The Nick DiPaolo Show - Alvin Bragg A Disgrace | Nick Di Paolo Show #1372

Episode Date: March 20, 2023

Bragg Threatening to Arrest Trump. Yoo Weighs in On Trump. Biden In Bed With China. CNN Crew Hilariously Gets Mugged in SF....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, ladies and gentlemen, and anything in between. First of all, I want to thank you fans again for watching and supporting this show. You are a lifeblood, you know that. Now, I've got some news that I'm excited about that I want to share with you guys. As you may have heard, or may not have heard, in yesterday's announcement, we are going to be moving the exclusive part of the show over to Rumble next month and joining the Mug Club, which is Steven Crowder's operation. That means you'll not only get my show on the
Starting point is 00:00:32 platform, it's a platform that really supports free speech, you're also going to get access to some really great shows with guys like Jimmy Brewer and Brian Callen and Crowder himself, with guys like Jimmy Brewer and Brian Callen and Crowder himself, who, as far as internet shows go, I'll put his up against anybody. And, you know, he thinks like we do. And you'll get all this for less money than you're spending now. It's really a win-win. Now, please don't do anything yet.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I'll let you know when it's time to make the switch and how to do that. If you're on Patreon, keep an eye out for that within a week or so. And that's it for now. I'm excited and I hope you guys are excited too. It's going to be a lot of fun. guitar solo I'll go home and get your fucking shine box. Oh, I don't like that type of talk. Hi, folks. How are you? It's a Monday again already. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 That flew by. What in hell's going on? I'll see you guys later this week, hopefully. Key West, Florida. I think it's called Key West Comedy. I can't open. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:19 What else? I don't know. March Madness. I don't give a shit. I can't. The Elite Eight. Guys, you can't watch a sport. I don't know. March Madness. I don't give a shit. I can't. You know, the Elite Eight. But, guys, you can't watch a sport. I guess you can.
Starting point is 00:02:31 But I used to. I must have been really bored in L.A. I fucking watched it right from the beginning. Because there's nothing to do out there. Get skin cancer and stabbed by a Mexican. Boy, I don't know. I just don't like it. Man, fuck you and your bones, bird. Take it easy.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I wasn't talking to you. What did I do? What did I do? Came here and worked out a couple times. I'm actually doing it on a regular basis now. This is what happens when you hit 106. You know, when you're fucking in your 20s, you work out five days a week.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Then I get your 30s. It's four days a week. Then you're fucking in your 20s, you work out five days a week. Then I get your 30s. It's four days a week. Then you're fucking 50s. Twice. One at the beginning of the month, one at the end. Plus, I have shoulders that have been rebuilt. And I'm lucky I can't even do anything. But I sweat.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And right now, I'm wearing no underwear. I worked out twice. Is this the sign of a guy that's married worked out twice and I haven't showered and I'm wearing no underwear no actually I'm I can't remember no I put tighty-whities over my smelly ball sack as a filter. I'm glad you said that into the mic. Well done, my friend. Well done. Mr. DiPaolo, no one could be as nasty as you pretend to be. Well, I'm married.
Starting point is 00:03:55 They really wanted to be disliked. That's right, and that is my goal, and I think I've achieved it. Year after year after year. What a quick update on the Bruins. They dropped three out of four last week. Then they ripped off three in a row this weekend. Now they're in a quandary. They're like, do we rest these older guys?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Because they have older guys. And there's a couple of injuries. That's why they dropped three out. You can't expect to play at that pace. Yet they're still on pace to tie the record or break. But that doesn't matter. I think, Dallas, you mentioned this too. You know, the last time a team that had the best record in hockey won the Stanley Cup?
Starting point is 00:04:29 Ten years ago. So it's far from guaranteed. But, Jesus, I've never seen a team with more riches. Oh, they pick up this fucking Bertuzzi. I just love him. You know he's going to be a tough guy. And a goal scorer. He fits right in.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Anyways, I know you guys are bored. You'd rather watch North Carolina and Kansas exchange baskets for two hours before it fucking means anything. Ugh. By the way, I got a story. I don't know if it's this show or tomorrow's show. And a kid hit a three-point at the end. A meaningless one.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Oh, we have reaction of gamblers and vacant. Nothing's meaningless when you got large money on the game you know what i that's why people do it it's a fucking adrenaline rush i quit gambling football honestly because it used to ruin my sundays if i had a bad one i'd go to bed fucking angry wake up angry because i was betting a little over my head. Let's put it that way. What else? I saw Shaq. This is what I do at the top. I touch little things.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I saw Shaq in a hospital bed, but it didn't say why. Did you see that, Dallas? I hope not. That's one of my brothers that I love. That fucking guy. I would love to meet Shaquille O'Neal. Seems like he's got a great sense of humor. I don't know what he's into.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Maybe he's getting his stomach stapled. Said he was trying to lose weight. I read an article. He goes, my problem is sandwiches. Not even trying to be funny. Who doesn't like a sandwich? I stay away from sandwich because I stay away from bread. But then I'll have one like once every couple months. Oh my god. It's like an 18 year old Cub Scouts ass. Have I said that before? Sure. Sure I have. Yeah. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. Oh, I did. So, enjoy.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Look at this. Can't even make a pet in this fucking country. Fucking piece of shit. Ah, anyways. Dallas, you went to the St. Patrick's Day Parade. That's fucking huge down here. Four and a half hours. What? Four and a half hours. You were at the whole thing nope oh good i watched it on the news even though it took place a mile and a half from my
Starting point is 00:06:34 house that's how much i and you'd think now that i know i'm half irish i'd get into it but uh parades it's a thin line between a parade and a bunch of shit-faced people dressed up walking down the street in a line. I don't know. I'd do it if I could, like, get on a good-looking woman's shoulders and she's facing the wrong way. I'd watch a parade all day. What? You did. That was a blowjob joke.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Anybody? Nothing? Oh, fuck your sister-in-law. All right, let's get to it. I think I've said enough. Oh, and I made pizza Saturday. But again, I burned it off. Pizza, you know, with prosciutto.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Gotta be shitting me. I've mastered it now. I got the fucking, kind of the burnt, not burnt, but... Oh, that's what I wanted to tell you, you foodies out there. You know what else I did? I cooked steak in the pizza oven yesterday. I let the fucking, the ground, not the roof of the oven, the thing, you know, the block, I heat it up.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You can only heat it to 800 degrees. So I let that fucking heat up. I had the ceiling on 1300. Put a fucking New York strip in there, right on the, I'm sure I'll be cleaning it in August. Looked like I set it... It looked like a fire at a tire factory in my kitchen. Did it take like two seconds to cook the thing?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yes, it did. And it was... I put this dry rub on it and I make sure I add a little brown sugar because that's what burns. You want that crust. Dude, when I tell you I nailed it, I'm never going to cook a steak on the fucking stove again.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Oh, my aching spud. I put mine two minutes on this side, flipped it over for a minute and a half, and then I let it rest. And it was not purple, a little, you know, purple's raw,
Starting point is 00:08:23 just past that, which is the way I love it The wife I left hers in there for an hour and 45 minutes Flames coming off it when I took it out Anyways, oh my god Dallas. That's your next thing That and the fucking Coors I say I'm serious. I'm never gonna cook a steak again anywhere But I hope it doesn't make it all greasy and shitty, but that's what I get a wife for. Oh, come on, kids. You know I don't, kid. All right, first story. A bitch bragged to arrest Trump on Tuesday. You know what I'm talking about,
Starting point is 00:08:55 right? That fat, racist, black, Soros-backed district attorney from New York, Alvin Bragg, who hates white people, whose first move as a DA when he got the job in New York was to reduce 52% of felonies to misdemeanors. That was his first fucking move. But he's serious about the proof's in the pudding. Look at the crime in New York City. People living in droves. He has the balls of saying, I think we're making a difference.
Starting point is 00:09:25 There'll be more people in Vermont when you get done this fat fuck. Ugh! Trump took his truth to his truth social. I'm lisping because of this missing cocksucker tooth. I'm going on Wednesday to this motherfucker. I'm getting a
Starting point is 00:09:41 bridge instead of an implant. Because an implant, they say they still be another two months or more And I said fuck that now. I'm going with the bridge, which I don't like because with the bridge I don't know why I'm yelling folks. I'm sorry Caffeine, but I'm fucking pissed with the bridge You got the two teeth next to the gap They're gonna take off this one, which is a crown already.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Can't help it. I played hockey. I threw bottles when I was a kid. This is a crown already. They're going to take that off for some reason. File down this good tooth. I'm not shitting you. And then they put a brace behind the three,
Starting point is 00:10:21 whatever, whatever the fuck. I didn't want to do that. I said, but then when they go, yeah, but it's. I didn't want to do that, I said. But then when they go, yeah, but it's going to be like six months for the... I'm like, you know what? I've been walking around with this for like a fucking year. And I know people at home going, well, you can stick it out another couple months. No, I can't.
Starting point is 00:10:36 It's very hard to lick titties when I got no teeth. What? Shut up. Trump took to his true social site over the weekend. Oh, my God. My... We got to... It is. We took to his true social site over the weekend. Oh, my God. We got to. It is. We got to do something.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I can read it perfectly now. Seriously, these are overbearing. True social took to a site this weekend and said he expects to be arrested Tuesday on an indictment. You believe this shit? Never happened before in the history of this country. Stemming from Bragg's ongoing probe into alleged hush money paid to porn stars. Can you fucking imagine? You got Biden doing business with China.
Starting point is 00:11:12 His son. All this shit going down. Stole the election. You don't fucking, I don't care what you, and this is what they're going after Trump for. A former president. Anyways, because of the hush money paid to Stormy Daniels in the lead up to the 2016 election. Daniels claims she had an affair with Trump in 2006, which I believe.
Starting point is 00:11:33 You're fucking crazy not to. She was a good looking broad a few years ago until, what was the name? What's the lawyer? Re-anity? Re-anity. You know the guy I'm talking about.? Reaniti? Reaniti. You know the guy I'm talking about. The douchebag was in prison.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Anyways, so he denied that, which I kind of believe. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not this fucking time. No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way, mate. Wow. Take it easy.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I think you put counselor in the wrong place. That's on the next. The former president's online call to supporters has federal, state, and local authorities on alert. So he went on Truth Social and said protest. The sources said several agents will meet again on Monday to discuss security measures that include restricting vehicle access to the Manhattan courthouse and deploying inside and outside the building. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, lying motherless fuck, told Fox News Sunday that there was no immediate indication that there were violent protests planned by Trump supporters, but said the White House was keeping an eye on the situation. He's a known liar and pussy. Who gives a fuck what you think?
Starting point is 00:12:51 Trump is announcing his alleged pending arrest Sunday, Saturday morning. He chided, in all caps, he put, illegal leaks from a corrupt and highly political Manhattan district attorney's office. The far and away leading Republican candidate, he's talking about himself, and former president of the United States of America will be arrested on Tuesday of next week. Protests, he says, he's telling his people, protests take our nation back, he wrote.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I love it. I fuck it. It takes a lot of balls to say that after January 6th. I think this guy's all in or is it me? He says they're killing our nation as we sit back and watch. I couldn't agree with that more. What are you going to wait for fucking Ted Cruz
Starting point is 00:13:36 to save us? Or Mitch McConnell? Or even guys, good guys like Jim Jordan? All they do is yap. I'm telling you, I still don't know who I'm voting for, if I vote, because I believe it's all planned 20 years ago. But that's beside the point. They're killing our nation as we sit back and watch. We must save America. Protest, protest, protest, with three exclamation points, he added. I fucking love them.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. Well said, Donald. Trump took to Truth Social again on Sunday to accuse Bragg of prosecutorial misconduct and insist that there was no crime, period. Which is what I hear a lot of lawyers saying. You know what I mean? Dershowitz is the most fair, by the way. He was the most fair to Trump. But I heard Turley,
Starting point is 00:14:33 guys that are pretty well respected, say there's no crime there. Ay, ay, ay. I am your voice. Well, not right now, but you will be. I mean, Stormy Daniels, I looked at a picture online. I mean, she's fucking still, five years ago, she's still a piece of ass. Sure, she's had more dicks in her than a urinal at Madison Square Garden.
Starting point is 00:15:00 But so what? Trump's a red-blooded man, and he knows. Remember she said he had a mushroom cap for a penis. I thought I saw it in a Tom Petty video. I don't know if you guys get that. It's kind of an old reference. Let's move on in a related story. You is right. Not you is right. on in a related story. You is right.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Not you is right. Like a brother would say, you is right. U-Y-O-O is right. He's a lawyer. By the way, Berkeley professor and lawyer. Berkeley. Alvin Bragg is pursuing a seriously flawed prosecution, he said. You see Berkeley. That's him. alvin bragg is pursuing a seriously flawed prosecution he said uc berkeley
Starting point is 00:15:46 that's him uh uc berkeley law professor john u weighs in on manhattan district attorney alvin bragg's case against former president trump and how the u.s justice system has become politicized i say weaponized on sunday night in America, which is true. This is, folks, this is pure communism, Marxism. When you use a political, the Department of Justice, to go after your political opponent, put him in jail so he can't fucking run, because you know he's got,
Starting point is 00:16:20 that's how scared they are of Trump. On something, I can't believe this is the best they can come up with on Trump. He's got, that's how scared they are at Trump. On something, I can't believe this is the best they can come up with on Trump. He's got to have skeletons. They're so inept that they can't even, this is the best they can find. Thank God. Ignore, ignore Troy Gowdy's Woody Woodpecker haircut for this clip. Here's Mr. You. I have, I have strong doubts whether this will ever get to a jury. I have strong doubts whether this will actually ever lead to the conviction of President Trump. He could easily get off all these charges and be declared innocent. That's he got in trouble in the first place.
Starting point is 00:16:59 He could easily get off, said Stormy. Stormy Daniels is the one. Excuse me. I guess Stormy Daniels, it sounds like a weatherman, a gay weatherman from Denver. Stormy Daniels, I'll throw it over to Sam Champion. Dallas Rains, that was a guy in LA. What are they, porn stars? Low pressure. So you heard the guy. He's Asian. When's the last time they were wrong about something? I mean, the ones that went to school. Guys at Berkeley. I mean, I'm not saying he's a left-wing,
Starting point is 00:17:32 because I've seen him on Fox before. But what would the charge be? I'm no lawyer. A little hush money? But all this other shit they let go. It is Democrats. I keep calling them Democrats. I mean, communists. I don't know what to call them. Fuck let go. It is Democrats. I keep calling them Democrats. I mean, communists.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I don't know what to call them. Fuck, fuckstains is good. The fuckstain party. Party of, party of four. Fuckstain party of four. Anyways. So yeah. So that's what they're concentrating on, right?
Starting point is 00:18:00 Meanwhile, next story. Biden in bed with China, which is is no news but he's getting deeper and deeper now that you have uh republicans in the house what is that oh yeah i cut my nails two years ago house oversight committee chairman james coma revealed sunday that biden family may have made listen to this as many as 11 additional business deals with China, none involving pork fried rice. Good night, everybody. I have to go to the Chinese. I had it this weekend too. Oh, isn't it good when you're hungry and you're too lazy to cook? Huh? Oh my aching stem. It's all the MSG. It is the MSG.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Absolutely. I look like Jerry Lewis on Pregnanzone. Remember before he died? Look like a float in the fucking Macy's. Anyways, additional business deals with China. 11 of them. Top, top. This is on top of the 3 million wire transfer that they
Starting point is 00:19:01 already know about. Take it easy, Joe. Son of a bitch, he was fired. We think there are as many as 11 more deals, Comer said Sunday. The Republican congressman said Thursday that State Energy HK Limited, a company affiliated with Chinese Communist Party backed energy company CEFC China Energy, wired $3 million to Biden family associate Rob Walker on March 1st of 2017. Now we're getting dates and shit. That's Hunter before, well, he was healthy,
Starting point is 00:19:37 banging his sister-in-law. Fucking animal over there. Look at Rob Walker looking out his front door. Is that the cops? The cash was then dealt out in smaller amounts to at least three Bidens and two family associates. This is one deal. We have 11 more to go, he said, and I'm pretty confident we'll be getting more bank records in very soon. Biden's son, Hunter Biden. Yeah, there you go. That's not evidence. We don't know what the Bidens did
Starting point is 00:20:11 in return for this money. The lawyer said that it was a seed capital. By the way, in the article, they had the letter C capital. Some young kid, a girl who wrote it, heard C, never heard of seed capital. Some young kid, a girl who wrote it, heard C, never heard of C capital. For a business, Comer said, we haven't been able to find a business. Okay. Right now it looks like the Biden family just pocketed the money.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I mean, that's more dirty than anything Trump's been accused of. You fucking, Joe, you got balls of steelio. My wife is reading a book about Hunter, about the whole Biden thing. And Hunter, I guess they found on his laptop, like exchanges with him and his sister. Somebody was busting his balls, his sister or something. He's like, fuck you. I've been carrying this family, which it makes sense now. He goes, I've been supporting this, which makes sense, all these deals.
Starting point is 00:21:10 You know? Daddy sat him down and said, listen, you can fucking use my name. We can lie in our pockets, but I'll be busy lying to the American public as the president after we steal this election coming up. But you do this. And I kind of like Hunter now.
Starting point is 00:21:25 No wonder why. Anytime he has free five minutes, he's sucking on titties and snorting Coke. What? Yes. Got to burn off that stress. A spokesperson for Hunter Biden's legal team defended the payments as legitimate business. Yeah, he's starting my pillow too. Get the fuck out of here. On Thursday, Hunter Biden, a private citizen with every right, this is their lawyer, to pursue his own business endeavors, joined several business partners in seeking a joint venture with a legitimate energy company in China, the spokesperson said. Hunter received his portion of good faith seed funds. This is, I think, the other guy guy doug which he shared with his uncle james biden and holly biden and nobody else bullfuck you're a wormy cocksucker you know that he alleged that the president hasn't been truthful about the dealings who alleged that
Starting point is 00:22:17 i'm not even know who who's he talking about that was after the quote from their their lawyer you know there's another theory being floated, which makes great sense to me also. Because, you know, Joe was pissed at Hunter. So Hunter left that fucking, they didn't, there's not a good relationship, depending on who you listen to. But that would be, there's a theory saying
Starting point is 00:22:41 he left that computer out there to just stick it to his old man. Kind of. They seem dysfunctional enough where that could be illegitimate. In the beginning, and people on drugs will do crazy shit like that. In the beginning, the White House denied having any knowledge of fact that their family was involved in any sort of way, shape, or form with CCP, Comer said. But now we have bank records that reveal otherwise. Shithead Biden, come on down. You're the next jerk off in the Oval Office.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Chinese energy company. I like that bad. Three million yen. Oh, my God, huh? Here's my other theory, folks. And this is an observation I made, and I haven't heard anyone say it on TV yet. We all know from the latest polling that Democrats, and I mean Democrats politicians, they don't want him running again. Behind the scenes, they don't want him in there again. So doesn't it make sense?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Isn't this perfect? That's why, again, when people accuse Republicans working with them and it's all scripted, sorry to be such a fucking cynic, but while we're watching this shit show, the Democrats will be looking for somebody more Marxist to put in there, but they know this, he ain't got to
Starting point is 00:24:04 win, especially if this Stormy Daniels bullshit doesn't come through. What? What, are they going to put Trump in jail for that? I hope, wouldn't it be fun, though, to see him in cuffs like a badass? Huh? I want to see him trying to talk without his hand. Motherfucking gangster. He's like, that's right, I'm doing a perp walk.
Starting point is 00:24:26 They got me doing a perp walk. They got me doing a perp walk. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's sucking China's dick. China. China. These things are hurting me. Take them off. I want to get a case of Dia Bowl. Holy moly.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It's unbelievable. It could be a distraction. I don't know. Let's move on to the final story tonight, I think. La, la, la, la, la, la. Libs eating libs.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And again, we don't mind that when it's two lesbians that are under 170. Who's with me? Dallas is with me. Hope Gianna's not watching. Anyways, Libs Eatin' Libs segment tonight. A CNN crew, boy, I almost yanked into this. I was so happy, was robbed while trying to film a segment at City Hall. Guess where, folks? That's right, San Francisco. at City Hall. Guess where, folks? That's right, San Francisco. That's why it's Libs Eating Libs.
Starting point is 00:25:32 CNN is still the left-wing garbage station that it always was. And, you know, they agree with everything San Francisco does. And they get robbed while doing a segment in that shithole that London Breen has run into the ground. Needles everywhere, dog poop, human yum-yum. Anyways, correspondent Kayeng La, she's an Asian woman, very pretty, revealed through Twitter on Friday, providing an image of the windshield to their rental car smashed in.
Starting point is 00:25:57 This, every street in San Francisco, it's like, you know, some cities like don't park in the, no, everywhere in San Francisco. Because, you know, they defunded the police and shit. Sit and marinate in your own left-wing horseshit policies. That's what I say. She says, got robbed.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Here's a funny part. Again, it's happened before. CNN producer Jason Kravilek and I were at City Hall in San Francisco to do an interview for CNN. Carr tweeted. She tweeted, we had security to watch our rental car and crew car. Thieves did this in under four seconds. Well, of course, they practice every night. Security stopped the jerks from stealing other bags.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Like what? What did you have in that, you and your buddy? That's right. A little nose candy. A little, that's right, the crazy white, you know what stuff. But seriously, this is ridiculous, she said. No, it isn't. You can't say it's ridiculous and be working for CNN, who was all behind the shit, this defunding the police, right after the George Floyd riots and stuff. So go work for Fox.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I only say Fox is the only one that even tries to get it right. Anyways. Anyways, la, la, la, la, said security tried to grab the crooks but just ended up with an image that's not trying to grab them no they didn't try to grab them they try to grab an image of the license plate with a picture which they did but you can't try to grab what does that mean you ran two feet went oh i can't get them give me my camera Jesse, when's the last time a bad person got caught? Ugh.
Starting point is 00:27:50 But here's the beauty of it. Anyways, they got the license plate to the vehicle. They drove off. They drove off with all this shit. Bye-bye. La had her passport and ID stolen. She revealed in another tweet. The reporter said this didn't end up being a problem
Starting point is 00:28:11 when she had to fly with Southwest later. You know why? It wasn't a problem. The airline runs into this issue so frequently in this city. It's a good reason to move to San Francisco. Do you believe it? They're like, you don't got your passport and shit? And the security at the airport's like, let me guess,
Starting point is 00:28:30 stolen out of your car. That, I'm sure they like CNN. What a shame. Like I said, folks, I've played in almost, not every city, but I've been to hundreds of cities in this country. San Francisco back in the 90s was the only one I would leave the hotel room all day.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Just because it was so pretty and there was so many cheap hookers. They were all men. Shut it, faggot. Whoops. I can't say that. Shut it, poopoo head. They were all men. Anyways, by the way, get this. Here's the funny part. Here's the irony that kicks in. By the way, Kravik and I are in San Francisco doing a story about what? Voter discontent because of what, folks? Rampant street crime.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Rampant street crime. Hashtag irony, she wrote. Can you fucking imagine running that beautiful city into the ground with what, liberal policy? Let's not pretend it's just there. It's all the libs run shitholes. And yeah, some of those cities are in red states. That's what the left's just there. It's all the lib run shitholes. And yeah, some of those cities are in red states. That's what the left does now when you bring that up.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yeah, but they're in red states. So what? It's a fucking lib mayor. The only thing bad in the red state is the fucking area the lib mayor runs. You suck at it. You suck at everything. You lie about everything. I'm tired of it you've been wrong about everything unlike me I've been wrong since fifth
Starting point is 00:30:10 grade and even then I didn't punch that girl in the head that hard so yeah that's about it as far as I'm concerned. I can't wait. Are you anxious to see, like, a couple things? Trump, are they going to put him in cuffs? Huh? When you get arrested, I guess, I don't know, it's not a violent crime. No, it's not a violent crime,
Starting point is 00:30:44 and I just think they're going to do it for dog and pony show with the handcuffs and everything. They don't have to, though, because there's no need for dog and pony. They will, you're right, but they don't need to this time because they're doing something unprecedented. They're arresting a former president, and they're doing it for political reasons everybody knows. This is sort of a litmus test i think we've already already know the answer but this every
Starting point is 00:31:11 american should be like what the fuck but again we always say that don't we about issues like this and again and there's a half of the fucking nation still votes democrat. If you want to believe. I don't think any of them are doing it. I swear to God. The media keeps playing it up like, you guys believe this is a liberal country. It ain't. But this, this is sort of a litmus test. If it's legit.
Starting point is 00:31:37 This is where, whether you vote Democrat, whether you hate Trump or like him, you're going to be, you're sending, really? This is what we're going to do, politicize? And Bragg has the balls to come out and go, I apply the law equally to both sides. No politics. Can you imagine the fucking gall on this fat ass?
Starting point is 00:31:59 He's racist. He's corrupt. He's fucking hateful. And you want me to believe, I don't know who appointed him. Oh, Mayor Jackoff, right? Adams? I don't know how it works. All I know, if you have any roots to George Soros, and when's he going to pass away? Huh? He is the devil. He's not human, though. No, you're right. He's the freaking devil. He is the devil. What's he, 111 now? God, this is him in a meeting. And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous. And he never does. He's making us look ridiculous. All right. That is it for Monday, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Anything else? That's it. Don't forget about the big announcement I made at the top of the show. This show joining the Mug Club, which is Steven Crowder's machine, which he has an army, and he just signed a big deal with Rumble, which puts me on Rumble under his umbrella. When you sign up for my show, you don't only get mine. You get Jimmy Brewer's, Brian Calland, and Crowder's, and I'm sure he's probably working on more.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Now we're on a team. I like to be funny and get stuff done. In other words, have an effect. Do you understand? Finally getting a little sunshine. Yes, I signed up for more workload than I have in 10 years. But what else am I going to do?
Starting point is 00:33:42 What am I going to do? How many pizzas can you cook? Right? How many girls can you follow around the block? That's it. Don't forget I've knocked the price down because
Starting point is 00:33:57 now I'm going to become bigger and I should put it back up. But you guys have been good on Cameo, so I gave you a break. where I'll roast a friend, a relative of yours. That's it. You guys think and I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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