The Nick DiPaolo Show - COVID Killing Civil Rights | Nick Di Paolo Show #506

Episode Date: March 15, 2021

Police tackle and arrest elderly woman for not wearing a mask. A black woman pulls a gun on police. Pelosi blames Trump for Biden's border blunder....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hey, hey, hey. How are you, folks? It's Monday. Do you believe it's Monday? You know, we have long weekends, basically, me and Jason, but I will never be able to work. Not that I've ever worked nine to five. Last time I did that, I was 27. No boss since other than me, which explains my mediocrity.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Anyways, not a disciplined guy. Never was. Well, not totally true. What's going on, folks, huh? We'll get more COVID news for you. Interesting shit, though, and it's getting weird out there. I heard somebody say on TV, and I agree, I think it was Lisa Booth, the very lovely Lisa Booth on Fox. I feel like our country's unraveling. Bingo. Bing, ding, bing. It really, every day these jerk offs on the left put out something else. You're like, you have to be kidding. Codifying the rules they broke to steal the election. Now they want that in writing, those rules. It's fucking frightening. And again, now they're coming out with the guns and shit. And I'm buying them up like, you know, like cheesecakes. I really like them.
Starting point is 00:01:46 They feel good in my hand. They make my dick feel bigger. Everything that Bill Maher hates. Yeah, Bill. How about that? I'm 59. My fucking shoulders are torn to shreds. Anyways, happy anniversary of my wife and me.
Starting point is 00:02:02 38 years. That's right. We started at 11. Did I mention I'm from Alabama? Yeah. 18 years, is it? Yeah, 18 years. Can you imagine she put up with this shit for 18 fucking years? And I dated her for nine. That means we've been together for 27 years. Do you understand how long that is? In married years, it's 191. how long that is in married years it's 191 all righty let's get right to it uh here we go again folks black woman pulls gun on a cop and gets shot that's how i put the headline in everybody else says i you know fucking uh whatever black woman pulled over, shot by a cop. No, black woman misbehaves, doesn't listen to cops, and gets tasered and shot.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Am I supposed to feel bad? I'm losing. I have what they call compassion fatigue. I don't feel anything anymore. Black people, we love you, okay? And again, this doesn't apply to all black people, obviously. Only a small percentage of the black population commits a ton of crime. But I don't care.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Even you idiots who do it on the crime, you got to listen to the cops. We're done saying it. You act weird around cops. Cops don't treat you badly. You act and behave badly around cops. Anyway, let's see how the media spins this piece of garbage. There was a body cam for the whole thing. Anyway, a woman in Tennessee was killed and a cop was rushed into surgery following a shootout in a parking lot. And like I said, the beauty of a
Starting point is 00:03:41 body cam. But again, that won't stop the left right we don't i swear to god i don't know if these are lined up every fucking six months we're gonna have one of these in this country to keep whatever but uh i think it's very self-explanatory the video we have thanks to the body uh camera on the uh the cop uh but uh we don't need this what the hell's going on out here let's take a look at this uh video bring your bag out here ma'am stop stop going through it pause first of all why would you let her do that i i'm not picking on the cop but i know cops and they say the same thing when they're watching this. Train cops go, what are you doing? And you'll see how he doesn't take command here.
Starting point is 00:04:31 But again, I'll tell you why he doesn't, because, you know, he's under scrutiny. Does one thing wrong and his career is finished. But why would you let her even fucking reach in like that? Go ahead. Come step right back here. What did you take out of it? Nothing. I was giving you. Liar.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Listen, just come back here i think we're getting off on the wrong foot okay because i'm really confused on why i'm getting he's got several ones okay that has nothing to do with me you don't know who's in the car nobody's in my car well now i know that however now i'm going to address the other problems okay so you want my bag and all my belongings so just step right back look at her trying to blame the coffee doing it can i use the restroom and yeah take a shot behind an audio and video record just to let you know okay nice just in here okay was there about five minutes from here yeah feel free to use your phone this is some type of herbs i don't know what it is yeah i'm not done with that though where's your lighter
Starting point is 00:05:28 at 13 it says you're about seven minutes away i'll get it for you in a second okay no i'll get it get away from the car right or no she could be reaching in there for the gun. No, I'll get you later. Are you listening to me? I fucking, aye, aye, aye. And again, I really think the cops are on the defensive. Because if they do something wrong, even if they do it right, they get fucking chastised. She's reaching and he probably thinks, well, she's got a pound cake or some type of Mounds bars or anyways. But anyways, let me tell you why it was pulled over, because the plates came back with warrants out for drugs and whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:06:12 But go ahead. General, can I have you served from 23? You scared me. Thank you. Here, do me a favor. No, hold on. Don't put me in handcuffs. I haven't done anything wrong. Ma'am. No, don't put me in here because i haven't done anything wrong ma'am
Starting point is 00:06:26 no you're about to get paid get out get out on the ground down on the ground and you're gonna tell you're gonna spin it you mainstream media liberal cocksuckers that cops are out to shoot black people. And you won't even address her behavior unless you go to Fox or to somebody you talk, One America News or Newsmax, where they kind of report the truth on this. Nothing is lied about more than race in this country.
Starting point is 00:06:58 There's no bigger gap in an issue between what is said in public and private. And this other thing I want to make. If you're white, folks, you'd get the same treatment if you did this. Do you understand? Go ahead. No! No!
Starting point is 00:07:16 I didn't do that! I didn't do that! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:07:22 She just lost five pounds right there. Help me! Help! Help! Help! Help! I didn't do nothing. Reach in for the gun now.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Look at her. See her right hand? Step out. Look at her right hand. Ma'am! Put the gun down! I didn't do nothing. Put the gun down!
Starting point is 00:07:41 Got her! Got her! 22, sharp fire. Sharp fire. Buzz. Is that it? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Get this. She drives away after getting shot like that. By the way, he got shot. Do you see why cops have to, I don't know, take charge. Why is she back in the fucking car? Honestly, I don't mean to pick on the cop because it's a brutal job, but she drove away and then died. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:08:20 But it's the cops that need reforming. It's not the black community, I should say the 3% or five percent that commit all the crime they don't need reforming their behavior and shit it's cops out of line and how many have we seen like this but you know don't look at that it's only the fucking truth in front of you metro national police officer josh baker in anika and holbert 31 shows the 14 year veteran cop deploying his taser on the woman ordering her to uh get out of the car which i don't know why he ever let her back in holbert was with us that was smoking a cigarette that's another thing i'm surprised he let her do because i've seen i've seen clips uh with a person like i was watching cops and a
Starting point is 00:09:09 guy threw a cigarette at the cop and then i saw clips after that when the person asked and they said no you're not gonna fucking smoke i mean you're giving her the idea that she's in charge it's like being a comic when you fucking ask questions of the audience and they yell shit out it's kind of a weird analogy nobody gets shot there hopefully depends what club in what city um and uh it's like you're giving the audience permission to become part of the show which is the last thing you want uh anyway she was smoking a cigarette at the time ignored the cops commands got back into the car which was a big mistake by the cops in my opinion and uh that's when she started screaming after you get hit with the uh with the uh stun gun and uh fucking crazy was that the only video
Starting point is 00:09:54 i don't know i have two in it baker then uh falls to the ground the cop after being shot calls for backup shots fired hobart the drives off. Later pronounced dead at a hospital. And say one thing about it, one tough broad. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. I said, bye-bye. And again, we don't want to see people dying. Okay?
Starting point is 00:10:20 But it's on you. You'd still be alive if you just listened to the cop. That has nothing to do with being brought up in a one family, a one parent family. Well, how do you know? I don't know. I'm just going out on a limb. So the cop was hit beneath his bulletproof vest. He's in stable condition after undergoing surgery.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Police spokesman Don Aaron said said so here we go again right i don't know what's today monday this happened over the weekend well there'll be some shit antifa is going to get this shit together or whatever another excuse to fucking burn shit and whatever regardless of what the videotape says, because that doesn't matter anymore in this country, apparently. And you want to be a cop? Anyways, we have some more law enforcement entangled with civilians. And it's COVID related. A couple of these man refuses to wear a mask, gets tackled by the police in front of his son. And this happened in the Czech Republic, which is like the former Soviet union region.
Starting point is 00:11:34 The clip was recorded in Uhersk, where again, I have a duplex with a couple of wars from the Moscow. Police can be seen tackling the maskless man. This is about COVID folks, 40 year old man to the ground and holding him in a headlock as his frantic three-year-old son. This is traumatic for a kid.
Starting point is 00:11:59 You know, the man had to run into trouble with police after he had picked his child up for the playground and he forgot to bring his mask. Can you fucking believe it? And I, you know, you're going, Czech Republic, whatever. The reason I'm showing it is it's coming to a theater near you, as they say. Or it already has, probably. Who am I kidding?
Starting point is 00:12:19 But this is fine. I feel so bad for the little kid. This could be traumatizing. Watch this. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I feel so bad for the little kid. This could be traumatizing. Watch this. It really fucking is. Mayor Stanislav Blaha, that's his name, partly defended the office's actions in a statement on Facebook. How could you do that? You're a crumb creep.
Starting point is 00:12:53 When the video came to me last night, I was shocked. The cry of a child, the procedure of police officers, the man on the ground, Blaha declared. But the video does not capture the whole story as it happened, he says. Police officers saw a man without a mask. Okay, why don't you just end it there? Yeah. And with a little kid and decided to traumatize. They challenged him to put it on.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Again, we don't know the rules in the Czech Republic, but he didn't want to put it on. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Refused to give his identity. Who the fuck are you? Are you writing a book? Who the fuck are you? Anyways, he picked up his son and began to move away from the police officers. As police followed the man, he allegedly started pushing them away and was then tackled. So that justifies it. Again, this is about a fucking mask and about a fake pandemic who only kills unhealthy people.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Sort of like the flu. I'll say it for the 78th millionth time. But again, I showed you this because don't think this is just happening in the Czech Republic in faraway countries. Which makes sense, right? Oh, my God. So, yeah, I saw that clip and I read that story and i said well my it's the czech republic but as you know i'm thinking well it's coming to a theater near us obviously if it hasn't already and i swear to god a couple stories later i run into this story directly related, that's right, domestic, 65-year-old woman tackled, arrested for refusing to wear a mask
Starting point is 00:14:50 a day after Abbott, the governor of Texas, lifted the mask mandate. The mask mandate was lifted statewide on March 10th, but the very next day a 65 year old woman was tackled to the ground by police after being told by a Galveston Bank of America branch to mask up why is everyone so fucking stupid why aren't more people interrogating like me and that wasn't directed at her that was directed all the people that are at the bank wearing the fucking mask, including, and they try to lie about it. They try to say, she called the police station. I'll get into it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And the woman, Sergeant Weber, said, no, that wasn't a Galveston cop. That was their security, which was a total lie. which was a total lie. Anyways, the 65-year-old lady later recounted in an interview with Fox Houston that she was there to close her account and that she couldn't enter the drive-thru. Ma'am, you have to leave, the bank staff told her upon entering. And she said, I just want to close my account. I'm going to get my money, and then I'll leave. I can't use the drive-thru.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I'm pulling the rig. She's a truck driver. But you know what? I love this woman. Makes the country run and knows her shit, too. So anyway, so she can't go through the drive-thru, so she comes inside and immediately is approached by a woman to tell her to put a mask on, and this is what happens. Come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Oh, don't do that. Oh, no. Do not do that. Oh, no. Do not touch me. Who do you think you are? Oh, back up, back up. Some old lady is getting handcuffed here. Get up, people. I'm staying right here.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Ma'am, put your hands behind your back. You don't stop resisting. Nice bus, Barretta. Stop. Are you going to, is anybody going to, like, get real here? Really? Relax. No one's going to get real?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Look at all the sheep. Wow. Come on. Oh, you're going to smash my head down now? Now you're smashing my arm into my private area? Your private area? Yeah. Put your hands behind your back my snatch
Starting point is 00:17:08 This one turn over on your stomach put your hand behind your back Relax, believe this shit. This is America. Oh, you are not relaxed Listen to him not relax Fucking useful idiot. Wow. What about your cheek? I hope someone's filming this. Oh, I'm filming it. Yeah, okay. Stand up.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Stand up. Stand yourself up. All right. Fucking believe that. She said to all the people in the bank something. This is wrong. And they went, no, no, it's not. Bah, bah.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Now people, now the cop cops say, well, this is private property. They can do what they want, bah, bah, bah. Okay, but doesn't the Constitution trump that? I don't know. I know the laws where private companies can do what the fuck they want. But not when your civil rights are being violated on a... A lot of people think this whole mask thing is unconstitutional.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Don't take my word for it. I'm talking scholars. So I would think that would trump any fucking little, but I guess that's not how it worked. Whatever. She did exactly what I would have done, except for my shoulders would have come out of the socket because they're being held together by staples. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:18:38 All right. So here is a journalist interviewing her after the incident, right? I want you to listen to how stupid the journalist is and how you can tell how he votes. And he keeps questioning her. Well, I understand, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, so he doesn't understand. But, but listen to him. And I love how she gets fed up with him. This is, she's a trucker.
Starting point is 00:19:07 She lives literally in a trailer park. She mentions that. And this is who we're picking on. So here's her being interviewed by a journalist. Go ahead. Just last question. I mean, in every situation, hindsight's 20-20, right? And I get what you're saying you're absolutely
Starting point is 00:19:26 correct no one in texas has to wear a mask but when you do but but uh private there is no but and if there is a butt do words mean anything anymore? You just said nobody in Texas has to wear masks, period. And yes, I understand. Different laws for private companies and shit. Like I said, this is like a constitutional violation, according to a lot of scholars, constitutional scholars. But listen to him keep pushing. Go ahead. Business, they have the what go ahead business they have the right
Starting point is 00:20:06 just like they have the right to say no shoes no shirt i've been all over texas i've i've been all over texas i have not had more mass the entire time i've been in texas i walk in every grocery store i walk in every place and nobody says a thing to me if you but if you could and again this is all hypothetical and i'm telling you i would not I walk in every grocery store. I walk in every place. And nobody says a thing to me. But if you could, and again, this is all hypothetical. And I'm telling you, I would not change a thing. I'm not going to put a face diaper on. Because everyone is paranoid of something that is not real. Even after all this, you're not going to wear one?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Sure. I'm not going to wear one. I put it on in the hospital because there's sick people in there. You never know. Terry, I appreciate you telling me. Delia's stupid. She just gave you a lesson. This is fucking creepy, man.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's getting to the creepy level. And Biden's speech, the first one he gave, just pleading for us. It was a 15-minute plead to keep this fucking faux pandemic going. You might be able to hang out with your family on the 4th of July if we do everything right. I need you. Can't you just see? I came up with a, I have to write this bit out, but if you guys are familiar with the story of a,
Starting point is 00:21:34 what is it? The Bergerac? Probably saying that wrong. You don't know that story, Jace? Well, fuck it. You're a literary guy. It's a guy who's in love with a woman, but he doesn't know how to woo her. And there's another guy in the bushes telling him what to say.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Steve Martin did a takeoff called Roxanne on it. But that's what Biden is. He's just doesn't know what to say. And they have like, you know, Bernie Sanders in the bushes, just telling him the lines. If you look at Biden's politics, not even close to this radical, even from a few years ago, it's unbelievable the plan they're executing.
Starting point is 00:22:20 But I'm glad that woman fucking defended herself. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. Yay. Another mass story in the United States. Oh, there'll be a ton of them, folks, if the left keeps up this nonsense. Alaska Airlines, this is how you don't handle it if you're the victim. Alaska Airlines passenger facing charges for refusing mask, urinating in cabin. I'll show them. A Colorado man accused of disrupting an Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle to Denver, oh, two nitwit cities, by refusing to wear a mask and then standing up and urinating in the cabin, faces
Starting point is 00:23:11 a federal charge of interfering with a flight crew and attendants that carries a maximum term of 20 years in prison and a possible $250,000. Now, it seemed a little stiff for either of those violations. They don't seem a little stiff for either of those violations. It's not like he busted down the cockpit door and pissed all over the fucking captains. The FBI arrested 24-year-old Landon. Got a picture, Jace? Landon? That's Landon. Oh, fucking idiot!
Starting point is 00:23:44 Greer of Cannon City after the flight landed March 9th, according to an affidavit filed in the U.S. District Court in Denver. The affidavit by FBI Specialist Agent Martin Daniel, who interviewed Greer and crew members, says Greer appeared to be trying to sleep. sleep yeah he was shit face but squatted at an attendant which you never do when she asked him repeatedly to put on his mask as required by the faa and uh he wasn't having any of it i don't want to talk to you get away from me now looking at his picture i would i'm surprised because he looks pretty i'm surprised he didn't take a dump is what i'm surprised at. Look at that. Isn't it funny? Yeah. Seattle, Denver's mentioned. Perfect. A passenger later summoned attendants because Greer was urinating in his seat area. The agent said Greer told him he had several beers and a couple of shots before boarding the flight, fell asleep on the plane and awoke to being yelled at by the flight attendant
Starting point is 00:24:43 who told him he was peeing. Come on. That's happened to all of us, hasn't it, folks? Listen, he stated he had no recollection of hitting the flight attendant and didn't know if he was peeing or not. He's lying. I got to believe when you piss yourself, I don't know, you're the first one to know it. I don't give a fuck how fucked up you are.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Greer made an initial court appearance on Thursday. A federal public defender was appointed to represent him. Apparently Dershowitz was busy. He was released on 10 large, $10,000 bond pending his next court appearance set for March 26th. Now, don't fuck it up. Guys like this are fucking up the mask fight. You know what I mean? I don't recall pissing myself.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I think the lady in 23C spilled tea on my pants. I remember a warm feeling in a bag. Oh, look at this. More, more people whose rights are being violated. This one, our neighbors to the north, Montreal, Canada. This is a little disturbing too. Antifa is an international group, as you know.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Or you can look at Canada as being the attic of our house or whatever. A man suffered a broken arm and other injuries after Antifa attacked him over a sign that said, children cannot consent to puberty blockers, which is exactly fucking right. Hey, Timmy, you're playing with dolls. Here's some pills. You can play with your own tits in three years. Hey, Timmy, you're playing with dolls. Here's some pills. You can play with your own tits in three years. Thank you, Daddy.
Starting point is 00:26:30 At 6 p.m. on Friday, Chris Elston says he was protesting in Montreal when several Antifa members arrived in a vehicle and began assaulting him. He said, I just got attacked by about seven people. He tweeted this. Punched multiple times. Sign smashed. Body cam gone, he added. Forearm might be broken. police are on the way. I look at him, he kind of looks like he likes kids. That's not fair, Nick. No, he looks like
Starting point is 00:26:52 Richie Grinnell. Though his body cam was stolen, Elston was able to record part of the incident using his phone. He said, they took my sign with the body cam, which he tweeted, but I managed to film them with my phone during the tail end of the assault. In the video, multiple Antifa members approach Elston and punch him. They are almost uniformly wearing black with masks over their faces like the pussies that they are. One man attacked him with a traffic cone as others pelted him with snow, objects and other shit. Take a look at the clip. Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of this fucking neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Get the fuck out of this neighborhood. I'm staying right here. Let's go, Chris. Let's go, Chris. Get the fuck out of here. Transfers, fuck off. I'm staying right here Okay Squirting mustard And there's a twat with them all right am i bleeding yeah yeah that's why you carry everywhere I don't know what the laws on Canada, but I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I'm talking to you Americans. Carry everywhere. You know, like even if you put one in that guy's foot, don't kill him. Although you're probably so pissed you would kill him, but put one in his foot. Do it, you know, do it spider style. Tommy and good fellas. Can you imagine pukes like that? Fucking telling you where and when you can't go in a free car are you fucking kidding me and again that's happening here too oh antifa such pussies you listening yeah your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks you got that i do canada elston revealed that
Starting point is 00:29:09 his forearm was indeed broken and noted that his friend was also attacked and had an expensive wristwatch stolen in the fight posted alongside x-rays of his arm elston wrote my left forearm is broken but i feel worse for my uh new friend who came out to support he took a blow and i had his expensive watch broken in another post elson revealed further injuries i took one punch to the face and one right hook to the back of my head from that big guy but i'm hard-headed so no worries and then he fucking started talking spanish and peed himself for the record i did not fight back i don't need police arresting me again since i have 11 warrant no uh police arresting me again for defending myself so this has happened before i think he's implying and a
Starting point is 00:29:57 new photo taken with his full arm and a cast elston had i will not be intimidated children cannot consent to puberty blockers elston has has raised over $6,600 to raise awareness around puberty blockers being given to supposedly transgender children. On his campaign, he wrote, we are making progress with a persistent campaign to spread awareness about the harm coming to children from experimental puberty blockers, which causes permanent medical harm. Puberty blockers, while often called harmless and reversible by their proponents, stop organ development. I guess I got some.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And other necessary body functions. As children grow into adulthood, even if they are discontinued, internal organs may never fully develop. They weren't around back then. I'll let my mother off the hook. What? What kind of shit is that? A man goes to a party.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Let's get to our president, Joe Biden. Our president. Look at him. Fuck nut. Joe, how far can you walk without losing your breath? Let's talk about his border policies that are just, you're watching it, folks. Are you watching the news? Every time they show border crossings, it does.
Starting point is 00:31:31 It looks like a marathon, a beginning of a marathon in, you know, Boston with his 97 different ethnicities. Why can't they start running? Ethnic ethnicities. Why can they start running? Illegals are being let into the country in not being tested for COVID before being released. OK, that's that's your new president. What are we doing? What's going on right now?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Oh, you know, that's your new president. Just a fucking dope. new president just a fucking dope we begin at the southern border tonight where we find the biden administration's efforts to erase donald trump's administration's policies on illegal immigration already having a dramatic negative impact supporters of illegal immigration are praising the change because they'd rather be right than be alive and live in a nice country. What a fucking. I remember saying, seriously, I just had to be 25 years ago, saying to a buddy of mine. And I said to him, the Libs aren't going to be happy until this country fucking looks like the place that the last jerk off comes over from South. And boy, 25, I'm 59. I was 71.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Supporter of illegal immigrations are praising the change. Critics say it threatens to plunge the United States into a crisis. Why would you praise what's going on? You've got Democrats, that guy, a Democrat saying this is ridiculous what Biden's doing. You've got more than one Democrat saying that. They're interviewing people who live along that border in california they're being overrun why would you praise it you fuck stains you really are the most ignorant party ever to plunge the u.s into a crisis far beyond uh what's been seen in recent years the stream of
Starting point is 00:33:19 migrants coming to the border has overwhelmed federal immigration authorities so much that Biden authorized FEMA. That's the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help receive shelter and transport the children again who have not been tested for COVID over the next 90 days. Are you fucking kidding me? What are we doing? What's going on right now? I have no idea. what's going on right now. You have no idea.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Oh my God. All that work Trump did, finally had it in control. He had the remain in Mexico policy, meaning people from South America, wherever, had to stay in Mexico, get their shit straight,
Starting point is 00:34:05 be weeded out there, and then, you know, better than let over. So they interview, who are they interviewing here? A Border Patrol guy, right? Now, who would know better, him or Nancy Pelosi and the shithead AOC and the rest of them? But here you go. Unlike U.S. citizens returning from foreign travel the illegal immigrants will be brought in and released with no covid testing and you guys are doing testing and just putting them out to us
Starting point is 00:34:36 deal with it so it's a good question and the answer the short answer is no, we are not testing. OK, if you didn't get that audio, this councilwoman asked her, so you're releasing people without testing? And the border guy said, yeah, that's not his call. You fucking believe it? What you just said. Yes. Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Both retired. So you're releasing people in the... Meanwhile, they're attacking 65-year year old women, a woman at a bank for not having a mask fist fights are breaking out and do you fucking, but and the
Starting point is 00:35:36 media just goes along with it, the media the propaganda machine why haven't I seen somebody from like One America News or Newsmax have somebody on a liberal who defends this oh that's right they won't come on because they can't defend it but I want to see like Jim Jordan getting in somebody's face and screaming and cursing I like that type of shit if you don't believe me come see me live speaking of my tour. I'm getting back on the goddamn road soon.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Back on the road next month and setting up dates all over the country right now. I'll be coming to see all you lunatics in Florida next. See me April 30th at the Town Hall Event Center. That sounds important. Should I even be there? In Port St. Lucie. And May 1st at the Boca Black Box in Boca Raton. I've done that one. Great club.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Great room, I should say. Small theater. Then on Thursday, May 13th, I'll be at Hilarities in Cleveland. I haven't been there in a few years. Nick Costa runs it. Great. A 72-year-old Italian on 75. Fucking guy shredded. He's got pipes on him. He's in a t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I asked him. I thought he was going to say, I'm about 63, 64, maybe. He's got pipes on him. He's in a t-shirt. I asked him, I thought he was going to say I'm about 63, 64, maybe. He's got like 70 something years old. On May 15th, I'll be in Southeastern Pennsylvania at Soul Joel's in Royersford. A lot of the New York comics have done this one with the COVID shit. He stayed open out in Pennsylvania. Finally, on June 4th and 5th, I'll be at the Comedy Cabana in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I haven open out in Pennsylvania. Finally, on June 4th and 5th, I'll be at the Comedy Cabana in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I haven't performed there ever. No, that's not true. I did when I was real young.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Not at the Cabana, though. These shows will go on sale this Friday. Get tickets to all these shows through my website,, and click on the touring button, and I will see you out there, hopefully. Let and click on the Turing button. And I will see you out there, hopefully. Let's stay on the border where Biden's policies,
Starting point is 00:37:29 I should say AOC's policies, I should say Schumer's policies, I should say Pelosi's policies. I should, Blame's, Pelosi blames border crisis on Biden, get this, inheriting broken system from Trump. This malignant twat's own. I really hope she dies. Anyways, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday
Starting point is 00:37:51 acknowledged the crisis surrounding the surge of children crossing the southern border, but blamed it. But blamed it on the Biden administration inheriting a broken system from former President Trump. Yeah, I just said that in the fucking first paragraph. Why did I repeat it it i don't know but let's take a let's take a look at this this this fucking repugnant spoiled 80 year old fucking karen to the third power white privileged power hungry whore take it away nancy the actually the facts are these. There are more children, about 600, 700 more children, unaccompanied children coming over the border. This is a humanitarian challenge to all of us.
Starting point is 00:38:38 What the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border, and they are working to correct that in the children's interest. I'm so pleased that the president as a temporary measure has sent FEMA to the border in order to help facilitate the children going from one 72 hour. Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, you know. liar liar whore liar whore and you know it she's a malignant cunt amen to that how many times did she work the word children in that fucking minute and a half speech she's been doing that her whole career i could have people dig up clips of her i don't care what they're talking about aids a hurricane relief the children the children the children tugging on your heartstrings. She's a manipulative. I feel like we don't know enough about her.
Starting point is 00:39:36 But Senator Bill Cassidy, Republican, Louisiana, said blame for the crisis at the border rests solely on President Biden's lap and said, oh, on his lap when there's not a 12-year-old girl sitting on it. He sniffs their scalp and said the president's policies are inviting migrants to make the dangerous trek to the United States. We all know that. When you tell the world we're going to give you free health care, free college tuition. We're going to put you ahead of our citizens. You don't think that's going to fucking make every third world take that trek? Asked by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace whether Biden is responsible for the increase of migrants and the number of apprehensions, Cassidy said, what did he say? It's a sick question.
Starting point is 00:40:24 You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that i'm gonna answer it but he did anyway empirically it's entirely his fault i paraphrased when people think this is cassidy talking they can get in they begin sending their unaccompanied child across mexico where she may be kidnapped in traffic imagine they know that. Or do they not have TV in Mexico? Alleging that immigration officials told migrants in Spanish that the border was open. Remember that? That was actually a fucking lady trying to speak Spanish. That'll be your next door neighbors, folks.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I don't care where you live. More than 29,000 unaccompanied minors crossed the border in February, according to figures from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the numbers of people apprehended at the Mexican border totaled more than 100,000 last month, a 28% increase from January. Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay. Son of a whore!
Starting point is 00:41:33 The one-month total of children arriving at the border is nearly as high as the number of kids for all of last year. But, you know, Trump's fault. The stream of migrants coming into the border has overwhelmed federal immigration authorities so much that Biden authorized the Federal Emergency Agency. I forgot to say management in there, which is FEMA, to help receive.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Didn't I say this already? And it's in this story too? And it's in this story too? Anyways, he's enacted FEMA, which I already mentioned, to help shelter and transport these children. But, you know, it's Trump's fault. Trump was right. They're bringing drugs.
Starting point is 00:42:20 They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. That's still true, by the way. That didn't hurt him either, did it? Still get elected. Why? Because people like the truth.
Starting point is 00:42:38 And that's not saying all people coming over the border are bad people. But they don't even talk about the drugs coming. And the people that are the fucking smugglers that are bringing these people over, charging them fucking exorbitant fees, not to mention molesting kids and shit. That's all real. But, you know, it was a crisis supposedly under Trump. But it's a challenge, they say. A challenge. They're calling a border challenge under Biden.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Once again, playing with the words they're just evil and here's the story of the day that really sent the chill up my ass senator cruz headline u.s military launching political attacks against tucker carlson request meeting i knew exactly what he was talking about. Under Biden, the military is launching political attacks to intimidate Tucker Carlson and other civilians who criticize their policy decisions, Cruz wrote on Twitter, saying he requested a meeting with a commandant of the Marines. Officials in uniform are being used for the campaign of demanding a meeting with a commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps to put a stop to it. Over the weekend, the U.S. Marine Corps unit's Twitter account,
Starting point is 00:43:52 two Marine Expeditionary Force information group, stated, in quotes, it messed up. They commented on Tucker's tweet. Excuse me. Tucker put up a tweet. It showed a female Marine carrying a guy Marine on her shoulders. And he did a segment last week about Biden. Remember what, during the speech, he says, we're making all kinds of strides in the military.
Starting point is 00:44:17 We're coming up with maternity clothes for the pregnant soldiers. And Tucker Carlson tweeted that having pregnant women fight our war is a mockery to the military, which I agree 2000%. Let me tell you this. I'm not going to go along with, yes, women should be in the military. An army is only as strong as its weakest soldier. What do you mean by that, Nick? Well, you know, the standards we used to have to do tests like 100 push-ups and 50 pull-ups and they lowered all that shit. So I'm sorry. I'll even let the gay guys in. They can do, they're fucking ripped. They're in shape. But I'm sorry. Nick, that's a Neanderthal.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I don't give a fuck. I'll take a guy over a woman, whether it's a cop, a Marine, sorry, not going to change it. Anyways, so they answered back, the Marine Corps answered back from their official Twitter account. In other words, from the military, like they have time to be fucking bad-mouthing civilians. But they admitted, they said messed up. In its comments, when responding to Carlson, They said they had messed up after the Fox host said the military should be focused more on adversaries like China rather than, you know, social issues. We are human and we messed up. This is from the Marines, I guess.
Starting point is 00:45:41 What was intended as a tweet in support of our female Marines and sisters serving in uniform was clearly not aligned with our standard practices or an appropriate representation of the Marine Corps. made note of several seemingly unusual statements from the military, including one from the Space Force commander's senior enlisted leader, Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant Scott Stalker, who said this in a video, and this one, this is what scares me, folks. This PC shit, it's in the military now. It's in the upper brass. Remember earlier in the year we were doing they were agreeing to change names of military bases because they might have been racist when this creeps into that ideology creeps into the military it's fucking but listen to this nitwit i'm going to tell you to pause it
Starting point is 00:46:38 a few times because i can refute every point he makes. This is him defending, you know, them defending the female Marines and whatnot. Go ahead. Drama TV. Ladies and gentlemen, that's what I call it. I'll apologize up front and tell you that I don't have cable news at home. I don't have it here in the office and I don't watch a lot of drama TV. I understand some comments were made yesterday and I watched the clip that Mr. Carlson produced as he referred to pregnant women in the military. Pause. Really busy, huh? Commandant, really busy.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Keeping an eye on our adversaries, huh? You don't watch the news during the day, but you watch the clips online after, I guess. I don't know. I don't really see a difference. Go ahead. I don't really see a difference. Go ahead. I'll remind everyone that his opinion, which he has a right to, is based off of actually zero days of service in the armed forces. Let me offer you my opinion. My opinion is.
Starting point is 00:47:35 You should have stopped that he has a right to it. So anybody who has not been in the military, you're wrong no matter what your opinion is. You have a right right to say it but you don't know what you're talking about really even when you bombed iraq we all agreed that it was a fucking lie a lot of people who participate in the military pointed that out and they were right and and again i know i didn't participate but as a civilian i can say anything the fuck i want and i love them the military you know me went to fucking afghanistan with the uso went to japan uh cuba anyways i respect these guys but it creeps me out when a guy like this he i feel like he's been brainwashed good based off of 28 years of actual service in the military 28 years in the marine corps in combat operations out at sea and in garrison and so he was talking specifically about pregnant women in the armed forces today
Starting point is 00:48:28 and how it makes us less lethal and less fit and less ready. Let me tell you where he's wrong. Those decisions were made by medical professionals, by commanders, and our civilian leadership. Pause. Yeah. Right. Civilian leadership. The people you just said can have an opinion, but they might not know what they're talking about Civilian leadership.
Starting point is 00:48:45 The people you just said can have an opinion, but they might not know what they're talking about. Medical leadership. Yeah, they haven't. Should have been made by like, you know, MacArthur and guys like that. Guys above you. Let them make the decision.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And they all know. They have to, but they have to. Jen, you're flack to this politically correct horse shit. Go ahead. Pause for women to have more time with their children to recuperate. Pause. Okay. So when they're in the military, Sam, they get pregnant.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Now they get more time with their children to recuperate. Recuperate. Excuse me. Go ahead. To get fit and ready. Okay. To get fit and get ready and go back into action or you could just have all guys in there and you wouldn't have to miss a day sorry ladies i gotta believe the majority of women are with me on that yeah well you could just have an all gun and he doesn't bring up all the sexual assaults that happen in the military since women are being let in.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Sometimes you're experimenting. You should go back 10 years and see how they're doing. Did he have more to say? That's where I cut it? Anyways, all due respect, sir. And we do respect you. But you're buying into it. We had my alarm go off at my house twice, three times, silent alarm by accident.
Starting point is 00:50:17 They were working to fix something. So anyways, it goes off and I wasn't, and the cops are banging on our door. My wife answers the door. It happened twice, like within hours, and it's two female cops. And my wife said to me, what if I really was, there was a 6'8 guy in there, 6'5 guy beating the fuck out of me. She goes, I would prefer there would be two guys.
Starting point is 00:50:40 She's a sexist pig. I think I should get rid of her. Misogynist. But you hear the mentality? We get to let them recuperate. That makes us a better fighting... Anyways. During his remarks on Monday,
Starting point is 00:50:57 Mr. Biden discussed steps being taken to make the military more accessible to women, such as updating hairstyles. Hoo-hoo! Tailoring combat uniforms for women, and creating maternity flight suits. What? What if you start having the kid in the plane?
Starting point is 00:51:18 That would be cool. Carlson hit out at the provisions on Tuesday, saying that allowing pregnant women to fight wars makes a mockery of the United States military. And I challenge anybody to fucking argue that. You are correct, sir. Army Sergeant Major Michael Grinston also criticized the Fox host while Defense Department spokesman John Kirby, a retired rear admiral and former CNN analyst, so you know he's objective, wrote a statement saying, Press Secretary smites Fox host that dissed diversity in the U.S. military. That's what he wrote. Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up.
Starting point is 00:51:57 See? Diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity. It's a smoke screen. It's a fucking smoke screen. I think the military was doing pretty good right before gays and women were allowed in it. I still believe, I think they were the most powerful military on earth. Now we get all kinds of internal problems because they're using it as a Petri dish
Starting point is 00:52:20 for social fucking engineering. Sorry to be sexist and racist. No, I'm not. Because I wasn't. Ted Cruz, in a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, wrote that he's deeply troubled by how the Pentagon has mobilized systematic public attacks against television host Tucker Carlson
Starting point is 00:52:39 that in substance, tone, and political resonance are inexplicably inappropriate. Instead of allowing the debate to take its course in substance, tone, and political resonance are inexplicably inappropriate. Instead of allowing the debate to take its course in public, exactly right, among American citizens and their elected leaders, Cruz wrote, military officials over the last week have repeatedly launched attacks on Carlson, including through official Department of Defense platforms and accounts, while they were in uniform. platforms and accounts while they were in uniform. Cruz then stated that this spectacle,
Starting point is 00:53:14 this spectacle, sorry, my eyes are gone, risks politicizing the military after several centuries of efforts to keep military officials out of domestic affairs and undermines civil military relations by having the military take a side in a contentious cultural dispute such behavior he added is more akin to what occurs in third world countries which which is what we are now rather than the united states well said teddy these people from shithole countries come here the shitholes the shithole shithole up is down black is white my brother's a rapist no i'm just kidding but do you get the point of the story folks military fucking responding on department of official military websites it really is what goes on in third world shitholes and you know joe biden his administration working behind the scenes to get rid of Fox. I almost hope it happens because then that would be the fucking,
Starting point is 00:54:09 that would be a tipping point, I think. Last week, Carlson said on his popular nightly program that the Pentagon had effectively declared war on a domestic news operation. He asked the question, Tucker, this is why I love him, how does sex changes in the military make this country safer?
Starting point is 00:54:27 He said, that's not a trick question. It's not another volley in the cultural war. It's the only question that matters, literally. The only question that matters. And he's right on the money. Ask that of any lefty and they'll say this. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck
Starting point is 00:54:44 and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Okay, Anderson Cooper, you goo gobbler. But no one bothered to ask it, Tucker said, probably because no one can remember why the U.S. military exists. Making note of the military's increase in focus on identity politics. He went on to say that it exists for one reason, to fucking win wars. Not to try out and see how this sex doesn't, it's not social engineering, but that's what they use it for. And that is it for today, folks.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I hope you enjoyed the show. Don't forget That's where the show will be permanently based. Please move all your stuff if you haven't yet. And don't forget Click the tour button to look at where I'm going to be as far as live stand-up. Don't forget If you want me to make a personal video on my phone roasting one of your friends or relatives,
Starting point is 00:55:42 go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person, and we'll destroy him or her. It'll be fun, or it. We don't know. Anyways, that is it. You guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:55:53 We'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day. guitar solo I'm out.

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