The Nick DiPaolo Show - America's #1 Security Threat | Nick Di Paolo Show #691

Episode Date: April 13, 2022

Frank R. James shoots up subway. Zelensky's Penn pal. More propaganda. Disney's obsession with LGBTQAI+. Tranny teacher delusional....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hello, everybody. Welcome to Trans-Zam Week. Yes, it's Trans Week. I'm transitioning from a greasy Italian to a greasy Greek woman. How do you like my mustache? Now, listen here. I wonder if we're going to talk about transgender people today. Are you guys being inundated?
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm ready to fucking have a snatch sewed on my back just to get people off it. Good night, everybody. Good night, everybody. Wah, wah, wah, wah. ready to fucking have a snatch showed on my back just to get people off it good night everybody i think that's where i got that actually that's good fellas when they stole the truck how you doing folks i'm I'm exasperated. All right, let's get right to it. I don't feel like doing this. I'm kidding. Good to be with you. As you know, the big story, every morning I usually check right before we go on the air to make sure anything didn't break, and yesterday, I don't know, I was too busy, I don't know, waxing the
Starting point is 00:01:46 bishop, yelling at my wife because every three minutes somebody is showing up, a FedEx guy delivering literally a tub, a sink, a fuck. I've seen more of them than my wife. She's like hiding behind the boxes. I can't even move my own house. It's like Home Depot in that motherfucker. I can't even move my own house. It's like Home Depot in that motherfucker. Only to find out, by the way, my buddy Martin, who does all kinds of handy work for us, hard-working UK guy, tears up the bathroom floor only to find a six-inch concrete floor under it
Starting point is 00:02:17 that has to be taken the fuck out, because that's where the pipes are. That's where the leak was. So now I have to find five Mexicans in Savannah with sports. Gilbert Godfrey. Real quick. Funny. No doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Little weird man. I'm going to be honest. He was a dick to me when me and Artie Lang had direct TV. He was one of the guests. Artie didn't come in that night. And of course he knows Artie real well from the Howard Stern show. He would give me nothing in the guests. Artie didn't come in that night. And of course, he knows Artie real well from the Howard Stern Show. He would give me nothing in the interview. One word answers, I thought I was going to jump over the desk and choke him. But I was already in enough trouble,
Starting point is 00:02:54 I guess, with direct TV that I didn't even know. And yeah, he couldn't have been a bigger dick, but I was very nice. And I don't want the guy dead. And he was as funny as hell. Okay? very nice, and I don't want the guy dead. And he was as funny as hell, okay? Funny. Stephen Crowder does the best Gilbert Godfrey impression you have ever fucking heard. I remember watching MTV as a kid.
Starting point is 00:03:14 That's how far back he goes. And I'm like, who is this weird little guy? Then he was the Aflac Duck, and he'd get in trouble for making an off-color joke. Remember they took a job with him? Anyways, he was a trooperac duck, and he'd get in trouble for making an off-color joke. Remember, they took a job with him. Anyways, he was a trooper. He was still out there doing it and had some type of serious heart problem.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And I knew before anybody because my manager, Tommy, manages Gilbert. So Tommy, you know, let me know right off the bat. So anyways, rest in peace, you crazy prick. You could have been nicer, but then again, so could I have been, says a lot of my parents. I have a lot of parents. Real quick, I'm going to rip through this. This was breaking news yesterday, but just so you guys know.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Oh, do I have it on the – do I have all this on there? I do, don't I? I forgot about that. Again, this is from yesterday. Real quick, and then we'll get into the latest update. Government opened fire on a northbound N train at 824 a.m. N train, get it? On Tuesday, as it pulled into 36th Street Station.
Starting point is 00:04:15 That was in Brooklyn, of course. I used to take the N train all the time. He had been calmly sitting on the train, but then put on a gas mask and detonated a smoke bomb. I used to do that when I farted on the thing, just to be nice to other people. Passengers were trapped in the subway car. They tried to get to the next car, but the door was locked. That was creepy. When the train arrived, the 36th Street injured victim spilled out onto the platform, trailing blood.
Starting point is 00:04:46 The gunman described as a heavyset black, 5'5", wearing a vest. We know his name is Frank James by now, but I say Rick James, but they say Frank. Fled, and he remains at large, of course. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. Oh, yeah. There's something wrong with his mind. A U-Haul van was rented in Philadelphia and has been tracked down five miles from the scene. You know, U-Haul ought to do commercials.
Starting point is 00:05:09 The official truck of fucking terrorists. Jesus Christ. Every time something bad goes down, U-Haul's involved. I rented one a couple weeks ago. Found the baby's head in there. Anyways, Muslim. Investigators believe they know who the gunman is, having identified the suspect after finding a credit card at the scene
Starting point is 00:05:30 that was also, boy, nothing like leaving a trail. Of course my instinct and Dallas' instinct is false flag. None of the cameras are working in the subway. The fucking mayor is being quarantined. He leaves a trail of evidence. I don't know. I don't want to get too cynical, but the government is not above, okay? Biden just gave a stupid ghost gun speech, okay? Timing's a little fishy. You know, most likely I'm wrong, but the point is this shit does go on, and they will kill, the government will kill their own people to make a point
Starting point is 00:06:03 to grab more power, especially the Dems. Law enforcement told Newsweek the suspect was there. Previously known to the FBI, having been entered into the Guardian lead terrorism monitoring system in New Mexico. Fucking guys all over the place. In New Mexico and discharged
Starting point is 00:06:19 in 2019. His 38 automatic handgun jammed, which stopped from him shooting more people at the station, thank Christ. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser. Gotta clean your gun, bitch. A bag of Falcon Rising fireworks, seismic
Starting point is 00:06:36 wave smoke canisters, and three extended magazines were found. Team Beat People and Newsweek. What? The NYPD is doubling the number of police officers on the subway. That was last night. Police, three, 38 handguns and three extended magazines in a backpack at the Brooklyn station. 16 people taken to New York City hospitals. Ten were shot. Four suffered smoke inhalation and another two were in shock.
Starting point is 00:07:03 at smoke inhalation, and another two were in shock. NYPD is going door-to-door in Brooklyn asking for information and surveillance camera footage and pictures. Anyone with information about the shooting of Gummett urged to call 800-577-TIPS. Here's some of the, I think this is the, they're spelling out onto the subway platform. This is a little disturbing here, check this out. I do not miss that sound.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Looks like Cheech and Chong is in it. These poor people. Can you imagine? Look at the blood. This is a guy's shot. Good matchup. That's the floor guy leading. Have we lost it as a society though? Don't help anybody get your phones out so you can put it on Facebook and be famous, too. And
Starting point is 00:08:47 can I ask you, people still living in New York, is this enough for you? Maybe to think about getting the fuck out of there? It's a shithole. Literally gone from one of the greatest cities ever to maybe the worst right now. But you keep taking it. People are like, well, we got to do it. Yeah, well, start making plans
Starting point is 00:09:04 to get out. That's what I'm saying. Aye, aye, aye, aye, frigging aye. Can you imagine seeing that shit? You can because you saw action. Dallas, I had three state troopers pull guns at me. I always tell that story. They thought I was in a stolen car with my buddy, and it fucking fucked with my head for a couple months.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You can imagine in Afghanistan or Iraq, but not when you're getting a subway trying to go up. No, that's right. You know? That's right. I mean, people just watching that are going to be fucked up.
Starting point is 00:09:32 That's what people don't understand. What the hell's going on out here? Great mayor, too, by the way. Nice going. Again, he wasn't elected.
Starting point is 00:09:40 He was appointed. The same way all the district attorneys are in Philly and whatever the fuck. Anyways, the gunman then disappeared from 36th Street where no security cameras were in operation. Isn't that kind of coincidental? I mean, come on. I want to believe you. Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, told CBS radio that a preliminary review indicates there appeared to
Starting point is 00:10:02 be some sort of malfunction with the camera system. Yeah, somebody from, I don't know, the FBI or the Department of Justice cut the wires. Or Biden himself wandering around in his bathroom. Anyways, yeah, something wrong with the cameras at the subway station in a Tuesday's shoot. Do you guys believe that? You're lying. I don't know. And you're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Adams said investigators are trying to determine whether one camera malfunctioned or whether cameras throughout the entire station malfunctioned. That should take two seconds to figure out, I think, if you know what you're doing. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah. Jano Lieber, the chair and CEO of the Metro Transportation Authority, told CNN there are almost 10,000 cameras in the system, including almost 600 cameras on the Brooklyn section of where the attack happened. So I've got to believe they're going to – you can't let numbers out like that and then tell us nothing, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:57 The question is, did he go buy any of those cameras? How couldn't you? Anyways, here's what we know about the jerk-off as of this morning. 62-year-old man, that's not him, by the way. That's the head of the, put up Frank James. Now, a 62-year-old man, Frank R. James, was listed as the renter of the band. He was identified as a person of interest, said Chief James Essig, NYPD Chief of Detective, during a news conference. He said, we don't know if Mr. James has any connection to the subway. That's still under investigation. He had like a MTA vest on, Transit Authority vest, that they said it looked like a
Starting point is 00:11:41 vest. Some people thought he might have been part of the, just a worker. Frank James, who warned last month that he was entering the danger zone, rented a U-Haul van tied to the Entrain attack in Sunset Park, being sought for questioning by police, even today. Who knows? They probably got him while I'm talking. Mr. Mayor, this is him.
Starting point is 00:12:01 These are some quotes out of the paper. We'll show you some footage. He has a YouTube following, by the way. Cuckoo cucka, but it's hard to fucking, you know. Mr. Mayor, I'm a victim of your mental health program. Actually, you're not, Frank. You're a victim of who? de Blasio and his wife's mental health program.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Remember they left billions of dollars and nobody knows where the money went? So you're pointing your finger at the wrong mayor. James said in one lengthy video, I'm 63 now, full of hate, full of anger, and full of bitterness. Somebody describe me that after my last show. What? I'm not 63. He also criticized the mayor for not doing more to combat homelessness.
Starting point is 00:12:42 That's right. Point the fingers at everybody but your psycho self. Although I got to be honest with you, I watched a lot of footage of his YouTube and as hateful, as bitter, he made some points that I actually agree with. Involve boats and slavery, but you don't want to hear it. Not in that way. I'm saying he, again, it goes back to slavery. That's how you know. Eric Adams, he says, what are you doing, brother? What's happening with this homeless situation? He said while referring to the subway, every car I went on, you got a guy who shot up a subway complaining about how dirty it is. Every car I went to was located with homeless people. It was so bad, I couldn't even
Starting point is 00:13:21 stand. I had to keep moving from car to car. The person of interest ranted about race issues, claimed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was proof that black people were treated with disdain in society. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. You can put that together. There's something wrong with his mind. So anyways, he preaches black nationalism i described a little bit but if you want to go to his youtube and listen to his theories and some of some of it he's lucid he makes sense but again
Starting point is 00:13:54 it's all whitey's fault dragging black people out which they always leave out the part of black people selling the slaves and um they aren't the only race that was oppressed in this country blah blah blah and you know people at home going oh come on but nothing doesn't fucking matter it's not a victim a victim contest but that's what this country's turned into let's listen to uh frankie james get a nice dress a nice pair of shoes and start to imagine yourself to be something that you're not i'm talking to the people that i pose you you're not. I'm talking to the people that I post. Again, I'm talking to those motherfuckers that did damage and did harm to me, tried to kill me, get me killed, tried to get me locked up.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I'm talking to them basically because they were all black. And we're all in the same boat, going to the same place, regardless of what anybody wants to say. And especially now, with the situation's happened over in ukraine and they keep mentioning the potential of world war three well no we're already in world war three putin can do whatever the fuck he wants to do to ukrainian people he's killing babies old women this motherfucker he's bombing nurseries and And he can't do shit. Why? Because he's got the bomb.
Starting point is 00:15:10 He's got 4,000. That he's right about. You know that? Excuse me. That he's right about. But he ties it into the proof that if Russia can kill Ukraine white people, what do you think they're going to do to your black ass eventually? And blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Blah, blah, whitey, evil, bling, bling, boom. Anyhow, I love how we have all this as YouTube, but nobody knows where he is right now. Then he tweeted, of all things, about Katani Jackson, you know, the first female black Supreme Court justice. And, of of course he was very happy about her home life let's listen in
Starting point is 00:15:49 I had no idea with that African name that she would be married to a white man one of my subscribers brought that to my attention I don't like it either motherfucker our black sister Supreme Court Justice power to the people, is married to a fucking white man.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I don't believe this shit. Oh, God. Is he? Wait a minute. This is the motherfucker. Where the hell are you? There he is. White man.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Black sister. Catanjate, what a fucking name. It's actually funny sometimes. We don't like it either, crazy man. I'm just kidding. You should love everybody, love everybody.
Starting point is 00:16:37 But I'm just saying, white ladies, you learn nothing from OJ or from any fucking NFL running back who fucking goes viral. Maybe, whatever the motherfucking name. Give him a show. CNN will have him as an anchor, MSNBC.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I'm assuming this is the guy. We're all assuming it's him. They haven't confirmed it yet. By the time you watch this, I'm sure they will have found him. Right? Couldn't have gone too far. But I love how U-Haul is just a good bit. U-Haul.
Starting point is 00:17:16 What was the other thing that's always involved? There's two things. God help us. So he'd be crazy. Black nationalists. And that's funny, Mr. I got to say one more thing. Hey, Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Hey, everybody in the Biden administration. Another example of white supremacy being the real threat in this country. That was terrorism. Shooting up a fucking subway. That's terrorism from a black nationalist. So tell me again how the white man is a threat to everybody. You fucking haven't been right about anything in 30 years. And they're out for Biden's scalp.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Even the Dems know now. His numbers are fucking tank. I mean, he has set a record for inflation again yesterday. Pork chops are $104 for a half a pound. I mean, Jesus, it's getting to where I can't cook. Anyways, let's move on. Now, Zelensky's pen pal. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:18:17 Oh, Sean, am I clever? I came up with that last night while I was spanking the cheetah. What? Zelensky's pen pal, actor Sean Penn. He was on with Hannity a couple weeks ago. Here's why I like him, you guys. I agree. I know he's a lefty.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Politically, he's fucking gone. But he grew up in California. Right during that New Age psychology shit took hold. I'm guessing hippie parents. Sean, what was his name? Spicoli in the fucking movie um look how tiny this is why i i like him never number one he punches paparazzis in the face when he was younger which i love um but look how haggard he is you know i i gotta film this guy
Starting point is 00:18:59 just stays up days at a time uh actor sean penn's continuing to voice his support for ukraine amid russia's un well what's here's the one thing where you can see his left colors coming through because everybody on the left hates russia right that's the big they think they keep accusing people on the right of loving putin and shit so um but no he's right on this one. Fucking Russia invaded a sovereign country. Right? Don't I have that right? So you should be on Ukraine's side. So anyways, support for Ukraine amid Russia's unprovoked invasion of the country.
Starting point is 00:19:37 The 61-year-old Dead Man Walking star, great movie, by the way, has been working on a documentary about escalating tensions in the country since last year. We told you this last week. Flew to Ukraine in February to get a firsthand look at the war. This is him just staring out. It reminds me of Midnight Cowboy. Everybody's talking at me. I can't hear a word they're saying, only the echoes of my mind. I'm going where the sun keeps shining through the pouring rain, skipping over the ocean like a stone.
Starting point is 00:20:16 La, la, da, da. Great movie, Dallas. See it. It's fucking tremendous. John Voight's about 21. Dustin Hoffman's about it? It's fucking tremendous. John Voight's about 21. Dustin Hoffman's about 20. It's so good. Anyhow, any he.
Starting point is 00:20:32 There he is in an Uber heading to his apartment in New York. No, that's him. So he's out there. What I'm saying about Sean Penn is he puts his fucking mouth where his money is or vice versa. You know what I mean? His money where his mouth is. His money where his ass is. His nose where his tits are, his change. But he's over there doing it. And you know what I mean? I love him. I think he's burnt out on the Hollywood bullshit.
Starting point is 00:20:58 You know, I just like his intensity. He makes me nervous, which is hard to do. Like a black guy came up to me after a show in New York when I first moved to New York doing comedy. This young black kid comes up. He goes, man, you make niggas nervous. I go, that's the best compliment I've ever heard. By the way, the N word, he said it, not me. I don't want to hear any, then again, you're my fans.
Starting point is 00:21:27 After spending some time on the ground in Kiev, the actor told Hollywood Authentic Magazine, Hollywood and authentic in the same sense, that he recently thought about taking up arms against Russia. That's him and Madonna back in the day. about taking up arms against Russia. Put him up. Put him up. That's him and Madonna back in the day. If you've been in Ukraine, fighting has to cross your mind. This is Penn talking.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Penn said in the interview, published on Saturday, so he's ready to go. He's over there. You know, he can't just stand there and hand out... You're going to eat lightning, and you're going to drop thunder. That was Zelensky talking him up. And you kind of think, what century is this? Which is what I said about Putin. I said he's in a different century in his head because he says, I was at the gas station in Brentwood, that's California, the other day, and I'm now thinking about taking arms against Russia. Now, when he said that, is he talking about gas prices? He has to be. Why would you mention you were at the gas station?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Which is kind of an overreaction. I mean, I'm pissed about gas prices. And if that's the case, I don't know if that's what he's implying or not, but I can't. It seems logical to me. You wouldn't, by the way, it's not fucking Russia's fault he's buying the Putin's gas prices. It's your shithead president's fault. Unless he's just standing there bored and just letting his mind drift into la-la land and thinks, you know what, I could do that. Maybe. Or, I think I got it.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Or, which I hate now. You know when you get gas? Of course they have a fucking TV blaring. Right? Again, they have to fucking keep the propaganda going. What better place than the pumps where everybody has to go every day?
Starting point is 00:23:23 I wonder if he was watching like a news clip there. I'm guessing just the prices alone. But again, that's Biden's fault, not Russia's. He goes, I'm at the, think, he's at the gas station in Brentwood thinking about taking up arms against Russia. He says, what the fuck is going on? What exactly leads you to believe the Soviets were involved? Penn continued, the only possible reason for me staying in Ukraine longer last time
Starting point is 00:23:49 would have been for me to be holding a rifle, probably without body armor, because as a foreigner, you'd want to give that body armor to one of the civilian fighters who doesn't have it, or to a fighter with more skills than I have, or to a younger man or woman who could fight for longer or whatever. He really thought this out. The Ukrainian embassy released a statement on Penn's efforts to film the documentary following the actor's visit to Kiev. Sean Penn demonstrates the courage that many, this is a diplomat talking from Ukraine, that many other, especially Western politicians, talking from Ukraine, that many other, especially Western politicians, lack.
Starting point is 00:24:26 You are correct, sir. The more such people in our country now, true friends of Ukraine, who support the struggle for freedom, the sooner it will be possible to stop Russia's treacherous attack, Ukrainian embassy told Newsweek in a statement. So it's true. Love to see one of these, you know what I mean, these lefty politicians who, again, told us Trump was an agent of Putin. So they're evil.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Get over there. I'm not a journalist. Fox journalists are getting blown up over there, for Christ's sake. Anyways, we jump from that to what? Why haven't we taken a break for something? I'm trying to think what it is. Oh, that's right, a COVID surge. It's about 11 minutes, time for an update.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Time for more COVID propaganda, I say. The rise of COVID cases in some regions of the United States, just as testing efforts wane, has raised the specter that the next major wave of the virus may be difficult to detect. In fact, the country could be in the midst of a surge right now. It's funny, but nobody knows it, so it can't be that serious. Suck a dick and die, you filthy fucking... That's coffee, folks. It's really some strong black coffee. Got the teeth of a hillbilly. Yeah, so we might be in the midst of a surge right now, and we might not even know it.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Well, if we don't know it, then I don't care. I'm going to get diarrhea again for a week. Shut your fucking mouth! Hey, take it easy. Shut the fuck up, you cunt! Hey, take it easy. Testing and viral sequencing are critical to responding quickly to new outbreaks of COVID. And yet, as the country tries to move on from the pandemic, demand for lab-based testing has declined and federal funding priorities have shifted.
Starting point is 00:26:17 The change has forced some testing centers to shutter, while others have hiked up prices in response to the end of government subsidized testing programs. People are increasingly relying on at-home rapid tests if they decide to test at all, which is what I did, and I was sick for a long time. I feel good now. You're coming out. But those results are rarely reported, given public health officials little insight into how that's true. When you test at home, you don't call the CDC. Hey, man, my dog's got it.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I got it. You go on with your life if you have any balls. You know, a 600-pound black diabetic in the late 80s. It gives insight into how widespread the virus is. So, bubba dibby did.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Um, yeah. Shut up. What in your fucking business? Shut up. Talking on the CDC. There's always more spread than we can detect. Said Abra Karan.
Starting point is 00:27:08 That's who. Durka Durka. That's a doctor? Muhammad Jihad. Oh, my God. Sherpa Sherpa. Did you put that on? Oh, you did?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Oh, my God. Isn't Dallas funny? Look what he did to this poor prick. Gave him Jiffy Pop head. It looks so stupid. Oh, my God. I couldn't even tell it was a turban. I thought it was like dirty.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I don't know. I thought it was like a dirty blanket. Anyway, an Easter egg. Anyways, he's my primary care physician. I don't know, an Easter egg. Anyways, he's my primary care physician. He says I have yellow fever from eating raw squirrel. Anyways, Brock Harag, great doctor, an infectious disease physician,
Starting point is 00:27:59 also an ISIS member at Stanford University. That's true, he says, even more so now than earlier in the pandemic. Despite groundbreaking scientific advances like vaccines and antiviral public health experts say the United States COVID defenses appear to be getting weaker as we approach November 4th of whatever the fuck coming up in seven months. So we're getting weaker, not stronger, they say. We're in a worse position, said Julia Routhman, an assistant professor of health and law policy and management at BU. Oh, yeah, let's listen to a twat from BU in 2022. School of Public Health. We've learned more about the virus and how to address it. This is how I address it, you filthy Chinese. Fuck, get out of Public Health. We've learned more about the virus and how to address it. This is how I address it. You filthy Chinese fuck. Get out of my system.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Hello. Welcome into my house. And then we haven't done what we need to do to address it, she says. What are you talking about? What are we going to do? Liar. Liar. Whore. Liar. Whore. You know it. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. In late February, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention began relying on hospital admissions and ICU capacity to determine community level risk. That was a change from relying on COVID case counts. By the way, they do that at the hospital. You can come in with a broken arm to be x-rayed, and you happen to have COVID. They say he came here for COVID, check him out.
Starting point is 00:29:25 All the numbers of fudge. We've been through this. I don't give a rat. That was a change from relying on COVID case counts, you know, something tangible. And the percentages of positive tests, which are widely considered a better snapshot. So they got away from a more accurate way of tracking to a less, what does that tell you? How much virus is circulating in a given community. So they don't want to fucking, they give you the real numbers, you'll be laughing in their faces. You can't handle the truth. I most certainly can't. I have a flag on my chest.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Gilbert Godfrey. Google Steven Crowder. There's got to be a clip of him doing Godfrey. It's fucking if you find that, Dallas. I don't even know if you have the ability to pull it up, but anyway, several states, including Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada, and Ohio, have now completely stopped reporting daily
Starting point is 00:30:17 COVID data to the CDC. I love it. Making it more difficult to gauge the progression of the pandemic in those states. I don't know if they're doing that for good or bad. Maybe they're making up their own numbers. Anything to get more money from the government. According to the CDC, the majority of the country is still considered low risk.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Public health experts argue this is misleading, though, because how are we going to steal the next election? Given hospitalization and death generally occur days to weeks after the initial infection. It's a sneaky little germ. I'll give you that much. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me.
Starting point is 00:30:52 I'm right here. Kill me. Okay. I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Like a somebody. Without widespread testing, that could make it impossible to detect a surge until it's too late to do anything about yes yes it'll come on november 2nd the surge uh oh god this is people read your history all this shit has been done and tried before the left is fucking evil all about power um the right just wants to make money keep keep Hooters open, and have a nice American life. Seriously. I've had enough. I'll tell you, there's nothing more anti-American
Starting point is 00:31:31 than a company called Disney. I've been calling it a cult since Annette Funicello wouldn't give me a handjob when I was on the Mouseketeers. What? Hello, lady? Anyways, the headline, Disneyney a cult for queers disney has released what has been described as the gayest this is in the article i didn't say the gayest kids movie yet in quotes as it continues to pay fealty to radical queer activists with its attack on
Starting point is 00:32:03 florida's anti-grooming law. And that's exactly what it is, by the way. I'm gay, I'm really gay, I'm super duper gay. I'm gayer than your mother, she takes it in the hay. Ow, ow! This month, Disney Plus released a musical comedy. They're saying it's the gayest of them, right? Disney's saying that? Do gayest rubber, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Disney's saying that? Do you understand what that means? That's a big statement. Released a musical comedy aimed, oh, a musical comedy. I can't wait to get tickets. Oh, God. Aimed at preteens,
Starting point is 00:32:39 titled Better, get this, Better Nate Than Ever. The main character is Nate. And you guys tell me after we show you the clip, not quite yet, if that's a boy or a girl. Right there, quickly, it looks like a girl a bit, but you can... Dude. Help me.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Help me help you. Better Nate than ever. That is so typical of Disney. I can see some hokey. They'll create sitcoms based around a pun like that or a fucking. The movie features 13-year-old Nate. That's being played by Ruby Wood, which was my porn name in college. Because I had a red dick.
Starting point is 00:33:29 You know, like when a German chip against a heart. Ruby Wood. That's the actor slash actress who is upset about, this is what the movie's about, losing the audition for his high school school musical. They really think everybody in the country has been bullied and is into theater. And if they don't think that, they're trying to get us all. I can't tell you how far ahead of the curve I was.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I'm talking right out of college. I'm not kidding you. I would say to my friends, okay, I wasn't even following politics, but I would say to my friends, how come every bad kid in a movie in high school is wearing a letter jacket? The jock's always the fucking asshole. People at home going, yeah, but that's how it is. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yes, I picked on kids, but not that were in theater.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And I get picked on. Everybody's been through it. I tell this every time. John Dresser, he was a senior. I was a friend. Dallas, did I tell you this one? I repeat these stories because Dallas wasn't here
Starting point is 00:34:33 but he's... John Dresser, he was... We were at the mall one night and he's like a senior. I'm a friend. He's got a beard like Dallas has and I started mouthing off to him. He fucking,
Starting point is 00:34:48 I was on a pay phone. He grabbed the pay phone out of my hand and hit me in the fucking head with a pay phone. How about me mouthing off to him? Anyways, I know him from my metal shop. He was in my metal shop class. So here's what I did.
Starting point is 00:35:01 You guys have already heard it. Did you take metal shop Dallas? Probably. No. We were turning down like quarter inch stock on a piece of, on a lathe to make a cannon. You know what I mean? That you could put on your desk. And it was, it's like a three week project. So we were about three days from finishing it. I went in early and I put his, I found his and I put it on the thing and I, you know, changed the setting. Point is, I ruined his cannon by putting the lathe, I put it in backwards or something. So it started making the fat fat end skinny. He got mad, but he thought,
Starting point is 00:35:39 he got mad, but he laughed at it because it was so fucking mean of my part. Anyhow, I'm just saying. So right after that, I went into theater. I was doing The Mouse That Roared. I was the lead. Sucking dick all over that high school. Anyways, it's about him losing an audition for his high school musical, Nate, here,
Starting point is 00:35:59 who goes on a trip to New York City with dreams of winning a part in a Broadway play, which is every stray kid's dream too, right? Go ahead, roll it. Look at this. Bro, it's like 7 a.m. Today's the day, Ma. They're posting the cast list for the school play today. Get it? Like it's a curtain?
Starting point is 00:36:25 Tough crowd. I've got some breaking news. It's an open audition. They're making Lilo and Stitch a Broadway musical. Where would we even sleep? What about your aunt, the Broadway actress? You were the only toddler whose first word was me. Let's cast a musical.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Does anyone have a special skill they'd like to demonstrate? I can do Fiddler on the Roof style knee crawls. This I have to see. Mazel tov! Oh my gosh, my pants! Does anybody have any extra shorts? Oh, that's funny! That's good shit. Okay, that's all we're gonna need.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Forget New York. I'm just trying to survive seventh grade. I love that you're still acting. You remind me of, like, me. You're literally all I want to be when I grow up. Three weeks on Broadway. Can somebody tell me if that's a boy or a girl at this point? I mean, this is what they want to cast in everything now. Every commercial I see, I look at my wife do you know
Starting point is 00:37:25 anyway she goes i have no idea she still falls for it though like she'll just look at the haircut oh that's a boy look at the fucking eyes and the lips i would let her blow me him blow me and then she goes what's the matter with you you know me go ahead let the chooch talk an apartment in new York? Queens, but... You're a hundred times funnier and quicker than I am. Don't you look like the kid that went viral on TikTok? I didn't know you could do all that. Find your light.
Starting point is 00:38:03 You're insane. I'm theatrical Hold up just a second Sorry, I thought we were alone You guys are so weird We know I'm about to go out Just getting started, we about to go out
Starting point is 00:38:19 Fucking quiz! Please give me a call. That's a promotion. That's all that is a commercial for transgenderism or, you know, being gay or whatever. It's right out in the open now. They used to be subtle about it. Boy, the progressives got their foot, both feet on the gas pedal at this point.
Starting point is 00:38:49 And what a tremendous movie that looks like. I can't wait to watch. Propaganda under the guise of entertainment. I don't know what to say. Final story of the day, right? Yeah, it is. I'm looking at the clock. Oh, God, not more.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Just when you thought you were out of the gay tunnel. Tranny teacher delusional. Are we saturating in this shit, folks? And by the way, do you notice they mentioned TikTok in that movie premiere? TikTok's made in China. Kids at home, I was reading a great article online yesterday. During the pandemic, right? Locked in the houses, wrong computer, looking at TikTok.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And there's a ton of transgender people telling them, if you're confused, do this, do that. I mean, China. It's coming from China. A transgender teacher has been criticized online after he told a group of first grade students this explanation about what it means to be transgender as well so when babies are born the doctor looks at them and they make a guess about whether the baby is a boy or a girl based on what they look like and most of the time i guess pause pause you motherfucker. They make a guess.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Do they really? They don't look down and go, that's a vagina, that's a dick. They make a guess. This is what he's telling young kids. He's a teacher. You can't tell me this isn't, you hear systemic racism? This is systemic genderism or whatever. Anti-heterosexualism give it the name whatever
Starting point is 00:40:47 the fuck you want pure propaganda he believes it he's trans that was a girl who's now supposedly a guy telling young kids that are probably confused at this point the doctors didn't know because it's what's on the inside is what he's saying. Go ahead. This is 100% correct. There are no issues whatsoever. But sometimes the doctor is wrong. The doctor makes an incorrect guess. When the doctor makes a correct guess, that's when a person is called cisgender.
Starting point is 00:41:17 When a doctor's guess is wrong, that's when they are transgender. He's talking, all that would be true if you were born with no genitalia. You know what I mean? Because you can't tell a girl boy baby's face. I never can. I go, yeah, cute boy.
Starting point is 00:41:33 They're like, it's a girl. But you know what I'm saying? All this would be true if you didn't have genitalia. Kind of true. The doctor would have to make a guess. He's just fucking, they they are it's um i hate to say this but and it's it's a head problem with them nick shut it i'm right go ahead i'm a man but when i was a baby the doctors told my parents i was a girl. And so my parents gave me a name that girls
Starting point is 00:42:06 typically have and bought me clothes that girls typically wear. And until I was 18 years old, everyone thought I was a girl. And this was super, super uncomfortable for me. Must have been hard trying to stretch a single into a triple in a hoop skirt. Because I knew that wasn't right. The way I like to describe it is like wearing a super itchy sweater. The longer you wear it, the itchier it gets. And the only way to make the itching stop is to have everyone see and know the person that you really are.
Starting point is 00:42:37 No, no, pause. No, you take the sweater off and you burn it. No. Go ahead. That's it? Well, that's what I say to him. Because I'm a big fat fucking whore. I think your brain
Starting point is 00:43:01 is going soft. Ah, God help me. Ray Skier, that's him, the teacher, a trans man, teaches first grade at the Brooke Rosendale School in the Boston area. Fucking Massachusetts. I have trouble watching the Boston Bruins now. It's so PC. He was teaching children via Zoom call when the school was hosting an identity
Starting point is 00:43:26 share for students from kindergarten through second grade. Groomer, fucking a groomer. Skyer began the identity share by telling kindergartners that he was going to reveal something really cool. So something he says that's really cool and unique about who I am is that I am transgender, he said. Skyer extending his arms to indicate breath and scope of the relief said, so when I was 18, I told my friends and family that I was really a boy. And it was like this huge weight had been lifted off my clit hood. Lifted off my big, brawny shoulders. And I had the freedom to be who I truly am. He added, even though this experience is super challenging sometimes,
Starting point is 00:44:23 I am super. It may be the person I am, and I am super proud to be transgender. I despise it with every fiber of my being. Again, I don't wish this on anybody. I'm not saying, I don't understand why they're trying to make this such a mainstream, I don't understand why this is the hill they want to die on, whoever the progressives are,
Starting point is 00:44:48 and why this is the medium that they're dividing us. It's all, I don't know. Well, and the fact that adults are even confused by all of that. Could you imagine what a first grader, seven-year-old is thinking? Well, yeah. Yeah. There's a, I didn't get this article, I'll get it tonight, but there's a transgender doctor't get this article I'll get it tonight but there's a transgender doctor
Starting point is 00:45:07 like a transgender doctor expert in the field he or she's transgender himself he's saying there's too much of this shit can you imagine that and a lot of it is social media
Starting point is 00:45:24 is sort of the cause of a lot of it because it's trendy kids kids see it you know this teaches telling them how to do stuff and how to it's creepy that's a that's a guy who's actually transgender or a woman i forget the name, saying, this is getting crazy. I mean, come on. Holy moly. The video of the Zoom call where the transgender teacher explained the whole story to kindergartners went vile on Twitter. Vile. It is vile.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Freudian slip, they call it. It went vile on Twitter. Several users expressed their disbelief and called out the teacher. Did I tell you at a time I was having sex with a black girl and she wanted me to talk dirty and I said, who's your daddy? And she said, I have no idea. I have no idea. Anyways, disbelief, called out the teacher, people calling the teacher out on,
Starting point is 00:46:26 and the school for teaching this to children. Commenting on the video, one person wrote online, this is not science. The doctors make a guess about gender. You are delusional, and you think teaching young children these lies is appropriate? Just stay away from my kids. You have a perverted mind.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Please seek help, wrote Nathan Lane. No. One user wrote, wow, this is what at Brooks School is teaching your kindergarten students? When you are born, the doctor guesses your gender. We need parental right bills in every state right now, they said. I kind of agree with it. Let's leave it there, folks. If I do any more
Starting point is 00:47:06 gay stories, I'll skip out of here in a fucking bra and belly shirt. Speaking of that, I got to work on it. Ow! Ow! Dehydration, cramp in the tricep. That's it, ladies and gentlemen uh don't forget to sign up monthly please do this don't forget to uh click on the tour dates to see where i'm going to be in may and uh if you want me to make a little video recording go to and uh i'll say happy birthday or uh do a tiny little roast give me some information about the person we zing zang them and i'll send them the video people love it they seem to love it that's it you guys think and i'll say it you're very welcome see you back here for the final day of the week tomorrow take care everybody guitar solo Outro Music

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