The Nick DiPaolo Show - Black Culture Part of the Problem, Not Just Bad Cops | Nick DiPaolo Show #359

Episode Date: June 8, 2020

Malcolm X on White libs. Florida full frontal attack. Mitt Romney marching with BLM. Thank you Markiel A. from New York City, NY for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon...! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, what's going on? As you know right now, some serious strife in this country. The vision like we've never seen it. Brink of civil war, slow motion riot, whatever you want to call it. But it's all based around race. Can you hear the sirens in the background? That's probably a cop beating somebody up. Anyways, my point is it's about race and black and white, whatever, and
Starting point is 00:00:25 racism, which nowhere else can you talk about it honestly other than shows like this. Even Fox News have tried to do their best to be fair. You can't have an honest discussion about race on TV unless you want to lose your show and be boycotted and whatnot. That's why this show exists. And that's why we just had our biggest week ever, thanks to you guys, donating at, daily contributions, or signing up at
Starting point is 00:00:53 as a monthly subscriber. You do that, you get an extra story. You get to ask me a question. You get access to the archive shows. And also, if you have a business and you want to be a sponsor, you can go to Nick So,
Starting point is 00:01:07 um, we can't thank you enough, but we need the help because the show is now free four days a week. So again, if you want to get the honest truth, you can't talk about race on TV, on radio anywhere. And I don't know how much longer you can on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:01:22 We'll find out. All right. So, uh, that's it. Remember to click that you can on YouTube. We'll find out. All right. So that's it. Remember to click that subscribe button on YouTube and make sure it stays subscribed because they've been fucking with us. All right. That is it. Now I want you to all enjoy the show.
Starting point is 00:01:37 So enjoy. Enjoy. Welcome to the show, everybody, on a Monday. How are you? That's right, Monday in Georgia. Are you enjoying watching your government be dismantled piece by piece? Thanks to white liberals and some ignorant fucking you-know-whos? Liberalism has to be eradicated. Looks like it's too late. You're literally watching the plan.
Starting point is 00:02:46 They've been screaming racism, playing the race card for 30 years, and guess what? It finally paid off this weekend. It's officially on. That's if the other side has any balls to stand up to this far-left fucking lunacy
Starting point is 00:03:03 that's going on. Let's defund the police. Yeah, look at all the countries all over the world that work like that. Don't forget tomorrow, Steve Schirrippa from the Sopranos and from Blue Bloods on the show. Very funny dude. And Thursday, Dinesh D'Souza, best-selling author, makes movies. You saw Death of a Nation. He's a right-winger, very smart, brilliant guy.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Matter of fact, Obama's, they went after him for some campaign finance petty thing. That's how afraid they are of Dinesh D'Souza. So I can't wait for that on Thursday. Anyways, yeah, I just, I can't believe the headlines and what I'm, why? I couldn't even watch like the news. I fucking, I was watching MMA fighting and the thing was rolling across the bottom. And, you know, after about the fifth, Iowa State conditioning coach let go because of racial, little petty shit like that. Like they're fucking picking people off.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I couldn't, I had to shut it off. I put on Tucker Carlson for three minutes. I couldn't, I had to shut it off. I put on Tucker Carlson for three minutes. I couldn't fucking, I couldn't handle it. I can't believe what I'm witnessing. I hope to God somebody stands up for the cops other than fucking me, and it's all
Starting point is 00:04:18 built on a goddamn lie. I'm more, I have a better chance of getting shot by a cop than a black guy. That's the fucking truth of it. You wouldn't know it, would you, from watching TV. But those are just statistics and numbers and science. You know how the left hates that.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Goes against their fucking narrative. Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye, huh. You know what's bad? When I'm going, my opening clip, I'm going to Malcolm X because I like what he said. That's how fucking far left this country is going. Malcolm X, a clip of him,
Starting point is 00:04:52 it actually makes sense to me. But you have to be, are you shaking your head, folks? You know, between Greg Popovich, oh, I'm embarrassed to be white. Drew Brees apologized again. His wife says that white people are the problem. What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Because the one cop who we all agree is a murderer and should be fucking brought in prison. We all agree on that. Yet the country is still burning down because the media keeps going, black and brown people go through this every day. It's an outright fucking lie about how racist this country is it's an outright fucking lie that's been pushed by the cnn's of the world the mainstream media for the last 30 years the lie has become the truth and there's enough fucking idiots out there who bought it white White, brown, black, Asian. You guys are being played.
Starting point is 00:05:50 This has nothing to do with George Floyd. This is about dismantling this country. That's exactly what it's about. Talking about defunding cops? Are you fucking kidding me? I watched, you know, we showed Frank Rizzo, the mayor of Philly. Remember the vote white guy?
Starting point is 00:06:09 I watched that clip again and I put it up on my TV. And then there was a next clip was like a documentary about him and how he grew up and shit in an Italian neighborhood, bad neighborhood. And his father was a cop. And it's fucking fascinating. It was so relevant. I was watching it go and this could have been shot yesterday you know the black panthers burning down shit and he was infiltrating liberal groups frank brizzo he was having none of it he'd show up he showed he was already like the uh he was going somewhere he had a tuxedo on i don't know if he's the police commissioner at this point or the actual mayor he had a tuxedo on he got word there was like a
Starting point is 00:06:49 riot going on he he puts a blackjack in his cummerbund and goes to the right his tuxedo but but you know what black people in philly there were black people who liked him because when you defund the police talk about there who's going to get hurt first, the poorest neighborhoods that are already ridden with crime. I can't believe what we're fucking talking about. And again, based on a myth. Aye, aye, aye. Well, here's and believe me, white liberals. The the the you know, the Black Panthers, the Black Lives Matters of the world,
Starting point is 00:07:28 they couldn't make any progress unless they had help of idiot white liberals. And here's Malcolm X talking about white liberals. There are many whites who are trying to solve the problem, but you never see them going under the label of liberals. That white person that you see calling himself a liberal is the most dangerous thing in the entire western hemisphere. He's the most deceitful. He's like a fox.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And a fox is always more dangerous in the forest than the wolf. You can see the wolf coming. You know what he's up to. But the fox will fool you. He comes at you with his mouth shaped in such a way that even though you see his teeth, you think he's smiling. You take him for a friend. There are many whites who act friendly toward Negroes.
Starting point is 00:08:09 A fox acts friendly toward the lamb. And usually the fox is the one who ends up with the lamb chopped on his plate. Wait a minute. Hold on. Pause. Okay. I don't agree with this metaphor. Black people are lambs back then? Oh, yeah. Silence of the lambs? i don't agree with this metaphor black people are lambs back then oh yeah silence of the lambs i don't think so let's not go too far malcolm but you're right on about white liberals being fucking devils but he's saying he's kind of look black uh white liberals in the 60s and you know marching some of them were killed. White kids from up north went down south and were killed on behalf of, not to mention all the white people that died fighting to free the slaves.
Starting point is 00:08:52 But that's just fucking details, right? Go ahead. Act friendly. And therefore the wolf has more difficulty in getting the lamb chopped in his plate. I'd like to point out, though, that... I say that because it is usually the, if you study the structure of the Negro community, economically, politically, civically, psychologically, and otherwise, it's controlled by the white liberal,
Starting point is 00:09:16 who usually poses as the friend of the Negro. On the other hand, I think one could point to a large number of whites who have struggled for civil rights or equality and have got little or nothing out of it. Give me an example. Other than quite a few bruises. Give me an example. Well, the large number of white students who have gone into the South, for example, working for SNCC and other organizations. Not SNCC!
Starting point is 00:09:43 Not working for SNCC or other organizations. Not SNCC! Not working for SNCC or other organizations. I found a new name for our fans. White political machines who benefit by the voting efforts. Pause. Here's where he loses me, okay? White kids get killed on behalf of fucking civil rights. Remember the Jewish kids from New York that went down there, got shot by rednecks and shit?
Starting point is 00:10:02 So, yeah, and he's ignoring that. Unless it hasn't happened yet. Maybe it happened after this interview. I don't know, but come on, Malcolm. Let's not fucking. But you're right on about the white liberal, their actions. Here's where we're at, folks. When words mean more
Starting point is 00:10:19 than actions, that's when countries collapse, and here we are today. I can't believe how people are talking about Black Lives Matter like it's the Eagle Scouts. How many deaths of cops are they responsible for in the last few years?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Either directly or indirectly. Remember the two cops get ambushed in New York after the riots and wherever the fuck. We're talking about them like they're a mainstream group now. And again, we all agree
Starting point is 00:10:51 that the Derek Chauvins, that was the cop, have to be weeded out. But to say this is systemic in the police forces, it's total fucking bullshit. Anyway, oh, this caught my eye minnesota ag that would be attorney general keith ellison you know him when he was sworn and he put his hand on the quran you know he's all for america uh may have just screwed up the the case against george floyd cops and And this is written by Andy McCarthy, who was a federal prosecutor.
Starting point is 00:11:26 But, you know, put the picture up. There he is. This was a couple of years ago, the Zantifa handball. He knows exactly what's going on. He's fucking sharing it on. There's something wrong
Starting point is 00:11:39 with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Fucking out of vapes. I got 19 cucumber-flavored ones. That's what I had to buy, cucumber. Hey, if you're going to ruin your lungs, do it with vegetables. Andy McCarthy,
Starting point is 00:11:56 who writes for National Review. Now, you've got to listen. This gets a little intricate, but he's saying why Keith Ellison may have fucked this up as a lawyer, as an attorney general, who writes for National Review.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Andy McCarthy is a former federal prosecutor, has been a trusted guest on this woman, Victoria Taft's show for a better part of 20 years. He believes Ellison might have just colossally screwed up his case against the cops. My words, not his, says the woman. McCarthy called Ellison's amended charges dangerously flawed overcharging is tantamount to over promising it's perceived as overly punitive and less thoughtful in some cases sure everyone's angry sure floyd's death appears to be criminal but you got to be able to prove what you charge ellison may have just peter principled himself out of this prosecution. Police officer Derek Chauvin took a knee on the neck of Floyd for nearly nine minutes. The hold on his neck,
Starting point is 00:12:51 not part of any police training, killed Floyd. Floyd, who had drugs in his system and had a heart condition, panicked, couldn't breathe. Initially, the local district attorney took a long look at the evidence and charged Chauvin with third degree murder, alleging Chauvin had depraved indifference to human life, but did not conspire to kill Floyd. Then the case was kicked upstairs to the verrently political leftist Keith Ellison, part of the George Soros funded attorney general. What more do you need to know about Ellison? He was funded by George Soros, who's been trying to overthrow the society for years. Ellison added a second-degree felony murder charge to the other less severe charges
Starting point is 00:13:31 that McCarthy believes he won't be able to prove. He's ladled on aiding and abetting charges against the officers on the second-degree murder charge and manslaughter. The harsher charges were met with cheers from those on the left, like Lawrence O'Donnell at fucking MSNBC, of course. He's a fag. McCarthy points out that the new charges
Starting point is 00:13:53 don't quite add up. Tao Thao, Jay Alexander Coon, and Thomas Lane, those are the other three cops that stood around, are charged with aiding and abetting both second-degree murder, the new charge against Chauvin, and manslaughter. Weirdly, under the circumstances, the three are not charged with depraved indifference murder count, nor are they accused of committing manslaughter as principles. We're talking about the three that stood around. They are charged only as aiders and abettors, a theory that does not jibe with a negligence charge such as second degree manslaughter. Which is negligent homicide under Minnesota law.
Starting point is 00:14:35 He explains that defense attorneys will poke big holes in Ellison's case. By definition, a bad outcome caused by negligence does not happen intentionally it happens because of carelessness that created a risk the actor did not foresee but should have see the problem he says aiding and abetting requires proof that the accomplice understood the principal's conscious criminal objective in a negligence case the bad thing that happens is unintentional, i.e. it's nobody's conscious objective. That's why the prosecutor's theory is, to my mind, a non sequitur. Do you get that? But here's what might be the most diabolical part of Ellison's
Starting point is 00:15:17 move and maybe the one he wanted all along. By contrast, the new felony murder count, along. By contrast, the new felony murder count spearheaded by Keith Ellison, the radical left estate's attorney general, puts police on notice that they can be charged with a crime, felony assault, just for doing their job because it routinely involves physical restraining of suspects who resist lawful commands. I mean, every one of these things starts with somebody resisting arrest. Nobody, we forgot about that too. And I'll say it again, George Floyd would still be alive. So would Eric Garner and a host of others if they just listened to the cops. He says, do you doubt that Keith Ellison would want to criminalize police work? He says, neither do I.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Here's a man who believes that national borders are an injustice. He actually said that. Yeah. The unanswered question, however, is what would be the point of the prosecuting charges that may not hold up? So it's actually in the cop's favor that he's trying to overcharge. I talked to my cop buddy who's staying at my house right now. You know, that's because he's all he's all emotional about it. Keith Ellison.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Again, Minneapolis, can I ask you, what are you doing voting? It's that fucking liberal. Yeah. Yeah. voting it's that fucking liberal oh yeah yeah so for you people who are for you know defunding the cops and shit and uh i don't know maybe these headlines might uh change your mind california sheriff's deputy killed an ambush this weekend two offices uh two offices wounded ah remember this chant black lives matter now they'd be treated they're being treated like When do we want now? Get out! Get out! Get out!
Starting point is 00:17:28 Get out! That's Black Lives Matter, by the way. Everybody who's sucking up to him. Every white liberal and even Mitt Romney marching with him. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you dog styling me? Santa Cruz, the Northern California Sheriff's deputy was killed in two law enforcement officers wounded Saturday when they were ambushed with gunfire and explosives while pursuing a suspect. Sergeant Damon Gutswiller, 38, was shot and killed in Ben
Starting point is 00:17:57 Lamond in an unincorporated area near Santa Cruz. The second deputy was injured. A third officer from the California Highway Patrol was shot in the hand. Guts Willer was a beloved figure here at the Sheriff's Office. The sheriff said, Damon showed up today, do his job to keep the community safe, and his life was taken needlessly. And it may have, look, it may have nothing to do directly with the George Floyd thing, but I'm just saying, cops are still being killed. I'm just saying, cops are still being killed. The suspect, Stephen Carrillo, 38, was shot during his arrest and was being treated at the hospital, of course. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser.
Starting point is 00:18:42 The deputies responded to the 911 caller on 130 about a suspicious van. The caller said there were guns and bomb-making devices. When the deputies arrived, the van pulled away, and the deputies followed. The van went down a driveway at Carrillo's home, and the deputies were ambushed by gunfire and explosives after getting out of their vehicle. But, you know, it's the cops that need reforming and shit. This shit happens every day.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Not black and brown people being roughed up by the cops every day so guts willow was wounded later died at the hospital another deputy was wounded by gunfire or shrapnel struck by a vehicle as a suspect fled carillo attempted to carjack a vehicle and was wounded while being arrested hart said carillo was taken to the hospital for treatment and will be charged with a first degree murder. Thank God. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? But let's defund the police.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Huh? All over the country it's the police. You fucking do you believe we're even talking like this? I can't. Minneapolis has already cut ties with the
Starting point is 00:19:49 police, Minneapolis police, with the schools in Minneapolis. They cut ties. And they want the cops to come up with a new plan. Well, you just fired us. Suck my ass. Look at this. Seattle police officer injured by improvised explosives.
Starting point is 00:20:06 They're using IEDs on cops now. And again, I don't care if it's directly related to the protests or not. IEDs. Do you fucking believe this shit? Get out of the country. Police used flashbang devices and pepper spray to disperse a crowd of protesters in Seattle Saturday night after authorities said rocks, bottles and explosives were thrown at them.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Yay Seattle! Police said via Twitter that several officers were injured by improvised explosives. You know like we use in the Middle East. They use against us. It came a day after Major oh excuse me Mayor Jenny Durkin and
Starting point is 00:20:44 Police Chief Carmen Best oh excuse me mayor jenny durkin and police chief carmen best you gotta be fucking make me a sandwich make me a fucking sandwich that's right jenny no no make me a sandwich jenny nice fucking blt fucking dumb bitch. After Mayor Jenny Durkin and Police Chief Carmen Best imposed a 30-day moratorium on the department's use of one kind of tear gas. Who better to put in charge than chicks, I mean, who have never even been in a fistfight in their life, right? Who better to put in charge than chicks? I mean, who have never even been in a fistfight in their life. Right. Who better to call the shot? Fucking. She and the mayor. Oh, the other one's a woman to Carmen Best, chief. Two broads, Laverne and Shirley's running the mini fucking Seattle police.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Shamil, Shamazel, fucking. She and the mayor added that the ban on one kind of tear gas known as CS could be extended if groups need more time for policy review. That's right. Take away weapons while your cops are getting shot. you filthy. Neaton, I don't know what that is, who it is. If it's a he, a she. Neaton! Medical student at the University of Washington. Let's get this person's point of view. The Seattle Times, she joined the demonstration out of overwhelming sadness. Was it for the cops,
Starting point is 00:22:22 the sadness? If not, then sit the fuck down. It took irrefutable proof the perfect video she says the perfect camera angle listen to how brainwashed college kids are the perfect light for white america to see what's going on she said another fucking oh retard alert retard alert what's going on? Huh? What's going on? I can't believe it finally happened. It took, it took hold. The big lie is the truth. No, no, no, no. In our Florida segment tonight, cops are under fire. I had to throw this in.
Starting point is 00:23:09 We needed a little bit of relief, do we not? But it follows the other stories. It's related. It's cops once again being the target of criminals. Get this one. Again, out of Florida. I'm not making this shit up, folks. Miami stripper.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Amy Poehler if that's not amy poehler in her better days i am miami stripper arrested for squirting vaginal fluids at police officers in self-defense you fucking whore yeah that's. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Brittany Simmons, 24, was performing at one of my favorite strip clubs in the country, The Camel Toe. The Camel Toe. She must be headlining. That's an A club. I used to do exotic dancing at meat cartons. Piss flaps. She was working the route. Camel toe. She's gone to piss flapsel Toast Strip Club when an altercation began between Simmons and several clients at the club.
Starting point is 00:24:27 We call them clients now. Guys in their 60s staring at a girl's snatch. There's 22 free whiskeys in them. That's a client. Miami police were called to intervene and attempted to apprehend Simmons, who was highly intoxicated and acting erratically, according to the police. Five Miami police departments, you're not going to believe this, officers attempted to place Simmons under arrest, but were momentarily indisposed when the lap dancer ejected vaginal fluids towards the officers,
Starting point is 00:24:57 temporarily blinding three and injuring two. The fuck? What, did she get an assault rifle for a pussy? She's a squirter. 12 to 15 feet? Jesus Christ, that's like AK-47 shit. And she wasn't just squirting anything, folks. I've watched a lot of those squirting videos.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I don't know. Listen, this is an eyewitness that saw this. She said, the guy says, she just spread her legs wide open
Starting point is 00:25:31 and started squirting in the cop's faces, eyes, and mouths. Delicious. Thank you. From a distance of 12 to 15 feet,
Starting point is 00:25:41 one eyewitness told the reporter. What kind of pussy is that? They should hire on the cop force. Listen to this. It gets worse. Officer Miguel Aguera of the Miami Police Department told reporters that all five of the officers have since tested positive for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes after being exposed to the vaginal fluids. A, she was a hooah. B, she was a hooah. Her pussy was just a petri dish of fucking disease. And you know some drunk guys fucking who went to the camel toe, went home with her one
Starting point is 00:26:22 night, went face down on that shit. Fucking fucking woke up fucking face looked like a cherry pie throat closed up with giant polyps look at that crazy bitch she's got all that chlamydia gonorrhea and herpes when's the last time you had your snatch checked? Jesus Christ. How many men has she killed with her vagina? Simmons' attorney, Alan Smith, argued that his client acted in self-defense and used her
Starting point is 00:26:56 vagina not as a deadly weapon, but at the appropriate boundaries of her working skills and ability. What? What the fuck? Self-defense. She used her vagina to self-defense. She couldn't have thrown a glass at the cops or something? According to current Florida laws, listen to this.
Starting point is 00:27:22 And if convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon against five police officers, Simmons could face, get this, up to 1,036 years in jail, believe legal experts. In 2013, a court case, another Miami citizen was convicted of armed robbery after threatening a convenience store clerk with his erect and AIDS-infected penis and was sentenced to 237 years in jail. You don't get that if you stick a gun in somebody's face. I don't know. I'd rather be at the business end of an infected AIDS dick than a fucking clock.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I'm not going to blow the guy in shit. Was he going to yank it on me? This is before everybody's wearing masks at the store. What a country, ladies and gentlemen. What a goddamn country. They're going to put that one on. They're going to put that trial on TV They're going to put that trial on TV.
Starting point is 00:28:27 See the diagrams? Here's her vag. Look. Guy brings in a super soaker. Pretend this is her. Hey, folks. You know one of our best sponsors. keeps putting out new stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:41 And this morning they sent over these two new designs. The first one speaks for itself. I'm going to get a couple of these myself. Fund the police. Fund them. That's what they need. More funding. And I'm being serious.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I'm not saying that sarcastically. And this one is part of the Make America Safe Again collection. Blue Lives Matter. We're out to the next protest. I wonder if they can get bloodstains out of these T-shirts. Both of these designs are just $19.99. If you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off. They're good quality shirts, though.
Starting point is 00:29:20 They also have a bunch of Nick DiPaolo show related items. The squirting vagina and the. Anyway, lots of great stuff on the Donald stuff dot com. Go there, check out all their gear and don't forget to use the promo code Nick. And we thank them for sponsoring the show. I got so much to cover today. This one, this one, this is the one that fried my nipples
Starting point is 00:29:47 and chapped my balls and stung my tits. White police officers and community members wash feet of black faith leaders at protest. Rich Wood sent me this one. I'll repeat that, folks.
Starting point is 00:30:03 In this country that's so racist and systemic, white police officers and community members wash feet of black faith leaders at protest. Did you hear what I just fucking said, ladies and gentlemen? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Members of the Legacy Church Center led by co-pastors Faith Wacoma and her husband Soboma. Jesus fucking Christ.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Everybody! Wacoma and Soboma. Welcome you to your homa. Helped organize the unity prayer walk where people gathered. This is North Carolina, your neck of the woods, Raz. Where people gathered, observed eight minutes and 46 seconds of silence to mark how long a white cop had his knee on Floyd's neck and killing him and pray for the country. And we're making him out to be a hero now. As part of the event, there was a washing of the feet ceremony where at least three
Starting point is 00:31:13 white law enforcement officers and three other white attendees washed the feet of the pastors Faith and Saboma Wakoma. I can take it no more. Wake up, white people. You got to admit, I got to believe there's people on the left who find this is a little, don't they? No, they don't. They think this is right. Let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Who washed the feet of the family of the old white couple in their 80s who was shot on Memorial Day weekend at the cemetery by a black guy? Anybody wash their family's feet or was there any forgiveness? Because this is right out of the Bible. This is showing love. But as my friend pointed out, who's pretty well versed in the Bible, it's silly because Jesus did that. These people aren't Jesus. They're not even qualified to wash somebody's feet. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:07 He was acting as a commoner. Look, the black woman's even complaining. She's got her hand up. The fuck? Get between the toes, cracker. Oh, my aching stem. How about the 80-year-old white woman that got stabbed coming out of Walgreens a couple months ago by a black guy? Again, those are isolated incidents, though.
Starting point is 00:32:38 When one cop nails on a black guy's neck or whatever, or even let's say five incidents that's systemic do you guys you you you buy in the lie not you guys my fans but raz the uh washing of feet as i'm sure you know you attend shirts on a regular basis i actually thought you did but he's laughing right my face the washing of feet is a religious right observed by various christian denominations oh now the left is uh backing up these christian thought they hate christianity but now they're now they're behind it uh various christian denominations based of jesus christ commandment that his followers should wash one another's feet following example, and to express humility and to express love.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I love you for helping me to construct my life, not a tavern, but a temple. Oh, shut it. Only place black people's feet should be in wash is at the foot locker when they try on on $200 sneakers. That made no sense. Powerful display. Here's what people write in on Facebook. You are fucking, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You guilty white people, I don't know what, it's a mental illness. All this pounding away, you worked beautifully over the last 40 years. Powerful display of what reconciliation looks like. How about when they're looting, they're burning down buildings. Is that part of reconciliation or is that retribution? This is how racial healing starts. Added another fucking moron. Love and humility of God, one person commented.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Love and humility of God, one person commented. Thank you. Wash my balls. How about that? I worked out twice, haven't showered over the weekend. Wash my stinky, musky balls. Show me some love. Mitt Romney,
Starting point is 00:34:46 goo gobbler, cocksucker, motherless fuck, shit stain. Remember, he was the only Republican that didn't go against impeachment. Remember? So it's getting,
Starting point is 00:34:57 and this is political. I got a theory on this. Mitt Romney joins Black Lives Matter, the group that's been responsible for a lot of cops' deaths, but he joined them in a protest like they were the fucking Cub Scouts. You know, I can't believe I used to like this guy.
Starting point is 00:35:10 He said, we need a voice against racism. Boy, we haven't heard that in two seconds. You need a barber. They're fucking Pauly Walnuts. Look at his hair. Racism kills. Yes, it does. It kills white people, too. You dumb bitch with that sign. Oh, what? White people can't be what black people can't be racist.
Starting point is 00:35:33 What a fucking bunch of nonsense. Look at Mitt. Crazy hair, Mitt. Looks like a dentist. He's about to torture you in the chair. looks like a dentist. He's about to torture you in the chair. We need a voice against race. We need many voices against race and against brutality. And we need to stand up and say black lives matter. Yeah, we haven't said that in about three seconds. I mean, does anybody really believe black lives don't matter? How about the fact that if you say all lives matter, you can get fired now, like the Sacramento basketball announcer. Think about that. All Lives Matter is somehow derogatory.
Starting point is 00:36:11 You're telling me what my words mean now. It's over, folks. Unless somebody stands up, it's fucking over. Mitt Romney. And we need to stand up and say Black Lives Matter. What's the idea? Romney has been a fierce critic of President Trump and was listed among a group of Republicans who have withheld support for the president's reelection campaign. Let's get their names down.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Can you imagine? And again, this is all about getting Trump out of office. It was about George Floyd for about five minutes. Just create so much chaos. He'll get blamed for it. Anybody that's in office will get blamed for it. In our... Ooh, music.
Starting point is 00:37:06 In our libs eating Libs segment tonight, Minneapolis mayor... This gave me a hard-on. It was like watching porn. Minneapolis mayor Jacob Fry was booed out of George Floyd demonstration after refusing to commit to defunding the police department.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Fry was asked directly by a protest organizer Saturday whether he would defund the police when demonstrators marched up to his home and news station. If I see one more fucking one more white politician being berated by just some fucking unknown berated by just some fucking unknown black chick. This stupid, this stupid mayor, this lib thinks he really believes that black people are on his side. It's so funny. And you can see the shock look on his face when they tell him to take a fucking walk. This woman's going to ask him if he's going to defund the police. And you can't hear his answer. But he said, no, I'm not going to defend them completely. And that wasn't enough.
Starting point is 00:38:09 This after him coming out and completely condemning the police and saying how racist this country is and defending black people not even four days ago. This is bullying on a linguistic level is what it is. And I love it. Fucking libs eating libs. Watch him do the walk of shame. It's important that we hear this because if y'all don't know, he's up for re-election next year. If y'all don't know, he's up for re-election next year. You fat nasty black bitch.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Guess what the fuck we gonna do next year? Guess what the fuck we gonna do next? Guess what the fuck we gonna do? Let's turn the whole country ignorant. What'd you say? Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Get the fuck out of here. No. No. No. No. Pause. Yeah, he said he wasn't going to completely defund. Get the fuck out of here, she says to the mayor.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Which is the beauty of this country, because you can say that because you pay their salaries and whatnot. But I'm just saying, this is what's going to be handled. This guy couldn't be more of an ally. He's a white, guilty lip. He'll do anything to fucking kiss black ass. And they're telling him to take a fucking walk. And I'm glad they did
Starting point is 00:39:29 because they're all fucking idiots. Watch him walk out. The guy's in shock. Bye-bye. Go home, Jacob, go home. Look at him. He's in shock. Bye bye. Go home, Jacob, go home. Go home, Jacob, go home. Go home, Jacob, go home. Look at him, he's in shock. Go home, Jacob, go home.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Go home, Jacob, go home. Bye bye. Bye bye, dickhead. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Can you imagine? Raz, what is going on? What's going on in this country? What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:40:13 Is he a friend of yours? Are you trying to give him camera time? Slow down. There's only so much hate. I can only handle so much black racism being thrown at me. Yeah. so much black racism being thrown at me. Yeah, meanwhile, several members of the city council have pledged to dismantle the police department in the wake of Floyd's death.
Starting point is 00:40:32 We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety. Council President Lisa Bender. That's who said that. You know,isa bender oh that dirty cocksucker minnesota rep ilhan omar who was in attendance at the rally said she's pleased that there's consensus on the minneapolis city council about the police
Starting point is 00:41:02 department being inherently beyond reform, said the fucking terrorist who used to fuck her brother. She's a malignant cunt. You know why she's here, right? She came over to dismantle the country. That's why she came over here. And you fucking idiots in Minneapolis
Starting point is 00:41:18 fucking elected her. Not to mention Tlaib. They're here to dismantle the foundation of this government. That's why they're over here. And there's plenty of white people in power. Be glad to help them. I like honest criminals.
Starting point is 00:41:41 This next guy, they're doing some on-the-street shit at Fox News. And this next guy, they're doing some on the street shit at Fox News. And this next brother really not, really not fucking hiding his plans for the near future. He's a Black Lives Matter leader. You know, the group that Mitt Romney is marching with and that all you guilty white fucking jerk offs on Facebook, you're washing their feet and kits in their ass
Starting point is 00:42:04 when they would cut your throat tomorrow. But Fox News interviews this guy. He's a black lives matter leader. And here's what he plans to do. You know, I'm a leader of this FTP movement. It means a lot of things. It can mean free the people. It can be for the people.
Starting point is 00:42:22 It can also mean fire to property. You know, and that's very possible. Today I'm leading a demonstration from Barclays Center at 6 p.m. to City Hall. And that's the first stop. And we're hoping de Blasio and Cuomo come out and talk to us and give the youth some direction. But if they don't, the next stop is
Starting point is 00:42:37 the Diamond District. And gasoline, thanks to Trump, is awfully cheap. And gasoline, thanks to Trump, is awfully cheap. He gasoline, thanks to Trump, is awfully cheap. He's threatening on camera to burn down the Diamond District, which is basically Jewish in New York. At least it used to be. There's something wrong with the black man's mind!
Starting point is 00:42:57 There's something wrong with his mind! Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you! That's him yelling at the guy on the dime. That's where he's headed. Right on camera. Sounds like a threat. Anybody look into that or is that alright? That's free speech.
Starting point is 00:43:14 That's free speech. But don't say all lives matter. You'll be kicked off your fucking job. Yes, Razmichaz. Patreon question. Holy question or a book? The fuck? Marky L.A. New Patreon question. Holy, question or a book? Markeel A., New York City.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Hey, fellas, what if Trump invited black cultural leaders like athletes and entertainers to the White House to discuss issues concerning the black population? Even if they disagree on things, it's still better than nothing. Just to be clear, I'm a Trump guy all the way. I feel like there is something that just needs to happen. Well, I love you guys. Thank you. Markeel, or however you pronounce it, what, have you been in a coma for the last year?
Starting point is 00:43:53 He had black athletes to the fucking, he's had entertainers to the White House. Do you remember when he did the thing for the black boxer, Jack Jones, pardoned him or whatever? Remember Stallone was there, fucking Floyd Mayweather, there were a bunch of people there. He had black entertainers there when he did reform, prison reform.
Starting point is 00:44:14 So what are you talking about? Not to mention all the athletes who won championships. So I don't know what you're talking about. I mean, he's already done that. Not to mention Kanye West and who else? Steve Harvey. He's had a lot of black entertainers. I'm forgetting some. But and he's had black athletes there. They were there, like I said, when he did the pardon for the, was it Jack
Starting point is 00:44:45 Johnson? Yeah, the heavyweight. What did I say? Lyndon Johnson, the first? Did I say Jack Jones? He was a fucking white singer in Vegas, like in the 60s. He should be pardoned. He was brutal. Jack Johnson, who got busted, this was back in the 40s he was a heavyweight and he got they arrested him because he had a white chick in his car going across state lines or whatever and yeah and Trump
Starting point is 00:45:15 took care of that took care of that woman a black woman who was in drug remember for drugs freed her so he's done all those moves he's had celebrities and athletes good good question and but it didn't help anything did it look where we are today because again they don't want fucking reconciliation i'm not saying all but i'm so but a big a big majority of black people want you know retribution with the help of a fucking uh as malcolm x said the white fox they smile at you
Starting point is 00:45:43 that's how i feel about Isaiah Thomas. He always had that big smile, but I could tell he hated white people like an inch under his face. That's just my opinion. Can I say that? Could be a good guy. I don't know. Listen to this. National Guard in Washington, D.C. are told not to carry guns or ammunition. How's that? The Pentagon has told Washington, D.C.'s National Guard and the guardsmen from other states who are in the nation's capital not to use guns
Starting point is 00:46:18 or ammunition. They should shoot silly string and use seltzer bottles. No! No, no, no, no, no no no no no no no no no no the order came from defense secretary mark esper and made without consulting the white house so his job's in jeopardy pompous ass uh it came from defense secretary mark esper made without consulting the letters and it's seen as a sign of de-escalation of the federal response to protests that sprung up in the wake of george floyd's death so he's doing this without even asking his boss i think your brain is going soft trump has pushed for a strong militarized show of force calling himself the law and order president and earning him criticism from several retired military generals, including his former chief of staff, John Kelly and former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Governors usually control their National Guard units, but D.C. status as a special federal jurisdiction gives the authority to the president. Trump delegated that authority to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Meanwhile, the Pentagon will be sending back the remaining 900 active duty troops who were sent to D.C. area to potentially respond to civil unrest, and they are expected to start heading back to their home bases. The official said on condition of anonymity that Esper had made the decision and the troops would be heading back to Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Fort Drum in New York. He made the decision on his own. You smug cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Fuck you. While the troops were in the National Capital Region, they were not deployed to Washington and were on stamp. Where's the part about the fucking guns? Did I even, isn't that even in there? Thursday, the Pentagon sent home about 700 active troops
Starting point is 00:48:07 to return to Fort Bragg. Anyways, there are about 5,000 National Guard personnel, either in Washington or on the way to assist law enforcement. So, he made the call. Don't use your guns and shit. Trump's trying to show military force. So he's in a beef with Trump, I think. I read that.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Hey, ladies and gentlemen, you guys know I've been talking about this book, Supersize Blues. I'm telling you, if you like violence and sex, then who doesn't? The fuck is this? I love how camera shot. I have to, you know, six inches across. Now, there's Derek Jeter leaving a strip club in Atlanta. Super-sized cat.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I made that joke twice now. But it's a good book. It's a window of how people can be driven to do things that they ordinarily would not do, like wash a black guy's feet. Roger St. John, who wrote the book, is one of us. Roger believes in freedom of expression, not political correctness. The author is an attorney from California who lived in Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:49:16 before expatriating to Oregon. The research for this book is extensive and shaped much of the plot, and you can tell. If you have any questions at all, you can contact the author through the publisher Corker LLC. Supersize Blues is available at Amazon. We thank them for sponsoring the show. Hi. So we got the guy right.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Esper telling the National Guard did not use their guns. So we got the guy, right? Esper telling the National Guard to not use their guns. What are you just calling the cops from England that chase you with fucking wiffle ball bats? So following on the heels of that story, here we go. Marines ban Confederate flag 155 years after the end of the Civil War. What do you think of that, folks? What the hell's going on out here? The Confederate battle flag has all too often been co-opted by violent extremists and racist
Starting point is 00:50:12 groups whose divisive beliefs have no place in our core, the military branch said. Yes, and the Black Lives Matter flag, that flies proudly today. The Black Lives Matter flag, that flies proudly today. Our history as a nation and events like the violence in Charlottesville in 2017 highlight the divisiveness the use of the Confederate battle flag has had on our society. How about the white people that died in the Civil War and shit? I know they're fighting against the fucking corrective, but I'm saying that people have a history down south that fought on the other side,
Starting point is 00:50:49 and the flag means something to them. Is that what we're going to do? Take down the Frank Grisostat? They tore down a bunch of Confederate ones too, by the way. You know, that's what ISIS does when they invade a country. They destroy all the history of the country. That's what fucking Nazi Germany did. a country. They destroy all the history of the country.
Starting point is 00:51:04 That's what fucking Nazi Germany did. Totalitarianism, it's called. You're witnessing it. I'm going to build a statue of Frank Rizzo using like silly putty and Legos and shit. If he wasn't a cop,
Starting point is 00:51:26 he would have been a mob fucking capo. Just a big, strong, scary Italian dude. He got the fedora and the fucking... Vote white. In a free country, you could say that, even today. Oh, my God. Imagine? So our history as a nation and events like the...
Starting point is 00:51:44 The directive includes banning depictions of the flag Oh my God. Imagine. So our history as a nation and events like the vibe, but the directive includes banning depictions of the flag on vehicle bumper stickers, clothing and coffee mugs that can't sit well with the people down South. I got to fuck you. Fuck you. You know, I'm offended by the black lives matter t-shirts and their flags and shit. Anything. It hurts my feelings. Take it down. by the Black Lives Matter t-shirts and their flags and shit. Anything?
Starting point is 00:52:07 It hurts my feelings. Take it down. Marine General David Berger had already announced the ban on the flag in April. Berger also ordered leaders to move women into combat jobs in his April memo.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I don't even know this guy. We should Google him. I guarantee he's a big girl. Yeah, move them into leadership jobs, because we see how well that's worked out in the police stations across the country. And to review the possibility of year-long maternity leave for female Marines. Oh, he's getting to the real important shit. And of extending parental leave policies to same-sex partners. That's it. It's over, ladies and gentlemen. You can't handle the truth!
Starting point is 00:52:55 It is fucking over. Turn out the lights. The party's over. They say that all good things must end. Call it a night. The party is over. And tomorrow and next year starts the same old thing. Good old dandy dom, Meredith. It is. It's over. These are the big concerns of the Marines. Extending parental leave policies to same-sex partners. Oh, Nick, you just don't like change of progress. We're going backwards at 100 miles an hour.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Just like when they integrated men and women in the military. Remember that argument? Now they're all mixed together. There's been about 70,000 sexual assaults since they did that that's the thing what the left does they do social engineering then they don't go back and review their work to see how it turned out sexual assault on women in the military
Starting point is 00:53:59 women getting pregnant there was a reason they were divided what's that what was that and women getting pregnant, there was a reason they were divided. What's that? Raz, what was that? Here's a story that I just wanted to drive to San Antonio and bitch slap this. I don't even know where he lives now. San Antonio Spurs coach, Greg Popovich,
Starting point is 00:54:19 pineapple face. Yeah, grow that beard. Hide that fucking Edward James Almost skin you got. Said he's embarrassed as a white person. I'm embarrassed that you are a white person. Here he's saying to a black guy,
Starting point is 00:54:34 pull my finger. Embarrassed as a white person that George Floyd could die in such a nonchalant manner. You see, Mr. Popovich, you stupid fuck, the whole country agrees on that. So you're not saying anything profound.
Starting point is 00:54:52 What's it got to do with all the other white people? You libs hate when we generalize. When you say all women are all blacks, you go nuts. But because of a fucking jerk-off cop, all cops are bad. And all white people are really part of the systemic problem. Total horseshit. Guy's a fucking idiot. I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy,
Starting point is 00:55:15 yummy. The 71-year-old Popovich addressed Floyd's death in a video released Saturday by the Spurs. In a strange, counterintuitive sort of way, the best teaching moment of this recent tragedy i think was the look on the officer's face popovich said for white people to see how nonchalant how casual just how every day going about his job so much so that he could just put his left hand in his pocket wriggle his knee around a little bit to teach this person some sort of lesson and that it was his right and his duty to do it in his mind. I think I'm just embarrassed as a white person to know that that can happen. Are you embarrassed when fucking white people are shot? When a fucking 85 year old veteran gets beat up by three young black men in a
Starting point is 00:56:06 parking lot in seattle a few years ago to death did that embarrass you where the fuck are you when shit like that happens it's just a one-way street fucking idiot i think i'm just to actually watch a lynching we've all seen books and you look in the books and you see black people hanging off trees. He's comparing that to a cop wrestling with a guy who had a record. You don't see the difference? And somehow we're all implicated in this because we're white?
Starting point is 00:56:38 I'm Italian, I'm not white. Patrice O'Neill kept pointing that out to me. DePaulo, are you defending white? You ain't even fucking white. I'm not? Well, it says on every application, if I can, I pay taxes, get no money from the government.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Oh, I'm white. And I did 23andMe, whatever the fuck. I'm more English and Irish than I am Italian. It's not, we don't do the fucking, what the black girl one eighth uh you know we got one eighth blood i have a little black i mean because patrice's great great great great grandfather fucking raped somebody in sicily um youtube relax these are fucking funny things uh listen to popovich go on, pineapple head. It's like the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:57:28 where you know there's a dangerous corner, and you know that something's going to happen someday, and nobody does anything. And then a young kid gets killed, and a stop sign goes up. Well, without getting too political, we've got a lot of stop signs that need to go up quickly, because our country is in trouble, and the basic
Starting point is 00:57:44 reason is race. That party's got right, but... Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Not this time. The basic reason is race. The basic reason is how race was handled in this country. Handed to the libs in the 60s or whatever the fuck. Okay. And the media who have cherry picked stories. I'll say it again. Cherry picked stories created their own narrative.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Never focused on white victims for 30 years and it's caught fire. It finally worked for them. I'll ask this again. I asked it last week. Does the black community have any responsibility at all to change, to stop having babies out of wedlock generation after generation? Has anybody asked that question? Do they have any responsibility at all?
Starting point is 00:58:49 Responsible to almost 70% of the violent crime in this country and they're only 14% of the population. You're going to blame all that on Whitey too? Oh yeah, it's systemic racism. That's why they're... We can't have a dialogue. One side doesn't want to listen. Looks like it's not going to matter anymore.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Popovich said white people must help lead the charge for change, like they haven't been trying to. Oh, my fucking word. We have to do it. Black people have been shouldering this burden for 400 years. The only reason this nation has made the progress that it has is because of the persistence, patience, and effort of black people. Please tell me he's kidding.
Starting point is 00:59:28 You can't handle the truth. Yes, they're the most patient people I know. Persistence, yes. Loud, yes. Oh, they're so patient. Is this show even going to fucking air? Can you even fucking be honest anymore? Price and AKs this afternoon, by the way.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Between that and AR-15. Can I just tell my fans out there, you guys just blew it up this last past week. We had the most successful week we've had on the show. And I'm guessing because you have to hear the truth somewhere. And there's about three places you can. When it comes to a subject like this, don't even bother with Fox News or anyone.
Starting point is 01:00:18 They can't have honest. It's hilarious when they try to talk about, unless it's CNN, MSNBC, they hire, you know, they hire fucking Al Sharptons of the world. Joy Reid, the most racist fucking homophobic broad on the planet. She got her own show. But we had more, let me read the contribution.
Starting point is 01:00:34 I usually have a page and a half of them. Bear with me. This is how killer this week was. And I can't thank you enough. One-time contributions, John Corey, New York, Bear Shelton, Georgia, Catherine Yorty, West Virginia, Gerard Boyd, Armed Forces Pacific, Robert Cook, Maine, Raz's parole officer, Ohio,
Starting point is 01:00:52 Glenn Alford, Arkansas, Jason Larkin, Ireland, Derek McBroon, Ohio, Mandy, will you marry me, James Frank, Washington. Is that an actual proposal? Joel St. Marie, Louisiana. Amanda Bauman, Florida. Nancy Dirks, California. Gregory Flaherty, Pennsylvania. Anthony DiCamillo, Connecticut. Tom Sheridan, Florida.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Jason McIntosh, Theo Martin. Why are they... Tom, you didn't put where they're from for the second page? Jason McIntosh, Theo Martin, Steve Archer, Dusty Walsh, Kent Bamberger, Robert Eumanns, Jordan Budgen, Anthony Andrea, Joseph Ezra, Sylvain DeGenees, Deborah Callahan, Larry Kruger, Randy Reed, Nick, my hell, it might be a joke of them. I got to read.
Starting point is 01:01:44 I got to go. I got to go. Samantha Benton, Aaron, Russ Termina, Jill Most, Virginia, Steve Stacy, Florida, Ted Bundy, Utah, Rachel Laufenberg, Arizona, Gary Wick, Minnesota, Paul Nembach, New York, Christopher Salvo from my hometown. Major donation. New York, Christopher Salvo from my hometown, major donation, David Balsamo, Wisconsin, Sarah Rempel, Illinois, John Bowler, Montana, Darren Andrews, Florida, Keith Miller, Indiana, James Black, New York, Tyler Olson, Washington, Gregory Barry, Florida. Matthew Silberto, Canada. Lucian Garipi, Canada. Kung Flu Virus, Philippines. Tim Hersheet, Ohio.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Jason Heichlinger, Maryland. Titless Wonder, California. John Hartenbauer, Illinois. Randy Parks, Washington. Robert Cicere, New Jersey. Benjamin Welty, Ohio. Gilbert Ramos, California. Diane Ames, California, David D. Shifflett, North Carolina, Agata Weiserich from Queens, New York. Another major donation. When I say major, 500 or above. That's a got a wiser.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Derek Fatballs McCran, John Brent, Michigan, Joel St. Marie, Louisiana, Susan Coral, Pennsylvania, Frenchie LaBerge, Colorado. They got a permit, Syl, Pennsylvania. Donna Peluso, New York, Gregory Kent, New York, Robin Kowicki, Michigan, Eric Blazinski, Virginia, Zach Beard, Utah, Samuel Lingo, Arkansas, Allison and Michael Nasir, Ohio or Nassar, uh, my Cox, my Cox mall, China. I bet it is Mikey Martin from Marblehead, Massachusetts. It's sort of where I, you know, where I grew up. Those were the daily contributions, folks.
Starting point is 01:03:46 60 of them. Here are the monthly. Here's people who signed up at Patreon. Sean McQueen, Adrian Filardo, Paul Johnson, Damian M., Jason McIntosh, Theo Martin, Steve Archer, Dusty Walsh, Kent Bamberger, Robert Yeomans, Jordan Budgen, Anthony Andrea, Joseph Ezra, Sylvain DeGenes, DeGenes, Deborah Callahan, Larry Kruger, Randy Reed, Nick, my hell, Samantha Benton, Aaron, he didn't want me to say his last name, I think, Russ
Starting point is 01:04:29 Termina and Peter Gula. We had 40-something people sign up to Patreon last week. I can't thank you guys enough. I can't. The support enough. I can't.
Starting point is 01:04:45 The support. We need the show. I'm sorry. It's getting worse out there. People being fired for saying all lives matter and shit. What the fuck is going on? So thank you. I can't thank you enough.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Especially those really large donations. Those freaked me out. Real quickly, Raz is like, what are we, cutting a double album here? Let's wrap this shit up, man. I got a kid, a couple kids, and a wife. Busting my stones. Here's how far the lonercy has gone. Well, let me just...
Starting point is 01:05:25 HBO Max Loney Tunes reboot. It's a reboot. Bans Elmer Fudd from having a gun. Do we have a video here? Be very, very quiet. I'm hunting rabbits. Ha, ha, ha, ha. You all saw him.
Starting point is 01:05:49 He had a gun. According to the series executive producer and showrunner Peter Braungart, the new series Looney Tunes Cartoons, which has launched
Starting point is 01:05:59 on HBO Max, will still feature Elmer Fudd as a character as a characteristically violent character. Oh, because he's an all white guy. However, he he's an all-white guy. However, he will now carry a scythe.
Starting point is 01:06:08 What are you, don't you chop weeds with a... Instead of a gun, and his attacks will be restricted to using sticks of dynamite. Oh, that's fine for the kids. Booby traps and dropping heavy objects on Bugs Bunny. What the fuck? What? What is going on out here? God damn god damn what's the world coming to uh he says we're not doing guns he said in the new york times that we can do carny cartoony violence tnt the acme
Starting point is 01:06:34 stuff all this that was kind of a grandfathered in but not the gun explain to me you shithead how that fucking cartoon of him having a gun is going to make somebody go out and buy a gun. So the kid doesn't watch this cartoon anymore because he thinks it's silly because the guy's carrying a scythe. You know, he does. He goes and plays a video game where everybody has a gun. Fucking sick. It's a mental illness. In the original series, Elmified carries a rifle around as he unsuccessfully tries to hunt down rabbits such as Bugs Bunny. Despite the absence of a gun, Brongard
Starting point is 01:07:09 said that they tried to stick as much to the original as possible. I always thought, what if Warner Brothers had never stopped making Looney Tunes cartoons yet? As much as we possibly could, we treated the production in that way. You're just another fucking nitwit. Okay, I'm just going to end this on real quick quick you remember last
Starting point is 01:07:26 week I put up a clip of a guy on Twitter a black dude remember him who was a pro Trump guy and he laid it out beautifully remember he spoke for about four minutes he even talked about corporate tax and the kid follows the news
Starting point is 01:07:41 and he said we'll get to the racist shit later and he was a pro Trump guy and he says if you don to the racist shit later and he was a pro-trump guy and he says if you don't like it go somewhere else he fucking like nailed it i mean it was it was beautiful well guess what youtube took that down i'm just showing you what i'm up against and and uh you know and also i put up a tweet listen to this this is so controversial this tweet i can't believe. They took this tweet down when I tweeted, how can we have an honest conversation about race when half the English, I put have, when half, what? Oh no, it's on, in here it's spelled have. Thank you, Raz. How can we have an honest conversation about race when half the English language is off limits to white people?
Starting point is 01:08:28 That was too hot for Twitter. What bias? Huh? What bias? You can't handle the truth. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. That is it, folks.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Really, keep your chin up, man. I don't know what to tell you at this point. Drew Brees getting death threats. Getting death threats for his opinion that he wouldn't disrespect the flag. Now the whole league's going to take a knee. Hopefully Kaepernick can get a job.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Wow. All based on a lie. I'll say it again. All based on a fucking lie. Not the fucking Floyd thing. We all agreed. The whole country agreed that guy should rot in hell. But to paint all the other cops like that. It's just nonsense.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Anyways, that is it. Don't forget tomorrow, Steve Schripp. And on Thursday, Dinesh D'Souza. Anyways, thank you guys for all your support. Remember, you think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you at the same time tomorrow. Bye. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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