The Nick DiPaolo Show - CNN Producer Pedo Possible | Nick Di Paolo Show #639

Episode Date: December 13, 2021

Newsom to use Texas example for gun control. Silverman takes on Reid. CO Governor says emergency is "over". Dr. Oz calls out Fauci. CNN's pedo producer....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, if you're not a paid subscriber to the show, please take a moment and subscribe now. Starting today, we are introducing the Nick DiPaolo Show phone line, where you can call up and leave a message for me to play and respond to on the show. This number is only available to subscribers. You'll also get access to the daily Encore episode, which nobody else gets, and hundreds of show archives. Plus, you'll get a discount on merch and free merch, depending on what level you subscribe at.
Starting point is 00:00:30 You can do all this at and click on an Encore episode or slash thenickdapaloshow. Thanks for supporting, and I can't wait to hear what some of you guys and gals have to say. Talk to you soon. Oh, yes. How are you, folks? Welcome on a Monday. How you doing? Weekend went very fast, didn't it? It really did. He was the best guy around.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I'm still here. Shut your fucking hole. Anyways, good to be with you, I guess. I don't like Mondays. Not like I'm going to shoot up a school. Remember somebody wrote a song about that? Tell me why I don't like Mondays. Not like I'm gonna shoot up a school. Remember somebody wrote a song about that? Tell me why I don't like Monday. You remember that song? Do you? You don't you don't know any of my references do you, Dale? Dale, this is too young. I keep forgetting. I do. I just don't know them exactly the details you do. It's a song called Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays. Well I know that. You do? I mean do you know the song? I've heard the song. I don't get all gushy about the 70s songs.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I'm not asking you to get gushy. It was written by somebody who shot up a school. Not written by, about somebody who shot up a school. That's all. I can't help it, folks. I have a generation gap now with people in their 40s. I have a big ball! Oh!
Starting point is 00:02:30 Football. Let's get real quick. The pool fucking hanging in there, man. Last week, the kid that was in first, I picked up five on him to climb within whatever the fuck. And then yesterday, he's got picking up four on me. To the Bengals came through in overtime. And who else came through in overtime? Tampa Bay.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I had both those. Ping, tang, pang. So he put up a nine. I put up a nine. Breathing down that prick's neck. I got you right where I want you, Mr. Festa. I guess he's a great kid. My father, I mean, my brother knows him.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Fuck it, whatever the fuck. Yeah, anyways. There's a hundred and something people, folks. I'm second. Come on. I know it's, you know, it's not like winning 40 grand on a weekend, but come on. I'm clutch, man. Last four weeks, nine, ten.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Nine could be a ten tonight. If I get, uh, who we got tonight? We got the Rams and Cardinals, right? I'm on the Cardinals. I'm pretty sure they're laying a few. Anyways, you guys are bored with that tough shit? My show! Hey, you ever do this? I got the munchies last night. This is after eating dessert. An hour later. This is not, now it's quarter? I got the munchies last night. This is after eating dessert an hour later. This is not, now it's quarter to two in the morning. I go in the kitchen, I get a bag of chips and I dump them all over a paper plate.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I poured mustard and ketchup on them. You ever done that? Chips are really good with mustard and ketchup. I did two points. Went right to bed. Fucking healthy, isn't it? I got the fucking heart of Dick Cheney. Hey, suck it.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Kiss my ass. All right, let's get to the show, ladies and gentlemen. We've got a lot not to cover. In the N-word segment today, this is from CNN Business about Chris Wallace joining CNN Plus. And I quote from the article, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, one of the few high-profile news personalities who retained a reputation of integrity as Fox leaned hard into right-winging and conspiratorial programming, unquote. But this monologue isn't about Chris Wallace jumping from ship to shit, I should say. It's about this article by CNN plus whoever the fuck wrote. CNN accusing Fox News
Starting point is 00:04:54 of conspiratorial programming is like Whoopi Goldberg accusing someone of being hard on the eyes. They should both look in the mirror. Was it FNC that came up with the theory Trump was colluding with Russia, which turned out to be as fake as Kamala's laugh or Nicki Minaj's titties? Was it Fox News who promoted the theory that Supreme Court Justice nominee at the time, Brett Kavanaugh, participated in more gangbangs of drunk and drugged women than Ron Jeremy, which turned out to be more false than Biden's fucking uppers? Was it Fox News Channel who promoted this story,
Starting point is 00:05:31 the info on Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation, which also turned out to be more full of crap than a Crohn's disease sufferer's toilet after a hot wing contest? God, I love that one. Excuse me. Was it Fox News who pushed the Nick Sandman hoax, splashing headlines for weeks that read white Covington Catholic high school students surround Native American elder and mocked him when it turned out it was the elderly Native American who was the aggressor and also lied about being a Vietnam vet? He went as far as saying when he returned from Nam, he was spit on and called baby killer.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Problem is you can't return from a place you've never been to. Guy was never there. Guy's name was Nathan Phillips. Remember him? I'm digressing here, but I'm just saying. The only thing that made him more of an Indian than Liz Warren was he drank like a professional in the dark by himself, apparently, as opposed to, you know, on video and Instagram to bolster a failing campaign run.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And don't even make me bring up Pussy Smollett. If CNN was any more behind Jussie Smollett, they would have been watching his boyfriend pound his asshole like Jeffrey Toobin does his meat during a Zoom call of co-workers. There's so many more I could mention. Shit, I didn't even get to their comedy team, the Cuomo brothers. And you're saying Fox puts out conspiracies.
Starting point is 00:06:56 This is fucking frightening, the disconnect. The point being is after the last couple of weeks, what with Smollett, Chris Cuomo, and now a senior producer, one of Chris Cuomo's senior producers, is being charged alleged underage sex on top of trying to cover for President Joe Biden. Disastrous first year. The most trusted name in news is now the most busted name in news scandals. And hiring Chrissy Wallace is obviously the first cynical step to trying to rebuild what's left of their sully brand. And all I'm going to say about Chris Wallace is he worked previously at networks like ABC Primetime, Meet the Press on NBC, NBC Nightly news. He's a registered Democrat. He graduated from Harvard. Enough said. And that's the N-word for the day. That's what they're doing, you know. Their plane has crashed. I mean, after Cuomo and now the Smollett thing and Chris Cuomo sex scandal,
Starting point is 00:08:12 like, and now we got this producer who might be charged with, you know, the plane has crashed. And I know, I would love to see, he's going on to the streaming thing on Netflix, whatever the fuck, something that nobody watches. But I guarantee you Zucker or somebody maybe above Zucker said, listen, fuckface, this is your last chance. Okay, we're the laughingstock. We don't get numbers. Everybody knows we're full of shit.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Get somebody with some credibility. And it makes sense they went after Chrissy Wallace because they always complimented him. Even after he would narrate the debates, moderate the debates, remember? And he would end up, do you remember how hard he went on Trump and he fucking sucked Biden's ass? You know, so it doesn't make,
Starting point is 00:09:01 they must give him a shitload of money, CNN. They must offer him a bag of money. You know what I mean? He's a fucking idiot like his father. Wasn't it his father who brought down, was it Mike Wallace that brought down, I always confuse him with the other jerk off at CBS, Dan Rather. One of them brought down a president. Anyhow, so that's their cynical move to try to balance it out.
Starting point is 00:09:26 But it's too late, kids. You lying cocksuckers. You're the reason this country is at each other's throats. You're the reason that this crime going through the roof and murders, and you pretend to be detached from all of it. Everybody sees right through you. May you all get cancer, a slow type of cancer that eat your fucking bones
Starting point is 00:09:48 and your kids too. Oh, Nick, that's not Nick. I don't give a shit. I'm at it. Speaking of lizards and shapeshifters, Gruesome Newsome, you know who he is?
Starting point is 00:10:01 That's right. Former husband of, what's her name, from Fox, Kimberly Guilfoyle. Makes me question her taste. California Governor Gavin Newsome expressed his outrage Saturday at a Supreme Court decision to allow Texas, to allow the Texas six-week abortion ban to remain in effect and said he would use similar legal tactics to tackle gun control in his state. Is that true, man?
Starting point is 00:10:34 You're going to be in some deep shit. Dead man walking. Yeah, good luck with that, fella. I am outraged, he said, by yesterday's U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Texas ban on most abortion services to remain in place. Really? You're outraged at democracy working where it's supposed to, with each state's like a Petri dish? Kind of a good play on words when you talk about fetuses. Put that finger back up your ass where it was before you. Put that finger back up your ass where it was before you.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Abortion services to remain in place and largely endorsing Texas's scheme to insulate its law from the fundamental protections of Roe v. Wade. Nobody's more of a weasel than somebody on the left, a guy on the left, who pretends to be a feminist or a feminist supporter. They're usually the ones who get caught finger popping somebody at the fucking public pool or underage or whatever the fuck. They are the slimiest pricks and it's got nothing to do. Ladies, he doesn't give a fuck about you. This is all politics. Do you understand? And by the way, it's not about the fetus. I don't want to get into the weeds about whatever the fuck, because I'm not as far right when it comes to abortion
Starting point is 00:11:49 as some people take it too far. But even women, the pro-feminist, the real feminists, you know what they hate about it? It's not about whether it's a life or not or a baby. They don't want men telling them what the fuck to do. That's what it's about. It really is. And I know there's some women on it, but no, the fucking...
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's been... How many times have you heard them go, men shouldn't decide the abortion issue? But that's what they hate. You're telling them what to do with your bodies. Okay, you know what? I'll agree with you. Then don't tell me to get a booster shot or a fucking vaccine, all right? I agree with you, furry-faced, thick-ankled, couldn't-get-fucked-out-of-Turkish-prison-women. He's so upset we can't kill more babies. He says, but if states can now shield their laws
Starting point is 00:12:40 from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives. Again, he's using, that's the first sign he doesn't know what he's talking about, assault weapons, because an AR-15 is not an assault weapon. You can't have an assault weapon on the streets, you fucking sniff that finger. You just took it out of a Cub Scout's ass, you piece of shit. Compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives. Then California will use that authority to protect people's lives.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Not babies' lives. Where Texas used it to put women in harm's way. What is this, 1953? I love they still use that. Women are going to die in back alleys. You know, I used to sleep in back alleys and never saw a
Starting point is 00:13:23 coat hanger or any blood or even a fetus in those. It's such a crock of shit. Oh, wait a minute. Yeah, you're putting them in harm's way. The Friday ruling, by the way, no mention of the fetus itself. That's not, you know. The Friday ruling from the Supreme Court allowed Texas abortion law that bars the procedure after the first six weeks of pregnancy, which seems reasonable to me, to remain in place, but said abortion providers have the right to challenge the law in federal court. However, the ruling limits which state officials can be sued by the abortion providers,
Starting point is 00:14:05 which could make it difficult for them to resume providing abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy. So obviously they're going to get lawyers involved. Counselor! Counselor! This is due to the law's novel enforcement mechanism, which allows private citizens from anywhere in the country to bring civil lawsuits against anyone who assists a pregnant person seeking an abortion in violation of the law. Oh, so you don't like it. You don't like it. You don't like it in this case when a civilian can sue somebody, but you love it when a cop, I don't even know if they pass this in LA, I'm just assuming, like New York, you love it when cops are personally reliable. I mean, personally, what I'm looking for? Liable, excuse me, fucking
Starting point is 00:15:00 coffee. That you're okay with when cops are liable and can get sued for doing their jobs. Just a hypocritical piece of shit. If lower courts are only allowed to issue orders blocking the select state officials from enforcing the ban, it is unclear if that will be enough to allow clinics to resume the procedure as they might still face state court litigation from private citizens seeking to enforce the ban. This is what's scary, though. So the Constitution people,
Starting point is 00:15:39 oh, yeah, you're going to do that? Then I'm going to ignore this federal law. And we're going to ignore the fine. You know what? This is where we're at. Fuck it. We'll have 52 little countries of 50. When did I get
Starting point is 00:15:49 52? Sound like Obama. The Marine Corps. He actually said that. In light of the Supreme Court's decision, Newsom said he directed his staff to draft a bill that would allow private citizens to seek injunctive relief
Starting point is 00:16:06 against anyone who manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or a ghost gun kit or parts in the state of California. The bill would also provide for statutory damages of at least $10,000 in addition to attorney's fees, the governor's statement said. Good luck getting that one, baby. Go ahead. Even in fucking liberal shithole California, good luck trying to take their guns away. Beto O'Rourke came out and said,
Starting point is 00:16:38 remember, we're going to take your A.R. Where's he? And by the way, don't think this jerk-off didn't get recalled. Okay? Everybody, ooh. See, they're playing for keeps. The Republicans are jerking off and actually helping them sometimes. If the most efficient way to keep these devastating weapons off our streets
Starting point is 00:16:55 is to add the threat of private lawsuits, we should do just that, Newsom said. Look at him. Fucking devil. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. You know, he exists, but not for long if he
Starting point is 00:17:11 starts fucking with the Second Amendment. In our libs eating libs segment today, excuse me, liberal comedian, an old friend of mine. That's right. I knew Sarah when she was a nobody in New York. And she actually, her brain was fully formed then. I don't know what happened. Liberal comedian Sarah Silverman fired back at liberals who criticized her last week after Silverman told MSNBC host racist pig face malignant twat Joy Reid that she should read articles before commenting on them and
Starting point is 00:17:56 of course the black carrot top with a hairdo over there responded to Sarah by saying, Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. This is a classic Libs eating Libs. You couldn't get any more left. Sarah drank all, she's been drinking that Kool-Aid in Hollywood for 20 years now. She's gone. She's like a patient with cancer. It's metastasis. She is so fucking wrong about everything. It's gone. She's like a patient with cancer. It's metastasis. She is so fucking wrong about everything.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It's creepy. And she's from Manchester, New Hampshire. And then you got fucking, look at stupid over there with that haircut. I like to open her head like a ripe melon with my Timberlands. Who's with me? Early in December, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced plans to revive the Florida State Guard, a civilian force over which he would have total control. Democrats, of course, and media members, including Reid,
Starting point is 00:18:51 immediately responded by raising hysteria, claiming it provided DeSantis has authoritarian impulses. She says, so y'all know, hey, black people, stop saying y'all, by the way, if you didn't grow up in fucking Alabama. Y'all know this is a fascicity bananas, fascicity, Reid responded on Twitter, linking to a CNN story detailing DeSantis' plan. Yeah, it's fascism. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul.
Starting point is 00:19:32 However, the CNN story that Reid shared plainly stated that Florida would become the 23rd state in the United States to have such a force activated, thus disproving any notion of fascistic behavior from DeSantis. They didn't mention that in the article. Silverman used the opportunity to make a point. She said, please, I quote, read the article before you post this stuff. You're a news outlet, Silverman. She still thinks they're a news outlet. Isn't that cute?
Starting point is 00:20:03 How far do you have your head up NBC's brass, Sarah? Let me talk it like this. Joy Reid, you got a read in the article? I smell shit. Anyways, so she had the balls to correct Miss Joy Reid. The truth has to matter, she says, even though she hasn't spoke it, my girl Silverman, in 100 years. just lost. Silverman responded to the incident on our own podcast last week. Specifically, Silverman pushed back against criticism that she received from the liberals. We're so, she's missing the point, right? She's missed, we're so divided we can't even criticize, critique the people on our own side. Yeah, like that's the biggest problem the Dems have. You're only wrong about everything.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I'm sure you voted for this jerk-off. Why don't you start there? And then, yeah, that's the big problem in the Democrats. They're infighting. Oh, so you don't like it now when people start to squelch your speech. Meanwhile, how many people have you called on the right racist and bigoted?
Starting point is 00:21:06 And you actually, somebody put a book out from Fox News, and didn't you boycott it? Actually, she's a book burner of the digital persuasion. We can't even critique anyone in our own party without punishment, Silverman explained on her podcast. That is the least of your problems. One of the hosts of The View was like, what hubris. Boy, what a, what a, what a, it's monkeys throwing shit at each other.
Starting point is 00:21:39 What hubris for Sarah Silverman to accuse a black woman again. It says somebody on The View. Was it not Whoopi? for Sarah Silverman to accuse a black woman again. It says somebody on the view. Was it not Whoopi? A black woman of not reading. Oy! Oh, it might have been Beha. Jesus, what the fucking, I surrender.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Good grief, Silverman continued. I cannot believe I need to say this, but I did not criticize Joy Ann because she's black. How's it feel, Sarah, who donned blackface at one point in your career? Sarah, come home, come home. She's like Patty Hearst. This broad, another reference, in the 70s, whose family was, you know, tremendously wealthy. She got kidnapped by the Liberation Army or whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And she got that syndrome where you join your kidnappers. I can't remember what it's called. I think it's called getting married. Stockholm Syndrome. Yeah, thank you. You are correct. What is Stockholm Syndrome?
Starting point is 00:22:37 I'll take purple nipples for 50. Anyways, I didn't criticize her because she's, even if you did, who gives a shit? See this pool of shit you've created? Help create. I criticized her because she's a dumb cunt, she said. What? No, but because she's a Harvard educated,
Starting point is 00:22:57 yeah, thank you, affirmative action. Harvard educated with the responsibility, ideally, of showing the whole picture and not just a piece of the picture. Oh, fucking idiot! After noting the complexities of political journalism,
Starting point is 00:23:15 the opinions are often mixed together with news. Silverman lamented that most news is tainted with bias. Oh, we have a clip of Sarah? Let her fly. You know?
Starting point is 00:23:29 She still looks the same. I need a news outlet that's just the facts. Something that I can draw my own opinion. Pause! You just stumbled over Fox's slogan. I know it doesn't mean that's what they do, but it's closer than anything you've been watching. We report, you decide.
Starting point is 00:23:49 We fuck, you get pregnant. What? You cook, I get the shits. I can play with this all day. Is that what you want, sir? Just take a look at Fox for 30 seconds. Could you? You wouldn't like it because your people,
Starting point is 00:24:06 your political, of your political, won't even come on. They won't even go on, Fox. Tucker Carlson will tear them a fucking new one. But let the pretty girl finish. And then I draw my own opinion on it. That would be so nice. I'd like to draw my own conclusions
Starting point is 00:24:21 sometimes. I mean, I'm interested in other people's thoughts, but it can't only be that. And good grief, you dare criticize anything in your own party, you're the enemy. And that kind of black and white thinking on both sides, but obviously I'm on the left. That's what I care about. Pause. Right away when you hear on both sides, you know who says that? Anybody who's on the party that's guilty of shit.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I noticed that after following this horseshit for 111 years. Oh, both parties do it. It's usually the left saying it. Go ahead. Turn off to me. That you're either with us or against us
Starting point is 00:25:04 kind of vibe with no room for questions or critique. It feels very not liberal. Oh, I don't even know where to start. You realize you vote Democrat, right? You're a liberal. You're the ones fucking banning words and shit.
Starting point is 00:25:21 You do get that, right? You're the ones who back people who burn down cities because somebody disagrees with a verdict or something. You do understand that, right? Oh, she's giving me a headache. You shit-kicking, stinky horseman who's smelling motherfucker, you. This show has a nice holiday feel to it, doesn't it, folks? Come on, Sarah, come back to us. Again, I won't hate her because... I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:59 What am I kidding? I fucking want to stab her in the face. I wouldn't do that. That's not allowed. Hey guys, if you haven't already, please take a moment and sign up at to get my exclusive encore shows. Today I'll be taking, I'll be, excuse me, I'll be talking, fucking eyes are all slimy. I don't know what that is. Might have to do with the three bags of chips you put ketchup on at two in the morning, you dink. Today I'll be talking about Fauci and how he's now saying he misspoke when he discussed getting COVID under control.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Do you guys understand? I got to listen to the book that my wife's listening. She's giving me tidbits that are based on fact that I can't believe how fucking evil. He gets scientists to do these tests and experiments, right? And then he gets the fucking results and says this, and then he licenses it and makes a deal with Pfizer or whoever. Do you understand that's how it works? It looks so silly now. They're like, oh, more's coming. Oh, no, the Omicron. The Delta. Uh-oh. I mean, they're not even good at hiding it.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Let it go away for a few years if you want to bring it back. Like, this is too obvious. Who taught you to lie? Jussie Smollett? Anyways, to get access, just click on any of the Encore episodes and sign up at the Sonny Michael or Vito Levers. You'll also get discounts off Nick DiPaolo's show Merchandise.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Excuse me. And starting this Thursday, you'll get access to a voicemail line. I think we're going to do it today. Where you can leave a question or a thought that I'll play and address on the show. I think the questions are the best
Starting point is 00:27:44 as far as comedy goes. Again, you can only get this as a member on, so if you haven't already signed up there, please do so now. This is without a doubt the best way you can support this show, and we thank you for your attention to that matter. Jared the Jerkoff, who am I talking about? Colorado governor Jared Polis, a Democrat, declared in a new interview that the COVID-19 emergency is over and that he won't be implementing another statewide mask mandate in response to the spread of the Omicron variant. Now, here's the thing. Don't get all excited because once again, it's misleading.
Starting point is 00:28:27 They mentioned he's a Democrat, so you're like, even he's saying these mandates are stupid. No, that's not what he's doing at all. I'll read on. I should have hit the fucking...
Starting point is 00:28:35 Anyways. To spread the... Explaining that if people aren't vaccinated at this point, it's their own darn fault. I just read online today about
Starting point is 00:28:50 there's been 1,200 deaths from the last Pfizer thing based on vaccines. They're not giving you these numbers, folks. Look at this fucking meathead. So he's not saying these mandates are unconstitutional that's
Starting point is 00:29:08 why i'm ending them no he wants everybody vaccinated and he doesn't give a shit now it's your fault problem you're the fucking doctor why onking jam rag arkin spunk bubble i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. Let's take a look at the clip. Your position just crystal clear. Is there anything that would prompt you to return to a statewide order? Or is that something you've just decided you aren't going to do at this point? Well, you know, our top goal is always to follow the science.
Starting point is 00:29:42 And there was a time when there was no vaccine and masks were all we had and we needed to wear them and Colorado stepped up, which was great. The truth is we now have highly effective vaccines. Pause. Follow the science. I watched UFC this weekend. I don't know, 20,000 people in an indoor arena. That's all the science I need.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Nobody's getting sick. Texas Rangers, I'll bring it up again. Opening day back in April had 40,000 people. Nobody got sick. That's the science, you fucking bald-headed shit poop. Are you getting a cut of Fauci's money too? I'd like to know.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Of all these people that are saying you gotta get your, it's a crock of shit. We like to follow the science. Really, Fauci? He told us at first, silly if we wear masks, you don't need them. Remember? That was his first thing. And now he's telling you should build a plywood box and put your kids in it and bury it. Let them come out in 2029. Fucking thieving little cocksucker. Anyways, what does stupid have to say? Works far better than masks.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I mean, not even close. If you wear a mask, it does decrease your risk of getting COVID. And that's a good thing to do. Pause. First of all, only one mask does that. You know those fucking cloth ones you're wearing? They do zilch.
Starting point is 00:31:07 We already debunked that. We debunked the six feet thing. Somebody just came up with that number. That's the science he's following. And by the way, people who have got vaccinated, they shed. I'm in danger of them, me being unvaccinated not the other way around you dink more and more people get it now they're walking around with it this is i understand people who work hard and don't have time to pay attention to the news
Starting point is 00:31:40 they get kids they have a life maybe they't follow. But a dickweed like this, he's supposed to be somebody. We're done with him, right? I'd rather have AIDS than listen to this guy. Speaking of that, that's another thing. My wife was telling me about Fauci was involved in that. How HIV doesn't cause AIDS. An actual scientist goes, I will inject myself with HIV. This was a scientist to prove that it's not, it doesn't cause AIDS. They do different things.
Starting point is 00:32:13 When you get HIV, your immune system goes down, and AIDS, that's when you get, but it's not the cause of it. And Fauci did these studies, and the result was that's what causes it. You know the did these studies, and the result was that's what causes it. You know the movie, what was it?
Starting point is 00:32:30 And you all know this, Matthew McConaughey, something Dallas. God, why do I do this to myself? Thank you! He's two for two today. What is Dallas? That movie was about Fauci.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Let that settle in anyhow Mr. Governor go shut up mind your fucking business and shut up exactly those who get sick he says it's almost entirely their own damn fault you know who's getting sick old fucking unhealthy people I don't want to say that
Starting point is 00:33:02 nobody will get the virus if they're vaccinated, but it's very rare. Just to put it in perspective of the about 1,400 people hospitalized, less than 200 or 16% are vaccinated. By the way, my wife told me the trick they do with that too. Before there was even a vaccine out and people were getting it and dying from, they still use those numbers in people. And many of them are older and have other conditions. Exactly, you dickweed.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's called the flu. I love that's how he puts it in perspective. I put it in perspective like I just did. I watched a football game a couple weeks ago. 110,000 people at the game. That's a super spreader, isn't it? Oh, but they're outside. No, there was a dorm over.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Nobody died, fuckface. Not even sick. You would have heard about it on CNN. 84% of the people in our hospitals are unvaccinated. Good. Keep it that way. And they absolutely had every chance to get vaccinated. Why don't you bring up the statistics of how many people have died or got really sick from that?
Starting point is 00:34:18 They don't even mention those. And at this point, I think it's almost like they made a deliberate decision not to get vaccinated. Yes! Wow! You're a detective. I still encourage everybody who hasn't been vaccinated to get protected. And for those who are, make sure to get that booster after six months. Are you dog-styling me? The data shows it's important and very likely even more so with this army crime variant.
Starting point is 00:34:46 No, no. The lady who discovered in South Africa, what's everybody getting excited about? You fucking lying piece of shit. A polis said he supported local jurisdictions instituting their own mandates according to their individual needs, but that the state should stay out of it. Well, you made a little bit of sense. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. So much stupid.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Oz says Fauci breaks laws. Isn't that what I put? Why does it say Oz says Fauci lies? It's not. It's probably says Fauci lies? What? Oh, God. Dr. Oz, you know him. I trust Fauci before him. Why do you say that, Nick? Because he's a product of Oprah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 He's an Oprah protege. I don't want to hear anything he has to say. Seriously, you're a TV doctor. You could be a real, I mean, you're a real doctor, but I'm just saying. If you rang a bell with Oprah and her fans, I don't want to fucking know what your thoughts are. Because that fat black pig is the one who has,
Starting point is 00:35:56 she has as much to do with where we are, political correctness. She fucking almost invented it single-handedly with all her horse shit. I do a whole bit about how she has four generations of fat chicks convinced they're beautiful. It's a very good bit. It involves rape whistles and shit. I think you've heard it. Dr. Oz, a medical entrepreneur and television host. I'm talking so fast. I've got to go home and work out. Television host, now running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:36:28 That's just what we need. Another fucking rhino. Said he'd like to see Anthony Fauci removed as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Yes, so we all would, stupid. A post he has held since 1984. So he wants him the hell out of there.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Nice eyebrows, Doc. Dr. Anthony Fauci, I'm quoting 1984. So he wants them the hell out of there. All right, get up! Nice eyebrows, Doc. Yeah! Dr. Anthony Fauci, I'm quoting Oz, has lost the faith and confidence. He did that on week three. When Trump said, uh, anybody, try some bleach or something.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I took some Avamectin, mixed it with a whiskey. I don't know who I'm doing. It's terrible. Jesus Christ, I'm losing it. Lost the faith and confidence of the American people, Oz told the Post. It's time. Yeah, but he's got the faith and confidence of the globalists. It's time for a new face talking to the American people, one that is more trusted.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Yeah, let's dig up Walter Cronkite. I believe, he says, Anthony Fauci should be held accountable for misleading, whether willfully or unintentionally, the American public and the United States Congress, Oz added. Yes, Rand Paul said this for a year now. Oz threw his hat into the Pennsylvania GOP Senate race last week, looking to fill the seat being vacated by retiring Republican incumbent Patty Toomey. David McCormick, a hedge fund CEO guy, is also eyeing a run. Scott Parnell, a Trump-endorsed candidate, dropped out of the race in November. That's McCormick. He looks like Tom Hanks with a bloating problem.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Fauci has come under growing fire in conservative circles after telling Congress that the National Institutes of Health, his parent organization, had not funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute for Biology, even though there's nine books on it with all kinds of evidence in China. The NIH later corrected Fauci. All those people were shot. Many experts believe coronavirus originated at the Institute. I think it originated in the ass crack of Whoopi Goldberg. Who's with me? Anybody? I'm going to tell you, you lying cocksucker! Some Republicans, like House GOP Conference Chair Rep. Aliza Stefanik, have a call for Fauci, who remains in good standing with President Biden as his chief medical advisor, to be prosecuted on charges of lying to Congress.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Oz also spoke to the Post in an online interview about his belief that Black Lives Matter undermines black community. Boy, Doc, you're coming up with some groundbreaking. You're really breaking some new ground with these thoughts, you nitwit. You think, you think BLM, I do not support the actions being taken by the Black Lives Matter organization and its leadership. BLM has the wrong approach at every level. Really? You mean burning down city blocks and shooting people? That's the wrong approach? Thank you, doctor. I'm glad you went to
Starting point is 00:39:50 fucking DeVry to get that. It's the wrong approach at every level, Oz said. Adding the movement had incited violence and property destruction. What did he just come out of a refrigerator? There's something wrong with the black man's mind.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Is that what you're trying to say, Dr. There's something wrong with his mind. Just spit it out, you stuttering, mumbling little prick, yeah? Hey, I want to thank you monthly subscribers who took a moment to leave a message this weekend on the Nick DiPaolo Show voicemail. If you haven't already, please become a contributor on
Starting point is 00:40:27 either on the Comics Jam or Patreon to get access. I wanted to start with this one today. I'm so glad to have fans like this fella. Hey, Nick. Hi. Your buddy Dave R. from California. Been with you from the very beginning my life partner
Starting point is 00:40:49 right when you announced on the dennis miller show that you were doing your podcast got through the serious xm bullshit by the way watch your mouth what do you say sorry and uh with you all the way through man uh keep it going. Love the show. Watch every day, Monday through Thursday. I will talk to you later, bud. Bye. David Boyd, he has too, man. This guy, I think he was in the chat rooms and shit when I was doing this
Starting point is 00:41:16 in my basement with no visual component to the show. It was just audio and he would be in the chat room. Seriously, some fans are great. But that being said, that's not what I want you to leave on this fucking... All due respect, that's not what I want. I want questions. I want whatever.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, questions about what's going on in the news or you can ask me about my purse. Something that opens it up to comedy. See, my manager chose that because he's a marketing business guy. He opens it up with that thing that you couldn't make funny if I cut my balls off and juggled them on a unicycle with a bottle rocking up my mother's ass. What? You're going to do that old trick again? Anyways, but Dave, yeah, he is a solid, solid dude. Get out of California, Dave.
Starting point is 00:42:03 The fuck are you waiting for? Maybe he is. Maybe he just says, you know me from California. Either that or he's calling from a nice Coleman's tent on the sidewalk. But yeah, leave questions, interesting ones. Let's move on to this story. Boy, when it rains like a, well, as my boss used to say when it was raining really hard, it's raining like a double-cunched cow pissing on a flat rock. Sounds very Texas, don't it? He looked like you, by the
Starting point is 00:42:39 way, only his beard was down his belly button. He was much older. CNN, perverted producer. Oh, I love it. They are just, I guess it's karma coming around. They are taking it from all. I'm making a prediction. They're going to be cleaning house next few weeks. I got to believe they got to start over. They got to start over. And if you do that, I don't know, try something different like the truth. Not sucking BLM's dick. Not branding every white guy over 40 a racist and a bigot or all white people racist. Why don't you try that?
Starting point is 00:43:18 I'm just going to give you some tips. Huh? Not all black people are right. Not all gay people are good. Just try that a little bit. Just try to be a little objective, you motherless fuckstains. A CNN producer, it says a CNN producer, for fired anchor Chris Cuomo has been charged in a plot to lure a mother and her young daughter to come to his home to train her to be sexually
Starting point is 00:43:49 submissive. John Griffin, my life coach, look at this. Look at him. Oh, Jesus Christ, he's got the eyes of a guilty. He looks like one of the guys that shot that Aubrey kid. John Griffin, who worked on the CNN show New Day when Cuomo was its host, was charged Friday with three counts that he used a facility of interstate commerce to abuse underage girls. A Vermont grand jury indicted 44-year-old Griffin from Stanford, Connecticut, of attempting to entice the girls to engage in sexual activity. And they asked him about it. He said, hound dog is going to eat that pussy. That's not what you wanted to say, John. According to the indictment between April
Starting point is 00:44:38 and July of 2020, Griffin utilized the messaging applications Kik. I'm guessing that, K-I-K, another Chinese thing, and Google Hangouts, otherwise known as loitering, to communicate with people purporting to be parents of minor daughters, conveying to them, among other ideas, that why did you have that thing in the first place? It's just a weird grouping, a subset of the population. A woman is a woman regardless of her age. Oh, Jesus. That's going to hold up good in court. And that women should be sexually subservient. You got that part right. I, what? No, I'm saying, huh? What? No, what I was saying, I don't, they have to be able to. No, I like it. But the ass is sexually subservient and inferior to men. What a psycho, according to a statement from the Department of Justice on the case.
Starting point is 00:45:40 The statement goes on to state that he attempted to entice two other children over the Internet to engage in sexual activity. Griffin, who began working for CNN in 2013 on New Day when Chris Cuomo was its host, was suspended by the embattled network. You think it was right? This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. You're not the most trusted name at the fucking prison. In his most recent role, he was a producer for CNN, senior political analyst John Avalon. He also produced a show called Show Me Your Titties, Little Girl.
Starting point is 00:46:19 That didn't fly. He faces 10 years to life in prison if convicted on each federal count. We take the charges against Mr. Griffin incredibly seriously. Yes, so much so, this is a spokesman for CNN, that jerk off Brian Stelter yesterday talked about Chris Wallace jumping ship and how Fox was so far right, but didn't bring this up. That's how serious you take it. far right, but didn't bring this up. That's how serious you take it. Against me, incredibly seriously, a CN spokesman. So serious that Jeffrey Toobin was caught pounding his meat, literally, jerking off during a conference call, yet he still works there. Who are you, filthy fucks? Seriously, compare that to Fox. Big deal. O'Reilly or a few guys
Starting point is 00:47:02 did some ass grabbinggrabbing. You would, too, if you were in that building with that kind of pussy. I mean, those women. I don't want to disrespect anybody over there. Very nice. Anyways, CNN spokesperson said on Friday, we only learned of his arrest this afternoon and have suspended him pending investigation. We're not fired him. They never say fired. In the communications, Griffin is said to have tried to persuade parents to let him train their daughters to be sexually submissive
Starting point is 00:47:30 toward them. Yeah, we already heard that. No, it's not. It's a TV show. And we're out. A bell light, the boom was in that shot. In June 2020, Griffin told a mom of two girls, age 9 and 13, that she needed to have her daughters trained properly. What are they, fucking poodles? Griffin is alleged to have sent her $3,000 in order to pay for plane tickets so that she could travel with her daughters
Starting point is 00:48:01 from Nevada to Boston, according to the indictment. After the trio flew to Boston, according to the indictment. After the trio flew to Boston, Griffin collected them at the airport before driving them to his home in Ludlow, Vermont. Prosecutors say the girl was forced to engage in illegal sexual contact. Other allegations in the indictment detail how Griffin allegedly tried to entice
Starting point is 00:48:24 two other children online in order to participate in sexual activity. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? In April of, we don't know if it's a fact yet. In April 2020, Griffin coordinated a virtual training session in which he instructed a woman and her 14-year-old daughter to remove their clothes. Good mother, by the way, during a video chat. Stupid. I'm not kidding, and I know this sounds very Nazi eugenics.
Starting point is 00:48:59 IQ test. Anything under 168, you can't have kids. We're going to have a moratorium for a while. Only brainiacs can fuck. Two months later in June of 2020, I'll be out of the game. Prosecutors claim Griffin offered to pay for a woman and her 16-year-old daughter to come to his ski house in Vermont for sexual training involving the teen. Griffin is then said to have mentioned how he sexually
Starting point is 00:49:26 trained girls as young as seven years old, according to the indictment. Are you fucking kidding me? What? And he bragged how he worked shoulder to shoulder with Chris Cuomo. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:49:43 What a Christmas the Cuomos are going to have. And CNN. Why is Don Lemon not in trouble, by the way, for talking to Jussie Smollett and tipping him off that the cops weren't believing what he was saying? When's that coming up? Oh, he's a black fag.
Starting point is 00:49:59 That goes. I've had enough. That's why I just bought a house in Saskatoon what am I saying that's more socialist than here gotta get a new haircut somebody butchered me that is it for today ladies and gentlemen again
Starting point is 00:50:14 thank you so much for stopping by to watch us or taking the time in your day don't forget please sign up on a monthly basis it really helps this thing stay on I wouldn't call it the year I don't know please sign up on a monthly basis it really helps this thing stay on I wouldn't call it the air I don't know what it is
Starting point is 00:50:29 on a microchip I don't know on a server somewhere I used to think servers were up in space like satellites but they're in a big building in Arizona yeah they're not watching things like what fucking 400 miles long?
Starting point is 00:50:46 Anyways. How about the horrible hurricanes I didn't bring up? That's how horrible they were. The tornadoes. Yeah. That is it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Click on merchandise. It's Christmas time. Discount. Blah, blah, blah. Did two yesterday, by the way. If you want me to roast a friend or relative,
Starting point is 00:51:07 and you know I can roast, go check out my work on Comedy Central. Check out the Artie Lang roast. They always take it down. People put it up and it gets taken. It's some of the most vile shit that ever, but clever, perfect example of what I found, you know, shit that's so vile,
Starting point is 00:51:24 but doesn't mean it's not smart. That is it, you guys. Thank you. I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Have a nice rest of the day. Bye. guitar solo Outro Music

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