The Nick DiPaolo Show - 204-Happy Columbus Day

Episode Date: October 10, 2017

Happy Columbus Day...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Oh, yeah. That's right. It's Columbus Day, and I'm here, well, as liberals call it, Murdered Indians Day, and fucking wah, wah, wah. Fucking wah. Fuck off.
Starting point is 00:00:46 You don't like this country? Get the fuck out. Let's start there. I'm not saying that because I'm Italian. I really don't give a shit. I'm so tired of all this. I don't care. I'm so tired of it. Why do you fuck? We got that statue in Columbus. Put an Indian under his boot. Put his boot
Starting point is 00:01:02 on an Indian's neck, but still pay tribute to both of them. Is that all right? Or maybe him boning went up the ass. Will that catch your eye? Fucking statue's been there for a hundred years. Nobody's blinked at it twice. Now it's a big thing.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Fucking. Please. Of course, in California there. Oh, it's indigenous people's day Why does stupidity PC stupidity start in the west coast That's where it started actually It's caught on like a wildfire
Starting point is 00:01:33 But they grab onto this shit City councils and stuff Anything to point out that this country The founding of it Discussed them It's not even about fucking Columbus It isn't. They fucking hate everything about this country, how it was founded.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Hi, how are you? Happy Monday. I was hoping to. I missed the parade and shit. I was going to ram somebody who's going to pull a fucking ISIS, take out a bunch of fucking Antifa members. A bunch of lesbians in their pussy hats before i go any further i want to thank people who have contributed to the nick topalo podcast you can you can actually subscribe that at slash nick slash nick
Starting point is 00:02:26 399 a month you get five shows a week one of them's free on monday on itunes it's on stitcher it's on it's uh people still signing up for it 399 a month that's not even a buck a show if you can't afford that i don't want you as a fan you You're a fucking loser. You know what I'm saying? Oh, that's being a little pricky, Nick. Yeah, well. Pricky, Nick? Didn't the Jets ever receive a pricky, Nick? Uh, yeah. Sell pricky, Nick, in the 50s.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Contributions to my podcast. People send money in on top of it because they know my wife has a coke problem and she owns two horses. Because they know my wife has a coke problem. And she owns two horses. Robert Schlueter, regular contributor. Dennis the Grab Bag has contributed to the DePaulo podcast. Keith Romano, this guy has surpassed everybody. He sends big chunks of cash.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I could buy about three bump stocks for this. Keith Romano, thank you so much. He really, serious serious this guy must have some dough i'd love to know might be a cartel member and kevin ford has also contributed to the nick d'apolo podcast again slash nick you guys should sign up if you don't have serious radio and you're saying well fucking obvious we have it we're hearing you say this right now yeah but maybe your friend is sitting next to you and your dumb pickup truck and, uh, doesn't have it. Let me take a sip of my cocktail.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Columbus Day. Oh, goodness gracious. Eloise. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. That's ignorant. A white paper cover uh a white paper cover now a white paper cover now cover who writes this like fucking eighth grade jesus h christ now covers the sculpture of columbus in the block it stands on and the entire display is now surrounded by a chain link fence this is in
Starting point is 00:04:41 downtown los angeles at grand park the la city council voted in august to rename columbus day by a chain link fence. This is in downtown Los Angeles at Grand Park. The L.A. City Council voted in August to rename Columbus Day. Boy, aren't they living life at a breakneck pace, huh? Got a ton of shit on your menu, huh? Always find room
Starting point is 00:04:56 to hate America, don't you? Fucking Googolbers. A federal holiday for more than 80 years. They're changing it to Indigenous People Day. But it has until 2019 to officially create the new holiday while it direct i love how this state pretending to worry
Starting point is 00:05:12 about the indigenous people who you know were here and yet other countries are pouring into anybody cocaine we'll get to that dolphins uh coach that's my type of coach you're like hey fellas you look a little lackluster out there come here i want to show you something on the bench ah alfie 866-969-1969 866-969-1969 if you'd like to call in. And we're judging Columbus. What century was that? 11 AD. But once again, we're taking today's social norms and applying them to back. You know, you're just fucking retarded, as we say.
Starting point is 00:06:08 We're very upset about that and they have cops guarding the columbus statue and luckily a few of my ginsaloons friends got upset we'll play my clip obviously be on the sopranos we have to do it every columbus. But I have another clip from the Sopranos where A.J.'s reading a book. Howard Zinn is the guy. I read the book. It's The Real People, The Real American. What's the Real People's History of America?
Starting point is 00:06:32 Something like that. And A.J.'s reading that. And, of course, Tony has to weigh in on Columbus. Boy, did they handle that subject beautifully, man. It was so goddamn funny. Anyways, yes, it's uh the los angeles county board of supervisors voted this week to eliminate all references all references to columbus day
Starting point is 00:06:53 as a county holiday designated designating october 12th as italian american heritage day are there any italians in los angeles stallone and a couple of his bodyguards and fucking a couple of a couple of sicilianos that played indians on f troop you got joe pan leone let me see maybe pesci's not even there anymore uh but the october 12th andy uh it's going to be designated as ital American Heritage Day and creating a new Indigenous Peoples Day. Indigenous Peoples Day will fall on the second Monday of October in Los Angeles County, beginning no later than 2019. Los Angeles City Councilman Mitch O'Farrell
Starting point is 00:07:36 will celebrate the new holiday with students at the Los Feliz Chata School of the Arts. What a clusterfuck this country is. Irish guy celebrating at a Mexicanfuck this country is. Irish guy celebrating at a Mexican, at a Latino school about... What was it?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Just gang rapes of ethnicities all over the planet? O'Farrell, who is a member of the Wyandotte Native American tribe. Oh, naturally.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I can tell by his... The fuck was his nickname? Running Whiskey? Fucking O'Farrell. Remember the wine-dote Native American truck? Yeah. And Elizabeth Warren is fucking... 1-1000th Cherokee.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Oof. He led the drive on the city council to replace Columbus Day and successfully argued that the explorer's connection to brutality and slavery makes him unworthy of celebration. Fucking unbelievable. How about all the other shit he did? Hey, get over slavery. It fucking happened. Get over it.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Please, regardless of what color, I'm not just talking black, I'm talking, you know, everybody's been enslaved at some point. Even the Irish. They make them work 18 hour days at O'Grady's.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Minimum wage. What? 866-969-1969 if you'd like to call in and defend this stupid shit. Let's take a look at MSNBC. Oh, there's a guy, pointy-headed white guy with glasses interviewing an Asian fella.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I have no idea why, but I'm sure it's a beef. Let's listen to, let's listen to, here's a clip from The Sopranos about Columbus Day. This is Anthony. In the morning, Tony comes on.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Anthony's got his Howard Zinn book, which I read, by the way. Nice revisionist piece on American... But listen, please tell me, please tell me it's on here somewhere. What did I call it? Here we go. His history teacher, Mr. Cushman, is teaching your son that if Columbus was alive today, he would go on trial for crimes against humanity like Milosevic in, you know, Europe. Your teacher said that.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It's not just my teacher. It's the truth. It's in my history book. So you finally read the book and it's bullshit. Tony. Look, you had to work in Columbus' shoes to see what he went through. People thought the world was flat, for crying out loud. Then he lands on an island with a bunch of naked savages on it.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I mean, that took a lot of guts. You remember when we went to Florida, the heat and those bugs? Well, like it took us to murder people and put them in chains. He was a victim of his time. Who cares? It's what he did. He discovered America is what he did. He was a brave Italian explorer. And in this house,. He was a victim of his time. Who cares? It's what he did. He discovered America is what he did. He was a brave Italian explorer.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And in this house, Christopher Columbus is a hero. End of story. But the funniest fucking... With the heat and the bugs. The heat and the bugs. Remember when we went to Florida? The heat and the bugs. That's his analogy.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I almost shit my pants when he said that originally. And then later on in that episode, Joe Pantaleon, remember he goes to the meets with the Indian guy? And he brings a poster of, you're probably too young to remember the commercial. No, I know. The Indian, where the guy throws the litter out the window and there's an Indian crying. I and I's Cody's the guy's name. Yes. Remember that scene? Yes. Pantaleon, he goes in, you know, Ralph Cifaretto, and he's got Indian crying. I and I's Cody's the guy's name. Yes. Remember that scene?
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yes. Pan Leone goes in, you know, Ralph Cifaretto and he's got the poster of him. But he's talking to the Indian professor who's got like a hot
Starting point is 00:11:13 fucking bride with him. And the professor goes, this is my TA. And Ralph goes, yeah, I can see that. Meaning teaches the assistant. He goes, yeah, I can see that.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And he's being all nice for the first 30 seconds, but then when he sits down, he starts dropping the F-bombs. This fucking guy. He was Cherokee and fucking 50% Siciliano from Louisiana. He was a Sicilian from Louisiana. Total fucking phony. He goes, total fugazi. He was the best son of a bitch ever.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Oh, my God. God damn it. they handled it so beautifully so was there much of a stir today in in columbus circle anybody no i don't think so i didn't uh i didn't hear any screams or although there was some people what yesterday a guy had a clan outfit on and they another guy they fuck i guess they arrested him getting out of hand but uh you know here's me uh trying to break up the protest in newark on the sopranos my fucking claim to fan shores these woods the highway will swarm with the invisible dead of our people the white man will never be alone this is newark baby we claimed to fan. I can't get anything down. I'm going to fucking hang you up there.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Hey, break it up. Break it up. Just break it up. Hey, hey, we will make arrests. What the fuck is this, Joey? They get a permit. Everybody, come on, let's go. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:13:00 That kid was terrific. That guy that played a cop should get an Emmy. Can I tell you how I got the part? In the audition, I went, like a cop would, though. Made a nice choice. David Chase right there. It was a dangerous situation, but I landed it. I was living in Queens.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I got on the train. Took me 30 seconds to get to Silver Cup Studio Yeah I was totally relaxed Edie Falco was coming out Gave me a nice high Big smile Went in there
Starting point is 00:13:32 Fucking Mike in New Jersey Who gave me a hard time About something last week Wants to Disag disagree with me about... I'm the one who wanted to see you over at the Stress Factory. I'm just like you, dude. Oh, sorry, Mike.
Starting point is 00:13:55 We had another Mike. We had another Mike. You remember me. We had another Mike. Can I talk? We had another Mike. I didn't say that. Jesus, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Go ahead, Mike. No, I'm sorry. Jesus, go ahead. Go ahead, Mike. No, I'm sorry. I wasn't interrupting. It wasn't me. No. Somebody else in your car? No, I think you heard me laugh at what you said. No, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Go ahead. No, I was calling in to say to you, I listen to you as often as I can. And the problem is this PC shit started a long time ago. Yeah. Now it's going to keep going with Columbus. They're going to pick another one and another one. Yeah. So everybody just stands up to them.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And as far as the slavery thing goes, whites were enslaved far longer and more often and at higher numbers than any other race. Is that right? Why are we bitching? Yeah, man. and more often and at higher numbers than any other race. Is that right? Why are we bitching? Yeah, man. Go back and look at the Persians and the Crusades. They used to come to Europe and just scoop us up and take them back to the Middle East. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'd like to sit down with my colored friends and see what they think about that statement. Look it up why do you think why do you think Poland yesterday lined the water the beaches praying to the Virgin Mary and Jesus thanking them
Starting point is 00:15:13 for helping defeat the Persians who were coming over to attack them the Islamic terrorists
Starting point is 00:15:20 of you know probably 700 AD or something well yes um I know the Irish terrorists of, you know, probably 700 A.D. or something. Well, yes. I know the Irish, I know white people have been enslaved, but I didn't know it was, you know, longer.
Starting point is 00:15:37 102 years. Well, okay, so let's start tearing down fucking Blackstache. Oh, there aren't any. That's right, we have O. OJ and Gale Sayers. Well, you got that one that people threatened that somebody on the right said, well, I guess we got to take down, is it Ray Lewis?
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah. And right away, the family's like, well, wait a minute, he did a lot of other good things. Yeah, so did Columbus. Four fucking fathers. He did a lot of other good things.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah, he did a lot of other good things. He had 11 tackles against the Bengals in a playoff. Yeah. Unbelievable, Nick. Yeah, no. I'm sorry, go ahead. I get nothing. Go ahead, Mike. No, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:16:21 As far as the enslavement, they used to scoop them up in Europe and just constantly attack. There was something else I wanted to mention. I forgot. Who was there? But who was scooping them up? It was the Ottoman Empire.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Oh, I know what it was, too. The Moors. To this day, the Arabs, like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, they still have slaves. But nobody says anything. Ah, they work at a car wash. It's not really the same. The gold-plated Bentleys and Ferraris. Yeah, it's a little.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Same with the NFL. They can claim they're just like slaves, you know, playing for a rich white guy. Just like being on a plantain. Yeah, exactly. Exactly the same thing. I am so tired of this shit, I can't even take it anymore. This is the most generous fucking nation on the planet. It has raised more people out of poverty than any other fucking system alive.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yet, there's a handful of douchebags, you know, who just hate it with a passion. And unfortunately, they have the microphone. By that, I mean the media and every other institution. It's time for Civil War. Andy, get my guns. And you know something else, buddy? That weekend you played at Stress Factor, I told my neighbor. And he goes, he's playing there tonight.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I said, yeah, I can't go because of my two-year-old. That motherfucker went over there with all his friends and had a blast. Did he really? You were fucking killed. Yeah, they said you killed. And Andy Fiore, Andy Flowers, my producer, was the feature act. Yes. It was too bad.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Did they come the night of the fight, Mike? It was a Conor McGregor fight that night against Mayweather. Yeah, I think they did go out Saturday night, right? Yeah, I think we had 11. Yeah, they were there Saturday night. Yeah. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:09 all right, Mike. I ain't paying for that. Thank you so much. Thank you for... Have a great night. Appreciate it. Thank you for straightening me out
Starting point is 00:18:14 on the white slavery problem. I'm gonna go on I was probably owned by a couple of black fellas. I mean, I got Italian blood in me.
Starting point is 00:18:24 866-969-1969. Somebody call me from the fucking LA City Council or whatever. That you have so much time on your hands. Your state's being overrun by illegal immigrants. Crime's through the roof and you're bankrupt. But you focus on the important things. You fucking idiots. Flemish.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Flemish. Flemish. You gotta watch Sopranos and I'm not saying it because I'm in it for 30 seconds. Watch that episode. You will belly laugh at how they treat that. And then there's another discussion in the car on the way home from Atlantic City with Tony and Silvio still bent out of shape
Starting point is 00:19:03 about Columbus Day. Well, what happened to Gary Cooper? The silent quote. on the way home from Atlantic City with Tony and Sylvia's still bent out of shape above Columbus. Well, what happened to Gary Cooper? The silent quote. Sylvia goes, he's dead. I don't mean like that. Couple of morons. Oh, goodness gracious. Eloise.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Chuck in Boston has an opinion. Chuck, other than the Red Sox sucking a bag of cheese what do you got I don't understand people blaming Christopher Columbus
Starting point is 00:19:32 for what he only discovered America and he left and it's the people that came after him so blaming Christopher Columbus is kind of like
Starting point is 00:19:41 blaming that that country music singer that was on the stage in Vegas for luring all those people in. It's the same fucking thing. You can't blame Christopher Columbus. And people keep bashing him.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah, but didn't he indeed enslave some of the indigenous people and murder them? Or does he have any blood on his hands? Somebody was talking about it on the news today that he just discovered America and whoever came after him are the people that did what they did. It's kind of like when you send a hornet drone
Starting point is 00:20:23 into a beehive to take over the hive. You send one drone and leave some pheromones, and then the rest of the hornets can come. That's kind of the situation. But I don't know what Christopher Columbus did as far as fucking doing what people claim he did. But it wasn't just Christopher Columbus. No, exactly. You can't blame him for everything. everything no but he gets all the credit so again it's not about columbus the people have a problem with this they hate how this country was founded in the first but not a nation out
Starting point is 00:20:56 there that doesn't have blood on its hands with some type of oppression in its history we just happen to have a bunch of elitist jerk-offs that have the time, because they live in such a great country, to fucking obsess with shit like this. And that's how it, it just, it really is annoying. People pick something they don't like, and then they just fucking get other people to help beat it into the ground until it fucking, it's just people bitching. It's white people problems, basically. It is, yeah. No, it is. It's, I mean, when's the last time, you know, time you walked by a Columbus, or any statue a few years ago,
Starting point is 00:21:28 and people were irate about it? I know they've been bitching about this, you know, the Columbus Day thing forever, but, you know, that's how you know it's a manufactured thing. Probably a distraction to keep us peons busy while the government does other shit, if you want to get cynical. Thank you, Chucky. I'll talk to you soon, buddy. I like him.
Starting point is 00:21:49 He's all business, isn't he, Chuck? I love him. That's the essence of a Massachusetts guy. Here's what I got to say. Fucking ba-ba-ba. This is how it is. I'll talk to you. He left already?
Starting point is 00:22:04 Oh, God, help us. Ray Lewis statue. That was a good one. I told you, right? A bunch of right-wingers tried to tear down an Al Gore statue. It's the real guy. Brendan just looks at me with this fucking... With this sort of, I've been doing comedy
Starting point is 00:22:25 For three years And I didn't like that joke By the way Brendan's brother Brendan When's soft serve Weighing in I believe Wednesday
Starting point is 00:22:32 We got him Locked in for Wednesday Soft serve Is Brendan's brother Don't look at a time In a Kentucky He's gonna He's gonna call in
Starting point is 00:22:39 With his many insights With Yes Is he cutting hair Did he say he's cutting hair Yeah I believe That they We've gotten him Some barbershiers through the commissary. I believe he's able to pursue his business ventures in there. Yeah, those scissors will come in handy in the shower, too.
Starting point is 00:22:56 What? We should mention it's Brandon's last week with us. I didn't know that. Yeah. That does not make me happy. I'll do respect whoever's coming in, Chris, whatever. I enjoyed it, man. All due respect to whoever's coming in, Chris, whatever. But- I enjoyed it, man.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Why are you leaving? They wanted to- They're kind of shorthanded daytime. They're on the day, right? Yeah, so they wanted to bring me in. What are you going to be doing? Waxing floors? What the fuck in the daytime?
Starting point is 00:23:14 Waxing pubes, I think. Okay. But why my show? Why are they going to fucking- Go get fucking your short daytime. Go with somebody else's show. Huh? They did mention specifically they were trying to spite you with this move, so.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Don't tell them that. No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Oh, now what? You fucking over there. Oh, don't make a whole thing. Oh, don't get all quiet. Who was fucking whining when they changed our hours?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah, me. And I still will. Absolutely. Okay, so I'm fucking saying the same. I'm breaking balls. Oh, nice t-shirt. What are you, 11? AC, me. And I still will. Absolutely. Okay, so I'm fucking saying the same. I'm breaking balls. Nice t-shirt. What are you, 11? AC, you don't like ACDC.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah, I do. I also like Captain Crunch. I don't have a tattoo on my back, you big fucking girl. With two different things. No, it ain't. That was terrific.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Let's see if I can find a jerk off who believes in this stuff. Let's see if I can find a jerk off who believes in this stuff. Let's go to, I don't know, most people are with me. Pat in South Carolina. I always loved South Carolina. Patrick. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:24:16 What's happening? Not a whole lot. I just want to follow up on that white people slave. People don't realize, or they don't want to follow up on that that white people slave uh people don't realize or they don't want to realize that every country that is a country today has tried to take over other countries and when they did they killed the killed the people that were there or enslaved them and we hear nothing about that nowhere else except for in this country yeah no go ahead the the the whole thing with erasing our history is just their step and like you were talking about earlier going to a civil
Starting point is 00:24:53 war they want the the loony left coast wants it their way they want this whole country to be bankrupt won't favor just to be they want the government to control the whole country. Yes, they do. Their status. Every aspect. Yes, he was saying. Yeah, they just want to control. I mean, if you look at all these Antifa and stuff, that's nothing but communism.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And they know it. And they're not doing anything about it. No. It's cities like Los Angeles, Chicago. It really is. They really believe in government controlling every facet of your lives. And what's ironic about it, those are the cities that are in the shitter. You know? They're in the worst
Starting point is 00:25:46 shape, if you look at their finances. They think what works in Western Europe, in these tiny countries, can work over here. You know? It's just absolutely asinine. And they really do.
Starting point is 00:26:02 And you can tell by me, kids today, they don't get the history of there's nothing you think there's a course about the founding fathers anywhere and if it is it's bad mouthing them and they just like i said this thank you for the call patrick this country's so uh affluent that the people have time to get phds in the shit and sit in their ivy towers and just focus on but the but the whole you know what i mean slavery racism that is like the worst thing that's ever happened on the planet they did we got to move on folks we got to move can't we please when we come back i want to talk
Starting point is 00:26:39 about my idol harvey weinstein oh you really me. Apparently he's getting a lot of pussy on the side. He's like, you want that job? Lick my nuts. Well, okay, but... No buts. And action. He looks like a fucking tough Jew from Queens
Starting point is 00:26:57 is what he looks like to me. And he plays hardball. And I'm not condoning any of that shit. He seems like a real sleazeball and all that stuff. But the women, any of them accountable for... Did the Rose McGowans who got paid off, did they...
Starting point is 00:27:12 I'm a... I don't know. She got some money. He settled with her. So did she do something to get the cash? She should... Again, not condoning what he did. But that's what you got to understand out there.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Tony, no, Tony, Tony Montana said it, but first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the pussy. All's Harvey Weinstein wanted was a line of ladies' jeans with his name on the S. So we'll get into that, and it really was, I mean, sexism to the 10th power.
Starting point is 00:27:46 But like I said, some women in your, you know, your actions and your behavior, you're a little bit accountable. 866-969-1969. Back after this. You're listening to the Nick DiPaolo Show on Faction Talk Sirius XM 103. It's not unusual to be loved by anyone It's not unusual to have fun with anyone But when I see you hanging about with anyone It's not unusual to see me cry
Starting point is 00:28:42 I don't wanna die The Nick DiPaolo Show returns now. Oh, I want to hear that at least twice a week. That song just makes me feel good. It's Tom Jones for you young folk. Guy got more ass than a portal toilet on Earth Day. And his wife said, you know, go do what you gotta do. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, because she was living in a castle in Scotland. Like, literally. I remember him on Stern telling all this stuff. Hung like a Grecian bull, apparently. A Grecian bull. A Grecian bull. We used to say that back in, I don't know, high school or college. It's not unusual to get happy from anyone. But when I see you breaking out...
Starting point is 00:29:39 Anyways, we're talking about Harvey Feinstein, speaking of guys getting laid in... Feinstein. Feinstein. Speaking of guys getting laid in a lot of... Feinstein. Weinstein. Feinstein. I just want to be loved. Is that so wrong? I confused my Jewish fellas.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Harvey Weinstein. I said Harvey Feinstein. I could have said Harvey Firestone. He's an ESPN guy. Remember him? By the way, Harvey Feinstein. Yes. Torch Song Trilogy Ever see it?
Starting point is 00:30:09 No. You want to see a great flick? Torch Song Trilogy Yeah, it's about him, you know, growing up gay and stuff and he had like a tough mother Tremendous Tremendous. That's where I get that I just want to be loved, is that so wrong? But Yeah, I fucking love that.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I think I was living in LA. I was going through my lib period when I rented it. I appreciate the artistic. Yeah, there he is. He was in fucking, if you guys don't know who he is, what's the movie with Robin Williams? Mrs. Doubtfire. Remember? He was one of the makeup guys.
Starting point is 00:30:51 See if you can pull up Torch Song Trilogy. Him saying, I just want to be loved. Is that so wrong? If you find that, I'll give you $11.50. Let's go to Alex in Florida online, too. Alex, what's up? Hey, Nick. I just wanted to get your opinion on this women's rights thing.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Do you think gun control has any part of it? Like, once they start getting heat because of this Vegas stuff, they start asking Jimmy to write letters for Clinton and get Cam Newton to say some stupid shit. And what else? What else? From Weinstein? Like, do you think that's just a cool thing?
Starting point is 00:31:32 Well, it's weird. You connect some good dots there, but like Cam Newton was just being Cam Newton. I don't think the NRA had to force him to do that. But yeah, no, it does make you wonder, doesn't it? With all the shit going on But I don't think the NRA looks bad after the Vegas thing The media, if you watch the media, you'd believe that
Starting point is 00:31:52 But there's more people going, fuck that, I'm going to get my bump stocks tonight And you're not going to, we use them responsibly But yeah, you know, I don't know who's distracting who It gets so complicated But you know, I really think, Alex, there's 12 guys in a room that run the world after reading that Bilderberg Group book. Definitely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:14 But, yeah, they definitely put stuff out there for us to get distracted. It might not even be with the Vegas thing. Maybe. We don't have the full story there either, the way they ruled out terrorism and stuff. And now I'm hearing the guy might have been radicalized. And, yeah, so, you know. But I'd hate to be Weinstein. Why are you using me?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Why am I the fucking distraction? Can I get laid? Yeah, exactly. My big, fat, hairy ass in the tub. Come on. I gave this girl a part in One Potato, too, that fucking movie that made $11 million. Yeah. All right, exactly. My big, fat, hairy ass in the tub. Come on, I gave this girl a part in One Potato Too, that fucking movie that made $11 million. Yeah, all right, Alex.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Thanks for the call, pal. You're the man, Nick. All right, take care, man. All right. Milk Toast Show. What the fuck? What was that podcast? I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 00:32:58 No, but I like the way the kids call in. They're so media savvy. Well, I was listening. You know three seconds in what they're fucking trying to do. By the way, Jerry Jones is a frigging hypocrite too, isn't he? You fucking hypocrite. He's taken a knee one week and now he's saying we're not going to disrespect the flag. You know what's going on there, don't you?
Starting point is 00:33:20 Their ratings are down and that did hurt. This stuff is hurting them. So all of a sudden the owners are like, you're going hurt. This stuff is hurting them. So all of a sudden, the owners are like, you're going to stand for the, you know. It really is ridiculous. It's a dangerous situation. Chris in Maine, what's going on, Chris? He has a comment about the liberal media.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Hey, Nick. How you doing, bud? Pretty good. How you doing? Pretty good, man. Listen, we're 48 years old up here in Maine. We work hard. comment about the liberal media how you doing bud pretty good how you doing pretty good man listen uh we're 48 years old up here in maine we work hard we uh you know we're right wing we're we're uh you know hardworking americans and this harvey wine team thing this has been going on for a long time it goes all the way back to you know kennedy driving off in the off into the water that's right cover up they cover up shit that's right. They have money to do so. And when they have to look righteous,
Starting point is 00:34:08 they'll cut off the head of themselves to make themselves look righteous. At times, you know, they act like they're all good, but they had to do it. And when they got to do it, they'll cut the heads off themselves. Yes. No loyalty to anybody.
Starting point is 00:34:22 They don't give a damn. I think, yeah, I think you're right. And then go to the feminist side. The women will play it as much as they can. I mean, nothing against any of these young ladies that Harvey supposedly did whatever with. But they knew what they were getting into. This isn't a Kobe Bryant thing, but they're out for themselves. And when things don't go the right way, what
Starting point is 00:34:45 do they do? They'll call foul. Yeah. Yeah, they want it both ways. I said that at the beginning of the night. I talked about, again, I'm not trying to condone Weinstein's behavior, but it's like, you can't, you feminists can't be out there going, look, we can do everything men can do. We're independent, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Take care of ourselves. We don't need a man in our life. And then, like you said, when they get into some hot water, they cry foul and, hey, he's being a sexist pig. Absolutely. Absolutely. And they get a chance to cut their own head off. They'll do it. And then they'll act all righteous.
Starting point is 00:35:24 But my wife, we've been married 25 years, and she hates that movement. She'd like me to stay at home, mom, and take care of the kids and raise two fine boys that work hard. Right. She can't do that anymore because they've made them into some people. Some of them don't want to be who a lot of these people that are outspoken, these women that are outspoken. The traditional women don't want to be who the a lot of these people that are outspoken these women that are outspoken you know the traditional women don't want to be that way right and uh yeah no absolutely and if you watch the media um you know you don't see you don't see too many traditional moms on sitcoms uh you know that stay home take care of the kids because it doesn't make for good storylines, I guess,
Starting point is 00:36:05 or whatever. But they, yeah, no, absolutely. And there's a lot of, and there's a lot of women who regret, there's a lot,
Starting point is 00:36:10 there's a lot of women who regret, you know, like you said, like your wife hates this shit. They, they regret what the feminist, they're like, no,
Starting point is 00:36:17 I, you know, I, I'm going to stay home and take care of the kids and be a good mom, which is really the most important job when you, if more people did, it would have less scumbags on the street and less crime, but don't make that point. Amen.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And then they'll make fun of the, you know, they put them commercials on TV like you're talking about, and they downgrade the American dad that works his ass off. Oh, yeah. It's up every single day. They want to shit on him and make him look into somebody that is just some, you know, he doesn't know what he's doing. Right. You know, a white American man made this country, worked our damn ass off every goddamn day. And these libs out there make a lot of money, and they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want with it.
Starting point is 00:37:03 The Times trying to come out all clean, trying to throw Harvey under the bus. Right. That's they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want with it. The times trying to come out all clean, trying to throw Harvey under the bus. That's good. You had to do now. The part Harvey's a bum too. Just like a bottom, which is a whole lot more of them out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:14 A whole lot more Harvey Weinstein. Oh, sure. If they cover it up. Absolutely. And, and, and,
Starting point is 00:37:18 and Bill Clinton was one of them too. Thanks for the call. Thanks, Chris. Hey, take care of yourself. Make sure the best. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Appreciate it. State of Maine, where Thanks for the call. Thanks, Chris. Take care of yourself. You're the best. All right. Appreciate it. State of Maine, where I went to college. Fastest running back in the conference. I ran a 4.6 flat. You look at these guys at the Combines, they run 4.23.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Oh my god. College football is just delicious. I don't care what you say oh my goodness michigan michigan state in front of 116,000 she's like my goodness nice defensive battle vicious hitting um what did i want oh i wanted to bring up your Giants. They really put themselves in a real hole there, Andy. They really did. Odell Beckham. That guy needs a shrink before he needs a surgeon for his leg.
Starting point is 00:38:12 He's a fucking nutcase. He gets all serious. No, I know... There's nothing really to defend. No, I receive as a nutty, I know, but he takes it to a new level. He was crying before he hurt his leg, right? Didn't I see him crying on the side with a towel on his face Sunday? Tremendous ball play, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah. I'd pay to see the guy, but he needs a shrink. Don't you think? Yeah, I think so. He's a little wacky. But too bad. You go all in five, he breaks his. For him, they lost four wide receivers
Starting point is 00:38:45 in one day. Four wide receivers. They were looking at Brian Piccolo's nephew to come in. What? Little pick. Little pick. Little pick. Hey, folks, if you're around October 21st in the Connecticut area, I'm going to be at the Westport Inn.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Westport, Connecticut. And November 10th and 11th, the comedy works Saratoga Springs. And hit me up on Twitter and Instagram too, could you? On Facebook, at Nick DePaolo. Could you do that, please? I'm going to get those numbers up there.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I heard they're going to pay a buck a follower someday. Yeah, true story. It's not unusual to be frowned by anyone but when I'll see you uh oh Jameel Hill suspended by ESPN I love it I don't love it because she should have been fired about
Starting point is 00:39:39 calling Trump a white supremacist but uh finally ESPN had to put the on the hateful little witch. ESPN has suspended SportsCenter Joe's Jamel Hill for violating its social media policy. After Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said he would bench any players who disrespect the flag, Hill suggested on Twitter that fans who disagree with Jones's stance should boycott Cowboys
Starting point is 00:40:08 advertisers. She says, and I quote, change happens when advertisers are impacted, she tweeted. If you feel strongly about Jerry Jones's statement, boycott his advertisers. ESPN said in a statement that Hill was suspended for a second violation of our social media guidelines. A spokesman for the company declined to say which specific guidelines she violated and whether she would be paid during the suspension. Oh, of course she would.
Starting point is 00:40:34 She's a minority and a female. We're not going to. I still want to know why she wasn't canned for calling the president a white supremacist. for calling the president a white supremacist. Don't you think she should have been canned then? I do.
Starting point is 00:40:53 No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Yes. I think I'm the only one that likes these sound drops. I get fucking weird when Ron Bennington was sitting here. Every time I'd hit one, he'd fucking get a pained look in his eye. Radio purist. I love it. I do too, man.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Jamel Hill, will you go back to Atlanta, wherever you came from? Detroit, I think it is. Whitey hater. She's the real whitey hater. Let's play some music for her. Snopes, the only one I listen to. They asked Jerry Jones about two of his players that raised their fists at the end of the anthem, but he brushed the question aside.
Starting point is 00:42:00 And he said, but if there's anything that is disrespectful to the flag, then we will not play. He told the Dallas Morning News, you understand? If we're disrespecting the flag, then we won't play, period. You know what's going on? And I'm telling you, they're getting hurt in their ratings. And Goodell's supposed to work for the owners, right? The commissioner?
Starting point is 00:42:21 So, who would get in his ear? Because he probably got in the owner's ear and going look you know we took the play aside for a few weeks but we're getting fucking walloped here you guys got to step it up i can't do it because i already chose my asshole point of view on this so now they got the now the owners are like you're gonna stand on you know and jameel you know jameel hill doesn't like that coming out of an old, crusty, white billionaire like Jerry Jones. That just bugs her because she's young, female, and black.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Did you just flash a gangster? No. Oh, I thought. That's Snoop's weed song. Anyway, so she's suspended for a couple weeks oh goodness gracious the world's gonna stop calling the president white supremacist imagine i'm trying to think of a white female sports guy i don't know aaron andrews goes yeah that that obama's a Marxist, black Marxist motherfucker. Sure, that would have. What are you high-fiving?
Starting point is 00:43:28 My boy Sanchez. Oh, I like Sanchez, too. I hate to say this as a Red Sox fan, but this guy is like, he belongs in the Yankees. Get that. I like him. I like him a lot. Fucking built like Yvonne Conway from the Wasteland. Canadians hockey player from the 70s.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Where did I get that? 866-969-1960. I think Jamel Hill should be sent away to another country, specifically Iran. That's her punishment. Let's go to our friend uh he's very well spoken uh leonard in uh georgia has an opinion about the wine scene story leonard how are you this evening i'm doing good how are you brother nick pretty good thank you so much i always have an opinion. This is what I think is going on.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I believe that it's weapons of mass distraction, just like they were touching on a while ago. Look over here, not over here. Look over here, not over here. Because this shit has been going on for literally 100 hundred years fatty or buckle 1917 you should read up on him sometime i did wasn't him yeah wasn't he into kids what no no no he was accused of uh oh rape 27 uh the rape and death of a 27-year-old lady, which was later never proved. Yeah. But the thing is, between them and Rock Hudson and Marilyn Monroe with her politicians and, you know, all the gay actors,
Starting point is 00:45:17 they've been covering that shit up for years. That's the way Hollywood has always worked. Yes. Touching on this Weinstein thing. his word yes touching on this weinstein thing if mr weinstein says to mrs jones or whoever come on meet me for dinner we're going to talk about this part but if mr weinstein says come on meet me up here how sweet while i'm naked in the tub wash my crusty balls and she still goes up there and then fames oh i didn't know i didn't I called bullshit on that. They didn't get what they wanted. That's how that happened.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Okay, but he wasn't in the tub yet. She just went up to the room. He didn't call from the tub and said, come up here. I've got to talk to you. No, I agree. You're a little smart-ass. No, Leonard, I mentioned that earlier. I said, do they have some, I mean, these women, they're strong, independent,
Starting point is 00:46:06 they can do anything men can do, so they should be responsible for their own behavior. And I agree, if somebody like Harvey Weinstein calls you up to his suite, and again, they'll say, playing devil advocate, they'll go, so means what, that we should duck and we have to worry about being raped? Well, no, but think twice. All I picture is silence with the lambs, the interaction between Mr. Hannibal Lecter behind the bars and wanting to know about them sheep with Jody or them lambs with Jody.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I just picture Weinstein there going, or them lambs with Jody. I just picture Weinstein there going, quid pro quo, quid quo. And we won't need sheep, darling. She's a big girl, sir. Yeah, she's a big girl. You look like a... You big old fat girl.
Starting point is 00:46:58 You about size 14, huh? That cheap bag makes you look like a rube. Your nipples tingling. You know? That cheap bag makes you look like a rube. But seriously, another thing I need to say, I think Nathan from Connecticut is behind all this shit. And then the other thing, as you have alluded on, I too am a fan of Snoop Dogg because he has some semblance of damn talent. He does. That's all I've got to say about that. You know what? That coming out, that accent, you saying you like Snoop, I'm just telling you right there,
Starting point is 00:47:31 that's proof that we can break these racial barriers down and live as one miserable country. Leonard, thank you so much. Thank you. You got it. Do you hear that, Leonard? Like Snoop. A friend and dade. It's a friend and nade.
Starting point is 00:47:52 This goes out to Leonard in Georgia. He's putting some dry rub on a pork shoulder right now. He's melodic. You know what I'm saying? But I also like Rick Ross when he comes out with his filthy Suck my dick, white bitch! Yeah, cultures, they're all equal.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Put that right next to Sinatra. And that's an old song, but I loves it. Did I meet Snoop when I was on Chris Rock? Do we have him on? Can't remember. By the way, Jameel Hill was suspended for two weeks. I hope you guys can sleep tonight. Is that another mass distraction?
Starting point is 00:48:51 So do you think this is just a big distraction? It is. All these stories are, despite, that doesn't mean some girl didn't get her feelings hurt when Harvey soaked her, you know, had his balls soaked. What, what, um, what should we, If we didn't have these distractions, what would the news look like, though?
Starting point is 00:49:12 We'd be the first ones to complain because we have no attention span. We've been on this Vegas thing for almost three days now. Hasn't anybody been raped in a hotel room in Hollywood, for Christ's sake? You know? But because people really always complain that the news is, it's very superficial
Starting point is 00:49:29 in this country, you know, if it bleeds, it leads, and all that shit, but we don't, there's no, there's no depth. You ever watch like a five o'clock and there's no, the stories are like a minute and a half and they don't answer who, what, where, it's just horrendous reporting.
Starting point is 00:49:47 But I have this opinion that if it was really, if we really got into stories deep, people, again, their eyes would glaze over. That's what we've created with the help of MTV and Tension Span and Crack Babies. But a friend in need is a friend indeed. Right, Jamil? You little racist wench, you Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:50:10 I feel like I'm cutting a double album tonight What am I, a coal mine? I gotta quit smoking, too Same You smoke? Almost every Saturday I have Weed? No
Starting point is 00:50:23 Cigarettes? Yeah Just on Saturday? Well, it's usually, you know, go boozing or whatever smoke? Almost every Saturday I have. Weed? No. Cigarettes? Yeah. Just on Saturdays? Well, it's usually like, you know, go out boozing or whatever. I'll have a few. Yeah. That was me. For years. But not during the week at all. It's only social.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I used to look at people going, oh, coffee and cigarette together? How fucking great. Now I'm that guy. I can't wait to get on my sit on my front steps in the woods. See, that does sound nice. Oh, it's nice. I'm in my underwear. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:50:53 I'm in my underwear and I go in the house. I have to burn up 11 ticks using a Bic lighter and an aerosol can. Tomorrow night, I'm going to talk about, I don't know, what's the guy that gets us guests? The heavyset kid? What's his name? Roland? Is he still trying?
Starting point is 00:51:15 I know I'm going for some real big names. I'm like, can you get me one of the strong middles that you saw at the stress factory in the last two years? Wait a sec. That was you. I'm sorry. Tomorrow night, I'm going to touch on smoking cannabis and how it makes you violent. And California, leading in stupid again, lowest penalty for knowingly exposing partners to HIV.
Starting point is 00:51:40 This is where you guys will talk about that and more. Thank you so much to all the callers tonight my red socks are out of it and uh yankees are hanging in there and uh that is it right we'll talk to you uh tomorrow night take care of yourselves Bye.

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