The Nick DiPaolo Show - Bias Black Juror | Nick Di Paolo Show #534

Episode Date: May 3, 2021

Chauvin juror seen wearing BLM shirt and hat. Maxine Waters responds to Tim Scott's race claims. Caitlyn Jenner says trans girls shouldn't compete with biological girls....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you so much for supporting this show. Free speech will always reign here, and it's only possible because of you guys. After all the problems with YouTube and the social media shadow banning and shit, not only are we still here, we are expanding. By the end of May, and this is for certain, we will have this show finally on Roku, We will have this show finally on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Android TV, and even an app for your iPhone or Android mobile device. That's right. Finally.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah, fuck you, big tech. Who needs you? It's not going to stop us. And again, I'd like to ask you guys to continue to keep those contributions coming. You're the reason for all this great stuff because it costs money to contribute. Just look for the contribute box on the comics, a,
Starting point is 00:00:50 or you can go to Nick and click on the contact page again. Thank you guys so much. guitar solo Oh yeah, oh yeah Good day America, welcome to the show Monday, the 46th of May How are you? Great trip down to Florida this weekend. Like to thank everybody at the Black Box. Again, Michelle Obama's nickname, I believe. Boca Raton and also Port St. Lucie at the whatever events on a town hall. It was actually a church. It was a church with a fucking steeple where they still do mass on Wednesdays and Sundays. And I'm up there dropping the C-bomb, you know, like I would at a regular church. The steeple got hit with lightning right after I was pulling out of the parking lot. I swear to God on my mother's tits. Great trip down there.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Got very drunk. Somebody introduced me to, you know, green. You know how you can get green tea in a bottle, you know, like almost like Snapple and it's really delicious. Well, they now have a drink. It's got, I don't know, sweet and sour in it. Schnaps, peach schnapps and some. It tastes like green tea. And I had 17.
Starting point is 00:02:47 OK, I was drinking like I was a senior in high school just to wake up on Sunday morning. No, I had to drive 440 miles. Your sister's box. Anyways, had a great time. Took a ton of pictures. Shook out of 100 hands. Then ate food without washing them. And I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:03:05 So it's all a fucking hoax, you dirty liars. Didn't see a mask down. Well, I did see. I actually told people to take them off in the lobby. I said, who are you coming to see? Fucking Chelsea Handler, that fucking black whore lover. Let's get right to the show before I get kicked off this part of the fucking internet. I don't even know where I am.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Hey, speaking of media and shows, do you remember how the press treated President Trump? Do you guys remember how they just grilled him and every question was dead serious? And, you know, he talked to him every time every time he saw one. He was the most transparent. Well, let's let's take a look just to refresh your memory on how they treated trump uh in in the midterms that here we go that well if you don't mind mr president that this caravan was an invasion as you know i consider it to be as you know mr president caravan was not an invasion it's a pause it's a group of migrants
Starting point is 00:04:02 moving up i said from central america tour sorry guys i forget we're training a new guy uh he's lecturing the president this little why hasn't anybody stabbed this fuck in the head jim acosta i know where to find him in a gay bath house in dc gobbler of goo look at trump he wants to headbutt this midget. Oh, God. Of course, CNN, right? Yeah, fuck it. This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. Yes, by radical leftists. Go ahead, let her fly.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Towards the border with the U.S. Thank you for telling me that. Why did you characterize it as such? Because I consider it an invasion. You and I have a difference of opinion. But do you think that you demonized immigrants in this election to try to keep... I want them to come into the country, but they have to come in legally. You know, they have to come in, Jim, through a process.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I want it to be a process. And I want people to come in, and we need the people. Your campaign... Wait, wait, wait. You know why we need the people. Talking over the president. Because we have hundreds of companies moving in. We need the people. They're hundreds of miles Wait, wait. You know why we need the people? Talking over the president. Because we have hundreds of companies moving in. We need the people.
Starting point is 00:05:07 They're hundreds of miles away, though. They're hundreds and hundreds of miles away. That's not an invasion. Honestly, you know what? That's not an invasion. Honestly, I think you should let me run the country. You run CNN. And if you did it well, your ratings would be much higher.
Starting point is 00:05:21 That's his way of going. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Go ahead. That's enough. Mr. President, I was going to ask one of the other folks. That's enough.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Pardon me, ma'am. Excuse me. That's enough. Mr. President, I had one other question. If I may ask on the Russia investigation, are you concerned that you may have indictments? It's like he's scalding a four-year-old. I'm not concerned about anything with the Russian investigation because it's a hoax. Are you? That's enough. Put down the mic. Mr. President, are you worried about indictments coming down in this investigation?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Mr. President, I'll tell you what, CNN should be ashamed of itself having you work. All right. You are the idea. So that's how they treated him during press conferences. Right. into it. So that's how they treated him during press conferences, right? Just zero respect. Basically accusatory questions, as we all know. Now let's take a look.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Let's compare that to this past weekend and how they went after Biden. They really grilled Joe Biden on NBC should be blown the fuck up, by the way. I joke, folks, don't blow it up, but do something to it where should be blown the fuck up. By the way, I, I, I joke folks don't blow it up,
Starting point is 00:06:26 but do something to it where it would equal being blown up. You know, a claw hammer nail by nail. I don't give a shit. I want it raised as they say. Uh, but this is the today show on NBC. Watch this hard hitting interview with our fake president who stole the
Starting point is 00:06:42 election. This come guzzler major the first dog is what's we were going to bring him into see well i don't know if that's the best idea based on what i've heard about major is he back in the white house he's back yeah he is such a sweet lovable dog he really is he is I'll take you to meet him. He's probably outside now. He should go. Now, my people don't get along with
Starting point is 00:07:11 German Shepherds. Maybe you've seen the History Channel. You gonna turn a hose on me too, you fucking couple of white devils? Go ahead, let it go. Go ahead, roll. And then there are these rumors that the first family was considering adopting a cat. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:07:27 That is true. Can you confirm that? He's waiting in the wing. She. She is waiting in the wings. I can't get in the snatch. Was this throughout the year, Mr. President? No, it's easy.
Starting point is 00:07:37 So let me get this straight. Major Biden, who's clearly had some trouble adjusting to life at the White House, now he's going to be forced to contend with a cat as well. Well, that was part of his training. Okay, enough. I think you get the idea. Meanwhile, China's plotting a fucking demise and every other country, Russia's hanging out
Starting point is 00:07:55 with Iran. What about your cat? I heard the cat's very cute. And Major bites people, doesn't he? Very, very. And here's the other thing. I was reading an article about it. Somebody wrote, they said Biden might have said 50 words in the whole hour interview. So there's something off.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Is she going to sit next to him every time? He's not there, man. I know this. My dad died of Alzheimer's, man. I'm telling you. He's dying right before our eyes. Anyways, I thought that was very weird. You see the difference, huh? Former Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy went on Fox News this week to say that he believes
Starting point is 00:08:37 that President Joe Biden will cause Democrats to lose the House of Representatives in 2022. Yes, Mr. Gowdy, if they don't steal the elections again, have we fixed that yet? Washington Post's Ashley Parker writes, so far Republicans have struggled in their attempts to vilify President Biden or paint him as an out-of-touch big government socialist. A move by Senator Cruz to depict Biden
Starting point is 00:09:03 as boring but radical fell flat. No, it didn't. In your circles, it fell flat. We heard it loud and clear. So she asked, so are Republicans able to sing from the same sheet of music here in response? You wouldn't think so based on the reporting coming out of the retreat in Florida, because, you know, they say there's all kinds of fighting among the Republican Party right now. But Republicans should take hope for this reason, Gowdy said. I mean, Joe Biden is doing what they tell you to do in politics, which is talk reasonably, but actually legislating and governing as a progressive.
Starting point is 00:09:41 But, you know, he's governing far left left but he's being reasonable about it because these people are so fucking stupid in this country you are correct sir he really is he's right on the money there uh the net result is gonna be this is gaudy talking uh he may be uh fine in two years but because of court packing and because of this uh social infrastructure and because of other initiatives hr1 he going to lose the house. We're not talking about the one he has in Delaware either. I threw that. So congratulations, people really like you. What's that mean? But they don't like the house. That's what he said. People really like Biden,
Starting point is 00:10:21 which they don't, again. But they don't like the House, and you're going to lose it, the House, and whatever you want to do, you're not going to be able to do for the remainder of your time as president. First of all, he's not the president. That's the tradeoff, and that's Gowdy's take on it. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser. Fox News contributor Molly Hemingway agreed with him. She says, contrary to what the media claim about Joe Biden, he is actually more divisive, statistically speaking, than even Donald Trump was, she said. He's a polarizing figure.
Starting point is 00:10:57 His dentures are coming loose. He has hair plugs. He shits his pants. He says she says his agenda has been radical or as CNN called it, radical moderation or something like that. Moderate radicalism. Yeah, what the fuck? Well, whose fault is that? I would say the people that made the computers for the election. It's not popular with the American people, she said. There are crises on the border. There was profligate spending. American people, she said. There are crises on the border. There was profligate spending. You know, he thinks the country is racist, dystopic. It's a hellhole. People don't like to hear about this, Hemingway added. And he's governing as if he had majorities, but it clearly, he doesn't. And this is a problem in the real world. Even if the media are doing as much to help him like we just saw,
Starting point is 00:11:45 as they do to tear down Donald Trump, which is right on the goddamn money. I already feel it turning a little bit. I don't know about you guys. But again, I'm going to say this again and again. It doesn't matter if you don't fix those election laws and all that horse shit. They're just going to get,
Starting point is 00:12:03 we're never going to win another election. Anybody with me? What am I, in a fucking vacuum over here? You motherfucker. Oh, God, help us. So what about the dog? We heard he had a tick
Starting point is 00:12:18 on his nuts. Oh, was that you, Joe? Yeah, I went out in the woods trying to pick some flowers. I felt an itching down here. Fucking shithead. You know, it's going to be cool. I really do think he's going to pass away during his term. If I have anything to say about it.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I'll say this again. I've said it many times. Remember they accused Trump of being a Russian agent working for Putin? If that was true, he would have poisoned everybody at CNN and NBC. You know, I mean, he would have invited them to the fucking Mar-a-Lago and made, like, kamikazes and put all kinds of shit in it. That's what Putin does. Have a spot of tea. The next day, you're in critical condition, bleeding from your ass and eyes.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I mean, who wouldn't like to see Rachel Maddow laid out with her big fucking cock exposed in a hospital bed? Oh, will you stop that type of talk? Please stop it. Anyways, let's get on to some race stories, since that's all the media does is paint us as racist and terrorist. Anybody white is the problem, which is hilarious because we're still 68% of the country. So if the shit goes down, I still like our odds. Not to mention everybody in the military leans right. And most Republicans have 11 guns in their house. So bring it on,
Starting point is 00:13:37 you fucking faggots. Let's get on to a hateful black woman. Which one? Joy Reid? No, let's go to an older generation. I call her Maxine Septic Tank Waters. This weekend, she shows her hate again for Whitey when responding to a question about Tim Scott saying that this country isn't racist. If you remember, he rebutted Joe Biden's speech. And so Maxine Waters, who was elected, what was it, 18, 18, I don't know, right after slavery, she was still around. But let's hear what this fucking black racist twat, and again, I always think of Chris Rock talking about all black people being right. He does a whole bit about black, I should have pulled it, about black uh old black men are the most racist people on the earth but uh i think uh maxine waters would give it any old black guy a run for his money listen to this twat song well you know i don't know if he was counseled uh to say that whether he really believes that if he really believes that, then he has missed not only the history of the country, but what is going on right now.
Starting point is 00:14:48 As we watched the invasion of the Capitol on January 6th, and those people following Trump saying they were taking back their government and they were willing to harm people. As a matter of fact, not only were they willing to harm people, but the Capitol Police, who happened to be police of color, African-American, they were calling them names, the N-word. All right, enough. She's lying through a giant two-car garage nose. Fucking whore. We have audio of another thing she said. What folks says about this family i does
Starting point is 00:15:25 i has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird and i ain't aiming for you to go to mr john wilkinson and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog yeah she's got like a four million dollar house can you imagine this fucking country has been so any other fucking country if she grew up in she'd be claiming dorm rooms just a real fucking i don't think she's smart enough to do that to be honest with you what What a dope. Do you hear her talking about January 6th, where one person was killed, a white Trump supporter, unarmed, shot by a black cop,
Starting point is 00:16:16 and she's talking about how white people were using the N-word, which is what blacks do now anytime the shit goes down, and they get caught with bad behavior. They say, well, they triggered it. They call us the N-word first. She's just a hateful fuck. She's a, and I can't. James Brown called. He wants his wig back, you basset hound fuck face. Anyways, back to the story. She went on to say, we've been through the civil rights movement where of course we made some, some progress. There you go. Throw that some in there.
Starting point is 00:16:44 You know why because it's a con game the race card they've been hanging their hat on it they'll never let it go we know that but this president that we had trump was taking us backward really how come he got more of the black vote than fucking mitt romney did and more of the hispanic vote you lying fucking housemate. He was making racist comments, you know, identify himself with people like the Ku Klux Klan and the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers and QAnon.
Starting point is 00:17:16 She could have just said this. White power, one, two, three, four! That's not how much my country going down the drain maxine waters i like to cut her veins she says uh i mean that is racism defined in the most obvious way and to say that this is not a racist country maybe maybe he meant to say that there are many people who are not racist in this country but yes we have a problem with racism these blacks who knows where they're going to take the wrong way we do have a problem with racism it's all coming from the left now. White progressives hate themselves, and I would say, and again, I
Starting point is 00:18:09 would say about 92% of black people hate white people. Nick, where'd you get that number? I just fucking made it up. Sue me. I base it on life experience, how they look at me in the Home Depot. Ugh! how they look at me in the Home Depot. Four cups of coffee already. I got to go to the dentist.
Starting point is 00:18:31 He might lose a thumb. If anybody tells me I need fucking to floss, somebody's going to lose a fucking eye. I'll grab that little pointy thing that he scraped my teeth with. I will take an eye out. Do you know I get kicked out of my dentist in Westchester one day? They wanted to x-ray me for like the third time. And I go, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:18:51 I know you're making money on the x-rays. I got into it with a lady and she called the doctor and told me to calm down. Give you an idea how I live my life. Then I go home and I get yelled at by my wife like I'm in sixth grade. What are you doing? I said nothing. I get yelled at by my wife like I'm in sixth grade. What are you doing? I said nothing. I'm an American. Let's get on to some more black races.
Starting point is 00:19:11 How about this juror, this lying juror, this young black kid, by the way, who's been on TV for the last couple of weeks since the Chauvin case ended. And because he wants to end up an american idol or whatever get his own show on bet uh one of the jurors who served on the murder trial of former uh cop derek show and reportedly sported a black lives matter t-shirt with a reference to the death of george floyd seemingly challenging what the juror told the chauvin defense team during jury selection. There he is right there. I don't like your jerk off name. I don't like your jerk off face. I don't like your jerk off behavior. And I don't like you jerk off. According to an article published in August, 2020, he's wearing a hat that says black lives matter and a t-shirt that says BLM with the words, get your knee off our necks, a reference to the death of Floyd. Thank you for explaining that, author of the article.
Starting point is 00:20:09 The photo was posted by Travis Mitchell with the caption, the next generation being socially active, representing in D.C. my son Marzell, my nephew Brandon, this is the picture, my son Marzell, my nephew Brandon, this is the picture, Brandon Rene Mitchell, and brother Maurice Jauntness Johnson. However, when Mitchell was asked by Judge Peter Cahill on March 15th of 2021 if he knew anything about the Shovey Floyd case, he said no, according to Fox 9 reporter Paul Bloom. So, you know. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Just a liar. Just anything for the black cause.
Starting point is 00:20:54 If this fucking, I'm serious. If this isn't thrown out, this case. Just, we should have done a reverse the races here. Imagine if it was a black guy on trial and some white guy had a fucking uh even a confederate flag would have done him in or a picture of uh jennifer aniston from friends that would be too white they'd fucking throw the case out seriously we had you saw me interview how'd you like me and dershowitz i thought i did pretty good for a moron.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Can you imagine if it was reversed? They would flip this thing overnight. Even Dershowitz said, because of Maxine Waters out there yapping, that it should be thrown out immediately. Of course, the judge didn't want to do that because, you know, the whole world would have burned down. And like I said, that's the new world we are in when there's a big high profile case. the new world we are in when there's a big high profile case. The die has been cast as far as mob mentality rules. Any juror from now on that goes into a big racial thing case is going to have that in their back of the mind. So mission accomplished, lefties. Last week, Mitchell told the Wall Street Journal that he came forward to talk about the case so he could help push for the change. How about changing your neighborhood? The jury was anonymous.
Starting point is 00:22:10 The Journal reported Thursday that Mitchell said he decided to come forward because staying anonymous wouldn't help push for change and claimed he had been pulled over by police officers dozens of times in the past for no reasons, suggesting his identity as a black man made him a suspect. And again, you're lying and you're a piece of shit. OK, and people ingest this. That is a boldface fucking lie pulled over dozens of times for no reason other than being black bold-faced fucking lie guaranteed you were fucking speeding or fucking talking on your cell phone because i've seen it a million times so why doesn't somebody look into that why don't we somebody look into when he was pulled over and what for
Starting point is 00:23:01 let's start doing some digging instead of taking it in the ass and just nodding. Imagine this guy. This guy was considered unbiased when they put him on the jury. Everything is rigged, I swear to God. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. They're out of order. Who's they? Are you being racist? out of order. Who's they? Are you being racist? Unbelievable. But I'm serious. They don't have an algorithm. They don't they don't go over a juror's. I know it might not have been on his Facebook, but there's algorithms that can scoop up anybody you talk to. And at least there is for conservatives. Christ's sake, he did everything in that post uh but you know sucking oj's dick in high school isn't well that makes no sense he wasn't holding
Starting point is 00:23:52 it but you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying i'm sick of hearing about the the uh racist legal system and derek chauvin and his lawyers should be very excited right now. But let's say, let's say in a perfect world, they throw the case out. Then what happens? You know what happens. You know what happens. There's going to be thousands of black people in the inner city wearing brand new Air Jordans and all kinds of nice jewelry from the dollar store. Nick, that's racist. Well, I'm just calling it like I see it.
Starting point is 00:24:33 You don't believe it's, you don't believe it's, I think, I'll give you more proof that it's not a racist legal system. Here you go. Here's a great example. The next story, a very lean sentence for a legal. For an illegal who got busted, killed somebody drunk and driving. But you know what? Because New Jersey's a fucking sucker dick sanctuary state. Very lean sentence. Listen to this. An illegal alien has been sentenced to five years in prison. Five, just five. Cinco.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Cinco años. What is years? Is that right? El euros. Five years in prison for killing a 24-year-old man in a drunk driving car crash in the sanctuary state of New Jersey. Son of a... Five years. Jesus leal Corona. Every time an illegal kills somebody in a drunk
Starting point is 00:25:29 driving accident, they get their lime. Jesus Leal Corona, a 49-year-old illegal alien pleaded guilty in 2020 to second degree vehicular homicide, two counts of third degree vehicular assault. vehicular homicide, two counts of third degree vehicular assault, excuse me, and drunk driving after hitting and killing 24-year-old Frankie Hensley of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in September of 2019. Corona, Leal Corona, who had been living in Monroeville, New Jersey, admitted to police that he was drunk driving when he hit Hensley. At the time of the crash, Hensley was the passenger in a vehicle involved
Starting point is 00:26:10 in a separate crash when he got out of the vehicle. Then Leal Corona hit Hensley, who was rushed to a nearby hospital and died hours later as a result of his injuries. And it's sad, man.
Starting point is 00:26:23 He's gone. Stay in your car. I'm going to do nothing about about it leo corona was sentenced to five years oh that's a lot five years in prison for the vehicular homicide charge and must serve 80 only 85 of his term before becoming eligible for parole he also received a three-year sentence vehicular assault you think that would be part of vehicular harm i don't understand the law in 30 days in prison uh for the drunk driving charge they interviewed him he said uh gracias i get three smells a day a nice clean bed you know
Starting point is 00:26:58 uh anyway didn't it sound a little lenient i don't know maybe not maybe i'm just being a white supremacist how do you like my try? Before the deadly crash, Lael Corona had been arrested. Get this. This is the part that should enrage you. He'd been arrested in Texas, New Jersey. Despite those arrests,
Starting point is 00:27:15 Corona was never deported. You know why? New Jersey's broad sanctuary state policy, which shields criminal illegal aliens from a federal arrest and deportation could prevent leo corona from being uh turned over to the ice people the ice asg okay because it's a sanctuary state you don't believe people are pitting. They're trying to destroy the country. That's all it is. You know, the no bail fucking shit. There's rapists and murder. Again, I don't know who runs the world. It's like 10 guys or whatever, but they've had
Starting point is 00:27:57 enough of white people apparently. Can you imagine sanctuary state? And he'll end up killing somebody again but you know so uh yeah that's that's new jersey and um can you imagine i don't know who's coming up with it how does that pass sanctuary a sanctuary for criminals literally you fucking people you have no idea how to defend a nation. I'll give you another story. Judge Jerkoff, that's his name, lets a black thug go. A Bronx judge on Sunday night, let me guess, abroad, ordered the alleged Riverdale Synagogue vandal cut loose on supervised release, reversing an early decision by a separate jurist, that would be a judge, to hold the suspect on $20,000 bail. The suspect, 29-year-old
Starting point is 00:28:52 Jordan Burnett, with his tremendous haircut. Is anybody not a criminal with that haircut? Nick, that's horrible. Whoopi Goldberg's cousin, Frank. All right. The suspect, 29-year-old Jordan Burnett, was granted supervised release by Judge Tara Amidam Broad Collins in Bronx Criminal Court hours after he was ordered held on bail on 42 charges stemming from his alleged 11-day crime spree, said Patrice O'Shaughnessy, a spokesman for the Bronx District Attorney's Office. And this stupid judge. spree said patrice o'shaughnessy a spokesman for the bronx district attorney's office and this stupid judge why aren't they hell responsible like when a judge frees somebody like i know she's doing her job and whoever's above her whoever's above her boss above him whoever from the top is trying to create a race war whatever they're whatever the fuck they're doing um why aren't they held to the same like stand that his cops are because this kid will go out and hurt somebody in a few years and then they should go
Starting point is 00:29:56 back and go judge hands behind your back please um here's here's a video of this fucking genius at work. La la. Oh, busy Saturday night, huh? Where's your girlfriend? Caught in traffic or doing a heroin deal? Look at this piece of shit. It's a synagogue. Apparently his accountant shorted him.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah, there you go. You're a tough kid. Piece of fucking shit. Why so angry at the Jewish people? Why is that? But that didn't stop Judge Lewis Nock, finally a good guy, who was earlier Sunday ordered that Burnett be held in lieu of $20,000, even though prosecutors insisted the man had to be sprung under the state's controversial bail reform laws. We have lost our mind. Given the number of attacks, we probably would have asked for substantial bail before January of 2020, Assistant District Attorney, oh, Teresa Godley told NOC earlier Sunday. So we have
Starting point is 00:31:06 a broad with a slight brain cell. Uh, the legislature did not include hate crimes, uh, in its revision of bail reform and under the law as it exists today, this is not eligible. She added, we will not violate the law. We will not, we will not violate the law by letting this kid be charged with violating the fucking law. We are finished. But Knock made his ruling after deciding that the shattering of glass constitutes a violent felony. We can't agree on that. Boy, are we doomed as a species. Burnett is accused of shattering synagogue doors and windows and yelling this while he was doing it. Get this through your head. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you.
Starting point is 00:31:54 God, he sounds like Pesci. Maybe he's black Italian. Shattering synagogue doors and windows, smashing multiple car windows, and dousing prayer books for 8th Israel and hand sanitizer. He doused the books and hand sanitizer before tossing them in the woods nearby. A number of charges against Burnett are hate crime related offenses. Again, reverse the races. Making a white guy at a black church, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:24 pissing on a painting of Martin Luther King, whatever, you know. I'm sure they'd let him off on a technicality. We are finished. Well, let's stay on black news. This is like BET, but these are all the headlines, folks. I go over all the websites. I just grab what people is talking about.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Brooklyn bus driver intentionally run over by guess who? Brooklyn is one of the most violent places on the planet. Let's take a look at this is graphic. I warn you people, even though you're my followers and if you can stomach my show without throwing up uh i think you'll be fine watching this but the lady does get run over it's pretty graphic let's take a look at uh what goes on at brooklyn lately she gets out to film this guy. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Look at this. Look at this. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you kidding me? Police are currently searching for the driver. Apparently he has a hoodie and sneakers on. That guy. Police say the school bus driver was at a red light when the vehicle behind him started honking his horn so she's at a red light jerk off
Starting point is 00:33:59 behind ignorant fucking moron honking the the horn, continued to hit the bus. The bus driver got out. Argument ensued. Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch. When attempting to record the vehicle, the bus driver was then run over by the vehicle. The 44-year-old bus driver is listed in critical
Starting point is 00:34:23 but stable condition. The suspect was just given a source award. La, la, la, la. Can you fucking imagine? Huh? Don't tell me, do not tell me that all races are alike. I'm trying to put that as, but that's all you hear. No, we're just, you know, under our skin.
Starting point is 00:34:52 We're all the same. Bull fucking shit. Yes, white people do crazy shit like that too, but I'll say it again. Every time the white person knows there's about a hundred of these, you can just go look at shit. Viral. They have a website dedicated to it. It's like porn to me no no no no in our FLA segment tonight oh my god more black news a Florida elementary school principal is I was praying it would be like an Eskimo or an Irish person a Florida elementary school principal is under investigation for whacking a six. Is that she is black, right? Who's that?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Well, anyways, we'll watch the video. Whacking a six year old girl with a paddle. I did that. I wasn't on film. Well, I was, but we get rid of it with a paddle. And she wasn't six. 14. In a shocking incident that was captured on video by the student's mom.
Starting point is 00:35:46 That must be the student's mom. According to a local report. Because when you watch the tape, the teacher looks like Frank Thomas. Melissa Carter, head of Central Elementary School in Clewiston, was filmed bending the child over and hitting her several times with a wooden paddle. I actually had this done to me. Not by a whore, by a fraternity brother. I got to keep the paddle. Danny Maloney did it. He's my big brother. He used to put a hamburger juice on his balls and let our dog lick it off in the
Starting point is 00:36:15 fraternity. That's a true story. Used to make me laugh till I cried. Anyways, hit the girl several times with a wooden paddle according to the wink that's the tv station that's what you want your news coming from wink wink tv we're on your side until we wink let's take a look at this fat heifer of a piece of human garbage garbage hitting this little girl. Look at it. That's a school principal. You mother getting a six year old with a wooden paddle in front of her mother.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Pause, I'll read it. The hatred with which she hit my daughter. I mean, it was hatred that really, I've never hit my daughter like she hit her. Maybe that's why she broke the computer. That's why she was being spanked. She did $50 worth of damage to a computer. She said, I never hit her. Go ahead, roll it.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I didn't do it. We know the name of the woman with the past. Who said it? Through a report from the sheriff's office. It says the principal of Central. Look at that. Can you fucking imagine? I'm going to find out what the hell happened here.
Starting point is 00:37:54 The hatred of which she hit my daughter. I meant it was hatred that really I've never hit my daughter like that. She said in Spanish. Isn't it beautiful how diversity it's all coming together huh isn't a great clip there's america in a nutshell america's an idea with people of all races and ethnicities will live in it's failing huge it's it's failing bigly i built the fucking wall country's still as brown as dog shit i don't know what happened i had never hit her, said the person.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Then the Indian principal said, but, but you don't have opening? No. But why not? The mom who wasn't named in the report said she was called
Starting point is 00:38:36 by the school on April 13th because her daughter had apparently caused about $50 worth of damage to a computer. I do that every night. Fucking trying to get jizz
Starting point is 00:38:44 out of my mouse pad. What? She went to the school to pay the fee, but was sent to the principal's office, where she found her child with Carter and a school clerk, according to the report. Then, the mom says, the principal started to scream. She looked around and got nervous after noticing the lack of surveillance cameras. The mom did. What are we doing in this place? My daughter and I alone, the mom said. She wondered. And so she
Starting point is 00:39:11 hid her phone in her purse and decided to record the brutal punishment, fearing that authorities wouldn't believe her otherwise, in which she's exactly right. Nobody would have believed me, she said. The mom told the outlet. I sacrificed my daughter. Your daughter's going to really love you on Mother's Day. Fucking ass is bright red for the next 10 months. I sacrificed my daughter. Who are you, Jesus?
Starting point is 00:39:36 So all parents can realize what's happening in the school. Sure, she hasn't sit down in eight months. She took her daughter to a doctor later that day to document the red marks and bruises caused by the paddle, the report said. She said, I'm going to get justice for my daughter because if I could not do it in front of her, I'm going to do it with justice, the woman said. This year, we're going to grab the bull by the balls and kick those punks off campus, said her husband in perfect English. Oh, my God, what a funny show today. My nipples are hard.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Let's lighten it up. Speaking of funny, it's a story we touched on a while ago. But I think now the girl, the woman's being sentenced. Finally, here's the headline cunt hunt finds gun i write my own headlines folks these are called sub what do they call them jace under the big headline what is it decks oh yeah the on the decks a missouri woman who smuggled a gun into a county jail by hiding in her in her Imagine a guy reporting it on the local news like this, who hit a gun in her snatch. Sentenced to a decade, a decade? We just talked about
Starting point is 00:40:55 an illegal alien killing somebody five years and with good time and whatever. Are you fucking kidding me? 10 years because she's a white woman. I'm not shitting you. You think to hand injustice down evenly? It's a whole different country. 10 years, she hit a gun in her snatch. Bad news for her husband, it was two ARs and a month's worth of dynamite.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Her vagina was sent. I'm looking at the teleprompter. All it says, her vagina was sentenced I'm looking at the teleprompter all it says her vagina was sentenced to a decade behind bars holy Christ that's a violent pussy my vagina's angry
Starting point is 00:41:38 it is it's pissed off imagine you go down on this broad you end up like jfk amy wilhite 39 had pleaded guilty to sneak in the four inch four inch revolver into boone county jail maybe she got a nice tight one no i'm sorry any gun that can fit in there. The firearm was loaded with five rounds, but I'm sure the powder got wet. What? The firearm was loaded with five rounds when Wilhite brought it into the lockup.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Police and jail guards failed to detect the gun, which was eventually found by authority 17 days after Wilhite was sent to jail on a separate gun in narcotics charges, the reports. What do you mean? She was carrying it around all the time? Holy God. Wilhite admitted to having the gun
Starting point is 00:42:36 during questioning, but she claimed she was holding it for another inmate. Can you make this shit up? Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Other inmates in her housing unit, however, refuted her claim saying Amy was in possession of the firearm, according to the report. And they said she's the only one that had a box big enough. Apparently her sister was busted six months later with a super soaker up her ass in our libs eating libs a segment tonight um
Starting point is 00:43:19 well let's uh let's just go right to the videotape on this one. So there's legislation in various states to ban biological boys who are trans playing girls' sports. That's Caitlyn Jenner, by the way. I didn't really set this up, but somebody called in the park a lot and asking about, you know, trans women playing against girls. Go ahead. What's your opinion on that? In back. In school, what's your opinion on that? In backstop. In.
Starting point is 00:43:51 I cannot help but laugh at this guy. He's a good girl. Question of fairness. That's why I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girl sports in school. It just isn't fair and we have to protect girls sports but if someone transitions and now identifies as a girl isn't it
Starting point is 00:44:14 shut up how could you have a follow-up question could it be any clearer this clip needed music for me like this. me. That's Bruce Jenner. When I was in high school, he was the greatest athlete on the planet. Literally. Gold medal for what's that one where you do nine different sports? I mean, it still makes me goddamn laugh. But he's saying, and we've discussed this many times on the show,
Starting point is 00:45:14 a guy, you know, again, I think the law is you can show up and just say you identify, right? Even if it's not that trans woman, which is a guy who transitions into you understand they still have the muscle the muscle fiber of a uh a guy and i can't i i've pointed this out i'm i'm against it too but i i'm just glad it's going to happen because it's going to for once put this argument to bed that women can do anything men can do as well it's just going to put it to bed when little Diane Smith, who's 5'5", weighs 106 pounds soaking wet, comes flying up from her strong safety position to fill the fucking two hole. And here comes Sharon Kimmel, 6'3", 230, runs a fucking 4'2", 40,
Starting point is 00:46:06 literally hits her so hard her head pops off like a champagne cork. Her tits go flying, land right in her parents' lap. And then we'll hear what the bearded women have to say on the left. I'm dying for it. It's going to play out right before they're, and it's going to, again,
Starting point is 00:46:24 it's just the worst case of penis envy. That's all this shit is. And, uh, some girl's going to get hurt. And if I had a daughter, like I said, that ran track and she's going for a scholarship and she gets beaten the 300 meetings because the girl next to her, the tip of her dick broke the band, the finish line first, I would be furious. Who's with me, Kevin. I would be furious. Who's with me, Kevin? Well, that is it, kids, for Monday.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Another Monday in the books. And again, thank you to everybody that came out to the gigs down in Boca Raton in Port St. Lucie. I had a ball as much as I hate to travel, but it was really fun. Don't forget That's the home of this show. It'll always be there, regardless of how much trouble I get in. also. That's my website.
Starting point is 00:47:14 You can make donations there, or you can sign up monthly. Click the tour button if you want to see where I'm performing. Stand up. Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, I will make a video on my phone, like a minute, minute and a half long. You go to, click on my profile, and there's a small fee. And people love it. They use it as birthday presents, whatever. Or they just like to get back at somebody they hate, kiddingly, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Anyways, That is it, you guys. Thank you, and I will say it. You're very welcome. We will see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a great day, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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