The Nick DiPaolo Show - ‘Cruz’ing the Border | Nick Di Paolo Show #514

Episode Date: March 29, 2021

Ted Cruz takes the Biden admin. to task at the border. Portland man pulls gun on Antifa rioters. Oakland mayor introduces overtly racist initiative....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching the show and I want to encourage you to keep contributing to keep this show and free speech free for everyone whether they want to hear it or not. Click on this video or the link on the screen to make a contribution of any amount. I'll read your name on the show, but more importantly, you'll truly be supporting a great cause without Big Brother taking their cut or limiting the message. Thank you guys so much. All righty. Welcome. Another Monday, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:08 A new week. How are you? You notice me faking enthusiasm on Monday. Nice morning. I get up this morning, walk out of the bedroom completely naked to a guy walking towards me with a tool belt on, an electrician, who I didn't know was in my house. My wife's like, I told you they would come. When did you tell me? When I was watching an overtime of a hockey game
Starting point is 00:01:32 and fucking focused in on the winning goal? No idea. Full frontal. What did I do? I went, hey, how you doing? Kept going right into, made a left into the bathroom. Got a guy working on my lights and knows what my prick looks like. Anyways, he follows me in the bathroom with a tool belt. No, it's a true story. It's going to
Starting point is 00:01:52 be a fucking hell of a week, I can tell you right now. Real quickly, what else did I do? Oh, I paid for the big Engano, my cheech, meal cheech, bite, and Jesus Christ. I'm telling you, Engano, I know he's a monster anyways, but I'm telling you, he's a lot bigger than he was. I would have him piss into a cup. I think he's juice. But anyway, I don't. Why the Polack came in way lighter and look like a middleweight
Starting point is 00:02:17 when he's fighting a defensive tackle from beyond me. And I don't know who's going to beat this guy. They ought to have him and Amanda Nunez get together. Anyways, yeah, good weekend. But that's it. Let's get on with the show. In our Are You Dog Style Me segment, tonight, today, whenever you're watching the show,
Starting point is 00:02:44 I stumbled over this right before the show dramatic video shows the moment a man pulls a gun on antifa protesters as they clash with uh demonstrators taking part in a freedom rally near the oregon state can you imagine just anything freedom related draws protests in o near the Oregon state Capitol on a Sunday. So, um, yeah,
Starting point is 00:03:09 here's the guy getting out of his car and they, you know, they fucking vandalize his car and shit. And this guy's my new hero, by the way, but he, look at these pussies all dressed in black with helmets and fucking faggots ah there's a gun
Starting point is 00:03:30 hold it pause it the older man wearing an american flag sweatshirt was filmed in the salem initially getting out of his pickup truck to surveil the damage allegedly caused by the Antifa mob, like allegedly. He initially appeared calm as the counter-protests dressed in all black like the faggots that they are. Turn my mic up, Jason, a little. I can't hear myself.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Counter-protests dressed all in black, surrounded and mocked him. That's good. With some threatening, aiming a canister at him throughout the confrontation. and mocked him. That's good. Uh, with the, some, uh, threatening, uh, aiming a canister at him throughout the car confrontation. But the squabble took an ugly turn. Who says it took an ugly turn after he was either sprayed in the face or struck with an object.
Starting point is 00:04:17 That's ugly. Prompting him to flinch and draw his weapon on the crowd, which is very American and should have been done and will be done and until somebody actually picks one of these fucking douchebags off this will continue go ahead let her roll Don't you move you motherfucker, I'll blow your brains out! Bitches. Scattering like bitches. Everybody, hey, stop! Put the gun down right now! Put the gun down right now! On the ground! Pause.
Starting point is 00:05:13 The law-abiding citizen, get on the ground. Even though I can see that your car was vandalized. But you got to be careful. Obviously, the guy's got a gun. The cop doesn't know the whole situation. But he really does. But he doesn't. But he really doesn't. But he the whole situation but he really does but he doesn't but he really doesn't but he doesn't but he really does and uh it's just
Starting point is 00:05:28 so typical of 2021 in this uh the united states of america where the guy who had his shit vandalized is just trying to defend himself and he's treated like the common criminal but i understand there's a gun involved go ahead roll it everybody back away. Back away. Hey, get away. Everyone stay. Unbelievable. Do you want to go to war? Come on.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Do you want to go to war? We'll take you to war, okay? Oh, it's coming. It's coming. Fuck you, Proud Boys, some of the mobs screamed as the officer kept the alleged gunman on the ground. Oregon State Police Captain Tim Fox told the Oregonian that the man who was not identified had not yet been arrested, and he shouldn't be. Shouldn't, I said. And that officer was still investigating the case.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Three others were arrested, however, including 18-year-old man who was charged with five counts of unlawful pointing of a laser at state police, which can actually blind you, by the way. So good for that faggot. He's going to jail. Police said more than 100 left-wing protesters, many linked to the Youth Liberation Front, turned up to prevent the Freedom Rally caravan that was planning to meet at the Capitol. The mob is accused of damaging vehicles, including the alleged gummins, which was covered in yellow spray paint, had its windows smashed. Oh, these fucking punks. Most were wearing black clothing like pussies do and ballistic vests and carrying firearms. So they were there for peaceful protests. They had bats and firearms and skateboards. I guess that's the
Starting point is 00:07:00 new weapon too. Umbrellas in case it rained bullets, shields and gas masks. And that's what you always dress like when you're going to a, you know, a protest just to protest peacefully, right? Let's keep an eye on this because again, this is Oregon where the mayor of Portland, if you remember, is actually, you know, making the police stand down and shit. Soon after their arrival, the Salem Police Department began to receive reports that individuals from the Court Street group were targeting vehicles driving by. The victims reported their vehicles were damaged by paint-filled balloons, rocks, and other hard objects being thrown at them as they passed.
Starting point is 00:07:41 The force said highlighting one that sustained significant damage after a large tree limb was thrown through the front window i'm telling you man we could take a lesson from china as far as how they handled this end nick are you saying no just that part you know how they took a tiny slice of capitalism and ran with it i'm gonna take a tiny slice how they handle violent protesters. What's that mean? Where are the fucking water cannons, my favorite weapon, and the German shepherds? Where's the non-lethal shit where you can actually hurt somebody with an inch of their life? That's my question. We don't even hit these guys with rubber bullets or fucking water cannon.
Starting point is 00:08:21 You know what I'm saying? So keep it up. Enjoy it. I guess it's all theater. God, am I fucking fed up. They got away, luckily. That guy didn't use his gun. But they're going to pick on the wrong boy, and hopefully we'll kick off the next revolution.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I'm out of Tammy with the weather. Tammy, how are those big tits over there? All righty. What's happened to our country? I'll tell you what happened. Joe Biden slash Kamala Harris are running it, apparently. We'll get to that story. Kamala just ignored, remember?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Biden said she's going to be in charge of the fucking border, cleaning up that mess, and she hasn't done anything. She sort of actually, she actually, anyways, we'll get to that. She's going, you're not my boss. Well, yeah, I am. Speaking of the border, Teddy Cruz went down there, who I love, by the way. The more that beard comes in, the more Cuban he looks, doesn't he? For a guy who hated Fidel Castro, that's the exact, what is that,
Starting point is 00:09:24 the Cuban beard of the day? Anyways, Mr. Cruz, who I love, by the way, I still regret not saying anything to him when I was at Crowder's house and he came in the kitchen going out the back door. Senator Cruz, it says video breaks the internet. I don't know what that meant. Anyways, Cruz said he was told by the Biden administration staffer that he could not record a video at a border patrol facility along the United States-Mexico border.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I want you to take a look at the woman who's a staffer appointed by the Biden administration. I want you to see what a robot automaton looks like, a useful idiot, whatever you call her. Watch this robot in action, just repeating lines that they told her to say they say and the dems always do this bring in the children mention the word children and dignity and shit like that just keep repeating it you know because obviously ted cruz is right on this one but you just keep retreat be the cunt that you are that's why we hired you check it out please give dignity to the people Please give dignity to the people. Please give dignity to the people.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So you work for the commissioner, your senior advisor. You were hired two weeks ago, and you're instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken here. Please respect the people. Because the political leadership at DHS does not want the American people to know it. Please respect the rules, sir. You keep standing in front of the pictures, so you don't want the pictures taken. What are you hiding? Why do you keep getting in front of the pictures, so you don't want the pictures taken. What are you hiding? Why do you keep getting in front of the picture?
Starting point is 00:10:48 Please respect the rules, sir. She sounds like a flight attendant now. Please respect the rules, sir. A fucking automaton, a fucking robot. Just a. And if you pull that mask down, you know, that's AOC. I'm telling you, those are her eyes. Zoom down to her tits.
Starting point is 00:11:03 We'll fucking confirm it. Go ahead, Ted. Arbitrary and they're designed to keep the American people in the dark. Please respect the rules and give the people dignity and respect. That's all we ask. Dignity and respect. Is this dignity and respect? Please give dignity and respect to the people.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Let me ask you. There's a pandemic. I respectfully ask you, sir. There is a pandemic. But full-hearted. Is this respecting the rights of these kids? Full-heartedly, I ask you. Oh, full-hearted.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Are you respecting the rights of these kids? This is not-hearted. Is this respecting the rights of these kids? This is not a zoo, sir. Please don't treat the people like this. And this is a dangerous place. Please don't treat the people like this. And your policies, unfortunately, are trying to hide them. I understand you were instructed. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Ask you to please respect the people. Give them dignity and respect. I respect them and I want to fix this situation. Please respect the people and give them dignity when you got them wrapped up like baked potatoes behind you, laying on the floor, no beds. Please
Starting point is 00:11:52 give them dignity, respect. How fucking crazy a world are we living in? And you people out there, admit it. Trump was right about all of it. Once again, go ahead, roll. The administration you're working for is responsible for these conditions.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Please respect the people with dignity and respect. And I ask you to respect the people as well. I am respecting you. I am respecting the people. This is not respect. Punch her, Ted. Punch her! You can't handle the truth! Please respect the people. Please respect their dignity. Hold up the cue card. Please respect the people. Please respect their dignity.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Hold up the cue cards. Please respect the people. Unbelievable. What a fuck. Talk about overplaying your hand. And I'll say this again. I'm going to keep saying until the midterms. Unless we use different computers and we don't let them steal it again, I mean, it's over.
Starting point is 00:12:43 They've already, There's Democrats now actually complaining. And he's been in office for what, fucking two months? Show your big fat lips, you. Please respect the people wrapped up in tinfoil laying on the dirty floor shitting into a bucket. Please respect their dignity. Crews and more than a dozen Republican senators went to the border last week with many describing overcrowded and severe conditions and facilities used to hold unaccompanied minors, children who unlawfully enter the country with an adult. Nice parents, by the way, Mexico. Lindsey Graham ripped into the media.
Starting point is 00:13:25 He took a bunch of questions from the media. It almost sounded like a game show. And here is him taking questions and answering them. Roll. Paul Trofals studies at the University of Wisconsin show that you'll probably live longer if you love only one man or woman at a time. But it is all right to alternate what up baby lindsay what should you call the group of dancers in a ballet silly savages
Starting point is 00:13:58 what is it that writes and having writ moves on a meter made and having writ moves on? A meter maid. How many men on a hockey team? About half. Tarzan was one of our earliest swingers. Did he ever actually marry Jane? Well, if he didn't, you know what that makes boy.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Perfect. Perfect. That was Lindsey taking some tough questions. You want to hear what he actually had to say? Because he was pretty great. Listen, I'm a Lindsey fan. I know he's a bachelor. Whatever. Whatever. Again, I've never had fan. I know he's a bachelor. Whatever. Whatever. Again, I've never had a problem with fruit cups.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Just until they start with all their call me they and that type of shit. But Lindsey, let them have, the journalists, let them have it. It was so refreshing. So why don't you do your job as a reporter and ask the professionals what the hell has happened in the last couple of months and they will tell you. They told the Biden administration, if you do what you're planning, we're going to lose control of the border. They were right. I want to know who they told and I want those people to be held accountable.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I'm not going to give this up. I voted for every comprehensive immigration bill that's ever come out of the United States Senate. It is impossible for me to sit down with Dick Durbin and negotiate any solution to people already here because if you legalize one person until you fix this problem, you're going to have a human tsunami. It will be another signal, you know, come to America, welcome. Don't ask us, we're politicians. Ask these people over here what has happened, why have they lost control of the border, and they will tell you. What's your question?
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah, I asked. I'm loving it. Tell us how you really feel, Lindsay. I despise it with every fiber of my being. You're goddamn right you do. Isn't that refreshing? Huh? Telling the journalists, we know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Letting them have it beautifully. I give them credit. That's on a weekend they have to go down there. You know, you don't think he'd rather be watching, um, you know, youth hockey tryouts? I don't know. But this is how bad it's getting, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Representative Henry Cuellar, Democrat, I'll repeat, Democrat from Texas, told CBS News on Sunday that numerous family units who crossed the border illegally have been released into the United States without a notice, without a notice to impair in court. Remember Trump fixed that? They're supposed to appear, show up, maybe in 60 days, report to an ICE office, he said.
Starting point is 00:16:53 This is unprecedented, he said. I despise it with every fiber of my being. That's a Democrat, okay? We're starting to make a little headway. They fired a woman from USA Today for a comment she made about the shooters in Colorado being, you know, probably a white. So, you know, I mean, already he's been there two months. Anyways, next headline says Biden allowing scum to pour over the border. I wrote that.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Nick, that's your painting with a broad brush. Well, that's what they do when they do my garage. Listen, folks, a border patrol section chief reported that in recent days, get this, more than 861 criminals have been encountered at the border, including 92 sex offenders and 63 gang members. Within the copious amount of groups being encountered in the Rio Grande Valley sector in Texas, a Salvadoran man with a prior conviction, not charge, conviction for murder, was discovered along the 862 criminal aliens. Chief Patrol agent Brian Hastings wrote on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Okay, so Trump was right about that. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But he's talking about the NFL draft. That was a good one, Nick. I know I'm very funny. Hastings wrote that recently agents encountered five large groups of illegal immigrant families, unaccompanied minors, and some adults, totaling 539. Embedded in the groups were about 93 unaccompanied children. Okay, children, folks. Parents in Mexico are going, go ahead, make that trip.
Starting point is 00:18:40 So what? The guy touches your pee-pee. Get on the top of the train. 93 unaccompanied children. Adding that so far in 2021, more than 18,000 such children have been encountered by agents. 18,000! Biden has received a bipartisan backlash with even some Democratic lawmakers calling on the shithead to reinstate some of Trump's immigration policies. Okay, those are Democrats saying that. Think about that. Let that sink in.
Starting point is 00:19:14 The administration is doing the right thing because the law requires that we process unaccompanied minors, Rep. Fileman Baylor. Oh, they said Baylor. Democrat Texas said in a statement on March 24th, but he said, however, we are in the middle of a pandemic and our systems are being overwhelmed. Baylor, citing border patrol data, said that 13% of unaccompanied miners encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border are under the age of 12, while the majority are age 13 and older. Can you imagine? At the same time, the White House has faced pushback from members of the media. Now the media is getting sick of them, who have decried a lack of transparency surrounding
Starting point is 00:20:01 facilities being used to hold children and other illegal immigrants so now oh now the media doesn't like it huh oh you little fucking you don't like being stonewalled you miss trump don't you trump would talk to you if he ran into you at a gas station uh put up again the put up the picture of the, there you go. That's a guy from El Salvador who was convicted of murder. That's who's coming over. These people from shithole countries come here. The shitholes, the shithole, shithole, up is down, black is white, and you probably come from a shithole. The president referred to countries like Haiti and countries in Africa as a shithole.
Starting point is 00:20:48 How else would you describe a country where people put their kids on a train to make a journey where they could be raped? And I'd call it a shithole. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. fucking sandwich in our shut up and make me a sandwich segment today vice president kamala harris is dodging a a wednesday request by her boss president joe biden to bolster the enforcement of migration laws in mexico and latin american countries on march 24 in a televised statement biden directed harris to get the mexican and Central American governments to forcibly block poor migrants moving towards the United States. And apparently she hasn't lifted a finger. Let's take a look at that clip. It's not her full responsibility in the job, but she's leading the effort because I think the best
Starting point is 00:21:40 thing to do is to put someone who when he or she speaks, they don't have to wonder about, is that where the president is? She is the president. She doesn't have to check with me. She knows what she's doing. And I hope we can move this along. So, Madam Vice President, thank you. I gave you a tough job. You're smiling.
Starting point is 00:22:03 But there's no one better capable of trying to organize this. And she hasn't done a thing. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. On Friday, one of the hottest women in politics, Simone Sanders, seen here, looks like a young Reggie White talking about a tackle he made. Simone Sanders, remember she ran Bernie's thing. You got a fucking black communist with a shaved head running shit. Simone Sanders, press, well, she was involved with Sanders a couple of years ago somehow. Press secretary.
Starting point is 00:22:41 That's Harris's press secretary. Redefine the request. Of course, she had to redefine it because Kamala's probably going, what the fuck? He thinks I'm going to clean up this mess? He made it. She said, Simone, the president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic effort with Mexico and countries in the Northern Triangle to address the root causes of migration. She said, oh, it's such a mystery. She said there are many reasons that move these folks to make this dangerous journey, the stupid, ugly woman said.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. She said this is an amazing, oh, I'm sorry, the guy who wrote the article, Ken Cuccinelli, former guy for Trump, said, this is an amazing dismissal by a vice president of her president in a very public fashion. Who's your fucking boss, huh? Who's your fucking boss? Ken Cuccinelli said that. He served as deputy Homeland Security chief under President Donald Trump. He says, I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before. And he continued. Donald Trump. He says, I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before. And he continued,
Starting point is 00:23:51 Harris's avoidance of enforcement or any attempt to stem illegal immigration flow points. It points out that they actually want large numbers of illegal aliens to come into this country. Wow. Isn't he a detective? Oh, my God. There are other legislative and executive actions to make clear they intend to then give them amnesty and have them registered to vote and ultimately, of course, vote. So when people say it's a crisis, that's a lie. It's going down like clockwork, by the way. This is what they said, right? Open borders. Oh, my aching stem. What I don't understand, how can anybody still be living like on the border in Texas and California or Arizona, wherever they claim it? According to the video of his statement,
Starting point is 00:24:38 Biden asked Harris to do much more than Sanders' claim of taking on the diplomatic effort. Sanders' claim of taking on the diplomatic effort. Sanders said Harris had made a number of calls on the issue, but got a busy signal, but did not plan any trips to the border in the near future. Why would you not go? I'm staying right here. She's not going down there. She might get shot. This is not work that will be addressed overnight, Sanders said. Excuse me. That's exactly what 12 Republican senators did this weekend overnight. This is a challenging situation, as you heard the vice president and president speak to. But it's diplomatic work that needs to be done.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And Vice President Harris, looking forward to doing it. First, she has to have her nails done and her toes, and then she's got her hairdressing. But she'll get down there and see the young girls wrapped up like baked potatoes who have been molested, Nick added for emphasis. Look at her. I just want to throw her in the ring with Ngannou. Can you imagine this is what's making decisions can you imagine she did do one good thing that i like though i think it was when barney was speaking a couple years ago remember she came on the stage and grabbed up some guy snuck on the stage a woman a guy i forget but she she was the bouncer she threw the guy off the thing like a rag doll
Starting point is 00:26:03 uh she said harris had also received a briefing on the Northern Triangle. That's Connecticut, New Jersey, New York. Since Biden tasked her with the diplomatic efforts, she said you can expect she will be speaking with leaders from you know what she's doing. She's up there going, but she's doing this and that. She's doing other shit that he should be doing. But the border thing, we can't get to that. Excuse me. You can expect she'll be speaking with leaders from the region in the near future. Well, what is that? What's the fucking near future? You know, people have drowned. A young girl drowned trying to get across the river. They've already had people who have been molested and shit, but we'll get to it.
Starting point is 00:26:44 We're too busy making sure Trump keeps his mouth shut. And we're keeping an eye on the real enemy. You know, Nick DiPaolo type guys. People who voted for Trump. Those 75 million domestic terrorists. That's what's important. Do you guys see the irony that they have a fence around the Capitol, but we're letting people in for it?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Do you guys, have you ever in your life, liberals just, you know, it really is, really is kind of a retarded mentality. And nobody's more liberal than the broad that runs Oakland, a girl, Schaaf. You know, Schaaf. There she is, Libby Schaaf. Libby Schaaf. I wrote the headline, giving Whitey the shaft. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf announced a race-based program to give families of color $500 monthly checks. Half of the $500 grants will be to families earning under $30,000 in the predominantly BIPOC, that's black, indigenous people, I got color, East Oakland area. The program funded by wealthy private donors explicitly excludes, get this, are you ready? Poor white families. It excludes a poor white family. What the hell's going on out here?
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's right in black and white. It's legal to discriminate. Do you understand how easy, I'd take that case. And I went to DeVry and I got a 2.6. I would take that case. You discriminate against somebody because of their skin color. And you're part of the government. An estimated 10,000 of Oakland's 435,000 population are white residents who live in poverty.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Defined by earning less than $12,880. Jason made that fucking in the last three weeks. Many of the wealthy white citizen residents are young transplant this see this is what fucks up the numbers they're transplants to oakland wealthy white who have good jobs they move to the bay area for high paying jobs in tech and finance and they you know they fuck up the curb the lottery system funded by private philanthropists will see the no strings attached checks go to the household with an annual income of less than 59 000 if they have at least one child the other half of the 500 checks will go to those earning under 30 000 now people are
Starting point is 00:29:16 saying well but it's privately owned but yeah but those privately owned rich people they have businesses they will pass the costs on to their fucking customers or whoever, whatever they do for a living. You don't think it's going to come out of their pocket. That's how they got rich. You know what this is? Planting the seeds of socialism. That's all it is. I hope somebody brings a lawsuit.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Libby, you're kind to pretty, but I'd like to cut your head off and shit on your neck, said Sean Hannity. Oh, no. According to data from an Oakland Equity Indicators report cited by officials to justify favoring people of color, White households,
Starting point is 00:30:01 this is how they try to justify their racism, earn about three times that of African-American ones. Well, whose fault is that? The same report states around 8% of the city's white residents, approximately 10,000 people, live in poverty. So what, poverty? Yes, they live in poverty. I'm speaking Spanish now. There's 10,000 white people living in poverty, but, you know, the rest of the, you know, they make three times as much as everybody.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Schaaf said the reason for limiting eligibility to black, indigenous, and other people of color was that white households in Oakland make, on average, about three times as much as black households. Okay, stupid, but just think about your logic there for a second. You know? It's still discrimination. The people, the white people under the poverty line aren't making three times as much. Am I wrong?
Starting point is 00:30:56 What? Is she? Am I? You pompous, stuck-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck face, dickhead, asshole. Mayor Schaaf said we have designed this demonstration project to add to the body of evidence and to begin, get this, the relentless campaign to adopt a guaranteed income federally. Do you hear what she just said? Who said that? Libby Schaaf. Who the fuck said that? Libby Schaaf.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Who the fuck said that? Libby Schaaf. Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? She's just saying, this is, she's saying it. We're planting the seeds for socialism. Hopefully this will, and you know, Stockton, she got the idea from Stockton, California. The announcement sparked an angry debate online as hundreds of commentators on Reddit,
Starting point is 00:31:47 what are you to say, white people, were critical of the move. One commenter labeled it pure racism, which it is. Is this even legal? Can a city government legally have a program that's only for certain races? Somebody else asked. Is it because we're black? Exactly. somebody else asked is it because we're black exactly another explained the program failed to understand the changing demographics of the city the high income earners in oakland are mostly
Starting point is 00:32:13 young transplants that did not grow up in oakland they don't even know who the raiders are they couldn't name jim plunkett they wouldn't know him from George Atkinson. They should have done research on upward social mobility in Oakland and restricted based upon that. But I guess that's too much work, somebody said, which is right on the money. Mayor Schaaf was inspired in part by Stockton, California, which in 2019 started giving some residents earning under $46,000 per year, a monthly check of $500. California, I hope you break off like Bill Hicks said on one of his albums, the big one hits. You know what he called that? The name of that album was Arizona Bay,
Starting point is 00:32:55 because California will fall in the ocean. Stockton's plan launched under previous mayor Michael Stubbs has been widely praised as bringing greater economic prosperity to the, oh yeah, it's so good now you have to come up with this, and identified as a potential blueprint for a federal universal basic, they're just saying basic income. They want a federal universal, but the feds just to put everybody on the dole. They're not hiding it, give them that much. I mean, it's working so well in Stockton.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oakland Resilient Families, that's the name of this group, said it plans to steer half of the monthly checks towards black, indigenous, that's three people, and people of color in East Oakland. According to the equity indicators, that's something I get every day, According to the equity indicators, that's something I get every day, equity indicators report, 2016 median household income for white families was $110,000. And again, take the transplants out. For Asians, 76 large. Latinos had a median household of 65,000. And African-Americans, 37,500.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I know what you did. You're a damn tyrant. All right, just get the hell out of here. I got a goddamn campaign. If you take Snoop out of there, he probably has a place in Oakland. I mean, it goes down to 11-5. in Oakland. I mean, it goes down to 11-5. All those numbers
Starting point is 00:34:26 are they're not even relevant after you take into fact that white people living under the poverty line aren't getting any of this money. That's all that's important in a whole fucking article. Legalize discrimination.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And then they try to justify it by going, look, and they throw false numbers at you. And you shitheads who vote Democrat just sit there, nod your dumb fucking heads. May all your kids get lumps on their necks. What? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:58 May all your children, may all your children and future children appear in a St. Jude's ad that's right draw the line sick baby jokes I send the money relax anyway speaking of hospitals that was a nice segue did you read this article this one trigger warning this one's going to send you guys through the roof. Boston doctors, by the way, my city, embarrassing. My hometown, my state, Massachusetts, I don't recognize it anymore. It's the softest place in the land. It is just, anyways, Boston doctors practicing racism, not medicine, said Nick's headline. Two doctors in Boston have called for the allocation of medical resources to be done on the basis of race.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Do you understand what this means? Think about that. This is what the Klan and everybody was shooting for back in the day. Hitler with his super race. You guys are adopting the most racist shit and they're going to admit why. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:36:08 So you could be in the waiting room. You're a white guy. You got a bullet hole in your chest, you know, and some black woman comes in with a bunion on her foot and she's going to go and look in front. That's basically what they're saying.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Writing in the Boston Review, they call for the implementation of standards that would show racial preference to patients. Do you believe we're living in review, they call for the implementation of standards that would show racial preference to patients. Do you believe we're living in the, this would be in addition to federal reparations. Basically, listen to the, listen, I want you to listen to logic behind this. Basically, since there was discrimination before, the only way to fix that is with discrimination now. Wasn't that guy Kendi, K-E, isn't that his motto or whatever? Even President Joe Biden backs them, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:47 I'll repeat that. They're going to judge you patient. This is the medical field. As a priority based on your skin color with obviously white people going to the end of the line. Dr. Bram Whisperly, seen here, and Dr. Michelle Morse, that guy on the right, if that's not Jack Dorsey's life partner, I am. He's as gay as a purple dress shirt, as Colin Quinn once said. And look at her. I guarantee she's the product, I'm going to say something horrible now, of affirmative action.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I wouldn't let her diagnose my fucking athlete's foot. These are doctors saying, fuck Whitey, we're going to take care of Dr. Wispelui and Dr. Michelle Moore, both of whom teach at Harvard Medical School, wrote that their mission was to comprehensively, this is in quotes, confront structural racism. By what? How are you confronting it? Oh, it's structural racism. By what? How are you confronting it? Oh, it's structural racism. You fucking jerk offs. To go about this, they plan to enlist the tools of critical race theory of all races and ethnicities under the law saying that it is not achieving their desired ends with enough speed. Oh, well, excuse us.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Could you be any more wrong? Seriously. Proof that you wealthy college boys don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong. Federal reparations, which I will take no part in, you can come to my house and put a gun in my mouth, feds, and you won't get a fucking dime out of me. And that goes for every other fucking white person or whatever. Federal reparations, they write, are only the beginning of addressing structural racism. Well, guess what? You're not going to address structural racism. It's never going to happen, which they define in a mental context as ability to pay, inequities in uninsurance and insurance type, employment status,
Starting point is 00:38:57 institutional racism, persistent housing inequality. What's that got to do with the medical field? And racial segregation, redlining, blockbusting, contract buying, and wealth inequality. Why don't you move to another part of the planet? Because you hate this fucking, you know, I don't mind you disagreeing with how this country came about and shit, but you know what? Go somewhere else if you're so smart. Start your own shit. Because there's zillions of people who are still trying to get in here and the people who grew up here love it. So fuck you. Look at that fruit cup. I wouldn't go to that doctor on the right. Looks like a magician from Brazil. anti-racist institutional change, which they say, in quotes, is essential to supplement federal reparations. They have created a pilot program that will undertake institutional action. The basis for this institutional action is the concept of, and this is in quotes,
Starting point is 00:39:56 applicative justice, applying justice to those who don't now receive it. Well, how do you define that? This is all googly gobbly dog dog shit. That's never going to happen. I don't know why I'm getting so excited. Maybe because I put a nice jacket on today. This they say is as opposed to more idealistic conceptions of justice. Those are the two dumbest doctors on the planet. What you just said. I didn't say nothing. Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Listen to this. Through our pilot initiative, we hope to provide a replicable CRT, that's critical race theory, informed framework. That's already been proven. There's black people who say it's racist. That's how racist it is. Critical race theory. A framework that can, and by the way, racist against white people. Even black people agree with it. There's like three of them out of the 40 million. That can move us beyond the historic cycle of documenting racial inequities
Starting point is 00:40:59 while NLC deferring their rights. Let me ask, when do you guys practice medicine? while NLC deferring their rights. Let me ask, when do you guys practice medicine? The outstanding debt from the harm caused by our institutions and owed to our BIPOC patients is long overdue. Now is the time to start settling it. And to you, I say this. You're entitled to shit. And don't forget it.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Acknowledgement is the part where the health system admits that it was racist in the first place and promises to change what if it doesn't admit that you two fucking at this level there will be focus groups with those in bipark communities and voices from those communities will be integrated in informing leadership of the problems they face accessing health care. You notice what voices aren't included? The people who have to pay for this, you know, white people and shit. Next up is reparations. I'll say it again. You're entitled to shit.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Or as they are here termed, redress, which will be done on an institutional level. Redress, they write, should not involve just a direct solution to monitor and end health inequities, but to offer restitution. We do. You go to the doctor, sometimes you get a fucking lollipop. Offer restitution for past and present injustices. Have you ever, they're making me,
Starting point is 00:42:23 they're making me lose my, uh, redress could take multiple forms, uh, Jason from cash transfers and discounted or free care, uh, to taxes on nonprofit hospitals that exclude patients of color and race explicit protocol changes such as preferential admitting patients historically denied access to certain forms of medical care. The final step is closure. Listen to this. It's not enough that they're trying to do this. The final step is closure, during which community and patient stakeholders, whitey, and institutional representatives must agree that the institutional debt has been paid and that a new system is in place to ensure that the problem will not reemerge.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Who will decide if there's been enough payment to address all the systemic problems? The people who will be receiving the money are the ones who decide when this is enough. It is not so ridiculous. Racism medicine, huh? Oh, boy. Hey, I want to thank you people who have contributed to the show. Remember, you can contribute at on a daily basis. You can sign up contribute at on a daily
Starting point is 00:43:45 basis you can sign up become a monthly member patreon still right but we're trying to get you off patreon over to i want to thank uh contributors since last week gerard perrone new jersey michael o'halloran new y York. Dave Meisner, Texas. John Vincenz, Washington. Oystein Nysether, Norway. Ben Yoder, California. Robert Brennan, Massachusetts. Jack Boy Robbins, Illinois. Kerry DePalma, Alaska.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Mazin Selfidi, California. Tim Hersheet, Ohio. Vincent Primavera, New York. Kelly Hubbard, Michigan. Devor Deblejack, Canada, I guess. It says Canada with no D in there. Robert Common Sense, Porter, Florida. Mitchell Capps, Ohio. Scott Lavery, New York. Ron Raymond, New Jersey. Greg Perutka, Arizona. Mike Oxmall, Michigan, Hugh Jassal, Australia, and new monthly supporters, Rod Baker of New Jersey, John Cockerton of Arizona, Andrew Proctor. Thank you guys again so much. You understand we're under attack here. And since I get booted off YouTube, we have to make up the... We're under attack here.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And since I get booted off YouTube, we have to make up the... Whatever. Please spread the word because it's getting worse. We have an actual communist regime running the country and they're going to suppress us day and night.
Starting point is 00:45:18 So Trump's going to have a platform himself, but that's not going to be ready for three or four months. So until then, you come here, you 75 million. I'll give you all the love in the world. I love you. You're the best fans are everywhere. Let's go to race because this is part of the plan to destroy the United States of America. Lowering the standards. This is what I call it. Lowering the standards for dummies. The University of Oxford, you've heard of it, right? In England, it's going to be brilliant to go there. I got kicked out.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I was a phys ed major. My fondled gym teacher, this woman. The University of Oxford is considering proposals that would remove sheet music from its curriculum, overwoke claims that teaching the Western form of musical notation has roots in guess what folks colonialism and complicitly in white supremacy well here's a catchy tune you should read this sheet music white power one two three four
Starting point is 00:46:17 this is me writing it It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country
Starting point is 00:46:26 It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country
Starting point is 00:46:26 It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country
Starting point is 00:46:27 It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country
Starting point is 00:46:27 It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country
Starting point is 00:46:28 It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch my country It's time to watch Music educators at Oxford University have joined the wider iconoclastic movement, which has been sweeping through British academia.
Starting point is 00:46:50 So in other words, the mob, they're caving in to the fucking mob, these pussies. The music department at the prestigious and ancient university has seen calls to remove music notation from the curriculum as professors seek to focus less on white European heritage and culture. According to, why would you, yeah, why would you, why would you want to study that when it's the only, it's the history of how the country came about? I want to stop. I don't want to hear about Africa anymore. That's all.
Starting point is 00:47:22 According to doc, uh, documents seen here by the telegraph the woke educators went on to claim that musical notation itself is a colonialist representational system that has complicity to white supremacy yes anytime you go to a clan rally uh you know and they're burning a cross it's usually to mozart's third piece of whatever uh The claim is similar to the leftist pronouncements in America that mathematics is inherently racist. It's just so ridiculous. The Oxford academics went on to pronounce that teaching the piano or conducting orchestras, listen to this, listen to this, could cause, in quotes, students of color great distress. Black people are some of the toughest people on the planet. I don't, it's going to cause them
Starting point is 00:48:13 distress. As the skills involved are closely tied to white European music. So you can't, you can't have that sheet music. Black people, it's going to make them feel uncomfortable. They're very sensitive. Oh, boy, you. Professors at the university said that classical music, which is taught at Oxford, which includes Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Jimmy Schubert, great committee, among others, is too focused on white European music from the slave period. The assertion is somewhat dubious. Do you know why? As Western classical music, as well as the practice of sheet music notation, that predates the Atlantic slave trade. So their crying of racism, it's not even based on any fact, stemming back to musical traditions
Starting point is 00:48:57 from medieval periods, such as the Gregorian chanting, which I do in the shower. It relaxes me. chanting, which I do in the shower, it relaxes me. What is the Gregorian chant, you know, music man, Jace? It's that, as the head and shoulder strip sounds, the crack of my ass. In response to student demands arising from international Black Lives Matter demonstrations, the Oxford faculty is also considering placing a heavier emphasis on non-Eurocentric musical dis- such as hip-hop and jazz, as well as African and African diasporic musics and global musics.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Oh my God. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! Actually, it's not the black man. It's the white, the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Actually, it's not the black man. It's the white liberal European's mind. There's something wrong. We don't crack a mind. Can't we?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Can't we do a fusion thing? I remember there was a song back in the 80s that brought classical together with pop, kind of a pop black thing. You guys all remember Falco and his big hit, don't you? No video? No video? Look at that. Fusion music.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Put a dumb drum machine behind Beethoven shit and Mozart's and you got a home run there. Senator Bird used to love it. And we said, well, why do you like that fusion? He said, there are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. Were you hanging out in Michael Rapoport's house? But, you know, we've got to get rid of it because, you know, Mozartart that's all based on think and smarts and again if i had a choice between snoop and mozart yeah i'm going fucking so that's not the point
Starting point is 00:51:10 there's room for everybody get it oxford let's compare the intelligence of the music um let's listen to a cut from um dr dray bitches ain't shit but hoes and chicks brilliant brilliant lyrics Dr. Dre. Brilliant. Brilliant lyrics. Drum machines. All right. All right, we got it. Beautiful lyrics.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Very intelligent. Synthetic drum we got it. Beautiful lyrics. Very intelligent. Synthetic drum beat behind it. Or as Christopher said, get any ditzun with some ignorant poetry and a fucking drum machine. That was racist. It bothered me. I didn't like it. Okay, let's compare Dr. Dre's stuff to Mozart. Which one you want to bang a bitch to? Unbelievable. Lowering the standards. Just lowering the standards.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Out of fairness. Finally tonight, ladies and gentlemen, let's end it with a light one, huh? This cracked me up. Is there any funny, and I know this because I, a comic being on the road, watching all the local news from the small towns and shit. Well, here's a story. It's kind of funny. I call the segment
Starting point is 00:52:46 not segment but the story tell kibbles and blitzkrieg uh elena lee a meteorologist at kansas city's kctv5 has a tradition every saturday night she features a pet submitted by a local viewer to be featured in a caturday get it caturday shout it right away you know it's gonna be fucking hell caturday shout out during her weather update well she got in a caturday. Get it? Caturday. Shout it right away. You know it's going to be fucking hell. Caturday shout out during her weather update. Well, she got in a little hot water when she showed this video here. This is kind of weather for the cats. So we've got our Saturday night forecast for you now where we are featuring Kittler here. Thanks to Debbie Alexander.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Kittler. It's Kittler. Thanks to Debbie Alexander. Kittler. It's Kittler. Kittler. Now, listen to this apology. You would have thought that she shot, stabbed a Jewish baby while she was doing the weather. I mean, listen to this apology. I feel bad for these young people. She has to. Obviously, it's a news station, but go ahead. Pussy. pussy
Starting point is 00:54:06 shut up will you will you please shut up why did you do that Terry apologizing like your fucking dad was part of the third Why did you do that, Terry? Apologizing like her fucking dad was part of the third. That's a cute little German kitty.
Starting point is 00:54:36 That's it, ladies and gentlemen. That's Kittler. That is it. And don't forget the Please, folks, sign up there. Again, you can watch it for free or pay for it monthly there. You know how it works. And again, when you pay monthly, you get an extra story nobody else gets.
Starting point is 00:54:59 So it's kind of, and you get access to the archives, I believe, still. All right? All right. Don't forget I will make a video on my phone, a minute, minute and a half, roasting one of your friends or relatives, somebody who you like or don't like. Or you can do it, you know, I can say happy anniversary to your parents. That could be nice or ruin their day. We all like to ruin people's day.
Starting point is 00:55:20 It just comes natural. Go to Click on my profile. Tell me a little about the person. I'll make the video. send it right to him. Right here at Grave and Rye from the San Francisco area. That's it, right, Jace? Anything else? Tordates at
Starting point is 00:55:35 Click on the tour button. That is it, folks. Again, thank you so much for your support. You think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Bye-bye. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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