The Nick DiPaolo Show - Biden Hates White People | Nick Di Paolo Show #483

Episode Date: February 2, 2021

Biden's race priority divides the country further. Trump nets another Nobel nod. Dems try to ram immigration reform into COVID relief package....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, with everything going on, we need the Comics Gym site now more than ever. Please click the support box on the right of your screen or click on this video now to contribute and to help keep us free and uncensored. I really appreciate it. guitar solo Yeah, how you doing, folks? Welcome to the Big Show on a Tuesday. Good to be with you. Are you enjoying your day? Are you at work?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Are you at home? Are you listening to me in your bedroom in the turlet? I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So enjoy. I'm the Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. I'm the Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. That was my dad every morning. So how are you folks? What is going on, man? So I'm buddies. I was just telling Jason with my buddy, my boy, Curt Schilling. Got his phone number. No, you can't have it. Fucking Red Sox hero. That sock will go down in history. I was so excited about that.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I actually took my white socks. I work out with it. And that week I put ketchup on every one of them right where the ankle is. Then went jogging. Nobody asked me nothing. It's because I live in New York. Motherless fucks. Anyways, I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Let's get right to it, I guess. It's my show. Who gives a fuck? I could sit here for the next 10 minutes and do nothing. No, you got to get right at it. That's what they tell you in radio. They go, they want, when it's 4 o'clock or 5 o'clock, they want to know right then.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I want to hear what Nick has to say about this. And I used to say, let me chat for a while. Nah, you can't do it. That's what they tell you on the radio. Anyways, let's get to this stooge, this jack-off we call president, who's not my president. He's not yours. He's not anybody's. Do you notice the narrative now?
Starting point is 00:02:44 yours. He's not anybody's. Do you notice the narrative now? Every time you bring up that the election was stolen, that on TV, they keep saying it's a conspiracy theory. You're an idiot if you believe that. That's the thing. That's what they do. They steal it. Why do you think there's still 20-something thousand troops in D.C.? If they're scared of white Trump supporters and shit, why? Oh, because you knew you stole the election. You knew we have a right to be furious. Even though the people that broke into the Capitol weren't all Trump supporters. They have evidence that that's coming out now.
Starting point is 00:03:18 The truth always comes out after the Democrats to our conclusion. Anyways, jerk off Biden said, we said many times, but yesterday reiterated, America has never fully lived up to its founding principles. You know why? We keep electing jerk offs like you.
Starting point is 00:03:36 That's why you fucking compromised Chinese lover. Oh my God. Can't stand them. Dead man walking. It's not a threat. He's just old. That's all I'm saying. Take that nine ways. He says, we never fully lived up to the founding principles of this nation, but our administration is committed to finishing the work left undone. committed to finishing the work left undone. The administration that uses a terrorist group,
Starting point is 00:04:14 Black Lives Matter, and Antifa as a strong arm and a corrupt media, they're going to live up to the founding fathers' prince. Shut your fucking mouth. You guys don't even believe in the Constitution. You don't even believe in it. Why do I say it? Well, you're going to pack the courts. What else are you going to do? Get rid of the filibuster. You're changing everything so you can have power for the next thousand years. Pretty sure that's not how John Adams wanted it. Not how I wanted it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I'm like, I'm dumb, I'm smart. Dumb like everybody says. Anyways, he says it's long past time to confront deep back to the racial inequalities again folks that's a tool they use in systemic racism and fulfill the promise of america for all biden tweeted you smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Here he is on audio yesterday. He's trying to say this. Idiot. America was an idea. An idea. Yeah, you don't have an idea. We hold these truths to be self-evident. Oh, he got it right. We've never lived up to it, but we've never walked away from it before. And I just think we have to be more honest and let our kids know as we raise them what actually did happen.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Acknowledge our mistakes so we don't repeat them. Oh, fucking idiot. We haven't acknowledged slavery? Teach our kids? What have they been learning? Look at the kids in college. They hate this country. Apparently, you've been teaching them just fine.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Are you fucking kidding me? That's all we do is talk about what happened 250 years ago. That's our problem. You're the problem. Are you shitting me? Teach our kids so we don't repeat it? You're not even going to be around in a year. What do you give a shit? Like the kids haven't
Starting point is 00:06:08 been taught this? My niece came home, and this is 15 years ago. Two of her books had to do with slavery. I told you, a couple under her bed, one under the hamper. Just fucking hit them. You have to be kidding. He thinks that's the problem in this country.
Starting point is 00:06:23 We don't talk enough about race. You understand they use that as a divider. They're never going to stop because it's worked so well. You idiots on the right, can you come up with something? Start calling them racists and bigots. Go on the offense. You're an America hater. Go on the fucking offense.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Although it doesn't matter, right? Because they have the megaphone. Biden had made the claim before, notably during the 2020 presidential campaign, when he used it as a line in his stump speech. His point appeared to be that the United States had embraced principles of equality in the Declaration of Independence, but that American society remained unequal even after the achievements of the civil rights movement. That refrain led to one of Biden's most infamous flubs. We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by the, go, you know the, you know the thing.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Oh, it's so important to him. You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck, you know that? Boy, it's so important to him. He couldn't even get that right. It's only what this country has found, the principles he's talking about that we haven't lived up to. He can't even recite them. The truth is, you know, what fucking Billy said. Biden linked his latest criticism of the United States to his celebration of Black History Month. Can I ask you a question? What month aren't we celebrating blacks in this country? Honestly. And that's not being racist, like I said. I'm just saying. He's misdiagnosed. Again, I don't know if these people believe what they're saying or they know it's bullshit and they'll do anything.
Starting point is 00:08:09 It's probably the latter. You can't believe that we haven't discussed race enough in this country. Do we get a... We need a conversation. Do white people get to talk in this conversation when we have this? Or is it a fucking monologue? He's holding his head. He gives himself a bugging.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. In our shut up and make me a sandwich segment tonight, Biden speaking of race and racism and not living up to principles. Biden appoints what? A BLM lunatic as State Department spokesperson. Can you fucking imagine?
Starting point is 00:08:50 People forget what BLM is all about. By the way, they were nominated for a Nobel. I'll get to that in a few seconds. That's the earth we're living on. Can you imagine? That's like Trump. And they always said, oh, it's a dog whistle. These fuckers don't even use whistles.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Imagine Trump had like a former Klansman. We'll put him in charge. Jelena Porter. She was the Oakland Raiders cheerleader. So you know she's sharp. She had more black pricks in her than, as lamp and ellie said a urinal at the fucking apollo theater sorry i can't talk lamp and ellie uh jelena porter who has been named deputy spokespersman for the u.s state department a former cheerleader under president biden listen
Starting point is 00:09:41 to this she once wrote that the largest threat to the United National Security, United States National Security, may be a domestic one. Well, who would that be? In a 2016 Facebook post, Porter wrote that U.S. cops pose the largest national security threat, greater than that of both Russian hackers and ISIS
Starting point is 00:10:01 because of killings of black Americans. She's a malignant cunt. If y'all don't wake up and rise up to this truth, she said, the genocide against blacks in America will continue until we are near extinct, Porter said. That's not the world I seek to live in or create for myself and those around me. Hell you. You fat, nasty black bitch. She's just an out-and-out racist.
Starting point is 00:10:28 See, now, but Fox News won't say that. Mark Levin won't say that. Sean Hannity won't say that. She hates white people. Let me hear you say that on TV. Gutfeld, all of my buddies, let me hear you say it. They go right up to the line. She hates white people, especially cops.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Why do you say she hates you? She was part of Black Lives Matter. Do you need any more? Their mission statement is to overthrow the U.S. government. And he's fucking putting her in... At least she's kind of good looking. We'll give her that. Joe probably wants to finger pop her in the broom closet.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yeah, come over here. Porter's comments, according to the publication, were made in September 2016, shortly after a video was released of an unnamed black man, Terrence Crutcher, being shot by police in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Yeah, I'm sure he was just walking down the street. Porter previously served as a congressional staff member for Rep. Jerry McNerney of California and former Rep. Cedric Richmond, Democrat Louisiana, who is a White House senior advisor. I've never heard of these people.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Porter also, Jason, couldn't you find her in a cheerleading outfit or something? Porter also worked for the Truman National Security Project, a nonprofit national security and foreign policy think tank. Because when I think smart people and think tank, I think former Oakland Raider cheerleader. Nick, that's sexist. Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me,
Starting point is 00:12:00 I'm going to put you in the fucking ground, I promise you. Not this time. Not this time, Jelena. Jelena, Malena. Show us your big fucking tits. Yeah. Catchy tone. Nick, that's horrible.
Starting point is 00:12:15 That's sexist. Yeah, I know. I'm trying to keep it alive. You know, Justin Timberlake, keep sexy alive. I'm keeping sexism alive. That's my song, motherfuckers. I don't even know that song. I just know the name of it.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And I like Justin Timberlake. It's a white boat, a lot of soul up in that one. San Francisco, excuse me, police. This is disturbing. Who are the racists? White Trump supporters? Is that who the racists are? Well, I want somebody to show me, send me a clip of a white person doing something to a person of color like what I'm about to show you that will sicken your stomach.
Starting point is 00:12:55 And we're the evil devils. And again, I'm not talking about all black people. Do I have to still say that? Obviously, there's psychos in all races. But we have statistics proving your psychos do more damage than any other race, meaning you commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Again, we can't say that on TV. San Francisco police arrest suspect in elder abuse murder case. Police in San Fran, what a shithole, by the way. Crime, drugs, they took the most beautiful city and trashed it.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And they're hoping to do it to this country. Police in San Fran arrested a 19-year-old daily city man for murder in a brazen attack last week on an 84-year-old man, nice Indian guy, in the city's Anza Vista neighborhood. The initial investigation concluded that a male suspect, I say black, I don't know, might be wrong, ran from across the street. And it says, listen, they even soften it in the article,
Starting point is 00:13:56 ran from across the street to push the victim. Let's think about that sentence. When you run across the street, you run across the street like you ran up and stopped and went, huh? No, he blindsided this 84-year-old guy as hard as he could. Picture somebody missing a block in a Dominican Sioux. This is pushing.
Starting point is 00:14:17 He pushed the victim. He fucking blindsided, causing the old man to fall to the pavement. The suspect then fled with a female associate. This is what this makes me so angry. And this is the shit you won't see. Biden won't bring up. This is racism in its purest form. Watch.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Dead. Yeah, he's black. Yeah, he'd be black. Are you fucking kidding me let's reverse that let's make it a white let's make it a black old man look at this guy yeah he looks like a real can you imagine let's reverse. That's an old black man and that's a white guy running across the street. You think you'd hear about it? You think it will be on a loop on CNN? Are you kidding me? So I don't want to hear another word about white races from our so-called jerk-off
Starting point is 00:15:17 president. Fucking asshole. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. I'm not saying that. But Harvard is saying that with their black and white dorms and their separate graduations. And a lot of other colleges are doing it. So I'm for, you know, mixing, inclusion. But you fucking people. He's dead. That guy's dead.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Where are his relatives to find this motherfucker or find this guy's family do it italian style send him a signal and i don't mean to mail him a fish mail him a pipe bomb have his head come off watson was arrested for elder abuse causing great bodily injury and assault with a deadly weapon and booked on one count of murder. Nice guy, huh? Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch! A woman named Malicia Gu, 20, was later arrested and booked for one count of accessory after the fact. The two suspects are both from
Starting point is 00:16:25 Daly City and offices from the San Francisco Police Department Tactical Unit and the SFPD homicide detail served a search warrant on the 500 block of Lisbon Street in Daly City where Watson and Goo were taken into custody, police said. And I'm sure they'll be bonded out or whatever. Is there even bond? Somebody will put up a gold'm sure they'll be bonded out or whatever. Is there even bond? Somebody will put up a gold watch and they'll be back on the street. Is that not sickening? I don't want to hear about white racists anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:56 How many of these? I could go online right now and pull up 100 of these. Fucking Biden. What else has Joe Biden done other than weaken the nation after being in office for a week and a half? Non-voters, registered Democrats, get this, they were among those arrested at the Capitol protest. Now, with the mainstream narrative,
Starting point is 00:17:25 you would have thought that it was totally Trump supporters. That narrative has just been pounded into your head over and over again, right? But there were some Democrats in there and some people who didn't register to vote, whatever. The January 6th event, which has been overwhelmingly branded as a pro-Trump protest, sparked the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump as Democrats primarily blamed him for the incitement of insurrection after he delivered a speech to supporters early in the day where he said, we'll go over there peacefully. They don't bring that up. They just don't mention it. You're just lying fucks, every one of yous.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Not once during the speech did Trump encourage supporters to engage in acts of lawlessness or destruction. Unlike Maxine Waters who say, you know, follow them into a restaurant, gasoline stations, get right up in their face. And other people on CNN and Chris Cuomo going, who said that protests have to be peaceful and all that other horse shit?
Starting point is 00:18:31 Nevertheless, House lawmakers, some of whom indicated that they feared for their lives, good, I hope that's true. I hope you're shitting your pants. As protesters stormed the Capitol, they feared for their lives. Oh, boy, you. So they voted to impeach Trump a second time.
Starting point is 00:18:52 The trial in the Senate is expected to begin next week. Meanwhile, some Democrats are offering Republicans an ultimatum, continuing to blame them and their supporters for the events that transpired on the day Congress convened to certify the electoral vote. They keep blaming. Yeah, the Republican Party has a fundamental decision to make.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Oh, now they're threatening people. Will it be a conservative party functioning within a democratic society or will it be an authoritarian party built upon the big lie and conspiracy theories and violence. You just described yourself, Democrats. The big lie is you stole the fucking election. Pick any one of them, the Russiagate, the impeachment. The big lie, you smug pricks. The big lie? You smug pricks. Conspiracy theories?
Starting point is 00:19:48 What? Ooh, Trump is an agent for Putin. They interfered. That's why he won the election. Conspiracy theory? Violence? Have you burned down a Wendy's lately? You just described your party. You fucking believe? Are they
Starting point is 00:20:05 a conservative party working within Democratic society? That's a sick question. You're a sick fucker. I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. You know who asked that? I'll give you a hint. Oh, God damn it. No one's paying attention to me.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm going to go back up to Burlington. Bernie Sanders asked that on Monday, concluding that it cannot be both, he said. Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. While the dominating narrative remains that Trump supporters and voters specifically rushed the Capitol that day to protest the election results, voting records show that some of the individuals involved in the riot were registered Democrats. Registered Democrats. You can't handle the truth. And others did not even cast a ballot in 2020 presidential election.
Starting point is 00:20:56 So what does that tell you? According to CNN, a real right-wing news, which analyzed the data of over 180 of those arrested, At least eight of those people who are now facing criminal charges for their involvement in the events at the Capitol did not vote in the November 2020. Who gives a shit is what I say. Who the fuck are you? Are you writing a book? Who the fuck are you? They didn't vote in the presidential election, according to analysis of voting records from the states where protesters were arrested and those states where public records show they have lived. Don't you love how they have 180 people arrested? We watched the country burned down, riots in every major city. Were there a total of 100? You have to be, pork and me. While it's true that most of the 80 had voted in the presidential election and many were registered Republicans,
Starting point is 00:21:51 the analysis found that a handful were registered as Democrats in those jurisdictions that provided party information. Public access to voters' history records varies by state, and CNN was unable to view the records of some of those charge uh the elderly reported alongside the revelations yeah cnn i'm sure they're going to give us the real scoop on it imagine they're still on the air can you stay cat you are fake news sir you know what they you guarantee they probably found about 60 of them Democrats. Eh, we'll just, why would you trust? That Brian Stelzer, or Stetzer, Stetzer, what is he, that fat little fag? That guy should be first on the chopping block. He's a believer.
Starting point is 00:22:35 He's psychotic. He's gay as a fucking pair of eblonics. Is that a real shoe? Eblonics, jablonics? What am I, a Jew shoe? Hublonics? Jablonics? What am I? Jubra? I went there anyways. As the references come to me, I'm like, I don't know what it is, but I'm going to do it anyways.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Because people find it funny if he fucks up. How old is the show? Jesus Christ. I feel like I'm ripping through this shit. Edit that out, too. Okay. Democrats hope to present the Senate with fresh evidence that reveals what Trump knew in advance of the protest, according to a report from the Washington Post, owned by who? Bezos.
Starting point is 00:23:25 More objective reporting. according to a report from the Washington Post owned by who? Bezos. More objective reporting. What did he know? I hope he has maps. I hope they find blueprints in a drawer somewhere of him calling up the Proud Boys and the Boogaloo Boys and saying, look, you're going to be here at 9 a.m. And I don't say that to get him in trouble. I just, you think it bothers me, even if he incited him,
Starting point is 00:23:50 even if he said they stole the election, let's go fuck them up. That would have probably got him eight years more. We all have to sit here now for the next four years and pretend that was a legit election. And your friends, your assholes who vote Democratic go, We all have to sit here now for the next four years and pretend that was a legit election. And your friends, your assholes who vote Democratic go, it wasn't stolen. All the courts shot it down.
Starting point is 00:24:12 They don't even get it. They didn't even let the evidence in to judge it. They fucking turned it down on process, as they said. Do you understand? It's all an act. Somebody wants this country to be a socialist shithole. And it ain't me. Trump repeatedly called for peace as the events unfolded
Starting point is 00:24:30 January 6th when he gave that speech. But, you know, he's only up for a Nobel Peace Prize. Is that the next story? Ooh, good segue somebody just asked him how many times would you stab uh chuck sherman the eye with a pencil good old donny boy trump nominated again i think they're torturing him. I think they're teasing
Starting point is 00:25:07 him like they did, like they're doing a Curt Schilling when it comes to the Hall of Fame. They love torturing people, I guess. You know that. But he's nominated again for a Nobel Peace Prize by Estonian politician for not starting any wars while, set the bar high, while he was in office. So you got to give him that much. The guy's name is Jack Madison, a member of the right wing populist party, ICRA, claimed he nominated a former president for having contributed to ensuring stability in the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Hello, Esmeralda! Hello, Esmeralda! Hello, Esmeralda! Have you been watching? Speaking of Middle East, have you been, anybody watch Fowler? Have you started to watch it? You can thank me anytime you want. Have you watched?
Starting point is 00:26:01 Oh, gosh. It is just so good. Anyways, look at this guy. He looks like the guy from Mad Men, the guy that seemed kind of gayish. I worked with him on the Amy Schumer show when we did 12 Angry Men. Actually a great actor. Anyways, Donald Trump is the first president of the United States in the last 30 years whose office the country has not started any war, the MEP stated in a Facebook post which cited his nomination application. In addition, several peace agreements have been made under his leadership in the Middle East. Think about that. Obama, if he, can you imagine? Obama was in wars and he got a Nobel Peace Prize.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Imagine if he did what Trump did. What would they be doing? Sucking his dick on Channel 4? Making you watch it at gunpoint? Which has helped ensure stability in the region. And they asked Trump about being nominated again, and he said this. I'm smart, like everybody says.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Like, don't. I'm smart, and I want the sticks. Israel and the United Arab Emirates agree to a historic deal. I mean, this is big shit. Seriously, normalizing relations in 2020. So him and Jared Kushner's up, too. They should be celebrating, getting drunk in Mar-a-Lago. Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Madison, whose post said he submitted his nomination exactly two hours before the deadline fell, said he was definitely not the only one who nominated the former president. So it's not a fluke, okay? But as we know, the more applicants, the more likely success is, he wrote. A letter of invitation to submit a nomination for the Nobel Prize was not required, though persons or organizations could only be nominated by qualified individuals. Well, who decides that? A total of 318 candidates were nominated for the prize last year, 211 individuals, and 107 organizations. The Norwegian Nobel Committee was responsible. How do we,
Starting point is 00:28:19 why is it Norway left it to, how does this shit work? Who comes up with it? The Norwegian committee was responsible for selecting the Nobel Peace Prize laureates, as they always are, I guess. Think about that, though. Obama actually won one while we were at war. So put that in your pipe
Starting point is 00:28:42 and smoke it. Again, more evidence of a racist world. Nick said with his tongue so far planted in his cheek, it looked like he was blowing a Grecian bowl. Good night, everybody. And good luck.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I've got to come up with a closing. Oh, boy. Made brajol last night. What's brajol? I'll tell you what brajol is. No, it's not what an Italian guy goes, hey, grab my brajol. You take a skirt steak or a flank steak, right?
Starting point is 00:29:16 Put saran wrap over it. Bang it out with a metal meat hammer, nice and flat, right? To about, you know, I don't know, eighth of an inch if you can without destroying it and then you just touch it up a little olive oil a little salt pepper then you put in whatever you want I put in provolone what a greaseball I am huh this is the cooking part of the show
Starting point is 00:29:39 provolone I had four kinds of salami in there, imported salami, spinach, and I can't remember, you're supposed to put breadcrumbs, I forgot. And then you roll the meat up. You roll it up to what looks like a Shaquille O'Neal's cock. And then you tie it off with string. You got a nice round meat and you brown it in a pan. And then you put it in a pot of tomato sauce and let it sit for an hour. Every time I make it, I get a little choked up. Why?
Starting point is 00:30:08 Because your grandmother taught you? No. Patrice O'Neill saw. He goes, hey, Nick, I was watching a cooking show and this fucking lady, she had this meat thing
Starting point is 00:30:19 and she put all kinds of shit in it and rolled up and shit. It looks so fucking, what do you call it? I said, yes, it was fucking bourgeois. Every time I make in, rolled up in shit. It looked so fucking, what do you call it? I said, yes, it was fucking bourgeois. Every time I make it, I hear Patrice.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Oh, it makes me sad. God, was it fucking good. Anyhow, I just gave you guys a cooking tip out there. I look exceptionally heavy in the face today. And I did need a bag of croutons. Hey, guess who else was nominated for a Nobel Prize? I want you to put on your laughing hats. Black Lives
Starting point is 00:30:48 Matter. You know, the Marxist group who openly states their mission statement is to destroy the government of the United States. I'm paraphrasing and replace it with some type of Marxist horseshit, which is basically what's going on. They were nominated for a Nobel
Starting point is 00:31:03 fucking prize. I'm not making that up. I'm not making it up. I know what you did. You're a damn traitor. All right, just get the hell out of here. I got a goddamn thing. Black Lives Matter. Nobel Prize. Peace Prize.
Starting point is 00:31:18 That's right. The organization that kills cops, burns and loots and destroy shit. You don't believe me? Let's look at, this is, they're responsible and they are nominated for a Nobel Prize. Peace Prize.
Starting point is 00:31:41 The word is peace. Look how peaceful these scumbags are. What else? Roll it. Yeah, peaceful. Peaceful. I could've, you know, just, peace.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Look at a cop car. Peaceful. Is this a joke? Are we, are we living in a, there's only one truth. I don't care if the Democrats think they own it. They're not even close. Recognizing the movement will send, listen to this. This is a jerk off that nominated him.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Who is it? Put him up. Recognizing the movement, there he is, self-hating white Eddie Munster hairdo fucking jerk off. He's got, you know, it looks like George Clooney and Hunter Biden had a baby and Eddie Munster somehow got his DNA in there. Recognizing the movement, he says, we'll send a powerful message that peace is founded on equality, solidarity, and human rights, wrote a Norwegian lawmaker. Don't we have his name in there? Where is it? Oh, it's coming. Sorry, Uh, can you fucking imagine this asshole? In his nomination letter, uh, Petter Eide, a socialist left member of the Storting, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:33:19 Norway's parliament wrote that he had nominated. And you know why he's so big on black lives and black? Because he's never met one. Yeah. Norway's crawling with black people. I don't mean to be racist today i'm picking out the bad black people there's plenty of good ones you know that i know that most of them play in the nba now listen what who hang on black lives for their struggle against racism and racially motivated violence. Shut your fucking mouth. Mind your business.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Okay, Eddie Munster? BLM's call for, listen to this, systemic change. See how they whitewash it? Have spread around the world, forcing other countries to grapple with racism within their own societies, he continued. Oh, is he brainwashed? You need to shut the fuck up. I'd cited Black Lives Matter's online platform
Starting point is 00:34:09 to provide activists with a shared set of principles and goals. Yeah, this is them sharing their goals and principles online. Yeah, you know the footlocker at MLK Jr. in Die Whitey Avenue.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah, we'll meet there at midnight. Bring the gas. That's horrible. Now it's Anyways, a set of principles that the grassroots movement compromises comprises many views and a broad array of demands.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Oh yeah. Such diversity in thought in that group. Should we be Marxist or just anarchist or just plain racist? I noted that the Nobel Committee has twice awarded the Peace Prize to anti-racist South Africans, Albert Luthi in 1960
Starting point is 00:35:02 and Nelson Mandela in 1993. Boy, Mandela would be proud to know he's being compared to some kid from Detroit who would shoot a white cop in the head without thinking twice. Because that's what he was about, right? Suck a bag of dicks, you lion.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Let's not forget their mission statement is to literally, oh, I wrote this in, destroy the U.S. capital system. I put that in there. Fuck you, mother! No, it's my show. I can put it in. Am I fucking up the thing by doing this?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Banging on the... Do you think more people listen to this show or watch it? Do we know yeah um well they're jumping to the comics gym thank god but trump you know what he's still inspiring people out there this is cool this thing uh he inspires people actually give a fuck about this country and give a fuck about the truth the truth not the media's truth and uh it was this cool little um well somebody took a you know animated a clip of uh trump and this is trump's words actually if i give you one message to hold in your hearts today, it's this.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity to be an outsider because it's the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference. lasting difference the more that a broken system tells you that you're wrong the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead you must keep pushing forward i am your voice I was looking up IQs of presidents. You know that clickbait? They always... I don't know why I always fall for this one. Because I can't remember what they said. But of course they use him as clickbait.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Something about be shocked about... You know, you think it's going to be 11 or something, the way they portray him. You know, he's got one of the highest IQs. 154. Makes me like him even more. Because that's way over genius, and he thinks like I do. And I'm retarded, so I don't know, he wouldn't be happy about that.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I think mine's 128 or something. It's not even... I told Carl, and he goes... I was like bragging, he goes, what the fuck, that's not even... I told Carl and he goes... I was like bragging. He goes, what the fuck? That's not even... He's so goddamn... Quinn will take the air out of your balloon in two seconds. I want to thank you people out there. You people.
Starting point is 00:38:00 What do you mean, you people? Yeah, you people. As Ross Perot once said in front of a black crowd, you people. Hey, I'm taking some new medicine. Why am I bringing this up now? I don't know. I'm like a, you think I was a nine-year-old man. When I get up, I have my bottles of wine.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I have Lipitor, Lexapro, Welbutrin, which are doing nothing. I'm as moody and ugly as I've ever been. Lexapro, Welbutrin, which are doing nothing. I'm as moody and ugly as I've ever been. Lexapro, Welbutrin, Lipitor, some thyroid shit I don't even think I need anymore. Then these capsules that help produce a little bit of estrogen. We have estrogen in us too. And what the fuck? And then I added two more things because my memory's been scaring the shit out of me. Look at it. I can't remember. But I can't remember what they are.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Methylfoliate. L-methylfoliate and another kind of foliate with NAC on the end of it. And I'm looking at it, hoping it's going to be a synthetic drug. But no, it's always got broccoli extract and shit. What the? Can't I get real drugs, man? I'm not going to OD on fucking carrot extra. Yeah, man, we found 60 grams of cauliflower juice in his ass.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Anyways, I want to thank you people for keeping us up on the air. Again, is where you want to go. Move your stuff over there, and then we'll really be cutting loose. I want to thank people since last night who donated to the show. Chad Henderson of California. Brian Boyd, California. Guys, get out of that state.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Pedro Navarro. New Mexico. Franz Grissom, Oklahoma. Robert Curley, New York, Michael Smith from Florida, fuck the NFL, Missouri. Wait a minute,
Starting point is 00:39:51 you guys won a Super Bowl. Well, kind of. Richard Gribos, Wisconsin, Don Warford, Illinois, Rob Metnick, Georgia,
Starting point is 00:40:03 Jim Tompkins at New York. Philip Tichel, Michigan. Kevin McArdle, an old-time fan, Massachusetts. Michael Richardson, Virginia. Ben Thor Klinger, Florida. Tomas Gasek, Illinois. Ruth Fabiano, South Carolina. And we had one monthly contributor sign up, Dan Rabiego.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Thank you guys so much for all your support. It's what's keeping us alive since YouTube really stuck it out my ass. I better work out today. You can't eat Brijol at one in the morning and then go to bed. I lay there. I see the light coming in like from the hallway, but there's a mirror in the room and I'm laying there. And just for a second, I look like De Niro in the Raging Bull and he's laying in that prison cell.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Remember with his big gut hanging up? It's horrible. Capitol officer who was a black fella who fatally shot a white woman, Ashley Babbitt, not likely to face charges. Well, isn't that a big fucking surprise? No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. You believe that shit? What was she doing?
Starting point is 00:41:31 Climbing through a window. So was a bunch of other people. Why did he shoot her? Probably because she had a Trump cape on. I'm not kidding you. But he's a person of color, you know, and he was just, he was nervous. He thought he was going to die.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Bullshit. What a waste. That poor lady went there. She's a veteran of the Air Force. Nice shot. Fucking evil motherfucker. See how quick they decide he's not going to be charged? What, you're not going to do a year investigation and comb through racist tweets from the officer who has not been named?
Starting point is 00:42:08 Why is that? Okay, I'll give him one. Willie Horton had been placed on leave after January 6th riot while an investigation took place into whether rioter Ashley Babbitt's civil rights were violated. Yeah, I think when you shoot somebody who's unarmed, are you really asking that question? I think you violated her civil rights were violated. Yeah, I think when you shoot somebody who's unarmed, are you really asking that question? I think you violated her civil rights. Yeah, but she was breaking in. I'm just putting it into context.
Starting point is 00:42:41 When a cop shoots a black guy who's supposedly unarmed or coming at him with a knife, they still have to go through hell. I'm just living in your world, is what I'm saying. One of her civil rights, why are you shot or dead? Yeah, I tell you, anyways. Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran and a QAnon supporter, so what, was climbing through a window that had been shattered by protesters when she was killed. The Justice Department civil rights investigation into the shooting was a routine procedure following the use of deadly force by a police officer in Washington. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:15 He's not going to get charged? Are you going to tell me that really? I'm going to find out what the hell happens here. The investigators have made an initial determination not to file charges, of course. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Justice Department officials need to make a final determination, said the journal. During the breach of the Capitol, hundreds of rioters forced their way into the building. Did you see hundreds? Yeah. Forced their way into the building and congressional office.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Babbitt and others reached the door to the Speaker's lobby. Look, they're trying to paint her as bad, you know, and bash the windows with sticks and helmets. Is that sort of like a black guy coming at a cop with a knife or a gun? Attempting to reach the members of Congress and say, oh, you know what was in her head? Yeah, she was there to fuck up AOC, somebody that was in the Air Force. You can't find an honest journalist on this fucking country. Dozens of rioters were ready to storm into the lobby and wreak havoc. That's where he drew the line in the sand, a fellow Capitol Police officer told the paper about the shooting. Yeah, he said, there's a Karen.
Starting point is 00:44:29 She likes Trump. More than 100 rioters have been arrested in connection to the breach. Did you hear what I just said? More than 100. Pretty much everybody that breached the building is arrested. that breached the building is arrested. Meanwhile, we have 400 people in a Walmart this summer, faces this close to the camera,
Starting point is 00:44:51 three of them get arrested. Suck a dick. We know what's going on here. So much for, gee, do you think they violated a civil rights? What do I hate the... I hate what's going on. House Democrats seek to include amnesty for illegal aliens in coronavirus
Starting point is 00:45:15 relief package. They're putting them ahead of you guys, folks. Or, you know, as equal to you. You American citizens? No. Fucking fucking legals he probably brought the shit over here he really thinks uh i don't know i don't know what he thinks i can't uh so yeah legal aliens part of the relief package is to get them protected from COVID. Ay, ay, ay, ay. I am the Cristo Bambino.
Starting point is 00:45:50 The group of House Democrats led by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, good thing we live in a colorblind society, want to include an amnesty for at least 5 million illegal aliens who consider themselves essential workers meanwhile the government was telling you white people or not just white people you american citizens not to come to work because you weren't essential during covid but these fuckers i mean they cut grass they clean poles consider themselves essential workers oh we're going on what they decide they are? And who are recipients of temporary protected status. That's TPS.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And the deferred action for childhood arrivals, that will be DACA. They're part of those programs. So that's the reason they say they have to get their shots. You're entitled to shit. Exactly. As you continue to work on assembling a COVID-19 reconciliation package and begin work on an economic
Starting point is 00:46:49 recovery and jobs package, we urge you to include Pathway to Citizenship for essential immigrant workers, dreamers, and TPS holders, as well as their families in order to ensure a robust recovery that is inclusive and equitable inclusive and equitable equitable, inclusive, equal,
Starting point is 00:47:07 for all Americans, regardless of the immigration status. Shut the fuck up. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Got people over here dying, American citizens. But let's worry about, let me, so you to cover these $5 or $10 million, right? Put money in for them for COVID, right? And you're going to do the Green New Deal, which everybody agrees will break the budget 10 times over.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Think about this, folks. They can't be serious. They want to break it. Read, was it Stalin or one of of those guys marx how do you destroy a country and turn it into a socialist shithole you have uh you know no borders you have people pour in until they overwhelm the safety net systems like social security all that shit and it collapses while you guys are watching it. What a show it is today. I should be on Meet the Dick.
Starting point is 00:48:11 The amnesty would pack the United States labor market with millions of newly legalized illegal aliens who would be allowed to legally compete for jobs against 18 million unemployed Americans. That's how to look after your people, huh, Joe Biden? That's how to look after. Flood them with illegals, and they're going to give you some line how it's going to make wages go up.
Starting point is 00:48:30 No, it doesn't. I'm an economic retard, and I know. It drives wages down. Everybody, it's been proven a thousand times. So now Americans who need jobs are competing against another 5 or 10 million. Hey, what the fuck? And another 6.2 million Americans who are underemployed.
Starting point is 00:48:50 They're going to have to compete with these people. Eventually, those legalized by the amnesty, listen to this, will be put on a path to obtaining American citizenship. The House Democrats claim the amnesty would boost U.S. wages. Can somebody please explain how that works? I'm going to tell you, you life-threatening sucker! How is that going to boost wages, somebody? Though a tightened labor market with reduced foreign competition
Starting point is 00:49:19 against Americans has proven to spike salaries, a pathway to citizenship for undocumented essential workers would raise the wage floor and in turn benefit all workers beyond the direct beneficiaries, the House Democrats wrote, so you know it's true. Stay still! Don't eat shit, you son of a bitch! What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:49:41 I'm not competing with you! That's why you're competing again. The proposal comes as President Joe Biden's administration has put forth an amnesty plan that would allow nearly the entire legal alien population. Do you understand? They keep saying between 11 and 22 million. It's well over 30 if you read even Harvard said. So think about that. Would allow nearly the entire legal alien population,
Starting point is 00:50:09 whatever that huge number is, foreign nationals to eventually obtain American citizenship. And again, drive wages into the, it's all about big business, cheap labor. Shit's never going to fucking end. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. they're rapists and some i assume are good people but uh that is it for today ladies and gentlemen uh i believe right um thank you again for
Starting point is 00:50:40 contributing to the show don't forget Move from Patreon and all that over there so we can really cut loose. What? Oh yeah. Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, I'll make a video on my phone, send it to them. You go to, click on my profile. Tell me about the person. I'll be glad to make or break their day. That is it, you guys. Thank it. I will say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:51:10 We will see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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