The Nick DiPaolo Show - Alleged Trans Rapist "Skirts" Law | Nick Di Paolo Show #609

Episode Date: October 13, 2021

Pelosi tells reporters "do better job selling bill". Trump Vs. De Blasio on Bronx golf course. Female firefighter sues over mural. Canada court considers "extreme intoxication" as defense. School hide...s daughter's bathroom assault.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television, or from the White House, now more than ever, our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed, and that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show, and that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning, honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. I love the idea of exploring the unknown. And then there's other
Starting point is 00:00:44 things that we just haven't figured out or discovered yet. To think about so much that's out there that we still have to learn. You know, if you get out of the fucking body, you'll learn them. guitar solo Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Kiss my ass. Fuck it, leave it in
Starting point is 00:01:49 Jesus Lay off the fucking chips I'm starting to get a Santa look Kind of a Glenn Beck look The fuck is going on Yeah, some very vain Always have been How you doing, kids?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Doing all right? Are you enjoying your socialist country? Oh, these fuckers. Boy, I'll tell you. I can't bring up the A word. How about that Kamala Harris? You know those kids were actually actors in that? She wasn't the only one. They actually hired
Starting point is 00:02:23 child actors. Can you fucking, do they, do you guys do anything that's not scripted on the left? Anything at all where you're not lying, cheating, or just fucking deceiving the public? She's never, she's been, oh! The wonders. And you guys are going to be able to see craters with your own bare eyes. I mean, they're going to look clearer than the holes in Edward James Olmos' face.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Ah, oh! The wonders of it all. Holy shit, she makes fucking Hillary look sincere. As Colin Quinn, the great Colin Quinn said of Hillary, she's about as sincere as a lap dance. I love it. As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. Yeah, ended up doing a podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:31 What happened? Well, if you check out the price of those hats, it's the same thing. You know... Where was it? Knocked my headphones off. Hi, is this thing on? Hello? Is this thing on?
Starting point is 00:03:50 All right, I killed three minutes. Ba-da-ba-ba-da. What else before I get to the show? Anything of... I don't know. I think I have dumping syndrome. You know what that is? Every time you eat something, not even like,
Starting point is 00:04:05 not even three minutes later, you have to run to the bathroom. Have you had that, Dallas? Have you really? Yes, indeed. Well, I can understand. You're getting shot off in Afghanistan. I'll be dumping too. But it's an actual thing.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Stomach is making these, it sounds like this, I lay in bed, it sounds like the soundtrack to Star Wars. It's just... And then I chip my pants. How about here's another thing that grossed you out. Our bathroom upstairs is a pipe burst, probably six months ago, not even. But we couldn't fix it because we're doing the kitchen and all that shit, right? So we sleep upstairs. And I've been peeing in a trash basket, a little plastic bucket. How's that?
Starting point is 00:05:03 How's that for white trash? How dare I make fun of anybody down here? But as you know, I'm 59, so my prostate's about the size of a fucking weather balloon, and you know, I piss about four times a night. What, am I going to go down the stairs with these 59-year-old knees and hips? Anyways, let's get to it. I'm sick of this shit. year old knees and hips. Anyways, let's get to it. I'm sick of this shit. In the N-word segment tonight, god damn it, I meant to figure this out. I'll let Dallas do it. He drove a tank and shit, he knows. In the N-word segment tonight, rebuffing the Texas governor like the come-ons of a 20-year-old hooker with a cleft palate. American Airlines and Southwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, two Texas-based carriers said on Tuesday they would comply with the U.S.
Starting point is 00:05:51 President Joe Biden's executive order to require their employees be vaccinated for COVID-19 by a December 8th deadline. I'll put that another way for you. The useful idiots that run those airlines are complying with their socialist leader, Mein Führer Biden. By the way, a useful idiot, in case there's a regular idiot watching, aka Democrat voter, is someone who's susceptible to communist socialist propaganda, which is exactly why the Dems put Biden in the White House in the first place. Because at age 78, his brain's rotting like two pounds of kimchi buried in a Korean guy's backyard. He will do anything. AOC, Pelosi, Sanders, Schumer, the squad, any of that vermin, tell him to do.
Starting point is 00:06:34 It's just sickening. And of course, Abbott is an easy mark. After watching him soil himself and do nothing while his state was being overrun by half of Haiti and South America, why not steamroll that puss? Abbott is a rhino. He pretends he's resisting the Dems, but he's actually on their team. He's the captain of the Washington Generals, a reference you've heard many times from me, the fake team that pretends to be the opponent of the Globetrotters.
Starting point is 00:07:00 You know how I know this? He's a puss, a big puss, Abbott. In his statement pushing back against Biden's mandates, he used the word bullying. And you know my rule, any adult male who uses that word when describing another adult is a bitch. Anyway, we all know these mandate executive orders by the fake president are unconstitutional, but apparently he uses the Constitution to clean himself up after shitting in his favorite recliner while watching Matlock reruns on a loop while Rome burns.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Finally, Jen Hacky Sacky said Abbott's order of not allowing vax mandates was motivated by politics and not science. She then went on, unmasked by the way, to take more fake questions from a fake press for her fake boss, the fake president, about the fake pandemic. So kiss my ass. And that's the N-word today. Boy, can she lie.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I don't care what you say about her. She is great, man. Just deflecting. You know what? She's shameless. And yeah, I almost admire her. You know what kind of stones it takes to stand up there and just lie to the country? Holy Christ. I like when Huckabee's daughter did it.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Remember she had that closed eye? She's running for something. Her life. I don't know. But anyways, yeah, I actually admire Jen Psaki. She's a great lying bitch. Can you imagine dating her? Dallas goes, nope. Dallas is like, I was in Afghanistan for fucking five years. I still wouldn't fuck her. I'd go with one of the natives. Nancy Pelosi to reporters. This is the headline. You could do a better job of selling Biden's radical agenda. Look at that hand, like the crypt keeper, like the hand at the end of deliverance. There should be webs between those fingers. First of all, it looks huge. Looks like a tight ends hand for the giant. Anyways, this raggedy,
Starting point is 00:09:06 leathery, nippled, when is she going to die? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, I love how they put Democrat California. Oh, thanks for clearing that up. I always confuse her with Newt Gingrich or Strom Thurmond. Your mother's boxhole. Anyways, Pelosi, during her weekly press conference, lectured reporters claiming they don't do a good job enough of selling President Joe Biden's radical spending plan. Pelosi was pressed by a reporter, and her wig came off. No. 10% of Americans, as she referred to them, Americas, she actually said, can say they know a lot of specific items in the Democrats' $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill
Starting point is 00:09:51 in which they have jammed as many far-left ideas as possible to make for a sweeping one-time bill passage. So the American people don't know anything about it because it's only 2,700 pages long. I don't know nothing about that what do we got here fucking light show don't worry buddy i thought i had a fucking tumor not now i see a blue dot right in front of the hey so the reporter asked the witch do you think you need to do a better job at messaging and going forward how to sell this the reporter asked questioning Pelosi's messaging skills don't ever question anything she does it's a sick question
Starting point is 00:10:31 you're a sick fuck and I'm not that sick that I'm gonna answer it that was her response Pelosi responded uh sounding distraught that a member of the media asked such a question casting doubt over the speaker's ability to explain a massive spending bill to the public. She said, and I quote, it's hard to break through when you have such a comprehensive package. That's right. That was my nickname in college. Pelosi said, whether Americans, not Americans, whether Americans know it or not, they overwhelmingly support it. Think about how arrogant that is. Pompous, stock-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck-faced, dickhead, asshole.
Starting point is 00:11:19 You forgot what's on. Do you believe she just said that? Americans, whether you know it or not, support it. If that doesn't crystallize the arrogance of the people running this fucking country right now, especially on the left, we know what's good for you. You'll support it. I know you don't know what's in it, but trust me, you filthy San Francisco. I just blew it. You whore. Anyways, always go to
Starting point is 00:11:56 the reliable. The reporter was referring to a poll from CBS News that said only 10% of Americans describe themselves as knowing a lot of specific things about what's in the Build Back Better plan. Stupid slogan. And a majority admit to either not knowing specifics or anything at all. Well, how can you? You're a mom and dad trying to make ends meet. They're shutting down your businesses.
Starting point is 00:12:20 You've got three kids you want to put through college. And you're supposed to read a 2,700-page bill online that even the fucking Congress hasn't read? How? And that's intentional. In the Senate, Joe Manchin, the only guy left with any brains over there, West Virginia. That's kind of scary. Only guy left with any brains from West Virginia. Only guy left with any brains from West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And Kristen Sinema, who I'd finger pop in the bathroom without my camera, have consistently said they will not be a rubber stamp and support 3.5 trillion price tag on the radical reconciliation bill that the Democrat dickheads are using to push far left ideas and campaign promises. And people will say, what do you mean far left? Oh, I don't know. Money for guys to have abortions? Babies? That's in there. So suck it.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Suck my big fucking snatch. Apparently that I have. Nick, why do you talk like that? You could get on Fox Nation if you didn't. Can you imagine her saying that? Don't worry about it. You support it. Please, somebody, please.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I'm not condoning violence. I'm just saying. I'm just saying, get her like a Vespa scooter and challenge her. Something where she falls and, you know, her fucking bones are like pixie sticks. They'll snap all over the place. Anybody with me?
Starting point is 00:13:42 I won't be happy until she's bedridden, shitting into a pan and then mistaking it for her Haagen-Dazs chocolate that she loves so much. What? That's very childish. Yeah, mother's tits. Anyways, let's move on. Trump accuses de Blasio of wanting to confiscate Bronx golf course. First of all, the concept of a golf course in the Bronx, and I know where it is. It's right near the White Stone.
Starting point is 00:14:14 You can see it from the White Stone Bridge. So it's not the Bronx where the Yankees play, you know, up by the Grand Concourse. But it's still just the concept of a golf course, and the Bronx is just priceless to me. Fucking former President Donald, it's the only golf course in the country you can get, you know, raped on the 18th hole trying to get out of a sand trap. Former President Donald Trump took a hard swing at New York Mayor Bill de Blasio
Starting point is 00:14:44 on Tuesday after his plan to find a new operator for the Trump's eponymous, am I saying this right? Yep. Eponymous golf course in the Bronx. Calling the plan change, it's so unfair. It's unfair. Guy's a covetous cocksucker. What are you going to say? Trump accused de Blasio of playing politics by stripping his company of the contract to run the Trump golf links at the ferry point in South Bronx.
Starting point is 00:15:09 That doesn't seem right. That seems. Houston, we have a problem. Yes, we do. But see, the city owns the golf. So, you know, so I guess he has that right. And wait till you find out why he did it. This guy is the biggest turd.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Even liberals hate this guy. Imagine, and he's from, I think he's from Massachusetts. Imagine running New York. He's a bitch. Did we ever play that clip, Matt, of him? We did, right? In the morning when he's walking down the street and he goes to some guy, he goes, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:15:43 Expecting a nice, pleasant answer. The kid goes, not too good, you piece of shit, cocksucker. Starts following. We got to get that back. That should be, anyways, de Blasio wants to confiscate the project from me. This is Trump talking. For no reason whatsoever, interminate my long-term arrangement with the city. First of all, Mr. Trump, there is a reason. You're a Republican, you're successful, and, you know, a capitalist, alpha male, blonde hair, blue eye. You embody the devil to guys like de Blasio. Trump wrote in an email statement,
Starting point is 00:16:15 de Blasio wants to take it away after all the work was so successfully done and so much money was spent. Trump accused the mayor of communist style tactics to punish him. Well, of course. Who said that? Trump said that. Who the fuck said that? About de Blasio. Who's the slimy little communist shit-twinkle
Starting point is 00:16:33 toad cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Yeah, it would be Billy Boy. This is what happens in communist countries, not in America, Trump said. A city hall spokesman did not immediately return to request for comment. Trump boasts of transforming the golf course at the foot of the Whitestone Bridge from an eyesore into a world-class public. It's always world-class. Yeah, they're going to have the U.S. open there,
Starting point is 00:16:57 I think, aren't they? World-class public course for all New York duffers. I don't know why they call them that. Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. That's who he reminds me of. That was my best ever observation. When Trump first came down the escalator and I heard him, I said that he is the fucking Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack.
Starting point is 00:17:17 The rich guy, the golfer. We'll turn that into a parking lot. Wang, it's a golf course. He claims to have poured millions of his own money into the club, including recently completing a $10 million clubhouse renewal. God damn. After the January 6th attack, here comes the, why de Blasio? After the January 6th attack on the U.S.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Are we still calling it an attack? I call it a fist fight with a bunch of bitches. On the U.S. Capitol, de Blasio moved to strip Trump's name from the city-owned golf course. And Trump said this. Fuck you and fuck you. Who's next? Mama. The mayor also yanked the contract from Trump's company,
Starting point is 00:18:05 which had been awarded the right to run the golf course until 2035. So that's 14 years from now. I'll be 73. I guess I won't be hitting the links. Trump has already filed a suit seeking to block the move as improper political retaliation. It's retaliation. Counselor. Counselor.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Go get him, Donald. Go get him. Are they still going through his shit? Remember the Southern District attorney in New York? The black broad that wants to fucking ruin him. Fucking racist whore. The city initially sought to hand the contract to a company best known as an operator of homeless shelters and providers of services to homeless.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Isn't that a wet dream for de Blasio? To take a place like a golf club where rich white people, for the most part, and turn it into a homeless shelter for heroin addicts, boy, that would make him come over and over in his ugly wife's face. That company recently withdrew its effort to take over the links. Probably couldn't stand de Blasio. Even people who work in shelters. This guy's too far left. Have you seen his kid with a giant afro? Just got fucking hate written all over his face. Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be back in Florida, one of my favorite states in the union. At the end of the month, I'm going to be doing four shows at the
Starting point is 00:19:39 Visani Comedy Theater in Port Charlotte, Florida on October 28th. One show. 29th one show and 30th two shows. I had a great time, as you know, and I always do in Florida because, you know, it's titty bars. And last month I had a great time. A couple years ago I had a better time. Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting back to Florida and doing these shows. If you live in Port Charlotte, Venice, Naples, I'm talking about U.S., not Italy, or Fort Myers, make plans to come out. Also, I'm back at
Starting point is 00:20:12 the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Vegas, November 12th and 13th. And just added dates, early next year, which will be here before you know it, upstate New York, New Jersey, and on Long Island. Get tickets to all my shows at and click on the tour button. Hope to see you there, kids. It's what I do. I moonlight as a comment. Used to be my bread and butter. But now that I sell weed to kids here in Savannah, I am rolling at it. Female firefighter sues over mural. Any chance is she a colored lady? By any chance? And
Starting point is 00:21:02 people say, Nick, first of all, don say colored that's right well they call themselves people of color so how is me calling them colored you see it's a word game I can play it to the first black female firefighter in Boynton Beach Florida who cares by the way I did a gig that I love it recently filed a lawsuit against the city for a mural that appeared to depict her as white. That is kind of odd. I mean, even I am going, how did that, but God forbid, it probably wasn't just an honest mistake, right? I'm sure they did it out of hate, because in 2021 in this country, if you're a white person who has problems with black people, you can get away with anything, right? Wrong. Right, Mr. Gruden?
Starting point is 00:21:55 LaTosha Clemens. Apparently she's a surgeon at Mount Sinai Hospital. LaTosha Clemens hiding her Adam's apple here. Lawsuit against Boynton Beach claims the pioneering firefighter deserves more than $100,000 after she suffered damages, including but not limited to. Here's that lawyer talk that has ruined our society. Loss of income, really? Relocation expenses. I don't even get that one. Because they depicted you wrong, you moved out of the, what? And additional living expenses as a result of relocating to where? What am I missing?
Starting point is 00:22:44 To an all black fire? She retired anyway. Anyways, that's what the New York Post reported. The mural that was unveiled in 2020 before it was hastily removed, allegedly caused mental and emotional injury and subjected her to ridicule, contempt, disgrace, and or humiliation. Total lies total fucking lie well nick how do you know i know who's gonna fucking first of all even if she was worthy of being humiliated did something really horrible she wouldn't even get humiliated because she's a black woman today in america in 2021 a painter made a mistake so how does she get humiliated? By other black people? I don't even get that.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Just fucking outright lies. I don't give a shit what you say. Oh, her attorney, Arthur Schofield, said it. I'm sure it's on the up and up. He stated that in an amended complaint. I don't believe any of it. You're a liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. Humiliation. And people buy it. White stupid people. Oh my God. There it is. More than ugly racism. By the way, that is the shittiest mural I've ever seen. Who did that? Hunter? Biden? Do it with a straw?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Do it with a straw. What? Oh, my God, it's dog shit. Now, that's supposed to be her on the right. I don't blame you, lady. I got to be honest with you. But everybody's depicted as... The lady in the top's probably from West India. And the girl on the left has blackface on.
Starting point is 00:24:23 They did a horrible... That is a fucking... What's behind it, sugar cane? Being depicted as white was not only a false presentation, Clemens, of Clemens. It was also a depiction which completely disrespected all that Clemens, the first black firefighter for the city, had accomplished. Have you guys looked around in the world in which we live and maybe fucking say, this might not be that important? No.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Again, a black person might have got disrespected by accident somewhere. Let's stop the fucking world. Accomplished her determination, focus, and hard work. And amended complaint. The amended complaint read,
Starting point is 00:25:02 city officials were reportedly scheduled to gather Tuesday to discuss the lawsuit and talk about how to move forward. Oh boy, it must have froze the world. We have a mental illness in this country. A lack of character, emotional level of a fifth grader. It is really a sad place we're at mentally.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And I blame you leftist cocksuckers. Clemens, who served 26 years in the department before retiring in 2020, was supposed to be included in the mural for one of the municipality's fire stations. The image was based on a picture of Clemens and two additional female firefighters, the outlet continued.
Starting point is 00:25:43 But when the city unveiled the mural in June 2020, Clemens said, I look like Carol fucking Burnett. No. Clemens and another former fire chief, who was also black, were portrayed as white. But I think it was the, the artist is so stupid, he was using some special, he thought the black features would come through, I'm guessing. Or he's just terrible with colors. What is it, Bob Ross?
Starting point is 00:26:05 We'll use, what's the white van? Van Go? No, no. There's a van, like, there's a, there's, Google, fucking Bob Ross, white van. Oh, the one. Yeah, it's like van, not Van Heusen,
Starting point is 00:26:22 they make my shirts. Vanguard white, whatever the fuck. The guy did it with white chalk. The debacle sparked swift backlash that led to the, can you imagine the fire chief was fired, and another employee, and removing the mural a day later. The fired public art manager told the Post, she was pressured by the fire chief and staff to make the change,
Starting point is 00:26:48 which was sent to Bird's grandson, Kevin Bird, with City Hall. They made her do it. Anyways, says she wasn't even aware of the alteration. At the time, Clemens had this to say. Clemens is opening up for the first time since her picture was removed from a Boynton Beach fire station mural. I was like, wow, why did this happen? I was hurt. I was disappointed.
Starting point is 00:27:16 And then I was outraged. Young Todd Bridges. Oh, poor you. Really? A black lesbian was angry and outraged at something? What are the odds? And if she's not gay, I am. Please.
Starting point is 00:27:33 She looks like Flip Wilson when he graduated high school. Anybody know that reference? Anybody in their late hundreds? Jesus, is this story almost over? I don't give a shit about this whore. City attorneys noted a court filing the employee. City attorneys noted in a court filing the employees who modified the artwork acted outside the scope of their employment, according to the Post. So that person will be shot a week from Thursday.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Get over it, Ms. Clemens. All right. Get a can of Kry. Get over it, Ms. Clemens, all right? Get a can of Krylon, fix it. Have Sarah Silverman teach you how to put blackface on. Anyhow, anyway, my mother's... Oh, Canada, a home and native land, true patriot love and our wise sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the true north strong and free. And stand on guard, oh Canada, we stand on
Starting point is 00:28:51 guard for thee. God keep our land. Anyways, anytime the word Canada comes up, that's a tribute to my buddy Norm MacDonald. Canada's top court will consider extreme intoxication as a defense. What are we talking about? I don't know. There's no headline there. The basic facts of the case aren't in dispute. This is about a kid who killed his dad when he was on mushrooms in Canada. The facts in the case aren't in dispute. In December 2015,
Starting point is 00:29:26 Thomas Chan, yo, Tommy Chan gathered with some of his pals in his mother's basement and consumed magic mushrooms because there's no better place to do magic mushrooms than your mother's house. Wouldn't want to be at the mall and shit. He'd done so on a few occasions before without
Starting point is 00:29:42 incident. Failing to get high this time, he used more uh-oh retard alert retard alert i did that when i was at foxwoods i had never done mushrooms working with a young long island kid who i liked very funny that was opening for me and and uh so i said he said he had my so let's. So I tried him, and just like this kid, I said, I'm not feeling anything. Took some more. All of a sudden, the Jurassic Park slot machines, the dinosaur came alive. We ran out of it.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Anyways, soon he began speaking in gibberish. He called his mother and sister Satan and the devil. Who hasn't done that? Chien, then a 19-year-old student, wandered to the home in Peterborough, Ontario, where his father lived. They enjoyed good relationship, but Chan, proclaiming he was doing God's will, broke in and grievously wounded his father's partner.
Starting point is 00:30:59 You notice how they use partner now? By the way, it doesn't mean he's gay. They're starting to do that now. Instead of saying wife. By the way, have you picked up on that? And stabbed Andrew Chan as the father tried to get his son to recognize him.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Thomas, it's daddy. It's daddy, he said. The gastroenterologist died in the attack. The kid didn't even recognize his father. Not my dad! You also hear something? Ugly ass fucking doodly.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Not my dad! An Ontario trial judge found that Chan, with no apparent rationale motive for the attack, had been in a drug-induced, not reasonably foreseeable, psychosis that rendered him incapable of knowing that his actions were wrong or of reasonably controlling them, which that sounds like a bunch of horse's poo-poo to me. You?
Starting point is 00:31:58 You just are ridiculous. They were mushrooms. It wasn't fucking acid. You know what I mean? I mean, I saw a dinosaur come alive on a slot machine. I didn't try to stab my fucking mother. She had left the hotel early. What?
Starting point is 00:32:20 Anyways. But the judge convicted him of manslaughter and aggravated assault in part because a federal law bars defendants who are accused of some violent crimes for arguing that they were in the grips of voluntary intoxication so extreme that it amounted to, if you did that, you know how many wives who have been killed by their drunk husbands, abusive husbands, would be getting, you know, leaving them incapable of voluntary action or of forming intent to commit the act. Well, I say to that, you're still liable
Starting point is 00:32:51 if you take a drug that you know has potential to do this. That is such a silly fucking lie. The candidate is getting worse than us. I didn't know, man always I didn't know man I didn't know me doing eight bags of blow and having three red bulls would make my blood pressure go through the roof
Starting point is 00:33:14 and punch my roommate as he struck his head on the bunk bed I mean you took the fucking drugs sorry oh Nick that's common sense and shit, you know. Anyways, so, you know, the judge is good after him. Hear ye! Hear ye! O Canada, a home and a to land.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Now Chan's case will go before the Supreme Court of Canada on Tuesday. The main question before the justices are whether that law is constitutional. And I would say it is not. And if not, whether the limits it places on suspects' ability to defend himself or herself are nevertheless justified. I say you have to take some responsibility and accountability for your actions. And if that means you took drugs that
Starting point is 00:34:11 made you crazy, you're responsible. Okay? Shut your fucking pie hole, Ching Chang Ting Wong now. Why are you going to bring that into it? Because it pisses people off. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo Podcast brought to you by MyBookie,
Starting point is 00:34:29 where your betting is just as important as who you are betting on. That's why I always tell people to put your money down at MyBookie. The Arizona Cardinals have come out of the chute red hot. The Chiefs have as many losses as they did last year, and with all the overs hitting in the dying seconds of a game, there's never been a better time to get in on the action.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Thankfully, my bookies, lock of the season has returned for the Las Vegas-last Seattle NHL game, which was last night, I believe. I don't know who won. I think it was, or it might be tonight. I'm not sure. Uh, when either team scores, get this in this game, uh, you win. Can't get any fairer than that. You heard right. When the lamp lights, somebody made money last night or is going to make money tonight. I'm not sure which one take the easy win, pat yourself on the back, and use your winnings towards your NFL picks for week six, which includes a battle between two potential Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:35:31 contenders when the Cardinals meet the Browns. Cardinals still undefeated, by the way. Don't miss out on winning season. Head to my bookie and use my promo code, NickDip, and you'll get double your first deposit. That's promo code NickDip, and you'll get double your first deposit. That's promo code NickDip, so you can double your funds to double your winnings. Bet anything, anytime, anywhere with MyBookie. Thank you for sponsoring the show, MyBookie. A lot of my friends use it.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Excellente. I don't because I become too compulsive as I get older. That's just me. Anyhow. Let me take a sip of this because my teeth aren't brown enough. What are you doing? What does it matter? What am I, out at a nightclub Saturday dancing?
Starting point is 00:36:25 I'll be on the couch with my hands on my balls watching the SEC, like most red-blooded Americans. What's hard of them when they put the fucking camera on like a Tennessee game and there's three blondes, the ugliest ones are 14 on a scale of 10, and they're all jumping up and down because somebody scored. Mother of God, does it get any better?
Starting point is 00:36:42 No. Should you jerk off while your wife's in the kitchen? No. This is, I think, the story of the day. You all know that Biden is weaponizing the Department of Justice and using the FBI, et cetera, to target parents of students and whoever doesn't agree with them. It's sickening. It is sickening. Anyways, we show this guy a couple months ago at a school hearing,
Starting point is 00:37:14 you know, whatever they call it, where the parents come and get to speak out what's being taught to the kids. And we show the guy getting a little mix-up with cops. They tackled him and stuff. We didn't know at that point why that guy was getting a little rowdy. A father is claiming that Loudoun County, which is the center right now, that is like Loudoun County, Virginia,
Starting point is 00:37:32 you can't get any more blue and politically correct. The whole school district's run by Marxists, not far from D.C. Loudoun County School District attempted to cover up his daughter's alleged assault in the girls' bathroom at Stonebridge High School by a boy wearing a skirt. Naturally, Scott Smith, that's the father, was arrested in June at a school in Loudoun County, Virginia, during a board meeting at which hundreds of parents voiced concerns about the district's
Starting point is 00:38:05 transgender policy and critical race theory. That's why they were there. And can you blame them? They're just trying to protect their kids from some legislation that, frankly, I don't know who agrees with other than... Fucking quit! No, no, no. Take it easy. Take it easy. A month earlier, the Daily Y reported Smith claimed a boy who was wearing a skirt had entered... Was it Rowdy Roddy Piper's kid? ...entered a high school bathroom and sexually assaulted his ninth grade daughter. Again, he was wearing a skirt.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Throwing your son looks like a fag to me. According to the report, Smith's attorney, Elizabeth Lancaster, said the boy was charged with, get this, two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio that day at school. Again, we don't know. I'm not going to come out. We don't know, you know not going to come out. We don't know whether this is true or not, but I'll tell you why it's so controversial, but I don't think a guy's going
Starting point is 00:39:11 to show up. And I'll tell you my opinion in a second. Smith said the school told him they would handle the father. The school told the father they would handle the incident of his daughter's alleged assault in house. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Now here's why I'm a little shaky on the truth about this. If that's my dad, he's not going to fucking let the school handle it. Or eight out of 10 dads, I would say, if that's the answer they got. You know, you try to do the right thing first, but if you don't, then you wreak havoc on whoever. Just saying. The father's arrest came during a board meeting at which the board ordered the room cleared as attendees grew more upset with comments that were made. Could you be a little more broad when you wrote this article? Who made the comments? Were they upset that this dad was upset?
Starting point is 00:40:06 Or were they upset at the comments coming from the school board? Again, learn to fucking write and report. Okay? We have some footage here of the chaos that broke out. Here it is. At school, you were great. Everyone was great. No, I'm not formed. This little, you know. I'm a girl. country has turned into.
Starting point is 00:40:43 What a fucking embarrassment. People standing up with their cameras and making sure they get it and put it on Facebook that night. I thought I heard that woman say my child was raped. I think that might have been the mother of the child. And then I heard somebody else go, my child, they're trying to outdo each other. Where are we, man? Thank you again, transgender. Again, you make up.001% of the world population,
Starting point is 00:41:08 but we spend about 70% of the news talking about you and your fucking grievances. A sheriff's deputy ultimately declared the meeting an unlawful assembly and ordered the crowd to disperse or be subject to arrest for trespassing. That's very American, too. Just prior to Smith's arrest at the meeting, do you understand?
Starting point is 00:41:29 They didn't want him to have his say. He didn't get his say out. And then right after this, they passed it, where you can choose whatever bathroom you use, because that's what was on the docket. So they silenced him, because they knew it would never pass. They silenced him and then passed the shit. Think about that. The Loudoun County Public School superintendent told attendees opposed to the transgender bathroom policy.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Their concerns were unfounded since the school district had no record of any assaults. Well, John Gotti wasn't a mobster either. We had no record. We just have some plumbing records. In school bathrooms at Daily Wire reported. An LGBTQ activist at the meeting, here's where somebody would have got hurt if there was anybody with any, reportedly told Smith his daughter's claim. Picture one of these scumbag LGBTQ activists getting in your face after your daughter was allegedly raped
Starting point is 00:42:25 and saying, that's bullshit, we have no record. You wouldn't fucking lose your mind like this guy did. So the activist said, your daughter's claim of assault was not believable because there were no records of such assault. I don't even know how to address something so fucking retarded. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have
Starting point is 00:42:46 ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Smith said the father with that statement, he went nuts. Good for you. You should have. You should have went more nuts. And he insulted the principal and was subsequently arrested. So the principal's going, never mind the alleged rape of your daughter. You just call me an asshole. Sick him.
Starting point is 00:43:15 He's rousing. If someone would have sat and listened for 30 seconds to what this guy had to say, Scott Smith, they would have been mortified and heartbroken. The lawyer for Scott said Lancaster. But they couldn't do that because then people wouldn't have went along with that horse shit.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, that is it for today. I want to thank you once again. Don't forget Tell everybody you know to go to Could you please? And go to
Starting point is 00:43:55 Click on my tour dates or buy stuff there. And don't forget, where I will roast one of your friends or relatives, whatever you want me to do. Go to You tell me a little bit about the person person and I'll make a video on my phone and we, you know, shred the guy or the girl or grampy,
Starting point is 00:44:14 whoever you want. Or I can say happy birthday to your mom. Whatever you like, okay? That's That is it for today. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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