The Nick DiPaolo Show - Blood On Soros' Hands | Nick Di Paolo Show #1355

Episode Date: February 16, 2023

MSU Shooter Previously Had Charges Dismissed. A Pill For Bill. New Baseball Rules. Scha-Funny-Business. Join Nick for bonus content at Patreon! Go see Nick on the r...oad! for tickets  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous. Now you get the hell out of here. And if that goomba tries any rough stuff, you tell him I ain't no band leader. That was Jeff Ross arguing with Comedy Central. Anyhow, how are you folks? Welcome
Starting point is 00:00:58 final day of the week here, Thursday. Glad you tuned in. How's the wife, the kids, all filthy? More balloons and shit? Are you living in chemical spills or? There's a good chance that I think I'm joking, but I don't think...
Starting point is 00:01:13 Tennessee, do you know there was one in Tennessee last night or yesterday? Yeah. That's what I saw on Twitter. Um, don't tell me they're not trying to sabotage the food and the... We're in a weird... And it feels self-inflicted. don't tell me they're not trying to sabotage the food and the we're in a weird and it feels self-inflicted
Starting point is 00:01:29 no it's not paranoid or whatever the fuck no it's a coincidence all this shit's happening fucking bizarre man bizarre I don't know between China and Biden.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Think about it. I mean, think about the shit they gave Trump about not being a good president. Think about it. It's laughable. This guy is so compromised by China, it's hilarious. And don't believe the Republicans with all these stupid hearings and shit.
Starting point is 00:02:03 That's going to distract you, too. It's all part of the fucking game. Anyways, I'm Jerry. How are you? Good way to start off. Let's, well, let's start off with a guy who's at the root of all this evil, a lot of people say. This hatred bringing this country to its knees. George Soros, blood on Soros' hands. What do I mean by that? Well,
Starting point is 00:02:27 by now you've all heard about this shooting in Michigan State University. A gunman who killed three, wounded five others, and by the way, they're critical, at Michigan State University on Monday, get this, would have been barred from owning a firearm at the time of the shooting had he not had felony gun charges dismissed by a dumb liberal twat, a progressive prosecutor who was produced by who? Jerkoff Soros. Now, I don't know when you people out there whose family members are dying and victims of Soros. Now, I don't know when you people out there whose family members are dying and victims of Soros' actions, I don't know what you're waiting for. Nobody's going to take action on him until you do. Now, if you love your fucking family enough, you'll go to jail for them.
Starting point is 00:03:18 That's my theory. Somebody should strangle the cocksucker until he's dead. I'm just teasing, George. Wouldn't have any of that. But once again, somebody is, three young kids are dead, cut down in the prime of their lives because of George Soros and his filthy money. And it's disgusting. It's really disgusting. Put the picture up of the woman. Let me guess, real female-like, I bet, huh?
Starting point is 00:03:51 Here's the prosecutor. Oh, look at that, the dentist from... Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Once again, a woman with manly features and a boy's regular haircut, who again, and I'll say it again a million times, didn't fit into the mainstream in this country. So she's spending her later years fighting against everything that's good.
Starting point is 00:04:17 If Soros picked you, you're a piece of garbage. So if my kid died because of this bitch at Michigan State, one of my, I'd find out what she's all about. That's all I'm going to say. I'd send her a Whitman sampler. You get it, don't you? Anyways, yeah, so she dismissed the charges against this Anthony McRae, this piece of garbage that shot these kids. So she dismissed the charges against this Anthony McRae, this piece of garbage that shot these kids.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Anthony McRae was charged in June of 2019 with illegally carrying a concealed handgun without a permit, but later had those charges dismissed by the office of Ingham County District Attorney. Was that Carol Seaman? That was Carol Seaman that we just looked at. Oh, are you ever. Are you ever. How do you feel now?
Starting point is 00:05:13 Why is there not a reporter banging on her door? Going, how do you feel? She'll just deny it because they have no shame. Her office instead let McCray plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor gun charge. And he served a little more than a year on probation, which makes me want to carry a gun and do illegal shit and smash and grab and steal shit out of CBS because nobody's going to jail. Oh, that's right. I'm a white male and I voted for Trump. I'd be in prison forever. Which ended May 2021. He initially faced up to five years in prison for the felony charge, the Detroit News reported.
Starting point is 00:05:49 It was serious enough to be a five-year charge. He gets probation. Seaman, all over this woman's forehead, I doubt it, retired from the district's attorney's office at the start of this year after facing criticism from judges and law enforcement, you know, the guys who put their necks on a line trying to capture guys like this, officials for her soft on crime policies. So she gets criticized and she retired. The same year that McCrae was released, Ingham County Sheriff Scott Rigglesworth
Starting point is 00:06:22 pushed East Lansing City Council to reconsider her internal felony firearm charging policy, which he said does not hold people properly criminally accountable and increases the likelihood of additional gun violence. Yes, sir. Hey, fucking man. fucking man. You got people sick and bad people on. I mean, it took college students' lives. Seaman made it her office's official policy in August 2021 to drop mandatory prison sentences.
Starting point is 00:06:58 That's all you need to know about her. For felony firearm charges. Whoa. What do you do? Give them detention? She said the sentencing enhancement led to dramatic racial inequity. How's that?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Oh, more black people were victim of, oh, that's right, because they commit more crimes. That's called disparate impact, folks. She looked at the numbers, just like Obama did the after-school system, saw more black kids were being suspended than white kids. Didn't want to know why, just said that's racism. Same logic goes here, or lack of logic, I should say. Led to dramatic racial inequity.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It was not in any way linked to the goal that we share of keeping the public safe. What does that even fucking mean? You fucking whore. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Seaman is part of George Sherrill's
Starting point is 00:07:56 vast public safety network. She has participated in international criminal justice reform, junkets, with other reform minded Prosecutors like Philadelphia's Larry Krasner. Yeah, how's the murder right there? Chicago's Kim Foxx who just did more illegal shit recently And Los Angeles is George Gascon Wasn't he recalled or am I I confusing? No, that was
Starting point is 00:08:25 Buden. These three radical scumbags are all protégés of George Soros. She also backed radical San Francisco prosecutor, oh yeah, Chesa Buden, ahead of a recall campaign that eventually ousted him from office.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Can you imagine when you're too liberal for San Francisco? That means you're mentally ill You're going this Huh? Yeah, I am Can you fucking him and again, what if you're that's your daughter your son Three three and and it wasn't racial by it because, you know, a young black girl, good student, a white girl, you know, just guys fucking cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs should be in jail. But, you know, let's worry about the victims.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Don't worry, I mean, not the victims. Let's worry about the suspect and his feelings. That's why I'm looking at some property I told you guys from Poland right on the right on the Warsaw River is there such a thing Dallas the way exactly let's move on here's some good news that's it's the last day of the week I try to throw some light shit in there. A pill for Bill. It's the best I could do. Look, I get AIDS in my chest, monkey pox in my taint. I don't know what's going on. I don't feel good. Excuse me. A male, see that? That just crawled up on my, a male contraceptive pill. I'll repeat that. A male
Starting point is 00:10:02 contraceptive pill could create an on-demand way for men to prevent pregnancy. Oh, yay. Researchers from the National Institutes of Dirty Whores and Pigs say they've had enough of being responsible. No. National Institutes of Health say the compounds in this drug Block a fertility protein for 24 hours that protein should be going down every co-ed's throat In my what? Moreover men could take the contraceptive right before sex and still get full Protection I don't know you want to believe that Sounds too good to be true to me. I don't know. You want to believe that? Sounds too good to be true to me.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. Here's a guy holding a doily. It has nothing to do with the story. And there's a little pill on the right being bombarded by gay sperm. So the guy on the left is holding the little pill thing that has the days of the week on it. You see how they have to make it just like, that's how you know it's tit for tat.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I'm not saying this is good or bad, whatever. But let me, can I just, my initial instincts on this? Okay, so the guy's like, I don't have to wear rubber. Now, my initial reaction is guys are going to go, all right, no condoms, which is going to do what? Increase STDs, unwanted pregnancies. No, not unwanted pregnancies. It's the whole idea of the pill. What am I saying?
Starting point is 00:11:35 But you know what? STDs, which are already fucking the highest numbers we've seen in a long time, apparently. All this shit's making a comeback. Scientists say that in some ways it's more effective than women's oral birth control medications. Yeah, there's probably not propaganda from women wanting guys to... Let me ask you, ladies, you really going to... Yeah, you going to trust guys to be that organized and shit? They're already fucked up because they had to get you fucked up
Starting point is 00:12:05 to get you back to the room. I hope it goes good with Tito's. Anyways, which users have to take daily? The women do. In experiments, the non-hormonal compound stopped mouse sperm cells. Good news if you're fucking a mouse. In their tracks. I didn't know mouse left tracks, preventing them from maturing.
Starting point is 00:12:32 The animals' sexual functioning was normal. Male lab rodents mated with females, only the good ones that looked pretty in head, but there were no pregnancies Okay, so I guess I guess our reproductive systems the same as a dirty rat Is that what you're telling me? Yeah, motherless fuck. Yeah Look at this guy That's me working out That's me working out.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Our inhibitor works within 30 minutes to an hour, says lead author Dr. Melanie Baalbeck. She looks like a nice lady. Look what I came up with. In a statement, every other experimental hormonal or non-hormonal male contraceptive takes weeks to bring sperm count down or render them unable to fertilize eggs. I didn't know that. I wonder why I've got 11 young Puerto Rican girls pregnant in two weeks. How does the male birth control pill work?
Starting point is 00:13:41 Well, you put, you know the Tolerx you have? You pull that off the wall, your girlfriend has to put some country crock on it, stick it in your ass and blow the pill up in there nice. So there is some work involved in a woman's part. Now the drug temp, this is how the male one works. The drug temporarily disables an enzyme called SAC, soluble in little cyclosomes, cyclase. It disables that. They know that you look into a microscope and you see a little cell in a wheelchair trying to get up a ramp. It's sliding back down, which triggers the sperm cells to swim. Researchers note that, what is that, princess sperm? That's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Researchers note that sperm recovered from female mice's mouths, the ones that blew the rats, remained incapacitated. And there was no side effects in males taking the drug because they've given rats other male contraceptives, and there were side effects. They start gambling, beating their wives. The compound wore off three hours later with male mice recovering their fertility right after.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Again, this is all great if... A single dose rendered sperm immobile for up to two and a half hours with the effects persist... Doesn't whiskey do that? With the effects almost kind of... With the effects persisting in the female reproductive tract after sex.
Starting point is 00:15:25 There were 52 attempts at impregnation and all failed. In contrast, one in three mice treated with a placebo that acted as a control group got their partners pregnant. I say stay away from placebos. Good night, everybody. After three hours, some sperm began regaining motility, with virtually all recovering a day later. The team at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York is hailing the breakthrough as a potential game changer for preventing unwanted pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Do guys feel that way? Maybe. I don't know. They're not very responsible. The team is already working. You know guys are going to go, you know, they'll forget, and they get tic-tacs. No, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:16:19 The team is already working on making SAC inhibitors better suited for use in humans. Notes co-author Professor Lonnie Levin. Seen here, a real pussy magnet himself. Looks like Greg Gutfeld. He was retaining water for a year. Look at that fucking piece of ass. So, ladies, that's good news. I know you complain a lot,
Starting point is 00:16:40 but here's my argument against that. You know what? During sex, you girls get to lay there. We got to get our pricks up. And again, this is after 12 drinks. It's late. This is when I was single, by the way. This shit don't happen no more. I'm just saying, can't you at least take a pill? Is it that much to ask? You have all the fun. Young girls are going, what are you talking about? The guy comes in like 30 seconds. The night sucks. Maybe you got a point there, but I'm 61, you know what I'm saying? You're supposed to think of baseball, and I always think of the Milwaukee Brewers
Starting point is 00:17:13 because they suck and then I lose my heart. Nick, that's silly. Oh, but it is. Hey, you know what, kids? I'm touring again. That's what they call it. I call it getting on a plane begrudgingly, picking up a germ from a screaming baby,
Starting point is 00:17:31 picking up a mediocre check, and coming home to the wife. Guys and gals, I'll be back on the road soon. Here's where you can see me. The same place I told you fucking yesterday. March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of Kansas City. That's in Missouri.
Starting point is 00:17:45 April 21 and 22, the Funny Bone, the one in St. Louis, then the one in St. Charles, Missouri. Wow, I'm hitting a lot of Missouri. May 12th, Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort. If you get there early, you might see me back into a cop car. That's in Daytona Beach, obviously, Florida. You can get tickets to all these shows at Click on the button that says Tour. Let's move on to some lighter news before we go for the week. Baseball rules. They got new ones.
Starting point is 00:18:13 This is Major League Baseball. I don't know if you guys have been following this. Do you believe their preseason has started officially? Do you believe that shit? Didn't the Astros just win it all or am I? Yesterday. Yeah. Boston Red Sox manager,
Starting point is 00:18:30 who I've come to fucking love, by the way, Alex Cora. That's right. He helped cheat. You know why I love that? Because it fucked the Yankees over. When they cheated that year, they fucked the Yankees over.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Said he agrees with Major League Baseball's new rules but offered one notable quip on the first day of spring training about they have new bases now you know the white things just step on um here's him talking about those this is little bases you know wait till you see them they look like a like a pizza box to be honest with you i mean i get it four inches that's huge pause when he says four inches he's that's not the the bases are three inches more but the four inches they cut four inches down on the home plate distance to first base or maybe all the bases yeah probably right yeah the additional three inches is what actually makes everything four inches closer. Oh, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I see what you're saying. How does it make it three inches closer? Math. Why would it make it three inches closer if it's three inches? No, they're three inches larger, which makes them four inches closer because you have the combination of home first, all the bases now in relation to each other i get you sonny boy even home plays no they didn't mention home play and i just even so the base is still i don't care your theory stinks i was asking home plate to first um so uh yeah but uh i see what you're saying there. So what do you think, Dallas?
Starting point is 00:20:05 You're a baseball fan. On the base size, I'm a little mixed. I think if it's related to just stealing bases, it could be more fun. They're making the injury argument, which I think is kind of weak because it's been that way since the beginning of baseball. Yeah, first baseman I've been getting stepped on since the beginning. But I hear what you're saying too. When you're running
Starting point is 00:20:27 down the line like a maniac, I don't know if that few inches, you're just going to step on the first thing you see. We'll see. That's no biggie. But I don't like the idea they said they're going to put Vaseline on him to make it more interesting. And if you notice, a lot
Starting point is 00:20:43 of these rules, once again, cater to more offense. MLB has adopted a series of new rules that will be implemented this season, including increasing the size of the bases from 15 square inches to 18. Excuse me. The enlarged bases are primarily intended to promote safety. First basemen are less likely to get stepped on, but also are expected to lead to an increase in stolen attempts because the base paths have been shortened by four inches, which is great. God, I feel like shit. Cora noted, however, that he's managed the Red Sox
Starting point is 00:21:17 to play fast whenever we can and said he does not think stolen base totals will increase exponentially. Marlins, what's the guy's name? Can't see it. Yeah, Geron Berthith led major leagues with 41 stolen bases last season, which means he'll have 141 this year. No. While Travis Story paced the Red Sox with 13. That's why we came in last, remember? Talking to the minor league coaches and everybody that used
Starting point is 00:21:48 the rules last year it's not that all of this all of a sudden we're going to steal 100 bags with these guys core says the value of the out is still in play and you get 27 so you got to be smart you're going to be efficient he was just making shit up to get this guy off his back mlb also will introduce a pitch clock. This is interesting. That will count down 15 seconds with no runners on base, and then they'll give them 20 seconds with runners on base. It's to pick up the speed of the game, and I think we're all for that. Are we not? That's not working. Great. The MLB clock will be slightly longer than the version experimented with in the minor leagues last season. 14 seconds with bases empty and 19 seconds with runners.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Again, we didn't need to know that. These articles, they get paid by the fucking word. The triple A and 14, whatever the fuck. Who cares what happens at single A, you cheesy. Other new rules include a ban of defensive shifting. I'm for this. I got sick of guys hitting the ball very hard. That used to be a hit for 100 years. But I respect, I think it was Madden, Joe Madden that started all this, right? Madden was the one who started this shit. I respect him being creative.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I think it was him. A ban of defensive shifting that will require four players, other than the pitcher and catcher, to be again, they word it, in front of the outfield ground. In other words, on the dirt in the infield. Why do you worry? Who wrote this? It's either Pam or a guy named Bruce with a yellow sweater.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It's the guy in that commercial. What position did you play? In front of the outfield grass when a pitch is thrown, including two of the four on either side. So in other words, you can't have the shortstop over in right field playing short right field, but they all have to be two on the side. I'm for that, I guess. I don't know how the hitters feel.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I'm good that, I guess. I don't know how the hitters feel. In addition, there will be a limit during each play to parents of two pickoff attempts, which is good. Nothing slows a game down when a guy would throw over 11 times. I guess the crowd won out on that one. You know how they always boo? For a hundred years, they boo every time a guy throws over. Anyway, she can only pick off attempts twice, step off the rubber. When MLB calls, they call that disengagements. If a third attempt is made and is unsuccessful, a balk would be called. Oh, well. The limit would be reset to two during a plate appearance if a runner advances.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I wouldn't want to be an ump this year. There's going to be a lot of shit going on. All that shit I think is pretty positive, you know? I personally, probably because of my age, but even when I was a kid, I liked the sport for the sport. Didn't care if a game went three and a half hours. That's why I don't understand when people go, I loved the movie, but it was too long.
Starting point is 00:24:47 When I love something, like fucking, you ever hear a girl go, that was terrific, but that was way too long. I don't get it. I wish Godfather was six hours. I have that kind of time. Finally tonight, right? For the week. I threw a light one in.
Starting point is 00:25:07 The ladies, this girl's name is Shabizness. S-C-H-A. This is her last name. S-C-H-A and then the word business. That's why I call this Shafunny Business. God, am I fucking terrific. I reported on this story when it happened months ago because it was so gruesome,
Starting point is 00:25:27 and the girl sounds like a hell of a time. The Wisconsin woman, buckle up, folks, accused of decapitating her lover during a wild meth-fueled escapade. Anything good ever happen on meth other than some great punk bands? She's on meth, fucking with her boyfriend. Cuts his head off somehow.
Starting point is 00:25:53 That's a terrific drug. Last year, randomly attacked her own lawyer in the courtroom this past Tuesday. Striking him in the head. What's the idea? With her cuffs on. Taylor Shabizness. Shabooby bop. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:26:16 That's beautiful skin, though, right? It's funny how when you rub your dead boyfriend's organs all over you, it keeps your face moist. I don't know if she looks crazy because we know what she did, or she just looks crazy. I was expecting toothless Florida. Taylor's your business. Now I get shit pains.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Oh, my God. Do I have to go for this physical today, Della? Taylor's your business. 25 lunged at defense attorney Quinn Jolly after the judge in the gruesome murder case suggested pushing the trial back two months. Take a look at the video of her attacking her own lawyer on Tuesday. Stop it. Stop it Stop it
Starting point is 00:27:07 Rachel, call Alright Your mother sucks cocks in hell, Tara Your mother sucks cocks in hell, Tara Look at her, she's getting laid Cocks and hell. Your mother sucks cocks and hell. Look at her. She's getting laid. Now, again, my street instincts go, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:27:36 He's trying to prove to the judge she's not fit for trial. Why not have her act crazy and pretend to attack me? Or I could be wrong. She could be u-bots, as they say. Seemingly angered by the decision, the accused killer flings herself at the attorney who was sitting bedside. Bedside? What does that Can't see. It says, oh. Dallas. Bedside, I said. He's sitting bedside in a courtroom.
Starting point is 00:28:12 How about beside her? Striking him with her elbows and handcuffed wrists. Yeah, we all know that's dangerous. A security guard from a local mall jumped in. No. dangerous. A security guard from a local mall jumped in. No. Paul Blart then quickly tackles Shabiznes to the ground. The chaotic clip show. At one point the guards tool belt became wrapped around Shabiznes toes which were exposed after she lost her shoes in the tussle. Too bad her bra didn't come off.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Ha, ha, ha. After several minutes, two other guards eventually helped pinch a business down until she's calm. Oh, this is terrific. The bizarre blowup came after Jolly asked the judge, Walsh, for an extension in order to prove his client was not competent to stand trial. I think it's all fixed. For the February stage, 2022 grisly murder of 25-year-old Shad Therion. Look at this poor prick.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Hey, I met a hot chick online, fellas. I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll tell you tomorrow at work about the date. No, you won't. Your head's going to end up in a box. She business allegedly decapitated Therian during sex. How? Give me more.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Continued to perform sexual acts on his lifeless body. She's blowing a headless guy. Who hasn't done that? And mutilated his corpse with a serrated bread knife i remember her bragging about the bread knife worked best that's him getting a hand job she then stuffed his severed head and penis in a bucket drove up to a kfc and said take this back no and other body parts in a crock pot. Put them in a crock, didn't even cook
Starting point is 00:30:08 them. Leaving them for his mother to find. Oh my God. Bon appetit. The woman who was married to another man, oh my God, was found by police at home covered in blood. How fucking happy is the husband? Freedom!
Starting point is 00:30:24 She reportedly told cops they would have fun trying to find all the organs. Oh, my goodness. I'm guessing she said that after the meth war. She business pled not guilty by reason of cuckoo, mental disease, or defect, but reportedly admitted to cops that she went crazy during the deadly romp. Well, thanks for connecting the dots on that one. Maybe it's a case of just evil. I don't know. She told detectives she and Therion had been smoking methamphetamine before going to his mother's house, that's
Starting point is 00:31:06 how, to have sex using chains. First of all, why would your mother, why the, I'm guessing you brought the chains into your mother's house, unless she's a psycho. She also said she didn't intend on killing him. Who knew a serrated bread knife would go through a spine that easy? No, she said, I didn't intend to kill him, though reportedly admitted she sat on the victim and waited for him to die as he coughed up blood. What did she think was going to result from that? That is a wild date. Get out of here, knuckleheads.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Anyways, that's it for the week I thought I see it says it right there I thought I would end it on a happy send you into the week on a happy note thank you to all new patrons that signed up at Patreon to support the show
Starting point is 00:31:59 the show is free for anyone to watch there but you join one of our subscriber tiers. You get exclusive extra daily content, access to 300-plus archive shows, access to chat with other patrons. Message me directly. I thought it said massage me directly. I really have to get off.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Message me directly and save 10%. If you sign up for a full year, some people did. Thank you to Brian, Sean B., Monkey80, Billy Hudson, Will Ehrman. I also want to thank the following listeners for making contributions to help support the show. Of course, Paul Salinella, Sean Powell, Dean Lavender. Support the show. Of course, Paul Salinella, Sean Powell, Dean Lavender. Dean Lavender went to school with my brother. Billy Hudson in there.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Ray Grooms. Robert Hitt. So if you want to support the show by subscribing at Patreon and make it either a one-time or monthly contribution with Venmo, Cash App, PayPal, or any credit card, just go to and click on the Nick DiPaolo Show. Again, thank you guys so much. Have a great weekend. If you think it,
Starting point is 00:33:08 I'll say it. See you back here on Monday. Take care. Hi. Good night, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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