The Nick DiPaolo Show - Big Tech Burns down Free Speech | Nick Di Paolo Show #471

Episode Date: January 12, 2021

Facebook shuts out conservatives. FBI prepares for inauguration. Schism widens between Nancy and AOC....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, hello again everybody. Hey, welcome to the big show on a filthy Tuesday from Georgia. How are you? Enjoying the fashion. I can't keep up with people getting canceled and banks doing not doing business with him. And they just kicked some woman, Stefanik, out of Harvard. She was an advisory person and she was a Trump supporter. They just demoted her. Martha McCallum on Fox has been moved to three o'clock back to her old slot because she was probably the biggest Trump fan openly. And oh, my God, it's un-fucking-believable. People getting canceled, apps being pulled off. Is this what you guys want on the left? Is this what you want?
Starting point is 00:01:21 You think it's going to be calm on Ina inauguration day after all that you've shown your cards? Before or after? Oh, you really, really got me, uh, you got me pissed off, I'll tell you, and, uh, I've had enough. You know you want crazy motherfucking WAP, man. What are you calling a WAP, cocksucker?
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'll come over there and bitch slap you. That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name, that's strictly for fags. Hey, I'd like to start off right now by doing thank yous. I'm going to open the show with them. I want to open the show today with something we usually do at the end of the show. With companies like Apple and Google shutting down platforms to keep conservatives from being able to talk to each other,
Starting point is 00:02:10 we need our own platforms like the comics gym now more than ever. In yesterday's pre-show clip, I asked for people to consider making a contribution so we can keep doing this show and keep putting it out for free. And these are the people that answered the call yesterday. Michael Larson of Pennsylvania, Larry Ramey of Ohio, Richard Marquardt of Montana, James Taylor of Texas, Franz Grissom, Oklahoma, Eric Hilkert, Wisconsin, Stephen Winovsky, Eric Hilkert, Wisconsin, Stephen Winovsky, Georgia, Jay Kiefer or Kiefer, Montana, Bunny Galore, Kentucky, Glenn Frey, Washington, David Hertz, California, Douglas Kopp, Michigan,
Starting point is 00:03:07 Salvatore Legalbo, New York, Louis Roy, Canada. Also want to thank Paul Sagdella. We did get your email, Paul. We'll get back to you today. Thank you guys so much, all of you, for contributing. For everyone else, you can click the support button on the right of your screen or the intro video that played before this show. Click on that to contribute and keep us going. It's really important. You guys are reading the headlines just like I am. I don't know. What the fuck? What, am I going to be laid out of here in cuffs? I hope so because I'm not going to lay down.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Look, I'm married. I got no kids. I'll go to jail tomorrow. I'll be the happiest prisoner in there. You understand? As long as somebody bitch slaps Pelosi. That's what I was asking Jason. How do you break into the Capitol and not come out with her or Dick Durbin's head on a platter?
Starting point is 00:03:51 I'm upset about the riots at the Capitol. I don't think they were violent enough. Oh, that fly on Facebook. Anyway, speak of the jerk off the devil. I still can't believe this guy. Just remember folks, everything I say, uh, is prefaced by the election was stolen period. Nobody voted for this jerk off. I'm about to show you he's as old and senile. And what's so ironic is they're talking about the 25th amendment right now to get Trump out of there.
Starting point is 00:04:27 When the guy taking office in a few days is probably the most unqualified mentally. Seriously. I didn't live in 1860. I don't know what Taft or Garfield or whoever the fuck. Maybe they were mental too. But this guy is so feeble-minded. And you want me to believe he got 80 million votes. You can crush my left nut in your right hand and call it a love story.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Look at him. He doesn't even want the job. Oh, I got a sinus headache already. Oh, Joe Biden's handler tried to shoo away the press after Joe received his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on air. However, old Joe decided to answer a softball question from a sycophantic reporter. Obviously, this reporter was teeing him up so he could attack Trump supporters as violent terrorists. He was out of breath when he talked. He looked lost. Watch this. Sir, are you at all afraid of taking your oath outside?
Starting point is 00:05:29 No. Hey, guys, thank you. Let's go. Pause. Pause. She said, are you afraid of taking the oath outside? And now you can hear his handler going, come on, thank you, trying to get the reporters out of there. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Wait, wait, wait. I can see you. Hummer, hummer, hummer. Hummer, hummer, hummer, hummer. you get trying to get the reporters out of there. I'm not afraid of taking you outside. And we've been getting briefed, but I am. I think it's critically important that there be a real serious focus on holding those folks. A real serious focus as he reaches for his jacket and has no focus whatsoever. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser.
Starting point is 00:06:14 You can see how this question was just teed up, right? Just a setup, a fastball down the middle so he could go off on Trump's, go ahead, let the jerk. Who engages in submission and threaten people's lives, defaced public property, caused great damage. Pause. Sounds like you're describing everything that went on, on the fucking you and Obama, number one, and what we watched all summer when you didn't say boo, the fucking gall.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I don't like you i don't like you at all go ahead you hold accountable and uh i think that's a view that is held by the vast majority of democrats and republicans in the congress there are things that impeachment could potentially Yeah. That's enough. I'm tired. I answered all your questions. Oh, God. Anybody want to bet me that he's gone by the midterms? Anybody?
Starting point is 00:07:20 Bueller? Anybody? Want to bet? He got a second COVID shot? Why? The first one didn't take? They administer it in two doses. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Especially if you're retarded. The first one, the coronavirus actually went, what the fuck? We're supposed to go up to this brain, but there's no way up there. Ugh. Are you afraid of taking the oath out? You know why they ask that? Meaning he might get assassinated. And if that happens, which it won't, but if it did happen,
Starting point is 00:07:55 it would be an Antifa or an anarchist that does it. So remember, when shit breaks out, which it's supposed to again, don't forget that they're in on it too. That's all I'm telling you. Because I read an article. I don't know why I didn't pull it. I was too lazy, but it said beware, stay away from whatever, the Capitol around Inauguration Day
Starting point is 00:08:09 because there's going to be some type of, you know, and everybody will blame it on a Trump supporter. As far as being evil, and they're so far ahead of us. In the Are You Dog Sty styling me segment tonight, there was a tweet by Paul Sperry yesterday saying, developing Democrats in both the House and Senate are planning to draft legislation to classify MAGA rallies as domestic terrorist activity. MAGA rallies as domestic terrorist activity.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Did you hear what I just said? And require the FBI, DOJ, and DHS to take steps to prevent such domestic terrorism. Senator little Dick Durbin is leading the effort along with Rep. Schneider, which is, they're going to call us terrorists. Now we're not going to be able to assemble. Does anybody believe this? Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Guys, they took away freedom of speech, and there's more to the First Amendment, something called freedom of assembly. So now we're terrorists. I'm changing my name to Nicholas Ahmed Sadabaq. Shame to Pablo.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Who's with me? There's two pussies standing next to each other. Lindsey Graham doesn't know what he is anymore, other than in love with Boy Scouts. What? Who said that? That's kind of... Do you hear what I just said? They're trying to patch legislation so they can't have rallies. Are they looking for a civil war? The answer is yes.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Unless this country is that fucked that nobody, I know it's hard to get off the couch. I got a 75 inch flat screen and you know, if it kicked off last night, I'm not missing Alabama, Ohio State. I mean, I'll get dressed to go to the fight, but I'll be watching the game. I can't believe what I'm hearing.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Deutch Bank won't do business with Trump anymore as a civilian, not as the president. What? not as the president what what anyways uh in a related story the fbi is um well they're expecting i don't first of all i don't believe the fbi anymore since call me and all that until ray is the fuck out of there fbi expects uprisings in all 50 states possibly during uh inauguration, I guess, either a little before or after. An internal FBI memo is warning of plans for armed protests. Where did you get it from, Antifa? In all 50 state capital cities ahead of President Joe Biden's inauguration.
Starting point is 00:11:00 So we better pick up the pace and get out there and brag. You're going to eat lightning and you're going to crap thunder. A federal law enforcement source told Fox News that an internal bureau memo is warning that the protest could be staged before, on, or after Inauguration Day. In a statement to Fox News, the FBI said that they do not comment on specific intelligence products, even when it means somebody's lives, but said that the FBI is supporting our state, local and federal law enforcement partners with maintaining public safety in the communities we serve. Our efforts are focused on identifying, investigating and disrupting individuals that are inciting violence and engaging in criminal activity. Did you do any of that fucking this summer when they
Starting point is 00:11:50 were burning down cities? Did you track any of the phone calls? I remember cops being told to stand down by their jerk-off liberal governors and mayors. But you're right on top of this, huh? You're right on top of it, Whitey, because Whitey's getting angry. This is getting dangerous. They're poking the bear. Did they do any of their homework during the summer?
Starting point is 00:12:15 And engaging in criminal activity, like what, burning down a Wendy's? Looting a footlocker? See, we do real violence. We go right to the capital, to the source of the problem. We're not into sneakers and fucking hubcaps. Investigating criminal activity. As we do in the normal course of business,
Starting point is 00:12:40 we are gathering information to identify potential threats and are sharing that information with our partners. The FBI respects the rights of individuals to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights if they're black or liberal and white. I added that for emphasis. The FBI added our focus is not on peaceful protesters, but on threatening, those threatening their safety and the safety of other citizens with violence and destruction of property. Let me ask you something, FBI. What have you found out about that poor white woman just standing there who got shot in the Capitol? Any more
Starting point is 00:13:20 on that? Oh, she's a white chick. She was a Karen. Nobody gives a fuck. The memo comes as Fox News has uh talked to you by FBI and they said they received more than 40,000 digital media tips including video and photos from the public regarding participants in last week's capital riot so you got Americans ratting out other Americans but you didn't do that during the goddamn I don't see uh black people doing that during the fucking riots or white Antifa or whatever the fuck. Anyways, fucking rat. Anyways, whole family's all rats. Would have loved to be a rat. Sources told Fox News on Sunday that the FBI visited extremists prior to January 6th. Now,
Starting point is 00:14:00 who would that be? Steven Crowder visited extremists prior to January 6th pro-Trump rally in Capitol riot, urging them not to travel to Washington, D.C. How'd that work out? It's unclear at this point how many extremists were contacted and how far in advance of January 6th they were contacted. So nobody knows those answers. I don't know nothing about that. Sure you don't. Spit it out, Ray. Unbelievable. But can I ask you seriously? And did you hear any of that type of stuff going on when there was rioting?
Starting point is 00:14:38 We had people on camera, you know, running into a Walmart. We had close-ups. They looked like headshots you'd see at a comedy club nobody got arrested nobody got fucking arrested and if they did it was two out of six hundred but people you want me to believe other Americans are turning in
Starting point is 00:14:57 are we that far gone that's something people on the left would do they wouldn't be rats domestic terrorists That's something people on the left would do, though. They wouldn't be rats. Domestic terrorists. If Trump supporters are domestic terrorists, what is Antifa? What are anarchists? What are they? 25 people died during the riots.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Five died at the Capitol. And two of them were because of, like, heart attacks and shit. But you want to call us, Trump supporters, domestic terrorists. Hmm. I don't know what to make of this. Anyways, we have some footage that came out yesterday of the riots. And as you remember, a cop named Sicknick, which was my nickname in high school. We have some footage. That's the poor guy that died.
Starting point is 00:15:55 We don't know that in this footage, we're going to show you a clip of some jerk off. It's dramatic video shows the moment a U.S. Capitol rioter hit an office in the head with a fire extinguisher during Wednesday's chaotic siege. The footage obtained by Storyful from Wednesday's siege shows droves of violent demonstrators storming past. Even the language. Did we call the rioters violent demonstrators? Remember CNN sitting there with flames literally behind them going, it's been mostly peaceful. Violent demonstrators storming past a barricade, not storming past a barricade.
Starting point is 00:16:32 There was a black woman cop opening, literally moving a gate so some of her Antifa friends could pour in. And no, I'm not making that up. Anyways, storming past the barriers as U.S. Capitol Police desperately tried to keep them corralled on the west side of the building at about 2.30 p.m. They broke through. It's on. One man is heard yelling as a chaotic clip begins. Moments later, you see a rioter do this. USA! See that? Now, I don't think that's a pause.
Starting point is 00:17:20 That's a fucking ignorant thing to do. I don't think that's the guy that died. We don't know that. Right. Please tell me that helmet can take at least that what's it made a nerf anyways he tosses the extinguisher towards a group of off striking one right in the helmet we don't know um who that was but people are and outraged we've had enough on the right come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. And then Mel was arrested for drinking and driving and saying anti-Semitic shit. One of my favorite personalities ever. It's unclear if the cop who was plunked on the head, like we said, the Capitol Police One of my favorite personalities ever.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It's unclear if the cop who was plunked on the head, like we said, the Capitol Police officer was Brian Sicknick, 42. We don't know that. But he died in a hospital Thursday after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. So that might be a hell of a coincidence if it's not him. During the melee, two law enforcement sources told the AP that, you know, they don't know yet. Unbelievable, huh? Does that? I don't know yet. Unbelievable, huh? Does that?
Starting point is 00:18:26 I don't know. Jason, your thoughts. I don't think that's enough to. Is it? Yeah, I was just as surprised as you that the helmet might have been as ineffective as it seems. If that's him, you know, I don't know. I pictured somebody smashing, although he would have had a helmet on me, right?
Starting point is 00:18:44 What I. The video did pick up the noise of the thing hitting it. The thud. Yeah, so either they added that in afterwards or it was that loud. They dubbing it in? Are they that crooked? Fuck. Pelosi goes, roll it back.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Right? Anyways, an investigation into Sicknick's death is ongoing, the sources said. Four other people died during the dramatic siege, including a California woman shot by Capitol Police and three others who suffered, three others suffered medical emergencies. But boy, do you see how it's not that important when a white woman gets shot unarmed, basically standing there? Nobody asking questions. The media, you know what their line was? Oh, the cops had no choice.
Starting point is 00:19:37 As opposed to when a black guy's chasing a cop with a knife and they shoot him. And then the cop is just a racist piece of shit. Everything's upside down. The rioter who tossed the fire extinguisher, uh, was picked up by the jets on waivers. Apparently he has a good arm and he appears to walk away after heaving it at the helmeted officer from above, uh, with it making an audible thud as it crashes to the ground. At least one cop appears to turn around to check out what happened. Seconds later, someone heaves a bullhorn at the offices and chants of USA continue.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah, that must mean it's a Trump supporter. There's a guy, you hear this person go, there's a guy like dying over here. Another witness says on the clip, they're trying to hold them up. The startling footage was also, it also shows the rioters including some carrying signs supporting Trump. So again, that makes them Trump support.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It wouldn't be anybody who pulling a quick one, right? And the Confederate flag. Oh, there's that connection again. Trump and the Confederate flag. there's that connection again, Trump and the Confederate flag. Making their way up the Capitol steps and scaling the walls before later breaching the building. They didn't breach it. Somebody gave them the key to the fucking city, basically. Anyways, it didn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:21:08 At least 90 people as of early Monday have been arrested. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you sons of bitches a question. Did you ever hear of 90 people being arrested in those riots a week later? No, you did not. Un-fucking-real. Those charges range from misdemeanor curfew violations to felony assaults on police officers to giving Nancy Pelosi a tit-twister
Starting point is 00:21:39 to giving Dick Durbin a purple nurple and a wedgie on Joe Manchin. And making death threats against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She is a piece of garbage. One thing that's happened in the last week, we found out who the traitors are, huh? And who has the balls and whatnot. God bless Josh Hawley, because now he's a mark, man. He lost a book deal.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You know, they're trying to bring him up on charges. Those are the people we want in office, folks. Okay, vote and vote again. But then you see, like, I don't know why we keep going to The View, but other channels do it, real news channels. So why we give a fuck what whoopi goldberg or a joy behar or any other dumb twat zone thinks on the view megan mccain who i tried to like
Starting point is 00:22:39 i've given up she's another one um maybe i'll change my mind that's quite a wreck holy fucking moly i like big kids. That's right. I hope that we don't get copyright infringement. I wrote the baseline to that. Meghan McCain, this was in the Washington Examiner, she tweeted, I'm not against sending these people, meaning the people that rioted at the Capitol,
Starting point is 00:23:21 Trump supporters, to Gitmo. I guess we got her saying it, huh? It was so stupid I thought I'd say it first, but here's her saying I get proof. I'm not against sending these people to Gitmo. I guess we got her saying it, huh? It was so stupid I thought I'd say it first, but here's her saying I get proof. I'm not against sending these people to Gitmo, and that may sound extreme. These are domestic terrorists who attacked our own republic. They should be treated the same way we treat Al-Qaeda.
Starting point is 00:23:37 You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Actually, she looks quite nice. That face. Boy, she lost the fat around the chin. Megan, how the fuck can you say that? Even your dad is rolling around in his maggot-filled grave. I mean, how could you say that? Those people, really? An election was stolen, Megan. I feel like Michael Corleone when he's being questioned by Congress. I have some stock in IT&T.
Starting point is 00:24:18 The witness would like to read a statement. I ask that the FBI and the journalists clear my name with the same edge, the same energy that they besmudged it. I've done nothing wrong. I've never been arrested. I had a podcast. I do stand up. And I yank it once in a while. Meghan McCain says they're domestic terrorists.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I think we should treat you the same way by giving you a spanking. What a chest, huh? Mink you. And those are real. Facebook, as of yesterday, purging all content with the phrase, stop the steal. I'll say that again. All content. Because people disagree with Zuckerberg and they think the election was stolen. with Zuckerberg,
Starting point is 00:25:24 and they think the election was stolen, but this jerk off with his faggy Caesar haircut and his trillions of dollars says, you know what? I disagree, and you're not going to be heard. And for you, do I get to have a fight? Do I get to fly? I get to trust I... Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Get this through your head, you... Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. You can't handle the truth. Some people believe otherwise. How fucking dare you? This guy invented Facebook. You know why? Because he couldn't get pussy at Harvard. And look what it's turned into. I'll say it again. Nothing has helped society evolve like men meeting the expectations and demands of women to get a taste. Look at, no wonder I couldn't get laid. Look at that fucking haircut. He had it back in college. Jesus H Christ. Some people know it was stolen and that's all going to come out. Let me ask you, Zuckerberg, when it does come out in a few weeks, are you going to change course? No, you're not. Of course not. God damn you. On Monday, the social media company said it's removing stop the steal content from Facebook and Instagram, claiming that such language might incite violence on Inauguration Day. No, you know what's going to incite violence on Inauguration Day?
Starting point is 00:26:50 You banning that language. That's what's going to happen, stupid, as smart as you are. Are they trying to, I guess they're trying to fan the flames before the inauguration so they can be proven right. They're deciding what's inciting and what's not. Considering the riots that transpired last week on Capitol Hill, that's what he's worrying about. And if anybody believes that, you're lying. And you're a piece of shit. and you're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:27:25 We are now removing content containing the phrase stop the steal under our coordinating harm policy from Facebook and Instagram, said Facebook in a blog post. We began preparing for Inauguration Day last year, but our planet took on a new urgency after last week's violence in D.C. All year you've been shutting people down like me. And we are treating the next two weeks as,
Starting point is 00:27:49 not me, I'm still on there, but they'll get to me. We're treating the next two weeks as a major civic event, the company added. What the fuck? What does that even mean? In November, Facebook shut down a group called Stop the Steal, which had garnered, get this, 364,000 members. But their opinion doesn't count, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:08 We removed the original Stop the Steal group in November and have continued to remove pages, groups, and events that violate any of our policies, including calls for violence. So people who disagree with the, that's a call for violence. If you disagree, you're inciting violence. Oh, my God. I can't believe the world we're living in. The company went on to claim that it is allowing, listen to this, in quotes, allowing robust conversation related to the election, unless you disagree with it.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Robust conversation about the election outcome. And that will continue. How fucking dare you? You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck you, mother!
Starting point is 00:29:01 Take it easy. I don't like that language. Oh, my God. All this is happening so fast, man. But with continued attempts to organize events against the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, that can lead to violence. That would be called freedom of assembly, chooch, and use of the term by those involved in Wednesday's violence in D.C.
Starting point is 00:29:26 We're taking this additional step in the lead up to the inauguration. Continue Facebook. It may take some time to scale up our enforcement of this new step, but we have already removed a significant. He's bragging number of posts. They're bragging about shutting down. Right. Leaning frees me. On January 7th, Facebook and Instagram locked President Trump out of his accounts indefinitely. Twitter, on the other hand, permanently banned the president from its platform.
Starting point is 00:29:58 On Monday, an Idaho internet provider announced it is blocking Facebook and Twitter for its customers, stating that it does not condone big tech companies censoring users or trying to exterminate the competition such as Parler. Well, good for them, God damn it. if i could get your cable in my house i would i don't know who you why don't they mention who that is it's an internet provide oh my god folks i don't know what to tell you other than send money quick my dog has a infected paw my wife has a coke problem has an infected paw and my wife has a coke problem.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Let's move on to some more censorship of the right. We talked about the Marriott hotels getting involved, not sending Republican politicians who backed decertifying the election results. Now they're cutting them off. Trump can't do business
Starting point is 00:31:04 or personal business with a douche bank. Is this not the definition of fascism? Parler CEO, he was on Tucker Carlson last night and said they are fighting for survival. We mentioned this yesterday. Parler CEO John Matz told Tucker Carlson tonight, Monday, and his colleagues had theorized that Amazon Web Service or one of the social media companies, other necessary vendors, could deny them services. On Friday, Google dropped Parler's app from its Google Play Store. Apple followed suit Saturday by removing the app from the App Store, while Amazon Web Service cut off Parler from its web hosting services. Those would be all the servers. Mother of God.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And then he said this to Tucker. I've theorized about it. You know, we've definitely theorized about it. You just never think it'll happen, though, right? You know, uh what's really interesting is uh that they all did it on the same day those three without any prior warning we woke up on friday thinking business well not never business as usual parlor but at least as close to usual as possible we were number one in the app store we you know we had seven million almost seven million unique people on the app that day.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And we get a notice, you know, you're in violation of our terms one after another, but we found out first, in some cases, not from the companies, but from BuzzFeed. You know, we didn't get a notice from Google. We read it online in the news. That's shocking. And that is shocking. And then after they set that example, you know, we get an email after email. You know, it's almost like you were just waiting. Who's going to be next? Dumping us.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Everybody. The last thing we have right now is email. And I bet you within 24 hours, our email will be shut off, too. Un-fucking-real. What's the world coming to? That's called collusion. I don't know where the First Amendment ends in a private company's rights.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Start or vice versa. You know what I mean? That's a touchy. That's why they wanted to get rid of that 230 thing that makes these people immune from all that shit. They say they're a neutral platform. They're like publishers. Everybody knows this now.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And they're talking to each other. It's right in the story. You can see, you know, Pakai, whatever his name is, from Google, Colin Zuckerberg. What do you say we bury this parlor of fucking? Yeah, I'll call Dor dorsey he already did it i mean did the left have to play by any rules whatsoever i don't know tanisha suza has a podcast I just want to tell you guys. He lost over the weekend. I told you this yesterday. He lost like a couple hundred thousand follows on Twitter like in a day or two days.
Starting point is 00:34:10 But he's got two and a half million on Parler. Now Parler's gone. Now let's see what they do to his podcast. I'm trying to build my own server. I was in the basement last night for almost four hours with some Elmer's glue, duct tape, and a welder's mask. I put it on the roof of my house. I think it's great. I picked up old good time reruns.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Oh, God. You know, as unified as the left is right now, obviously over their hate for us, there's a little bit of a fissure, as they would say, going on amongst the Democrats that you won't hear about too much, although Pelosi can't help it. AOC, just, they hate each other. Look at her right hand. It's 117. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's rejecting criticism from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Starting point is 00:35:17 that she is not receptive to younger members and does not groom them for future leadership roles. Speaking of 60 Minutes and a wide-ranging interview Sunday, Pelosi, douchebag California, oh, Democrat California, made the remarks after being asked about herself and other members of House Democrat leadership being in their 80s. Oh, did that sting? Did that sting the witch? She says, we have brought young people into the leadership. You perhaps don't know that, the top-ranking douche told the program.
Starting point is 00:35:50 After being asked by Co-Anchor Leslie Stahl why Ocasio-Cortez had criticized her on the issue of grooming potential successes, Pelosi offered this. Why does AOC complain that you have not been grooming younger people for leadership i don't know you'll have to ask her stop getting cunty leslie stall called out nancy pelosi seeming to be dismissive of aoc after the house speaker gave a short reply when asked about 60 minutes uh, AOC's complaint that not enough young people are being trained to lead. I'm not dismissing her. I respect her. I think she's very effective, as are many other members in our caucus that the press doesn't pay attention to. But they are there. In December, AOC was very blunt in an interview with Intercept about how she believes Democratic Party needs new leadership.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Democratic Party. I think one of the things that I have struggled with, I think that a lot of people struggle with math and English is the internal dynamics of the House has made it such that there's very little option for succession. I like it, uh-huh. Did you see the look on Pelosi's face? Did you see her like she had a spit into something sour? Oh, my God. She just, you know, AOC, do you remember? If you guys know, they have a history. The minute AOC got elected into the House, remember?
Starting point is 00:37:30 She sort of took over Pelosi's office. They were having a, she had a bunch of people in her office about the Green Deal. Remember? I didn't really ask Pelosi. That takes a lot of balls. Almost makes me respect her. Except that she was a bartender two years ago. Is there anything funnier than seeing Pelosi get her panties in a bunch, though?
Starting point is 00:37:56 Oh, my God. Anyhow. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. In a podcast published in mid-December, I just said this about the intercept. She said Democrats, this is AOC, needed to plan for the future. Something that required new faces at the top. And that's got her panties in a bunch.
Starting point is 00:38:26 So, uh-oh, retard alert, retard alert. And at the end, she said, if you create that vacuum, there are so many nefarious forces at play to fill that vacuum with something even worse. And so the actual sad state of the affairs is that there are folks more conservative that are willing to kind of fill that void. Yeah, that would be so fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Oh, that dirty cogsucker. Anyways. You can tighten that up and clean that mess up. I just may. Here's my favorite clip of the week. I was going to open the show with it, but then I'm like, I don't want to give this guy. Eugene Robinson. He's that black guy with a voice that's deeper than fucking James Earl Ray.
Starting point is 00:39:23 This guy, he's been around Washington. He's been a journalist for a thousand years. Just a partisan hack who's been on all the Sunday morning shows for years. He actually, they use his voice for one of those, not this is CNN, but one of those things. Anyways, he just hates white people. He hides it with his fucking, you know, English degree or whatever. But he said something so startling it really reveals what people who hate trump and the working class and well the people who just took over the white house this is how they this is what they really want to
Starting point is 00:39:59 do uh eugene robinson uh he says that trump supporters like us need deprogramming first he says the difference between the white citizens councils and the clan back in the days of jim crow and you know the clan was low income white citizen council were the josh hollies and ted cruz is of their day. Can you imagine? But so here's the situation, though. Then he explained. This is what he said. Listen to this. Here's the situation, though. There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed.
Starting point is 00:40:44 It's as if they are members of a cult, the Trumpist cult, and we have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea how we start that process, even much less complete it? Yeah, do you, Black Carrot Top? Any answer for that? Nice hair, do you, idiot? We have to be deprogrammed.
Starting point is 00:41:07 That's language right out of 1984. Do you understand how Orwellian that is? Deprogrammed. That's what they'd say in Russia circa 1940. They called it political rehabilitation. They'd send you to a gulag. This is what they're talking about. He's a journalist.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But so what? Can you fucking imagine? Imagine Trump coming out during the riots and going, Black people, you know, we have to create internment camps like we did with the Japanese. They just don't know how to fucking behave. That's the equivalent of what he's saying. Don't say a fucking word to me.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. Yeah, I say this to you, Mr. Robinson. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Oh, here's another yeast infection on wheels. This show gets more outrageous. Linda Sanchez, House Rep. Linda T. Sanchez, Democrat, California, another unfuckable woman who took her rage and put it into politics. And. Joaquin Castro.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Democrat Texas. They're working to get this. Ensure that President Donald Trump. Has never memorialized it. In any. Official manner. You listening? Your mother sucks fucking. Big fucking elephant dicks.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You got that? That was Josh Hawley. Listen, this is Joaquin, who I think is a big girl, by the way. I am working on a bill that would mean that nothing, not even a bench, no airport, no highway, no school, nothing ever bear the name of this traitor. Oh, the Congresswoman Linda Sanchez told People magazine on Monday. After describing her experience during the January 6th Capitol riots, again, she thinks the world revolves around her, she explained that she wanted to hold people accountable,
Starting point is 00:43:23 starting with President Trump, because he invited people to the Capitol, and he incited them, she says. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. He didn't incite them. Listen to the speech. Even people on the left said they can't. Some people came out and said it's ridiculous. They're trying to charge him with anything.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Sanchez has also thrown her support behind a second impeachment, given that those around Trump have never stood up to him. I have a hard time believing that they will meet this moment with the appropriate response, she said. So we have also, I have also, signed on to articles of impeachment
Starting point is 00:44:02 to try to remove him. And to that, I say, meh fuck you and your bone spurs. Beyond labeling Trump a traitor, Sanchez also implied he was guilty of sedition. Ha ha, quote, I don't think that he deserves any of the benefits that are conferred on prior presidents, she said. I don't believe that a seditious occupant of the White House should ever have anything named after him. Unreal. Guys,
Starting point is 00:44:34 where is this going? It's coming so fast that like the right, even if they wanted to respond to this shit, it's coming so goddamn fast. And then you have the big girl i call him texas democrat congressman joaquin i love 12 year old boys castro offered similar sentiments on january 8th in a two-part tweet he said in addition to supporting the impeachment and removal of donald trump castro wrote i'm also preparing legislation that would prohibit any federal building or property. This is what they're concentrating on. With all the shit going on in the world and in our country right now, this is what they're concentrating on. Any building or property from being named after President Donald J. Trump. That's terrific, Joaquin. Good luck with that.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Joaquin. Good luck with that. This is have you ever I thought they lost their mind during the mulligate shit. They weren't even close. This is the actual breakdown. Now that he's gone they're showing us how sick they really are.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Can't even grow a beard bitch. Anyways. Nick why do you have to go there because my show fuck off that's it i'm tired i'm ready to fucking lose it uh don't forget ladies and gentlemen go to and uh click on my profile if you want me to roast one of your friends or whatever uh i'll make a little uh one minute thing on my phone send it to whoever you want i could make or break their day i'd rather trash somebody it's a lot more fun but anyways whatever you want don't forget i also want to mention okay you can find this show because people seem to once we get booted from youtube um i had three two strikes
Starting point is 00:46:23 on me right one of them's already been figured out. It went our way. And the first one is going to be expiring on February 18th. So I have a clean slate. Not that YouTube is going to be the home for the show, but in the meantime, you can find me at,, Facebook, Instagram TV, Patreon. This is all free. And we're working on getting me on Rumble and Bitch You in the next week or so. So hang tough. We're going to have to, they're chasing us. It's whack-a-mole. All right. So hang tough with me. And, um, I'm not going anywhere. If, if they, if I get kicked out of this job, you'll see me wearing a powdered wig with a musket and knickers running up river street, eating a box of pralines.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Uh, that is it for today, kids. Again, uh uh thank you for your support uh don't forget uh you think it i'll say it you're very welcome we'll see you back here tomorrow have a good day guitar solo I'm out.

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