The Nick DiPaolo Show - Biden's Inhumane Border Policies | Nick Di Paolo Show #517

Episode Date: April 1, 2021

Smugglers drop two children over 14-foot border wall. Is Brian Kemp in bed with China? Facebook warns Lara Trump against using "Trump's voice."...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching the show and I want to encourage you to keep contributing to keep this show and free speech free for everyone, whether they want to hear it or not. Click on this video or the link on the screen to make a contribution of any amount. I'll read your name on the show, but more importantly, you'll truly be supporting a great cause without Big Brother taking their cut or limiting the message. Thank you guys so much. All right, welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Nick DiPaolo Show. Very obviously, I am not Nick DiPaolo. He's super sick today.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I don't know exactly what, something about shit and blood or whatever, but he and Tommy said that they think I can handle today's show. After a lot of argument from me and quite a few hours of missed sleep in preparation for this. But I'm here. We're going to do it. We got a good show for you. George is back in the news. There's a lot of stuff going on at the border still. You know, the usual, the good stuff. It's also opening day, obviously. My Mets, unfortunately, were canceled. COVID kind of struck that down um what else uh also april 1st uh and you know what that means uh ladies and gentlemen here is mr wayne newton though april showers may come your way
Starting point is 00:02:00 they bring the flowers that bloom in May So if it's raining, I have no regrets Because it isn't raining rain, you know It's raining violets Rain and rain, you know it's raining violets So if you see clouds above the hill You soon will see crowds of never-deals So keep on looking for a bluebird And listening for his song
Starting point is 00:02:48 Whenever the April showers come along The April showers They come your way They bring the flowers that bloom in May. So if it's raining,
Starting point is 00:03:14 I have no regret. Because it isn't raining rain, you know. It's raining violets. All righty. How are you, folks?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Happy April Fool's Day, everybody. Jason, hell of a job. You filled in beautifully. I cooked for myself last night and I don't know what I did. I'm guessing COVID on the counters, I don't know, resulted in me being on the throne like Henry V. I'm out of breath. Have another cigarette, shithead. Anyways, how you doing, folks? Let's get right to it, shall we? A lot of stuff, like Jason said, going on right here in Georgia. You know, I moved out of New York because it's the center of the fucking world for everything. Come down here in Georgia, once again, the political center of the universe.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Trump's number one hit list. He hates this guy. This guy played Trump like a fitel, and Trump's already said he's going to fucking destroy him. Kemp in China sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S, you know the rest. Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp met with and made deals with Chinese Communist Party, according to Chinese language records.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Kemp reportedly warmly welcomed the Chinese consul general from Houston in a meeting in which Kemp invited Chinese business investment in Georgia. That consul general was accused by the Trump administration's State Department of running an espionage ring in the United States, and Trump closed the consulate in July 2020. Kemp effectively prevented China's geopolitical foe, President Trump, from getting a fair count of the votes in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. You don't think that's going to stick in Trump's ass? He'll run again just to fuck this guy up, I hope. Even Rubio tweeted about, you remember we reported on this. It was some business. Remember
Starting point is 00:05:26 they were doing it through their software in Houston? Rubio tweeted about Chinese consul in Houston. He said that it was a center for, there you go, for Chinese spy ring. And he knows. All right, get up. Yeah. He said it's not a diplomatic facility it's a central node of the communist party's vast network of spies and influence operations in the united states now that building must close and the spies have 72 hours to get the fuck out or be arrested this needs to happen that was july 22nd of last year um but now you see now you see see, it makes sense now, right? What went on in Georgia? Oh, it was dirty. In a Chinese advertisement released by Georgia USA, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is seen on video encouraging Chinese investors to consider working with Georgia,
Starting point is 00:06:21 noting that China is a top source for imports. You know, shit that breaks in three minutes. Top source for imports, including COVID. Did you mention that? Dink weed. Here's Kemp sucking Chinese cock. It is a top source for imports and our third largest export market. We welcome thousands of Chinese visitors every year to the Peach State, and we are constantly helping to develop new opportunities for Chinese companies. All right. What the fuck, Kemp?
Starting point is 00:07:19 Who said that? Brian Kemp. Who the fuck said that? Who's the slimy little cop in a shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Easy. Brian Kemp. Easy. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Kill me. I come with COVID. I shove up your ass. COVID-19. I shove up your ass. Come over here. Come over here. Spit in my face.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Knock on some booty. Knock on some booty. If that's not bad enough, you know the Secretary of State down here, Brad Raffsenperger, with a P, well, he got busted. Georgia Republican leaders Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffsenperger are both caught on tape in scandalous situations connected to China, which will likely hamper their re- reelection chances in 2022, we hope. Now that President Trump is determined to defeat them as revenge for the refusal to help Trump in
Starting point is 00:08:15 the 2020 election, they're fucking toast. Bye-bye. You know, Trump, you understand he'll live till he's 100 to get these guys back. Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffsenberger was placed into office in the Georgia House of Reps in 2015 by a powerful network of Mandarin oranges. Oh, Mandarin-speaking Chinese people in the United States of America, i.e. Chinese people. Oh, it said that. I'm sorry. A national file has obtained video of Rafsanpurja speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election, which he ended up winning by what, folks? 159. How the fuck? Right there, that smells fishy. I know I need this much. A Mandarin language newspaper that actively coordinates with the United Front, a network controlled by the Chinese Communist Party,
Starting point is 00:09:10 even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of absentee ballots. Oh, it's all coming around now. Absentee ballots that could be obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others. You know, you just go to Kinko's. Raffsenberger, this is him making a call, speaking in Chinese, thanking the Chinese for electing him to the state legislature in 2015. This is the audio of that phone call.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Good. Thank you so much for supporting me in my election for House District 50. It was a close election and your support was critical for my success. I just want to thank you for your support. Is this Moran number one? Put Moran number two on the phone. Here he comes. We said on the 91st, Who has it in his hand? That was congratulations in Mandarin. I'll tell you. In a 2017 article, which the same Chinese language publication brags about handpicking Raffensperger, they can find the weak link, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Doesn't Chinese, the language just sound sneaky? Or is that me being racist? That's me being right. But still. Handpicked in Raffensperger for office, stating, after a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election. Shun aroused fighting spirit. So I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Here is Brad begging for Chinese votes. I have a list of all the Chinese American voters. And maybe just right out to them and have a sign. You know, I'm voting for Brad. Please vote for Brad. You know, I support Brad for this election. Please vote for Brad. We'll collect these.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And then it's actually right on the bottom. It even says that now. Is that clear? So we just need to encourage 100 people. That sweater vest has power. It would be huge because this election was very, very tight. All right, he's making me sick. Look at that vest. Did you see that fucking sweater vest? I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Apparently the
Starting point is 00:11:14 Chinese have it in at the Gap at the Washington Square Mall. Oh my God. Well, there it is. And you want, doesn't it make a lot more sense now what went on here in Georgia as far as fucking up the runoff election? And Kemp is, if you ask Trump today, and I know this, who's number one on your shit list? Oh, God. Because he played Trump like a fiddle. You know? So, once again, Georgia at the center of this mess.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And I can't wait. I cannot wait. On top of all this, we have, I'll get to a little bit of it, the Chauvin trial. I'm not going to start playing clips and shit until it starts getting really juicy, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:57 which it's going to very quickly. But I'll get to one clip today where a woman is being dressed down by the judge because she's a left-wing twat and he's having nothing of it. But let's get back to the biggest problem in the country right now, which is what? The border.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And Biden, and again, my friends are going, Biden's doing this, Biden's doing that. He's not doing any of it. He's the empty vessel delivering the message. Again, he's Kermit. Pelosi is Jim Henson. Hand right up his dirty, colon-polyp-filled ass. Remember they said Trump's immigration policy at the border was inhumane?
Starting point is 00:12:34 How fucking hilarious. Have you seen? We've been showing you pictures. A Border Patrol agent shared a heart-stopping video of smugglers abandoning two little girls in the New Mexico desert in the middle of the night after dropping them over a 14-foot high fence. The smugglers can be seen scaling the fence. And get this, folks. This actually gave me a lump in my... Dropping a five-year-old and a three-year-old to the hard ground and throwing items that appeared to be belongings to the kids over the wall.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And they called Trump inhumane with his... You're a crumb creep. Ripping... Oh, remember they were ripping kids from their parents' arms. That's better than what I'm seeing here. The footage was tweeted by El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria
Starting point is 00:13:21 Chavez and occurred miles from the nearest residence, she said. I want, again, to repeat that. This is a three and a five-year-old. What kind of parents hand them over to a cartel? They weren't kidnapped, I'm guessing. But just watch this.
Starting point is 00:13:40 They try to drop them. It's a 14-foot wall. It's midnight. After midnight in a foreign country. Check it out. That's the first one. It's unbelievable, huh, that heat-seeking camera? Look at this. That's a long way for a five-year-old or a three-year-old.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Okay? Now, that little girl doesn't move for a while, I noticed. Guarantee she's crying. Had the wind knocked out of her. Now, here comes the other one. The little girl on the ground is finally getting up. I don't know who's who. This is just heartbreaking.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Okay, that hurt. They throw the shit like the cowards that they are and take off. Can you fucking imagine? I despise it with every fiber of my being. The little girl is rescued by agents who spotted them while conducting virtual surveillance, according to the agent. Thank God for them, huh? Doing their job. We are currently working with our law enforcement partners in Mexico and attempting to identify these ruthless human smugglers so as to hold them accountable to the false extent of the law, she added.
Starting point is 00:15:04 smugglers so as to hold them accountable to the false extent of the law, she added. Smugglers are paid about $6,000 for each person they transport to the Mexican border amid the current migrant surge. And nice going, Biden. Beautiful. Nice going, shithead. I mean, AOC. I mean, Bernie. Whoever.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Biden's just the puppet. I said to my buddy on a text, I said, you realize that his dementia was a blessing in disguise for these Dems? How fucking evil are they to use that? The White House has warned migrants to stay away as they wink into the camera, but are not turning away unaccompanied children for humanitarian reasons. Officials said the problem will only continue. You saw all the humanity in that, the clip we just showed. Officials said the problem will only continue
Starting point is 00:15:54 as well as the number of minors trying to cross the border could sort of get this. 26,000 a month in September, they said. Dwarfing the 16,000 that came this month, according to a new report. But it's not about Biden's policies. They only have signed T-shirts. You fucking dicking me.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Huh? And did you notice yesterday was the first day the Biden administration let journalists in? What does that tell you? You guys, everything you you accuse they should call them the projection party that's all you do is project your evil shit and accuse other people of exactly what you are power hungry fucking soulless fascist nazi. How about we call, how many times they call Trump a Nazi and Republicans, right?
Starting point is 00:16:47 Nazis. Meanwhile, New York, it's going to spread nationally. You have to have a passport. Now, to get into, can we see our fucking papers right out of fucking Hitler's camp? I don't know, folks.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I don't know. I can't know, folks. I don't know. I can't take it anymore. Yummy, yummy. Is it bad to eat two sleeves of saltines right before you go to bed? Then I wonder why I have puffy face. What's that, about 70 pounds of salt? You could have fucking thought out my grandmother's driveway in Boston with this shit. When do I look like Jerry Lewis with a pregnant zone?
Starting point is 00:17:30 How about my jacket I stole from a high school kid? Hey, let's get on to more left-wing fascist-like behavior. How about this one? I mean, we were all shocked when, I guess we weren't, but when Twitter fucking booted the president, remember? Blocked his account and shit, which, you know, what chance do I have? But it's still going on Facebook, Instagram. They're one in the same, I believe. Threaten Lara, Lara, sorry, Lara Trump. That's Eric's wife. Any posts with the voice of Donald Trump will be banned on those two platforms.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm, fuck, can we get, can we drop the gloves? Can we just get it on? There is no way any of this is going to be solved ever. My only regret is I'm 50 fucking nine. And I might not see it. That's not true. I think it's coming in a hurry, but I can't wrestle anymore. My shoulders are being held together by duct tape and spit. Anyways, let's get back to Lara Trump.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Big tech has again sent the chilling message about online free speech to tens of millions of Americans as Silicon Valley continues its attempt to permanently cancel former President Donald Trump and those who support him, like myself and about 80 million other people. On Tuesday, Facebook, again, it was created so a nerd at Harvard could get some pussy and it's turned into
Starting point is 00:18:58 a Facebook and Instagram removed an interview between the former president and his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump. Lara Trump had previously taken to Instagram to tease the interview, which would take place on her, she's got a show called The Right View podcast. She tweeted, big show tonight. I'll be joined by President Donald Trump on The Right View. To watch, go to at 9.30 p.m. She wrote in a post. She also teased the interview on Facebook. Trump did sit down with his daughter-in-law,
Starting point is 00:19:33 a Fox News contributor and prospective Senate candidate, but the interview, she's a prospective Senate candidate, but the interview is taken down from Facebook as well as its photo and video sharing platform, Instagram. Lara, who is married to Trump's son, Eric, was told in a bizarre email from a Facebook employee that the former commander in chief's voice is not allowed to be posted on either platform. Have you ever in your life? I am your voice, not on Facebook and Instagram, you ain't. We are reaching out to let you, it says we are reaching out to let you that we,
Starting point is 00:20:23 I think they mean let you know. Why does it not have the no in there? You just cut and paste, right? Yeah, I don't know. I'll read it have the no one there you just cut and paste right yeah i don't know i'll read it from the right way we are reaching out to let you know that we remove content from larry trump's facebook page that featured president trump speaking in line with the block we placed on donald trump's facebook and instagram accounts uh further uh content posted in the voice of donald trump will be removed and result in additional limitations on the account. Signed, the cunt, Caitlin. Really? They're right out with it now, huh?
Starting point is 00:20:53 It's just, hey, we just sense it. It's unbelievable. Don't we have something called the First Amendment? Where are the lawsuits? Where are the people pushing back? Where are the bombs going off? They're actually, you know, bragging about the sound of it. Hey, we're letting you guys know that we, you know, the president, that racist piece.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yeah, we won't let him talk. That's all I could come up with. I'm angry. In line with the block we placed on Donald Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts, further content posted in the voice of Donald Trump will be removed and result in additional limitations on the accounts, the email added. A Facebook employee confirmed the authenticity of the email, according to CNBC. Lara commented on the email in an Instagram post.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And just like that, this is her quote, we are one step closer to Orwell's 1984. Wow. I would have come up with something a little stronger than that. Like you motherless fucks. My father-in-law is crazy. He'll knock on your door tonight with a shotgun and take your kids out. Oh, that was my father-in-law. Eric Trump also criticized big tech, sharing a picture of a separate email from Mark Zuckerberg's big tech empire. He's the one behind it all. Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you.
Starting point is 00:22:22 That's what he said in the post. you. That's what he said in the post. He says, I saw on Lara Trump's Instagram account that she will be hosting an interview with President Donald Trump tonight. That's his wife, right? Why is he referred to as a Facebook? No, I'm sorry. A Facebook employee wrote. And then the employee said, just a reminder, that content posted on Facebook and Instagram and the voice of President Trump is not currently allowed on our platforms, including new posts with President Trump speaking. And will be removed if posted, resulting in additional limitations on accounts that posted it. Didn't I already say that? They say the same thing in fucking nine different ways.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Fuck you, mother! No! Take it easy. ways. Fuck your mother! No! Take it easy. This guidance applies to all campaign accounts and pages including Team Trump, other campaign messaging vehicles on our platforms
Starting point is 00:23:11 and former surrogates. The message concluded. Unbelievable. Un-friggin'-real. Can we go? Is it not go time yet? When do we go? It's like a hockey game. Two guys are butting heads high,
Starting point is 00:23:28 sticking each other like five minutes. Then they finally line up next to each other at a face-off, and they don't even... God, I still get a heart. I'm in that habit. So exciting. Hey, I want to thank you guys. My fans, truly an army, the most loyal fans in the world.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And I want to thank you for contributing at or It keeps the show going, as you know. One-time donations, Dennis Tripoletti, Nevada, Larry Ramsey, Massachusetts, Greg Perotka, Arizona, William Larkin, New York, Ron Raymond, New Jersey, Christopher DeVito, New York, William Larkin, New York, Ron Raymond, New Jersey, Christopher DeVito, New York, Matthew Chelfant, Kentucky, Victor Landau, New Hampshire. New monthly supporters, Chris Villanueva, Texas, Joseph Ivanoskas, Illinois, and Patrick Honahan. Hanahan thank you guys so much for signing up as monthly subscribers which again gets you an extra story every day including today
Starting point is 00:24:30 and we thank you for your support remember or wherever you guys are please move your stuff from Patreon we're in the middle of trying to get you all over there to more fact you know if it's not enough that they're taking, you know, blocking Trump's voice on these platforms and it doesn't just go on at a national level. This shit is going on at the municipal level, at the local school level.
Starting point is 00:25:02 It's getting creepy. Here's a good example. level, at the local school level. It's getting creepy. Here's a good example. Blacklist of parents who are against critical race theory by leftist cocksuckers. They're actually doing a blacklist. A private parents education reform group. Oh, these are the good guys. Loudon Parents for Education from Loudon County, Virginia. It's the richest county in the country. Has said its members are being targeted for their opposition to the introduction of critical race theory, which is out and out blatant racism against white people. They want to indoctrinate your kids with this shit.
Starting point is 00:25:42 We've gone over how fucking evil it is. There's black people who say this is wrong. Just give you an idea. There's like three of them out of the 40, but that is enough in my opinion. Introduction of critical race theory in school curricula, okay, which is evil. That's faggot stuff. It is. You want to call it by its name, that's strictly for fags. Ian Pryor, a spokesman for the group, told WTOP News there was a solicitation by one of the members of this group to target people that had opposed the school's commitment to critical race theory concepts. Do you understand this came from the most hateful, this critical race, the most hateful black people on the planet, and they want to put it in curriculum to poison your kids. Can we go now? Can we drop the gloves?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Loudon parent Austin Levine testified on March 23rd at a school meeting telling the board, I am on a list, not Santa's list, but a list of enemies created by a group led by the marching orders, that's a Hitler reference, of one of your colleagues. And it's a fucking white woman, by the way. And for you, your own work, do eigenen fleisch, eigenen Schlosszeit. This list included names, places of work, where they lived, and their perceived wrongs. Right out of Stalin's book of Putin.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Levine explained that personal information of parents who opposed the implementation of race theory into school curriculum was being shared by a group of over 600 members calling themselves, here it comes, this is how you know, by the anti-race parents of Loudoun County, which means there's only two choices. If you're not with them, you're racist. Just think about the name of it. Time to hang these people from a straight post. All of them. Six out of nine school board members in Loudoun, six out of nine school board members are part of this anti-racist group.
Starting point is 00:27:33 These whitey haters. You listening? Yeah. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that? My gosh, that's some strong language. Levine testified further that school board member, and here she is, Beth Bartz, seen here, that's her. She's targeting
Starting point is 00:27:55 parents who are against critical race theory. Can you imagine? I'd like to know how she got to that mindset, what kind of education she had. She orchestrated the attacks, the New York Post reports. We have her. She was at a spa for a day somewhere. White pig. Some black fellow would love her. Pryor said that the Loudon Parents for Education are making an effort to have the board members involved in the attacks recalled from their positions. Yeah, good luck with that.
Starting point is 00:28:35 She's a malignant cunt. No doubt about it. Loudoun County Public Schools Interim Superintendent Scott Ziegler told WTOP News that the school district has not adopted the critical race theory into its curriculum. Ziegler said social media rumors that staff members have been disciplined or fired for not adhering to the tenets of critical race theory or for refusing to teach this theory are not true. Yeah, right now they're not. Soon as the media goes away. And added that he does not believe people should be targeted for having differing opinions. Ziegler then stated he wants to make sure that every student, employee and member of the community is treated in an equitable, respectable manner. Just from his language, I can tell he's really for it.
Starting point is 00:29:21 He's just acting right now as a mouthpiece because it's too obvious and he's getting too much heat, but just his stupid, everybody should be treated equitably, you know, in a respectful manner. He could have said these parents, this is wrong or whatever, and I'm going to write it, but no, he gives it that. That's how you read these articles, this political mumbo jumbo. Do you know what they mean when they say equity?
Starting point is 00:29:49 It used to be equality, right? Equality of opportunity. Now it's equity, which translates into they want a guaranteed outcome. Not just the opportunity. They want the outcome. You know, to have black people making as much money as white people, but that's the end goal. That's the difference between equity and equality. They want a guaranteed outcome. The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office is currently
Starting point is 00:30:21 investigating Facebook posts from the anti-racist parents of Loudoun County to determine if any crimes were committed. Well, let's reverse the races on this one. Well, again, it's a white woman. I shouldn't say that. Let's just reverse the mindset. Can you imagine a Republican group saying we want to teach, we want a whole course on George Washington and the founding father, and we want it implemented, K through 12. Can you imagine the bullshit? And if you don't agree with it, we're going to target you and release your name and where
Starting point is 00:30:52 you live. Maybe that's what the right has to do. Again, I'm a fire for fire guy, but that way we'll get quicker to the powder. So unbelievable. Can't we all just get along? Can't we? Where's my smoke? Excuse me, folks,
Starting point is 00:31:22 while I reach for my gay cigarette. Even Tommy goes, that's a bad look it fucks up editing i don't know let's stay on uh more tension more racial tension but this is on a sort of a superficial level kevin durant again nba player i wouldn't know him if he came in here and asked me for a quarter because i can't stay on the nba last time it was good my opinion larry bird was uh punching Bill Ambear on the face. Kevin Durant, I know he's a superstar. Kevin Durant's ugly Michael Rapaport Instagram feud is blowing up in his face, apparently.
Starting point is 00:31:56 As far as Michael Rapaport, I can't figure this guy out. He's a professional wigger, is what he is. Every movie he's in, he's playing the, you know, he's getting, I've read his politics, very anti-white, super liberal. He grew up in New York, whatever. I like him. I like him as an actor. And, uh, you know, I'm not even saying he's a bad guy, but I just never understood.
Starting point is 00:32:17 He looks like he's 70, by the way. Anyways, actor, after actor, Michael Rapaport. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. Michael Rapaport made public a number of social media private messages that Durant had sent him. That's kind of, I don't like that he fucking leaked them. They have a personal squabble. Fucking rat anyways.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Whole family's all rats. Who would have loved to be a rat? Anyways, he leaked some of the messages that Durant had sent him, some of which were misogynistic, homophobic, and threatening. I hope that's not him saying that, because that's what you do when guys fight. You see what's happening? Two guys are feuding.
Starting point is 00:33:04 By the way, they're asshole buddies. They've been apparently buddies for a while. You see what's happening? Two guys are feuding. By the way, they're asshole buddies. They've been apparently buddies for a while. You know what I mean? Of course you're going to say that shit. And he didn't even use the N-word. Or did he? I don't know. The league is aware of the situation in assessing the
Starting point is 00:33:20 next move. Can you imagine the NBA, a billion-dollar industry, looking into an argument between one of the players and what's it going to reflect badly on your fucking league of thugs? Assessing the next move. It's unclear whether Durant will face any fines. I don't think he should. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. Meanwhile, a team source told the Post that the Nets reached out and spoke to the All-Star four. The source declined to say who specifically spoke with Durant and said the tenor of the
Starting point is 00:33:55 conversation would be kept in-house. That's kind of a racist term. Durant wishes his comments to Rapaport had stayed that way, too, meaning in-house. This is a quote from Durant wishes his comments to Rapaport had stayed that way too, meaning in-house. This is a quote from Durant. Me and Mike talk crazier than this on the regular, and today he pissed. He pissed. He pissed where? Oh, he pissed.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Durant tweeted, my bad, Mike. Damn. So these guys, they talk shit to each other all the time. I don't understand why. Was itappaport that went public with it? I don't know. The two have clearly known each other for years, with Durant even providing the New York native with tickets to the NBA finals while he was playing with Golden State.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Rappaport actually shared a video in which he complains to Durant about the location of the seats. I'm sure he was kidding. What's your matter with you? But their recent feud appeared to start in December the location of the seat. I'm sure he was kidding. But their recent feud appeared to start in December when Rappaport weighed in on an interview that the Nets forward did
Starting point is 00:34:53 with Charles Barkley and the NBA on TNT crew in the wake of Barkley's criticism of Durant. KD, that's Kevin Durant, this is from Rappaport, seemed deeply
Starting point is 00:35:04 in his feelings with the NBA on TNT crew after the game Rappaport tweeted. Damn it, he's super sensitive about everything. Don't do the interview. That seems to have set Durant off. I would have got pissed too. What the fuck? I don't know. I know this is mindless shit, but I like it.
Starting point is 00:35:24 It's racial. Not really, because this guy thinks he's black, I don't know. I know this is mindless shit, but I like it. It's racial. Not really, because this guy thinks he's black, I think, Mike. But anyways. Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up. All right. That seems to have set Duran off, and the two proceeded to have a months-long argument in which he calls Rapaport a bitch and a dickhead.
Starting point is 00:35:43 What the fuck? Call my mother that when we're arguing. The actor pushed back, telling the Brooklyn star to go help the kids in Brownsville, Brooklyn, and stop being a fucking pussy. Now I like Rappaport. In the messages, Durant also mentioned he eventually told Rapaport, all you do is cocksuck other men for attention.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Referred to him as a piece of shit and told him to suck a dick. Look at the crying tears emoji. This is an athlete worth millions. Oh, I fuck it. He also mocked Rappaport's unsuccessful attempt to sue barstool founder David Portnoy, which prompted Portnoy to praise Durant for going after Rappaport and even suggested the actor's wife didn't respect him and threatened to spit in your face. He challenged Rappaport to meet him on West 17th Street at 10 a.m. or provide his own address. This is some real New York street shit.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Now, Durant, who hasn't played since February 13th. Well, that's the problem. He's got too much time. Sideline by a hamstring strain, has to worry about more than just his rehab, explaining himself to his team. He said this. You're crazy! I'm not crazy. I just don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Exactly. I kind of like the story. I kind of like both guys now. They're just guys being guys. But I don't like that it was a private beef and that it was a Rappaport that made it kind of public. That would piss me off too, seeing that Durant's, you know, a big name and Rappaport's smart enough to know that, you know, the NBA is going to go. Can you imagine, though? That's two guys.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Picture, I don't know, 25 years ago, 50, 40 years, two guys, neighbors, my father, another guy, you know, get into an argument, go fuck you, cocksucker. And, and, and, Ooh, a gay group looking into, I mean, where are we going folks? Well, Nick, that's called, um, uh, being progressive and evolve. No, it's not. No, it's not. We're regressing. So then you suppress those words and that anger builds and builds. And then somebody goes out and punches a fig. This is going to hurt. This is, let's stay on the race. Well, another athlete, another, well, he was an athlete. Now he's a militant spoon. This is going to hurt.
Starting point is 00:38:22 The headline says, this is going to hurt Kaepernick. Well, how's it going to hurt him? He just served me at Dairy Queen when I was out in L.A. Americans changed sports viewing habits because of social justice. In the wake of last summer's social justice protests, which consumed sports for much of the second half of 2020, sports for much of the second half of 2020. Nearly half of all Americans changed their sports viewing habits, according to a new YouGov slash Yahoo news poll. As athletes in leagues embraced messages of social justice and political advocacy, some Americans began watching less sports. I despise it with every fiber of my being. See, I'm lucky because I was never into the NBA and
Starting point is 00:39:07 I watch a lot of curling up in Canada now, you know, and they slide those things. Not very much social justice. Of those who watch sports on TV, about 11% said they now watch more as a result of political and social messaging. Who would watch
Starting point is 00:39:26 fucking more? Apparently. Watching more because it's so that, I think we know who that is. However, 34.5% more than one third
Starting point is 00:39:41 said they are watching less, said the white people. I added that. The vast majority, roughly 56.3% said they watch about the same amount regardless of political or social messaging, which might be me. And I know, I know. I just, here's my take on it, but I know, I realize a bit of a cop out. Football is, I love it more than my family, almost more than pizza. You understand? I'm not going to give it up because there's some fucking jack off or some social justice lib white fuck stains.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yeah, but you're just, you're fueling that. No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because when the real fight kicks off, we're not even going to remember Kaepernick. Uh, men were more likely to doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because when the real fight kicks off, we're not even going to remember what's going to happen. Men were more likely to turn away from sports. Wasn't that kind of surprising? How many dykes are there out there?
Starting point is 00:40:32 Let me just say this about that. A couple of dykes, they enjoy the sports. Well, the American people have to know that their president's not a crook. Well, I'm no crook. I never did anything wrong, and I promise never to do it again. That's pretty good, Nixon. Men were more likely to turn away from sports
Starting point is 00:40:53 as a result of social messages. 37.6% of males said they had tuned in less as opposed to 28% of females. Really? This is Yahoo News. I don't believe that either. Meanwhile, 13% of men said they watch more sports. Black folk in the wake of social justice movement as opposed to only
Starting point is 00:41:12 7% of chickies. The breakdown by political party runs as might be expected given the tenor of the national conversation around sports. About 13.7 percent of democrats say they watched more sports proving they're just fucking mentally ill in the wake of social justice movements um can you imagine watching more because of uh what do you live for turmoil well 19 watched less on the other hand only about about 8.6% of Republicans watched more sports. Oh, what? I'm going to find out what the hell happens here. Does that include fishing on TV?
Starting point is 00:41:52 You take that number out. While 53% watched less, one social justice messaging became prominent. Once social messaging became prominent. Worth noting is that independents came in somewhere in the middle with about 8.7% saying they watched more sports in the social justice era and about 38.6% saying they watched less. Well, that's good news. We got the independents in there on our side. I can't help it. I love sports. I really do. I can't help it. I love sports.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I really do. I'll tell you. Let me tell you something about UFC, MMA. There's one, and I'm not saying the women can compete with the guy,
Starting point is 00:42:34 but I'm just saying when women fight, it's just as exciting. It's just fun. And I fantasize. It's a cat fight at a pool. I love when a girl's down. You know when one,
Starting point is 00:42:44 and this happens with the men too, but one guy's down and the other woman is standing up and the girl on the ground's got her legs up like, and you just kick them in the ass. Isn't that fun? I always picture her with a broom in her hand and her husband. They kick each other in the ass. It's so fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Me and my buddies, look, that's our favorite part. We're like, look, oh, one woman's standing, one's on the ground, watch this, and she just winds up. They're like a soccer star. They whack them, kick them in the ass, and the girl finally gets up, and they make out after the show. I'm throwing this out there.
Starting point is 00:43:21 It's going to happen anyways, but I'm the first one to think of it. Dana White, you can have this idea, but you can't find anybody to fight Amanda Nunes, right? No, there's no woman on the earth that can stay in the ring with her for more than a second. So, again, I say find a guy who's ranked 200th in the world. He's like 3-11, whatever, and let her go at him. You can do that. You don't think that in this day and age of gender and sex, you don't think that will be the highest pay per view or even better find a trans woman, which means a guy who turned into a woman to fight.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Do you understand the social ramificate? Do you understand the box office attention that that would? Oh, my. It'll be Riggs versus Bobby Jean King. Is that her name? Billy Jean. Bobby, I am really turning into my old man. Bobby Jean King. Who the fuck is that, Nick? Well, he used to cut my lawn in Westchester. Billy Jean King. It will be a battle of the sexes slash genders.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I'm throwing that out there, and I'm sure my fans will bring it up, and you'll hear Adam Carolla say it tomorrow and take by the way Adam I love you you know I do I love your politics you're a guy's guy you played football you boxed but you're not a stand up comic you keep putting yourself on Tucker Carlson
Starting point is 00:44:34 and it says stand up comic you're not the only reason you're not is you didn't go through 30 years of playing to audiences that didn't know who you were you didn't go to open mics you didn't go on the road, you know, 25, 30 weeks. You have to follow some guy doing dick jokes
Starting point is 00:44:48 who brings down the high. You never did that. You never played to an audience who didn't know who you were. You became famous as a sidekick with Dr. What's-His-Fuck. You had a radio show and you had a following.
Starting point is 00:45:00 You always did. You're not a real comic unless you go through comedy hell for at least 20 something. That's just my opinion. That doesn't mean i dislike them and shit even though you know they clipped my title what was the title jace emotional supporter yeah anyways back to the show that was PSA announcement. Oh, here we go. If you didn't think CNN was a, just a, you know, it's not a network. It's an activist advocacy group, a propaganda arm for left-wingers or whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:36 This is going to, this is going to make you laugh or cry. I can't believe it's even CNN. I titled this CNN. What happened to boys will be boys which is pretty clever cnn is being ridiculed online for insisting there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth with critics telling the network to look just below the waist, you fucking idiots, for insight. They're saying you can't tell if it's a boy or a girl just by... This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. Can you stay cataclysmic? You are fake news, sir.
Starting point is 00:46:16 The left-leaning network statement was quickly shared online after it appeared in a news story Wednesday about South Dakota banning transgender athletes from women's sports. It's not possible. This is a quote from somebody on the left, CNN. It's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth. And there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth. CNN's Devin Cole wrote.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Can you stay cataclysmic? You are fake news. Your son looks like a fag to me. Really? He's right. I've been so confused. I can't tell you how many guys I've blown over the years thinking it was a vagina. It was tiny dicks. Critics quickly ripped the outlet for reporting it as a straight fact
Starting point is 00:47:12 rather than attributing it to others and noting differing views. And there's the problem. It's fact. When you have a brand new baby, you can't tell. It's one thing if they said you can't tell the identity you might identify later. Let's know what they're saying. Anyways, a bunch of people online started to weigh in. I've gotten used to a lot of woke craziness.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Never thought I'd see biological sex in scare quotes, Twitter username Holden wrote. CNN isn't a news organization. They are straight up activists, online media critics. Lee Shatka wrote. Also, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said, only an idiot would believe the network's claim. And you're going to read. You are correct, sir.
Starting point is 00:48:01 So you believe this is where we are. This is, by the way, folks, again folks again keep in line keep in mind the left in there follow the science the science we are the party of science you're the party of mental fucking illness and explains i'm not going to get into that others suggested a simple solution i'm not a doctor at cnn but if you look just below the waist, you may get some insight, Craig Seymour wrote. And I tweeted this to help out Don Lemon. There you go. Hey, Don, see that on the right?
Starting point is 00:48:39 That's a snatch, a vagina, a puss. And you're going, that's a little girl's thing that, well, just picture she's 25 now and she shaves it. That's basically, it never changes. And Don, that's what you're used to on the left. That'd be a penis. Now what happens, CNN, these in about 20 years, 25 years, those babies will grow up. And the one with the blue hat on is going to climb on top of that one and put his plastic pee-pee in that fucking parking meter slot and shoot a nice load and fertilize what we call an egg in there. You see, now, Don, when you do that and you stick your prick in your boyfriend's ass and squirt a load. You make a nice mud pie and nothing comes of it. Again, I'm not anti-gay.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I'm just saying those are the facts, okay? What the feminists have done to us. My vagina's angry. It is. It's pissed off. How mad is it? My vagina is furious. How mad is it?
Starting point is 00:49:44 And it needs to talk. Oh, it needs to talk. It needs to talk. How about if I shut it up by sticking my mad is it? My vagina is furious. How mad is it? And it needs to talk. Oh, it needs to talk. How about if I shut it up by sticking my peanut into it? Hey. What was that? Communist ghost? Following the backlash with many tagging the network
Starting point is 00:50:04 in tweets, CNN later altered the wording to provide additional explanation as to the distinctions between gender and sex. But in a way far from appeasing critics, the offending section now reads, it's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth. See, I know they bring it to identity.
Starting point is 00:50:22 And for some people, the sex listed on their original birth certificate is a misleading way of describing the body they have. No, it's not. No, it is not. You are fucking delusional. I will debate any transgender gay fucking Mets fan. transgender gay fucking Mets fan? Can you imagine COVID is going to fuck up opening day for the Mets and probably some other teams? Do you understand that's part of the plan? I was arguing with Colin Quinney.
Starting point is 00:50:54 You know, he thinks this is all conspiracy shit, but it's not. It's been, it's in a playbook. It's been done before, but I guess what Colin was saying, he says this shit's always, but not the way, not like this, not in steps. And guess what? If this isn't enough, we live in a world where we can't agree on what's a boy and what's a girl in our politics. We hate each other and we're so divided. There's no middle. There's only room for fucking war.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Let's lay a nice race case on top of that. The last thing this country needs is that Derek Chauvin, George Floyd trial coming. It is the last thing, or as the left says, probably the best thing. This will put us over the top.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Bias witness is the headline, gets humiliated by judge at the Derek Chauvin trial this was uh actually kind of good here yeet the coat's in session the coat's in session now here come the judge here come the judge yeah yeah yeah so uh this girl and they don't show much of it they don't show her apparently she's been arguing with the lawyers just by her haircut i know how she voted and you know you know i mean you can just tell by her haircut and her stupid glasses i don't know if she had glasses i think no she didn't have glasses and jason's like no it's not necessary nick uh emt i think she was an an EMT, whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:25 But apparently she's been arguing with not only the lawyers for the defense, but the fucking judge. Finally, he said, listen, bitch, I wish this was Judge Judy. She would have got her in a Kimora and snapped her fucking arm. But here's the judge letting this chick know that he ain't putting up with her leftist. We're hearing in the jury, Ms. Hanson, I'm advising you. Do not argue with counsel. And specifically, do not argue with the court.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Is the camera on? Are the cameras on? No, they are not. We are on the record. Okay. You will not argue with the court. You will not argue with counsel. They have the right to ask questions.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Your job is to answer them. I was finishing my answer. Oh, what a fucking twat. Look at, he's fed up. I will determine when your answer is done. Okay, well. And so, do not argue with the counsel. Do not argue with counsel.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Pause. Oh, she's got a necktie on. That says it all. She's never been smacked in her life. Her father never spanked her only her girlfriend she's just she's a snot nose know-it-all and she's got a necktie saying you know whatever and she should be hanged by it i'm just kidding i wouldn't do that to anybody but her i uh so look at the judge he's ready to jump over that glass if that was judy she would be biting this girl's
Starting point is 00:53:43 forehead you hear her the judge is lecturing her and she's still talking yappity yappity go ahead answer the questions do not volunteer information that is not requested the attorneys for the state have redirected they can ask you questions if they think that certain things were left out okay it is counsel's prerogative to ask you leading questions and for you to answer those and not volunteer additional information. Okay. Are we clear on this? We're clear.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Thank you. Come back tomorrow at 9.30. All right. I should have said this. Shut your fucking mouth! No problem, Judge. Shut the fuck up, you cunt! That's how you got to talk to girls.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Good for the judge. I'm loving it. that's how you gotta talk to girls like that good for the judge peter cahill is the judge how do you get that guy pissed peter cahill the judge and the derrick chauvin trial just eviscerated this emt witness for continuing to be argumentative with the court and the defense lawyer big win for defense because it happened at the close of proceedings. Her testimony was from firsthand witness. And to her, I say, you fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Get my dinner ready. Oh, easy, Judge. She didn't have to throw that in there. Just a smart mouth know-it-all who's never her necktie says yummy yummy i like vittles between my tummy anyways may she die in a fiery crash tonight finally tonight on meet the press millions of johnson and johnson covid vaccine doses ruined by mistake. Future shipments of Johnson & Johnson's coronavirus vaccine have been halted in the United States after a mistake at a manufacturing plant
Starting point is 00:55:34 ruined 15 million doses and raised the questions about quality control. Apparently somebody dropped like 5,000 Skittles into the giant vat of the workers at Emergent Biosolutions, Baltimore. Oh, in Baltimore, something went wrong. At that plant, they mixed up the ingredients for J&J's single dose vaccine and another COVID inoculating, inoculation being produced there. And guess what? They came up with the Reese's cup. I'll give that one to a gut bell produced. So they mixed up. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:56:18 It's like, it's not like it's important to stuff they're handling, right? The error doesn't affect Johnsonson and johnson doses currently being delivered yes says who and uh used nationwide but as those were produced in the netherlands that's why they aren't affected here the ones that we're handing out from johnson johnson were produced at the factory in the netherlands where they hire people who weren't working at wendy's three minutes before the report said however it has caused tens of millions of doses that were going to come from the Baltimore factory and were to be delivered within the next month. So those are all no good. So those are all put into question.
Starting point is 00:56:55 So they can't put them out there. I'll try it. Yummy, yummy. The food and drug. Are you guys getting vaccinated? I'm not. Again, they're going to make it so I have to eventually. You're going to Burger King.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I won't be able to get a Whopper without showing my papers. The Food and Drug Administration in investigating the mix-up, which federal officials have attributed to human error. The report said, well, that's because you hire retards. Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why aren't more people interrogating like me meanwhile johnson and johnson is said to be taking steps to tighten its control over emergent biosolutions work to avoid future lapses in quality the uh biopharmaceutical company says uh is a manufacturing partner of both Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, which is have you tried the AstraZeneca?
Starting point is 00:57:48 Yummy, yummy. It's like lemon, garlic, eaten. Federal officials still expect to have enough doses to meet President Biden's goal of 11 shots, he said. He's trying to take credit for this. Can you fucking imagine? Again, my predecessor did nothing. Anyways, enough doses to meet Biden's goal of having enough vaccine for every U.S. adult by the end of May. I was praying when he got his, he was going to have some type of fucking toxic shock reaction.
Starting point is 00:58:25 That is it. I'm sliding off my seat. That is it for the week. Once again, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you so much for supporting this show. Don't forget to go to That's the permanent home of the show. YouTube, we use clips to advertise. That's all we can do
Starting point is 00:58:46 because anything that comes out of my mouth is going to get me booted for good. Right? So Don't forget Click on the tour button to get my tour dates. And, which I had three yesterday. I love doing them.
Starting point is 00:59:07 is where you go to, click on my profile, tell me about a person you want me to roast. I do about a minute, minute and a half on my phone, or it doesn't have to be mean. It can be happy, a happy birthday, Auntie Chuck, as CNN would say, you know, whatever. I can make the day or break the day, so I could roast somebody.
Starting point is 00:59:27 It's a lot of fun for a small fee. I'll make it, send it right to you guys. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Don't forget, opening day. Be a good American. Opening day, yes. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:59:43 We'll see you back here on Monday at the same time. Have a nice weekend. We'll talk to you soon. guitar solo I'm out.

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