The Nick DiPaolo Show - "Big Guy" Biden Busted| Nick Di Paolo Show #432

Episode Date: October 22, 2020

Former Biden associate confirms Sleepy Joe's connection to Hunter's emails. Rudy treated rudely in Borat sequel. Real journalists start calling out CNN....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, free speech is under attack and it doesn't matter if you're a comedian like me or the commander in chief and it's not just the media anymore, it's the people who run our hospitals and teach our kids, the World Health Organization. We can't let this happen, we have to keep telling the truth and that's what I try to do every day on this show. keep telling the truth. And that's what I try to do every day on this show. As you know, Twitter shadow banned me years ago before I even knew what it was. And YouTube blocked me. I've been punched in the face after a show. I've been fired from a radio job. But they can't stop me, though. OK? I'm just going to keep coming at you like the raging bull. I'm putting the finishing touches on my new platform where I can say whatever the fuck I want.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And yes, I'll be giving it away for free, just like Trump will with a vaccine. In the meantime, I'm going to use YouTube and use other platforms that I mean use to help spread the word. So we are bigger and stronger when I finally make the jump to the new platform. I also need your help to continue to build the platform and keep this show and future shows free. It ain't cheap to build this platform. Please consider contributing at and know that your contributions keep free speech and my style of free speech alive. Thank you guys so much. wow ow
Starting point is 00:02:05 Oh, yeah. There it is again. That sound. Richie Castellano. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show. Final day of the week. I'm loving these Monday through Thursday jobs.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I'll tell you that. Europe has the right idea. We should even have a siesta during this show about 20 minutes in. Take a two-hour lunch break like they do in Italy. I wonder why their GDP is $11. In Spain and all the other places. But I'll tell you, Matt, you can't put me in a bad mood today. I don't care what's going on in the world because I have a 75-inch screen. It's brand fucking new. And watch the World Series last night. And by the way, like I said, the Rays, I'll be surprised if the Dodgers win another game. Let me say that. Even with all that talent, that's how good the fucking Rays are. I will say Rays in either five or six. That's a bold prediction because LA.A. is loaded with talent.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I understand. But Jesus Christ, they just have ballplay as the Rays. You know what I mean? They just have. And that guy. And since when is L-O-W-E pronounced L-O-W-E? When the fuck did that happen? Anyways, that guy carried the Tampa.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I don't know why I'm opening with baseball. I just feel like it's the World Fucking Series. I'm such a hypocrite because I'm going who cares who wins the world? It's a 60 game season. Is that really authentic? Meanwhile, I'm hanging on every pitch because I just love sports.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I'm sorry. Anyways, that Brandon Lau broke out of his slump. He was like one for 30. He carried him all year in the three week season and I had two homers last night. I'm just saying, watch out. Watch the fuck out. I just, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:03:53 You understand? This is the time of year if you're a sports fan. Oh, my aching stem. Big 10 football's back. College football. You got Nebraska, Ohio State. We got the World Series. And Saturday night my
Starting point is 00:04:05 dick is already hard for my boy Justin Gaethje fighting uh Khabib what's his name Khabib Khabib Nurmagomedov Khabib Nurmagomedov who's the baddest ass on the planet except for my boy Gaethje I can can't wait for this. This is like Ali Frazier. Oh, goodness. All on a big Samsung. That fucker is, if that falls on my dog, that dog will become a fucking moth. We had to take it off because it was plugged in wrong.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I almost ripped my lats out picking it up. Anyway, let's get to it. And what else do we got tonight? We got NFL football and the debate, which is more exciting than the Gaethje fight. Joe Biden, why would you show up tonight? This story is just gathering on Hunter, as we say. I mean, it's snowballing.
Starting point is 00:05:04 This guy, Biden is like every union guy who brags he's from a blue collar town and ends up putting on a suit and going to the crooked as the day is long. And I'm almost thinking, is Trump the cleanest guy ever to sit in the White House? Obama used to brag how he had a scandal-free administration, which was so much bullshit.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And the only scandals Trump has had are the ones the jerk-offs made up. You know, his taxes are the big thing. I mean, they can't take it. You know what I mean? Seriously. The impeachment was dog shit. Mullergate was horse shit.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I mean, look at this. And here's Biden sucking Chinese cock right here. Pretend he's Chinese. It's North Korea, but come on. Does it really? Come on, honestly. Really? Is there a difference?
Starting point is 00:05:55 That's why he's here. This is the guy that Biden's been dealing with. Anyways, that shit is blowing up. And I'm in such a good mood. Mr. DiPaolo and no one could be as nasty as as you pretend to be unless they they really wanted to be disliked oh did i hurt your feelings i'm good you know what i wet my ass with your feelings anyways let's get to it a former biden partner spills the beans michael govan wrote a great article he used to be a new york times
Starting point is 00:06:25 writer switched over to the post years ago because he just saw how fucking corrupt the left was and he does some of the best reporting you'll ever find uh anyways he wrote an article about uh what's going on and what's coming out he said the statement wednesday night asserting that the former vice president was a willing and eager participant in a family scheme to make millions of dollars by partnering with a shady Chinese communist firm, came in a statement by Tony Boblinsky, who describes himself as former partner of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and Joe's brother Jim in the China scheme. But Blinsky unloads his bill of accusations in blunt but precise language and in detail. And you know, fucking Joe shit in his pants. What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:07:16 What's going on right now? You know what's going on right now. Look at this former Navy guy. He's got his faggy whites on, as Nicholson said to Tom Cruise and a few good men. I want you to show me some respect standing there with your faggy white. Sir, can I have the documents, please? Of course you can. And that flip Harvard mouth of yours. God, I love that. and that flip harvard mouth of yours god i love that uh he confirms that he was this guy confirms that he was one of the recipients of the may 13 2070 email published by the post eight days ago
Starting point is 00:07:52 that email from another partner in the group laid out cash and equity positions and mysteriously included a 10 set aside for the big guy oh gee i wonder who that is Set aside for the big guy. Oh, gee, I wonder who that is. There's the big guy right there. Is that the best term they could have come up with to hide Biden in this? The big guy? They could have said anything. The San Diego chicken.
Starting point is 00:08:18 The lollipop stick. You could have made up anything. The jerk off. That would have been a giveaway. Sources have said that the big guy was Joe Biden in a matter-of-fact manner. Boblinsky states that the email is genuine and that the former VP and the man leading in the 2020 race is indeed who? He's the fucking big guy. Oh, that dirty cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:08:43 That's the face he's been making in his basement. Picture him in his underwear, like with his hand like that for the last fucking, he hasn't shown his face. He's hiding like the rat that he is under a fucking rock. Trump's going to have to take some salt pita before he comes on the stage tonight. Cause he's going to have a hard on, he's going to be, mushroom's going to be sticking through his pants. on he's gonna be mushrooms gonna be sticking through his pants i just hope he stays calm i you know i'm like trump i get you get to start arguing politics i lose my tits uh that claim alone uh rips out the heart of nearly everything joe biden has ever said about hunt as many businesses and joe's knowledge of them remember he said yeah i never talked about it with him
Starting point is 00:09:24 now because his role in the china deal has been credibly confirmed it's beyond dispute that and Joe's knowledge of them. Remember he said, I never talked about it with him. Now because his role in the China deal has been credibly confirmed, it's beyond dispute that Joe didn't just know what was going on. At least in this case, Joe was a player and he had his frigging handout. Oh, fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:09:39 When it wasn't on his fucking peanuts. To that point, and perhaps the most devastating paragraph of the 689 word statement, Boblensky writes that Hunter Biden, that's right, Hunter Biden, also referred to his father as my chairman and frequently referenced asking him for his sign off or advice on various potential deals that they were discussing. This guy, Boblinsky, said, I've seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. OK, who was the CEO of the company was being formed.
Starting point is 00:10:23 who was the CEO of the company was being formed. I've seen firsthand, he says, that that's not true because it wasn't just Hunter's business. They said they were putting the Biden's family name and its legacy on the line. So they knew they were playing with fucking fire. Earlier during the Democratic primaries, Biden scoffed at the notion that the Asian power is a threat.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Remember? Remember, this is what he said. China is going to eat our lunch. Come on, man. Bon appetit. They ate your fucking lunch, all right? They ate your lunch. Now it makes sense, doesn't it? Every time China came up, remember?
Starting point is 00:11:08 He'd be like, oh, come on, they're not a threat. But no, no shit. He was sleeping with them then. Remember? Every time it came up. Come on, man. They ain't nothing. When Trump blocked flights from China during the early days of the virus outbreak, what did Biden say?
Starting point is 00:11:24 He's xenophobic, fear-mongering. Label the president a racist for calling the disease the Wuhan virus. Boy, you were defending your Chinese friends, weren't you, Joe? Huh? How much fucking duck sauce did you swallow over there?
Starting point is 00:11:39 How? But Blinsky, who sounds like he was in the animal house. A former wrestler at Penn State. Oh, my God. I wonder if he ran into our boy. What was his name? Huh?
Starting point is 00:12:01 No, no. The fucking coach at Penn State that was molesting guys in the shower, Jerry Sandusky. So this guy was a wrestler at Penn State who spent four years in the Navy, insists he has voluminous evidence to back up his explosive charges, reportedly including documents, emails, messages and other proof. Do you believe this? We actually have a picture of the guy that the Bidens have been dealing with in China. There he is. God help us. God. Biden's son, Hunter Biden.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Biden's son, Hunter Biden. Biden's son, Hunter Biden. Look at them choppers. This is the shit that the lefties and Facebook are trying to. This is hate. This means I hate Chinese people. And every time I make a joke like that, some Asian person is going to get beat up on a subway in New York. That's the mentality. Late Wednesday, he uploaded many of those things to a file sharing service. He also says he turned over all his evidence Wednesday to two Senate committees that requested it. Joe Biden and your son, Hunter, I got one thing to say motherfuckers and you blew it you blew it you blew it you blew it and then now
Starting point is 00:13:29 remember the network that trump always used to give thumbs up to one american news when i was in love with like half the anchors over there too i said they made the fox girls look like lepers i don't know what happened i don't think i get it at my house. But got all about it. But they've added to their roster. And there was a chick. Her name's like Chanel something. I don't know. But anyways, she dug up some stuff, too. And I think we have video of this woman smoking hot who's got her little take on what's going on.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Emails, lewd photos, text messages. It's the smoking gun scandal the Biden campaign and its media lapdogs are doing everything to squash. What was found on Hunter Biden's laptop is a ticking time bomb of scandal, drugs, disturbing psychological obsession, and greed. drugs, disturbing psychological obsession, and greed. For the next one American News investigates, join me, Chanel Vian, for our exclusive sit-down with Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Don't miss out. Saturday and Sunday.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Was she a fluffer for the Borat scene? Oh, my God. How the fuck can you watch the news and focus? Folks, we got tens reporting on scandals, and uh she says join me where where do i join you how do i get down there you're a creep get away from me fuck you frank fuck you I tell you, no kiss. I'm in the worst shape of my life.
Starting point is 00:15:15 219 today. I have to promise my, I have to do something where I tell the listeners I'm going to lose 15 pounds. I need somebody to, I need like a motivation. You know, I've had, I still got a fever, folks. I don't know what's going on. They say feed a fever. I've been trying to kill it. I walked into this pantry in my kitchen last night. I saw something called Little Debbie cream cakes. Okay. So I had four of those. And then I look at the calorie, 160 a pop. And then I found something called cheese straws that are very popular in the South. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Anyways, I got to start. Somebody motivate me. Somebody out there. Don't call me names and shit. Yeah, see, I don't want to run into her with this physique right now. Jesus Christ. Hi. Hello. Hi. She looks like she means business. Approximately one third of the explicit photos of minors in Hunter Biden's laptop, this girl reported, were of the same 14-year-old girl, get this, who is one of his relatives what you heard me
Starting point is 00:16:27 son of a whore rudy giuliani broke the story yesterday and also shared a text message exchange between hunter and what he believed to be is his father this is what hunter said this is what uh it said in one of the emails Hunter was talking to his dad, Joe Biden, I think, about his ex-wife and why he couldn't visit her or something. She told me my therapist. She told me my therapist that I she told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with that. They redact the name when she says that I facetime naked with her i wonder if they're talking about the niece and there must be and the reason i can't have her out to see me is because i'll walk around naked giuliani was reading this i was laughing smoking crack and talking to girls
Starting point is 00:17:19 on facetime that's why he can't fucking visit oh for you god i'd love to walk around smoking crack facetiming why is that against the law i feel bad but this guy look he looks like an army veteran with a cigarette you know uh anyways hunter says says in the exchange, when she was pressed, she said that blank the girl's name, never said anything like that, but the bottom line is that I created and caused a very unsafe environment
Starting point is 00:17:56 for the kids. Oh God, you sick fuck. If I could, I'd grab this microphone and I'd beat your brains out with it because that's what you deserve. That's what you deserve. His niece? Does Trump have the balls to bring that up tonight?
Starting point is 00:18:15 Like people in the know are saying, don't focus on Hunter, but, you know, you got to tie it to Biden, obviously. Well, how do you separate the two? Hunter's using the old man, right? So his friends can gain access to the White House. They've had Chinese nationals over. I don't. Well, what is he going to come back with tonight?
Starting point is 00:18:37 Biden. Listen to this clown. He'll say crown like a Chinese guy and then he'll bust him. And let me make a prediction about tonight okay they have the mute buttons you watch it's going to be like a fucking Trump's going to look like Charlie Chaplin tonight in a silent film while shithead will be able to spew
Starting point is 00:18:56 every time he brings this up they're going to hit the mute button this is going to be fascinating a mute button two guys vying to be the most powerful person in the free world, a country based on free speech, First Amendment, and they get a mute button. Why do the libs get to make all the fucking rules? I think I get skin cancer back here, Jace. I could have you. I've had this fucking 58, man. Shit just goes wrong.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I've had this little scab on the back of my shoulder. I'd say three years now. I don't want to know. So I haven't gone to the doctors. I've been to the doctor. I never pointed out. But today it's really itchy. And as they Tony Soprano say, it's a regular around the margins.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I don't want to know what that is thing back there, but it's not healing. I got the fucking immune system of Freddie Mercury in 76. Anyways, speaking of Giuliani, his underboss, who was the police chief commissioner, was Bernard Carrick. One of my favorite personalities. This guy's the real deal. Remember, they got him on some shitty charge. He used money from work to put an addition on his house. He ended up doing a little time in jail, but he's the real deal. Anyways, he was on Steve Bannon's show. Bannon being my hero, who I have to meet someday. I wanted to get him on this show, or I want to do his show. I fucking read his autobi this guy is a uh i love him he's a shit stirrer anyways karek was on there uh talking about these uh what what him and rudy had uh seen on on
Starting point is 00:20:38 his karek on the steve bannon show when rudy and iick on the Steve Bannon show. When Rudy and I were on the way to Delaware, we were in two vehicles. He was in his. I was in mine. I was making a number of calls, making sure that we were going to be received, making sure we could get in. And as I was talking to my contacts in the law enforcement community, you know what I was told? You're wasting your time. You was told you're wasting your time you know why you're wasting your time it's you're going to go to the county and report it
Starting point is 00:21:09 they're going to give it to the attorney general of the state of delaware right and that attorney general is a an extremely close confidant of joe biden and you know what i said i don't give a damn about confidence watch your land i don't give a damn about confidence i don't give a damn about how close they are i don't care about the politics the bottom line is there is a child that we know 100 was in jeopardy and it should have been reported a long time ago joe biden knew it he knew about it he talked about it he was told by other family members about it joe biden should have acted he wants to be the president of the united states responsible for everybody's safety and security in this country well he damn sure should have
Starting point is 00:21:56 been taking care of this kid yeah his niece he's talking about but we can't focus too much tonight on the debate about that even even though it's very important. Imagine if it was the other way around and this was fucking Don Jr.'s laptop and he was smoking crack. Are you fucking kidding me? They would take Trump out in cuffs. Can you imagine? What a fix. You people on the left, you fucking, the media has to be douched.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I don't know how you do it. Somebody explain that to me. Literally, CNN has to be, they have to be perp walked. MSNBC, and I got story coming up that shows they ran on this even more protecting Uncle Joe, the big guy. The Mama Luke. The what? The Mama Luke of the year. That was from the Raging Bullies. Make me look like a Mama Luke. A what the Mama Luke. The what? The Mama Luke of the year. That was from the Raging Bulls.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Make me look like a Mama Luke. A what? Mama Luke, the Mama Luke of the year. Mama Luke of the year. For the love of God. Hey, everybody. I can't thank you guys enough. So many of you have been buying a Nick DiPaolo show merch.
Starting point is 00:23:01 It's flying off the shelves. I feel like I'm Sam Walmart, whatever his name was. Walden, Kevin Cici. These Nika shirts have been selling like crazy. It's a bright concept that my fans came up. Photos of you fans that we've gotten that I want to share with you. This is Vincent Ascariato.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Look at Vinny. Oh. You know, this is a cappuccino. Look at Vinny. Oh, you know, there's the cappuccino got the Trump hat. I like to check out the house behind them. I swear to God, it almost gets a godfather posted to the right. I don't know. And that's not me on the wall. Who's that? Opie and Anthony. It looks like Opie and Anthony. I bet you it is. Anyways, Vincent, thank you so much, brother. That mug looks good on you. So does the T-shirt. Also a friend of the show, Kelly Conrad.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Is that Kelly? Jason doesn't know. He goes, that is Kelly. Kelly, what's up? I was expecting an 18-year-old blonde and a Nick DiPaolo hat, nothing else. But I'll take Kelly. He's the one that makes these things. He sent me one of these.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I wish I had his website. This guy is a great... What did I do with that? It's home. It's in my office, which I'm redoing. Oh, is it behind you, Jace? Oh, it's on the wall behind right here in the studio. Kelly, thank you, man.
Starting point is 00:24:27 He's got the shirt on. New patron, Joe Juliet, sent this pic of his wife and his dog. Adorable. And the dog's cute, too. Oh, come on. Zing, zing, zang, wang. I didn't know she was married. I had all kinds of things to say about those eyes.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Those eyes. Look at the dog. The dog. We had one of those. We put it to sleep. It was at that age, three, three and a half. It was too yappy. No.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Very attractive lady there. And her husband's knuckles. Won't you be in my face if i don't shut it look at him dipalo mugs that mugs never look but look at the nails on her holy christ you sure she ain't black those are the nails you see at a dmv very attractive cute dog too uh another lady with a dog is a pat Flores. Another pretty woman. Look at that dog. Who's going to mess with this broad?
Starting point is 00:25:29 That's a DePaulo dog. Dog's got a nose out of my Carl Malden. Holy shit. It's a Jewish Rottweiler. Hello, folks. That's a Dolman Pinscher, is it not? I love it. That's a great pick.
Starting point is 00:25:45 What's her husband keeper in a fucking pen? What's she doing? Very pretty, very nice. God, those mugs look good. This one came all the way from Australia. This is a Lee Priest. Holy schmo. We got another picture of him, right?
Starting point is 00:26:03 Jace, look at the fucking pipes on this guy. Hey, Lee, I need security, right? Move over here for me. Look, is that a fucking arm? Is that an arm? I'm not even sure. It's a goddamn tattooed bowling ball. Look at the fucking guns.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Here's Matt Manganiello, who thinks he's funny. Who you calling, bitch, DePaulo? I wonder if he's related to Manganiello. Remember I told the story? We were playing UMass. I had the day of my life. And I've told the story before. And the kid, anyways, I was on a point after touchdown team.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I was the guy that sort of lines up on the angle on the right. And they kicked the fucking thing. I mean, I was lined up against a kid named Manganiello from UMass. He was like an all-conference linebacker, 6'4", about 240. So anyways, I cut him at the knees, and he didn't like that. And he started mouthing me, and I go, fuck you, bitch, and ba-ba-ba. Fuck you. I turn around, and there's a penalty flag on the ground.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And I'm going, please, please let it be against them. Not us. And it was against us. We had to do it over again, the PAT. I come out to line up. He's already cursing at me. Fucking face is beet red. Fucking twice my size.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I was only 190 back then. not the 219 i am today it's getting out of me 240 he's fuck i'm gonna fucking i just stood up like a bitch and he carried me into our holder after the extra point was drove me like a little girl and his name was manganello and he was from winchester mass Mass, I do believe. I don't know. Nick, what are you saying? All Italians know each other? Related? Well, blacks do it. I can do it. Last but not least, this is Eddie Godepski with one of our new shirts. Holy shit, they're in green too? Nick, I'm rich. He's got cash in his hands. I didn't these oh my god i love how i look on the big screen on somebody's house look he's got a little village above him
Starting point is 00:28:14 you come on down to come on down to anthony's tire world uh the last the last shirt as you know came about because of my fans who are the absolute best have anointed themselves as knickers tommy tells me these are selling like crazy so i'm sure we'll have some more photos of these in the next week or so the more provocative the better and uh that goes for women and we're also designing more um like a knicker please and sand knicker i don't know i don't know about that one for our fans who are beach bums of course And we're also designing more like a Nica Please and Sand Nica. I don't know. I don't know about that one.
Starting point is 00:28:47 For our fans who are beach bums, of course. Oh, very good. Anyway, here are the ones we have so far. Jesus, Tommy, you turn it. I mean, you fucking. What is this, a 20 minute infomercial? God, here's where his Jewish comes out. Nica.
Starting point is 00:29:04 OK, for all of them, Jason. Nica rich for rich people. But the house Nica, these are very controversial. Anyways, they're flying off the shelves. What's up Nica? And, uh, that's about it. Okay. Tom. Tom, this is a 40-minute commercial now. You can buy all of this stuff. The Nick DiPaolo Show. Logo, gear, and the Nick of Designs on my website at nickdip.comarini. If you don't know that by now, I don't know what to say. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 00:29:39 You guys are the best. You asked for it. And you got it, man. How you doing, huh? Going to see the big guy today? let's stay on some of this shit rudy giuliani uh and a related story i am borat's got a new movie out now let me give you my opinion but funny shit but he he's a typical lefty he only goes after soft targets you know poor white people down south at a rodeo and you know he makes uh everybody look like a redneck and a
Starting point is 00:30:06 moron and it's very easy they're slow moving targets goes after old white people you know he'll take a poke at his own people the jews once around anyways he's got a new movie out rudy giuliani has a scene in the movie apparently not a scene but he you know how borat does it right he pretends he's a character and hopes to. He did it with Newt Gingrich. People didn't know who he was years ago, but now I think the flag is up. Giuliani was in a scene with a hot woman, supposedly like a reporter in a hotel room. And I guess in the scene, Borat runs in with like half his clothes on, whatever, dressed like a fucking.
Starting point is 00:30:43 So Giuliani said he told his guy to call the cops. He thought it was some type of setup. But he says the alleged Borat sting, where he was supposedly caught in a compromising position with a woman in a hotel is a complete fabrication. He says, we have a picture of him. He's laying on the bed on his back. They're saying he was reaching down his pants.
Starting point is 00:31:03 He was tucking his shirt in because she just took his microphone off but what are we living is this the craziest year in the history of this country you got a uh you got a mayor a fucking uh guy who's famous on the world stage after 9-11 right and he's in a scene with Borat what the fuck is going on uh he said he was tucking his shirt in I like to believe him I'd be tucking my peepee back in oh yeah in a statement in response to the release of review clips for the film Borat uh subsequent movie film Giuliani scene being interviewed in a Manhattan hotel room by actress Maria Baklava, ooh, Maria Baklava, who plays Borat's daughter. Throughout the scene, Giuliani, 76,
Starting point is 00:31:57 and Baklava both touch hands, and at one point, the actress puts her hand on his knee. When the fake interview is finished, Baklava says, shall we have a drink in the bedroom? And where am I on this fucking thing? And Giuliani said something like, that's a sick question. You're a sick fuck. I wish I knew where I was.
Starting point is 00:32:23 This will be edited. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck. And I'm not that sick was. This will be edited. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Clean that up, Jason. Baklava asks, should we slip off your jacket? And helps him remove the wireless microphone from underneath his shirt, untucking it. He lies back and puts his hand down his pants, seemingly to tuck his shirt back in and keeping his jacket on. Giuliani said in a statement, I can't believe I'm reading this fucking story.
Starting point is 00:32:50 The Borat video is a complete fabrication. I was tucking in my shirt after taking off the recording equipment. At no time before, during or after the interview was I ever inappropriate. If such a bad Baron Cohen implies otherwise otherwise he's a stone cold fucking liar he's lying you believe this story uh he says as soon as i realized it was a setup i called the uh the he called the police he had his bodyguard call the cops don't you move you motherfucker i'll blow your brains out he says this is an effort to blunt and this is i think right on it's an effort to blunt my relentless exposure of the criminality and depravity of joe biden and his entire family
Starting point is 00:33:36 we got borat mixing in with world politics oh my god Is this not the fucking nuttiest year ever for politics? Jason, don't you have a picture of the actress? There you go. Don't wait for me. Aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. Nick, come on. She's a third your age.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Yeah, what's your point? Are you fucking kidding me? She's got the little beauty mark. I'd bite that right off, spit it on the rug and save it. You know who I sound like, don't you? Biden. Hunter Biden. Anyways, this woman, Susan Farico, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:34:27 She's a right winger, right? She leans right. Oh, whatever. She's a journalist. She got into it with that fat, cum-guzzling goo gobbler, Brian Stetzer, a psychotic idiot at CNN. And she called him on his bullshit. We have a couple clips. This was refreshing.
Starting point is 00:34:47 There is anything real in them. Yeah, but that doesn't stop any from from reporting the Mueller and the dossier and all that stuff. I understand that you have a lot of resentment about. Now we have ethics. OK, now we have ethics. Don't you dare.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Don't you dare act like newsrooms didn't have ethics in 2017 and 2018. I know they. Don't you dare act like newsrooms didn't have ethics in 2017 and 2018. I know. Don't you dare act like newsrooms didn't have ethics in. You fucking psychotic faggot. Un-fucking-believable. He's so dumb. I think he actually believes what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Most of the other know they're full of shit. He's saying CNN had ethics during the Trump, you know, the first few years. Let her go. You can't, you can don't dare me all you want, Brian. I've been doing this for 30 years. So say whatever you want. It's my view.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And I have a right to say it. I was. The news media was unethical with Mueller. Yeah. You stupid fuck. You hear him? It's already been proven the Mulligate thing was a hoax and he's still sticking by his guns you're saying that was unethical yes you ball fag jesus christ do we have another yeah here you go you go. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:36:05 It should not be ignored. But I think there's a difference between reporters looking into it in their newsrooms versus going on the air with it when it's unvetted. Pause. He's implying that Fox goes on the air with unvetted shit. A guy from CNN. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. Go ahead. You never did that with Trump stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:24 That's just BS. Hang on a second, Susan. Go ahead, Brian. did that with Trump stuff. That's just BS. Hang on a second, Susan. Go ahead, Brian. She's absolutely right. You really vetted shit when Trump, a Russian agent, which has all been disproven, and you're still sticking by it, you prick. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Is there anything more corrupt than the fucking press? Fox News is the only one with any credibility left. And I dare you, well, you're all my fans. You're watching the same shit I am. I go through all the channels, though. I watch Rachel Maddow spew her fucking lies. And she fucking dingles her balls on this. Oh, desgraciar.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And she fucking dingles her ball on this. Oh, disgracia. More disinformation to prove that the media is so fucking left wing. The headline here is the Lincoln Project spreading Iranian disinformation to hurt Trump's chances. The Lincoln Project. I gave you the definition, right? Did I? Did I give it a... It was founded by this guy. Is it on the
Starting point is 00:37:30 screen, Jay? It's coming up. Yeah. Lincoln Project knowingly peddled Iranian disinformation along with other left-wing media outlets, okay, to hurt Trump. Fucking they piss me off.
Starting point is 00:37:45 If I could, I'd grab this microphone and I'd beat your brains out with it because that's what you deserve. That's what you deserve. Here's the definition of the Lincoln Project. It's an American political action committee formed in late 2019 by a number of former Republicans.
Starting point is 00:38:01 These are the devils, okay? The goal of the committee is to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump. It states it. That's their mission in the 2020 presidential election and defeat all Republicans
Starting point is 00:38:12 in close races running for re-election in the United States Senate. Okay, in April 2020, the committee announced their endorsement of Joe fucking Biden. These are former Republicans, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:26 They say Trump's crooked and Biden's the guy. Who said that? Who the fuck said that? The Lincoln Project. Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? And you know who's made up by,
Starting point is 00:38:40 I think Kellyanne Conway's husband's involved in that. And this guy, Steve Schmidt, who actually was on Fox a little bit years ago as a Republican. He's his anti-Trump. And I still think he has the balls to call himself a Republican. Can you imagine? They formed this pact literally to keep Trump from getting, which is legal. But they're using disinformation from Iran. Iran put out shit saying that the Proud Boys were threatening people,
Starting point is 00:39:13 sending them messages saying they're going to be victim of violence if they show up at the polls and vote for Biden. They were saying the Proud Boys put that out. And it's been totally disproven. And MSNBC, the usual suspects ran with it like it was gospel. Like it was fucking gospel.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I'd like to have the Proud Boys on the show live. Oh my heckin' stem. What are we going to do like they say you can't have a democracy without a free press and an honest press and they are more corrupt than the politicians well they work hand in hand mainstream media is what it's a propaganda arm of the democrat party which is a criminal enterprise in itself. If you want to argue that, I'll argue with you all day. I want to thank my contributors,
Starting point is 00:40:11 my financial contributors, one-time contributions, Billy Tucker from Missouri, Gregory Adams, Armed Service Pacific. Thank you so much for your service, sir. Ron Redman, New Jersey, Thank you so much for your service, sir. Ron Redman, New Jersey. Robert Vanestrand, North Carolina. Jim Vanany, Illinois. And if I fuck up your name, it's sorry because the font's a little small, but we have to fit it all in there. Dominic Peluso, New York.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Paul Sagdella, who's there every day, Connecticut. James Rossi, Utah. Christopher Vaccarelli, my buddy from New York. Matthew J. Manganiello, who sent the picture in, right? Massachusetts. It might be him. I got to know if he's related. Guy Luca, New York.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Thank you guys so much. And new monthly supporters, that would be Patreon. Matt signed up at And I want more Patreon members. I need more. This is a dangerous situation. Hey, Jace, didn't I pour a cup of coffee? Yeah, let me go check.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah. I know I did. I got one of those machines. I'll take a Patreon question in the meantime. While you fetch my coffee that probably has a fucking sheet of ice on it ben uh from ocala florida hey nick who do you want to see run for president in 2024 for me personally i'd like to see nicky haley run that's a lot of talk about that they say that's the reason why she stopped uh working with Trump to start that thing. You know what I'd like to see, Ben?
Starting point is 00:41:46 Josh Hawley, that senator from Missouri, young guy. Thank you very much. Oh, my God. I'm going to get an ice cream headache. It's so cold. I drink this shit while I'm here because I have to have coffee before I work out. Now, for two weeks, because I don't feel good, I've drank about five cups of coffee, gone home. And you know what I do? I've laid on coffee before I work out. Now, for two weeks, because I don't feel good. I've drank about five cups of coffee, gone home,
Starting point is 00:42:08 and you know what I do? I've laid on the couch and passed out. That's why I have the shoulders of fucking Jed Clampett and the tits of my fucking Dolly Parton at this point. I would like to see Josh Hawley or another guy, Tom Cotton. What is he, Oklahoma or arkansas tom cotton is already he's visited new hampshire twice in the last couple weeks he's the guy that was calling people on their bullshit a long time ago he writes op-eds and um either one of those guys ben nicky haley would be
Starting point is 00:42:39 good because you'd have that woman uh and you know, minority and shit. But she was a little, a little iffy near the end of her time with Trump, I thought. You know what I mean? She danced a little too close, too willing to reach across the aisle to work with those fucking criminals. But she's definitely bright, not bad looking. Why is that important? Because I'm sexist. That's what this fucking show's about. Remember, it's guys sitting at a bar watching the news and talking. Anyways, Nikki Haley wouldn't be bad, but I put Josh Hawley or Tom Cotton up there first. But you know what'll happen. You can't run with the name Cotton. Black people be up in arms. You got to change that shit, yo. change that shit yo you know our history with cotton which isn't true by the way by the way black people are starting to love trump ice cubes working with him and shit and and jason whitlock you know my old buddy rich wood sent the client didn't get to read it because i was going out the door jason whitlock interviewed trump and they were talking about the black boat and shit but he's working with ice cube look kanye west was in the mix right he did prison reform he did all
Starting point is 00:43:44 this shit that obama couldn't do not to mention having record low unemployment for young black guys and young black guys i said this years ago i saw jesse waters uh when he was doing shit on the street for o'reilly interview young black guy in times square and he said i've said this on the show before he, man, we like Trump because he a rich white guy. He's ashamed of it. Show that bling. And it's true. Jason Whitlock was on TV last night saying that, that young black males, look, they're not politically correct. And they kind of like that Trump says what the fuck's on his mind. That's the best way you want to get the black vote.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Let them know where you stand the worst way to get their vote is to take them for granted like biden and the democrats have the last thousand years they finally caught on and how did they catch on why did they catch on because of donald trump he exposed the when he said what do you got to lose? Right? That caught on. I think he's going to do excellent. We've been saying it on this show for the last year almost, that he's going to do better with the black vote this time. And I think that's right.
Starting point is 00:44:55 People have woken up. When Joe Biden said, when he said, hey, if you don't vote for me, you're not black, do you understand how stupid that was? That, yeah, man. not to mention him saying to the guy about the interview on black guy well what are you smoking crack i don't have to take a cognitive test do you have to brilliant joey brilliant and i think black people have had enough and you can thank donald j trump for that he's a queens guy okay he might have a billion dollars whatever the however you want to frame it but he was there with the guys that put up the
Starting point is 00:45:34 sheetrock every morning on the job sites he's a fucking real guy who i'll ask this question again who has more in common who has more in common with the america average american people like barack obama editor of the harvard law review hillary fucking clinton do you really think they can relate to the everyday working class at one point the democrat party was that but they ain't no more the walmart voter the people they make fun of, that's who they can, and there's more of them
Starting point is 00:46:07 than anything, whether you want to believe it or not. Oh God, I just want to pass the fucking headline. But anyways, there's a guy, this headline, again,
Starting point is 00:46:17 keeping 2020 the craziest fucking year ever. Some Maryland guy threatened, get this, to kidnap and kill Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and I asked the question yeah finally somebody's showing some balls uh yeah a Maryland guy upset at the political situation was charged by federal authorities uh when uh with threatening to kidnap grandpa biden and rape his running mate i'd reverse it i would have kidnapped her and
Starting point is 00:46:52 raped him senator kamala harris uh and then kill them both and you know how they'd cover that don't you? Trump did it. They have pictures. So this guy's pissed at those two. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Nothing. Joe says that as he's got a burlap bag over his head and he's in the back of a van.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And Kamala's next to him going. Raping me. This is rape. This is rape. This is rape. We actually have a picture of the guy that did it. There is rape. This is rape. This is rape. We actually have a picture of the guy that did it. There he is.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Why? I just, right before the show, I go, who? I'm just going to pick a random. There's the guy. Eb from Green Acres. What's amazing is he died a few weeks ago. Looks like he'd do that, though.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Crazy fuck. My wife has an autographed picture of him in her office. Dick Van Dyke. It's funny. It's like the Deadpool. I used to go in and go, he's got about a month left.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I'd be off by about three days. He's got a fucking Dick Van Dyke. He ain't going to make it to the end of the year. Anyways, the real guy that threatened to kidnap and rape the Biden Kamala Harris ticket is this guy right here. James Dale Reed. He's 42. You mean 142? You know, he looks like Patton Oswalt in about 30 years.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Does he not? James Dale Reed, 42, allegedly dropped a letter detailing the threats on the doorstep of a home with Biden-Harris campaign signs. And Frederick, on October 4th, he did that. Here's what the letter said. We have a list of homes and addresses by your election signs. We are the ones with those scary guns. We are the ones your children have nightmares about. The boogeyman coming in the night, this guy says.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Oh, my God. He was spotted with Shepard Smith having a drink at the. He was spotted on a security camera leaving the home. Those goddamn ring bells are ruining my election. Reid admitted to writing the letter when interviewed after being picked up by local police last week. He was being held without bond. Prosecutor said he didn't know the homeowner and he planned to leave the letter at the first home he came to in his hometown with campaign
Starting point is 00:49:33 signs for, you know, Biden and Harris. He told prosecutors that he was upset at the political situation. Can you imagine everybody did that, that was upset at the political and explained that uh he says this will happen due to the political climate that's what he said this will happen due to the climate i'm not crazy i just don't give a fuck you sound like you should be working for the trump campaign ringing those doorbells dropping them letters off u.s attorney from maryland robert her said he takes such a threats extremely seriously well thanks robert uh good to know you're fucking doing your job you cheese dick uh he says conduct like this hickams the obligatory pc statement threatens major candidates and fellow citizens uh that that threaten candidates and
Starting point is 00:50:25 citizens only undermine our democracy and the principles upon which america was founded we will not tolerate threatening conduct that seeks to intimidate harass or dissuade americans from exercising their right to vote he said in a statement and to you i say shut up shut shut shut shut shut up shut up i don't know how to break this to you robert that is very american do you have any idea how this country came about huh yeah they didn't decide it at the ballot box. We hid behind trees in Concord, Massachusetts. There's a bunch of dumb Brits with fucking red coats on so we could see them. Marks in a perfect line. And we picked them off one by one. That makes a threatening letter look like a booger, don't it? Sure it do. no no no no oh in a fucking fla segment tonight we have two stories that was great man uh we got two stories out of that fucking lunatic asylum we call the state of florida instagram model and future second wife of jason um defends home with gun.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Now, here's the story. If you're an American with a red-blooded male, if you're not fucking giving it a tug to this, you're dead inside. An Instagram model may have saved her family when she grabbed a firearm and engaged in a gunfight. I'm already getting hard. With masked intruders who stormed into her Florida home. Can you fucking imagine?
Starting point is 00:52:10 She picked up a gun. She heard the fucking shit going on in the living room. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. Sounds a little male. Ansley Pacheco, 26. Oh, so. Let me I'm just letting you guys sink in there.
Starting point is 00:52:40 That's how I sit at the end of my bed, my underwear, but it doesn't look like that. Look at this. What if Hollywood doesn't? Oh, they won't because she's a conservative probably if this isn't a an action hero a superstar a female action hero that i would actually i gotta write the movie though not the fucking fags in hollywood can you imagine she came to your rescue and you're like honey you just saved us i I owe you. Imagine she's like, okay, cut the grass. What? Anyway, she was at her home in Miami-Dade County earlier this month
Starting point is 00:53:11 when armed intruders ambushed her husband. I wonder what color they were. I don't know, but I'm just guessing. They ambushed her husband, seven-year-old son, and their friends while they were watching the Miami Heat in the NBA finals. She says, while I was in the bathroom, what were you doing in there, you dirty little fucking vixen? I reckon I'll take the big ones. Young boy like you ought not to see a pair of tits like that.
Starting point is 00:53:50 While I was in the bathroom, i started to hear the commotion she said i started hearing get down get down give me everything you've got which is exactly what i'd say to her if i got her in the bunk bed i went to the nightstand she said i grabbed a gun but it was a dildo i no i grabbed the gun and i opened the door. I saw one of the guys face to face with me. Can you imagine this? Think about this, how scary. He told me to put my gun down. I said to him,
Starting point is 00:54:14 Fuck you! Fuck you! Oh, she's terrific. She says, I just shook my head no and then I said, don't shoot me. My son is here. What are you, a pussy? Who cares? After a tussle and gunshots, which were caught on surveillance video,
Starting point is 00:54:29 the intruders took off with some watches and jewelry. Luckily, Pacheco and her family were not injured in the melee. The woman who streams videos on the website OnlyFans remained defiant. What the fuck? Is this a real story? Does she exist? She's got an ass on her like a fucking Jacksonville Jaguar linebacker. That's a compliment, by the way. I just knew, she says, that I had to do something. And my first instinct was to grab the gun and defend my husband and my son, she said. Oh, God. She's not real.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I love you for helping me to construct of my life, not a tavern, but a temple. I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. you because you have done so much to make me happy. You have done it without a word, without a touch, without a sign. Any more pictures? You have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps after all. Isn't it one of her sitting in the pool? That is what love means. And that is why I love you. Next story. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Another FLA story. You go from this woman who is actually like a a real life superhero to this piece of garbage who should be taken out and and burned alive a florida woman beats a child to death a three-year-old child florida woman who was caring for a three-year-old boy confessed to fatally beating him get get this, with a tire iron, as he brushed his teeth. Talia Jefferson, oh, there you go. Yeah, I think the first rule in hiring a babysitter,
Starting point is 00:56:35 don't hire one with dreads and a fucking neck tattoo. And I won't add the other qualities I might skip. You psycho piece of garbage. Talia Jefferson was arrested Tuesday on charges of murder and aggravated battery in the boy's death a day earlier. And I'm black, y'all. And I'm blacker than black. And I'm black, y'all. Jefferson, who lived with the toddler, his six-year-old brother,
Starting point is 00:57:11 in one of their parents' court records show, first told investigators that the boy fell off a sink while brushing his teeth, hitting his head on the toilet. The psycho twat said, who should be burned alive? But the boy's extensive injuries, including severe cuts to his face and hands, as well as bruises on his arms and legs. I had to put this in here, folks. I know it's depressing and shit, but you have to expose this shit.
Starting point is 00:57:35 We're not consistent with Jefferson's version of events. Court records indicate a piece of garbage. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Jefferson, who said she's in a relationship with the victim's parent i wonder if it's the guy or the girl later admitted to investigators that she attacked him after ordering him to get off the sink that's a good reason to kill a kid huh you fucking animal his refusal to climb down when told angered her arrest report states jefferson said that she walked into the bedroom and retrieved the tire iron from a toolkit what an evil fucking twat jefferson allegedly admitted to hitting the boy with the tyrants tire iron
Starting point is 00:58:21 several times including after he tried to run away and recalled seeing blood spraying from his body during the onslaught. She then hid the object outside the home. Piece of garbage. Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch. Staff is at the hospital,
Starting point is 00:58:42 then contacted police regarding the boy's suspicious death department official said during the investigation probable cause was developed to charge the victim's caretaker in this case for hitting the child with an object resulting in the kid's death a she was a whore b she was a whore. You know what's sad? I swear to God, she'll do a fucking five years or something.
Starting point is 00:59:10 You know, she'll teach a Bible class or something and, you know, she's a black female so we can't go too hard on her because, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:17 she had probably a tough upbringing. I'm just predicting what some liberal judge will do. Anyways, here's a story that you'd think
Starting point is 00:59:24 would have came out of Florida, but Pennsylvania is starting to march. You know, they have a lot of rural places in Pennsylvania. How do I know that? Because I've done comedy. I actually went through Amish town to get to a gig. Along the highway, they put Bible quotes on the side of barns. I couldn't finish Matthew 15 because there was a bunch of fucking black Angus in the way. Farmers who had sex, listen to this, farmers, plural, who had sex with, they had sex hundreds of times with horses, dogs, goats, cows. A judge said they must stay in jail. They'll go harder on these guys than they do her. A Pennsylvania appeals court has ruled that a trio of farmers who admitted to having sex with farm animals hundreds of times need to stay in prison.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Well, that's good. it's good they fucked horses goats and dogs you believe this shit hello i'm mr red this is pennsylvania by way. What is going on? Maybe they were good looking. I think the animals are dressed. They were asking for it. You know how they dress up? According to the Patriot News, a Pennsylvania Superior Court panel upheld 20 to 41 year prison terms
Starting point is 01:00:55 to farmers Terry Wallace, Matthew Brubaker, and Mark Meansaloff for having sex with animals hundreds of times on their Munson area farm. Look, I'm not trying to defend these guys, but isn't that a little 20 to 40 years for fucking animals? Huh? They don't give people that who get shot in New York. Honestly. Again, I'm not defending their behavior, but Jesus. Honestly, again, I'm not defending the behavior, but Jesus.
Starting point is 01:01:33 In total, the trio pleaded guilty to charges of corruption of minors, 730, 730 counts. I guess if you add them up, even if it was a week at a time of sexual intercourse with animals and 730 counts of cruelty to animals. Investigators even claim the men made videos of themselves molesting the animals. I want to see the director's cut. And committing bestiality numerous times. In their appeal, the Pennsylvania Farmers Means Loft, 36, Brubaker, 32, and Wallace, 42,
Starting point is 01:01:57 had argued they were sentenced too harshly for having sex with animals. I kind of agree a little bit. You're out of order! You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. They're out of order.
Starting point is 01:02:27 That's a lot of years, isn't it? Banging a couple of gazots. How do you fuck a horse? You need a ladder and shit? But as my great friend Dave Attell said, you know, people have sex with animals all the time. If I was going to pick one animal I'd have sex with, it would be a horse. Because when you fuck a horse, because
Starting point is 01:02:45 when you fuck a horse, at least you know you have a ride home. Investigators said they had even duped an underage teenager into helping them with a depraved operation. The teenager, who reported to the Abusta police in 2018, told investigators he was tasked with retrieving animals dropping them down into a custom-made chute the farmers had designed to trap the animals so they could have sex with them it's sort of like tinder you know it's that easy they just uh the team had been lured to the farm with promises that he would help care for the livestock but they ended up forcing him to take part in sex abuse of the animals. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:29 How did they force you? I'm not sure about that. I mean, didn't you know it was wrong, man? But what are you going to do, argue with those guys? Then you end up laying next to a dog being humped. Finally tonight, I just threw this in to remind you people how New York City under the de Blasio has regressed into a shithole that may never come back.
Starting point is 01:03:52 New York City lawyer, his home was tagged with graffiti. Vandals splattered the front of a prominent Manhattan lawyer's home with graffiti blaring, Randy Mastro, you can't displace us, and fuck you, Randy, after he represented a group of residents in their bid to close a West 79th Street hotel that houses homeless men.
Starting point is 01:04:17 What the fuck has happened to New York? Let me ask you a question. When they put homeless men in a hotel, like, it's close to everybody else, right? Because I know some stories it isn't. Imagine you having a continental breakfast and the guy next to you is taking a dump on the fucking eggs. Mastro, a former deputy mayor on the Giuliani, was not home at his Upper East Side residence when it was tagged sometime Tuesday night. So they're out there threatening this guy.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Reminds me of, you know what, Cape Fair, actually. Now you will learn about laws, laws of freedom, laws of humanity. Now you and I will truly be the same. That's Mr. Master right there. The person who did this, he says, are criminals who should be brought to justice. And if they thought they were going to intimidate me,
Starting point is 01:05:09 they picked the wrong guy, which I believe if he worked with Giuliani, Mastro told the Post. So he is having none of this shit. Also, I don't like nobody touching me.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Any of you homos touch me and I'll of you homos touch me and I'll kill you. Don't fuck with him. I will continue, he says, to be a passionate advocate against housing homeless adults in SRO hotels where they don't get the services
Starting point is 01:05:37 that they need. Upper West Side Hearts Initiative, Upper West Side's as liberal as it gets in New York, a group that opposes Mastro's effort, of course, to relocate about 235 homeless men with mental illness or struggling with substance abuse living at the Lucerne Hotel on West 79th Street, tweeted about the incident Wednesday morning. They said, we received reports from one of our faith leaders that Randy Mastro's home has been vandalized. Upper West Side, open hearts, and Lucerne residents unequivocally condemn this kind of personal attack.
Starting point is 01:06:15 I don't believe that for one second. Anyways, so that is it. When the fucking homeless people get to stay at hotels? Huh? What is going on Oh my god That is it folks that is it for the week I can't thank you guys enough for the support That has been coming in
Starting point is 01:06:36 And don't forget I'll be moving to a new platform Where we can really cut loose And I'll probably be Resested Arrested Nick have you fucked up the show We can really cut loose and I'll probably be resisted, arrested, resisted. Nick, have you fucked up the show? Anyways, watch the debates tonight. A lot of this guy will be talked about.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Again, that's just a generic Chinese guy. Maybe if I give you a profile shot. This is what they found on Hunter's laptop. You don't see that on Hannity. That is it. Don't forget You want me to make a personal video and send it to a friend roasting one of your friends or relatives or I can say happy birthday to your cousins or whatever. Happy anniversary.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Or I can really let them have it. It's very popular and I love doing them. That is it for the week. I remember you guys thinking I will say it. You are very welcome. I will see you back here on Monday. You guys have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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