come see me tomorrow night the fat black pussy fucking cat if you're in the tri-state area make the drive in have a few drinks get on the west side highway and chase a family of Dominicans up to Mount Vernon. What? You heard me.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Well, again, the title of this show today is Lib Fascism in Full Bloom. Because I'm going to give you many examples. I'm not even going to bring up Coulter and Berkeley. I mean, guys, you've already heard all that. But you got guys now. You got like Obama. You got fucking, I mean, real right-wingers heard all that. But you got guys now, you got like Obama, you got fucking, I mean, real right wingers, I say with tongue in cheek. Bill Maher and the other far left is defending Ann Coulter and people like her, saying, of course, I think even Bernie Sanders, of course you should be able to speak.
Starting point is 00:37:41 And but these fascist fuckstains and their professors should be all taken out and fucking shot. That's right. Shot. You know, if you don't want to... You know what we need? We need another Kent State. Only not with real bullets. I don't want to see anybody die. Yet. You know? Not yet. But with
Starting point is 00:37:59 like rubber bullets. Or buckshot. Whatever. I'm serious. Fire hoses. German shepherds.shot, whatever. But rubber, I'm serious. Fire hoses, German shepherds, fucking unleash them. But the Berkeley cops seem like they agree with the jerk-off protesters. But one thing you can say about this Trump administration, not that we didn't already know this, it has exposed the fucking left for what fascist fucks they really are. Yeah, do you need more evidence of it? I mean, how much more evidence do you need? Dispose the fucking left for what fascist fucks they really are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Do you need more evidence of it? I mean, how much more evidence do you need? That's a professor at Colby. I'll get to him in a few minutes. How about this? And I've seen this guy on TV before. I've seen him on Fox News. I've seen him on all the Sunday shows.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I want to say he's a New York Times columnist. Yes, he is. And Brett Stevens, his name is. And he's, you know, he's a left-leaning guy for the most of it, but not crazy fucking left. Well, listen to what he did to get in all kinds of hot water with his lefty friends. He wrote a piece in the New York Times about climate change.
Starting point is 00:39:13 And said, you know, you should be able to look at both sides. I'm paraphrasing. And, you know, both sides of the argument. And he got attacked from fellow journalists, from jerk-offs who subscribed at a time. I mean, yeah, Bret Stephens said he says, and this is him saying, now being blasted by what he calls the nasty left, after he penned a piece about how absurd it was to blindly support climate change without listening to both sides.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Oh, my God. How fucking outrageous. That's all he said. And for that, this is the response from people who read the Times and people who run it. That's what they're telling him to do. Can you fucking imagine?
Starting point is 00:39:57 Thank you. That's all he said. And they're going nuts. He did write for the Wall street journal i knew that but it says he has now managed to draw ire from the left after his column ran on friday as a noted never trumper he's a never trumper by the way and climate skeptic he has seen his fair share of hate mail and twitter trolls over the past year and a half, but nothing like what he's endured since his article was posted. He says, and this is in quotes, after 20 months, after 20 months of being harangued by bullying Trump supporters,
Starting point is 00:40:39 I'm reminded that the nasty left, don't say the nasty left, just the fucking left, Brett, still haven't learned. The nasty left is no different. Perhaps worse, he said. And here's some of the tweets he received. After saying, and I repeat, that you should look at both sides of the climate argument. Go eat dog shit, fumed one Twitter user. Go eat dog shit.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Come on, that's kind of funny. Go eat dog shit. I love, again, remember, what is the, what is, the genius of wit is brevity, somebody once said. I think it was a guy named Greg Rogel.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Anyways, folks, when is the times going to get rid of you, another one asked. Again, this is because he said you should look at both sides of the argument when it comes to climate change. Here's another one. You're a shithead, a crybaby, little fucking weenie, a massive twat too, tweeted Libby Watson. Staff writer is Ed Gizmodo.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Libby Watson, what are the odds her muff smells like a dead turtle? Big, giant, fucking, let me guess, fucking clam lapping, fucking mutton chop wearing, just a fucking angry bitch. I guarantee you she looks like fucking John Madden in the face. And I'm going to lose my mind, seethed Eve Pizer. Another fucking leftist douche. Here's another one. The ideas people like
Starting point is 00:42:11 at Bret Stephens' New York Times espouse are violently hateful and should not be given a platform by the New York Times, some other twat said. Fucking believe it? You can't handle the truth. do you fucking believe these people that's all he said you should look at both sides so who are the fascist folks i mean you couple this with
Starting point is 00:42:34 what's going on at berkeley and heather mcdonald wasn't allowed to speak at some college and the shit that went on at middlebury college with charles murray and uh who were the fascist fucks and the violence and and and uh yeah somebody tell me how to how we're not gonna have a civil war in this country I really don't know I'm gonna lose my mind see the Eve Pizer politic writer advice by the way that show Vice is a piece of fucking garbage too while I'm at it. Watch it on HBO. I've watched it five times. Just anti-American horseshit. I caught it last week.
Starting point is 00:43:11 It was about fast food is huge in the Middle East, United Arab Emirates, all those Saudi Arabia, just there's Hardee's and McDonald's. They love it over there. They fucking love it. And they don't go out. They don't go to dance clubs and shit like that because it's, you know, majority Muslim countries over there.
Starting point is 00:43:30 So you know what their big night out is? Is going to McDonald's and shit and Burger King and being seen out like that is like a big deal. Isn't that funny? They love this shit. And they should. It's fucking delicious. So I'm watching this going okay but let's when's the foot come on drop the shoe with a sandal what's coming sure enough they're they're they're
Starting point is 00:43:51 becoming obese in the middle east and that's our fault you know once again suck a dick and die vice fucking show stinks stinks not all the time once in a while you have a piece where you try to hide but in the column back to my boy brett stevens he never states that he believes climate change is a farce he simply asserts that people should look at claims from both supporters and deniers in an attempt to get all the facts wow how outrageous huh how fucking outrageous and everybody you know that reads the new york times is telling them that you gotta... You need to shut the fuck up. Yeah, that's what they're telling them. People who work with them, people who...
Starting point is 00:44:30 You need to shut the fuck up. Unbelievable. Well, that's the mantra of the left. You need to shut the fuck up. If they don't agree with you. Time for a civil war. I gotta get more guns. I gotta get more guns. I got to get more guns.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And there's a store not far away. Libby Watson. You're a shit head of cry baby. A little fucking weenie. A massive twat too. Who would know more about massive twats than your giant muff you fucking angry wench. Anyhow, anyone who has read the 2014 report
Starting point is 00:45:07 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change knows that while the modest .85 degrees Celsius or about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit warming of the northern hemisphere since 1880,
Starting point is 00:45:18 oh boy, wow, almost a, that's crazy. What's that, a degree? Not even? He says it is indisputable, which it is, I guess. As is the human influence on that warming, much else that passes as accepted fact is really a matter of probabilities. Oh, so are we.
Starting point is 00:45:41 That's especially true of the sophisticated but fallible models and simulations by which scientists attempt to peer into the climate future. To say this isn't to deny science. It's to acknowledge it honestly. Egg fucking exactly. Exactly. Yet he's being fucking destroyed on Twitter and other social media for taking that logical stance ah it's in full bloom ladies and gentlemen it's like chlamydia
Starting point is 00:46:09 claiming total this is stevens talking by the way saying claiming total certainty about the science produces the spirit of science and creates openings for doubt whenever climate climate claim proves wrong. Exactly. And he says, sensoriously asserting one's moral superiority in treating skeptics as imbeciles, calling Hillary Clinton, and deplorables, calling Hillary Clinton,
Starting point is 00:46:38 wins few converts, he adds. None of this is to deny climate change or the possible severity of its consequences, but ordinary citizens also have a right to be skeptical of an overweening scientism. They know, as all environmentalists should, that history is littered with human wreckage of scientific errors married to political power. Fucking guy's well-spoken. Why did he leave the fucking, uh, maybe he he still writes i don't know if he still writes for the wall street journal why would you go to the new york times that piece of shit lying
Starting point is 00:47:08 fucking rag with its horseshit agenda why would you fucking do that they the readers can't handle you they can't handle you need to shut the fuck up no i don't no i don't no i don't can you imagine though taking such a you know a down the middle position on that and uh but that's settled science as the left has told you you know they they settled it they decide when it's over the argument it's a fucking scam is what it is i'll believe it when they uh fucking shut down china the other one's fucking polluting the earth but uh well brett stevens i say to you uh good you finally learned a lesson but Brett Stevens, I say to you, good, you finally learned a lesson.
Starting point is 00:47:47 But I'd like to say to you, are you just realizing now that the fucking far left are the scumbags? You must have come to that conclusion because you're a very bright fella. Do you need more proof? More proof? About the fucking
Starting point is 00:48:01 fascist liberals being in full bloom? Do you? Well, I got more for you. Don't pretend you have a choice. My boy Tucker Carlson sitting in O'Reilly's seat at 8 o'clock. I told Colin Quinn the day Tucker showed up. I said, O'Reilly better look over his shoulder.
Starting point is 00:48:24 We didn't know O'Reilly was walking around like Hugh Hefner. Going, hey, show me your tits. Which he wasn't, by the way. He settled out of court because when you got a zillion dollars, people come after you. Especially girls who use their tits and ass to get where they are. And then they turn on you. How do I know? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I've never been in that position. I would love to be. I'd be way worse than O'Reilly. I'd be trying to finger pop fucking broads in the broom closet. I'd be bending chicks over the copia, and they'd take me out in cuffs, and I'd have pubes between my teeth. I didn't do anything wrong!
Starting point is 00:48:51 That's Bill Cosby. Anyways, Tucker Carlson, my boy, and the best debater on the planet, from San Francisco, ironically, where they're not known for their open-mindedness anymore, the at one time they did anyways he was arguing last week with a professor from colby college that's a tiny little stool school up by where i went to school in maine way to fuck up there very expensive i believe too it's kind of a poor man's ivy league school and um he had this jerk off i mean this professor on aaron hanlon and um they
Starting point is 00:49:27 had a little debate about free speech because aaron hanlon pretends he's for it but he's all for shutting down people like ann coulter and shit and says it's a legitimate you know they have a legitimate reason and uh here's that little debate and again if it was a heavyweight fight they would have stopped this man but here's t versus Colby Professor Aaron Hanlon about free speech. OK, but the right wingers, to the extent they exist, are not the ones who stopped a series of speakers from speaking. They were 100 percent on the left. And you don't mention that in your piece. And you don't suggest any punishment for those people. If you're a near free speech absolutist, as you claim you are, what should happen to people who prevent someone from expressing his or her political views well as i've as i've said and as i've made very clear in my public writing um i do not support
Starting point is 00:50:17 anybody of any ideological persuasion forcibly shutting down speech. He's lying. I am not. The issue is that groups on campus have intelligently discerned a strategy whereby they invite speakers who are deliberately provocative, often not interested in actually debating ideas and fulfilling an educational mission in their visits to an institution. They invite those speakers and quite frankly, a lot of people on the left fall into that trap. So really, you're blaming the victim here because people are, quote, deliberately provocative. Can you hear yourself? You're a college professor and you're against intellectual debate that's, quote, deliberately provocative. Shouldn't it be deliberately provocative?
Starting point is 00:51:07 Excuse me. Excuse me. You can't handle the truth. He's complaining that the right, you know, Republican groups on college campuses, which is their handful, they're intentionally bringing people on like Ian Coulter, provocative people on purpose just to fucking rouse up the left and that they shouldn't have to do that because the equality, he's questioning the quality of the speaker too.
Starting point is 00:51:40 In other words, if it doesn't fit the liberal agenda, you're not a good quality, there's no reason to hear you it's he's a college professor this isn't a fucking student he looks like young enough to be a student but he's saying we shouldn't have people on with provocative ideas from the other side deliberately provocative that's the whole idea of college oh my fucking word this guy's a teacher aren't there any right wing is it colby you you you right wing students can't you just key this guy's car cut his tires show me something show me the sign there's some life out there please what a fucking cheese dick all due respect professor he doesn't want to have
Starting point is 00:52:26 speakers on who have provocative ideas. What's the world coming to? Ah, my aching stem. My aching stem. My aching stem. My aching stem. Finally, tonight
Starting point is 00:52:43 on the show, ladies and gentlemen, real quickly, what do we have here? Oh, did you see the plane that got hit with turbulence in Aeroflot flight? That's what it says, Aeroflot. That's the name of it? I wouldn't take it just because of the name of it. I never want to see the word flot in my airline name at least 27 people were injured in severe turbulence on an aeroflot flight from moscow to bangkok when their plane hit an air pocket uh hey if it was going to moscow count yourself lucky
Starting point is 00:53:20 you never know what happens to commercial airlines when they hit the fucking Russian space. Putin doesn't get laid for a week, and he goes, what's that, a 747? Watch this. Count yourself lucky. It's thought that 24 of the injured were Russian and three were from Thailand. 15 people were taken to Bangkok hospitals
Starting point is 00:53:41 where they received leeches to draw blood out of their ass. What? To a Bangkok hospital for treatment on a range of injuries that varied in severity. The turbulence hit around 40 minutes
Starting point is 00:53:53 before landing in Bangkok. The crew was unable to warn the passengers of the danger because it happened in perfectly clear skies. So they didn't know that it was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah. So I actually thought I had a clip for this, a funny clip, but apparently I forgot to. No, I didn't. We have audio, don't we? The audio of the pilots talking while this crisis was going on. Can you fly this plane and land it? Surely you can't be serious.
Starting point is 00:54:29 I am serious. And don't call me Shirley. Doctor, I've checked everyone. Mr. Stryker's the only one. What flying experience have you had? I flew single-engine fighters in the Air Force, but this plane has four engines. It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether. It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether. It's an entirely different kind of flying. I love those movies. God bless Leslie Nielsen. Lots of people from the tail cabin have broken their noses. Several people have broken their spines on the flight said one of the passengers who filmed it babies are covered in bruises well they're covered in bruises when
Starting point is 00:55:11 they're on my plane too they'll never shut the fuck up these kids uh people lost consciousness thank god was still alive and putin wasn't home with his finger on the trigger um that's crazy the reasons behind the injuries was that some of the passengers had not had their seat belts fastened yeah see if that holds up in court probably will who the fuck knows but um i remember uh in college when i was playing football we flew down to uh where we find a baltimore playing somebody down there and we hit an air pocket, and the fucking plane dropped, not like, you know, 50 feet, like 1,000 feet, in about a second and a half.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I smashed my head. I didn't have my seatbelt on. Smashed my head on the fucking overhead thing. Right out of my seat. Clang, shafang. And, of course, we laughed it off because we were college kids and we're stupid and think you're going to live forever. But can you imagine some of these people broke their spines?
Starting point is 00:56:10 You might want to call United Airlines and see who their lawyer was and try to get out of this one. Anyhow, I guess the moral of the story is fuck wearing your seatbelt at all times. It's very uncomfortable, especially if you're a chubby woman or a fella you got a gunt it's really uncomfortable that's all i got from here folks what a show huh today uh we really pointed out the left losing this shit and again it's been a blessing that trump got elected just for this just for this anyways that's it go to slash nick to subscribe to the podcast if you don't you're really silly and if you don't listen to my serious radio show on may 15th two weeks from today the nick di palo radio show channel 103 faction the faction channel that's a good channel
Starting point is 00:57:01 by the way you got norton and uh rober and Roberts in the morning and a whole bunch of people. Jason Ellis. I think it's like named after him, the channel or whatever. And Opie and all kinds of shit. Happy to be there. Come see me tomorrow night again if you're in the area,
Starting point is 00:57:18 Fat Black Pussycat. And Harris Casino this Friday night. Me and Robert Kelly are doing two shows in New Orleans. Can't wait. Going to have some shrimp etouffee. That is it. Go to, and you can check out my tour dates
Starting point is 00:57:36 and learn how to subscribe to the podcast. All right, kids? I think that's it. Oh, wait. Was she a great big fat person? God, I love fucking doing this show. All right, you know I love you guys, right? If you don't believe me, let my friend Lee tell you.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I love you for helping me to construct of my life not a tavern, but a temple. life, not a tavern, but a temple. I love you because you have done so much. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. You have done it without a word, without a touch, without a sign. You have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps after all,
Starting point is 00:58:31 that is what love means. And that is why I love you. Oh, fucking bitch. guitar solo Bye.

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