The Nick DiPaolo Show - Biden Bad Mouths Border Patrol | Nick Di Paolo Show #600

Episode Date: September 27, 2021

Biden says Border Agents will pay. Biden adds Nearly 1M illegals. BLM Compares Mandates to Freedom Papers. F**K Joe Biden chants in College Football. Midtown NYC haven for Junkies....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television, or from the White House, now more than ever our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed, and that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show, and that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning, honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. You ever think the Taliban might have a point? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Welcome on a Monday. How are you folks? Monday, Monday. Hey, I want to thank the people that came out this weekend. Both in West Palm Beach, the Kennel Club, on a Thursday night. Great show. Some technical difficulties, but they worked them out. These things happen. But let me tell you something. I'm telling my comedian friends. You get a chance to do this. It's a beautiful room. Beautiful room.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And then the next night, Wesley Chapel. Every time I mentioned it down there on Thursday, they're like, people from Florida. I never heard of the fucking. That night I heard, oh, it's kind of a redneck play. But it was side splitters. And you know what it was? It was a movie theater, like an AMC movie theater, you know, multiplex. I was in one of the theaters, which I've done before.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And I love it because the seating is perfect. None of the assholes can get away with anything. They're right in front of me. And, you know, you've been in it as a movie theater. And it was tremendous. Sold out the first one, and the second one was closed. My buddy Sean Powell, this goes out to you. I love you, man, but you've got to stop fucking up my shows.
Starting point is 00:02:53 That's the third one in a row now. Sean likes to hit the sauce before he comes in, and he's sitting right in the front and thinks that, I don't know, he's my brother now, but there's other people who paid. And I love you because you contribute all the time. And I didn't want to piss off your wife. I could tell she was getting mad at me. But I'm doing a fucking show!
Starting point is 00:03:15 And you know it! Stop it! Anyways, yeah, so it was a good weekend. Drove home. I left after the second show, Friday night. Averaged, I'd say, 105 miles an hour on the way home. I got the Waze thing. I fucking kicked it up to 120. There was a stretch of just, that I'm like, what am I doing? If I have a blowout, fucking, yeah, shaved about, I don't know, 55 minutes off the road on the way home. Got home like, I don't know, quarter to seven. Got up at noontime and I laid on the couch
Starting point is 00:03:57 and watched college football for about 38 hours. It's a very American thing to do. Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! That's why I watch now. We're still not being mean enough to him as opposed to how they treated Trump. I mean everybody.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Let me give you a warning before I get to the N-word. Governor Abbott of Texas, he's a phony too. He's a fucking phony, too. Don't let him fool you. He should have 9,000 National Guardsmen down there fucking picking people up. It's all a joke. Even Trump's wall was a joke. You understand we have a military, we have guns, flamethrowers,
Starting point is 00:04:40 if you want to stop people from coming in. Do you understand it? So let's quit pretending. If I hear one more speech by Ted Cruz or whoever, which sounds great but does fucking nothing. All right. Am I almost done? All right. Let's roll. All right, let's roll. In the N-word segment tonight or today or this morning, I have this theory that, Joe, I need a fucking nap. Biden's vaccine mandate and garbage like critical race theory might have an unintended consequence that unites blacks and whites in this country.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Can you believe that? To say blacks have had a healthy skepticism of the U.S. government for the past 100 years or so, and for good reason, is like saying CNN is a tad biased in its reporting or Lena Dunham is slightly unattractive. Right now, the NBA has a vaccine civil war going on, And like the civil war, it's pitting brother against brother. I like that one. It seems there are a lot of NBA players, even through the cloud of pot smoke enveloping their heads, they see this mandate for what it is, an experiment by shapeshifters like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci and company that uses us like so many lab rats.
Starting point is 00:06:05 And apparently there are players like Kerry Irving. Again, I'm not a big NBA fan, but I know he's a big name who are rejecting this mandate. Like Miles Turner slapping away a fifth grade girl's attempt at a layup. Good for him and good for them. The statement might be hard to swallow this statement, but even for me, it's hard to swallow. But there's some things in life that are bigger than a pro sporting event. Like, you know, one's right to choose what medicine one puts into one's own body. As the mustachioed feminist watch like to say, my body, my choice. The big difference between a feminist and an NBA player saying it is an NBA
Starting point is 00:06:43 player could wreak, you know, havoc on a multi million dollar industry in like two seconds if they stopped showing up to work. Quicker than you could say, I need 600 bucks and a ride to Planned Parenthood. Sure, there could be punishment handed out by the league because it's a private business. But if that happens, I'm sure there'll be a ton of support coming from not only hoop fans, but anybody who still believes in that little thing called civil rights and the Constitution.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And this support will be from both black and white communities. And for once, we can stick it to the man together. I'm not a big NBA fan, but I am a huge fan of anybody who helps extend the chance, fuck Joe Biden, in any arena
Starting point is 00:07:26 where Americans are supposed to be able to escape this horrible power grab by the most tyrannical administration in U.S. history. Somebody has to stand up and say, intentional foul. If this vaccine controversy has Nicki Minaj and Tucker Carlson retweeting each other in agreement, then there's still hope as far as blacks and whites getting along in this country. And that's the N-word. Walk, walk, walk, walk. Joe Biden, when did Biden become Biden? When did Biden become Biden? Biden. Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I'm watching fucking grown women doing the news saying Biden. Not pronouncing the D. It's a black fucking hood thing. And naturally, that's what we want to aspire to. Football pool. I had 10 right going into tonight. The leader has 11. You know what that means. There's about five people with 11, about five people with 10.
Starting point is 00:08:32 One of those jerk-offs will get 12. Wait a minute. They get a 12? Yeah, you can only get 11. All right. Sorry I brought it up. Let's go to a biden says the border patrol agents who confronted haitian migrants will pay you see how he's tough against citizens american citizens people who do their job
Starting point is 00:08:57 huh the very backbone of this country and he favors oh i it's not even him. I keep saying Joe Biden. It's that fucking twat Kamala Harris and her friends, whether it be Ilhan Omar, any of them, pick anybody on the far left. It's their policies you're watching unfold through the puppet here. He says those guys on horseback doing their jobs protecting us will pay. Well, aren't you a tough guy? President Biden on Friday harshly criticized the action of some Border Patrol agents mounted on horseback who confronted Haitian migrants crossing, oh, are they crossing the border or sneaking into the country? Into Texas, calling their actions horrible.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Whose actions? You mean the guys sneaking into the country? Fuckface? No. Oh, the guys trying to protect the country. You are a scumbag may you may you whatever may i may who let's take a let's take a look at a clip uh biden saying just what i just fucking read i'm gonna have to take this show over again go ahead you said on the campaign
Starting point is 00:09:59 trail that you're going to restore the moral standing of the u.s that you were going to immediately end trump's assault on the dignity of immigrant communities. Given what we saw at the border this week, have you failed in that promise? And this is happening under your watch. Do you take responsibility for the chaos that's unfolding? Of course I take responsibility. I'm president, but it was horrible what to see, as you saw. What? To see people treated like they did, horses barely running them over, people being strapped. Pause. It's outrageous. People being strapped. Nobody was strapped.
Starting point is 00:10:30 You motherfuckers on the left are evil. Nobody was, it's been debunked by everybody, even people on the left. There was no whipping go on. There were horse fucking reins. You piece of shit liar. Anything, anything to further your dog shit communist agenda.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Nobody get fucking whipped. Maxine Waters, you deserve a fucking whipping. You fucking bastard hound with a wig. This stupid president. It was horrible. Motherfucker, he makes me mad. Okay, let Dinkweed finish his sentence. I promise you those people will pay. You need an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. Ooh, there'll be consequences, huh? But no consequences for the 12,000 fucking illegals that you dumped off in the middle of the country over the last couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:11:30 No consequences there. You are a disgracia. Yeah. Somebody ought to take a whip to his fucking old wrinkled white ass. Kick him right in the clit. Who's with me? Raise your filthy hands. All right, Dallas. kick him right in the clit who's with me raise your filthy hands all right dallas and
Starting point is 00:11:46 don't forget dallas did a couple tours uh biden's blunt statements came as the situation and the agents uh conduct are still under yeah let's investigate there's still an investigation the agents have been placed on administrative duties. That ought to help stop people coming over. The use of horses has been suspended in the meantime. You know why? We caught it on tape being too effective. You are an embarrassment. This is sickening.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Enjoy your neighbors. Enjoy this. There's already stories of molestation going on. A couple of Afghani kids got in trouble beating up somebody. Oh, ask Sweden or Norway how this is going to work. My God. Biden was responding to a question from a dumb twat, ABC News congressional correspondent, Rachel Scott.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And the question was just stupid. I'll repeat it for you. I know we just, but she actually says, do you take responsibility for the chaos that's unfolding? She's talking about the beginning of the question, though. You said you were going to be different than Trump, who was horrible, I'm just paraphrasing, to illegals and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 So the question is stupid. You know, it's even couched to help him. And then she thinks she's being all tough. Watch me be neutral here by going, do you take responsibility for it? You know what? If she didn't ask him that, he wouldn't have said he did take responsibility. So it made
Starting point is 00:13:22 him look good. Who else is going to take responsibility? Fucking manager of the Brewers? What the fuck? I don't like this guy. Then they asked Biden this, and he said... What are we doing? Yeah, that's what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:13:38 What's going on right now? You have no idea. All right? Get in a portal party and drown your head in your own urine. Ah, God help us. That made no sense. I don't give a fuck. I hate Mondays. If I was a school kid, I'd be shooting up a fucking classroom right now.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Remember that song, Tell Me Why I Don't Like Blondie? Let's move on, huh? To some more silly news. Brandon Judd. Who's that? I have no idea. I think he was an extra in Miss Saigon. This is Brandon Judd. This's that? I have no idea. I think he was an extra in Miss Saigon. And this is Brandon Judd. This is President Trump shaking his hand and saying, look at the honker on this guy. Look at Trump's face. Man, hope this guy doesn't snort coke. ah brandon judd biden's added nearly this is brandon talking i guess uh added nearly
Starting point is 00:14:30 1 million illegal aliens to the united states in eight months well let's fucking do the math on that wow quite a pace in an op-ed for fox news judd writes that the total number of border crossers biden has released into the united states including unaccompanied alien children, that's UACs, family units, what are we, widgets, and single adults, is upwards of 600,000 since late January. I'll say that again, 600,000. Son of a whore! Wait till you go to the mall and try to get a Starbucks card. You think the lines are long? I'll mink you.
Starting point is 00:15:10 The massive catch and release operation, which should be on the fucking Matt Geo channel, Bass Pro Shop, I don't know what I'm trying to say. The massive catch and release operation ensures border crossers and illegal aliens are released into the know what I'm trying to say. The massive catch-and-release operation ensures border crossers and illegal aliens are released into the United States with only notice to appear in immigration court, which we know is literally, it should say, welcome to America. Go ruin it with your dumb third world culture.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Nick, that's racist. Ah, suck it. I'm not blaming the immigrants most because like, you know, if we were poor, we'd probably be doing the same thing. But you're still breaking my laws, so fuck you. I take that back. I'm an Indian giver. That's right. Notice to appear at immigration court
Starting point is 00:15:57 or notices to report to the immigration and custom... Just put ice in the article, you motherless fucks. Data from 2019 found 9 in 10 border crossers have yeast infections and cold sores. Nothing, fellas? You can laugh out loud. Fucking helps the show. 9 in 10 border crossers given the notice to appear at immigration court never show up to their court hearings. Instead, they go to a titty bar on Main Street.
Starting point is 00:16:24 immigration court never show up to their court hearings. Instead, they go to a titty bar on Main Street. Instead, they overwhelmingly, majority live illegally across the United States. Judd, might as well be Apatow because he agrees with all this. Judd writes that these 600,000 border crosses are in addition to more than 300,000 illegal aliens DHS has estimated have successfully crossed into the United States via the southern border over the last eight freaking months. All right, get up! Yeah! This doesn't even count legal immigration and shit. You can't fucking wake up tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:17:00 You're not going to recognize who you are. Judd writes, catch and release is the single biggest driver of illegal immigrations right now. If we reward people for crossing our borders illegally, they will continue to come in a burst of logic and reasoning. You are correct, sir. Keep that magnet on high, Joe. It's like an asshole magnet. Isn't it fun to watch fat people just crossing over?
Starting point is 00:17:29 Oh, yeah, they're refugees. They're refugees. Fucking Haiti. They've been living in Central America, most of these people, for the last couple of years, waiting for this moment. And then jerk-off Joe turns the magnet on. It's like watching bug light. Bugs go into a fucking light in a hot summer night.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Only they don't get fried. They're welcome with a... You better show up in court. Although official statistics are difficult to come by, right, Senator Ron Johnson discovered on Tuesday agents will tell you over 600 large, Difficult to come by. Right. Senator Ron Johnson discovered on Tuesday, agents will tell you over 600 large,
Starting point is 00:18:10 that's 600,000 of the illegal border crosses, have been released into the United States under catch and release since Biden took office eight months ago. I could have sworn I already said that. Jesus fucking. And that, and to that, and that to the more, it says. Who writes this shit?
Starting point is 00:18:31 I'm sorry, my eyes. Add that to thee, okay. Add that to, come over here and try to read this shit with this in your eyes. No, I'm kidding, Matt, relax. And add that to the more than 300,000 illegal border crosses that were detected, but evaded apprehension, otherwise known as gutterways. Ooh, could you put that in layman's terms? Known as gutterways. That's what I call about five of my ex-girlfriends, and I tie it up to it.
Starting point is 00:19:02 And this administration added almost a million illegal aliens to our population this year alone. And the year isn't even fucking over yet. I despise it with every fiber of my being. As should you. Spend most of my night drinking a Byron. What else did I want to talk about? How about that? This isn't even a story on the show, but how about the mother and kid
Starting point is 00:19:41 that fell to their deaths at a fucking football game yesterday? No, was it a Padres game? might have been a padres game whatever stadium san diego how does that happen and they go and it looks suspicious what the what is going on in the world they fell six stories, two-year-old kid and the mother. I don't know. I thought it was tasteless some guy went like this. Safe! I mean, come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:16 That's not funny. How does that happen? That might have been a suicide, I'm guessing, you know? The Padres are that bad. I can't help myself. I just can't. Hey, folks, Tom Brady returns to New England for the biggest game of the year, and the stakes have never been higher at my bookie.
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Starting point is 00:21:34 and have to meet him at a Burger King. It's a true story. In the Libs Eating Libs segment tonight, Black Lives Matter leader. First of all, who cares what Black Lives Matter? Anybody who belongs to it, the leader, the founder, even the founder split. Remember, she bought a couple houses and said, I did my job. Why do we give a fuck? They're a Marxist organization.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Do you notice how we bring them up now, like they're legit in every news story? Even though we know their mission statement, the person who founded it, the people who founded it, said, yes, we're a Marxist organization. He had to fucking replace the U.S. government with something, whatever. Anyways, those. Anyways, those whores, Black Lives Matter leaders, call Bill de Blasio vaccine mandate modern day freedom papers. Let's go back to that slavery, huh? You can't get that, you know, a couple hundred
Starting point is 00:22:37 years of oppression, can't get over it? Come on. A leader for the greater New York chapter of the Black Lives Matter movement is chastising New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio over COVID-19 vaccine mandate and vaccine passport process for residents, equating it to what else? In quotes, modern day freedom papers. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! Or the black woman. Chivona, which was my name in high school, I used to dance at night at the Goobies. There's Bill sucking on a dick on a stick. And there's the dumb black twat from Black Lives Matter, Shabona Newsom, a co-founder of Black Lives Matter,
Starting point is 00:23:27 who also ran as a candidate for New York's 15th Conditional District. As to give you an idea where New York's at in 2020, spoke out against the racist mandate in a statement to Fox News. This is her quote. Although Mayor Bill de Blasio ran on progressive values, nothing in his tenure will attest to his campaign promises. So he's not left enough. He's a devout Marxist himself.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Not left enough for this stupid bitch. Lady, if you weren't in America, you'd be driving a forklift, sweeping a fucking sidewalk. Same with you, de Blasio. Stick that corndog up your ass. He's not left enough. He's definitely a racist. He only has a black wife and black kids and shit. Show us your tits, DeBona, Shabona. I will not. I will not until we have some right. Everybody has to. Am I wrong? Am I will not until we have some right. Everybody has to.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Am I wrong? Am I looking at this wrong? White people have to abide by these rules, too, with a passport in New York. Or am I wrong? So what the fuck are you talking about? The September 13th vaccine mandate is racist and specifically targets black New Yorkers. No, it doesn't. The vaccination passports are modern day freedom papers, which limit the free will of black people.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I want to smack this girl on the side of her big booty. If I could, I'd grab this microphone. I'd beat your brains out with it because that's what she deserves. That's what she deserves. She likes that. Newsom also accused de Blasio of failing to protect New York's most vulnerable. What is that, baby birds? Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, adding that social distancing and mask requirements resulted in black New Yorkers being brutalized and arrested while their white neighbors received masks and refreshed. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. What does that even mean? More black people get killed because of the mask mandate? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:25:48 They were always getting killed with masks on. Why is it an issue now? I don't understand. And white people receive masks and refreshments? How can you enjoy a refreshment with a mask on? I don't know what you're talking about. It really is. Think about where we're at.
Starting point is 00:26:12 It is creepy how some people see the world and what the media and academia has done to some. It's fucking frightening. Campus reform was at some college, I can't even remember this weekend, asking students about abolishing the constitution and they were all for it un-fucking-real
Starting point is 00:26:33 we need a revolution but like I said I can't I just paid for UFC 267 I'm 59 I did my part, okay? If you don't believe me, go watch Tough Crowd. See why I get banned out of every other place. The vaccination mandates infringe upon the civil liberties of the black community Newsom claimed.
Starting point is 00:27:00 What does it, Ms. Newsom? What does it infringe on black people's rights? Can you name three things? Why do you still live here if you hate the fucking country so much? Honestly. She's just mad because she wasn't smart enough for the other co-founder. Unless that's her. Is she the one with the houses?
Starting point is 00:27:19 That probably is. I don't know. I thought she retired. I retire, okay? Fuck that. It's more than where we can dine or enjoy entertainment. It will result in a loss of income. As of Monday, September 27, black healthcare, did she realize that white nurses and white employees are quitting too? Are you that ensconced in your little black bubble? Aye, aye, aye.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Black health care workers and educators will lose their jobs. According to Newsom, de Blasio was fully aware of the hesitancy and distrust people of African descent have about vaccination and their interactions with government and law enforcement. Yet he still chose to disenfranchise and force the very people who elected him into poverty. It says into poverty. He's forcing them into poverty and second-class citizenship. Do you understand there's nobody who's more pro-black than de Blasio on the planet?
Starting point is 00:28:23 And it's not enough. I'll say it again. They won't be happy, the Newsoms of the world and the Al Sharptons and whoever the fuck Al's magazine was, until white guys are in a fucking field being whipped and picking corn. Did you see Christie's? I didn't even do this story. I couldn't. It got me so mad I blacked out and almost knocked myself off the fucking chair. Christie's is auctioning off a white male. I'm not fucking kidding you.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I'm sure it's a marketing ploy, but there's a picture of a guy standing on a box right in the middle of Manhattan. They're actually... It's almost like... That's almost like mocking slavery. You know what I mean? Anyhow, I'm tired of it. Newsom, that's the girl seen here who hates white people, vowed to prevent the vaccine mandate from being used as a free pass to racism and said that Black Lives Matter Greater New York plans to demonstrate until the vaccine
Starting point is 00:29:25 mandate is abolished. Notice the use of the word abolished. It's just like slavery. Come on, Ms. Newsome. Boy, we learned a lot in last fight, just how much black people hate fucking white people. Oh, my. I always stated it. Nobody would talk about it. That's why I'm playing to 11 people in a Chinese restaurant in Atlanta. But, you know, it's out there.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Trump really pulled the covers back. And boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. You know what I love, folks? College football. Fans of mine, you know that. It's my favorite of all the sports. I know, the NFL, you're bad. Shut your fucking hole.
Starting point is 00:30:17 They're overpaid. They're spoiled. They don't give a fuck if they commit 11 penalties. They just want to fucking finish the game, get to the goal club, the champagne room, where fucking Tanisha will give him a handjob and be ready for practice on Monday. College kids are trying to get into the NFL.
Starting point is 00:30:35 They're in their physical prime. I always say this to some of my buddies. You wouldn't want to see like a Lawrence Taylor when he was 19 and fucking, I mean, it's phenomenal. Just the cheerleaders' asses alone. It's just the pageantry. 100,000 people.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Do you realize when you play in college like in the SEC or at Penn State, Penn State had 106,000, 500 more people than the place holds last weekend. And guess what? Nobody got the sniffles or anything. It's a miracle. Do you realize they play in front of that many people? Then you go like, you get drafted in the pros, you might play with the Jaguars,
Starting point is 00:31:17 you're in front of about 40,000 if you're lucky. I just love it. Anyways, I digress. I watch both and I still love the NFL, but I'm just saying. And what happened to the Black National Anthem? I thought that was going to be played before the games. Anybody? Do I have to complain? I'll call up right now because I learned it. I taught myself the Black National Anthem on the flute. We hate Whitey. All right, that's it fuck joe biden chants continue to break out at college football games as his approval ratings drop like
Starting point is 00:31:53 the latest installment of the chant occurred during a recent University of Notre Dame football game. The Twitter account Oro Sports shared the anti-Biden chant on September 25th during Notre Dame's football game against the University of Wisconsin. I believe Notre Dame won that one. But here's some cheers, and I know we're going to keep covering it because this is the only, I want to see more. I want to see him being hung in effigy and all that shit. Where's the balloon of Biden in a diaper?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Why aren't you throwing eggs at his wife? I don't know. Just fucking, what happened to the milkshake, the good old-fashioned milkshake to the chest? I've had fantasies about fucking drilling Hillary in the side of the head with a shamrock shake. Fucking makes my dick hard. But here's Joe Biden, how popular he is,
Starting point is 00:32:52 this piece of garbage. Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Somebody has to. Fuck Joe Biden!
Starting point is 00:33:14 Jill's like, no! Fuck Joe Biden! In New York. Fuck Joe Biden! In New York. Joey Biden, nobody likes you. Anyways, F. Joe Biden. I don't know, that kind of offends me, the language the kids are using today on the campuses.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Languages like community, plurality, diversity. These jeers have been heard at other universities across, what are you kidding? We hear these coming out of Biden's kitchen from his wife. Universities across the county or the country, including Mississippi State, North Carolina State, Coastal Carolina University, Virginia Tech, Auburn, Alabama State, that's an all-black school in Texas A&M. Donald Trump Jr. said of the footage, I imagine the chance will continue because guess what, folks? It's not going to get any better
Starting point is 00:34:14 until we say enough is enough. He says, I can go through 50 points on it. $65 to $80 billion of equipment left to our enemies, giving them a kill list of American citizens, giving them the biometric scanners, pulling out the military before you pull out the civilians. The list goes on and on. This comes after similar chants of fuck Joe Biden broke out in New York City, which we just showed you, on September 13th, led by protesters angered by the vaccine mandate. Little, little Joey, don't know what you're fucking... It's not even him, folks. So why aren't I seeing footage of pissed off people on the right following AOC to
Starting point is 00:35:00 the hairdressers or shit, or doxing every fucking lib who voted for the... I mean, we're not doing it. We're fucking laying around. Oh, that's right. People on the right have jobs and kids and shit. Kind of busy. Not like people who watch Jerry Springer to find out who did daddy at. The president has seen his approval ratings tank in the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Really? They were good before that? How was he at 43 percent? That shows you how much people have bought into this. He's at 43 percent. How is that even possible? According to a poll conducted by NPR, PBS News Hour, and Marist. Oh, that explains why the numbers are so low. Bye-bye. See you, Joey. Biden's approval rating stood at 49% in August, according to the pollsters.
Starting point is 00:35:52 And then he woke up and had a sandwich, watched Murder, She Wrote, jacked off, went back to bed. What? Hey, guys, I want you to support our friends at MerchPark is the place to go for great quality mugs and t-shirts like these. Biden is the virus. Kamala is the virus t-shirts. They have these for every state governor.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Biden, CNN, Fauci, all that crap. They also have some of our favorites like these. These are the old classics. Wash your asses. Wash your ass shirts and deplorable funny t-shirts. Very nice. Very nice. Again, you can get all of these and more designs at
Starting point is 00:36:39 That's, and we thank them for sponsoring the show. Someday I'll get a sponsor like Heineken. Black Rifle Coffee. Even those two turned out to be kind of swishy with their politics. Midtown New York City. We're on to the next. Did I say city? I did.
Starting point is 00:37:03 We're on to the next story. Midtown New York City, still a haven for junkies. Really? It wasn't cleaned up in the last five minutes? Manhattan's latest shooting gallery, and I'm not talking about bullets, was back open for Business Sunday.
Starting point is 00:37:17 My eyes are watering. A day after the Post reported on the disturbing daytime drug spree in the Garment District. The Garment District is where First of all, reported on the disturbing daytime drug spree in the garment district. The garment district is weird. First of all, the poor garment district, it used to be the favorite target of the mafia. They fucking took over the garment. It's in the Gaudi movie. What do you want, garment? What do you want, garment? Cement? Construction? So do I. The guineas. Anyways, so now people are using the garment district to buy heroin and to shoot up right there.
Starting point is 00:37:51 You know, it's a market. It's like a fucking Turkish bazaar in 1560. Kosher. Three men were spotted shooting up heroin in front of an apartment building. Chuck Schumer, Bill de Blasio, and Joy Reid. That's right. She's a man. Look at these two guys.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Why are we picking on them? They're just having fun. That's Derek Jeter, who fell on hard times. And anyway, spotted shooting up right in front of an apartment building on West 30th. I lived there. And these are like normal neighborhood, 36th between 7th and 8th Avenue, Sunday afternoon, with two of them abandoning a third who had passed out on the sidewalk as traffic cops wrote tickets nearby. Cops aren't even bothering.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Do you guys understand we're unraveling the social fabric? Do you understand it's all? I'm thinking about doing heroin myself, just to take the edge off. It's hard to watch the news today, isn't it? So somebody said, one of the homeless drug addicts, can you call an ambulance? One man could be heard asking after attempting to revive his sick pal by pouring water over his head, which is. You know, when you're when you're passed out from fucking pure horse, you always want to be waterboarded. That's it.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Forty minutes later, a fourth man approached the still high man, asking if he was all right. So now they're placing each other. The poor bastard. Are you all right? Guy's bleeding from his acid eyes. That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. They left me for dead, the man replied, visibly tweaking from the drugs.
Starting point is 00:39:42 One block away on West 35th Street, another pair injected themselves in front of a store called Leather Suede and Skins, where I used to go after hours. Nothing to do with clothes. With zero cops in sight. Can you imagine people dying and no cops in sight? And Where am I? What am I doing? I can't find it. Hello? Hello? The first man could be seen shooting up in his arm, fingers, and ankle. I like to go to the head of my cock and between my big toes. That's how my mother taught me on my wedding.
Starting point is 00:40:23 The other man injected his arm with Cool Whip. What? No. Several passerbys hardly took notice to the men in the bustling neighborhood
Starting point is 00:40:32 turned heroin hotspot. Oh, man. It's coming up. And you guys can, you know what, New York? First of all, don't take that picture down. Who's looking
Starting point is 00:40:43 at the fucking drug addicts? Look at that fucking ass. What are you, kidding me? Girl needs a spanking. She's been bad. She's hanging out in the heroin district with sandals on. She's got to step on a needle. They don't even see the guy.
Starting point is 00:41:00 The garment district is no stranger to open-air drug use. Last summer, the Post reported significant drug use in the plaza at Broadway and West 40th Street. Sometimes when I'm walking, I see a lot of people doing it, said Modu Trawali. That's how you know we're in America. 44. A guy walking around with a basket of guavas on his head. A fabric store worker on West 20th, 35th Street. It's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:41:28 He says, you see someone inject himself. He's not a doctor. You sure, Mr. Trawali? There's not a bunch of physicians hanging out and puking in front of your store? He says, it's a problem. If the city can help them, that would be better. Well, thank you. Nobody's thought of that yet. God help my mother-in-law. Another local worker who didn't want to be named said the city needs to clean up the area. Again,
Starting point is 00:41:58 thank you, Captain Obvious. It's horrible, he said, adding that he witnessed someone getting high last week as he was exiting the subway at 34th Street. I saw someone shooting up, and his friend said, he's got diabetes. And I said, yeah, right. Oh, look at AOC. This is what she does at lunchtime. That was AOC, wasn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Sure. Taking the edge off. Anyways, I want to thank you people who contribute to the show. I'd like to get the show to grow some more, please. I want to put another kitchen in my house on the fifth floor. It's a joke. I'm broken. You know it. Fucking pizza oven. Fucking Pablo Escobar wouldn't have bought that. One-time contributions, Joseph Hess. Didn't, wasn't he one of Hitler's in New Jersey? Thank you, you said. Peter Vidal in Germany. Billy Harris of New York.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And James Roberts of California. Albert Torito, Pennsylvania. Gregory of Vodbarka, California. Neil Alvarado, Idaho Idaho Jack Melton in Italy you have expect Italy on that one you Giuseppe Giovanni of Pennsylvania what Kenneth Carroll of Maryland. James Rickleman of Oklahoma. Buddy Sean Powell of Florida. Dushan Ivanovich of Pennsylvania. Ivanovich.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Douglas Young, who doesn't have a state. Dougie, thank you so much. And monthly supporters. We've got a couple new ones here. We've got Brent Nowakowski of Ohio. Thank you, Brent. Brian Grahan of Canada. Tracy Royer of Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:43:53 It and Girl, whatever that means, the third. It and Girl. Okay, I get it. Thank you guys so much for contributing to the show. As you know, there's not too many places where we can talk like this, and somebody's going to be knocking on my door, I'm sure, from the Nazi. Anyways, let's final story tonight on Meet the Press. FedEx employee is out after posting TikTok rant,
Starting point is 00:44:21 vowing not to deliver to homes supportive of Biden, BLM, or Harris. Wow, that's so outrageous because they didn't do shit like that when Trump was in office. A former FedEx employee is out of a job after posting a profanity-laced rant on TikTok in which he vowed never to deliver a package. Why do they repeat the first paragraph after the head? Your sister's fucking hole. Is anybody doing anything right in this fucking country? Honestly.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Fucking, does anybody train anybody to do anything? Hey! Ah. I keep forgetting I'm 59. That fucking elbow just shattered like a glass vase. Anyways, he vowed never to deliver packages to the homes of people who support Biden. I love it. Vice President Douchebag Harris and Black Lives Matter, the scumbags of the fucking world. Let's give him a round of applause.
Starting point is 00:45:18 The employee identified as Vincent Paterno, Vinny Paterno posted on video on TikTok September 16th in the video. He appears to be seated in a delivery truck. Let's take a listen to Mr. Paterno. What's up, TikTok? I just wanted to come on here and let all you know, if you don't have a flag in front of your house, and if you have a Joe Biden, Kamala fucking Kamato posted up in front of your house, Black Lives Matter, I will not deliver your shit. I will not deliver your shit.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I will not deliver your shit. I will bring that back to the station. And I'll keep doing that shit. Have a good day. Okay. Couple things about this Jackoff. I'm with the sentiment of what he's doing, but number one, you won't be delivering the shit because you'll be fired.
Starting point is 00:46:23 You dope. I'm guessing that was your end goal, right? Unless you can claim you're African-American and then they'll let it slide. But yeah, you'll be fired. Number two, just do it. Don't put it on TikTok. We don't need to know. Just fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:46:38 You're putting it on TikTok because your generation thinks you're going to be famous. You just want it to go viral, whatever the fuck. Congratulations, you made my show. Now, can you get here tomorrow by noon? I'd like to talk to you. And what's with the crazy eyebrows while you're talking?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Fuck you, I want to learn. And your wife still do? I'm going to fucking use that and scramble my eggs in a moment. Anyways, your generation, you're fucking lost. You think you're going to get famous. I don't know what the fuck you're doing just do it be stealth about it that way you can keep your job
Starting point is 00:47:09 I'm pretty sure somebody's going to fucking recognize you and call your boss and say get rid of the fucking Robert Kelly lookalike the fuck T not for nothing oh speaking of that the many saints of Newark,
Starting point is 00:47:26 October 1st, in the theater near you. I can't wait. Read a couple of reviews, and the guy's like, it's not the godfather of good. It's not supposed to be the godfather of goodfellas. That's a fucking movie.
Starting point is 00:47:37 This is a great, but he said this is a great, he said a solid two-hour episode of the surprise, which is exactly what I wanted to hear. And he loved it. He said Gandolfini's son knocks it out of the park. It's brutal. With the violence, it's brutal.
Starting point is 00:47:53 He said Ray Liotta is the scariest, funniest guy in the fucking movie. It's David Chase. It's not going to be bad. You know what I'm saying? So I suggest we all meet. You guys come to Savannah. We'll meet at the edit and we'll chant fuck Joe Biden until the movie comes out. Who's with me?
Starting point is 00:48:09 Anybody? All righty then. That's it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Good to be back. And again, thank you guys that came out to see me. Seriously. Always enjoy seeing you guys after the show. Don't forget
Starting point is 00:48:25 I don't know why I have to say that. It's on the motherfucking screen every day. And Click on that, and you can get all kinds of merchandise. I'm selling girdles and corsets and fucking false teeth. My logo on them. What else?
Starting point is 00:48:40 If you want me to roast a friend or relative, go to Cameo. Click on my profile. Tell me about the person. I'll make a video on my phone, and we'll roast the shit out of that person. It's a lot of fun, and the person who gets it usually likes it too. That's it. You guys think it? I will say it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 You're very welcome. We will see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo you

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