The Nick DiPaolo Show - Belligerent Biden Goes Ballistic | Nick Di Paolo Show #314

Episode Date: March 11, 2020

Biden was always a jerk. Italy struggling with Coronavirus. Weinstein sentenced to 23 years. Thank you Daniel B for your "Ask Nick!" question and for being a valued Patron! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #...Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Yo, what it is, what it was. Just trying to get along in a black man's world, know what I'm saying? Hi. Speaking of black men, what are you guys doing, black people? I love you, but you're fucking voting Biden in as the nominee? What are you doing? He's an old white guy.
Starting point is 00:00:50 You hate old white guys. Jesus Christ, this is the guy that would tell you to get out of his neighborhood, and you're fucking swarming over him. Why? Because he had Obama's back? He's a fucking, this guy is an absolute shithead. Just an elitist asshole. He was back in the 80s when he had his marbles. Now he's a fucking double douche. You guys are sucking his old wrinkled white ass. What are you doing? And I know your answer is, well, what's our other
Starting point is 00:01:20 choice, Bernie? Good point. But I'm just saying, man. Good lordy, lordy, lordy. Anyways, Biden wins Michigan last night. 125 delegates. He's putting the stake in the heart of the Marxist communist socialist Bernie, former vice president's victory there, as well as a victory in Missouri and Mississippi, dealt a serious blow to the old Jew. What? And substantially widened Biden's path to the nomination. He said when they told him that, what are we doing? What's going on right now? What's that, Joe? What are we doing? What's going on right now? Biden again showed strength to the working class voters and African-Americans who are vital to winning the Democrat nomination. Sanders hopes rested on Idaho.
Starting point is 00:02:11 He couldn't get whiter than North Dakota. Washington state has some white states up in there where votes were still being tabulated. But, you know, very few delegates addressing supporters in Philly. Biden noted that many had declared that his candidacy was dead. No, we said you were dead. Brain dead. You dumb fuck. You're still not going to be the not.
Starting point is 00:02:31 You're going to win it and they're going to replace you or use you as a puppet. You know, Chuck Schumer is going to put his hand in Pelosi right up your ass like Jim Henson did with Miss Piggy and just make you say whatever they want. It's going to be hilarious. Only days ago, they said we were dead, but we're very much alive. And he thanks Sanders supporters back hoping to get their support. We need you. We want you. And there's a place in our campaign for each of you. Sounds like an anniversary card I wrote my wife. Speaking of that, what's the date? Oh, fuck. What do we got, the 11th? Fuddruckers, here we come with our own wine. We need you. We want you. There's a place in our campaign for you. Oh, my God. Liar, liar, whore, liar liar whore liar whore you know uh both candidates
Starting point is 00:03:27 abruptly canceled rallies in ohio that was scheduled for tuesday these do you understand these guys are prime candidates to get coronavirus because they're in their late thousands sanders campaign also uh said all future events would be decided on a case-by-case basis given public health concerns while Biden called off a scheduled event in Florida. Of course he did. He doesn't want to do it anyways. He's happy about this shit. Right now he's sitting in his fucking robe and slippers at noontime having an Ovaltine. Excuse me. The Democrat national committee also said that sunday's debate between sanders and biden would be conducted without an audience that scares biden because biden's at his best when he's bullshitting or bullying somebody who asked him a question we have evidence of that
Starting point is 00:04:19 coming up um but he's going to be you know what that means he has to debate bernie and there's no setup unless they you know what they'll do i'll let me make a prediction they're going to be you know what that means he has to debate Bernie and there's no setup unless they you know what they'll do oh let me make a prediction they're gonna fucking have people Skype in they'll do something so Joe doesn't have to debate the points one-on-one you know Mary writes in from Camden New Jersey Joe are you ret retired or just old? You know, but they'll come up with something, I guarantee. There were other major warning signs for Sanders last night. He again struggled to win support of black voters, which makes, you know, I'm kind of glad black people don't want somebody who's going to give free shit away. That's a big change from years ago.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Don't take that the wrong way, folks. My producer's black. I can say anything I want. Mississippi Democrat primary voters were African-American. Three quarters of them supported Biden. And I don't know what you're thinking about. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. One of the few bright notes for Sanders was his strength among young voters. But even that has a downside because they didn't turn out enough to keep him competitive. No, because they're smoking weed now. They can get it anywhere. They're like, what?
Starting point is 00:05:32 What time's the booth, though? What? Seven o'clock tonight? I can't do that. I'm going to fucking play Halo or some faggy shit with Billy. and play Halo or some faggy shit with Billy. Anyways, according to the AP analysis, Biden picked up at least 113 new delegates,
Starting point is 00:05:56 51 in Michigan, 34 in Missouri, 28 in Mississippi. So he's blowing this thing fucking wide open. Sanders has vowed not to drop out regardless of Tuesday's results and frequently railed against the Democrat establishment that he says has aligned against him. But Bernie, it might be. After the lights, the party's over. Biden has no public event scheduled for Wednesday, and though he's celebrating a growing
Starting point is 00:06:20 delicate lead, he's still confronting voters who question his positions, which include a gun control plan that reinstates an assault weapons ban and includes a voluntary buyback program for assault weapons. And you guys must have seen this by now. He got into it on the floor of a, you know, a fucking auto plant in Michigan, Detroit workers. He got into this guy about gun control. And watch how pompous and I love this. That kid took him on. This kid took him on and he's just thin skinned. And this isn't something that, you know, this isn't a recent development with Biden.
Starting point is 00:07:03 He's always been a thin skinned, insecure guy. And we'll show footage of him back in 87 when he fucking was lying about his resume. I mean, yeah, yeah. But here he is getting into it with. And I remind you, and I'm glad this kid brought it up. Joe Biden works for us, but look how he treats people. Go ahead. Joe Biden works for us.
Starting point is 00:07:24 But look how he treats people. Go ahead. You intend on getting the union vote when there's a large portion of the union workers that are gun enthusiasts. And you are actively trying to diminish your second amendment right and take away our guns. You're full of shit. Pause. You're full of shit. This is a guy that a taxpayer, hardworking dude. You're full of shit.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Now, as I hear about how belligerent Trump is and stuff, show me a clip of him saying that to a voter. You're full of shit. Biden is everything that the anti-Trump people accuse Trump of being. He's belligerent. We have clips of him making fun of Indians that work at gas stations. Remember when Obama was a nominee, he said he's clean and eloquent. How fucking racist is that?
Starting point is 00:08:12 And in this, watch this. He's going to tell this woman to hush. Go ahead. No, no, shush. Shush. Shush. I support the Second Amendment. Second Amendment, just like right now, if if you yell fire that's not free speech
Starting point is 00:08:25 what what from the very beginning i have a shotgun i have a 20 gauge a 12 gauge guess what you're not allowed to own any weapons i'm not taking your gun away at all you need 100 rounds when you said you're gonna take our guns i did not say that that's not i did not say that video it's a viral video like the other ones are putting out that they're saying your voice I did not say that. I did not say that. It's a viral video like the other ones are putting out that are simply a lie. Your voice, you said that you're taking the gun. He just clarified it. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Take the AR-14s. Hold on, hold on. Hey, I'm talking to you. There's a lot of guys. A lot of guys want to do this. I'm not working for you. Give me a break, man. Don't be such a horse. Pause. I'm not working for you, man. Don't be such a horse's ass.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Pause. I'm not working for you, man. Don't be such a horse's ass. Fucking belligerent old man who's out of his mind. I'm no Bernie Sanders fan, but holy shit. These are the choices. A socialist and a fucking guy who should be in a nursing home. It's almost kind of sad the Democrat Party's, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:28 the DNC's behind him because they're going to control him like a puppet. There's no way it can work. He just, if he has to speak for more than three minutes, he makes an asshole of himself. I mean, my dad has Alzheimer's. Late stage Alzheimer's, they start getting belligerent. This fucking guy, I want to see him in 10 years. He's going to be shooting nurses.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And here's the kid that, and I love this kid, hard Michigan guy. Nice fucking, hey, I like to shoot deer and drink beer with my white friends in the woods all weekend. Beard. It's a hell of a beard. Looks like a relief pitch of any team in the majors but i love that this guy got his face uh and and and fucking uh at one point boyden uh biden points his finger the man's face and complains you're pushing up on me you're pushing up on me what a bitch oh for you anyways uh, the auto worker who confronted the guy said he went off the deep end.
Starting point is 00:10:30 The kid's name is Jerry Wayne. How about a hand for Jerry? He's a Molly Hatchet fan, a Ted Nugent fan and likes meth. No. In an interview on Fox and Friends, Jerry Wayne said that originally he had no idea Biden was even going to be taking questions when he visited the Fiat Chrysler auto plant in Detroit. I also asked him how he wanted to get the vote of the working man when a lot of us,
Starting point is 00:10:57 we wield arms. We bear arms. We like to do that. And if he wants to give us work and take a guns, I don't see how he's going to get the same vote. It's kind of a clear thinking question, isn't it? You're full of shit. Biden, you don't keep.
Starting point is 00:11:14 If he starts to keep cursing and shit, I'm going to start to like him. I always like people who flood like Bill Clinton. I like that. He did blow in a bad temper. He choked women. No. The last part I kid. Anyways, Wayne shot shot back you're working for me man biden fucking just biden pointing at wayne as they were inches apart in the middle of the crowd said he's not working
Starting point is 00:11:37 with him told him don't be such a horse's ass don't say a fucking word to me i'll get up and i'll bury this telephone in your head uh wayne said that well he didn't think biden's use of profanity was something to beat the candidate up about of course not that's what i like about this guy too uh he could have curbed what he said a little bit what you could you're talking about it he says i mean i guess technically speaking he can say whatever he wants but he was the vice president he wants to be the president now you are a candidate. You work for the American people. I don't even think by,
Starting point is 00:12:08 they don't even realize that they've, they've forgotten. They're drunk on power, the ruling class. And if you can't understand that, then you don't deserve to have a leg in the race. He couldn't be more right. You are correct, sir. I really don't think guys like Biden have been in DC so long. They forget who they friggin work for. He's an elitist ass. Like I said, it's not a recent development.
Starting point is 00:12:36 We have footage of him. Before we show you that, I want to thank the contributors. Contributions. Again, folks, this is what keeps the show going now because it's free four days a week. iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, iCloud, your sister's cloud, my mother's hat, all that other fucking horseshit. Please contribute at Click on the contact button for one-time contributions. I want to thank Rob Big H8R, which would be Hater Baxter, South Carolina. David Zwadik, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Robin Kowalewki, Michigan. Peter Uwe, Virginia. Dwight Homan, California. Paul, uh, what? I should get this. It's Italian. Mosch Skinny, California. James Selesky, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And then we had another monthly contributor, that's Patreon, JJK. I want to thank you guys. This is the lifeblood of the show now, alright? Me doing stand-up of the week, it ain't covering my nut. You know, I live in a 400 fucking bedroom, 38 bathroom
Starting point is 00:13:40 mansion in Wuhan. Anyhow, thank you so much. Seriously. And again, if you want to sponsor the show, you have a company. Hit me up at We'll have a conversation about that. And again, your other option is Patreon.
Starting point is 00:13:55 If you want to get an extra story that nobody else gets and have the ability to ask me a question during the show, you go to, you know, sign up at Patreon. And you get access to all the shows we've done previously. Back to this horseshit. Beto, hell yes, O'Rourke endorsement has Joe Biden fending off allegation that he's a gun grabber, which we just saw. That's Joe when he was vice president in the backyard, shooting coffee cans with the Beto O'Rourke endorsement at a Dallas honky tonk on the eve of Super Tuesday gave Biden a huge jolt in Texas last week. But it also came at a price associating him with a demand for mandatory buybacks of assault style weapons that came back to bite him on two. And again, with assault style weapons, they throw around the term assault weapons.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Nobody can even define what it is. We know one thing. It's not an AR-14. Don't come after my AR-6, Joe, or a real beef. Did he even do 14? He even gets that wrong. Sometimes I think he does it on purpose. AR-6, Joe, or a real beef. Did he even do AR-14? He even gets that wrong. Sometimes I think he does it on purpose.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But here's why this guy like that got in his face at the Detroit plant. Here's why this is happening, Joe, because of shit like this. I want to make something clear. I'm going to guarantee you this is not last year's scene of this guy. You're going to take care of the gun problem with me. You're going to be the one who leads this effort. I'm counting on you. Oh, is that right?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Now we have Beto O'Rourke. Do you remember what he said right before he dropped out of his sad little fucking, you know, was born to do this campaign remember these words hell yes we're gonna take your ar-15 your ak-47 we're not gonna allow it to be used against pause yeah so do you see when biden comes out and goes this is the boy i'm gonna put in charge of guns do you see why he's getting some pushback and then denying it? You heard stupid. Beto O'Rourke. Fucking idiot. Have you torn down that wall yet between El Paso and Mexico? You cheese dick. He was all fired up because of the shooting at the Walmart. Again, blaming the gun and not the fucking idiot that used it. Gun rights are a perennial topic in presidential campaigns. Republican and gun right groups pronounced O'Rourke, hell yes, comment after Rampage
Starting point is 00:16:31 Walmart in his hometown left 22 people calling evidence that Democrats would readily trample on the Second Amendment. How do you deny it when you say, I'm going to put this guy in charge? I'm going to guarantee you this is not the last you've seen of this guy. Pointing to his wife, said Biden. You're going to take care of the gun problem with me because I can't do it on my own. I've told so many lies about the second amendment. I can't keep them straight.
Starting point is 00:17:01 You're 40 years younger than me. Well, I'm going to let you do it. Let you take the heat. So he's counting on Beto O'Rourke. Problem. You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White on King Jamrag, our King Spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me. I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Not this time. By saying he'll put O'Rourke in charge of all this, Biden has gone all in against American freedom. You know who said that? The editor-in-chief of the NRA publication, America's First Freedom. So anyhow, don't act like Biden, don't act like you don't know where this pushback's coming from.
Starting point is 00:17:40 You know? That's like putting Harvey Weinstein in charge of a fucking modeling agency. Yes, is that guy that's going to take care of all the pussy? It's got a great record. Oh, look, as I'm talking, a new request on Cameo from Megan Turner is another eleven dollars. Now I want to show you when I keep saying Biden, this isn't a recent development that he's a lying cocksucker. I'm old enough. I'm 58. Remember back in the 80s when they when he tried to run for president and he shit the bed in New Hampshire, they found he plagiarized shit in college. Then he plagiarized a speech as a as a senator and just all around really kind of a corrupt guy.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And we're not even bringing into the fact Burisma and his son on the fucking, you know, the Ukraine crooked energy company that his son made. How much if I fucking billion dollars on new hampshire let's take you back 1987 here's joe biden at a little uh you know press conference excuse me and uh somebody questions in the audience wants to know where he went to college and, you know, where he graduated in law school and shit, and listen to the confidence and watch the defensiveness like we're witnessing today with Biden. And this is when he had his marbles.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You can't blame this on senility or the coronavirus. This guy's just a dick from the word go. Watch this. He lied about his academic record. What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class? I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. The only one in my in my class to have a full academic scholarship. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees
Starting point is 00:19:47 from undergraduate school and 165 credits. Only needed 123 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours if you'd like, Frank. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Do you hear his first comeback? I have a higher IQ than you. What are you,
Starting point is 00:20:04 six? You know what I mean? And all those are proven wrong. He didn't have three degrees. He had two. Graduated in the bottom half, not the top half. Just fucking, all the shit was proven, a bunch of baloney. So that's who you guys, he's going to be the nominee are you guys not interested like me how this is going to play out
Starting point is 00:20:30 seriously he's clearly not fit to be out in public and making speeches and stuff I know there's something going on behind this who's he going to put on the ticket because that's going to and I don't know how it works, because while you're running for president, let's say they decide Biden isn't fit, right? Who gets the crack at the nomination? Bernie, because he came in second. Or after you drop out, you're officially out of it and whoever's on your ticket replaces you,
Starting point is 00:21:05 like when you become president and the vice president replaces you? I'm not even sure how that works. You know why? Because I'm a fucking comedian. I'm not Alan Dershowitz here. But, you know, I could have Googled it, but that takes a lot of fucking time and effort. I'm watching the investigative network and how to push women into vans behind restaurants at 3 in the morning. I got shit to do.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Plus, I'm still burning up. I think I have a touch of Corona. Just a touch. Just the backwash of the bottle of a Corona book. Fucking woke up again early this morning, back of my neck like a puddle. What is that? I don't know what is it that's eating deep dish pizza after you shook a hundred hands
Starting point is 00:21:51 I'm going to have to kick any Asians out of my show I don't think one's ever showed up to my show actually not true in New York was so funny when I did those clubs in New York City I had a table of Indians they all love me folks even the pd so so-called uh you know put upon minorities are sick of the pc horse shit they're really tired of it let's get on to the coronavirus since i'm coughing up lung custard uh what's going on in my home country of Italy? My home country.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Been there once for a week. What's going on with my peeps back in the homeland? Like I said, my brother had a good point. He goes, for Christ's sake, everybody's 80 in Italy, and the first thing they do is hug and kiss each other. It actually makes good... Europe, Western Europe, Italy, everybody's 80 in Italy, and the first thing they do is hug and kiss each other. It actually makes good... Europe, Western Europe, Italy, Germany, all these countries, very old populations.
Starting point is 00:22:50 No doubt about it. Young minorities are happy about this corona thing. You're like, we can get these old white fucks finally. These white European fucking genocidal maniacs. Anyways, more than a hundred... Excuse me. More than 10,000 people in Italy have the coronavirus. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Look at it. The carousel crows. The carousel crows. The Coliseum of crows. We cannot get in. Are those Asian? I can't even tell. I've been to the Coliseum. Unbelievable. It's like being in Gillette Stadium. It's crazy what went on.
Starting point is 00:23:40 They kept the fucking slaves down below, whoever they were feeding the lions, the Christians. Fucking creepy, man. I say we bring it back. A total of 631 people have died from the virus in Italy.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Up from 463 the day before. Bye-bye, dickhead. Ciao. On bye, dickhead. Ciao. On Monday, the country extended a lockdown to include the entire nation after some 16 million people
Starting point is 00:24:15 in the country's red zone in Venice, Milan were ordered to isolate on Sunday. We all have to announce something for the good of Italy, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said. I swear on my grandchildren's eyes. If my grandson should so much as shit blood, cough up a lungy, then I am going to blame some people in Wuhan.
Starting point is 00:24:45 That being said, I will not be the one that breaks the peace here today. Give me a big hug here, fucking. He says, Italy's government has urged residents not to leave their homes unless they're going to work. Well, duh, to visit a doctor or for necessary grocery items. Necessary grocery items in Italy. I wonder if there's any ziti left on the shelf. A total of 10,149 people have contracted the virus in the country since the outbreak hit. Fuck, in Italy.
Starting point is 00:25:20 That really is, though. So nobody goes there. And it's going to get worse, folks. I know. Exponentially, you just do the math. You know what I mean? I was reading an article. I can't do the whole, but you know, two people come over, they give it to two people and you just do the math and shit. But again, I'm not that nervous because I'm not 110 and I have some red and white blood cells that are still healthy, I think. But I'm talking to Glenn Beck.
Starting point is 00:25:45 He goes, well, relax. You're not exactly. He goes, and I go, you're right. I'm fucking 58. I keep thinking I'm like in my early 30s like Raz. I could die from fucking scabies or a dandruff, according to Glenn Beck. I go to Glenn. Look who's talking.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I said, you got a white beard and snow white hair. So I'm going to get on a plane this week. I mean, I'm asking for it, folks. You might as well take the coronavirus and a syringe and stick in the head of my cock. You people come out to my goobies this week and I'll be pussies. You're supposed to be like Trump supporters. We fight this shit. I'll be selling DePaulo podcast masks after the show.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Oh, here you go. Here's a, I don't know, where was this? I don't even know. Michigan, Detroit. I'm just guessing from the, but the poor parents there trying to protect the kids before they're going to work. And the woman I'm about to show you, I think she's auditioning. They're going gonna do a remake of good times and uh not thelma who was the funny neighbor remember the woman razz look how racist
Starting point is 00:26:52 i'm being come on rag your black um what the fuck was the name i loved her i had a crush on her 14 years old uh but watch this black woman trying to protect her kids. even sprayed them with disinfectant spray. Look at that. I washed my shoes and back down when I got them out of the school. Sure did. Got them flushed. Sure did. Parents are doing this. A translator, please. An employee who works at Trouble Mill Elementary came in contact with a person who tested positive
Starting point is 00:27:35 for the coronavirus in Memphis. Some took more. Who? Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Listen to the guy who's watching it on TV. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Don't nobody want that kid. No, no, but don't don't want. No, no, nobody want that kid sick. She will own her. She's trying to fucking get the role of will own her on the remake of Good Times. Don't nobody want their kids in that's like I was watching during what was the last really bad hurricane or I don't know I can't remember but they were
Starting point is 00:28:14 interviewing a black man she goes ain't nobody got time for this it's a fucking natural desire ain't nobody got time for this oh you gotta feel for these parents, though. You really, what do you do? You send it, you know, they're wrapping the kid up.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Fuck. I can't wait for my moment to be on the news at Black. Oh, Rez. They really turn it up a notch, don't they? I think it's on purpose. It is on purpose. She's entertaining. If I, I'd fucking like, if I had a show, matter of fact, sidekick right here.
Starting point is 00:28:43 How funny would me and her be together? I want to eventually do that. Ain't nobody get time to be a sidekick. I got to wrap my kid in duct tape and whatnot. Send the motherfucker to school. She said something about school shooter with gloves and shit. You need subtitles. But they turn it up a notch.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Raz is right. They fucking, they crack me up. Who's they, Nick? You know who I'm talking about. The people on the news. From one funny minority to another. Excuse me. How about this? The owner of a 7-Eleven in New Jersey
Starting point is 00:29:24 looking to make a few bucks on the coronavirus outbreak sold a homemade sanitizing spray that burned four children. I don't mean to laugh, but I do. Manisha Baraid. I'd love to do a story where it was Jane Thomas or fucking Sally Struthers or Peggy Thomas. Every story is like, sent her kids to school where her teacher, Manisha Barad, 47, was issued a summons on charges of endangering the welfare of children and deceptive business practices for mixing foaming sanitizer,
Starting point is 00:30:01 fear of children and deceptive business practices for mixing foaming sanitizer not intended for resale with water and packaging the mixture in bottles sold in her Rivervale store. Where was this? New Jersey? Of course. Let me be perfectly
Starting point is 00:30:18 clear. This is a person talking to local authority. There she is. Well, she doesn't look crazy. What are you fucking kidding me? She looks like every woman on the investigative network I watch that kills her husband while they're sleeping and poisons their fish. She's actually just trying to help out. But why would you buy that? Can't you tell she put that together in the garage? The fuck? Have you ever seen any ingredients on it on it yeah i wrote him on a band-aid
Starting point is 00:30:46 why would you buy that let me be clear the somebody said if you try to take advantage of our residents during a public health emergency we will hold you accountable uh you know who said new jersey attorney general uh gabriel growell retailers who try to make a quick buck by exploiting others will face civil and criminal consequences. An apparent chemical reaction from Braid's concoction left four young boys, three 10-year-olds and an 11-year-old with burns. Police responded to the 7-Eleven after the photos of the bogus products were posted to
Starting point is 00:31:21 social media, along with a boy who had burns to his arms and legs. They think Charlie Sheen had something to do. No. One of the 10 year old victims expected to make a full recovery after being released from a hospital. Of course, it's not like he swallowed battery acid. While the other three boys were less severely burned in all 14 bottles of mixture was sold to customers, five of which have been turned over to Rivervale police. Additional tests will be done to determine the exact makeup of the homemade sanitizer. She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. Oh, she's trying to make a living, bitch. Shut your mouth.
Starting point is 00:31:58 She wasn't trying to make a lot of money and obviously didn't mean to hurt anybody, a law enforcement official told the outlet, but she's no chemist. That's the strongest you can come out of? She's trying to make a little money. She worked in a 7-Eleven. She'd be selling weed in the parking lot. Dummy. The state's Division of Consumer Affairs has also launched an investigation
Starting point is 00:32:24 into the 7-Eleven sale and promotion of health and sanitation products since the start of the coronavirus. People are just gouging people. Raz had sent me a picture yesterday. We didn't get to it, but it was Purell, right? It was three different sized bottles. It was a $60 one. People are horrible. They're horrible people.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I'm going to go home and mix some fucking apple juice, ginger ale, and tomato juice. I'm going to put it on my steps. Call it a hand sanitizer. I'll tell you who needs hand sanitizer. It's a goddamn Corey Feldman. This poor brother.
Starting point is 00:33:08 You know, we talked about his whatever debut. The rape of two Corey's. Remember that crashed? I guess he finally played it. I don't know. Corey Feldman claimed in his new documentary that Charlie Sheen sexually abused Corey Haim in the 80s. That's what I like to believe you, Corey Feldman, but just your haircut alone is fucking and you look like Brad said he looks like Charlie Sheen. They could be related.
Starting point is 00:33:41 They look like Braz said. He looks like Charlie Sheen a little. They could be related. Corey Haim is the friend who's since passed. Feldman, 48, alleged in My Truth, A Rape of Two Corys, which premiered with technical issues on Monday, that Haim confessed Sheen had raped him in 1986 during the filming of Lucas. Lucas. Haim was 13. Sheen was 19 at the time of filming.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Sheen, 54, has in the past vehemently denied all of Feldman's allegations and has reiterated his stance after the documentary came out. Charlie said this. Humming. These sick, twisted and outlandish allegations never Oh, my God. These sick, twisted and outlandish allegations never occurred, period.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I'd like to believe Charlie Sheen. But after that bender you went on a couple of years ago, the guy's capable of a lot of shit. Not saying he's guilty. Let's make that clear. Sheen said in a statement of page six of his publicist, I would urge everyone to consider the source, meaning Corey Feldman, and read what Judy Haim, that's Corey's mother, had to say. Sheen's publicist also pointed us to emails sent to him from Judy, that's Haim's mother, which countered the accusations made by Feldman. which countered the accusations made by Feldman.
Starting point is 00:35:07 In previous interviews, Judy, that's Corey Haim's mother, has denied Feldman's claims about Sheen. My son never mentioned Charlie. That doesn't mean it didn't happen. We never talked about Charlie. It was all made up, she told Entertainment Tonight in 2017. If my son was here to hear all this, she said, he would actually throw up. That's what she said.
Starting point is 00:35:29 So, I don't know. I'm guessing he didn't have a good relationship with his mom, but just because he didn't mention it, what are you going to mention that when you're having breakfast? Oh, by the way, mom,
Starting point is 00:35:40 I was raped by Charlie Sheen. Pass the orange to you. Meanwhile, Feldman alleges otherwise. This is what Feldman says. This wasn't like a one-time thing, he said, in passing. Feldman crying, said in the documentary. It wasn't like, oh, by the way,
Starting point is 00:35:55 this happened. He went into great detail. Haim told me, Charlie bent me over in between two trailers and put Crisco oil on my butt and raped me in broad daylight. Anybody could have walked by. Anybody could have seen it. I'm more of a canola guy. Grapeseed oil, too. I like to put it on my grapes. What the fuck is wrong with me? Other subjects in the feldman produced documentary claim hame
Starting point is 00:36:28 had told them about sheen's alleged actions or indicate they heard about them secondhand feldman also once again calls out those who allegedly abused him he said john grissom nightclub owner abby alfie ho Hoffman and former talent manager, Marty Weiss. He had made previous claims about these guys in 2017. So I don't know what to tell you about that. I don't know nothing about that. Chrisom reportedly denied the allegations in a YouTube comment writing, I said, it's not me. And I'm sick and tired of saying that when no one listens.
Starting point is 00:37:04 So, God damn it, I'm not repeating it anymore. Sounds guilty to me. What? No, I'm not. Meanwhile, Weiss also denied Feldman's allegations on Twitter and blah, blah, blah. He said, she said, I'll let you people. I'm just reporting. You people, you know, you decide.
Starting point is 00:37:21 You're not dying of coronavirus. Is the world coming apart at the seams here? I mean, Weinstein rapes and coronavirus and Joe Biden being the nominee. I saw two birds this morning literally fighting. You know, they line up on a fucking telephone wire. Two of them started going at it and they dropped straight down like it hit the ground. And then one of them was stomping on the other one's face. I'm out there smoking a cigarette, just trying to have my morning coffee. And there's violence all around me. They're probably arguing about Biden and Bernie. I don't know. Two birds and they fucking were going at it on top of me. I don't think they're fucking. I don't know. No,
Starting point is 00:38:03 I'm not fucking, you know, Jim Hanna from the zoo, but I don't think that. I think they were fighting. Then they went back up. I watched them back on the wire and started shit again. And they fall straight back down. I think it involved money or bird seed. Speaking of money, you know who's going to make a ton if he does this? My boy, Rob Gronkowski.
Starting point is 00:38:24 What's he doing former tight end close to finalizing a deal with the wwe according to report from fox sports one's wwe backstage program and who doesn't get that gronkowski is uh deep in talks with pro wrestling promotion, according to the report. Though how he'll be used on screen is unknown. The report noted Gronkowski could pop up on WWE SmackDown as early as March 20th. I don't watch this shit. I'm sorry. You know, but it's entertaining.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I flipped through it and stopped. And, you know, it's just funny to see a guy in a suit wandering to the ring and get picked up. Gronkowski, 30, has worked with the WWE before he took part in the Andre the Giant Battle Royale. I tried to get into that. I came in overweight. At WrestleMania 33, back in 2017, he was playing with this idea. Jumping the barricade to help wrestler Mojo Rawley, a friend of Gronkowski's. Mojo Rawley.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Don't nobody want the kid named Mojo Rawley. Oh, my God. Help me. Anyways, in August, Gronkowski said at a sponsors news conference that he'd be interested in doing one big WWE match in maybe five years, but could not see himself as a full time wrestler. Rawley told ESPN in October the idea of Gronkowski being a WGB was that not that far fetched. Hey, man, we've got some SummerSlam coming up and the skin coming off my mouth. Did you hear me go SummerSlam? Oh, that's Corona-related.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Huh? Big chunk of skin. I'm going to wake up tomorrow like this. I don't feel good. Laz? Are you there, Laz? That might produce a Laz. Hey, man, we've got SummerSlam in Boston
Starting point is 00:40:22 coming up in August, Raleigh said. Maybe we'll do a tag team match. WWE executives Paul Triple H, Levesque, and Stephanie McMahon, as well as Raleigh, were at Gronkowski's Super Bowl party in February. I think we showed a picture of that. Is that the one where Belichick was in the background going, what am I doing in this picture with these fucking psychos? Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Where are we time-wise, Raz? That's it? I thought we were like 50. I'm burning the fuck up again. I look like I'm 71. I'm going to get me a nice fucking pitch black wig. Anyways, speaking of Rob Gronkowski and wrestling and pigs, what? Mutant Piglet. How many of these have we done? This is like our fourth Mutant Piglet story since we started doing
Starting point is 00:41:14 the show. Mutant Piglet, born with human face and hair, filmed a wriggling in the farmer's arms. I thought it was Rosie. O'Donnell might have pushed out another one. But, yeah, I still don't like her. I don't care if you people find that. But this is creeping the shit out of me. We've done about three of these. I told you what my angle is. There's somebody fucking pigs.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And I don't mean at, you know, last call at 1 in the morning. Somebody is banging pigs. You don't have a human face and hair if a human's not shooting a load into a pig. Prove me wrong, goddammit. The bizarre birth took place in an area of, it's always in some third world shithole, Cuadrada Arriba.
Starting point is 00:42:03 In the municipality of Torres. We are so far ahead of you culturally, the rest of the world, it's sad. It's said to have shocked residents and other farmers in the region. Let's take it. Let's go to the videotape. ¿Y eso en qué momento nació?
Starting point is 00:42:19 ¿En cuanto nacieron otros puercos? Oh, puercos. No, después ya tiene más de tres horas. Wait till you get a close-up of his face. Wait till you see the sick. Oh! Oh! What? What the fuck? Hello. Hello. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:42:48 What the fuck? Oh, my God. It's got Chuck Schumer's mouth. Biden's head. Bernie's skin color. Oh, squeal. Squeal. Oh, squeal. Squeal. Eee! Eee!
Starting point is 00:43:07 Eee! Oh, my God. If I was a farmer, that fucker was born. I don't know about you. I'd turn into a real pro-choice guy. I'd fucking take a shovel to that thing. Either that or give it to my kid just to scare the shit out of him. Hey, Janie, you want a pet? Look at this.
Starting point is 00:43:28 It's Uncle Joe. I mean, the mutant pig was born in a litter of normal pigs. Oh boy, tell me he's not going to get bullied. Unlike other mutant birds, it was not stillborn despite its obvious deformities. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:43:47 What a creepy world. Son of a whore! You can't even use that for bacon. You're going to have retarded bacon. I guess this happens a lot in South American countries because it's been linked with excessive use of pesticides. That used to be the case in this country. Some people, you know, remember you were born with what was the condition called when you had no arms?
Starting point is 00:44:15 I forget. Very funny, though. But they were blaming it on pesticides in the 70s. But bottom line, kill that thing. Go ahead, Russ. Speaking of Chuck Schumer, we have a Patreon question. Oh, you do? Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:28 All right. Speaking of pigs, Daniel B. from Greenland, a beautiful place I heard. Greenland. What would you say if Nancy called you up and said, you got a problem with me? P.S. I still laugh from watching your 100th episode where you call Chuck Schumer Dracula sure that was me it's probably Joey Diaz no I don't know
Starting point is 00:44:50 if Nancy called me up and said you got a problem with me you know what I'd say Danny I'd go no I'd be real nice I go no actually I just wanted you to call the show that's how I sucked you in I know people troll you. You get upset. And I knew that you'd fall for this. But now that I got you on the line, go fuck yourself, you fucking left wing whore.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Hope you step on a dirty syringe in front of your fucking gated mansion in San Francisco, you entitled, leathery, nippled wench. And then I go, can you come back on Thursday? That's what I'd say. I'd say, yeah, I got a problem with you. You're everything that's wrong with the country. I'd like to introduce you to a guy named Harvey Weinstein. Anyways, thanks for the question, Daniel. Appreciate it. Speaking of Weinstein, how about this fella? This is breaking news, Raz. Convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein was slammed Wednesday with a 23-year prison sentence for raping an aspiring actress sexually abusing a TV and film production assistant.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Justice James Burke handed down the stiff sentence, no pun intended. Weinstein, six. He's a tough looking. He looks like an old school Jewish gangster, doesn't he? Back in the day. Weinstein, 67, was convicted last month of two felony accounts, third degree rape for a 2013 attack on a one-time aspiring actress and
Starting point is 00:46:17 hairdresser, Jessica Mann. I read her story. She's the one who stayed in touch with him. I found her less credible, but apparently, in criminal sexual act in the first degree for forcibly performing oral sex on a former Project Runway production assistant, Miriam Haley in 2006. And I still don't understand how a guy can forcibly perform oral sex on a woman if she doesn't want. I just, I don't know, you kick him in the face, you turn over. I'm not making light here. Maybe did he tie I just, I don't know, you kick him in the face? You turn over? I'm not making light here. Maybe did he tie you up? I don't get it. And again, I'm not saying it didn't, I just, you know, I've tried it with a wife many times. I ended up with a fat lip and
Starting point is 00:46:56 black eye. Ain't nobody want that. Ain't nobody want they teeth kicked out. Ain't nobody want they teeth kicked out Nick this isn't He faces a maximum of 29 years Hey if he faces 29 months This fucker he's not the healthiest thing All six Accuses including man Haley And the Sopranos actress Annabella Sciorra
Starting point is 00:47:18 Who testified against the Disgraced movie mogul during the landmark hashtag Oh you stop with the fucking extra words. They were all seated in the front row next to Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance. He was a Massachusetts guy, I believe, at one time. Weinstein, who did not testify during the trial, spoke to the court ahead of his sentencing in a rambling address. Now, this is where it gets a little weird for me.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Weinstein, who did not testify, he says, first of all, to all the women who testified, you may have given the truths. I have a great deal of remorse for all of you. Why? You didn't do anything, according to you. What are you talking about? Then he says, referring to the hashtag MeToo movement, we are going through this crisis right now in this country. The movement basically started with me. Now there are thousands of men who are being accused.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Oh, that dirty cocksucker. But here's what he says. I'm totally confused, and I think men are confused. He said, I'm worried. Where's the big line did I miss it the disgraced king of Hollywood claimed he had no great powers in the industry said that Miramax a company Weinstein co-founder at the height of its fame was
Starting point is 00:48:38 a small firm I wasn't about power I was about making great movies where's the fucking quote that really wowed us, Raz? Where he said I had a wonderful time? Oh, here it is. Weinstein said he had a wonderful time with his accusers.
Starting point is 00:48:58 You need to shut the fuck up. What does that mean? It's in quotes. What the fuck up. What does that mean? It's in quotes. What the fuck are you admitting? Or is he saying, you know, make a movie? I don't know. That's a weird thing to say. But that poor prick, no, poor prick, he's getting what he deserves.
Starting point is 00:49:20 You know? And what does he deserve? Well, he deserves what these poor girls got. You know? And what does he deserve? Well, he deserves what these poor girls got. You know? We'll get him in prison and see if he likes this. That's Harvey in jail. That's what that is. That boy is a P-I-G pig.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. That's Harvey Selmay. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. Okay. So what else did I want to tell you about this real quickly before we go? Man testified that Weinstein raped her on March 18th in 2013 in a
Starting point is 00:50:14 DoubleTree hotel in midtown Manhattan after he injected an erectile dysfunction drug into his penis. She claimed Weinstein raped her another time a year later in Los Angeles, but he was not charged in that alleged incident. I had to endure his penis rape me on his time, Mann said during a victim impact.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I wish I had been able to fight him while he raped me. Mann said that Weinstein's crimes were crimes against humanity. They were not just crimes against me. Rape is not just one moment of penetration. It is forever. The impact lasts a lifetime. I asked you to give me the gift of knowing exactly where Harvey is at all times. She also told the judge that Weinstein had threatened my father with
Starting point is 00:50:49 old school mafia beat down. The seven man, five woman jury who oversaw historic trial found the once powerful Tinseltown tycoon guilty in a mixed verdict on February 24th, following five days of grueling deliberations. He got whacked with 20, 23 years. Now you will learn about loss, loss of freedom, loss of humanity. Now you and I will truly be the same, Chancellor. Newly unsealed court papers revealed Tuesday that Weinstein's own brother, Bob, emailed his sibling that year amid the landslide of allegations. And this is what his email said to his brother.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Fuck you, Harvey Weinstein. I pray there is a real hell. That's where you belong. Bob Weinstein wrote in November 2nd, 2017. They were having trouble business-wise, too. 2017. They were having trouble business-wise, too. But Harvey Weinstein, who turned 68 on March 19, faces
Starting point is 00:51:47 his second sex crime trial in Los Angeles. Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. He's a bad man. If it's true. You know, I mean, which I'm assuming it is. There's a whole bunch, you know, they said there's like 90 women. A lot of them are jumping on the bandwagon.
Starting point is 00:52:07 You know, they're pissed because he drew them in a movie where they played a waitress in the background, a producer. A lot of that's in there too. But anyways, that is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Again, thank you so much. I'll see you at McGoobee's this Friday and Saturday night. It's a good club. Trust me.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I'm going to talk Andrew into changing the name while I'm there. I have to get him a headlock. This Friday, one show, two on Saturday night. Don't forget Go to my profile. Click on it. You can tell me. I'll roast one of your friends, family members.
Starting point is 00:52:42 I can be nice. I can be mean. I can be funny. All of that. It's a lot of fun. Got a couple waiting for me right now. And if you want to be a sponsor of the Nick DiPaolo Show, go to, and we can chat about that. Also, Patreon, you can still subscribe if you want to get an extra story, and you get
Starting point is 00:53:03 access to 300 new shows. And you can ask me a question. More importantly, go to because this is the lifeblood of this show. You can make contributions individually. Click on the contact button at We need
Starting point is 00:53:19 these contributions to keep this thing going. I got to pay Raz. I got to pay for the equipment. You know what I'm saying? I got a couple of who was it coming in out of here? Nice. That is it. Love you guys.
Starting point is 00:53:31 You think and I'll say it. You're welcome. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. guitar solo I'm out.. Thank you.

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