The Nick DiPaolo Show - CNN's Cuomo Condones Clobbering of Conservative #192

Episode Date: July 1, 2019

Owen Benjamin joins the show. Portland permits Antifa violence. And Trump and Kim meet up, make out.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh, yeah. Welcome to the show on a Monday. We're streaming live on Facebook and on YouTube. Free show, everybody. We'll do it live. Okay. We'll do it live. Fuck it. Do it live. I'll write it and we'll do it live. Yes, we do on Mondays. Uncle Junior. Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers
Starting point is 00:00:56 for his wife. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says. Why, he asks. Don't you have a vase? Why, he asked. Don't you have a vase? Welcome to the show. Hey, a big show today. At the bottom of the hour, 1130 a.m. Eastern Time, the very controversial Owen Benjamin, very funny comedian, musician, provocateur.
Starting point is 00:01:20 We'll talk about today's issues and what's going on in his life, and it's always interesting. So, first of all, a real quick great weekend in Dallas. Did a show Thursday night, did a show Friday night, and did the Glenn Beck show, most importantly. And listen to this. On Thursday, when I headed to Dallas, we were a hair under half a million views for Breath of Fresh Air. Today, it's 526,000. That's 26,000 people viewed it since I did Glenn Beck.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Added a couple thousand YouTube subscribers. So, oh, Glenn has the juice. It was great. Had a great time. He said I have an open invitation. It went swimmingly. I think you go to or whatever, you can see the whole interview. It was just fun.
Starting point is 00:02:07 He gets it, he gets me. And we all right, guys? And it just went swimmingly. And we got a big bump from that. So breath of fresh air. If you haven't seen it yet, we're striking back at the left-wing douchebags. It's a, you know, it's definitely a freedom of speech special. I'm letting it fly, and people are eating it up.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And, again, positive comments, a negative 26 to 1 ratio, something like that. So check that out. It was awesome. Then I did a gig on Thursday night, Quixotic World in Dallas, and then Belton, Texas the next night. And they were – I didn't do any press for them, so they were small crowds, but, man, were they into it. By the way, not a partial standing ovation,
Starting point is 00:02:54 complete standing ovation at Quicksodic World. Hardcore DiPaolo fans came out. So I thank you guys for coming out. It was tremendous. And thank you, Glenn Beck, for having me on. What's going on? Excuse me. The terrorist arm of the Democrat Party, otherwise known as Antifa or fucking pussies, people who beat people up with masks on, a lot of balls, just clubbing the shit out of people. Anyways, they attack conservative blogger Andy Ngo.
Starting point is 00:03:33 He's a gay little Asian man, and that's their target because they're just ballers' pussies. And by the way, there was a Proud Boy rally going on in Portland, Oregon. I wouldn't step foot in there, okay? I wouldn't step. If you told me 2,000 fans would show up. The mayor is in on this. The cops once again did nothing. It's a fascist left-wing little fucking city, and you should boycott it.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Don't go there for anything. So they beat this guy up, this blogger, Andy Ngo. He was surrounded, beat by protesters. Well, they were in black. Their faces concealed, naturally. They hit him with a milkshake, punched him in the face, hit him with eggs. Here's the video. If you haven't seen it, you probably have.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Suck a punch, a little gig, a lot of balls. Vote Democrat. That's what you're voting for you throw like a bitch got a ponytail in a backpack oh a fat broad threw something just fucking cowardice on display. The tyrannical left. That's what's coming. This is a microcosm of what's coming. Okay, it's the Proud Boys versus Antifa.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Okay, today. Tomorrow it's going to be a civilian on civilian. And why you guys, Proud Boys or whoever, by the way, they show up to do a rally. That's not a protest. These Antifa guys show up to protest with weapons. So I suggest if anybody's going to, on the right, is going to do a rally, show up with weapons. What the fuck are you doing? Bring a crowbar. If you want to get it on, get it on. These people are fucking violent
Starting point is 00:05:20 and they're pussies. You saw how that kid threw. This is a little, that's a hate crime you just witnessed, by the way. That's, you know, it's sickening. He's taken to the hospital for treatment. He says, I just got beat up by the crowd. I was in the middle of the street and they stole my GoPro and punched me several times in my face and my head. I'm bleeding. He'd been covering protests against. Here's the other thing. I
Starting point is 00:05:45 couldn't find an article that wasn't slanted towards Antifa. This was in, I think, Vanity Fair, maybe. He had been covering a protest against the male chauvinist Proud Boys group. See, you're a journalist, Lizzie Deer. You're a journalist, and you're already showing your bias. I'm on sentence three you're supposed to keep your personal politics out of it you dumb douche fucking ignoramuses honest to god three people have uh were arrested for offenses including assault on a public safety officer harassment and disorderly conduct what didn't you see there who didn't you see coming into his defense the portland police you know why Because the mayor is all for this shit.
Starting point is 00:06:27 We've already had many clashes in Portland. And what happens? We found out that he's in on this shit. He told the cops to stand down about a year ago, less than a year ago. One counter demonstration had been organized by Rose City Antifa, which accused the Proud Boys of planning to invade downtown Portland, looking for targets for violent attacks. Those are your words.
Starting point is 00:06:51 See, they equate words with violence. How fucking, these are fascists, these are fascists against fascism. They're so ignorant, the irony is lost on them. These are violent pacifists. They're so stupid. And by the way, I guarantee they're backed by some Soros group. I guarantee it. So it's fucking mind-boggling.
Starting point is 00:07:15 They said they call for people to defend our city in an online blog that accused Mr. No of Islamophobia and promoting the Proud Boys. Mr. No is an editor at online magazine quillette but opponents characterize him as far-right campaigner and criticized him over a wall street journal article published last year entitled a visit to islam islamic england you just anything that rings of truth you guys are allergic to so his words they're admitting right here why they beat him up because of his fucking words and a headline like he's a threat just sorry sexist shit and you know what all those assholes are on the stage of the democratic debate last night they have no problem with this trust me
Starting point is 00:07:58 supporters have already donated more than 70 000 to afunding page. I'll put it up in a minute. Called the Protect Andy No Fund. Police attempted to keep them apart. No, they didn't. Not until after all the shit started. From a large account of demonstration in Lounsdale Square, where the Portland Mercury observed organizers giving out milkshakes and anti-fascist branded cups. That's empirical evidence. The Portland Police Bureau said
Starting point is 00:08:25 it later received reports of individuals throwing milkshakes with a substance mixed in that was similar to quick-drying cement. What did I say last week about the milkshakes? I said, today they're milkshakes, tomorrow it's battery acid. Well, that's the next step. Quick-drying cement. This show's quite prescient. You should tune in all the time.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I'm always a week ahead of the fucking news. I am, I'm telling you. But I'm saying, Proud Boys, show up with some bats and sticks. If you want to get it on, get it on. Somebody tell me, somebody show me a clip. Show me a clip of 10 Proud Boys throwing shit at a left-wing journalist or hitting them with something. It might exist, I don't know, but I haven't seen it yet. I scowl the Internet like everybody else. Please show me that.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And you're going to sit there and tell us that the Trump supporters are the bullies. You have to be dog-styling me. And the cops just stand out and they jump in after they, you know, oh, all right, they got them good, now we can jump in. Cops just stand out and they jump in after they, you know, oh, all right, they got them good. Now we can jump in. Disorder broke out when a group of anti-fascist protesters left their designated area. There you go.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And marched toward the Proud Boys rally. One banner read, fuck Nazis and fascists. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Fuck Nazis and fascists. And then they go about doing exactly what fascists and Nazis did. You are so ignorant, it's fucking unbelievable. While some protesters waved a banner for the satanic Portland anti-fascists. Did you get that? Satanic anti-fascists.
Starting point is 00:09:58 If anybody was a fascist, I think the devil might be. Call me a fucking dingbat. Then they chanted, not hate, no fear, proud boys aren't welcome here. Because they have to have a catchy little rhyme for the ignoroses that, you know, lean that way. Two offices were pepper sprayed. I wonder what they did
Starting point is 00:10:18 about it. Another punched and a colleague was hit in the head with a projectile during what police labeled a civil disturbance. Oh, is that what it was? It wasn't a fucking riot? and as far as andy no go why isn't that a hate crime caught on film it was can you imagine if that was can you imagine if he was a left-wing blogger or juror it doesn't matter what he was i don't care if he's on the bowling team if he was a left-winger and he was gay can you imagine if the fucking proud boys any other right wing group did that are you shitting me i yeah i'm familiar with a little bit of the
Starting point is 00:10:54 violent left uh if you remember a little over a year ago i was doing a show at levity live in nyack uh nyack new york west nyack new york when i was suck a punch by a guy showed up stood next to me the dad started talking to me while his uh bipolar daughter and that's on record i didn't even know she was in the room i'm talking to him and she suck it punch me and so i have mine's worse than anthie's i to be honest with you. What's the other one I sent you to? Here you go. That was like, that was literally like a minute after she had, that thing just ballooned. So that's what they do.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Do you know why they do this? Because they're losing in the arena of ideas. Violent pacifists, doesn't that say it all? Fascists and bigots and what's worse than this, folks? Here's the worst part. This is my favorite part of the fucking story. CNN, you know, CNN, they're... This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. Chris Cuomo defends left-wing terrorist group Antifa as a good cause. Yeah, that's right. He defends them as a good cause.
Starting point is 00:12:09 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. No. Yeah, he does. His Chris Cuomo, as empty-headed as it gets. Remember, his dad was Mario Cuomo, governor of New York, and his jerk-off brother is now the governor or whatever. Anybody from New York, in politics, they're just radicals, all of them.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Now, he's actually going to defend this behavior. Remember, he works for CNN, for you people who still believe in CNN. Not too many people do because their ratings are fucking cratering. But here's dickhead Cuomo. Talk about Antifa, I've watched them in the streets protesting in different situations. OK, there are certainly aspects of them that are true to a cause. That is a good cause. They want social justice.
Starting point is 00:12:52 They want whatever they want in that context. You tell me when that has ever happened. You tell me when that has ever happened with neo-Nazis. Problem. You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White. What a moron spunk bubble i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the fucking ground i promise you not this time hey stupid everybody thinks uh paul pot uh stalin mussolini they thought they
Starting point is 00:13:20 were doing a good cause do you get it they thought they were doing a good cause. Do you get it? They thought they were doing social justice. And now the difference is you guys label anybody who disagrees with you as bigots and Nazis. Calling President Trump a Nazi and a fascist. One should do that. What's slower than a Nazi? So violence is justified because there's enough idiots out there that believe it. Here's one of his tweets, too. Anti-fascist disrupting a large gathering of white supremacists. Yes, because the Proud Boys are just like Hitler and his Hitler Youth, is what this fucking moron is saying.
Starting point is 00:13:57 It's kind of disrespectful to these soldiers that were probably shot up two seconds after that picture. How fucking dare you? He's also, remember what he said, that America isn't that great. He said, you know, they're America haters. He's an asshole. Okay? Anybody that disagrees with CNN and people who think like them are considered fascists and bigots. Okay?
Starting point is 00:14:22 Disgusting. That's CNN. So, yeah, Chris Cu cuomo just a fucking genius cuomo and cnn and justifying violence against uh all of us everyone to the right of bernie sanders cuomo once compared the antifa terrorists these maude day brown church who attack police officers and regular assault journalists to the american servicemen who stormed the beach at Normandy, the tweet we just showed. Oh, my God. Just fucking asinine. You see, Antifa, this is Nolte, by the way, in Breitbart, says Antifa is okay with CNN
Starting point is 00:14:56 because Antifa are the brown shirts. They're terrorists. They're a violent gang of thugs taking it to we Trump-tards who dare point and lap at CNN, who dare not recognize CNN's authority and wisdom. Here's some truth, Nolte, says CNN thrills over the petty ultraviolence. That's the other angle. What do you think? This is ratings.
Starting point is 00:15:18 You understand? CNN, they're bombing in TV, but do you know they get the most amount of clicks at CNN online that they clean up with advertising? It's evil on 19 different levels. It's funny because they're against capitalism and everything. Yet Trump's the best
Starting point is 00:15:36 thing that ever happened to him. It's fucking amazing. In the sick and sinister minds that run that hate network, Trump supporters got it coming, which is why, and this is important. Exactly. They've been labeling him a Nazi, the president, and whatever. And they keep alive the Charlottesville fucking thing. You know, one crazed alt-right guy in his car.
Starting point is 00:15:59 So, but I'm just saying, if you right, you guys on the right, you alt-right, whatever, and you're going to show up with these things, show up fucking armed. That's all I'm saying. Doesn't have to be a gun. Although, like Deke said, if somebody's coming at me with a crowbar, I'm going to shoot them. Right, Deke? You said that.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah, that's exactly what I said. And you'll be justified. Although, in today's climate, they'd come after you. But, you know, it'll be worth it. Can we put up the GoFundMe page? Michelle, my black eye was way worse. And I get hit by a girl. No, this guy took a pummeling.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Michelle Malkin knows this guy. She's a conservative pundit. And this is the GoFundMe page. He was asking for 50 grand. The last time I checked, it was 135 or 140. So I want some of that money. I need to, for my injuries. I still have
Starting point is 00:16:57 a dent to my face. Do we have the address up there anywhere? We can get it. Hang on. Yeah, could you? That was the whole idea. Well, protect Andy, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Just put in protect Andy. No go. That's a no-go zone. Just filthy behavior. And you have a mainstream media network defending it with all their might. Chris Cuomo, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, but it's not surprising. Glad I got the fuck out of New York. Let's move on to the other big thing.
Starting point is 00:17:33 This story bores the hell out of me. Trump went to South Korea to meet with their president, and at the last minute he tweeted saying, Hey, chubby Kim Jong-un, if you're in the area, you know, let's hook up and have a cup of coffee laced with poison. I was for this at the beginning, you know, having talks with these guys and we're trying to denuclearize North Korea. And I was all for that. But this, you know, they met months ago and then he reneged, the crazy Kim Jong-un. You can't trust these people as far. We gave him one shot. I'm not saying completely don't talk to him anymore, We met months ago, and then he reneged, the crazy Kim Jong-un. You can't trust these people.
Starting point is 00:18:05 We gave him one shot. I'm not saying completely don't talk to him anymore, but give it a couple years. He's foolish. This guy kills his own relatives. He kills his own relatives. And he doesn't just shoot them with a pistol. They use fucking mortar that you use like shooting a tank. He tortures people.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And, yes, I know, so does Saudi Arabia and all that shit. My point being, this guy has recently reneged on what he's going to do. So you know what? Give him a breather. So I'm not, it's a waste. He's never going to denuclearize.
Starting point is 00:18:38 That's my point. Ever. Never. That's all they got. They live on like 11 carbs a day. People weigh like's all they got. They live on, like, 11 carbs a day. People weigh, like, 16 grams apiece. There's no fucking lights. He's a dick.
Starting point is 00:18:50 He's a psycho. So give him a couple years. I'm sort of, you know, we have footage of them meeting, do we not? My friend. Yeah? Let me look round so I can ease the UN's collective mind. I break my bar here.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I break my bar. I expected to meet you at this place. At this place. Go ahead, I dare you. I'm okay with that. Step forward. You will be the first U.S. president to cross the border. I'd be very proud to do that. Okay, let's do it. Come on.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Photo op. Look, there's an Arby's right over there. We just got them. There's two very fat guys meeting with bad haircuts. Holy Christ. Do you want inspection? Inspect that, you butt-fucking piece of shit! Bad haircuts. Holy Christ. That's what he actually said. The translator changed it.
Starting point is 00:19:54 That's exactly what he said. And the first words out of Kim Jong-un's mouth was this. Trump replied, Y'all fat fuck, look at you. Look at this. That's broccoli behind him, by the way. That's supposed to last for 10 years. That's the North Korean supplier of broccoli. Two bad haircuts.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Again, you know, there's two angles on this. It doesn't hurt to keep talking. But like I said, since he reneged less than six months ago or whatever, and we know that he's crazy, I'd ignore him for a while. It only puts him up, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:32 like the left would say, it gives him a world stage and whatever. But don't believe for a second. That's all they have. You understand? That's all they have is, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:43 putting a nuclear weapon together. That's all they, that's the only thing. He's not going to give that up. Stone cold killer. Anyhow and any he, let's stay on fucking Trump here. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. You are fake news, sir. Did you see Trump humiliate Jim Acosta?
Starting point is 00:21:11 What a smug little cocksucker he is. And Trump actually got a laugh out of it. Trump mocked CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta Saturday at the G20 press conference in Japan. He actually got a laugh on it. Here's a clip of Trump doing a road. When you were asked about the case of Jamal Khashoggi, you did not respond to that question in front of the. I don't know that anybody else was afraid of. Were you afraid of offending him on that subject? No, not at all. I don't really care about offending people. I sort of thought you'd know that. Sit down, you midget.
Starting point is 00:21:46 You hear him try to talk? What a smug little prick. And the reason he asked that question about Khashoggi, obviously because he's been leading the charge, Jim Acosta, as far as Trump being anti-journalist and, you know, they're going to come after us. Trump's, you know, encouraging people to beat up journalists. That's why he asked the fucking question. And it's actually an insulting question to ask an American person.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Were you afraid you were going to offend them, the murderer? Sit the fuck down. He handled it perfectly. We still have to go to him? How does CNN, who's watching that there's still a network? Again, people trapped at Delta Airlines. That's who. That's who.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I swear to God, that's 90% of their ratings, the airport. That used to bug me before I was political. I fucking, yeah, I don't care about offending people. Sit down, you fucking Greek midget, is what he should have added. If he had any balls. But he's such a smug little prick, isn't he? Anyways,
Starting point is 00:22:51 I went to Dallas, Texas over the weekend, so we reviewed the first night of the Democrat debates in Miami, and I just wanted to go over a couple big things that happened in the second night, which I had to watch when I got home.
Starting point is 00:23:10 They're going to ask, the moderators are going to ask the whole panel, who's for decriminalizing people sneaking across the border? Now, I'll give you my take after. What's Joe? Is this the one with Biden, Bailey? We have two clips. One, she's asking the decriminalization. The other one's about health care for the Eagles.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah, I want the decriminalization. Five, four, three, two, one. It should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross a border without documentation. Oh, look at Biden. So we could see. So short of his answer. There were two people who didn't raise their hand. Do you know what this is?
Starting point is 00:23:58 You guys, do you know what this is? Think about this. Now you got NBC far leaning left network, right? Asking this question. This've got NBC, far-leaning left network, right, asking this question. This is like a photo op. They're in cahoots. We're going to ask you this question, and you're going to tell me this is like a commercial for the Democrat Party when, I don't know, eight out of ten people raise their hand saying, yeah, sure, you can break our laws. And they raise their hands. Now you get a nice picture of what party is for open borders now i'm hoping it backfires against them but it's like it's all they couldn't have stayed just
Starting point is 00:24:31 better look at we're the party that says come on in everybody can you fucking imagine sneak i've been saying on this show for i don't know how many years. I tell you, actual American citizens, start shoplifting. Steal cars. I'm serious. Apparently laws only apply to us and not to anybody else. So do whatever you want. Carry a gun without a license, whatever. But look at, we're all for it.
Starting point is 00:25:02 It was a perfect photo op. Decriminalize it. That's telling the world. That's on a world, millions of people are watching that fucking debate. They saw that in Ecuador and they ran out and got into there. I was going to say cars. I don't know what they, donkeys, whatever, El Salvador. But they just said, come on over.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Come on over. We're not going to bust you. And the reason there's a whole crisis at the border is because the Dems in the House will not get rid of the loopholes. And they're creating this magnet. First, they said Trump created and manufactured a crisis. You don't hear that anymore. How many times do they fucking lie to you people before you wake up? How many times do they fucking lie to you people before you wake up?
Starting point is 00:25:50 And then they asked about how many people on the stage would be for giving free health care. Free health care to the scumbags that sneak in. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. Another, another photo op. It's NBC in collusion with a damn party going, look, we'll give you free shit. We're not even going to bust you for sneaking in. It's fucking scary, man. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. Can you imagine you guys at home, you American citizens, you have trouble idea how to defend a nation can you imagine you guys at home you american citizens you have trouble paying your own health care now you're going to be on the hook for every scumbag that sneaks in they're not all scumbags i guarantee well there's three or four good ones but
Starting point is 00:26:36 do you believe that they're putting illegals ahead of you and yet you're still going to vote for that and to that i say fuck you fuck you fuck you ladies and gentlemen time to take a break this is the way to simmer down the controversy on the show we got uh he's been on the guest uh on the show before he's a very very controversial provocateur very smart very funny comic. Every time I go online, there's some type of gossip going on about him, which I don't find. But please welcome to the show our buddy Owen Benjamin. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Look at you, man. What's that behind you? Are you growing weed? Oh, those are kiwis. Kiwis. Those are kiwis. Yeah, kiwis. How are you, man?
Starting point is 00:27:24 Thanks for having me. Where are you? Washington State, right? Washington State, yeah. What do you think of your governor there? Is it Jay Inslee? Is that his name? I don't pay attention to any of those wizards, man.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I'm just trying to grow Kiwis. He's just selling them by the road, Kiwis. He's all quiet and shit. Yeah, thank you for coming on, man. We appreciate it. And, you know, he's all quiet and shit. Yeah, thank you for coming on, man. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:27:51 First, I want to get your take on the top story with Antifa, you know, and doing this shit and a network like CNN backing it. What do you have to say about that? Well, I don't watch any of those people anymore because they're just programmed. You know, once I realized that CNN couldn't go out of business because they're in every gym and every airport in the world I realized they don't have to appeal to us at all because if you're just working out it's just on um I think Antifa Antifa yeah it's a programming thing it's not about news it's programming so Antifa I saw this coming years ago I know you did did as well. You saw, man, I remember seeing you in the cellar 15 years ago talking about how commercials were emasculating men.
Starting point is 00:28:31 You were ahead of it, man. Anyway, so when you get a bunch of kids in college debt for underwater lesbian ballet degrees, and they don't have a job, and you pump them full of legal speed, and then you tell them their wiener doesn't make them a man, they're going to just start throwing bricks in the street, especially if they've never been punched in the face before. So Antifa is almost like a symptom of a deeper black, you know, this debt. You know, when you've got $100K debt debt you think your wiener makes you a girl
Starting point is 00:29:06 you're on legal speed like why not throw a brick yeah so it's like these kids are just it's just yeah it's almost like when uh when a dog fight ring gets broken up and you just have all these pit bulls and you're like what do we do with them it's like well i don't know i mean they're probably just gonna bite everybody everybody. Put them to sleep. That's what I was hinting at. Not permanently. No, I'm just saying the Proud Boys or whatever, and I know they're rabble-rousers, but why don't they show up?
Starting point is 00:29:40 Don't they have any weapons? Here's my point. Today it's Antifa versus the Proud Boys. Would you agree? But that's just a, like you said, it's going to be civilian versus civilian very soon, no? Yeah, that's why I talk about building families and growing your own Kiwis and keeping that white demographic strong. But, you know, my advice to people is always don't get in debt.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Know your neighbors. You know, my advice to people is always don't get in debt. Know your neighbors, you know, grow your food like as much as you can do to not be put in a position where you're in a major city surrounded by people on legal speed wearing stupid masks. last them and i think there's an element of groveling in the pigs with these people because it's almost like uh debating a homeless guy on crack you know it's like yeah you'll win the debate like antifa is so crazy and so just nonsensical and the media backs them because they profit on our societal collapse because they're betting against the dollar right so they want us to just go be like, no, you started it, when in fact we should be growing babies, you know, rebuilding what makes America America. Do you want them to multiply those people?
Starting point is 00:30:57 What's that? Do you want those Antifa people to actually multiply? No, but they don't. That's the beauty of it. They've all started taking female hormones and chopping their wieners off. That's what's angry. You make a great point, though. Under those masks That's the beauty of it. They've all started taking female hormones and chopping their wieners off. That's what's angry. You make a great point, though. Under those masks, they're pussies.
Starting point is 00:31:09 They're not the real. You want to see some. You keep poking Whitey. You keep poking the bear. Right. You want to see some real anger and violence. You know, how much are they going to stand for? Well, see, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:31:22 It's like guys like me and you i was i was uh uh i couldn't tweet or go on facebook because i'm banned from all of it because i'm uh you know growing a family and so i know it's funny that i always get introduced as uh as controversial and my controversy is marital love uh actual fatherhood and not being ashamed of my heritage it's like oh it's hilarious. No, I know. No, no, not you. No, you're the man, dude. I'm not making fun of you.
Starting point is 00:31:49 No, but when I say controversial, I wasn't even, well, yeah, I guess I was speaking to some of that. No, but I am controversial. You're accurate. Like, I'm one of the most banned people there is, and it's because no one wants to just see a guy not hate his own wiener. Right. And, you know know it's about masculinity
Starting point is 00:32:06 more than anything you know it's like um for the record i hate my dick but go ahead uh i can't remember what we were just talking about but it's like this whole oh yeah yeah guys like me and you i was like uh instagramming about this yesterday because it's the one place i haven't been kicked off because i think I post so many beautiful garden pictures. And like whoever runs the Instagram algorithm, they're like, oh, Owen's too masculine. Oh, but that's such a good hashtag for a raised garden bed. But I was talking about how guys like me knew.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It's like growing up, I had my nose broken and then I still went into a dance. One time me and my buddy got in a fight over who had the best who had who got the better uh racket because we're both borrowing it from his dad and he put this key like this tooth went through my lip and i dislocated his shoulder and our friendship was never stuttered of course not yeah you know it's like nowadays you know my my kid's trampoline has like a net around it like growing up every every school had a kid in a wheelchair from a trampoline and so now good old days yeah people are living in this world we're like you know there's so much violence everywhere but it's all LARPing it's all live action role play you know it's like and the media will find
Starting point is 00:33:21 the one dude who gets beat up and guys like like me and you that are still like, we still see the world as a real world. So if that was right in front of us, we're like, someone's got to pay. But they're combing through 400 million people, 60 million of which are illegal Guatemalans. And they're trying to find the worst horror they can so that we go engage with the guys in legal speed and unsurmountable debt so that they can just clamp down more shit it's it's it's it it's brilliant if it wasn't so evil how they're trying to like prove they're trying to like show the world like look at the right wingers just beat up you know gary here who just minored in lesbian ballet you hung up on that lesbian ballet. I gotta Google that when I get off to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:08 But that's how I see it, man. It's all about building from scratch. I love that I don't have to trust NASA anymore. You know, it's like, look at what we've done in the universe. It's like, dude, the robot in the wheelchair that died,
Starting point is 00:34:24 I now realize someone was controlling that shit like wizard of oz are we are you and i fighting a kind of a losing cause an uphill battle oh if you watch again the media will have you believe that obviously yeah but they're all liars no i know that well that was my next question are we being that misled uh beyond see that's what i that's what I did, man. I'm really – I know it sounds weird coming from someone less accomplished and younger than you, but I'm really proud of you for not kneeling. Like, you made your own special.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Everyone loves it. It's like they're trying to convince you to punch yourself in the face all the time. The media is like, you got a spider on your nose. And we're we're like well why would he lie you know it's just like yeah i've been punched by these fucking i i you know i got sucked too bad it was a girl it would have been a better story but uh yeah and it's like so now that i've moved to the country and i'm doing my thing like all my neighbors are cool as hell like i don't i try not to trust anything that of someone i haven't met in person or i can't barbecue with or i can't go hunting with or i can't do something like that because it's not real like anderson cooper is a vanderbilt homosexual who's just got the cia up his ass
Starting point is 00:35:36 going ebola is coming to hurt your children take the vaccines it's just cnn a lot of other people yeah no you're right. What's funny is you notice, like, I'm just laughing at the visual here because you notice this far right guy, but you look like you're on a commune and you're about to share your squash with a couple of fucking Manson followers. I'm so far right that my life appears communist. It's like what would my neighbors be like, hey, do you have any more 22 bullets?
Starting point is 00:36:07 I got some eggs. And it's awesome. But it has to be by choice. The reason communism is so terrible is because it's imposed on you. It's like Bernie Sanders is like, share your wife with everyone. It's like when it's by choice, you know, you can thrive when, you know, we're growing a tremendous amount of food and we just give it to our neighbors. And then my other buddy taught me how to raise goats. And it's like this guy's a communist. Hang up on him.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I know, but he's got like the tats on his hands where I know, like, if anything goes down, I can help. Tell me, describe that. What are the tats? Come on. You know, he may have plumbing supplies. That's all I'm saying. Look, an adjustable wrench on my forearm. Okay, let me, because you brought up how you've been booted off everything but Instagram and shit. And what did you think of, James O'Keefe is doing God's work, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:37:03 What did you, because I know you've been the victim of Google and all the shits in the nose, you know, tech tyranny. And you've been a victim of it. What did you think of that undercover stuff? And that woman and not a low, not a secretary of Google, like a higher up who's involved with these algorithms, admitting that they they're trying to keep Trump from what was your I know it didn't surprise you, but still, what's your take on that? Well, yeah, as you just said, O'Keefe is one of the only actual journalists. Like, I almost want to say and I don't know if our childhoods were just naive or something, but I want to say to kids like James O'Keefe is doing the normal job of journalism. Nick DiPaolo is doing the normal job of comedy.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Like, we're appearing to be the superhero slash villains to everybody because we're just sticking to our job. Don't you love that though? I love it. I, when I was like, yeah, but now you're seeing the respect you're getting. I remember we talked like a year ago and it's like, at first they surround you with mirrors and give you fear, you know, Oh, you're terrible. And then like a year later, you're like, surround you with mirrors and give you fear you know oh you're terrible and then like a year later you're like man i'm getting a lot of respect from normal people yeah it's like this because the the plumber the carpenter the the the colonel the infantry they all they all are like yeah thank you for just doing your job like we do every day so we have to feed these parasites that are now
Starting point is 00:38:20 clearly lying to everybody and so my goal yeah, Google is, Google is, they're giving up billions of dollars, which makes me think their goal isn't even money. It's some sort of weird revenge against all their moms. Like, they're all inverted. They gave up all this money. You know, I was making them bank for a few months, and then they demonetized me.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Like, my growth was like, I'm not going to show you the growth because it'll look too much like a guy with a mustache. Whoa. But but it was going up, up, up. And that was just boom, zero. And I was like, wait a minute. I'm not showing tits.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'm a guy talking in a Kiwi field. Yeah. So it's like they are not motivated by money. And that set me free because I was no longer trying to figure out like the algorithm or you know if I don't bring up blacks or if I don't bring up Jews or if I say trans people are beautiful like what is it right it doesn't matter if they want your soul they want you to just go I mean I just yeah I mean you know Taylor Swift is really beautiful you know and I'm just not going to do it and so that's why I'm more awake and I'm just building my fence every day.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And I'm just like, you know, I have 45 chickens. What's Google going to do to me? That's racist. What are you, chickens? Are you going to fry them? No, I just take their eggs. I backhand them if they don't give me an egg. I'm like a pimp.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Take those eggs and show up at an Antifa rally. Fucking use them for what they were. They'd be like, what are those? Those aren't Twinkies. Are those gluten-free? Don't hit me with that. You'll fuck up my shirt. Hey, let me ask you.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Do I even bother voting in 2020 with Google controlling all the information and coming right out and Jack Dorsey, too? Actually, he's gonna filter trump's fucking tweets what arrogant pompous motherfuckers these people are i can't believe they're imposing their their will on us and their world viewpoint does trump even have a chance yeah oh yeah absolutely they're kicking us out of hell you know i realized that where they that's a great way of putting it it's a good way like, okay, see, now that I was demonetized, you know what people do now? They write me handwritten letters to my P.O. box with like an ounce of silver.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And I'm like, wait a minute. This is way better. I got to get demonetized. What do I do? And so Google and YouTube and Twitter and all these people are like, you know, oh, you're not allowed in our party. And then you're like, well, your party's just full of pedophiles. You know, it's like, well, now it's it's almost like when you have an ex-girlfriend, you keep thinking about her and then she like bangs a black midget. And you're like, great. You know how many times that's happened? Yeah, I never have to think about you again. You're out.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I never will come back to that. Let me ask you. Let me ask you. Oh, and if it was a white midget, would it make a difference? I'd have to hear. You know, maybe she was lonely. I don't know. Maybe she was rebounding after a 6'7 guy. But if it was Beetlejuice, you're fucking out. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah. So, unbelievable. So, I wanted to get to you. Now, somebody told me you start your own platform or something? Oh, yeah. Me and Vox Day. Who? This is why I have a lot of respect for him.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Who is it? What's that? You'd love him. You guys would get along great. What's his name? Vox Day. Vox Day. He's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Yeah, he's like, he called the economic collapse in 2008 by the day. And everyone's still like, don't listen to the big racist. It's like, I'm part American Indian. They're like, you're a big racist. So anyway, so yeah, I was sick of just complaining about it. So we started and, uh, you know, we incorporated even, uh even in a country that let's just say, you know, it's tough to break into. And, you know, we have our own servers. We're just not we're just we're just trying to beat the wave. It's kind of like when I got out of L.A. when I had when we had our first baby, because I didn't want someone to throw human feces at my wife and mother of my child. And everyone was like, you're crazy. And then now
Starting point is 00:42:27 it's a tent city like right out of Guatemala. It's like the next move is getting away from these terrible people. You know, it's like, hey, YouTube, if you don't want my business, we'll start somewhere else. And it's surprising how many people are all about it. They're like, great. I hate that we had to give them money. They support pedophilia. Let me let me ask you this, because I know know gab there's been other people attempting to do with twitter only they say this is for everybody you can say anything you want isn't that going to be even a bigger cluster fact that'll make twitter look like a tea party yeah yeah no that that's not the way to do it you got to have some sort of guidelines and be upfront about it i was talking to a buddy
Starting point is 00:43:03 about what are your guidelines with your thing? You have guidelines? Oh, well, it's just us. We're not bringing in, like, ours isn't for the, it's not a homeless shelter. But you can't prevent people who hate you from coming in there. That's the whole idea, right? No, we're the, it's almost like
Starting point is 00:43:19 picture HBO, but without the you know, trying to make everyone a gay vampire. You know, it's me and Vox, and trying to make everyone a gay vampire. Yeah. You know, it's me and Vox, and we got someone doing a gardening channel. We got people that are talking about wine in Spain. Oh, it's a whole network. Okay. Yeah, we're trying to create, we're trying to keep and maintain Western civilization.
Starting point is 00:43:38 We got a history professor. Yeah, a history professor talking about the Middle Ages, not the Dark Ages. Trying to keep Western civilization alive. That's quite an ambitious. Well that's what cnn thinks they're doing i guess probably no cnn is trying to destroy it cnn's trying to undercut the family unit for money and it's uh but they don't know that they're doing that oh they do actually yeah they're global it depends on the level you know like the the mid-range doesn't you know kind of, you know, the co-star of Will and Grace doesn't know what the point was, you know, but the higher up you go in the pyramid of the all-seeing eye, you get people know more and more about the big plan. You know, like when I was on the show Punk'd, I didn't know that it may have been a humiliation ritual for celebrities. I just thought it was funny.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Like me and True TV doing World's Dumbest Criminals. I actually told my agent, look, don't put that on the website. I don't want to be seen next to Tonya Harding telling jokes. And now when I walk through an airport, that's all I get fucking noticed from. I love doing Dumbest Criminals. I go, motherfucker. Anyways, Owen, I got to let you go here. I got you on Dumbest Criminals. I go, motherfucker. Anyways, hey, Owen, I gotta let you go here. I got a few more stories
Starting point is 00:44:48 to do, but dude, keep up the good fight. You're an interesting, smart dude and I think you really have a grasp on where this planet is headed. Well, thanks, Nick. Yeah, and as comedians, when people say, oh, well, you know, you're a westerner, it's like, what do you want from a comedian? We're supposed to
Starting point is 00:45:03 say crazy shit. It's our job. No, exactly. And if you're not for that, you're not aalsher, but it's like, what do you want from a comedian? We're supposed to say crazy shit. It's our job. No, exactly. And if you're not for that, you're not a comedian. Owen, thanks, buddy. You're the best. Take care. Owen Benjamin on I think is what he said. Check that out.
Starting point is 00:45:20 And there's always, when I was saying controversial, there are always people saying to me, you know, I don't follow the gossip that he's fighting with Rogan, Rogan's fighting with him, he's fighting, he hates him. But I just, I don't have, you know, I was going to say I don't have time, but I'm a comic. I do have time. I just, I didn't enjoy that shit when I was in high school. Fellas, a lot of activity.
Starting point is 00:45:41 What's the problem? Oh, we got a super chat. All that fucking yapping back and forth. You look like a lawyer talking to somebody in front of Congress, whispering into Deke's ear. Okay, give us a... We have to run to the other desk, do you? No, no, we're good. I got it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Okay. So, obviously, a mistake gaming streams says, Any thoughts on Highpoint's new gun, the YC9, also known as the Yeet Cannon? No, none whatsoever. First time I've heard of it. I have no, but also known as the what? Yeet Cannon.
Starting point is 00:46:15 I'm for it. It's got the word cannon in it. Anytime somebody breaks into my house, I want a gun that has the word cannon in it. Tell them I'm all for it. What do you do? Roll that out on your front lawn like it's a Civil War? It's a 9 oh it's a nine millimeter jesus what makes it a can it was there was an internet poll they high point put an internet poll to see what the name of the new gun was going to be and that was what won wow cannon well bullets at at people. Tell them I'm for it. I like the name.
Starting point is 00:46:50 First thing I did when I moved down here is I got a handgun and put it on my lap and drove to the drive to a Chick-fil-A thinking I was going to scare somebody in the window. And it was a girl. She's like, that's a beauty. I shot in a step dab at one of them. Speaking of shooting and guns, let's go to this story. Do you guys see this dash cam footage? Did I give this, Jason? We did, right?
Starting point is 00:47:09 Dash cam shows Florida cop dragged after shooting driver in leg. Yeah, dash cam video shows a Florida cop being dragged at least 100 yards by a speeding SUV before being flung to the ground. A chaotic ordeal that left the driver shot in the leg, charged with attempted murder. Seminole County Sheriff Deputy Aaron Blaze initially laughed and joked with the suspect, Rocky Rudolph Jr., 38, after pulling him over for illegal window tints in Heathrow on Saturday. But the traffic stop turned ugly a few minutes in when the deputy said he could smell weed. The guy had a joint in his mouth, did he not? Of course he smelled weed. That wasn't a fucking...
Starting point is 00:47:52 It was like a blunt the size of my fora. What a detective you are. Asked Rudolph to switch off his engine, assuring him it's no big deal. And here's the video. And go ahead, show the video. Before I ask you for any information, the reason I'm pulling you over is because your windows appear way too dark. First at you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I didn't watch them. Mr. Rudolph. Yes, sir. Is there any reason why there would be a hint, faint of weed coming out of your vehicle? Yeah. Snoop's in the back. Do you have any friends that smoke anything like that? No, just black and mild.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Just black and mild smoke. I know the difference between black and mild smoke and this and that. Do you have any marijuana in the car? Yes, sir. Okay. So there's no marijuana in the car at all? Yes, sir. Okay, and do you have a Florida health card that allows you to smoke medical marijuana?
Starting point is 00:48:49 I don't smoke medical marijuana. I understand. Just shut the car off for me, please. Okay? All right. 2-5-13. Step him up, please. It's no big deal.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I mean, I'm not... Listen, listen, listen. Do me a favor. Do me a favor. Do me a favor. I'm telling you right now. I'm telling you right now. Stop.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Stop. Stop. Look in the right-hand corner. Put it in part. Put your hands up. Put your hands up. Put your freaking hands up. Tell me you're just trying to take off with me. Step him up now. I didn't hands up! I didn't do nothing!
Starting point is 00:49:27 I didn't do nothing! Put your hands up! Put your hands up! Look at his teeth. What the fuck? I swear to God! Push your hands up! Put it apart! Get a cop down in the right-hand corner? Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Another example of a young black male being so scared around the cops. That's all we hear is how they're frightened when they get pulled over by the cops. That's how I would say the majority of traffic stops go with a white cop and a black guy. I could be wrong, but did he look scared and intimidated by the cops at all? Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank God for the body cams, okay? He's smoking right in front of him. He's getting grill work.
Starting point is 00:50:27 This guy's a walking stereotype, tinted windows. And he was just so frightened by the cops, wasn't he? And I love that there's so many body cams out because what's going to happen? That just started, the body cams. Now the truth's going to come out. because what's going to happen? That just started the body cams. Now the truth's going to come out.
Starting point is 00:50:46 We were relying on CNN, excuse me, and the mainstream media when stories like this break that involve a white cop and a black suspect. But they've been cherry-picking racial stories for 30 years now. And it's always where the white guy is the bad guy. But see, the body cams aren't going to lie. They just have to keep them on all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:03 But, you know, ryan randolph whatever there's something wrong with the black man man well this one yes he was a little crazy i got another super chat for you okay i got fruitarian bear says love your show thank you fruitarian bear i'm guessing kiwi is his favorite fruit. You got to love Owen. Doing his own thing, man. I should be growing tomatoes and stuff. That's what my grandfather did, my dad did. I just hate it. I fucking hate it. I hate raking. I hate any of that shit. Italians are supposed to have a connection with the earth. I'll have my connection when they bury me, okay? I don't want to see a rake or a fucking hoe
Starting point is 00:51:45 unless she's wearing pumps on 49th Street. That's all I'm saying. Let's end with this one. I'll get to Jack Dorsey tomorrow. Listen to this headline. I'll save this one. It came out last week. Jack Dorsey lays the groundwork to finally censor Trump.
Starting point is 00:52:01 And of course, I'm trying to find an article that gives you kind of a down-the-middle neutral look at it, but they don't exist in the article. The slant in these articles, whether it's immigration or whatever, are more shocking than the stories themselves. But finally tonight, and this one touches home because I have a Yorkie that's 15 years old, and I was scheduled to have her put to sleep at 3 o'clock today, but me and the wife talked each other out of it. But it's deaf, and it's blind, and it's just bouncing off walls,
Starting point is 00:52:40 and, you know, I hate to say it reminds me of my dad with Alzheimer's. It just, you know, I hate to say it, it reminds me of my dad with Alzheimer's. Just, you know, no more quality of life. He used to let it outside the shit. Now it picks a nice spot on the couch while it's watching Price is Right. I don't know. But you become emotionally attached to these animals. Louis C.K. has a great bit about bringing home a puppy.
Starting point is 00:53:03 He goes, here's something that we'll be all in grief about in 10 years. It's just, you become so, I really love this little dog, you know. But it doesn't have a quality of life anymore. Unless you count peeing on my pillow, quality of life. I'd rather the Asian hook could do that for $11. What's that got to do? Kittens being thrown onto roads in New Jersey. Spurs police
Starting point is 00:53:29 investigation. Have we lost our shit completely? That's all I'm saying. What the hell's going on out here? At least three kittens have been thrown onto roads in New Jersey in recent days. Are we not coming apart at this? Although that one I might toss. Not into a highway, but maybe a river.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Look, he's got a bloody nose. Ran into Antifa. Pussy! Leading to the death of one of the kitties. Two of the felines were hurled from an old model faded red Pathfinder at around 8 p.m. on June 22nd. Spurring police investigation. Oh, Tom's River.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I'm familiar with that. It was on their Facebook page. That's where they found that. So, you know. One of the kittens was immediately run over by another vehicle as the second kitten was rescued by the caller. What is going on? It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. A photo of the White fur kitten who was rescued
Starting point is 00:54:26 was included in the police department's Facebook page. The feline escaped shortly after the photo was taken. This makes the cops on and up. They can't even fucking... Kitty, I noticed your eyes were tinted and you were... They fucking can't even keep track of a cat that they rescued. The feeling escaped shortly after the photo. The scene jumping in a getaway car driven by a pit bull.
Starting point is 00:54:51 What the fuck? It went into a nearby wooded area where it was eaten by 11 raccoons. A third kitten, meanwhile, was rescued Tuesday after being thrown from a car less than a mile away from the person. This is New Jersey. Like the turnpike doesn't smell bad enough in New Jersey. When you go down the Jersey Turnpike, you know what you smell? You smell burning tires and decomposing mafioso members in the weeds.
Starting point is 00:55:16 That's what you smell in New Jersey. Throwing kittens out on the... And remember we did a story about the content people that Facebook hires, and their job is to watch cruelty, shit that would be too evil to put on the Internet, and they commit suicide after a week on the job, and they get paid like $8. This is the shit they have to watch. How sick a fuck do you have to be to throw a kitten on the – Yes, sir, Dick, you've done that?
Starting point is 00:55:44 No, I have not done that. What was it, a turtle? No, he just got another super chat. All right. Jim Jensen says, we love you, Nick. Keep up the great work. If you had a gun to your head and you had to vote for a Democratic candidate, who would it be? It would be Kamala Harris, but I'd take the gun from my head and put it in her mouth.
Starting point is 00:56:04 It will be Kamala Harris, but I'd take the gun from my head and put it in her mouth. No, that's actually a good question. You know what? I'm serious. I would vote for Bernie. Just, you know why? Because let's say he got elected. He would fail miserably, probably die in the middle of his term.
Starting point is 00:56:25 But it would put to rest that socialism could ever work in this country. So I'd go with the old curmudgeon Joe. I know I'm 112 years old. I must be a racist. My right hand has Parkinson's. But I would go with Bernie just because he's fucking crazy as a shit. They're all crazy. You'd think I was going to go with Bennett or the other guy that didn't raise their hands.
Starting point is 00:56:43 No. You'd think I was going to go with Bennett or the other guy that didn't raise their hands. No, I want to see. So once and for all, we could witness socialism failing on a mass scale. It would probably take us all out in the meantime. But Bernie Sanders, the thing was rigged last year, and I would vote for him. Anyways, that is anything else? Got another one? Yeah, one more super chat.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Sure. anyways uh that is anything else got another one yeah one more super chat sure said i have to analog super chat owen which takes effort and i'm kind of a lazy cunt with a hundred hour work week i'll send this to you instead thanks nick for having owen benjamin on while i'm getting ready for work i hope that was a girl that called herself a cunt a hundred hour work week oh and that was from daniel irace So I think that was the guy. Okay. Well, Daniel, thank you very much. And, you know, a hundred hours a week.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Jesus Christ, Belichick doesn't put in that kind of a... I don't know, but I appreciate your support and support Owens' new thing, too. That's about it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Again, go to for tour dates. For all your tour dates, yes. For all my tour dates, go to for tour dates. For all your tour dates, yes. For all my tour dates, go to I don't know if I have them here. My producer's supposed to make sure that I have them every show.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And are they? I got them here. Hold on. I'm losing my mind, too. Look it, I'm holding it like a menu with a 99-year-old guy, 5 o'clock, having dinner in Miami. Saturday, August 10th, Newtown, Pennsylvania. Nick DiPaolo, he's a right winger, but he's very funny.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Friday and Saturday, August 16th and 7th, Helium Comedy Club in Philly. Thursday, October 10th, Levity Live, Nyack, New York. Friday, November 15th, the Cortland Repertory Theater, Cortland, New York. Saturday, November 16th, Comedy Works, Saratoga Springs, New York. Excuse me. New Year's Eve, Tarrytown Music Hall, Tarrytown, New York. Friday, January 24th, Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut. That's 2020.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Saturday, February 15th of 2020, Kelsey Theater in Lake Park, Florida. Go to We'll be adding dates before then, too. Guys, thank you so much, again, for tuning in. Again, Breath of Fresh Air is on YouTube. And like I said, over the last four days, 20-something thousand more views.
Starting point is 00:58:58 And added 2,000 YouTubes. So somebody's liking it. Okay? I'm here and I'm queer. That's it. Remember, you guys think it, I'll say it. Okay? I'm here and I'm queer. That's it. Remember, you guys think it, I'll say it. You're welcome. We'll see you guys tomorrow who subscribe on Patreon. Take care of yourselves. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 ¶¶ We'll be right back..

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