The Nick DiPaolo Show - Dan Hollaway | Nick Di Paolo Show #1325

Episode Date: December 20, 2022

Nick Interviews Veteran Podcaster, Dan Hollaway....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls and everything in between. Please take a moment to share today's episode with someone who values free speech and enjoys brutally honest comedy in a filthy mouth. Okay? All right. Outro Music Welcome, folks. Great to be with you today. I got a great show. We got a true patriot. Just like my producer Dallas here, a guy who jumps out of planes. And you know him from the drinking brothers podcast
Starting point is 00:01:05 he's a regular on tucker carlson show uh uh a true patriot dan holloway is uh with us he's a real straight shooter and the type of guy we like uh like you know fuck the feelings get to the truth here's a clip of him doing some of his work on the podcast people antifa they're weak they're a product of weak culture right like you have no shot in the real world if all this stuff disappears if the police go away and this capitalist patriarchy infrastructure that you fucking benefit from goes away you skinny little white bitch you're gonna lose everything everything because i'm gonna come take it from you if there's cops anymore, all your shit becomes my shit. You understand that, right?
Starting point is 00:01:49 And you get fucking left on the road with your heads fucking beaten in. Sounds like me talking to my first wife during the divorce. Dan, welcome to the show, man. Thanks for doing this. Nice to meet you. I've seen you on tucker a few times but yeah for sure yeah it's great to be here uh big fan of your work i i enjoy you know i was thinking about uh i was thinking about you on the way into work this morning just about how
Starting point is 00:02:19 uh 10 years ago you would have just been a normal comic and now you're an alt-right comic right it's like what the fuck is going on here that is so right a matter of fact somebody dug up a list my manager found it online harvard put out a couple years ago or a year and a half ago put out a list of comedians who are considered alt-right and i finally get is it every is it every comedian now because if yeah you know yeah if you're edgy at all anymore, you're alt-right, right? Anybody who touches on the truth is alt-right. I think there's two types of people in this world. You've got people who are politically correct and honest people.
Starting point is 00:02:55 That's how I look at it. Or you could say honest people and pussies, to be honest, because that's really what it is. Well, that's right. Exactly. When I heard your riff on Antifa, I've been saying that on my show, going, do you see these fucking pukes?
Starting point is 00:03:10 None of them are athletes or whatever the fuck. They're nerds with a bad fucking temper. And like you said, they don't even know how to hold a gun. I mean, they're fucked. We get guys like you, if it ever goes to the streets, and my producer Dallas, by the way,
Starting point is 00:03:24 who jumped out of planes in the Army. And they don't have a prayer, man. You're so right. You'll take the shit from them. What are they going to do if there's no cops around? No, it's kind of like somebody that's standing out in the middle of the Arctic on an iceberg with a flamethrower and just melting the ice around them. How do you think that's going to work out, asshole? That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And you see the few times they were challenged. There's been a few clips in the last couple of years, you know, when all the rioting was going on, where they got challenged, and they literally tucked their tail and fucking ran. And you had neighborhood guys beating the shit out of them in a ditch. Remember that clip? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It's really funny. It's like, and then from the media's perspective whenever whatever group whether it's neighborhood guys or proud boys or somebody goes out there and actually fights back against these assholes right like oh they're they're domestic terrorists now not the people that did two billion dollars worth of damage to our cities right the guys who showed up to stop it are the terrorists i can't wrap my head around that for the life of me. I will get into that. I'm so jaded and so cynical. I feel like the die has been already cast for this country going global. I feel like there's, you know, guys like us, some Republicans, you know, Trump and his followers or whatever, DeSantis, and it's
Starting point is 00:04:40 us against the fucking world. Europe seems like they've already gone full Marxist or whatever. I mean, how do we stop this, Dan? I mean, I don't think just winning elections is going to do it. I hate to sound hyperbolic, but eventually it's going to come down to violence. Yeah, sure. I mean, that's always at the end of the line, unfortunately. But, you know, you mentioned Europe regarding how to stop it. Winston Churchill used to say that appeasement is feeding the crocodile hoping he eats you last.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You know what I mean? Like all the capitulation to these assholes in these fringe groups time after time. And in the way, you know, globalist actors tend to come into an issue and moralize everything and pretend like we need to be on the right side of history whatever the fuck that means um you know you have people fighting against their own best interests and they feel like they're high-roading everybody it's it's the most nonsense i've ever seen in my life frankly the left doesn't seem to understand people they might be like maybe book smart or whatever but they don't understand how flawed the human species really is they really think
Starting point is 00:05:51 well again it's all about power i don't know how they can keep looking at they have no examples where what they want ever worked in the history of the world and you know that well think about think about their grasp on logic just at the very base level how how things how the how the the mechanical universe operates and it permeates everything that happens whether it's physics or sociology or economics or whatever it is there is you have to have an intrinsic tie from effort and reward right like you have to put in effort and then you get reward because of it that has to be the case otherwise everything kind of falls apart and that that's where we are now so they the the very the most obvious version of it is staying physically fit right so you you work out you stay in shape and you're more healthy
Starting point is 00:06:35 than other people you're more ready to do stuff than other people right but because that because that example intrudes on their worldview that life's not fair. So it has to be this other way. Now they're saying that fucking morbidly obese people are beautiful. Like this is, this is your, your fat shaming. No,
Starting point is 00:06:51 I'm trying to save your life. You fat fuck. That's a, that, that crystallizes how they think you're absolutely right. And, and they all come from that same ilk. They fucking,
Starting point is 00:07:02 well, I'm in, you know, I'm a standup. It was sort of like showbiz. I remember sitting at that table at the comedy cellar or in boston where i first started and and this industry's filled with a lot of fucking nerdy kids who got beat the fuck up and and and and they hated me in this other comic kevin flynn he was like an all-american soccer player they fucking hated us the minute we sat at the table with all their low self-esteem
Starting point is 00:07:25 horseshit and and oh this is our turf well what do you think about a guy like um you came up around uh mario canton too now if he was doing his act from 2005 today people would be like oh you're you're anti-trans you're a homophobe like he's fucking gay right he's and he's one of the funniest comedians ever right one of the best standards ever and uh if you mapped his act onto today nothing's changed in the world everything is still exactly the goddamn same that's right but for some reason that act now would be considered uh maybe he's far right it's hard to tell right that's a great point and and you know who said that the late great manny dworman he owned the comedy cellar in new york city the guy the guy he taught politics in israel he was a professor smart fucking me and him we we
Starting point is 00:08:14 had the same political beliefs and he said to me nick uh he goes uh in the 70s they said i was a liberal you know his politics haven't changed one iota he goes today you know they call me a righty he goes i haven't changed one political belief you know like you said it's the shit around us that that's gone cuckoo and um he loved he would back me dan every time i get in trouble down there i got into a car he would back me a thousand percent uh you know if i and i'd go too far at the Comedy Cellar some nights because I was there every night for 15 years. It felt like I was in my living room. I felt like the audience was intruding on my,
Starting point is 00:08:52 which is wrong. They pay to get in. You get too cocky. You get a few drinks in you. You start fucking. But he would defend me every fucking time. And finally, he died. His son took over. And he goes nick you know me my
Starting point is 00:09:07 father loved you but you're making it even tough on us now we're getting so much hate mail i think people have a misunderstanding about comedy though like and what what the not even just what the purpose is but what it is at its core it's like if i'm a baseball player and i'm and i and miss that, I strike out or I pop up or I throw a ball or whatever it is. If I'm a comedian and I miss, then maybe the joke is too offensive or maybe it's dull or whatever the fuck, but that's a, that's a possibility that I went too far. And that's a mistake on my part, but people make mistakes when they're working and one mistake in a job probably in most jobs doesn't end in any kind of kind of abuse or certainly not like being deplatformed and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Right. It's nonsense. That's a great point. And it's a great, what's ironic, it's a great way for us to relieve this tension, whether it's racial or whatever the fuck. It's the best way. I mean, the show Tough Crowd was the best example of that. We would, me and Patrice would butt heads racially. I remember Colin stepping up onto the table,
Starting point is 00:10:11 getting in between you guys when you were in an argument. He's like, all right, guys, calm down. But you guys weren't actually going to fight. It's stupid. You know what the funny thing about that is? I'd kill the fat fuck. The only funny thing left on Saturday Night Live is when the two news host guys or whatever are reading each other's racist jokes. That's the only funny thing that even happens on the show anymore.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Right. And it's almost like they're doing it in kind of a fake environment as opposed to if Patrice said something on Tough Crowd I didn like, or I said something, he'd jump right down my throat. Colin Quinn was a genius to see that dynamic going on at the comedy seller table and putting it on how we got it on TV to this day. We don't fucking know, but, but, but you're exactly right. Dan, and it's a great way to relieve pressure. You know, when you, when you suppress language, it gets more dangerous. It's just like a valve.
Starting point is 00:11:04 It keeps the pressure builds up. If you let it out, whether it's just like a valve it keeps the pressure builds up if you let it out whether it's through a joke or a fucking song honestly god i don't mean to sound uh you know cliche or uh but it really is a good way to you know i mean richard pryor fucking carlin uh all these guys sam kinnison those are the guys that I liked. Yeah, for sure. When they came off stage, you knew what they were about, what they were made of. Yeah. And all the suppression lately has just made us hate each other more. I think that's the point, though.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It's to drive a wedge between people. I was in the 82nd airborne right in the in the infantry we we go hard after each other all the time if there's any down time we start throwing rocks at each other or punch each other or call each other the worst names on the on the planet so that's what guys do that that's that's that's what guys do right so that's love though that's love who are you more likely to talk to a stranger or somebody that you know and care about? Right? So you it's it's your buddy, you're more likely to say the worst possible shit to your buddy. So this idea that we can sanitize our conversations between strangers means that we will remain strangers forever. We'll never have that intimacy between people, the camaraderie that you find the brotherhood that you find in extreme situations like this we're not going to get there unless we can peel back these layers of fucking sanitation and sensitivity it's it's just that that's how life works that's you know
Starting point is 00:12:34 what i mean that's a great point and and it's it's all done intentionally uh they use right you know i always ask i go why do they choose that why do they choose that hill to die on the race or the uh gender but it's like what better way is it to divide people especially in a country that's made up of a zillion ethnicities and races and what better way to keep us all divided and at each other's throats right sure yeah and it's i don't even for the most part it's not uh people of the uh alleged affected races that are complaining about it. It's white women, right?
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yes. They're the most offended people on earth. I've been to a thousand comedy shows. You've performed probably 20,000 shows in your life. Yeah. Who gets offended at your shows? Honestly, who is it?
Starting point is 00:13:20 These big fat black lesbian twats. No, it would be. No, you're right. It's especially, Dan, especially at the Comedy Cellar, which is on the campus of NYU. So it's tables of, I made so many tables of girls leave crying, not because they were laughing. They gave me the finger. They hated my guts.
Starting point is 00:13:40 They would literally be in tears saying, you're racist. You're blah, blah. And you're absolutely right about that. So these bad actors are trying to take advantage of the guilt that middle class white people feel for stuff that they weren't ever involved in. How ridiculous is that? You know what I mean? Exactly right. Here's the bottom line.
Starting point is 00:14:01 If people are struggling right now, you should feel uncomfortable about that and you should go help that that person. You know what I mean? Immediately, you should do whatever you can to help people that are struggling. But this idea that we have to map hundreds of years of bullshit onto modern day, that is irrelevant. What's relevant is the suffering that's happening now, whether it's a fucking white dude in West Virginia or a black single mother in fucking L.A. It doesn't matter to me. That person is struggling. They get taken care of because they're a fucking American. That's how it works, right? Even the Jews? Just kidding. Kanye 24, buddy. What's happening with Kanye? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Do you think this is performance art? Is it Andy Kaufman or is he legit crazy? I've been asking myself that since this freaking guy came on i'm not a big hip-hop guy but i know enough people who love hip-hop and say he's a genius in that way whatever the fuck that means um and uh i don't i really think he knows how to draw attention to himself and i'm i'm trying i had problems dan i don't want your take is we're talking to dan holloway, by the way. Drinking Brothers podcast, 80 Second Airborne, a true patriot. And with the shit that he was saying, I've been trying to figure him out forever. As far as when he showed up with, was it Nick Fuentes, tomorrow log out? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Let me ask you a question, Dan. I doesn't, and i love trump i i you know i wouldn't trump know isn't there a list of guests late you can't just show up with this kenya do you really think he didn't expect that help me out here uh yeah it seems like maybe he should if if not him certainly somebody on his staff would have known. By the way, Nick Fuentes is a fucking retard. Is he? I don't. He went on his channel, I think like two years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:54 He went on some long diatribe about, what's that guy's name? Dinesh D'Souza. Yes. And he was like, he goes, what do you know about being an American? I don't remember anybody named D'Souza signing the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights. It's like, dude, I don't remember anybody named Flintest signing any of those documents either. What the fuck are you talking about? The only clip I showed of him was him throwing a drink. Did you see that last week?
Starting point is 00:16:12 He was in L.A. in a fucking In-N-Out burger. Yeah. I mean, to me, I understand he was getting shit talked in public and whatever, but don't disrespect the In-N-Out, you know? Is that from the Sopranos? Are you aanos are you sopranos fan it may have been yeah that's don't respect the pizza parlor disrespect the pizza parlor yeah that was it it's right after it's right after moldisanti got made yeah that's a good episode he gets it holy shit he does i got a guy here this guy's my fucking soul mate he's a guy what the fuck um yeah that was exactly the fucking line. Don't disrespect the fucking Bing
Starting point is 00:16:47 or whatever, wherever they were. He goes, I can't be seen in here. He's at a pizza place in the super. I can't believe you got that. Holy shit. Yeah, I thought that was very weird. But again, and he probably is a scumbag and whatnot, but I will defend any scum left or
Starting point is 00:17:06 right you and you put your neck on the line sort of by my producer here dallas uh i gotta thank you guys for that and especially when you're a comic and you do this for a living nobody takes free speech more i mean i never took that for granted even as an open micro and i didn't know what the fuck i was doing all i knew is i had a job where i could say cunt and not get in trouble i've actually got a whole brand uh that's all politicians are cunts that's the t-shirts hats mugs everything just because it's true you know well that's more my speed i don't trust any of them i know what my wife's getting for christmas of them i know what my wife's getting for christmas
Starting point is 00:17:49 dallas dallas any questions dallas what were you in the 501 what was it yeah it's 501st oh yeah i was in the 325th nice yeah i was at a fort rich and went to afghanistan with mno 304 wait that's uh geronimo right yep geronimo i thought it was your own that was before we uh did the unit of action and went USARPAC. Oh, yeah. This whole reconstruction of the military. I mean, honestly, now you can ask to go to a new duty assignment if the state you're stationed in doesn't respect the fact that you're mentally unstable and you want everybody to have to be part of your delusion, which is weird. Well, the military has always been the petri dish of social experimentation. Oh, yeah, big time.
Starting point is 00:18:29 It's definitely not about winning wars because we haven't won one in a long goddamn time. Jesus Christ. Let me ask you a question, Dan. If Mark Milley walked in there, what would you say to him right now? I'd call him a cunt, which I do that all the time anyways. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure his office records. They'll be watching this show because they record every episode of anything I do. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah, they actually print out transcripts of it. Really? Hey, General Miller, you want to see some white fucking rage? And that's right. I am white. I'm half Italian, but I'm more Irish and English. So anyways, I want to respect these guys and i'm sure he put his but how how do you how does a guy like that in that position move up he didn't just
Starting point is 00:19:12 start thinking like this right well no i mean that's a political position right so he doesn't actually have any authority the joint chief is an advisor to the military right so they don't really uh he's an advisor to the military into to the presence. He doesn't technically have any authority, but you know, the authority he has is the weight of the office. And what he says is his weapon. And I don't appreciate the things that he says, frankly. I understand, like I've heard some people tell me over the last couple of months that he
Starting point is 00:19:39 wants to remain in a position of influence because he thinks things are all going downhill rapidly and he wants to try to stop that or slow that down i understand that to some degree you get you got to be in the room to affect change but what the fuck are you talking about taking time off to understand white rage how who's that benefiting you know what i mean just the enemy well i mean we all know that once you hit full bird you become a uniform politician anyway i mean it literally takes an act of Congress to get a promotion after that. So you're sucking somebody's dick. I was just going to say,
Starting point is 00:20:07 is that an act of Congress? Sucking a dick? Hey, guys, make plans to come and see me on the road starting next month. Here's where I'll be and when. January 13th and 14th, Comedy of Broadway. Off-Broadway, I should say.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Lexington, Kentucky. February 3rd and 4th, the of Broadway. Off-Broadway, I should say. Lexington, Kentucky. February 3rd and 4th, the Grove Comedy Club, Lowell, Arkansas. March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of KC, Kansas City, Missouri. April 21 and 22, the Funny Bone, St. Louis, and St. Charles, Missouri. You can get tickets to all these shows at and click on the tour button. Thank you. What else did i want to oh like uh what's your take uh dan on on ukraine and and this russia thing and um first of all we got
Starting point is 00:20:53 wailing that uh marines still sitting in the in the huskow and russia what uh what what were your thoughts on that trade yeah well uh not as bad as the russell wilson trade and probably but um you know what are you gonna do uh well here's what i think about that so nbc news ran the first article about that issue and said that the biden administration had the choice between britney grinder and paul whalen and they chose britney grinder then they scrubbed that right and changed it to something else right right because right andrea is a fucking joke andrea mitchell said and she's no righty she said that they gave biden a choice yeah right yeah so that that's pretty weird um but not not uncommon or out of character for a politician to be making political moves you should expect shit like that um as far
Starting point is 00:21:45 as ukraine goes i have a i have a deep respect for the ukrainian people because they're they're fucking warriors those people fight really really hard zelensky is a world economic forum puppet though and that's very clear he's a guy that shut down opposition politics he shut down opposition news he's now in the process of shutting down opposition religion so i i have no respect for that guy he's a legit fascist that's just a total piece of shit so should we be spending oh that's why billions and billions of dollars on this on this conflict you know maybe maybe let europe take care of it because that's there if somebody starts fucking around in me, we can handle that. But maybe Europe can handle this shit.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah, I'm starting to wonder that too. That's the other big fucking joke, the border. I said to Dallas, I gave up on this, even the wall thing, even, and again, I love Trump and stuff, but even that, I would look at my wife, whoever's in the room, Dallas, I'd go, really? Fucking, we have the strongest military in the history of the planet, Dallas, I'd go, really? We have the strongest military in the history of the planet, but we're talking about building a wall?
Starting point is 00:22:51 I used to go, on stage I'd say that. I think a wall's a bad idea. My whole audience would be like, why would Nick think a wall's a bad idea? I'd go, when you have flamethrowers and fucking the best, you know. I know landmines is a little old school, but you're just something to take a foot off
Starting point is 00:23:04 or something, you know. I thought about maybe just like trebuchets. When they come over, you just put them in, launch them back over. I don't know. A thousand people just crossed over into El Paso two nights ago, all at one time, and they now have 5,000 people in custody, just in El Paso, Texas right now. Yeah, we showed that today.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It looked like the opening of the boston marathon fucking believable um i don't think they come from the places that are good runners though so it's not gonna matter no no i don't see any nigerians um who win it every year by the way which is they know it's weird the wall thing has always been dumb to me because i've seen it. I've seen the built up parts of it. And I've also seen where somebody dug a foot and a half deep ditch on one side and they use a pneumatic Jack to lift it up and just walk right under it. So if you don't,
Starting point is 00:23:56 I mean, if you don't have somebody standing there with a gun, ultimately people are going to get across the border. Think about Spain, Morocco. That's probably the best example. So Spain has a, their Southern border is militarized because there's so much drug and sex trafficking that comes from Africa through Morocco. That's where all the drugs get into Europe is through Morocco.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And they still get in, even with a militarized border. So what do you think? An unmanned wall is going to somehow stop something? This is not smart. That's when I get cynical and go, although all this is a big play, this is all for show. I really do.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I mean, if you're serious about being a sovereign nation, like you said, you pick off one kid climbing over the fence and they're all going to turn. It's, it's, I tried, I play along,
Starting point is 00:24:39 but then that's why I don't get on Fox that much. I can't say shit like this. But yeah, it's embarrassing to me and and uh and now fucking biden flying these people i mean giving them buses they're in commercial airplanes um oh that was the thing i will what what's your take on him taking air marshals off a plane to to send him to the border i mean isn't that like sending baseball players to the combine in the nfl what the fuck well what's the yeah it's it's it's a little it's a little bizarre um you know the the president has great latitude in the executive branch and
Starting point is 00:25:16 how he can distribute resources and manpower and stuff like that so technically it's legal to do it but i can tell you that from inside of the department, there's guys are getting ready to go on strike if this continues. That's what I've heard, both from border patrol because they hate Mayorkas at DHS and from people in the treasury department who do air marshal stuff and DOJ who do air marshal stuff. I mean, they're just really pissed off because ultimately, I mean, look, they're getting a paycheck. They're going to get their pension. But when somebody asks you what your job is and you say, I do this, and you're like, oh, well, you guys are fucked up. That's not a great feeling, right?
Starting point is 00:25:51 Right. People say it to me all the time. See my paycheck when I leave the funny bone. What the fuck? But that's not the worst thing that's going on in our airplanes. You should look into a company called MVM Inc. Do you remember that plane that was landing in the middle of the night with illegal immigrants on them? Yes. It's a company called MVM Inc. Excuse me, one second. My producer, Dallas, you said you worked for them? Yeah. So
Starting point is 00:26:15 MVM had a contract in Northern Iraq when I did my 10 years army. I've worked for MVM for a little bit until I switched hats to SOC. Yeah you worked for soc so i worked for uh smgi for a while the domestic version of soc yep back in the translator um at any rate mvm uh this is kind of how it goes people come across the border we know they're coming across the border they go to hhs uh to get tested for uh uh covet sometimes i don't think they're doing that anymore but then they go to the office of resettlement orr and uh if it's an unaccompanied minor all the females go to san diego for some reason and nbm takes them out there and then they disappear into the system we have no idea where these little girls are and then the boys get distributed to sometimes 14 to 15 different
Starting point is 00:27:00 kids who are not related go to the same address it's fucked and it's happening like it's it's basically state-sponsored sex trafficking so far as i could tell the fuck as far as the little girls hope one second okay as far as the little girls i would check biden's garage um depending what shampoo they uh use uh that's insane i i didn't hear that. And Dallas, you ate in a bed at this type of shit? Nope. I was doing shit in Northern Iraq. There's another company here in Texas called Southwest Key Programs. New York Times actually wrote an article on them in 2019. They do the same thing. So it started out as kind of a halfway house for underage illegal immigrants who were in the process of getting deported or whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:42 illegal immigrants who are in the process of getting deported or whatever. And it's basically a giant fucking scam, right? So they're stealing money hand over fist. The people that are on the board. So it's a 501c3. If you work for a 501c3, there's a cap on how much you can get for a salary, right? So the way they get around this is the board will loan out money from federal grants from the 501c3 to their private companies. Their private companies will then buy properties around Texas, Arizona, New
Starting point is 00:28:10 Mexico, and they rent the properties back at three to 10 times more than what they paid for them to the 501c3. The New York Times did this story in 2019. You can look it up. Southwest Key Programs. It's still going on today. Nobody's done a goddamn thing about it. I'm not even sure. you can look it up. Southwest Key Programs. It's still going on today. Nobody's done a goddamn thing about it. Even despite the fact that one of their counselors in Phoenix, in the Arizona office with HIV raped five little boys. They're still
Starting point is 00:28:35 operating with impunity. It's funny. I didn't hear that coming out on MSNBC when that happened. Well, you didn't hear it on Fox either. No, that's true. That's fucking insane, man. That's, yeah, it's a filthy world. It makes you wonder where we're headed.
Starting point is 00:28:57 How about, give me a take, not that I don't know where you're going to go with this, but fucking Admiral Levine. What a piece of ass, huh? That's a dude. That's my take. Although we're 50% done with that shit now because Sam Britten has apparently been on a fucking shopping spree at every airport across the country. Yes. So that weirdo's gone.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It's only a matter of time. All these people are mentally ill, so it's only a matter of time before Levine is gone too. He looked like Matt Damon going through through chemo what a fucking he looked like a little bit like matt damon in a euro trip when he was singing uh when he yeah he looks fucking look like matt damon in evening gown how do you fucking hire a i i i, and you said Matt Delone, that's no exaggeration. Look, not MIT. The guy went to MIT. So he's one of those borderline genius fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Mentally ill, right? Can't be a dope to get in there unless he blew the, well, he probably blew the dean or whatever. How about, what else do I want to ask you about? Oh, I was reading, looking at some of your stuff. I remember seeing you on Tucker. You talked about, was his name Stuart Scheller? Yeah, Scheller, the Marine Corps colonel. Yeah, that wanted some accountability after that Kabul disaster,
Starting point is 00:30:20 and they threw him in the fucking Husqvarna for a week. That's when I was like what in christ is going on man sure you had a lot to say about that that that's what i expect out of leadership that uh i expect general millie to do something like that right so you remember when um when trump was talking about using troops to quell to quell some of the riots that were happening uh in the states yes um mad dog mattis the the quote-unquote warrior monk who's a total cunt by the way uh uh was like he resigned in protest and you know what i respect that about him he disagreed with what was happening and he
Starting point is 00:30:57 resigned in protest that's you should do that right right if you disagree morally with what's going on millie doesn't have the same temerity he's a coward in my opinion yeah well i mean when you're upset about white rage if i'm in the military and i take up a lot of time yeah if i'm on the military and i'm on the higher up i want nothing but white guys in fucking rage under me at least rage if it's not white right some kind of rage Jesus doesn't have to be exactly but uh you know uh Mattis by the way he's on the board of a company with uh five other former secretaries of defense that uh oversee government uh military industrial complex deals with foreign countries including Saudi Arabia you know the people that did 9-11 those guys yeah so he's an american fucking hero right un-fucking-real um as far as uh we're talking to dan holloway from drinking brothers podcast and uh also a contributor on fox news
Starting point is 00:31:59 sometimes um as far as let's get to china and and i mean aren't they the biggest threat we're talking about russia and ukraine but uh china getting together with fucking russia and iran i mean uh it's china i feel like i'm again i'm so cynical i feel like the the die has been cast and and everybody's sort of like this new world this this reset, you want to call it. China is going to be the big dog. I don't see any evidence against that right now, especially from my own fucking president. Yeah, I mean, you know, isn't he compromised? I don't think China is going to be able to keep its own country in line, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:32:43 That's a lot of people that get mad. You're right. People are starting to get pissed off over there about all the stuff that's going on and we're seeing it. I mean, Xi Jinping just said this week that they're going to relax some of the COVID zero policies and stuff. You don't typically see capitulation from a guy like that. That's a bad
Starting point is 00:32:57 sign for him, right? Yes. And it's a bad sign for the Iranians that they had to come out and say that they were going to tap down or they're going to tap down or they're going to calm down a little bit on executing these protesters and shit um but we're gonna you know the biggest threat to america is lazy fuck face americans that's right i mean people that take all this shit for granted they think because they're standing on something that it's always been there and always will be but that's not how shit works does not at all it works just to go up and i always say that on
Starting point is 00:33:26 this show too i go yeah i i'm like i've never been happy to be 60 i'm so depressed about the world and that's a sad statement i don't want to get fucking all but i'm like the revolution's gonna kick off i'm gonna be laying on the couch like the fucking asshole that i am um um but dan how old are you dan i'm 41 41 how old are you dallas 42 42 jesus christ you guys are gonna have to save us i get all bad shoulders backs fucking killing but uh well you know people people talk about uh how this this is all part of the natural cycle of civilization right where times get tough people get tough times get easy and then people get weak yeah and uh you know maybe that is part of it maybe that's the natural cycle but maybe it's also part of the natural cycle that a bunch of fucking megalomaniac vultures sent a bunch of
Starting point is 00:34:18 us a couple hundred thousand of us to war for 20 years to teach us how to fuck shit up and now we're ready for them you You know what I mean? Yes. There could be an awakening that they're not taking into account. Hopefully guys like you. Absolutely. And I would say, I always say to Dallas,
Starting point is 00:34:33 when we read these horrific headlines, I go, you almost fucking lost your life because of these jerk offs. I just, but somebody has to stand up and do it. But you're right, man. People assume, well, there's never going to be a revolution.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I can't believe how close we are. I never thought I'd be, I'm 60, 61 in a month. I never thought I'd be alive to see maybe the next thing kick off. Who said, may you live in interesting times? It wasn't exactly a compliment who said it. Well, I mean, one of the revolutions is kind of happening right now with twitter right this uh yes that's the other thing is pulling back the veil on oz a little bit and seeing what's been going on behind the scenes is really interesting because twitter has maybe one
Starting point is 00:35:18 fifth of the audience of uh facebook and instagram and they have maybe one 15th of the audience of google right so you can imagine what those other two organizations are doing it is probably far worse than what's happening at twitter and at a much greater rate but uh and not that i trust eon must this guy's putting chips in monkeys heads and fucking doing deals with china and shit i don't trust that guy but it is really interesting what's happening right yes I guess you can be putting chips in monkeys' heads and still believe in free speech. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Yeah. No, that's actually a great point. Hey, Dan, I want to thank you very much, man. I've seen you on the internet and on Tucker, and it was really a pleasure to talk to you. And thank you for your service, man. Yes, sir. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:59 A big fan. Appreciate it. We'll do it again sometime, hopefully. Absolutely. All right. Thanks, Dan. That's it, folks. Thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:36:06 I want to thank, I guess, the great Dan Holloway for joining us today. You guys think it. I'll say it. You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow. Take care. Hi. Good night, everybody.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Good night, everybody. I'm out. guitar solo Thanks for watching!

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