The Nick DiPaolo Show - 184 - New Orleans, Bill Maher, Marcon

Episode Date: May 9, 2017

New Orleans, Bill Maher, Marcon...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hey, hey, hey. Nick DiPaola Podcast Monday, the free version on iTunes,, Stitcher, and all that stuff. And if you'd like two to three more shows a week, go to slash Nick. slash Nick. slash Nick. Get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. That's a buck a week.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Well worth it. Believe me. How are you, folks? What else did I want to tell you? Come see me this Saturday night. Bobby V's in Windsor Lock, Connecticut. Bobby V's as in Bobby Valentine's. I did the gig probably a year ago.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Maybe not even. Good gig. Good gig. Good place to experiment, fuck around, and, you know. Easy money, and I'm home by 1130. Yeah, that's the whole idea. Anyhow, since I last saw you, what has transpired in the world? That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Me and Robert Kelly last weekend, this past weekend, in New Orleans. Oh, yeah. And let me tell you something, folks. I loved it. And I've been saying it for years. I really don't. Because the only footage you see of New Orleans is usually during Mardi Gras. I go, that looks fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Fat chicks blowing guys with beads. Come on. And I'm like, you know, yeah, there's a few streets with good food. But every city has that. But it really is beautiful. The architecture, tree-lined streets, and the food was everything that I've heard. And I was only there for, I don't know, for, I don't know, a day and a half, two days. And that's another story.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Delta Airline. Let me get to that. Yeah, I was supposed to get on there on Friday in the afternoon. And I'm like, these are the gigs you love. It's like, I'll be there for, you know, just fly in Friday afternoon. Do the gig that night. Fly out the next morning. Easy.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Good money. Harrah's Hotel Casino. Great gig. It never works out that way anytime you have that type of it never you end up earning every goddamn penny and you're like maybe i was even on a little underpaid no i wasn't but i'm just saying i get it you know wednesday i get a thing from delta airline saying hey you might want to change your flight on friday because of inclement weather and i don't know if that's a good thing they do that or not now i'm like now they're putting it
Starting point is 00:03:08 on me i'm like if i change this goddamn thing and it doesn't even rain you're fucking up my plans and uh so sure enough i changed my flight or i have my assistant to it some people calling my wife but uh you know, and 19 phone calls, bing, bing, bang, didn't change your seats, this, that, bing, bing, bing. And so I go in there a day early. Get there in the middle of the afternoon on, like, Thursday. And again, I don't want to, again, folks,
Starting point is 00:03:38 after 30 years, you don't want to have to spend more than a minute more in any of these cities. Although New Orleans I've never been to. But anyhow, Delta sends me that that i change it just in case because let's say the next day there is canceled flights and whatnot i'm fucked right but naturally i changed the flight and get there uh on whatever thursday and naturally um friday there was no inclement weather again how do you not know that they fucking they saw some rain coming again i have mixed feelings about what they did i'm because if it did get canceled i've been like thank god for delta letting me know but now i'm
Starting point is 00:04:19 like ah you fucked up everything and of course my original flight took off and it was supposed to and i could have got there right before the gig just the way i planned everything sister's tits so i have mixed feelings about that and uh delta okay i paid an extra 25 bucks on the way home for a comfort seat or whatever the fuck and you know what it's the same as the regular seats in coach and it was one of those regional jets so there was an aisle in the middle with two seats on either side and me and the narrowest seat you have ever seen man i mean just fucking freakishly small me and this guy and he wasn't big and i wasn't that big you know i'm six three two seventy and we're rubbing fucking shoulder and even the guy next to me goes man i
Starting point is 00:05:00 like to i like to see what the uncomfortable seats you know extra 25 for this it was no different i was looking at all the seats motherless tits on delta anyhow but uh anyways great fucking place had a great time they picked me up in a stretch limo because it's a casino game that's embarrassing okay stretch limos are for tom hanks sylvester stallone larry storch b ar. Big stars like that. Merv Griffin. Like an 85-foot stretch limo picks me. It's so embarrassing because I'm in the back of that thing,
Starting point is 00:05:33 and I'm like, oh, God, you're going to pull up in front of the hotel, and sure enough, there's people out in front of the hotel, and I get out, and you just see their faces fill with disappointment. I actually heard one of them say, I think that's Frank Stallone, ain't it? Is that Frank Stallone? Fucking embarrassing. And again, they're just trying to, you know, that's how it's Harris. It's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I appreciate the gesture. I'm flattered. But next time, you know, send me a Mini Cooper. That sort of suits my career better. And had a great time. Me and Bobby Kelly, who's a Mini Cooper. That sort of suits my career better. And had a great time. Me and Bobby Kelly, who's a funny motherfucker, we go to the Chop House. He pulled out of the restaurants and shit
Starting point is 00:06:14 and, you know, go to the Chop House and had a Delmonico steak. And it was as good a steak as I've ever had. A Caesar salad. And it was as good as Caesar. And you're like, well, come on. Let me tell you, folks. The food was everything salad and it was as good as season you're like well come on let me tell you folks the food was everything i heard it was you know caesar salad with real anchovies and not overdressed
Starting point is 00:06:32 and chilled the lettuce was actually ice cold that's the way you serve a caesar salad denny's anyway and key lime pie i had a slice of key lime pie most delicious dessert i've ever had unbelievable next day we go to pesh for lunch we go to some seafood platter comes out there's uh oysters on a half shell because one of them was the size of a fucking elephant's ear and uh and and giant shrimp and what the fuck else was on that some smoked tuna and then the gumbo which was the best thing i had down there i've been dying i heard about shrimp gumbo but but it was better than i thought it's been better than i whatever it was just tremendous i make gumbo at home you know i can cook my tits off and um oh my god was it delicious've never, it was just mind-blowingly good.
Starting point is 00:07:25 You didn't know I was the foodie, did you? And then the gig. The gig was in a gorgeous theater, murals on the wall. We had a meet and greet before the show, and these people come in, these older people, you know, when I say older, 10 years older than me, but they call them whales. In other words, they're filthy rich. So, like, a handful of them come into the green room to meet me and Bobby.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And they told us after those people have to lose a minimum of a quarter million dollars, like a year at the casino before they considered whales. So that's the kind of dough they had come to me, watch me and Bobby with a filthy Yankee mouths. And and then after the and the gigs were great, the gig, the people were fucking crowds were great. Me and Bobby both rocked the house. And then a second show, more meet and greet younger people came in. The second show came into the green room, drinking champagne with us. I'm telling you folks, what a way to make a living. I know I piss and moan but me and barbie go we ate like kings and uh you know made some nice fucking cabbage and met some nice people and uh it was just fucking great great new orleans
Starting point is 00:08:33 i'll tell you i'm coming back i'm coming back again you gotta stay within five blocks you might get stabbed in the ass so i was told contributions thank you my buddy dennis and also adam tooey has contributed a nice fat one to the show thank you guys so much keep the contributions coming in it's the lifeblood of the show hey before i forget a week from today my serious xm radio show premieres from 6 p.m to 8 p..m. Eastern Standard Time on Channel 103, the Faction Channel. So that's a week from today. And please check it out, will you? We'll have some fun.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I don't know what it's going to be. We'll do a little, you know, topical news, funny shit. I'll try to get some of my asshole buddies to stop in, and bigger names. And we'll cover it all. And again, you know, I lean right in my politics, so I'm sure that'll light up the phones here in fucking Blueville,
Starting point is 00:09:26 the People's Republic of fucking New York City. And yeah, it's going to be great. So yeah, New Orleans was tremendous. Tremendous time. Speaking of New Orleans, big fight going on down there. People are fighting over, Speaking of New Orleans, big fight going on down there. White people. People are fighting over, they're taking down the Confederate statues in New Orleans, like three of them. And some people are for that and some people are fucking pissed about it.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I for one, and again, if you're pissed about it, it doesn't make you a racist or any of that shit. It just, you know, it's just, it's what ISIS does, okay? They tear down statues and shit. The idea being, we'll pretend your culture never even existed. But I say to you liberals who are tearing down these statues, and I've asked this question again, how are you going to teach your little liberal jerk-off kids how racist this country was and what people had to go through because of the bad white man, man right how are you going to teach him that if you destroy wake up white all evidence of uh you know white racism we have fucking lost our shits in this country
Starting point is 00:10:37 but i love this article it says chance of csa that's confederate states of america drowned out attempted USA chants. Make America great again, hats were worn. So right in this article, they're saying people who, you know, people who are against tearing down these statues are, you know, obviously Trump fans. They try to make that connection the first sentence in. Make America great, hats were worn. Coors Light cans were popped open and demonstrators brought shields, armor, and helmets to protest Sunday afternoon at Lee Circle in New Orleans. I must have missed that.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I would have stayed an extra day and put on my Trump hat and got right in the middle of it and had some fun. Lee Circle is a roundabout close to downtown. And it's the statue of General Robert E. Lee. And in this article it says he never stepped foot in New Orleans. So I guess that makes it racist that you have a statue of a guy who, you know, was for the Confederate, but he never even stepped in your city, yet you're still paying tribute to him. The city's planning to take down that statue and replace it
Starting point is 00:11:44 with the Three Stooges and Shirley Temple. tribute to him the city's planning to take down that statue and replace it with uh the three stooges and uh shirley temple uh they're going to replace it along with three other confederate statutes that mayor mitch landrieu is he related to that other broad landrieu who was uh she was like a senator i think she's retired uh but the mitch landrieu he's a he's the mayor. And he's condemned these statues as symbols of white supremacy and racism. Can you imagine you get elected officials that dumb? Yeah, they're also what we fucking, excuse me, you don't whitewash history because you disagree with it. You know, bell bottoms are pretty fucking embarrassing. Let's go back to old reruns on TV and erase all that shit.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Nick, are you comparing bell bottoms to slavery, really? Yeah, kind of. Sue me. I'm just so tired of it. The point being, you leave the shit up. As a reminder, we don't want to go back to that. Right? Right.
Starting point is 00:12:41 And at the time, everybody thought they were doing what they thought was right. But now you go back in hindsight and go, oh, look at these fucking assholes. They shouldn't be torn down any more than Malcolm X statues shouldn't be torn down. Another guy who is anti-white and violent. But let's leave that shit up. Oh, I'm just fucking I'm worn out, man. Worn out. Wake up, white people. Dozens of law enforcement officers stood ready at Lee's Circle after the city received threats of violence against the contractors who had been hired to take down the statues. Again, let's, can you see the article?
Starting point is 00:13:22 Are you seeing the left-leaning perspective so in other words uh trump hats and and the contractors were being threatened by people who want to leave the statue up nothing you know no threats of violence by the other side is that what you want me to fucking believe although a few fights broke out during the protest i wonder who started those see how they they glaze over there. New Orleans police reported that it remained predominantly peaceful. Well, that sort of contradicts itself, doesn't it? That sentence. A few fights broke out, but predominantly peaceful.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Duh. Nevertheless, three people had been arrested by the afternoon. Possibly after a man in a suit of armor fought another man in a Joy Division shirt early in the day. I don't even know what Joy Division is. I should have Googled it, but fuck that. These statues are an aberration in terms of what New Orleans has been and what New Orleans wants to be. Landrieu told MSNBC last week. Of course he told MSNBC.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Of course MSNBC interviewed him because he's on their side. Ideology wise. Fucking stupid. Nobody's going to look at that statue and think, Mr. Landrieu. Oh, New Orleans is for this slavery. They still are, huh? Is that what you're worried about? What a dumb.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So anyways, there's a guy named Frank Stewart Jr. He's a white businessman. I love how they throw out the term white. They'll never mention a dumb. So anyways, there's a guy named Frank Stewart Jr. He's a white businessman. I love how they throw out the term white. They'll never mention a black. They won't say a black guy when there's a crime reported. But Frank Stewart Jr., a white businessman who has long fought on behalf of the monument and a member of the privately funded Monument Task Committee, took out a two-page ad in the Advocate newspaper to air his grievances. What did he say he says
Starting point is 00:15:05 everyone involved needs to put down their personal prejudices and let the magnificent magnificent memorials can you tell about five cups of coffee of real history remain as a permanent reminder to all that the consequences of conflict and the results of positive evolution of life and mankind should not be forgotten yeah you know those statues that's a good point you know they represent it's like oh those are the bad old times but it acknowledges progress racially in this country but you can't do that because that's all the left has to hang their hat on with their identity politics those statues like oh yeah there was some bad shit back then but but look how far we've come.
Starting point is 00:15:46 But we can't acknowledge that. Because that's the trump card. As soon as they acknowledge that, they have no excuses. Makes me sick. What else did Frank B. Stewart, a junior, here's a different article, still refers to a white New Orleans native. Feels like an Orwellian attempt to erase history. I ask you, Mitch, he says to the mayor, should the pyramids in Egypt be destroyed since they were built entirely from slave labor?
Starting point is 00:16:14 He also said, what about Roman Colosseum? It was built by slaves who lived horrible lives under Roman oppression. But it still stands today and we learn so much from seeing it. Ich fucking Zach Lee. Ichck fucking Zach-ly. Ick fucking Zach-ly. Exactly. Like I said, who else tears down statues? ISIS.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So you can align yourself with ISIS, far left fucking jerk-offs. Ah, what a disgusting time. Glad I'm my age, honest to God. I don't want to see. You should have heard the limo driver pick me up. I don't know what he's, the Muslims. I'm telling Nick we won't be around to see it, but he was about my age, too. He goes, but they'll dominate the world.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I mean, I kind of agree. If you're watching the plan unfold, come on over here. They hate our guts, but they're moving in with open arms. Thanks to Obama and other shitheads. And, uh, but what's it matter? What's the matter? I'll be gone. Maybe I won't.
Starting point is 00:17:11 What if I live till 112? Huh? Cut to me doing the afternoon prayers. That's the other creepy thing. I flew out of LaGuardia. I park in Delta and I, and it's a little bit of a walk to the terminal. And, uh, and you, and I walk into this little bridge and there's, again, there's like six, seven guys on prayer rugs, Muslims, right in the middle of their afternoon prayers as I'm walking by. And it does unsettle me because when I see Muslims, airport, you know, I put shit together.
Starting point is 00:17:41 And I come out with 9-11. And again, I'm just saying, it's cab drivers. They're hardworking fellas. I don't mean to, but give me a fucking break. Is that what you want to see? You know? How about if you were Jewish, and every time into a bagel shop, there was a couple German fellas out front sharpening their bayonets
Starting point is 00:17:59 with that fucking McGann settle? Nick, that was kind of silly. Yeah, I know. Whatever. But it is unsettled. Nick, that was kind of silly. Yeah, I know. Whatever. But it is unsettling. But our father, who oughtn't him. Yeah, and the Wallens. Everything is.
Starting point is 00:18:15 There was a Ruth Chris Steakhouse in the lobby of the Harris Hotel, which was beautiful, by the way. They're almost too friendly're almost too friendly almost too aggressive to help you every time you go in and out of this five door man you know wanting to grab your bag and pick up a tip or whatever but uh gorgeous hotel and um yeah there's a ruth chris steakhouse i go down and i guess that's where ruth ch started, the chain steakhouse. And I go into the bar area. I mean, the ceilings are like 30 feet high. These beautiful lamps. Just the ambiance was unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And they're so friendly, Don. You know what I like when I go down south and I don't see this up here? You see black and white people like having lunch together, mingling. And I don't remember seeing much of that up here in the northeast you know what i mean you you know i'm saying i don't know it's because uh they they just you see older people younger people older black and white having drinks together and i i don't see that up here not sure why i'll figure it out someday but but it makes me feel good it's like that's how it should be somebody's
Starting point is 00:19:31 acknowledging that we can get along anyhow don't get all mushy on us nick i'm just saying motherfuckers i'm just saying Just saying. Oh, let's get into some world politics. What do you mean by that? Well, Macron wins French presidency, the youngest French president in history. He smoked Marine Le Pen, the far-right nationalist who I like.
Starting point is 00:20:07 She's a female Donald Trump. And I'm sure they are going to rue the day. Is rue a French word, by the way? When they didn't elect her. She beat the hell out of her father's numbers, though. So they made some progress, but he crushed her. Emmanuel Macron was elected president on Sunday with a business-friendly vision of European integration. That's called Muslims moving in and defeating Marine Le Pen.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And she was going to take them out of the European Union. You know, she's going to pull a Brexit. And, you know, like I said, she's the female Trump over there. The centrist emphatic victory, which also smashed the dominance of France's mainstream parties. Well, I don't know. How do you be a centrist and not really mainstream? I'm missing that. Will bring huge relief to European allies who had feared another populist upheaval to follow Britain's vote to quit the EU and Trump's election as u.s president yeah those are bad things i guess what happens when you get hit again i'm gonna ask you that france
Starting point is 00:21:11 which is gonna be soon you're listening to ode to joy by uh you know who beethoven this is france is like national, it's what they play when the president gets wanted. Thank God it ended. Sound like a soundtrack to Schindler's List. Minky, what a depressing song. With virtually all the votes counted, Macron had topped 66% against just under 34% for Le Pen. A gap wider than Madonna's lap. What?
Starting point is 00:21:43 A gap wider than 20 or so percentage points that pre-election surveys had suggested. So they thought, you know, she would get smoked. Even so, it was a record performance for the Nationalist Front, a party whose anti-immigrant policies once made it a pariah and underlined the scale of the divisions that Macron must now try to heal. And he came out and he said, What's the translation? I know the anger, the anxiety, the doubts that very many of you have also expressed.
Starting point is 00:22:20 It's my responsibility to hear them, he said. I will work to recreate the link between Europe and its peoples, between Europe and citizens. Good luck with that, motherfucker, because you got half of ISIS lining you up in their crosshairs. So that's how I look at this. And, you know, I mean, what's going to be the reaction after the next attack? And believe me, there will be more. And after the next attack, and believe me, there will be more. His immediate challenge, they say, will be to secure a majority in next month's parliamentary election for a political movement that is barely a year old.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Rebranded as Les Republices et Mort. That's Onward the Republic, their attachment to the European Union. I think you're full of shit. All due respect, Mr. Francois Hollande. Trump also tweeted his congratulation on Macron's big win, saying he looked forward to working with him. congratulation on macron's big win saying he looked forward to working with him and then he took a picture of his he stuck his bare ass against the shower uh the window in the shower and he snapped and he tweeted that over there if he had any balls he would have done that and become a hero
Starting point is 00:23:37 uh also le pen said she offered her congratulations and and took a picture of her flipping the bird. But she defiantly claimed the mantle of France's main opposition in calling on all patriots to join us in constituting a new political force. And here's the upside for Miss Marine Le Pen, even though she got schlonged, as Trump would say. as Trump would say. Her tally was almost double the score that her father Jean-Marie, the last far-right candidate to make the presidential runoff achieved in 2002
Starting point is 00:24:10 when he was trounced by the conservative Jacques Chirac. Cocaine. Her high-spending anti-globalization France First policies may have unnerved financial markets, but they appeal to many poorer members of society.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Sound familiar? Against a background of high unemployment, social tensions, and security concerns. unnerved financial markets but they appeal to many poorer members of society sound familiar against a background of high unemployment social tensions and security concerns in other words she's a female trump that was her message only didn't fly and far left fucking france jesus christ all the shit all the turmoil all the terrorist attacks all the tragedies have gone through in the last year or so and uh i don't know she seemed like the woman for the job how about this this was i didn't know and this was pretty macron's team successfully skirted several attempts to derail his campaign by hacking its communications and distributing purportedly leaked documents that were reminiscent of the hacking of the DNC during Hillary fat ankle thick dog face her election so I'm guessing uh fucking Russians are at it again who else would be hacking in
Starting point is 00:25:18 North Korea they don't give a fuck about France. That dirty, dirty Putin. That's funny, huh? So that's the new world we live in, man. For Christ's sake, I have a niece who ran for class president. She's a senior in high school, and somebody hacked into her computer. I think it was WikiLeaks. Apparently they wanted the other kid. Black kid in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:25:46 By any idea of a brave new political dawn will be tempered by an abstention rate on Sunday of around 25%. The highest this century. That's all about the money. Nobody gives a shit. No, you know what they're saying? Sorry. I was, I'm all fucking capping up.
Starting point is 00:25:59 By any idea of a brave new political dawn will be tempered by an abstention rate on Sunday of around 25%. In other words, people, that many people didn't vote. And by the blank or spoiled ballots submitted by 12% of those who did vote. So people showed up and handed in a blank ballot or fucking scribbled some shit on it. Of course, many of those have been supporters of the far left maverick jean-luc melachan whose high spending anti-eu anti-globalization platform had many similar
Starting point is 00:26:34 similarities with le pen how the fuck see a far left maverick if they, if this guy had similarities with, I don't understand that. Sorry, I even read that. But in other words, 25% abstained from actually casting a vote. So that means there's a lot of unhappy people. That's what that means, folks. What can I tell you? But, uh, yeah, you can replace Beethoven's Ode to Joy, uh, that song as your national song. Maybe this one, because I'm telling you. Probably what you're going to hear. Why does this song make the hair on my balls stand up? Hand nipples.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Hello. Of course, that was from Cat Stevens. Greatest hits. Anyhow, so Macron is the president of France. And interesting. Very interesting. What else is going on in the news? here's the story for you kids fights over trump drive fights over trump drive couples especially millennials to split up which is a bogus fucking headline this is from nbc um this is such shit I'm going to read the fucking article and tell you why
Starting point is 00:28:05 more fake news I've never seen anything like it what they're trying to do to this guy it really is fucking sick so couples married couples are getting divorced because of fucking Trump supposedly well me and my wife fight it's never political
Starting point is 00:28:21 it usually sounds something like this about the thousand other fucking pigs you had your dick in over the years the strippers the cocktail waitresses were you best friends with all of them too you fucking hypocrite son of a whore! Oh, for the love of Christ. New data from Wakefield Research found that, what is fucking Wakefield Research? Eat my ass. Found that one in ten couples married and not have ended their relationships in a battle over Trump. For younger millennials, it's about 22%.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Which, I kind of believe it because the people who hate trump whether they're married or not you're the one we've proved you're the fascist fox i mean you beat up people you won't let conservatives speak on college campuses so i'm sure you're the one that's saying to your spouse fuck you if you don't think like me i'm out of here that's what i get from this but the fact that they're pinning all this on trump you don don't think fucking Obama's election caused any anger in people who didn't like Obama? But see, those are people on the right, and we don't divorce our spouses over politics.
Starting point is 00:29:33 You fucking whiny maggot, you. Nick, take it easy. Take it easy. Take it easy. Nearly one in three Americans said that political clashes over Trump have had a negative impact on the relationship. Yeah. And again, did you take this poll?
Starting point is 00:29:49 Did you ever even read a poll like this when Obama was in office? You wouldn't even dare take the temperature of couples. God help me. It's so fucking, it's Obama's fault. How about the fact that his foreign policy is the reason why Trump's trying to build a wall and put up all this shit that's so unpopular with the left. So Obama is to blame too for people getting split up. It's not just on Agent Orange. That's Trump's new name. Americans in a relationship or married in 42 percent of millennials told the survey that since President Trump was elected, they and their partner have disagreed or argued about politics more than ever.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yes, because the mainstream media has never been more biased. There's never been more of an effort. To paint a president as a jerk and negative. And it's not an accident. And millennials, nobody's more media-driven and consumes more of their shit than millennials. So it makes sense, really. Two unrelated online dating reports confirm the rise of political incompatibility.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Let me tell you, first of all, if you're breaking up with your spouse over politics, it wasn't meant to be, you dummies. You're both stupid. Honey, will you fuck me tonight? No way. You voted for Trump. They show that Democrats especially, here you go, Democrats especially unlikely to date a Trump supporting Republican. But Republicans are more inclined to give Clinton supporting Democrats a try. And let me tell you why that's even more interesting because most of the hot pussy is on the right all you have to do is put on fox news and compare it to msnbc or look at any feminist march really the hot pussy is on the right we all know that yet Yet the Republicans are still more inclined to date somebody, you know, who has the opposite ideology as far as politics go.
Starting point is 00:31:52 That shows a little bit more open mindedness. As we all know, the adults are on the right. Adults like me. People laughing. I'm giving you time to snicker. people laughing i'm giving you time to snicker among americans who did not vote for trump and who are not in a relationship with a partner who voted for trump a third 33 percent would consider divorce if they had a spouse who voted for trump you close-minded left-wing douchebags that's all the number jumps to 43 among millennials who did not vote for Trump or have a partner who voted for him. What does that tell you? Millennials, just replace the term millennials with young people. Okay?
Starting point is 00:32:32 And they've been indoctrinated. Fresh off college campuses. Of course they're closed-minded when it comes to this shit. And then they cite a specific example and an anecdote, if you will. This guy, he's a lawyer. It doesn't matter who. Grant Moore from Virginia. He cited one potential.
Starting point is 00:32:50 He's a divorce lawyer, I guess. He cited one potential client, a Muslim who immigrated to the United States as a child, who was married to a white American woman for 20 years. Neither was political until Trump hit the scene which is bullshit number one and all of a sudden she developed a real affinity for trump parts of that was her questioning her husband's muslim background fucking bullshit she she was questioning his patriotism it was a huge a huge rift in the marriage yeah really we couldn't find uh a hundred other cases the other way what a crock of poop that's the one anecdote they cite this is called fake news folks i hate to fucking blame it even
Starting point is 00:33:36 even if that was true that one example you know can we balance it out did you look anywhere else i'm watching the news last week and i see see MSNBC or NBC, I forget. Just pick any. CNN it was, I think. And they were in Wisconsin, one of the states that Obama won a couple times and then flipped to Trump this year. And I'm like, why would they go back there? And I had the mute on, and I'm like, I guarantee. So I put it on.
Starting point is 00:34:02 They're interviewing a guy like my age who voted for Trump. And of course, now he's regretting it. And his daughter, who's like, you know, 26, is gone. I told them I told even before I hit the mute button on, you know, I knew I'm like, why would they be in Wisconsin? Sure enough. It's unbelievable. It's a tsunami of anti-trump fucking horse shit it really is also so that study just told you what that the lefties are just uh you know
Starting point is 00:34:34 closed-minded it's hilarious it's come full circle and again the conservatives were the assholes back in the 40s and 50s and uh they were on the wrong side of the race arguments and shit but uh it's come full circle yet to see i've yet to see any liberal speakers be attacked by uh conservatives on a college campus and if there are any conservatives on a campus and uh it's fucking hilarious but But let's switch up gears, shall we? I guess GLAAD had their media awards. That's, you know, the gay and lesbian. I used to know what it's. Gay, lesbian, AAD.
Starting point is 00:35:22 They had their media awards. And Rosie O'Donnell, she jokingly, oh, she jokingly texted, in quotes, President Donald Trump with a defiant, profane message on behalf of the LGBT community. Now picture somebody doing that at like a tea party rally when Obama was in office. Mark texting,
Starting point is 00:35:40 fuck you, Obama. Can you imagine? They'd shut it down. You'd be a fucking pariah. but this fat clam lapper i wish she would go away i want to like her uh again um why do i want to like her i don't because she's a long island girl uh you know she came on tough crowd and uh that's when i sort of started to dislike her because she acted like an asshole then. But she mocked, text Trump, fuck you, Donald, from the gaze and then hit sent. It doesn't matter if it's mock or not. She knows it's going to get picked up in other forms of media, like the article I'm reading right now.
Starting point is 00:36:18 And it was the 28th annual GLAAD Media Awards at the New York Hilton Midtown. I must have, my invitation must have got lost in the mail. Honoring individuals and media properties that best represented acceptance and inclusivity of the LGBT community over the past year. Do you ever give it a rest? Do you guys ever give it a rest. Do you have anything else in your lives other than your obsession with your fucking sexuality and your fucking back slapping, ass slapping congratulations to each other? Give it a fucking rest. The night's big honorees included Porter, whoever that was,
Starting point is 00:37:00 Daily Show host Trevor. No, Porter's a fucking Tony Award winning cum guzzler. Oh, he's a Tony Award winning actor, Billy Porter. So he got an honorary award in
Starting point is 00:37:15 Daily Show Host Trevor Noah and Debra Messing who was honored with the organization's Excellence in Media Award. She is I'll play a little bit of her speech. And Will and Grace, my wife, turned me on to that show years ago. And the writing is really fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And Laura Keitlinger, a comedian from Boston who I really like. She wrote on that show. And it was. It was a really fucking funny show. Very faggy, yet very funny. But Deborah Messing is as far left. She makes Obama look like Strom Thurmond. She has so, she's been in Hollywood, I don't know how many years now.
Starting point is 00:38:01 She's the typical example of somebody ensconced in this cocoon, this echo chamber. She's so far left. She's fucking nuts. Here's her at the GLAAD Awards speaking about Trump. Our democracy and humanity have been under attack. But unless you are an unenlightened, straight, cisgender, white male, you are a target. Did you hear that? I don't even know what that means, cisgender white male, you are a target. Did you hear that? I don't even know what that means, cisgender.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I am a straight white male. I guess anybody, again, fellas, we're enlightened, we're dumb. Can you imagine her saying an enlightened and unenlightened black person who loved Obama? You filthy red-headed twat. That means
Starting point is 00:38:44 that makes us all a target. Listen to her paranoia. Right now, there is a very bad and very orange man in our White House. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. A big fat stinking cunt. Said and true, but need to tell you you're a motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cbermouth cunt! All right. Sorry, Debra.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Beautiful woman, terrific actress, mentally ill. As far as politics goes. Just fucking, we're a target. Target of what? What the fuck? Take a break. Get out of West Hollywood. Get away from your gay male friends for three fucking seconds.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Put down your political ideology and fucking enjoy life for four minutes, you psycho. I guess they're bringing back Will and Grace. And I saw the headline in some paper and she was going to explain why they're bringing it back. And I didn't bother read. We know why. Everything else you've tried since has failed miserably. But you're a fucking left wing loon that makes you royalty in Hollywood. Shut your fucking gob, please. And that goes for rosie oh donnell It was Rosie after she wolfed on a club sandwich.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Anyhow, any he. Just go away. Go away, little girls. Jesus Christ. They have nothing else to do in their lives. Can you imagine? It's the GLAAD Media Awards. The GLAAD Media Awards.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Like we need that. How is that different than any other awards? The Oscars, the Tonys. Honoring individuals and media properties that best represent acceptance and inclusivity in the LGBT community. What? Can I ask you a question? What part of the media doesn't do that? Can you name one? Because I'm not sure. Oh, by the way, Rosie O'Donnell pledged $100,000 to fight anti-LGBT legislation at the event, according to a GLAAD press release.
Starting point is 00:41:28 That's how anti-LGBT this country is. She's a multimillionaire with zero fucking talent whatsoever. I've been chowing down on a big giant mouth. And then Debra Messing had to take a shot at Ivanka Trump. That's the other thing now that everybody's doing. It's not enough to simply say that women's issues are important to you. It's time to do something. You can change the lives of millions of women and children
Starting point is 00:41:57 just by telling your dad stories about real people who are suffering. Messing addressed Trump's eldest daughter. Just never happy. Just never, never fucking happy. It's a one that I got a rash the whole time I was living in Los Angeles. It was still fun though. I'd go on, you know, auditions. Almost every audition and the casting people that were doing the audition,
Starting point is 00:42:27 you know, that tell you to slate your name and get in front of the camera, and there was always, always like a blatantly openly gay guy or woman, which is fucking fine. I have no problem with it. I'm just saying. It's just so funny to see it up close and going, oh, I see why I can't get arrested. to see it up close and going, oh, I see why I can't get arrested.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Oh, boy. It really is a gay business, folks. It really is. Super gay. I didn't know. I always, you know, Johnny Carson, a man's man. I wanted to be a comedian like him. Guy who carried a gun in his car.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Fucking drank scotch. Had a nasty streak. Even fucking Jay. Jay had a motorcycle. He used carried a gun in his car. Fucking drank scotch. Had a nasty streak. Even fucking Jay. Jay had a motorcycle. He used to drive around the whole country. He was the guy. He was like Elvis. Sam Kennison.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You know. And I figured that would lead to other stuff. But I didn't really understand that I'm an outcast in this business. Colin Quinn is my closest friend in the business. I don't know if he would agree with that. But we talk almost every night on the phone. And I fucking love him. Love him to death.
Starting point is 00:43:34 But even, you know, he's the only one. I don't, you know, he still likes sports and shit. But these artsy, I just, you know, you know. Louie is my old roommate. But, you know, other than that and comedy, we don't really have much in common. But I like Louie because I said, like, he's from, you know, he's from the shitty part of Newton. And he's like a rough around the edges guy and funny as all fucking Christ. But I have nothing in common with even the comics who I love and respect that David tells and shit. I have nothing in common being a tell.
Starting point is 00:44:10 And it's very, you know, it's a business, I guess, made up of people who got bullied. I mean, some of that is true. But anyways, so yeah, Messing took a shot at Ivanka Trump. And you know who else did also? Fucking Bill Maher, real-time host, is accused of crossing the line with tasteless incest jokes about Ivanka Trump. I don't know. Son of a whore! I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Look, yeah, Bill Maher angers me on 19 different levels like he gives a fuck I mean he's hugely successful and uh with his HBO program and uh but he was interviewing uh I like how he just pushes you know pushes the buttons and um I I just you know I want to do the same from the right you know I want to fucking say that uh you know let's say i was as famous as him and i had a show on h and i can imagine not even on hbo pick some other channel and i said that um i think president obama was a big fag and she's gay and you understand you'd be kicked out of show business forever and i'm not exaggerating anyways he was interviewing bill maher was gabriel sherman who writes for the new york magazine oh another another far righty i say sarcastically um
Starting point is 00:45:34 when he made an incest joke about first daughter ivanka trump's relationship with her dad what did he say i thought i had the clip but i guess i don't he said uh what do you make of ivanka and her efforts to sort of humanize her father we see all this misogyny at fox news we see in donald trump himself a lot of us thought ivanka is going to be our saving grace the political commentator then took a step further and mimicked Ivanka performing a sex act on her dad, which was a handjob, you know, like giving him a handjob. When he's about to nuke Finland or fucking something, she'll walk into the bedroom and,
Starting point is 00:46:18 Daddy, Daddy, don't do it, Daddy. And that's, you know, and then he does the, Daddy, don't do it, like she's giving him a handjob. And then Bill Maher asks Mr. Sherman, is that how you see Ivanka? And the guy was like red-faced, you know? If he writes for the fucking New York Magazine, he probably knows the Trumps, you know?
Starting point is 00:46:38 He was, you know, he got embarrassed and said, no, that's not how I see her. But here's, let me give you his little resume, Mr. Sherman. He's one of the leading media voices to have contributed to the outing of Roger Ailes at Fox News. So he's a big girl, too, this guy, no doubt about it. He said, I think, again, she's on the margins trying to save us to the degree that she can. But Donald Trump doesn't listen to anybody including his own family this guy got roger ailes booted and started all the shit so somebody should
Starting point is 00:47:10 take him out not physically take him out to dinner and then you know choke him out in alley somewhere i say that in gist everybody i'm not for violence but uh just uh just uh that's his that's you know the scalp on his that's a notch on his belt he took down roger ailes and turned fox news upside down so i'm sure he i i don't even know i'll bet 99 he's gay i'm just going out on a going out on a limb there that i'd like to beat him with what the uh this isn't the first time bill maher has has told an incest joke about Ivanka Trump. But, oh, some people got on social media were quick to respond to the crude joke. One of them wrote, I can't believe Bill Maher just did that. Ivanka Trump at real time is, I guess, on November 2nd, Bill Maher during a stand-up set at Largo in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Comedy Club on Facebook Live, where he cracked a joke many found as inappropriate. On November 2nd, the comedian performed a stand-up set at LA Largo, where he cracked a joke many found inappropriate. He said, again, mimicking a sex act, be nice to Ivanka. She's our only hope because she seems like
Starting point is 00:48:24 she actually knows rationality. But she's Trump's kid,anka she's our only hope because she seems like she actually knows rationality but she's trump's kid and she's the only one who can get to him and you know he loves her because remember uh president trump said well uh we weren't related i'd probably be dating her and it was kind of creepy even i admit uh if he's going to do something nutty we're going to depend on Ivanka going into that bedroom. Daddy, daddy, you have to apologize for that tweet where you called Angela Merkel a cunt. You have to apologize, daddy. That was on November 2nd.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And again, big to do about nothing. But I'm just saying, it's the double standard. That's all. It's the double fucking standard. The guilt about race. Because I'm bringing the Obamas into it. And how nobody, nobody said anything even close to that. You know?
Starting point is 00:49:13 But I'd be glad to be that guy from the right. It can't get any worse for me. Anyways. So, yeah. Big fucking deal. I say. You know? Big deal. Just point out. You gotta out grow up you're not a kid anymore
Starting point is 00:49:29 you gotta grow up i'm just saying that people are upset you gotta grow that's what comic comedians are supposed to do again i point out the double standard but other other than that, same with Stephen Colbert. I don't understand why that was considered homophobic. Yes, it was. Obviously, it was something really crude to say about the president of the United States. And obviously, he doesn't respect the fucking office unless there's a, you know, a Democrat in it. But I don't understand how him saying, you know, cock holster, how that's, how that turned into homophobic. He wasn't attacking gays with that fucking line.
Starting point is 00:50:10 We're so PC that all logic goes out the fucking window. You know what I'm saying? I'm going to say a lot worse shit, hopefully. And then probably be called in on the rug. And I'll be back to yuck yucks in Toronto in a month. But big job. Big job. I. But big job. Big job. I mean, big deal.
Starting point is 00:50:27 I said big job because I was looking at the word handjob that I had written over Bill Maher's face. That's what he does. We're supposed to be shocked at that? He already did it before. But just, again, let us have the right to call Michelle Obama a outside linebacker who's good and can cover running backs out of the backfield. Because she's 6'4", 240 and has a cock.
Starting point is 00:50:51 You know what I'm saying? Some news. What else do I got here? Oh, here's some more. A columnist was fired who defended the NRA. What else do I got here? Oh, here's some more. A columnist was fired who defended the NRA. Well, actually, she quit some paper in St. Louis. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:19 A conservative columnist who was suspended by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch after she defended the NRA from comparisons to ISIS fired back with her resignation and a series of targeted tweets. It's funny, huh? So somebody on the left was comparing the NRA to ISIS. And I just did a story a few minutes ago about people on the left
Starting point is 00:51:36 wanting to tear down fucking statues. So I'd say you're more ISIS than people on the right. That's how I see it. The newspaper on Friday suspended Stacey Washington. She's a black woman, by the way. After a column entitled, at least she looks like that in a picture, unless I'm using the wrong filter on my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Guns and the Media. That was the name of her article. She disputed an anti-NRA article that argued, since more Americans die from guns than from ISIS, the Second Amendment advocacy group is the greater danger did you hear that logic from the left fucking wing wing nuts because more people die from guns than from isis that makes the nra the greater danger i can't even i can't even unpack that fucking psychotic fucking logic the newspaper on friday suspended stacy washington yeah
Starting point is 00:52:27 uh when as a member of the n this is her i guess she tweeted this out or wrote when has a member of the nra ever decapitated set on fire tossed from a rooftop or otherwise terrorized another american which is the key the linkage is not only rife with improper context it is false on its face mrs washington miss washington wrote in her column which also decried the lack of conservatives in u.s newsrooms and i think that's what got her booted and she does too this failure to represent the opposing especially conservative view is an increasingly apparent deficit in the news reporting apparatus in our country. In other words, there's no conservative voices
Starting point is 00:53:10 in newsrooms anywhere. But of course, the people at the newspaper assert that Washington was not suspended for the views expressed in her column, but for failing to disclose her promotional work and professional affiliation with the NRA. Washington has appeared several times as a co-host and commentator on Cam and Company on an NRA TV and contributed to an NRA documentary in August in 2016.
Starting point is 00:53:37 However, she has never been paid by the NRA. That means she doesn't work for them. Okay? Okay. So you're full of shit. That means she doesn't work for him. Okay? Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:44 So you're full of shit. Anyhow. Dispatch editors insisting she is not a paid show for the NRA and noting the irony of a column calling out the lack of conservatives in the mainstream media getting a conservative suspended from mainstream media. That's what she wrote. She said, I'm not ashamed that I'm an nra supporter a bible thumper that i love jesus christ i'm all the way out there there's nothing else that i can do to articulate my perspective any more clearly on where i stand but that's what she said she after her suspension
Starting point is 00:54:18 washington mounted a twitter broadside at the newspaper editors insisting she's not a paid shill for the NRA. And then she noted the irony of, you know, a column pointing out there's no conservatives in newsrooms and gets her fired as a conservative. Exactly. Once again, more fascism from the left. Un-fucking-believable. That is it, folks. That is it. Go to slash Nick.
Starting point is 00:54:44 slash Nick. slash Nick. Get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. It's a buck a week. That's if you don't have Sirius Radio, even if you do. But I told you how it's going to work. We're going to take an hour of my Sirius Radio show, which premieres a week from today, 6 p.m. Eastern Time to 8 p.m. Eastern Time on Channel 103, the Faction Channel. And we'll boil down an hour of that and release it 48 hours later as a podcast at and on iTunes for free like we do on Mondays here.
Starting point is 00:55:20 So that's how that's going to work. But I told you that, right? I sure did. I So that's how that's going to work. But I told you that, right? I sure did. I think that's it. That is it. President Trump, anything to add? And the things I'm smart, not like everybody says.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Like, don't! I'm smart and I want respect! Yeah, Bill Maher and Deborah Messing. He wants respect. Fucking, there's something wrong with my mouse.'m trying to move it's it's frozen what the god i'm trying to shut off the show folks i'm trying to get out of here that is anyhow uh come see me again bobby v's windsor lock connecticut this saturday night with laurie pomateri actually very funny lady uh Saturday night with Lori Pometary, actually.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Very funny lady. That is it. I will talk to you guys real soon. Take care of yourselves. I feel like I'm forgetting something as always. You know I love you anyways. If you don't believe me, my buddy Liberace will tell you. I love you for helping me to construct my life, not a tavern, but a temple.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. You have done it without a word, without a touch. without a touch. You have done it by just being yourself. Son of a whore! Perhaps after all, that is what love means. And that is why
Starting point is 00:57:00 I love you. Oh, fucking bitch. Good day, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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