The Nick DiPaolo Show - 186 - Week Two at Sirius

Episode Date: May 25, 2017

Week Two at Sirius...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, This episode of the Nick DiPaolo Podcast brought to you by Blue Apron. Blue Apron is the number one fresh ingredient and recipe delivery service in the country. Blue Apron's mission is to make incredible home cooking accessible to everyone. Beef, chicken, and pork comes from responsibly raised animals. Produce is sourced from the farms that practice regenerative farming. Blue Apron can be delivered to 99% of the continental U.S. and 99.5% of food deserts. Because Blue Apron ships the exact amount of each ingredient required for a recipe,
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Starting point is 00:01:41 So don't wait, folks. That's slash Nick D. Blue Apron, a better way to cook. Oh, yes. Monday already. It's very weird being a comedian going, oh, Mondays are actually a downer now? Because they don't mean anything when you're a stand-up. You know? It's like being back in school
Starting point is 00:02:27 Oh shit I have to be somewhere today But this is a good place to be folks Welcome to the Nick DiPaolo Show How are ya? Uh What the hell's going on Oh first let me thank some contributors to my podcast
Starting point is 00:02:42 They contribute financially On top of the financially on top of the uh on top of the fee and uh robert schluida and uh kevin mccardle with a big fat contribution darren j card thank you and uh sean murphy thank you so much for your financial contributions to the show it's the lifeblood of the podcast you You can catch the podcast at slash Nick. If you don't have Sirius and your friends tell you about it, or you can listen to me right here. And also, as far as this show goes, folks,
Starting point is 00:03:14 you can always find our show on demand using the SiriusXM app. They go up each night right after the show. New episodes stay up for a couple of weeks. But you can also catch the Nick DiPaolo show, Best of the Week, every Sunday at 11 a.m. East Coast Time, right here on Faction Talk 103. What did I do over the weekend? Did a little comedy, Point Pleasant. And you do those gigs, those one-nighters, and like, why are you doing this place? Well, because I had an open weekend, meaning not a road gig, and they hand me an envelope.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Like I just whacked somebody for one hour of jokes. What am I going to say? What am I going to say? What am I going to say? And I love this place because they have a bring-your-own-booze policy. Have you ever played with people? They're sitting in their play school coolers between their feet, literally with bottles of, like, beer and vodka. I'm like, where's your blanket?
Starting point is 00:04:21 The fireworks are going to start in a few minutes. I'm just, you know, it's not how I saw it 30 years ago when I started in this business. But, you know, cash is cash. And it's a good place to work out new stuff and have fun. You can't be at the Ridgefield Playhouse every weekend. Well, you can if you're, you know, much more famous than me, is the point. And had a good time. And what the hell else? Oh, I watched the movie The Comedian, which I was in for a... is the point. And had a good time.
Starting point is 00:04:46 What the hell was I watching? Oh, I watched the movie The Comedian, which I was in for a, it was like a subliminal message. If you blink your eyes, you would have missed me. But no, you know, I don't want to bad mouth people and stuff because, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:58 they threw me in it at the last second and Taylor Hackford's a great director and stuff, but I wasn't crazy about the movie, let's be honest. Didn't really depict what I've been doing for the last 30 years. Although, every time De Niro's character acted like an asshole, my wife would look at me and go, did they base this on you? And I, you know, so I'd say, listen, sweetheart. And, um, I mean, it was just, it was all over the map in my opinion. But again, I got to have a couple quick lines with De Niro at the table, which was kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And then I realized, I actually realized I have worked with Carmelo Soprano on three projects now. Horace and Pete, this movie, and The Sopranos. Isn't that weird? Folks, isn't that weird? Nick Tafala, comedian, working with Edie Falco. And so, yeah, it was just, you know, I don't know. They should have used real comics. And that's how it works in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:06:04 A few people don't know. You got to bring in like a dinero or big names or people. They call it packaging. You get a star from this, from William Morris Agency. You get another star. So people will buy tickets. But it'll be a much better movie if they put somebody in it that you didn't know that was a real comic and real comics. A few real comics had their fingers in this writing wise. But you know how that works.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And but so I wasn't crazy about them. But on top of that, not being the best movie, then you've got to sit through the liberal horse shit. There's a scene where De Niro argues with a woman about abortion. And, of course, there's a gay wedding. It's like we get it. We get it. We understand the world. That's how it is. But it's like we get it we we get it we we understand the world is that's how it is and but it's like getting a lecture every and then they have to drill home the point
Starting point is 00:06:51 that women just like to have a one-night stand and it's the guys who get hurt by it and shit you know which that's not how it was at least when i was single uh but uh you, other than that, anyhow. So it was, De Niro was fine. People were like, oh, he didn't come across as a comic. But that's what I'm saying. Throw a comic in there. You know? That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Soupy sales. Anybody who's done some quality acts. Hey, did you see this, kids? A Texas woman was charged for allegedly trying to cut off her boyfriend's testicles. You know what he was doing? His crime was he was actually talking to another woman. And I think we have the audio of the fight he had with his wife. About the thousand other fucking pigs you had your dick in over the years. The strippers, the cocktail waitresses.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Were you best friends with all of them too? I'm sorry. That was an argument I had with the wife but i'm about to go yeah but what is this she she listened she comes at him with a rubber mallet and beats her boyfriend unconscious by the way she looks like a hispanic rosanne if you see the picture i would not fuck with this no way oh. Oh my God. Roseanne Elbaro. And she beats him with a rubber mallet. What's he a fucking piece of ale then? Then he dipped him.
Starting point is 00:08:13 She dipped him an egg and flour. And knocks him unconscious. Her name's Vasquez. Allegedly tried to cut off his nuts. With a criminal complaint against her. Saying the victim woke up and saw a cut on his scrotum with an unknown sharp weapon. Well, first of all,
Starting point is 00:08:32 you wake up with a cut on your balls. That's happened to me a hundred times. It had nothing to do with the beef with my wife. You know what I mean? I could have done that myself. I maybe had my class ring on when I was getting, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:08:44 So don't blame me. It's just a little nick on your nuts. I've actually shaved my nuts. I'm at that point. Just for men has to come out with stuff for gray pubes. And I'm willing to put my nuts on the ball. You know, they have a picture of guys with beards. Put a bunch of balls.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Red hair, red pubes. You know, Irish guys can have you pick. I got a few down there. It doesn't quite look like Bill Russell's chin yet, but... If anybody knows who Bill Russell is out there. God help us. 866-969-1969. What else?
Starting point is 00:09:23 People hoops. People go and They think I follow hoops Because the Celtics won I guess Yeah they won last night And I just don't understand How anybody can watch NBA
Starting point is 00:09:31 Agreed Over NHL playoff hockey Or even regular season I'll never understand Well I do understand it You usually You gravitate to the sport You play as a kid
Starting point is 00:09:40 Right And most people play basketball Because it didn't cost A ton of money as kids And although I couldn't even afford hockey or basketball i had no sneakers and no shorts i was pantless and um but i just i like try to watch two minutes of a hoop game and i went into a coma every three seconds is a fucking foul i've discussed this over and over again i and then at the end when it's supposed to be exciting, it gets even worse. The last three minutes takes 45 minutes. Teams are calling timeouts
Starting point is 00:10:07 and before they go back into action, the other team can call a timeout. That's exciting shit, huh? And then they follow each other intentionally. Oh, that's some exciting shit.
Starting point is 00:10:15 It turns into a free throw shooting contest. You might as well go to the boardwalk in Atlantic City and watch some kid try to win a stuffed animal for his fat girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Why's she got to be fat? I don't know. I just said that. Can you tell? I'm all jammed up with coffee. 866-969-1969. We have the lovely, the vivacious Kat Timpf,
Starting point is 00:10:38 who has a new gig at Fox News Channel. She's on a show called The Fox Specialist, is it? News Specialist, with Eric Bolling and Ebony Williams. And I've done her podcast a few times. I don't know news channel she's on a show called the fox uh specialist is it news specialist with eric bowling and ebony williams and i've done her podcast a few times i don't know if she's still doing it maybe my first question she's coming in at the top of the second hour i like her she's quirky funny people try to bully her all the time on twitter a lot of times um but she's uh she sharpens attack and she actually does a little bit of stand-up so
Starting point is 00:11:05 i want to torture her about that did somebody just make a face i uh i don't know what you mean no so uh but i i like her a lot so um she'll be in at seven o'clock anyhow any he any hey uh what was the first story that I wanted to fucking talk about? Oh, Notre Dame graduates once again showing the lefties and how open minded they are. They walked out on Mike Pence, the vice president. But I can see why they walked out because he was touting free speech. And that seems to be something people on college campuses are allergic to these days. Yeah, dozens of students walked out on Notre Dame's commencement exercise on Sunday to
Starting point is 00:11:48 protest a speech by Pence who warned graduates of the prestigious Catholic school against suppressing free speech. And that is a little ironic, you're walking out. Did they pick up on that and how stupid? And I noticed a lot of them were girls walking out. Me too. Did you notice that? I did notice that.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I was noticing that because I was checking out their asses and their ankles. And we're on the same page. Yeah. And the protesters stood up when the conservative Republican began his speech. At least they let him on the campus without beating him silly or destroying shit. And streamed out of the ceremony. The people, but I got to give some of the students props that didn't leave. They were booing their fellow students who were leaving.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Did you notice that? I didn't know where the boos were coming from. Yeah, that's where they're coming from. They were being jeered. And I'm sure some were coming from the stands. It was like 40,000 people in the stands. When I graduated UMaine, there was 36 people. 18 were my relatives.
Starting point is 00:12:44 But he addressed, he got into the the controversy of what constitutes a free speech on a college campus and we've seen what goes on at berkeley and other of these open-minded um you know so-called bastions of uh you're supposed to be able to uh this should be a lot of back and forth on a college campus. But let's listen to Pence and see how outrageous and what he said that made these students walk out. While this institution has maintained an atmosphere of civility and open debate, far too many campuses across America have become characterized by speech codes, safe zones, tone policing, administration sanctioned political correctness, all of which amounts to nothing less than suppression of the freedom of speech.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Oh, my God. Outrageous. Get the hell out of here. Well, the students were saying that a lot of Pence and Trump's administration, their policy don't mesh with what they are being taught, their Catholic stuff at Notre Dame. But if it did mesh, then you wouldn't have separation of church and state, would you? And then they'd be screaming about that, would they not? Not to put on my Chuck Todd hat. Not to put on my Chuck Todd hat.
Starting point is 00:14:14 But, well, they actually interviewed a couple of the students after that helped organize the Notre Dame. Can you imagine that? But they believe in it. I didn't think these safe spaces and all that. A little shit, a little noise in the background, please. Safe spaces, I didn't think that would catch on as a concept, but I can't believe here we are. But let's hear from some of the Notre Dame students who are going to tell you why they walked out. Now, I'm talking to Luis Medano, who's also one of the organizers of the walkout.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I know we talked about this yesterday. About a bit of perspective, there's about 50 to 100 students who will probably stand up and walk out. There's about 40,000 people who are going to be in the stadium. About 3,100 students are going to get degrees. Why do you think you are in the minority in this case, in standing out and walking out? Well, I wouldn't be so sure whether we are in the minority. Okay, so he's not a math major. 3,100 students, 50 to 100 are going to walk out uh that's about five percent let me help this genius out uh not sure in the
Starting point is 00:15:12 mind what are you in fucking total denial about reality you people who don't believe in free speech hey listen to him and listen to his perfect perfect, too. Sort of like mine. I think it's a question of organizing and preparing to go ahead and walk out. For us, it's about calling upon those values by which we have been taught here at the university. Values like Catholic social teaching. Catholic social teaching to teach you to shut down free speech and walk away from anybody you disagree with? Is that what Jesus did when he said, turn a cheek?
Starting point is 00:15:51 Wake up, stupid! Wake up! Not you, Brendan. Brendan thought I was talking to him. I'm talking to myself. It's a little radio device. It teaches us to care about the poor, to care about the vulnerable, and so we believe... Wait a minute. care about the poor, to care about the vulnerable. And so we believe...
Starting point is 00:16:06 Wait a minute. Care about the vulnerable? How about this? You can't criticize the administration in this country until you can learn the language of this. Vulnerable? The V is pronounced V. Vulnerable. Today, even if we are a small number, we will stand for truth and we will let truth speak you don't stand for truth you stand for being closed-minded and uh it's everything this country isn't about mr barnabas okay okay 866-969-1969 call me if you agree with the kids who walked out. I'm sure you do.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I'm sure there's somebody out there. Because that's their way of protesting. Yeah, we know all that. We know that. But again, the irony is he was saying, don't suppress free speech. And you people are going, fuck that. We're walking out. I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I can't help it. Let's go to Keith on line four. Keith, welcome to the show. How are you? Hey, thanks for having me. Good to hear you, man. Great show. Thank you, sir.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Hey, just a quick question. Are you still taking contributions on ConnectVal? Yes, I am, sir. All right. I'll send you a nice little fat one again. Oh, you've contributed before? Well, thank you, Keith. Yeah, yeah, yeah, man. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Listen, I went to college in the early 90s, and they were still spewing out that liberal shit, even back then, too. It just wasn't that bad. And this is when Clinton got elected. Right. And it's just so out of hand now.
Starting point is 00:17:40 You know? It's like, I even now, just socially, if I'm with people, it's like, I have to watch what they say and stuff like that no you don't no you don't say it anyways that's what I wanted to call the show by the way say it anyways don't watch what you say I mean say it anyways yeah I mean if you're out with you what do you say when you're out with your friends you have to watch yeah yeah with your friends or even at work you got to watch what you say to nowadays especially I work um well i just
Starting point is 00:18:05 i'll just say i work for the federal government i don't say you know where i work but yeah believe it or not there's a lot of like oh yeah a lot of female managers oh yeah you really have to watch you know everything well that's different yes so it's just it's just crazy but even outside even in public i live in a town that is um it, I'm like, it's a lot of younger, you know, kids here and stuff with the, you know, they're definitely progressive. You can tell with the hipster beards and the skinny pants and stuff like that. It's just so freaking ridiculous. And I look out of places.
Starting point is 00:18:38 You know what? I don't know. I don't belong here. Hey, Keith, you know what? I don't know why that doesn't bother me, the hipster beards and shit. I kind of cry. They actually drink Narragansett beer, to be ironic, which I love, because now I can get Narragansett.
Starting point is 00:18:51 This is the shit I stole out of my grandfather's. They're doing it to be ironic. Pabst Blue Ribbon. I love that shit. But, no, if you work for the federal government, yeah, I mean, you got to definitely watch it because they want to push, you know, straight white males right the hell out of there. Oh, yeah. You're on your way out, Keith. I might as well fire you right now.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Probably, right? Yeah. So, all right. Hey, thanks for the call. Appreciate it. Contributed to the podcast. How about that? That's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Let's go to Brendan, line three in long island brendan what's going on welcome to the show hey nick what's going on oh you know same old yep great uh how do you think one of those relatives thought that traveling you know it's a halfway across the country these graduates actually know they're walking out i i i about, oh, did you say they're relatives that traveled to see them? Yeah, just imagine. Well, I got to hope
Starting point is 00:19:49 that those kids, well, maybe not to such self-entitled little rat bastards, but I would think they would say, hey,
Starting point is 00:19:54 don't bother coming because I'm going to walk. But maybe, you know what? I would beat the piss out of them and say, hey, now you're paying
Starting point is 00:20:00 for every single thing I had to pay for to get out there. Then you'd be, then you'd beat your niece up. That wouldn't look good. I tried that once at a birthday party. She'd get out of hand.
Starting point is 00:20:09 But that's actually a good question. I wonder if that's happened to anybody. They flew all the way over there to see a little Brittany graduating. She walks out. I would bug out. Good point. That's just me. All right, Brendan.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Have a good one. That's probably not you, sure. That's me, too. right, Brendan. Have a good one. That's probably not your shoe. That's me, too. Thanks. I didn't even look at that angle. Right. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:34 Let's go to Tito in Newark. Tito, what's going on? Welcome to the show. What's up, Nick? Thanks for the welcome. You got it, brother. I just wanted to dispute a little bit. I'm not defending these kids that walked out. I just think it's more about them walking out on pens
Starting point is 00:20:50 and not exactly walking out on what he was saying that day or that freedom of speech. I see the irony. But I don't think that's what it's about. And I'm Tito from Newark. I'm not a Lib. I'm not a Lib. I'm not a Lib. I just changed from being a registered Democrat to non-affiliated.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I'm on both ends of this stuff. I believe in carrying a gun. I'm anti-abortion. But I want to help the poor. I'm a little bit all over the place. I don't think these guys were walking out on the speech. I don't think it was a freedom of speech thing.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I just think, you know, Pence and Trump, they're against them, period. I don't even know, I don't know how, I mean, their big beef was that their policies
Starting point is 00:21:37 go against their Catholic, you know, learnings, what they were learning at Notre Dame and stuff. But they have to be separate. They can't be the same. But, and then when he, you know, I mean, he, again, Pence addressed what goes on at college campuses in the shutdown of speech, but I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:21:55 They were walking out of the bigger policies, but still, that's not the way, I mean, you sit and listen and whatever. Well, I do hope our country country is you know obviously 50 50 our country is uh is a country that should be able to have a conversation with another human being listen to what they have to say and then maybe have a you know point counterpoint yeah um i just you don't see that anymore it's just yelling over each other yeah but now tito now you're doing what a lot of people do you're sort of uh equivocating like it's both sides doing that equally but it's it's really the left they're the ones who are attacking conservative speakers and like milo and coulter and the shit that went on at berkeley you know
Starting point is 00:22:41 it's there's a lot of yelling going on in D.C., yeah, amongst congressmen, Democrat, Republican. But as far as shutting down free speech and all that stuff, the left doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Would you agree with that? Well, I agree because, I mean, I didn't like that crap that was going on in Berkeley. If somebody's coming out to talk to us, just don't go listen to the guy. If it's somebody else that wants to go, Somebody invited him there, and he showed up. I don't like the creep either, but let the guy talk. I mean, you know, is it worth it that the guy's in hiding?
Starting point is 00:23:14 No. That's exactly right. You let the guy talk. That's right. You listen to him, and then you load up for an argument later on on why he's wrong. But this is, like, childish, you know, I think. Well, and it's completely childish, and it's the same problem we have with people who only watch Fox
Starting point is 00:23:33 or only watch NBC or only watch CNN. These guys are just like-minded, lumping each other or lumping everybody into this crappy stack of shit that everybody has to like the way things the way I do. Go fuck yourself. Right, but again, I say that's more people who watch MSNBC, NBC,
Starting point is 00:23:58 CBS, ABC, CNN, read New York Times, the Washington Post, and conservatives have a couple of talk shows and Fox News. Hey, Tito, thanks for York Times, Washington Post, and conservatives have a couple of talk shows and Fox News. Hey, Tito, thanks for the call, pal. I appreciate it. I like Tito.
Starting point is 00:24:13 See that? He converted. He carries a gun. What did he say about abortion? Believes in abortion? I can't remember. I like to commit abortion with a gun. Anyways, what?
Starting point is 00:24:23 Can you even say that? Chris in Pennsylvania disagrees with me. Chris, what's going on? Hey, Nick. What's going on, buddy? What's going on? Hey, just wanted to say great job keeping politics off the show. Why am I supposed to keep politics off the show?
Starting point is 00:24:39 You said it the other day. No, I didn't. You said I'm not really going to get into politics on the show. No, what I said was I'm not going to break down votes on the Congress floor. Oh, okay. Well, I'm busting them back. I just wanted to bring up, the same thing goes for the right, too. I went to a Roger Waters show.
Starting point is 00:24:58 You know what this guy's about, okay? Yep. He's a liberal. Yep. People walked out. He played the song Money, and he put pictures of Trump on his phone. And they fucking walked out. They paid money to see a guy that's a liberal.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Yeah. And then walked out. First of all, they paid to see Roger Waters' music, not his fucking politics. Secondly, yeah, for every story like that, I can give you $6,000. You know what I'm saying? I agree. I'm just saying it goes on both ways. It does, but it doesn't equally.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I mean, I just listed the institutions that have been taken over by libs. They don't even argue. The whole mainstream media is liberal. I mean, yeah. I think that's just a small group of people, and then the administration bowing to that group of people. Yeah, but when you say a small group of people, you mean the mainstream media? No, I'm talking about the administrations of all these colleges that say, we don't want them here now because we have 300 people picketing out of 3,000 students.
Starting point is 00:25:56 No, I know. No, but the mainstream media is in lock and step with the colleges and vice versa. The left has all the power. You know what I mean? I agree with you. Thank you, Chris. Okay. You know what I mean? I agree with you. Thank you, Chris. Okay. Appreciate it, brother.
Starting point is 00:26:08 All right. All right. 866-969-1969 is the phone number. And yeah, there are some closed-minded people on the right, but the right never were the ones who championed open-mindedness. That's what classic liberalism was. We have open mind. We'll listen to both both sides that's what liberalism used to be but this this this latest uh um you know this the progressives just uh they don't have a problem with it and and and and the
Starting point is 00:26:37 um the mainstream media is lock and step with what goes on in college campuses, in my opinion, you know? It's not equal. There are obviously some close-minded people on the right, but this whole thing... When's the last time you saw a liberal guy get attacked on a college campus or something like that? The evidence is overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:26:58 They don't even argue with it now. You know, it wasn't like this back when I was at school. 1937, there was none of this tension. We used to put on our leather helmets and go get them. Get one for the gipper. Hey, it's Nick DiPaolo Show. We're going to take a break.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And like I said, at the top of the second hour, we get Cat Temp coming in here. But if you want to join in, 866-969-1969 is the number. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Nick DiPaolo Show on Faction Talk. Sirius XM 103. Welcome back folks. Nick DiPaolo Show.
Starting point is 00:27:46 866-969-1969 is the phone number. Waiting for a cat temp. Is she here? I think Brenda just went to get her. All right. I think she's entering the building. She's right over at Fox, which is not far from here. Right across the street.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Right across the street. And I did her part. Did you turn the air conditioner on? No. Did you fuck with it? Dude. I did turn it. I was boiling. Dude conditioner on? No. Did you fuck with it? Dude. I did turn it. I was boiling.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Dude. I don't give a shit. It's my show. I know. Go put it back up. It's blowing right on me. Come on. I will.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I will. I'll end up with Ebola. What are you going to do? Turn down fucking cat scratch fever? Which is what I'm going to have with this 11 degrees blowing on the back of my neck?
Starting point is 00:28:22 You mama Luke. How dare you? I dropped a little Please You're a strong feature From New Jersey Fucker There's like a wind in here
Starting point is 00:28:34 Oh I know what you did Yeah you Tim's gonna come in And you're trying to Make it cold in here That's not what it was I was boiling Did you put it back
Starting point is 00:28:41 Where it was Yes Huh Yes How fuck You believe the balls In these This is what I'm talking about He's a millennial I dropped it two degrees This guy's a millennial He's entitled to everything Did you put it back where it was? Yes. Huh? Yes. How the fuck? You believe the balls in these kids? This is what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:28:46 He's a millennial. I dropped it two degrees. This guy's a millennial. He's entitled to everything. We're the only ones that watch hockey, by the way. Okay, kill Nugent, will you? The fuck? Boy.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Boy. I'm really shocked. We had this discussion earlier about the... And I'm dude if i'm always hot so it's not me i don't mean physically you know what i mean i always have a fever is that cat temp i see a reflection in the what up cat right here i'm giving you the good headphones we wipe these down because the last guy had two air infections What's up, Tim? How's it going?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Ladies and gentlemen She's in the house Let me ask you a question Quickly Yes Are you still doing Your podcast? No, I'm not
Starting point is 00:29:34 I'm a little busy now I know you We're going to talk About the new gig But come on A podcast You show up for an hour And you actually
Starting point is 00:29:41 Had a sponsor Unlike I did Yeah, I guess I mean, I have Two shows now And I have to write a column after this. Two shows? Yeah, well, you know, the Gutfeld show I'm still doing. Oh, you are?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah. I thought you bailed on that. No. I was going to audition for it. No, last time you were on there, I remember you took too much advantage of the fact that it was taped. And then so based on all the stuff you said we uh you were on the show for about five minutes of the hour-long show my five minutes it was like five seconds my brother goes you didn't say much
Starting point is 00:30:10 that show i go i said a lot you did jesus they stripped it well it was right after the uh it was the uh shooting in orlando and i did a reference because it was a guy a gay guy in the bathroom filming it if you remember and i did a thing from the Godfather, which I knew wasn't going to get me. I said, I don't want my brother coming out of there with just his dick in his hand. Something like that. Right, exactly. Who would have guessed that wouldn't have flown on a Fox News channel? Yeah, not on the news.
Starting point is 00:30:31 That's not really the news. That's what's tricky, though. No, that's what's tricky about what Gutfeld's trying, and you guys are pretty damn good at. You're trying to do comedy on a news channel. Right. Which is, especially when that news channel has a reputation for leaning right and kind of conservative yes that's a double whammy yeah it is it's tough it's tough but you know we're you know just certain things can't say like you know the thing
Starting point is 00:30:53 you just said for example yeah and you said you knew it's you know you said you know i didn't know though i really thought gut bell will cut me some slack different than red eye too because the red eye three in the morning you could get away with a lot of stuff. I get pissed at Red Eye. I did that show a ton of times, but every time they would call and ask me, and finally I started saying no, they go, why not? I go, because I need two things when I do something. I do it for the exposure or the money, and I'm fucking neither. Okay? And they wouldn't even argue with me.
Starting point is 00:31:19 They're like, all right, that's fair. Yeah, there you go. So you're too busy to do the- Yeah, I'm way, way too busy. Really? Thankfully, I right, that's fair. Yeah, there you go. So you're too busy to do the... Yeah, I'm way, way too busy. Really? Thankfully, I don't have a life or a... Yeah, you do. Not really.
Starting point is 00:31:31 How about your boyfriend? Can we get into that? No. Did you get him back? No. I mean, no. Oh, God. I'm going to get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Why? I don't know. We're talking to Kat Tempf, and she also writes, your other job is you write for National Review. Yes. Online. You're still doing that. I'm still doing that., your other job is you write for National Review online. You're still doing that. I'm still doing that. Folks, let me tell you, she went to Halesdale College.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I took it online, and I quit in about five minutes. Yeah, you quit? No. The Constitution class? It was too dry and too boring. But she graduated magna cum laude. It's true. How?
Starting point is 00:32:01 I mean, I know you're pretty bright. Yeah, I mean, I studied a lot. I mean, I had a lot of fun, but I studied a lot. You couldn't cheat off foreigners. They don't take the Constitution. I didn't cheat at all. I didn't cheat at all. Didn't cheat at all.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I know you didn't. Now she's getting all defensive. 866-969-1969. Call in and hassle her. Oh, God. Could you? That's all right. I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Let me ask you a few things. As far as Fox News Channel, who would have guessed, I mean, six months ago, eight months ago, Noah O'Reilly, Roger Ailes gone. What's your opinion as an attractive blonde working at Fox? Were you ever, well, I don't know if you could admit it. Were you ever like, did you see some of that stuff? No, no. I mean, at the Gutfeld show, we're kind of our own little corner you know up there we you know i didn't really interact i never i never even met uh bill o'reilly so he he walked onto a sketch for us one time but i didn't really interact with
Starting point is 00:32:54 him at all he walked onto a sketch we did a sketch he literally walked in and said a word and left so that was my uh only experience no no no nick it was not that was my only you know that i can't talk about this stuff but it was if that was you know i i uh and you know i i'm new too like i've only been there for two years so i didn't i didn't really have these relationships or know these people we've all we're all just up there on the our little corner for the gutfeld show you never you never heard i'm going fuck it we'll do it live i didn't i only saw you know what everyone else saw in terms of that and that is true they have their own little thing uh going uh the gutfell show yeah and uh greggy does a great job yeah he does he's a smart dude and he has a different
Starting point is 00:33:34 cadence than me like comedy wise but um he's you know when when he was sitting at the five is a huge hit right still to me i don't know'm saying this, but I think he's the brightest. But you have done stand-up. Yes. It says comedian on your resume. Yet, I don't see in any of the clubs. And I told you. Does it say comedian on my resume?
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yeah, somewhere. It must be an old resume. Well, something I looked up. I used to do stand-up. It said you sold out the MGM Grand. Yeah, I did. Yeah. I just say that.
Starting point is 00:34:03 The crowd was huge. I couldn't keep people out of there. Yeah, I know. I mean, just say that the crowd was huge. I couldn't keep people out of there. Yeah, I know. I mean, I used to do stand-up. I did it for a few years, and now I'm so busy. So you're above that now? I mean, I'm just busy. And, you know, I really do.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I love working at Fox News. I absolutely love it. Why wouldn't you? I love it. It's great. You know, people say I love it there. It's a fun job. You know, I get my hair and makeup done, and I get to talk about, you know, issues and
Starting point is 00:34:23 share my point of view with millions of people. It's not a bad job. No, it's a great job. Yeah. But sometimes I'm watching Gutfeld. I go, I don't think she's that happy. Oh, yeah. I think it's just my face.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I don't really have a happy face. That's the other thing. People, sometimes I wander on your Twitter, and it seems like people are mean to you. They're very mean to me. Why? Well, you know, it's like if I say one negative thing about Trump, then everybody tells me to die. You know, I'm a bitch and all this other. Give me an example of something mean you said about Trump.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I mean, I just like I don't say that every single thing that's coming out about this investigation that I know for sure is a lie. I say that I'm going to like wait and see. So that's an example of what would qualify as a mean thing against Trump. Yeah. And, you know, but these are like the looniest of the loons who just sit there. The far, far right. The far, far right. And they just sit there like, how dare you say that about my leader?
Starting point is 00:35:13 You know, like, bitch, shut up. Who let her talk? Who let her talk, bitch? And it's like, all right. You know, Gutfeld told me to stop looking at Twitter. And I have. Last week, I didn't look at Twitter at all after the show. And your blood pressure went down. And I've I've I have I last week I didn't look at Twitter at all after the show and your blood pressure and I've been way happier not having to see what whatever you
Starting point is 00:35:28 know whatever grandfather angry dude is just screaming at me and telling me I'm this or that the other it's so much better it's so much better that way uh because it's and it's it's the grossest thing is a lot of them are like you know their, their bios will be like, God, family, country. And I'm like, you just called, you know, said just like despicable things about me and told me to die. And you're like, you know, you know, call me a slut. You're like holding your baby granddaughter. It's kind of weird. But they're saying that in the name of God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yeah. You won't want to ask them. You're a libertarian. Yes. Can you please define that for me? Because I've got 19 different definitions from 19 different libertarians. It's just small government all around. Consistent small government.
Starting point is 00:36:12 So it's like small government socially, small government fiscally, and then also, you know, non-interventionist in terms of foreign policy. We should... So not isolationist. No, not isolationist, but not, you know... When do we So you're saying We're overextending ourselves
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah absolutely The last few years Yeah well clearly Our nation This nation building We've been trying to do It hasn't worked I don't know if anybody
Starting point is 00:36:34 Noticed that But it didn't really work Are you kidding I have a summer home In Crete It's beautiful It's a three bedroom And no it hasn't worked
Starting point is 00:36:43 But where do you draw that You know What do we do With North Korea now As a libertarian What would you say It's beautiful. It's a three-bedroom. No, it hasn't worked. But where do you draw that? What do we do with North Korea now as a libertarian, what would you say? That could be a situation where we would have to get involved as a defensive measure. I mean, they're really getting amped up over there. They keep testing shit. It keeps fizzling on the launch pad. And it's weird because they can't, you know, normally you can use things like sanctions, but they don't give a shit if all their people starve to death.
Starting point is 00:37:08 He doesn't care. Well, that's the thing. He doesn't give a shit. He's like, ah, well, whatever. I've got like 14 steaks and whatever. Gross. 14 steaks? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:16 He looks like he eats 14 steaks. I know. You notice he's got the, he's, that's what's really angry because he starves his people. They always have Korea. That's their mode of torture. They don't care if their people starve, so things just don't affect them as much. Yeah, and he's chubby with a fucking Shemp Howard haircut. Talking to Kat Tempf.
Starting point is 00:37:33 She's on a new show called the Fox News Specialist with Eric Bolling and Ebony Williams. Ebony Williams. Right? Bolling. Tough gig. What's it like to work with Eric? I met him in the strategy room. He was pretty, he was all right to me.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah. He seems like he knows his stuff. We all have, I mean, we all have very different views on the show. Obviously, he's a Trump guy across the board. He really loves Trump. Yeah. Yes. And then I am not across the board anybody.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Right. So it's a- You learned that at Hillsdale. Yeah hillsdale yeah i don't keep an open mind and i really do and and it's like if you say sometimes in the same show in an hour i'll get called like you know a libtard and then i'll also be like you just you know you're just a trump surrogate you don't felt like because i'll it's like you know your views are inconsistent i'm like no they're like i'm thinking independently is what's happening there. I'm deciding based on the issue what I think. Always fall back on the, I'm evolving.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Oh, yeah, the evolving. Everybody does that in politics, though. That's good. That's good, though, that you'll be hearing it from both sides. That means you're making an honest effort. Absolutely. But we are so polarized. It is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:38:41 But even you as a libertarian have to admit, is this not a witch hunt that they're trying to do to this president? Well, there's no secret that a lot of, you know, Washington Post, New York Times, that they hate Donald Trump. And even when there was, you know, people were saying, oh, the GOP is trying to slow this investigation. And then Chaffetz, within an hour of that memo coming out or the story about the memo coming out. He was saying, all right, I'll use a subpoena if I have to. We'll get my hands on this. And then The Washington Post wrote a story saying, well, Chaffetz, we thought he was going to quit and he said he's going to quit.
Starting point is 00:39:12 But now he's clearly all into it just for his career. And it's like, what do you want? Like, so they're not investigating and now they are. And they're investigating. Yeah, well, he's not doing it for a noble reason. So it's just like, you know, absolutely. There's a reason to be suspicious of them. But i don't want to say until there's an investigation we don't know there's a lot of stuff out there i thought it was weird the way that he's changed his
Starting point is 00:39:33 mind um about about about comey so jeff sessions he came out in huge support when uh comey announced the you know investigation not reopening but the, and then it was listed on the memo as being, or not the memo, yeah, listed on the memo as why he was being fired. So he's praising it, and that's the reason why he's fired. And stuff like that makes me think, oh, yeah, let's look into this. But I'm not saying, you know, people are calling for impeachment. If you're calling for impeachment now before, the truth is there's no evidence yet. There's certain questions, but there's no evidence. And if you're calling for impeachment before there's evidence, then that proves that you're doing for impeachment now before the truth is there's no evidence yet. There's certain questions, but there's no evidence. And if you're calling for impeachment before there's evidence, then that proves that you're doing it for political reasons and not for actual safety of the country reasons.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yes. And you notice they're backing off that this week. Even Maxine Waters and the other fucking wackos are backing off a little because now you have this Seth Rich story heating up. Right. The guy that got killed back in July shot in the back. They didn't rob him or anything. He was working with WikiLeaks, supposedly, a DNC guy. And so that's heating up. So now people on the right are saying, well, that's why they're backing off the impeachment. What would you impeach him for?
Starting point is 00:40:39 To get impeached, you have to literally commit treason or bribery from the three lessons I watched on Hillsdale. I learned that. But seriously, it's almost impossible to get impeached. Well, you know, it's tough. Of course it's tough. And again, there's no evidence of any legal wrongdoing. Yeah, Clapper said that.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Legally, there's nothing wrong. But the fact that they're saying impeach is because they wanted to impeach him before he was even in there. So they're stoked. But I still do have some questions just about the timing and the switching around of some things. But it's not like keeping me up at night. You have people saying that it's like keeping them up at night. What does keep you up at night? What keeps me up at night?
Starting point is 00:41:16 Gutfell's hygiene habits? No, I get stressed out. I get a little stressed out. I think every day I wake up wondering if I am ruining my life. But I think that's just normal. That's motivating. You get like three jobs. You're in New York City.
Starting point is 00:41:30 That's probably why I'm 28. 28. She's on TV on the most powerful news network. And she's stressed out. That's probably why I have all this stuff. It's because, you know, I'm never good enough for me. And I got to keep getting better. I see that.
Starting point is 00:41:43 I gave up in sixth grade. Let go to melissa on line three uh she wants to talk to say hello to cat temp melissa hi guys how are you good how are you doing i'm good i had a question i'm a trump supporter and but i also like to hear both sides because if he's being an asshole he's being an asshole and i can understand that. But I feel like nowadays everybody just hates him. Everything he does is horrible. So where do I go to even find, you know, just
Starting point is 00:42:13 news, actual facts because everything is so polluted. Me. It feels like. Me is the opposite. You know what I really like to read is I like to read Reason Magazine. Do you know those guys at all? Reason Magazine? Yeah, I like to read it because they're libertarian. They'll post post pro-Trump stuff and they'll post, you know, they'll say all their suspicious things about this investigation,
Starting point is 00:42:32 but then they'll say it's absolutely hysteria and crazy the way that the left and the media is responding. So I like to read Reason. But I think the best way to go about it is just to read as many different sources as you can. I like Unreasonable Magazine. I've got a 10-year subscription. And let me tell you, they don't listen to anybody. to read as many different sources as you can. I like Unreasonable Magazine. I've got a 10-year subscription. Yeah. And let me tell you,
Starting point is 00:42:46 they don't listen to anybody. Are you on, do you have your own serious news show at all? No, I don't. I mean, I'm on Fox News every day at 5 for the hour. She's on TV. Melissa, she's on TV. She doesn't do stooped radio.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Tonight she does. She had a minute off. I never even heard of you before, but I'll have to connect with my television and check in. So thank you very much. Yep. All right, Melissa. Thanks for the call. She's talking about me, I think, not you.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Oh, I don't know. How would she do that? That lady was lost. She writes for National Review. I do. Online. And she's on, what, 5 o'clock on Fox News Channel? 5 o'clock, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:24 But that's new. It's been about three weeks, the show. And then, of course, the Gutfeld show. And then the Gutfeld show, and she was off Broadway two years ago doing My Fair Lady. And the mouse that roared. Let's go to Phil on line one. Phil, say hello to Cat Tempf. Hey, Cat.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Hey, Nick. Hey, Cat. You're very funny and you're smart. I like that. Oh, thanks, Phil. I like to hear that. Are you sure you're from Long Island, Phil? No, no. I enjoy, you know, I'm leaning to the right for sure. But I like you. She's smart and I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:43:58 You know, listen, you said staying up late. I mean, that's part of, you know, trying to do your best. at staying up night. I mean, that's part of, you know, trying to do your best. I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:05 does it ever keep you up at night like thinking about when Kim Guilfoyle's face is going to explode from being tied back so much? Whose face is going to explode? Whose face is going to explode? Mine?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah. Kim Guilfoyle. It's stretched back like a snake. Thank you, Phil. She's obviously such a beautiful woman and probably way better
Starting point is 00:44:23 looking than Phil. Even though Phil, I love, you know what I mean? She's obviously like a beautiful woman and probably way better looking than Phil. Even though Phil, I love, you know what I mean? She's obviously like a super hot lady, you know? Hey, is she going to be the press secretary? I don't think so. She was talking about it. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I don't know. Yeah, you do. Talk to us, Kemp. I really don't know. Listen, I don't know anything about that. I don't. I don't. I thought she'd be perfect for it because she's kind of a sauce.
Starting point is 00:44:43 She doesn't take any bold. No, she certainly doesn't She's a federal prosecutor At one point The one thing though Gavin Newsom She was married to that guy Disappoints the living shit out of me
Starting point is 00:44:52 Handsome guy He's got a lot going on He's going to run for governor Yeah Of California 866-969-1969 Is the number If you want to talk to
Starting point is 00:45:04 Kat Tempf She has 11 shows on Fox News. Let me ask you, do you take any grief from, I don't know, old friends that don't vote like you do or don't think like you do? Not necessarily. I'm trying to think, do I have any old friends? You abandon everybody? Do I have any friends at all? No, I really don't Because the views that I express Really are pretty balanced
Starting point is 00:45:27 Yeah They are So I don't necessarily I mean, if people want to make fun of Fox News And it's just like I don't really care Whatever, shut up What are you doing for a living?
Starting point is 00:45:36 You'd take a job too If they would offer it to you Absolutely Just take a picture of your checks Yeah You know what I'm saying? People that are bad-mouthing you Let's go to a gypsy bitch in Texas, and she says, I evolved into liking Kat.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Evolved. Evolved. Evolved on the issue. I love when that happens. I love when that happens. Normally, people either really hate me or they really like me. Say hello to Kat, gypsy. What the hell is that?
Starting point is 00:45:58 It's pissy. Pissy. Okay, I'm just reading what's on the screen. I got a guy who's got a deaf-lefty at work on the phones. That's fine. I just tweet under the name on the screen. I got a guy who's got a deaf lefty at work on the phones. That's fine. I just tweet under the name Pissy Bitch. Oh, Pissy Bitch. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Yeah, I tweeted at you the other night and told you I liked your show, but I was going to call, but I was laughing too hard. Oh, that's right. You tweeted me that. You're damn straight I did. Okay. Talk to Kat. Yes. I did not like you when you first started coming on with greg
Starting point is 00:46:27 i was like i thought i don't like other women typically because i'm a woman hater okay well you know it's like i just think women they you know either act like they're you know stupid to get men's attention or they're know-it-alls. And where does she fall in? Yeah, I'll say, where did I fall in? Where does Kat fall in that? Well, you know, it was hard to find out because you're really very pretty.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Why, thank you. And I thought, oh, she's going to be one of those, but then you weren't. And then I started reading your stuff, and I'm of Nick's age. So as a Republican, I just thought, well, I mean, it's like I don't like, you know, I'm thinking, why am I going to listen to a younger kid? And then I started reading your stuff, listening to your ideas, and you're very principled.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Thank you. I am. There you go. Kat, Tim made a friend named Pissy Bitch. I know. It sounds about right. Thank you for the call, Pissy. Thank you. Thank you. I am. There you go. Kat, Tim made a friend named Pissy Bitch. I know. It sounds about right. Thank you for the call, Pissy. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Thank you. She's a woman who hates women. I don't know if I've met one of those. Yeah, right? Oh, you're hitting your... I'm vaping. You're vaping. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I'm vaping. I have to. It's so bad. Is that vanilla? It used to have candy flavored. I used to have that big one, yeah, but then I'm out of the refills, so now I'm just buying these cheap drugstore ones because if I don't go and get the refills, I'm diluting myself that I'll quit.
Starting point is 00:47:49 But I love nicotine so much. What's with the vape? I heard, or is that all bullshit too? It's probably the cigarette people telling it's bad for you. I heard it gives you popcorn lung. What is that? It's like a lung disease. I like that right now.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Lung disease that you'd get when popcorn factories just like kills your lungs off. But it's like, it's not a, it's whatever. Orville Redenbacher. It's not, it's not a live the longest contest. You know what I mean? I don't want to be 90. Well, I remember talking to you about you. You don't have longevity in your, I don't.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I'm like, I always bring this up with you. I don't know why. Because I'm like deathly ill, like five out of 10 times that we've seen each other. That's right. The last time I did your podcast, you had, it was either Ebola or jaundice. I did have the flu, but I started getting the flu while we were doing the podcast, and I was just like sweating. I mean, I was drinking whiskey tea to help me feel better,
Starting point is 00:48:38 but then I was also kind of drunk, and then I had forgotten that I had taken a muscle relaxer earlier in the day. So I don't know. I'd recommend that nobody listen to that podcast. Maybe it was good. I don't recall. I was very ill and drunk. Well, you went to a, right after you went to some little clinic, and I remember you,
Starting point is 00:48:58 I think you texted me or something on Twitter. You said you don't have AIDS. Yeah, I don't. I don't have AIDS. You were really wondering. It was a huge relief. It's always a huge relief. You're working too hard.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah. Let's go to Lucky in Delaware. He wants Cat's opinion on Rand Paul. Say hello to Cat Tempfluggy. Hey, guys. Nick, great show so far. Looking forward to what you got going on the rest of your time there.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Thank you, Lucky. Good work, Nick. Appreciate it. Cat, I wanted to get your opinion on Rand Paul. I was a big Rod Paul supporter, and therefore I do like what Rand has to say. You had mentioned smaller government. He does have a lot of good ideas, but something obviously didn't click. He was one of the first guys to drop in the primaries.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Do you think he, do you like him, and do you think he may have a shot, or do you have any interest in running again in a few years? Yeah, see, I really, really like Rand Paul. First of all, nobody is as good as Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the greatest. He's the person I agree with the most. I
Starting point is 00:49:59 don't just love him, I'm in love with him. Age does nothing but a number when it comes to my feelings towards Ron Paul. I'm in love with him. Age does nothing but a number when it comes to my feelings towards Rand Paul. I'm glad to hear that. But Rand Paul, I think Rand Paul, he's not funny. You know what I mean? His hair? I like all of his ideas, but in terms of hearing him talk,
Starting point is 00:50:16 you don't really get as fired up listening to him speak as you do anyone else. So I think that's probably most of his problem. But I mean, I really like Rand Paul. I agree with his. Justin Amash is the person whose ideas I agree with the most. Justin Amash? Yeah, he's a Congress from, he's a representative at Grand Rapids in Michigan. He's a state representative, but for that district.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Yep. Yeah? Yeah, he's a libertarian guy. He's probably my favorite in terms of where we, someone I align with. There you go lucky go back from the LNA days that long time band all right brother I appreciate it thank you for the call yeah you get fans all over the place how about I mean I've been having this argument with my wife is our is that a
Starting point is 00:51:00 hairpiece Rand Paul has oh that's interesting I don't know I'm jealous of his hair my wife said it's a piece oh's interesting. I don't know. I'm jealous of his hair. He's got great hair. I was too to my wife's, and it's a piece. Oh, it probably is. I'm going to go home and look up pictures and check it out. He just goes, yeah. I mean, not everybody can go bald.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Ron Paul has such an inherent sexiness to him as a freedom fighter that it doesn't matter that he's completely bald. But let me ask you a question. I like the old man. They're both super smart dudes, you can tell. But they're a little out there on foreign policy, aren't they you can tell, but they're a little out there on foreign policy. I like that. I'm a little out there on foreign policy. Aren't they isolationists?
Starting point is 00:51:29 The old man wasn't isolationist? No, he's a non-interventionist, but in a more extreme sense than Ron. What's the difference? That's just very, very, very complete. That's very, very complete. The view of a non-interventionist is more that it's a department of defense, so you use it.
Starting point is 00:51:45 It's more strict defense instead of. You don't go on the offense. You don't go on the offense. You don't go on the offense. Certainly no. The nation building is, I mean, man, what a great use of money. What a great use of money that's been that we've done that. The nation building.
Starting point is 00:51:59 We did such a great job. We could have spent that money here at home. Yeah. On government cheese and welfare. Or we could have not spent it. Or we could have let people money here at home. Yeah, we could have. On government cheese and welfare. Or we could have not spent it. Or we could have let people keep their own money. Let me ask you this, Kat. I know we owe people tons of money.
Starting point is 00:52:13 We're in deep shit. Why can't we just tell them to fuck off? Yeah, I don't think it really works that way. I do. Has anybody ever tried it? What, just tell them to fuck off and just bomb them? Yeah. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I do. You should run on that. Tell them to fuck off and just bomb him? Yeah. I don't know about that. I do. You should run on that. Tell him to fuck off and bomb him. You could run for office on that. Trust me, I'd get some traction. On that campaign slogan. Hey, Zach in Pittsburgh wants to apologize for something he tweeted you. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Zach, come on. Say hello to Cat Tampin. Apologize for what you did. Be nice. Well, first off, I'm a big fan, and I've got to say with Rand Rand, I love the glasses, the Ray-Bans, and the Jerry Curls. Yes. But speaking of glasses, I do have to apologize, because once I tweeted to Kat that I believe she had a million-dollar lawsuit against LensCrafters. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:52:57 See, but the thing is, my glasses are incredible. Anyone who insults my glasses doesn't understand that they're incredible. Well, you've branded it. I DVR and I watch the Def Elk show every Saturday. And then what you're on at 5 now, so I will DVR that too with Greg. Get your own show. Right? Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:15 It's great. It's me and Eric Bowling. We're bowling. The 5 p.m. Yep. Thank you, Zach. Thanks for clearing that up. Now we can sleep as a nation.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Bowling knows his stuff financially, doesn't he? Isn't he like an oil guy or something? Yeah, it's like we don't talk about that, though, on the show. I mean, last week was brutal. All we talked about was Russia, and there was only the same thing to say every day. Well, maybe. Like, that's really it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:42 I don't have a crystal ball, so it's like, well, maybe. I don't know. Yeah, these are biased sources reporting it. Yeah, there's no evidence. But yeah, maybe we don't have a crystal ball so it's like well maybe i don't know yeah there's these are bias sources reporting it yeah there's no evidence but yeah maybe we don't know this or that suspicious it was just the same thing every single day and he is this what i explain to people i'm about to go to break here but before you go for there are people everybody thinks fox is in the you know in the can for trump but the people ship smith doesn't like them it's half and half. It is. It really is. The Harvard study that showed
Starting point is 00:54:06 that like some of these networks like 80, 90 percent, we were about half and half. Yeah. Yeah. So we're the only ones that are actually fair. Even Brett Baer's show,
Starting point is 00:54:15 they had as one of the ones that went a little rough on Trump. Yeah. Which surprised me. Anyways, Kat Temp, thank you so much. We know you have 11 jobs.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Yes. And you took time out of your schedule to come see us. Oh, of course. I sure did. All right. And you're only a block or two away. I was going to say. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:54:32 We're big fans here. So thanks for coming in. Thanks for having me on. There you go. And I have your plugs here somewhere. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram, at Kat Temp. Check out her website, And of course, you can see her on the Fox News Specialist
Starting point is 00:54:45 at 5 o'clock, right? Oh, yeah. Every day. Monday through Friday, baby. There you go. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Nick DiPaolo Show on Faction Talk Sirius XM 103.

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