The Nick DiPaolo Show - 210 - Thanksgiving Recap

Episode Date: November 28, 2017

Thanksgiving Recap...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And now, The Nick DiPaolo Show. All righty, back in the saddle again. How are you, folks? Monday. It's a Monday. How are you? How was Thanksgiving? Good? Good?
Starting point is 00:00:46 That is not the food you want to be eating when you have stitches in your ass. Turkey, it's like ass spackle. The breading, you can cock your windows with that, with a stuffing. It really is not. That is not. Is there anything harder to digest than turkey?
Starting point is 00:01:04 And yes, my wounds are still fresh, believe it or not, folks. Not to get grotesque here, but Jesus, it's like, mm, this is delicious. Then into the tub, mm, out of the tub, mm, this is deli- Not, uh, but I laid, I laid around like I've never laid around. I always go, you know, I'm not going to watch. I'm telling you, Stephen Hawking burned more calories over the weekend. I keep going to him. I can't think of anybody else.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I don't want to go to the kid who we love so much at the Shriners. But I did not just. I was disgusted with myself. You know, but quiet. You know, me and the wife at the house. Thanks, Evan. Nice. 19 games on.
Starting point is 00:01:54 College. I got this new DirecTV. We finally updated the equipment after 19 years. You can record seven things at once. Watch them on any TV, Christ in your neighbor's house if you want to. It's so much better. And I'm telling you, I watched Navy, Houston. I watched every...
Starting point is 00:02:14 Boy, those Patriots, huh? Everybody... You all up their ass when they get smoked on opening night. And I said to my wife, Yeah, they lost their two for the year. You better watch out. But that league blows. Do you see the pictures, folks?
Starting point is 00:02:31 Do you see the empty seats? Kaepernick, you fucking idiot. You thought you were doing a big thing for all your brothers in the league that are kneeling? All you did was cut their... What do you think? Where do you think that revenue goes? Those empty seats? Those are hot dogs and beers that aren't being bought either that's where they
Starting point is 00:02:49 make a ton of money the concessions and by the way you know all that agree you know the fucking union and their big uh their contracts and stuff hey if they're hurting at the if you're hurting at the box office it's going to come out of your pay eventually somehow they ain't going to come out of the owner's pay, is it? So that really backfired when you think about it. And these places are empty. Did you go on Twitter? People take pictures.
Starting point is 00:03:11 It's five minutes before game time, and it looks like it's two hours before game time. I actually love it. And it's not all about the protests. I'll still say it. That league is P-fucking-U. There was a couple games I watched. There must have been 17 penalties in the first half and then they review every touchdown even when a guy goes in unmolested on a run we
Starting point is 00:03:31 got to review that we have lost all common sense in this world they review that even did you hear al michaels i think somebody's one of the announcers like here's 11 seconds we'll never get back. Somebody actually had the balls to joke about it. 866-969-1969. 866-969-1969. Yeah, so between the dog shit football, and it really is mediocre, a lot of it. Just watch Auburn and Alabama, man, and it's hard to watch Jennifer. Did you watch all that stuff? Oh, yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Here's the great thing about rivalry Saturday this year. They're always good. You can throw out their records. That's what makes them rivalries. But a lot of these teams were ranked this year. A lot of the matchups, they were both ranked. I don't know if South Carolina was, but Clemson, South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:04:20 You know, Michigan, Ohio. Auburn, Alabama. And there were a lot of them that were fucking, and 107,000 at Michigan. Seriously. So it's not, it's not the sport people are getting turned off by. You know, we're still crazy, football crazy in this country. 107,000 at Michigan. And, um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I did not move. Did not write a joke. I don't know. It's almost good to be back. Do I really mean that? I don't know. Hey, real quickly, I have to thank my Nick DiPaolo podcast contributions. Bobby Shloita again.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Luke Anderson. Dennis the Grab Bag. Bobby Shluida again. Luke Anderson. Dennis the Grab Bag. And Daniel Pametuan. Timothy Yule. That's Timmy from Cincinnati. All contributors to the DiPaolo Podcast. If you want to subscribe to the Nick DiPaolo Podcast,
Starting point is 00:05:20 you go to slash Nick. slash Nick. $3.99 a month, five shows a week. You get a free one on there on iTunes on Monday and and stitcher breaks down about 28 cents a show. It's a good deal. And these people contribute on top of it. So I thank you guys. People are still signing up.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Uh, so yes, haven't exercised since the operation, before the operation, that was November 6th. Haven't lifted a finger. I feel it all soft and stuff. Not good. I actually was going to go for a walk. That's when you know you're like an old guy. I'm going to go walk around the neighborhood just to get the blood flowing.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Didn't do that either. Put the jacket on, sat on the couch, didn't take the jacket off. Next thing I know, it's 110. I'm sweating with my coat on. Never fucking left the living room. Oh! What? Oh, and the other thing that bugged me about the NFL.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I didn't really write this down, but last week, remember the Bills benched Tyrod Taylor and they put in this guy Peterman, who threw five picks? Well, this week, all those pregame shows, actually, like Fox had to do a sketch. Just like humiliating the coach. And I know why this is. You can agree or disagree. It's because a black quarterback got benched for a white guy who threw five. That's why they couldn't leave it alone.
Starting point is 00:06:54 You do a whole sketch on it, and then I put on CBS, and they will make fun of it for a segment, too? Seriously, am I fucking paranoid here? No. That's why they did that. A five-minute sketch with Rob Riggle or whatever his name is. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And it was actually pretty well, I don't like comedy and sports mixed. I like them separate. I like my sports here and my comedy. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:07:15 You know what I mean? But it was actually pretty, it was pretty funny the way they did it, but there's no need to, I mean, it was like taking a five-minute sketch to humiliate their coach
Starting point is 00:07:24 and because, again, Tyrod Taylor's black and it was like taking a five minute sketch to humiliate their coach and because again Tyrod Taylor is black and it was replaced by fucking white guy named Peter Peter I'm telling you would they have done that why else why was that a big story you know because there must have been racism involved right
Starting point is 00:07:39 that's how I saw it maybe you didn't and if you didn't you're not aware of the times you're living in 866-969-1969. Peterman. God, his name is Peterman. And boy, did he stink it up. But that's not the point. Tyra Taylor stunk it up, and the coach made a decision.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Everybody's so fucking smartass come Monday morning, right? Yeah. So they're hurting. Attendance down, uh, viewership 20% down from last year. Hemorrhaging. I don't know how it works.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Can the owners get together and vote Goodell out? You must have a contract. 44 million a year. This guy make, you know, do you know how hard it is to break something like the NFL? Do you know how hard it is to break something as successful as the NFL? You got to point the fingers at somebody.
Starting point is 00:08:37 He sided with those assholes nailing down, and they're taking it right in the keister. Oh, my goodness. I mean, that thing has been a cash cow forever. It's the pastime. It has been forever in this country. Like I said, you look at the stands of college football, it's teeming with people.
Starting point is 00:08:57 So it's not the sport. But, boy, mediocre football. Just flags everywhere. I like these defensive backs. They just grab a guy as he runs by they're too lazy it's unblown coverages everywhere it's like oh my god what is going on in the world folks story-wise um oh we had to get i had to get to this. Did you see this online?
Starting point is 00:09:25 This nurse, this black nurse? She was removed from a hospital. Fucking believable. Indiana University Health. Indiana hospital system says a nurse is no longer an employee after she was tied to a message on Twitter claiming white women are raising sons with the highest propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist,
Starting point is 00:09:49 killer, and domestic violence all-star. I guess she hasn't seen this. I guess she hasn't read the fucking statistics. Why was that so loud? Taisha Baker. Taisha Baker. Taisha Baker. She said, Controversial tweet,
Starting point is 00:10:12 which the Indianapolis Star put it, was posted on an account named Night Nurse. Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son. Someone with the highest propensity to be a terrorist,ist racist killer and domestic violence austin historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves bitch get out of my room you sick cunt kind of talk is that
Starting point is 00:10:39 that's what she said by Sunday afternoon the hospital said a recently hired IU health employee tied to troubling posts on social media this weekend is no longer employed an employee of IU health Baker could not immediately be reached Monday for comment really I thought you'd come right to the door. That's black racism, folks. Pure and simple.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I'm going to report it every time I hear it. I watched another video of a black nurse watching a World War II vet. He was gasping for air in his room. A nurse comes in, does like a routine check, doesn't even check what, what, what. Then the supervisor comes in, another black nurse, and they're giggling as
Starting point is 00:11:25 this guy's fucking gasping for air it makes me nervous because i got a dad with alzheimer's who we're gonna have to eventually put in a home but how do you hire somebody like that in the first place that's my question i'm not supposed to believe that was her first racist tweet ever on social media. 866-969-1969. That makes you... Your old man, but he... How old is your dad? 93? Four.
Starting point is 00:11:52 94. Yeah. I got a feeling he's going to stay right at home. He's not going anywhere. He's not going anywhere, is he? Oh, he's giving us direct orders. Don't let me linger. None of that shit.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Do not resuscitate. Enough. He goes When I'm done I'm done But he's not going to a home He's not going to a hospice Or anything like that
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yeah no He doesn't look it No He's gonna be like My grandfather you're dead My grandfather got sick For like a week And died
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah That's it He was healthy for fucking 93 years He's not slowing down He's deteriorating But his mental He had me out chopping wood
Starting point is 00:12:26 On fucking Friday He said that like You're fucking pissing him on And you want him out there chopping 8.30 in the morning Guys in his late hundreds Yeah fuck that I'm gonna watch game day
Starting point is 00:12:36 866-969-1969 The phone's on What's going on Everything plugged in Fucking working like Springsteen here folks call in will you i want to hear about your thanksgiving i want to hear if there's some political fights at the table i want to hear your thoughts on this black nurse who's obviously racist and and if it was a white nurse i'll say it again talking about black people like that
Starting point is 00:13:01 would be on mbc nightly news if Fucking, you know who would do a special? CNN would have a two-hour special on white racism in hospitals. But this is just another story. Taisha Baker. Her account has since been deleted and recreated by another user who's been tweeting from it uh hate huh you want to hear some more black racism then you get this guy uh coran phillips who writes for the daily news which is the biggest piece of shit paper ever it's it makes the uh remember when the acquirer was a joke? This would be the joke in New York City, the Daily News.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's not even, I don't even know how it's still open. But he said, on Friday, August 19th, 2016, in the suburbs of Detroit, one of the blackest cities in American history, Donald Trump asked this question to black America. What do you have to lose by trying something new? Like Trump. What do you have to lose? You're living in poverty.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. 58% of youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose? And this pisses this fucking guy off. You can't handle the truth! What did Trump say that was so fucking wrong there? On that day, Donald Trump showed the world and black people everywhere what he thinks of us.
Starting point is 00:14:27 We're poor, we're dumb, we're helpless. That is not what he was saying. The people who run the city is who he was shitting on. This guy writes for a daily news in New York City. Just by his picture I can tell he hates Whitey. But that flies in new york city he goes let's take a look back at what he said in june of 2016 when he's on the campaign trail oh look at my african-american over here look at him my now he breaks down my implies ownership
Starting point is 00:14:58 which says a lot about how trump and his supporters think now we we're lumped in. It's also the reason why the Twitter president, in quotes, loves to focus his wrath on a certain group. You're fucking crazy. And the president has shown us that he isn't a fan of uppity black people. There's a class inflection to uppity today. And it follows that most of the black people Trump has attacked are well off.
Starting point is 00:15:25 But then he says this. This is going to get you goat if you're out there whitey, Trump supporter, like me. Trump is a savant when it comes to knowing how to harness white resentment and hostility towards outspoken people of color. This is perhaps his most bankable skill.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Trump has figured out a way to manipulate and pull the strings of his supporters masterfully. He's Geppetto to their Pinocchio. So we're all just, you know, he's the puppet master. He understands that a large share of white America somehow feels threatened by black people.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Not really, unless you go online and watch 90 minutes of knockout videos and shit, then you might fucking think twice about leaving your house. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! Oh, this guy's mind. Fucking hates Whitey. Jemele Hill, these are the people that Trump's picked up. Jemele Hill, LeVar Ball, Marshawn Lynch, Colin Kaepernick, Stephen Curry have all been in Trump's crosshairs. And I love how they use the word attack.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Trump attacking black and sports. Remember I read a headline before we went on break. Again, it was always Trump attack. So when you rebut somebody like Marshawn Lynch or his mother or whatever, that's an attack. When you disagree with them, that's an attack. Bullshit. All those fucking guys that Trump attacked,
Starting point is 00:16:44 all these people had it coming. But while black sport figures continue to be Trump's prey, Trump has been silent when it comes to those who share his skin color. Steve Kerr, Greg Popovich, and Stan Van Gundy, the head coaches of the Warriors, Spurs, and Pistons, respectively, have been highly critical of Trump in the media for months. Yet, still, Trump hasn't uttered or typed their names. That's because Trump only aims at the people who agitate his base.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Trump and his supporters may be ignorant. That's what he says. This is what Karam Phillips says. Trump and his supporters may be ignorant, but they aren't stupid. That doesn't make any sense. That shows how ignorant and stupid you are. They know who to respond to and who to ignore. Trump has always used racism to promote his agenda
Starting point is 00:17:29 and keep his name in the headlines. No, he hasn't actually. Karan Phillips has never been challenged by a white person in his life. And guys like this, you think Obama when he went to Harvard, you think anybody ever challenged his view on race or anything else?
Starting point is 00:17:43 Surrounded by white liberals who think just like him. So when a guy like Trump speaks up and speaks that frankly like he did in Detroit, somehow he's out of line. Give me a goddamn break. Karan Phillips. There's a picture of him.
Starting point is 00:18:04 You can tell he just don't like white people. That's what it looks like to me. Yeah, Jamel Phillips, Jamel Hill still has a job, right? After saying Trump is a white supremacist. Huh? What did Kurt Schilling say to get him canned? Talking about Muslims and fucking Nazis and...
Starting point is 00:18:23 Remember? And then he weighed in on the transgender thing. He was fucking booted immediately. Double standards, triple standards. They're never going to go away. Let's go to Zach in Pittsburgh. Zach wants to weigh in on the NFL, which we started talking about.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Hey, what's up, Zach? Hey, what's up, Nick, man? Hey, good to talk to you again. Thanks for calling no problem but uh yeah i didn't watch uh much nfl this year and it's i'm obviously opinionated on the bullshit with the kneeling but for the past couple years i just uh roger goodell being able to run the nfl just proves that adults can be functionally retarded and the officiating is so horrible. I've been talking to your advice, and I'm watching more and more college.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah. It's just that, you know, obviously, you know, the kneeling thing disgusts me, but when it comes around to Sunday or Thursday or a Monday night, I'm like, when I sit down in front of the TV, I don't have the urge. I'm just going to do something else. You know, it's funny. I forget, and this has happened
Starting point is 00:19:26 for the last few years. I actually, when they moved the Monday night game to ESPN or whatever, wherever they moved it. A couple years ago, yeah. Yeah. I started forgetting about those. I started forgetting about the game on Monday night, and now I've skipped it.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I've got to be honest. I laid it around all weekend. Like I said, if I wasn't from New England or from Boston, I don't know that I've got to be honest. I laid it around all weekend. Like I said, if I wasn't from New England or from Boston, I don't know that I'd be watching the NFL either. I watch the Pats and I get sucked into the Steelers game. But it is a combination, Zach, like you said. The whole, you know, they brought politics into it, which turned people off. But it's a lot more than that. Like you said, the officiating is horrendous.
Starting point is 00:20:03 They review everything now, and it just slows the game down. I was a proponent of replay, and I said the only reason I might not like it is if they use it wrong, which they are doing. They just review everything. That's exactly what they did. Yeah. I'll tell you what, real quick. I know you've got to get on with the show,
Starting point is 00:20:21 but I think we all know the real Super Bowl this year will be the AFC championship between the Steelers nation and the Patriots. Yeah, that could. Well, who's the big, who's the hot hand? Well, the Eagles are not to be counted out, but I don't think. So they're just, you know, they're the Eagles. I know. Yeah, they're the Eagles. I know.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I actually had a local, this local call me rag in Pittsburgh attacked me, wrote this hit piece about me because, you know, I do stand up and I'm an openly libertarian conservative. Yeah. And actually, he re-upped, well, actually it wasn't a hit, it was a blog on their website because I was pissed. It did actually go into print on their free paper because I wanted to get a bunch of them and sign them and start auctioning it off and give it to veterans charities. But I described this person's article because everybody I talked to was the few people, these far-leftist social justice warrior dipshits that hate me. And I basically said, like, this guy's equivalent, his article was the equivalent of basically writing an article about the Philadelphia Eagles
Starting point is 00:21:26 and only interviewing assholes and people that hate winning Super Bowls. But anyway, yeah, so definitely. And anytime you want to put a little wager on the AFC championship between the Steelers. Wow, you get all cocky because they beat the Packers. I'm getting all cocky because they beat the Packers. I'm a little bigger right now talking to you. They didn't look that good against the Aaron Rodgers-less Packers last night. And without Watt, too, I mean.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, we got the Juju was out and a couple other receivers. I guess they forgot to know how to move their fingers to catch a ball. We'll welcome you to Gillette Stadium at any time. We have to go. We've got to go to Pittsburgh in a couple weeks, don't we, the Pats?
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah. Yeah, two weeks from now. All right. Definitely. Yeah, all right. All right, Zach. Love you guys. Take care, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:17 All righty. I've got 19 calls up here and there were about 19 different things Dennis in Las Vegas wants to weigh in on the NFL Dennis what's happening hey Nick I agree with that last guy
Starting point is 00:22:41 college football hockey all day long. Absolutely. NFL, these guys, these athletes are so lazy. They could easily use their celebrity to get on the news and make a point. But they don't because they don't want to spend the extra effort to do that. They'd rather just say, I want to take a knee because that's the easy thing to do that. They'd rather just say, well, I'm going to take a knee
Starting point is 00:23:06 because that's the easy thing to do while I'm here at a game. And the reality is I can't protest at my job when I'm on the clock. What do you do? And, you know, I've got to tell you, they would get a lot more done if they put a little effort in, stopped the nonsense, because, quite honestly, the national anthem has nothing to do with police abuse. Right. That's the real thing.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Right. And not one time have I heard them say, you know, oh, hey, a Mexican guy or a white guy got shot, and that's wrong, too. No, it's fine if a white guy or a Mexican guy or, you know, if an Asian guy gets shot. It's only if a black guy gets shot that's the problem. Well, yeah, exactly. And a lot of these guys on the weekend, you know, they like to break the rules.
Starting point is 00:23:53 That's why it looks like the optics are so bad. Half of them have records anyways, and it's like they're saying, we don't want the cops to do their job so we can have some fun. I think that's the way a lot of the country sees it, and that's why they turned up. I've got to go to break, Dennis. Thanks for the call, pal. Thanks, bud.
Starting point is 00:24:07 They've got the Raiders going to Vegas. They're moving to Vegas. Kind of fits them, don't it? It's always been the word. Huh? Yeah. It's a done deal. Is it? Yeah. I forget when it's happened. Well, they're building a stadium. It better be. They've got hockey football now?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Yeah, but think about it. I mean, fucking how easy. I mean, that's going to be dangerous. Wandering, you know what I mean? It's not like when Meyer Lansky ran. But let's take one more before we go to break. Let's go to Mark in San Diego real quick. Mark, what's going on?'s up nick what's up homie
Starting point is 00:24:47 what's happening ah shit man i'm i'm back on the road but uh i'm up here in uh huntington beach fucking around but hey nick yeah seriously do you think i mean as much as it hurts my gonads to say this yeah what about them San Diego Chargers, man? Yeah. That's you. Yeah, they're looking good. They're looking good. I figured they'll peter out right around playoff time.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Oh, you got it. No, they actually have a defense this year, which is different. It was always Phillip Rivers. This is turning into a sports show tonight. I didn't mean it to. I wanted to stick to race and other things people can get angry about. But, yeah, Phillip Rivers, as long as you've got him, and you've got a defense this year.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So, you know, they might squeak in there and be eliminated in the first round. No, I'd love to call back and talk some shit about that thick-angled dog face, but the Chargers are looking good. Hey, I'll tell you what. Yeah. There's a guy coming into town this weekend. He canceled the show a few months ago, Robert Kelly. What do you know about this guy? He's very thin. He looks sickly. He doesn't have much of a Z. He's
Starting point is 00:26:00 got a head of hair on him like a young Elvis. No, he's funny. Bobby Kelly's a funny MF-er. He's great on the radio. He'll blow the doors off whatever club he's playing. I told you, I did the comics come home at the TD Garden a couple years ago. He had to close the show. It's like an all-star lineup. And he shook the rafters. So people should
Starting point is 00:26:19 go out and see it. I hope he sells enough tickets down here in San Diego to inspire you to get your monkey ass down here. We love you. All right, Mark. Get your ass down here, motherfucker. All right. Bye. Take care. All right, folks. We'll go to break, come back, and I'd like to hear about you Thanksgiving. I want to hear. We talk about all this political tension at the table on Thanksgiving. I want to hear, we talk about all this political tension at the table on Thanksgiving. I want to
Starting point is 00:26:45 hear if any of it played out. Did an aunt get knocked out? An uncle get hit with a gravy boat? That type of shit. You know. 866-969-1969. Back after this. You're listening to The Nick DiPaolo Show on on faction talk sirius xm 103 សូវាប់ពីបានប់ពីបានប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពី And now, back to the Nick DiPaolo show on SiriusXM, Faction Talk 103.
Starting point is 00:28:04 How are you, folks? Final segment on a Monday. 866-969-1969 is the phone number. Talking about this article by B. Shapiro in the New York Times over the Thanksgiving weekend. His eye makeup is way better than yours, is the headline. He's young teens who have tremendous followings on social media. And putting on women's makeup.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And your article was accompanied by, you know, them in certain poses and just talking about how it's perfectly normal and blah, blah, blah, and I don't know. It's the sexualization of kids is what it is, and it's not normal.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I don't give a shit if the Greeks were doing it. It wasn't normal then. It's a judgment call, and I'm making it. Let's ask somebody else to weigh in. Tony Montana has an opinion on it. I told you, no fucking kids.
Starting point is 00:29:12 No, but you wouldn't listen. Why'd you... I told you, no fucking kids. No, but you wouldn't listen. Why'd you stupid fuck... I told you, no fucking kids. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. I told you, no fucking kids. But John Nolte writes for Breitbart.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Of course, he didn't really care for the New York Times article. He says, this is all part of the media's toxic war against masculinity. See how he did a wordplay there? He juicy toxic masculinity. But I like the way he did that. He says, the article justifies its existence through social media numbers. The legions of followers these sexed up boys have been able to attract on Instagram and Twitter, but they don't dig any deeper than that. The Times did not seem that interested in examining just who might be following a social media account
Starting point is 00:30:20 that features little boys made up like tarts staring directly into the camera and we all know it's a fiori and a bunch of his friends um he says the article further justifies itself with the notion that this kind of pre-teen sexualization because sexualization is becoming the norm is a healthy pushback against those awful gender norms and he says anyone who spent any time outside knows that the that the documented mental illness that is gender confusion is not growing the only thing growing is the media's partisan desire to pretend it is normal and healthy that self-mutilation is the key to finding your true self that the
Starting point is 00:31:02 unbelievably high suicide rate for those afflicted with gender dysphoria have something to do with bigotry as opposed to the mental illness itself. Yes, this is all part of the media's toxic war against masculinity. This is yet another blatant attempt to destroy the innocence of our children. Who's going to fight our wars, Fiore,
Starting point is 00:31:22 in a few years? Oh, boy. We are doomed. Huh? Doomed. I mean, you got the, in a few years? Oh, boy. We are doomed. Huh? Doomed. I mean, you got the fucking snowflakes who don't even wear makeup. They look macho compared to these kids. Who's going to fight it? Who, you, Palumbo?
Starting point is 00:31:38 Who, you, Goldberg? In my head, I was like, the women, duh. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Eat my ass. Eat my ass. Eat my ass. See, that rolled off his tongue like a pair of fucking six-year-old balls.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Disgusting. Let's go to Nick in Key West. Nick, what's going on? Hey, Nick. How you doing, Nick? Love your show. Thank you, brother. So, you know, with me, I try to play devil's advocate on everything.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I went to the University of Virginia, have a degree in sociology. And one thing that you see is that this is really our lull, you know, in not wearing makeup from the, you know, 1920s to 60s. That's the first time in history that men weren't really wearing a lot of makeup. makeup from the, you know, 1920s to 60s. That's the first time in history that men weren't really wearing a lot of makeup. George Washington, you know, it's wigs powdered up. Yes. Lipstick.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Good point. You go back to the Romans, Egyptians, every single one of them, the men wore makeup. And then you get back into the 70s and then it starts. Oh, men are wearing hairspray. They're wearing necklaces. No, but Nick. OK, no, no, you're right, Nick, but back up. We're not talking about men. We're talking about fucking kids.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Well, okay, so I ask you this. I'm sure you've seen Lord of the Flies, right? Yes. I think Ruth Buzzy was in that and Larry Storch. Go ahead. Yeah, so it's Africa, aboriginals, everywhere you look in the world, even at a young age, if you leave them alone, you leave kids alone. They're going to find something to put on their face.
Starting point is 00:33:09 It's just kind of this weird thing that goes on in our DNA to cover our faces. And I understand the concern about the sexualization. Yes. But I do believe it's inherently kind of in us in some ways and to put war paint on our face. And they don't see it as war paint right now, but there is something about it. If you look through history, like, why do we do that? Why do we put these things on our face to cover our face? And, you know, today you might argue that it's society's pressure to look better and good.
Starting point is 00:33:38 But, you know, why are men wearing earrings and necklaces and bracelets? And why do you got to have fancy shoes and nice suits? You're trying to look good. And at what point do you draw the line? and nice suits. You're trying to look good. And at what point do you draw the line? Okay, well, you're trying to look good, but these guys,
Starting point is 00:33:50 they're blurring like genderless. They're saying, you know, it's a genderless world. And I just don't agree with that. The fucking left and the progressives that are so pro-science are so fucking,
Starting point is 00:34:01 they're such hypocrites when you can point to your dick and go, I'm a girl today. I don't buy into any of that. And this is all part of it, is it not? It's gender blurring, I think. You know, what do you think of Kinsey? I mean, Kinsey said that everyone is on a scale of homosexuality.
Starting point is 00:34:20 You know, most people fall between two and six, you know, and that there's a blur. No one's a solid straight person or a solid homosexual. I guess there's a spectrum there. I kind of believe there's a spectrum. It's not one or the other, but I don't know. Something about this doesn't sit right with me, and I think that's a different discussion. But, yeah, although I've never, and I'm not just saying this to be pro-fucking-macho. I've never, I don't ever even remember being remotely attracted to a guy ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Well, you know, it's so funny. I had this conversation tonight with someone. I said, you know, it's that classic thing. It's like you're using the stall, the urinal with someone. You look over at someone else's dick. Are you gay because you looked down there and checked it out? Right. over at someone else's dick? Are you gay? Because you look down there and, you know, checked it out, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Where do you draw the line on what, you know, what, you know, somebody might be really offended at, but, you know, most guys are probably going to go, yeah, let me do
Starting point is 00:35:12 a little quick check, but inside of your head or you're beating yourself up about it at night, you know, you know what you are and who you are. Well, I'm looking over
Starting point is 00:35:20 to see how big it is, not whether it's going to fit my mouth. Too big, too fucking, it's a bright, bright line. But you make good points, Nick. Well, I appreciate that. And, you know, I'll say one last thing is that, you know, the perverts of the world,
Starting point is 00:35:36 they're going to find their medium to, you know, abuse. And whether it's looking at little girls or little boys, there's always a way for them. And it's a shame that they're out there. But, I mean, you know, it's a reality that you got to be there no matter what. This is like leaving a jar of honey with a fucking, you know, the cap off in the woods at night. Anyways, all right, Nick. Well, it is. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Thank you, Nick. You have a great evening. All right. Take care. Bye. And, okay, you go back in history. Thank you, Nick, man. You have a great evening. All right. Take care. All right. Bye. And I'm okay you go back in history, but they were painting their faces up. Yeah, for war. Not to fuck each other in the ass.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Maybe fuck the enemy in the ass. You don't hear this type of talk on Charlie Rose anymore. Well, maybe at his apartment. Maybe if you attempt it. I love that he went down. Mr. Fucking Joe sued intellectual fucking PBS round wooden oak table. Let's have a highfalutin. Fucking lonely perverted guy like everybody else.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Anyways. Tim in Minneapolis. Tim, what's going on? Your thoughts on this? I don't know. Maybe you could use some tips. Tim. Tim. I mean, use some tips. Timmy. Timmy.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I mean, I look at, I'm here. I'm looking at the age of the kid. So everyone's going nuts about the senator, dental guy in Alabama 38 years ago. Now you've got this kid doing it. Where's the mother? If he has been molested and she's not doing anything about it, she needs to lose custody.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And when this kid ODs or kills himself at 18, 19 years old and it's stuck on meth, everyone's going to go, why didn't anybody do anything? Well, now's the time to do something. He's famous. Everybody knows about it. And you're right. You should go through his accounts, and you could probably catch 15 16 000 pedophiles any man over the age of 30 who's looking at a boy putting on makeup is pre-teen is probably a pedophile can't you do a cross check arm at this would be the greatest way to catch a pedophile there is
Starting point is 00:37:38 since the show got canceled that's what i mean it's like it's like putting a piece of salmon on a string fucking in front of a if you're trying to draw a black bear out of the, fucking, finish the sentence. Palumbo's looking at you. If I were in the FBI, I'd get a warrant. Let's look at this kid's accounts and cross-reference. Okay, but you made a lot of assumptions about this kid being molested and shit. We don't know any of that, but I mean. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:02 You know what I mean? Yeah. But no, but if I had to bet my money, not so many kids use that term, eat my ass. Well, I mean, if they're watching it on the internet, it's a different world,
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'm telling you. Yes, it's a polluted world. That's my point. These kids are being raised by YouTube and they have access to all of it. Thanks for the call, Tim. And they pick up on what they see. Well, yeah, because that's because
Starting point is 00:38:24 their parents today are their best friends and don't know how to go, get the fuck out of your room, shut off the computer. Agree with you 100%. But then Charles, you know, now you're a bad parent and not fucking, you know. Yeah, no, I agree with you 100% about that. But my thing is also, and I don't know a lot
Starting point is 00:38:40 about a pedophile's thought process. Yes. But, and I'm probably way out of line because I don't know a lot about a pedophile's thought process. Yes. But, and I'm probably way out of line because I don't know what I'm saying, but I think that they're attracted to the purity of a child. I don't know if necessarily they love the painted face. I feel like they like the pure. They want the boy to look like a boy.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Right, exactly. So that's why I'm not sure. I know there are definitely probably pedophiles all over this thing, but I'm saying not as much maybe as just a regular boy. What did I just watch over the weekend
Starting point is 00:39:16 that somebody told me to watch? One of the callers. It was about the Hollywood pedophile ring. Open secret or something? Yes, open secret. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I look at the world differently now.
Starting point is 00:39:29 It's fucking creepy out there. It's a horrible place. And it's the innocence. I know what you're talking about. The pedophile, they like the, it's the innocence. That's an aphrodisiac. Somebody said that, by the way. Oh, Anthony Newley.
Starting point is 00:39:40 You guys remember? His last name? He was famous in the 70s actor. His kid came out and said, my dad was a pedophile. He was turned on. He goes, the actual innocence was an aphrodisiac for him, which is true, but I think this tarting your kid up and the
Starting point is 00:39:55 precociousness of this kid, of these kids is, again, they sit in front of the computer and I guess it has the same effect as it would sit in front of a TV, but I guess it has the same effect as it would sit in front of a TV. But it's kind of Anthony Newley, right? His son came out and said this. Mary Joan Collins.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yes. Yes. Let's go to Don in Philly. Don. Hello? What's up, Don? This is John. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Oh, I'm sorry. It says Don on the screen, but okay, John, go ahead. How you doing, pal? What's happening? I'm sick of all these pedophile homos, man. Okay. I'll get rid of them today. I was just listening in. It was the first time listening to your show.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Yeah. What's the topic? What are you talking about? Well, we're talking about young boys putting on makeup and getting quite... I don't accept that shit, man. Yeah, I don't either, John. I think it's kind of creepy. Why is that acceptable nowadays?
Starting point is 00:40:56 What's that? Why is that so acceptable? Why are people afraid to discipline their kids and tell them that, you know, it's like okay for little boys to put on makeup. I'll tell you why. Because the people who run this world are very, very, very far left liberal people, and one of the main tenets of liberalism is
Starting point is 00:41:16 not to judge anybody's behavior, whether it's fucking gender, race, sex, whatever. And those are the people running the show, and these people are making money on it now. The parents have no soul because they've been corrupted by the media over the years they've corrupted their kids they put them in front of the computer nobody's watching them and uh and if you call them out and say that uh this this is a dysphoria or some type of mental illness you'll be called the bigot and that's the world we live in. I think that behavior is taught.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I don't think you're born with that. I think there's not a mental issue there. I think the parents raised them that way. Well, it's a little of both, I think. I think you're right. Yeah. I mean, I was raised the proper way, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:00 You not wearing any eyeliner tonight, John? No. I just got out of the pictures game, man. I would love to see one of these kids walk down the streets of Philadelphia. They'll get their ass beat. I know that. They'll get their ass whooped. They put makeup on.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Fucking Eagles makeup. That's acceptable. That's about it. All right, Johnny. It's important to your team, but other than that, go Eagles. I don't know. Go Eagles. I know. Fucking go Wentz. Thanks right, Johnny. But other than that, go Eagles. I don't know. Go Eagles. I know.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Fucking go Wentz. Thanks for the call. Let's go to Will on line three. Will, what's going on? Welcome to the show. Hey, Nick. How you doing? Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Okay. Well, my one son, he's 22 years old. He was afraid to call in because of his orientation. He's gay. That's not right. Well, he looked at the videos, and he said it was friggin' disgusting, and this kid's mother needs to be beaten with her dildo. You're assuming the mother likes dick?
Starting point is 00:43:01 Yeah, I don't know. My son is, you you know he's 22 but he's what's called a uh log cabin republican yeah but he's republican sure yeah but he's just like he's like it's disgusting that this mother thinks that this is okay yeah and i it you know and people do people do make that a wrong assumption about gay and pedophilia go together, which is not always the fucking case. But, yeah, I just find the sexualization of children is the creepy part. And, you know, the parents are excited that they're making money.
Starting point is 00:43:39 These kids are making money on it. They're fucking soulless, the parents. Right. It's creepy, though. This kid looks like he, what's he, 8, 10 years old? I think he's 12. It's creepy, though. This kid looks like he... What's he, 8, 10 years old? This kid... He's 12. He's 12, and he says, eat my ass like he's been doing it since he was
Starting point is 00:43:52 four. You know? So, no, tell your son he can call in any time. Alright. Alright. It's a gay-friendly show. Alright. You have a good night. Alright right, thanks. Bye.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Ignore the sound drops I put in there sometimes. That's when we get in trouble. You know what I'm talking about. But, yeah, it's a little creepy. This kid looks like a fucking mannequin. I looked at this for five minutes thinking it was a mannequin today. I don't even want to look at it. Huh?
Starting point is 00:44:28 You got to admit, that kid is out of put on fucking. Oh, that's it. Huh? Palumbo's not. Nice, smoky. You got those high cheekbones. I like to get this kid in a diaper and spank him on my backyard. Andy knows about the smoky eye.
Starting point is 00:44:43 You're crazy! I'm not crazy. I just don't give a fuck. That's what the kids say when they interview them. Let's go to Dave in Ohio. Dave, Ohio's a big girly state. Go ahead, Dave. How's it going, Nick?
Starting point is 00:45:01 I just started listening to your show a couple weeks ago when I was on the road. But I just came across it tonight. I heard all this shit. It's the fucking parents, man. You know, when it comes to the whole kids being gay and all that dumb shit, it's because of the fucking parents. They're forcing them on that shit. And then you have these fucking leftists saying,
Starting point is 00:45:26 oh, they're born this way. They're born. Well, no, they're fucking forced. No, no,
Starting point is 00:45:31 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:32 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:33 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:33 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:34 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:35 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:35 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:35 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:37 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:41 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:44 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I have, you know, friends of mine who have kids and shit and that I've observed since they were one. And you can tell at a year or two before you've taught them anything. When, you know, they're naturally attracted to fucking whatever. They go right for the, you know, they go right for the Barbie dream house instead of the seriously. But but you're right.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I mean, with stuff like that, there are there are cases that you're talking about where I'm sure there have been cases where parents wanted a girl and they got a boy. And forced them, you know, like Richard Speck, I think, was one of those guys in prison. So there is, Dave, there is some of that. But I really believe most people are born. So there is, Dave, there is some of that, but I really believe most people are born. I think it's a spectrum. Sexuality is a spectrum. It's just not boy and girl. There's a lot of in-between.
Starting point is 00:46:35 If you don't believe it, just walk up 42nd Street. Yeah, but I mean, at the same time, too, when the fuck was it okay to just come out come out and say hey I'm fucking gay a Halloween night it's not like I walk it's not like I walk into work every day and tell all the guys hey I fucking love pussy you know I love fucking women you know it's you know there's an appropriate time to talk about it and there's not appropriate time to talk about it and I think publicly it's not appropriate. Well, let me play Angel's Advocate here. Most of us, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:09 heterosexuals, there's more of us. We make up more of the popular, so you don't have to make a case of it. These people want to, you know. But yeah, no, it's gone too far. Like I said, the Food Network's a perfect example. That has turned into the gayest thing on TV. It makes RuPaul's Drag Race look like the fucking nfl today and then you know i'm not i'm not talking shit on gays because i know you
Starting point is 00:47:33 are you know no i'm not i mean i'm not trying to you know i'm not talking shit all right i know a lot of gays i have a couple gay buddies i was in the service with a couple gay guys but you'd have never known it yeah have never known it. Yeah. You'd have never known it because they don't want to come out and just say they want to announce to the world that they're gay. But some of them, some, but let's be honest, some people are so flamboyantly gay that they, even if they don't announce it, you know, you know? Yeah, I mean, you do know, but you don't need to put it out there for everybody. You know, there's things that you can just keep to yourself.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I kind of enjoy it, Dave. I don't know. I like that. I mean, Putin with no shirt on on that horse, that makes me hard as a whale's tooth. Oh, shit. All right, Dave. Thank you for the call. All right. Have a good one.
Starting point is 00:48:23 How about them Buckeyes? Ohio's a macho Midwestern. You ain't got to talk about it. You're going to suck a dick and whatnot. You ain't got to announce it. You ain't got to come into the party and go, hey, I like balls on my face. But there's to me no doubt you're born. Some people get too much male juice.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Some get too much female, you know. New York City's a great example. When I first moved down here, really, it dwarfs any other city as far as, you know, walking down the sidewalk and going, what the? I remember going to Louie. What the fuck was that? Oh, yeah, West Village. The West Village. Forget it.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Exactly. Exactly. You know, we don't fucking... I mean, I'm sure... I don't know, it'll be the equivalent of Boston, Newbury Street, maybe, which is, you know, I don't know. I think of a real gay section. But New York, you know. Ovenstown.
Starting point is 00:49:16 There you go. I used to spend my summers down with a friend named Jason. Let's go to Josh in Chicago. Josh. Hey, Nick. Long-time listener, first-time caller. How are you? I'm doing well, Nick.
Starting point is 00:49:34 You know, I just wanted to say that I really appreciated your multiple appearances on Louie's TV show. Thank you. Yeah, those were my favorite episodes by far. Thank you. And just wanted to, you know, I hope everything's okay with Louie. Yeah. I was wondering if you've been in contact with him. I texted him, and he texted me back a few weeks ago, but not much.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I don't want to impose, you know. Right. So I think he's in a line low right now, but he'll, he'll come through. Good. I'm glad to hear. I'm also a big fan of Better Things and, you know, I hope that, you know, that he'll end up okay and that the shows continue moving along. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That's headline show. Yes. Have you been, have you been asked to be a guest appearance on Better Things?
Starting point is 00:50:27 No. I've been asked for a show called Worse Things. Worse Things. I'm not familiar with that show. Yes, that's done by Todd Barry's cousin, Dave Barry. Oh, okay. Yeah. So it's on a channel called XOL. XOL. Yeah, it's right between the History Channel and the Weather Channel. Prime real estate.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Exactly. Well, I just wanted to give you guys a shout out. I'm a big fan of Faction Talk and your show and Jim Norton's and Mr. Ferguson's. Well, thank you for calling in, Josh. We appreciate a call back. Thank you, Nick. You got it. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I'm going to go home and put on some rouge. Some fucking fake eyelashes and see how long it takes to wipe them out. There was this sketch on SNL when Louie was playing a lawyer. Oh my God, you're going to crack up.
Starting point is 00:51:27 He's playing a lawyer arguing an important case and then he'd look into the camera and he goes, that's, that was the whole gag. Every time he did it
Starting point is 00:51:35 it was fun and it would make me laugh. How much time we got? A little more than a minute. Just a little more than a minute? Well then, I guess we'll just ramble.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I get, okay, we got just a minute left mike real quick line four hey what's up nick hey it's a guy that calls his son chooch i only got a minute mike real quick yeah i want to you know i'm hearing you talk about this guy this kid with the makeup yeah and i'm sure'm sure his two mothers were the ones that were out marching in the protest against Trump's travel ban. Again, we don't know
Starting point is 00:52:10 any of this. They might be a fucking husband and wife team, but I'm guessing it's a single mom. Thank you for the call, Mike. Yeah, the millennial moms seem to fall for this
Starting point is 00:52:19 horse shit, you know? They bought into all this. Don't judge a genderless world, and I don't buy any of it. Anyways, thank you to all the calls tonight. Hey, December 8th and 9th, I'll be at Helium Comedy Club in Buffalo. New Year's Eve, Ha! Comedy Club, Yonkers. January 26th, 27th, The Comedy Works in Saratoga Springs.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Hit me up on Twitter, at Nick DiPaolo. We will talk to you kids tomorrow night at the same time. Take care of yourselves bye-bye Bye.

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