The Nick DiPaolo Show - China Weaponizes Wuhan Virus | Nick Di Paolo Show #313

Episode Date: March 10, 2020

US too dependent on China. Saying "Wuhan Virus" is racist? Biden needs to sit to debate Bernie. Thank you Gary L. from Zanesville for your "Ask Nick!" question and for being a valued Patreon supporter.... MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Oh yeah, oh yeah. You know what that means. It's Tuesday in Georgia. How are you folks? Great to be with you. I'll tell you, all kinds of news. All Corona related, huh? Let's calm the fuck down.
Starting point is 00:00:45 You get the shits, maybe, you know, if you're 106, maybe it's a danger, but relax. China says the guy who was 100 and was, you know, had it, was cured. So I'm not exactly shaking my boots. I mean, I did eight miles on the elliptical machine and three deep knee bends. I am ready for this shit. Know what I'm saying out there? Quit it. What the fuck did I want to talk about?
Starting point is 00:01:10 Right off the bat. I like that little kid howling. See, that's a boy bonding with his fucking inner, with his inner wolf. And soon as he goes to pre-K, they're going to turn him into an inner pussy. So you can't say shit like that. That's mean. Shut it. I'm from a wolf.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Anyways, yeah, the coronavirus news. I blame this guy. I know he looks like Kim Jong-un, but just pretend he's Chinese. What's the difference? Korea's getting whacked. What's the difference? That's so whacked. What's the difference? That's so racist, Nick.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I know. There'll be some angry emails at fucking MSNBC. Wait till I do that story. Aye, aye, aye. But he looks all right. Jesus Christ, I'm wearing my fucking hair like Kim Jong-un now. He's got nice teeth, fucking fat fuck. In Corona news. it's got nice teeth fucking fat fuck in corona news oh my god this is gonna get me kicked off the internet shut it uh i was watching uh the tucker
Starting point is 00:02:20 carlson show last night he had a great monologue opening and i didn't realize how much we depend on uh the chinese for their for uh antibiotics 96 percent first of all they're poisoning us with their fentanyl right about 98 of that comes from china obviously obviously they're a threat to us um but uh his tucker Tucker Carlson making some good points. I think, did he have Rubio on in this clip too? I don't know. Go ahead. First things we can do to prepare ourselves is break our dependence on China for essential medical supplies. Like chicken and broccoli. Last week, China's official news service published a piece gloating that the country has brought coronavirus under control. The story claims
Starting point is 00:03:04 the rest of the world should apologize to China for criticizing the country has brought coronavirus under control. The story claims the rest of the world should apologize to China for criticizing the country over the virus and then drops this not very subtle warning, quote, if China retaliates against the United States at this time, in addition to announcing a travel ban on the United States, it will also announce strategic control over medical products and ban exports to the United States. If China announces that its drugs are for domestic use and bans exports, the United States will fall into the hell of a new coronavirus epidemic, unquote. All right. In other words, they're threatening to kill us.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And that's not an empty threat. We really are that dependent on China for masks and medical equipment, for basic medicines. Yeah, because leaders over the last 30 years sold us down the road to China. OK, but Christ's sake, we it's Chinese medicine. Didn't we teach him how to make antibiotics? That was discovered by a guy who you don't want antibiotics. Do you know where penicillin comes from, folks? Moldy grapes. That's where you know how I know, do you know where penicillin comes from, folks? Moldy grapes.
Starting point is 00:04:06 That's where, you know how I know that? I'm allergic to penicillin. Yeah, when I was a kid, they pricked me with a bunch of shit, and I got a rash, and I still have to say that every time I go into the dark. But the point is, China's using us as a threat if we don't apologize. It started in your shitty communist country. Okay? And you didn't contain it.
Starting point is 00:04:29 You're having the soup. What's the soup of the day at Shanghai Gardens? Oh, bat soup. Yeah, I'll be right in. Yummy, yummy. The never-ending bowl of bat soup at the Chinese. That's where it started. But they're threatening us.
Starting point is 00:04:45 They're like, yeah, you think this is bad bad wait till the next one comes along holy shit so let's uh let's find some other countries that know how to make this and start making ourself come on with the united states of america christ's sake can't come up with that come on we cured uh you know what aids kind of unless you're a ha Haitian choreographer. And what? That's who it strikes. But anyways, I thought he was right on the money with that. You are correct, sir. I am correct.
Starting point is 00:05:14 But it's all fucking, I'm bored with the story already. And I'm sick. I still don't feel good. Head sweats again last night. I could freaking have it. I know damn well I have the strength to beat this shit. I beat AIDS. I beat SARS. I beat AIDS? Yes, I was a male figure skater in high school. Nobody knows that part of my life. But everybody, this is pretty interesting. Don't I have glasses? How are you doing, you fucking...
Starting point is 00:05:47 You think it's funny, do you? Everybody's listening to it. President Trump's new acting chief. He's got a new chief. Mulvaney's out. Puts Mark Meadows in there. Mark Meadows announced Monday he will self-quarantine. It's getting close to Trump, folks.
Starting point is 00:06:04 After he came in contact with an individual at cpac who later tested uh positive for the coronavirus that's why i don't go to cpac anymore i wonder who it was probably an asian waiter or some shit no uh they don't know who it is yet maybe they maybe they were announcing it as we're on the air right now uh during a monday night press conference on the coronavirus a outbreak, Trump refused to answer. Somebody asked him if he had been tested or not. And he said this. It's a sick question.
Starting point is 00:06:34 You're a sick fuck. And I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer. He's literally not that sick. Guess you got your answer. After the conference, Meadows, who was appointed last week, announced he will self-isolate his home. That'll be torture. I'd rather have friggin, you know what, Corona than be quarantined with my wife for 14 days. And I'm sure a lot of other fellas feel that way. Not a bad person. Just saying. Yep. Yep. Yep. But he's going to he's going to quarantine himself out of an abundance of caution.
Starting point is 00:07:06 After he was exposed to the virus at CPAC, Meadows received testing, which came back negative. While he's experienced zero symptoms, this is, I could say that about my test, under doctor's standard precautionary recommendations, he'll remain at home until the 14-day period expires this Wednesday. It comes after Congressman Matt Goetz. Do you remember Goetz? I should have had you pull this picture.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Last week, he was, there he is. He was sort of mocking this. Remember, he was on the floor of the house and he had a gas mask on when they were trying to pass some, he was kind of mocking it. But guess who was exposed to it? Monday, he announced he's going to self-quarantine after being in contact with a person at CPAC. He learned he was exposed while he was on Air Force One with the president. That's why they're asking Mr. Trump.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And Trump's like, what are you, shitting me? I eat Burger King four times a day. It doesn't, I'm still alive. You think this little shit's going to kill me? Senator Cruz, Paul Gosser of Arizona, Doug Collins of Georgia had already announced they will quarantine as well after attending the conference. Everybody at that conference is going to have to quarantine. Right. Pence and Trump both attended CPAC. However, the president dodged answering if he's been tested. Pence said he has not been tested and
Starting point is 00:08:22 claimed he'd have an answer on whether Trump was tested by last night. I don't know if they got that answer yet. How funny. How funny it would be if Trump had it and he's still doing the rallies. Just comes out with a fucking surgical mask on. Vice President Pence, who stayed to continue the briefing, said he has never been tested for the virus. Pence and Trump both attended the CPAC at the end of last month where an attendee tested positive. I'm guessing Lindsey Graham.
Starting point is 00:08:55 House Speaker Leather Nipples Nancy Pelosi, you know what she said? Boy, what a surprise. She thought Trump should be tested. That's what she said. I wish you a surprise. She thought Trump should be tested. That's what she said. I wish you were tested in a crash dummy Volvo car. You fucking I hate you. I can't tell you. She said she thinks Trump should be tested.
Starting point is 00:09:16 She says, I thought he should be tested for a long time. Oh, did you? Is that what you said? Why don't you get a big fucking lump on your neck? Matt Gatz put out a tweet, says, I should have the covid-19 test results back tomorrow. Health officials maintain the risk to people I've been in contact with remains low. Getz learned of it, like I said, when he left Orlando with the president on if was one. Now he quarantined himself. Oh, well, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:09:53 I'd like to drop a few pounds. I wouldn't mind if I got a touch of it. That's all I'm saying, folks. Know what I'm saying? Good way to get rid of it, doing this. There you go. There's four pounds right there. I'm shredded. See if I ain't gonna die. Then the CD comes out and urges elderly to stock up on food. What is this? Stay home amid coronavirus fears. I'm almost falling into the elderly. You know, they say 16 up. I'm breathing on that fucking. Elderly Americans, people with underlying health conditions you know like fucking uh being 106
Starting point is 00:10:29 with osteoporosis should stock up on food prepare to isolate themselves at home since they are the most at risk of getting seriously ill from the virus um that's kind of how old are you res oh you fucker i'm gonna get on a plane to baltimore That's kind of how old are you, Rez? Oh, you fucker. I'm going to get on a plane to Baltimore. I looked up my odds of dying this weekend. It's between coronavirus and gunplay in Baltimore. It's about 78%. They say they're telling old people have enough household items and groceries
Starting point is 00:11:06 that you'll be prepared to stay home for a period of time. Somebody from the CDC said that. You know when you quarantine old people to the house, you know what it looks like after fucking a day? Here you go. Here's two people. I think that's where the virus started, under that guy's recliner. Look at that. That's two people. I think that's where the virus started under that guy's recliner. Look at that. That's two old people preparing to be in the house for 14 days.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And this is what they're going to find, you know, at the end of 14 days is the family in the backyard. Like a little dog got coronavirus. What do they get to dwarf kids down there? virus. What do they get? Two dwarf kids down there? That's horrible. Anyways, risk of serious illness increased for patients 60 and older and was the highest for people 80 and older. Let's be honest. When you're 80 and older, is it the worst? So you old people stay the fuck out. You're probably going to get beat up. People are slapping Asian girls in high school and shit. I see you. I got to get on a goddamn plane.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Maybe I should drive to Baltimore, huh? No way. Fuck that. Absolutely not. Okay, real quickly, I got to thank people. Contributions. Again, folks, I can't stress this enough. This is how we keep the show going now that it's free.
Starting point is 00:12:28 You can make contributions at These are one time contributions from yesterday. Joni Chin, New York. I'll accept it even though she's Asian. I don't know. It could be tainted. I know her actually. She's fucking she's one of my favorite people. She works at a radio station. Jennifer Montgomery, Pennsylvania. Philip Petri Apollo, Petri Apollo, Brian McNally, Iowa. Petri Apollo is from Pennsylvania. Montgomery's from Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Johnny Chin, New York. Marsha Morris, California, George the first or George. I can't California. Steve Binkley from Tennessee. Jesse Andres from North Carolina. Thomas Briggs from Georgia. Keith Bednar's who sent the biggest card. Keith, thank you so much. see you. Monthly supporters, ENIAX, I don't know what that means, Michael Curran and Tim Hershey also contributed monthly, which you can do a pay. If you want to contribute a Patreon, right? If you sign up for Patreon, you get an extra story every day. You get to ask questions of me, and you get access to 300 archive shows or more. So again, keep in mind, for tour dates. Patreon, like I just told you. If you want to make a one-time contribution,
Starting point is 00:13:59 You click on the contact button. And if you have a business and you want to be a sponsor on this show, because the YouTube numbers are going up and sponsors are already coming. It's all working, is what I'm trying to tell you. And for free speech and your clientele are hardworking, taxpaying Americans. Hit me up at and we'll talk about sponsoring the show. and we'll talk about sponsoring the show. Just one more note in the coronavirus. This is where MSNBC is just, I trust Chinese state-run media more than MSNBC.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Well, it's a tie. Anyways, MSNBC journalist claims calling the coronavirus Wuhan virus, which is what I did yesterday, is racist. Can you shut up? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? That's what he's focusing on. David Gora. Do you understand that the Dems latched on to this race card about 30 years ago and it worked?
Starting point is 00:15:02 They got a lot of political capital out of it. Right. But they are obsessed with it to the point now people are laughing at them. Even people on the left are going, people are dying all over the planet, but you're worried about what we call the virus. Which started in where? Wuhan, China. He was reminded of that fact. Virtually every major virus in recent and not so recent history was named after the geographical region from which it fucking emerged.
Starting point is 00:15:31 You guys are obsessed with this racist bullshit. Just obsessed. Now you're in territory that doesn't even make any sense. Which we call it. The Oklahoma virus. For the love of Christ. It's called the Jackie Chan virus? I don't know. Anyways, check out how many media outlets, when this news first broke of the coronavirus, referred to it as the Wuhan virus.
Starting point is 00:15:59 At least six people have died from the Wuhan coronavirus. The Wuhan coronavirus has now surpassed the 2003 SARS outbreak. Yes, it has, hasn't it, Dave? They're under quarantine out of concern that passengers and crew were exposed to the Wuhan coronavirus. And this breaking news just in to CNN. The official death toll from the Wuhan coronavirus in China's Hubei province has now risen to 780. OK, what do you want to call it, the poo poo platyvirus? Sorry, no offense, killer.
Starting point is 00:16:33 OK, Mr. Gora, is that all you got to do? Oh, my God. You wonder why Trump's in office. People are so fucking sick of it. FBI, it says that even Chinese news sources refer to it as warhead virus. For your information, being patronizing, listen to this, here come the Twitter, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:53 fucking virtue signalers. Being patronizing and paternalistic about everything that involves anyone non-white is racist, said some. Really? How about this? I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Kill me. I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. That's racist. That's kind of racist. I'm going to hear that again. I kill you. I kill you right now.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. I'm right here. The World Health Organization, we call them WHO, has repeatedly issued statements demanding people avoid profiling or using certain words. Do you? Is that what you do in World Health Organization? You're policing language when you should be trying to figure out the disease?
Starting point is 00:17:38 You fucking pitless wonders. Wake up! Oh, I'm burning up freaking Wuhan virus yeah so they say don't profile and shit you don't go up to an Asian person and go it's your fault and punch him in the face you know other than that have fun with it
Starting point is 00:17:57 to describe the virus and to avoid stigmatizing people oh my god no they're ignorant that's ignorant no this is ignorant if I came on I went oh stigmatizing people. Oh, my God. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. No, this is ignorant. If I came on, I went, oh! A very bad virus. I get very sick.
Starting point is 00:18:14 See, that's racist. I painted this in second grade and got an A+. Again, that was 1970. Shit flew. This is racist. I mean, come on. It's a pretty good likeness of everybody over there. That was racist. I know. I'm trying to make David Gora hang himself.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Unbelievable, MSNBC. You're really... Where's my coffee? I can't take it. Oh, here we go. One more. Fucking I can't wait for this thing to be over so we can talk about something else.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Fun diseases. Chlamydia. Fucking gonorrhea. By the way, chlamydia, you know, that started in a town called Chlamydia in Greece. Bunch of guys boning each other in the arts. At least 44 people have died.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Listen to this. Dozens of Iranians have died from methanol poisoning in an attempt to fight the coronavirus. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. You know what I mean? Al-Azmar! Al-Azmar! Al-Azmar!
Starting point is 00:19:20 At least 44 people have died from methanol poisoning, mistakenly thinking that Don and bootleg booze, like Raz does when he's out camping, would ward off the COVID-19 virus. Despite alcohol being banned in most of the Islamic Republic, it is responsible for hundreds of patients being hospitalized because of fake rumors that it would save drinkers from the virus that has killed 291 and affected more than 8,000.
Starting point is 00:19:47 The death toll from alcohol poisoning. This is cracking me up. Iran, you're stuck in 11 AD. You're really an embarrassment to the fucking human race. The death toll from alcohol poisoning in the province of Khuzestan reached 36 Tuesday. That's double those killed by the coronavirus itself. That's how depressing it is over there. The bootleg alcoholic has seen seven more people killed in the northern region of Al-Burz, where I have a timeshare, and one in Kermanshah,
Starting point is 00:20:19 western Iran. Jundishpur Medical University in Ava's terrific school. It got voted best party school in Iran, actually. Women actually are able to show their elbows and their foreheads. The capital of Khuzestan has seen more than 200 people hospitalized from poisoning. They were caused by rumors that drinking alcohol can be effective in treating coronavirus. They were caused by rumors that drinking alcohol can be effective in treating coronavirus. The unknown nature of the new coronavirus has sparked a series of widely inaccurate rumors. Listen to this. This one cracked me up. With many even initially thinking its name meant it was connected to Corona beer.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Oh, my God, help us. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. Like I said, every time somebody throws up anywhere in the world, the Chinaman gets his line. That's right. That's my little Corona joke.
Starting point is 00:21:20 What'd you think of that, Ching-Sau? All right, good for you. Next. Let's change it up, huh? Let's go from a fucking old people dying of coronavirus to old people dying trying to become president. Joe Biden. You know what he's doing?
Starting point is 00:21:40 He's requesting, DNC's requesting, say Joe Biden needs a chair and a desk for the next debate. What the fuck? You want to be a member? I know what you did. Oh, God. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you?
Starting point is 00:21:59 The DNC and CNN collaborate to provide Joe Biden with his preferred comfort format for the next debate. Why is that allowed? Why is that allowed? Why does the DNC and Joe Biden's campaign get to work together on this? Is Bernie not a Democrat? I thought he, I guess he's not officially a Democrat. Maybe that's why.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Anyways, yeah, on March 15th, he's going to debate Bernie. He wants a chair and a desk. We call it the club, the DNC in this article. It knows Biden does his best debate formats when sitting down at a desk because he's in his late thousands, just like 2012 debate between Biden and Paul Ryan. We actually have Biden testing on his new chair for the debate, don't we, somewhere? He was trying to get to the... There comes over Wolf Blitzer and somebody else from CNN
Starting point is 00:23:00 to pick the old fuck up. CNN is hosting the debate and CNN is the most friendly control operation for the needs of the club. That's what the guy calls it, DNC. Excuse me. And he's exactly right. You remember what they did to Bernie, right? When him and Hillary
Starting point is 00:23:20 were debating? Do you remember? Donna Brazile, a pundit for CNN, had the questions beforehand. Why would you trust CNN? Do you remember? Donna Brazile, a pundit for CNN, had the questions beforehand. Why would you trust CNN? So what happens? CNN and the DNC agree to a small venue, town hall format, where Joe Biden will be sitting down at a desk to debate Bernie Sanders. This was in political. Bernie Sanders wants to stand up at the next debate and his campaign is accusing joe biden of wanting to sit down do you guys believe we're having this conversation out of all those people that ran the 20 that were on the stage a year ago we're down to we're fighting
Starting point is 00:23:56 about one guy being too old to fucking stand after a private call friday with cnn which is moderating the debate sanders team barked at a new proposed format for the debate, saying it gives opponent Biden too much of a break in their first one on one face off. Biden's camp denied that it was pressing for a sit down debate. The format for the next debate in Arizona would have the candidates seated for the first time this election cycle and take multiple questions from the audience. We all know why they do that, right? Because you can control the questions on what they're going to ask Biden. It's all rehearsed, folks. It's already in the fucking bag. By the way, the big votes tonight, there's four or five more, right? States voting tonight. I think Michigan is the one. And according to that, Biden's crushing him in Michigan. So it's a big one tonight. But they're going to take, yeah, they're going to
Starting point is 00:24:52 take questions from the audience. We've seen it before, folks. This is the only way that Biden's going to, I can't tell how I'm excited I am. I don't care if he's sitting down, if they have him laying down on a Barker lounger. He's going to make an asshole of himself. You can say a lot about Bernie, the communist Marxist, whatever the fuck, but he's still got his wits about him. This is going to be hilarious. And don't forget, like I said, tonight they're voting, right? Michigan and a few other states, Dakota. Anyways, four years ago, Bernie, the poll said Bernie was down by 25 points to Hillary in Michigan.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And guess who won? Bernie. So he said, I don't believe that shit. Four years ago. And I'm fucking debating a moron tonight or whatever uh anyways i can't believe we're at that he needs a fucking desk uh dnc and cnn and and biden campaign will provide all the topics and questions well in advance to assist their efforts just like they did with fucking Hillary.
Starting point is 00:26:06 That's un-fucking-Biden. Oh, boy, you. Look out for the fix. Speaking of Biden, I have a Patreon question. Yes, sir. Gariel from Zanesville. Hi, Nick. I'm thinking Uncle Joe will get the nomination.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And thick-ankled dog face will be. This is the Apollo lingo. It will be his running mate. And then through cheating, we'll we'll win. Then he will suddenly die and she'll take over. My thoughts are, as I said that yesterday, Gary, you're just parroting me. What came in a week ago? Gary, you're right on the money then. I there's something going on here. There's no way anybody can think that fucking Uncle Joe is going to make it through this process. There's no goddamn way.
Starting point is 00:26:54 They should wheel him out on a dolly like Silence of the Lambs. All strapped in. Do your nipples tingle, Bernie? Yeah. Gary, I don't know if that's how it's going to go down exactly, but there's something funny going on. If he gets the nomination, we all know he's not fit. I'm not being biased here.
Starting point is 00:27:14 It's just observations. And he will throw somebody like Thick-Ankle Dogface or somebody, right? Who the fuck? Maybe Buttigieg. I don't know. But something's up. There's nobody. Nobody believes this guy is going to be president. So I'm with you, Gary. Thank you all the illegals for the last 30-something years have been pouring into Virginia. And what are they going to do? Virginia Democrats prepared to give illegal aliens driver privilege cards.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Driver privilege cards. Are you hearing me? Elected Democrats in Virginia are preparing to give thousands of legal aliens residing in the state driver privilege cards that allow them to freely drive without being pulled over by police for driving without a license. So the first thing they did when they got to this country is break our laws by sneaking the fuck in. And they were awarded. And I'm going to say it again to you people who are actual citizens of the United States. Start shoplifting, stealing cars, because apparently laws are only for you and not for. It's fucking outrageous. What happened to Virginia?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Virginia's is for morons. Is that the new fucking slogan? Fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. Listen to this. This weekend, the Senate Democrats in Virginia passed legislation to allow thousands of the roughly 300,000 illegal aliens living in the state to obtain driver privilege cards. illegal aliens living in the state to obtain driver privilege cards the legislation mandates illegal aliens to file a tax return or be listed as a dependent how about making them get in line become a citizen huh make them get in fucking line take all their privileges away uh be listed
Starting point is 00:29:19 as dependent on a tax return in order to obtain the driver privilege card proponents of the plans of the card will explicitly state that those with the card are not eligible to vote in elections, which they already are voting. California had a couple million illegals vote. They're printing out fake social security card. It's a whole cottage industry. So you're not fucking kidding anybody. Just admit it. You want to open the gates and let everybody in, which is a good move with the coronavirus. And, you know, securing driver's licenses for illegal aliens has been a nationwide initiative by the Open Borders Lobby. That'll be the Democrat Party as part of an effort to prevent large populations of illegal aliens from ever being turned over to federal immigration officials. Yeah, you wouldn't want that. You wouldn't want to turn over people who are here illegally to the feds. Why would you want to do that? Even after seeing this story about the Karate and people port.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Sometimes I agree with you people. You just line them up and shoot the illegal. times where they agree with you people. You just line them up and shoot the illegal. That's the other thing I forgot to mention about MSNBC. The most racist fucking country. China has what? Almost a million Muslims in like camps over there and shit. Anyhow, and they give Trump, you know, they're defending. We can't call it the Wuhan virus because that would be offensive to Chinese people. Meanwhile, they call Trump a bigot for building a wall when China built a wall a thousand years ago. That still works beautifully. It's such hypocrites. Anyways, in New York, the latest state to give driver's license to illegal aliens,
Starting point is 00:31:02 the Department of Homeland Security has had to block New York residents from using fast-track travel programs like Global Entry, which expedites entry into the U.S. from international airports. The law makes it, listen to this, effectively impossible for the federal immigration officials to quickly check the immigration status of anyone they come in contact with, meaning agents have no way to verify the validity of New York State issued IDs. They don't even have a data bank for it yet, but they're still passing these fucking laws. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying?
Starting point is 00:31:42 See, they have a wet dream that we're all going to live together in a borderless world and shit. We're all going to hold hands and get along together. I just suggest watching the show Cops or Live PD, and you'll see that that's never going to happen in a million years. Currently in Massachusetts, my home state, where I was born and raised for the first 20 something years, which has been becoming embarrassingly like New York City and San Francisco and its politics. State lawmakers are moving forward with a plan similar to New York's that would give driver's license to all residents, regardless of whether they are illegally living in the United States. And to that, I say Mayor Walsh and everybody else. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks.
Starting point is 00:32:30 You got that? You won't hear that on the fucking Hannity show. Maybe you will. Why do people get to skirt the law? Oh, but they work here and they pay taxes anyways. And they suck $3 for every dollar they work here and they pay taxes anyways. And they suck $3 for every dollar they put into the system they take out. You can look that up.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And sanctuary cities aren't more safe. It's such absolute nonsense. The lies keep coming. How are you? Oh, you feel warm. That looks like me when I'm constipating. It really does. I'm going to touch up my hair.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Oh, no. Let's stay on race. Speaking of racism, there's a lot of, oh, this is black woman carves white pride, the words white pride, into a sidewalk outside a black-owned gym. Unbelievable. White power, one, two, three, four! Catchy little tidbit. Raz is going, it's going to get flagged.
Starting point is 00:33:38 It doesn't matter. The shows get flagged anyways. Everything that comes out of my mouth offends Google and fucking YouTube and the rest of the faggy world we live in. Yeah. So the guy comes in that owns a goddamn black guy, Derek Carson, arrives at Johnson City branch of the DC Fitness at 5 a.m. in the morning to discover the scrawl. He
Starting point is 00:33:57 immediately alerted police, but upon reviewing security cameras footage, guess what? The culprit turned out to be a black woman. Can you imagine? Fucking bitch. Yeah, she got caught. And you blew it. You blew it.
Starting point is 00:34:11 She looks Latino to me. Looks happy, though. Looks like she's enjoying her life in the United States. Look at her. Do you know why people do this? Do you know why there are hoaxes, fake white hate crime? Do you know why people do it? Because they don't really exist.
Starting point is 00:34:27 It hardly ever happens. If it did, you report the real one. They have to make it up. That's how little white racism. Yeah, I just said it. That's how little there is. You know what her name is? She's 41 years old.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Mahogany Teague. She spelled Mahogany, M-A-H-A instead of with an O because she's brain dead. Let's be honest. How do you spell white? W-I-T-E. Subsequently arrested for vandalism
Starting point is 00:34:57 and held on $1,000 bail. Mahogany's name, they put it right in here. Eh, fucking. Could be described as this guy. This is kind of racist. Mahogany's name may be an attempt to spell mahogany, which could be used to describe her pigmentation. Somebody put that in the comments.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Dave Blount, who maintains a hate hoax list of similar incidents. There have been innumerable examples of hate crime hoaxes across America in recent years, all which feed into the narrative of what? White supremacy and all that horseshit. And I'm saying there's so little of that, they have to make up these fake things. You should be ashamed of yourself, mahogany. jesse smollett remember talked about him yesterday they're not letting him go they are busting his chops speaking of political correctness run amok in a city that's decaying uh san franc, you guys, and I love it. It's a beautiful city. It was. It was so nice.
Starting point is 00:36:09 And then the libs took over. And, oh, my God, looks like fucking Rio de Janeiro. It has just turned into a shithole. But like any other major city in this country, McDonald's still thrives, no matter how shitty it is. I think they have a new thing on the menu. Check this out. This is San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:36:28 That's a motherfucker. This nigga got rabies like a motherfucker. This motherfucker crazy. They ain't going to bring it in there where the food at. Nigga, you so motherfucking stupid. Look at this shit. It's a dead raccoon on the table. Put the raccoon on the table. Pause.
Starting point is 00:36:46 What kind of sauce would you like that with? What do you got? Honey barbecue, blue cheese, and fuck it. He brings it in. It's an old white guy. This black guy's calling him a nigga. Oh my God. Diversity's not working well in San Francisco. Look at that table though. But
Starting point is 00:37:01 who's the black guy sound like that's doing the voice over? He's sung. I don't know. I think he's the voice of Verizon, but go ahead. He comes up. This motherfucker got him on the table, bro. And he getting up leaving now. Look at this shit.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Look, he leaving now. Look at this motherfucker. Wow. This motherfucker bring a dead ass raccoon into McDonald's. Keep a little laugh. This nigga crazy, boy. I tell you. Only in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Amen. Only in motherfucking san francisco all right oh god san francisco what happened at the end of that that black guy that's doing the voiceover goes i ain't never coming back in this motherfucker again. And he doesn't sound exactly like he's living in a $100,000 fucking apartment. He's disgusted with it. That's like a street guy going, I can't take San Francisco anymore. It has the most car break-ins in the country. Again, I hate to be a fucking partisan, but how do you look at that and go, yes, this is what we want.
Starting point is 00:38:26 And you look at Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles, home fucking homeless encampments for miles. And those are liberally run. We can't ignore that fact. That's what you want. Fucking raccoons at Mickey D's. one fucking raccoons at mickey d's uh could i get the number seven with uh is that the raccoon bird yes uh jesus h christ that's why i go to burger king anything the only thing i've seen dead in there is a couple roaches on the table. Nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Oh, San Francisco. It breaks my heart. Again, that city, every time I went to it, I usually stay in my hotel room most of the time. But when I went to San Francisco, the first four times I went, and I spent a month out there doing the competition back in the 90s. And I explored that city on foot. And you know what? I went to Chinatown drunk almost every night by my, never saw a raccoon, at least not out on the table. But please fix that city.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Fucking. All right. More West Coast fucking mayhem. Corey Feldman. He's been hyping this documentary, you know, called The Rape of Two Corys. He has no lips, by the way, this poor prick. Or shoulders.
Starting point is 00:39:59 That's right. We had that picture of him. This poor bastard. Anyways, he was going to debut his thing he's been hyping for a year now the rape of two core is a documentary he put together with his own money and everything he's been getting death threats and stuff and uh it was supposed to be debuted yesterday but what happened his website crashes it's like when i had arty lang on when i was first doing uh it wasn't even considered a podcast back then but i
Starting point is 00:40:26 had arty to my house my web guy set up this thing where people could watch us or whatever and it got so overloaded because he was still on stern with so many fans it just crashed so i can i can relate to it cory uh anyways yeah his whole thing thing fucking collapsed yesterday. People pissed about it. He set to star in the documentary titled My Truth, the rape of the two Corys, where he will detail the alleged abuse he and his late friend actor Corey Haim suffered at the hands of prominently Hollywood stars when they were children. That's fucking horrible. Hey, little boy, do you want some candy?
Starting point is 00:41:12 Now, Raz, you sent me a text yesterday, and you said Charlie Sheen. Why? Was it in there? Because it doesn't mention it in the article. It's not in the article. It was in the comments of people. It was in the comments, and you believe those people uh close enough they usually it you get the truth the comments um i hope not i i never was a charlie sheen fan until he
Starting point is 00:41:37 lost his shit for about remember he was on when he lost his shit i'm winning and he was drinking tiger blood and all that remember he went on that fucking two-month bender, and he was on fucking every day? I was belly laughing at how funny and crazy he was. So maybe, I'm not saying anything. We don't know. Could have been Bob Barker. We don't know. Could have been Don Knotts.
Starting point is 00:42:00 One user on Feldman's official Twitter account complained, writing, why am I getting an access forbidden error? I paid to watch this. I paid $20 to see kids raped and shit. How can I view this? Another user wrote, this sucks. This sucks. Supposed to start in seven minutes.
Starting point is 00:42:18 It really is interesting. I mean, I want to know. A third one said, so Corey Feldman has taken my $20 but has my login blocked from viewing the documentary. No worries. I got another login. But you and your team of frauds better refund my $20. Oh, I'm sure they're scared of that threat. This guy, kids, he's had his life being threatened every day.
Starting point is 00:42:38 He's got security around him. He's about to blow a whistle on a dirty secret about Hollywood, you know. So what do you think? you think somebody hacked into it? some power players that know who were involved? I don't know, don't ask me, I can't work my email Hollywood celebrities have led him to live in fear the 48 year old actor said there are things you have to do for insurance reasons when you're putting out something like this
Starting point is 00:43:04 this is very very dangerous stuff and it's very, very risky stuff. And he's right. You know, we have to have 24 hour armed security. We don't know what's going to happen. Of course we have fear. There's been two attempts on my life. There obviously could be more. We hope not, but we don't know what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:43:21 He claimed it's scary. It's very scary. don't know what's going to happen, he claimed. It's scary. It's very scary. Feldman had previously vowed to expose pedophilia in Hollywood and had detailed the abuse he allegedly suffered as a child in the entertainment industry. The actor has claimed that after his allegations, he has survived multiple murder attempts.
Starting point is 00:43:38 If you have a news scoop or an interesting story for us, I want to see that. Every time I put on... And you should listen to this radio show. Big Jay Oakerson and Dan Soda, two very funny dudes. They have a show called The Bonfire on Sirius Satellite.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And they've been... Every time I put it on, they're talking about this. I don't know if they... They probably had Corey on the show. I don't know. Anyhow. Hollywood's a filthy place, folks.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Run by filthy people. I had to blow two guys to get on Grace and the Fire. Speaking of rape... Excuse me. Fucking Corona, Massachusetts professor charged with raping student after meeting online. I'm tutoring. Relax. Nicholas Pirelli pleaded not guilty on Thursday to the alleged rape of a student in his campus office whom he met online.
Starting point is 00:44:49 36-year-old Bridgewater State University communications professor Nick Pirelli stands accused of rape of an unidentified student he met online through Sugar Daddy. Sugar Daddy? A professor on a professor's salary you're fucking sugar what are they paying at bridgewater state first of all you get a jacket on from 1978 a black t-shirt can't afford hair plugs and this broad wants me uh stands a cute but yeah but but does sugar daddy matchings according to police reports pirelli allegedly met with a young woman after offering to help her with an essay as well as her resume. Pirelli also allegedly offered to use his connections as a professor to get her work on the Massachusetts campus.
Starting point is 00:45:36 It's kind of a quid pro quo, Harvey Weinstein. Is that his name, Harvey Weinstein? He had a nasty fall in prison, they said. He's in all kinds of pain. After inviting her to a meeting in his office, Pirelli is said to have assisted the student with her essay for all of the 30 minutes before abruptly kissing her. As she resisted, Pirelli's allegedly forcibly removed her clothing and sexually assaulted her. Can I ask you a question? Again, I'm just playing devil's advocate. How do you remove a woman's clothing forcibly? I mean,
Starting point is 00:46:17 you tore her shirt off? Honestly. Come on, Raz, you were charged with this. How do you forcibly try to get jeans off a girl who's willing? It takes 10 minutes. What, you're wearing a hoop skirt? What the fuck's going on here? Do you see what I'm saying? It's like the whole he forced me to perform oral sex on.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I don't get that one either. Anyways. forced me to perform oral sex on him. I don't get that one either. Anyways, yeah, allegedly forced me to remove her clothing and sexually assaulted her for approximately 10 minutes. Afterward, he reportedly told her goodnight and left.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Well, he's a gentleman. He said goodnight. Why'd they put that in there? That boy is a pig when interviewing the victim several times she broke down and began crying concluding that detectives found the victim credible throughout their interviews with her previously pirelli allegedly asked for the student's discretion as well as risky pictures he also took pictures of his own sex toy collection. What do you got a bat from Barry Bond signed with a big? Investigators found a large cache of communications between the two. Now here's where I get a little again um it's a little dubious
Starting point is 00:47:41 here. Some of which occurred after her alleged rape and appeared to indicate from their tone that the victim may have found Pirelli's actions acceptable to her. That is a big if or whatever. And I know, I know. They say this is what predators do. Remember the Weinstein, that one woman, Jessica Mann, stayed in touch with him for years. That's where I have a little problem. I'm sorry. That's where I have a problem.
Starting point is 00:48:11 She explained that the communications were part of an effort to appease him, which is what a lot of victims say, in an attempt to let him down easy and so as not to ruin her chances of obtaining employment through the university. I just, that doesn't sit well with me. You shut off the communications immediately and you go to the authorities, don't you? I don't know. Despite the evidence at hand, Pirelli has denied any physical encounters in his office with the woman. I don't buy that. According to the police report, when confronted with a report of inappropriate touching,
Starting point is 00:48:50 Pirelli stated that is extreme and stated that he had done nothing wrong. And you blew it! You blew it! I don't know. Can I put a little PSA announcement? Women, when a guy does something like this, allegedly does something like that, don't continue.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I mean, she says right in the thing, well, she didn't want to hurt her chances of getting employment on the college campus. Well, you're sort of undermining your own argument when it goes to court or whatever, aren't you? I'm just playing devil's advocate, okay? But the guy did say thank you and good night.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Now, what did he say? Could he? Bye-bye. Not trying to make light of it. I'm just saying, guys, you're fucking animals. I watch the investigative network. I can't. I'm just saying, guys, you're fucking animals. I watch the investigative network. I can't. I'm obsessed now. I used to laugh at people who were very impulsive and get obsessed with
Starting point is 00:49:50 cigarettes, booze and shit. I'm becoming that guy. ID network. It's three in the morning last night. I'm like, I got to see how this fucking ends. I'm exhausted. I don't feel good. I'm sweaty. Fucking shit. I don't know how women even talk to men if you watch a oh and by the way id network you're not fooling me with your liberal agenda either every guy's white um i saw six shows in a row it's a christian family and they love to focus on that the mother's reading the bible and shit they just love to meanwhile muslims are chopping women's heads off because they're seen with another guy. They're not really. But, yeah, you keep focusing on how fucking evil. You're such slimy fucking ball as cocksuckers.
Starting point is 00:50:31 We see right through it now. Every I watched four shows yesterday. It was a Christian family. And, you know, look at these religious wackos. And anyhow, enough of that. Remember, when you're watching TV to know who's making the show what the politics are please contribute at
Starting point is 00:50:51 this is how the show stays on the air now that it's free four days a week please reach me at if you want to sponsor be a sponsor on the show and if you want to sign up for Patreon, you're going to get an extra story like I'm about to do when we go off air
Starting point is 00:51:09 right now for your Patreon members. And you get to ask me a question and you get access to over 300 archive shows. And we need your support now more than ever. All right. Thank you guys so much. Remember, you think and I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Take care, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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