The Nick DiPaolo Show - Alex Stein | Nick Di Paolo Show #1564

Episode Date: May 2, 2024

In this episode right leaning comedian Nick Di Paolo interviews Alex Stein! Like what you hear?  Get TWICE as much "Nick Di Paolo Show", full episodes of Steven Crowder’s “Louder with Crowder” and more on Mug Club! Sign up today to get all their content at and use the promo code NICKDIP to get your first month FREE! For Tour Dates, Merch, stand-up clips and more visit 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Welcome, folks, on a Thursday. A Thursday. That's right,, on a Thursday. A Thursday. That's right, it's a Thursday. We got a great show today. We got one of our favorite guests for 40 minutes. Great interview. This guy has got huge stones. We've had him on before, and he's all over the Internet.
Starting point is 00:01:00 He's an Internet sensation. They call him a YouTube right-winger or whatever, influencer, whatever. All I know is he's doing God's work. Here's a little clip, some footage of what he actually does. Get the fuck out of here. We're here at UT Austin where I just got assaulted by transgender pro-Palestine people. I didn't realize gay for Palestine is actually real. Go watch this video.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Hey, can I ask you a question? In Palestine, aren't they mean to trans people? Aren't they mean to trans people? We're here at UT Austin, and trans people are out here protesting for Palestine, but don't Palestinians throw gay people off roofs? I'm going to start getting blue-skinned. Yeah, no, I'm just going to hang out right here. Can anybody tell me about, did they do any pride parade?
Starting point is 00:01:45 Get the fuck out of here. Dude, what are you gonna do about it? You guys are all idiots. You guys are trying to jigger. But you guys aren't even allowed to be in Palestine. I know, but you don't know that. This is why we'll win this war easily. That's a guy doing God's work.
Starting point is 00:02:09 He squares off with his... Look at the kids backing up. Oh my God, he's my hero. Get out of here! Please welcome the great Alex Stein. Alex, how you doing, pal? Nick, it's always a pleasure to be here with you, a comedy legend. I can't tell you how grateful I am. We just, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:02:54 We just watched footage of you at University of Texas, Austin, and the whole anti-Israel, Palestine, what in God? First of all, give me your opinion. All these years, Alex, you, guys like you and me and republicans and trump supporters they've been calling reagan back to reagan you're a nazi you're hitler that's all we've been hearing for the left for 40 fucking years and turns out the real jew haters and the nazis are the left are they not well i mean elan omar's daughter literally wants like uh to bring the holocaust back so i mean that's not even an exaggeration did she say that yeah she did what i'm saying is anti-semitism is crazy on campus i went to the library i tried to check
Starting point is 00:03:37 out mind comp all checked out huge wait list so you know anti-semitism is crazy right now but no on a serious note. You're checking that out for what? Light reading at the beach? Just to read on the airplane, you know, but on a serious note, this is what I'm actually a little empathetic because I'm anti-war. I don't really like war necessarily. So some of these kids, like, and I can kind of see why they want to stop the war, but this is my problem, is that these were transgenders, Nick. If you see that video, these were homosexual transgenders that were cheering for Palestine, and they're not even welcome. If you're a transgender, they will literally throw you off a roof in Gaza, yet these people want to protest at the University of Texas in Austin, like a nice city where they can go eat at Chipotle and live their life or out there trying to be
Starting point is 00:04:26 empathetic to the same people that would literally kill them. So I'm really just trying to call it the hypocrisy of what's happening on these college campuses. Yeah. It doesn't take much balls to be pro Hamas when you're, you know, like you just said on a college camp, it couldn't be a safer place,
Starting point is 00:04:40 by the way, ironically, uh, it takes no balls to be talking that type of shit. Go over there and do it. And especially if you're gay, like you said, hope you like heights. I mean, they do. They throw gay people off rooftops. If they see the hypocrisy and just ignore it? I don't think they do. I think they're so stupid and brainwashed. They believe what they're saying. Some people go, they know there. What do you think? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I think you're right. The brainwash like they're just they live in like an alternate reality. But this is the one thing I know you're a comedian. We're I think you're right. The brainwash, like they're just, they live in like an alternate reality, but this is the one thing, you know, I know you're a comedian, we're trying to keep it light, but I'm telling you, Nick, something's going to happen in one of these rallies and one of these pro-Palestinian protests. And it might not even be a pro-Hamas person. It might even, this sounds crazy. It might be like a January 6th type deal where it's an FBI agent, but I'm just saying one of these protests is going to get out of hand and it's going to be a January 6th type incident. And I think it's going to be more radicalized up until the election, because if you see there's similar parallels to the summer of love with George Floyd and, you know, leading up
Starting point is 00:05:53 to the 2020 election. So if I'm just guessing, just speculating that I think it's going to get more ramped up and there is going to be an event. I hope not. I pray and I just hope that there's nothing bad happens, but I'm not going to be an event. I hope not. I pray and I just hope that there's nothing bad happens, but I'm not going to be surprised if one of these college campuses, somebody comes there with a gun or does something and then actually hurts people because that's the other thing. A lot of this is live action role-playing. Yes. That's a live action role, LARP. LARP? LARPing? I thought that was a sexual thing. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:06:27 No, it is. It can be. What's that? I'm just saying, something's going to happen. I can feel it. I don't know what. I just am speculating. Because, listen, I got hit for just saying at that protest, like, guys, they would throw you off a building.
Starting point is 00:06:42 They wanted to hit me. They wanted me to hit them back. But anybody that watches the NFL or college football, the second guy always gets the flag. So I can't react. You know, I have to be very – The second guy will get the ISIS flag. That's what I might –
Starting point is 00:06:58 Right there. That's good. Let's hope it's not you. You're saying something's going to happen on these campuses. Yeah, I hope it's not my – I hope it's not you. You're saying something's going to happen on these campuses. Yeah, I hope it's not you. But, yeah, I agree. I mean, these guys will stop at nothing. And can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 00:07:14 Why is George Soros, why do I see pictures of him smiling and still walking around? No, he wants to fund, you know, as much chaos as possible. But, Nick, now I got to ask you real quick. We can talk all about the campus. You are a Howard Stern. Howard Stern has even said that you are one of the best comedians on earth. I've heard him say it. You've done comedy with all of the crew back in Artie.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I mean, you went overseas. Howard Stern has Joe Biden on his show. I know. I didn't ask him one hard question. No. What the hell is that all about? Howard Stern, and many people have said this now, but he's turned into everything that he supposedly hated. I say, this is what happens when you're a Jewish New Yorker and you believe in therapy every day of your life at 30, this is what fucking happens. It actually makes you nuts. Get in touch with your inner child. This is what you,
Starting point is 00:08:10 if other people went as to as much therapy as him, they'll end up the same way. This is where, this is what shrinks preach. I know it's so sad and it makes them look like a sellout is an understatement. It makes them look like, oh, the first 40 years that made you rich, you didn't even believe in that shit. It really is. And I still want to be nice to Howard because he was always nice to me. He didn't have to have me on the show because I wasn't super famous. And so I hate to say bad things about him. But when he's complaining about people not getting vaccinated, what are you, idiots?
Starting point is 00:08:43 things about him. But when he's complaining about, you know, people not getting vaccinated, what are you, idiots? And meanwhile, he's living behind an iron curtain and subjected to none of this shit. I can't believe he can't see. That's the shit that he used to rail on. And now, like you said, he did that interview with Biden. It was a real softball. I don't even know what the, just the easiest questions. Do you like Trump? Do you like ice cream? How about denture cream? Which one do you like?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Oh, fucking disgusting. No, Nick, the worst part about it is he literally says, oh, the country is doing so well under you, Joe Biden. Anybody that has $750 million in the bank is going to say that because the only person that Howard interacts with is the person at the five-star restaurant that he eats with. I mean, he doesn't know what's going on. He rides around in a limousine driven by – I mean, he's not a real person. He's so out of touch. If you asked Howard how is the temperature of America, he would say it's great. But everybody knows they can't afford to fill up their gas tank. People are lighting themselves on fire like we've never seen.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I mean, people, it's unreal. We're heading into a dystopian nightmare. And I just don't know how a guy like that, like you said, he used to be very libertarian. He wanted to run for governor as a libertarian. Yes. He had strong views and they're just all thrown out the window. We're talking to Alex Stein. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I haven't listened to a minute of his show since the last time I think I was on it. I just, you know, that's how I am. If I'm not on it, I'm not interested. No, I would listen to it, you know, after that. I love them. But then when I heard he made this, I just heard through the grapevine he made this left-wing turn or whatever. And I didn't want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I didn't want to believe it was true. And just never, but yeah, reading parts of the interview and reading stuff he said on the internet and some of it, it's like, what the, is this the same? It's kind of creepy, actually. In the second half some of it, it's like, what the, is this the same? It's kind of creepy, actually. In the second half of the show, I will be doing the, showing you the second part of the
Starting point is 00:10:51 interview with the great Alex Stein. And if you want to see that, you got to go to and sign up for Mug Club. Hey, boys and girls, head over to to get exclusive hats, t-shirts, hoodies, and more. It's yet another way for you to support the show and look sexy at the same time. You can also get signed copies of my previous specials
Starting point is 00:11:18 and all of the Nick-a-shirts. Just go to and click on Store. Again, that's Click on Store. Again, that's Click on store. Thank you guys so much. See you soon. But Nick, and I know you're not going to say anything bad about Howard because like I said,
Starting point is 00:11:33 he really respects you, rightfully so. But also your friend Artie, if you really go back, that was kind of the last era when Howard was good. He pretended like he didn't know Artie had a drug problem. In my opinion, he was enabling a lot of Artie's behavior. So Howard Stern, I used to think he was like this great moral guy. I don't think he had a compass whatsoever. So now he tries to act like he's some great leftist. It's just so ingenuine. It makes me physically ill. But when did you think he was a moral guy? Was that when he was slapping strippers,
Starting point is 00:12:06 bare asses with a fish, or having Beetlejuice shit in a cup? What? Where did you get the idea? I didn't get Joe Biden to ride the Sibian. That's what he needed. He just put Joe Biden on that Sibian and have him ride the Sibian.
Starting point is 00:12:19 That would have got some clicks. That's the sex machine, that power, that sex machine, right? I got one for my wife with a sharper image, but the directions were in German, so we use it as a blender now. What? Yeah, that's kind of not,
Starting point is 00:12:32 sounded funny when I said it. Yeah, the symbiont. Holy shit. Yeah, I said, the best jokes I ever wrote were that we roasted Artie right in Stern's studio with Howard there and Rob.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And that was the best, most, I mean, and they were brutal. I mean, anti-Semitic to the 12th power, but in a fun way because it was a roast. And I defend Israel and Jews and I always have been.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I get fans because my fans are real conservative some of them they don't like Jews right do you find that out I mean real it's not and they all come after me too but you know people on both sides the far left and the far right are going to be crazy I think most of us the majority of people fall somewhere in the middle um but listen anti-semitism I don't like that DeSantis and Abbott are kicking the kids off. I think we should be able to. I'm pro hate speech. I know that sounds crazy, but I'm pro the First Amendment.
Starting point is 00:13:33 So just because you don't like it or it's towards a special group, I'm sorry. I'm allowed to say whatever the hell I want. Like I recently was at a city council meeting, went viral because I called this girl, this councilwoman in New York, Jennifer Gutierrez, a big booty Latina. And then they tried to shut down and it just blew up because they couldn't shut me down. I'm legally allowed to say that. So I'm a First Amendment absolutist. Even if it's anti-Semitic, go ahead, say it. Because there's been Supreme Court cases where people have gone to city council meetings and howled Hitler. And they won in federal court as their right.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I'm not saying everybody should do that. I'm just saying you should be allowed to do whatever you want if we're going to have freedom of speech. Well, yeah. saying everybody should do that. I'm just saying you should be allowed to do whatever you want if we're going to have freedom of speech. Well, yeah. And that used to be when the ACLU was a legitimate civil rights group. And now they're a fucking left wing hate group, basically. You can't say anything. And I'm so tired of pointing out these double and triples. But I'm with you. I'm with you. I saw Paul Pierce for the Celtics. And this is related, believe it or not. He was talking about Caitlin Clark, the great white hope of women's college basketball,
Starting point is 00:14:33 number one pick in the WNBA draft now. Right after they beat LSU, which was like an all-black women's college basketball team, very good team, and Caitlinark put up like 40 points i see paul pierce a couple days later on i don't know it was espn one of those shows and talking and saying man she blew me away because um first of all she dropped 40 on and and this wasn't this wasn't just another bunch of white girls from like connecticut this was this was some black girls these These are some real dogs. And people got upset. And I'm saying, what are they getting upset about? I said, he should be
Starting point is 00:15:12 able to talk like that, but give me and white people the same freedom when discussing race. Let me not have to parse my words or watch everything that comes out of my mouth and then we'll have equality until then shut the fuck up about it i love that he what he said was exactly true it's the way i would have said it um but you know i would like the freedom let's put it this way i would like the freedom to come on and go what a black kid want a spelling bee? Man, he didn't just beat a bunch of other black kids from the ghetto. He beat a couple Indian kids and some Chinese kids. I mean, let me- I think you should be- Huh? is all about, they say affirmative action, they're all about organizing groups in colors and sexes. So they use all of the, and you know, in the conservative side, if you're a black or gay
Starting point is 00:16:10 conservative, you get a lot of clout. You get a lot of people lift you up. So it's kind of like a reverse. It's like a reverse racism. And it's just weird though, how a guy, Paul Pierce saying, oh, she beat a bunch of, you know, awesome black athletes and he gets crushed for it. But, you know, the WNBA, this is one thing. A lot of conservatives are against transgenders in sports. Let me tell you something, Nick. When we talk about, you know, women's sports and protecting women's sports, I'm so sick of conservatives that are anti transgenders in women's sports. I want as many transgenders in women's sports as possible so we can gamble on them. I want more money on Leah Thomas.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I mean, seriously, Leah Thomas as a man has done more for women's sports than any woman could ever do. So these women need to embrace it. And these conservatives, let's go make some money in Vegas by gambling on these UFC fighters. A male UFC fighter? That's dollar signs to me. Let's go. Let it happen. I'm waiting for that. I'm waiting for the UFC. I said that a long time ago, a couple of years ago. I said, do you understand you put that on pay-per-view? The first trans MMA fighter against Poirier or whatever, or Justin Gate. Do you
Starting point is 00:17:24 understand the money? Even now, and I mean, the UFC's not hurting at the gate or making money with their paper, but I remember thinking that too. Yeah, but what about the biological girls? I don't know if you're being facetious with a gambling power. What about the biological women that have to compete against these fucking he-she's and they get flattened?
Starting point is 00:17:48 Well, unless the sport is cooking dinner or cleaning the house, I don't give a damn. I mean, what do I care? I mean, you know, really, truly, I've been to name two WNBA players. I don't know any. Name, I mean, I don't know any pro softball players. And listen, you're a collegiate athlete.
Starting point is 00:18:04 For being real, we can, you we can stop the kayfabe. Yeah, it didn't add to these college women that had to deal with a guy. And then Paula Scanlon, a friend of mine, she was on Leah Thomas' team. And for a year, Leah Thomas would change in front of her. So she's trying to file a lawsuit against it because there is some sort of weird sexual fetish because Leah Thomas is actually dating a girl right now. So even though he identifies as a girl, he's in the locker room and he's getting sexual gratification from seeing
Starting point is 00:18:30 these, let's be real, hot swimmers. I mean, these women are probably hot on the swim team. I know. I know. It's crossed my mind. I'm like, do I hate this guy or do I envy him? Like Porky's. You get to go in to look in the freaking locker room. like porkies you get to go in to look in the freaking locker room that reminds me you boy you bring back some time uh university of maine i was up there from 1980 to 84 and i lived in a fraternity and we would have the biggest parties on campus because the house was built perfect for it and we had a little bathroom off the side uh that uh everybody would use but but the girls would use it too. But it butted up against,
Starting point is 00:19:07 I don't want to say the kid's name, his fucking room butted up against that wall. So I come in, he's in the closet, I hear, the night before the party. He goes, look through there. I look, I can see the toilet and the tub perfectly.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's insane. And then can see the toilet and the tub perfectly. That's insane. And then we have a party, and the line to get into his closet was as long as, you know, to get into the fucking party. And, of course, I look in, and I see a guy pissing in the tub. That's what I saw. Good luck. You're just going to see a guy take a huge dump. I mean, that's life uh yeah it has gone off the rails for those of you watching on mug club stick around the second half of the show the rest is
Starting point is 00:19:55 the rest is go to uh and sign up for mug club so you get my full show steven crowder's full show and a whole lot more. Also, when you're on my website, click the tour button. You'll see May 10th. That's two shows at Soul Joe's Comedy Club, Pottstown, Pennsylvania. And then the next night, May 11th, The Biggie at Count Basie Theater, Red Bank, New Jersey. May 11th, Mother's Day weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Come on out. What better way to celebrate with mom than to see me? Hi. Good night, everybody. Good night, everybody. I won't take all that they hand me down And make out a smile though I wear a frown And I'm not gonna take it all lying down
Starting point is 00:20:54 Cause once I get started I go to town Cause I'm not like everybody else No, no I'm not like everybody else, no, no I'm not like everybody else I'm not like everybody else, well I'm not like everybody else And I don't wanna live my life like everybody else And I don't wanna be destroyed like everybody else
Starting point is 00:21:27 And I don't wanna get a job like everybody else Cause I'm not like everybody else See you singing, what are ya? I'm not like everybody else

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