The Nick DiPaolo Show - Anthony Cumia Part 2 | Nick Di Paolo Show #1225

Episode Date: June 16, 2022

Replay Interview w/ Dave Smith. Part 2 interview with Anthony Cumia....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching and contributing to the show. Every day I read something about a comedian or a comedy producer that supports censorship. Fuck these people, Patton Oswalt. Comedy is meant to be uncensored. Nothing is off limits and if the truth hurts your feelings, then too bad. Change the station. Don't tell anyone else what they can or can't say. That's why I created this show,
Starting point is 00:00:27 a place to find unfiltered and brutally honest comedy. And since the media, the media running libs would never put this show out there, we did it ourselves, me and my team, along with your support and contributions. To that end, please consider contributing to the show to keep us going.
Starting point is 00:00:46 You can either click the link below, below this video, or on my website on the top at You fuel the show and I appreciate all your generosity. We can't do it without you. Hey, coming up, do we have him? I'm excited about our guest today. This guy is a libertarian comic, and he's really smart, really goddamn funny. He has a podcast, Part of the Problem, and he hosts a podcast on Legion of Skanks.
Starting point is 00:01:42 And like I said, he's one of these guys i watch and he touches on some political and social stuff and i'm like how did i miss that and uh real interesting guy i had him on my radio show uh welcome to the show dave smith what's going on brother what's happening here i appreciate you coming on dave uh what's your take first of all uh since you're a comic let's get right to it i wish this this story would go away, too, but I'm interested in your take. Because I know you're a victim of some of this shit, too, because even libertarians have to watch what they say. But Shane Gillis and the whole chink thing, which was one of my favorite words until he did this. That's a joke what i mean come on i i mean
Starting point is 00:02:29 it's so disappointing yes i know snl and nbc that doesn't surprise me because nbc i mean jesus christ you can't get more liberal in lawn michaels and show business and blah blah blah but how about the other comics coming out against them what's your opinion on those douchebags? I mean, those people. Oh, man, it's it's despicable. I mean, for as as a comic for to see comedians coming out against them, that's like the most outrageous thing. And it's weird. And when you said before about like libertarians get the shit or conservatives, it's really anybody who's not with the religion of the left. So anybody who's not, you know, like as Michael Malice calls the cathedral of the left. So anybody who's not. You know like. As Michael Malice calls the cathedral. Of the left.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Like if you don't believe every one of their. Their dogmatic points. About you know if you're not on board. With like transgender bathrooms or whatever. If you're not on that plantation. Then you're in trouble. And shit dude there was one. I think it was in the Atlantic.
Starting point is 00:03:22 It was one of those shit. Oh one of those right wing things yeah. Yeah where they said they quoted him and uh they they go shane gillis said referring to judd apatow talking about his depression that this was quote gayer than isis and i just how could you read that and not think it's hilarious like how could you not think it's hilarious to describe someone as gayer than isis even in your outraged when you cut like i know there's someone on your staff who was chuckling when they read this piece judd avatar is gayer than isis um look shane's a hilarious dude man and it sucks it sucks that he had to get raked over the coals um is isis gay by the way i mean when you really start to think about it, the whole thing is kind of gay.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Is it? I don't know. It seems a bunch of dudes hanging out in fucking caves. Now, wait a minute. That's what I do every weekend with my friends. Yeah. 50. That's pretty gay.
Starting point is 00:04:18 They stone gay people to death, and they push them off the tops of buildings. But, yes, usually the real people who are anti-gay have that streak in them yeah that's right it's like that gay dude was about to tell him that this guy was fucking him in the butt like a week ago so he's like better kill this guy before work gets out yeah so uh i was very uh disappointed seeing other comics come out and my statement when i saw you were upset and it doesn't bother me because those those comics that are not for it's very simple if you're not for free speech you're not a comic it's the best thing about our job we can say shit that you can't say in an office that 90 percent of the people go to every day from nine to five it's my favorite part of being a stand-up
Starting point is 00:05:03 i thought that was what it was all about you know like and it's changed so much in the time that i've been a comic like i've been doing stand-up for about 12 years and i feel like when i started everybody wanted to be that balls out edgy comic like that's that's what people went for you know even if you went to like an open mic 12 years ago and and they suck you know, every open micers suck in general. That's like where you're learning how to do this shit. But everyone would be going for the most edgy thing. Like, you know, like it'd be like, you know, like some open mic comic doing some like rape a baby joke or something.
Starting point is 00:05:35 And it'd be kind of cringy. But people were trying to be edgy. And now it's almost like the young comics are trying to be like tattletales. But it's so bizarre. They're bitches. They're sn so bizarre. They're bitches. They're snitches. They don't have the DNA of a comic. And I'll tell you, there's two levels that really, it really bothers me.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Number one is what you just said. It's like, you don't have the DNA of a comic. That's not what a comic is supposed to be. And the second thing that bothers me is the more political aspect of it, which is kind of impossible to ignore because it's all about left-wing orthodoxies like i was watching the other day um i just saw the clip online of uh the latest the the latest roast the uh um uh what's his name yeah alec baldwin the alec baldwin roast and i watched nikki glazier's uh set they had her clip up there. By the way, I'm not shitting. It was really fucking
Starting point is 00:06:25 funny. Whatever dude wrote that for her is very talented, so I'm not shitting on... I'm kidding, by the way. I love Nikki. I listen to her radio show in the car. She's actually very good on the radio and she's in her own head but it's funny.
Starting point is 00:06:42 A lot of broad comics are in their own head and there's nothing there like Lena fucking Dunham whatever she was but Nikki's kind of funny and she was talking about it on her show go after the after the Rose talking about how she were and so I I don't watch him anymore because you know I helped get that I helped get that franchise started and they don't call me more well that's the thing and it's not a coincidence where your politics are and where her politics are and why someone doesn't get there and then it's like this thing where it's this weird game so anyway the reason i brought nicky's up really
Starting point is 00:07:13 funny by the way but she has this one joke great it was a great joke about uh casey anthony she had one bit where she was like i think she was ripping uh somebody for their parenting she goes at least casey anthony knows where her kid is. Yes. Great joke. Tremendous. Hilarious joke. But what's interesting about it is nobody's getting offended over that.
Starting point is 00:07:32 That's completely fine. You can make a dead kid joke. That's no big deal. It's but if you make a transgender joke, now we have to get offended. If you say chink, now we have to get offended. So it's only when you push back against one of the left wing orthodoxies, then we all have to get offended. And it's like for anybody who doesn't isn't a left wing guy. Well, why the fuck do I have to play this game?
Starting point is 00:07:55 I despise the left. Why do I have to play on their turf where we'll only get offended by a joke that's about like race or gender or whatever? And but at the same time any of these things are just fine well it doesn't hurt that it came out of the mouth of a female comic number one yes i know they can get in a little bit of trouble but this is the other thing is certain grades of trouble you can get in comes out of your mouth mine could cost you your career comes out of i i keep coming back to this point, the best example is Tracy Morgan when his wife was pregnant saying if the baby's gay I'm gonna kill it. And he's hosting SNL this
Starting point is 00:08:30 year and he has a show on TBS. Again, black guy. I've been trying to tell people, people act like this political correct wave, this censorship from, you know, affects everybody equally, female comics, black comics, gay comics, when it was created to shut me up and you up more than anybody. And I keep trying to explain that. Like Chappelle's special. I'm talking to Dave Smith, by the way. Chappelle's special, I mean, he's as good as anybody. I said that before.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I don't think Pryor or Chris Rock has anything on this guy. He's one of my favorite comics of all time, smooth as silk, and I love the special, but my problem was the people that react to the special. He's fearless. Well, where the fuck's the fearlessness? Well, he could get punished. Were they going to cut him down from $40 million to $20 million a special?
Starting point is 00:09:18 That's right. I mean, that's the point, where if a Colin Quinn or a Norm MacDonald, let's say, back in the the day if he said that today you're gone i'm gonna kill my baby if it's that's really the best the best example i keep going back to it but no absolutely but it's like so somebody like um right like chapelle it's like oh he's he's he's so ballsy for doing this shit and like okay fine like he yeah there was a balls out special great special i loved it but it's like look at what he lost compared to what shane gillis just lost shane didn't get one sketch off on snl and
Starting point is 00:09:51 now who the fuck knows what that guy's gonna do with his career whereas like you said chapelle is is fine he's getting tens of millions of dollars for for one special he's he's doing just fine and that's the point i was trying to make on my podcast was like for all the comics and i see this a lot where once it's one of their own gets in trouble like once somebody who's like left-leaning gets in trouble with the pc cops then you start seeing a lot of this like all right guys this is getting a little bit too crazy we don't want to ruin dave chappelle we don't want to take down this guy you know it's like yeah justin trudeau was in blackface but come on he apologized yes it's like oh yeah where was that when megan kelly never wore blackface she just wasn't uh sufficiently outraged by the idea of blackface but she used to work for fox news so that bitch has to go
Starting point is 00:10:35 yeah but justin trudeau who's the fucking prime minister of canada he gets to just be like oh yeah i did blackface yeah you know it's white privilege blah blah and they're like oh okay you can stay so that's the thing that's why i was saying for all these comics defending dave chapelle who was defending you who was defending owen benjamin who's defending when is there ever a right-wing guy who you'll give the same kind of like oh okay he's just being brave it's their religion uh showbiz is ultra liberal i've always this. If you lean right on two out of 50 issues in show business, you're a Nazi. So I lean 48 out of 50. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:09 to give you an idea. But, no, you're right about Chappelle. And by the way, Trudeau and Blackface, people going, oh my God, it's right before the election. Yeah, he's going to lose a huge swath of black voters up in Vancouver and fucking Calgary. Only thing black in Canada are
Starting point is 00:11:25 hockey pucks and some oil in fucking Edmonton. What are we getting here? I think the Subban brother, P.K. Subban and his... Nobody knows hockey, but those are two black guys that are tremendous hockey players. I'm sure they're pissed. And a couple rappers in Toronto. But yeah, him with the...
Starting point is 00:11:42 He was doing the Latin, first of all. but it's good to see a guy like that who preaches this horse shit have it come back and bite him in the ass that's my only pleasure in it well and also and that's the same thing like for comedians which i don't get at all it's like for comedians who are jumping into this social justice warrior pc shit it's like do you really want to play this game do you think there's nothing you've ever said there's there's no comedian who doesn't have something on their track record where you stepped out of bounds because that's just like what we do i can't find
Starting point is 00:12:14 i've looked at my thing i can't find anything i got i was supposed to do an applebee's commercial this is a true story about 10 ago, my agent sets it up. They're going to give me $22,000 to go down to Atlanta, shoot an Applebee's commercial with the announcer of the Braves, Chip Carey, and somebody else, two famous guys. And it was all set to go. At the 11th hour, I get up the next morning. There's a text from my agent.
Starting point is 00:12:42 They're saying, no, they went through. I don't know why they didn't do this in the first. They went through stuff on social media. Found some of my roast jokes. Some of the shit I said when I was roasting Artie Lang and Howard Stern. Had some killer Jew jokes in there that didn't fly with the Applebee's people.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I wouldn't have to rob in a black one. It was the funniest shit ever. Next thing I know, no 22 grand. Which means I know, no $22,000. Which means I had to do skid marks in Buffalo five or six times to make that. But, yeah, like you said, you can go back in anybody's history. I wish the people on the right would start digging a little harder and a little faster. I mean, Alec Baldwin, who's hosting, who's on SNL, he called a black journalist a coon and a crackhead in New York.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Yeah. Hasn't he been arrested multiple times and like he fucking called his daughter a pig or some shit? Well, that was true. She's kind of chubby and she's very hoary. But no. Yeah, no. Listen, everybody's telling the truth here. My point is just Shane can't tell the truth about the Jew chinks.
Starting point is 00:13:42 So if we can all call. Even I was watching that going, i don't even fucking understand he goes a lot of china a lot of china down there a lot of chinese a lot of chinese but i'll tell you you know there's something about it that's funny is that shane is like a red state guy who comes from like a very working class background. And they detest that. That's the thing that is the great irony of, of the left is that these like left-leaning socialist types, they claim to be championing the working class,
Starting point is 00:14:16 championing the black community. None of their values are at all in line with what the working class or like, do you really think like being sensitive to transgender people is the blacks yeah antonio brown's big on that he was leading a march and but no that's such a good point you know they're so i always say this who do you think the average american has more who did the working class the working class person has more in common with who? A Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump or an Obama. Who can they relate to more? I mean –
Starting point is 00:14:53 Right. And then it's like when you get this tape of Donald Trump, the grab him by the pussy thing, and it's like these elite, you know, like media coastal types trying to talk to the middle of the country and go, aren't youged i mean have you ever heard anything like that and they're like yes every day we all talk that way like what are you what are you saying who are you talking to where do you think pussies are nice enough to be grabbed in hollywood i'm fucking ohio but fucking baltimore but like they're they're talking that way too it's just this act it's like this act that you're supposed to put on in front of the camera. And it's it's it's it reminds me of you remember that that that clip when Patrice was on Fox News and they start going over all the like the angry him and does the whole thing he's like why are you laughing well it's that's who cracks up at it that's who cracks up the camera yeah it's not the guy the best grip guy right yeah but yes that's who's laughing like the fucking worker who's gonna go grab a drink with his boys and they'll be joking like this after the show that's who's laughing at this shit so it's all it's all an act and that's that's the irony it's always been
Starting point is 00:16:02 of socialism it's this elitist philosophy that's always elites who are involved in it who claim they're standing up for the average working man but go go talk to the average worker and see what their views on on trannies are they're not going to line up with you dave who who's this is a famous quote. Who said kill all the intellectuals first? I don't know. Hitler? I think it was Brett Baier on Fox News. No, it was somebody like that.
Starting point is 00:16:36 But it's the one thing I agreed with. It was some dictator. But kill all the intellectuals. Yeah, no, it made a few good points. Kill all the intellectuals, and the Jews are running Applebee's. Oh, yeah, and we're talking to Dave Smith, the very funny libertarian comedian out of New York, and he's got a great podcast, part of the problem, but he's not. He's part of the solution. He's out there taking it in the face every day like me i i knew we were in trouble dave and this was when jay lennon was hosting the tonight show and i know liberals who are going to see this well they're not going to see
Starting point is 00:17:12 they don't watch me they're too close-minded but uh people gonna go oh the poor white guys they always give you that knee-jerk reaction oh you're so oppressed and so shut the fuck up actually we are right now as far as to what we can say not in life but i'm just talking as far as this goes but i was watching uh the tonight show jayla at least lampin alley was at the height of her fame she's on there doing black jokes i mean like you know fucking really racist shit how do you how do you keep uh i don't know how do you stop a black guy had his welfare check under his work boots some shit like jay's cackling and i'm going what the fuck am i watching here that was the first that was uh i mean that was 20 probably i don't know 15 years ago whenever
Starting point is 00:17:58 jay was hot but i'm like how the fuck oh that. She's abroad. Who says she slept with a thousand black guys? And, you know, I'm not going to say that yet. But that's what there's and that's what there's a big reaction against now. And then they like when there's a reaction against it, the left will look at it and be like, oh, look, see Nazis. There's all these Nazis like running around. But it's like, yeah, well, you want to keep lecturing white people. Eventually, what do you think these fucking young white kids are going to do? What do you think this white 20 year old is going to do?
Starting point is 00:18:27 And like, you know, there's a weird thing where it's almost like the logical conclusion of the left is some hardcore right wing shit. Like the logical if you're. Oh, yeah. If we had if we had a the civil rights movement in the mid 60s and you're oh yeah like if we had if we had a uh the civil rights movement in the mid-60s and you're telling me by 2019 after you know ending jim crow integration affirmative action all the pc police stuff you're telling me it's still such a racist country well what's the logical conclusion of that you're like well maybe this multicultural thing can't work then like maybe maybe you can't have
Starting point is 00:19:03 a multiracial society. It's almost like you're, and I'm not saying I agree with that, but it's almost the logical conclusion of the left to go, so then maybe segregation is the answer. Well, they are saying that by having separate graduations at Harvard and separate dorm rooms on college campuses. And fucking Rachel Maddow goes to Rockefeller University,
Starting point is 00:19:21 wherever the fuck that is, sees a wall. They had pictures of a bunch of white guys who graduated from Nobel Prize winners, famous scientists, and she bitches and says, what's with all the white dudes? And they take them down. And I said, okay, well, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:19:36 If you're going to do that, don't complain when I go into the Waffle House down here and start pulling off the Employee of the Month pictures. I'm heading to fucking Motown Museum with a sledgehammer. You guys have a problem with that? What's it all the white do? She's pissed because she's a white dude and she wasn't on the wall. That's my
Starting point is 00:19:53 theory there. Yeah, the double standard. They're shameless. And anyways, I think you and I have got the point across. Anything you want to plug there before I let you go? Oh, I got an hour special, Libertas. It's up at Part of the problem, Legion of Skanks.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Those are my podcasts. There you go. He's really smart and really funny. I was blown away the first time I had you on the radio show. People kept telling me, you've got to have Dave Smith. And I'm like, it's too sharp and too funny. I don't want to look stupid here. But I gave in.
Starting point is 00:20:24 But thanks a lot, Dave. And hopefully we'll have you back real quick. All right, man. Good to talk to you, Nick. Take care. Take care, brother. All right. Well, it's so funny you say that.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I remember living out in Los Angeles when I was doing like Grace Under Fire. Brett Butler became a friend of mine. She was smart as a whip. Lefty, you know, to some extent. Yeah. But I remember we were at dinner. Trader Joe's or whatever the fuck it was called. And my manager, her manager, and we're having dinner.
Starting point is 00:20:49 And the election had just happened. I forget which one in the 90s, Clinton or whatever the fuck. And I bring up how I vote. And she goes, isn't that cute? He thinks his vote counts. And I went, what do you fuck? What do you mean it doesn't count? What are you, a fucking?
Starting point is 00:21:01 And boy, was she right. Yeah. That was in the mid-90s. Yeah, I was just a typical conservative Republican guy that thought the system worked. And you're like, oh, drats, you know, they've got this Clinton guy in there now. Or, oh, yeah, good, we got Bush in there now. Oh, hell, this Clinton guy in there now. Or, oh, yeah, good, we've got Bush in there now. Oh, hell, this Obama guy. And then you realize, like, oh, like you said, it's all scripted.
Starting point is 00:21:30 You check out it. You see these guys are bashing each other. These are life and death issues that they're discussing. And then there's a picture of them with their arms around each other in the Oval Office or in the Senate chamber. And you're like, oh, they're all asshole buddies. And we're the fucking joke. We're the fucking. They must laugh thinking how stupid the American people are
Starting point is 00:21:55 while they do this dance in front of us every two or four years. Yeah. And the Dems said, look, we get to laugh out loud. Your role, Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz, you guys have to pretend. Here's my best analogy ever. I gave it to Gutfeld. I said, the Republicans are the
Starting point is 00:22:13 Washington Generals, the team that travels with the Harlem Globetrotters and feigns to be their competition. That's who the Republicans are. That's your role. Dems are like, we get to tell people how stupid they are, the American people, right be their competition. That's who the Republicans are. That's your role. Dems are like, we get to tell people how stupid they are, the American people, right to their faces. You guys have to pretend to defend those idiots.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And like you said, then they all go have a beer together. That's where I'm at. My wife, she dragged me down to vote in the primaries here. I didn't even know they were, you know. It's like a Tuesday. My wife's going, we got to go. Go where? It's right down the street.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So I didn't want to fucking have a 10-minute fight. I go, you really think? I said, they hijacked the fucking presidential election. You think this is no dirty shit? And you're going to drag me to the? So I go in there. I recognize about three names. You know, Herschel Walker.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah, you fucking great football player. Herschel Walker's on there couple like camp I'm like I don't even like them even the guys I'm supposed to like I don't you know and then I there was a whole bunch of things you vote on I just went Republican Republican which is you know part of the problem everybody just votes party what do you want me to
Starting point is 00:23:18 vote Democrat they're calling me a piece of shit I'm a terrorist I'm a domestic domestic terrorist you're the problem you know the the whole uh you know we've seen that also the the greatest uh terrorist threat to america now is uh white uh young white men and and then you know they keep shitting on uh a group of people and then when they lose their fucking minds and do something atrocious they wonder what happened we need a motive here what happened well for an entire a couple of generations
Starting point is 00:23:51 you've been telling these people they suck they're the evil they're the the cause of every problem we have in this country and then when they lose their fucking mind and go on a tear with a gun you go well we just got to figure this out. What's going on? What could be the problem? When's the last time a white guy really did something horrible racially? I mean, the kid that shot up the church in South Carolina. But again, fucking cuckoo.
Starting point is 00:24:20 And they'll say that, oh, yeah, you always say, you know, well, it is an isolated incident compared to what goes on in the black community. Oh, yeah. Mass shootings happen every weekend in Chicago. If the definition is four people, the fuck, that's a Wednesday night in Chicago. You had the guy that shot up the grocery store in Buffalo, here in New York. And then our interim governor, because Cuomo is such a piece of shit, they had to throw him out.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And this woman steps in the seat like she got elected. Like she actually was elected. And we all went, yeah, good. We love your ideas. We elected you. She slides into the seat, and she's making all kinds of legislation now gun legislation which is hilarious do you know in new york state uh we already have had an assault weapon ban since 2013 nine years we've had a large capacity magazine ban we've had in-depth
Starting point is 00:25:21 background checks these are all things in place in New York for nine years. And this guy was able to get an AR-15 and shoot up a friggin' store and kill ten black people. And now they want a federal law that is the same as New York that has proven it doesn't work because we just saw what happened.
Starting point is 00:25:42 But the left is so stupid, they'll look at that, and this is how they think. even with all those laws we have in the books it's not enough instead of saying the real problem oh they went around the laws it doesn't matter what the laws are because outlaws are outlaws but they go oh we need more laws on top of the ones that don't work no it doesn't you can have a trillion laws covering everything that's what makes people outlaws i can't believe that they don't get that. Or they're the greatest actors in the world. I guess they really don't.
Starting point is 00:26:10 You can't act for 40 years and believe that we need more gun crime. Maybe you can. I just, are you that dumb, really? Seriously. They think, you know, and the problem with the school security, they want, you know, they think somehow they're going to keep the guns out of these mental patients' hands. And the truth of the matter is the schools have to really be secured. They need, you know, $40 billion we sent to Ukraine might have been better spent making sure these schools are secured and locked down and maybe cameras buzzers whatever it takes and
Starting point is 00:26:45 maybe some armed personnel on but the protecting of the schools is the important part they want to put the onus on the mental patient now hey we made a new law you now you nuts you can't do this now you're not allowed to go into this well what would you rather your kid uh have his safety in the hands of the nut that's gonna get the gun anyway there's 400 million of them in this country 400 million guns or uh real security for these schools like you would with the bank or any other place where your valuables are stored but they don't want to it's it doesn't matter. It's not about the kids' safety. It's not really about that. It's about disarming the American
Starting point is 00:27:29 people so they can't do what Ukraine is doing to fucking Russia. That's right. That's exactly right. They go, we don't have the money to put an armed officer at every school. You know how many schools there are? Yeah, but you just sent $40 billion to Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:27:45 What the fuck are you talking about? And that's the answer, by the way. You harden the schools. There's plenty of retired guys that could use a job. And I like the people that go, I don't want my kids' teacher to have a gun. Okay, hold on. So what you're saying is
Starting point is 00:28:01 somebody breaks in with a machine gun into your kid's classroom, you'd rather have nobody there armed. Yeah. That's all you're saying is somebody breaks in with a machine gun into your kid's classroom, you'd rather have nobody there armed. Yeah. That's all you do. You ask direct questions like that, and they go, nga, nga, nga, nga, nga. You know. They can't come up with an answer.
Starting point is 00:28:17 They do. And that is what they say. I don't want the school to turn into some armed camp. They always take it to the umpteenth level of hyperbole. It's always, you know, if one person on campus has a concealed weapon, it's, you know, an army of people are in the school butting the kids in the bridge of the nose with the fucking rifle. They can't.
Starting point is 00:28:42 They're like children. They speak in terms like children they exaggerate things they want it their way they're willing to to change the rules mid-game because they're losing uh and again where the fuck are the republicans to to answer this no they're plotting going wow this is going the uh i'd be the only reason i'd be a little nervous if my kid had, if I had kids in, like, middle school, which I don't. I'm 78. I'd be, I always bring it up. Boy, I'm glad I don't have kids today.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And I go, if I did, they'd be fucking 45. What am I thinking? I'm 60. I act like they're being first and second grade. But I'd be a little nervous with these teachers today having guns if I had a kid in the classroom because they might shoot him if he misgenders somebody. That's a they. You hear that? He wants to be called they.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Ping, pang. Ping, pow. Yeah, they surveyed. These polls, I don't believe them anyway. 75% of teachers said they wouldn't want to carry a gun in school. Now that just shows you how liberal the stupid teachers are.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And again, your point, wouldn't you rather, I was watching a movie last night, I do this all the time, whenever I'm watching a movie and there's a couple in a house and they hear something and you know shit's going to hit the fan, I go, bet that guy wished he had a gun in the night table right now. Movie would be over.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Goes out, he waits, boom, shoots the bad guy. But there he is with a golf club or something or one of those scenes. It worked out. You want a gun. You want a fucking gun. Oh, my. That's hilarious. That is fucking.
Starting point is 00:30:24 You know when they're writing the script for the movie, they go, you know, this could be settled with a gun eight minutes in. We can't have that. We have to make them living in this. I don't know. They're living in Northern California in San Leandro. They don't believe in that shit. We'll put a dildo next to the bed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Just smack him in the face a few times. Like an old blackjack. And the other thing about the mass shooting, we're talking to the great Anthony Comia, of course. And the other thing about the mass shootings is, and I believe this, the coverage, obviously, because the media is liberal, they hate guns. The coverage is just around the clock for whatever because they love anything that's anti-gun and and now we have a generation a couple generations of kids out there we're so media driven in this country everybody wants to be a star even i'm doing a podcast um what do you mean even what does that even mean um everybody wants to be you know these young kids just want
Starting point is 00:31:23 to be famous and if they got a screw loose you read some of the shit they write before they go on it. They want to go out as somebody because they're nobody. And I don't want to hear bullying again every time there's a mass shooting. One of them is picked on. I picked on a lot of people when I was in school. I got picked on by a kid, you know, three grades above me. But people have been bullied their whole lives, and there's been guns around. So something else is in the mix there.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah, I think you're absolutely right. It's this craving for fame and materialism and shit like that. And years ago, when you just had a circle of friends and people you knew from school, it was a pretty small bubble of people that you dealt with on a daily basis. And maybe there was one guy that was doing very well, another guy, you know, but you were mostly just middle-class pieces of shit going in the woods to smoke some cigarettes
Starting point is 00:32:21 and drink some beers on the weekends. But they've gotten to the point now where they can see so many people that have gotten so much money from TikTok and Instagram and YouTube and all these platforms that they perform on, whatever it is, lip syncing a fucking song for five seconds. And they go, well, why don't i have that why why how come so many people are doing so well with this and i don't have it there is this envy and jealousy and resentment and and then again like i said you couple that with well you're a piece of shit you're the source of all the sorrow in this country how the fuck do not more kids not lose their fucking mind
Starting point is 00:33:06 i don't know i mean the internet is uh pretty damn corrosive especially at that age their minds they're so impressionable and they're still forming uh you know and they they don't know what they're doing and and they all that is the one common thread. These fucking, they're odd kids that shoot up the, it is mental illness, but we're a country of 350 million people. What are you going to have neurological workups for everybody every fucking couple weeks? You got to put guys in front of the school with guns. That's going to stop a normal person, a crazy motherfucker. It's a deterrent. It's that easy, it's a deterrent.
Starting point is 00:33:46 It's that easy, you faggots. Put a fucking cannon in front of the gym. What's the matter with these people? Yeah, they don't seem to understand that. They want to trust that the nut job won't procure a gun because it's illegal. Great strategy you got
Starting point is 00:34:02 there. I just got a few more minutes with the great Anthony. Hey, uh, I want your thoughts on the death of Ray Liotta. Boy, that fucking, huh? That kind of hit home. Yeah. You know, you, you, you, you kind of, um, watch these guys in movies. He was always one of the coolest guys that good, good fellas, by the way, obviously one
Starting point is 00:34:23 of the greatest movies ever made, even though that fucking Jadrul fucking De Niro is in it now. I can't stand that son of a bitch. He just said something else stupid yesterday, didn't he? What the fuck was it about? I don't even know. He was on, I think he was on
Starting point is 00:34:40 Colbert. He was on Colbert. And he's just the worst talk show guest ever. He sits there and Colbert's, you know, you gotta kiss his ass because he's De Niro. And he's like, oh, just you know, what do you think? You don't get very political, do you?
Starting point is 00:34:56 That's kind of a joke because he's been you know, I'll punch him in the mouth. And he goes, you don't get very political. He goes, no, no, I don't. Just pulling teeth. You know, no. No, I don't. Just pulling teeth. You know, Nick, what it's like when you have a guest and you're pulling fucking teeth to have him say anything. Help me out here, Hendrick. Help me out.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I'm trying to do a podcast. And he's always been like that. Remember fucking I remember Rickles after they shot Casino. Rickles was talking about being interviewed years later about working with De Niro. He said, dope. Rickles was like, fucking dope.
Starting point is 00:35:31 He said about two words. Just what you just did. They're stupid. That's what makes them good actors, by the way. They're devoid of any actual personality, ideology, anything. And a writer puts words in their head, and a director tells them where to stand and how to move and shit.
Starting point is 00:35:53 And when they don't have that, that's why they're great actors. They're devoid of any humanity. You could not possibly carry on a conversation with these people. That is the absolute truth. You know, that's the tradeoff you get when you get, oh, wow, I love De Niro in this and Taxi Driver and Mean Streets and Goodfellas. And you're like, oh, that's what you got. Huh. Well, sometimes.
Starting point is 00:36:20 But Leota, yeah, I had the pleasure of having Ray Leota as a guest on the OA show years ago. I thought so. And just fun to talk to. Always willing to talk about good fellas and certain scenes that you were curious about what was going on behind the scenes on it and everything. And, yeah, just one of those cool guys. And, you know, he's down there in the Dominican Republic filming a movie. I'm sure he got the best of medical care while down there. It's a shame.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah, I heard his estate is suing a witch doctor. The fucking guy showed up and put leeches on his chest for 20 minutes. Yeah, it turns out the witch doctor put on the wrong mask for the uh the ritual he was supposed to do it happens down there what a horrible uh you go out in the dominican republic so did arturo gatti where was he in the dominican he was somewhere remember arturo gatti the boxer oh yeah yeah and his they someone else recently died in the dominican republic too another guy that was uh i guy that was an actor or something. Or a sports figure.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Desi Arnaz. Yeah, it's, I don't know. Why the fuck are you going down there? I didn't even get off the ship when they stopped there on one of the cruises. I was like, oh, Dominican Republic. Yeah, I'll stay here in the casino on the boat. Thank you. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:42 What the fuck? Why don't you just take a cab uptown to 180th and Washington you'll be in the Dominican Republic in five minutes what's the matter with these people Henry uh all right and I've kept you long enough I can't wait till you get down here oh I know I'm you know I know you know uh you know who else is moving down to the Greenville area? Please tell me it's Alyssa Milano. I just gave him my realtor's number. It's Mr. Gavin McInnes. He wants to get out of there and move down south.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Does the feds know that you, I, me, you, and him will be in the same region? Is that even allowed? It's good. They'll look at the playbook for fucking Waco or Ruby Ridge on how to deal with the three of us, I guess. Didn't Gavin McGinnis start Vice? Yeah, yeah. He started Vice many years ago. And it was kind of a liberal thing, like the true aspect of liberalism. Against the government, against the powers that be.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I was going to say. Funny, sarcastic, parody. Right. Things like that. Yeah, and then it turns into whatever the fuck it is now. It's really, I mean, it's just the opposite. When I see shit, what's funny because I finally got my money. Vice came down here to interview me about Brett Butler.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Oh, shit. Why were they doing that? Oh, they're doing a big thing on famous comedians or whatever. So they come, Brett Butler gave Vice my name, and they came down, and I get all defensive right away. I'm like, I know these motherfuckers are going to. Yeah. Even my manager, Tommy, is so smart.
Starting point is 00:39:18 He goes, listen, just stick to Brett Butler, because what they're going to ask you, they're going to ask you about Geraldo and Louis, and they're going to try to get three episodes out of you, which is so smart. And sure enough, I brought up Louis for a second. They're like, can we talk? I go, no, you can't. We can't.
Starting point is 00:39:33 My manager was exactly right. But they were very nice to me. They were very nice. The only problem was I just got my money yesterday. I did it over a month ago. This morning it came in. Did they pay good? Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, it wasn't. Yeah, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Better than getting on a plane and doing Uncle Funny's and fucking skid marks in North Dakota. Yeah, so that's that. Well, Ant, I can't thank you enough, buddy, for coming through.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Love it, Nick. Love coming on and venting with the great Nick DiPaolo. We've got to do it more often. I have nobody else to talk to down here. You'd think I'd be surrounded by rednecks, but Savannah's kind of liberal. There's colleges here and all kinds of crap. Yeah, yeah. As soon as I can get a fucking microwave oven and some interior doors, I'll be down there.
Starting point is 00:40:21 All right, brother. Good talking to you, uh let's do it again absolutely nick be well have a good weekend you too buddy take care the great anthony comia ladies and gentlemen great way to uh wrap up the day don't forget to sign up at the comics and if you want me to roast a friend or relative go to cameo dot com click on it, it'll tell you how to do it and I'll make a little recording, we'll send it to them you guys think and I'll say it
Starting point is 00:40:53 you're very welcome, we'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time, have a good day everybody guitar solo作詞・作曲・編曲 初音ミクサブタイトル キミノミヤ

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