The Nick DiPaolo Show - 211 - Travel Ban

Episode Date: December 5, 2017

Travel Ban...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 And now, The Nick DiPaolo Show. Oh, yeah. How are you, folks? Monday. That's what I say. Monday. Nice to be with you, I guess. 866-969-1969. Maybe you heard me fighting with my producer, Andy Fiore.
Starting point is 00:01:06 He was upset that Alabama was in, Ohio State isn't. And I'm like, what are you kidding me? Ohio State beat DeVry this year. That was their toughest opponent. But my argument was Alabama went the longest undefeated. They play in the SEC, the fucking most difficult schedule, every weekend, regardless of records. Anyhow. And then Andy
Starting point is 00:01:28 threw a cup of ice at me. I don't know what's going on here. Not true. Hey, thank you, Brendan Riss or Reese, R-Y-S. I don't know how to pronounce it if you do, you're crazy. But thank you so much. And Jesus Hinoza Jr. contributing to the Nick
Starting point is 00:01:44 DiPaolo podcast. Thank you guys a lot. If you want to sign up for that podcast, you go to slash Nick. slash Nick. $3.99 a month, five shows a week. You get a free one on iTunes and, Stitcher, all that hella blue.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I say that at the top of the show because I'll forget. It's the only self-promotion I do. That and my club dates. So thank you guys for contributing on top of the subscription fee. That's very, very nice. That's all I did for you. I laid around and I keep swearing off football year after year. I mean, how much? Last night, here's a breakthrough.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Maybe I'm at my limit. I might be saturated. Let's see. I'm 55. I 55 i started watch when i was six and that's not exactly that's 49 year right in the middle of the uh the seattle eagles game eagles just scored they were down by a touchdown i shut it off i was saturated because i watched 11 college games the day before, and I watched the Pats, you know, fucking school another team. And that was, I go, right in the middle of the game, third quarter, I go, I've had enough. Went up and I watched the Carol Burnett special. It's a true story, folks.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah. That's how you know she's old. She grabbed her earlobe and it broke off in her hand. All this dust started pouring out of her head let me tell you what a funny show that was though jesus tim conway oh my god harvey corman harvey corman those guys seriously brutally funny I feel bad for Carol though she looks like she's about to go I have a good keen eye for that
Starting point is 00:03:31 I always my wife gets upset when I go I give them about seven months and I'm usually within about a week and a half oh no oh yeah but uh yeah it was pretty funny Jay was on there and they said they're at the Shriner Center
Starting point is 00:03:43 he brought on he gave Carol Burnett a gift that was a carburetor from a 50 like a 55 Buick they don't make anymore what's she gonna do with that it was a fucking joke stupid
Starting point is 00:03:53 what are you a lib broad he's in the cars I thought it was plausible I go to your lib broad I look over and Palumbo's giving me the finger I'll tell ya um yeah so that was the weekend in a nutshell over and Palumbo's giving me the finger. I'll tell ya.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Um, yeah. So that was the weekend in a nutshell. 866-969-1969. Yeah, just laying around. The ass is healing. Still smells like a bit of a head wound during the Civil War, but uh, nothing you can do about that. I wrenched it in
Starting point is 00:04:21 uh, Arizona iced tea. That sucked my ass. Well, they had peach in there. I thought it might, the citrus might have some healing effects. I get stitches in there like fucking, I'm telling you, like Dave Schultz's eye after him and O'Reilly get together for the 11th time. That's from the 70s, folks, if you're hockey fans. And the ass feels much better
Starting point is 00:04:45 over the last couple of days. Here's the deal. It gets a little clammy at the end of the day. I don't know why. It gets all clammy down there. I just like to pull up her lip on up like Elvis,
Starting point is 00:04:56 like that gross. Well, kids, real quickly, December 8th and 9th, that's this weekend. That's this Friday and Saturday. I'll see you guys in Buffalo at the Helium Comedy Club. And then New Year's Eve, I'll see you at the Hot Comedy Club in Yonkers in January 26th and 27th.
Starting point is 00:05:14 The Comedy Works, Saratoga Springs, New York. And working on a springtime tour of basically New England, New York, Pennsylvania. But like Friday and Saturdays, and it could be good. What's going on in the news, bitches? Washington, CNN, it says in parentheses. Oh, this must have hurt them to print this. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday allowed the newest version of President Donald Trump's travel ban to take effect,
Starting point is 00:05:48 pending appeal. It's the first time the justices have allowed any addition of the ban to go forward in its entirety. That didn't sound so much like applause as it did somebody being gang raped on a street in New Delhi. What the, did you hear that? That was fucking horrendous. Yeah, so that's kind of a big deal. But of course, you know, there'll be pushback. It's for now, it's in effect. But naturally, the whiny bitches who are offended by anything that affects anybody of, you know, a brown nature.
Starting point is 00:06:27 We'll be pushing back. This was issued in September. The third edition of the travel ban placed varying levels of restrictions on foreign nationals from eight countries. Chad. Oh, no, not Chad. I won't be able to go see my in-laws. You didn't know my wife's family from Chad? They have a nice three-room mud hut over there that we visit in the fall we watch the bodies turn colors over there chad can you imagine that's all they
Starting point is 00:06:56 have is terrorism that's their number one export iran libya all shitholes north korea need i say more? Syria, Venezuela. Somalia and Yemen. Venezuela? Jesus Christ, there goes all the bullpens at MLB. Oh, come on. So it's a temporary win for the president, which he's fought all year to impose a travel ban against citizens of several Muslim countries. Mondays ought to mean it can be enforced while challenges to policy make their way through the legal system.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Of course, the Trump administration has said all along, and anybody who knows the Constitution, which is not not me really but we all know there is a clause the constitution and acts of congress confer on the president broad authority to prevent aliens abroad from entering this country when he deems it in the nation's interest could you have any more could it be more perfect definition of what this situation is for christ's sake solicitor general noel Noel Francisco argued in court papers. He said the ban was necessary in order to protect national security. No kidding. Aren't you a genius?
Starting point is 00:08:17 But of course, there's going to be some push. Here's the difference. Everybody is saying, remember, he's just banning Muslim countries. Well, these aren't majority Muslim countries, some of them. So that cleared it up a little bit for the people that go after those little details. People
Starting point is 00:08:33 are paranoid about racism around every corner. Anyways. But then, you know what happened? And this is funny, too, because Trump treated those videos, those inflammatory videos, from a British far-right website and anti-Muslim content on it. And that was after this guy made a statement that, you know, this ban should be lifted. So Trump kind of muddied the waters with his crazy tweeting again. It's all right with me. Keep tweeting, baby. Let them have it. Both fucking guns. I love it. Of course, in Hawaii, a district court judge blocked the ban from going into effect, except as it pertains to Venezuela and North Korea. But a three-judge panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals partially lifted that order.
Starting point is 00:09:20 The appeals court allowed the ban to go into effect except for foreign nationals who have bona fide relationships with people or entities in the United States. Oh, boy. Anyways, I say yay. Okay, folks, if you're on the Internet, do you watch World News and shit? Have you looked around? If you watch the crawl at the bottom of your screen while you're watching the news on like a Wednesday night, it'll say 52 people killed outside a fucking Turkish bazaar.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Somebody's buying sweat socks and bananas and they get blown to fucking smithereens. Every day you see something like that. Very common in Chad, right near my in-law's house. Fucking Chad. How can you take a country series that's called Chad? Very common in Chad, right near my in-laws' house. Fucking Chad. How can you take a country series that's called Chad? Also, Bruce, who have lived, put in a band of... Fucking Chad.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Frazier in Calgary wants to start a fight already. Hi, Frazier. How are you? Not looking to start a fight. I'm just curious because I'm Canadian, right? Hi, Frazier, how are you? Now look at this. Now look at this. I'm just curious because I'm Canadian, right? So we just get to kind of listen to all the overflow and stuff. But I hear a lot about the liberal-run media. I'm just curious, what would the conservative-run media look like?
Starting point is 00:10:40 We don't know because there's never been such a thing. People on the left would tell you it looks like Fox News, which is hilarious because every other personality on Fox News hates fucking Trump. But the people who claim Fox News is bullshit, they don't watch it long enough to find that out. So we wouldn't know. You know, there's no such thing as concern. I guess Pat Robertson's 700 Club, that's like this religious show that's been on for 50, 50 years. That's about as conservative as it gets.
Starting point is 00:11:09 But, and Frazier, when we say that, I'm not just talking about the news. When I talk about the media, I'm talking about the commercials, the stuff that comes, you know, the sitcoms, all that shit. You see this point of view from lefties that, you know, every commercial has a transgender person married to a black midget, and every Budweiser commercial has an Indian sitting next to a Puerto Rican with one leg and that type of shit. I kind of feel like there's going to be this media war soon where everyone's going to be trying harder to be, well, we can be more diverse.
Starting point is 00:11:44 There was a new McDonald's commercial that at the end it had this guy gay this female lesbian couple like kissing like they had their like who would have a fucking wedding at mcdonald's first of all wait a minute i haven't i haven't seen that one really yeah and i just feel and it had a bunch of like diversity in it and i just thought that there's going to probably be this new movement that you know our companies are going to be trying harder. And it's going to be a fat, black, handicapped lesbian marrying, like you say, a little dwarf. Oh, yeah. They're trying to be like, we're the most diverse.
Starting point is 00:12:20 My last question, and then I'll let you go. My last question, and then I'll let you go. The other thing I don't get is you guys have so many liberal satire, like news shows and stuff, like The Daily Show and Last Week Tonight, and just comedies like SNL and all that. But it seems like there's almost no conservative comedy shows that would serve that base that would kind of poke fun at the liberals. And I'm just curious as to what that would serve like the that base that would kind of poke fun at the liberals and i'm just curious as to what that would look like or why that hasn't existed well well there's many reasons there's many layers to that question but first of all the business itself
Starting point is 00:12:56 is run by by liberal people so even if you brought up something like that and did a good job with it wouldn't let it see the light of day and and another reason um more so i think is you know uh comedy from a conservative look would would you know there'd have to be some off-color humor there um you know i mean whether it's racial or or or it'll be considered sexist or racist and um again, that's just their opinion. But in other words, it's already been polluted. The well has been polluted. People who like my comedy,
Starting point is 00:13:38 sometimes they're even afraid to laugh out loud if I say something off color. And this country has nothing but a steady diet of of liberal comedy since you know since god knows when so anything that is a little off color when it comes to race or agenda will be considered racist or sexist and and um you know i mean i think we're so buried in political correctness that uh the only place you're going to see like a conservative type of humor is live at a comedy club or a theater but i don't know that if you're ever going to see like a conservative type of humor is live at a comedy club or a theater.
Starting point is 00:14:06 But I don't know if you're ever going to see it on TV. Yeah, fair enough. Okay. That's my answer. I don't know. I could be wrong. Yeah. Great chatting with you, Nick.
Starting point is 00:14:16 All right, Frazier. Nice calling. Thank you. Appreciate it. All right. Later, buddy. Take care. Too much caffeine.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I get coffee and diet Pepsi. 866-969-1969. So are you guys happy about the ban being lifted for eight minutes until somebody pushes back against it? I have no idea. Do you know how the legal system works? Can't we enjoy this for a fucking year or so? It's the only way it's going to be effective.
Starting point is 00:14:48 You know? So I'm sure somebody in Chad's upset because they can't get over here to see the Jersey Devils they have a cousin living in Newark fucking get a refrigerator full of fucking you know fertilizer and gas. What? Uh, yeah, Herbie. Um, what else did I want to say about this?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Well, of course, in Maryland, they're pushing back on this, too. In a separate challenge out of Maryland brought by, among others, international, listen to the name of this group. International Refugee Assistance Project. Let me just call it sneaking illegals in here who might do harm to the country. What? You heard me. Quit being motherless fucks.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Quiet. Quiet like a bitch. They're pushing back. Yeah. International Refugee Assistance Project. back. Yeah. International Refugee Assistance Project, U.S. District Court Judge Theodore D. Chuang issued a similar order, also partially enjoining the ban
Starting point is 00:15:57 in a case that is now pending before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Anyways, I wonder how long it's going to last, this lifting of the ban in its entirety. A week? A month? How quickly? You know? Then again, it takes forever. Although, when they resisted it, it sure took effect quick.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Didn't it? Trump said, I want to do this. And like, uh-uh. Remember some federal judge and wherever shot it down that took eight minutes we shall see trump wins either way because the next time there's a terror attack in this country and the guy's from yemen or fucking venezuela he gets another automatic another seven years if they don't impeach him first how's that movement going where's uh where's fucking Nebediah?
Starting point is 00:16:47 What's his first name? Dean. I can't even remember his first name. I used to have Dean. Uh, tough week for the libs. Brian Ross and ABC and yeah, he comes out with his horse shit. Plain said that Trump told him to connect with the Russians
Starting point is 00:17:03 when he was a candidate, which is totally false. Joy Behar's on national TV diddling her bean. All excited. She had to fucking eat crow today. That was kind of sweet. They are full of shit, the media. Big mistakes. It was two of them, Brian Ross and...
Starting point is 00:17:25 I'll get to the FBI's stonewalling Congress, the house, about this guy, FBI agent, that Mueller fired, who was really anti-Trump. They found text between him and his mistress. So take you and your mistress and go to Vegas. Yes. you and your mistress and go to Vegas. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I see. Look. I know. What the? Are we on in America tonight? Jesus Christ. I'm looking at the call screen. Sean in Canada.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Peter in Ontario. Rob in Ontario. Jordan in Alberta. I got Frank and Pete Mahalic calling from Montreal. It's a hell of a starting five. I got Frank and Pete Mahalic calling from Montreal. That's a hell of a starting five. I got Daryl Sittler calling from Toronto. Jesus Christ. We need a goalie.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Oh, my God. Eddie Johnston calling from Toronto. These are all actually where they're from. I got Bobby York calling in. From Sue, I should know that. What was it? Sue St. Marie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Thank you very much. Well was it? Sue St. Marie. Yes, thank you very much. Well done. Hockey fella. Let's go to Jordan in Alberta. Jordan, what's happening? Hey, how's it going, Nick? Pretty good. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:18:37 Oh, pretty good. So I wanted to talk about fucking, I live in Canada, obviously, as you guys are fucking saying. All the calls are from canada but um justin trudeau you know our fucking gay prime minister he's a hunk i love him oh fuck he he pisses me off apparently from what i heard i don't really pay attention to politics but um you wouldn't eat that ass bring it with that go ahead oh i know i don't know. I wouldn't know. I wouldn't eat that ass. Eat my ass. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Sorry. He wants to bring in ISIS members, from what I was told. That's what I heard. I don't really, like I said, I don't pay attention to politics. But he wants to bring in fucking ISIS members and integrate them into society. What the fuck? Kind of, like, what the fuck? That makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:24 That's just a, that's a globalist. That's a ultra left wing. That's his idea. Let me tell you what it is. And it is, Jordan. It's a mental illness. They have to be loved. By him doing that, it's going, look, I'll give even the worst of the worst on the planet a chance.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And that supposedly makes you go, wow, what a great guy Trudeau is. Trudeau is a fucking loser. I can't believe he got voted in. I think him and Obama ought to get a condo and just blow each other until they pass out. And in Alberta, we got Rachel Notley, which is, if you've heard of her, she's even fucking versed in true-deaf shit. Never heard of her. What's her claim to fame? Never heard of her. What's her claim to fame?
Starting point is 00:20:05 Never heard of her? No. She's just an NDP, which is, I don't really know, but it's, it's fucked, is what it is.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Yeah, but in layman's terms. She, I don't know, she just fucked up, because Alberta is an oil field, like it's an oil patch. Yes. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Like that's what it's known for. And she is just fucked over this whole province. It fucking boggles my mind. How did she fuck it over, Jordan? What did she do to fuck over that province? Well, now they got carbon tax
Starting point is 00:20:35 and they're just taxing the shit out of us. It's just fucking retarded. As an oil field worker, I think it's just horseshit. Yeah. It's a carbon tax because you guys, because it's fossil fuels and supposedly you're destroying the ozone. And that's coming here, too. Obama tried to get it through.
Starting point is 00:20:52 But luckily we got... Go ahead. Sorry, I want to talk about... The other night I heard something about you guys talking about climate change or some shit. I don't know if that's true or not. But fucking the last three years, we've had a foot of snow probably for the whole year. And people think it's global fucking warming when it's in reality,
Starting point is 00:21:13 it's actually a fucking Chinook. I believe that's what it's called. And people, the liberals and fucking any peers in this country are just so fucking retarded. It, oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Well, it, you know, it's a tatsy United retarded. Yes, well, it's attached to the United States, so that idiocy spreads over the border, and it's a global fucking thing. Thank God we elected this giant orange guy, and he's trying to stop some of the shit. All right, Jordan, I got a bunch of calls backed up.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Thank you. Good hearing from you, buddy. Take it easy. Let's go to Peter in Ontario. Pete, what's up? Hey, man. Yeah, I hate Trudeau, too. You should just leave. But anyways, talking about conservative television shows, there was one.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Last Man Standing, Tim Allen show. I don't know if you remember that. I think it was in February, January of this year. Well, yeah. Yeah. I don't know if you remember that. I think it was in February, January of this year. Well, yeah. He was interviewed, and he let the well-known secret out that Hollywood was full of liberal lefts. Within a week, his show was canceled, and it was phenomenally funny. Well, I wouldn't go to FRP to maybe Canada standards, but you're right. His ratings were good, too.
Starting point is 00:22:24 That's how we knew it was kind of bullshit. But it wasn't like a conservative show, but it was a working... It was a conservative comic. Yeah, he's a conservative comic, and he was a working-class guy on the show, which is as close as Hollywood would let you get to something conservative. But yeah, no, you make a good point. The show is getting decent ratings, so something was up, you know? So, good point.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Yeah. Yeah, and then they re-signed Roseanne with a transgendered fluid child or something. Yeah, did that happen? Or is that on? That's what I've heard. I don't even know. I remember hearing that. Is that show on the air?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Is it coming on the air? I have not seen it. We watched Last Man on Netflix, and when they were pulled, we were just devastated. We were looking forward to season seven because it was an awesome show. Oh, that's a good one. Seven?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Jeez, I didn't realize it was on that long. All right, Pete. Yeah, it was on six seasons, yeah. Take care of that ass, and that's the Richard O. All right, Pete, take it easy. Take care of that ass. Take care of that ass. Take care of that ass.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Aye. It still leaks a little down there, but it's getting better. I've only thrown on three pair of underwear this week. Looks like a map of Alaska every time I take off my underwear. Looks like somebody spilled a pot of fucking ice coffee. Right? My shorts. This better be worth it, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Because I'm afraid. Here's my big thing. I went on, and I should have done all this before this procedure. I went on, I'm looking at all the possible things that could go wrong, you know. Oh, they kill nerve endings in your asshole. And lately, every time I have to take a a dump it's like I don't feel it to the last minute coming on that's nice huh
Starting point is 00:24:09 you'll see me running across the street here in Manhattan at 80 miles an hour knocking over old ladies to find a clean toilet but I think I have a paralyzed ass my sphincter is the equivalent of fucking Hawkins legs Let's take one more before we go to the break
Starting point is 00:24:30 Who's been on there? Let's go to Travis in Texas The panhandle Travis Yes sir How are you sir? Pretty good Alright
Starting point is 00:24:43 Could you answer a little quicker? The what? I said, could you answer a little quicker, please? I have to go to break in about two minutes. Okay. I just love you. I love you back, man. This is the truth.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I've got to get to a comedy club there, Travis. What do you suggest? Well, I just wanted to get to a comedy club there, Travis. What do you suggest? Well, I just want to talk to you. I just want to tell you that you were the best. I listen to you every day. Do you really? I appreciate that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Now, are you in rehab? I have been. Good for you. I love Texas. Real people down there. Yeah. You're speaking the truth. I try to, man.
Starting point is 00:25:37 The truth is not always popular, but it is in Texas. My truth rings in Texas. And my brother lived on it. He absolutely loved it, so. Yes, sir. Alright. Well, thank you. Alright, I'm out. You got it, brother. Thank you, Travis. Somebody want to
Starting point is 00:25:57 find out where he is? I think he's in his garage with a door down and a fucking rubber hose going from the tail pipe into the back window of his Audi. Holy Christ, he had the response time of Terry Schiavo. Can you answer quicker? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Wasn't a trick question, fella. Jesus H. Christ. But I love him. Laid back. As opposed to me coming here. 12 miles from my house is an accident. On the Sawmill Parkway, which is two lanes heading south. The ambulance and the police cars are trying to get by me.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I'm in the left lane. They course about a half mile up ahead. And I'm in a real one. I get up there. There's glass everywhere. They're trying to get somebody out of the... And it puts me in a terrific mood. You should see me as I get past that.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I'm giving the finger to the guy in his car. He's bleeding. Both my fingers. I'm going, fuck you. I hope you're paralyzed, you piece of shit. I'm late for the Sirius XM radio show. I'm back to talk. Shall we break?
Starting point is 00:27:01 So? I want all of you to enjoy your cake. your break enjoy okay 866-969-1969 back after this you're listening to the nick dipalo show on faction talk sirius XM 103. Jesus. Terrific guitar in the background. Hey, if you're like most people, you still have no idea what to get anyone this holiday season. Luckily, Ness wants to make this year's gift-for-giving easier for you. Right now, they're giving away a free Google Home Mini when you buy any Nest product over $99. Google Home Mini is the smart speaker you can control with your voice.
Starting point is 00:27:53 And with Google Assistant built in, they say you can get answers quickly, manage your day, even get hands-free help around the house. Nest products and Google Assistant work together to control your smart home. So you can say things like, make it warmer. And your Google Assistant will turn up your Nest thermostat. You believe that? You don't even have to get up.
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Starting point is 00:29:47 the holidays got a mini bit better. We'll be right back. The Nick DiPaolo Show returns now. Oh, yeah. Welcome back. Final segment on a Monday, 866-969-1969. Catch me this weekend. Helium Comedy Club in Buffalo, Friday and Saturday. New Year's Eve. Ha Comedy Club, Yonkers, New York.
Starting point is 00:30:05 In January 26th and 27th, Comedy Works, Saratoga Springs. Anyways, Facebook is banning women from calling men scum. How's it feel to get banned from something for your language, huh? Quiet. Quiet like a bitch.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah. language huh quiet quiet like a bitch yeah in the wake of the hashtag me too movement countless women have taken a facebook to express their frustration and disappointment with men and have promptly shut down or silenced banned from the platform for periods ranging from one to seven days oh did we find the credit code? No? All right, I'll go on with the story. Women have been posting things as bland as men ain't shit. That's bland? What if a guy said that women ain't shit? All men are ugly, and even all men are allegedly ugly.
Starting point is 00:30:59 These are in quotes. And had their posts removed. They've been locked out of their accounts for this, for suggesting that since all men are ugly country music star, Blake Shelton winning sexism and isn't a triumph. What the fuck does that even mean? Should be banned for being stupid. I personally posted men are scum in November and I received a seven day ban.
Starting point is 00:31:21 It's still ongoing two days and 23 hours left. Said comedian, Alison Klemp, left, said comedian Alison Klemp. You know her, Alison Klemp. No, you don't. I know who it is, yes. You know Alison Klemp? I was only kidding. You know Alison?
Starting point is 00:31:37 Uh-huh. I bet you she's a stunner, huh? How about Kayla Avery, a comedian in Boston? Kayla Avery said she's been banned close to 10 times by Facebook and is currently serving out the end of her third 30-day ban. One of the first times she got banned was when her page was flooded with male trolls calling her derogatory and sexist terms. Probably something like this, I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:32:09 You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I think that's me, cunt. Yes, cunt. Said Andrew, but let me tell you, you're a motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. Motherfucking cunt. Cunt, cunt. I want all of you to enjoy your cake.
Starting point is 00:32:25 So, enjoy. I play that clip anyway. And it makes sense. So, yeah, she got flooded. First time she got banned, paid to flood with a smoke mill truck. Trolls calling derogatory and sexist. Avery posted,
Starting point is 00:32:43 men continue to be the worst. She said she felt helpless to stop their hate. And look, I agree. That's a lot of bland shit, and it should all be. But I'm just saying, how does it feel, okay? And I'm going to go on with the article, because by the end of the article, they're really getting on what the real beef is.
Starting point is 00:33:04 In other words, the only people that should be banned or suspended from social media are really straight white alt guys. That's sort of how the tone of the article goes. In late November, after the issue was raised in a private Facebook group of nearly 500 female comedians, women pledged to post some variation of Men Are Scum to Facebook on November 24th in order to stage a protest. Nearly every woman who carried out the pledge was banned. It wasn't the best protest because it clearly didn't work, said Klemp.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Avery said she's still suffering the consequences after posting men are trash on that day. Oh, more. I got more anecdotes. oh more i got more anecdotes comedian and writer ray ray sani has been targeted by nazi trolls oh really who hurled dozens of threatening and violent messages and comments at her for days a recent post reads ray sani was banned from facebook while her abusers are free to say shit like this without being in violation of community standards. The post features screenshots provided by Sandy where Facebook does not deem comments calling her the N-word hate speech. So, again, you see how that works? Because she's a woman of color.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Obviously, the people who are trolling her are Nazi trolls, which implies white guys. When asked why such a statement such as men are scum would violate community standards, a Facebook spokesperson said that the statement was a threat and hate speech toward a protected group, and so it would rightfully be taken down. I can hear the libs laughing their balls off right now. White men are protected. How the fuck are you? How the fuck? That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Can't you just hear it? Because every time I would say something, defending like white guys and Colin Quinn and everybody else, you get that nervous laugh. Oh, yeah, you white guys really need protection. They always have that fucking sarcastic dripping. But here, see, the Facebook spokesperson clarified it for the dummies. That is because all genders and races and religions are protected. Characteristics under Facebook current policy,
Starting point is 00:35:20 which means a white fellow would have to be protected. See, in their perfect world, in their perfect world, in their perfect world, it would be just white straight guys getting banned. That's the only people who are really capable of hate speech. White straight males. No, seriously. Because a black comedian can say anything about white people.
Starting point is 00:35:39 A female comedian can shit all over men. A gay comedian can shit all over straight people with no repercussions. So let's be honest, folks. Political correctness came about as a way of shutting down cisgender. Hey, I just used it in its proper context. Female comedians have speculated that, listen to this, that it's internalized misogyny on behalf of Facebook's content moderation team that leads to punishment such as banning to be doled out on unequally. Fuck you. How's it feel to be on the, on the wrong end of political correctness?
Starting point is 00:36:19 While this explanation is tidy, it's almost certainly false. Facebook employees receive extensive training around specific issues, and their work is regularly reviewed to account for any personal biases. One issue with the way Facebook moderators currently review posts is that many problematic, that's in quotes, posts are viewed individually without context because of privacy concerns. Facebook moderators also aren't able to view personal or demographic information about the original poster this means that they sometimes don't know whether a piece of content
Starting point is 00:36:50 was posted by a black queer woman or a straight white male it also means the moderators don't know whether the poster has a history of spreading messages related to white supremacy see do you see what they use as the default thing? They use that as the analogy. They don't know if the Post has history spreading, like white supremacy is the only type of hate that's on the Internet, or has participated in targeting harassment campaigns against specific groups before.
Starting point is 00:37:20 As the article goes, you can see what the real beef is. Context also matters. One reason female comics often seem to run afoul of Facebook guidelines is that the company's content moderators fail to recognize the humor in their posts. Popular tropes such as ban men, in quotes, are interpreted literally under Facebook's current set of community standards, and women suffer the consequences for attempting to express them. So how's it feel? Because that's the politically correct world you wanted, girls.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And you know what it does? It takes the irony out of everything. That's why Louis C.K. said that feminists are the antithesis, the natural enemy of comedy, because they can't take a joke, which I thought was a tremendous quote.
Starting point is 00:38:10 This is the world you wanted, ladies. You want it protected, and it takes the irony out of everything. So what you're saying is really they're not seeing the humor and you call them men fucking ass? Welcome to the club. Fucking love it and then they go on listen to this trolls know this the ironic thing about literal nazis is that they have weaponized taking things literally where do you fuck you think they learn that technique
Starting point is 00:38:40 i ask you out there where do you think they learned the technique of taking everything too seriously? Those are the people that walk out five minutes into my show, which I'm told almost every time I do a show. They flush out eight minutes in, because I throw that litmus test right up there five minutes in. I'll do eight minutes on Hillary and what a twat she is, and that easy flushes out the far left fucking fascist, closed-minded who is.
Starting point is 00:39:12 They don't see the humor in their po. And I'm not taking shots at female con. There's some funny ladies out there. But I'm just saying, ladies, this is what it's like. Comedians in Canada getting fined for making fun of lesbians and shit. This is the PC world you wanted. And you know what the one thing that the social media has done and the internet, it proves it's impossible.
Starting point is 00:39:35 We can't protect everybody's feelings. You can't do it. That's what I'm learning from this. And you should learn from it too. So it should be a free-for-all. Unless they're targeting specific homes and addresses and shit let it fly and i agree with them what they're saying you know men are scum and pigs they should be able to fucking say but i'm just saying don't get upset when somebody else says it goes against their policies anybody with me? Anybody? Anybody?
Starting point is 00:40:10 You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. If that's what you call it, it ain't true, but it's a motherfucking cunt. Quiet. Quiet like a bitch. Oh, ladies. But you see how the article, as we go on, they keep bringing up Nazis, and they've weaponized taking things literally. 866-969-1969.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I'd like to hear from some of the girls who've been booted from Facebook or suspended for saying, and by the way, ladies, and this all came about because of the Me Too stuff. I think you're painting with too broad a brush there. All men are scum and you're really generalizing a lot, you know? It's like me saying that all women, you know, I saw another story today where a school teacher fucked her 16-year-old student. So, you know, all women, you kind of fucking...
Starting point is 00:41:09 How many of those have we heard? Oh, jeez. Huh? In the last three years. If I wanted to get laid, I wouldn't go to a whorehouse. I'd go to fucking PS-121 in Manhattan. I'd go to Maple Street School in fucking Peabody. Want to get a blowjob?
Starting point is 00:41:25 Hang around a middle school. Dress up. Dress up like a fucking fifth grader with a Tarzan lunchbox. You get a handjob behind the fucking monkey bars. As I get to the end of the article, do you see how it's going? Now it's mentioned Nazis twice. as I get to the end of the article, do you see how it's going?
Starting point is 00:41:44 Now it's mentioned Nazis twice. Feigning outrage at statements that were clearly not written to be interpreted that way has become a favorite tactic of the alt-right. Gamergate and movements known for their coordinated harassment efforts.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Really? That's feigning outrage? White, straight guys are fucking guilty of that really you have to be fucking pulling my stem you have to be dog styling me with that thought it's been everybody but the alt-right that uses this fucking faux outrage it's lgbtq and uh you know civil rights groups and immigrant everything but you're the ones who feign outrage see how it gets by the end of the fucking article
Starting point is 00:42:37 here you go and here's the one that made me cuckoo. Facebook spokesperson stressed that it was working on a fix to this, and the company plans to look at ways to eventually, listen to this now, this is the key, apply its policies in a more granular way. In the future, it hopes to take into account the history of oppression with different genders and ethnicities, etc., when reviewing polls. Who do you think they're talking about when they say oppression with different genders and ethnicities? Who do you think they're talking about when they say oppression
Starting point is 00:43:06 with different genders and ethnicities? Who do you think they're talking about? Who else? Straight white male. That's what it's translated. We'll just ban straight white males from talk. That's what they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:43:26 866-969-1969. And again, ladies, you should be able to say any of that shit. But you have to put up with some nonsense, too. Banning women for calling men scum. That really is fucking pretty mild when you read the shit out there. really is fucking pretty mild when you read the shit out there but it's not some type of uh conspiracy with the guys at facebook right internalized misogyny as you call it you're getting a little paranoid there starting to sound black now with your paranoia yeah did you find credico yes all right let's listen to my buddy randy i hope it translates
Starting point is 00:44:18 over the but to me he sounds like larry line paper to write out the schedule i should have 40 of these things. Too busy getting drinks, pizza, and things like that. Waiting for Nick DiPaolo and for Brett Bolton to show up at one minute before the show's over. I'm here because free booze, free food. Maybe some Coke. Credit Coke's involved. He got me to do a benefit for Jimmy Hoffa Jr.
Starting point is 00:44:41 All right, kill it. I don't want to hear me. What the fuck you doing? Do I look like a Ginzelone there or what? Holy Jesus, what a greasy... You don't look that different. Huh? Is this L.A.?
Starting point is 00:44:52 Yeah. I like that shirt I was wearing. What happened to that shirt? I hope she shows up. I've been kissing her ass for two weeks now. I don't hear it. Oh, my God, you're nuts. Did you tell her what time you were going to be here?
Starting point is 00:45:04 No. Did you tell her the show started at 6? I'm not fucking married to her. I know, but you didn't even message me. Oh my god. You're not Sounds like you Listen yeah She sold out she's here doing a fucking show, Grace Under Fire, doing 7-Eleven commercials. She blows. That's what I'm telling you. She blows for not being here tonight. But how do you really feel? That's how I feel.
Starting point is 00:45:33 She showed up. All right, kill us. I'm telling you. A little bit. I'm telling you. If he, all he has to do is put on a southern accent, he'd have you. I'm telling you. It sure seems it. We're going to have to have a, get a voice guy in here.
Starting point is 00:45:51 You know? 866-969-1969. Are you men offended that you've been thrown into the scum category because of all the Harvey Weinstein baloney and the Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer? All that nonsense. And girls are getting banned from Facebook for saying all men are scum, and they don't like it. I didn't create this world, as Charlie Manson said. What about your kids?
Starting point is 00:46:24 You taught them. I didn't teach them. I taught them to to stand up taught them in love and there was no wrong how can you blame what you do on your children and what about your children I started this subject a little late in the show And people are still Alright Brian in North Carolina He's been on there a long time But I can't help it
Starting point is 00:46:57 The phones have been fucking crazy tonight Brian, how are you? Good, Nick How you doing, buddy? Pretty good I'm going to move on from what I originally called in Yes, please do Thank you Yeah nick how you doing buddy pretty good i'm gonna move on from what i originally called yes please do thank you yeah thank i almost hung up and called back in just because i didn't think you were going to pick up on me buddy sorry um but yeah you're and by the way all these people
Starting point is 00:47:17 that are calling in about hey nick have you noticed about the emasculation of men you know males in the media look they need to check out inflammatory. You had a bit on some kind of a pharmaceutical drug where it was oozing out of the guy's skin. It made me piss myself, man. I think it was on inflammatory. I don't know if you remember what I'm talking about. Pharmaceutical drug.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Yeah, it was a skin condition. He had an oozing putt. Oh, moderate to severe plaques or isis. Yes. Yes, man. It is fucking hilarious. Anyone out there that wants to ask Nick about, hey, have you noticed about, you know, emasculation of men in the checkout? That is awesome. I, I, I seriously, 20 something years ago, I, I, I, I did a joke on my first CD born this way.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I think I did about, um, about, yeah, it was a Diet Coke commercial where women are whistling. You know, they just reversed the roles, the gender roles, women are whistling at a guy and he's supposed to be a fan. And that was what I first took notice. And then it, then there was just an avalanche of them. I would love to do a one man show where I pulled all all these commercials and broke them down but you'd have to get permission from so i don't think that would be allowed but i would love to maybe write a book about it yeah and uh i mean you hit on a lot of things here in the last 10-15 minutes including andy's mom she just came by she go ahead bro um you know i don't know when
Starting point is 00:48:48 i grew up people taught the the the saying was that sticks and stones can break your bones but names will never hurt you yeah and i think we're way that's lost i don't think that's taught anymore oh christ no just getting back into your about calling people names and um you know people being women being banned from facebook it's getting ridiculous like it's names you're calling people names whether it's cunt or douche or whatever it is it's a name it's it's just we've given words too much power and again that doesn't come from the right politically. The PC fucking movement, that's from the left. It's based on sensitivity, feminist groups, minorities.
Starting point is 00:49:32 It was to protect women's feelings, minorities, all these so-called victims. That shit comes from the left. Censorship comes from the fucking left. They did a survey. Millennials don't have a problem with banning some speech. They fucking they don't appreciate. Yeah, it really is scary because that's
Starting point is 00:49:51 the one thing that separates us from all the other fucking horrible countries on this planet that you could call Trump an asshole or I could call Obama a fuck face. And you know what? You don't end up in a prison. And that's lost on these people because they were bullied. If somebody called them names on the prank, we're such an immature, emotionally immature society, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And the people that are running the world right now, most of them were nerds that were picked on. They're certainly running Hollywood and they have been forever. I can't watch another movie since I, since I was in high school, every bully in every movie had a, you know, had a letter jacket on. He was a captain of the football team. Yes,
Starting point is 00:50:30 there is some truth to that, but Jesus Christ, get over it already. You know, I fucking, uh, uh, what was his clee ball and the other kid fucking Columbine.
Starting point is 00:50:39 They weren't exactly bullies, fucking athletes. The last time I checked. So, you know, yeah, yeah. And, and um i don't know maybe andy can help me out with this but um joy she's msnbc the black lady joy yeah reed joy reed yeah i don't know if you guys hit on this i only been listening the second hour of your show but
Starting point is 00:51:00 she had to apologize because someone dug up some tweets that she made. Yeah. About Charlie Chris. Yeah. Did you hit on that already? Oh, I had, I know I was going to touch on that maybe tomorrow, but it was nice to see her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Biggest. Exactly. Right. I was going to, you took the word that I'm out. This, uh, she protects that PC thing like nobody's business because she's a black
Starting point is 00:51:21 female. And yeah, she, she was as anti fucking as homophobic as anybody about calling a miss charlie and all kinds of shit and uh yeah she had to uh she had to apologize but that you know nobody even noticed that'll go away she's only uh on tv and the left ignores yeah the left loves to criticize because i'm not a religious guy in terms of, look, I got my beliefs. I'm not going to get it. Yeah. And but my values are based on other things other than religion. But the right
Starting point is 00:51:52 has gotten stuck with this religious aspect of their political beliefs. When the left loves to ignore that in the African-American community, they are the most because they are very religious as well. Absolutely. They're the most because they are very religious as well absolutely most homophobe they're the most i got it brian i hate to i gotta wrap it up we're coming to the end of the show here but uh no you're exactly right a lot of hypocrisy on that side thank you for the call thanks thanks nick to all you guys uh tonight and again i'll see you this weekend in buffalo helium comedy club so uh and new year's Eve at Hot Comedy Club in Yonkers. And the comedy works on January 26th and
Starting point is 00:52:27 27th. Saratoga Springs, New York. And I'd like to talk more about the Facebook banning of women calling men scum and stuff maybe tomorrow? Because we really didn't get the calls. So we'll touch on this tomorrow. And Pink is raising her kid to be gender neutral. I almost
Starting point is 00:52:43 fell off my seat. I was shocked with that one. That's it for tonight, kids. We'll talk on this tomorrow. And Pink is raising her kid to be gender neutral. I almost fell off my seat. I was shocked with that one. That's it for tonight, kids. We'll talk to you tomorrow. Take care of yourselves.

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