The Nick DiPaolo Show - Alex Stein | Nick Di Paolo Show #1377

Episode Date: March 28, 2023

Nick Interviews Alex Stein....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, the Nick DiPaolo Show is going to be joining Mug Club on Rumble in a few weeks. When it's time to movie subscription from Patreon to Rumble, we will let you know. You'll get my free show, my exclusive content, and shows by Jimmy Brewer, Brian Callen, Mr. Guns and Gear, and the great Steven Crowder, all for less than what many of you are paying right now. Stay tuned for details. And again, thanks for supporting this show continuously. Let me just say this. I'm no crook. I never did anything wrong, and I promise never to do it again. That was Rich Little, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:17 You people have no fucking idea. That was in 1876. I think he did that. Hey, great show today. I'm excited you're joining me. I have a great guest. You may know his work from the internet. He is famous for disrupting political meetings
Starting point is 00:01:34 at the local level, the city level, and he's not afraid to go anywhere. I think AOC's trying to sue him. He's really funny. He's on the blaze and he should be. Please welcome my buddy, Alex Stein. Joining me today on the blaze, and he should be. Please welcome my buddy Alex Stein. Joining me today on the show, I'm excited about this guest. Alex Stein is an American right-wing YouTuber.
Starting point is 00:01:53 That's how they describe you, Alex. And he's known for disrupting local government meetings and confronting people face-to-face. And I friggin' love his work. I see him all the time on the internet. And Alex, first of all, thank you for doing this. I want you, and I go, this is what we should all be doing. He shouldn't be the exception.
Starting point is 00:02:16 It should be more people, like, you know, the angry moms, school moms that came out and pressed those school boards. There should be more of this face-to-face. Scare the bejesus out of these assholes. Are you with me? Nick, I was selling cars three years ago like a grease monkey. I'm telling you, I'd have Raul's, all these Hispanic guys used to come in. They'd say, oh, this Z71 truck has a leak, senor.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I would say, oh, it doesn't. And I would have to get under the car in my sport coat on the hot asphalt 120 degrees in the texas sun and it would be leaking oil they were 100 right and i'd have to give a discount but my point being is anybody you can go from selling cars and getting yelled at by mexicans on the daily to going and confronting these politicians because they're all egomaniacs and as soon as any autistic person like myself with the camera gets in their face they melt like room temperature butter did you say artistic or autistic both i think i'm oh i'm not really autistic honestly i was dropped on my head i think that's all it takes though yeah i swear nick that's all it takes a little bit of autism and
Starting point is 00:03:18 then some willpower i'm telling you you my i fell off theinet. I was on the spectrum. But a year later, they told me. Fucking dad pushed me off. But that's another story. Yes, I just, I'm not good at that. Some of my comedian friends, Jimmy Florentine, would go into a restaurant. You've probably seen his work. Yeah, of course. Jim's a beast.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, and he would go into a fucking restaurant and ask for a parmesan a black pepper and you know the lady starts doing that and you're supposed to go that's enough and he wouldn't say anything and when the guy would stop he'd go no I want some more with Ed Wood, no I want some more you can't see his meal
Starting point is 00:04:00 and the guy goes no I want some more that shit makes me uncomfortable who's the biggest you but i've seen clips of you right in the middle like on a college campus haven't i surrounded by angry yeah no i i know i go in front of all their teeth but real quick let's go back to jim florentine first of all i'm not surprised he likes a lot of pepper the guy used to bang robin quivers and god bless his soul jimmy's one of the best comedians. Trust me, Robin Quivers, that's a ton of black pepper, if you know what I mean. So what I'm trying to say is, yeah, I go in front of these ATVs.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So now because I've been viral, I get to go speak at some of these colleges. And, Nick, you know this as a comedian. I don't want to sit here and kiss your derriere the whole time, but you can go back and hear the first day. When Artie was on Howard, and then you know you're obviously on the show all the time regular guests but but he would always say that you had to carry the you know killers of comedy show you were the one pro even though i'm francis shulia i've written everybody else's name thank god we have nick dipolo he's the best comedian so you're a real deal professional comedian you know you are the essence or the uh quintessential excuse me is the
Starting point is 00:05:03 word i'm saying me though there's a new form of comedy, though, I think, that's making me popular on TikTok and all this stuff, where all you've got to do is confront important people, and people love that content. You confront important people, or you can do what I'm trying to do to get followers. I tossed a two-year-old girl off my roof into a
Starting point is 00:05:19 dumpster in my driveway. We're rebuilding my kitchen. And people love that. We don't know where she is, but boy. I think it's better to get thrown off a roof, Nick, than to get transgender. Now all these two-year-olds are giving him gender hormone therapy. If I was a two-year-old, throw me in a pool off a roof
Starting point is 00:05:36 before you cut my wiener off. That's all I'm saying. Alex, let me ask you this. Go back to that original story. The Mexicans were the customers in that story yeah are you kidding me i sold cheap cars i was a wholesale car dealer i look at my stack and deep sell them cheap there's a seat for every ass i'm telling you i sold i sold a honda odyssey i sold the chevy tahoe chevy suburban i'm in dallas texas all of my customers they can't go
Starting point is 00:06:00 to a traditional car lot and get any sort of credit so I'm a pimp on a blend you got money in the bank shorty what you drank I want to put you in a car but yeah but but selling cars sucks Nick it's just sucks I I I don't ever want to go back to it yeah but it was just funny I I I they love this Chevy's yeah are you kidding Doug the 5.3 liter engine on the G71 of the time they always love this chevys and the silverado what is that is that a chevy that's chevy chevy silverado gmc sierra i drive a chevy silverado it's a great truck you can hold like four mexican families right i'm telling you though these mexicans here in america and this is i'm not i'm not anti-immigration no but this is what they work
Starting point is 00:06:42 on is they they would always go viral and they show 11 immigrants in front of kamala harris's house and the media is like oh i'm in i'm in texas every day we're a bachman lake that's a lake that's near the airport i see hispanics with the mask little kids with an adult guy i mean you can just tell that like you know i love to joke around but something weird is going on this guy is not their biological family i see it is that guy is that guy bernie sanders really scares me is what are these kids doing for money how are they earning their keep is that guy bernie sanders you see the kids with what about bernie he's insane what about i'm saying is that the guy is that the guy i think the moment has passed uh i said i didn't hear you but do you know this
Starting point is 00:07:24 nick you know another thing about project but do you know this, Nick? No, another thing about Project Mountainside, you know I'm suing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for blocking me on Twitter right now, Nick. Believe it or not. Can you believe that? How is she blocking you on Twitter? Why?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Well, I called her a big booty Latina. Oh, yeah. That was my biggest video. Yeah, that was my biggest video. What the? I've called her a filthy twat nothing happened that shows you i'm not i'm not sure and her boyfriend is right oh you're right there on the steps yes yeah where were you the capital i was on the capital steps you're my favorite big
Starting point is 00:07:57 booty latina and she went and made 17 instagram videos about how i was the worst freaking uh sexual harasser since, I don't even know who the most famous raper is, but I mean, she literally. You're looking at him. Like she was sexually abused. You're looking at him. I think we have, I think we have a delay. When I talk, he can't hear me.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I don't think. There's a little delay. There's a little delay for some reason. Nick, it's like quick. I got to, I got to shut up. Stop stepping over you. Sorry. No, you said you don't know who the most famous rapist is and i said you're looking at him okay nick so tell me this though and i know you can always say so much stuff though
Starting point is 00:08:35 but dude you're blowing up so now you got this new thing to the crowd or you know i work at the blaze and the reason why i bring this up a lot of people like and the blaze loves steven they actually still love steven he hasn't really gone after them at all right they say oh alex you're the uh you know the the dollar store version which i kind of am now that i'm still the blaze i really i mean a little bit i'm not i mean i love what you're doing so tell me what's the future though that's badass congratulations that looks like it's gonna be a good deal i think it's gonna be great he's got me picking him up at the airport and um getting his coffee in the morning and And I'm sort of like Fredo. I got to bring the suitcase of money from, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:12 from to Dallas. And yeah, I am excited. Look, he is a force. And, you know, like you said, he was on the blaze. And he's always, we always stay in touch. Like I've done a show quite a few times, but we, you know, we text back and forth. And he always, he just loves my standup. He just praises me as a standup.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And I watch his show and I go, Jesus Christ, I think I'm going to pull mine off the air. No. He's got so much, he puts so much into it. I do it, you you know because i still do stand up um but i i would challenge anybody to put up a a show that gives you more content and news i mean i was there when i was i was at a studio and ted cruz he had ted cruz on and literally i hear this conversation alex i hear hear this. Stephen's on the phone, and they're going, no, he what? The people that handle
Starting point is 00:10:12 him says he can't make it. And then Ted Cruz grabs the phone from one of his guys and says, I'll be there. And told his handlers, we can make it. And I'm going, what the fuck? I can't get my fucking wife on my own show yeah he's got pull no i mean crowder's got the biggest pool he's got a real big audience so and listen no but this is the thing nick is crowder smart too he sees those old clips you know there's been a resurgence now with all the opie and anthony stuff for you and patrice that stuff is really kind of legendary content. It will never be recreated.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Some of those battles, I guess you'd call it. Nobody can recreate that. I think he wants to. We're all kind of nostalgically want that. That's a great point. By the way, we're talking to comedian Alex Stein. That's a great point. This is what shocks me, Alex.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I'll do stand-up. I was doing something out in Arizona,. I had about six, seven, eight Latino kids ages 18 to maybe 28. All related. All kids.
Starting point is 00:11:17 They were all friends and shit. They come up to me and go, we found you on YouTube that show. Tough crowd. I i was going holy shit and they're like why can't you do that today i mean that colin quinn's a genius he should be the household name he saw that shit way before and and we could never do it today obviously well patrice is gone and and gerardo's gone but i mean um people that made me so inspired that young kids are paying attention and that they're
Starting point is 00:11:45 craving some of that freedom of speech that we used to have. Right? No, Nick, you're blowing up. I'm just telling you that all that old content, I call it old, it's only like 10 years old or whatever, but it seems old. I'm just saying because it's not fresh. That stuff was actual cutting edge. Now all this Hollywood produced crap, dude, you can't even find a good show.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I'm telling you, Nick, when's the last time you watched a good show or funny show because now we're so worried about being politically correct comedy's dead i mean literally you're considered probably alt-right nick and i don't think i don't think of you like that one bit at all because you commented on race before that doesn't make you a racist like give me a break i commentate on i commentated on race but I was honest about it. And you're right. This was something I want to put on my resume. My manager, Tommy, about a year ago, sent me an article.
Starting point is 00:12:35 They did a study at Harvard of right-wing comics, and I was on the alt-right list. I was so proud of that. I've had the freaking, I've had the Oath Keepers, I've had the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers come to my show. Of course. What, I'm not going to take a picture with them? Fuck you. I love, I want to make an improv group with those guys.
Starting point is 00:12:55 No, I mean, I'm a person. We need a name. No, but those guys are, you can't fuck with those guys, Nick. Those Proud Boys are serious guys, and I love them, but they came out of a necessary thing because Antifa were attacking Gavin, so it's crazy. That's right. And I love Gavin McGinnis.
Starting point is 00:13:10 You're goddamn right, man. Enough is enough. Everybody's supposed to get excited about these hearings and, you know, Biden and the whole China mess and all the stuff that's coming out. And now I'm getting a little bit political, a little bit bit serious but don't you think that plays right into the demo everything i read uh alex uh the every poll in the last six months says the democrats don't want him to run again so this is sort of this is what they want right they're not going to come save joe no let me tell you this i'll even let me put on my tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist they're going to give him the old humiliation ritual because this is what they want you know they want the
Starting point is 00:13:49 multicultural black woman they wanted hillar to be president so bad so i firmly believe that they're going to have to try to because they can't convince him not to run because he's seen how they're going to do some sort of gimmick where he had all of these uh classified documents then he's going to be ineligible to run and i I believe they'll actually make him step down. He'll say, oh, well, my business is in Ukraine and stuff. My son did some stuff. I'm going to step down and we're going to put Kamala Harris. I have no doubt before 2024, before the election,
Starting point is 00:14:15 Kamala Harris will be the president, in my opinion. Do you? Oh, so you think, and I know people have that theory. I just think that she, she's so retarded. Even the Dems like. She's worse than him. She's the only one worse than him. I think the that she she's so retarded, even the Dems She's worse than him! She's the only one worse than him! I think the Dems know that. They go, we can't have this cackling
Starting point is 00:14:30 whore feeling, even for this idiot. I'm sure they said it in a different way. Sounds much nicer in Italian. As they said in Goodfellow. No, I agree. I don't think it's going to be her. Well, they would love that. You're right. But I don't think. But she wouldn't be the nominee, it'd be
Starting point is 00:14:46 Gavin. It'd be Gavin Newsom. Yeah. And I want to see Gavin Newsom with his record. I want to see him defend his... I could beat him in the first debate. He banged his best friend's wife! I mean, the guy when he was mayor of San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's the only thing I like about him. That's the only way I know. That he's a man. He's not one of these... That's the only thing I like about him. That's the only way I know. That he's a man. He's not one of these That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. It's the first time I said maybe he is heterosexual. That fucking hairdo. He looks like he got off the back of a
Starting point is 00:15:17 He always looks like he just got out of a convertible doing 80 miles an hour. I want to see him defend his record in California. You could just show clips of trains being, trains, robbing trains. What is this, 1858 and fucking,
Starting point is 00:15:34 and I saw that on, yeah, 1883, that show that, you know, come on. So who else? You got him. They have no bench right alex they got no some who i don't think he could he i think he was recalled by i don't even believe in elections can i be honest alex i i really of course how could you believe in election give me a freaking brain yeah see i i think he got recalled and they you know they just pull the shenanigans they always
Starting point is 00:16:00 pull do you remember i believe this whole COVID agenda is they wanted freaking mail-in ballots. I'll go full tinfoil hat is they wanted full mail-in ballots. They were able to basically rig an election with only a few counties and a few states can rig an entire election. So it's like, guys, this is common sense. Listen, and this is the one thing that shocks me.
Starting point is 00:16:20 For the people that are playing at home, go look at John Bolton talk about how January 6th was not a coup because he says, oh, I do real coups because they do coups in South America, Venezuela. They've rigged elections since the start. Nick, I bet you Bush was rigged. I bet you every election that we've had in the last 30 years
Starting point is 00:16:35 are probably cooked to books. Absolutely. I'm half Italian. I don't believe anything about anybody. I'm just, that's how my father was. Hey, I'm so crazy, Nick. I think Michelle Obama might be a boy. How about that one, Nick? I'm that crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I want to see a picture of her pregnant. That's how, we'll go full tank oil hat. That's how crazy I am. I'll show you a picture of her at the University of Texas, sacking the quarterback for Oklahoma. That's insane. She looks like she played for the Chicago Bears. She can play linebacker for them.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Mike Singletary would shit his pants. If she came into the shower with that cock, Mike Singletary would say that Michelle Obama was the best player as a coach. She gave the most effort. She was, you know, brought her lunch pail to work every day.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Didn't have the most talent, but worked the hardest. Yeah. I just, boy, is it it interesting let's talk about um the trend what transpired this weekend and trump coming out on uh truth social saying i will be arrested on tuesday um are they gonna make him like do the perp walk alex are they gonna are you gonna be there to jump in somebody's face um I was kind of hoping. Are you busy with those two assholes behind you? Well, I am a little busy, but honestly, I do want to go there, but I think they're going to pull some other January 6th thing,
Starting point is 00:17:52 where it's like they get... And Alex Jones actually kind of uncovered this a while ago with the World Trade Organization did this in Seattle, where they get agent provocateurs. It's like with the George Floyd riots. When you guys saw those auto zone burn burn down a lot of times they would look down they would watch the replay of it and it'd be like a white guy in a baklava mask type deal yes you're saying there's agent provocateurs or this trump thing they'll probably have fbi agents shoot people and then they'll say it was some proud war or something so you're right i don't even want to be five million miles away i don't want to be anywhere near that deal i do i want to see the inside of the dc jail anyways um no that's fucking that's actually a good point we could be walking into another trap here even though that was the first insurrection where nobody was charged with insurrection
Starting point is 00:18:33 and uh one person died it was a trump fan yeah and they were able to reconvene and certify the election two hours later yet they compare that nick to 9-11 you were in new york literally imagine that that they can compare the two it's disgusting what an insult to people who lost people in uh 9-11 and the civil war can you fucking imagine one cop died and he died two days later of a brian sick nick of a stroke and and there's biden a couple weeks ago out there going a handful of cops died. You lying motherless fuck. Yeah, are you kidding? And then you look at
Starting point is 00:19:08 Jacob Chansey, the QAnon shaman, they're giving him a tour through the Capitol. They wanted him in the rotunda. See, that's the problem. And like one of the big things that I'm against, and I'm sure you are too, Nick, this war in Ukraine. Like these people we're not being run by human beings. We're being run by corporations like Raytheon,
Starting point is 00:19:26 Halliburton, Pfizer. And because they can go and make us start a war in the drop of a hat and every blue haired checkmark is like, oh, but if you're crazy, you're going to help me. We fall for hook, line and sinker because these corporations, the only thing America produces, Nick, are bombs and guns. We gave all of our industry away. So, of course, we're going to continue to fight wars and we're going to continue to give people medicine that they don't even need. That's actually a good point. I need a decent mattress. I get it
Starting point is 00:19:52 from China. When I get my guns here. Yeah. My sex robot? China. You think America makes good sex robots? You're right. I got one of those from China. It broke in a week. I don't think I don't think I was using it right. Nobody said you can't go from the back.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Anyway, those are her last words. So I was choking that rubber bitch out. Yeah, so I can't wait.'t wait i want and that's a great point they could be setting us up uh for another you're right there's gonna be there'll be some of those guys with a buckle about mass on uh throwing shit and you know you'll have the the the fake guy with the the trump hat what was his name ray uh epps ray habs yeah the guy that's telling him to go and listen where's he not deserve to go to jail under any circumstance. But if Joe Biden has half a brain with all the illegal business dealings his son is doing,
Starting point is 00:20:50 his butthole is spread out on the Internet, and that's the most likable part, he doesn't want to see another president get arrested. That's right. No, that's exactly right. He should be out there going, look, come on, man. You know I hate the guy, but this is wrong. Exactly. And could you imagine, though, if he actually did step in, if he had half the brain, his own party,
Starting point is 00:21:09 that would be probably the moment they push the button. They say, well, we're going to we're going to you're done. You're done, Biden. Can you imagine Alex there? So talking to Alex Stein, by the way, very funny. They are so afraid and they should be of Trump that they're going're going to put this fucking guy in jail so he can't run. That is, I mean, Putin would blush. Pick any socialist shithole.
Starting point is 00:21:35 But they'll say we're Putin apologists. Putin, he kills journalists. Putin's not great at all. But I'm just saying the corruption in this country, I don't even want to raise a kid in this world. I'm saying I have very little hope. It's called being blackmailed. I'm sure you're blackmailed.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I lose hope. I feel like comedy. Listen to the old Opie and Anthony clips. That's the only way we can ever get any happiness is that nostalgia because the direction that we're going, I'm not trying to be all negative, but it's hard to have any hope in our elected politicians, even when they do illegal stuff. The ones that are in the deep state get in no trouble yet you and me if i did something my buddy who went to january 6th facing 20 years in prison they throw us away like we're just trash
Starting point is 00:22:15 yeah the double stand you'd never think you'd see it in this country are you gonna tell me half We always say half the country. The media obviously gives people the impression this country is way more liberal than it is. I've been doing stand-up for 35 years, traveling the country coast to coast. Honest to God. And I wasn't famous for most of those years. So I had a mix of people. They didn't know who the fuck I was. I found out who they were 10 minutes into my set when I had a lady in her 60s giving me the finger and throwing a Heineken at me. But what I'm saying is they, you know, as far as my politics and shit, now people
Starting point is 00:22:51 who like my politics come out to see me. But even when it wasn't my fans coming out and it was a mix of people who really didn't know me, I would talk to them after the show. And I never got the feeling that hardly any of them were Democrats until I got into show business and sat at the table, you know, in New York with my buddies. And, you know, even then, I would say the thing at the table where everybody would go, you know, Amy, well, Amy Schumer. That's an extreme example. But, you know.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Well, and Chuck is your uncle, the worst guy in the world. I mean, I know. What, and Chuck is your uncle, the worst guy in the world. I know. I know. What the fuck? Isn't he creepy? He's like out of a... I don't know. You think? Oh my God, he gives me the shivers. He's just fucking gross. I'd fuck Amy before I
Starting point is 00:23:37 talk to him. And she's gross. Yeah, well, but... She's her. And then she got caught stealing the jokes. I mean, Amy's really just a mess. i don't know why she's got to be put up as you know this this icon of comedy when there's so many people like you or people think about how many comedians you know this and you've probably seen them you know the greg giraldos how many comedians the patricia o'neill said would be the biggest things now that we didn't even get to see it it kind of makes you think of abortion i know that sounds
Starting point is 00:24:01 weird but that's why i don't like abortion necessarily because there's all these great people i think get killed because oftentimes the best athletes, the most funny people come from broken homes. No, I swear. I take that broken home. That breeds awesomeness. I look at it. See, I look at this the opposite. That's why I'm sort of pro-abortion. I go, good.
Starting point is 00:24:17 No, but Nick, this is why. Deion Sanders, let me make this point. So Deion Sanders just said, he was talking about recruiting when he's now he's the head coach of the Colorado, and he said, for my quarterback, I want a kid that comes from my home with two parents and they're good kids and, you know, you're educated. For my defensive tackle, I want them to come from a broken home with no parents, you know, the free lunch.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And that's right. There's some sort of mentality where, you know, nature versus nurture. But even he has to fucking soften that. He's this black. And by the way, he hates white people to the core. I fucking met the guy at my opinion, folks. I don't know. But look, I met him anyways at a Super Bowl. We played in the beach ball, me and Artie Lang. And I wanted to fucking play offense.
Starting point is 00:25:02 And he's like, no, man, he wouldn't let you. I met Dion one time, too. He couldn't have been any bigger of an asshole. Yeah, no, he's a nasty dude. But that, what he said, my point was, why couldn't he say
Starting point is 00:25:12 I want a white quarterback and I want the fucking defensive lineman to be Angry Brothers? I mean, seriously. We're never going to... We keep talking about breaking the cycle
Starting point is 00:25:23 of political correctness and especially when it comes to race. Even Joe Rogan, I fucking love Joe. I was watching UFC about a year ago, and I was surprised he said this. There was a black guy fighting a white guy, and he goes, whatever the black guy named, Tyrone Washington's in the green shorts, and Bill O'Leary's in the red shorts. He goes, why can't I just say the white guy's O'Leary and the black guy?
Starting point is 00:25:45 He said it right on the air. And I was like, God damn it, I love it. I mean, when are we going to get over that, Alex? That's most of the political correctness stems from that, that and the feminist twats. But go ahead, your thoughts. Well, of course. But you remember it wasn't very long ago. I keep on talking about the 90s movies like Don't Be a Menace in South Central or Drinking Your Juice in the Hood.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It was all these black movies that made fun of blackness, and it was great. Some of those scary movies, some of the Wayans brothers, say whatever you want about them, they made great stuff. But now those guys can't even make that comedy again because if you make fun of any black stereotype, Chinese stereotype, Hispanic stereotype, you're a racist. You think they couldn't get away with it?
Starting point is 00:26:23 I think they still would get away. What did I just see last night what was i fucking watching and um uh no it wasn't the real housewives of atlanta um i can't i love real housewives of atlanta we need a nana and all the girls anytime it's a great show the best show on tv nick i i yeah half of them can dunk. You know, I don't want to be pistol whipped in front of a fucking Bentley. It's my wet dream. How the fuck? What was I going to say?
Starting point is 00:26:54 Fucking Alex, this is so fucking great. Talking about the TV, about how they can't be politically incorrect. Because listen, this is one thing. Just real quick, I don't want you to lose your train of thought. But with my humor, I try to say the most absurd stuff while appearing like it's normal, right? You know, it's kind of absurd. And I feel like that's a, it's just a formulation for comedy.
Starting point is 00:27:12 With stereotypes, if you just make fun of any stereotype, that is funny comedy. I don't care if you say color people time or whatever sort of joke. As long as it's not done, you know, in a mean way, people love that type of humor, but we're afraid to use it. Hey, hey look i've been one of the most and and not to blow my own horn but i was pushing back against this shit on tough crowd which was 2001 or 2000 22 years ago i was using the term cultural marxist what other comedians was even saying that i was reading a lot of fucking, you know, come on, fucking,
Starting point is 00:27:49 how can I forget this guy? Pat Buchanan. I was reading Buchanan. I read Judge Bork's book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah. Those, that book, Judge Bork's book changed.
Starting point is 00:28:02 It confirmed all these things in my head that I was seeing, nobody was saying. And I'm like, am I crazy? Am I really fucking racist? And you're right, though. I never, I've been, honest to God, this is true, Alex, in my 30-something years of doing stand-up, I think I've made maybe four or five black people mad. I'm not exaggerating, in the 30-something years.
Starting point is 00:28:24 And I've had hundreds of white people get up five minutes or 20 minutes into my... Black people... Colin Quinn taught me this because he grew up in Brooklyn. Went to a half-black high school. Black people just want to know where you stand with them.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And he told me that with comedy. And even at the comedy cell, that intimate place, it took some balls to be making black jokes in front of a table of six black dudes. But you know what? They were laughing the hardest. And when I watch Colin Quinn, who is a master with race, he's a fuck. He's obsessed with it. He reads every book, every prison book.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I don't mean it like that, folks. That came out right. I'm just saying he like that, folks. That came out right. I'm just saying, he is obsessed with Ray. And he would walk down the street after Tough Crowd. Black people would mob him because they fucking loved him. Puerto Rican girls, you know what I mean? Dominicans from Tough Crowd. I watched him at the Comedy Cell at Killing One Night doing all this black stuff that's really heady.
Starting point is 00:29:23 And he goes like, one of my favorite jokes, he goes, yeah, if you're a white parent, he goes, I think you realize you're fucked up when you come downstairs in the morning and your 16-year-old daughter is sharing a bowl of Fruity Pebbles with Rasheed Wallace. Shit like that. And I'm watching the black table.
Starting point is 00:29:43 They are flipping out because he knows them better than they know themselves and my bigger point is that's the way it should be what a way to release racial tension it's not by censoring and tampering it down remember Lenny Bruce came out and just said the n-word for like 10 minutes one night
Starting point is 00:30:00 have you ever heard that I made a point he goes I wanted to make a point. You become desensitized to it. The more you suppress it, the more dangerous it becomes. I'd like to see him try that today. Yeah, right. No, but I want to make this last point, though.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And this is why I would never want to be considered racist when we talk about the black crowd. I got to go back to my starts in the car business. When you sell a car to a white person, they're so annoying. They come back back if any issue you cannot fix it right away with black people they were the most laid back as long as you weren't ripping them off as long as you're honest i'm just saying they could tell as long as you're honest with them they were the easiest people to work with so i'm just saying i love all races colors and creeds we should be able to make fun
Starting point is 00:30:40 of them nobody should be off limits are you saying black people buy cars too? Yeah, they do. They get the best credit. They buy it in their women, their mother's name or their girlfriend's name. They love cars. There's a line that would get me in all kinds of fucking hot water. And it was brilliant. It was fucking brilliant. Admit it, folks. All three years.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Who's that professor? God, my memory's so bad. He used to be on Gutfeld. Come on, Red Eye. He's a young guy. Didn't like white people. You fucking know who I'm talking about. I know who it is.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Is he a black professor? Black professor, yeah, young guy. He was on with me. We would go back and forth with race, but we had a good chemistry. Me and him were getting big laughs, and I said, I think think he said he said we should no i said we should do a sitcom and he goes yeah we'll call it um he goes we'll call it uh
Starting point is 00:31:33 the racist and the professor i go i'm not a professor i said it i said it quicker than that fucking left him stunned that's because i was in fighting shape i was in comedy clubs every night and nobody quick when i was in my fucking and and uh you were the best nick nick i'm not kissing your butt you guys i'm gonna go clip it i'm gonna go find it i looked at i heard it last night literally arty lang says that nick capallo is the number one comedian out right now and howard agrees howard agrees was this bet i'm pretty sure howard agreed recently i was just 40 years where's howard gone let's make fun of howard for a second why is he going so far howard oh my what the jesus and i want to like him because he was so good to me
Starting point is 00:32:16 and uh but some fucking broad that's what fucking therapy will do to you if you stay there long enough it'll cut the he had it all right He had it all right before he started going with shrink for 30 years. He grew up in Roosevelt, Long Island. He goes five days a week or something, Nick. Who goes to psycho? I mean, is he in the Church of Scientology? It's like Tom Cruise or some shit with that. New York Jews.
Starting point is 00:32:38 That's who goes five days a week. Yeah, no. I got that from the Sopranos. Were you a big Sopran alex are you kidding tony soprano is the king nobody and i don't honestly i would say that james canolfini is probably the best actor of the 2000s oh hands down we could make that argument very easy i'm talking to the great alex stein yeah when he started going to therapy on the show and somebody told his mother, was it Carmela?
Starting point is 00:33:10 I go, yeah, Olivia, your son's seeing a shrink. Oh, I think it was a young kid, AJ. And she goes, he's going to a psychology. That's a racket for the Jews. That's the best show ever. I know, and that's honest. And if we lived in a fucking world, a Jewish people, that's the only thing.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And I love Jews. I defend them on the show, and I defend Israel. They're a little, a lot of the political correctness sort of emanates from, they have to take themselves a little less serious. What, I can't make a few Hitler jokes? Come on, relax. That was a long time ago. No, I can't make a few Hitler jokes. Come on, relax. Well,
Starting point is 00:33:45 you know, it was a long time ago. No, but Nick, I'm actually a fake Jew. My last name is Stein. So I actually wasn't, my grandfather ran away,
Starting point is 00:33:52 got my grandmother pregnant and started his own family. So I was actually raised Christian. My dad was raised Christian. So I'm a fake Jew. My point is with all my Jewish friends, the ones that are there, they're either, or they're feast or famine.
Starting point is 00:34:03 They're either cool or they're politically correct. It seems like that's always the position. You're right. There's not much gray area. I was going German with that. I tell people German. Why? No, that's what I mean. That's what I am, but I, you know, they obviously say, oh, you're a stein. Of course, you know, you know.
Starting point is 00:34:19 You know, Nick. I don't have to say anything to you. Let me give you my best Jewish jokes. The best one I ever came up with that I used in my act that probably cost me a lot of gigs. I think I moved out of LA right after I did it. My friends always go, Nick, why are you...
Starting point is 00:34:36 My fans all know this joke. Why are you so convinced that the Jews rent Hollywood? And I go, you ever read the credits after a sitcom? It's like Schindler's List. Might be the best fucking joke ever and uh and here's how i know it was good about a month later i did that at la i was living in la at the comedy store i did that not even a month later they used a joke like that they rewrote it a little, but it was my joke on, you know, a willing grace. And it makes sense because as a comedian,
Starting point is 00:35:10 a female comedian I know from, but who's great. I'm not saying she's, but she or somebody was in the audience that night. Cause it was like three weeks later. I've seen, Oh, I've seen, I've seen some of my bits and commercials. Me and Keith Roberts Robinson were arguing. He's talking about it.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Right. Go ahead. Those guys sit in the back of comedy clubs forever. I mean, now they can look at TikTok and steal ideas. But that's how they used to have to steal ideas before the internet. They would have to go in the clubs and steal from the headliners like yourself. I was arguing with Keith Robinson, a black dude. He was arguing about black culture.
Starting point is 00:35:42 He goes, man, we built the pyramids. And I went, yeah, they were supposed to be square. And I saw that. This was a couple years later in an insurance commercial. They fucking do that. I joke about it. You're right. They sit in the back of clubs. Anyways, hey, I've kept you long enough,
Starting point is 00:35:58 man. I want to see you. Don't stop what you're doing, Alex. Seriously, man. Yes, sir. We should be. I wish I had the balls. Crowder is another one. They go face to face. I'd rather be like a sniper and fucking, they have to find where I live. I was on the phone with the FBI twice. Nick, you're the legend. You're the legend. Keep it up.
Starting point is 00:36:13 No, you're literally a goat. So it's an honor just to let me come here and speak with you. I really mean that. And I want to talk to you again soon, hopefully. I was going to say, you've got a huge show, right? Although I think Beck might be a little scared of me. But, yeah, I'll do your show. No, you're coming on my show.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I want you on my show. Are you kidding? Please. When's the next time you're doing Dallas? I want to have you in studio. I'm going to Dallas April, I want to say, 3rd, 4th, and 5th to do Crowder's show. That's sort of the first. I'm officially.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Oh, that's the first deal. That's your first week there? Okay, wow. That would be huge. that's sort of the first i'm officially oh that's the first deal that's your first week there okay wow well officially uh i start the 10th because you know i'll be writing stuff behind the scenes to a little bit here and there fucking old i got nine jobs um but yeah i'll be i'll be uh i think april 3rd 4th and 5th so whatever but either way this is i hate fucking planes i'd rather do this but any you're welcome anytime and i would love to do your show yeah you work more than a haitian immigrant you're the man nick i love you keep it up thanks alex appreciate it brother see you guys all right that's it ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 00:37:16 uh hope you enjoyed the show um don't forget if you'd like me to roast a friend or relative go to and click on my profile. They'll tell you how to do it. I'll make a little video on my phone, you know, ripping your mother to shreds for leaving her shoes under my bed last night. Or whatever. Say happy birthday to Grampy who's got about a week left. You know, it's a lot of fun. It's a mixture of death and laughs.
Starting point is 00:37:42 All right. That's it, you guys. Thank you. And I'll say very welcome. We'll see you death and laughs. All right. That's it, you guys. Thank you. I'll say you're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Take care. Hi. Good night, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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