The Nick DiPaolo Show - 192- Baseball & Guns

Episode Date: July 11, 2017

Baseball & Guns...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, the 16th fret. That's my cue. How are you, folks? It's Monday, the Nick DiPaolo Show. Good to be with you. Listen to that crackling. Boy, the weekend goes quick, huh, when you have a real job. What are you looking at?
Starting point is 00:00:47 An ass over there? That's a guy, Andy. Relax. Andy Flowers. Brendan Stipes on the phones. I'm your white heterosexual. I'd say Christian, but I mean, technically I am, but I had nothing to do with that. I didn't know how to make a religion. I was two months old. They slapped that shit on me.
Starting point is 00:01:07 It's like making you choose a major when you're 17. Marketing, that sounds easy. Cut to me with a 2.4. Shit isn't easy. Calculus, D minus. Finance, D. calculus d minus finance d calculus um that's when i started to uh there's more letters than numbers i flanked it because i couldn't spell not because i can do fucking math either the negative one over is that still hold all that stuff the chain rule the power rule
Starting point is 00:01:41 brendan you know you like 14 like 14. That stuff's still a... No, I've not done math of that caliber for years and years. The chain rule, the power... A bunch of Asian kids are lighting up the phones right now. And Indians, and a couple of white kids. What are you looking at your phone for, Flowers? I've got a play to you. You have to pretend you're my...
Starting point is 00:02:01 You've got to pretend... Oh, what we're going to talk about? Yeah, I'll start. Okay, we'll get to that. Let me thank, real quickly, I have a podcast, folks. It's based on this show. We boil down the best of the two hours to an hour. And if you can't afford, it's roughly an hour, right?
Starting point is 00:02:17 If you can't afford Sirius Radio, you go to ConnectPal. That's slash Nick. And you'll get a free show on Monday. It's on iTunes, Riotcast, all that. And then you can get four more shows for $3.99 a month at slash Nick. And again,
Starting point is 00:02:36 not everybody has Sirius Radio. So, well, you're saying, well, then how could we hear what you're saying? Well, you sit next to a guy who has Sirius Radio. You're in his car with your girlfriends who can't afford it because she's selling Coke to school children, and she's loaded. Maybe she'll spring for it. But slash Nick.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Thank you, buddy galore. Always contributes to the show. Dennis, my friend Dennis, and Robert Schloeder, regular contributors. They can contribute on top of the $3.99 a month, and they do. Well, thank you so much. Andy, how's it going over there? What's the... Everybody's looking at their phone.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's going to be so easy to take over this country, whoever decides to, whether it's ISIS or whatever. Everybody has their heads in the lop-off position. Your heads are already, you might as well just put a chalk on the back of your neck. An X. You're already looking down at your phone, distracted. I swear to God. Steve Jobs, wasn't he part Arab?
Starting point is 00:03:37 I think, uh, that's my, I just read Brendan's lips. He goes, oh my God. That's what I read through the glass. Enjoying my coffee. Didn't do much over the weekend, folks. I'm an asshole that lives in the suburbs. More than happy to put on my headphones and my tunes and cut my lawn. Nice sit down.
Starting point is 00:04:01 No accidents this week. Didn't fall in the mud and shit. That's what happens when you stay away from the Heinekens. It's All-Star Week, I believe, in baseball. And I was just kicking this around. I don't know how you guys feel about it. First of all, anybody left that watches baseball? I know anybody under 30 can't watch it because you have the attention span of a crack baby.
Starting point is 00:04:21 You grew up on MTV and the picture changes every nanosecond and now you you you're like a fucking moth around a light bulb you can't focus you you sit home you watch youtube you watch people throwing puppies into fires and and um baseball does move a little slow i admit i'm actually being a hypocrite here because i haven't watched one in real time in about 10 years myself i uh you know the dv is just sweet. I come home and right downstairs and watch the Red Sox blow up past the Yankees. The Yankees laying there like they're Lou Gehrig himself. And, but anyways, it's All-Star weekend.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And I guess they changed it back to the All-Star game. The winner doesn't determine who has home field advantage in the world series and i think that's a good thing i know there's people out there who would disagree and i call those people retarded why the fuck why wouldn't it be based on record it's an exhibition game for the love of pete you got the phone number producer anywhere do you where would that be it's on the play out no no something i can read off of yeah i gave you the rundown where is it look over there on the floor 866-969-1969 yeah okay can you fucking fetch it off the floor one second hold on i don't mean to be bullying brendan's in there laughing i got it
Starting point is 00:05:40 right here sorry there you go there you go it was right under right under the read i have to do for kamala and johnny's new movie which they're pushing like uh coke and columbia my christ heard it's very good though but uh what are they gonna say it's bad that'd be racist but uh so anybody disagree with me uh with the uh all-star game i think it's an exhibition game and it was silly that it determined the home field advantage in the world. That had to be, that rule had to be made by a fellow who really doesn't like sports, probably like Broadway plays more, or maybe even a chick. You get my drift? 866-969-1969.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Mookie Betts is going to fill in for Trout. Mike Trout. Mookie is a Hall of Famer, a future. Guy's 5'10", about 160 pounds, soca wet. He's got 16 homers, like 56 ribbies. He's got a gun. Maybe my favorite Red Sox of all time, passing the Polish fella, Kali Strzomski. Ted Williams, again, I wasn't around to see his.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Obviously the greatest red sock but i'm just saying um anybody think it should go back to the uh the old way it should determine what why they change in the first place i forget flowers do you remember because nobody was watching that's what i said it had to just be to gauge interest to gauge interest and i will say i would tune in a little bit just to see if the American League won, to see if they had home field, but it's idiotic to decide it that way. Well, it's idiotic because, first of all, you have to, the managers like to get everybody in. Right. If you really wanted to win, you'd leave Chris Sayles out there for seven innings.
Starting point is 00:07:20 You bring in Kimbrell or whoever, you know what I mean? But everybody has to, It's an exhibition game. And whoever made that, probably Bud Selig. Everything he did was about money. Must have had something to do with it. I mean, he was there for the ball that was juiced. Got a little growth in my lower lip. That came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:07:40 That's eventually talking into this dirty microphone, but I, you know, who knows? I'm surprised it doesn't happen to more comics. All the fucking
Starting point is 00:07:51 different microphones every week. I put the mic in my mouth on stage sometimes, simulating a blowjob. And I'll tell you, those bits rip the tits
Starting point is 00:07:58 off the crowd. But I'm saying, I'm glad the All-Star Game is back. I won't watch it anyways, just for the reasons I just said. Do you remember back in the 70s, you people my age who have bad hips and no calcium? Do you remember when, what was Fosse's name? Pete Rose crashed into the catcher?
Starting point is 00:08:20 I want to say Ray Fosse, but wasn't he a director? Bob Fosse? Just a guess. One of the Fossey boys. But do you remember that kind of intensity in an All-Star game? No. No, I was asking the crowd, Andy. You just type away over there.
Starting point is 00:08:37 866-969-1969. Andy is pulling it up right here. Was it Bob Fossey? Ray Fossey. Bob Fossey's a Broadway director, isn't he? Yeah, remember Pete Rose running over a director of fame?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Fucking flatten that, silly bitch. But yeah, I think they changed it. Where's the fucking clip? We have to sit through commercials? You know, you can stick the internet up your... Here comes Pete. ...played baseball at one speed, and that gear was on full display in 1970.
Starting point is 00:09:12 The game was tied... All right, we don't need a three-fucking-minute introduction, Andy! Here he comes. Jim Hickman's single. And suddenly, Ray Fossey was all that stood between Rose and a National League win. Ruined his career. And that's how you play baseball.
Starting point is 00:09:32 All right, enough. Why do we play video clips for a radio show? I never got that either. Even when I went into, like, Opie and Anthony, I'm like, we'll watch an eight-minute clips. Yes, we realize why they change it to make people watch, but why? Are they hurting, that hurting for money, the MLB? What's a beer now at Yankee Stadium, $14.95?
Starting point is 00:09:58 I get Coke cheaper. And again, I don't do it. I just say that to make the wife nervous. I don't do it. I just say that to make the wife nervous. I don't know. When is the game? Tomorrow night?
Starting point is 00:10:11 No. The Home Run Derby is tomorrow and then Wednesday, I believe. That they fixed beautifully. They changed that. I can't remember what the changes were, but it's actually exciting. But, yeah, I couldn't believe they took an exhibition game and gave it that type of import to actually affect the World Series. I thought that was
Starting point is 00:10:32 some silly, sad thingin'. Craig in Texas on Line 1 says that his generation, uh, do they like baseball, Greg, or don't they? Not really, man, and it's just most sports in general. I mean, I'm in Texas.
Starting point is 00:10:48 We love the fuck out of football. Yeah, right. I was a military brat, and people don't care much more because it's like, why the fuck do I care about this stadium, you know? Like, why do I care about the Red Sox if I live in Boston, you know? Because, like, we get fucked by the stadiums themselves and the teams. Wait a minute. You're mixing all kinds of things here. So you have a beef with the stadiums, but you still like the sport.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I'm not following you. No, no. I'm saying people don't care for the sport. But then it comes to like what I'm trying to do with my money. And the sport is fucking me in a certain way. As well as we want to see other stuff. Like, my generation isn't all about baseball. We want to see more like football, airsoft type of shit. Well, you're not about baseball.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I told you why you're not about baseball. You have no attention span. No, we like violence. Like, I mean, look at George Carlin's shit. You remember him when he was talking about the difference between football and baseball, you know? Baseball, there's ups.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Everybody's happy. You play on a park. All right, you're doing George Carlin, Greg. I know, I know. I'm saying, but he made a good point. I live in Texas.
Starting point is 00:11:57 We love that shit, and we love it because we love getting drunk. Yes. No, I love Texas, too, Greg. I really do. I love the spirit down there. Texas, but I would think out. Yes. No, I love Texas, too, Greg. I really do. I love the spirit down there. Texas, but I would think out of all the states, even the millennials and the snowflakes, in the state of Texas, they might like baseball.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I mean, they're kind of traditionalists. It's a red state. And baseball's, you know, apple pie is American, is a Chevrolet apple pie. And what's the other thing? That's so true. That's so true. That's so true. It's just a lot of places in the Midwest and West and South even,
Starting point is 00:12:31 a lot of our stadiums are starting to move elsewhere too. Our teams aren't our teams anymore when it comes to baseball. And even then, Texas, we're really, really going at each other's throats when it comes to football and baseball, but not baseball as badly. Everybody hates Jerry, that motherfucker. Texas, we're really, really going at each other's throats when it comes to football and baseball. But not baseball as badly.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Everybody hates Jerry, that motherfucker, up in Dallas. Jerry Jones, you're talking? Yeah, Jerry Jones. Little Jerry's world he's got up there. Yeah. All right, Greg. Thanks for the call. Sorry, sir, what? I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Thank you for the call. Got a lot more to get to. Back to what I was talking about. But Texas, like I said, is out of all the states, even the young kids there, I would think. You know what I mean? Baseball. All of it. More traditional.
Starting point is 00:13:19 None of this, everybody gets a trophy. I'm sure there's some of that. But everybody gets a shotgun if they went to Texas. I love that state. You go there, you see kids in a stroller chewing tobacco and a gun rack on the back. Gary in the Bronx has a theory about why they changed the rules
Starting point is 00:13:35 originally, the All-Star Games, you know. And what is that theory, Gary? Well, it was kind of the same theory as you were talking about, Nick, that no one was watching the goddamn thing. And they want to, you know, I think they also want to make more money for the city that it's in, you know, like the city that's hosting.
Starting point is 00:13:55 You know, a lot of times they're not the biggest cities out of the most liked teams, you know, and they don't have the biggest, like the Yankees and the Mets and the Red Sox, you know, they have the big big stadiums the $14 hot dogs and the $30 beers so you little stadiums they don't have all that all the time so these you know they get in there and they get at least they make some they make some bucks so you think by all your favorite little players no i know but but back to my original point so they they changed it. They changed it back this year to it doesn't affect. But you think that's why they changed it to, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:34 whoever wins the All-Star game, they become the home team and the player. I think they did it because they wanted to have a reason. You know, it's not just because, oh, we want to make money. They had to have a reason. So they, you know, we'll change the rule. The rule will be now whoever wins this will get home field advantage. That'll sound good to the people. I know, but who gives a shit about one night in an All-Star game if the ratings are good or not? I mean, is it that important? Really? Money? For one night out of the year? Listen, Nick, you know better than anyone, money rules the world, man.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Oh, yes, it does, but I'm just saying, I guess that might have been some of it. I feel like we're missing something, though. Somebody wanted a dollar. I don't know. All right. Thanks, Gary. Take it easy. Yeah, I mean, that's what me and Andy said, actually.
Starting point is 00:15:14 It had to be. Anytime you change things and the reason is money, it usually ruins it, you know? The best change in sports lately has been the PAT. I think they should move it back to the 40-yard line. 45. Make it a 50-yarder. Why not? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:35 It's great now. They're missing it now. Make it really biting your nails. This guy has to hit a 50-yarder. And it's one-sixth of what you just, you know, a touchdown. Larry in West Virginia. Larry. Hello, Mr. DePaulo.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I fall for it every fucking time. Why do I... It's a different state. Go ahead, Larry. That's where I am. I'm in West Virginia. I'm in the state of West Virginia. Well, let me sing a song for you. I'm in West Virginia. I'm in the state of West Virginia. Well, let me sing a song for you. Almost heaven, West Virginia, blue-ridged mountains, Shenandoah River.
Starting point is 00:16:14 There you go. I'm familiar with this because I'm an old guy as well. I'm familiar with it. Well, it's my understanding that they changed the emphasis on the All-Star game to where it meant home field advantage because they had an All-Star game where it ended in a tie and everybody just quit and went home. And the fans were up in arms that they said, okay, to try to put a little bit more intensity into the home field advantage to the World Series to get a little bit more intensity and to make the game matter. But to me, the All-Star game, and I'm a baseball guy. I love baseball.
Starting point is 00:16:55 But to me, the All-Star game, the way the fans vote for their All-Stars, every team has to have an All-Star, number one. And then you might as well be running for student council president but because it's just you have the whole time i know you can you can vote as many times as you want but larry back to your original point wouldn't you say that was a gross overreaction by major league baseball to have you know have it affect the world series yeah but if you've realized how far... I'm not saying that Bud was right when he did it, but when you understand how far baseball fell from when I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:17:32 yeah, back when we wrote Dinosaurs, that everything in this country stopped during the World Series, and not a single game was played at night. You couldn't shoot gum in school, but you could sit with a radio at your desk and listen to the World Series game on the radio in the middle of a school day. And that was perfectly fine if you were a rich kid and could afford the radio.
Starting point is 00:17:56 It was that important to this country. And by the time 1972 rolled around, NFL ruled everything it has ever since, and nobody cares. And you can thank Pete Rozelle for that. Well, that might be the case. Yes. Football ruled. Trust me, Larry, it is.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Pete Rozelle made that whole TV deal with the NFL. Guy was a marketing genius. And what he did, he ruined football. I call it the Socialist Football League, by inserting that rule of the team with the worst record gets the first draft, that ensured redistribution of talent, and that's why it's so mediocre today. Your thoughts, Larry?
Starting point is 00:18:34 Well, they're trying to strive for parity to help the small market teams. Football is ultimate in revenue sharing. Everything is shared except skybox revenue, which is the reason a lot of the teams relocate. That's why Art Modell left Cleveland, because he didn't have Skyboxes, and Baltimore promised him Skyboxes. That was revenue he got to keep. That's why he moved to Baltimore. And Jim Irsay moved the Colts. I mean, they moved based on money, because everything else you share, the concessions, the gate, the TV money. So the small market teams like Green Bay can compete against the Meadowlands in New Jersey because the taxes in New York are so high.
Starting point is 00:19:13 They both play in New Jersey. It's sort of like the Electoral College kind of balances it out. Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut! I hit that by accident. Larry, thank you for the call as always and schooling us here at the DePaulo Show. You're the best. Next time. I don't know that I'm the best, but I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Thank you, Mr. DePaulo. We'll talk to you soon, Larry. I actually hit the shut up button. That was my, I hit my iPad. I was reaching across for the coffee and I caught it. I didn't mean to tell Larry to shut up. The guy's terrific. I mean, this guy's terrific.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Brian in Queens has a question for me. Brian, go ahead. Hey, Nick. How are you? Brian, are you going to watch the All-Star Game, or does it really not matter? When's the last time you watched one? I think I last watched it when it ended in a tie. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:20:03 How long ago was that? It was in the early 2000s. Yes, 2002. Yes, 15 years ago already? That was 15 years that they changed that rule? I know. Jesus Christ. I'll be dead soon.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Thank Christ. Go ahead, Brian. I just wanted to know if you heard what the Red Sox slogan is this year. Lay it on me, Bri. From Queens. Win, dance, repeat. Yeah, you're talking about Mookie and Benintendi and Jackie Bradley Jr. I mean, it's no cowboy up, but it's pretty gay.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yeah, it's funny you say that, Bri. I'm a diehard Sox fan. I love those three players. But two of them get down on their knees like they're rolling a camera, and the other one does a dance. And don't blame Whitey for that. Anyways. Thanks, Nick.
Starting point is 00:20:59 You got a win dance repeat. But I know it would bug you, Andy, because they do it every time they win, which they're doing a lot. The Yankees do a dance, too. It's like, I don't know, pick some shitty, faggy dance from a wedding. Macarena? Yeah, the Macarena. The Macarena, that's what the Yankees do. By the way, they haven't danced in about two months.
Starting point is 00:21:25 They are losing big time. Still in the wild card. Yeah, well, kiss that goodbye. By the way, Joe Girardi's got the biggest forearms I've ever seen on a human. I would not fight that guy if I had two guns. This guy looks like, and he's got that skull. If you punched him in the head, you would break your hand into 18 pieces. And he doesn't choose.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Mark in Texas, welcome to the show. Hey, Nick Ditt, my whitey hetero brother. How are you? Long time thick erect, bulbous purple throbbing, red helmeted, blue vein, rock hard stiff fan. All right, Mark. I want to thank it as a contribution. I got a quick question because I don't know much about baseball. Me either.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Very quick question. Okay, if the Red Sox play the White Sox and it rains out, is the end result pink socks? Boom! And you blew it thank you for the call Mark I appreciate it good question I wouldn't doubt it
Starting point is 00:22:32 and the thing is if they turned pink you wouldn't know because every day they were in pink for something a girl gets a precancerous cell on her forehead we have to wear pink for the month of June and July it's a little much folks I don't mean to be insensitive a precancerous cell on her forehead. We have to wear pink for the month of June and July. It's a little much, folks.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I don't mean to be insensitive. Stuart in Tulsa has an opinion. Stuart. Hey, Mike, what's happening, brother? Are you going to watch the All-Star Game this week, or does it not matter to you anymore? All-Star Game is Wednesday, right? I think it's tomorrow, actually.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Oh, I'm working. I work all the time. I was going to say people talk about popularity, whether they say, oh, which is more popular, basketball or hockey, football or baseball. I think football and baseball are the most fundamentally different of all the sports because football is more of of like an event there's only 16 games a year and more people tend to you know yeah more appointment television yeah where baseball i think like i grew up in kansas city i lived there till i was 13 then i'm sorry and i can tell you cities that have major league baseball teams in their towns, baseball is very important because it's easy to go to a game.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Baseball is the only sport, in my mind anyway, that is better watched live. Everything else is better on TV. All right, still, we know all that. But what we're talking about is the All-Star game, and they changed the rules 15 years ago so that the winning team would, you know, that league would have the home field advantage in the World Series. No, that's absolutely ridiculous. The team with the best record gets the home record. There you go.
Starting point is 00:24:10 We all agree on that, and I don't understand why. That was enough of a reason for me to tune into the All-Star game. I don't know. To see the talent, I mean, I didn't need that silly little rule. Thank you, Stuart, so much. I got a ton of uh call is here and uh only about a minute left in the segment 866-969-1969 when we come back i want to talk about uh this guy i think was alabama this two guys have a roofing company and uh if you let
Starting point is 00:24:41 them put a new roof on your house you get a free ar-15 i love america folks if you let them put a new roof on your house, you get a free AR-15. I love America, folks. If you have a problem with that, you're just a communist son of a bitch. Anybody with me? I love it. You get a free AR-15. And if they do a shitty job, you shoot them. I mean, you got to look at all sides of this.
Starting point is 00:25:04 You know what I mean? I think it's a very American thing. And it should be done more often. What else would you buy if you're going to get a free gun? I would think, you know, a hooker. Maybe not an AR-15, but a nice knife. Hunting knife. We're a violent country, is my point.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah, they're in Alabama. And I'd like to hear from people who think we have too many guns i personally think we have just enough seven for every man woman and children by the way that is the statistic and it's the reason why there are no no-go zones at least in most of the states here anyways when we come back we'll talk about that i want to talk about uh who the best tippers are also and how you feel about tipping in general that was a story today in the paper and it sort of hit on me because it's i had a little tip tipping incident this weekend where the wife thought i didn't tip enough when we get into it and i thought the waitress sucked a bag of cheese so uh we'll talk about that and uh more 866-969-1969 back after this kid
Starting point is 00:26:07 you're listening to the nick dipalo show on faction talk sirius xm 103 The Nick DiPaolo Show returns now. Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. 866-969-1969. Tomorrow on the show, the very funny Joe Mattarese will be in studio with us. Don't forget to catch the replay of this show. The Overnights. 2 a.m. East, 11 a.m. West. And you can listen, obviously, on demand at any time. Go to my website,, for my tour dates. Hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, at Nick DiPaolo.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Or you can follow live show updates at DiPaolo. Or you can follow live show updates at DiPaoloShowSXM. And if you can remember all that, you're smarter than I am. Oh, Greta. Greta Van Susten.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I wanted to talk about Greta. Oh, Greta. I told you, her and I have something in common. It's called stroke mouth when we talk. We talk out of the corner
Starting point is 00:27:24 of our face. And, um... Apparently, you know, she could ask from MSNBC. She was at Fox News Channel for a long time. I wasn't a big fan. Her voice went through me like a... Just a dart in my neck. Very nasal. Sort of like me um but it turns out you know she could ask you know what msnbc for a cup of coffee and they axed her now i'm saying they axed her as in
Starting point is 00:27:57 fighter they didn't ask her a question like from brooklyn they axed her they asked her, they asked her, what the fuck's your problem? Why do you like Trump so much, bitch? But the president last week, that would be Donald Trump, he tweeted about MSNBC may have taken Van Sesteren off the air because she refused to go along with Trump hate. That's what he tweeted. But according to one report, Van Sesteren was informed
Starting point is 00:28:23 that she had not been confrontational enough in her on-air presentation. Can you imagine? They come right out and say it. Nobody gives a shit. That's NBC, folks. Van Sesteren, she was criticized at Fox News by some for not being conservative enough, which I find hard to believe, too, because it's not that conservative over there. I know you want
Starting point is 00:28:48 to believe that, you people who don't watch it, but there's a lot of people on there who can't stand Trump. Eric Bolling loves Trump. I know that, but there's a lot of people who... Anyways, so she's getting shit for not being right wing enough, according to some people when she was on Fox. MSNBC
Starting point is 00:29:04 saying she's not being left-wing enough, which tells you the state of our media in this country. A lot of people say that makes her a middle-of-the-road journalist, which is what we're kind of looking for. She often featured reporters from the establishment press who were some of the least biased and perhaps even actually fair and balanced on their better days on Fox News.
Starting point is 00:29:25 But meanwhile, at MSNBC, they're loading it up with left-wing activists and useful idiot Republicans. They mentioned Nicole Wallace, who she became famous by shitting all over Sarah Palin when she was the governor of Alaska. And you got Hugh Hewitt, described as the go-to pundit
Starting point is 00:29:45 for pale pastel establishment Republicans. I kind of like that guy. I don't know. Seems very smart. But then you get never Trumpers like Charlie Sykes, Brett Stevens, I think that's a Wall Street Journal,
Starting point is 00:29:59 who recently said Trump supporters were idiots and who needed to admire elites. Their contributors and gladly allow themselves to be used as useful idiots to get some air time. And then George Will, who I... George Will was always, you know, he's a very articulate guy, real conservative.
Starting point is 00:30:17 He's written many books about baseball and stuff, but he fucking hates Trump. And that's when I got turned off to George Will. He sort of comes across as an elitist ass. And again, nobody expected Trump to be eloquent. That's not why we voted for him. In my
Starting point is 00:30:34 opinion. 866-969-1969. I want to hear from people who say, oh, Fox News is as bad as MSNBC and vice versa. And I disagree with that. I think some are more balanced than others. I mean, MSNBC just makes me laugh. Not as bad as CNN, though.
Starting point is 00:30:53 But everybody seems to have an agenda. Everybody's got an agenda. Here's Chevy Chase. I wanted to play this clip. I don't know when it was. But talking about admitting to snl having a bias you know when he used to do gerald ford wanted get to get carter uh his chubby chase talking about the definite left-wing uh agenda at snl and i don't think it's changed much but
Starting point is 00:31:22 here he is after a while you just start writing the jokes and start doing it so it's not that I could imitate him so much as I could do a lot of physical comedy and I just made it I just went after him and I certainly obviously my leanings were democratic and I wanted Carter in and I wanted him out and I figured look we're reaching millions of people every weekend. Why not do it? Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that in the back of your mind you were thinking, hey, I want Carter. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And I'm going to make him look bad. Oh, yeah. Do you hear the woman? I'm incredulous. Really? That's what you were doing? So there is some bias there? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Stupid. Yes. That's why tina fey i mean that was killer she took sarah she damaged sarah balin and the people would argue oh that's bullshit it's just a sketch they go after both but they wouldn't go off after both sides you know i mean they do a sketch with the same veracity that they would they cut deeper when they're talking about a trump or whatever as opposed to when they make fun of obama you know whatever he's too cool for school or whatever but i just love that woman's reaction that journalist imagine being you're in the business and you don't you don't think john stewart had an impact on the daily show even though he would that you know that's the first thing you'd say it's a fake news show bubba or a fake news show but he has senators on and and and and legitimate people but uh i just don't agree with people go oh msnbc and and and and and they try
Starting point is 00:32:58 to lump fox news and i i don't i sort of disagree with that again Again, I'm a little biased because I lean right, obviously. Jason in North Carolina has a question about the media. Hey, Jason, what's up? Oh, not much, not much. Just driving down the road, and I heard you talking about this. I was going to ask you, what happened to, you know, when news became, or was that unopinionated voice? glass or or or what that ought to be a report and you know if we get to make our own decision about it but we didn't have to what it is today
Starting point is 00:33:36 well it's a bunch of clowns on air talk about issues are here at the department there well you make it you make a good point, because some shows, they sort of blur the line between opinion and actual straight news. But, you know, people would go after O'Reilly or Hannity, and, you know, say, oh, they're biased. Well, they're not, those are opinion shows. That's not straight news.
Starting point is 00:34:06 But back in the day, you know straight news was you know you're talking about tom brokaw abc nbc and cbs and they were very liberal now that we look back on it we thought it was straight we didn't have nothing to compare it to and then fox news they're the ones who created fox news channel they you know so um yeah but i don't like when people try to, oh, it's all the same. Fox is as bad as MSNBC. I just don't agree with that.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I hear a lot more of both sides on Fox and you can't tell me that friggin' MSNBC is just a propaganda arm for the, I mean, Rachel Maddow,
Starting point is 00:34:37 I mean, Jesus, I know she's opinion too, but, yeah, she's a dumb bitch. All right. I wouldn't go that far.
Starting point is 00:34:45 All right, Jason. Hey, Nick, but uh she's a dumb bitch all right well i wouldn't go that far all right jason hey nick thank you buddy you got it i don't have to go that far either although i do a car out of the adams apple and whatnot but uh i just love how that woman was so incredulous to chubby chase no really you really had an agenda when you were writing those sketches yes there's a couple million people watching right but i guess everybody's getting sick of the trump i keep reading that from everybody even left-wingers like and saying that the late night shows are just tired of the Trump jokes. Hearing it from young comics who go to open mics and shit, that's their first beef, you know. Look, he is an easy target.
Starting point is 00:35:33 But, you know, like Jay Leno said, you're all telling the same joke when all the late-night shows are doing it. 866-969-1969. are doing 866-969-1969 and um let's go to uh brian in cleveland brian what's going on hey dick how's it going pretty good brian let me ask you a question do you lump in do you lump in like fox news as being as biased as like a cnn or an msnbc or or? I get my news from all of them. You flip around. Yeah, flip around, exactly. Yeah, but I was actually going to bring up the, did you hear about the Chelsea Clinton thing she said about Trump? I did not.
Starting point is 00:36:21 She was like, my parents would never have let me sit in the seat at the G20. But it looked like Ivanka was disillusioned while she was sitting there. She was sitting right next to the Japanese prime minister, who probably thought she was a mail-order bride or something. Well, she was representing, right? What was she representing, Ivanka? I guess she was just representing the United States. I saw a picture of it.
Starting point is 00:36:54 She looked kind of disillusioned or something. But why would she be repping the United States? Her dad is there. Yeah, I think he stepped away to probably hit on some chick or something. Oh, come on now, Brian. He wouldn't do that. He ain't grabbing pussy no more. That's right.
Starting point is 00:37:14 So, but I don't get Chelsea's point. She wouldn't, her parents wouldn't let her. No, but they get her a job. They get her a job for like $750,000 a year at NBC. Nobody said shit about that. No conflict of interest there. Right?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, that's true. There is a double standard when it comes to Democrat over Republican. Oh, yeah. You're right. No doubt. Hey, how are the Indians going to do? Oh, yeah, I'm actually not a big baseball fan, but I'm a big football fan. Well, we know how the Browns are going to go.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Love the Browns. Yeah, we know how the Browns are going to go. Yeah, Jim Brown, he's a legend, you know. All right, Brian. Thank you. Thanks a lot, Nick. Get that Ritalin refilled. All righty.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Jim Brown, what the... Ah! Alec Baldwin. already Jim Brown what the fuck oh Alec Baldwin in some hot water again he's doing a movie he's portraying a blind guy
Starting point is 00:38:14 in the movie it's called Blind by the way and he stars as a visually impaired novelist who after the fatal car crash that left him
Starting point is 00:38:24 without his wife or his vision, begins to rediscover life in his writing. The Ritterman family, an advocacy group for those with disabilities, has come out against the movie's choice to cast Baldwin as a blind man saying on their Facebook page that they are disappointed with the casting, adding that the production is, once again, overlooking the opportunity to cast actors with disabilities.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Foundation Chairman Jay Rutterman elaborated to the Los Angeles Times saying, We no longer find it acceptable for white actors to portray black actors. Disability as a costume needs to also become universally unaccepted. First of all, we don't speak for all of us. Some of us don't have a problem. Okay? Whoever's best for the role. How do you get a...
Starting point is 00:39:14 The Wayans brothers did the white girl. I was trying to think, does it ever work the other way? Or a black guy plays a white... You know what I mean? I don't know. I'm just saying. Isn't it enough? And again, with a whining. Next the blind will see and the lame will walk.
Starting point is 00:39:33 That's Pauly Walnuts. Next the blind will see and the lame will walk. But my point being, isn't it a good thing that Alec Baldwin is doing a role? That expounds on blind people? Do you know what I'm saying? Same with the gay actor that I was bringing up, Andrew Garfield. He's taking on a gay role. He's a straight guy, but now he's calling himself gay, but he hasn't actually done a gay physical act, so the gays are up in our doesn't it i know who's who is not whining they're both doing something to shed light on problems in those communities doesn't that overpower the rest of your whining horse shit no i mean couldn't i play miss saigon
Starting point is 00:40:17 couldn't i play miss saigon i mean i the acting chops. I did a couple lines on Suddenly Susan and three episodes of Grace and the Fire. My point is, stop your goddamn whining. I think Alex should be getting a little credit. But a lot of people catching flack. Recently, the Warner Brothers adaptation of the popular romance book Me Before You was called out by the disabled community
Starting point is 00:40:46 For the casting of able-bodied actress Sam Claflin In the role of a quadriplegic Okay, are there a lot of quadriplegic guys going on auditions? I'm not trying to be funny here I'm just saying It's gotta be slight, right? Moreover, the movie received backlash for its ending where claflin's character decided to seek assisted suicide rather than continuing living with his disability
Starting point is 00:41:14 i think that's great i want to hear about the guy that gave up i'm so tired to hear about the guy that gave up. I'm so tired of hearing about just the opposite. That's realistic. I like movies that don't end happy. Brian's song. He didn't beat cancer. Now they're going to... Well, they already remade it. They'll probably make a third one where he does. Ends up removing the tube.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Laser. Ends up getting a thousand yards. I'm just saying. Dave in Colorado is a blind guy, and he doesn't have a problem with a guy who can see playing the role. Is that right, Dave? It's a movie. Come on, people.
Starting point is 00:41:59 I know. PC is getting retarded. So you don't have a problem with it, but do you... No, no, and I've been blind for 11 years now. It's like, okay, this is probably a high-dollar movie. Sure. Why not let a really good actor play the part? It'll probably be a better movie.
Starting point is 00:42:23 What about the people who say, well, come on, this blind act isn't out there that don't get enough work. I've never heard of a blind actor. I'm trying to think of one. Have you heard of one? God damn it. That was my point, though,
Starting point is 00:42:42 with the quadriplegics. I don't know about Christopher Reed, but that was after the accident. So you don't have a problem with it? I don't have a problem with it. Can I ask you? I think a lot of them probably don't, so I don't know. I know, but this is the end. Can I ask you how you lost your sight?
Starting point is 00:43:02 I had a car accident 11 years ago. Sorry to hear that. I'm good at crashing stuff. You what? I'm good at crashing stuff. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. How old were you when that happened? 28.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Well, sorry to hear that. Was it your fault? No problem. What's that? Was it your fault? No problem. What's that? Was it your fault, the accident? Yeah. Okay. But I do have some opinions on your gun.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Oh, my God. Okay, go ahead. On your gun topic. I love when a blind guy tells me how to use my gun. Not that one. Come on. Go ahead. No, it's funny because I actually still work around a lot of people that still use guns,
Starting point is 00:43:55 and I still do a lot of target shooting. Yeah. And, yeah, one of my favorite guns to shoot right now is an AR-10. How do your neighbors feel about that, if they're still alive? What's that? How do your neighbors feel, you being blind, and you've got an AR-10 in the backyard? Well, I don't shoot it at my house. Come on.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Where do you shoot it? Usually, we go out, like, just up into the mountains. Up into the mountains. And I can actually hit stuff because it's hilarious. I have a... How do you do that? A Wi-Fi scope
Starting point is 00:44:30 that is hooked up to a phone. You're kidding me. So I have somebody telling me what I am seeing through the scope. So they tell me just when to pull the trigger. Are you kidding me? Uh-uh. That's like a Letterman sketch
Starting point is 00:44:45 when he's to send the guy on the sidewalk to tell jokes. And tell... Yeah. Pretty... Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:51 All right, David. I, uh... I'm sorry for the accident, but thank you. Interesting call. Oh, no, baby. I appreciate it. He doesn't have a problem
Starting point is 00:44:59 with it at all. Actually, uh... Garage in Toronto says Christopher Reeve played a paraplegic before his accident. Is that right? Yeah, Nick.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Yeah. I love the show. Thank you, sir. Christopher Reeve, it's a movie called Above Suspicion. No kidding. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:17 and he played, it's actually a really good straight-to-video movie and he plays the guy, his brother is cheating uh he's going around with his wife and uh causes him to get shot he's a cop and there's a whole thing it's a real good
Starting point is 00:45:34 twist ending but he plays a paraplegic and uh uh you gotta check it out it's really good yeah you know now that you mention that because i remember when he got hurt, somebody bringing something like that up, that it was kind of ironic. Yeah, now that you mention it. Krause, you there? Yeah. Hey, there's another one, another funny one. That movie Knock Around, guys. Another funny one?
Starting point is 00:46:01 Well, Vin Diesel plays a wannabe gangster and he's complaining to his buddy that he can never be a
Starting point is 00:46:09 made guy because he's half Jewish. All right, man. Thanks, Grudge. I'll check
Starting point is 00:46:19 that out. I didn't know. I do remember now that he says that, they're being going,
Starting point is 00:46:23 that was weird. Well, then it was also ironic he was Superman and shit. Maybe that's what I'm thinking know. I do remember now that he says that, they're being going, that was weird that he... Well, then it was also ironic he was Superman and shit. Maybe that's what I'm thinking of. But Mike in Iowa. We only have about a minute and a half left.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Go ahead, Mike. Hey, Nick. Hey, Nick. Love your show. Thank you. Hey, it wasn't Jamie Foxx. Didn't Jamie Foxx play Ray Charles, a blind guy? Nobody was up in arms about that.
Starting point is 00:46:50 That's nearly the one I thought of. I didn't think of that. You could have piped that. Yeah, and boy, did he nail that. I don't think there's a blind... Ray Charles couldn't have done what Jamie Foxx did. Are you with me, Mike? Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:47:09 What is it, Ritalin Monday out here? I can't get anybody to focus, including myself. It must be. Actually, great point, Mike. Okay. I'll talk to you, pal. All right. That was Oscar-worthy, man.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Jamie Foxx is a talented dude. I don't think he likes Whitey either, but that was something else. That's a perfect case. But my bigger point is, you know, they're shedding light on stuff that wouldn't normally. There's actually, I mean, they were up in arms. This other movie, The Quadriplegic, a real quadriplegic. I mean, did they have a ton to pick from?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Daniel Day-Lewis. Daniel Day-Lewis. But did you hear the story? Nobody got mad then. You know how he got that role? His foot actually fell asleep at the audition and he limped.
Starting point is 00:48:00 That's what that was really about. Brendan's got the saddest look on his face. This is the best. We have to We gotta get a camera in here I'll say something Brendan on the right will be smiling
Starting point is 00:48:09 And he'll be jaded Hey thanks to all the callers and everybody We'll be back here tomorrow night Don't forget the overnight's at 2pm Eastern See you kids later Look out Here it comes

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