The Nick DiPaolo Show - Biden The Bullshitter | Nick Di Paolo Show #1349

Episode Date: February 7, 2023

Look For These Biden Lies Tonight. Mikhaila Peterson on Men. Turkey Cooked by Earthquake.   Get bonus content by joining Nick on Patreon! Go see Nick live! for tickets!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hi everybody, how are you? Snap! It's your hunk of a host, Henry Leota. Henry Leota? I took his character name and it's... No such thing. You're a real asshole. I know, man.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Fuck you and your book. Oh, take it easy. Let's get into it, because I'm in a rush. I have to have blood drawn. It's Tuesday, by the way. Good to see you people again, from Monday. Haven't seen you in almost fucking three seconds. By the way, the equipment gave us a real fucking hassle yesterday. Dallas picks up the monitor.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Belly slams it? Sure. Sure, asshole. What are we saying? Anyways, belly slam. What the fuck is... Let's get on with it. I'm in a hurry. Biden, the bullshitter. let's get on with it I'm in a hurry Biden the bullshitter what yeah you heard me uh these are the six lies you should look for when he does the state of the union tonight um some somebody wrote this up and it was fucking right on it's the same basically the same six he's been telling since uh he stole the fucking presidency number Number one, Jill has a clean snatch. I love that picture of him. That's all I hear coming out of him. No, here's the first lie you look for.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Biden has reduced the budget deficit by $1.4 trillion. Fucking lying sack of cheese, you. Actually, no president in modern times even comes close to Biden in terms of fiscal recklessness. In his first two years, the national debt has risen by more than $4.2 trillion. And he's going to come out and look you in the eye and lie to you. That's more than in any two-year period in American history. You won't hear that anywhere in the news, but here and wherever I got the story. The deficit shot into the fiscal stratosphere and hit that chink balloon of $2.8 trillion in his first year in the office in 2022.
Starting point is 00:02:46 In his first year in the office in 2022, it was still at one of history's highest levels, $1.4 trillion last year. Our debt as a share of our gross domestic product hit an all-time high of 129%. How is that? Biden is like a school kid celebrating an improved report card because the first semester he got an F but the second semester a D- that's a great analogy and you know what
Starting point is 00:03:13 you dumb fuckers who voted for him and I think you know better maybe you really are that stupid that you fall for this shit honestly honestly can you look me in the eye and go, this guy, it would be better than Ron DeSantis at anything or Trump or anybody except for Nikki Haley. Fuck her. I don't trust her either. What is she thinking about? Go back to Calcutta. Lie number two, he's going to tell you
Starting point is 00:03:39 tonight. Biden inherited an economy in free fall. How does he even, what? Wrong. When COVID hit these shores in early 2020, the economy was shut down in the face of the one and a half, once and a half century pandemic. But by 2020 second half, the economy soared by more than 20 percent and millions of Americans were moving back into their jobs. This was a historic recovery. One week after the election, thanks to Operation Warp Speed, the COVID vaccine was announced, which set the table. I hope Trump's taking credit for those. You got the shit out there, but we find out the shit ain't that good, right?
Starting point is 00:04:29 He's got to take a little blame, doesn't he? The table for an even stronger recovery. Although the lefties who hate Trump would swear by the medicine, so I don't know what the fuck it is. Instead, the economy has been limping like Jill after a good banging from her son. What kind of horseshit is that?
Starting point is 00:04:46 Forward with a weakening economic growth rate last year of 1.5%. And again, he's going to tell you he's kicking ass. Third lie you're going to hear from this old man. Inflation was high when Biden entered office. Huh? The average inflation rate during the Trump presidency was 2%. And in January of 2021, the month Biden entered office, inflation was 1.4%. Again, thanks to Trump. 18 months later in the summer of 2022, inflation rose above 9%. This is after Dinkweed was in office. The highest in 40 years. It ended the year at 6.5%. Food prices are still so high that CNBC just reported amid food inflation that Abrams, what's the first name? Stacey Abrams quit hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Cold turkey. Stacey Abrams quit hot dogs cold turkey more shoppers turn the dollar turn to dollar stores for groceries what? you can get groceries at a dollar store? I don't want a steak for 58 cents I want that I'll go to Long John Silver's
Starting point is 00:05:58 here comes another fucking lie number four Biden has brought down gas prices he's brought down gas prices I He's brought down gas prices. I just filled my tank yesterday. $92. 92 bucks. Again, I have to use premium gas. At least that's what it says. And I use a credit card. I don't give a fuck. I'm still paying almost $100 to fill my tank. So suck a dick and die. When Trump was in office, I think it was $11. How's that for a nice fat lie? When President Donald Trump left office,
Starting point is 00:06:31 the gas price was $2.59 a gallon nationally. And in June of 2022, it was nearly double a modern day high of, what? 504 a gallon. Today, gas is 348 a gallon. Why did I pay fucking $4.59 yesterday? Well, $4.89. Roughly a dollar a gallon higher than when Biden entered office. And according to GasBuddy, who's that?
Starting point is 00:06:54 Somebody you're blowing at fucking Arco? Which provides real-time prices and projections, gas at the pump's expected to rise back to $4 a gallon this year. I'm already there. So he's lying about that, too. Acid to pump's expected to rise back to $4 a gallon this year. I'm already there. So he's lying about that, too. Here's the fifth lie that you're going to hear tomorrow night. Biden is doing all he can to secure the border. Yeah, except letting chink balloons float around.
Starting point is 00:07:17 This may be the whopper of them all since Biden took office. He's issued some 90 executive orders undoing, undoing, I say, Trump's successful border enforcement policies, most notably stopping wall construction on the southern border and even suspending the successful stay in Mexico policy, a move so wrongly, so wrong-headed, he was recently forced to reverse it. In 2021, there were 1.7 million border encounters, the highest ever until 2022, when that number surged to what? Over 2 million. Doing a bang-up job there, Joe. He's toast. You know that. You got to know that. I'm just anxious. I don't know who's going to fill it. I sort of have a wet dream about Gavin Newsom.
Starting point is 00:08:13 No, I want him to run because he will be crushed by me if I ran against him. Because the Americans don't believe anything he believes. Look at California. Nobody wants that shit. Go ahead. I would love to see a Trump Newsom. Trump would break Nixon's record as far as lopsided wins. Here's number six that this piece of cheese is going to tell you. Biden is increasing domestic oil and gas production. A 2022 committee to unleash prosperity studied by the University
Starting point is 00:08:43 of Chicago's Casey Mulligan found that oil production would be 2 million to 3 million barrels a day higher if jerk-off Joe Biden had simply followed the Trump energy plan. That's from a guy who studies this shit for a living. America would have produced nearly 200 billion, with a B, more last year, if not for Biden's war on fossil fuels. We wouldn't have had to release one teaspoon of oil from our strategic reserve. Trump issued permits for drilling on 100 million acres of federal land. Biden has issued fewer drilling permits than any president since WW2. He's a piece of rotten garbage. You heard me.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Don't you buzz at me. Back off. Let's move on. Michaela on men. Dallas is playing with the headlines. Host of the Michaela Peterson podcast and daughter of the very brilliant, one of my heroes, new heroes,
Starting point is 00:09:49 Jordan Peterson. Michaela Peterson. Oh, my God. Do we, honest to God, our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
Starting point is 00:10:01 on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and some big bags. Those lips were made in heaven, got the eyebrows of Groucho Marx and the eyes of a puppy dog. Did I mention my cock is seven inches by four inches in my dreams? You have done it without a word. Jordan Peterson, Michaela Peterson, joined Fox & Friends weekend on Saturday morning to share the factors contributing
Starting point is 00:10:29 to the decline in men participating in the workforce. Peterson stressed that the media's portrayal of men and the relationship between men and women play a role in the decline. What has Nick DiPaolo been screaming since Tough Crowd about how men were emasculated in commercials? You can look
Starting point is 00:10:49 at all the Tough Crowd. I actually say that the commercials, it was a cultural Marxism because I was reading a lot then and that's exactly what it was. And who's getting all the Grammys? And who's making $60 million? Big Fluffy. I always pick him out. Nice guy, but P.U. According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics, that's BLS, report, over 7 million men ages 25 to
Starting point is 00:11:16 54, spanking 11 times an hour, have left the workforce. Did you hear what I just said? I don't even know what the number is again. What is it? Don't worry about it. Over 7 million. Over 7 million. I think we have video of Michaela Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Look at Pete. Tell me Pete Hegseth didn't shave for fucking two hours knowing this was coming on. So listen to, this is Jordan Peterson's daughter saying why this country's been emasculated. Go ahead. Roll it. Why are less men participating in the workforce than just a few years ago?
Starting point is 00:11:53 I think there's a number of reasons. I think the increase in mental illness plays a role. So 50 percent of people will be diagnosed with a mental illness at some point in their lifetime. We're crazy. And that's got to contribute to men dropping out of the workforce. But the other things that could possibly contribute would be the media's portrayal of men for the last 20 years. They show men as these bumbling fools. Bingo.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And that's got to be hard on men's confidence. Why is she being interviewed on Fox when Nick DiPaolo's stand-up comic was saying this shit before anybody else? Why? Oh, because look at her. If you're Fox, who do you want to put on the air? Well, I was pretty 10 years ago. Not like that. Holy fucking moly.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Holy Jesus. Heloise. Okay, does she have some more to say oh boy it ends generationally and then i think one thing that people don't talk about at all uh is the birth control pill yummy i think that's majorly impacting relationships between men and women negatively so women and this has been shown to be true women choose more feminine men when they're on the pill. And for some reason, people aren't talking about that.
Starting point is 00:13:08 That's crazy. That could impact people generationally easily. Look forward to seeing her. She'll have a show on Fox in five minutes. You know, it's tremendous. Anyway, she's got the brains from her old man and the electrifying personality. Hegseth, after pulling up his pants, asked Peterson
Starting point is 00:13:32 if the increase in women in the workforce played a role in men dropping out. I'm not going to talk about what they just talked about, are they? Yeah, you did. Peterson replied, I don't actually think the issue is women in the workforce, she added. I think it's more likely that the birth control is playing a role in impacting the relationship between men and women negatively, which we just heard. Yes, sir. Following up, she explained how the feminine portrayal of masculinity plays a role in the relationship and how it affects men's confidence. I mean, in order to have children, this is good stuff,
Starting point is 00:14:05 women need to feel comfortable and safe with a masculine man. She says, I'm in a wash of fags. No. Otherwise, why are they going to want to have kids? That's actually a good point. And so we have women on birth control choosing feminine men and then not wanting to have children. And this is in the literature literature i hope you're bringing up
Starting point is 00:14:26 the feminist movement behind uh this isn't a conspiracy theory you can look in the scientific papers so i think that plays a major major role in why uh men are stumbling and bumbling does she have... ...jurgens in her left hand? I know I do. Peterson concluded by saying how men are avoiding toxic masculinity and leaving jobs based on the traditional view of masculinity, which they are.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Bye-bye. The fact that masculinity is now seen as toxic means that the people that women are attracted to, masculine men, are seen as toxic, she says. And that's just confusing to everyone. It's confusing men because they don't want to be masculine because they don't want to be thought of as toxic. And then it's confusing to women
Starting point is 00:15:22 because they don't want to have anyone uh to be attracted to that now they have no one to be attracted to they want a masculine guy and they're not out there the guy's afraid to be masculine i don't know about that well it's yeah i don't know how about manning up, Gen Z? Put down the fucking video games. Get a job on an oil rig and get some cock enlargement pills. Those things work like beautiful. Finally tonight, right?
Starting point is 00:16:00 Finally tonight on this terrific show. Turkey cooked. What? I thought this was great news. No, I didn't. Turkey's a weird country. They're kind of an ally of us, yet they're not. It's kind of fucking bizarre, man.
Starting point is 00:16:11 A lot of Muslims over there, right? Dallas? Dallas knows. Dallas has a duplex over there with his life partner, Kevin McGillicuddy. A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked southern Turkey and northern Syria early Monday morning.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Look at that. $61 worth of damage. No, no, no, no, no, no. Although it was God that brought those. Toppling hundreds of buildings and killing more than 3,000 goats. No, 1,300 people died. The death toll is expected to rise throughout the day. Rescue workers, they searched mounds of wreckage in cities and towns across the area
Starting point is 00:16:59 as hundreds of people remained trapped under Barney rubble. What? That was silly, Nick. I know, I'm a funny fuck. The pre-dawn quake drove residents outside on a cold, rainy, and snowy winter night. Oh, those bastards. As buildings were flattened like a lesbian's ass
Starting point is 00:17:19 and strong aftershocks continued, rescue workers and residents in multiple cities searched for survivors, working through tangles of, you know, what do they make houses out of? Confetti and dirt. And giant piles of concrete, the AP reported. 639 people were injured. people were injured. 237 were killed in the provinces of Aleppo, Latakia, Hamas, and Tartus. Have you had the Hamas and Tartus? Oh my God, it's chickpeas with Tartus. She's got big Tartus.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Hello, you can't show those over here. The Syrian health ministry said that in a statement, and he gave us the finger. In northern Syrian areas controlled by pro-Turkish factions, at least eight people were killed in the region of Azaz and Al-Bab, Omar Al-Wad. Now, I think Dallas has spent a lot of time over there. The medical response coordinator for the area told the AFP, adding the number was likely to rise if they could count that high on an abacus. As search and rescue operations were on a going.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So prayers to them. Our hearts and minds go out. That's my mind going out. That's my mind going out. Up three notches from last week. That's called the Muslim tragedy. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit near, oh, Gaziantep in southeastern Turkey on Monday at 4.17 in the morning. all for the love of God, at a depth of 17.9 kilometers, that's 11 miles, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
Starting point is 00:19:11 The tremors, they said, were bigger than if Joy Behar fell off her seat, were felt in Lebanon, Syria, and Cyprus, according to the AFP correspondence. That is a, look at that. And, you know, it's not like over here after 9-1-1, where, you know, they can clean that shit up, because they're going to use, like, snow shovels. They have a couple John Deere tractors, I think. But some farmers.
Starting point is 00:19:39 That's his, no. That's a lot of people, 1,300, to be killed by mud and sticks. I have no heart. You know that. All right, I've got to get out of here. That's my fourth cup of coffee. They're going to take my blood pressure when I get there.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Right? Yeah. Jesus H. Again, thank you guys very much for joining this show don't forget if you'd like me to roast a friend or relative um i'm starting to pick up a lot of them now um that's it except for you people who belong monthly you got another story coming up right now uh you guys think and i'll say very welcome we'll see you back here tomorrow have a great day hi good night everybody We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a great day. Hi. Good night, everybody. Hold on guitar solo Outro Music

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