The Nick DiPaolo Show - “Civil" War Well Underway

Episode Date: October 18, 2018

Cherokee Nation Cherokee Tribe. Khashoggi Cut Up. Lopez Loses It.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Diolch yn fawr iawn am wylio'r fideo. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh yeah! Welcome to the show, folks. How are you? On a Wednesday. That's right. First show of the week on a Wednesday. How are you? 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Real quick, tour dates. You can get them at Saturday, October 27th, Lucy's, Pleasantville, New York. November 2nd and 3rd, Governor's in Levittown, Long Island. Tuesday, November 6th, The Fat Black Pussycat, New York City. Friday, November 9th and Saturday the 10th,
Starting point is 00:04:02 Comics Mohegan's Son, Uncasville, Connecticut. Saturday, November 17th, The Comedy Shop in Bud Lake, New Jersey. Friday, November 30th. Saturday, December 1st, The Corner Comedy Club, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Monday,
Starting point is 00:04:18 December 31st, we're going to ring in the New Year's at the Tarrytown Music Hall, one of the nicest venues in the country. And January 19th, Bobby V's in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. Actually going to have a couple more new ones for you tomorrow, but go to
Starting point is 00:04:34 for all the ticket information. And as a way of thanking you guys for being loyal listeners, I have a 20% off promo code for you to use in my website store from now on until Halloween.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Go to Facebook listeners use promo code Facebook20. YouTube listeners use promo code YouTube20. And patrons use Patreon20. For 20% off anything in the store, hats, shirts, CDs, DVDs, signed CDs or DVDs. Also, if you are an Amazon Prime member, there is a link there for you to watch
Starting point is 00:05:09 my last three specials for free. And this guy, we've had people saying they're binge watching three in a row. I don't know how you do that. I can't watch myself for three seconds, but they're killer specials. I put a lot of work into each one of them. So Amazon Prime, if you remember,
Starting point is 00:05:27 please do that. Twinks, how are you? Doing well, sir. How are you? Good to see you. Hey, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo Show brought to you by Guys, you remember the days when you are always ready to go,
Starting point is 00:05:44 back when you finished with a broad, I mean a lady, and then be ready to perform again? And when you performed, it was never at three-quarters mass. No, no, no, no. It was always at full mass. But like all things, age catches up and can impact your performance. But thanks to our new sponsor,, you can increase your performance and get some extra firepower in the sack.
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Starting point is 00:07:26 Haven't seen you a couple days. Let me just tell you about this shoot. I did a web series. That's where I was Monday and yesterday called Stickmen. Written by a very funny couple of guys. Andrew Parisi. He's a stand-up comic and just a great guy.
Starting point is 00:07:42 He played Division I baseball. I think it was fairly Dickinson. He was a catcher. I think it was fairly Dickinson. He was a catcher. And his buddy, Matt, his writing partner, who was actually sold, already sold some stuff to Netflix. This is what makes me a little excited. You got to have an in. I mean, if you're not a, you know, like I said, a West Indian with one arm and transgender, it's hard to get anything on, you know, on Netflix. So, um, this, this it's based on an ex scab baseball player named Frank. That's me. And I run a, one of those, uh, you know, you go, you know, like, uh, go to the batting cages. He owns one of those companies and, uh, you know, they have instructors
Starting point is 00:08:18 and people take lessons to hit and stuff, but he's kind of a degenerate. Excuse me. Like I said, kind of a Tony Soprano light. And he's got a son. This is what scares me when I read these things. Now, I'm reading for the dad, which I was always the son. I keep saying that, but it's been, I've been reading for the dad for a while now. But what scares me is this kid looks like he's 30-something.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It is, you guys, I'm fussy. I don't read for much. The skip was this. I said no to it a few times and they got nervous because these guys apparently huge fans of mine and wrote it with me in mind for the lead character. So I was flattered at that. They treated me like I was a legend over there. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And, um, they sent me on Sunday afternoon, they send me an email and, uh, for my call time. And I'm saying to my wife, Jesus, I hope it's 11, 12 o'clock noontime somewhere around there, please. I get the email early afternoon, Sunday, 5 30 call time AM. I actually text back. I said've got to be shitting me. What am I, a fisherman? I fucking 5.30 a.m. call time. And this happens because, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:30 the facility that we shot it at was an actual baseball hitting clinic facility. And you have to do it when they say you can have the space. So I almost started crying. It ruined my Sunday. And then it all rushed back why I hate
Starting point is 00:09:45 acting and shit because of stuff like this. At least with Louie. Louie was a comic. When I did the Louie episodes, it was always the call time. It was three in the afternoon and shit. But he was there at five. It was so goddamn funny. Plus, it was almost an hour from
Starting point is 00:10:01 my house. So my alarm went off at 4 a.m. And you're like, well, what's the big deal, Nick? We all, yeah, but I'm a comic. I'm a night creature. I go to bed 2.30 a.m. at the earliest every night. So do you understand 4 a.m. is an hour and a half after I usually go to bed. And we're on the set by 6, 6.30,
Starting point is 00:10:22 and I have all this dialogue. It's the middle of a fucking night for me. I'm trying to be in a good mood, not scare people. And God bless these people, because they had been shooting there for a week, probably. They were up every, so it was nothing to them. But they couldn't have treated me nicer. It was the funniest, the writing is great. This kid's a comic.
Starting point is 00:10:41 He knows how to write comedy. And his partner, like I said, already sold stuff. So he's a great writer. knows how to write comedy. And, uh, his partner, like I said, already sold stuff. So he's a great writer and they wrote the character with me in mind. And there was some of the funniest dialogue and, and, and this scenes are my real hard ass. And there's a scene, you know, when I'm talking to my son, real, uh, heartfelt moments, not like the one I'm about to show you. Um, just funny, funny shit. And yesterday at five 30 minutes, I'm about to show you. Just funny, funny shit. And yesterday at 5.30, I'm getting dressed today. Remember in Rocky Apollo Creed?
Starting point is 00:11:16 Comes out with the Uncle Sam outfit on. I had that on. Sleeveless with a vest. Uncle Sam hat. Baseball pants. Surrounded by two hot young broads. And we're doing like a corny commercial for the baseball hitting clinic. And there's a lot of sexual innuendo.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And my son's getting naked with, you know, some of the mothers who bring their kids in for hitting lessons and shit. There's a lot of testosterone driven shit. So that's what makes me nervous in such a pussy pc fucking hashtag me moment uh world we're living in uh i'm hoping to god that somebody has the balls to pick it up because it was i i don't laugh that much and it was so goddamn funny and uh i gotta thank
Starting point is 00:11:58 parisi and his buddy matt and everybody there they couldn't they couldn't have been nicer a guy ed the director and uh dana this woman there was two couldn't, they couldn't have been nicer, a guy, Ed, the director, and, uh, Dana, this woman, there was two directors, and, and they were great, they paid attention to detail, I knew when some of the shit we did wasn't quite on, and, and, and the directors would be right on top of it, and trying to remember that shit, though, that first morning, you know, I get there, the first scene, I'm in a conference room talking like my, all my, you know, employees, and, you know, I don't do this every day, I don't act every day, so between that and the early hours, it's like, I said to him, look, remember, I get to act in shows like this once every four years, if I'm lucky, so it was, you know, I've been on stage
Starting point is 00:12:43 in front of live audience for 30 years, almost every night. And I was still, it's still a little bit nerve wracking. And I don't know how, I don't know how people act with all the cameras and lights. And I don't know how anything gets done, but they couldn't have been half of it is liking the people you're working with and they, and they couldn't have been nicer. nicer. And, uh, I met the, these two guys, Andrew Parisi and, um, the guy who plays the guy who plays my son, Adam Ray, who's also a comedian and he's been in a lot of movies and shit. But me and Adam had a couple of scenes where, you know, I'm his old man giving him life advice and, and, uh, I'm a degenerate. And they even said the next day after we shot the scenes, you're not gonna believe how good they came out. So keep your fingers crossed. God forbid. God forbid I get on TV. Other than somewhere between the History Channel
Starting point is 00:13:34 and, you know, fucking Channel 1166. So it was a great experience. It really was. So that's what I was doing. Let's keep, it's called Swingers. I can't put out any of the pictures. He texts me, uh, me in that outfit with the broads. And, and I just started laughing my ass off. And, uh, like I said, the writing is crisp. So let's keep our fingers crossed that, uh, the people at Netflix or wherever they're going to try to sell
Starting point is 00:14:00 it. I'm going to go, well, I don't see an Asian girl missing both her arms in a wheelchair. I mean, she has to be included. So it was a great experience and, uh, good to be back with you people. What do we got here? Oh, real quick. Uh, socks last night, Houston. Again, my buddy Jason Ramirez. And don't, I'm not kidding myself. So Sox won, but I know better. Houston is loaded with talent. But anyways, Jackie Bradley Jr., who I've been bad-mouthing all year. Me and my wife have been having this debate. I'm like, I don't care how good a defender he is.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And I think he's the best center field I've ever seen defensively. But he hits at a triple-A level. Andrew Parisi, the kid that wrote this show, is probably a better hitter. And so I kept bad-mouthing him. And he came up last night a couple. And I kept saying, if he doesn't come through here, I'm serious. I'm trading him. You can get great value.
Starting point is 00:15:03 You don't need a 10-star defensive player, in my opinion. Give me somebody who's five-star, but who can hit at least 280, 290, and hit 30, 28 homers a year. I'll take that person. So I keep bad mouth. And then I said, when he came up last night, last time up, I said, I'm telling you, if he doesn't, I'll shut my mouth if he does something. And what did he do? Well, it was 4-2, and he hits a bases loaded, hits a grand slam. And holy Christ, I kept my mouth shut the rest of the night. But the funny thing is, Big Papi, who's now doing TV work, even though he doesn't speak a lick of English that I can understand, he's doing stuff of Fox Sports 1, you know, with the Big Hurt, Frank Thomas, and all those guys.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And watch the reaction to Big Papi. And he's supposed to be, when you're working for Fox Sports, you're supposed to be kind of neutral, I guess, aren't you? But Big Papi's a big Dominican. He loves his people. He loves his team. He loves Boston. And this is hardly neutral. Watch his reaction.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Oh, I didn't know that. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Come on, baby! Come on, baby! What are you talking about? Come on, man!
Starting point is 00:16:13 Come on, man! Come on, man! Come on, man! Come on, man! I told you to come on! Told you to come on, man! Come on, man! Told you to come on! I didn't know it was 70! He just say it. Come on, friend. Come on, friend. I told you just say it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I didn't know it was 70. He just said it. All right. Bobby, you called it. Yeah. Guys, that's part of what I sent you. That's what you said. That is not what I sent you, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:16:42 That's part of it. He was sitting down going, sexy, sexy, sexy. Did you not get that part? Don't make me come in there and tan your bottoms. Don't worry about it now, Jason. I'll fucking yell at you later. We have to sync up here. I'm going to show you what I sent you.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That was the second part. The first part, he was sitting in his chair going, sexy, sexy, sexy. Jason, focus. Don't worry about it. We'll open up the septic tanks. Anyways, it's going to be a great series, and Jackie
Starting point is 00:17:24 Bradley, shut my pie hole. I'll tell you that much. Let's going to be a great series and Jackie Bradley shut my pie hole. I'll tell you that much. Let's go to our buddy, Jason, uh, in Houston, Jason, what's going on fella?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Oh, you know, just another day in paradise. Yeah. Um, yeah, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:17:40 it's shaping up to be a good series so far. Uh, by the way, uh, you're welcome for Nathan Novaldi, by the way. I actually grew up in a town just south of Houston, 30 minutes away, called Alvin, Texas, and it's home to none other than Nolan Ryan and Nathan Novaldi.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That's right. And I actually used to sit in the dugout with him. I actually used to sit in the dugout with him at practice. So a humble guy. It's bittersweet to see him get the W, but obviously taking the loss. But he's a great guy, and if we can't take it, then I sure hope Boston goes all the way. I love, first of all, I love your tone.
Starting point is 00:18:12 It's a little different than last time. But I love that you actually know of Aldi. You sat next to this guy. I haven't spoken to him in years. We went to the same high school together. No kidding. I was a little too short and too fat to play baseball. So I would sit in the dugout and I was the manager, aka the towel bitch. And the nights that he had just pitched, you know, he would pitch night and then the next night he would be off and we would be in the dugout together and I would, clocking the other pitchers on the mound and stuff like that. He was a sweet kid. He actually,
Starting point is 00:18:45 uh, took a scholarship to Texas A&M and the LA Dodgers who originally signed him, paid him outright $250,000 just to break a commitment to Texas A&M. Right. And then through a series of trades, he ended up in Boston. So yeah, great guy,
Starting point is 00:18:59 great guy though. Well, Hey, thank you for the background, man. And, uh, it's going to be a frightening series.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's, uh, Houston's loaded. The socks are loaded. And, hey, thank you for the background, man, and it's going to be a frightening series. Houston's loaded, the Sox are loaded, and I said, Jackie Bradley, we have to have him hit. The bottom third of our lineup, you know, if they don't hit, we're finished. Jason, thanks, buddy. I've got to move it along. I've got so much shit to get to,
Starting point is 00:19:19 but we'll talk after the series. Yeah. You my nigga. What's that? Well, Jason, a lot more conciliatory in his tone than the last time we talked. He sees what these Red Sox are all about. But like I said, and guys out there, be patient.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I know you're not all socks fans and shit i'll get i have a ton of stuff to get to the left is losing their minds getting more fucking violent thank god the prayer boys are out there fucking giving them a beat down uh but let's stay on real quick uh very interesting here um major league baseball investigating the astros after a man affiliated with the team, maybe it was Jason Ramirez, appeared to be shooting video of the Red Sox during game one of the American League Championship Series.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Son of a whore! I don't know nothing about that. The incident took place Saturday night in Boston. According to Boston Metro, which reported the story, a man claiming to be an Astros employee was removed from the media credentialed area next to the Red Sox dugout. The man who did not have a credential had a
Starting point is 00:20:32 small camera and was texting frequently per the report. What is going on here? I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. Yeah. Security was tipped off to the man by the Cleveland Indians. Had a guy's name, Jason Ramirez.
Starting point is 00:20:47 What? According to multiple reports. No, a separate report from Yahoo Sports identified the man as Kyle McLaughlin. Says he aimed a cell phone to the Indians dugout during their Game 3 loss to the Astros in the AL Division Series. McLaughlin was removed by security in Cleveland and Boston,
Starting point is 00:21:03 according to the report. No truth to it that it was the Saudi hit team that removed him. McLaughlin is not listed as an Astros employee, but he's a male dancer down at Titty Joe's and reportedly connected with team owner Jim Crane. MLB told Metro the matter's being handled internally. The incident isn't expected to amount to anything more than a fine for use to... That's him? Fine?
Starting point is 00:21:28 Just for that fuck? Whoever sold you those suits had a fucking great sense of humor. That's a fine right there. Fashion fine. 15 grand. According to ESPN, the Astros are using the man to monitor the Red Sox to make sure they weren't doing anything outside. Get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:21:44 you lying hoes. The Yahoo Sports report adds the Astros were suspected of stealing signs by the Oakland A's during a series in late August and by the Dodgers during last year's World Series, which Houston won in seven games. You know, I could be a dick right now to the
Starting point is 00:22:00 Houston fans and do what all the rest of the nation did to the Patriots fans. Oh, that's how you won your World Championship? Cheating and do what all the rest of the nation did to the Patriots fans. Oh, that's how your one-year-old championship cheating and filming and all that shit. You're a bunch of phony motherfuckers. Even though I don't believe that because they are loaded with talent, even El Tuve with his tiny little hands. Um, but interesting. I want to see what Mr. McLaughlin was up to keeping an eye on the Red Sox, which I understand they should be doing because the Sox got busted. Was it last year they were wearing Apple watches?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Remember, somebody said they were... Anyways, it's America. It's baseball. Apple pie, Chevrolet, cheating. It all goes together, you big girls. Let's go Red Sox. We're doing the show live on Facebook and, you know, YouTube, as we usually do on Wednesdays.
Starting point is 00:22:47 We'll do it live. God damn right we will. We'll do it live. Fuck it. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. Let's get to the story. Have you guys been following this whole, you know, this journalist who wrote for the Washington Post and Jamal Khashoggi who disappeared?
Starting point is 00:23:12 Have you been following this? It's getting really creepy. And the fucking Saudis are dirty, dirty people. A lot of them still wipe their ass with their bare hands, I'm told, over there. So right away, I'm not big on Arab food. That's really true. Wipe their ass with their bare hands. Well, some of it's true.
Starting point is 00:23:31 People do that down in Tennessee, too. You know, they're tailgating. There's no way to... Port-Au-Party, there's a line. They're going to go... The consul told the hit squad accused of being flown in to murder Jamal Khashoggi to do this outside
Starting point is 00:23:46 or you'll get me in trouble my mother used to say when we were playing street hockey down in our basement fucking old man would go nuts would score a goal you raise the stick through the ceiling my mother get it outside your fucking dad's gonna kill me anyways
Starting point is 00:24:03 listen to this do it outside, you'll get me in trouble, in the audio allegedly recorded at the consul in Istanbul, Consul General Mohammed L. Otaibi, just by his name, guilty, fled Turkey yesterday, hours before it was reported that he can be heard on the seven minute, here's where it gets creepy, seven minute audio, Khashoggi allegedly recorded on his smartwatch, maybe he's a Red Sox fan, of his own torture and murder. The audio, which has not been released to the public, reportedly also hears one of the alleged killers,
Starting point is 00:24:35 and that's the forensic guy, instruct the others to wear headphones and listen to music while dismembering the 59-year-old. By the way, dismembering him alive on a table is the... Look, I'm not squeamish, but Jesus Christ. I think we actually have... They cut his fingers off, by the way, one at a time. That was in the air.
Starting point is 00:24:58 We have some footage. This is the music he listens to. Oh, God. Nick, that's horrible. Hey, I didn't know the guy. The torturers alleged to have seen the hit squad cut Khashoggi's fingers off one by one on a desk in his office in the Saudi consulate before decapitating him and possibly dissolving his remains in acid. This comes as a man identified as having worked as a bodyguard for the crown prince is confirmed as a suspect in the Turkish police investigation. He was previously named as part of the 15 strong hit squad that was reportedly sent to Istanbul to take out Khashoggi.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Khashoggi was against, was criticizing a lot of the reforms that are going on in Saudi or whatever, and he wasn't a big fan of the royal family and shit. And I don't mind that stuff. You know, well, I wouldn't mind seeing it
Starting point is 00:25:55 happening to Joe Scarborough. I'd like to hear that they tied him to his fucking desk while Mika looked on and cut fucking Joe's nose off and his hillbilly eyes out. Nick, you're being a little, uh, whatever. Turkish government sources have said police believe the journalist was killed by a special
Starting point is 00:26:11 team of 15 Saudi officials. Four of the suspects, including Maitreba, are linked to Crown Prince Mohammed's security detail. And a fifth is a high-level forensic doctor. That's the guy who, like, told him to put on music so you can't hear the guy screaming. If legitimate, the shocking audio proved not only that Khashoggi was murdered inside the consulate,
Starting point is 00:26:29 but that he was butchered alive. Tabaghi, the head of the Saudi Scientific Council of Forensics, has been identified by an anonymous source as telling others in the squad to put on headphones. According to the source who spoke to Tabaghi, who also holds a position with the Saudi Interior Ministry. I love these guys. There's a pattern over there. Like the 9-11,
Starting point is 00:26:52 you know, that hit the towers, those guys, a lot of them were engineers and that were involved in doctors and shit. I'm just trying to, that's fucking creepy. Over here, at least our murderers and our killers and shit, that's what they do for a living. They don't fucking moonlight as my fucking podiatrist and dentist. It's kind of creepy, isn't it, fellas? Make you think twice
Starting point is 00:27:17 about getting that prostate exam if you knew your guy was in on whacking Kennedy or some shit. Yeah. The tape is said to reveal Mr. Khashoggi was dragged from the Saudi council's general office to a table next door where he was surgically dismembered before he was injected with an unknown drug and fell silent. I'm guessing Lipitor. That makes me as quiet as a mouse.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Maybe it was Advil PM. There was no attempt to interrogate him. They had come to kill him, the source said. Adding that Khashoggi's dying screams, Jesus Christ, had been heard by witnesses downstairs as he was cut into pieces on the desk. Yeah, we get the idea. The Times said it confirmed that at least nine of the 15 worked for the Saudi security services, military, or other government.
Starting point is 00:28:15 This is the government we're in bed with, okay? They're the same fucking people that were in on the 9-11 attacks. They have what they call madrasas all over Saudi Arabia. That's why they teach that extreme Wahhabism, you know, which is extreme Islam where you cut people's heads off,
Starting point is 00:28:34 they disagree. They teach kids that, and madrasas all, and we're in bed with these fucks because of oil or whatever. I really wish we could break ranks with them, you know, but we're ranks with them. You know?
Starting point is 00:28:45 But we're tight with Israel. It's all fucking tied together. And Trump sounded like a dope commenting on this. I'll get to that in a few seconds, in my opinion. Anyways. A strongly pro-government Turkish newspaper also published a recounting
Starting point is 00:28:59 of the allegedly authentic audio tape claiming Khashoggi had his fingers cut off one by one before he was decapitated. And we have, uh... You have more video of that? Oh, God! Hey, no! No! No! Khashoggi looks a lot like the guy in Casino.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I don't know if you noticed that he was caught cheating at the fucking... Oh, God. I can't help it, it folks i have to make fun of the shit otherwise it scares the hell out of me okay but these are the people that our government are in bed with okay fucking crown prince slimy filthy people caught don't know. Just look at the way they dress. I see them meet the press. It looks like the three wise men are talking to Chuck Todd. They have fucking sheets over their head with a fucking fan belt to hold it on.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Well, Nick, what do you say? I'm just saying, all cultures are equal, right? The people on the left tell us. I'm sure we do some naughty shit on government, but I don't think we cut people's fingers off one at a time. Put a bullet in their goddamn head
Starting point is 00:30:12 quietly. Anyhow, do it outside, kids. Dismember that thing outside. You're going to get blood all over my nice sofa and my curtains. I just had the rugs done for the love of Christ. What a horrible way to go, huh?
Starting point is 00:30:32 Makes you think twice. Again, I wouldn't mind seeing it happen to fucking, you know, Chuck Todd or even the Adam's apple at MSNBC. But speaking of Adam's apple, Elizabeth Warren, since you guys, you and me have talked last, she's got off the reservation. No pun intended. This fucking crazy bitch with a half a dick and a really ugly face. She's about 6'3".
Starting point is 00:30:56 I'd say about 260. She could post you up low and dunk over you. And that's why she's mad. Again, born with half a cock and just fucking hates the world because nobody would stick a prick in her. Uh, that's a cocaine drip. Anyways, uh, Elizabeth Warren, the whole DNA test. You heard about it? That's the music she wakes up to. She launched a bizarre Twitter rant late Monday afternoon following the disastrous rollout of DNA results that further debunked
Starting point is 00:31:44 23andMe. 23, 23 and me. 23 little Indians and me. Further debunked her decades-long claim to be American Indian ancestry. And she's so full of shit. And again, can you imagine? This is a senator in my hometown, Massachusetts. Wake the fuck up, please. You take the sports out of that town.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I don't know if I'd ever go home again. We all know why. This is some of her tweets. I think we got them, right? She's fucking creepy and crazy. We all know why at real Donald Trump makes creepy physical threats about me, right? First of all, I've never heard him make any physical threats.
Starting point is 00:32:23 No guy would. Threaten to what? Kiss you? That would be a threat. He's scared. He's trying to do what he always does to women who scare him. So wait a minute. He's scared of women, yet he grabs their pussies and that doesn't fit. Calls us names, attacks us personally, only the ones that are half men, shrink us down, I can't see the cameras away, shrink us down to feel better about himself. It may soothe his ego, but it won't work. Hey, bitch, who won the election last year?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Who won the election? Who got Kavanaugh a supposed rapist on? Seems like it's working pretty good. Why don't you go back to your lean-to and make some maize? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. it's working pretty good. Why don't you go back to your lane two and make some maze? Oh my God, I'm a real smoker. You hear that horrible laugh? They had to swab her mouth to do this test. How many pubes did you pull out of there from her girlfriend, Dana?
Starting point is 00:33:45 Nick, there's no need of that. Fuck off. There's plenty of need for it. I hate this rotten hoe. Warren Link comments, Trump made Monday ridiculing Warren's DNA test after a reporter suggested she was one one millionth Indian
Starting point is 00:34:03 and the rest of it all man. What? You know I a little buddy. After a reporter suggested Trump owed her an apology, an incredulous president responded, I owe her? She owes the country an apology. What's her percentage of Indian?
Starting point is 00:34:17 He says one one thousandth. The actual numbers could be anywhere from one 64th. Ooh, that's almost a toenail. To one one thousand twenty-fourth. What, that's almost a toenail to one, 1,024th. What is that? One, 1,024th of a fucking feather.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Regardless, all this DNA test proved is that Warren has a huge cock and the president doesn't. What? That doesn't has no more. No, but it proved that she has no more claim to Indian heritage than the average white man.
Starting point is 00:34:40 That must kill her. And the jerk offs at Harvard, they'll let her get away with this horse shit. She's a liar? She's unattractive? What is her purpose on Earth? Somebody get the hit squad, Khashoggi's people on the...
Starting point is 00:34:57 I tease. I wouldn't want that to happen. There's not a bone saw that could get through those femurs of her. She's got femurs like Marshawn Lynch. Trump added that he would only pay off a bet he made with her about her Indian ancestry. If I contest her personally, he says, and that will not be something I will enjoy doing either. Excuse me. excuse me I guess Trump
Starting point is 00:35:27 offered to pay her a million dollars to her favorite charity which is called carpet munchers dot slorg if DNA proves she was an American Indian Trump need not worry because this DNA test proves she's not an Indian what's more the test did not even compare her
Starting point is 00:35:42 DNA samples to a man we have a a picture of her, don't we? Fellas, I mean, come on. This should have went up at the beginning of the story. Here you go. Shitting bull, everybody. I tweeted that over 600 likes yesterday. Somebody agrees with me. Look at that face. She's 86%
Starting point is 00:36:00 pug, 2% owl, and fucking 3% giraffe. Between 87 and 95 she identified herself as a Native American while she was teaching law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Starting point is 00:36:22 That's perfect, because she's teaching law and she's a born fucking liar. The latter used Warren's false Cherokee identity to brag about the school's racial diversity. Imagine that? That's what she fucking... Anything to prove she's not a racist. You're a liar! Liar whore!
Starting point is 00:36:37 Liar whore! You know it! Far from done on Twitter, Warren then turned her fire back on Trump, accusing him of racism in one tweet. That's pretty original. Being of a tax cheat in another. Actually, Miss Warren, Pocahontas, Shitting Eagle, fuckface Indian.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Do you remember they, Rachel Maddow, had Trump's tax return? Do you remember what happened? Yeah, he actually paid more than he should have. Boy, you a titless dope. There you go. Oh, I just want to fucking kick her head off her shoulders like a soccer ball as the minutes ticked by the tweets became more erratic and even more personal if at real donald trump a cowardly elitist who has never known or cared what life
Starting point is 00:37:17 is like for anyone who's ever lived outside of skyscraper manhattan really did he uh he grew up in a skyscraper in Queens? I wants to talk about authenticity. Well, then let's talk about who's really pretending to be someone they're not. She tweeted she has lost her fucking Cherokee mind, hasn't she? People, stupid fucking blabbermouth. Oh, and one more thing at real donald trump likes to pretend he's a real tough guy but like most bullies once again a grown woman using the term bully like trump picked her on earth is on the swing set or in the sandbox but like most bullies he sure scares easy doesn't he yeah he seems to be shitting his pants over you he made a bet with you You made an asshole of yourself and he's still taking jabs at you.
Starting point is 00:38:05 He's scared shitless of you. This fucking woman is delusional. Like most women in the Democrat party who are on the higher up, who look more like Hillary, Maxine Waters, Pelosi, they are fucking crazy as shithouse rats. Always were, always will be. It's the worst case of penis envy, this feminist movement, this hashtag me, that this planet has ever seen. Obsessed. They all want cock, like I said,
Starting point is 00:38:36 not in them, on them. It's a great quote. Let's put that on a t-shirt and make $12. He's afraid to stand up to Vladimir Putin in defense of our country. Afraid to talk to Robert Mueller because he knows he'll crack under the pressure. Yeah, you got all that evidence. Again, wrong again. Indian with 11, size 11 and a half
Starting point is 00:38:55 feet. So afraid to go out in public. He hides at his own golf clubs. And you know what? Scares him the most? Us, the American people. He's afraid we'll see him for who he really is and expose the cons. You're projecting. Once again, you're projecting.
Starting point is 00:39:12 He's scared of you? He was the guy who's never ran for anything political in his life. Jumped into the race, beat 17 career politicians, went on to fucking win the presidency, beat the thick ankle dog face who does this for, you're scared of him.
Starting point is 00:39:28 You're scared that the fucking old scary white man that you're so, so frightened of is making you look like the dummies that the old white men say you are. You're shitting your pants, shitting bull. It's a nice jacket. Would Hillary have a yard sale? You fucking. it's a nice jacket would hillary have a yard sale you fucking
Starting point is 00:39:45 and at real donald trump she closes should be scared because on november 6th we're going to bust up that con once and for all is that what you're gonna do you are a cunt Let's go to our buddy Dale in New Jersey. Dale, how are you? Welcome to the show, fella. What up, Nick? How you doing? All right, take me on. Hey, Dale, Dale, Dale hey dale dale dale dale take me off speakerphone can you hear me now yes come on man you're a regular on the show you know
Starting point is 00:40:38 you know how to do this go ahead it's a fucking blue it's a bluetooth i was going to say one thing but you switched me on to the elizabeth warren yeah this is where trump's genius is it's right before the midterms and i always called you and said i'm telling you trump is going to gain the house and 60 in the senate and i can't wait for the mass suicides on the left but you got elizabeth warren donald trump well did you hear that quote where i guess he was going on his plane or something they're like what about the million you get to el Warren where she took the DNA test? He goes, who cares?
Starting point is 00:41:11 So you got that. He made this lady, Warren, make that test. And then you have Alec Baldwin saying, I like blacks. That blew up in his face. And then Hillary Clinton goes on and says, my husband, whatever she said, my husband is not, I forgot the exact, I don't want to misquote, but not against Monica Lewinsky. He wasn't like a, whatever the hell, a massage. I was like, did these three people just completely win the midterms for Trump? And I was like, this fucking guy, this is a narcissist.
Starting point is 00:41:39 He wants the power. I'm like, I've always said this since he won before he ran. He's placed these landmines two months beforehand and i cannot wait for november because i think they're gonna this is gonna be worse than when he won in november how they're gonna freak out i i did i said imagine trump with all the cards yeah you know what hey thank dale thanks for the call they're backing up here but uh i'll comment on that but uh keep calling back, buddy. Fuck the Bluetooth thing, all right? You know, part of me wants to believe that, Dale, and you're probably right.
Starting point is 00:42:11 He does. He sets these landmines. He's creepy smart. That's what's funny. They think he's a dummy. He's creepy smart. But all that being said, as long as the mainstream media, and this country is the most media-driven nation on the planet,
Starting point is 00:42:32 as long as the mainstream media hates his guts and carries the water for the Democrat Party, they're always going to always have a chance to win the House back and all. They have the fucking megaphone, even if everything you said was true. But I was laying in bed this morning, that's how obsessed I am with this shit, thinking that, because like you said, the election back in 2016 of November, the whole world was convinced that Hillary, because of the media, was going to walk all over him. So there is this small part of me that's like, this could be a bloodbath the other way. But it seems like no matter how stupid, whether it's Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, all this violence is going on, they're always still in the game because the mainstream media in this country
Starting point is 00:43:14 is complicit with the fucking Democrat message, which is anti-American, anti-Trump. And no matter how much of their fucking lunacy is on parade, they always have the Joe Scarbrows of the world and then Rachel Maddow's, you know, the fucking useful idiots is what, you know, they used to use the term back in the day in Russia. So I hope you're right, Dale.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Dale's got pretty good instincts, but I, you know, in a perfect world, the normal world where the media was like objective and shit, I don't think the Democrats would ever win a goddamn race. Special Olympics, midterms, any of it. Well, they would with the Special Olympics. They'd dominate. Who would be nothing but Democrats. Nick, why are you going to bring that into it? Because it's a mean-spirited show, isn isn't it let's take another call Elizabeth Rona, Roberto in Las Vegas Roberto how are you man
Starting point is 00:44:10 welcome to the show hey what's going on Nick long time fan buddy thank you sir yeah I wanted to talk about Elizabeth Warren it's so hypocritical how the left is literally defending her as though she is this Native American Pocahontas queen. Meanwhile, the actual Cherokee Nation is condemning her for basically being the white schnapp that she is.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Yeah, but you know what? Let me correct you there, Roberto. A lot of people on the left are condemning her, saying, why are you doing this now, right before the midterm? Oh, of course. Yeah. So. Yeah, but I'm saying the fact that she comes out
Starting point is 00:44:53 and acts as if she's fucking Pocahontas, and then on top of that, it's kind of funny how now even the Cherokee Nation is pretty much calling her out, saying, you know, you're full of shit. Oh, yeah. You're not one of us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:05 She's about as... And that's the beautiful thing. It's like it's always blowing up in their face. It always blows up in their face, Roberto. And you're right. It always does. Yet they're somehow still in the race. Thank you for the call.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Good call, Roberto. Let's put up things that are more Indian than her. Okay. Right there. That's... By the way, you know who posed for that original thing Indian than her. Okay, right there. That's, uh, by the way, you know, who posed for that original thing? George Hamilton. It's an old Hamilton, uh, tan reference. What else? That broad who I used to whack off to when I was a kid. Not that one. Slow down, will ya? Relax, Jace. Jason has cocaine all under his nose. Ryan's actually the mellow one today.
Starting point is 00:45:46 He's got his tank top on like it's 110 degrees up. I have had one cup of coffee today and a full night's sleep. Well, the full night's sleep should make you more hot. But you're doing good today. You're very focused. Again, it's 41 degrees. He's got a tank top on. He just came from Sandusky's basement, apparently.
Starting point is 00:46:03 He's got candy corn all over his face. And the Lando legs. I should have pulled up the one I used to whack it to, the girl kneeling on her knees. I have a whole bit about that, one of my albums where you can, you guys know the bit, right? It's about the evolution of porn, and that was the first thing I spanked it to. And you can fold her knees up, they turn into her tits. My old man showed me that on my 10th birthday. I based the character Frank in swingers on my old man. No. Anyways. And the final shot.
Starting point is 00:46:29 What's that? That's a craps table. That's more Indian. Why, Nick? Well, it's in casinos. Okay. It was a bit of a reach. I was in a hurry.
Starting point is 00:46:40 All right, let's move on. Let's move on to, back to the Kavanaugh shit. Susan Collins, who had the deciding... You know Susan Collins. Put a picture of her up there. She looks like fucking De Niro in a wig. Does she not look like De Niro right there?
Starting point is 00:47:01 She looks like goddamn De Niro in Fockers. Look at the... It's like goddamn De Niro and Fockers or whatever. Look at the, it's the fucking De Niro. Mr. De Niro, can we get a quote? Can we get a quote? That's fucking De Niro. That is De Niro. Oh my God. It just hit me. That is De Niro. Oh my God, it just hit me. Anyway, she's catching a ton of shit.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Activists call for boycotting the entire state of Maine, which I take personally. I went to school there. I love this state. Over Susan Collins' yes vote on Kavanaugh. Can you fucking imagine that? Can you imagine? No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Collins has already endured weeks of threats and intimidation leading up to Kavanaugh's confirmation because those who opposed the justice nomination saw the main lawmaker as a Republican who could be persuaded to vote against Kavanaugh's confirmation. Collins announced her decision last Friday, but we all know, but after a failed bribery scheme, listen to this, in multiple threats against her office, activists have upped the ante with calls to boycott the entire
Starting point is 00:48:09 state of Maine until Collins is out of office. The Portland Press-Herald reported that the boycott initiative gained momentum on social media. This is how you know the Dems are in trouble. When this guy I'm about to mention is a fucking player, actor and comedian, I put comedian in quotes,
Starting point is 00:48:26 unquote, John Fuglesang, who I know tweeted on Friday, dear Susan Collins, I really struggled with this, but my tourist money just voted against ever visiting Maine while you remain in office. What a fucking jagoff.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Fugle sang later deleted the tweet. Of course, they always backpedal. But by the time it had already gone viral, thanks to 413,000 followers, there's the problem in the world right there. By Monday, the PressHour reported Fuglesang's tweet had been liked 22,000 times. They were tweeted five times. So this is what they're saying, the Fuglesangs of the world and people like him, because they don't agree with her politically. Let's punish everybody in the state of Maine and not just Susan Collins.
Starting point is 00:49:31 There's a college, I'll get to this story in a second, related to this, St. Lawrence, where she went, I guess. They gave her an honorary degree or whatever. They want to pull the honorary degree. And they gave it to her when she dissented as far as Obamacare. She split with the Republicans on that one. So they gave her a gift. This is what they fucking do. This is what they do.
Starting point is 00:49:55 It's, they're like children. We don't like you anymore because you disagreed on this. It's fucking, juvenile doesn't cover it. I don't know what the word is. Just fucking childish. You disagree cover it. I don't know what the word is. Just fucking childish. You disagree with us. Let's punish all the good working people in the state of.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Oh, yeah. For the working class. Last time I checked, Maine wasn't like California with billionaires living all over Lewiston and fucking Orono. Hundreds of Twitter users weighed in, including chefs chefs listen to this vowing to stop buying maine seafood oh that's gonna yeah nothing i like better is uh than ordering a lobster when i'm in boise idaho it's really fresh than sitting in a fucking truck in 112 degree weather on route 9 oh god help us. Including chefs stopping to buy Maine Seafood and
Starting point is 00:50:47 countless others saying they would no longer vacation in the Pine Tree State. We're going to go Newark. But still, others questioned the reasoning behind the ban. So some people had some brains on Twitter, noting that 49 other senators voted for Kavanaugh and a successful boycott of Collins' home state would only hurt
Starting point is 00:51:03 its citizens. This is just unbelievable. You are fascist to the core. Somebody disagrees with you politically, so they should be punished financially. You should hurt. People aren't even involved in it should be hurt because they live in this state. Just fucking juvenile. Excuse me. Tucker Carlson had a woman on. I'll get to it in a second, about St. Lawrence that he made an asshole of last night. I couldn't find the clip. Mark Merrill, the owner of told the press herald he had several customers cancel their orders out of protest following Collins' vote. You can't separate your politics from your food, you fucking brain-dead assholes. How can you pick on a woman
Starting point is 00:51:47 who looks like De Niro in his late 70s? I mean, for the love of Christ. Look, so this guy that owns, get I'm giving you a plug, Mark. Everybody, by the way, I was in Maine for four years. I went to college.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Go to and order some lobster. Order some lobster. They have the best lobster and chowder I've ever had. The lobster bisque and the chowder. I'll have corn on the cob. He shared an email from one customer who explained i loved your product the two times i've ordered so far however because i'm a brain dead left wing fucking fascist cocksucker i can no longer support i added that however due to senator collins i can no longer
Starting point is 00:52:37 support products from maine i hope you can let her know and uh this is how you should answer her mr business owner fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you get the drift let's continue with uh shemp howard in a wig i mean uh i was never a big fan because she's i mean and she's got this thing going for it. And, you know, like Michael Kennedy, who's the one that talks like that? It just, I don't know. It's not a sign of strength when Putin's, you know, listen to one of our senators. And it's a woman who looks like the narrow and the weak. I like chowder. Why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:53:22 But she had the balls and she gave a very eloquent speech explaining why she voted for kavanaugh now she's being again they loved her when they went against the whole obama kid hundreds of alumni and faculty at saint lawrence university are calling uh to revoke an honorary degree awarded to susan collins because of her support of kavanaugh. Tuesday, over 1,800 alumni and dozens of faculty at the university are sending letters. You can take that down now, fellas. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I'm getting queasy. Sending letters to university officials demanding the Maine Republicans' honorary 2017 degree be revoked. What fucking children, man? What fucking children? You gotta grow up. You're not a kid anymore.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Collins received her most recent honorary degree from the university after she broke her party's attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. See, then she was there, darling. In a letter signed by over 1,300 alumni, the former student said the Republican Senate's support for Kavanaugh is not in line with the core values. What would that be? Marxist values of the university? And added that her support for the judge. Excuse me, folks.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I know this is driving somebody nuts. Vape doesn't work, by the way. It only makes me want a cigarette. vape doesn't work, by the way. It only makes me want a cigarette. It's not in line with the core values of the university and added that her support for the judge showed a lack of the integrity and commitment to justice that we expect from the St. Lawrence body. Just, they're just goose step in line, huh?
Starting point is 00:54:56 They also called on the university to take back Collins' degree and get her a new haircut. What? Hey, fellas, nobody's paying attention to this show right now. Is it streaming? If that's what you're checking, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:55:10 But you don't need both of these to do that, right? No, we're good. No, you're not good. One of these, you could do it. There you go. You and the tank top. Keep an eye on it.
Starting point is 00:55:23 You fucking guys have the attention spans of kids at at chucky cheese after fucking 11 pounds of chocolate they also called the universe but by fucking listen they called the universe to take back her degree in support of truth and for all of the victims of sexual assault and violence of which um of which i'd say blasey ford was not for the other two broads. I'll tell you what the problem is with you people at St. Lawrence.
Starting point is 00:55:49 You can't handle the truth. You guys are fucking nuts. Tucker Carlson had a woman on, a girl, I don't know what you call it, from St. Lawrence. She was a grown woman, but she talked like an 11-year- girl she's talking like this and he just fucking made her look so stupid and ignorant and he was making the same point when did it you know there was a time
Starting point is 00:56:18 where you disagree with somebody politically but you didn't have to ruin their lives and shit. And that's, they're fascists. That's the best fucking word for them. Jonah Goldberg wrote a book a few years ago I read called Liberal Fascism. I think it was the title. Read it. It's unbelievable. Just, the girl goes,
Starting point is 00:56:43 and at the end the girl in the interview goes, okay, well, we agree to disagree. And Tucker's like, yeah, and at the end, the girl in the interview goes, okay, well, what we agree to disagree. And Tucker's like, yeah, that's my point. We can agree to disagree without somebody getting fucking ruining their lives.
Starting point is 00:56:55 What a fascist, dumb little bitch. And she's representing St. Lawrence. Ooh, that's a degree. I don't know how Susan Collins, how are you going to get along without that honorary degree from St. Lawrence
Starting point is 00:57:05 they have good hockey up there they did it one time let me have a sip of my gin and juice my favorite artist used to say Frank Sinatra anyhow it's a dangerous situation
Starting point is 00:57:26 anyway Susan I wish another you got the face of a shrimp Howard as long as it's not as ugly as my face I wish you nothing but the best
Starting point is 00:57:42 Ryan's looking on his no idea what movie that's from he goes what is that from practical magic I wish you nothing but the best. Ryan's looking on. He has no idea what movie that's from. He goes, what is that? From Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock? I love that one. That's Godfather. I know.
Starting point is 00:57:55 I taught you that when you got here. Portland tourism video. Let's go to the fucking left meltdown whether it's Elizabeth Warren or you could just whoever somebody one of my Patreon people sent me a funny video because Portland is the ground
Starting point is 00:58:18 zero the Civil War has already started that's the name of the show by the way it's well underway the Civil War and but somebody somebody put this, and one of my patrons sent me this. Here's a video, a tourism video, encouraging people, if you go to Portland, Oregon, this is the city. Portland, Oregon is located in the northwestern United States, where the Willamette and Columbia Rivers meet. Downtown Portland was built with pedestrians in mind, so you could easily walk the Central
Starting point is 00:58:56 District to take in the city's architecture, parks, and fountains at your own pace. The heart of the city is the amphitheater on Pioneer Courthouse Square. It's the place everyone keeps coming back to after browsing galleries, shopping, and sightseeing. Do bring an umbrella because showers are very cold, although there's plenty of sunshine to enjoy in the sun. This is also a great spot for people watching.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Can we, can we, can we, uh, is it hard, Jason, to go back a little? Let's take a look at one of the prayer boys teaching an Antifa boy what a right cross is. Oh, looks like a hook. Oh, let's see that again. Oh. Oh. And his head hits the cement on top.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Oh. Go ahead. Roll over. See the girl? People watching on a lazy afternoon. In the middle of all this natural beauty sits Portland. More than just a place to stop and smell the roses, this is a place to truly experience the laid-back atmosphere and splendor of the great Northwest.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Yay! George Soros would be proud. Oh, that was just pleasant, was it not? That's what's going on in Portland. And, you know, the prayer boy showed up and said, what's up? Again, we have all the guns. That looks like Civil War to me. Looks like it's already underway. You know. Yeah, I noticed my eyebrows are all fucked up. Well, I have scars here.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I get hit with hockey sticks and shit and the hair doesn't grow. That's just the camera. No, actually, it's me, I think. There's a couple of white ones in there. Let's say I'm going to look like Andy Rooney in another year and a half with the fucking caterpillars crawling across my foot. Let's go to Tim. Tim in Knoxville wants some voting advice from me. That scares me. Timothy, what's up, buddy?
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah, hey, Nick. Big fan. Thank you, fella. I was just curious who you were going to be voting for, because I was watching a liberal and a Republican debate, and I was just curious why they both think that you're such a piece of garbage. Who was it, exactly? That's a good sign.
Starting point is 01:01:46 That means the show's getting out there he jumped off just like an antifa member would before he could get knocked the fuck out the truth is both sides love me tim i think we have footage of him getting off the line actually thank you sir go ahead got it yeah there he is i hung up on him we need more of that shit once we start taking fire we know it's out there uh what the hell else uh oh more more violence this is what happens though because you know he didn't vote like me timothy, whatever his real name was. And that's what they do.
Starting point is 01:02:28 They either get violent or they say the little piece and they run and they hang up. Because they're getting their asses handed to them in what they call the arena of ideas. And that's when you resort to violence. It's like me. If I'm losing Monopoly, I flip the board over. That's what the Democrats are doing.
Starting point is 01:02:45 How's that for an analogy, Jay? It's pretty good, right? That's right, Nick. It was excellent. What? Two GOP candidates assaulted in Minnesota. Are you sure? Minnesota Democratic Party has suspended a spokesman for calling violence against Republicans, even as two GOP candidates have been assaulted and suspected politically motivated attacks the democratic farm labor party suspended communication staffer william davis for one week without pay after making a facebook post joking the democrats would bring republicans to the guillotine i don't have a problem with that that's being pussy like the stuff that follows in this story
Starting point is 01:03:24 i do the day after the midterm elections minnesota republican party chairman jennifer uh conahan said I don't have a problem with that. That's being pussy-like. The stuff that follows in this story I do. The day after the midterm elections, Minnesota Republican Party Chairman Jennifer Cunningham said the suspension was not enough, calling for his immediate firing. No, no, Jennifer, no. No, sorry. Made a reference to a guillotine. Let's not get fucking crazy, okay?
Starting point is 01:03:43 Aftermath of the 70s, but anyways, this happened after two Republican candidates were, but this woman, Carnahan, party chairman, Republican party, she's had done numerous death threats.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Now that you can get excited about. The suspension came days after Minnesota State Rep Sarah Anderson was punched in the arm after spotting a man destroying Republican yard signs. She said the attack left her scared and her attacker only desisted when she fled to her car and threw it in reverse. She says it was just insane. He was charging at me saying, why don't you go kill yourself?
Starting point is 01:04:20 Anderson told the paper to have someone physically coming after you and attacking you is just, uh, just disheartening. Oh, that dirty cogsucker. I mean him, not the woman. Let me clarify that. Anderson was not the only GOP candidate attacked. First-time state rep candidate Shane Meeklin suffered a concussion after getting sucker punched while speaking with constituents at a restaurant in Benton County. That sound familiar? Meeklin told the free beacon he has suffered memory loss.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I should have done that. Forgetting, uh, forgetting rep Anderson's name at one point in the interview. And doctors tell me it will have, uh, a four to six week recovery time ahead of him. He said he was cold cocked while sitting at a high top table at a local eatery and hit his head on the floor.
Starting point is 01:05:06 So this is actual physical violence against Republican candidates. Can somebody show me somebody doing that to a Democrat candidate? Could you please show me some footage? Send me a fucking story. Could you? could you show me a clip of Lindsey Graham fucking cracking somebody with his purse while they're eating lobster
Starting point is 01:05:33 I was overtaken by surprise and shock and if this is the new norm this is not what I signed up for he said anyways they've lost their goddamn minds you fucking people you have no idea how to defend a nation that is true so i mean uh it's obvious it's obvious who's losing but what what if the Dems do take over the house after all this shit, all this evidence on camera, violence against people on the right, chasing people out of restaurants,
Starting point is 01:06:12 getting in their face, fucking beating them up, beating up people with MAGA hats, ramming their cars with their car because you have a Trump. We've been documenting this shit for two months here. And what does it say if the Dems do take the house what does it fucking say I say it's time again it's already started we made fun of that Portland tourism video
Starting point is 01:06:36 it's supposed to be funny but it's I mean isn't this the beginnings of a fucking civil war looks like it to me I haven't been in one in a while. I was wounded at Jason throughout a Southern city. I don't know my history. Another left winger who's lost his mind.
Starting point is 01:06:56 It's too bad because I'm a fan of this guy as far as comedians go. Because I think he's really funny. But he hates whitey like most brown cultures. anybody raised in L.A. that's Mexican, just, you know, not everybody. A lot of conservatives, too. But George Lopez, very disappointing, George. Love your comedy and shit, but you really don't like Whitey. A cell phone video of a surface showing comedian George Lopez
Starting point is 01:07:22 getting into an altercation at a... First of all, I don't like the fact that Lopez is at a Hooters. Come on, George. That kind of dough, although the wings between the tits and the wings, I have to say. I don't know. That's how I know I'm getting old. I go there for the wings.
Starting point is 01:07:41 I used to go there and I used to go like this. I used to drop my silver on the floor and go excuse me Diane can you get my fork then I'd be on the road and I'd go in there and I'm like oh shit I'm that guy like in his 40s by himself at Hooters they're staring at me more than I'm staring at them
Starting point is 01:07:59 they're like well what's this guy up to he's already had 150 fucking hot wings. What does he want from us? Anyways, cell phone video surf is showing Lopez getting into an altercation at the Hooters with a man who was to be a vocal supporter of Donald Trump. I think we have that video of George at Hooters. Here comes my boy, George. He's a badass. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:08:30 He wants to fight me. George wants to fight me. George wants to fight me. Let's get the guy by the neck. Get the guy by the neck. Think about that. Imagine a white Trump supporter grabbing a fucking minority by the neck who was heckling him in a restaurant
Starting point is 01:08:46 and shit? I wish it would happen. We're going to have a war. Let's fucking get it on. Lopez grabbing a guy by the fucking neck. Nothing's going to happen. You think he's going to not get any gigs in Hollywood? I hope it doesn't hurt his ticket sales.
Starting point is 01:09:02 It's a disappointment. Because he's funny as hell. Especially when he talks about Mexican people and does his Spangler shit. Just like when Chris Rock used to make fun of black people. It's an inside angle that you don't get from him.
Starting point is 01:09:16 It's really fucking funny. He's a legend, but he's loco. He's loco. He's loco, you know, he's. I am. I like. I love them. I do. I want.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I'll get them from you. Oh, I am. A person close to Lopez told the site the man had been taunting Lopez the entire night. Yeah, yeah. But he wasn't chasing him out of the restaurant, was he? How's it feel, lefties? And Lopez is not even a politician. So, the guy was taunting him all night, huh?
Starting point is 01:10:05 Oh, poor baby. Making pro-Trump comments and screaming MAGA. Lopez, a Mexican-American raised in the San Fernando Valley, has not been shy about his disdain for the president. In July, he pretended to urinate on Trump's battered star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And he regularly mocks the president and his administration
Starting point is 01:10:30 on his social media accounts. Here's a clip of George... Make sure you see Trump. All right, let's go. Oh, boy. I wish Hillary Obama was in show business and had a star. I'd go out there. I'd load up on Chipotle for three nights,
Starting point is 01:11:01 drink two pots of black coffee, and just fucking... It would be like a silverback ape just shitting after 70 pounds of rainforest roughage. I would just fucking douse their stars with my wet feces so you couldn't even, but they're not in show business. They're worse than that.
Starting point is 01:11:22 But picture that now. Picture somebody doing that to Obama whether it's a statue or whatever. Part of me is laughing inside. I'm a comic. But I'm just saying I want the opportunity. I guess we could do that the Kimmel style.
Starting point is 01:11:41 I like Jimmy personally. Fucking Oprah. Fucking Oprah. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to eat six pounds of bad clams and drink a bottle of whiskey and just blow chunks. Anyways, finally tonight, and it's good to be back in the seat, the big seat. I'll tell you
Starting point is 01:12:05 i i hope this swingers thing gets picked up for your guys sake just so you can see how funny just the fucking still pictures they sent to me let's take a call before i do the last uh story here just curious when are you going to take your tour out to the jersey area or east coast that question makes no fucking sense that's where i fucking do 90 of my shows william what up bill hey sir no actually what and by by the way, love the show. But I remember seeing you back in the day, man, at Bananas in Jersey. Yes. And what you called it?
Starting point is 01:12:53 You got heckled. You got heckled. And you just ripped this guy a new asshole. Oh, that. It was before you were on your political rants. It was like you just tore this guy. Like you made a show about him, he felt so fucking stupid,
Starting point is 01:13:07 he actually left. Yes, well, you know. And there's another time, go ahead. Well, there's another time
Starting point is 01:13:14 I was seeing a band played and you opened up for them back at the R-Bars a couple years ago and you opened up and Artie was backstage waiting for you. You guys were hanging out
Starting point is 01:13:23 again, this was several years ago. And you said the best thingie was backstage waiting for you. You guys were hanging out. This is again, this is several years ago. Yeah. And you said the best thing ever. This guy's band, he's actually a really big band, but no one showed up for the show. He goes, hey, you're like, hey, you know, I don't want to, you know, fuck up the audience with my comedy. It was like three people there. You were just like, you were fantastic.
Starting point is 01:13:48 I know you play constantly around the area. I'm from North Jersey. I'm from Maywood. And what's your thought? Are you ever going to play the Natives again, or are you too big for that now? Too big for that now, William. But I'll come to a venue near you.
Starting point is 01:13:59 Okay. Thanks for the call. My buddy Zach in Pittsburgh, man, I'm glad he clarified this. I should have looked down at this 20 minutes ago. But it's proud boys, not the prayer boys. I made that up myself. And you knew that? You're fucking nodding your head, Brian.
Starting point is 01:14:15 So why didn't you fucking correct me? I learned that like just five minutes ago. Oh, did you? Yeah. Which proves you're not on the ball either. But anyways, it's your job to make me look good out here. You realize that? Got you. That's a really hard thing to do oh my god i'm taking shit from a kid who weighs 111 and a fucking tank top my sister wouldn't be caught there i got a super chat from you okay uh patrick door why is a republican dating representative ellison um i'm guessing it's a man.
Starting point is 01:14:47 A Republican? I don't know who he's talking about, but who knows? Probably a power-hungry broad. You know, power transcends all that shit. Let's go to... Well, let me finish the final story. Excuse me. Dunkin' Donuts worker fired let's go to, well, let's, let me finish the final story. Here's my Duncan donuts.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Worker fired for refusing to serve cops. Robs the same donut shop. Shantae Brown. Now I wouldn't know from his name. He was black. As they say, you don't, you can't judge a book by really.
Starting point is 01:15:21 I can't prejudge Shantae Brown. Fired for refusing to serve a cop. Was arrested for robbing that same Dunkin' Funkin' Donuts. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! A former Dunkin' Donuts employee was fired in July for refusing to serve a uniformed Cleveland police officer. Has been arrested for allegedly robbing the same store
Starting point is 01:15:44 where he previously worked. He's being held on a $250,000 bond or 12 crullers. The robbery happened over the weekend, and by Monday, Brown was named the suspect and now behind bars to answer for his actions. Excuse me. The incident that got Brown fired from the donut shop happened on July 13th when Cleveland officer
Starting point is 01:16:08 Frank Gomback stopped at the donuts Dunkin Donuts located near the border of Cleveland and Lake Wibbubba according to officer Gomback when he walked up to the counter ordered an ice coffee the employee he encountered was anything but courteous I don't serve cops Brown allegedly told him
Starting point is 01:16:24 just before he turned and walked away from the officer. What a piece of fucking garbage. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? The store's owner, Paul Patel, said he quickly fired Brown, who claimed his comment was a joke. Paul Patel said, that's not a joke. That's not a good joke. We can't tolerate jokes like that, Patel said. I came in right away and we got rid of the piece of cheese. You're fired. You're fired.
Starting point is 01:16:50 You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. Sounds like every white boss trying to fucking manage a Wendy's.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Officer Gombak, listen to this. It gets a little more interesting. Made national headlines in 2014 after he and his partner responded to a report of an individual with a gun at a park. The officers encountered 12-year-old Tamir Rice, remember this was his national news, who reached into his waistband and lifted up an outer garment. Officer Gombak's partner exited the vehicle and fired two rounds, one which fatally struck Rice. In 2015, a grand jury declined to bring charges against the officer because it was
Starting point is 01:17:27 reasonable for them to believe that Rice was reaching for a gun. Officer Gombach, who was driving the patrol car but did not shoot, was suspended for 10 days because the department said, made an error in tax by stopping the patrol vehicle next to Rice.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Anyways, the Dunkin' Donuts employee, Shantae Brown, Made an error in taxes by stopping the patrol vehicle next to Rice. Ooh. Anyways. The Dunkin' Donuts employee, Shante Brown. Is that his name? He was unaware of Officer Garnback's involvement in the altercation with Rice when he refused to serve him, supposedly. I ain't believing that either. You're a piece of shit, Shante. End of fucking story.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Let's say somebody breaks into your house, Shante, or your tent, or the bridge under wherever you fucking live, and tries to rob your, I was going to say parents, but I'm sure that doesn't fit the story either. I don't know, they try to steal your weed stash, and your fucking Jay-Z fucking whatever. Who are you going to call? Who are you going to call?
Starting point is 01:18:30 That's right, Ghostbuster. Well, Shantae looks so different than all the other suspects in Cleveland. He seems happy to be living in Cleveland. You understand? He gets fired from the donut shop and goes back and he robs the same... Because, you know, you can't find Dunkin' Donuts anywhere. It's not like they're on every fucking corner.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Oh my God. Retardation. Oh, the poor prick. Anyways, kids. Thatardation. Oh, the poor prick. Anyways, kids, that is it. Should we take one more? Quick one. Dave's been on hold. Real quick, Dave, I gotta wrap it up. I gotta go upstairs and make some
Starting point is 01:19:17 mustachioly. Anyway. What's up, David? I was wondering how much worse you think the Democrats can act before they literally just flat declared. If they get power. Yeah. It wasn't surprising they started jailing conservatives. Well, just for thinking. Well, they're already doing that. I mean, they're already doing that. I mean, I get fired for a tweet.
Starting point is 01:19:47 I mean, on a large scale. Well, yeah. Now you're talking about Civil War, Dave. I'm not worried about that because conservatives have all the guns. Right? Right. But well, I mean, like I've noticed on YouTube, I'm starting to see a lot of black YouTube, black YouTubers that are YouTubers that are doing like, I guess, round tables, I guess. Yeah. And they are openly discussing race war at this point. I've had five or six of them shoving my YouTube out discussing. We need to have a race war. Why do you need to go? That's what I'm hearing. Yeah. All right. Dave, uh, thank you for the call. You were the last one to comment on it.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Whitey needs to go. But I've been reading that shit for years online. And trust me, there's a lot of crazy whiteys out there that think somebody else has to go. So like I've been using my analogy, it's like Bobby or Joe Namath's knee. After 31 surgeries, there's no cartilage left Namath's knee after 31 surgeries. There's no cartilage left. In other words, the middle can't hold. It's bone on bone. Eventually, you rub those bones
Starting point is 01:20:52 together long enough, it's going to spark. it's the I see these motherfuckers on TV going, well, it's this guy Julian Epstein, who was on Fox last night. And he always takes this tack when people call him and his leftist bullshit. Well, both sides are guilty of that type. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:21:13 One side right now is fucking guilty of fanning the flames. One side has been trafficking in identity politics for the last 40 years. Okay? You're watching a plan come to fruition that the Soros' of the world have put into play and the fucking Obama's and all the Marxist's. Okay? You're watching it come to fruition.
Starting point is 01:21:38 You look at the college campuses. They're just indoctrination camps for your kids and shit. This has been in play forever. As you know, I'm not telling you anything you don't know if you follow this stuff. They entrenched themselves in the media years ago, in education, in Hollywood. They did it years ago. And now generations and generations of idiots combined with shitheads coming in from third world countries. And that's their goal.
Starting point is 01:22:05 That's why they're freaking out about Kavanaugh and other conservative justices. It's going to keep them from their ultimate goal, which is they want the Democrat. They want the immigrants. They want the brown people pouring into the country. They want that power base for the next thousand fucking years. And Trump is a threat to that. That's why they're losing their shit. And they don't have anything else other than identity politics.
Starting point is 01:22:33 They have nothing. They don't talk about the economy. They don't talk about... They attack Trump. They attack Kavanaugh. They attack all white people, all men, all white men. That's all they have. They have nothing to say about how to improve anything.
Starting point is 01:22:50 We stand for the working class, making fun of Trump's tax cuts. Meanwhile, the economy is roaring. They are scared shitless. You don't resort to violence unless you're getting beat in the fucking idea arena, which they are. He's running circles around him. This is desperation. Chasing people out of restaurants,
Starting point is 01:23:12 punching people. So here we go. At least, I don't care if you like Trump, you fucking hate him. At least he expedited this. It was coming anyways. But to have a blonde-haired, blue-eyed billionaire, old white guy,
Starting point is 01:23:29 rich guy, at this time in this country win the White House, that was like throwing gas on the fucking fire, or water as far as their plan goes. And they are in a total panic. Alright guys, that is it. Good to be back.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Have I covered everything, fellas? Yes, sir. I guess I have. I can't think of anything else. Anyways, go to And again, you get the merchandise, the 20% off for YouTube, Facebook people, the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:24:01 And we'll see you guys, you subscribers tomorrow on Patreon. Remember, you think it, I will say it. You're welcome. And I'll talk to you later. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 ¶¶ ¶¶ Thank you.

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