The Nick DiPaolo Show - Bernie Bows to Biden | Nick Di Paolo Show #330

Episode Date: April 8, 2020

Chinese Phoenix pressing Trump. Kenyan coronavirus tactics. NYC cop sucker punched by punk. Thank you Scott D. from Port Orchard for your "Ask Nick!" question and fro being a valued supporter on Patre...on. FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, what's going on? Nick DiPaolo here. I know you're fans of mine, so you're sick of the same crap I am, of the left-wing spin on mainstream media. You can't get the truth anywhere anymore, although you do have this show. And we just recently went free four days a week, so we need contributions at you can make a one-time contribution or you can go to sign up as a monthly member if you do that you get an extra story you get access to over 300 shows uh you get uh to ask me a question and uh also if you have a business and you want to be a sponsor of the show go go to You're as tired of this PC bullshit as I am. And this is one of the few places I can cut loose, be unapologetic.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We have to laugh about this stuff because it is laughable. I mean, Bernie just dropped out. That leaves Joe Biden. Come on. Fuck, do you want to have a good laugh? Tune into the show. Not to mention fucking Pelosi and all these other idiots who couldn't run a lemonade stand uh it's going to be tough for the coronavirus
Starting point is 00:01:11 who knows when the election is going to be now they're pushing for mail-in ballots oh yeah no room for dirty play there uh so anyways if you want to get the truth and have a few laughs at the same time please contribute to the show if you're watching me on youtube click the subscribe button that way my numbers go up we get more sponsors and uh my managers are getting calls from sponsors all the time so we thank you so much for your support stay corona free listen to what they're telling you but don't let them arrest you if you're playing t-ball with your daughter or something. Be an American, all right? Again, thanks for your support, and I want you to now enjoy the show. So, enjoy.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you know what that means. Good day to you folks. How are you? Coming to you from the state of Georgia on a filthy Wednesday. Hope you're corona free.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Are you getting cat scratch fever? Are you and the wife clawing each other's eyes out and shit? I've noticed no difference. That's how it is on a Tuesday in 1988 or now. I like to, look, I don't want to, you know, we don't want people dying, but come on. You're going to be, if the government's going to tell you what to do and they're telling me to sit on my couch and watch TV, are you fucking shitting me? It's first time I'm all government. Fucking A. Narcos. I'm up till three in the morning. I'm up till three in the morning watching Narcos. I'm on the Mexican edition now. It's on Netflix. Start with the Colombians. Move on to the Mex. it's tremendous. They are some psycho fucks.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Boy, I wish I sold drugs in high school. Could be chopping off heads and shit and rolling them into nightclubs. I mean, if that doesn't sound like fun, you're dead inside. Anyways, glad to have you with us. The big, well, political story. Let's take a break from Corona. Bernie Sanders, my old favorite Jew. Hate to see him go.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Again, socialist asshole who thinks that shit's going to catch on in this country. And this should be it for him. I'm going to predict he retires in about a week. What are you going to do now? Date AOC? Finger popper? The fucking local Chipotle? Sanders drops out of the race.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Bye, dickhead. Yeah, the Vermont senator says independent. He's not independent. He's a socialist Democrat, which is no such thing. He's a socialist. It started off strong in 2020. He narrowly missed first place at Iowa before picking up wins in New Hampshire and Nevada. All the while, his campaign continued to rake in millions
Starting point is 00:04:29 in small donor donations. PAC rallies full of supporters as he ascended to the national front runner status amid a crowded Democratic field. And in his 2020 bid, the senator worked abroad in his support with Latino voters. And his coalition grew more diverse because of it. But despite years of outreach to increase his popularity among black voters, black people got this one right. They're like, he reminds me of our landlord who busts our balls about money every year. Fuck him. Sanders failed to earn the votes in large numbers of black people. He also lost some of his white working class supporters to Biden, which I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I mean, I hate Bernie's politics. I think he's, you know, living a socialist wet dream. But Biden, are you fucking kidding me? Anyways, that bust up his coalition. And Sanders also stumbled with women voters. So he couldn't get minorities or women. That's kind of a big chunk. You do realize he's Jewish, right, you minorities?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Facing accusations of sexism in January after tensions between him and titless Liz Warren campaign spilled out into the open, the two progressives had largely remained allies while campaigning for the nomination. But a series of leaks to the media from aides and supporters of both senators accusing the other camp of dirty tricks and lying culminated in warring saying in a statement that sanders once told her he didn't think a woman could become president get this through your head get this through your head you jew motherfucker you i never said that. I said that Indian woman couldn't become president.
Starting point is 00:06:08 A lying, titless Cherokee will not make it in this country. His campaign officially stalled in South Carolina, fueled by a crucial endorsement from Rep. James Clyburn. You know, the old black dude who don't like whitey. Biden won the Palmetto State
Starting point is 00:06:24 decisively. The moderate wing of the party then consolidated around him. So that was it for Bernie. All right, get up! Yeah! A week later on March 10th, Biden, who was in a diaper eating green jello and playing bingo, won five of six states that voted, including Michigan, won a Santa's biggest 2016 victories to grow his delegate lead over the senator to over Sanders.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Substantial losses in Florida, Illinois, Arizona on March 17th put Biden on an insurmountable path to the Democratic nomination. And that's kind of creepy. That is goddamn creepy. Oh my God. How desperate are the Democrats? That was their choices. I mean, those are the top guys. A socialist and a guy who's clearly senile and lost his fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:07:15 This is going to be fun. Oh, my God. This is going to be fun. But the whole Corona thing, actually, you know, Biden should be out there yapping because Trump is on two hours a day. Two hours a day yapping every day. What he's doing is running for president. That's his rallies and shit since everybody has to be quarantined. And where's Biden? They pop him out there. He's like a fucking groundhog. He sticks his head up every, you know, few weeks and then he makes an asshole of himself. But he's still the nominee, so we are fucked as a country. Anyways, see you later, Bernie. Again,
Starting point is 00:07:50 your socialist wet dream dies with you. And yeah, AOC is going to pick up the mantle. Let's hope so. Anyways, China officially ends 10-week coronavirus lockdown in Wuhan. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with kill you. I kill you right now.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Look at some booty. Talk to me in the face. That's a puff. I rise. China has ended more than a 10-week long lockdown in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus is believed to have originated, spread to 184 countries because somebody was having fucking
Starting point is 00:08:27 rat bat soup. As of Wednesday, local time, the city's 11 million residents are permitted to leave if they present a government-sanctioned phone app. See, that's where they have the edge on us. The Asians are great with technology and shit, you know? But
Starting point is 00:08:43 my mother or somebody my mother's age and shit really gonna fucking use an app she just put a rotary phone in the basement like three weeks ago uh as of wednesday 11 million residents permitted to leave they got to have that app government sanctioned confirming they are healthy and have not recently been in contact with any infected and how does that work? It tracks you. You know, that's how much these things are going in and fucking out. It tracks you, where you go, who you talk with. And, you know, it's the Chinese government.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Don't think we're not doing it over here. The city celebrated the occasion with a light show. Goddamn Chinese and their technology. A light show on either side of the Yangtze River with skyscrapers and bridges displaying animated images of health workers treating patients. On the side of, how the fuck? I'm going to go to them next time I cut an album. They seem to know what they're doing over there. One displayed the words heroic city.
Starting point is 00:09:42 The title bestowed on Wuhan by by chinese president xi xingping fucking what heroic city gotta be kidding me don't give me that smart alecky shit uh residents waved flags along embankments and bridges sang chinese national anthem and chanted wuhan let's go hey you just ended a fucking virus that's got the rest of the world sick you didn't just win the Chinese World Series get back in your fucking shitty little apartments and come up with a new recipe for a fucking General Tso's chicken please uh Nick you don't have to say shit like that that's what's keeping you from the main street I haven't been outside for more than 70 days emotional resident pong zen kun said
Starting point is 00:10:28 neither have i i'm loving it who watched the display from a bridge uh being indoors for so long drove me uh crazy he said of course it did crazy uh so you know this is all bullshit uh but an editorial in people's daily official. I love how they call the publications people, this people that meanwhile, they'll fucking shoot you in the head if you don't go along with what they say. The People's Daily official newspaper, China's ruling communist, warned residents not to throw caution to the wind this day that people have long been looking forward to. And it is right to be excited be excited however this day does not mark the final victory the paper said until we take down that fucking united states no they didn't say that i added that at this moment we still need to remind ourselves that as wuhan is unblocked we can be pleased but we must not relax so i got a story later on about about that'll debunk what I just read. As far as the numbers go, they fucking lie. They lie.
Starting point is 00:11:32 How do you think they've been taking advantage of us for the last 20 years as far as trade deficits? Until Trump stepped in, a real businessman, and said, you can pull that shit with Obama and George W. Bush and the other schmucks, Clinton, but it stops here. And they said, really? Try this virus on besides me. That's still my biggest worry. What countries aren't going to, you know what I'm saying? This finally brought the United States to its knees. You know what I mean? You're going to tell me somebody's not going to come up with a synthetic whatever in a lab, you know, bioterrorism and bring us to our knees any chance they get.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I hope I just didn't give out a secret out there. And here you go from China. Now, this is the United States. Now, this ought to creep you out about our government. Intelligent report warned. Again, this is from ABC. So consider the source they're as bad as nbc cbs back in msnbc cnn the rest of them so consider the source intelligence report warned of coronavirus
Starting point is 00:12:35 that's our intelligence crisis as early as november they say. As far back as late November, excuse me, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China's Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and businesses and posing a threat to the population. According to four sources briefed on the secret reporting, concerns about what is now known to be the corona pandemic were detailed in November intelligence report by military's National Center for Medical Intelligence, NCMI, according to two officials familiar with the documents. Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event. One of the sources said of the NCMI's report, it was then briefed multiple times to the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon's joint staff and the White House.
Starting point is 00:13:31 So this is what you're going to worry about. OK, they're already doing this. I read this on an article on Breitbart. The lefties are already recording all these press briefings that Trump does. And I told you this. He talks too much. It's like Fredo. He talks too much. He's out there for two hours taking questions. Every little slip up he makes is something they think is a lie. They're putting together a montage to use against him. And, you know, right before the election.
Starting point is 00:14:00 They're doing it as we speak. Anyways, from that warning in november the sources described repeated briefings through december for policy makers and decision makers across the federal government as well as the national security council at the white house all of that culminated with a detailed explanation of the problem that appeared in the president's daily brief of intelligence matters early in january you know how they brief the president every fucking day the president's daily brief of intelligence matters early in January. You know how they brief the president every fucking day and what's going on and what our adversaries are doing? So what they're claiming, ABC and these sources, you know, the president knew about all this because it was in his daily briefings. All of that culminated with detailed explanation of the problem that appeared in his daily briefings in January.
Starting point is 00:14:43 culminate with detailed explanation of the problem that appeared in his daily briefings in january for something to have uh to have appeared in the pdb it would have had to go through weeks of vetting and analysis according to people who have worked on presidential briefings in both republican and democrat administrations so this isn't good this isn't good outside the family what you're thinking again the timeline of the intel side of this may be further back than we're discussing. The source said of preliminary reports from Wuhan, but this was definitely being briefed beginning at the end of November
Starting point is 00:15:11 as something the military needed to take a posture on. So what were they supposed to do? Even though if they had this coming, new, right? What were they going to do? Create 60 million masks and ventilators and I don't know. it doesn't matter if it was trump or any president this is like an unprecedented situation so but we should have
Starting point is 00:15:34 known about it right the public if the fucking they work for us folks if they know about it they should be telling us about it following the reports released other intelligence community bulletins began circulating through confidential channels across the government around thanksgiving those analysis said china's leadership knew the epidemic was out of control even as it kept such crucial information from foreign governments and public health agencies uh ncmi is a component of the pentagon's defense intelligence agency. Asked about the November warning last Sunday, uh, on ABC's This Week, Defense Secretary Mark Esper.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And this didn't look good. I watched his clip. Uh, this is what he had to say. You said at the top of this interview that the Pentagon has been ahead of the curve. No, I didn't. You mentioned in January, but did the Pentagon has been ahead of the curve. No, I didn't. You mentioned in January. But did the Pentagon receive an intelligence assessment on COVID in China last November from the National Center for Medical Intelligence of DIA? Oh, I can't recall, George.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Paul, pause. Just the way he said that, did you notice how he reacted? He didn't even pretend to think. He goes, I don't recall. I know the guy's full of shit. You do recall. The defense secretary. You're briefed on all this shit.
Starting point is 00:16:52 So this guy is a horrible liar, our actor. Go ahead. Many people that watch this closely, we have the premier infectious disease research institute in America within the United States Army. So our people who work these issues directly watch this all the time. As you know, the first patient in the United States was discovered in late January. We activated our global pandemic response plans on 1 February. I issued guidance to the force for force protection on 3 February,
Starting point is 00:17:22 and we didn't see our first casualty in the United States, and God rest their soul, until 29 February. So you can see we were weeks ahead of this in terms of preparing our own force and opening up our stockpile to the rest of the government. Okay, that's great. That was in January. He asked you about November. And again, at the end of it, he asked him again.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I don't recall. You know, the I don't recall thing means I'm not going to tell you the fucking truth. Never trust. Never trust the government. They're not your blood. Don't trust them. That's that's the message. Don't think it would have been any better with any other president in place. But if they were hearing about this shit at daily briefings, you can bet right now the york times is drilling down on that you're gonna see tons of articles what did trump know when did he know it and whatever it's gonna be a motherfucker trump's just gonna go you know what we're pushing the election back he's gonna keep
Starting point is 00:18:15 the corona thing going till july fuck it we'll have it 2021 june uh anyhow uh that is not good that guy was not believable to me, and I never believed the government. Anyways, Wuhan, which is celebrating because, you know, they can go back to work making sneakers for $3 a fucking week for us. Yay, slavery! Wuhan, listen to this.
Starting point is 00:18:41 They're celebrating, but listen to this. This story breaks yesterday. Wuhan funeral homes burned coronavirus victims alive. Locals in Wuhan with a Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces. And some treated in hospitals say they saw workers putting living coronavirus patients in body bags. Communist motherless fucks. RFA noted that it could not independently verify that the Chinese Communist Party was
Starting point is 00:19:16 burning coronavirus patients alive, nor has the Communist Party confirmed. Yeah, they're going to confirm it. Sure, that's what we were doing. What are you going to do about it? Look at your app. Get in the house. They didn't confirm or deny the rumors. Yet the rumors persist. To make room for new patients in Wuhan's overcrowded hospitals, medical staff chose older patients less likely to survive the infection and ship them to the incinerators. Sounds like a plan that, you know, Nancy Pelosi would hatch. To incinerate as well, they were still alive and conscious. RFA quoted a source close to the funeral industry, identified only as Ma.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Ma? They're putting Grampy in a furnace. Ma! Who said that he had heard reports of people restrained, forced into body bags while they were still moving. Oh, Jesus. Ma said it. Who the fuck said that? Ma.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Some people are saying that there are video clips of screams coming from funeral homes from inside the furnaces. I got to see those or I'm not going to believe it. You fuckers. Which tells us that some people were taken to the funeral homes while they were still alive. Which that was my big fear of cremation. We did a story a few months ago, but a guy, they were about to cremate him. He was still alive.
Starting point is 00:20:43 They heard him knocking or some shit. But I always used to joke about that when people said they want to be cremated. You know, I'm like, how do you know? I mean, how do you know? We think you're dead. You know, you start breathing and shit. I don't know. I don't want to be burned alive or burned dead.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I want to die being blown by the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. They find me all sloppy and sticky. 98. Why would they be doing that? I don't know. I had a lot of money. I had a good podcasting. die being blown by the dallas cowboy cheerleaders they find me all sloppy and sticky 98 why would they be doing that i don't know i had a lot of money had a good podcasting ma also noted the existence of video testimony from anonymous older women who have been treated at wuha hospital presumably for the chinese uh coronavirus here's here's that video a wuhan hospital is sending coronavirus patients for cremation while they're still alive. That's according to a video that's circulating on social media. Speaking in a Wuhan dialect, the woman describes how she witnessed the patient next door being
Starting point is 00:21:37 sealed up in body bags. This video could not be independently verified. He not dead. His hands and feet were still moving. He tied up his hands and feet, wrapped them in bacon, a little bit of garlic and lemon, zipped it up like he was a fucking cheese sandwich. She goes on to say the man was wrapped in four body bags and then put into a box-like device. The man was in his 70s and critically ill. He was in room number 18, the ward next door to her. The woman says she witnessed several cases. She says another old man in the hospital was also cremated before he passed away. in the hospital was also cremated before he passed away. How can he be saved? Using what? There are no drugs available, only oxygen, she says.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I saw these cases myself while in the hospital. It strikes fear in me. I want to cry. It's terrifying. After the patients are sent away in the box-like device, the woman says doctors then tell the patient's relatives that their loved ones have passed away. She didn't clarify what the box-like device is. Reporting by Juliet Song in TD News, New York. Thank you, Julie. Reminds me, somebody does a bit that said,
Starting point is 00:22:58 my grandmother died and we had her cremated. We think that's what did it. Treating old people like dogs over there. Probably selling those body parts at a wet market. What a fucking horrifying country. You wonder why I lay on the couch and never want to fucking go abroad.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I'll go to St. Bart's and that's it. Nick, what are you, some type of elitist asshole? Anyways, the woman said she felt all the patients at the hospital were treated like dead dogs, which, you know, it'll end up in a stew. Chinese Communist Party claims that as of Tuesday, it has documented 82,718 coronavirus nationwide and 3,335 deaths across the country. Multiple reports citing sources in Wuhan's seven funeral homes
Starting point is 00:23:47 dispute this claim, estimating the real death toll in the city as much as 10 times higher than China's officials nationwide death toll. Reports of hundreds of bodies being cremated in some funeral homes began surfacing February at the height of the epidemic in the city. Government officials did not allow residents to pick up the height of the epidemic in the city. Government officials did not allow residents to pick up the remains of their relatives until late March. However, as the strict lockdown that saw government officials welding, they were welding Wuhan residents in their homes while it was still welding your door shut. I'm going to have to use the new head for these things. When the funeral homes opened to distribute ashes two weekends ago,
Starting point is 00:24:27 listen to this. Witnesses estimated that some funeral homes were distributing as many as 5,000 sets of remains a day. A day. Estimates as to the number of sets of remains distributed last week in Wuhan ranged from 30,000 to 46,000 people. Okay. Let's fucking. If that's a fact. Wuhan ranged from 30,000 to 46,000 people. Okay? Let's fucking...
Starting point is 00:24:47 If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? Thank you. Fall with me, folks. Never use those fucking things again. Alright. I like these. They make me feel like Top Gun. All right. I like these.
Starting point is 00:25:07 They make me feel like Top Gun. Ice man, slow down. Slow down, ice man. That was on the other day. Fucking, everything's homoerotic. He had about nine shots of his ass walking away. Kelly McGillisis she's gay uh anyways there are suspicions that many people died in their homes without being diagnosed and at first there were no kits to do
Starting point is 00:25:35 the test and our name resident said nobody in wuhan believes the official numbers the real one only they know that's how communist that's how any government works. Ma, boy, Ma gets around. The funeral home source speaking to the RFA in its report said Wuhan was cremating, listen to this, so many bodies at some point
Starting point is 00:25:53 that the incinerators broke down resulting in cremators placing multiple bodies in one incinerator at a time. It's like Quizno subs on a busy Saturday. They're just popping them
Starting point is 00:26:06 in the fucking... To keep up with sheer amount of remains. The result has been several reported incidents of people receiving urns with ashes, get this,
Starting point is 00:26:16 featuring items they do not recognize that clearly did not belong to the loved ones. A resident of Wuhan's district surnamed lou said she had found a man's belt clasp and the urn she was given holy shit it said wwe on it wait mr tanaka supposedly containing her mother's ashes
Starting point is 00:26:40 and another resident said he found the remains of a ceramic dental crown, denture or implant, and the urn labeled his father's name on it. He never had fucking dentures. What does that say about crowns? They can survive a cremation? Just find a pair of teeth? Good news for Nancy Pelosi. Let's fucking burn her alive.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Fucking Mama Luke. Mama Luke. What time do we start, Russ? Hey, I got a ton of stories here. My God. Woke up with the chills again today and I don't know what it is. Freezing my balls off. I got the antibodies in me, I'm telling you, from that trip to Chicago. I mean, come on. I took free flights that weekend, ate pizza after not washing my hands, shaking 500,
Starting point is 00:27:32 and then the following weekend, I went to Baltimore, took a couple more flights. I got more antibodies than the fucking people in the crematorium. If you want my blood, tell me how to give it. I can help somebody. I'm not doing anything. I feel guilty. I'm watching porn and narcos. That's not helping the cause.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Some countries handle it perfectly as far as social distancing and stuff. Some people really lay down the law. And when you want to see people lay down the law, you want to see a government function at its highest, you go to where? To the continent of Africa. They really know what they're doing over there. Let's take a look how they handle this in Kenya. This is somebody enforcing social distancing. Dennis Rodman is
Starting point is 00:28:36 Is that the official uniform of the cops? A nice summer dress. Guy's 18-inch black cock hanging out, chasing you up the street. Fucking beating people with a rubber hose. But you know, all cultures are equal. Remember that, folks. There's no difference in cultures. Jesus H. Christ, did that make me laugh.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I don't get why he's in a nice skirt. That's why they were running. Had nothing to do with being fucking whacked. That's how you keep people from congregating during the coronavirus in Kenya. My goodness. Help these people. I'm sure it's sending them money. What do they do with it? I don't know. As you know, ladies and gentlemen, the Nick DiPaolo Show has partnered up with
Starting point is 00:29:37 They have a bunch of shirts, mugs, hats, posters, etc., both of exclusive Nick DiPaolo Show gear and also some very funny trump friendly stuff there's me in all my glory see that uh there's uh trump in all his glory driving out the snakes isn't he funny is that trump looks like pat boone on the lawrence welk show look at his little hand what else you got there as trump mania he's shredded look at his face and then uh liar water anyways uh this kid's gonna be huge again you can find all the stuff at the And this is important. Please make sure to use the promo code Nick at the checkout to get 10% off your order.
Starting point is 00:30:32 That applies to everything on the website. All the mugs and shits and hats, it says. That's right. I'm bagging my stools, signing them. There's my favorite. Should have went to politics. I just look good in that hat. Anyways, wash your filthy asses.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Anyway, so use that. Use the code Nick and get 10% off your order. Again, check out Use the promo code Nick at the checkout. And they keep adding new stuff every day, so we'll keep sharing that with you and help this company out. Anyways, thank you for supporting uh sponsoring the show concerns over reporter at white house briefing with ties uh to china republican raised alarms after a reporter with links to the chinese propaganda apparatus appeared at a white house briefing and questioned president Trump over Beijing's efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Here's what the mainstream media is just filthy. Several lawmakers feared that the reporter from Hong Kong. I did comedy in Hong Kong, by the way. True story. About 20. Fuck yeah. Me and John Bush, a funny comedian from Minnesota. And there was a I get a call. A John Bush, funny comedian from Minnesota. And there was a, I get a call,
Starting point is 00:31:47 couple of kids who were originally from Boston. They started a dot com company, whatever you call it, their own company over there. And they wanted to put on comedy show. I get a call. You want to come to Hong Kong? Oh, fucking, it was unbelievable. That skyline, just of Hong Kong, makes Manhattan look like Mayberry RFD. It goes on forever. And the guy who was with us, so God, we met some billionaire. The kids who knew this billionaire went to his house. You ask me about a mansion, that's the first one I really saw. It's the top of a hill in Hong Kong.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I don't know what this guy did for a living. Fucking paintings everywhere and shit. John Bush, I didn't know, was like a fucking hardcore drinker. Like the second night there, I walked into the Hyatt. He's dancing on the bar with some chick. It's fucking one of the best trips. They have escalators outside in Hong Kong. Escalators
Starting point is 00:32:36 outside. They go up hills and shit. And the subways were, and this was had to be 20 years ago, were so much superior to anything in our country. They had carpeting on them you could eat all it was a cleanest fucking unbelievable took we took a picture with a couple of cops and uh it was it was a fucking this this job's been terrific i've seen a lot of the world anyways uh so we have this chinese lady at the briefing and and like i said several lawmakers
Starting point is 00:33:04 fear they're put from hong kong uh based phoenix tv that's what she works with spreading propaganda so we have this Chinese lady at the briefing. And like I said, several lawmakers, a few other reporters from Hong Kong, based Phoenix TV, that's where she works, was spreading propaganda in the White House and called for a response. Here is Trump. This is why I love Trump. So nuanced in his approach. Here's the exchange he had with her.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Are you cooperating with China? Oh, she's a cutie pie. Do you work for China or are you with a newspaper? Who are you with? Hong Kong Phoenix TV. Who owns that, China? Is it owned by China? No, is it owned by the state? No, it's not. It's a private owned company. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Okay. Who the fuck are you? Are you writing a book? Who the fuck are you? I don't know nothing about that. Look at her little China doll. I like to have a little miniature her on my dashboard. Trump. Hey, you fucking, what do you work for, the Chinese? You motherfucker, get her out of here.
Starting point is 00:34:02 But listen to this, this gets very interesting. Immediately, people began pointing out Phoenix TV's ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The Hoover Institution, in a report, said the quasi-official Phoenix TV is linked to the People's Republic of China's Ministry of State Security and has substantial presence
Starting point is 00:34:20 on all major social media platforms in the United States. I don't know nothing about that. Senator Ted Cruz was among GOP lawmakers raising the alarm about Phoenix TV. He said this, Phoenix TV has been waging information warfare in the U.S. for years, he wrote on Twitter. They are nominally, that means a name only, private, but actually state-owned. In 2018, I'd led an effort to block them from
Starting point is 00:34:46 using cutouts to spread propaganda mainstream media should never have given them a seat at a white white house press conference then he says why is an outlet with such close ties to communist china allowed in the white house briefing room no that was a rep pa Paul Gosar from Arizona. He asked that on Twitter and then Cruz and a tweet, a Twitter thread laid out Phoenix TV's ties to China and concluded, he said, so to recap, the White House Correspondents Association gave a seat at the White House press briefing to an employee of the Chinese communist government to ask globally televised questions to the president of the United States at the same time China is waging a propaganda campaign
Starting point is 00:35:29 to hide their culpability and cover up of the Wuhan virus. It's a good question, isn't it? She just shows up out of the blue. The questions come after the White House Correspondents Association denied a seat at the briefings to the conservative One American News Network. They were, you know, a conservative right wing network after one of its reporter violated social distancing guidelines. That was like a month ago. Remember the girl? They said she was she wasn't staying far enough apart in the press briefing.
Starting point is 00:36:00 They kicked her out. Conservative, you know, but this broad's all right. press briefing they kicked her out conservative you know but this broad's all right she's got chinese communist party ties but and she's asking she gave you just by asking the questions you were asking she basically made a statement instead of a question saying china's doing this helping is it me or are they really sticking it up our ass luckily they're asian so it don't hurt but listen at what the kind of stereotype bullshit we're trying to. That was a great dick joke. If there ever was a great dick joke. That's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:36:36 She just pops up out of nowhere. Yeah, I work for Phoenix. Yeah, sure you do. I love how Trump goes, who the fuck owns it? What are you doing? We'll be fighting. Somebody threw a bag over her head and just shuffled her out and never saw her again. Here's what's getting scary domestically about this whole Corona thing, especially New York, which is now the epicenter and pretty much leads in all Corona virus statistics.
Starting point is 00:37:10 statistics on uh listen on monday april 6th uh 6,974 uniformed members of the nypd were on the department sick report which accounts for 19.3 percent of the uniformed workforce oh my god 1935 uniformed members and 293 civilian members of the NYPD have tested positive for the coronavirus. Jesus. Just the facts, man. The number of infected and sick has steadily climbed. On March 27th, 4,111 uniformed employees, that's 11.4%, were on the sick report. And 442 uniformed members had tested positive for the coronavirus. I wonder how many, and I'm sure most of them are sick,
Starting point is 00:37:47 but there's got to be some saying, you know, fuck this. I'm getting paid $30,000 a year. This is where you get nervous about social unrest because crimes are spiking as far as supermarkets and bodegas being robbed and shit. It's getting a little hairy out there. And that's always the biggest fear. The fabric, the biggest fear that you know
Starting point is 00:38:05 the fabric the social fabric that holds us together tears apart like a pair of raz's new jeans and that made no sense a number of members of the department have died from coronavirus the latest to be announced is auxiliary police officer ramon roman roman is the father of an nypd officer he was a 10-year member of the department members of the nypd continue to auxiliary police officer Ramon Roman. Roman is the father of an NYPD officer. He was a 10-year member of the department. Members of the NYPD continue to patrol the streets despite their reduced numbers. Officers continue to visit restaurants,
Starting point is 00:38:33 bars, supermarkets, salons, and public spaces to remind New Yorkers of the ban on congregating in public spaces and to practice social distancing. Maybe you should start whacking people like they do in Kenya. Put on a fucking skirt, pick up a, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:38:49 rubber hose, whatever they use over there. But that's a little scary, folks. And if you look at the statistics, I think they're keeping it on the down low, but like supermarkets, burglaries, bodegas is up like,
Starting point is 00:39:00 I don't know, 700%. You know, a couple weeks ago, I didn't have toilet paper. I was thinking about busing into a fucking Publix. In a related story, and again, welcome to Mayor de Blasio's anti-cop atmosphere in New York City.
Starting point is 00:39:19 The cops who are out there are risking their lives for us, right? They're putting their necks on the line. They always do, and they're doing it now. And you know what's creepy? We read about these deaths. New York had 731 deaths yesterday in a 24-hour period. And we're just sort of taking it.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Think about that if that was reported. I mean, we've already surpassed the number of people killed when the towers were attacked. You know? It's really, when you sit down and put it in perspective, it's fucking unbelievable. That's why you should show cops and other first responders the respect that they deserve. A man wearing a medical face mask was caught on camera sucker punching an NYPD officer.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Where else? The Bronx Tuesday night as the cop's partner was subduing a robbery suspect. Nelson Jimenez, 31, launched his attack in front of a crowd of bystanders who had gathered on a sidewalk near 183rd Street and Davidson Avenue in the University Heights section to watch the arrest
Starting point is 00:40:16 of a 27-year-old robbery suspect, Yomity Castro. Yay for diversity, everybody. Anyways, here's the video watch the creep circling behind the cop you'll see him all that for a bag of weed all that for a bag of weed
Starting point is 00:40:39 listen to the morons all that for a bag of weed they just don't get it they're not into law and order. All that for a bag of weed. They just don't get it. They're just not into law and order. Yeah, all that for a bag of fucking weed. Keep your eye on the cop that's standing up in the background there. And see the guy to his right? He's got a face mask on.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Keep an eye on those two. I'm recording this shit. I'm recording this shit. Dominican shit. Maybe. Watch the kid. Watch his punk. Yo, yo yeah what the fuck Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Yo! Yo, what the f***? You're so sweet, I like that. Yeah, what the f***? You were just cheering on a cop, jeering a cop that was making a bust, and now you're all surprised. Why the f*** you do that? There's just some segments that'll never get it folks yay for diversity fucking yeah
Starting point is 00:41:46 when i'm fucking smash his fucking face in i told you a long time ago you fucking little monkey not to fuck me hey i'm fucking believable but you got spectators cheering him on you know they caught him but you know what fucking don't police that area for the next two years see what happens i have a coronavirus related question oh do you all right raz let it fly scott d port orchard where the hell's that is there a state involved if it meant you could put an end to the coronavirus immediately would you spend one month alone on an island with whoopi goldberg kathy griffin and rachel meyer yeah i would abso-fucking-lutely i would when they were sleeping um that's right i'd sexually violate each one of them that is a great question those are the three scariest motherfuckers on the
Starting point is 00:42:45 planet i'd probably hang out with whoopi and fucking kathy griffin i'd make her my bitch make her cook fetch coconut milk rachel maddow would just tie her up and beat her with fucking plantains that's that's a pretty good question whoopie cat that's a whole that's fucking ugly island right there oh my i'd use him as chum good one scotty boy that's a great crowd do it to save people i'd do it like i said with whoopie i i i hate her because she's just always bad mouthing all white guy but but if i met her i know like there's a cool side to her but she fucking you know and uh kathy griffin i used to know until she turned into a fucking twat and rachel maddow i got no use for
Starting point is 00:43:35 just a fucking just a repugnant glib elitist arse. Anyways, they caught Jimenez nearby Bodega. Charges against him are pending. A second cop who responded to the fracas was also punched in the head. Again, thank you, Bill de Blasio, for creating this anti-cop atmosphere. And don't think it's not on your hands the suspect in that assault brandon excuse me brandy isom is that abroad 25 was arrested and charged with assault and obstructing a governmental administration sources said can you imagine
Starting point is 00:44:19 just i don't know what it is just i don't know what it is somebody has to explain this is a country of law and order i want to thank contributors as you know folks the show is free now uh monday through thursday we drop it at 5 p.m eastern time and uh i know things are tough for everybody out there but uh you guys are the lifeblood, and your contributions mean everything to this show. I want to thank Aaron Burrow, Pennsylvania, Forrest, Jesus Christ. Fucking, I like to thank a couple people. Aaron Burrow, Pennsylvania, Forrest Batts in California, Dove Fuchs, Israel. Iats in California. Dove Fuchs, Israel.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I like that one. Dove Fuchs. Henry Reuter, Virginia. James Southworth, Connecticut. Diane Finley, Rhode Island, nurse. Thank you, Diane. Putting your neck on the line for the rest of us maggots. Scott Maggar, Delaware.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Hugh, here we go. Hugh Direction. Hugh Direction, Canada. where you here we go hugh direction hugh direction canada phil lacio dwight homan california mitchell walters minnesota hugh just soul new york claude ball get it claude ball alexander wilson pennsylvania paul willing florida Claude Ball. Get it? Claude Ball. Alexander Wilson, Pennsylvania. Paul Willing, Florida. John Hines, California. Sean Hanford, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Steve Watson, Arizona. Peter Perzan, California. Thank you, guys. You can contribute at You want to make a one-time contribution. Or you can do what these three people did. You can sign up at and if you do that you will get an extra story each day that nobody else gets you will also have the
Starting point is 00:46:11 ability to ask a question have access to over 300 shows i've already done and you can also uh we if you get a business out then you want to sponsor the show go to We'd love to talk to you. Three people who signed up on Patreon, The Beiner Lopez. I think I saw him in the Knox episode last night. Richard Shepardson and Frederick Cusanato. Thank you guys so much. They signed up on Patreon.
Starting point is 00:46:42 And we appreciate it. This is the lifeblood of the show now. I know you guys need money too you know i don't know what your job situation is hopefully you're an essential worker i know i am what would the world do without this show did cry cops are taking this shit too far though here's uh's, again, Colorado, left-wing state, but this is the type of shit that puts a chill up my ass. A Colorado father feels local law enforcement owe him an apology after they handcuffed him in front of his wife and daughter because they claimed he violated social distancing rules by playing t-ball.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Matt Mooney took to Facebook a Monday to share that he had been arrested, posting a cheeky status about how he could mark detainment off his bucket list. Here is a video shared by former Brighton City Councilman Kirby Wallen showing Mooney being detained by Brighton police on Sunday. Take a look at this. And the Brighton police are apparently arresting a dad for throwing a ball to his daughter in complete isolation in a park of about, I don't know, 30, 40 acres. But apparently that is not allowed by Brighton. Talk about abuse of power. OK, and that's where this is all headed.
Starting point is 00:48:05 This is why I hate the Bernie Sanders of wearing what they stand for. Because if you voted them in, shit like that would happen all the time. Because they're true believers. Government is their religion. That's fucking ridiculous. Putting the guy in cuffs. And we've seen it. We've seen little black kids in kindergartens
Starting point is 00:48:21 or in first grade act up. They put cuffs on them and that is such an abuse of fucking power it is uh it's ridiculous and again i'm a big cop fan and stuff but they should know better that's like a judgment call really in front of his little kid you know i mean are they even smart enough to be aware how how wrong that? I just, I'm not buying it. You got to have a little bit of a personal discretion. You know what I mean? And again, I'm a huge cop fan, but that's, that's ridiculous. In the clip, Wallen describes the father's being detained while playing softball with his daughter. He's been taken by Brighton police for playing softball with his daughter in
Starting point is 00:49:00 an empty park. Wallen said of the arrest, I find it hard to believe with all the things going on in our communities, the only way to resolve a situation like this was to handcuff a father in front of his daughter. You are correct, sir. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Use a little personal judgment. A park sign at Donaldson does say closed, but in smaller print it reads, in groups of no more than four persons parks remain open for walking hiking biking running and similar activities that's right on the sign so i don't think the cops have a chance in this one mooney slammed the offices uh uh for being hypocritical in their following of the social distancing
Starting point is 00:49:47 guidelines he said during the contact none of the officers had masks on none of them had gloves on and they're in my face handcuffing me they're touching me so that is kind of hypocritical you fucking hypocrite um we i mean this is ridiculous mooney said that he had to spend about 10 minutes in the back of a patrol car before being released. That's almost an admission the cops are wrong. The police department alluded to the issue in a statement they posted to Facebook on Sunday night. The Brighton Police Department is currently conducting an investigation into a situation that occurred late this afternoon at Donaldson Park. into a situation that occurred late this afternoon at Donaldson Park. This is an inactive investigation, and we are unable to provide additional information
Starting point is 00:50:29 until the investigation is complete. You're lying. Give me a break. And you're a piece of shit. It wasn't the fucking Brinks heist. It's a dad playing t-ball with his daughter. Yeah, we got to fucking call the FBI, the Department of Justice. Got to look into this for the next few months.
Starting point is 00:50:46 How about we fucked up? We apologized to the guy. How about that? And again, this is coming from a huge cop fan. I'm just saying. Use a little personal discretion, could you? Finally tonight on Meet the Press, smoking marijuana, as I call it, Mary Jane, weed, hooch, sweet tea. Smoking marijuana could make the lungs more susceptible to COVID-19, experts say, as cannibal sales spike.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Of course they do. Snoop, what's up, man? What's up? Oh. Oh. Oh, you can't smoke shit when you're in a corona. It's going to fucking weaken your lungs. Do we have a... Am I going to set off anything in here?
Starting point is 00:51:55 Ah, fuck. I am as fucking high as a kite. Look at Snoop looking at me Loves my stuff Colleges across the United States Have canceled classes Vacated campus On the coronavirus pandemic grows In the days and weeks
Starting point is 00:52:16 Leading up to stay-in-place orders And lockdowns Cannabis, legal Sales spiked Some studies And anecdotal reports Suggest marijuana Can help people cope with anxiety,
Starting point is 00:52:25 which is being felt deeply across the world. Oh, anxiety, just poor kids. Oh, poor you. But the lung health experts warn that smoking marijuana regularly could increase a person's risk of contracting COVID-19. Also having more severe symptoms and complications from the disease, given evidence on tobacco and COVID-19 and what we already know about how heavy marijuana smoking impacts the lungs because there's a lot of pot smokers uh you know comedy comedians are always busting cigarette smokers balls how bad it is and they're
Starting point is 00:52:56 out there talking away and shit and it's got like a thousand chemicals you don't even although there's no data on marijuana use in COVID-19 patients, marijuana smokers, particularly ones who combine cannabis with tobacco, should be wary of their habits because of existing data on coronavirus patients in Italy and China. You know, the Chinese smoke their fucking. They smoke all the time while they're working. When I lived in New York City and the Koreans, they own the bodegas. They're always squatting down. when I lived in New York City and the Koreans. They own the bodegas.
Starting point is 00:53:24 They're always squatting down. Fucking young girls, fucking chimneys. Look at them. They're not fat. They're healthy. Anyways, they should be aware of habits because of the Gixxen data coming out of China and Italy. Barry Mick said that, a pulmonologist at National Jewish Health. From China and Italy. Barry, Barry makes it that a pulmonologist at National Jewish Health from China to Italy.
Starting point is 00:53:48 We see people who develop COVID-19 had underlying lung disease. They have more complications and die more often. So this is a perfect time to stop smoking. He says, fuck you. The CDC was able to analyze 7162 laboratorymed COVID-19 cases and found that 656 of them, 9.2%, reported having chronic lung conditions. People who smoke marijuana regularly are more likely to experience severe COVID-19 symptoms because evidence suggests marijuana smoking can cause cells in the lungs to die. That's true of anything you put in there. You're only supposed to be putting oxygen in there.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I know that even as a smoker. But I continue to sit on my front porch watching healthy people jog by. But I already worked out. I'm all sweaty, but I still get a cigarette going. And they give you the dirtiest looks, and you're like, go ahead, keep jogging, fat ass. There's an old black dude that jogs by every morning. I hadn't seen him for about a month or maybe two. But since I moved here in April, this guy, he's got a gray beard.
Starting point is 00:54:47 He's got to be 60. Built like a fullback. Fucking huge legs. He looked like he would kick the shit out of me. And when he comes by my house, he's barely, he's been running for hours. He's soaked. Saw him today for the first time in months. I always think of Ricky Henderson.
Starting point is 00:55:05 He sort of looks like Ricky Henderson in 20 years years but this guy is in fucking shape man uh unbelievable like a brick shithouse um anyways so you know and it is true i mean the the coronavirus if it finds a weakness in your lungs it's going to go after it This really isn't telling us anything we don't know. But he says that these cells typically promote germ removal. They're talking about the things in your lungs. An immune system response. So having fewer of them could lead to chronic health problems like respiratory infections. A good portion of the world will be infected by corona, but the level of severity of symptoms is going to depend on so many variables from genetic components to just your overall pre-existing conditions we know cigarettes and marijuana both cause cellular toxicity and changes changes in cellular
Starting point is 00:55:56 metabolism and cellular behavior so that would be a biologically plausible explanation to say if you got an infection from covid you're likely to have more dire symptoms obviously for that reason proponents of marijuana like eric el terry the executive director of national organization of the reform of marijuana laws say that smokeless methods like edibles and tinctures could be a smart idea for the time being okay so uh take a little bite of your brownie and enjoy it that way i have no alternative what am i gonna make a tobacco pie anyways uh that is it for today ladies and gentlemen uh stay uh stay away from people it's again it's a wet dream for lazy people like myself.
Starting point is 00:56:46 What? I can't go out of the house again. But stay safe. Wear a mask, I guess, if you're going to be close to people. And leave the fucking cops alone, you assholes. People are risking their lives, nurses, cops. And again, like I said, you look at the death numbers. Oh, by the way, here's another thing the CDC was doing wrong.
Starting point is 00:57:09 When they're including people dying of COVID, they were including people who died who had COVID, but they didn't die because of COVID. In other words, if somebody died of diabetes or emphysema and they had COVID, they're putting those in with the deaths caused by COVID. And they're two different things. You can die of something else and COVID wasn't the cause, but you could still have it. Do you know what I'm saying? So the numbers have been inflated, which is, hey, whatever. That is it. Remember, you guys think it.
Starting point is 00:57:42 I will say it. You're very welcome. Thank you for contributing and keeping the show alive. We'll see you back here tomorrow have a good day everybody guitar solo Thank you.

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