The Nick DiPaolo Show - 203-Las Vegas Shooting

Episode Date: October 3, 2017

Las Vegas Shooting...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo Radio Show. I'm Nick DiPaolo, your straight white male host. Almost added Christian in there, but I haven't been to church like six times in the last 48 years. It's a dangerous situation. How are you, folks? Tell me why I don't like Mondays. Is this the most bleak, black, fucking dark Monday? I'd like to come on here and do a funny show. Is it possible in the United States in 2017 to be even slightly humorous? Jesus H.
Starting point is 00:01:17 We'll get to Vegas in a second. That's not enough. All of a sudden, you know, Tom Petty. Yes or no, nobody can confirm, I don't like famous people, who fake being dead, god damn it,
Starting point is 00:01:32 love fucking Tom Petty, damn the torpedoes, Tom Petty and the heartbreak, is the first album, that I, that I bought, the first one I snorted coke off to, was damn the Torpedoes.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I didn't do the marijuana. I don't like marijuana. But, uh, so I call a guy who I know that works with Petty's outfit for, you know, and I said, is he fucking dead or not? That's what I get. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:01:58 Well, you know what I mean. He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it. What do you mean? Is he on a vegetable? That's it. What do you mean? What do you mean? Is he on a vegetable? Then I smashed his album.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Stammed the torpedoes. What's the other one? Pulmon fever. I can't believe it. I can't fucking... And I started crying. Brandon's looking at me with this fucking hey too cool for school fucking what is this the morning zoo ah that's the beauty of the show i'm looking at cnn they're blaming the vegas thing on trump right now what a fucking horrendous we'll get that in a second thank you uh james ashira thank you uh ferris taylor thank you kevin ford contributing to the nick topala podcast which you can subscribe to a slash nick slash nick you get five shows a week 3.99 a month
Starting point is 00:03:02 monday is a free show on iTunes and Stitcher and Riotcast and Brendan's my boy here does a nice job of taking this two hour show condensing into an hour of a very funny podcast which people are still signing up for by the way and these guys contributed on top
Starting point is 00:03:20 of the $3.99 a month thank you guys so much excuse me Ridgefield Playhouse Ridgefield Connecticut this past weekend beautiful top of the $399 a month. Thank you guys so much. Excuse me. Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut this past weekend. Beautiful turnout. Beautiful turnout. Almost 400.
Starting point is 00:03:36 It's pretty good for me, folks. I don't do this every night. It's my favorite gig of the year. It's painless. I was home by 10, I walked in the door, it was 1028. I had a nice chunk of change in my motherfucking pocket. It's painless. I was home by 10. I walked in the door. It was 1028. I had a nice chunk of change in my motherfucking pocket. It was 1028. Made a nice sandwich.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Watched college football. If I could do that three times a month, you'll never hear me bitch again. I fucking promise you. The wife even came to the gig. That's a dangerous situation. And Kendrick Cunningham couldn't have been funnier they ate her up with a spoon like they did last year
Starting point is 00:04:08 Ridgefield Playhouse is my favorite gig of my 30 years of doing this it's a beautiful theater and a bucolic nice white town there was one black woman there she was cracking up
Starting point is 00:04:24 more than anybody I had to scold the white people a couple times. I go, does she look offended by any of this shit? Cracking up. It was beautiful. The beer in the green room was a little warm. I actually burnt my tongue on a Heineken. That's how fucking...
Starting point is 00:04:40 But other than that, it was a perfect night. Nice chunk of change. Home by 1028. My hand in my balls by 1029. And watching college football. That's America. And that's why ISIS has to be defeated. 866-969-1969. What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:04:58 I said 866-969-1969 is the phone number. So thank you, Ridgefield, for coming out and packing the joint. And my next special is being shot there. Case closed. I don't give a shit if it's unionized or whatever. Tom Petty, we still don't know. Nobody can confirm it. But it ain't good either way.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I don't think you're going to see him put out another album soon. Put it that way. Suffered full cardiac arrest. Was found in his, you know, in his Malibu home Sunday night. They put him on life support at UCLA Santa Monica Hospital. I actually went to the hospital one day. Burned myself at Pauly Shore's basement smoking weed and they rushed me over
Starting point is 00:05:46 to an ice. What? You know, smoking. Petty played his last show Monday, performing three sold-out shows at Hollywood Bowl to conclude
Starting point is 00:05:55 the 40th anniversary. So, anyway, I hope he's, again, but he was in my favorites. He's just a legend. Yep. Is he not Andy? I don't know anybody.
Starting point is 00:06:07 How can you not like Tom Petty? I don't know. You probably put Fisher ahead of him, you fucking hippie. I love Tom Petty. How can't you? If you don't like Tom Petty, you don't like music. I say that about him and who? Man Without Hats.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Let's get to the piece of shit, Stephen Pad paddock who shot up a goddamn country music festival in vegas 64 year old fucking chooch whoa what happened something went real quiet in my headset no you sure we're on still all good this guy's killed what's it up to 60 now over 500 at least 59 is what they're saying yeah is that uh over 500 you know and more are gonna die it's like 12 and critical i heard that a couple hours ago uh they found his body thank christ this cowardly cocksucker in his room um he had like 18 rifles the one they that he used they think was an ar-15 that he played with to make it an automatic ar-15s aren't automatic they're like semi-automatic you know he so he fucking rigged this um you know his old man did you read about his old man being a serial bank robber
Starting point is 00:07:19 oh yeah so this like this criminal dna this his this... His old man was Benjamin Hoskins Paddock, serial bank robber who ended up on the FBI Most Wanted list back in 1969. And he escaped to federal prison in Texas while serving 20 years. Yeah, just, he's got it in the DNA. But the FBI kept him on the list for the next eight years. He was eventually found one year after he was removed from the list in 1978, well, outside an Oregon bingo hall. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:07:51 So gambling has something to do, right? Do you know about gambling and the blood? The agency said that his old man had been diagnosed as a psychopathic and also had possible suicidal tendencies. So this guy, again again you don't blame it on but uh this guy had a girlfriend he was going through a divorce it said 62 year old girlfriend asian broad her name was general south oh for the love of christ um what a piece of garbage what a cowardly
Starting point is 00:08:29 um what a piece of garbage what a cowardly and isis is saying oh he was converted about a month ago isis jumps in what a dark place we're living is it not again folks i don't mean to be too dour but i'm glad i'm 55 i'll be out of this party soon enough 866-969-1969, the phone number. And yeah, just he had no criminal record in the state of Nevada. Lived about 90 miles away from Vegas. Yeah, lived in a $400,000 house with his girlfriend, Mary Lou. A lot of Asian chicks named Mary Lou. with his girlfriend Mary Lou. A lot of Asian chicks named Mary Lou. So, just horrendous.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Mark, I was listening on the radio. I think it was Levin on the way in who was playing audio of the guy. You can hear the gunfire. It sounds like when I was up in the helicopter shooting that thing with the USO. That's what it sounds like. It basically is what it is. Just
Starting point is 00:09:27 you know, and then he'd reload or whatever. Just for the life of me, man. I don't you know, I know shit went on evil stuff all the time, I guess. People say, well, it's because we cover the stuff around the clock
Starting point is 00:09:44 now. It seems like we live in a more violent, dangerous world. I don't know if that's true or not. I don't know. But, of course, people had to jump right in, didn't they, and politicize it. Well, who are you talking about, Nick? Well, who politicized it specifically? Well, you know, the thick-ankled dog face what difference at this point does it make it is yeah shut it fucking fat fuck she had to come out and and and and tweet and i you know it's probably five minutes old
Starting point is 00:10:20 but uh on her or on the thick-ankled dog faces account she tweeted uh the crowd fled at the sound of gunshots imagine the deaths if their shooter had a silencer which the nra wants to make easier to get she tweeted adding our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside as she's making politics an issue. This dumb fucking fat housewife who got lucky back at Yale. We can and must put politics aside. Stand up to the NRA and work together to try to stop this from happening again. from happening again. Is she psychotic? Have you ever seen anybody so ambitious to stay in the limelight? She's going to run again in 2020.
Starting point is 00:11:10 The tub face. Ugh. And I guess people, you know, replied. Of course, I'm sure there's idiots who supported that. But there's also people who know about guns and stuff and said,
Starting point is 00:11:25 suppress is only reduced by a few decibels. In other words, silencers. Still same decibel level as a jackhammer. Oh, that was Dana Lash. The NRA chick. Why is that so funny? Why? I thought you said something else.
Starting point is 00:11:42 What did I say? I heard it wrong. I guess you did. But do you believe Hillary getting in there? Fucking putting her 68-inch ankles right into the fight? Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire, blasted Clinton's tweets as ignorant, irrelevant, and exploitative.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Yeah. It's so fucking funny. It's just... She just won't go away. She's just... And to jump right in there, huh? And fucking to say, oh, we shouldn't put politics... What, did she put politics aside?
Starting point is 00:12:23 Well, she's actually doing just the opposite and she opens her fat gullet we can and must put politics aside and stand up to the nra doesn't the nra come up every fucking election we ever have isn't that politics isn't it all i don't mean to be ignorant here 17 guns found in the shooter's hotel room 18 plus additional firearms explosives found at home now i saw stuff and again these are the idiots on twitter the real extremism balls but somebody said oh it's all over his facebook page buddy and he's part of antifa and shit which i don't even think he had a facebook page it's amazing though how polarized and people just start throwing haymakers it's kind of creepy 866-969-1969 so hillary wades in with
Starting point is 00:13:16 her again cankles and and then this other broad how about this cbs cbs fires vice president who said vegas victims didn't deserve sympathy because country music fans often are republican get out of my room you sick cunt yeah part of way is one of the one of the company's top lawyers after she said she is not even sympathetic the victims of las vegas shooting because country music fans often are republican hayley geffman gold right away when they keep the maiden name you know that watch nick what do you say ah just a little rule I have. The network's now former vice president
Starting point is 00:14:09 and senior counsel took to Facebook after the shooting at the Harvest Music Festival in Vegas. She says, if they wouldn't do anything when children were murdered, I have no hope that repugs will ever do the right thing.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Geffman Gold wrote a now-deleted message. Geffman Gold continued, I'm actually not even sympathetic because country music fans are often Republican gun-toters. Oh, what an asshole. You need to shut the fuck up! She gone. But she went to Columbia, folks.
Starting point is 00:14:48 These are the educated. These are the best and brightest in our nation. She didn't work directly with the network's news division. Went to Columbia University Law School in 2000. Keep pumping them out, Columbia. Keep pumping them out. What a douche. Sounds like every agent I met in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:15:11 What do you mean? Eh. There's one that sticks out that reminds me before I see a picture of this woman, she looks like this woman. And that's a pregnant again. It's a dangerous situation. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. I have just... So who politicizes this shit? It's a dangerous situation Unbelievable
Starting point is 00:15:25 I have just So who politicizes this shit Remember when Scalise got shot Remember Another guy jumped on He said his I don't know folks This one party full of hate
Starting point is 00:15:41 Hillary Clinton Let's put politics aside This one party full of hate. Hillary Clinton. Let's put politics aside. You couldn't put it aside. You couldn't. You couldn't. Has she ever uttered a word? What do you think the percentage of words that come out of her fat gullet every day are political and non-political?
Starting point is 00:16:07 I think, I know when she says pass the butter there's three that aren't political and then hand me that loaf of bread that's another one and ooh I gotta take a runny dump Nick what are you saying what do you give a fuck let's go to Matt in Ohio
Starting point is 00:16:20 let's get somebody who knows something about guns Matt how's it going Nick I've been waiting all day Let's go to Matt in Ohio. Let's get somebody to know something about guns. Matt. How's it going, Nick? I've been waiting all day to hear you cover this subject. Yeah, it's hard because we like to be funny here, keep it light and stuff. And, you know what I mean, Matt?
Starting point is 00:16:38 It's not, you know, I know it's faction talk, but, you know, we always like to keep it funny first because then you're just preaching and stuff. But people like Hillary Clinton and this twat song from CBS, they make it very easy. And, boy, they never learn the lessons, do they? This makes no sense. I mean, you got all these liberals calling for tougher gun control. And, you know, we see how well that worked out in Chicago because criminals follow laws, obviously. Yes. I mean, it makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And her making that suppressor comment, obviously she knows what... She ought to focus on what she's good at. Well, she... That face. She didn't say the suppressor comment. That was Dana Lash, who's a NRA girl and radio talk show host. She's here on Fox all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:29 She said suppressors are only reduced by a few decibels. Still saying that. But the point is, it's even bigger than that. The point that Hillary jumps in with two feet, you know, saying let's put politics aside when she's making it political, you know, it's just just it's kind of disgusting she had made the comment that if the shooter had a suppressor that you know he could have took more people which isn't true because suppressors don't really oh i see i'm sorry
Starting point is 00:17:57 i'm sorry people think oh no problem no no no you were right she i mean hillary started the uh silencer i Go ahead. Yeah, I mean, I own a suppressed weapon, and I can tell you right now, it does not make the change that, you know, movies make it out to be. It's still very, very loud. It's like me farting into my pillow. My wife can still hear it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:21 It's not going to cover it up. Is that so? Really? Really. So, yeah, so, and Dana Lash came back with that. But, Matt, so you're familiar with guns, correct? Very much so. I own multiple firearms. So this guy, from what I'm hearing, what I heard on TV today, it was an AR-15 that he had kind of, you know, made adjustments to, so it became automatic and not semi-automatic, correct?
Starting point is 00:18:50 Exactly. The civilian AR-15s are, you know, they're semi-automatic, and the military M-16s were three-round burst, or some of them were fully automatic. So what probably happened was you got a hold of something, you had that lower receiver that, you know, allowed it to be fully automatic. Obviously, again, not really following the law there. I guarantee you didn't have a Class 3 NFA license. So just goes to show you these laws don't work. And the ones that do work, do we even, if we enforced half the laws, right? I live in New York.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I pick up the papers every day. There's somebody being released after a shooting or whatever, and they're back on the streets in a year and a half. If we enforced half the laws, would we not be better off? I couldn't agree more. We have plenty of laws that would work if we enforced them tighter. I mean, I'm a huge pro 2a guy but you know you do need to enforce some of these laws especially have people that have committed
Starting point is 00:19:53 that any kind of gun offense i mean there should be more jail time if you commit an armed robbery you shouldn't be out in five years yeah no how about? You know, any crime where you use a gun should be a minimum of whatever. Pick a number. I couldn't agree more. Could not agree more with that. All right, Matt, thank you. Appreciate it. Thank you so much, Nick.
Starting point is 00:20:16 You can always go to Ohio to shed some light on the gun situation. Jay in Toronto. Jay, what's going on? How much, Nick? How are you? Pretty good. How, what's going on? How much, Nick? How are you? Pretty good. How's it going up there? Oh, you know, it's getting cold.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But I got to say, my wife's in Las Vegas. She's three miles down the road from Andalusia Bay. Oh, Jesus. She went there on vacation with her girlfriends on her birthday. Oh, goodness. And so she said it's pretty somber around there. They went to the Grand Canyon today. Well, I got to say, the reason I called, fucking Clinton needs to fuck off and go away.
Starting point is 00:20:52 That cut needs to die. Like, she just needs to go away and drop dead. Welcome to Meet the Press. I am so sick of that fucking bitch. It's beyond belief. She's a little bit, honest to God, Jay, she is a little bit psychotic. The fact that she won't go away. She's a self- Honest to God Jay She is a little bit Psychotic The fact that She won't go away
Starting point is 00:21:07 She's a self-absorbed fuck Yeah No that's She just makes the whole world Revolve around her Fucking dyke ass Alright She
Starting point is 00:21:15 You know I've never seen anybody Infuriate and sicken me More than she does And The thing is You know The blood isn't even washed off the stage.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Right. People's personal effects are still laying on the ground. Right. But they haven't recovered. We're still mourning the tragedy and everything else. You've got 500 people fighting for their lives. And that dumb bitch wants to make it into a political shit show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:41 You can fuck right off and go to hell. There you go. Thank you, Jay. I appreciate it. I'm just sharing, and go to hell. There you go. Thank you, Jay. I appreciate it. I'm just sharing, you know, I wanted to share that. No, I feel your pain.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Thank you for the call. Go meat, go Leafs. That was Jay. He'll be on, he'll be on with Sean Hannity tonight at night.
Starting point is 00:22:04 You know, you know how fucking bad somebody has to be to piss off a Canadian that much? Right. You can't find more polite people on the planet than Canadians. That guy has had enough of the thick-ankled dog face. What difference at this point does it make? Please, please!
Starting point is 00:22:22 Don't you move, you motherfucker! I'll blow your brains out! That's me. Talking to Hillary as she's backing out of her. You know, I live up by her. You know that, don't you? Jason in Michigan, what's going on, Jason? Hey, I just want to point out that it's kind of shitty
Starting point is 00:22:38 to mourn people that have been killed in a massacre and then wish death upon someone, regardless of their political affiliation. But I wanted to ask Nick, regardless of where you went to school, what political affiliation, where you grew up, what nationality you are, what do we need to do
Starting point is 00:22:55 to stop this shit? I mean, people are dying. If you had a Sandy Hook, something would have happened. I mean, there's fucking kids here. Yeah, what do we have to do? What's the body count? Oh, so do we have to do? How about fucking... What's the body count? Oh, so it's the guns is what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:23:08 No, I'm saying, like, what... No, regardless of the guns or what needs to be done to, like, stop mass... Well, one of the things you can do is, like, fucking get the ACLU out of the way. We have all these privacy laws where you can't look into somebody's background if they're mentally ill and shit. We can start there. And, like, we can, as far as anybody who commits a crime with a gun,
Starting point is 00:23:28 which, like I said, I live in New York. I read the papers every day. There's somebody coming back on the streets who commits another murder and they had a gun rap like two years ago.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Why don't we enforce the laws that are on the book? And if you, if you commit a crime involving a gun, you get some type of fucking minimum. Let's start there.
Starting point is 00:23:44 But there's something, somebody evil, I don't know what the agenda is, to keep us at each other's throats. But I would start there, Jason. And I'm not about being someone else's throat, but I mean, when you open up Facebook, I mean, or a news site or a newspaper, and you see that there are fucking 60 people killed at a concert, I mean, I don't even want to go to a fucking concert anymore. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:24:06 No. You know, when's it going to come into, you know, your comedy clubs a lot. When's it going to come into there? Like, how restricted
Starting point is 00:24:13 our fucking lives have to be that we can't even enjoy ourselves? Like, it's supposed to be, like, forget about what's going on in the world.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Like, go to a festival or a concert. Right. You can't even do that anymore. Well, you know, and the other question is, Jason, is, you know, Jesus, do we even have to fucking worry about ISIS when we have psychos like this in our own country that have nothing to do with the...
Starting point is 00:24:34 It really is. It seems to me like, like, I was just listening to over on Radio Andy Bevelations sometimes. Bevelations. Sometimes I have to change the channel on you. Andy Bevelations sometimes sometimes i have to change channel on you but she's like like she's almost profiling like oh well hey it's white people that are doing all this shit it's like fuck who cares if it's white people or black people i do i do i do well that's we need to stop it regardless of race no fuck that but no i know i i agree but but but but that is so
Starting point is 00:25:03 cowardice to point out why people are doing this. Why don't you look at the crime statistics, you dumb bitch? Who's the victim of more gun violence? Call her a show, Jason, and straighten her out for me. I'm good. I'm good. I already called one tonight. Thanks a lot, Nick.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And your farting in the pillow comment, I was a little fired up. I got less fired up by your fart joke. So lowest comment denominator, keep it up. You're a fucking jerk-off, and I hope you die tonight in your sleep. Lowest common denominator. I made a great joke. This is how the fucking
Starting point is 00:25:36 lib cocksucker, could you tell he's a passive-aggressive? Lowest common denominator. I made a great joke off the top of my head that he couldn't think of in a thousand years because it had the word fart in it. It's lowest common denominator. It was a great suppressor silencer joke.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Off the top of my head, you couldn't have thought of it in a thousand years. And I hope the fuck you die some night in your sleep. Preferably tonight. What's tonight? Monday? Okay, Thursday. We'll come out Thursday.
Starting point is 00:26:05 And then he throws his little dig in right before he hangs up. Typical left-wing cum guzzler. Fuck off and die. Back after this. The Nick DiPaolo Show returns now. Final segment on a Monday night, ladies and gentlemen. Obviously spent the majority of the night talking about the shooting in Vegas. And which turns, obviously, that's why I hes hesitate even when these things happen, but turns into all kinds of arguments about gun control and Second Amendment rights.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And a lot of states have different laws, don't they? Andy, you got a gun. Technically, yes. I got my grandfather's old shotgun. Do you? Yeah. I don't think she works, but...
Starting point is 00:27:31 Why do you gotta call it a girl? That's kind of sexist. Actually, it's not. It's just the opposite. Go ahead. If I didn't live in the city, I would probably buy one. If I, you live in the city I would probably buy one if I you know
Starting point is 00:27:45 the inner city carry conceal I mean it's almost impossible to get I'm trying to get a date an update on Tom Petty and this is what I got
Starting point is 00:27:55 what do you mean well you know what I mean he's gone and we couldn't do nothing about it that's it what do you mean what do you mean he's gone he's gone. That's it. What do you mean? What do you mean? Uh, he's gone.
Starting point is 00:28:05 He's gone. That's it. Fuck. Oh, damn the torpedoes. I can believe it. I can't fucking believe it. Hey, if you're around this weekend, come see me at Levity Live. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Come see me at Levity Live This Friday and Saturday night West Nyack, New York October 21st The Westport Inn Westport, Connecticut November 10th and 11th Comedy Works
Starting point is 00:28:34 Saratoga Springs And hit me up on Twitter Slash Instagram At Nick DiPaolo And that's that Thank you Walter Fucking Bernie Sanders Socialist Fucking Will you die 00. And that's that. Thank you. Walter.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Fucking Bernie Sanders, socialist fucking. Will you die? You and Hillary ought to spoon together in a tub. What? Go ahead, Andy. We have the clip, yeah. When you need it. Oh, we have the clip of Bernie? Is Bernie talking about Trump's response to the Puerto Rican catastrophe?
Starting point is 00:29:04 Go ahead. about trump's uh response to the puerto rican catastrophe go ahead given the president's history on race uh given the fact that he a few months ago told us that there were good people on both sides when neo-nazis were marching in charlottesville yeah i think we have a right to be suspect that he is treating the people of puerto rico in a different way than he has treated the people of Texas or Florida. Fuck you! What a fucking asshole. You know he's brighter than that. There's good people on both sides.
Starting point is 00:29:35 He wasn't talking about the fucking neo-Nazis or the other, when Trump said that everybody knew that but you, you fucking socialist fucking 70-year-old failure. You and your fat fucking wife. Fuck off. Jesus. But again, because it involves brown people, the island of Puerto Rico,
Starting point is 00:29:56 and Trump, who, you know, we've already confirmed he's a white supremacist. So, you know, Bernie has to make the connection. I thought he was above that, actually. You'd think after Hillary fucked him in the ass, you'd think he'd be, you know what I mean? But no, he's as cynical as ever. Healthcare for everybody. Go fucking retire.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Go up to Vermont and do what you do. Stick your dick into a fucking sappy tree. True story. into a fucking sappy tree. True story. I think we could tell from Charlottesville that the CIA definitely does not like
Starting point is 00:30:33 colored people or black people. I think we have a right to be suspect that he is treating the people of Puerto Rico in a different way than he has treated
Starting point is 00:30:43 the people of Texas and Florida. Yeah, because Houston was so fucking snow white. How do you people ever, ever put your politics aside
Starting point is 00:30:55 for five goddamn minutes? I... Fucking... It gives me a headache. Given the president's history on race, it's reasonable. Race could be a factor for his response to Puerto Rico. You kids get off my lawn. You need to shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Oh. Brandon in Minnesota has an opinion on handguns. Brandon. Hey. Hey, I don't really know if I have much of an opinion on handguns, considering I own quite a few of them. But I just want to let you guys know that the politicians that go after assault rifles all the time
Starting point is 00:31:51 saying that's what they have to get out the streets and shit. Handguns kill way more fucking people than assault rifles by a fucking lot. I mean, it's not even a fucking close. So I mean, if they really fucking care about gun death, that's what they go after. I don't think they should, obviously, but that's, you know, what they should be going after if they care about gun death that much.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Statistically, I'm sure you're right. Yeah. Because all those people that are killing each other in the inner cities and, like, Chicago are not using ARs. Yeah, yeah, Chicago, the city with the best gun laws in the world, right? Well, that's what I keep hearing, you know. I don't know. I really don't. I keep hearing that.
Starting point is 00:32:31 They're strictest by far. They're the strictest, but we don't enforce any of these things. So I guess it doesn't matter. Brandon, good point. Thank you. Yeah, bye. I say we get rid of all the guns and then nobody would shoot each other. That's what it sounds like coming from the fucking left.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It has nothing to do with the Cretans. Do you remember all the family? Do you remember that one? The whole episode was about gun control and Archie was arguing with Gloria or something. And she goes, so many people are killed by handguns. And he goes, would it make you feel any better if they was pushed out of windows, little guile?
Starting point is 00:33:15 I'm telling you. Eric in Michigan. Story of a bipolar man who passed the background check. Are you the bipolar man, Eric? Yeah. How do you like that? Honestly, come on. We made it.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Both me and my wife have our CPLs, and I took my CPL probably six years ago, and a guy gets up, and this is before when you actually had to go in front of the gun board and talk to the gun board and tell them why you wanted to own a gun, what you were going to do with it. And this guy gets up in the end and says, what if I'm being treated for bipolar and diagnosed with bipolar, as a matter of fact? And everybody on the gun board just sat there and said okay everybody else you can go down and get your license you sir must stay i'm missing the point of the whole story i was watching my producer pick his nose go ahead well this this guy made it i mean in order to get to the gun board, you know, this guy's ready to walk out, walk down, grab his CPL, and walk around with a concealed carry.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Hold on, hold on. Grab his what? His CPL? Concealed carry license. Oh, CPL. So he made it very far in the process, but never actually. I know, but CC. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:44 CPL, yeah. I couldn't hear what he said. He made it right far in the process, but never actually. I know, but CC. Okay. I couldn't hear what he said. He made it right to the end. He made it right to the end where they're about to give him his CCW, or his concealed carry permit. Yes. Where he can legally walk around Michigan with a gun in his pocket. Yes. All four of them.
Starting point is 00:35:00 While being treated for bipolar disorder. While being treated for bipolar disorder. I don't think it's the gun control more so as the background checks. How are they not finding these medical issues with people that are... Well, I'll tell you... Are they slipping through the cracks? I'll tell you why, Eric. Because ACLU and organizations like that don't let anybody pry into your private. It's going a little too far.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I understand the thought behind that, but they don't let you pry. And that's why there's a lot of nuts on the street that you can't throw into, you know. You're violating their civil rights and looking into their backgrounds and their medical information. I think it's gone a little, like everything else in this country, it starts off with good intentions, but it goes a little too far. Thank you, Eric, for the call. I appreciate it. That was a good one. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I appreciate it. Nice bipolar guy. I almost got to the finish line. Go, go, go, go, go, go. Oh, for the love of Christ. I see the Bernie Sanders thing earlier. You know who we got to go to who's always, who's probably most well-informed? Oh, I would have to say Larry.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Lawrence Unlamb. Larry, help us out. We know that you're pretty probably well-schooled on the Second Amendment. Are you not? Well, I understand what the Second Amendment is and what the Second Amendment is for and what our founders meant it to be and what it still should be meant to be. The purpose of the Second Amendment, what Thomas Jefferson said, the purpose of the Second Amendment is so that you keep the rest of them.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Because the purpose of the Second Amendment is purely to keep the government off your ass. I apologize for interrupting you, Mr. Powell. No, no, I interrupted you. Go ahead. Well, Thomas Jefferson said, the last check on a tyrannical government is an armed populace. God, I love it. Because the truth...
Starting point is 00:37:02 Because the truth of the matter, sir, is that society has nothing to fear from any weapon in the hands of a law-abiding citizen, but governments have much to fear. The Second Amendment is not for hunting rights, it's not for shooting sports, it's to protect you from the government, and that's its hunting rights. It's not for shooting sports. It's to protect you from the government. And that's its sole purpose.
Starting point is 00:37:30 That's why the government shall not infringe. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Larry, can I stop you there? Which I think is a great sentiment. But what about the people that say, okay, that was true back then, but now the government could kill you
Starting point is 00:37:47 with all the weapons they have. You know what I mean? You versus the government. Government always could kill you with all the weapons that they had. Even back in the day? Yeah?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Okay. Oh, yeah, sure. The government owned all the artillery. Of course he did. The despot Lincoln. The despot Lincoln during the Civil War demanded 75,000 troops to move south and put down the insurrection in South Carolina, causing all of the other states to fall like dominoes. it was just as true then as it is now. As in fact, it's more significant now because that is always the aim of them is to take weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.
Starting point is 00:38:32 That's always the answer. Every communist dictator... Right. That's right. ...disarmed his populace, the old English kings. That's why they talked about peasants with pitchforks, because that's the only weapons they had left. They weren't allowed bows and arrows. They weren't allowed swords, because you could take on the men at arms with them.
Starting point is 00:38:51 That's all they had was pitchforks. Did Mao do that? Did Stalin do that? Oh, of course. They weren't allowed to have any weapons. And Christopher Dodd's father, the elder Dodd, the senator out of Connecticut, had Hitler's anti-gun laws translated into English so he could craft the ones for the federal government in the 60s. No kidding. No kidding. That's gospel truth.
Starting point is 00:39:15 No. That's gospel truth. Unbelievable. It is. And also about Puerto Rico, just like in Katrina, the failure is local. Yes. I'm sorry, go ahead. No, go ahead. But the mayor,
Starting point is 00:39:30 what's her name, Cruz? Carmen Yuling Cruz? Oh, goodness. Don't even get me started. She's, well, all you need to know about her is that she offered, what was his name,
Starting point is 00:39:44 Oscar Rivera, you the uh the flan faln terrorists the guy that was the part of the parade the puerto rican day parade she oscar lopez right offered she offered him a job so that's all you need to about know about her and that she's a huge hillary clinton fan oh of course because bill got all the puerto rican terrorists that were blowing up stuff in D.C. in the 50s and pardon some of those guys. Yes, I just moved to New York when he did that. That's right.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Oh, my goodness. But see, one more thing. I really do have a bone to pick with you, Mr. DePaulo. Sure. And I'm serious about this. Okay. I mean, you might not like Bernie, but why would you condemn him just spooning with Hillary Clinton? I don't think he's been that egregious.
Starting point is 00:40:30 You know what? You're right. I went way over the line with that one, actually. It's a fate worse than death. It truly is. Let's get back to this Puerto Rico thing. Hillary, you're crushing my leg with your big patas. Could you move?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Go ahead. Yeah, back to Puerto Rico. Oh, my God. That's a great Bernie impression, by the way. Look, Bush's response to Katrina in New Orleans was perfectly fine. The failure was local. Ray Nagin did nothing to help his people other than save him and his family. And
Starting point is 00:41:07 they couldn't use any of the emergency management people in Baton Rouge at the state capital because all of them were under indictment. And what did he miss by? Two or three days or four days, really? And the reason they were in the problem they were was not so much because of the weather, but because of the crumbling
Starting point is 00:41:24 infrastructure. The entire history of the state of Louisiana, I apologize, but the entire history of the state of Louisiana is a history of corruption from Huey Long and all the way up to today, and they had siphoned out money from all of the levy projects to fund more of their communist socialism. All the way from Huey Long all the way up to the New Orleans Saints upper-level management when they try to bug the booths
Starting point is 00:41:47 of the opposing players, remember? Oh, well, of course. You know, whatever it takes. You know, after all, we're talking about the history of corruption, not to mention it being a French model. Wait, Larry. Larry, what happened to Ray Nagin, anyways?
Starting point is 00:42:03 I thought I saw him working at One Potato Two at the mall. I think he got jailed for corruption. Oh, did he go to jail? I think so, yeah. He got convicted. Whether he did time or not, I don't know. But he was under indictment for corruption. Does this make you sick, Larry?
Starting point is 00:42:21 But they're trying to say that Trump, you know, the response. And again, it's her, that whining woman who hates fucking Trump because she's best friends with Hillary. Saying that, you know, the reaction was slow to the Puerto Rican disaster, the Puerto Rico disaster. Because, you know, it's a racial thing with him. And even Michael Che on SNL called him a cheap cracker. Did you hear that? It's alright to call him, you know, cracker is the equivalent of saying the fucking N-word.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Really. Depending on your, you know. Well, that's what they're talking about. A Georgia cracker is one that cracks the whip. That's where that crack comes from. Yes. But see, something one of Sean Hannity's radio guests today said something that was very profound, and it applies here. And it truly does apply here.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Is that we see them, and I am including myself in the we, we see them as people connected to bad ideas. And they see us as bad people connected to ideas. And that is truly the difference and it's it permeates their entire side that they demonize and attack and truly condemn and want to kill their opponents now what you have in trump is somebody i'm sorry i interrupted you well i was going to say i see them as bad people i see them as they're they're they're politically. It's in their DNA. This is the political. That's all they have in their lives.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And it does permeate all of their lives. And they see everything through the prism of politics and leftist politics. And they cannot tolerate dissent because nobody wants their ideas in their horse shit. That's why they have to attack or physically kill their opponents. And that's what every communist leftist does. But see, when it worked against Bush, because he didn't push back, and this is a very important and cogent point, is that in Trump, you have a street fighter. You have somebody who's not going to take, he's not going to lay down and act presidentially. He's not like a rhino who is ready to don knee pads and the helmet with hand grip and fillet his enemies just to get them to like him. Sorry folks, that's not in Trump's DNA.
Starting point is 00:44:37 He's not doing that. He's not taking it laying down. The problem with the response in Puerto Rico was local. 20% of the truck drivers showed up to work and 20% of the police showed up for work. Now, I'm not blaming them because they're trying to care for their families. I understand that. But he got the people on the ground, and he got the people going. And when they say, well, you don't put in a three-star general until now, well, we didn't need one until now.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Because if you got a thousand-man response, you only need a lieutenant colonel, okay? You don't need a three-star general. When you start talking about thousands of people, then you need generals. There's levels of command where you have a battalion commander who essentially is talking about 1,000 or 1,500 people in his battalion, and he's sufficient and competent enough to command them. 1,500 people in his battalion, and he's sufficient and competent enough to command them. When you step up to a brigade command, which is, say, three battalions, and we're talking about 4,500 people, 4,000, 4,500, then you're talking about a full-bird colonel.
Starting point is 00:45:35 But when you get up into the flag grades, which is the generals, the admirals in up, the commodores in up, then you need a certain amount of people. You don't bring in a three-star general to handle a response of 1,000 people. That's kind of like overkill, you know what I mean? So when you say they don't need the three-star, they didn't have enough bodies on the ground to justify the three-star. It's like bringing in Bill Belichick to coach the Jets. It's overkill.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Well, I don't think you could bring in anybody to actually coach the Jets. All right, Larry, I'll let you go on and on and off. I've got to get to a few more calls. Tremendous insight on three different subjects. I appreciate it. Yes, sir. Good day. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:21 That has to be my buddy. It's got to be. I'm telling you. Nobody has the same voice like that. For the love of Mike. But it's just making me sick. This Carmen Cruz. Colin Trump, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Oh. She's saying that the effort to help Puerto Rico is insufficient and slow-moving. Oh, it just makes me angry. She was a big supporter of the coalition of left-leaning interests from the LGBTQ community to the university students to financially powerful unions. You understand? So nothing Trump could have done would have been fast enough, more efficient enough.
Starting point is 00:47:10 She says, help us, we are dying. We're dying. Federal aid have been slow to reach Puerto Rico following Maria. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying and you are killing us with inefficiency in the bureaucracy. Criticism of his administration's response apparently didn't sit well with Trump who took to Twitter the next day.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And this is how I am, okay? This can call you... My mother used to always say to me, she said, Nick, your problem is you never let anything go. And I never will. If I don't fucking start it, I don't care if it's a six-year-old girl at the mall. I'm not fucking shitting you. This is how I live my fucking life. Or if it's a fucking 350-pound dude fresh out of prison. If you're going to fucking provoke me, I'm going to have a fucking answer.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I might get my face smashed in or I might smash. That's how I fucking live my life. You know, Trump responded to this bit. answer i might get my face smashed in or i might smash that's how i fucking live my life you know trump responded to this bit this is the shit george w bush used to turn the other cheek and he's the reason we got obama turning his fucking cheek i love it he called her out on her bullshit he singled out the mayor that accusing her of poor leadership ability. See, you can't do that. You're a white, rich, male billionaire.
Starting point is 00:48:29 You can't accuse a brown woman mayor. A female? Are you fucking out of your mind? That's how the world works today. He said they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. He got crucified for saying that. She also, remember I told you, she also took heat for offering a job to the Puerto Rican independence militant Oscar Lopez Rivera. Remember Obama commuted his prison sentence after he did 30 something, 35 years for a terrorist group.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Did over 100 bombings in the 70s and 80s that killed or maimed dozens. Right here in New York, they're blowing up police stations and shit. She offered him a job. So what more do I need to know about? You're going to tell me Trump's evil and racist. What is this pig? I'm so fucking glad he retorted. And of course, all the media, the CNNs of the world, the ABCs, they have to jump on
Starting point is 00:49:21 the Bernie. Are you going to tell me Bernie Sanders, who is no dummy, obviously, he really believes that? Or is he just toeing the party line? That race card, they can't pull it out enough. Right to the fucking bitter end. Even though Trump won the last election. Keep playing that card, dudes.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Keep playing it like the NFL's playing it. They're taking it in the ass with their ratings. When are you going to learn? For the love of Pete. Pete who? Pete Gogolak. White running back for the Chiefs in the 70s. What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?
Starting point is 00:49:57 I don't know. But Bernie Sanders, shame on yourself. You should go up to that $600 thousand dollar you how how she built right after the hillary scammed you out of that election all right kids thank you to all that you call it call us or even mike from new jersey i picked you knowing you're gonna give me a fucking little zing zangler and uh all the callers tonight uh any guests this week we got sammy davis jr we're gonna dig him up and maybe Tom Petty. I love Tom Petty. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:26 We still don't have a final answer on that? Clinging to life. He's clinging to life. Anyways. All right, kids. We'll talk to you tomorrow night. Take care. Take care. Take care.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Take care.

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